Discharge within a month after curettage. Discharge after curettage of the uterine cavity: norm and pathology

Are the norm. The uterus takes a long time to recover, so after surgery, bleeding may occur for 5 days. After this, light, spotting discharge should appear; it lasts about two weeks. When you observe clots in the discharge with an unpleasant odor or atypical color, you should urgently consult a gynecologist. Such symptoms may indicate that a fertilized egg and its tissues are present in the uterus. It is especially dangerous if an infection occurs during curettage.

Pathological discharge after curettage

When the character and color of the discharge changes, a serious infectious disease can be suspected. If you notice that you have yellow discharge after curettage, most likely a bacterial infection has occurred - streptococcus, staphylococcus.

May be a symptom of trichomoniasis, chlamydia. They smell bad. The norm is brown discharge after curettage. This is the final discharge, which indicates that the blood has begun to clot. In the case when they last more than two weeks, a pathological process can be suspected.

No discharge after scraping

Sometimes after surgery a woman does not have any discharge. This is very bad. The absence of discharge indicates that the surgical intervention is of poor quality. Blood clots have begun to form in the uterus or a hematoma has arisen, which prevents discharge from coming out. In this situation, an urgent consultation with your doctor is necessary. He prescribes a course of antibiotic therapy, and sometimes it is necessary to repeat curettage.

In addition to the fact that there is no discharge, a woman’s body temperature may rise sharply, causing severe anxiety. This sign is alarming; consult your doctor.

What determines the nature of the discharge after curettage?

How long the discharge will be depends on the type of procedure. After an abortion, women experience heavy bleeding for more than a week, especially if the procedure was performed after 12 weeks. After a mini-abortion, the discharge is not so intense and lasts about 3 days.

Completely different discharge after curettage of a frozen pregnancy. There is no need to immediately set yourself up for a bad result; every woman tolerates the procedure differently. If the uterus does not heal for a long time, inflammation can be suspected.

Features of the scraping procedure

The procedure is most often performed in the following cases:

  • At .
  • After complications during childbirth.
  • For endometriosis.
  • For uterine polyps.

There are two types of curettage - separate diagnostic (medical abortion) and therapeutic-diagnostic. During the procedures, the endometrial layer is removed from the uterine walls. The procedures differ in the consequences of curettage - after a medical abortion, the discharge is more intense.

When curettage is performed, the endometrial layer is removed from the uterine cavity. In the first two weeks, the woman is bothered by a nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Curettage is a traumatic procedure, after which bleeding cannot be avoided.

After surgery, a woman should carefully monitor that she does not have excessive discharge during the recovery process. You should be concerned if the pad fills within 30 minutes. It is important to pay attention to the consistency and smell of the discharge in order to avoid infection in time.

Bleeding after surgery can last about one week; if it drags on, this is no longer normal. A month after curettage, the discharge completely stops.

It is important to constantly monitor your well-being and promptly see a gynecologist after curettage. With the help of an examination, you can find out how the uterus contracts. Ultrasound helps to find out whether fetal particles remain inside the uterus or not. Also, sometimes a woman additionally needs to take a course of vitamins, possibly hormones, in order to recover after curettage. Some women need psychological help.

Bloody discharge after curettage

Sometimes after the procedure there may be severe pain in the lower abdomen, and a copious amount of sanguineous discharge appears. Symptoms indicate a serious pathology. Most likely, a fertilized egg remains in the uterine cavity. In this situation, the discharge contains a large number of clots that smell unpleasant, and the woman is bothered by chills. Repeated curettage will help get rid of all these symptoms.

Complications after curettage

  • Bleeding in the uterus . This rarely happens if a woman has a blood clotting disorder. To prevent this unpleasant symptom, you will need an injection of Oxytocin.
  • Accumulation of blood clots occurs due to severe spasm in the cervix. Blood clots are dangerous and an infectious disease can develop. To prevent this pathological process, it is necessary to take antispasmodics - No-shpa. This will allow the cervix to completely relax. It is not difficult to detect the pathology; the woman’s discharge stops and she experiences unbearable pain in the abdominal area.
  • Development of infection in the uterus . The disease occurs when a large number of microbes settle in the uterus. For preventive purposes, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. During an infection, a woman experiences severe chills and a rise in temperature.
  • Infertility. The complication is rare, but still a woman must understand that when deciding on such a procedure, she is taking a risk; problems may arise in the future with conceiving a child.

