Low allergenic products. Basic rules of a hypoallergenic diet for adults and children

Allergy is the pathological response of the body from the immune system in an acute form. Allergies can form on various allergens: dust, earth, various foods, flowers, wool, and more. etc. People who are faced with such a pathology of their body begin to feel constant discomfort, trying not to contact irritants that can cause allergies, while the diet is also disturbed, which can lead to the development of other pathologies.

hypoallergenic diet is a "salvation" for allergy sufferers suffering from food allergies. The action of a hypoallergenic diet is aimed at preventing the manifestation of food allergic reactions. Thanks to a hypoallergenic diet, you can not only eliminate the symptoms of allergies. But also to accustom your body to the consumption of foods with a high degree of allergenicity, due to their gradual introduction into the hypoallergenic diet menu. At the same time, the body will be cleansed of various toxins and toxins, which will lead to an improvement in overall well-being.

The main essence of a hypoallergenic diet is the initial restriction for a certain period of time of all foods that are allergic irritants. After a couple of weeks from the start of the diet, all the excluded foods begin to be slowly introduced into the diet one at a time and in small doses, focusing on the state of the body. If no reactions are observed, then the introduction of highly allergenic foods can be continued.

At first, an anti-allergic diet is recommended to use:

  • rice and buckwheat boiled in water;
  • butter;
  • green vegetable and fruit crops (apples, cucumbers, lettuce, etc.);
  • vegetable soups;
  • dairy products;
  • dry types of cookies;
  • veal meat;
  • kefir or natural yogurt.

After 7-14 days, you can start introducing new foods to the diet of the hypoallergenic diet that are not on the list.

Hypoallergenic diet menu for a week

An anti-allergic diet for adults consists in eliminating all the symptoms of an allergic manifestation by eliminating foods that are allergens. For each patient, an individual menu for a week is compiled with a hypoallergenic diet, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body.

Below is a table with a hypoallergenic diet for a week, which contains only non-allergenic foods:

Day of the week meal Featured Foods
Monday Breakfast Buckwheat boiled on water, cottage cheese with sour cream 50 gr., herbal tea
Dinner Cabbage soup, boiled veal, juice, or white currant compote
Dinner Finely chopped cucumbers with sour cream, turkey baked with rice
Tuesday Breakfast Oatmeal porridge with prunes and herbal tea
Dinner Stewed vegetables, baked meat and a glass of green tea
Dinner Boiled rice groats, beef patty prepared by heat treatment and compote
Wednesday Breakfast Cheese sandwich, some yogurt and tea
Dinner Vegetable ragout, boiled turkey piece, coleslaw
Dinner Crushed potatoes with beef patty and Semerinka apple
Thursday Breakfast Spaghetti with cheese, tea drink
Dinner Rassolnik soup, apple
Dinner Stew from different vegetable crops, kefir
Friday Breakfast Porridge from corn grits, fruit salad, herbal tea
Dinner Boiled piece of beef meat, white currant jelly
Dinner Boiled buckwheat, a few dry cookies and herbal tea
Saturday Breakfast Cottage cheese casserole and tea
Dinner Boiled rabbit meat, vegetable stew, not sweet apple compote with rose hips
Dinner Boiled rice with cottage cheese and sour cream, banana
Sunday Breakfast Oatmeal porridge with crushed dried fruits
Dinner Rice with beef patty
Dinner Boiled buckwheat, fruit salad and a glass of kefir

Dishes must be combined in a variety of combinations, avoiding the use of the same dish twice a day within one hypoallergenic week. A strict anti-allergenic diet should be supervised by nutritionists; in case of an exacerbation of allergies, the hypoallergenic diet is adjusted.

List of prohibited products

With the development of any kind of allergic reactions of the body, special care must be taken when choosing food.

Allergy-free diet provides for the exclusion of the following foods from the diet:

  • all red berries and fruits;
  • citrus fruits, with the exception of lemon;
  • natural honey;
  • all types of mushrooms;
  • milk (in some cases, and all derivatives of this product: sour cream, cheese, etc.);
  • cocoa - drinks;
  • coffee and all confectionery products containing cocoa or coffee;
  • all spicy, fatty, salty, semi-smoked and smoked foods;
  • canned food;
  • chocolates;
  • all kinds of nuts;
  • chicken eggs and meat;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Hypoallergenic nutrition should be well balanced and fractional, for more accurate identification of the allergen.

In cases where the diet leads to a positive improvement in the state of the body, you can begin the gradual introduction of excluded (prohibited) foods into the diet. A hypoallergenic diet will show the fastest possible result if you follow the following nutritional principles:

  • Soup in vegetable broth should be on the menu every day. Meat broth for making soups should not be used, as there is a high risk of an allergic response of the body.
  • If there is a strong craving for a snack between meals, then it is best to eat: low-fat cottage cheese, or yogurt, green fruit, or vegetable.
  • Green tea is recommended to drink with a slice of lemon.

If you follow these recommendations for at least 7 days, then you can feel a surge of energy and strength in the body, due to the removal of toxins from the body. And also, if you remove all foods with a high degree of allergenicity from the diet, then during a hypoallergenic diet it will be easier to observe the dynamics of allergic manifestations.

The introduction of a new food product into a hypoallergenic diet should be periodic: for every third day, introduce no more than 1 product, this diet principle is called: a non-specific diet. If changes in the body are not observed by the time the diet ends, then in this case, nutritionists recommend initially removing all allergenic foods with moderate severity from your diet. After that, all low-allergenic foods are subject to exclusion.

Please note: For adults, pregnant women, you can follow this diet for 3 weeks, and for children no more than 7-9 days.

The restriction of the menu should take place only under the supervision of specialists. Such a strict diet is necessary to establish the allergen and clarify the diagnosis. At the same time, it is necessary to conduct fractional nutrition and record all the reactions of the body to the use of any products.

Diet for nursing mothers

The portion of a nursing mother should be filled with vitamin complexes and minerals. Therefore, it is necessary to eat as much as possible fresh fruits and vegetables allowed by the hypoallergenic diet (having a green or yellow color) is a prerequisite for the nutrition of a nursing mother.

Attention! It is necessary to completely exclude overeating, since the remnants of food will not be digested by the body, but will begin to deform into toxins that will poison the body from the inside.

Products with a high protein content should be combined with vegetables, this will help prevent allergenic particles from entering the blood plasma. This anti-allergic technique will be useful not only for nursing mothers, but also for children.

Multiple Recipes

Recipes for a hypoallergenic diet include the use of only fresh fruits and vegetables, safe cooking methods (steaming, oven, boiling, or stewing), and avoiding the use of various seasonings.

Consider the two most common hypoallergenic dishes, more recipes:

  • Cutlets for a couple. Minced meat for cutlets should be mixed with pre-chopped onions, salt a little and add a soaked piece of bread. From the resulting cutlet minced meat, you need to form the shapes of future cutlets and send them to a double boiler until cooked.
  • Cheese casserole. Shredded cottage cheese must be mixed with sugar, a couple of whipped proteins and 2 tbsp. spoons of semolina. Grease a baking dish with oil and pour the mixture into it. Bake in the oven chamber for 25-30 minutes.

Before applying the method of a hypoallergenic diet, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Do not forget that any self-medication can turn into sad consequences, so you should not experiment on your body, especially with allergens and hypoallergenic products.

Allergic diseases often cause skin rashes in a child. They itch a lot, which brings significant discomfort to the baby's body. Combing red spots, he can easily bring an infection under the skin. In such cases, more severe inflammatory reactions already occur. Such secondary infection can cause streptoderma or systemic damage to the body by staphylococcus aureus.

Why are skin rashes dangerous and what provokes their appearance?

Often the cause of the appearance of red vesicles or spots on the skin are various types of allergic reactions. When an allergen product enters the child's body, a whole cascade of inflammatory changes is launched within a few minutes. Such reactions are called hypersensitivity. They are of fast and slow type.

