Chronic superficial atrophic gastritis. Gastritis superficial focal

Atrophic gastritis is a chronic progressive inflammatory pathological condition characterized by inhibition of functions. glandular epithelium. characteristic feature dystrophy of cells that synthesize hydrochloric acid and enzymes that have a proteolytic effect is considered. Pathologically chronic atrophic gastritis forms a thinning of the walls of the stomach due to an atrophic process that affects the surface and deep layers of the wall of the organs of the digestive system.

The inflammatory process in protracted pathology - chronic atrophic gastritis - is induced by various factors. The main and frequent microorganism is Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). pathogenic bacterium inhabits the mucous membranes of the stomach. Its toxic waste products destroy the mucus that protects the walls of the stomach.

Under the influence of toxins of Helicobacter pylori infection, the glandular cells are destroyed. It changes the level acid balance stomach contents and causes the development of a superficial pathological process. Gradually superficial atrophic gastritis is transformed into a moderately pronounced atrophic gastritis.

Atrophic processes in the thickness and on the surface of the mucous membrane lead to the formation of a connective tissue scar in place of the glandular epithelium or cells characteristic of the intestinal epithelium begin to grow. The result of the transformation will be the inability of the stomach to produce required amount digestive enzymes, hydrogen and chloride ions. Level indicator acid-base balance significantly increases and the processes of food processing in the stomach become worse. As a result, the food bolus moves forward in an unprocessed form. The main ones are listed.

Atrophic gastritis is considered to be precancerous conditions This is the conclusion reached by modern researchers. However, insufficient attention is paid to the diagnosis of atrophic gastritis. Patients do not always pay attention to discomfort, putting forward subjective complaints. Conducting EGD without taking a tissue sample for a biopsy will not acquire due diagnostic value. The procedure will not allow the doctor to identify existing changes in the epithelium of the stomach and in time to detect the onset of cancerous degeneration. Predominantly, the diagnosis of the growing atrophic process occurs on late stages. This explains why atrophic gastritis and cancer often meet and go hand in hand.

Focal atrophic gastritis

This chronic gastritis belong to the category of precancerous conditions of the stomach. Epithelial cells undergo malignant transformation in the absence of timely diagnosis and proper therapy.

The chronic pathological process is accompanied by a decrease in the secretory activity of the stomach and a significant decrease in the thickness of the gastric mucosa and muscle membrane. refers to focal. Not all of the mucous membrane is completely atrophied, only certain areas. This course of the disease is highly variable. clinical manifestations. It is easy to determine the list of symptoms that are considered specific.

The risk group for the development of atrophic gastritis of the stomach is made up of elderly and elderly people. After a person reaches the age of 45, the risk of developing chronic atrophic gastritis increases by 2 times. We note that for last years atrophic gastritis has greatly “rejuvenated”, cases of children and adolescents affected by the disease have been registered.

Another factor increased risk already developed gastritis, prolonged violations in the quality and diet, eating large quantities of fast food, alcohol abuse and cigarette smoking are considered. Provoke acute atrophic gastritis in young age overwork and chronic protracted psychotraumatic situations are capable. These circumstances affect the symptoms and treatment of atrophic gastritis, determine the further prognosis. The incidence in men and women does not have obvious differences.

Clinical symptoms

Symptoms of atrophic gastritis depend on the stage of development and the form of the process. In particular, superficial atrophic gastritis proceeds without subjective sensations.

The main signs of atrophic gastritis:

A reliable diagnosis can be made with fibrogastroduodenoscopy with a biopsy. Taking a sample of material histological examination- indispensable condition correct diagnosis. Malignancy - main danger gastritis.

Remember, with chronic atrophic gastritis, symptoms can for a long time wear an erased or non-pathognomonic character for the disease, which will delay and make it difficult to identify the disease.

Principles of treatment

Atrophic gastritis is treated with medications and surgical interventions.

Treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis must be complex and multi-stage. Drugs are prescribed that help protect the mucous membrane and stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. Enzymes, mineral and vitamin complexes are prescribed to normalize digestive processes.

