Teething: how to help your child. How to help your baby teething

A baby’s first tooth is not only a joy for parents, but also a real test of endurance. During this period, adults have to use all their child care skills: calming a crying baby can be very difficult, and at night this task reaches a new level of difficulty. It’s not even worth mentioning such “little things” as a child refusing to eat or a runny nose that came out of nowhere. How can you ease your baby's condition during teething?

How to help a child? Teethers

A rough impression of existing proposals can be obtained from the following table.

Company manufacturer Peculiarities Filled with water Child's age Approximate price
Tiny Love "Banana" made in the shape of a funny multi-colored banana, the palms of which serve as teethers. The toy is useful for the overall development of the baby No up to 2 years 995 rub.
NUK Standard and Cooled Set The set includes a yellow and blue teether that connect to each other Yes up to 1 year 420 rub.
Avent “Animals. Stage 3 (back teeth)" externally looks like a colored fish with a relief surface Yes from 8 months 440 rub.
Bright Starts "Chill" The set includes three teethers made of soft polymer, made in the shape of different shapes: green figure eight, red oval and yellow square Yes 3 months - 1 year 295 rub.
Bright Starts "Princess Keys" consists of three teethers strung on a ring. Each key is different in texture and color No 3 months - 1 year 250 rub.
Bright Starts "Bananas" soft teether of bright color, made in the shape of a monkey No 3 months - 1 year 510 rub.
Fisher Price "Keys" musical teething toy with buttons, the pressing of which is accompanied by sound. Three keys suspended on a ring serve as teethers No 3 months - 3 years 660 rub.
NUBY "Round Dance" round teether consisting of colored beads of different sizes and shapes No 4 months - 1 year 490 rub.
PoMa "Tree" Silicone teether in the shape of a tree, yellow, simple and concise No 4 months - 1 year 70 rub.
NUBY "Monkey" cooling teether filled with thermogel. Made in the shape of a multi-colored monkey No 4 months - 1 year 490 rub.

All teethers are made from baby-safe materials. Sometimes a light plastic smell can be heard from a freshly purchased “new thing,” but it quickly dissipates. A pronounced chemical “aroma” should alert you: you should not give such a teether to your baby.

The huge assortment confuses some parents: how to choose the best teether? It should be understood that a small child will not necessarily be carried away by an expensive toy that seems funny to an adult. Before purchasing, you should ask yourself a few questions:

  • What is appropriate for a child's age? Older children are unlikely to be interested in simple ring-shaped teethers; older children are better off purchasing toy teethers;
  • what does the child like? If the baby is calm and does not like noise, then he will not appreciate the rattle teether; he will prefer a toy that does not make unnecessary sounds;
  • At what stage of “growing” teeth is the child? Some manufacturers label their products to indicate exactly what stage they are intended for (for example, “for front teeth”).

There are babies who prefer to chew on anything, but not a teether. Such children can be given dry food, a chilled spoon or a pacifier.

How to help your baby teething? Gels for gums

Special gels for gums relieve pain and relieve inflammation, giving both the baby and his parents some period of peace. Among these drugs, the most effective are:

  1. Pansoral “First teeth” – 400 rub. The gel is based on plant extracts (sage, chamomile, Irish moss, marshmallow). Since the product is characterized by a natural composition, the effect of the gel is not as pronounced as that of its “chemical” competitors. The drug relieves mild pain and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Prescribed for infants older than 4 months.
  2. Dentinox – 310 rub. Due to the chamomile extract included in the composition, it has a pleasant floral aroma. In addition to the antiseptic effect, the gel relieves pain: for about 2-3 hours. Dentinox acts quickly - in 2-4 minutes. For babies under 12 months of age, only a pediatrician can prescribe the gel.
  3. Cholisal – 360 rub. The components of the drug act as local anesthetics and antiseptics, relieve inflammation and promote the healing of wounds on the mucous membrane. Cholisal has a not very pleasant taste: the deceptive sweetness is quickly replaced by a burning sensation, so not every child will be happy to apply such a gel to the gums. According to the manufacturer, the drug provides pain relief for up to 8 hours, but in reality, the duration of action of Cholisal may be much shorter. The gel is prescribed to children over one year of age.
  4. Kalgel – 350 rub. Lidocaine, which is part of it, acts as a local anesthetic, and cetylpyridinium chloride has pronounced antiseptic properties. In just 3-5 minutes. After applying the drug to the gums, the level of discomfort is significantly reduced. But as a rule, the effect of the gel lasts no more than 20-30 minutes, so Kalgel is recommended to be used for acute attacks of pain to give the baby the opportunity to calm down and come to his senses. The gel is recommended for children over 5 months.
  5. Baby doctor “First teeth” – 350 rub. Since the composition of the drug is purely natural, the drug can be used to treat children from 3 months. Extracts of plantain, echinacea, marshmallow, calendula and chamomile help relieve inflammation, but are powerless as a pain reliever. The gel is best used when the child’s teeth are just beginning to erupt and there is no pain yet.

Out of old habit, some parents use Kamistad. This gel contains a “shock” dose of lidocaine, so the drug copes well with painful sensations. But in the recent past, the instructions for Kamistad were revised, and now children under 12 years of age are among the contraindications.

