Means for increasing sperm formation. How to increase the amount of sperm - what determines the volume of ejaculate

Quantitative and qualitative indicators of ejaculate is one of the criteria by which the health of the male reproductive system is determined. Noticing that the volume of seminal fluid has sharply decreased, the man begins to worry, "grabbing his head." And look for information on how to increase sperm count. It is important to know that there are many prerequisites for a decrease in the volume of seminal fluid, so first you need to find out what exactly caused it.

What determines the amount of sperm?

Medical specialists have established the norm of seminal fluid. According to statistics, the average volume allocated at a time is from 1.5 ml to 5 ml. The indicators vary depending on a number of factors - the frequency of sexual intercourse, genetic predisposition.

A low amount of sperm in men is excreted in the following cases:

  • Excessive passion for cigarettes, pipe,;
  • Permanent exposure;
  • Frequent and prolonged overheating of the genitals;
  • Polluted environment;
  • The presence of infectious diseases of the reproductive and urinary systems;
  • Injury to the sacrum and organs located in the pelvic area;
  • The development of tumors;
  • Drug therapy with certain groups of drugs;
  • Unsatisfactory conditions of professional activity;
  • Influence of radioactive exposure.

There are situations when, during ejaculation, the liquid is not excreted at all. Such a pathology is called. Its reasons are:

  • Physiological disorders of the nervous system;
  • The presence of inflammation that provoked sclerosis of the seminal ducts;
  • Serious endocrine pathologies;
  • Changes in the structure of the vas deferens;
  • Genital injuries;
  • Malignant neoplasms.

It happens that an excessively large amount of sperm is released. In 2 cases, such a process is considered natural:

  • First intercourse after prolonged abstinence. In this case, a significant amount of seminal fluid accumulates;
  • High hormonal activity. Promotes active production of spermatozoa.

If these factors are absent, then it is necessary to undergo diagnostic measures. Malignant tumors in the testicles and prostate gland can in some cases significantly increase the production of ejaculate.

Drugs to increase the amount of seminal fluid. TOP 5

You can change the amount of fluid released using innovative products developed on the basis of natural ingredients. Such drugs to increase the number of sperm have a wide spectrum of action and a positive effect on sexual function, and the natural composition avoids negative effects on the body.

XL Sperm Spray

Spray is developed on the basis of completely organic substances. Its action is aimed at:

  • Improving the quality and quantity of sperm;
  • Increasing the stamina of a man;
  • and ability to physiological arousal;
  • Strengthening experiences during the climax.

According to the information from the manufacturer, after conducting clinical studies, it was confirmed that the amount of sperm increased by 3-5 times. Obtaining the result depends on the correct use of the solution:

  • Spray the composition on the skin of the penis, avoiding the head;
  • Rub into the epidermis until completely absorbed;
  • Spray should be used for 45 days.


  • , and green salad contain vitamin A, which is necessary to increase the production of active spermatozoa;
  • Sea buckthorn fruits, green peas, oranges and tangerines, cabbage and black currants are a source of vitamin C. It helps to increase the speed of spermatozoa;

Given the ecology and lifestyle of a modern man, it can be assumed that the problems with the establishment of offspring that many members of the stronger sex face will only get worse. If earlier only the woman was considered guilty of the fact that a couple could not have a child, today a violation of spermogram indicators is recorded in an increasing number of men, and therefore, an increasing number of the stronger sex needs treatment. What drugs have been developed to improve spermogram and how to improve sperm quality with the help of vitamins, the article will tell.

Properties of vitamin products

It is impossible to imagine the functioning of any organism without vitamins, and it is not for nothing that much attention has recently been paid to adequate intake of these invisible to the eye, but substances with a lot of useful qualities. Vitamins are also needed for the normal functioning of the male reproductive system and the production of male sex hormones that affect the quality of the spermogram. To improve the quality of the spermogram, you need:

  • Vitamin C. It has been proven that normal blood circulation is impossible without it, therefore, a sufficient intake improves the blood circulation of the genital organs, and hence the formation of spermatozoa. In addition, vit. C is involved in the production of male sex hormones, thereby improving potency and libido (sex drive). There is information on the Internet that eating about 1000 mg of vitamin C daily will lead after 2 months to an increase in sperm volume by 60% and an improvement in sperm motility (that is, sperm quality) by 30%.
  • Folic acid is essential to improve sperm quality. It has long been known that it takes part in the formation of many enzymes, plays a role in the formation of blood cells (platelets, leukocytes, erythrocytes) and the process of hematopoiesis, as well as the synthesis of an important structural element of cells - nucleic acids that are part of RNA and DNA (the genetic apparatus cells). Therefore, folic acid affects spermatogenesis, that is, the process of formation of male germ cells. It has been proven that a decrease in the concentration of folic acid leads to an increase in the formation of defective spermatozoa (with the absence of a tail or cell head).
  • The content of vitamin A also affects the spermogram, as it improves the functioning of the male gonads. Also, vitamin A is the most important antioxidant, therefore it prevents the negative effects of free radicals that have a damaging effect on all types of cells, but especially on those with a high rate of formation, which include spermatozoa.
  • Vitamin E is also an antioxidant and has a similar effect. In addition, the vitamin improves the functioning of the endocrine glands in men, has a positive effect on the immune system, reduces the risk of thrombosis, and helps treat erectile dysfunction.

Folic acid intake has a positive effect on the formation of male germ cells.