If not treated in time, the disease will either become malignant or reduce secretory activity. A decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach will lead to a violation of digestion in general. The growth and transformation of elements is disrupted gastric epithelium, on same place the intestinal epithelium grows.

Standard treatment regimen

To correctly draw up a treatment regimen for atrophic gastritis, it is necessary to deeply understand pathogenetic mechanisms its development and carry out treatment taking into account the existing clinical symptoms. Symptoms vary across patient categories.

Symptomatic treatment of atrophic gastritis is prescribed for each patient individually, taking into account the condition and existing complaints. The attending physician should make recommendations.

Features of therapy for the elderly

The human body undergoes aging age-related changes touch the mucous membranes of the body, including gastrointestinal tract. Changes are expressed in atrophy of the epithelial layer of the mucous membranes of the digestive system. The muscle fibers of the stomach begin to degenerate, glandular cells atrophy. This leads to a deterioration in the quality of digestive processes and difficulty in evacuation. food bolus. Patients suffering from diabetes and other metabolic disorders.

In elderly people, the incidence of acute processes decreases, but the frequency increases chronic processes and complications. The atrophied epithelium is replaced by scar tissues and leads to a decrease in the motor functions of the stomach.

When starting therapy for elderly patients, it is necessary to approach the issue taking into account the nature of the pathology and the prevalence of the process. The treatment plan must be developed with absolute precision and certainty. Older people are often subject to many chronic processes at the same time, it is important to avoid polypharmacy. This is the name of the simultaneous appointment of an excessive amount of drugs. Only the doctor decides how to treat atrophic gastritis of the stomach.

In the remission stage, it is very useful to take an approach such as treatment folk remedies. It is allowed to use herbal infusions and drink vegetable juices that relieve pain and inflammatory process in the stomach.

General groups of drugs

  1. Preparations for stimulation of production active substances and pepsin in atrophic gastritis. According to practitioners, the effectiveness of such drugs is low and they require very long-term use. Their effect is usually short-lived.
  2. Replacement drugs. A complex of hydrochloric acid with pepsin is a necessary agent for therapy. You should drink it immediately before you start eating. In addition, creon, mezim, festal, peppermint tincture are prescribed for a substitution purpose. In general, the appointment of replacement therapy depends on what acidity of gastric juice is determined in the patient in each case with gastritis of the stomach.
  3. Preparations for the protection of the mucous membrane and its regeneration are called gastroprotectors in medicine. This group includes solcoseryl, actovegin, venter, denol. Most often, these drugs are used for ulcerative and erosive processes in the stomach, accompanied by subsequent atrophy of glandular cells.
  4. Astringents and enveloping preparations with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. This group includes preparations based on aluminum and bismuth for the treatment of gastritis.
  5. To stimulate the motility and peristaltic activity of the stomach, drugs such as domperidone are used. For the treatment of trophic gastritis, complexes from these drugs are selected.

Active atrophic gastritis requires hospitalization. If foci of tissue necrosis develop at the site of atrophy, surgical treatment is required. In this case, the patient undergoes a resection of the stomach. Medical treatment after surgery consists in the appointment of replacement therapy.

Diet for atrophic gastritis

To maintain normal digestive function food should be sparing. Heavy spicy and salty foods, alcohol and strong coffee should be excluded from the diet. Food should be taken fractionally, in small portions and often. The diet should be balanced and contain all the necessary proteins, fats and vitamins.

Products are preferably boiled or steamed, it is permissible to bake in the oven. It is not recommended to consume hot or excessively cold dishes.

Atrophic gastritis is a chronic disease of the stomach, which refers to precancerous conditions, since according to statistics, the probability of cancer in this disease approaches 15%.

In addition to the risk of developing a malignant tumor, this pathology brings the patient a lot of inconvenience associated with impaired digestion and absorption of vitamins and other important chemical substances. In view of this, gastric atrophy must be treated by combining drug therapy and a special therapeutic diet.

What it is?

Atrophic gastritis is chronic pathology, characterized by thinning of the gastric mucosa and severe secretory insufficiency. There are many reasons that can lead to mucosal atrophy, but most often this occurs due to infection. Helicobacter pylori.


