How does donating blood affect a man's body? For a successful blood transfusion, the donor and recipient must be of the same nationality

There are many situations when a person’s life hangs in the balance. And in such difficult moments a person expects donated blood, which will save a person in dangerous situation. Donation began a very long time ago, so near this necessary procedure There are many myths and fears floating around.

Translated from Latin, “donare” means to give.

The person voluntarily decides to receive a transfusion. She has medicinal properties. None expensive medicine cannot compare to the miracles of donated blood. Thanks to her, many lives are saved.

Today, donor blood or its components are used quite often. It all started in ancient times, when people drank the blood of animals. There were attempts and transfusions of animal blood, but after this method the person simply died. In the eighteenth century it became clear that only man can save man. Professional blood transfusions began in the First World War. It was then that many rumors about donation appeared, which in our time have been debunked.

What to remember when donating blood

They transfused whole blood, but nowadays they use component therapy - they transfuse what the patient needs. A special employee of a medical institution draws blood under sterile conditions. The procedure uses disposable systems.

Before donating blood, the donor must undergo medical examination by doing a blood test.

If certain blood components are needed, they are separated using special installations, which are also sterile. Blood supplies are replenished systematically, because they are constantly needed. And the point is not that blood is quickly used, but that it cannot be stored for a long time. Every separate component has its own shelf life. Plasma can be stored frozen for two years. Red blood cells retain their properties for only forty-two days, and white blood cells for only a day. Therefore, updating the blood bank is mandatory.

Adults can donate blood age of majority up to fifty years. But, there are donors special requirements. He should not suffer from such diseases: diseases that can be transmitted through blood, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases. Blood should never be shared after surgery, vaccination, respiratory diseases, dentist appointments, drinking alcohol three hours before handing over the material, during pregnancy, menstruation and breastfeeding. There are also some restrictions that are discussed with the future or current donor.

Only four hundred and fifty grams of blood are taken from a person, and this does not affect the general condition organism. If the donor had a hearty breakfast and slept well, then blood sampling will not affect him in any way.

Huge benefits of donating blood from a donor

  • Firstly, this is a kind of training for the body in stressful situations. They can occur during injuries, operations, accidents, burns.
  • Secondly, the body will initially turn on its compensatory capabilities and respond correctly to any critical situation related to blood replenishment.

When donating blood, the body rejuvenates, because new ones are produced. blood cells within a month.

Donation good prevention heart disease. Excess blood is removed from the body.

The procedure is stimulating. This is a kind of disease prevention bone marrow, immune diseases, liver and pancreas.

Moreover, the donor, saving someone’s life, experiences true pleasure from the work done.

For what purposes is donor blood used (benefits for the recipient).

  • Significant blood loss as a result of injury, accident, surgery, etc.
  • Bleeding that can't stop
  • Severe burns
  • Purulent-septic diseases
  • Anemia
  • Hematological diseases
  • Severe toxicosis
  • Difficult childbirth.

What harm can a donor cause when taking blood?

As mentioned above, donors do miracles. But how not to harm the donor himself and his health? Doctors claim that the entire procedure is safe and beneficial. But not all people can donate blood. There is a category of citizens for whom this procedure is contraindicated.

There is no doubt that the donor must be absolutely healthy. This is why complete medical checkup and change important analyzes, in order to exclude various diseases. You must not have contact with infectious patients for twenty-one days. You cannot go to the blood donation procedure during three weeks after a sore throat, flu, SARS. Complete contraindications are past hepatitis and AIDS, tuberculosis, venereal, skin diseases and cancer patients. The donor must weigh more than fifty kilograms.

Security measures

All these preventive measures make transfusion safe for both the donor and the victim. The blood is frozen and there is a quarantine period before it can be used. There were isolated situations when a patient was transfused with contaminated blood. This is extremely rare and is criminally punishable.

After the procedure, the donor needs rest and more fluid, you also need to add balanced diet at least five times a day. On the day when blood needs to be donated, the donor is given an official day off.

Donation is very honorable and respected in modern world. This procedure helps save many lives. This is a huge nobility aimed at good deeds.