How can I help you? Folk remedies

Since children’s first teeth have always been a bit of a problem for adults, over the years a considerable number of ways have accumulated to alleviate the baby’s condition. The most effective folk remedies include:

  1. Amber beads. Baltic amber contains succinic acid, which acts as a natural analgesic. You need to decorate the baby with beads for the day, making sure that the amber touches the baby’s skin. Naturally, such treatment should be supervised by adults.
  2. Herb tea. A soothing drink made from chamomile and lemon balm perfectly copes with inflammation and reduces the intensity of pain. By the way, this tea can be given to drink not only to the child, but also to the mother.
  3. Roots and vegetables. This is a natural replacement for teethers. Clean strawberry roots or washed fresh carrots will help your baby scratch his aching gums.
  4. Clove oil. It acts as a pain reliever. You need to mix 1.5 tsp. clove oil with 1 tsp. olive The resulting liquid should be lubricated on the baby’s gums.
  5. Valerian. A very unusual option for children's treatment. You will need to pour 30 g of crushed valerian root into 0.5 cups of brandy, leave for 3 days and strain. This remedy quickly soothes itchy gums.

During teething, you should slightly change the rhythm of the baby’s life and the behavior of adults, in particular:

  • you cannot tear the baby away from the mother’s breast, as this will make him nervous (you can return to the established feeding regimen in a few days);
  • you need to spend as much time as possible with the baby: read to him, sing to him, carry him in your arms, hug him, etc.;
  • you should pamper your child with new toys or books with color pictures;
  • It is necessary to regularly wipe the area around the baby’s lips so that the abundant saliva does not cause irritation;
  • you should not disturb the baby if he wants to chew his mother’s finger (this way the child massages his gums);
  • The head of the mattress should be secured in an elevated position at night so that the blood does not flow so intensely to the child’s gums;
  • after the first tooth appears, you need to start caring for the baby’s oral cavity (you can use either clean gauze or a special fingertip).

Teething is a very memorable period. But not only with heart-rending childish crying, but also with the joy that the little man is one step closer to adulthood. It's only the beginning.


A very sensitive and important period in a baby’s development is when teeth are being cut. Almost all parents are concerned about how to help a child in this situation, how to alleviate his suffering and, if possible, speed up the process.

The whole family is waiting for that very first tooth to appear. This joyful and serious event is sometimes even celebrated, and mother remembers the date for the rest of her life. Despite such joy, the child and his parents face many experiences and difficulties.

When do teeth usually appear?

Dentists identify average indicators of the frequency and sequence of eruption of milk units. But you need to understand that these are not clear deadlines and for each child they can shift significantly in one direction or another. However, for approximate orientation, the following order can be given:

  • The first front incisors, usually the lower ones, appear between 6 and 9 months of age.
  • The upper front incisors may appear immediately after - at 7-10 months.
  • This is followed by the second (lateral) incisors, upper and lower - 9-12 months.
  • Then you can expect the appearance of the first molars, the upper ones, at 12-18 months.
  • Lower - 13-19 months. Or all of them at once.
  • Only after this the fangs will appear. First come the upper ones - 16-20 months.
  • Then the lower ones - 17-22 months.
  • And at the very end of the eruption of milk teeth, the second molars, chewing units, appear, the lower ones - 20-33 months.
  • And the upper ones - 24-36 months.

As you can see, the numbers are pretty fuzzy. The whole process will depend on many factors that are impossible to influence. This includes the mother’s pregnancy period, her nutrition at that time and during breastfeeding, the presence of various microelements in the child’s body, previous diseases, complications during childbirth, and genetic predisposition.

Some dentists argue that even polluted air and water quality in a particular area of ​​residence can also play a role in when and how a baby teethes.

The main thing that all doctors, without exception, insist on is that you should not artificially try to speed up this process. Do not put pressure on the child’s gums, do not injure them with various objects, and certainly do not make cuts to “facilitate” teething.

Still, it is worth monitoring it and in cases of any deviations, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Even if this is a variant of the norm, it would not be superfluous to play it safe. So, if you find the following differences, then consult a pediatrician or pediatric dentist:

  1. If a child does not have a single tooth per year.
  2. Also alarming is their appearance too early - at 1-2 months.
  3. In the case when they do not erupt in pairs. The principle of pairing should not be violated. Milk units always appear in twos or fours - two upper, two lower, etc. When only one tooth out of a pair has grown and the next ones are already erupting, it is advisable to understand why this happened.
  4. It happens, although very rarely, that the location or shape of a tooth is incorrect. This is also a reason to get examined.

It is possible that everything is fine with the child’s health. But such cases indicate violations, which may be the cause and consequence of any internal diseases.

How can you tell when your baby has started teething?

