Animal drawings of french bulldog dogs. What are they - a photo of varieties of bulldog breeds with names and descriptions

The Frenchie is a miniature bulldog that is only smaller than its larger counterparts. This is a fairly popular breed, and its distribution is associated with the unpretentiousness of dogs, their compact size, and most importantly, their surprisingly friendly character. What should future owners know about French Bulldogs?

According to history, the name of the breed has nothing to do with its country of origin. In fact, the birthplace of French Bulldogs is England, more precisely the city of Nottingham. Initially, small bulldogs were used by workers to control rodents in factories and other industries. The scientific and technological revolution led to the fact that many workers lost their jobs and went to another country where workers would not interfere - to France. Naturally, they took their own with them.

And in France, they have gained popularity in the working and commercial environment. And already closer to the 20th century, small strong men began to appear in noble families and gradually joined the bohemian life. Ranked 71st in popularity in 2000, today French Bulldogs have moved up 50 points. Is this not a confirmation of their worldwide popularity?

Description of the French Bulldog breed

French Bulldogs have the classic characteristics of Molossian breeds, differing only in modest dimensions. Despite their size, they are powerful dogs with a compact, square body. Growth males varies from 27 to 35 cm, the weight- 9-14 kg, females have the following parameters - height from 24 to 32 cm, weight - 8-13 kg. Dogs are active, they have a developed intellect. And another feature - expressive, intelligent eyes.

The standard describes the breed as follows:

  • Like all Molossians, the "French" have a large, even rather massive head with folds and wrinkles arranged symmetrically. Between the superciliary arches there is a pronounced furrow. The occipital protuberance is present, but it is mild. But the transition from the frontal region to the muzzle is clearly visible.
  • The French Bulldog has shortened maxillary and nasal bones, as well as the lobe and back of the nose slightly tilted back. muzzle ends with a snub-nosed, black, wide lobe. It is worth noting that a shortened muzzle can cause certain breathing problems.
  • The lips are fleshy, slightly hanging down, painted black. Close in the middle and cover the dentition. The jaws are quite powerful, the lower one moves forward slightly.
  • Eyes large, rounded, with a dark stroke and iris, a lively expression.
  • small thin ears- widened at the base, rounded tips. They are located high, but at a sufficient distance from each other.
  • The neck is slightly short, muscular with a slight bend, dewlap is absent.
  • torso characterized by a gradual, but not too pronounced rise from the withers to the lumbar girdle. All representatives of this breed have this feature.
  • The back is strong, well muscled, merging into a short, arched loin and a well sloping croup.
  • The chest is cylindrical in shape, and because of the curved ribs, it looks barrel-shaped, with good depth.
  • The abdomen is taut, without sharp lines. Tail short, but successfully covering the anus. Straight, low rise and tapered tip.
  • front limbs represented by short forearms and pasterns set vertically. The paws resemble those of a cat, as they are small, rounded, with tightly closed, black claws. The hindquarters are stronger, longer and more muscular than the forelegs. They are set vertically, which is associated with the presence of a rise. The dog moves freely, powerfully, measuredly.

Wool and colors

The coat of the French Bulldog is short, smooth, close to the skin, has a sheen and no undercoat. There are dogs of the following colors:

  1. From light fawn to red, with or without brindle, with or without white spots:

  1. Color with white spots:

Completely white specimens are found and accepted by the standard if they have black rims on the eyelids and nose. However, they are not used for breeding, as there is a high risk of offspring suffering from deafness.

The nature and characteristics of behavior

Some character traits of the "French" inherited from their English ancestors, however, they are more mobile, open and good-natured. They are very smart, but owners should take into account that French bulldogs are difficult to train. No, they are quite smart and immediately understand the desire of the owner, but they are not too eager to follow the commands. The dog will repeat the task of moderate complexity, but this will require 30-40 times to repeat his request-command.

The mind of these dogs is directed not at all to the performance of service commands, but to high socialization. These pets know how to build relationships with their family, subtly capturing emotions and moods. The French Bulldog is a versatile dog that is suitable for both a large family and single people, including the elderly and those with physical disabilities.

The Frenchman is a real defender, he feels when a person is in real danger. And this despite the apparent decorativeness and modest size. This is due to their original function of destroying crowds of large and vicious rodents - rats. Pets of this breed are quite peaceful, distinguished by devotion and tenderness towards their family. They are not embarrassed by the accumulation of people, and they even like being in the center of attention.