If you think that donating blood is harmful, then this article is for you. Bleeding is a process to which the body has evolved to adapt during fights and wars. For a healthy person, loss standard dose blood, which is equal to 450 ml, in no way affects physiological functions and well-being. Moreover, bloodletting has health effect. In addition, now in order to donate blood, you need to undergo a thorough medical examination, and the doctor will tell you in detail how to donate blood correctly and will not allow even the slightest risk to your health, since the state cares about the safety of donors and patients.
Nowadays, many potential donors are interested in the question: is it useful to donate blood?
The benefit of donation for the body is that blood donation prevents cardiovascular diseases, diseases immune system, pancreas, atherosclerosis, digestive disorders and develop resistance to blood loss during accidents, operations, burns or accidents. Also, donation can remove ballast from the body in the form of excess blood and its elements, prolong your youth by stimulating bleeding and self-renewal of the body and, of course, bring considerable satisfaction from the good deed you have accomplished. Do you still doubt whether donating blood is beneficial?
Donation activates the bleeding system - red bone marrow cells, and improves immunity. The body is affected by the unloading of the spleen and liver, and according to the latest data, the risk of developing atherosclerosis, thrombosis and coronary disease hearts. Finnish scientists claim that men who donate blood have a tenfold lower risk of heart attack, and American researchers report that male donors are much less likely to suffer from heart attacks. Regular bleeding keeps cholesterol levels low.
When donating blood, all so-called “storage diseases” are prevented, which include gout, digestive and pancreatic disorders, as well as diseases of the basal metabolism and liver. Blood donations are also useful for preventive purposes.
If you're still wondering if donating blood is healthy, remember that donors who donate consistently are some of the healthiest people in the world! According to WHO, donors live 5 years longer than the average person.
Blood donors do not have to worry about their health, since absolutely all procedures are performed using disposable sterile systems under the supervision of a physician.
A capable person who has reached the age of 18, has undergone a medical examination and has permanent registration can become a donor. He is entitled to two days off, one of which falls on the day of blood donation, and the second at the donor’s choice, determination of the blood type, blood test, blood test for diseases such as HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C, as well as a doctor’s examination.
Infection of the donor is absolutely excluded, since doctors use individual disposable systems for blood collection, and the sensation of blood donation is purely individual, but most donors do not experience it at all painful sensations. Some people feel a surge of energy and a desire to work, and absolutely everyone feels a lot of energy. positive emotions from helping to save a life!
Within 30-40 days, the blood composition is completely restored. The blood donation process is absolutely safe and does not cause any harm to the body. To ensure complete safety, the donor’s blood is quarantined and after six months the donor must undergo a re-examination, based on the results of which the blood is supplied to city hospitals. So do you think donating blood is beneficial?

Today, donation of blood and its components is widespread. This is one way to help people who have suffered significant blood loss as a result of complications from surgery or accidents. There are a lot of such people. Because everything larger number volunteers respond to the call to become donors, the question arises - is it useful to donate blood for donation to men and women? What changes occur in the body if you donate some of your own blood to other people several times a year? Let's figure it out.

Regular checking for infections

If you often provide yourself as a blood donor, then before each collection of material your blood is checked for the presence of infections. This allows the donor to constantly monitor his own health, and if abnormalities are detected, begin treatment immediately. Most people do not have this opportunity, because they rarely go to the hospital for tests, so they learn about their ailments only when the disease manifests itself on physical level and progresses. This is one of positive points, demonstrating why being a donor is beneficial. But that’s not all; by donating blood, a person literally heals his body.

What benefits does donation bring to the health of the body?

It is believed that bloodletting has a healing effect if performed in small volumes. When a volunteer donates his blood to a patient, he gives away about 450 grams of life-saving fluid. A loss of such volume is insignificant and cannot harm the donor in any way.

Donating blood allows you to accustom your body to small blood losses. If some situation arises, for example, an accident or a serious operation, the body of a person who has repeatedly donated blood will find itself in a familiar situation. It activates processes that allow you to quickly replenish the lost volume of red blood cells.

Small blood losses contribute to the rejuvenation of the body, its self-cleaning and cell renewal. This process gives the liver the opportunity to rest a little, which usually processes used red blood cells. The bone marrow, on the other hand, works hard to produce new blood cells to replace what is lost. Good influence moderate blood loss also affects the cardiovascular system.