There is no consensus among experts about the reasons that provoke the development this disease. Of the factors contributing to the occurrence of atrophy of the gastric mucosa, the following are called:

  • the use of rough foods and insufficient chewing of food;
  • carbonated drinks, coffee, alcohol;
  • smoking;
  • constant overeating;
  • eating a large number spicy, spicy and other products with an aggressive taste;
  • excessively hot or cold food;
  • long-term use of medications;
  • reflux (reflux of intestinal contents into the stomach).

All of these factors have an effect on the mucous membrane irritant effect, over time leading to the occurrence of atrophic processes in it.

Symptoms of atrophic gastritis

The main manifestations of atrophic gastritis are due to functional insufficiency stomach, developing against the background of changes in the mucous membrane. Among these symptoms are:

At first, all these signs are hardly noticeable, but as the pathological process progresses, it develops quite quickly. complete exhaustion organism.

Chronic atrophic gastritis

This is a sluggish disease, during which there is a thinning of the gastric mucosa, a decrease in the production of gastric juice due to a decrease in the number of glands.

In about half of the cases, such a disease is necessarily accompanied by a change in the structure of the membrane, i.e., its metaplasia. This is due to a decrease in the number of normal cells and glands and the formation of hybrids that have such a combination of features that should not normally exist.

Often there is a replacement of gastric cells with intestinal ones. In addition, the disease differs in that, as it progresses, it involves anatomically located nearby in the inflammatory process. internal organs The gastrointestinal tract, as well as a violation of the functioning of the circulatory and nervous systems.

Often the chronic form is manifested by such signs as:

  • soreness in the stomach - usually dull in nature and occurs on an empty stomach or some time after eating;
  • discomfort - determined by pressure, fullness, a feeling of heaviness and rapid satiety;
  • severe heartburn;
  • belching with a sour unpleasant odor;
  • flatulence;
  • increased sweating;
  • discomfort in oral cavity associated with the appearance of a whitish coating on the tongue and a metallic taste;
  • a significant decrease in body weight, which is caused by aversion to food;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • increased fragility of the nail plates and hair loss;
  • the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the gums;
  • weakness and lethargy of the body.

In addition, there are specific signs for some of the types of atrophic gastritis.


The correct diagnosis of atrophic gastritis consists of methods such as X-ray, FEGDS (fibrogastroduodenoscopy), histological examination, general analysis blood, ultrasound, assessment of the functionality of the stomach.

  1. On ultrasound, you can determine the smoothing of the folds along with a decrease in the size of the organ.
  2. FEGDS shows thinning of the mucosa, a change in its color to gray or pale pink, smoothness of folding, and increased vascular pattern. It is possible to identify areas of metaplasia in the intestinal epithelium.
  3. Grade functional activity of the stomach is to measure the pH of the gastric juice in order to assess the acidity in atrophic gastritis in this patient, and to determine the activity of pepsin.

Interesting: the initial information about this disease appeared in 1728, but the real beginning in the study of atrophic gastritis is the work of a doctor from France named Brousset. During autopsies, he found in almost every case changes in the gastric mucosa and identified them as inflammation. At that time, his thoughts were wrong, as they were only changes on the part of a non-viable organ.

Later, Kussmaul's version arose, explaining atrophic gastritis of the stomach from the point of view of a violation nervous regulation body, but it turned out to be erroneous. In the period from 1900 to 1908, Faber proposed a method of fixing the stomach preparation with formalin, which saved scientists from the problem of post-mortem defects and clearly showed the presence of changes in the type of gastritis.

How to treat atrophic gastritis

The traditional treatment regimen for atrophic gastritis in adults includes the eradication of Helicobacter pylori if acid-fast bacteria have a marked effect on the pathogenesis. Helicobacter pylori eradication methods are constantly being improved.

Eradication tasks:

  • suppression of the development of bacteria and prevention of the formation of their resistance to antibiotics;
  • reduction in the duration of treatment;
  • use of inhibitors proton pump in order to improve well-being;
  • reduction in the number of drugs, which significantly reduces the number of side effects from treatment;

Typically, three- and four-component eradication schemes are used:

  1. Omeprazole, Lansoprazole, Esomeprazole, Rabeprazole, Pantoprazole, Ranitidine, bismuth citrate and others are used as proton pump inhibitors.
  2. As a means of suppressing the activity of bacteria, antibiotics are used (tetracycline, penicillin series), as well as the antibacterial drug metronidazole (Trichopolum). The dosage and frequency rate is indicated by the doctor.