Mentally, they are very stable, not prone to panic and are not afraid of anything. Some bulldogs are quite capricious, they may be offended, but they do not remember evil and “thaw out” almost immediately. These dogs are excellent companions and need regular human contact. They are very playful, but they are not alien to being alone. But prolonged loneliness is not tolerated well. Owners should take into account that such a pet will constantly require attention, but if the owner cannot deal with the dog at the moment, he will not bother.

Dogs love to travel, so if possible, do not leave your pet, but rather take him as a travel companion. He will not cause trouble and will perfectly transfer the trip on any transport. The French Bulldog does not like its own kind and has an extremely negative attitude towards cats. This is not surprising, since he himself loves affection, attention, and it is difficult for a dog to come to terms with competition. Therefore, it is desirable that he be the only pet in the house. The only exception is if the pets grow up together. Such a dog is the best companion for games, so the French love children and are happy to frolic with them.

Education and training

If you do not require something complicated from the pet, then even a child can cope with the training of a bulldog. They perfectly master the basic commands that are required for comfortable interaction - “sit”, “beside”, etc. It is better to raise a puppy from the first days of its appearance in the house.

If the dog got into the family as an adult, then in this case he will be able to learn the basics of training. From the owner, however, no special knowledge is required - it is enough to show perseverance, consistency and not give vent to feelings.

Bulldogs very quickly get used to the toilet on the street, they learn that it is impossible to pick up garbage and treat yourself to someone else's hands. They mature quickly, and a one-year-old pet will not be naughty, damaging property.


The Frenchman needs some attention and the puppy must be taught to hygiene procedures from the first days. The coat of these dogs is easy to care for, in addition, they almost do not shed and do not have a specific smell. To make the coat shine, it is enough to treat it 2-3 times a week with a massage brush with soft bristles. By the way, wool is the first indicator of a pet's health - if it has become dull, it means that violations occur in the body.

Bulldogs are washed not so often - 1 time in 2-3 months or as needed. You can use both special products and baby soap. It is necessary to regularly inspect the pet's ears and, if contaminated, treat them with a cotton swab. Eyes are treated with a damp cloth daily.

Teeth can be called a weak point in the health of a dog, they are prone to various diseases and grinding. Therefore, bones should not be often given to a pet. For preventive purposes, you need to brush your dog's teeth regularly and give special treats with a cleansing effect. The claws of the animal are trimmed regularly - more often in winter.

Features of feeding

The nutritional value of the diet depends on the lifestyle of the pet. If this is an active dog, then its menu should be more high-calorie than that of a "homebody". Meat should be the basis, its share in the daily norm is about 70%. Suitable foods for a bulldog are lean beef, lamb, horse meat, rabbit meat. It can be given raw, but pre-thawed.

You can also give boiled offal - liver, kidneys, tripe, heart, etc. Usually, the calculation of the amount of meat is based on the age of the pet - 20 g per 1 kg. The remaining 30% includes cereals, vegetables, fruits, herbs, dairy products. Porridge can be cooked from buckwheat, rice, barley and oatmeal. They are cooked on water without salt, meat and vegetable ingredients are added at the end of cooking. It is also useful to season the dish with vegetable oils.

It is not recommended to give milk to adult pets, as their body does not absorb it well. But they can be treated with kefir, yogurt, curdled milk, cottage cheese. Vegetables are given both raw (if the pet eats them) and boiled. For this, pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage, beets, carrots, etc. are suitable.

Fish can be included in the diet - it replaces meat, but not more than 1-2 times a week. River fish is given boiled, but sea fish is best given raw. This food must be free of bones. If the pet loves fruits, then it is recommended to give them as a treat. In some cases, such a treat is a great incentive for puppy training.

Trying to diversify the pet's diet, the owners can harm his health. For example, you should not give sour milk and a meat dish at the same time. In addition, there are a number of foods that should not be in a dog's diet:

  • potatoes (you can occasionally give boiled tubers, but only young ones, the old vegetable is rich in starch, which is poorly digested by the animal's digestive tract);
  • flour products (bread, pasta, etc.);
  • sweets (cookies, muffins, sweets, ice cream, etc.);
  • smoked meats;
  • pickles and marinades;
  • sausages;
  • bones - tubular, solid;
  • pork, fat.

Do not give your pet food with spices, sauce, ketchup, fried, fatty foods. If the owner prefers dry rations, then these should be premium and quality feeds. If the pet suffers from food allergies, then you should choose hypoallergenic food, which is usually available in the holistic food line. Proper nutrition is the key to your pet's health and longevity.