Donating blood for the donor's body is a little stress, due to which its protective functions. The immune system comes into " combat readiness", thanks to which donors are less likely to suffer from colds and viral diseases.

According to American doctors, people who donate blood regularly are less likely to develop atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, because their veins are constantly cleared of excess blood. bad cholesterol. According to several studies, donation prolongs life by at least 5 years.

Donating blood for donation is also useful psychological point vision. Helping others gives you joy and satisfaction, and every person needs such emotions. They are known to promote good health. Well, for the patient who needs your blood, the benefit is obvious - you will save his life.

Rules for donating blood

If you want to participate in the donation program, you should familiarize yourself with the rules, recommendations and restrictions in this regard. Anyone can become a donor who does not have infectious diseases person over 18 years of age. The upper age limit was removed not long ago, so even people over 60 years of age, provided wellness can become blood or plasma donors. The volunteer’s weight should not be less than 50 kg, however, persons in this weight category can become donors in the absence of contraindications. No more than 300 ml of blood is taken from such people.

Men can donate blood no more than 5 times a year, while women are allowed to do this 4 times within 12 months. Women should not donate blood more often. This restriction makes sense for them because their bodies lose a small amount of blood each month during menstruation. The interval between fences should be at least two months. During this time, the body of a healthy person is completely restored.

Preparation for blood collection or its fractions includes a full healthy diet(refusal fatty foods, smoked, fried) for 2-3 days before the procedure. During this period you should not take any medical supplies and also abstain from alcohol. Immediately before the procedure, the donor is examined and tested for the presence of various infections. If everything is in order, the person is allowed to undergo this procedure and is allowed to become a donor. After the procedure, the donor is advised to rest. You can't do heavy things physical labor, carry out long trips. During the recovery period, it is desirable to include in the diet beef liver, pomegranate, cranberry.

Donating blood is not only a useful, but an honorable procedure that allows you to do good unselfishly to other people, giving them a piece of yourself so that they can live. For such actions, the state rewards donors who have undergone this procedure more than 40 times in their lives with benefits and annual payments, provides them with additional time off and vouchers to a sanatorium.

The harms and benefits of donating blood

There is no clear answer to the question of what are the harms and benefits of donating blood. Therefore, adhere to the rule that everything is good in moderation. Of course, you do not need to donate blood on days when you are sick or feel unwell. It is also not recommended to donate blood more often than once every 60 days, and plasma - more often than once every 2 weeks. In general, you can donate blood 3-5 times a year, and plasma 6-12 times. The rest of the time the body should have the opportunity to recover.

Any person over 18 years of age who has good health and can physically donate blood without harming one’s own body. The standard amount of blood that can be taken from a healthy person without affecting his well-being and physiological functions is 450 ml.

Before donating blood, you will be carefully examined by a doctor who will confirm the safety of this process for the donor. In general, a person is evolutionarily adapted to blood donation, although earlier this was encountered only with injuries and therapeutic bloodletting. In addition, bloodletting in moderate doses has a very positive effect on the human body and heals it.

Benefits of donating blood:

*decrease in the amount of iron contained in the blood.

* prevention of the state of the body, it becomes more resistant to blood loss in case of possible accidents, injuries, burns, heavy operations and other cases.

* prolonging the youth of the body due to the stimulation of blood formation, as well as promoting the self-renewal of the human body.

* prevention of various cardiovascular diseases.

*prevention of immune system diseases, as well as various violations digestive system, liver, pancreas.

* prevention of atherosclerosis.

*removing excess blood and substances contained in it from the body.

* blood pressure correction.

*for women before menopause, donating blood prolongs youth.

* receiving moral satisfaction from doing a good deed.

* the donor is entitled to a benefit - two days off from work (one - directly on the day of blood donation, and the second on any other day).

* honorary donors, i.e. those who donated blood 40 times or plasma 60 times, are entitled to a monthly allowance, as well as some other benefits.

When donating blood, the hematopoietic system (red bone marrow cells) is activated, improves immune defense. Those organs that participate in the process of excretion are “unloaded” dead body red blood cells, namely the spleen and liver.

