How to start testosterone production in the body. What affects the production of male hormone

What is testosterone? It is well known that it is a sex hormone. Where is testosterone produced in men? This biologically active substance is synthesized in the specific testicles. By the way, there is another organ that produces testosterone.

The hormone is produced by androstenedione, which, in turn, is produced in the adrenal cortex. Usually in a healthy man, testosterone is normally 10-40 nmol / l. You should know that this hormone is found not only in the male, but also in female body.

Hormone production in women

Where is testosterone produced in women? In the female body, it is produced by the adrenal glands and eggs. Its level is considered normal if it does not exceed 0.31-3.78 nmol / l.

Testosterone: where is it produced and what is its function in the body?

For a man, this hormone is one of the most important. Testosterone is responsible for the appearance of secondary male sexual characteristics on the human body. These include:

  1. Vegetation on the body and face.
  2. Low voice.
  3. Features of character and behavior.

Lack of testosterone affects emotional background. A sharp decrease in its level often leads to neurosis and depression.

Also, a biologically active substance affects the condition of a woman's skin and overall well-being in general. Against the background of a hormone deficiency, skin tissues become dry. Girls often complain of a burning sensation and tightness. Skin that is deprived of moisture is more prone to wrinkle formation.

It's no secret that the fair sex periodically faces hormonal changes that are associated with menstrual cycle. Of course, fluctuations in the level of certain substances affect the well-being, mood and behavior of girls. Sometimes to fix similar symptoms doctors recommend taking special medications.

Is it possible to raise the level of testosterone in the human body and how to do it?

First you need to determine the factors that affect the production of this hormone in the body. In men, testosterone levels fluctuate, it is not constant. The amount of this substance is influenced by many factors, for example, time of day. In the morning, the level of testosterone in the representatives of the stronger sex is at a high level, but by the evening it falls.

In order for testosterone to be produced in the right amount, a man needs to maintain physical activity. For example, playing sports in the gym, regular jogging, walking or swimming will have a positive effect on the work of the whole organism, including the endocrine glands.

Of course, when choosing training, one should take into account the physical characteristics of each organism. Do not be too zealous with exercises and overload the muscles. A tired, exhausted body is not able to produce sex hormones in sufficient quantities.

Most high level testosterone is observed in men aged 20 to 25 years. Then there is a slow decrease in the intensity of its production in the body. You should know that healthy lifestyle life and proper nutrition render positive effect on men's health, including the processes of testosterone synthesis.

You should not be lazy - you need to keep yourself in good physical shape and monitor nutrition. Of course, sometimes it is difficult to start doing something (for example, running in the morning or going to the pool), but if you make it a habit, then over time, these actions will be carried out automatically, without extra effort above oneself. In addition, a man should always remember that such a lifestyle will contribute to the production of testosterone, which, in turn, leads to increased sexual activity and a better figure. Healthy hormonal background- the key to the normal functioning of the whole organism

What negatively affects the production of testosterone in guys?

If the lifestyle of a male representative is associated with the use of alcohol or other harmful substances, then the amount of the hormone may decrease to a minimum value. Smoking also has a negative effect on the production of biologically active substances.

It also affects testosterone levels various pathologies that may be present in male body.

For example cancer diseases affect the amount of the hormone in the blood. Work disruptions endocrine glands, in particular the hypothalamic-pituitary system, are also considered risk factors. Constant stress also negatively affects the hormonal background.

Consult a doctor!

If testosterone is low in the body (you already know where this substance is produced), then it would be better to go to the doctor and get professional advice. In order to normalize the level of the hormone, you need to determine the cause of its fall.

Only after the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe the necessary therapy and make effective scheme treatment. Apart from not enough male hormone, there may be an overabundance of it. Both of these cases are considered abnormal and require treatment.

How do you know if testosterone levels are low?

Most the right way- laboratory blood test. However, there are a number of signs by which you can determine that the level of testosterone is lower than necessary.

  1. A person's level of vital energy decreases.
  2. Lack of strength, muscle weakness.
  3. Virtually absent sex drive, there are problems with erection.
  4. Leaving muscle mass, and bone density decreases.
  5. Subcutaneous fat begins to accumulate.
  6. Blood pressure may rise.

For those people who are fond of sports, especially bodybuilding, testosterone levels are important, as it affects muscle growth. On the other hand, you should not use doping. The fact is that the regular use of synthetic biologically active substances leads to atrophy of the functional tissues that are responsible for the production of testosterone. The body stops synthesizing its own sex hormones, which leads to a host of dangerous problems.

natural way

How to increase testosterone naturally? One of the main methods is proper training. There are a number of recommendations, following which, you can achieve maximum results and raise the level of this hormone to normal.

What are the ways to increase testosterone?

  1. It is worth paying attention to the multi-joint type of physical exercises.
  2. Each approach should be repeated at least 4 times.
  3. Repetitions for one exercise should be from 6 to 12.
  4. Rest after physical activity.
  5. The workout should last about an hour.
  6. It is recommended to rest between sets.
  7. Exercises should be performed at an average rhythm. No need to rush or, conversely, do them very slowly.


In addition to the training process, Special attention devote to food.