To influence the development of autoimmune processes in atrophic gastritis has not yet been fully learned. Application hormonal drugs and other immunocorrectors in most cases is not justified.

Pathogenetic therapy of atrophic gastritis involves complex use medicines various groups, among them:

  • in conditions of insufficiency of vitamins of the B12 group, appropriate vitamin preparations in the form of parenteral injections.
  • means of facilitating gastric digestion- preparations of hydrochloric acid and enzymes of gastric juice.
  • anti-inflammatory agents - psyllium juice or granulated pharmacological drug from plantain (Plantaglucid).
  • means that affect the production of hydrochloric acid in the form of mineral waters (Essentuki 4.17 and others). Although they are not drugs, they show high therapeutic activity in some cases.
  • to protect the mucous membrane, bismuth or aluminum preparations are used (Bismuth nitrate basic, Vikalin, Vikair or Rother, Kaolin).
  • drugs that regulate the motor function of the stomach. Among the drugs of this pharmacological group, Domperidone and Cisapride are most often used.
  • in recent years, more often began to be used in the treatment of gastrointestinal inflammation Riboxin. This drug has properties useful in the treatment of atrophic gastritis.

In addition to etiotropic, treatment is carried out in several other areas:

  • diet therapy in compliance with the principles of mechanical, thermal and chemical sparing;
  • substitution therapy with hydrochloric acid preparations, enzyme preparations;
  • stimulation of hydrochloric acid secretion ( mineral waters, drug fees, lemon and succinic acids and etc.);
  • protection of the gastric mucosa with gastroprotectors;
  • the use of regenerants and reparants to restore the mucous membrane;
  • the use of enveloping and astringent preparations;
  • increased motility of the stomach (prokinetics);
  • physiotherapy treatment.

All of the above drugs are prescribed during the period active phase inflammation of the stomach with symptoms of atrophy. During the period of remission main principle treatment - replenishment of substances missing for proper digestion.

Alternative treatment of atrophic gastritis

Increase the secretion of gastric juice in atrophic gastritis with low acidity It is possible with the help of folk methods of treatment:

  1. Beetroot juice is consumed before meals for half a glass.
  2. Potato juice - grate potatoes on a fine grater, strain through cheesecloth. Drink the resulting juice 1/3 cup 3 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is 10 days, after which you need to take a break for 10 days.
  3. St. John's wort will help to increase the level of acidity - pour 2 tablespoons of crushed flowers with a glass of boiling water and insist for 2 hours. The resulting infusion should be consumed three times a day, 20 minutes before meals.
  4. Brine sauerkraut- enhances the production of gastric juice. Strain the infusion from cabbage and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.
  5. Rosehip decoction without sugar - drink freshly brewed tea before meals.
  6. White cabbage juice - cabbage is rubbed on a grater or chopped with a meat grinder, the juice is filtered through gauze. The resulting juice must be stored in the refrigerator and drunk 30 minutes before meals, 1/3 cup. It must first be warmed up to body temperature.

Dieting during the treatment of gastritis is very important! During the period of subsidence acute form the inflammatory process, the patient must also adhere to dietary restrictions.

Diet and proper nutrition

Dieting for atrophic gastritis is one of the highlights affecting the effectiveness of the treatment of this disease. As with other types of gastritis, normalization of nutrition, adherence to the regime and the exclusion of certain foods are required to improve and facilitate the work of the stomach.

Prohibited foods include:

  • smoked meats, salted and pickled foods;
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • alcohol;
  • tea, coffee, carbonated drinks;
  • sweets
  • spicy seasonings.

With an exacerbation of the disease, diet No. 1a is prescribed. In this case, food is allowed only in liquid form, as well as in the form of mashed potatoes or mashed. It needs to be steamed or boiled. The menu consists of nine main dishes, these are mainly mashed soups, and the use of dairy products is also acceptable.