When an allergen first enters the body, protective blood cells are not yet ready to meet it. For this reason, an allergic reaction does not occur immediately, but after some time. This usually happens 6-8 hours after the allergen enters the body.

The cells of the immune system, recognizing the foreign component as allergic, immediately begin to actively fight it. A large number of different biological substances are released into the blood, which trigger the process of inflammation.

A large number of cells of the immune system are found in the blood and in the skin. When foreign allergenic substances enter the battle, they are the first to enter the battle. A few hours after the onset of the disease, the skin reacts with red itchy elements. It can be papules, vesicles, spots. It all depends on the individual sensitivity and tenderness of the child's skin.

In infants, spots usually appear more often. In most cases, they are localized on the extensor surfaces of the forearms and arms, buttocks, hands and on the delicate skin of the child below the chin, on the neck.

In children aged 2 years, spots are more often formed in combination with vesicles. This is largely due to the structure of the skin and subcutaneous tissue of a child of this age. Toddlers become restless, naughty. Children of kindergarten age (4-5 years) during the period of exacerbation of an allergic reaction should not attend a preschool institution for the entire period of treatment. In the garden, they can easily pick up a secondary infection or bring microorganisms into wounds, scratching itchy spots on the skin.

In severe cases of allergic reactions, not only skin lesions appear. In babies, the temperature can even rise to 38-39 degrees. There is redness in the throat, allergic rhinitis, dry cough. With allergic rhinitis and laryngitis, you should definitely show the child to an immunologist-allergist. He will conduct additional examinations for individual sensitivity to specific allergens. After that, the doctor will prescribe a full range of measures and recommend an anti-allergic diet.


The hypoallergic diet, among others, is quite strict. As the child's body grows older, it may appear new hypersensitivity to various products.

  • When an allergy occurs for oranges after some time, intolerance to all citrus fruits is formed.
  • For allergies for chicken eggs there is a sensitivity to all products (including pastries) that contain chicken yolk or melange. In 5% of children, a cross-allergy to quail eggs is also possible. In this case, it is required to completely exclude eggs from the child's diet and monitor the composition of all dishes where any egg components can be added.

If cross-sensitivity has been established in your child during allergy testing, the immunologist will definitely recommend that you exclude all combinations in which an allergic reaction may develop.

  • For children with allergies for flowering trees any shrub fruits and berries should be completely excluded from the diet. The cells of the immune system, having a system memory, when any substance from the prohibited list enters the body, they will consider it an allergen. An allergic reaction in a child will be equally acute when pollen blooms or after eating a plum or an apple.

Try to avoid contact with the allergen, given the flowering time of the trees.

Recently, doctors note that many children have increased the number of cases of intolerance to dairy products. Such children are assigned a dairy-free diet. It is shown to all babies with an allergy to milk. It cannot be called protein-free, it belongs more to the category of low-protein ones.

In the nutrition of babies on a dairy-free diet, you need to carefully monitor the optimal intake of protein in the body. Add more meat products and side dishes containing vegetable protein. It can be lean meat or fish (with good tolerance), poultry.

From vegetable protein, you can choose green or regular beans and well-boiled pea porridge. Enter into the diet green peas: it contains much less substances that can cause allergies.

Grocery list

Currently, there are many classifications of allergenic products. They divide all products into different categories (depending on the possibility of causing allergic reactions).

Every day, scientists add new sources of allergens to the lists. This is due to the fact that every year the number of children with allergic pathologies increases several times.

Babies born in the city are many times more likely to suffer from intolerance to various foods than village ones. Doctors attribute this to the impact of adverse environmental factors and high levels of pollution in large cities.

Every year, all the leading scientists, doctors and nutritionists of the world gather at international councils and congresses to discuss the nutritional problems of children prone to the development of allergic reactions. Special tables were compiled in which all products are entered taking into account their possible negative impact on the child's immune system:

  1. Foods with a high potential to cause allergic reactions are called highly allergenic.
  2. Foods that are less likely to cause allergies medium sensitizing.
  3. Foods that are practically incapable of causing an allergic reaction in a child (or cause in a much smaller number of cases) are called neutral.

Foods that can be safely included in the diet of a child with food allergies include:

  • All fruits and vegetables are green. White fruits and berries. An excellent basis for any side dish for children with a tendency to allergic reactions is broccoli, as well as cauliflower. Potatoes are also suitable, but they contain a lot of starchy substances. It is better to mix cauliflower with a small amount of potatoes when cooking mashed potatoes, giving preference to cabbage.
  • Protein products: lean beef meat, with care - white varieties of fish. Red (and especially sea) fish are banned! Its use can provoke an allergic reaction. Do not give your baby seafood or seaweed. Adding them to the diet often causes cross-allergies.
  • With good tolerance to dairy products - sour milk with a small percentage of fat (cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt). All types of cheeses, sour cream, homemade butter and margarine should be excluded. They can provoke food allergies and have an adverse effect on the liver and gallbladder. Frequent consumption of such products can cause chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Cereals and cereals. They are selected strictly individually. It should be noted that they may be contraindicated for babies with allergies and gluten intolerance. Buckwheat and rice should be introduced into the diet with caution, since they have an average allergenic potential.

If, after the introduction of cereal complementary foods, the child's skin remains clean and pink, he will almost certainly tolerate these products well. Be sure to monitor the condition of the baby's skin and his mood after the introduction of each new complementary food. This will allow you to determine if you are allergic to a particular new food.

If the baby is prone to the development of allergic reactions or you, close relatives have serious allergic diseases, pay attention to what you are preparing for the child. In any case, you should consult and show the baby to an immunologist-allergist. He will conduct a series of simple and painless scratch tests that will identify all cross-allergen variants.

There are even special panels in which all allergens are listed according to certain antigenic characteristics. Such a study is very convenient and allows you to establish with high accuracy all prohibited products from several groups at once.

It is important to note that adherence to such a diet is worth a lifetime. The human immune system is very precise. Even after one encounter with an allergen, the memory of it remains for life. With each new encounter with this product, the body reacts more strongly.

An allergic reaction starts almost instantly. For a long course of the disease, damage to other organs is already characteristic: the respiratory and cardiovascular systems are most often affected, and in this case more serious treatment by a doctor is already required.

What should parents of preschool children remember?

  • Carefully plan and create a menu for your child. Eliminate all products that do not suit him. Keep a diary and write down all the changes that occur in the baby after eating. Reflect the condition of his skin, as well as the estimated time when the manifestations occur. This will make it easier for you to understand which foods have allergenic characteristics and can harm the child's body.
  • If your child attends kindergarten, be sure to tell the kindergarten health worker that your child has allergies. Describe what foods are contraindicated for him. The caregiver and health worker should carefully monitor what the baby eats while away from home. In kindergarten, they are responsible for his health. It would be great if there was a choice of dishes in the garden. Now this principle is practiced frequently. If not, the healthcare professional should eliminate the side dish or main dish for allergic babies and replace it with something else.
  • All children with allergic diseases or intolerance to certain foods should be observed by an immunologist. With a calm course of the disease (without frequent exacerbations and rashes), visit a doctor at least once a year. This is necessary for dynamic monitoring of the state of the child's body.
  • Do not indulge the whims of the child! All kids love sweets. However, it should be understood: if the baby has an allergy, then such pampering can even be deadly. In severe cases, after meeting with the allergen, the child's body may react with Quincke's edema or spasm of the larynx. This is a very dangerous complication that requires the immediate provision of qualified medical care.

If suddenly, after eating or snacking, your baby begins to choke or turns blue, urgently call a children's ambulance. It is necessary to act very quickly, since the time to save a child's life goes by in minutes.