Not only vitamins, but also minerals affect spermogram parameters. Among them, selenium and zinc are the leaders, so many vitamins to improve spermograms necessarily include these two trace elements. The benefits of zinc have been known for a long time. It was revealed that it is involved in the synthesis of more than 200 enzymes and substances, including the production of nucleic acids, carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Zinc also has antioxidant activity.

Unlike zinc, the benefits of selenium for men have recently been discussed, and until the 60s the element was considered poisonous. Further, the role of selenium was significantly revised. Its positive effects, such as antioxidant, have been identified. It has been established that the trace element is able to improve the number of viable spermatozoa in the spermogram and improve their mobility.

The currently popular substance, whose effect on the spermogram has been proven, is coenzyme Q 10. It is part of many cells of the male body and is necessary to maintain normal life.

In addition, the following active substances, included in the composition of vitamins and dietary supplements, affect the spermogram parameters:

  1. L-carnitine. Serves to improve the mobility and quality of spermatozoa.
  2. L-arginine. Similar properties.
  3. Royal jelly (improves morphology, that is, the quality of spermatozoa).
  4. Taurine. Increases the motor activity of sperm in the spermogram and improves the viability of male sex gametes.
  5. Fructose. A valuable nutrient substrate, that is, a source of available energy for spermatozoa.

You can buy vitamins separately or buy a vitamin complex at once. The table below will help you navigate the available range of drugs that improve the quality of seminal fluid.

Vitamins can be taken both individually and immediately vitamin complexes.

List of drugs

Selenium forte with vitamin C, 20 tab.

The instructions indicate that the complex contains 100% of the norm of elements (the norm of vitamin C is 200-400 IU, the norm of selenium is 50-70 mcg)

The price of the drug is from 100 Russian rubles.

Mens Formula, 30 pcs.

A multivitamin complex for men that helps improve spermogram. The composition of the drug includes vitamins A, D, E, C, group B and minerals magnesium, calcium, potassium, manganese, iodine, etc. Take 1 capsule 2 r / day.

Price from 439 rubles.

Wellnem, capsules 30 pcs.

The composition includes numerous vitamins and minerals, as well as ginseng extract, garlic, bioflavonoids, methionine, arginine. Take 1 capsule 1 r / day, a course of 1-3 months.

Price from 420 rr.

Alphabet, 60 pcs.

Vitamin-mineral complex with the addition of biologically active substances that positively affect the spermogram. Of the most significant, we can mention Siberian ginseng extract (a stimulant that gives energy and vigor), taurine, polyphenols, eleutherosides (improve metabolic processes and have antibacterial properties). Means take 1 tablet in the shell 3 r / day. The course required to improve the spermogram is negotiated individually.

The cost starts from 320 rubles.

The norm of the content of vitamins and minerals in various complexes can differ significantly, because they are compiled based on the region or country in which the medicine is produced or exported. Therefore, pills that improve sperm quality may have a different composition. What is the rate of consumption of active substances for your region, it is better to check with your doctor.

The impact of drugs

In addition to vitamins, drugs have also been developed to improve sperm. According to existing reviews, Speman forte has a good effect. According to the instructions, the drug helps to improve spermogram as a result of the following effects:

  • Improving sperm motility.
  • Normalization of the morphology of male germ cells.
  • The drug can be used to liquefy semen with its increased viscosity.
  • A positive effect on the spermogram is carried out by improving the blood circulation of the organs of the male reproductive system, reducing prostate hypertrophy.

Speman has a natural composition and contains extracts in the form of powders of various medicinal plants: orchid tubers, astercanthus, compass lettuce, velvet beans, argyrea roots, etc. Take the drug 2 tablets 3 r / day. The average course required to improve spermogram is about 1 month. Re-treatment is possible after 2 weeks. Of the side effects, allergic reactions are possible. Released without a prescription. The average cost in pharmacies is from 256 rubles.

Wobenzym helps to improve spermogram parameters. Represents a unique combination of enzymes (enzymes) of plant origin. It is believed that enzymes directly affect the speed and quality of metabolic processes in the body. Absorbed in the small intestine with blood flow, they enter the pathological focus, where they have a positive effect. According to the instructions, Wobenzym has anti-inflammatory, fibrinolytic, decongestant, analgesic, immunomodulatory effects, due to which it also affects the male spermogram.

For men, the drug is useful in the complex treatment of diseases such as cystitis, prostatitis, cystopyelitis, STIs (sexually transmitted infections), as well as other pathologies that affect the spermogram. Wobenzym is taken in various dosages depending on the activity of the process: at low activity up to 5 pcs., medium - 5-7 pcs., high - 7-10 pcs. on approx. Multiplicity of use - 3 r / day. The course of treatment is 2-3 months. From the information about the side effects of the drug, the annotation mentions allergic reactions of varying severity, but in general, the enzyme preparation is well tolerated to improve the spermogram. The price of Wobenzym is approximately 3000 rubles. for a pack of 200 tablets.

Not only pills, but also suppositories, for example, rectal suppositories Vitaprost, can help improve spermogram parameters. The active ingredient of the suppositories is bovine prostate extract. The drug has a positive effect on the prostate, improving its blood circulation, stabilizes the secretory function of the organ, reduces pain, discomfort, and eliminates urination disorders. Treatment should be carried out after a bowel movement. 1 suppository is administered per day. The course of therapy with Vitaprost is 10-15 days: already during this period, a man may notice an improvement in his condition, and then an improvement in spermogram will appear. Of the side effects, allergic reactions were observed. In pharmacies, Vitaprost is sold for 520 rubles.