Thus, after curettage, a woman should carefully monitor the nature of her discharge. At the slightest deviation from the norm, consultation with the attending doctor and timely treatment is necessary.

Bleeding after curettage of the uterine cavity is a natural result of the procedure. Despite the fact that after surgery the uterus begins to contract, blood clots can be released from it for several hours or even days. Below we describe in detail how many days bleeding lasts after curettage of the endometrium - the inner mucous membrane of the uterus.

After an abortion or non-developing pregnancy

The process of revision of the uterus is a minor operation performed in a hospital under local or general anesthesia. Its purpose is to remove the upper functional layer of the organ mucosa. Most women experience bleeding after this procedure. At the same time, it is important to know what duration and intensity of discharge is normal, and what is a pathology that requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

So, bleeding after a mini-abortion is a common, but quite dangerous consequence. Gynecologists note that the norm is intense discharge for 2-5 days after the procedure, and spotting for 7-10 days. If more than 2 weeks have passed after the procedure, but bloody or brown discharge remains, you should consult a gynecologist.

Bleeding after curettage of a frozen pregnancy should not be intense. Ideally, if the procedure is successful, minor bleeding is allowed for a few days. If they last longer, become more intense, change color, etc., you should immediately consult a doctor. This may indicate incomplete removal of the embryo and placenta. In this case, urgent reoperation will likely be needed.

Dangerous consequences: when to consult a doctor immediately

Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, discharge after curettage can be of varying intensity and last from one day to several weeks. However, there are a number of signs, the appearance of which may indicate pathology.

1. Extremely intense discharge, when the sanitary pad is completely filled with blood within an hour. This reaction of the body may indicate incomplete scraping of the fertilized egg, its fragments and membranes. They prevent the uterus from contracting, causing bleeding to continue.

2. Blood clots come out (many, large). This is often evidence that the abortion was not completed completely.

3. The discharge has an uncharacteristic color (for example, too dark) or an unpleasant odor. The presence of these signs indicates that an inflammatory process has begun in the uterine cavity.

4. There is no discharge at all. This may indicate that a hematoma has formed on the cervix, which prevents blood from coming out.

In general, bleeding a week after cleaning the uterus is normal. However, if you notice that the discharge has become atypical, has changed color, intensity, and so on, it is better to visit a gynecologist unscheduled. You shouldn't take risks hoping that everything will stop on its own. Often, repeat curettage surgery must be performed immediately; If you miss time, you can develop serious health problems. In addition, an undetected infection in the uterine cavity is a real threat to life.

Curettage refers to minor surgical interventions. It is performed after childbirth, abortion, to remove tumors in the uterus. Most women tolerate the procedure well. But some patients observe pathological changes in the body, including discharge.

We will tell you how many days the bleeding continues, when it is within normal limits, and in what cases requires consultation with a doctor.

About curettage

Curettage is a gynecological operation aimed at cleansing the uterine cavity of various formations, blood clots, remnants of the placenta and fertilized egg. It is carried out mechanically - by introducing special instruments into the uterine cavity or through vacuum aspiration.

Curettage is indicated for women:

  • after childbirth, if remnants of the placenta or large blood clots are detected in the uterus;
  • after an abortion, while retaining parts of the fertilized egg;
  • for removal of fibroids and plolips;
  • for diagnostic purposes, to obtain a piece of tissue and examine it for the presence of cancer cells.

Repeated cleaning, for example, after hysteroscopy with curettage, causes particular harm to the body. The operation leads to injury to the walls of the uterus, and bleeding wounds appear on it. And if not enough time has passed after the operation, then repeated intervention can cause the wound to become infected. Therefore, a woman should know what discharge should be after curettage in order to promptly consult a doctor for help.

Discharge within normal limits

After diagnostic curettage or to cleanse the uterine cavity, spotting is normal. The reason for their appearance is the rejection of the upper layer of the endometrium and injury to the uterine cavity. The doctor should warn you how long the discharge lasts and what intensity it is.

The nature of the discharge after curettage largely depends on the disease for which the operation was required.