Teach your child healthy eating habits. At the table, it is better to eat about the same food that the baby eats. So you show him that he is not at all some kind of sick or deprived of something. It's just healthy food, and that's how everyone eats. Be sure to praise your baby when he eats the right and healthy foods well.

Look after yourself! If you allow yourself to snack or drink tea with chocolates or cakes, then do not be surprised why your baby reaches for the "yummy". All kids from two years old are similar in behavior to little monkeys, which is due to the development of their psyche. In their behavior, they accurately copy those around them or their parents. Be a real good example for your kid. His health now and in the future depends on you.

Menu for children over 1 year old with Ado diet

In Soviet times, the well-known scientist and pathophysiologist A. D. Ado began to study the problems of allergic diseases and develop special diets that can prevent new exacerbations of the disease.

It was he who first established that there are certain foods that can trigger a number of inflammatory changes in the body and easily cause an allergic reaction. He also noted that there are products that have the opposite properties. They are safer for the body and practically do not cause allergies.

The result of his scientific activity was the system of proper nutrition according to Ado. This is the prototype of a hypoallergenic diet. It excludes all products that can cause skin rashes, with the mandatory inclusion of neutral products. Ado compiled his diet so that all the incoming substances were selected in sufficient quantities for the active growth and development of the child's body.

The advantages of his method include:

  • detailed analysis of all products that trigger allergic reactions, and their complete exclusion from the children's menu;
  • elimination of all allergens from the diet immediately allows you to quickly remove inflammation and eliminate all adverse symptoms of the disease;
  • Possibility of gradual introduction of new products, with mandatory monitoring of the child's condition after such an introduction.

Of course, there are also disadvantages:

  • Diet prescription all children without prior examination and laboratory determination of individual sensitivity to different products. Ado formulated his diet at the end of the twentieth century, when there was not yet ample laboratory capacity to conduct such highly accurate tests.
  • Low specific sensitivity. The diet is used for all children and adolescents without taking into account the individual level of immunity and concomitant chronic diseases.

Among the most common allergens, A.D. Ado excretes cow's milk, egg yolk and fish.

Sometimes hypersensitivity occurs to gluten or wheat, banana and rice proteins. The body's sensitivity to potatoes, buckwheat, corn, soy and legumes is less common.

At the same time, A.D. Ado highlights foods that, if you are allergic to, should be wary of "cross" foods in the diet.

The treatment table according to Ado can be represented as follows. Please note that occasionally the menu includes products with an average allergenic potential.

Closely monitor the condition of your child, because when drawing up a diet, individual characteristics must be taken into account: there is no universal menu suitable for all children.

First day of the week

  • Breakfast: Oatmeal on the water. A couple of dry crackers.
  • Lunch: Yogurt.
  • Dinner: Soup with lean beef meat (without carrots). Cucumber, Chinese cabbage and corn salad dressed with vegetable oil.
  • Afternoon snack: Pear jelly with dry biscuits.
  • Dinner: Steam quenelles from lean lamb with chopped cauliflower. Apple compote.

Second day

  • Breakfast: Buckwheat flakes with kefir.
  • Lunch: Butter sandwich.
  • Dinner: Boiled lean veal with mashed potatoes and cauliflower. Kissel from berries.
  • Afternoon snack: Low-fat cottage cheese with sugar.
  • Dinner: Stewed low-fat lamb with vegetables and peas.

The third day

  • Breakfast: Millet porridge with dried fruits.
  • Lunch: An apple baked in the oven.
  • Dinner: Beef meatballs with noodles. Salad of zucchini and herbs.
  • Afternoon snack: Biscuits with kefir.
  • Dinner: Stewed with vegetables and boiled buckwheat.

Fourth day

  • Breakfast: Buckwheat pancakes with yogurt.
  • Lunch: A glass of kefir.
  • Dinner: Shchi with sour cabbage and boiled veal. Cucumber and dill salad.
  • Afternoon snack: Bun with kefir.
  • Dinner: Veal meatballs stuffed with vegetables.

Fifth day of the week

  • Breakfast: Pancakes with curd.
  • Lunch: Biscuit crackers with unsweetened tea.
  • Dinner: Stewed stew with horsemeat. A piece of bran bread.
  • Afternoon snack: Yogurt without additives with a little sugar.
  • Dinner: Oven baked lean beef cutlets with rice.

hypoallergenic food recipes

If you or someone in your family has frequent allergic reactions, store-bought sausages and meats are not the best option to eat! But now you can do a lot at home. And to do everything is usually simple and fast.

If you or your loved ones are allergic to eggs, this is not at all a reason to refuse cakes. Regular eggs can be replaced with quail eggs and the biscuit will turn out great on them. It will be airy and delicious! To prepare such a biscuit, we

For those who love delicacies, various pastries, there are many different recipes. If only there was time to prepare everything! However, there is a category of people who suffer from an allergic reaction to a particular product. The biggest problem for moms

This recipe is very tasty and tender shortbread pie without eggs. It is suitable for those who are allergic to this product or vegetarians, or for those who simply ran out of this product at home. It's easy, quick and easy to prepare. For cooking

If you or your loved ones are allergic to eggs, then store-bought pastries are not suitable for you. But even at home it is not so easy to cook something tasty without adding eggs. Biscuits, pies, cookies - almost everything requires eggs. But, nevertheless, there are delicious recipes

At any time of the year, it is easy to find cabbage, turnips and other ingredients for this soup on the shelves, but they taste best in the summer during the season of vegetables. Young cabbage, tomatoes, greens, celery root and turnip from the garden. Mmm. For an allergy sufferer

Green bean soup is very useful. The fact is that this bean contains many useful proteins that are easily absorbed by the body and are similar in composition to meat protein. String beans also contain a lot of minerals, and they

The favorite soup of all children is vermicelli soup with light chicken broth. But who said that it is not suitable for adults. With proper preparation, it will turn out to be very tasty, healthy, and most importantly not allergenic. Sometimes there is an allergy to chicken meat,

This soup should be the very first on the list of people suffering from allergies. It's tasty and safe. Allergies to all products that are found in this soup are extremely rare. Kids will really like this soup, as the meat here is ground and

hypoallergenic food recipes

In recent decades, allergies have become a common disease throughout the world. It affects people of all ages. How to cure this insidious disease? Doctors are convinced that it can only be cured by following a strict special diet. What is hypoallergenic nutrition? How, following its principles, to get rid of allergies for babies, nursing mothers, as well as those with eczema and atopic dermatitis?

Hypoallergenic diet for children

Allergic reactions in children can appear at any age, but often they occur at 1 year of age. When switching to complementary foods, babies may develop allergic reactions to the foods they eat. In this case, it is worth organizing the child's nutrition according to the principles of a hypoallergenic diet. This food system is suitable for children of different ages, as well as for adults with allergies.

The essence of the diet is that highly allergenic foods are excluded from the menu for a while. And after 10-14 days, gradually excluded foods are returned to the diet one at a time in 3 days. If a repeated allergic reaction to any product occurs, it is again excluded. And the next product is introduced after the disappearance of all manifestations of allergies. This is how foods that cause an allergic reaction in the body are determined.

If you are prone to allergies, follow these tips:

  • do not overeat;
  • eat less protein foods;
  • eat protein foods along with vegetables that will prevent allergens from entering the bloodstream;
  • minimize or eliminate fatty, fried, sour and spicy foods from the diet;
  • do not use allergens of the same group on the same day;
  • Include plenty of vegetables on your menu because they will help minimize the risk of a new allergic reaction.

For nursing mothers

If the child is breastfed, then if he develops an allergy, the mother should reconsider her diet. In case of allergies in a child, the doctor will advise the nursing mother to follow a diet. This means that highly allergenic foods should be excluded from the menu. Babies from 3 weeks of age to 3-4 months may suffer from colic. The real cause of colic is not exactly clear. But a number of experts argue that it is associated with the nutrition of the mother.