Improving the analysis of sperm helps to achieve a powder for internal administration of Speroton. The drug is a mix of biologically active substances and vitamins that help improve men's health. The composition of such a remedy as Speroton includes vitamin C, lycopene, beta-carotene, carnitine, vitamin E, zinc, vitamin B 9. According to the annotation, the drug affects male fertility as follows:

  1. Stimulates the process of sperm formation.
  2. Increases the number of male germ cells in the seminal fluid.
  3. Increases the mobility of sex gametes.

The drug Speroton helps to improve men's health.

The composition of Speroton includes carnitine, folic acid, zinc, and vitamin E. A fertility-enhancing drug is prescribed 1 r / day during a meal, dissolving the contents of a sachet in 1 glass of liquid. The optimal time course is 3 months, due to the fact that the norm for the development of spermatozoa is exactly 72 days. You can buy the drug for 900 rubles. for 30 sachets.

A composition similar to the above-described drug has a medicine called Profertil. The summary of the drug is generally similar to Speroton. Of the contraindications, the age of a man is up to 18 years. The recommended course of treatment to improve spermogram is about 1 month. You can buy the drug for 800 rubles.

In certain diseases that lead to a deterioration in the spermogram, Omnadren is recommended to improve it. According to the instructions, several fractions of testosterone are included in its composition, as a result of which the agent has hormonal activity. Therefore, the indication for the use of the drug will be violations of the functioning of the male genital organs, underdevelopment of the reproductive system, excess estrogen. Contraindications to the appointment of Omnadren are breast cancer, prostate cancer. Method of application: 1 ampoule of the drug is administered intramuscularly 1 p / 4 weeks.

The instructions indicate numerous side effects from various organs and systems: impaired function of the gastrointestinal tract, hematopoietic system, nervous system. Therefore, any adverse reactions that occur after use must be reported to the doctor. The medicine costs about 450 rubles.

Tribestan is considered to be a herbal medicine that helps in improving sperm counts. The active component of the product is an extract from the creeping anchor. Effects on the male reproductive system, according to the annotation:

  • Helps increase erection.
  • Contributes to the improvement of spermogram.
  • Increases sexual desire (libido) and sexual activity.
  • It has a positive effect on the level of the sex hormone - testosterone.

Tribestan, a herbal medicine, helps in improving sperm counts.

In addition to fertility and sexuality, Tribestan has a positive effect on many other indicators of a man's health: it eliminates migraines and headaches, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, is used in bodybuilding, and has a detrimental effect on viruses and bacteria. To improve fertility and potency, Tribestan is used 2 tablets 3 r / day. The course of treatment is 2 months. If a man has infertility, then the duration of therapy is extended to 3 months.

These side effects of the drug: dyspepsia, allergic reactions. Contraindications to treatment: intolerance to certain components of the drug, severe cardiovascular pathology (strokes, heart attacks), prostate adenoma, age under 18, increased bleeding. Cases of an overdose of the drug are described: with a simultaneous intake of 11 tablets, vomiting, nausea developed, there could be bleeding, increased nervous excitability and increased irritability. Treatment is symptomatic, plus administration of an adequate body weight dosage of activated charcoal, as well as gastric lavage if taken recently. Buy Tribestan really for 2000 rubles.

What other effective drugs have been developed to improve spermogram parameters can be read on the Internet, but it is worth noting that you need to be careful about trusting reviews on the effectiveness of some dietary supplements. You should not expect miracles from dietary supplements in the presence of serious diseases of the reproductive sphere, which are difficult to treat with medicines and even require surgical treatment. Therefore, a professional should form a therapy regimen to improve fertility - you should not self-medicate.

3 ml of the ejaculate of a healthy man with a good spermogram contains 120-600 million spermatozoa. However, for successful fertilization, the quality of the sperm is more important than the quantity. Therefore, every man who plans to become a father in the near future needs to know how to improve spermogram parameters.

There are many factors that have a positive and negative effect on spermatozoa. Therefore, before considering any drugs that can improve the performance of the male seed, you need to know what determines the quality of sperm.

What worsens sperm counts?

Having figured out what affects the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of spermatozoa, and having eradicated harmful factors from your life, there is a chance to increase the quality of ejaculate without drugs.

First of all, these are alcoholic drinks and cigarettes. In men who regularly smoke and drink, the quality of sperm is markedly reduced. So a person himself must think and determine what is more important for him: to become a father or smoke another cigarette after a glass of booze.

The quality of sperm in men deteriorates from antibacterial drugs, various antibiotics and anabolics. These drugs significantly reduce sperm motility and generally worsen the quality of sperm in men. They must be taken only as directed by the doctor when such a need arises.

The quality of sperm in men decreases against the background of a deficiency of zinc and vitamin C. To improve the characteristics of the spermogram, it is necessary to include healthy foods that improve the quality of the seed in the diet. These are dishes from fresh and sauerkraut, oranges, lean meat, various nuts, seafood and cereals. It is very important not to overeat. To do this, you need to determine how many calories the body of a particular man needs. This will be done by your doctor or nutritionist.

The quality of sperm is significantly reduced in those men who have various diseases of the genitourinary system (chlamydia, prostatitis, venereal diseases), childhood infections such as mumps, diseases with complications, hepatitis, etc. Because of them, the quality of sperm in a man may decrease by several times, which significantly reduces the likelihood of successful conception of a healthy child. So that sperm motility does not decrease, it is important to see a doctor on time. If there are suspicions, he will conduct an examination, decide which medicines, pills and other means will help to raise the protective functions of the body in a particular case, and give recommendations on how to avoid a decrease in sperm motility.