After childbirth

Curettage is prescribed for women in labor whose uterus does not contract or where placenta remains in the uterus are diagnosed. To remove blood clots, vacuum aspiration or mechanical cleansing is performed. There should be no bleeding after curettage; the woman continues to experience lochia - postpartum discharge. In intensity they resemble menstruation in the first 2-3 days. The discharge lasts no more than 1.5 months.

After an abortion

Often after an abortion, remnants of the fertilized egg remain in the uterine cavity. If you do not remove them, infection may occur. Curettage is performed to cleanse the uterus and normalize its functioning. Due to injury to the walls, the wife begins to discharge. The ichor is observed for 5-10 days, after which the vaginal secretion becomes brown and stops on the 14th day.

After removal of tumors

There may be no discharge after curettage of the uterine cavity to remove tumors. If the procedure was carried out using modern methods, without damaging the mucous membranes, then the woman feels good. But for the first 3-4 days, small pink discharge is not considered a deviation from the norm. The main thing is to control their quantity and, in case of changes, consult a doctor.

Nature of discharge and duration

Normal discharge after mechanical curettage has the following symptoms:

  • average volume, like menstruation, for no more than 3 days;
  • there are no large blood clots;
  • abdominal pain is tolerable;
  • there is no unpleasant, putrid odor.

We examined earlier what discharges are observed in a particular case. It is worth focusing on the presented standards in order to promptly diagnose the presence of infection in the uterine cavity.

Blood discharge after curettage lasts a maximum of 5-7 days. An exception is the postpartum period, where the appearance of blood is allowed within 14 days. After curettage on the 7th day, brown discharge replaces ichor. They are quite scarce, do not cause discomfort and completely stop after 2-3 days.

Possible complications

Ichure is normal after surgery. If there is no discharge after curettage, in some cases complications may be suspected:

  • During the operation, the tumor or blood clots were not removed;
  • blood accumulates inside the uterus.

The uterus rejects the endometrium after childbirth and abortion. If disturbances occur in the functioning of the reproductive organ, then there is a lack of vaginal secretion. This is not normal and requires an ultrasound examination.

The opposite situation is also possible - the discharge intensifies and lasts longer than expected. This may indicate complications:

  • Internal bleeding associated with inflammation of the uterine cavity.
  • Cervical rupture. This happens due to increased elasticity of the cervix and careless actions of surgeons. With minor damage, the tissues repair themselves. If the wounds are numerous or deep, then suturing is required.
  • Deformation of the uterus. When cleansing the uterine cavity, the doctor acts “blindly,” which can cause injury to the organ. With minor injuries, slight bleeding is observed. If the wounds are serious, the woman may lose a lot of blood.
  • Violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane. Hysteroscopy of an endometrial polyp may damage the uterine mucosa.
  • Hematometra. After surgery, the uterus begins to contract to expel blood clots. If this does not happen, blood accumulates inside. This condition is characterized by the fact that brown discharge first appears after curettage, and then bleeding begins.

If the discharge suddenly stops, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

An alarming symptom is severe, cutting pain in the abdomen. It occurs when the uterus becomes inflamed and the wound becomes infected. Severe pain combined with bleeding is a reason for immediate hospitalization of a woman.

Other secretions

After surgery, the risk of infection and inflammation of the genital organs increases. The disease can be identified by its characteristic symptoms:

  • yellow discharge after curettage and the end of bleeding indicates inflammation of the appendages or uterus;
  • green or gray vaginal secretion indicates an infectious pathology;
  • curdled leucorrhoea is the first sign of thrush.

Additional signs include an unpleasant odor from the genitals, itching and burning. Pain in the lower abdomen is possible.

Within normal limits, only colorless mucous discharge that does not cause discomfort. They occur before the onset of menstruation and 5 days before ovulation. The absence of other discharge indicates a successful operation.

Menstruation after curettage: norm and pathology

The menstrual cycle after gynecological manipulations is disrupted in most women. Less or more blood is released, the duration is shortened or increased. As a rule, after treatment of the disease, periods become less painful and more abundant. Also within the normal range of delays are the first 2-3 months.

The first period may appear only a month after the operation. A woman should not worry; cycle disruption is possible due to a hormonal cycle failure.