The latest data from American and Finnish scientists indicate that with periodic blood donation total risk the development of coronary disease, thrombus formation and atherosclerosis is reduced tenfold.

Male donors are much less susceptible to heart attacks, they suffer fewer heart attacks, and their blood cholesterol levels are kept low.

Interesting fact: if a woman donates plasma before planning a pregnancy, the baby will be a girl, and if a man donates plasma, it will be a boy.

Donors who regularly donate blood are the healthiest people on the planet; according to WHO, they live 5 years longer than the average person.

Don’t be afraid to donate blood, because the donor’s blood is mandatory checked for infections before delivery. If any infections are detected in the blood, the donor is offered to undergo a course free examinations and treatment if needed. We also want to assure readers with the editors of the site that

harm from donating blood

cannot be applied to the donor during the collection process itself, because all systems for this have long been disposable.

After treatment, the donor has no right to donate blood for another 6 months. But even after quarantine, blood will need to be tested again, as new infections may be detected.

And remember that your blood can save someone's life. Maybe your friend, friend, and maybe you. After all, no one is safe from misfortune.

A question for doctors: how harmful is it to donate blood as a donor? And is it harmful at all if I have a strong body?


A healthy person is not harmful.
I donate blood regularly, I don’t find any cons for my health.

“For a healthy person, the procedure for donating plasma is absolutely safe, harmless and, moreover, useful. According to WHO, blood donors who constantly give blood/plasma live on average 5 years longer than the average person” ( /).

By the way, you can ask questions directly to doctors - for example, in the “Specialists Answer You” section of the website

Eva Shlykova

I’m not a doctor, but I know that this is useful due to the fact that the blood is renewed, becomes “cleaner”, and due to this everything works better internal organs. But at the same time, you need to eat very well so that hemoglobin and other things return to normal. Even in ancient times, when there was no real medicine, almost all diseases were treated with bloodletting.

Lyudmila Falko

she worked in a hospital, somehow an aunt came, dumb, she used to be a donor for many years, she says: “do at least bloodletting ...” - it’s scary ... like a drug addict, she probably feels bad “without this business!”

Who am I here?

Donated blood long time.
since 2000 Honorary donor.
I donated a total of 24 liters.
I donated it for free, because I was convinced of the need for donation.
None negative influences was not on the body.

Is donating blood harmful or beneficial?


About bruises. They usually do not happen if you do not remove the bandage ahead of time (I wear a tight bandage for at least 3 hours). But if a bruise has already appeared, hepatrombin or troxevasin will quickly help.
About donation. According to American researchers, donors are ten times less likely to suffer heart attacks. Regular blood donation keeps cholesterol levels low.
Donating blood is useful for the prevention of all “storage diseases” - atherosclerosis, gout, digestive disorders, pancreas, liver, and basal metabolism. And for the prevention of diseases of the immune system, blood donations are useful: after all, this is also associated with the renewal of the body. In scientifically proven doses, bloodletting has a stimulating effect.
Donation is useful for preventing blood loss: in the event of an accident, a wounded donor has a much greater chance of survival.
Probably, there is no need to say much about the benefits of medical examination - you must agree that people usually do not pay preventive visits to doctors every 2 months. At each visit, the donor undergoes an in-depth examination (and quickly and free of charge).
I also consider increased self-esteem and emotional uplift from a good deed to be a plus for health :-)).
You can read about donation on my blog. Welcome!
You can ask questions about health on the website of the Russian Blood Service

User deleted

I needed to donate blood for my daughter. They didn’t take it from me, they said that I needed to infuse the blood myself. I think that this is not useful for everyone, but it is noble... And the bruise was caused by the unprofessionalism of the medical staff or your friend immediately threw away the cotton wool and did not keep his arm bent after drawing blood.

Is donating blood harmful to the body?

Ben Zvi-Ari

“Not all yoghurts are equally healthy!” (c)
My soul mate (also a medical luminary) highest category) strongly advises me not to donate blood.
Also, by the way, she does not favor flu vaccinations.

Julia E.

Donating blood is even useful, at least that’s what doctors think. Back in the Middle Ages, bloodletting was used to treat many diseases. For some conditions it is still used today. Bloodletting is useful for hypertension and for women in menopause. It is also useful for men, as it adapts the body to possible blood loss, injuries or stomach ulcers.