How much does a puppy cost

Due to the fact that this breed is quite popular, there will be no problems with acquiring a pet. There will be many options, and any price category:

  • A puppy without documents and, as a result, without guarantees of a pure breed and health, can cost 2500-3500 rubles. It is worth considering that such a dog is suitable only as a pet.
  • A puppy from a kennel without a pedigree, but with the possibility of obtaining it and a guarantee of compliance with health, can be purchased for 10,000-20,000 rubles.
  • The cost of a "Frenchman" with documents varies from 20,000 to 80,000 rubles. It depends on many factors, such as the titles of the producers, the compliance of the puppies with the standard, and so on.

The French Bulldog is a dog that is bold, cheerful and loyal beyond its size. This is a great travel companion, a friend who will look forward to the return of his master. What will he require in return? Attention, love, affection, friendly attitude and quality care. This is the key to a good relationship between the owner and his four-legged pet.

French bulldog kennels

  • Moscow
  • St. Petersburg
  • Minsk

The ancestors of these dogs were excellent guards and took part in fierce dog fights. Recalcitrant character, powerful jaws and a stern look - with such a pet you will not spoil! But soon European enthusiasts wanted to turn the fierce warrior into a good-natured and energetic companion. After several decades of selection, a charming decorative dog appeared - the French bulldog.

An affectionate animal with large locator-like ears, intelligent brown eyes and a huge variety of colors, quickly won the love of people around the planet.

Observational qualities
Security qualities
The size
Attitude towards children

History of the breed

Historians unanimously believe that the ancestors of the French Bulldogs were four-legged fighters and hunters. But the origin of the breed is not so easy to determine. There is no reliable information about the progenitors of charming babies.

For a long time, England and France competed for the title of the homeland of these little puffing beauties.

The English word "bulldog" ("bull - bull, dog - dog") residents of Foggy Albion called the dogs involved in bull-baiting. These fighting dogs are descended from the ancient Molossian Great Danes, who came to Great Britain from ancient Athens.

Of course, the Athenian emigrants were subjected to chaotic selection. They were kept by both noble people and the poor, crossing with a variety of local breeds. But still, in the appearance of the French and the first Old English Bulldogs, you can find a lot in common. For example, relief muscles and a shortened torso.

baby vs bull

The descendants of the Athenian four-legged aliens decreased in size over time. But it was these creatures that were destined to become the most ferocious gladiator dogs. They have entertained the English nobility for centuries by driving large animals to death. Even miniature toy bulldogs weighing up to 20 pounds participated in cruel games.

The bloody sport of bull-baiting was very popular among gambling aristocrats. The competition was traditionally held twice a week and for many decades became the national spectacle of England. The most courageous and enduring dogs were bought by the rich from their owners for a lot of money.

But in 1802 Parliament banned these cruel entertainments. True, the decree did not apply to dog fights - and the bulldogs went from the Colosseum to the rings. Oddly enough, here the breed did not last long. It turned out that in order to fight with their own kind, mobility and flexibility are needed, which four-legged bull fighters did not possess.

Instead of a cat

In the middle of the 19th century, dog fights were also banned in England. So, the bulldogs were out of work. The same fate befell their owners. People in factories were replaced by machines and machine tools. Therefore, the crowds of unemployed Englishmen decided to try their luck on the mainland. Some of them went to France, taking their favorite toy bulldogs with them.

This was an important turning point in the history of the breed. In the new homeland, the ancestors of the "Frenchman" found a new job. It turned out that they hunt rats very well. Since the Europeans, who survived several centuries of the Inquisition, treated cats with superstitious fear, the rat-catcher dogs that arrived from England came in handy.

The four-legged "English" became very popular among the poor in France. London dealers have made fortunes supplying these dogs to Paris and the surrounding area. Export completely eliminated the number of toy bulldogs in Foggy Albion. But the French accidentally gave this breed a new look and a new life.

Spaniards and beyond

It is believed that it was in France that the toy bulldog made friends with his Spanish counterpart - Alan. This now extinct breed was popular in the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages. For some time, Spanish Bulldogs were used to accompany and guard cattle. But then the four-legged shepherds changed their specialization and, like their English counterparts, turned into warriors.

The city of Burgos became the most popular center where bull-driving competitions were held. Here, not for life, but for death, dogs fought, whose head corresponded to the head of modern French bulldogs.

But the Toy was actively crossed not only with Burgos dogs. The blood of terriers and pugs was also mixed here. The result is a unique compact dog with a short, snub-nosed muzzle and signature large, upright ears.

mother for piglets

A charming bulldog named Baby became famous for the fact that at different times she became a foster mother for kittens, rabbits and even a raccoon. A year ago, she began to take care of six wild piglets. She keeps them warm and cares for them like puppies.