Sperm motility can be reduced by improper underwear and overly tight jeans. The best option is loose underpants made from natural materials. Avoiding overly tight trousers can also increase sperm motility. The lack of sex also has a negative impact on the quality of the ejaculate.

The indicators of the spermogram in general and sperm motility in particular decrease against the background of impaired patency of the vas deferens. Congenital narrowing of the tract, a spike after an infection or inflammation, a tumor, a cyst, a scar after surgery can interfere with the normal movement of sperm. In order to normalize spermogram parameters in such situations, it is often necessary to perform an operation.

Various immune diseases negatively affect sperm motility. In the presence of such, the body of a man activates the production of antibodies that regard their own spermatozoa as enemies. Severe autoimmune disorders are virtually untreatable.

Another fairly common factor that significantly reduces sperm motility and generally worsens spermogram parameters are pesticides. These substances have been actively used for more than 50 years to combat various pests of agricultural crops. A large-scale study was conducted in which infertile men working in agriculture took part. Each of them repeatedly had to contact with pesticides.

Therefore, a healthy lifestyle, proper clothing and diet, regular self-care and monitoring of one’s health are the key to normal sperm motility, which in most cases can increase the likelihood of successful fertilization without the use of special medications. However, in some cases, it is possible to improve the performance of the seed only with the help of appropriate drugs.

What drugs improve the quality of male sperm?

In some situations, it is possible to improve the morphology of the male spermogram only with the help of special medications. Andrology uses special antibiotics, enzymes, hormones and other drugs. Next will be the names and descriptions of the various drugs. In no case do not start taking them without the supervision of a doctor. Self-medication in most cases allows not to increase the mobility of male spermatozoa, but only to aggravate the problem even more.

However, there are quite a few dietary supplements that are recommended for any man who is preparing to become a father. But it is better to start taking them after a preliminary consultation with a doctor, because. without it, the entire responsibility will lie only on you.

These biologically active additives include the following drugs:

  1. Spermactin. It contains fructose, L-carnitine and its derivatives.
  2. SpermaPlant. The composition of this drug includes aerosil, fructose, taurine, L-tartrate, nettle extract, L-carnitine, citric acid, L-arginine.
  3. Speman is the most popular dietary supplement. It is a phytopreparation. The composition includes powders of various seeds, fruits and other parts of medicinal plants. Received a lot of positive feedback and is actively used by many men in preparation for conception.
  4. Tentex forte. The composition of this dietary supplement, like Speman, consists of powders of many different plants. A unique cocktail of nutrients makes this drug indispensable during the preparation of a man for conception.
  5. Tribestan.
  6. Verona is a general strengthening phytopreparation.
  7. Viardot. Contains zinc, selenium, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, phytosterols and other beneficial substances.
  8. Indigalplus is an additional source of epigallocakhetin-3, indole-3-carbinol and fan palm extract.

How do sperm enhancers work?

Most of these drugs have a similar composition and effect. The differences are only in related additives, manufacturer, name and other minor nuances. Therefore, the features of the impact of such substances on the body will be considered using the example of the most popular drugs - Speman and Khimkolin.

Speman is used in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia and male infertility that has developed against the background of oligospermia. This medicine is of plant origin. It is based on Tribulus terrestris, an orchid and many other medicinal plants growing in India, the second country in the world in terms of population.

In men who take Speman, the size of the prostate decreases. In parallel with this, congestion in this gland becomes less pronounced. This eliminates the narrowing of the urinary canal that has developed against the background, which allows you to completely empty the bladder. Under the influence of the drug, it is intensified, the quality and motility of spermatozoa increase. In addition, Speman has mild anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties.

Such drugs as Speman, Khimkolin and the like, it is advisable to use in the following cases:

  • in the presence of benign prostatic hyperplasia;
  • in the treatment of infertility that has developed against the background of oligospermia;
  • for the treatment of infections of the genitourinary system (in this case, they are combined with antibacterial drugs).

Speman shows maximum efficiency when combined with another popular drug - tentex forte. Speman contains only components of natural origin. The medicine does absolutely no harm to the body of a man. The drug has no contraindications and side effects. Reception of Speman contributes to the delay or prevention of surgical intervention.

If a man's libido decreases, there are functional sexual disorders, psychogenic sexual dysfunction, age-related decline in sexuality, astheno-neurotic syndrome, etc., then he is usually prescribed drugs such as Himkolin and Tentex Forte.

Himkolin has a stimulating effect on the nerve endings, thereby increasing the blood supply to the penis. This improves erection and increases the duration of sexual intercourse. It is recommended that you consult with your doctor before you start taking Himcolin. It helps fight erectile dysfunction.

Proper nutrition to improve sperm

According to statistics, male infertility is now as common as female infertility. In most cases, problems begin due to malnutrition. Every man who is preparing to become a father should, first of all, reconsider his diet.

Firstly, it should include foods containing vitamin C. It has been established that taking this vitamin every day significantly improves spermogram.

Secondly, it is necessary to include foods with zinc in the diet. This trace element is directly involved in the work of the gonads, testosterone metabolism and sperm formation. Included in bran, pumpkin seeds, beef and other products.

It has been noted that sperm count increases with strong sexual arousal.

To do this, first of all, you need to increase the level of testosterone. Nuts and seafood contribute to its production.