Such a diet for atrophic gastritis at the stage of exacerbation is short-lived until eliminated. acute symptoms. Then the food takes place according to the menu of diet No. 1. Restrictions are hot and heavily chilled dishes, as well as foods rich in fiber.

When stable remission is achieved, the patient is transferred to basic diet No. 2. Diet is becoming more varied, but sparing methods should be followed. heat treatment and steam, boil, bake, while light frying of food is allowed. Allowed the use of vegetables and fruits, meat, fish, dairy products. You can not eat chilled food with a rough texture.


With timely complex treatment the prognosis is favorable. In 2002, Japanese scientists proved the possibility of reverse development of precancerous changes in the gastric mucosa after eradication (destruction) of Helicobacter pylori bacteria. With the help of chromoscopy, it was found that within five years after successful anti-Helicobacter therapy, the size of foci of intestinal metaplasia decreased by almost 2 times compared with the initial ones.

Complete restoration of the mucosal structure in severe atrophy requires a long time, and in some cases, most likely, is impossible. If precancerous processes are not exposed reverse development, but, on the contrary, progress, apply radical methods treatment up to resection of the gastric mucosa.

Any violations in digestive system may lead to serious consequences for the health of the whole body.

The appearance of gastritis in the early stages requires immediate treatment, dieting.

Gastritis with mucosal atrophy can cause significant harm to the entire gastrointestinal tract, since it is one of the most dangerous diseases chronic stage ailment.

The consequences of the disease can be oncological diseases, which often become a consequence of the disease.

What is atrophic gastritis, symptoms and treatment of the disease, more on this.

Description of the disease

A dangerous sign of this disease is the absence of symptoms at the beginning of the pathological process.

The patient does not experience any symptoms, which aggravates the situation. Gastritis with signs of mucosal atrophy is characterized by atrophic degeneration of the cells of the stomach walls.

In this state, they are not able to fully produce gastric juice, losing their functional abilities.

At the first stage, the secretory glands are transformed into simple formations. Instead of gastric juice, they produce mucus. Gastritis with mucosal atrophy develops with low acidity of the stomach.

The main danger of pathology is the risk of oncological neoplasm in the stomach.

It is impossible to completely heal the atrophic cells of the walls of the stomach. You can only reduce the risk of oncological processes.

This requires a special drug therapy, special diet food and regular diet.


The first stages of atrophic gastritis do not manifest themselves in any way. Many patients note the absence of pain.

The absence of pain can accompany all stages of the development of the pathological process.

The main symptoms include signs characteristic of all types of gastritis. Patients often complain of a feeling of heaviness in the area solar plexus after eating.

The amount of food consumed does not play a fundamental role. What other symptoms accompany the disease:

  • general malaise;
  • nausea;
  • gagging;
  • belching;
  • bad breath from the mouth;
  • bloating;
  • flatulence;
  • stool disorders;
  • weight loss;
  • manifestations of hypovitaminosis;
  • disturbances in hormonal metabolism.

Development of the disease

Atrophic gastritis develops in two forms:

  • acute;
  • chronic.

Both variants are characterized by a large loss of the gastric mucosa, the synthesis of gastric juice is significantly reduced.

The incoming food is not able to be digested and assimilated normally.

acute form

The disease is in the stage of exacerbation. It is characterized various signs, including a pronounced pain syndrome, nausea, vomiting, stool disorders, fever body, weakness, general malaise, loss of consciousness.

When exposed to the irritated gastric mucosa of aggressive pathogenic substances, serious consequences are possible.

Death can occur due to severe intoxication of the body. How does this form of gastritis manifest itself:

  • the walls of the stomach swell;
  • leukocytes come out vascular boundaries;
  • the vessels are filled with blood;
  • there is a violation of the epithelium, sometimes erosion is noted.

Chronic form

At chronic form gastritis atrophy progresses for a long time. This is an independent disease in which the main role is played not by inflammatory processes, but by dystrophic ones.

With the development this disease the gastric mucosa is affected, motility, gastric secretion are disturbed. There is a violation of the suction function.

At further development gastritis affects the duodenum, esophagus, liver and other important digestive organs.