Regular blood donation triggers self-renewal processes in the body. Numerous studies show that donating blood serves as a preventive measure for cardiovascular diseases. In men who donate blood regularly, the risk of having a heart attack is reduced several times.

So think about whether donating blood is harmful or beneficial. We think not. In addition, you get moral satisfaction from donating blood because you help people, which guarantees good mood for a long time.

Yuri Viktorovich Vedeneev

Donating blood is not harmful. Human body evolutionarily adapted to bloodletting: this is a universal reaction mechanism in case of injury, and in women, in general, it is part of the functioning of the body.

Exiled to planet Earth

I took it myself at one time... and no one thought it was useful... .
Blood is renewed in the human body every 4 years, and blood donation, i.e. blood loss, provokes it to start the process of producing new red blood cells, thereby knocking down normal work... .
Only one-time donations of blood at large intervals of time can be harmless, since nature, too, in the process of evolution, took care of this using examples of injuries with large blood loss....

Alas!!! Frequent and regular blood donation leads to the body adapting to the constant replenishment of blood.
In case of failure to donate blood, after a certain period of time the person is overcome headache, pressure.
Roughly speaking, this unpleasant malaise begins. People who were once donors themselves repented that they were too keen on bloodshed.


For healthy body- not harmful.

According to foreign researchers, donors are ten times less likely to suffer heart attacks. Regular blood donation keeps cholesterol levels low.

Donating blood is useful for the prevention of all “storage diseases” - atherosclerosis, gout, digestive disorders, pancreas, liver, and basal metabolism. And for the prevention of diseases of the immune system, blood donations are useful: after all, this is also associated with the renewal of the body. In scientifically proven doses, bloodletting has a stimulating effect.

Donation is useful for preventing blood loss: in the event of an accident, a wounded donor has a much greater chance of survival.

Probably, there is no need to say much about the benefits of clinical examination - you must agree that people usually do not pay preventive visits to doctors every 2-3 months. The donor undergoes an examination at each visit (and quickly and free of charge).

I also consider increased self-esteem and emotional uplift from doing a good deed to be a health benefit.

Is it harmful to donate blood to women and how does it manifest itself?...

Elena N

On the contrary, there are even medical indications to donate blood. Bloodletting is useful for people with increased blood pressure, women during menopause. In favor of donating blood is the fact that, from the Middle Ages to our century, many diseases were treated precisely by bloodletting. Hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches) is now widely promoted, which, in fact, is the same bloodletting that benefits the body.
Regular blood donations are also useful because they train compensatory mechanism human body.
According to the WHO, blood donors who regularly donate blood live an average of 5 years longer than the average person.
As an example, I can give one case where donation saved a man’s life. Due to the suddenly opened stomach bleeding middle-aged man honorary donor, lost a lot of blood. The man had practically no chance of surviving, experienced doctors assured, if not for many years of donation. Accustomed to regular blood loss, the body quickly mobilized its strength. The same compensatory mechanism turned on. The patient soon recovered.

There can be many excuses, but doctors and volunteers continue to shout out loud: there are not enough donors in our country!

Why is there a shortage of donor blood in our country?

Blood and its individual elements are a means of first necessity when saving people after road accidents and fires; thousands of leukemia patients and those undergoing chemotherapy need it. Blood transfusion in the predominant number of cases is relevant for several hours or a maximum of a day after the tragedy. But there are so many children and adults with cancer and they need transfusions not just once, but regularly, and therefore there is never too much blood.

It is important to note that blood does not retain its properties for as long as we would like. Red blood cells can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 42 days, plasma can be frozen and then its shelf life is 2 years, and white blood cells must be transfused to the recipient within 24 hours from the moment they are removed from the donor. This state of affairs dictates the need to create a donor information bank - a database consisting of information about a person who is ready to draw blood at any necessary moment.

What are the contraindications to donation?

Naturally, not every person can become a blood donor. This biological material can only be donated healthy man. Such an act can be perceived as an object of pride, because you are not only doing a good deed, but you are also one of those people who are suitable for this, that is, your lifestyle allows you to call yourself a healthy person, and it is fashionable to be healthy! There are a number of contraindications to blood donation, they are divided into absolute (you can never become a donor) and temporary (you cannot be a donor for a certain time). Detailed list contraindications is very wide, it can be found both on the Internet and at the blood donation point.