How to get into the upper world?

By 1870, the appearance of the new breed was fully formed. However, it did not immediately arouse enthusiasm among the majority of Parisians. This dog still served as a rat catcher and guard on the working outskirts of the city in the families of the poor, cab drivers and employees.

The French Bulldog even managed to gain notoriety when Parisian girls of easy virtue fell in love with him. They were photographed on their advertising cards with these charming dogs. It was thanks to such advertising that bulldogs got into high society.

The dog instantly became noble and respectable. It turned out that she not only has a pleasant appearance, but also a wonderful character. The price of puppies has skyrocketed. Representatives of bohemia and the aristocracy laid out sums for their favorites equal to the cost of a new car.

The fame of the French bulldog was strengthened by the famous secular lion and Don Juan Leopold de Carneillon la Tour. He bought as many as three dogs and often walked with them along the Champs Elysees. And he gave their puppies to rich women whose hearts he wanted to win.

Favorite of the princess

The most famous dog of pre-revolutionary Russia was the French bulldog Ortino, the pet of the Grand Duchess Romanova, daughter of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II. Alas, the faithful dog was shot along with the royal family during the revolution. For a long time, the breed was banned in the USSR - it was considered a relic of imperialism.

Thank you King

The English king Edward 7th was a well-known connoisseur of good style and elegance. It was he who made the local nobility take a closer look at the virtues of the French bulldog when he rode through the streets of Paris with him in his hands.

Return to Foggy Albion

In 1880, the first French bulldog club appeared in Paris. The famous breeder Marcel Roger became its president. Five years later, outlandish four-legged "French" appeared at exhibitions. True, they were demonstrated together with toy bulldogs. But already in 1898, the breed standard was approved.

In 1903, a large-scale dog show was held in Paris, where as many as five dozen French bulldogs were presented. They were shown as an independent breed. The public rejoiced!

But English breeders for a long time refused to accept the "French freak", endowed with undesirable features. Protruding ears, wavy tail and frog face seemed unaesthetic to them. In addition, local cynologists considered bulldogs to be a national treasure and could not bear such a blasphemous selection of a toy bulldog.

Only in 1904 did breed kennels appear in England. The breeders were forced to recognize the charm of the "French dandy", but tried to refine his appearance. For example, they managed to shorten the tail of a dog.

French bulldog standard: weight, height, colors, breed description

The breed standard has changed many times. The latest version was adopted in 1995. According to this document, all French Bulldogs must weigh between 8 and 14 kg. Not so small for a compact height up to 35 cm, right? Everything is explained by the fact that this is a very strong animal with a muscular back and hind limbs.

The front legs are shorter, so the dog with the body raised at the back looks slightly stooped.

Probably because of this feature, all French bulldogs love to lie down with their hind legs stretched back. And the British jokingly call them frog dogs.

But the most remarkable thing about the breed is its square and broad head with a prominent, wrinkled forehead and a short upturned nose. The eyes of French Bulldogs are bulging and large. The look is lively, intelligent, good-natured. And the ears are very large with rounded tips. On a neck and under a throat folds, traditional for bulldogs, are located. And, of course, do not forget about the huge variety of variegated colors: uniform, brindle or spotted. They range from brown to red-brown. But there are also white ones. In general, you will not confuse such a prominent handsome man with anyone!

French Bulldogs are one of my favorites. The perfect city dog. He is one of the three most popular dogs in the world. The French Bulldog doesn't need a lot of space, they don't need it. The French are not athletes, they were not bred to become champions. Forget about skeet-hopping Labrador Retrievers. Due to the heavy upper part, they cannot float, more like an anchor than a float.

Because of the characteristic crumpled muzzle, French Bulldogs are classified as short-headed dogs. So called dogs with a short nose. The French have a very short head compared to the length of the skull, often the result of an elongated or split palate. Short-headed, flat-faced dogs can have many health problems. Because of this, they have loud and labored breathing. For this reason, the French Bulldog does not feel well and is not ready to frolic for hours. Special breathing conditions cause French Bulldogs to snore. The charming shape of the muzzle leads to another charming feature of the Frenchie - wrinkles.

These wrinkles are genetic in origin. During the breeding process, bulldogs acquired these wrinkles to drain blood from their eyes in case the dog was injured during a fight. Another obligatory element is ears, like a bat. Initially, the breeders favored droopy ears, but nowadays, all French Bulldogs have bat-like ears. Finally, French Bulldogs have serious reproductive problems.