If a person loads himself physically in the gym, then the food should be appropriate. The amount of calories consumed should be enough to meet the energy needs of the body. That is, a person must be full of strength in order to cope with physical stress. But do not overdo it, as you can get reverse effect. It is necessary to keep the body in good shape.

It is recommended to eat meat (lean beef, chicken breast). There is a statistic that in people who do not eat it, the level of the male hormone is lower. Of course, dishes are best steamed or baked in the oven. Do not abuse fried foods and too fatty meats. The diet should include vegetables, herbs, fruits.

A small conclusion

Now you know what testosterone is, where this hormone is produced. We also gave advice on how to increase it. We hope that the information in the article was useful to you. Do not forget that you need to carefully monitor your health and do not miss scheduled medical examinations.

Testosterone is one of essential hormones produced by the endocrine system. It can be found in both sexes, but it is especially abundant in men. And for them it is important in the first place. It is this hormone that is responsible for those properties of the body of a man that make him biologically different from women. And therefore, it is extremely important for a man to maintain a sufficiently high level of this hormone. But, nevertheless, sometimes malfunctions occur in the functioning of the endocrine system, and the level of the hormone decreases. Can this phenomenon be prevented?

Norms of testosterone

In men, testosterone is synthesized in the gonads - the testicles (testicles), as well as in the adrenal cortex. By chemical structure the substance belongs to the class of steroids. The pituitary and hypothalamus are also involved in the process of hormone synthesis, which secrete enzymes that command the endocrine system to begin hormone synthesis.

For the most part, testosterone in the body is associated with various proteins. Free testosterone makes up approximately 2% of the total hormone. Testosterone in young men aged 18-20 reaches its maximum concentration. Then the hormone levels begin to decline. From around age 35, testosterone levels drop by 1-2% per year. A decrease in the amount of the hormone in the blood in men with age is natural process. However, it is not uncommon for a situation where a low level of the hormone occurs in young and middle-aged men. This situation, of course, is not normal and requires treatment.

The norm of testosterone in the blood in men for different ages

Why do men need testosterone?

Testosterone is responsible for shaping the body male type. This process starts at infancy, continues through childhood and adolescence and ends in adulthood. However, the role of testosterone is not only in the formation of reproductive organs and external sexual characteristics. Testosterone plays a significant role in metabolism, in maintaining human health. With its participation, the process of spermatogenesis is carried out. Testosterone is responsible for building muscle and skeletal system, for the regulation of body weight. Testosterone is also responsible for many mental processes. For example, testosterone counteracts the effects of the stress hormone cortisol. Due to the effect of the hormone, a man feels the joy of life and optimism.

Symptoms of low testosterone

In men with low testosterone there are a number of signs that are often not associated with this cause. This:

  • loss of interest in the world around
  • decreased libido or impotence,
  • obesity,
  • feminization - loss of body hair, gynecomastia,
  • decline muscle mass,
  • memory impairment, distraction.

Causes of low testosterone

Hormone levels can decrease for various reasons. But, as a rule, they are divided into primary, caused by diseases of the endocrine system, and secondary, caused external factors and lifestyle factors.

What factors can lead to a decrease in hormone levels? This:

  • sedentary image life,
  • malnutrition,
  • excess weight,
  • unbalanced sex life
  • bad habits,
  • lack of sleep,
  • drug treatment,
  • exposure to harmful substances from the environment.

Sedentary lifestyle

It is well known that movement is life. This rule is true for all people, but especially for men. Nature arranged the male body so that it was convenient for him to constantly engage in various physical exercises. Formerly men engaged in hunting, farming, cattle breeding and fought. All these activities required a lot of endurance and physical activity, which were maintained at the proper level due to high testosterone levels. Now, most men are engaged in sedentary work, which does not require a high level of the hormone.

Of course, there is no need to return to the habits of the ancestors in order to raise the level of the hormone, however, it is useful to remember that in order to maintain an optimal male form, regular exercise is necessary. It has long been established that intensive physical exercise contribute to the production of testosterone in the blood in men. This is a natural reaction of the body, since without this hormone, muscle growth is impossible.

Improper nutrition

Not all foods that we consume contribute to maintaining sufficient testosterone levels. Food must contain required amount trace elements, vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, both from animals and from vegetable sources. Both overeating and insufficient, irregular nutrition lead to the fact that testosterone decreases.

Excess weight

Extra pounds in a man is not just a defect in appearance that spoils the typical look of a tough macho. In fact, adipose tissue cells are factories for the production of the testosterone antagonist estrogen. In addition, in body fat, testosterone can also be destroyed and converted into estrogen.

Irregular sex life

Regular sex also contributes to the production of testosterone, especially in adulthood. However, it should not be too frequent (no more than 2-3 times a week), because in this case the opposite effect will be observed - the hormone level will decrease.


A popular stereotype associates masculinity with a tendency to consume alcoholic beverages in large quantities. And absolutely in vain. It has been established that alcohol negatively affects the centers of the brain responsible for the formation of the male hormone, as a result of which the body starts the reverse process - the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.

Surely, beer lovers can smile indulgently here - after all, their favorite drink contains relatively little alcohol, and for this reason, it would seem, should not seriously affect testosterone levels. But this is absolutely not true. Beer contains a large amount of plant estrogens. Thus, beer is an even greater enemy of the male hormone than strong drinks.