How to prevent complications

Knowing how long the discharge lasts after curettage, you should focus on this indicator. If deviations occur, you should consult your doctor. Also, a woman must follow a number of rules to prevent possible complications:

  • carry out treatment only in a qualified clinic with experienced staff;
  • monitor genital hygiene, especially in the first days after surgery;
  • maintain sexual rest until the discharge ends;
  • take a course of medication prescribed by a doctor to restore the body;
  • undergo examination one month after surgery;
  • enrich your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • choose a suitable method of contraception if pregnancy is not planned.

Curettage refers to minor gynecological operations. It is prescribed in a number of situations when it is necessary to cleanse the uterine cavity of various formations. A woman should know the nature of the discharge after curettage in order to control the healing process of the uterus and prevent the development of complications.

Discharge after curettage is a normal pattern and a consequence of the procedure. Regardless of why you underwent this manipulation, the organ after it turns into one large wound. How long the discharge lasts after curettage of the uterine cavity is described below.

Normal duration of bleeding

After surgery, discharge usually appears immediately and normally disappears within 2-5 days. Mild spotting bleeding is acceptable, which, depending on the complexity of the procedure and the characteristics of the woman’s body, can last up to two weeks. If there are clots in the discharge, they have an unpleasant odor or an unusual color, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. Such manifestations may be an indication that parts of the fertilized egg or its membranes remain in the uterus (during an abortion, curettage of a frozen pregnancy, etc.), or that an infection got into the wound during the procedure.

Definition of pathologies

Please note that the color and nature of the discharge is an indirect sign of the presence of any infection, or indicates a poorly performed procedure. So, yellow discharge after curettage indicates the presence of some bacterial process: staphylococcus, streptococcus and the like. Their presence may also be a sign of chlamydia or trichomoniasis. Another feature of a bacterial infection is the smell - sharp, unpleasant.

If the patient has brown discharge after curettage, we can assume that the blood has begun to clot after the operation; this directly indicates their imminent cessation. However, if they are observed for more than 10-14 days, you need to consult a doctor.

If "all is clear"

It happens that after curettage there is no discharge. This does not mean that the surgery went well. The absence of bleeding is an indicator that blood clots have formed in the uterine cavity, or a hematoma (small tumor) has appeared on the cervix, which prevents the natural release of secretions. In this case, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe antibiotic treatment or repeated curettage. In the absence of discharge, a woman usually develops a fever and pain in the lower abdomen. Remember that this is a very alarming, dangerous sign that requires immediate investigation of the causes and subsequent therapy.

It also happens

Also, the type of procedure performed also influences how many days there may be discharge after endometrial curettage. During an abortion, heavy bleeding is often observed, especially if the pregnancy was long - more than 10 weeks. After a mini-abortion, the discharge is less intense and lasts an average of 3-5 days. In the case of a diagnostic procedure, bleeding is moderate and stops after 2-6 days. However, there are no clearly established standards in this case. If the discharge has an uncharacteristic color, smell, or is too intense and lasts more than 2 weeks, this is not the norm.


Curettage (cleaning) of the uterus is a low-traumatic operation during which the gynecologist completely removes the entire functional layer of the endometrium. The resulting extensive wound surface causes bleeding and, in some cases, inflammation. How long does the discharge last after scraping (cleaning)? The answer to this question interests many women and it depends on various factors.


How long does bleeding last after curettage? It is worth noting right away that they do not last one day. The duration of regeneration of the damaged uterine mucosa depends on the reasons that provoked the need for cleaning. This could be an abortion, removal of a frozen embryo, diagnostic or therapeutic curettage.

But there are other circumstances that affect how long the discharge can last after curettage (cleaning) of the uterine cavity. These include:

  • presence/absence of diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • the quality of cleaning, in particular, the physician’s compliance with the rules of asepsis;
  • how much endometrium was removed, for example, when only the cervical canal is curetted, there will be no discharge for a long time.

The discharge will not last long after a diagnostic cleansing of the uterus. If we talk about how many days it is, then no more than seven to ten days.

Bleeding continues much longer if uterine curettage was performed for abortion. How many days will the discharge last in this case? The average duration is 14 - 21 days. At the same time, their volume also increases if we compare it with the amount after diagnostic curettage.