Regular mating is not for them. The dog named after the most romantic country in the world does not use the standard canine stance. Due to the heavy upper body, narrow hips and weak legs, males cannot successfully climb onto the female. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to artificial insemination. But even more remarkable - due to the large head in relation to the body, during childbirth, puppies often cannot get out into the light, due to the fact that the passage is not wide enough. All this makes reproduction difficult and more expensive. For that, you can be sure that the birth of French Bulldog puppies will be planned.

dog and son

A white French bulldog became the subject of a Japanese blog. Young mother Aya Sakai has been filming the life of her son and his four-legged friend for a month now. The story of this family in pictures is the best proof that the "French" love kids.

french bulldog personality

As for the character, in this matter French bulldogs are often compared with English ones. Let's dispel the myths: the temperament of the two breeds is very different. The four-legged "English" are restrained and calm. But the nimble and funny "French" love to play pranks and have fun from the heart. No wonder they are called the most talented clowns among dogs. On the other hand, they are very patient and affectionate dogs that get along well even with small children. They make great companions for the whole family. They do not have a drop of malice or aggression, but this breed does not have the courage. A baby can fearlessly approach a strange dog and get to know each other. Yes, and yard cats, he will drive with passion.

However, you should not be afraid of pranks and disobedience. The French Bulldog is highly trainable. He will be a bit stubborn, but can be negotiated with if you turn the workout into a fun game. And in order to curb the hot temperament, you can teach your pet to compete with an obstacle course.

Raising and caring for a French Bulldog

But do not load the bulldog with physical exercises. Remember, dogs of this breed have a very short nose, which sometimes causes breathing difficulties. In addition, the specific structure of the respiratory system causes snoring during sleep and frequent sniffing. Yes, and colds among the "French" are not uncommon. Be careful while walking! Take care of your pet's winter outfit, because short hair will not save him from the cold.

Make sure that the four-legged friend does not injure the bulging eyes. Also, keep your bulldog out of the water. Representatives of the breed do not know how to swim at all - a massive head immediately pulls them to the bottom.

Remember that the forces in this fourteen-kilogram miracle are unmeasured. Therefore, in no case do not trust his walking to small children. They probably won't be able to keep him. And, of course, do not overfeed your pet. Due to overeating, a muscular baby may well turn into a flabby fat man.

The rest of the French Bulldog will not give you trouble. It is great for keeping in apartments. You can take it with you on trips right in your bag. The dog will easily endure a change of scenery, retain a playful and restless disposition.

Palette from the Americans

Breeders from the USA played an important role in breeding the breed. They were guided by their own standards and were able to develop varieties of French Bulldogs with cream, red and fawn colors.

Dogs that inspire

French Bulldogs are often seen in paintings from the 19th and 20th centuries. For example, portraits of the great Russian singer Fyodor Chaliapin, Prince Yusupov, the imperial family of Alexander the 2nd are known, which are depicted with their beloved pets.

Today, the breed pleases and inspires many stars. Among them are Leonardo DiCaprio, Mick Jagger, Malcolm McDowell, Sergei Zhigunov, Martha Stewart and many others. In addition, representatives of the breed starred in many films, including Titanic, Armageddon, Used Lions.

Charming good-natured and cheerful French Bulldogs gave and will continue to give inspiration to their owners, charge people with optimism and joy. Invite a little eared merry fellow to your house - and he will become your faithful muse in all your endeavors!

Price of puppies

The first question that is usually asked to a breeder who wants to buy a French Bulldog is: "How much does a puppy cost?"

Currently the price of French Bulldog puppies varies from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles. This is the average level. Although the upper bound can be much larger. The cost is affected by the presence of a pedigree, as well as titled parents.

Articles about the breed

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French Bulldogs are descended from English Bulldogs - strong, large and formidable dogs.

But, despite the relationship, French Bulldogs are very friendly and cheerful. Real companions who cannot live without human attention.

They also differ from their ancestors in their small size, which gives them not a formidable, but rather cute appearance.

History of the breed

Although the dogs are called French Bulldogs, they appeared in the county of Nottingham, England. Local seamstresses, who made wicker tablecloths and napkins, brought out a mini bulldog so that he would crush rats in the sewing shops.

Over time, hard times began in England, and at the end of the 19th century, Nottingham seamstresses moved to France for a better life, taking their dogs with them.

It was then in France that these little dogs began to gain their popularity. Many French people fell in love with them and began to have small bulldogs at home as cute pets. After all, besides the fact that they caught rats, they also had a wonderful character and good nature.