During stress, the body produces a special hormone - cortisol. This hormone does not directly affect the amount of testosterone. However, cortisol can block testosterone receptors, making testosterone useless. Thus, stressed men experience the same symptoms as testosterone deficient men.

Lack of sleep

Most men are well aware of the feeling of a spontaneous morning erection. This phenomenon is largely due to the fact that in the morning there is the highest level of testosterone. Most of this hormone is produced at night, during sleep, and deep, not superficial.


Many somatic diseases can cause a decrease in testosterone. This is especially true of diseases affecting the androgynous system, such as prostatitis. But diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, lipid metabolism disorders, and leukocytosis can also affect the level of the hormone.

Medical treatment

Testosterone is often reduced by medical preparations. These include carbomazepine, veroshpiron, tetracycline, magnesium sulfate, glucocorticosteroids. As a rule, a decrease occurs only with prolonged use of drugs, and after stopping their intake, the hormone level returns to normal.

Environmental pollution

Modern civilization poisons our body with many chemicals that negatively affect testosterone levels. Especially a lot of these substances in the exhaust gases of cars. Studies show that gas station workers have lower levels of the hormone. But household chemicals are also not without substances harmful to the male hormone. In particular, these include bisphenols found in many personal care products and detergents- shampoos, lotions, liquid soaps etc., as well as in plastic containers.

How to increase testosterone in men?

If you do not know how to increase the level of this hormone, then you can consult a doctor for advice. However, before starting treatment, you should understand the origins of the situation. Decreased hormone levels may be due to various reasons, and therefore the increase in testosterone in men depends on many factors. Of course, there are also hormonal preparations containing testosterone. However, they are recommended to be taken only in exceptional cases, for example, in cases of pathologies. endocrine organs, since they will not replace the hormone produced naturally.

So, how to increase testosterone naturally?


Men who exercise regularly do not usually have problems with testosterone. Most suitable for this purpose are exercises aimed at developing various groups body muscles, for example, on weight machines. Classes should be quite intense, but not very long. The main thing here is not to overdo it, because otherwise the body will perceive classes as stress, and at the same time cortisol will be produced. To increase the production of testosterone, it is enough to exercise for about an hour a day, and not every day, but 2-3 times a week.

Photo: ESB Professional/

Improve nutrition

To increase testosterone, you should streamline your diet, do not overeat, eat 3-4 times a day and no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Maintaining a reasonable balance between proteins, carbohydrates and fats is what increases the level of the hormone. In addition, there are certain substances that directly stimulate the production of testosterone in the body.


Most testosterone is made in the body from cholesterol. Therefore, the diet should include foods containing it in large quantities:

  • fish,
  • meat,
  • liver,
  • eggs,
  • caviar,
  • whole milk.

Of course, the measure should be observed here, since food rich in "bad" cholesterol can lead to problems with the cardiovascular system.


Zinc will help increase the level of the hormone in the body. This trace element is directly related to the production of testosterone. There is a lot of it in seafood, fish, nuts, seeds - sunflower and pumpkin seeds, cheeses, and some vegetables.

What else can raise the level of the hormone? The diet is also recommended to include foods containing selenium, vitamins C and B, the essential amino acid arginine (meat, eggs, peas, sesame, almonds, cottage cheese, peanuts, milk), as well as cruciferous plants - cabbage, broccoli, etc. . It also plays a significant role plain water. Need to drink a lot pure water(at least 2 liters per day).

In addition to alcohol, coffee consumption should be reduced. It has been established that a single cup of coffee contributes to the burning of the male hormone in the body. True, this effect does not last long, however, regular coffee consumption can lead to the fact that testerone levels will drop significantly.

Another product that is harmful for maintaining a high level of the hormone is soy. Studies show that soy contains a lot of plant estrogens.

Exposure to harmful chemicals

To increase testosterone, you should also minimize the impact on the body of harmful substances contained in the city air. To do this, you should spend more time outside the city, in nature. When traveling by car and standing in traffic jams, you should completely close the windows. It is also recommended not to use household products personal care products containing bisphenol - lotions, shampoos, etc. For washing, you can use ordinary toilet soap. Even toothpastes contain bisphenol, so you should take minimal amount pasta - no more than a pea.


To increase testosterone, you need to sleep a lot, as the level of the hormone in the body is affected good sleep. It is recommended to sleep at least 7 hours a day, and preferably 8-9 hours. It is important to consider that sleep should be deep, not superficial.

Regular sex life

The level of the male hormone is negatively affected by both abstinence from sexual activity and too frequent sex. It should also be noted that simple communication with the fair sex, as well as viewing men's magazines and frank videos, also contributes to the release of the hormone.

A tan

To increase testosterone, you should also sunbathe a lot. During exposure to the sun, vitamin D is formed in the body, which favorably affects the production of the hormone. This factor should also not be discounted.

Drugs that increase testosterone

However natural ways requires a lot of effort and time. If you do not know how to quickly increase the level of the hormone, then you can resort to the help of drugs. Now in pharmacies you can buy a lot of drugs to increase testosterone. These are dietary supplements, and hormonal drugs that should be taken as directed by a doctor. Testosterone preparations in a pharmacy are usually sold by prescription.