Allowed and prohibited products

The essential ingredients of a healthy diet are:

It is important to avoid the use of heavy and fatty foods. It has been found that overweight men are much less likely to conceive successfully. Protein food contributes to the deterioration of spermogram, even if a person's weight does not go beyond the normal range.

Against the background of excess fat in the body of a man, the production of estrogen, one of the main female sex hormones, increases. Therefore, overweight men have a "pregnant" belly, female "chest", a thin voice and effeminate facial features. Therefore, any fast food and fatty foods should be excluded from the diet.

Scientists argue that the quality of male sperm is steadily declining every year due to the acceleration of the pace of life, environmental degradation, and the accumulation of diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

The quality of sperm increases the regular consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits containing folic and ascorbic acids. Vitamin C has a direct effect on sperm production. With its deficiency, partial atrophy of the testicles and a sharp depletion of sperm are observed.

With regular intake of vitamin C in sufficient quantities, sperm becomes much more active and viable. A large clinical study was carried out. It was attended by men with poor spermogram.

For 2 months they were given 1000 mg of vitamin C daily. After the completion of the experiment, most of the participants noted an increase in the activity of spermatozoa and an increase in their number, a decrease in the content of abnormal spermatozoa and a significant increase in the chances of natural conception.

However, 1000 mg of vitamin C is a very large dose, especially if a person is at risk of ulcers or gastritis. Therefore, as a rule, smaller dosages are prescribed, but for a longer period.

It is better that the doctor prescribes specific dosages, because. self-medication can be unpredictable and not always expected. Be healthy!

Sperm is a liquid (cloudy, viscous, opalescent, light gray in color) secreted during ejaculation (ejaculation) by men. Consists of spermatozoa and seminal fluid.

The amount of semen released during ejaculation in men depends on many factors. The first thing to do is to determine what result and how quickly we want to achieve, depending on these priorities, we will highlight 3 methods:

  1. Increasing sperm count with folk remedies: nutrition, products to increase sperm, recipes and methods.
  2. Increasing the volume of sperm with the help of drugs: drugs, pills, medicines, drugs, dietary supplements.
  3. Increasing the amount of sperm excreted through the transition to a healthy lifestyle.

Using these techniques, you can not worry about the number of sperm. Their number and strength will increase exponentially! With an increase in the number of spermatozoa, the chances of scoring the desired goal increase commensurately. However, when choosing a technique, it is also important to take into account the fact that perhaps you just want to surprise your partner with the amount of sperm or you star in adult films and you need it for work and it’s completely different to score a goal! That is, to increase the mobility, quantity and quality of spermatozoa, which will serve the spread of a new life - pregnancy.

1. Increasing the amount of sperm with folk remedies

1.1 Consume as much liquid as possible

No matter how trite it may sound, but it is water that can help increase the amount of sperm released during ejaculation. The seminal fluid that is part of the semen consists mostly of water. Thanks to this composition, the pathways along which the spermatozoa move are moistened. In order for the sperm excretion process to work normally, an adult male needs to drink 2 to 3 liters of water per day. Naturally, a large amount of fluid will not cause the sperm to be a fountain, but an increase in the amount of seminal fluid will definitely be, if you did not maintain the water balance before.

Important note: If you allow yourself to drink beer, vodka (other strong drinks), then:

    1. By drinking beer, you increase the amount of female hormones in your body, which is why a beer belly appears, breasts sag, and sexual desire disappears. By drinking beer in large quantities, you kill the masculine in yourself with your own hands.
    2. If you allow yourself such strong drinks as vodka, whiskey, cognac, then be prepared for the fact that alcohol removes fluid from the body in large quantities, by the way, this also applies to beer. There is nothing to moisten the way for spermatozoa, respectively, the amount of sperm produced decreases and its quality deteriorates. It is not for nothing that, according to statistics, deviations are observed in 90% of cases in children conceived while intoxicated.
    3. A small amount of natural dry wine made from grapes is perfectly acceptable.

1.2 Do not overheat the testicles

Prolonged overheating of the testicles in men leads to sad consequences. The testicles are a very sensitive part of our body, it is not for nothing that mother nature came up with the idea that they should be placed in the scrotum, outside of our body. Prolonged exposure to temperature leads to massive death of spermatozoa. The normal temperature for the testicles should not exceed 37 degrees Celsius, and if you remember that the normal body temperature is 36.6 degrees Celsius, then overheating is quite simple to cause.

  • Try to avoid heated seats Of course, it is comfortable and pleasant to sit in a warm seat, but a long trip with heated seats can play a trick on you. Here I would also include frequent visits to the steam room, sauna, jacuzzi, thermal springs. A little bit of good if you care about your sperm.
  • Tight underwear also leads to overheating.. I have already said above that the ideal temperature for the normal functioning of the testicles is below 36.6 degrees. When you wear tight underwear, you thereby increase the contact of the scrotum with the body, which increases its temperature. Therefore, wearing tight underwear definitely leads to a decrease in the amount of sperm and the production of seminal fluid.
  • Don't sit cross-legged. This position is not only contraindicated for pregnant women, but for all men. This position also has an effect on the volume of semen and seminal fluid. In this position, almost the same thing happens as with tight underwear, you press the scrotum to your body. If you sit in this position for a long time, you run the risk of increasing the temperature of the testicles above the acceptable level. You shouldn't allow this.