Not all babies suffer when their first teeth appear. But most children show the main signs during this period, from which one can guess that their appearance is already close:

  • Inflamed gums, swelling, redness. In this case, the child feels significant itching, which he tries to relieve in various ways. Parents notice that the baby begins to bite everything in a row - his fingers, mother’s chest, toys, clothes, bed, etc. Almost any thing that can fall into his hands immediately goes into his mouth. Thus, the child tries to eliminate unpleasant sensations. Sometimes the swelling reaches the appearance of small hematomas, and blood may bleed when pressing or chewing if the soft tissues begin to diverge at the site of eruption.
  • Changes in behavior and capriciousness of the baby. Due to unpleasant sensations in the mouth, itching and pain, the child behaves differently than before. He often cries, is excitable, and refuses to eat or play with toys. Some children become anxious, their sleep at night is disturbed, and they are constantly capricious.
  • may also indicate the imminent appearance of a new tooth. Usually it is 37.5-38.5 degrees. It can last for two days until the tooth appears. But if the temperature rises to 39 or even 40, and other symptoms are also observed, then you should consult a doctor, as these are signs of some kind of disease.
  • During the eruption of baby teeth in a child. In addition to this, a runny nose may also appear. And if the back wall of the mucous membrane swells, and there is too much discharge, the baby will begin to swell, which will only intensify in a horizontal position. The mucus in this case should be transparent and liquid. Otherwise, this is a sign of illness, not teething.
  • Disorders of the digestive system. In this case, you can encounter a variety of manifestations - from refusal to eat to frequent and. Due to the fact that the child swallows a lot of saliva, the diet is disrupted, and problems with stool may occur. It becomes more frequent and liquid. It is important to monitor this moment so that mucus, bloody discharge does not appear in the stool, and it does not change color to greenish. In case of prolonged violation, be sure to show the child to the doctor.

Most of the situations described are normal and popular manifestations of the teething process. But when a child is between six months and three years old, you shouldn’t blame everything on the teeth alone.

During this period, various diseases and disorders may arise, which in no case can be ignored. Therefore, if you have any fever or other serious symptoms, you should contact your pediatrician for an examination.

How to help a child?

If this is the first small child in the family, then many parents are lost in such a situation and do not know how to alleviate the baby’s suffering. After all, it’s hard to watch him suffer all day long, and you just want to do something. There is little that can be changed in this situation. The main thing is to remember the principle of “do no harm.” Let us list the few means by which it is possible to alleviate the child’s condition:

  • Neat, lightweight. It is performed either simply with clean fingers or with special attachments that are sold for this purpose in the pharmacy. In this case, you should not put too much pressure on the gums or try to mechanically break through the mucous membrane. For the same purposes, you can also purchase teethers, which are first placed in the refrigerator and then given to the child. It is enough not to take away from the baby what he himself chose for the massage. You just need to make sure that he doesn’t choke on small objects or pieces of food, or hurt himself with anything sharp.
  • Modern medicine has come up with a number of special gels that act as a local anesthetic. Examples: , . They usually contain benzocaine, lidocaine or choline salicylate. The effect of such a gel is limited to an hour, but it is advisable to apply it to the child’s gums no more than 3-4 times a day. Doctors generally recommend using them only in extreme cases and not overdoing it.
  • Antipyretics. When the baby’s temperature rises or the pain is noticeably severe, the pediatrician may prescribe such a medicine. But you shouldn’t get carried away with it either, and give it to your child only as prescribed by a doctor. These children's products usually contain small doses of Paracetamol or, and help not only relieve fever, but also eliminate inflammation and pain.

Nature has designed everything in such a way that teething occurs independently, without anyone’s help or outside intervention. This is a natural, although not always pleasant and calm process. Parents' actions should be limited only to understanding the child's condition and vigilance. It is important not to review any serious violations during this period. It is better to see a doctor again than to miss the problem that has started.

For any auxiliary actions, adhere to the main safety recommendations:

  • Do not injure the mucous membrane, as this can cause infection in an unformed tooth.
  • Do not make any serious changes in the child’s life during this period, so as not to overstimulate his psyche.
  • See what the baby puts in his mouth. Do not give him small or sharp objects and keep the things he touches clean.
  • Use enough napkins to catch most of the saliva produced. Wipe your cheeks, mouth and chin in a timely manner to avoid rashes due to its abundance and unnecessary skin irritation.
  • If you give your child any hard or crumbly foods (cookies, apples), then do not leave the baby alone. Make sure he doesn't choke on small pieces of food.

Another point during this period that is worth paying special attention to is the hygiene of baby teeth. Firstly, you can use a brush to further massage the inflamed area. Secondly, accustom your baby to such procedures from the first days when teeth appear in his mouth.

To begin with, it can be just rinsing, and then a full-fledged proper cleaning of the entire oral cavity. Moreover, such a process is important in order to maintain the health of fragile baby teeth, because caries develops much faster in children.

Try to involve your child in an exciting morning process through play, without putting pressure on him or opening his mouth with force. Take it with you to the bathroom so that the baby can watch the process of brushing the parents' teeth, and with the help of the game you can force him to open his mouth and do the necessary manipulations.

In this case, you need to choose the right brush. Its size should be appropriate for the child’s age, and the bristles should be soft enough. When your baby is two years old, you can use toothpaste, squeezing it out the size of a pea.

Video: how to help your baby teething?

The appearance of the first tooth is one of the most long-awaited events for parents of a baby in the first year of life. Most often, a child begins teething at 6 months, but it is quite possible that a baby may become the owner of his first teeth several months earlier or later than the generally accepted date. This does not indicate developmental disorders, the presence of congenital defects or pathologies, but only speaks about the physiological characteristics of the baby. For a baby's body, the time when teeth are being cut is stressful, and everyone copes with it in their own way.