It is believed that little bulldogs got to Paris itself at the expense of aristocrats, but at first they were favorites of French courtesans, and this is proved by photo cards showing naked or half-naked women along with mini bulldogs. These courtesans belonged to the elite class, and were visited by wealthy aristocrats.

This is how bulldogs got into high society, after which in 1880 a real boom of bulldogmania began: dogs became part of French fashion.

As far as we know, Paris was the flagship of world fashion, which the whole world was equal to, so the French bulldogs already in 1890 get to America, where they are gaining even more popularity, because after seven years a club of bulldog lovers opens in America. After, the popularity of dogs spreads all over the world.


A characteristic feature of the French Bulldogs is their small size (height 25-30 cm, weight 8-15 kg) and short legs, wide blunt muzzle and large round ears pointing forward, like sonar.

The color of French Bulldogs is very diverse, from brindle-spotted to fawn. The coat is short and soft, without undercoat. The muzzle is wrinkled, the skin folds down to the cheeks and upper lip.

Due to their small size, friendliness and easy-going nature, French Bulldogs have earned a reputation as the best family dogs.

They are not difficult to care for, just remember that they do not tolerate heat well (some airlines have banned the transport of dogs of this breed, as they often died in stuffy planes).

Dogs are also very active and playful, even the calmest of them cannot be left without human attention for a long time, they need to be played with almost every day.

Since they are descended from the fearsome English Bulldogs, French Bulldog puppies can be very difficult to train. They inherited stubbornness, and at times a fighting character is manifested, therefore, during training, in no case should the dog be scolded or beaten, this will lead to the fact that it will become stubborn and completely cease to obey.

When training, the best results will come from short workouts and food rewards.

Care and feeding

As mentioned earlier, French bulldogs do not need special care, they are not whimsical, but this does not mean at all that they can be put on a leash near the booth, in the yard, like a mongrel. After all, they do not tolerate temperature extremes, because they cannot regulate their body temperature like other dogs.

The coat is short, it is almost unnecessary to care for it, but there are problems with the ears. They collect dirt and grease, which can lead to suppuration, so they need to be monitored and cleaned in time.

Between the folds of skin on the muzzle, dirt and food particles also collect, which can lead to inflammation: you will need to wipe the muzzle with it at least once a day, but best after each feeding. They are not whimsical to water, they even like to be bathed.

Food for the French Bulldog should be balanced - meat, vegetables, cereals, dairy products and even fish should be included in his diet.

Adults can be fed twice a day, but French Bulldog puppies, the first month after birth, should be fed six times a day.

Photo of french bulldog

Compact and agile, with straight paws and expressive dark eyes, Frenchie puppies are very inquisitive and friendly.

The desire to acquire a snub-nosed miracle as a pet is quite understandable, especially since representatives of this breed feel great even in the smallest apartment.

But a potential owner of a French bulldog must know the basics of choosing, raising and raising a pet so that a real friend lives next to him for ten or more years.

Baby sleeps sweetly with his favorite teddy bear

Choosing a puppy

Most novice buyers who are interested in French Bulldog puppies start their search with ads on the Internet and newspapers.

This is not the best solution, as there is a high risk of acquiring a sick baby or half-breed.

Buying an animal in a large nursery specializing in breeding French Bulldogs, of course, does not guarantee the acquisition of a future champion, but it can save you from many troubles with the baby's health.

Important! The presence of documents for the baby is mandatory, even if the pet is not purchased for an exhibition career or breeding.

When choosing a dog, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • The tail should be short, but French Bulldogs do not have their tails trimmed. It is desirable that breeders have photos of newborn puppies: the length of the tails is immediately visible. A broken or curled tail is allowed, but it must not be carried above the line of the back.
  • The color of the baby is very important, as carriers of non-standard colors (gray and blue) can suffer from genetic diseases and die during the first year of life. Fawn, red and brindle are considered standard, as are black with markings. A pure black color is considered a marriage.
  • Particular attention is paid to the puppy's head, it should be large, with a short upturned nose and wide-set eyes. The shorter the nose of the animal, the better. Usually the width of the index finger, pressed tightly against the forehead, is sufficient for the length of the muzzle. If all the puppies in the litter are about the same, then you should choose the baby with the widest nostrils. This is important for the normal breathing of the pet.
  • The forelimbs of the baby should be even, without signs of curvature, the metacarpus is strong, the paws are gathered into a ball. Loose paws and a large belly signal a breeder's poor care.
  • The general health of the animal is characterized by a shiny coat, clean eyes, a desire to play and communicate. A timid, insecure kid who sits sullenly in a corner is not worth taking, no matter how good his exterior is. The same rules for choosing a future pet are also suitable for choosing St. Bernard puppy .