Temporary contraindications include:

  • for women - abortion, pregnancy and breastfeeding, the period of menstruation, as well as the week before and the week after it;
  • contact (sexual, domestic) with a patient with hepatitis;
  • tattooing and acupuncture procedures;
  • recent vaccination;
  • ARVI and their complications;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • taking certain medications;
  • removal of a tooth;
  • body temperature above 37°C;
  • stay abroad;
  • drinking alcohol the day before.

Persons aged 18-50 years whose weight exceeds 50 kilograms are allowed to donate blood. Before donating blood, a person undergoes a general medical examination, tells the doctor all the information about previous diseases, his blood is taken for analysis dangerous pathogens(HIV, hepatitis, syphilis).

What are the dangers of procedures involving blood transfusion?

List absolute contraindications to donation is so wide that it is not always possible to analyze the collected blood for its full suitability for transfusion without the slightest risk to the health of the recipient. Absence modern technologies to check and process collected blood is a problem on a national scale, but people’s lack of a conscious attitude towards this problem affects everyone individually.

The blood donation procedure does not pose any risk to the donor's health. People are sometimes afraid to become donors, because people hear the problem “blood donation is blood poisoning,” but only recipients are exposed to this danger, and only then rare cases when the transfusion was done either in such urgently that the blood could not be fully tested, or in an institution where such a test is impossible. Blood sampling is carried out using sterile disposable instruments, the packaging of which is opened in front of you, and after use they are disposed of.

The only thing a donor should be wary of is temporary weakness. If you feel seriously unwell while drawing blood, you must notify your doctor and stop the procedure. Usually mild discomfort goes away in short terms, the donor is treated to a free lunch at public expense, he is entitled to a paid day off. A perfect procedure, albeit with a general malaise, brings unprecedented pride that you have joined in saving a human life.

About the benefits of donation

In this case, we will not talk about moral satisfaction from a good deed. The question is what for physical health donation is beneficial for a person:

  • a healthy body will not react to the withdrawal of a standard dose of blood of 450 ml with any deterioration in well-being;
  • resistance to blood loss is developed (in case of accidents, burns, heavy operations);
  • hematopoiesis and self-renewal of the body are stimulated and activated;
  • prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, diseases of the immune system, digestive disorders, atherosclerosis, liver and pancreas activity;
  • the organs involved in the disposal of dying red blood cells (spleen, liver) are unloaded.

Donation presented in society as a noble and useful act. Persons who regularly take tests are provided with its components various benefits. These include additional days off and free food vouchers.

But is plasma donation safe? And what is back side medals? What you should know about the collection procedure and how to properly prepare for medical manipulation?

Plasma. A little educational program

Plasma is the liquid fraction of blood. Her specific gravity makes up 60% of the mass of whole blood. The function of this fluid is to transport blood cells to various organs and fabrics, delivery nutrients and excretion of waste products.

Plasma is necessary to maintain the functioning of the homeostasis system and the formation of fibrin clots at the site of injury. This biological fluid contains protein fractions that provide salt balance organism. In addition, they participate in metabolic processes, stabilize work.

Plasma is widely used in medical practice. Administration of this blood component is indicated when in a state of shock patient, massive blood loss, overdose of anticoagulants, cardiomyopathies of various etiologies.

All these conditions are considered extremely severe. Therefore, donating blood components saves someone’s life.

Blood plasma donation. Benefit for the donor

The collection procedure is an invasive procedure. Therefore, there are cases of deliberate distortion of information about the benefits of donating blood plasma for a donor.

The World Health Organization has developed recommendations for donating blood and its components, including the frequency and volume of collection biological fluid. Following WHO protocols is mandatory for staff of medical institutions.