A child’s first tooth is a reason for joy and pride for parents. You should not get too hung up on the timing of its appearance - they depend on the individual development of the child

Despite the fact that parents are looking forward to it, they are at the same time afraid of the appearance of the first tooth, because such a period is inextricably linked with painful sensations for the child and various accompanying symptoms. Many of the signs of early teeth can be attributed to infection, a cold, or even poisoning. Restless behavior at this time only confirms such fears. Precursors of a tooth that is already cutting may appear in a child 3-5 days before eruption. In order not to confuse the first teeth with anything, it is enough to remember the main symptoms. As soon as the tooth being cut passes through the mucous membrane of the gum, the baby will immediately feel relief.

Common signs of teething

The answer to the question of how to find out that a baby is cutting a tooth is directly related to his behavior. Signs that clearly promise the imminent appearance of the first teeth:

  • Red swollen gums. Since in most cases the lower central incisors are cut first, attention should first be paid to the gum below. It happens that just before eruption it turns pale or may even turn blue.
  • Constant salivation in large quantities. This sign should be attributed to the fact that a child is losing a tooth only if the baby has already reached six months of age. In newborns and children up to 5 months, increased salivation is explained by the development of the salivary glands (we recommend reading:).
  • Baby's constant desire to put something in his mouth, including your own pens. Thus, he simply seeks to scratch the inflamed gums.
  • Temperature increase. The cause of elevated temperature is local inflammation. This temperature should not go beyond 38 degrees, and if the infant behaves normally, it is not worth bringing it down with antipyretic medications. In his video lessons, Dr. Komarovsky explains that if the temperature during the period when teeth are being cut is above 38, then the child simply got sick due to a weakened immune system.
  • Rash and skin irritation. When babies are cutting their first teeth, rashes, redness of the skin and blisters may be observed around the mouth. This is a completely natural reaction of sensitive baby skin to constant contact with saliva. It is necessary to regularly wipe your face from saliva.
  • Sleep disturbance and poor appetite. During teething, when the baby is in the most pain, he may refuse the breast and wake up frequently during the night. To alleviate the condition in such cases, it is worth using special children's painkillers appropriate for the child's age.
  • Crying and restless behavior. It is not only the process of teething that can cause unabated crying; the general condition of children should always be assessed, taking into account all existing symptoms.

How to recognize symptoms caused by teething?

It is considered quite normal that the process of teething is accompanied by fever, upset stomach, cough and runny nose. However, you shouldn’t blame everything solely on your teeth, because a child in the first year of life is especially susceptible to a variety of infections. For example:

  • Cough and runny nose. Similar signs of teething occur as a result of copious secretion of saliva. This cough is usually wet and does not recur very often, and a runny nose is accompanied by watery discharge, while the nose remains free. Other options are more often related to infection.
  • Vomit. When a child has several teeth erupting at the same time, saliva quickly accumulates and the baby can swallow it in large quantities. If the intensity of vomiting is very high and the baby vomits more than 2 times a day, this is a clear sign of poisoning or infection, not teeth.
  • Diarrhea. Diarrhea is a very common occurrence when teeth are cut, but if it is too frequent, more than 6 times a day, and its consistency is too thin, you should see a doctor to rule out poisoning or rotavirus infection.
  • Hematomas on the gums. It happens that a tooth can injure tissues in addition to swelling of the gums. As a result, blood accumulates in the area of ​​damage, and the gums look blue. In such cases, the intervention of a doctor may be necessary, who will make an incision in the gum to release the accumulated fluid.
  • Bad breath. In order to rid your child of bad breath associated with bacteria that enter the mouth along with unwashed toys, it is enough to give the baby clean water and wipe the entire oral cavity with a soft cloth or a baby brush with soft bristles.

Traditional symptoms of ARVI - high temperature, cough, runny nose may well be associated with teething in the baby, or may indicate an independent disease (we recommend reading:)

Ways to help your baby teething

Teeth cutting is most often very painful and causes significant discomfort to the baby. Infants who are not yet a year old go through this test more difficult than older children, because with the enormous load on the nervous system during this period, the baby’s nervous functions are depleted much faster.

How can you help a child when he is teething? There are some methods that can make life easier for the baby and parents in this situation:

  1. In case of painful teething they can save chilled food, however, Dr. Komarovsky is categorically against giving vegetables or fruits to a teething child, because he may choke on pieces of food. If you decide to resort to such a remedy, you should carefully monitor your baby while he diligently gnaws on an apple or carrot.
  2. So-called teethers filled with liquid inside cope with the problem very effectively. Before offering them to the baby, they must be kept in the refrigerator. In no case should you let your child chew on ice cubes - this can easily cause injury to his gums.
  3. Regular gum massage can often help. To do this, you just need to wrap a piece of soft cloth around your own finger.

If the above methods are ineffective in the case of teething or can provide pain relief for only a short time, in case of severe inflammation, you should resort to the help of medications. They have a complex effect during teething: relieve pain, soothe and have anti-inflammatory properties.