1.3 Abstinence from ejaculation

Prolonged abstinence is harmful to the male body, as sperm stagnation occurs. This is due to the fact that our body regenerates spermatozoa at a rate of more than 1500 per second. That is, any man produces from 130 to 200 million sperm per day. Frequent orgasms several times a day reduce the amount of sperm produced. At the same time, if you abstain for 1-2 days, then replace a significant increase in the amount of sperm. It makes no sense to abstain for more than 1-2 days, since this time is enough to completely "recharge", on the third day the sperm will simply become stagnant and grow old, it is better to get rid of such sperm in a natural way.

1.4 Special exercises to increase sperm count

There are 4 main exercises from the practice of Tao, which are considered to increase erection, concentrate jing energy, and accumulate the necessary energy in the penis, prostate. After completing these exercises, it is advisable to do seed kung fu.

  1. Testicular contraction: Rub your hands or warm them in any way you like. Massage of the testicles by compression allows you to increase the amount of sperm, stimulate the production of hormones, improve erections. With one hand, lift the penis, with the other hand, gently grasp the testicles and lightly squeeze. Gradually squeeze and unclench your hand, each time increasing the degree of squeezing (there should be no pain, compression should be very short, literally a second) and sipping slightly down. For this exercise, you need to perform a minimum of 100 repetitions, after that, change hands and repeat the set.
  2. From side to side: Similar to the first exercise, this is aimed at increasing the production of sperm and hormones. Raise the penis, take the testicles with the other hand, as if in a bowl, and begin to dangle them from side to side, gradually accelerating. Such dangling of the testicles must be performed from 3 to 5 minutes, then we change hands and repeat again.
  3. testicle slapping: We also warm up our hands, raise the penis and with the other hand we begin to lightly tap and pat the testicles, gradually, slowly, avoiding painful sensations, we increase the speed and strength of the claps. The exercise is also done from 3 to 5 minutes, then a change of hands is made and the exercise is repeated. It is also important to pat the area between the base of the penis and the scrotum at the junction, we also do claps on the perineum.
  4. Local massage with pressure on the testicles: Hold the penis with one hand. and with the thumb of the second hand, begins to make circular massage movements in both directions clockwise and counterclockwise. Exercise must be done from 100 to 300 times. Then change hands and repeat.

I classified these exercise techniques as folk, as they are available to any man, of any age, and are really effective.

2. Increasing Sperm Count with Drugs, Pills and Supplements

2.1 Sperm increase pills: Zinc with folic acid. It seems to me that the benefits of zinc, as a mineral, have been disclosed in more than one scientific work. It takes a major role in cellular metabolism. Recent studies have shown that the combined intake of zinc with folic acid leads to a guaranteed increase in the quantity and, most importantly, the quality of sperm. An increase in semen volume was noted by 75% of all subjects.

  • The ratio of 5 mg of folic acid and 66 mg of zinc sulfate is the optimal daily dosage for an adult male.
  • Important: taking zinc-based products, or just zinc without folic acid, does not have a strong effect on increasing sperm count.

2.2 Special preparations and supplements for increasing semen volume: Volume Pills, Volume 500, Performer5(drugs are listed in order of effectiveness). These drugs are taken by almost all professional actors who star in films for adults, where a bright and beautiful orgasm is required on the partner's face or chest. The drugs activate the natural production of spermatozoa, increasing it by 3-4 times, without harm to the body. Since these supplements are designed to gradually increase sperm volume, so be prepared that it will take time. so that your body adjusts to the new amount of ejaculate. Most often it takes from 2 weeks to 1 month.

You can buy funds to increase the amount of sperm in our pharmacy.

3. Increasing sperm count with special foods and nutrition

What to eat to increase the amount of sperm? First, it’s probably worth considering what you definitely shouldn’t eat, and then we’ll move on to proper nutrition. For example, carbonated drinks affect the inhibition of sperm no less than alcohol.

3.1 Carbonated drinks reduce sperm production by 30%. It's all because of the high fructose corn syrup that is now added to all the sodas that you drink, I will not name the brands, you already know them very well. Not only do they have a destructive effect on the liver, they also reduce the production of sperm in men. Studies conducted among men consuming a liter or more of carbonated drinks daily for a week have shown a decrease in sperm levels from normal by 30%, and as scientists say, this percentage can be significantly higher with systematic use.

3.2 Refuse grilled meat, fatty foods and especially fast food.

3.3 Include more proteins and amino acids in your diet. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, the protein itself is needed by our body. Increasing the amount of protein foods in the diet is being actively studied, and the assumption is being tested that amino acids, with regular use, increase the number of produced sperm. Even if there is no impact on the amount of sperm, the quality should definitely increase, since the head of the spermatozoa, for the most part, consists of amino acids.

From the general list of amino acids, it is worth highlighting those that can actually increase the amount of sperm:

  • L-Arginine (Now Foods, L-Arginine Powder, Jarrow Formulas, Arginine 1000 mg , 21st Century Health Care, L-Arginine)
  • L-lysine (Jarrow Formulas, L-Lysine, Now Foods, L-lysine,)
  • L-Carnitine (Dymatize Nutrition, Xtreme L-Carnitine, MRM, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Now Foods, L-Carnitine)

3.4 Seafood. Fresh seafood also has a positive effect on the quantity and quality of sperm. Trite shrimp or oysters, squid, mussels, lobsters, crabs, sea cucumbers, which for some reason are completely unpopular in Russia. Due to the high content of protein and trace elements, the amount of sperm secreted increases many times, who has been to Thailand and eaten shrimp for a week knows that an orgasm lasts an average of 10-20 seconds, and the sperm just beats with a fountain, personally experienced.