Do not include foods that provoke increased gas formation in your diet to avoid colic in a child. These include: citrus fruits, eggs, corn, nuts, coffee, chocolate, peanuts, soybeans, crayfish, sweet before, sweets, various types of cabbage and others. Steam food, diversify the menu with stewed and boiled vegetables, lean meat and sour-milk products.

Well-known academician and allergist A.D. Ado developed a special diet for children. A non-specific diet is effective for various types of allergies and is recommended for young children with a hereditary predisposition to this disease. During the acute period of allergy and after it for 1-2 weeks, a restriction is introduced on the use of highly allergenic foods, as well as all vegetables and fruits with bright colors.

After a period of exacerbation in small portions, it is allowed to introduce these products into the child's menu, but only if they are well tolerated. However, highly allergenic foods are included in the diet no more than 1 time per week. And children under 3 years of age are not recommended to eat these products at all. The table below lists the prohibited and permitted foods for the Ado diet.

With atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a disease accompanied by rashes and itching on the skin. The cause of skin rashes can be external irritants and food consumed. With dermatitis, do not include highly allergenic foods in the menu: eggs, nuts, milk, wheat, fish, brightly colored vegetables and fruits. With the help of allergy tests, determine the individual tolerance of other products. The appearance of redness during the allergy test indicates the presence of an allergy to this product. It is effective to use the Ado diet for this disease.

For eczema

Red dry or fluid-filled spots on the body may indicate the presence of eczema in a child or adult. In babies, formula milk can cause disease. In this case, they are replaced with special baby food for eczema. For older children, the treatment is diet.

It implies the rejection of colored fruits, spicy, canned, smoked, sweet and other highly allergenic foods. It is allowed to include fermented milk products, lean broths, vegetable soups, non-concentrated juices, vegetable stew, potatoes, carrots, cabbage in the menu.

Diet menu for allergies for a week

Rice porridge, tea, apple

Low allergenic vegetable soup, meatballs with pasta, compote

Vinaigrette, tea without sugar

Apple, tea, wheat porridge

Barley soup, mashed potatoes, chop, compote

Cottage cheese pudding, jelly

Buckwheat porridge, tea

Shchi, meatballs with stewed cabbage, compote

Milk soup with noodles, kissel

Semolina porridge, bun with cottage cheese or jam, tea

Milk soup with noodles, cutlets with stewed carrots, compote

Cheesecakes, sour cream, kissel

Wheat porridge, tea

Vegetable soup, meatballs, boiled potatoes, compote

Cocoa, cake or bun

Rice porridge, low-fat cheese, tea

Borscht, stewed cabbage with minced meat, compote

Boiled potatoes with sour cream, kissel

Milk soup with vermicelli, tea

Vegetable soup with barley, stewed vegetables with meat, compote

Vinaigrette, natural jelly

Recipes for hypoallergenic dishes

Prepare rice, barley or oatmeal gruel. In a greased form, lay out cubes of black bread, slices of green apples in layers. Fill it all with porridge. Bake 40 minutes.

Clinical picture

What Doctors Say About Allergy Treatments

Vice-President of the Association of Children's Allergists and Immunologists of Russia. Pediatrician, allergist-immunologist. Smolkin Yury Solomonovich Practical medical experience: more than 30 years

According to the latest WHO data, it is allergic reactions in the human body that lead to the occurrence of most deadly diseases. And it all starts with the fact that a person has an itchy nose, sneezing, runny nose, red spots on the skin, in some cases suffocation.

7 million people die every year due to allergies, and the scale of the lesion is such that the allergic enzyme is present in almost every person.

Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries, pharmacy corporations sell expensive drugs that only relieve symptoms, thereby putting people on one drug or another. That is why in these countries there is such a high percentage of diseases and so many people suffer from "non-working" drugs.

Grind the boiled vegetables in a blender, add sugar, olive oil, salt and flour to them. From this mass, make cakes and bake on special paper for up to 30 minutes.

hypoallergenic food recipes

When a beloved baby needs a special diet, it is only by planning it that the mother performs everyday culinary feats. What hypoallergenic dishes for allergic children can be prepared, their recipes and the daily diet menu, we will consider in detail in this publication. Very often, products cause an undesirable reaction of the child's body, and mothers maneuver between them like real dietitians.

A dietary children's menu for an allergic person should not contain a number of products that cannot be used for cooking if children are allergic to these products. Let's list them to ensure the safety of the children's menu! Of course, each child has his own individual intolerance and it is not at all necessary that the baby's body will show intolerance to all the products from the list.

Allergen products

  • Chicken eggs;
  • Cow's milk and often goat's milk and products from them, except for fermented milk;
  • Sea and river fish, especially smoked;
  • Seafood - shrimp, lobster and crabs;
  • Goose or duck meat;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Red and orange fruits and vegetables;
  • Soy and all soy;
  • Wheat and all grains containing gluten;
  • Smoked meat and sausage;
  • Sauces, ketchups and mayonnaise of industrial production;
  • Spicy herbs and root vegetables, vinegar;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Nuts (walnuts, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts);
  • Sweets, especially chocolate;
  • Honey and bee products;
  • White wheat bread, buns, cookies and waffles;
  • Canned food and any products with food colorings and additives;
  • Spices other than bay leaf.

What should the baby eat then? All products from the list during the period of exacerbation of the disease can really cause a significant blow to the baby's body, but during the period of long-term remission they can be introduced into the diet only by acting carefully and slowly.

This is how we introduced new products into complementary foods for a child up to a year old, and this is how we introduce an allergen product into the menu of allergic children - in small portions, starting with 1-2 teaspoons. The metabolism will gradually be rebuilt to a new product, build a protective mechanism and over time will perceive it as friendly. The hypoallergenic children's menu will gradually expand, and narrow during periods of seasonal exacerbations.

Dietary vegetable dishes for children with allergies

Allowed vegetable crops:

  • zucchini and squash;
  • any cabbage (except red cabbage);
  • cucumbers;
  • potatoes (only soaked from starches) and Jerusalem artichoke;
  • green and onion, parsnip, celery, dill, parsley and bay leaf.

What hypoallergenic dishes for children can be prepared from vegetables?

  1. Vegetables steamed and in a slow cooker.
  2. Vegetable stews in the oven, with or without meat.
  3. Salads of fresh cucumbers and cabbage with herbs.
  4. Soups on meat or vegetable broth.
  5. Mashed potatoes on vegetable broth with the addition of other permitted vegetables.

Recipes for children's diet vegetables

Cabbage and apple salad

We chop the white cabbage very finely, grate the apple and mix these components. Sprinkle with apple juice and stir. Prunes, cut into thin strips, can be added to the salad. Serve with hot potato stew or porridge.

Soup with cauliflower and kohlrabi

This delicious soup will be loved by both younger and older family members. It is prepared very easily, the color is fresh, the taste is delicate.

For the soup, we need the following vegetables:

  • cauliflower - 3-4 inflorescences,
  • kohlrabi cabbage - half a spherical stem,
  • parsley root - a small piece,
  • oatmeal - 2 tablespoons,
  • parsley and dill - to taste.
  • a little butter and sour cream - for dressing.


Peeled parsley root and kohlrabi turnip stem are cut into thin strips and slightly lowered in a saucepan with warmed butter.

We put on fire a pan with 1 liter of meat or vegetable broth (you can also take plain water). We put the cauliflower, disassembled into small inflorescences, into the boiling broth, add the flakes and add the parsley root and kohlrabi, which are lowered in a saucepan.

Cook vegetables until soft. If desired, you can add a couple of sliced ​​​​potatoes.

Serve with sour cream, adding a little salt to the soup right in the bowl.

Zucchini stuffed in a double boiler


  • Zucchini - 2 fruits
  • Low-fat veal - 400 g
  • Onion - 1 bulb
  • Salt - a little
  • Parsley - a few sprigs
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp.