Benefits of donating blood plasma for a donor:

  1. Moral satisfaction is the very fact that plasma donation can save the life of another person;
  2. Prevention of bleeding - donation is a kind of training for the homeostasis system. In addition, the body learns to quickly restore lost biological fluid.
  3. Increased life span - it has been proven that donors live on average 5 years longer than their peers.
  4. Doing healthy image life - the requirements for a potential donor are quite strict.
  5. Prevention of atherosclerosis, ischemia, embolism.
  6. Renewal of biological fluid components.
  7. Reducing cholesterol levels, which reduces the risk of developing and cerebrovascular accidents.
  8. Prevention of liver diseases, urinary system, .
  9. For women - prevention of breakthroughs uterine bleeding, difficult childbirth with massive blood loss.
  10. The material side - the donation of biological fluid components is not always free of charge. The donor receives additional time off, which can be added to the main vacation. The “honorary donor” status is a list of various benefits provided by the state.
  11. Before donation, a mandatory medical examination is carried out. And even if the donor's candidacy is rejected, he will know that he needs to undergo examination and quality treatment at profile specialist. This will be beneficial even without donating blood plasma.

It is possible to hand over biological raw materials only to specialized medical institutions. If WHO protocols are strictly followed, the benefits of donating blood plasma are undeniable.

Blood plasma donation. Harm to the donor

Any medical manipulation both treats and injures tissues and systems of the body. When donating blood plasma, harm to the donor can occur in the following cases:

The procedure is carried out without preliminary examination;

Manipulations are carried out with a reusable instrument;

Infection of the donor due to violation of asepsis rules;

Collection of excess volume of biological fluid;

Blood components are a valuable biological substance. Therefore, transfusion specialists strictly adhere to protocols World Organization healthcare.

During the year, 10 acts of plasma donation are allowed for 1 donor and no more than 600 ml of biological fluid per manipulation. Medical institutions maintain strict records. Therefore, it will not be possible to exceed the frequency of donations.

When donating blood plasma, harm can be caused not by the fact of blood loss itself, but by violation of rules and safety precautions during the procedure for collecting biological fluid.

How does donation work?

Donation means strictly following the rules of preparation for the procedure and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Just the desire to donate biological fluid is not enough.

Requirements for a potential donor:

1. Age from 18 to 60 years and weight at least 50 kg. In rare cases minimum weight body - 47 kg.

2. Be a citizen or have a residence permit. You must have identification documents with you.

3. Be healthy.

4. Plasma is not collected from women during menstruation.

Before collecting biological fluid, a potential donor is examined by a doctor. Shown general analysis blood, determine the group and Rh factor, test for syphilis, hepatitis and HIV. If the hemoglobin level is reduced, plasma collection is not performed.

If the candidate is allowed to undergo donation, he must have a snack before undergoing medical procedures. Usually it's tea with a bun.

The patient should be in a supine position. During the procedure, the donor uses 2 hands. Biological fluid is collected from one. The blood enters a centrifuge to separate red blood cells, platelets, and other cells from the plasma.

Then the platelet and erythrocyte mass obtained after centrifugation is injected into the vein of the second arm. The resulting plasma is frozen.

Behavior after donation

During plasma collection, the amount of hemoglobin does not decrease, as when donating whole blood. But the body still experiences stress, so weakness and dizziness are possible after donation.

How to behave so that donating blood plasma brings benefits and not harm:

1. Don't smoke.

2. Forget about it for a day alcoholic drinks. You should not believe the myth about the benefits of red wine for recovery after blood loss.

3. After plasma collection, do not remove pressure bandage during few hours.

4. Rest for half an hour after the manipulation. Eat a bun, drink tea.

5. You should not go to the gym or engage in labor feats during the day.

6. Eat normally and drink enough water for 2 days after donation.

Failure to follow the rules of behavior after donating blood plasma will harm the donor, since the body will recover much more slowly. There will be weakness and dizziness.

Before deciding to donate blood components, discuss the benefits blood plasma donation with a transfusiologist. Well, the harm of this medical manipulation is extremely doubtful.

Especially for: - http://site

Donation is controversial issue, which is causing heated discussion in various circles. Some consider this a noble act that saves lives, while others are categorically against the procedure. According to doctors, is it useful to donate blood? How does this procedure affect a person’s well-being? What should those planning to become a donor consider?

There is heated debate about whether donating blood is harmful. Driving boards cannot determine whether it is worth agreeing to mark the donation and transfusion in the event of a serious accident.