The main drugs designed to increase hormone levels:

  • testosterone propionate (injections),
  • testosterone undecanoate (tablets),
  • proviron,
  • hormone production stimulants (Cyclo-Bolan, Parity, Vitrix, Animal Test).

Do not confuse pills to increase testosterone levels and means to increase potency. The former do not directly affect potency, although they can indirectly affect it. positive influence. The principle of action of the latter, as a rule, is not associated with an increase in the level of the male hormone.

Testosterone - what is it? How to make sure that its amount in the body is at a sufficiently high level? Such questions begin to disturb every man at a certain period of his life. Unfortunately, the need to increase testosterone arises much earlier than we would like.

Testosterone completely controls the male body, most directly affects sexual activity, state muscle tissue, systems and organs. Ultimately, the level of testosterone in the body affects the standard of living and career success of a man.

What processes in the body are testosterone responsible for?

The hormonal "cocktail" in the male body is very diverse in terms of components, but the key element in it is testosterone. This hormone, like a traffic controller, controls the activity of the whole organism, affecting not only health, but also the way a man thinks, his behavior in society, his creative inclinations and energy potential. The importance of testosterone for men cannot be overestimated.

Sometimes testosterone is called the royal hormone - successful men, leaders who have achieved great influence in society, have never experienced problems with testosterone. The component largely determines the ability of a man to take initiative, to take full responsibility.

What determines the level of testosterone in the body?

The lion's share of the royal hormone is produced in the testicles by a unique cellular structure discovered by the German physician Leydig. Testosterone begins to be synthesized at the 23rd week of the existence of the embryo. It is at this time that it becomes possible to determine who the couple is expecting - a boy or a girl. In male embryos, testosterone in the blood is several times higher.

As the male body continues to exist, the amount of hormone secreted by the testicles decreases. Unfortunately, by the age of 35-50, the amount of testosterone released in most men reaches zero. The timing of the onset of "male menopause" depends on how strong the release of testosterone was initially. This process is sometimes called andropause, and for many men it sounds like a death sentence.

The onset of andropause is approaching negative factors, in particular:

  • Vegetarianism

Even in ancient times, people knew that the refusal to eat meat leads to the gradual degradation of a person. In men, a lack of meat in the diet leads to a drop in cholesterol levels - essential component in the production of testosterone. Of course, vegetarianism and fasting will not cause a man to lose his sexual desire soon, but his male power will fall many times over.

In some representatives of the stronger sex, the level of the female hormone in the body is extremely high. And it’s not genes that are to blame for this, but lifestyle. A large number of beer, genetically modified meat will not increase testosterone in the body. Brewer's yeast is an excellent way to make a man a woman without surgery.

  • Climatic features

Northerners suffer from a lack of vitamin B, which is involved in the production of testosterone. Some doctors believe that stormy sex life in the southern resorts it is associated precisely with an increase in the level of the royal hormone due to the hot climate.

  • alcohol abuse

Alcohol is the worst enemy of the testicles. In the course of medical tests, it was found that alcohol suppresses the production of the royal hormone. Alcohol-containing products are dangerous because short span time it increases sexual desire, but the retribution for this will be immediate and heavy. Again, a drunk person levels down to an animal that does not need the male hormone.

  • Nervous tension, stress

Depressive states, mental shaking extremely negatively affect men's health, which quickly affects the formation of testosterone. Stress also reduces a person's life expectancy.

For example: a man took a large loan from a bank, and this debt became the heaviest burden for him. Of course, his testosterone levels will be steadily reduced. Weak hormone levels - weak opportunities for debt repayment. Vicious circle.

  • Heating testicles

As contraceptive some men use special baths to heat the testicles. This method allows you to make sperm incapable of reproduction, but it also has a detrimental effect on the body, in particular, on the production of testosterone.

  • Tight briefs and swimming trunks

Tightening underwear made of elastic materials is a sure way to infertility. This has been proven by the employees of one of the leading Italian scientific institutes. But lovers of the so-called "family shorts" can remain men much longer. So everyone chooses for himself - to be a man in family "underpants", or a pseudo-man in tight swimming trunks.

  • Viral diseases

Urological diseases caused by viral pathogens can reduce testosterone generation rates. Hepatitis and urethritis are especially dangerous in this respect. lead worldwide to a decrease in the quality of the male gene pool.

Natural Testosterone Boosting Techniques

The methods are simple and even obvious, but very effective.

Method one. We regulate the diet

The well-known saying that the future of a person can be determined by his diet is very true. The body must be constantly nourished nutrients, Firstly:

  • minerals. Minerals are the most important cellular material. In fact, it is from minerals that human body. If a person is deficient in zinc, the testicles will stop producing testosterone. Get right amount zinc can be obtained by eating fish, crabs, shrimp, squid, pumpkin seeds and various nuts.
  • vitamins of different groups. Without vitamins, a person will become exhausted, will not be able to perform even simple job. Not getting the right amount of vitamins, the body stops the generation of testosterone. Of paramount importance for the synthesis of the royal hormone are CEB vitamins, which are rich in citrus fruits, wild berries, fatty fish and nuts.
  • protein, carbohydrate food, amino acids. These components take part in all bioprocesses that take place in the human body. Most proteins and amino acids in meat. medical experts they are unanimous in their opinion - without meat, testosterone will drop to levels close to zero.