The table below provides a comparative overview and description of the most common medications that parents prefer if teething is very painful:

Name of medicineRelease formThe main active ingredients in the drugpharmachologic effectEfficiency
Viburkolcandleshomeopathic remedy with many componentsanalgesic anti-inflammatory soothing antispasmodic antipyretichelps strengthen the immune system and improves general condition, practically ineffective at high temperatures
Kamistadgellidocaine and chamomile infusionhas an effect quickly, but only for 15-30 minutes
Kalgelgellidocaineantimicrobial local anesthesiais a fast-acting remedy, but its effect ends after a maximum of half an hour
Dentinoxgelpolidocanol, lidocaine and chamomile infusionanti-inflammatory analgesic local anesthesiafast effectiveness, but short duration of action, about 15-30 minutes
Holisalgelanalgesic choline salicytateantibacterial anti-inflammatory local anesthesiahas the most effective anti-inflammatory effect, adheres well to the gums, is not washed off by saliva and continues to act for 2-3 hours
Nurofen (more details in the article:) suspensionibuprofenantipyretic anti-inflammatory pain relieverthe effect becomes noticeable no earlier than 30-40 minutes after using the medicine, but it lasts for at least 6 hours

Hygiene and care of baby teeth

Regardless of the age at which the baby began to cut his first tooth, from the very moment it erupts, it requires proper care and adherence to basic rules of personal hygiene. While the child is not yet able to care for and take care of his teeth, all responsibility for their health lies with the parents.

There is a widespread belief that there is no need to brush your teeth with toothpaste before the age of two, but keeping them clean, even if there is only one tooth, is an important hygienic duty (we recommend reading:). You should start teaching your child to take care of their teeth from a very early age, so that over time it becomes a habit and becomes an integral part of personal hygiene.

There are various special attachments for the finger, or more traditional means - a bandage soaked in boiled water to clean the baby's baby teeth. It is worth thoroughly wiping not only the teeth themselves, but also the gums along with the tongue. It is advisable to carry out such procedures 2 times a day, after morning feeding and before bedtime.

Over time, the parent's finger is replaced by a children's toothbrush and toothpaste (see also:). Due to the very thin tooth enamel of baby teeth, the bristles of the brush used should be quite soft. Up to two years of age, the procedure should be carried out by adults, and very carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the child’s enamel. After a child reaches 2 years of age, he can brush his teeth himself, but still under the strict supervision of his parents.

It is important that parents do not be lazy and immediately try to teach the child to brush his teeth correctly and teach him to do it regularly. This approach will save the baby and his family from future dental problems and associated frequent trips to the dentist, and will also give you a lot of photos with a sincere smile of 32 healthy teeth!

All new parents face big challenges when their baby is teething. “How to relieve the baby’s pain?” - the main question that moms and dads ask. Of course, some children experience this period almost painlessly. However, most babies suffer from pain and other unpleasant sensations.

What happens when a baby is teething

Most of all, parents panic when the baby starts crying, and the reason has not yet been identified. It's not difficult to understand. The gums become red and swollen, the skin of the cheeks acquires a painful blush, sleep is disturbed, appetite disappears, and there is a constant desire to bite or suck. In addition, the baby can change his mood sharply, being either excited or depressed.

However, the worst thing for parents is the first teeth. After their appearance, all these symptoms subside.

When teeth appear

The very first ones are the lower central incisors. These teeth appear after three months (in most babies, at about six months).

In the upper jaw, the central incisors begin to grow at the age of six to nine months. After them, the lateral incisors appear - at ten to twelve months. As a rule, a baby already has eight teeth per year. Although a smaller or larger number does not indicate any developmental deviations at all. Each child has individual characteristics of the body.

Then everything goes almost painlessly. However, this won't last long. The most terrible period is the appearance of fangs - at about one and a half years. The nerve that controls the reactions and movements of a child's upper face is located right next to where these teeth become loose.

By the age of two, there are already eight teeth on each jaw, and by the age of three, there are ten. This is the so-called complete set. Baby teeth will be replaced by molars at seven to eleven years of age.

Why is the child in so much pain?

Of course, there are few pleasant sensations. In addition, when a baby’s teeth are cutting, this does not mean at all that the next day the next ones will not come. In addition, their eruption is often accompanied by high fever or diarrhea.

Although many pediatricians do not believe in the relationship between these symptoms and the appearance of teeth, since they do not appear very often. Therefore, experts advise getting rid of these problems as independent ailments. But do not forget that if you have such symptoms, you will still have to consult a doctor.

How to relieve pain

So, the baby is teething. How to relieve the pain, once it is present? How to get rid of irritability and nervousness? With the arrival of the baby it is not easy. These sensations are new for the baby, so he can be very worried.

First of all, when a baby is teething, a pediatrician can tell you how to relieve the pain. Your doctor may suggest many different options. These could be painkillers or various means to reduce fever.

The child often also benefits from special teething rings that stimulate teething and ease the baby’s general condition. As a rule, they are made from hypoallergenic, harmless silicone. The rings lie in the refrigerator for some time, after which they are given to the baby. However, chilled terry napkins, raw peeled carrots, frozen banana or cucumber can also replace them. Just don’t leave your baby alone with these things. Otherwise he may choke.

The baby's skin also needs to be protected. A special cream is applied to those parts of the body that come into contact with saliva (neck, chin and chest).

The child definitely needs to massage his gums. You can use clove or chamomile oil, or a piece of ice wrapped in cloth. Simple compresses with decoctions of medicinal herbs also help well. To relieve pain in the gums, chamomile or oak bark are suitable.

The child needs to be distracted and played with more. If you hold it vertically, picking it up, the pain will subside, as the blood flow to the head will decrease.