Learning to be tidy

As soon as the puppy is brought home, he should be given the opportunity to inspect his new home, get to know family members.

French Bulldogs are companion dogs, they are excellent guards and can stand up for themselves, so you should not treat the dog like a plush toy.

The baby should immediately begin to be accustomed to neatness, and not by planting it on a diaper, but taking it out into the street.

They do it from the first day: after eating or drinking, sleeping or playing noisily.

Important! The more often a puppy is taken out into the street, the faster he learns to ask to go out in need.

Owners' concerns about a pet contracting a viral disease while it is in vaccination quarantine are justified.

However, if you take the puppy to the same place only for the time of recovery and do not allow communication with other animals, then the possibility of the disease remains the same as in dogs that do not leave the apartment.

Feeding a French Bulldog Puppy

Usually, the breeder starts feeding puppies from the second week after birth, and at the age of one month, the babies eat themselves.

Most often, raw ground beef or ready feed .

When taking the dog, the owner must definitely clarify what the baby ate, so that in the first few days of adaptation, give him the food that he is used to.

French Bulldog is a food lover

Up to three months, puppies eat four to five times a day, just like they grow intensively, so they have an excellent appetite.

Leftovers from the table, various smoked meats and pickles, chicken bones and river fish should not be given.

Advice! French Bulldogs tend to be overweight, so you should not overfeed your pet, because the physical activity of these dogs is low.

Ear cleaning is carried out twice a week, for this, the auricles are wiped with a damp cloth, finishing the procedure with a dry cloth.

If plaque forms in the ears, then you can remove it with a cotton pad moistened with any antibacterial ointment.

The eyes are wiped with a dry cloth, with inflammation, you can drip chloramphenicol drops.

Advice! Good-natured and cheerful bulldogs love communication with the owner, walks and games with other puppies. All this can be combined by taking a training course at the training ground.

In everyday life, a bulldog puppy does not cause much trouble, they love to climb onto sofas and chairs, and many owners do not forbid this.

Begging is the main vice of dogs of this breed, as they quickly understand that the touching expression of the muzzle and dark sad eyes act irresistibly on the household.

French Bulldog puppy loves to run after a thrown ball

French babies have enviable courage, they stoically endure medical manipulations and travel in a cramped carrier.

French Bulldog puppies do not tolerate heat, frosty weather and high humidity.

This is due to the short muzzle, which is why the inhaled air does not have time to cool or warm.

A warm jacket or overalls for puppies of this breed are necessary in the cold season - short hair does not warm these dogs.

If you want to make a jumpsuit with your own hands, we advise you to read the article

French Bulldogs are the embodiment of beauty, harmony and love.


French bulldog puppies: care, education, feeding

French Bulldog puppies have a wonderful, optimistic and friendly character and are ready to spend with the owner all the time. These kids get along well with all the inhabitants of the house.

Being a smaller copy of the English Bulldog, the French Bulldog, unlike his brother, is more suitable for the role of a cheerful and friendly friend than a bodyguard. Dogs of this breed love to participate in any family entertainment. They will warmly greet familiar guests, but will always stand up for the owners if they feel threatened from the outside. In this article, you will find a complete description of the main characteristics of these toy dogs.

A brief description of the characteristics of the French Bulldog breed:

  • life span: 10-12 years;
  • height: male - 30-35 cm, female - 25-30 cm;
  • weight: male - 10-15 kg, female - 8-12 kg;
  • color: white, brindle and white, tan, brindle, cream, tan, black brindle;
  • activity: below average;
  • playfulness: not particularly playful;
  • the complexity of education: problems are possible;
  • complexity of training: problems are possible;
  • complexity of care: easy;
  • attitude towards strangers: adaptation is needed;
  • attitude towards children: good;
  • attitude towards other animals: adaptation is needed;
  • conditions of detention: preferably at home.

Consider what a French Bulldog looks like.

Despite their small stature, these dogs have a strong, muscular build. At first glance, it becomes clear that this is a lively and very lively animal with a courageous character. Moreover, males are somewhat larger and more massive than females, which have a more stretched body.

The large and massive head has a square outline. On a short muzzle is a forked flat nose. But the scent of the French Bulldog is excellent - with the help of smell, he gets acquainted with the outside world. The upper lip of the dog is also divided in half. Eyebrows and eyes are separated by a deep furrow that does not pass to the frontal part. The bump on the back of the head is almost invisible. The dark, large and bulging eyes of the dog have an intelligent and kind expression. Strong square-shaped jaws have an overshot bite.