If we talk only about the health of the donor, then the donation of biomaterial is considered safe procedure. An exception may be cases when the event is not carried out according to the rules, too often, or too much biological fluid is taken.

Taking a large volume leads to bad consequences

Donating blood is harmful if more than 500 ml of donor fluid is taken from a person at a time. In this case, the procedure can have a negative effect on the body.

When asked whether it is beneficial for women to donate blood, the answer is ambiguous. It is important to consider several nuances. It is worth noting that the law regulates the frequency of blood fluid donation. A woman should not agree to this procedure more than four times a year.

Is it beneficial for men to donate blood? In order not to cause damage to the body, it is important not to allow biomaterial to be taken more than 5 times a year and to donate no more than 400-450 ml of volume at a time.

When does recovery occur?

Some people do not know whether it is possible to donate blood and how such a procedure affects their well-being. Although a person sometimes feels noticeably weak and tired in the first few hours or even days, this condition soon passes. What is this connected with?

The body of any person is capable of recovery. If no more than 450 ml is taken at a time, this volume is replenished in approximately 2-4 weeks. For the procedure, biomaterial is taken from a vein.

It is important to get proper rest for recovery.

Important! Those who visit a blood collection point for the first time should not donate more than 200 ml of blood fluid.

Precautionary measures

Before deciding if donating blood is good for the body, it is important to consider some of the pitfalls and understand when to be careful with such a procedure.

If you agree to the sampling of biomaterial, when the procedure is contraindicated, you can cause serious damage to health. Donating blood: good or bad? It all depends on the person’s health status before the procedure.

Donating donor biomaterial is contraindicated in the following situations:

If the person wishing to donate blood has recently consumed alcohol large quantities or abuses it for a long time, the procedure should be abandoned. If there is a suspicion of hepatitis, the donor liquid becomes a source of infection for the future recipient.

Important! IN last years Hepatitis virus infection often occurs through donated blood. No laboratory equipment, capable of 100% accurately determining the absence this virus. The risk of infection can be reduced to zero only by refusing to transfuse human blood or plasma.

Nobody guarantees safety donor material

If a woman has begun menopause, it is also better not to donate biomaterial. Why? During this period, her body is weakened, so some negative process may be triggered by exhaustion protective forces caused by blood donation.

A cold is another contraindication to manipulation. Athletes should approach the process with caution. Of course, they can hand over the biomaterial. However, after that, withstand high physical exercise it won't work for a while.

Any colds are considered a contraindication. As long as a person is sick, there is a constant risk of transmission of infection through the blood to the recipient.

Important! It is dangerous to donate blood on an empty stomach. In the morning there should be hearty breakfast, and the day before - follow a strict diet.

Allergy sufferers should also be careful. Specific antibodies can be transmitted through the blood. As a result, what was an allergen for the donor will affect the well-being of the recipient.

Iron deficiency is also considered a contraindication to collecting biomaterial for donation. A person already lacks the formation of new red blood cells, which is why anemia develops. Blood sampling can only aggravate well-being.

Other contraindications

There are other situations where the procedure is prohibited. Do I need to donate blood, and why do it? Sometimes the cause of infection with serious diseases lies in the entry of the pathogen into the body through donor blood. Even a healthy person may not suspect that he is a carrier severe infections. Will this blood become life for someone or fatal disease, no one can predict.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women do not donate blood

A separate contraindication is considered pregnancy. The procedure is not performed in the first, second or third trimester. If screening does not show pathologies, blood sampling is still contraindicated. At this time, a woman should think about the well-being of her unborn child, and not about donating biomaterial. During the period of breastfeeding, such manipulations should also be avoided.

Even those who previously tolerated blood sampling well may sooner or later experience complications. For example, men may notice that after the procedure, potency decreases for some time.


At the same time, the procedure is practically painless. The injection made when taking blood fluid is no more painful than a regular mosquito bite. According to some doctors, taking donor blood fluid is a good prevention against certain diseases of the hematopoietic organs.

The advantages include the fact that various fractions are made from several grams of donor blood, isolating proteins that can fight various diseases, for example, immunoglobulins.

You can learn more about the benefits and harms of donation from the video:


Who is allowed and who is not allowed to donate blood, what are the reasons for the prohibitions?



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