You need to be very patient, affectionate and caring. The baby will need a lot of your attention at this time. He should not be allowed to scream and cry for too long, as this will exhaust his nervous system.

The child needs to be given a lot of water in order to compensate for the loss of fluid along with the secretion of saliva. Well, of course, you will need to monitor the air temperature in the children's room, maintaining it at the optimal level. The room must be regularly ventilated and dust must be wiped off in a timely manner.

If you lose your appetite...

It’s not just the child’s temperature or nervousness that worries parents when the child is teething. How to relieve pain is also easy for moms and dads to remember. But here's what to do if the baby

In this case, you can offer your baby cold fruit puree or yogurt. This food perfectly cools the gums and awakens the child’s appetite. Delicious puree will satisfy his hunger at least a little.

It is very difficult for a baby to suck on a breast or a bottle at this time, since the blood rushing to the gums makes them much more sensitive. Temporary solution - a cup! However, often a child rejects absolutely everything that is offered to him. In this case, only mother's hugs and affection will help.

Teething gels

In extreme cases, medications can also be used. When teeth are being cut, a gel recommended by a pediatrician can be a real salvation. Such products contain an antiseptic and local anesthetic, which can simultaneously alleviate pain and prevent inflammation.

The gel is rubbed in small quantities into the painful area with a clean finger. As a result, the gums become numb for 15-20 minutes. However, it is not recommended to use the gel more than six times a day.

When breastfeeding, you should not use the drug right before the baby is about to eat. Otherwise, his tongue may become numb and it will be very difficult for him to suck. Accordingly, the feeding process will become unpleasant for both mother and baby.

Some parents also use homeopathic pellets sold in pharmacies. These drugs must be absorbed. There are also special tablets and powders. You can use them, but before doing so you need to make sure that they do not contain sugar. Otherwise, teeth will begin to decay from the very beginning of their appearance.

Use of paracetamol

What to do when your baby's temperature rises too high? Doctors do not recommend using medications when teeth are being cut in most cases. However, if the temperature is too high, it is better to still try to give this drug. The medicine will relieve it and allow you to get rid of the discomfort. The most important thing is to make sure that the reason is teething. But it’s better to first consult with a good specialist.

How long to suffer with teeth

The process of teething lasts individually for each child, but by the age of two and a half to three years, almost all children can boast of a smile of twenty milk teeth. Although some kids still don’t have enough of them even at three years old.

They will serve the little ones until the indigenous ones begin to replace them.

If your teeth don't cut

You will have to worry when the baby is already one year old, but there is no need to talk about the appearance of teeth. First of all, you need to contact your pediatrician. It is possible that late eruption is a congenital feature of the body, but consulting a specialist will never hurt.

What not to do

In a word, when teeth are being cut, what parents should do is very clear. But there are also things that cannot be done. You need to know about this too. The child should not be fed fatty, sweet or salty foods. It is best to offer him rice porridge, boiled in water, dried, biscuits.

Alcohol and alcohol-containing preparations are strictly prohibited for use. Analgin and aspirin should also not be taken by the baby.

Immune system during teething

The appearance of teeth does not affect the level of immunity at all. However, saliva produced in large quantities begins to lose all its protective properties. Of course, the resistance of the immune system is still partially reduced.

Thus, with a weakened body, the baby’s temperature rises, stomach upset, pain and other symptoms that the baby faces when teething. The photo below clearly shows how the child is suffering at this time.

So, if after three or four months you notice excessive irritability, tearfulness, loose stools in your baby, if he constantly puts something in his mouth, do not even doubt that he is teething. If the child does not show any signs of flu or acute respiratory infections, but the temperature rises above 38 degrees, you can also be firmly confident that the cause is teething. You can knock it down with an aqueous solution of vinegar (a tablespoon of vinegar per five tablespoons of water). This solution is used to wipe the forehead, wrists, and internal joints of the elbows and knees.

Before going to bed at this time, you can give your child some warm water with three drops of valerian. In addition to toothache, this solution also relieves gas, fever, indigestion and a tendency to allergic reactions. This remedy is simply a universal doctor!

Almost all children experience unpleasant symptoms during teething. The task of parents is to figure out how to deal with this. Considering all the above recommendations, you can help your baby get through this difficult period with ease.

And, of course, we should not forget that the main thing in any problem is mother’s affection, tenderness and warmth. It is mother’s care that will best help the baby survive pain and other unpleasant sensations. However, it is no secret that this applies not only to toothache, but also to any other ailments...

With the advent of a newborn, many reasons for joy appear in the lives of young parents: the child’s smile, the first words and steps. Among the important moments of child development, a special place is occupied by the period when a child is cutting teeth, which frightens adults to the point of horror. The baby becomes restless, cries constantly, sometimes his temperature rises or diarrhea begins. It is easier to survive this time if you know what to do to alleviate the baby’s condition.

What are the symptoms when teeth appear?

At the age of 4-8 months, the first symptoms appear - precursors:

  • redness and swelling of the gums;
  • increased salivation;
  • the child’s desire to keep something in his mouth all the time, to gnaw and bite toys;
  • loss of appetite;
  • vomit;
  • child's behavior: tearfulness, capriciousness;
  • temperature increase;
  • restless sleep;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • nasal congestion, cough;
  • diathesis.

Each baby deals with teething teeth differently. Some children experience indigestion when teeth begin to appear on the lower jaw, and a fever when on the upper jaw.