  1. First, prepare the minced meat: wash the meat and onion, cut into pieces and scroll twice in a meat grinder.
  2. My zucchini, cut off the ends and cut across the fruit into pieces 5-6 cm long. From each “barrel” we select the pulp with a spoon, forming a void for stuffing it with meat. Finely chop the pulp without seeds and add to the prepared minced meat.
  3. Mix ground meat with onions with zucchini pulp, chopped parsley (only leaves!), Add some salt and add half the sour cream. We fill the voids near the zucchini with the stuffing, put it in the double boiler basket and cook for 50 minutes.
  4. Serve topped with sour cream.

From zucchini and squash, you can cook green caviar, pancakes on oatmeal without eggs, bake with cottage cheese in the oven and many other interesting dishes. The main thing is to turn on your imagination!

Potatoes with cottage cheese baked in foil

This is a very tasty but simple dish that children love very much. It's very easy to prepare.

Medium-sized potato tubers (2 pcs.) Peel and cut into slices 5 mm thick, soak for an hour in cold water.

While the potatoes are soaking, prepare the minced curd: grind 200 g of cottage cheese through a sieve, add dill greens (a little), add some salt and mix with sour cream (2 tbsp).

Brush the center of the foil square with olive oil. Now we cover each potato circle with minced curd, as we prepare a sandwich, lay out our “sandwiches” in layers in a checkerboard pattern in the center of the foil and add about a quarter cup of water.

We wrap the free edges of the foil and diligently pinch them to lock in moisture. Bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Serve directly in foil (children will love this serving very much!) With sour cream or baby kefir.

Recipes for meat dishes for allergic children

If goose and duck meat causes allergies, then beef (veal), turkey and rabbit are dietary products. Meat must be included in the child's menu, as it is rich in iron and high-grade proteins.

Turkey cutlets with zucchini


  • Turkey meat - 400 g
  • Zucchini - half a fruit or about 150 g
  • Rice flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt - a little


Grind the pieces of turkey meat and zucchini in a meat grinder, add flour, add some salt and mix thoroughly. We beat the minced meat against the walls of the dish and then form small cutlets out of it. We put them in the bowl of a double boiler, which we pre-lubricate with olive oil, and steam for about 50 minutes. Serve with sour cream and any side dish.

These cutlets can also be cooked in a saucepan. We put the formed cutlets in a saucepan, the bottom of which is also greased with olive oil, pour 1 glass of water and simmer for about 40-50 minutes.

Dietary meat dishes for allergy sufferers are as diverse as for healthy people. Their recipe lacks only carrots and spices. Therefore, you can cook cabbage rolls, and stuffed green peppers, and meat rolls, and meatballs, and stew, and even create delicious pilaf!

Baby hypoallergenic cereals

The dietary children's menu contains a lot of cereals both as a side dish and as a dessert. From allowed cereals, we can cook rice, oatmeal, corn and buckwheat porridge. But it also happens that this list can be either wider or narrower.

Milk porridges are boiled in milk obtained from dry milk mixtures, or in soy, rice milk or in water. Porridge boiled in water is not necessarily tasteless. If you offer your baby dessert porridge, then a grated apple, banana, juicy pear or a couple of plums can enrich its taste.

If you are preparing porridge for meat or vegetables, then prepare a salad of cucumbers and cabbage, zucchini pancakes, stew white cabbage or serve boiled broccoli with sour cream.

Desserts for allergic children

Unfortunately, small children with allergies are not recommended to sweeten desserts. And honey, unfortunately, is impossible. Therefore, dried fruits (from those allowed) and fresh fruits can serve as sweeteners: apple, green pear, banana, kiwi.

The best hypoallergenic desserts are prepared on the basis of children's kefir or cottage cheese. The main thing is that both cottage cheese and kefir are not sour. In this case, the addition of a banana or sweet pear solves the dessert's sweetness problem.

banana oatmeal cookies

These delicious cookies will be a real joy for your baby, and you will be happy to taste a few things!

For diet cookies we need:

  • 1 cup oatmeal (flakes)
  • 2 bananas (ripe)
  • a handful of light raisins and a handful of dried fruits (apples and pears),
  • olive oil for greasing the mold.

Making these cookies is a real pleasure! We knead bananas with a fork, put oatmeal and dried fruits in them (crush large pieces into tiny cubes), mix and form cookies. Spread on a baking sheet, previously oiled with olive oil, and bake in a very hot oven for 15 minutes.

From drinks it is allowed to prepare a decoction of dried fruits from apples and pears, or from fresh fruits. Delicious drink and green tea with stevia herb, which contains glycosides that sweeten the drink. It is not only a natural sweetener, but also a very valuable medicinal herb.

Dear mothers! We hope that our simple tips will help you create a dietary children's menu for an allergic person, which you can easily implement by preparing dishes according to your child's taste preferences. We hope that growing up your baby will get stronger, his metabolism will normalize, and together you will start cooking everything that was previously forbidden!

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Often, people develop allergies of a different nature after consuming a certain product. Allergic reactions include asthma attacks, rashes on the skin, age spots and other manifestations. In such situations, doctors recommend adhering to dietary restrictions, but it is better to use a real hypoallergenic diet. hypoallergenic diet is a special diet in which people of a certain age or with any disease are prohibited from eating various kinds of foods.

The advantage of a hypoallergenic diet is not only the relief of attacks of an allergic reaction, but also the gradual restoration of an eating disorder. So, after following a diet for a long time, a person can gradually introduce highly allergenic foods into his diet. Adhering to a hypoallergenic diet is necessary due to possible inconveniences for your continued existence.

Allergies, especially food allergies, are so common today that a person cannot consume the products necessary for normal life - dairy products, semi-finished products and others. After all, an allergic reaction is a reaction of the immune system to the consumed component, which, due to the widespread production of semi-finished products, can be contained in almost every type of product, not to mention ready meals. People with allergies prefer to eat at home because they know for sure that the allergen was not used in the recipe. This makes life uncomfortable, so the hypoallergenic diet should be discussed in more detail.

Allergen products

There is a whole list of highly allergenic foods that can cause a reaction in a child, adult, and the elderly. It should be noted that such reactions are unexpected if they occur for the first time. Immediately after identifying unpleasant symptoms in yourself, you should determine what was consumed the day before and in what quantities.

The antihistamine diet includes a list of foods that are prohibited for consumption:

  • whole milk- a laxative or strict anti-allergic diet excludes the use of whole milk and all dairy products, since they contain a large amount of protein that can lead to a food reaction even in small quantities;
  • cereals- among the allergens include rice, corn, oats, wheat, rye - everything is explained by the content of gluten and protein in the composition;
  • fruits, vegetables and nuts- their substances most often cause allergies in humans, but after heat treatment, most allergens lose their negative properties, therefore, with a hypoallergenic diet, these products are allowed;
  • eggs- the allergen is egg white, so an allergic reaction may occur on mayonnaise, sauces;
  • seafood- it also contains a certain type of protein that provokes disorders in the immune system.

This is important: If a decision has been made to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet, the consumption of the presented allergens should be avoided. Eating highly allergenic foods is prohibited even in the absence of complaints about the occurrence and manifestation of characteristic reactions.

Menu for a week of hypoallergenic diet

A hypoallergenic diet is made individually, so the menu for the week may contain significant differences. Further in the table, a menu is presented for eliminating allergy symptoms and restoring the food system, strengthening immunity. Depending on the types of allergens, each person will have to replace the proposed dishes with acceptable ones for him - it is better to consult a doctor who will make a hypoallergenic diet.