Pathological process affects the blood and nervous system due to intoxication. How the disease manifests itself in the diagnosis:

  • the walls of the stomach become thinner;
  • the appearance of wide pits;
  • the epithelium becomes flat;
  • mucous membranes have a smooth surface;
  • weak secretion;
  • leukocytes go beyond the vascular boundaries with moderate intensity;
  • glandular cells undergo changes.

Classification of atrophic gastritis

When the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to get an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible.

An experienced specialist will conduct a set of diagnostic studies, on the basis of which he will make an accurate diagnosis.

The disease can be of several types, having determined which, the doctor can prescribe the right treatment.

Atrophic gastritis is divided into:

  • focal;
  • surface;
  • moderate;
  • antral;
  • diffuse;
  • erosive;
  • mixed.

Each type of pathology requires careful laboratory and diagnostic studies, properly selected therapy.

Focal gastritis

The disease is manifested by foci of changes in the epithelium of the walls of the stomach. Atrophic focal gastritis often occurs against the background of hyperacidity gastric juice.

This may be due to the compensation of the work of the affected foci by increasing the production of acid. Other signs of the disease are similar to other types of gastritis:

In the subclinical course of the disease, atrophic focal gastritis occurs against the background of poor tolerance of certain foods.

Superficial gastritis

This stage is initial stage in the development of a chronic inflammatory process.

Superficial gastritis is presented in the form of unexpressed lesions. Patients do not feel any clinical manifestations.

Diagnostic testing is required to make an accurate diagnosis. The results will be revealed during endoscopy.

Superficial gastritis is characterized by moderate disturbances tissue structures, normal thickness stomach walls, slight increase cell secretions.

moderate gastritis

The pathological process can cause moderate inflammation. With this course of the disease, the cells of the affected organ undergo minor changes. Pathology can only be determined by histological examination. Analysis quantifies healthy cells, reveals changes in the tissues of the stomach.

This form of the disease is similar to dyspeptic disorders. Habitual pain syndrome accompanying acute stage gastritis may be absent.

Patients often feel discomfort in the digestive organs, especially after meals.

Feelings of pain may appear after heavy meals: spicy, sour, salty, smoked, fatty, fried foods, marinades.

Antral gastritis

The pathology is characterized by scarring lower section stomach, located in the area duodenum.

It has the following manifestations:

  • dull pain localized in the solar plexus;
  • morning sickness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • eructation appears after eating;
  • weight loss;
  • weakness;
  • malaise.

Ulcerative lesions often appear in the antral region.

Diffuse gastritis

The disease proceeds without pronounced dystrophic processes. It is an intermediate stage between superficial and dystrophic.

The main manifestation of the disease is the appearance of foci of degenerate glands of the organ, immature cells with symptoms of impaired secretion.

Pathology is represented by the following symptoms:

  • rollers appear on the walls of the organ;
  • the pits deepen;
  • cellular microstructures are disrupted.

Erosive gastritis

Erosive atrophic gastritis is characterized by the formation of erosions on the surface of the walls of the affected organ.

The clinical picture is not enough to identify the disease. But atrophic erosive gastritis often causes the following symptoms:

  • pain syndrome in the affected organ;
  • heartburn;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • manifestations of belching;
  • stool disorders;
  • pain on an empty stomach or after eating.

Mixed gastritis

With this course of the disease, several forms of atrophic gastritis may occur at once.

Often, hypertrophic, superficial and erosive atrophic gastritis are combined simultaneously.

Experts say that the patient can develop and proceed up to 4 forms of gastritis at the same time.

Classification of focal gastritis

The disease is manifested by inflammation of the gastric mucosa with manifestations of foci on the surface of the affected organ.

It is diagnosed very often, affects patients of different age categories. Patients feel pain in the stomach, heartburn, nausea, and vomiting appear. There may be many such foci.