Symptoms may resemble an onset of illness. The pain that accompanies this “happy” event is so strong that adults could withstand it no better. Before “showing itself to the world,” the tooth must grow through the bone tissue and gum mucosa.

Danger signs

Despite the fact that indigestion, fever, stuffy nose and cough are frequent accompaniments of teething, some doctors do not consider these symptoms to be so clear-cut. The explanation for this opinion is simple: the first years of a child’s life are marked not only by growing teeth, but also by a high risk of getting an infection. Therefore, ordinary diarrhea can be either a completely harmless “incident” or a manifestation of a dangerous disease. In this case, how can you understand that teeth are being cut and pathology is not making itself known?

Moist cough

When teething, symptoms such as excessive salivation and a slight cough are quite normal. Saliva collects in the throat area, and the lying baby wants to get rid of it by coughing. In a sitting position, a wet cough also appears, but much less frequently. It goes away in 2-3 days and does not require treatment.

It’s another matter when a child coughs heavily and often, and there is also excessive phlegm. The cough lasts more than 2 days and is accompanied by wheezing and shortness of breath, causing the baby to suffer. In this case, you should immediately contact your pediatrician.

Runny nose

During the teething period, the volume of mucus secreted in the nose increases. The mucus is clear, liquid and does not look painful. A slight runny nose that goes away in 3-4 days is normal. As a treatment, you can limit yourself to simply rinsing your nose to remove accumulated mucus.

Parents should be alerted to a profuse runny nose, which produces cloudy white or greenish mucus. If such nasal congestion does not go away within 3 days, you should consult a doctor.


Teething is accompanied by the active production of bioactive substances in the gum area. This process provokes an increase in temperature to 37-38 C for 1-2 days. Then the baby's condition returns to normal. The temperature is reduced with the help of antipyretic drugs that are harmless to children.

But sometimes the child’s well-being does not improve, and the temperature lasts more than 2 days. This is a serious reason to visit your doctor. A visit to the pediatrician is also required if the temperature rises above 39 C.


The body noticeably increases salivation activity. Because of this, the baby constantly swallows saliva, which speeds up intestinal motility. The result is diarrhea, characterized by watery stools. The act of defecation in a child does not occur too often - 2-3 times a day. Diarrhea usually goes away within 2-3 days.

Important! You should consult a doctor if the diarrhea is prolonged, very frequent and intense, as it can provoke a state of dehydration that is dangerous for a small child. Parents should also be wary of mucus or blood in the stool.

Sometimes the opposite of diarrhea is a digestive disorder - constipation. It should not be allowed to last more than 3-4 days. It is necessary to discuss with your doctor how you can help your baby’s intestines cleanse.

Parents who observe symptoms of teething in infants for the first time should consult a pediatrician in all unclear situations. It is better to bother the doctor once again than to allow the child to develop the disease. With your second baby it will be much easier, and the signs of teething will not seem so scary.

When do teeth begin to appear and until how many years do they change to permanent ones?

How many months do teeth start cutting?

The date of appearance of teeth, like other statistical information, is determined approximately rather than accurately. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the child: some become a “nibbler” much earlier than expected, others later. Boys are slightly behind girls. On average, children begin to erupt teeth at this age:

Teeth Age of appearance, months When teeth fall out, yo
Top row
central incisors 8-12 6-7
lateral incisors 9-13 7-8
fangs 16-22 10-12
first molars 13-19 9-11
second molars 25-33 10-12
Bottom row
central incisors 6-10 6-7
lateral incisors 10-16 7-8
fangs 17-23 9-12
first molars 14-18 9-11
second molars 23-31 10-12

How long does it take to cut the first teeth?

(The table shows average figures - each case is individual)

Which tooth cuts first?

In today's infants, the first tooth appears at approximately 8.5 months, which slightly delays the growth period of the rest. Before the first year of life, the baby can boast of at least one tooth. As a rule, by the age of 3, a child will have a full set of 20 baby teeth.

Many children have 2 or even 4 teeth coming out at once. Such a load can be difficult for the baby to bear, but paired teething is a completely normal phenomenon.

Important! It doesn’t matter how many months teeth start cutting and in what order: this does not affect the “quality” in any way. There is no need to worry that your child is a little behind or ahead of his peers - he is simply developing at his own pace.

It is necessary to carefully care for your child’s oral cavity:

  • For a baby up to 1-1.5 years old, wipe his teeth with a special silicone brush;
  • from 1.5 years of age, buy your child a baby brush;
  • From the age of 2, teach your child to rinse his mouth after eating.

The first visit to the dentist with a child is optimal after reaching 1 year.

Sequence of appearance of teeth

Despite all the conventions and approximateness, mothers usually focus on the following sequence of eruption of baby teeth:

  1. Central incisors.
  2. Lateral incisors.
  3. First molars.
  4. Fangs.
  5. Second molars.

How to help your child

How to behave and how to relieve symptoms?

Babies are sensitive to the behavior of their parents, especially their mother. Therefore, you can brighten up the teething period by simply giving your child maximum attention. Need to:

  • hold the baby in your arms more often;
  • talk kindly to the child, sing to him;
  • distract the baby with toys;
  • do not quarrel in the nursery, avoid screaming in the presence of the child.