Day of the week Time of use Allowed foods on a hypoallergenic diet
Monday Breakfast Portion of cottage cheese with the addition of low-fat sour cream
Dinner Beef soup with acceptable vegetables, green apple, a glass of yogurt
Dinner Portion of buckwheat boiled on water with stewed vegetables, a glass of berry jelly
Tuesday Breakfast Oatmeal on the water with the addition of dried fruits, green tea
Dinner Vegetable soup with beef or pork, berry compote
Dinner Portion of boiled rice with steamed patty, green apple
Wednesday Breakfast Cheese and butter sandwich, yogurt (preferably natural), tea
Dinner Vegetable broth, a piece of boiled beef, compote
Dinner Mashed potatoes, boiled meat, banana or any other allowed fruit
Thursday Breakfast Portion of boiled pasta with butter, tea, permitted fruit
Dinner Vegetable soup with any kind of meat, dried fruit compote
Dinner Vegetable stew, green apple and tea
Friday Breakfast Any dry biscuits with butter, fruit salad with natural yogurt dressing, tea
Dinner Vegetable broth with steamed meat patty, banana and berry compote
Dinner Wheat porridge with vegetables, tea
Saturday Breakfast Cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits, tea
Dinner Vegetable broth, boiled meat, compote
Dinner Buckwheat porridge boiled in water, natural yogurt, banana
Sunday Breakfast Butter sandwich, boiled meat, fruit, a cup of tea
Dinner Vegetable soup with steamed cutlet, banana a glass of compote
Dinner Oatmeal porridge, salad with fresh vegetables and herbs, a glass of kefir

This is important: If you have a severe allergy, dairy products should be replaced with those allowed for a hypoallergenic diet. It is better to consult a doctor - he will determine the products that can be introduced into the diet on an individual basis.

hypoallergenic diet for adults

The anti-allergic diet for adults and children differs significantly due to differences in the immune system. Adults are prohibited from using only the individual allergen product, as well as those varieties that are included in the prohibited list. Otherwise, the hypoallergenic diet advises to diversify the diet so as not to provoke a deficiency of useful trace elements and vitamins. Otherwise, the allergy will only manifest itself to a greater extent.

Practical advice: If there are fears of provoking a new reaction and a hypoallergenic diet is scarce, it is recommended to use a vitamin complex.

Hypoallergenic diet for children

A low-allergenic diet for children is developed only by a doctor based on the results of the examination. Anti-allergic nutrition for children is prescribed for a period of 10 days, after which the prohibited foods are gradually reintroduced into the diet.

Hypoallergenic diet for pregnant and lactating mothers

Pregnant women should adhere to a certain hypoallergenic diet so as not to provoke complications in the development of the fetus, which can even be affected by a food reaction. An allergenic diet for pregnant women is similar to the nutrition of a nursing mother.

Here, with the development of allergies, a limited list of products is allowed, which include:

  • lean meat in the form of rabbit, chicken or beef, the meat is boiled or steamed;
  • buckwheat or oatmeal boiled in water;
  • rye bread in small quantities;
  • a little butter is allowed;
  • any vegetables, with the exception of yellow and red varieties;
  • no more than 100 g of fat-free cottage cheese per day;
  • no more than 30 g of cheese.

The hypoallergenic diet for pregnant and lactating mothers is very tough, so from time to time a woman wants to try the forbidden. This is permissible, but only in small quantities and with careful monitoring of one's own condition and the baby.

Please note: A hypoallergenic diet is specific and individual, therefore it is impossible to classify all people in one group and advise them to use only a certain list of foods and dishes.

Yes, most people have questions - if you have a dairy allergy, why not eat citrus fruit? Nutritionists prohibit the use of any kind of allergens in the presence of a food reaction even to one product, since a weakened immune system will quickly "respond" to such barbarism on the part of a person. It is possible that a food reaction will not follow, and a person will be able to use the forbidden. But often previously safe allergens become dangerous, which provokes not only a new reaction, but also aggravates a person’s previously painful condition.

Select a rubric Allergic diseases Allergy symptoms and manifestations Allergy diagnostics Allergy treatment Pregnant and lactating Children and allergies Hypoallergenic life Allergy calendar

Increasingly, there is evidence in the literature that a strict diet for allergies can be not only not useful, but also harmful. How to choose the right diet for an allergic child? This article will help to understand how a hypoallergenic diet should be built for children with various allergic diseases.

Allergy is a disease that develops as a result of an inadequate reaction of the body to the ingestion of a foreign protein. This substance can penetrate in various ways:

  • aerogenic, and then hay fever develops;
  • contact, which entails the development of contact dermatitis;
  • parenteral, causing drug or insect venom allergy;
  • and, of course, food.

In case of food allergies, in order to exclude contact of the body with an allergenic protein, it is required to exclude products containing this protein from the diet.

Elimination Diet

It has a very specific character. From consumed products, you need to remove specific, specific, only those to which there is hypersensitivity. Use specific diets when it is impossible to conduct an accurate diagnosis, or at its earliest stages (including self-diagnosis).

To determine which product an undesirable reaction develops, the “suspects” are removed one by one and the condition of the allergic person is monitored.

Non-specific diet

The second option is a basic, non-specific diet. It is needed in order to, by turning off all the “dangerous” products in terms of allergies from the diet, to reduce the overall nutritional burden on the body.

It is required for people with allergies of any kind, as well as in the first stages of an allergic examination.

Thus, the appointment of a hypoallergenic diet is as follows:

  1. diagnostic search for a trigger allergen;
  2. exclusion of contact with a trigger allergen;
  3. reduction of the total allergenic load on the body;
  4. replenishment of excluded nutrients and trace elements at the expense of other products.

The last point is of key importance, since a strict hypoallergenic diet for children is necessary and important only during a period of severe exacerbation, before the appointment of therapy. The rest of the time, it is important not so much to exclude the allergen from food (with food allergies), but to form a complete balanced diet, taking into account such an exception.

General principles for the formation of a diet for allergies in a child

During the formation of the diet, it is very important to take into account the characteristics of the child's body.

So, it must be remembered that children are much more likely than adults to need protein and fiber. This is due to the extremely high activity of the child (especially at the age of 3-7 years), and the need to "finish" all systems and organs. But it so happened that it is animal protein that most often provokes an inadequate immune response.

The second point is the high prevalence of allergy to cow's milk protein. In addition, there are certain differences between "children's" food allergies and "adult":

  • in most children, the immune reaction is combined with a non-immune one (the so-called pseudo-allergy is realized);
  • most often polyallergenic sensitization takes place;
  • the older the child, the higher the likelihood of developing a cross-allergy.

The last point is connected, first of all, with the expansion of the child's diet.

Taking into account all the above features, we can distinguish the basic principles for the formation of any hypoallergenic diet - both specific and non-specific:

  • diet is necessary for any allergic disease whether it is food hypersensitivity, hay fever or contact dermatitis;
  • with food allergies it is necessary to accurately determine the trigger allergen;
  • necessary maximum elimination of animal protein and replacing it with vegetable;
  • allowed use fermented milk products;
  • Necessarily exclusion of histamine liberator products;
  • it is important to exclude not only causative allergens, but also cross stimuli(especially important for hay fever);
  • required strict control completeness and balance of the diet.

About the cooking method

Food for children with allergies should be baked, steamed or boiled.

Rules to follow

An individual selection of a diet for allergies in a child is important

Another point worth focusing on is the rules that must be followed if a child needs a hypoallergenic diet:

  1. Working in tandem with an allergist. You can not independently exclude foods from the diet or introduce them, especially in severe allergies;
  2. Strict compliance. You can not "follow the lead" of a child asking for an allergenic product. It is important to remember that with true allergies, even a small portion is enough to form a severe allergic reaction;
  3. Timely adjustment. There is a possibility of self-healing of some types of allergies with age, as well as the emergence of new ones;
  4. Hypoallergenic life. Must go in conjunction with a diet - regular wet cleaning, the absence of mold, dust in the house, if possible, pets, the use of air filters.