Method two. Refuse the nocturnal lifestyle, adjust the daily routine

Sex hormones are synthesized when an individual is immersed in deep dream. If a person suffers from lack of sleep, insomnia, any way to increase the level of the royal hormone is powerless. Dream healthy person has a duration of 7-8 hours without breaks and getting out of bed.

Method three. Sports activities

Strength training with "iron" is a great way to increase the synthesis of the sex hormone. In addition, testosterone will help make the figure more masculine and more attractive for women. Of course, sports activities must be approached competently, without self-torture.

Method four. Achieving Inner Peace

Relief from stress and nervous tension doctors call important step to increase the level of the royal hormone. A good mood, an achievement in sports or in life is thrown into the blood large doses testosterone. Of course, this surge is short-lived, but while maintaining positive attitude, the recharge will be constant.

For best effect you need to combine the above methods.

How much testosterone is normal for women?

Traditionally, testosterone is considered an exclusively male prerogative, but we should not forget that it is also found in the female body, and not in the smallest quantities. The level of this hormone in women forms the voice timbre, the type of figure and the so-called libido.

In women bearing boys, the release of testosterone into the blood during hormonal exchange between mother and fetus is not excluded. The hormone enters the bloodstream, affects the mood of the expectant mother, the exchange useful components in her body and even on sexual attraction.

Medical science is sure that testosterone in the female body should fluctuate at a level of 0.45-3.75 nmol / liter. This figure is considered the norm for a woman. For comparison, men have 10 times more testosterone. If the indicator is increased upwards, the woman's body will not respond with the best manifestations.

How much testosterone is normal for men?

There are two main ways to find out the level of the main sex hormone in the male body: a blood test and control external characteristics. When determining this indicator, it must be taken into account that it is dynamic and constantly fluctuates throughout the day. Most testosterone in the body of a man during the day, the least - in the evening and at night.

The standard amount is 11-33 nmol per liter. A man should have such an indicator - and age discounts should not be taken into account.

Drugs that increase testosterone production

Pharmacology produces many drugs aimed at activating the production of the royal hormone. Every athlete knows that anabolic and steroid drugs increase the percentage of testosterone in the blood, make it easier to endure training and achieve best results. Other drugs have an effect that increases sexual libido. Here are the most effective drugs:

  1. Tribulus terrestris. A drug that acts on a unique part of the brain responsible for the synthesis of sex hormones - the pituitary gland. The pharmacological corporation that produces this remedy assures that it is based only on natural ingredients vegetable origin. The drug is safe, non-addictive, does not affect the body negative impact. Athletes also agree with the manufacturer Tribulus terrestris. Of course, you can not exceed the dosage of the drug.
  2. Testosterone Enanthate. Biologically active ingredient used only by masters power sports. If a person does not have heavy loads, he does not need Testosterone Enanthate. The drug releases a lot of androgenic hormone into the blood, removes pain during strength work, has an anabolic effect.
  3. Testosterone undecanoate. The tool has virtually no side effects. Undecanoate has a sparing androgenic effect on the body without inhibiting the function of the testicles. This drug does not harm a person. Undecanoate is used to increase masculinity, but for muscle tissue growth it is pharmacological agent does not affect in any way.

Materials about testosterone

Doctors, athletes, fitness trainers speak about the importance of testosterone. The well-known doctor O. Butakova recorded a series of video lectures on the male hormone. Lectures are ambiguous, with humor about men and their nature. Butakova tried to talk about difficult problem maximum plain language and she did it.

The main part of testosterone in the male body is produced in the testes (testes), and the pituitary gland stimulates this process, synthesizing special mediator cells that control the work of the endocrine system. Also, testosterone is produced in small amounts by an organ such as the adrenal glands (including in women).

The hormone itself is inactive, does not bind to protein or carbohydrate compounds. But when exposed to the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, it transforms into dihydrotestosterone, which just stimulates intercellular metabolic processes (and at the same time, the work of the testes, prostate in an adult male).

When does testosterone production begin in the male body? When a certain concentration of hypothalamic-pituitary mediators is reached in the blood, in particular, GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) and LH (lutenizing hormone). And already the process of its release is controlled directly by the brain.

Synthesis mechanism

What is the site of hormone synthesis? Testosterone in the testicles originates in the so-called Leydig cells, where it is produced by biochemical reaction from cholesterol (which eventually breaks down into cholesterol - the same hormone). This process is stimulated by GnRH produced by the pituitary gland. After - testosterone enters the bloodstream, where it circulates both in free form and in conjunction with some proteins (the main among them is sex-hormone-binding globulin).

If you believe the research, then its last variation takes part in some metabolic processes, but the free hormone, when it enters the target cells, under the influence of 5-alpha reductase is transformed into dihydrotestosterone, which is used by the reproductive system for the synthesis of spermatozoa.