3.5 Try goat grass (horny goat weed). This herb first got its spread in China when a goat herder noticed that a herd of goats after eating this herb began to show sexual activity. Later, having subjected this weed to a more detailed study, it was found that it contains phosphodiesterase enzymes, which are used in the very well-known Viagra to block the outflow of blood from the penis, only in a very small dosage. So we can say 100% that this herb is a herbal analogue of Viagra. I would not advise buying the weed itself, but ready-made preparations based on it and tinctures are quite successfully used and sold on the same Aliexpress, I think most Russians have already made purchases there.

But whether this weed has an effect on the amount of sperm is still the subject of controversy, some of those who have tried it say yes, someone says that it only strengthens the erection. I am inclined to believe that horny goat weed has an individual effect on each man.

3.6 Fruit and vegetable diet. I don’t think it’s worth reminding you that fruits and vegetables are healthy, but it’s important to build the right diet, since basically the average Russian man simply doesn’t have it, just as there is no idea what to eat. Fruits and vegetables themselves are a treasure trove of antioxidants. They are necessary in order to increase the viability of your spermatozoa, if you did not know, then spermatozoa live up to 3 days before fertilizing the egg. Daily consumption of fruits and vegetables will not only positively affect the amount of sperm secreted, but also generally strengthen the immune system and improve well-being. The largest amount of essential antioxidants is found in:

  • Rhizomes of asparagus and drilizen;
  • Red beans;
  • Sesame seeds, sunflower, pumpkin, watermelon, but only in raw form;
  • Wild blueberries, cranberries, blackberries;
  • Prunes;
  • Apples (certain varieties: red delicious, granny smith, gala, fuji);
  • Artichokes.

If the task is to improve the QUALITY of sperm, then I would recommend foods such as: corn, cheese, pumpkin seeds, black caviar, oysters, celery, walnuts, liver, milk, salmon.

4.1 Strengthen your pelvic muscles. Exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvis are equally useful for women and men. At least he probably even said that they are more for men, because with their help they support the health of the prostate and get rid of problems with early ejaculation. Don't forget Kegel exercises! By pumping these muscles, you will be able to control your orgasm and influence the increase in the amount of sperm in a big way.

4.2 Give up cigarettes. If you have not given up smoking in the 21st century, then you have one more good reason to do it now. Smoking not only reduces sperm production, but also reduces sperm motility and viability. You yourself, roughly speaking, kill yourself with your own hands and deprive yourself of the opportunity to become a father.

  • Male smokers have a higher chance of having children with pathologies, medical abnormalities. During pregnancy and before conception, a woman should not be exposed to and experience the effects of tobacco smoke. If your girlfriend smokes herself, then I would not consider her at all as a candidate for procreation.
  • Smoking non-tobacco products. Marijuana smoking, although banned in Russia, is legalized in a number of countries. So take note that marijuana leads to a significant suppression of testosterone production and a decrease in viable sperm.

4.3 Avoid stress. Our real life consists of a series of stresses, but try to understand that stress is a very bad thing. Studies have shown that the hormones released in men during times of stress affect the ability of the testicles to produce testosterone. By itself, this hormone is largely responsible for the production of sperm. In addition to the oppression of the male principle, stress can also manifest itself in the form of:

  • Acne and facial skin defects, scalp disorders (sores, dandruff);
  • Cardiovascular diseases such as angina pectoris and heart attack;
  • Insomnia.

4.4 Go in for sports, get used to physical activity. Regular physical activity increases the production of testosterone, and, accordingly, increases the amount of sperm produced. Therefore, go to the sports town, triple your run, go to the gym, in the end, stop sticking at the monitor while reading this article.

4.5 Protect yourself during sexual intercourse. It would seem that what does the production of sperm and the use of a condom have to do with it? But the dependence here is absolutely direct. if you are insecure about your partner, there is always a risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhea, chlamydia and herpes, but they can already not only affect sperm production, but also make you infertile. Therefore, unprotected contact can only be with the person you completely trust, and even better with a medically confirmed one.

There is a certain rate of sperm release after intercourse in a man. The normal volume in medicine is 2-4 ml. The only thing that affects the amount of ejaculate released is the process of fertilization.

The fact is that for a normally ongoing process of fertilization of an egg, at least 1.5 milliliters of sperm is needed. This volume will be quite enough, since this amount of seminal fluid contains from 15 to 20 million spermatozoa. Of course, the more sperm a man produces, the higher the chances of a woman getting pregnant. Therefore, sometimes the issue of increasing the volume of ejaculate becomes acute.

What does sperm production depend on?

The volume of sperm produced by a man depends on many factors in the male body.

Men, just like women, need to take care of their body in order to be able to conceive a child without problems. Sexual function is very sensitive to all external manifestations, and therefore it is important not to forget about the reproductive organs, monitor your diet and lifestyle, and also undergo examinations on time.

How to increase sperm - the doctor's answer

What can reduce the volume of sperm produced?

A decrease in ejaculate production can occur for many reasons.

The most common are problems of a general nature, when a man experiences severe hypothermia of the body, significant overwork, or is exposed to viruses and bacteria. In such cases, as a rule, a representative of the stronger half feels a general malaise, deterioration in health, and a serious condition of the body. Basically, with general malaise, the work of many organs, including the gonads, changes for a while.