Gastritis with focal atrophy of the gastric mucosa is divided into several types:

  • Focal chronic gastritis. It develops due to improper treatment acute form of the disease or its complete absence. The disease occurs against the background of symptoms similar to oncology. For these reasons, it is very important to contact a specialist in time for a complete diagnosis and comprehensive treatment.
  • Focal atrophic gastritis. At the first stages, it manifests itself as a subatrophic lesion of the stomach. Further, necrosis of individual cells develops. Affected areas appear in which cells are replaced connective tissues. Atrophy of the mucous membranes develops.
  • Focal superficial gastritis. This initial stage diseases. The pathological process has not yet penetrated into the deep layers of the mucosa. Often, pathology is a special form of antral disorders.
  • Focal erosive gastritis. It is manifested by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the walls of the stomach. Foci of lesions with ulcerative or erosive formations are formed. Timely and complex therapy is required.


For effective therapy gastritis should identify all the causes that led to the development of the disease.

The acute stage requires immediate hospitalization. Chronic stage recurrence requires outpatient treatment prescribed by a general practitioner or gastroenterologist.

To achieve maximum performance, you should follow certain rules:

  • Compliance special diet and providing proper nutrition- pledge healthy stomach And wellness. It is important to exclude all products containing harmful substances, food colorings, emulsifiers, preservatives and other additives. Consumed food should not be hot, cold, spicy, sour, salty, smoked, fried, fatty. Refuse marinades and junk food in favor of a healthy diet.
  • If pathogenic bacteria (helicobacter) are detected, they are prescribed antibacterial drugs for achievement normal state microflora.
  • If the acidity is increased, take drugs that suppress the production of secretions. Histamine blockers are often used.
  • With insufficient production of enzymes by the pancreas, a complex of auxiliary enzymes is prescribed.
  • To reduce the severity of painful manifestations and accelerate the process of emptying the stomach cavity, prokinetics are prescribed.
  • Antacids are taken to reduce acidity and block the unpleasant symptoms of heartburn.
  • Often resort to traditional medicine. She is famous for her various medicinal herbs from which decoctions and infusions are made.

When the first unpleasant symptoms characteristic of atrophic gastritis, immediately consult a doctor.

It is important to get through as quickly as possible. complete diagnostics And laboratory research organism.

Based on the results obtained, an accurate diagnosis will be established. The specialist will be able to prescribe treatment.

It is impossible to leave such manifestations unattended, the consequences can be deplorable. Self-medication is contraindicated.

Useful video

Atrophic gastritis is an insidious disease. It does not always cause any pain or tangible discomfort, and the danger of metabolic disorders that develop due to the death of normal stomach cells is usually not understood by people.
So gradually, if the treatment of atrophic gastritis is not carried out, this pathology without expressed turns into cancer. But only taking two or three medications and long-term compliance can help.

The mucous membrane of the stomach with atrophic gastritis resembles an exhausted and lifeless earth

Types of treatment

With atrophic gastritis, only conservative treatment is carried out:

  • it does not make sense to remove anything, since the areas of atrophy are located in large or smaller foci;
  • before the cells become cancerous, they can (and should) be brought back to life;
  • only with the help conservative methods it is possible, gently encouraging the gastric mucosa to recover, to apply to further lying sections digestive tract necessary for the establishment of metabolism food.

Conservative treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis is based on "three pillars":

  1. Diet: Foods must be defined, and also prepared in a special way, so that the intestines not only do not suffer from the fact that they were not properly treated with hydrochloric acid, but also be able to take from them everything that the emaciated body needs.
  2. Medical treatment. In this case, the doctor decides how to treat atrophic gastritis of the stomach according to the results of the studies:
    • fibrogastroscopy (possibly with a biopsy);
    • determining the presence of gastritis as a cause (the test is usually performed simultaneously with FEGDS);
    • probing the stomach to determine the acidity in it.
  3. . They, being selected by a doctor who is familiar with the "picture of the stomach", help to achieve the goals of treatment without overloading the body with chemical compounds.

Can atrophic gastritis be cured? It is possible if minimal focal changes. If a person asked for help already at the stage of diffuse atrophy, then with the help of a long-term diet, he can only restore some parts of the mucous membrane and stop the further progression of the disease.