A significant part is also released into the seminal ducts, where it comes into contact with androgen-binding protein (it is fermented in Sertoli cells). Against this background, the concentration of androgenic mediators in the prostate gland increases, which ultimately starts the process of spermatogenesis (starting from about 13 years of age).

The adrenal glands, on average, produce only 5% of testosterone. from him total concentration in organism. The synthesis process is similar, but it is not cholesterol that breaks down, but the so-called "metabolic androgens" - carbon compounds. This happens in the mesh and beam areas of the adrenal glands. The result is the same free form testosterone, which is largely responsible for the normal growth of organic tissues (skeleton, connective tissue, muscles).

REFERENCE! The functions of testosterone, which bind to sex hormone-binding globulin, are still poorly understood. It is only known that such a compound easily penetrates through cell membranes, therefore, its main effect is aimed precisely at the reaction with intracellular components.

What determines the concentration of the hormone?

Testosterone concentration depends on more than 10 factors, including the time of day. In the body of a healthy man, the “peak” value of the sex hormone reaches in the morning after waking up (at 6-8 am), and also closer to 5-7 pm. At 10-17 hours of the day, its concentration stabilizes.

It is during this period that it is recommended to take tests to determine the current level of androgens in the blood. And at about 22-24 hours of the night, the level of the hormone drops sharply to a minimum. What does this "schedule" depend on? First of all - from the activity of the brain and, in particular, the pituitary gland, which completely control the work of the endocrine system.

Does the concentration of testosterone depend on the state of the man (calm or excited)? No way. Moreover, the degree of possible excitation largely depends on the level of the sex hormone. If the production of testosterone is impaired or the activity of reductase in the body is reduced, then the man may even have erectile dysfunction, complete absence sexual attraction to the opposite sex (libido).

The level of hormone production is also affected by:

  1. The age of the man. The maximum concentration is at about 20-25 years old, then it gradually decreases and normalizes after 65-70 years.
  2. Diseases of the endocrine system. These are the so-called primary and secondary hypogonadism.
  3. Job digestive tract and the cardiovascular system. It is with their help that the body accumulates the necessary amount of cholesterol and protein compounds, which are subsequently used by the endocrine system.
  4. Proper brain function namely, its hypothalamic-pituitary part of the brain.

And here a sharp decline testosterone levels, as directed by doctors, may be due to:

  • abuse of nicotine, alcohol;
  • obesity;
  • congenital pathologies;
  • an inactive lifestyle (in which the metabolism slows down in a complex way);
  • taking certain medications (mainly hormonal and steroids);
  • mechanical injury to the testicles.

At the same time, testosterone levels are also affected by psycho-emotional state men. The relationship between mood and pituitary function has been established long ago. This is explained by the fact that stressful situation released into the blood great amount adrenaline, which is the protagonist of testosterone.

IMPORTANT! Some men may experience critically high levels of testosterone in the body. This is due to the hyperactivity of the endocrine system and is most often a sign of a disorder of the pituitary-hypothalamic function or pathological processes in the testes, prostate gland (for example, the occurrence of a malignant tumor).

How to speed up secretion at home?

To increase the concentration of testosterone should be with the normalization of lifestyle. That is, rejection bad habits, healthy and balanced diet, full sleep - this already significantly helps to increase the concentration of androgens by optimizing biochemical processes.

  1. Promotes its synthesis and physical activity. But the body does not need itself power training, namely the stimulation of metabolism, in which fat is burned, cholesterol, proteins, carbohydrates are broken down. Overweight also significantly slows down metabolic processes in the body, thereby reducing the amount of the hormone.
  2. And also doctors recommend including in the diet the so-called "aphrodisiacs"- components that comprehensively stimulate the production of testosterone. The most popular in this regard is ginseng root, as well as hot spices.
  3. More To normalize the level of the hormone and improve its quality allows a full sex life. The more often a man has sex, the more actively both the testicles and prostate. Moreover, as practice shows, banal masturbation does not have such a positive effect on testosterone as full-fledged contact with a woman.

Related videos

You can also learn how to increase hormone production at home in this video:

Medical stimulation

It is possible to increase testosterone levels with medication. For this can be used:

  • synthetic forms of the sex hormone (this is already considered replacement therapy);
  • stimulants (most often these are dietary supplements).

You can produce testosterone with the help of stimulants. The most popular among them used in medical practice:

  1. Parity.
  2. Tribulus.
  3. Arimatest.
  4. Vitrix.

In fact, these are drugs that accelerate or provoke the course of biochemical processes with the breakdown of cholesterol, and at the same time make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals.

You should not use such drugs without medical advice, as they long-term use can provoke a deterioration in the response of mediators of the hypothalamic-pituitary system.

In total, testosterone is the main male sex hormone, which is secreted by the ovaries and adrenal glands. Responsible for the work of the reproductive function, and also takes part in metabolism, an increase in the volume of bone, muscle, and connective tissues.

More than a dozen factors influence its production, but the main one is the way of life of a man and normal functioning digestive tract. It is possible to increase the production of testosterone with medication only by taking stimulants, or by administering a synthetic form of the hormone intramuscularly and intravenously.