A woman experiences discharge for a particularly long time after curettage performed for a missed abortion. If we talk about how long they take, then on average it is two to three weeks.

There are several nuances that indicate the physiological norm of bleeding:

  • at first it is copious and contains fresh blood;
  • gradually the amount of discharge decreases and it becomes much lighter. Such discharge is called sanguineous;
  • closer to the end of the bleeding, the discharge resembles a “daub”; this is a clear sign that the endometrial restoration process is proceeding normally.

Discharge after cleaning may well look like a meager “daub” of a brown tint.

This may be a variant of the norm, since it indicates contraction of the uterus and smear should not cause alarm. If the bleeding stops abruptly and the abdominal pain intensifies, you should seek medical help.

If the uterus was cleaned immediately before the start of menstruation, then the discharge may last exactly as long as a normal period. But here, too, there are time limits: normally the discharge lasts no longer than 6 days.


Pathological deviations regarding how long the discharge occurs after curettage of the uterus develop for various reasons. Decisive factors may include:

  • duration of cleaning and volume of removed endometrial layer;
  • violation of asepsis rules by physicians, which caused the formation of inflammation;
  • poorly performed curettage - in such a situation, particles of the fertilized egg or pathological mucous remain in the uterine cavity.

If cleaning is performed with the participation of a hysteroscope, then the risk of developing postoperative complications is much reduced. This means that the bloody discharge after curettage will last as long as it should. The device allows the gynecologist to see the inner surface of the uterus with good magnification and perform curettage as efficiently as possible, without causing accidental injury to the organ.

Pathological bleeding from the physiological norm can be distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • if the discharge after cleaning the uterus lasts for a very long time - more than 25 days - then this indicates a hormonal imbalance has occurred;
  • the discharge began to have a pungent odor and its color resembled meat slop - such symptoms indicate the development of an infection;
  • if the bleeding has decreased sharply, and the woman’s stomach begins to hurt, this is a sign of the development of hematometra. Blood does not find a way out of the uterine cavity due to spasm of the cervical canal.

Infection of the uterus can be indicated not only by altered discharge, but also a rise in body temperature, accompanied by increased pain in the lower abdomen.

Prolonged bleeding is a symptom of hormonal imbalance. In this case, the woman is recommended to consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

The relationship between discharge and type of cleaning

Quite often, women are interested in whether there is a relationship between how long the discharge lasts and a particular task of curettage. A similar dependence exists.

After the procedure of aborting a dead fetus, a woman experiences quite strong discharge. If we talk about how long they can last, then on average their duration is 1.5-2 weeks - provided that the abortion was carried out in the early gestational stages. If a woman is recommended to have an abortion at a later date, then the bleeding itself after cleaning the uterus will be profuse and prolonged.

For diagnostic curettage, moderate bloody discharge is typical. How long does the bleeding last? On average it doesn't last long. Most often - provided there are no complications - they stop on the sixth to tenth day.

It is worth understanding that the given duration of discharge after cleansing the uterus are average indicators. The female body is individual and no doctor can say exactly how long the discharge will be after curettage. The doctor can only make assumptions based on many years of medical statistics.

But the unanimous sign of pathology is discharge that lasts longer than 3-4 weeks. In this case, the woman needs to receive urgent medical advice and undergo the necessary diagnostic procedures. After receiving all the data, the gynecologist can make a decision and, if necessary, prescribe a repeat curettage.

Dangerous symptoms of pathology after cleaning

Regardless of how long the bleeding continues, a woman should be alerted to certain symptoms. It will indicate a deterioration in general condition and the need for urgent medical attention.

These signs include:

  • the formation of severe pain of a cramping nature, spreading not only to the lower abdomen, but also to the area of ​​the entire abdominal cavity;
  • nagging pain localized in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region, hips and groin;
  • sudden cessation of bleeding (of any intensity) - this can be a sign of the development of hematometra and, in the absence of qualified medical care, threatens the development of serious complications;
  • a rapid rise in body temperature to high levels indicates the development of an infection;
  • the inability to eliminate severe pain even by taking strong antispasmodics;
  • severe bleeding that does not decrease even several hours after completion of the procedure - filling one pad per hour;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the genital discharge;
  • deterioration in general health.

If such symptoms develop, the woman is recommended to undergo urgent hospitalization.



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