The ears of dogs of this breed resemble those of bats in their shape: they have a standing position, with a wide base and rounded ends. The powerful neck of the dog is rather short, slightly less than the length of its skull. The French Bulldog has such a feature as a naturally docked tail - it is broken in a natural way.

In the French Bulldog, the height at the withers is less than the height at the rump. Therefore, he looks a little squat. Slightly arched back, developed loin and slightly raised croup give solidity to the skeleton of this animal. The wide and voluminous chest of representatives of this breed has a cylindrical shape.

wool cover

The French Bulldog is the owner of a thick coat of short length. The coat is close to the body. It should be shiny and smooth, slightly hard to the touch.


The French Bulldog is mostly brindle or spotted. There are also homogeneous ones. Spots of a white shade are allowed in the area of ​​​​the head and on the chest - the so-called "tie".

If the representatives of this breed have a white coat color, then the eyelids, lips, nose and croup do not have depigmentation. With a spotted color on the muzzle of the animal there should be a mask - a kind of "glasses".

Short story

It is generally accepted that French Bulldogs are a smaller variety of English Bulldogs. Like their cousins, French Bulldogs were bred to fight between animals. Gradually, thanks to the British connoisseurs of this breed, they moved from fighting dogs to the category of decorative ones.

Some researchers claim that among all the ancestors of modern French bulldogs, there are also Spanish bulldogs that did not survive to this day. Surprisingly, French Bulldogs are originally from England. The first owners of dogs of this breed were English dressmakers, who used them as animals living in the house and able to catch small rodents.

Then many dressmakers left for France, taking small bulldogs with them, where the dogs were noticed by the French nobility. After that, the breed began to gain popularity, the price of these dogs began to grow, and soon only the upper strata of society could acquire a French bulldog. It was in France that the first official registration of dogs of this breed took place.

The exhibition, in which the French Bulldogs took part for the first time, was held in 1896. It was hosted by the Westminster Kennel Club.

In the twentieth century, French bulldogs came to Russia and also quickly gained fame, which made them extremely expensive dogs. With the establishment of Soviet power, dogs of this breed began to disappear. By the end of World War II, only one French bulldog named Flik lived in Moscow.

In 1948, a dog of this breed was brought to Russia from Hungary. After that, S. N. Sklifosovskaya took up the revival of the French bulldogs. In 1965, she was able to bring from England a male of this breed named Foleifram Henry, in 1967 - a female from Poland. It is these dogs that are considered to be the parents of the revived line of French bulldogs.

In 1972, MGOLS (Moscow City Society of Amateur Dog Breeding) was founded, in which, along with other decorative breeds, the French Bulldog was registered, which appeared there as a result of the reorganization of hunting clubs.


Energetic representatives of this breed have a friendly cheerful character. And a family with children, and single people, and the disabled can afford such a pet. Tactful dogs of this breed subtly feel the emotional state of the owner and are able to protect him in a dangerous situation.

Along with such excellent characteristics, the French Bulldog is brave, bold and savvy. His peaceful nature makes him a gentle and devoted friend. Having a bright temperament, French Bulldogs enjoy spending time with their families, appreciating attention and responding to it with a demonstration of their charisma.

In describing the characteristics of the French Bulldog, one can also add that this dog has a very calm character. In an extreme situation, she will not panic, since these animals have no fear.

Despite such advantages, representatives of this breed also have negative qualities - they behave like children and can be offended at any moment, for example, at the lack of attention from the owner. But if he fixes this, then the pet will forget about his bad mood and will look happy.


In describing the characteristics of representatives of this breed, it should be noted that the French bulldogs use their intelligence and ingenuity not to perform official duties, but to socialize in the outside world. And the dog's scent is the first assistant in this matter. The French Bulldog sniffs everything, determining by smell whether a given object or person suits him.

Such pets, despite the perfect balance of activity and calmness, constantly require attention from the owner and household members. Loneliness is unbearable for them.

The French Bulldog can show hostility towards other dogs and strangers. On the street, it will not be easy for the owner to restrain the aggression of his pet towards other animals. But if the owner communicates nicely with a stranger, then the dog will be able to get used to him. French Bulldogs are hard to get used to other pets. The best option in this case is their cohabitation from a young age.

Representatives of this breed treat children with tenderness, and very small family members can even be nursed. But the games of a dog with children under six or seven years old will have to be constantly monitored. When a dog gets tired of enduring a bad attitude, he begins to respond to him with bites.



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