The sex hormone testosterone is synthesized in both male and female bodies. But in men, natural testosterone is produced in a larger volume than in the fair sex. It is thanks to this hormone that men develop characteristics: low timbre of voice, the presence of a significant amount of hair on the body and face, the development of certain sex glands. How and where testosterone is produced, which is responsible for the functioning of the male reproductive system, as well as his libido, we will talk in this article.

The testosterone hormone in the body of a man is secreted by the testicles (testicles) and adrenal glands. The main function of this biologically active substance is the development of the reproductive system of a young man in teenage years, as well as the regulation of male sexual activity in adulthood.

normal volume hormone ranges from 12.5 to 40.6 nmol / l. At normal testosterone performs the following functions:

  1. It ensures the full development and functioning of the organs of the male reproductive system (testicles, prostate gland, penis).
  2. It is directly involved in the synthesis of protein in the muscles, due to which they increase.
  3. Influences the appearance young man secondary sexual characteristics ( abundant hair on body and face).
  4. Improves the process of blood circulation in the genitals, contributing to a healthy erection in men.
  5. Reduces cholesterol levels, and evenly distributes body fat throughout the body, preventing obesity.
  6. Affects the timbre of the voice of the stronger sex, making it lower than that of women.
  7. Takes part in the psychophysiological functioning of the behavior of a man, giving character masculine qualities.
  8. Builds sexual desire.

Although the male hormone is produced around the clock in the body, its release into the blood is minimal at 20-22 hours, and in the morning hours (6-8 am) is maximum.

The main volume of the steroid hormone is produced in the testicles (about 5-12 mg / day). In addition, estrogen, androstenedione and DHA are produced in the testicles.

In addition, the hormone is also produced by the adrenal cortex, but in a smaller volume.

The synthesis of the steroid substance is carried out by tubular epithelial cells and Leydig cells located in the testicles. The hormone is synthesized from cholesterol, which enters the body of a man with food.

Synthesis goes like this:

  1. From bloodstream cholesterol enters the cells in the form of low-density lipoproteins or acetate.
  2. Through sequential reactions occurring in the cells of the testicles, cholesterol is converted into androstenedione.
  3. When two molecules of androstenedione combine, testosterone is formed.

The hypothalamic-pituitary system controls the synthesis of testosterone. The functioning of this system is based on the fact that the testicular cells send a signal to the hypothalamus about the amount of synthesized steroid hormone. The feedback principle begins to work. The required amount of gonadotropins is produced at normal testosterone levels. If the amount of testosterone released into the blood does not correspond to the normal value (increases or decreases), then the level of gonadotropins also changes.

In a healthy male representative, the level of the steroid substance changes during the day, and in the morning its concentration is several times higher than in the daytime and at night. In addition, the level of testosterone is also influenced by the time of year: in the autumn, its volume increases. In the representatives of the stronger sex, the synthesis of the sex hormone is almost twenty times higher than in women. This is obvious, because its main function is to provide full-fledged work male reproductive system. A decrease or increase in hormonal levels bad influence on the well-being and sexual activity of a young man, and is also fraught with serious complications.

  • change in libido;
  • sudden mood swings for no apparent reason;
  • erectile disfunction;
  • fragility of bones.

A few days before delivery laboratory tests it is recommended to give up alcohol and smoking, as well as intense physical exertion. If the patient is taking any medications, the doctor should be informed.

Some medications affect the performance, so if possible, they will need to be canceled 7 to 10 days before the test.

The laboratory assistant takes blood from a vein, in the serum of which the level of testosterone is determined. Significant deviations from normal indicators indicate the development of the patient endocrine disorders.

At first glance, it may seem that increasing the level of the male hormone will have a beneficial effect on the health of the male: more pronounced secondary sexual characteristics, increased sexual activity, etc. But not everything is so simple, because an increase in hormonal levels leads to consequences:

  1. An increase in red blood cells.
  2. An increase in the risk of oncological neoplasms prostate.
  3. Oily skin, which contributes to acne, acne and other skin diseases.
  4. An increase in the level of hair on the body, but bald patches on the head.
  5. Violation of the process of sperm production, which, in turn, can lead to the development of infertility.
  6. Apnea at night, which is fraught with oxygen starvation.

There is no need to think that the representatives of the stronger sex, in which testosterone is synthesized in a significant amount, look very attractive: tall, inflated handsome men with luxurious hair.

Patients who have elevated hormonal levels, as a rule, are short in stature, with a bald patch on the head, but abundant vegetation on the rest of the body. In addition, increased testosterone provokes excessive aggressiveness and irascibility.

The reasons for the increased production of the hormone in men are as follows:

  • lack of globulin, which reduces the activity of testosterone;
  • various tumors and neoplasms in the testicles, enhancing the functioning of Leydig cells;
  • chromosome set XYY;
  • increased synthesis of sex hormones by the adrenal glands, which is observed in men with adrenogenital syndrome;
  • therapy with certain drugs.

A significant increase in testosterone levels is alarm signal requiring examination by an endocrinologist or other narrow specialists.

Decreased steroid hormone levels

With age, testosterone levels in the body of males decrease, and this is a variant of the norm. But if testosterone deficiency is observed in young man, then it is necessary to consult with an endocrinologist and undergo a detailed examination.