Stages of entering a diet for allergies in a child

  1. Identification of a trigger factor, selection of a diet. Provocative tests, scarification tests, empirical diet therapy are carried out. The duration of this stage is the higher, the more allergens are direct irritants;
  2. Supportive care. The longest stage in diet therapy (its duration varies from 3-5 months to several years. At this stage, all foods that are allergenic to humans are excluded;
  3. Diet expansion. The transition criterion is complete clinical and laboratory remission. At this stage, starting from the minimum doses, minimally allergenic products are introduced first, then cross-allergens and, in case of successful introduction, attempts are made to introduce more and more strong allergens.

Non-specific diet

A non-specific diet means the exclusion of all highly allergenic foods. She is appointed on the very first visit to an allergist with complaints about the presence of hypersensitivity reactions.

Elimination diets of the most "broad spectrum" are used. According to I.V. Borisova, Professor of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, all products are divided into three types according to the degree of their allergenic activity. Highlight products:

High Activity:

  • chicken eggs;
  • milk;
  • fish products;
  • chicken meat;
  • tomatoes;
  • citruses;
  • bananas;
  • baker's yeast;
  • chocolate products, cocoa beans;
  • all kinds of nuts;
  • melon;
  • celery;
  • any spices.

Medium activity:

  • beef;
  • pork meat;
  • horse meat;
  • turkey;
  • wheat
  • rye products;
  • barley;
  • oat products;
  • carrot;
  • cucumbers;
  • beets;
  • peas;
  • beans;
  • apricots;
  • apples;
  • grape;
  • kiwi;
  • pineapples;
  • raspberries;

Weak activity:

  • lamb meat;
  • rabbit meat;
  • buckwheat;
  • vegetable marrow;
  • cabbage;
  • turnip;
  • pumpkin;
  • prunes;
  • pear;
  • watermelons;
  • salad;
  • blueberries;
  • cranberries;
  • lingonberries.

Union of Pediatricians of Russia offers a similar scheme for the distribution of products according to their allergenicity:

Table: Diet for allergies in a child from the Union of Pediatricians of Russia (part 1)
Table: Diet for allergies in a child from the Union of Pediatricians of Russia (part 2)

Dr. E.O. Komarovsky names the six most allergenic foods:

  • egg;
  • peanut;
  • milk protein;
  • wheat;
  • fish.

Ado hypoallergenic diet for children

Photo: Professor Andrei Dmitrievich Ado

HELL. Ado, a Soviet pathophysiologist, immunologist and allergist, studying the trigger mechanisms of allergic reactions, found out that there are products that are practically obligate (mandatory) allergens, and there are those that are relatively safe in terms of allergies.

The Ado diet for allergic children, formed back in 1987, is based on this: the exclusion of “aggressive” food and its replacement with a more gentle one.

The advantages of this diet:

  • a specific list of foods that should not be consumed, rather than a lengthy definition of "dangerous food";
  • exclusion of all allergens at once, which ensures the rapid elimination of the clinical symptoms of allergies;
  • the ability to introduce obligate allergens into the diet in turn, finding out which irritant the reaction develops to.

However, this technique also has disadvantages:

  • extreme nonspecificity;
  • lack of focus on the individual characteristics of each child.

What is possible with this hypoallergenic diet for a child, and what is not

By Ado can be consumed the following products:

  • boiled beef;
  • soups from cereals or vegetables;
  • “sour milk” (curd mass, curdled milk, kefir products);
  • butter, olive, sunflower oils;
  • buckwheat, hercules, rice;
  • lean bread (white);
  • cucumbers (only fresh);
  • parsley, dill;
  • baked apples;
  • sugar;
  • apple compote.

Necessary remove from diet without fail:

  • any citrus;
  • any nuts;
  • fish and seafood;
  • all poultry (including turkey);
  • chocolate and cocoa;
  • coffee;
  • smoked meats;
  • spices;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • mushrooms;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • milk;
  • strawberries, wild strawberries;
  • pineapples;
  • muffin (especially fresh);
  • alcohol (relevant for older teenagers).

Hypoallergenic diet menu for children for 7 days (according to Ado)

Thus, the diet menu for children for a week may look like this:

Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerafternoon teaDinnerSecond dinner
MondayOatmeal on water, butter sandwich, sweet teaSoup in vegetable broth, broccoli with boiled tongue, cabbage salad with vegetable oil, apple compoteHard cookie, peach juiceMashed potatoes, beef meatballs, teaKefir, gingerbread
TuesdayPancakes on the water with apple jam, chicoryBuckwheat porridge on the water, beef stroganoff, teaApple, savory biscuitStuffed cabbage, teaRyazhenka, savory biscuits
WednesdayPorridge "five cereals" on the water, a sandwich with butter, teaVegetable puree soup, vegetable stew with sausage, teaDrinkable yogurt, Viennese wafflesBraised cabbage with sausageKefir, gingerbread
ThursdayYogurt, banana, bread, teaNoodles, ground beef cooked in a double boiler or fried without oil, dried fruit compotePrunesVegetable stew with sausage, cranberry juiceCarrots with sour cream and sugar
FridayBaked apples, raisins, cherry juicePea soup with vegetable broth, mashed potatoes with beef stew, coleslaw, teaYogurt, yeast-free dough puffBoiled rice, cauliflower, green beans, tongue, rosehipKefir, gingerbread
SaturdayDairy-free rice porridge, cheese toast, chicoryBuckwheat porridge with beef meatballs, teaDried apricotsCucumber salad with olive oil, vegetable puree soupRyazhenka, cookies
ResurrectionCottage cheese casserole with jam, teaBoiled beef, cabbage salad, chicoryCurd with bananaNoodles with sausage, peach juiceYogurt, dried fruits

It is worth noting that this diet is suitable for a child of any age (over 2 years old), but is exemplary and requires adjustment in portion sizes.

In addition to the Ado hypoallergenic diet, vitamin therapy is required.

In addition, you should try to exclude from the diet products with dyes, flavors, emulsifiers and other non-natural additives.

specific diet

In this section, it is worth considering the types of dietary nutrition for various diseases and symptom complexes, and separately for food allergies to specific groups of irritants. Despite the fact that, in general, dietary tables are similar. Each case has its own characteristics.

Diet for respiratory allergies

When allergic to pollen (especially birch), it is important to exclude cross-allergens

With pollinosis, it is most important to exclude cross-allergens. This is necessary in order to avoid the development of oral allergic syndrome. Depending on which plant pollen becomes an irritant, there are lists of cross-allergens.

At bronchial asthma, which often becomes a symptom or outcome of hay fever, the main symptom of which is broncho-obstructive syndrome, it is extremely important to exclude honey from the diet so as not to provoke an episode of bronchial obstruction and, as a result, suffocation, cough, heaviness in the chest.

Diet for skin allergies

Photo: Atopic dermatitis

It has been proven that when it comes to treatment for children with allergic dermatitis caused not by food allergies, but direct contact with the allergen, as well as with eczema, with urticaria, provoked by this factor, diet therapy does not play a significant role.

A minimal restriction of highly allergenic foods during periods of exacerbations is sufficient.

But the hypoallergenic diet for children with atopic dermatitis must be chosen much more carefully and with care. This is especially important if atopic dermatitis is caused by food allergies.

In this case, the elimination of the trigger factor is actually etiopathogenetic therapy and determines the success of the treatment. But even in the absence of a direct reaction of an allergic person to food, it is necessary to follow a non-specific diet.

Diet for food allergies in children

With food allergies, the exclusion of the trigger allergen itself, as well as all cross-stimuli, is of key importance.

There are several main options for diet tables:

  • diet without milk
  • diet for hypersensitivity to cereals;
  • diet for hypersensitivity to egg protein;
  • soy allergy diet
  • diet for allergies to yeast and mold.