Breastfed babies, when teething begins, tend to have contact with their mother's breast as often as possible. During this period, there is no need to set a strict feeding schedule: this will only worsen the child’s condition. In 2-3 days everything will return to normal, but in the meantime you should breastfeed your baby as often as he asks. This will calm him down and reduce his level of irritability.

During the teething period, children have a strong need to scratch their gums. As a rule, they use their favorite toy for this purpose. But there are also special teethers made from safe materials that help the baby get through a difficult period. Their prices vary significantly:


  • Curababy girl teether. In fact, it is a combination of a rattle, a massage toothbrush and a teether. Material: soft rubber and hard plastic;
  • Curababy boy set. Boy's version of the previous model. Also included is a children's toothbrush;
  • cooling teether “Eight” from Canpol. Made from a polymer frame and filled with distilled water;
  • "Eight" teether from Nuk. Made of polyvinyl chloride, it has a textured surface that allows you to massage your gums. The set includes 2 pieces;
  • Bright Starts teethers. They have a textured surface that develops motor skills in children. Made from soft polymer and filled with water;
  • combination teethers from Nuk. Their main difference is that each teether varies in degree of rigidity and is suitable for a certain period of tooth growth.

You shouldn’t place too much hope on teethers: babies often refuse them, preferring a regular rattle to such “specialized” items. In this case, you need to make sure that the child puts only a safe object in his mouth: without sharp corners or small parts that can be chewed off. Many parents “slip” a chilled spoon or pacifier to the baby, or even make do with ordinary drying.

Medicines that relieve teething symptoms

Some parents are sure that their child should not be given any medications. But under the influence of the child’s suffering and tired of his screams, the parents decide to go to the pharmacy. What medicine can help?

  1. Dantinorm baby. Homeopathic medicine in the form of a solution. It relieves pain for a long time and also reduces the severity of digestive disorders. Estimated cost – 300 rubles.
  2. Dentokind. Homeopathic medicine developed specifically for children. On average, its cost is 700 rubles. for 150 tablets. The medicine relieves all the unpleasant symptoms of teething in infants, including nasal congestion, diarrhea and fever. Children are supposed to swallow the tablets, but they are often too young to do so. So the pill can be dissolved in a teaspoon of water and given to the baby to swallow.
  3. Kamistad. Gel. It has an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antiseptic effect. The main active ingredients are lidocaine and chamomile extract. Average price – 150 rubles. for 10 g. Not recommended for children under 3 months
  4. Dentinox. Gel or solution. The average cost is 180 rubles. for 10 g/ml. Relieves pain and inflammation of gums. Safe even if the child swallows a little of the gel.
  5. Holisal. Gel. Cost – 330 rubles. for 10 g. Anesthetizes, relieves inflammation and kills germs. May cause an allergic reaction in the form of a short-term burning sensation.
  6. Kalgel. Gel. The main component is lidocaine. Used for children over 5 months of age. It has a weak analgesic effect and may provoke an allergic reaction.

Homeopathy and gels do not always make teething easier. Therefore, you can give your child an age-appropriate pain reliever:

  • Paracetamol for children. Suspension. Relieves pain, lowers temperature. Do not take for more than 3 days in a row;
  • Panadol. Candles, suspension. It is based on paracetamol. Candles are convenient to use if the child is very small;
  • Nurofen for children. Suspension. Contains ibuprofen. After a single dose, it relieves pain for a long time.

Symptoms cannot be relieved with Aspirin. It is completely unsuitable for children as an antipyretic or analgesic.

Folk remedies

All the unpleasant signs of teething in children were known even when medicine was not so developed. Therefore, many ways have been found to alleviate the child’s condition using folk remedies. Among them:

  1. Cold. You need to keep a spoon or pacifier in the freezer and give it to your baby. The cooled item will relieve pain and soothe the gums a little. For older children, you can offer vegetables, fruits, and juices from the refrigerator.
  2. Massage. You should soak a small piece of gauze in peroxide or chamomile infusion. They need to carefully wipe the area where the tooth began to cut.
  3. Motherwort decoction. You need to pour 1 tsp. herbs 0.5 liters of boiling water. Allow the drink to cool slightly, add some sugar and offer it to your child. You can also use valerian root tea.
  4. Honey. You should carefully smear your gums with honey. It perfectly calms and relieves irritation.
  5. Chicory or strawberry root. It is necessary to let the baby chew on the root. This way the child will massage the gums and soothe the pain.
  6. Soda solution. When teeth are being cut, 1 tsp will help relieve symptoms. soda diluted with a glass of water. You need to moisten a piece of bandage in the solution, wrap it around your index finger and treat your gums with it.

It is also necessary to carefully wipe away any saliva that has accumulated around the mouth. If teething is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, the child should be fed liquid pureed food and given plenty of fluids to drink.

Traditional methods used when teeth appear, which must be abandoned:

  • press firmly on the gums with your finger. This will only increase pain and irritation;
  • giving your child stale bread or cookies. He may choke on crumbs. Teethers are much safer in this sense;
  • wipe the gums with undissolved soda or pick them. There is little benefit from this, but there is a risk of infection.

Baby cries are not one of the classic “joys of motherhood,” but you can’t do without them. But when the baby passes the painful days of teething, he will successfully go through another stage of growing up.

What does Dr. Komarovsky think about this topic?




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