Hormone deficiency can cause the following symptoms:

  1. erectile dysfunction denial of intimacy.
  2. A decrease in muscle mass, which causes thinness and weakness in the body.
  3. Partial or complete disappearance of secondary sexual characteristics.
  4. Decrease in the tone of the body, which is fraught with a breakdown, chronic fatigue and depression.
  5. Decreased metabolic rate, which is fraught with obesity and the formation of an effeminate figure (chest, buttocks, etc.).
  6. The bones become brittle and the skin flabby.
  7. Decreased mental activity.

Pathology in the stronger sex, characterized by a decrease in testosterone levels, is called hypotestosteroneemia. The disease can be both congenital and acquired.

The reasons that slow down the production of testosterone are as follows:

  1. Alcohol abuse. Alcohol slows down the synthesis of the hormone, and beer even contains an artificial analogue of female hormones.
  2. Increased production pituitary prolactin, observed in hyperprolactinemia.
  3. Taking steroid drugs.
  4. Diseases of the prostate.
  5. Pathologies of the adrenal glands that disrupt their functioning.
  6. A strict diet in which the body of a man receives less carbohydrates.
  7. Sedentary work, sedentary lifestyle.

In addition, free testosterone is poorly synthesized in the body of a man during the development of certain chronic diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis, diabetes, hypertension, etc.

Therefore, in order to determine the root cause of a hormonal imbalance, you need to go through full examination at the doctor's. Increasing testosterone levels on your own is dangerous and fraught serious consequences.

Depending on the results of tests showing a change in the level of testosterone in the blood, the doctor determines the further tactics of therapy. If serious violations not detected, and the deviation of the hormone from normal values insignificant, it is enough to limit yourself to changing your lifestyle and adjusting your diet.

Normalization of sleep

The main volume of testosterone in the body of a man is formed in the early morning, so if the representative of the stronger sex does not sleep well and gets up too early, then his body simply does not have time to synthesize the required amount of hormones. All drugs prescribed by an endocrinologist to increase testosterone levels will not bring the expected effect if the patient sleeps less than 7-8 hours a day.

Some men get enough sleep in six hours - it all depends on individual characteristics organism. The main thing is that the male representative wakes up cheerful and fully rested.

To normalize the quality of sleep, experts recommend:

  • well ventilate the bedroom, and in the warm season to sleep with open window;
  • refuse a warm blanket;
  • wear thin clothes at night underwear so as not to overheat the testicles;
  • do not overeat before bedtime, as well as stop smoking and alcoholic beverages.

Food contains huge stock stimulants that "push" our body to produce essential hormones.

These food items include:

  1. Seafood rich in protein and vitamins. Especially useful for the male body are shrimp and crabs.
  2. Greens, fruits and vegetables not only nourish our body essential trace elements and vitamins, but also neutralize toxins that enter it along with junk food.
  3. Spicy spices that stimulate the body's processing of estrogen, as well as its excretion.
  4. A variety of cereals containing fiber. Fiber increases blood flow in the pelvis, which contributes to the production of testosterone by the testicles.


Exercise stress- This is a great way to normalize the level of testosterone in the male body. But sports should be moderate, because severe fatigue may produce the opposite result.

Optimal Mode sports activities - no more than three times a week. Moreover, one lesson should not exceed 60 minutes. Spend a quarter of an hour warming up, and then you can start more difficult exercises.

Rejection of bad habits

Since alcohol abuse and tobacco smoking negatively affect the body's production of testosterone, bad habits must be completely abandoned or minimized.

During the treatment of hormonal failure, it is important to completely abandon alcoholic beverages, even low-alcohol ones.

If a change in diet and lifestyle adjustments do not give the expected result, then the endocrinologist may prescribe medication to the patient, including hormone replacement drugs.

Medicines, which include exogenous testosterone, are prescribed to patients very rarely, and the dosage of drugs is calculated based on the results of the tests, the individual characteristics of the patient's body and comorbidities. As a result of therapy with an exogenous steroid drug, the level of hormones in the body normalizes in a patient, since the synthesis natural testosterone is being restored.

Testosterone in the female body

In the female body, testosterone is produced by the adrenal glands and ovaries. But in the fair sex, its content in the blood is ten times lower than in men. With normal hormonal levels, a woman should not notice secondary sexual characteristics characteristic of the stronger sex.

In the body of girls and women steroid hormone helps to fully develop:

Testosterone promotes the growth of muscle tissue and gives strength, and also normalizes blood sugar levels. In addition, testosterone increases sexual activity and prevents the development cardiovascular pathologies. A good metabolism in the body is also directly related to this hormone.

The fair sex, by its nature, should be beautiful and sexy, and this process is influenced by its level of hormonal levels.

The level of testosterone in the body of women and men is determined primarily by genetics: each of us has our own level of hormonal levels, so we differ from each other in character, temperament, behavior and appearance.

Hormones play an important role in the functioning of our body, and the most important thing in this matter is stability and harmony in everything. Any violation of the synthesis of testosterone and other hormones leads to the fact that a person begins to develop endocrine pathologies varying degrees gravity. To maintain your health, well-being and appearance normally, the stronger sex must control their hormonal levels and know how to improve the situation until the violations have caused severe consequences.



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