A more serious and directed problem can be inflammatory processes directly in the organs of the reproductive, reproductive system, as well as in the organs of the genitourinary system. Such diseases include prostatitis, prostate adenoma and various pathologies in the testicles. The most dangerous in this case are diseases of the gonads. If a man does not receive timely help and does not cure the inflammation in the testicles, he may forever remain infertile.

For any discomfort in the testicles, especially in the presence of pain, noticeable swelling and inflammation, you should consult a doctor. For a man, the testicles are one of the most important organs, since they perform the function of procreation.

How to increase the amount of sperm?

As a rule, the question of how to increase the volume of sperm arises before a man only when he, together with his soulmate, seriously thinks about the need to have a child. In other situations, this problem does not really matter. Of course, if a man experiences discomfort due to the fact that after sex a small amount of sperm is released, measures must be taken.

In order to increase sperm volume, it is necessary to use both medication and additional means associated with lifestyle changes. Among the drugs that increase sperm, individual components can be distinguished, such as folic acid, vitamins C and E. In addition, minerals (zinc and selenium) must be consumed. Good drugs that help speed up the process of producing ejaculate are L-carnitine and L-arginine.

Often, special dietary supplements are used to improve the process of producing ejaculate in the body and increase the volume of sperm. These funds are convenient in that they can be used by almost all men, since dietary supplements, as a rule, are made on a natural basis. Most natural ingredients do not cause allergic reactions.

In addition, biologically active additives, in addition to the main focus, also help to strengthen immune defenses and generally increase the tone of the body.

Popular drugs that increase sperm count:

  • Speman,
  • Spermaplant and others.

You can use the drugs yourself, however, it is still better to first consult with a specialist in order to prevent side effects.

In addition to the use of medications, lifestyle changes and the rejection of many bad habits are also important. If a man has a specific question - how to increase the volume of sperm, you need to understand that the first thing you should pay attention to is bad habits.

Before conceiving a child, it is advisable to stop smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs at least a few months in advance. Ideally, the rejection of bad habits should occur long before the conception of a child, so that all harmful toxic substances can leave the body of a man, and the affected cells can recover.

To produce more sperm, you should start to lead an active lifestyle, play sports, bring your weight back to normal. Physical activity has a positive effect on the functioning of the sex glands. However, it is important not to overdo it. Too much stress that causes severe stress on the body, on the contrary, will harm the process of sperm formation in the testicles.

It is also desirable to bring into your life as many new pleasant experiences and positive emotions as possible. This creates a favorable background for the work of the sex glands and helps to get rid of any stress and grief.

Methods to increase sperm count


Weak potency, a flaccid penis, the absence of a long-term erection is not a sentence for a man's sexual life, but a signal that the body needs help and male strength is weakening. There are a large number of drugs that help a man get a stable erection for sex, but they all have their drawbacks and contraindications, especially if the man is already 30-40 years old. Capsules not only help to get an erection HERE AND NOW, but act as a prevention and accumulation of male power, allowing a man to remain sexually active for many years!

What foods increase sperm volume?

We all know that the protein in the body of a man on how the amount of sperm secreted increases. The fact is that most of the ejaculate consists of protein. Therefore, the more protein a man eats, the more material there is in the body for the production of sperm.

Any representative of the strong half needs to eat as many natural protein foods as possible. These products include:

  • meat,
  • bird,
  • fish,
  • nuts and beans.

It is better to use meat and fish that are not too fatty, since fatty foods, on the contrary, reduce sperm production.

Also, for the normal production of ejaculate, a man needs antioxidants, which are found in fruits and vegetables, and in fairly large quantities. Natural products with a real “spermogenic” effect are broccoli, avocados, pumpkin seeds, which also have a good effect on potency, grapes, beef liver and avocados. These products will help to quickly improve the functioning of the sex glands.

What medicines are used for better ejaculate production

Every man should remember that the question of how to increase sperm production should only be asked if it is a specific problem related to failure to conceive a child. As a rule, such a diagnosis is made by a doctor during an examination for infertility. Only in this case should resort to the use of drugs.

If the issue of childbearing is not in front of a man, then you should not worry about a small amount of seminal fluid. Of course, time dictates other standards, according to which the amount of sperm after intercourse speaks about the sexual capabilities of a man, however, in reality this is not so. The norm for any man is the release of sperm no more than 4 ml. Therefore, do not panic if the amount of semen released did not live up to expectations.

You can very quickly increase the volume of ejaculate produced by. As a rule, a large amount of sperm is a side effect of such drugs, so sometimes they can be used for other purposes.

Prolongators today are presented in a large assortment, so every man can choose something suitable for himself. The most popular options are: Stimul Potency Pills, Stimul Erection Cream, and Men Energy. You can buy such drugs in pharmacies and erotic goods stores.

The increase in sperm production is often a long and gradual process. Of course, in emergency cases, you can use prolongators, but it’s better to take care of your lifestyle and put it in order. After all, drugs that prolong the duration of sexual intercourse will help to increase the amount of sperm only once. At the same time, without their use, the volume will again become small. And, besides, the state of the body will not get better, and to conceive a healthy, strong child, you need good health, a strong and clean body. Therefore, if you are serious about conceiving a child, you need to work hard on yourself.

Do you have serious problems with POTENTITY?

Have you already tried many remedies and nothing helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • Increased irritability;
  • Lack of desire;
  • flaccid erection;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and don't act radically. It is POSSIBLE to increase the potency! and find out how experts recommend treating...



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