Dairy free diet

Photo: Manifestations of an allergy to milk protein

This type of diet can be prescribed for hypersensitivity to cow's milk protein. In the most difficult situation, when the child does not tolerate either milk or dairy products, should refrain from using:

  • cow's milk;
  • any type of milk powder;
  • margarine;
  • whey;
  • kefir;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • cream;
  • yogurt;
  • cottage cheese;
  • ice cream;
  • cheese;
  • condensed milk.

Often traces of milk protein can contain:

  • confectionery, sweets;
  • creams and sauces;
  • waffles;
  • biscuit;
  • sausage and sausages.
  • casein;
  • casein hydrolyzate;
  • buttermilk;
  • sodium caseinate;
  • potassium caseinate;
  • calcium caseinate;
  • lactalbumin;
  • lactoglobulin.

It is worth noting that many allergy sufferers who are sensitive to cow's milk calmly tolerate goat and mare's milk, beef, and sour-milk products. In this case, the selection of the diet should be made empirically under the supervision of an allergist.

It is necessary to compensate for the lack of milk and dairy products with lean meat, poultry, soy, legumes. Mandatory control over the intake of calcium in the body. Age norms:

You can compensate for calcium deficiency with vitamin complexes, as well as fish, legumes, and vegetables. You need to take vitamin D.

Diet for allergies to cereals

From the child's diet should be excluded:

  • wheat-based dishes;
  • porridge;
  • cereal side dishes;
  • bread;
  • breadcrumbs for breading;
  • bran;
  • cookies, rolls;
  • pasta;
  • cupcakes;
  • mayonnaise and ketchup;
  • chocolate;
  • soy sauce;
  • ice cream.

It is important to pay attention to such names on the packaging:

  • vegetable protein (including its hydrolysates);
  • vegetable starch;
  • malt and flavorings based on it;
  • monosodium glutamate.

Be careful with emulsifiers, thickeners, flavors, which also often contain cereal proteins.

You can compensate for these products with barley, oats, rye, rice, buckwheat, cornmeal. However, this should be done with caution, keeping in mind the possibility of developing cross-allergies.

Diet for egg allergy

Necessary remove from food everything that contains egg white:

  • omelette;
  • marshmallow;
  • some pastries;
  • mayonnaise and other sauces;
  • sausages, sausages;
  • nougat;
  • meringue;
  • sherbet.

You should beware of such names on the label:

  • albumins;
  • globulins;
  • lysozyme;
  • lecithin;
  • livetin;
  • ovomucin;
  • ovomucoid;
  • vitellin.

To replace egg white (and this is usually required for baking), you can use flaxseed, soy flour and cottage cheese, gelatin, potato starch. In addition, a large number of recipes are available for the preparation of which eggs are not required.

Soy allergy diet

It is necessary to exclude dishes in which this product is used, incl. some sausages, sausages, minced meat, dough, coffee, chocolate, ice cream, margarine. Do not eat soy sauce.

In case of hypersensitivity to yeast, you should not:

  • muffin;
  • vinegar;
  • sauerkraut;
  • dairy products;
  • fruit juices;
  • kvass;
  • alcoholic drinks, especially beer (especially true for teenagers!).

Diet for other diseases

With hemorrhagic vasculitis, which has another name - allergic purpura - diet therapy is very important. On the one hand, food allergy is often the cause of autoimmune aseptic inflammation. On the other hand, one of the main elements of the treatment of hemorrhagic vasculitis is the appointment of hormonal drugs.

This type of drug causes a constant feeling of hunger, which, if uncontrolled food intake, can lead to a sharp weight gain. That is why monitoring the child's diet during the illness is very important.

However, this disease is not treated on an outpatient basis, all children are necessarily placed in a hospital, so it is easier to follow a diet. Should be excluded:

  • causative allergens (if any);
  • products that have ever caused adverse reactions, including allergies or food intolerances;
  • obligate allergens.

With Quincke's edema, the diet should also be selected in accordance with the allergic history. If this condition was caused by an insect bite or the administration of a drug, a non-specific diet is sufficient. In the case when the edema was provoked by a food allergen, its exclusion is absolutely necessary.

Useful video: hypoallergenic diet mistakes

Hypoallergenic diet for children of all ages

The data above is pretty generic. However, it is impossible to deny that the nutrition of a child at the age of 8 months and 16 years is categorically different things. That is why it is important to highlight the features of a hypoallergenic diet for children of different ages.

Nutrition for children up to a year

For infants, the main allergen is cow's milk protein. That is why products based on it are introduced into complementary foods late, not earlier than the 8th month of life. As for the main type of nutrition, this issue is relevant for those children who are on artificial or mixed feeding.

A mixture of cow's milk is contraindicated for them, hypoallergenic products are needed, for example:

Photo: Nutrilak Peptidi MCT
  • Nutrilon Pepti;
  • Nutrilak Peptidi;
  • Tutteli-Peptidi;
  • Nutramigen;
  • Pregestimil;
  • Frisopep AS.

For children with other types of allergies, hypoallergenic mixtures should also be prescribed, however, it is acceptable to use food based on moderately or partially hydrolyzed casein:

  • Nutrilak GA;
  • Nutrilon GA;
  • Humana GA;
  • GA theme
  • and etc.

In the event that the child is breastfed, it is necessary to adjust the nutrition of the nursing mother. She may be given a dairy-free or gluten-free diet, or a non-specific hypoallergenic diet may be recommended.

The introduction of complementary foods in such babies should not be started early - at least from 5.5 months, and preferably from 6.5. The order of adding new products remains approximately the same as in a healthy child, but it is imperative to discuss this issue with a pediatrician and an allergist.

Nutrition for children from one to three years

During this period, diet therapy is especially important.

Hypoallergenic diet for children 1 year old:

  1. necessarily implies the exclusion of milk.
  2. Dairy products are allowed if they are well tolerated.
  3. It is impossible to give the child products from the group of highly allergenic, it is unacceptable to switch to a common table, the food should be lightly salted, without spices, preferably without chemical additives.

hypoallergenic diet for a 2 year old child:

  • allows the introduction of chicken and quail eggs with good tolerance, but does not allow the transition to a common table.

hypoallergenic diet for a child 3 years old:

  • already makes it possible to transfer the child to an "adult" diet, fish and nuts are allowed.
  • However, even with a favorable course of the disease, it is not recommended to give the child chocolate, cocoa, tropical fruits, strawberries and wild strawberries, mushrooms, citrus fruits, tomatoes, seasonings.

Diet No. 5 GA for children 1-3 years old - menu

Sample menu for a day of a hypoallergenic diet for young children.

Menu for the day of the hypoallergenic diet No. 5 ha for young children with food allergies

Diet for allergies in children older than three years, adolescents

By and large, a hypoallergenic menu for a week for a child of three and twelve years old differs only in the amount of servings. However, it is much easier to control small children than older ones: pocket money appears, time spent outside the attention of parents.

Therefore, the importance of explaining to the child why he should not eat certain foods comes to the fore.

In older adolescence, prohibitions on:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • fast food;
  • products with a large number of dyes, flavors, flavorings.

Thus, the formation of a hypoallergenic diet is a very responsible process, in which it is important to take into account many factors, such as the type of allergy, the age of the child, and the trigger factor. Therefore, it is better to entrust the preparation of the diet to a specialist.

We must not forget that the observance of a hypoallergenic diet for children is one of the most important, and sometimes the main, element of the treatment of an allergic disease.

Recipes for some dishes for children with allergies


  1. Food allergy in children: a modern view of the problem. Journal of the Attending Physician. A. S. Botkin. Link: lvrach.ru/2012/06/15435447/
  2. Therapeutic nutrition of children of the first year of life suffering from food allergies. Journal of the Attending Physician. T. E. Borovik, N. N. Semenova, V. A. Revyakina. Link: lvrach.ru/2002/06/4529515/


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