Medical therapy

The spiral-shaped bacterium Helicobacter pylori, is fixed in the gastric mucosa and begins to dissolve its cells with the help of its enzymes and its own hydrochloric acid

Treatment of both focal atrophic gastritis and its diffuse variant is carried out as follows:

  1. Drugs are prescribed to improve the movement of food from the stomach into the intestines. They also effectively fight nausea.
  2. If there is a decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid, preparations containing natural gastric juice are prescribed.
  3. Since a reduced amount of hydrochloric acid reduces the production by the pancreas of its enzymes necessary for digestion, such enzymes are prescribed in the form of synthetic preparations.
  4. Violation of food processing in the stomach leads to vitamin deficiencies. The exchange of B12 and folic acid, which also reduces the level of hemoglobin. To correct this condition, not only vitamin complexes are used, but also separately cyanocobalamin and folic acid.

The specifics of the therapy of atrophic-hyperplastic inflammation

Treatment of atrophic depends on the cause of the disease:

  1. Most often, such an inflammatory process on the gastric mucosa is caused by the bacterium Helicobacter, so it is immediately prescribed specific therapy. It consists of two antibacterial agents, as well as agents that protect the stomach from hydrochloric acid. Such treatment is carried out for 7 days, after which it is repeated for the presence of Helicobacter in the stomach.
  2. To eliminate pain in the stomach, a combination of antispasmodic drugs and anticholinergics is used.
  3. Warning! The drugs of these two groups are prescribed only by a gastroenterologist after examination and other studies.

  4. If there is an increase in the pH of the stomach, drugs are prescribed that stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid. If the acidity is high, blockers of its production are prescribed.
  5. It is necessary to take drugs that improve the regeneration of the gastric mucosa.

How to eat with atrophic gastritis

The diet for atrophic gastritis of the stomach is called 1A, with a gradual transition to table number 2. These numbers indicate that the food should be such as to exclude mechanical, thermal and chemical injury to the gastric mucosa. In addition, there should be no overflow of the stomach copious amounts food, so you need to eat little and often, while the general energy value(number of calories) should be at least 2500 kcal / day.

Nutrition for atrophic gastritis of the stomach should be carried out according to the following rules:
Diet basis:


  • spicy dishes;
  • food prepared by frying;
  • pickled foods;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • chocolate;
  • cakes;
  • candies;
  • breaded fish;
  • legumes;
  • canned food;
  • mushrooms.

A diet with focal atrophic gastritis allows a person to eat:

  • chicken broth with noodles;
  • meatballs;
  • baked pumpkin with honey;
  • cheese casserole;
  • omelette;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • boiled fish;
  • egg and milk sauces;
  • cocoa;
  • weak tea;
  • boiled veal;
  • rabbit cutlets;
  • mousses, jelly, honey;
  • sandwiches from a dried piece of bread (up to 400 g / day) with low-fat cheese and butter(up to 25 g / day).

What does traditional medicine offer?

The doctor prescribes the intake of decoctions of herbs that stimulate the production of gastric juice

Treatment of atrophic gastritis with folk remedies includes the use of such recipes:

  1. Drink 100 ml of warmed freshly squeezed white cabbage juice half an hour before meals.
  2. Take 30 ml potato juice three times a day, before meals. This remedy has been successfully used to treat more than one generation of supporters. traditional medicine. Check out the article about and learn about all of it medicinal properties, about the nuances of preparation, as well as contraindications.
  3. For breakfast, there is a grated raw green apple (200 g), mixed with grated raw pumpkin(600 g), ¼ cup lemon juice and 1 tsp. honey. After that, there is nothing for 3-4 hours.
  4. Eat 1 tsp of fresh blueberries grated with sugar before breakfast.
  5. In equal parts, 50 g each, take the leaves of the triad, immortelle, sage leaves, mint, St. Then take 1 tbsp. mixture and pour it with a glass of boiling water, leave for 3 hours, strain and drink before meals. This should be done three times a day.
  6. Take a decoction of chamomile, bought at a pharmacy, prepared according to the recipe indicated on the box.
  7. Take 50 g of calamus root, dandelion, sage, peppermint, calendula flowers, St. John's wort, chamomile, plantain leaves, chop everything, mix. 4 tbsp pour a liter of boiling water, take 100 ml three times a day.

So stop progressing



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