Seasonal depression (seasonal affective disorder). Seasonal depression - causes and risk groups

Seasonal, begins to clearly manifest itself in late autumn in the form of a decrease vitality and mood changes. Most people simply do not pay attention to the manifestation of this disease, attributing the blues to bad weather, fatigue from worries, or ordinary laziness.

According to statistics, every seventh inhabitant of the planet falls under the influence of the autumn mood swing. In most cases, these are people with a fine mental organization, suffering from obsessive headaches, nervous disorders showing constant dissatisfaction and having small deviations in physical and psychological terms. Seasonal in each person manifest themselves in different ways, changing from simple irritation to a protracted form of decline in mood and strength.

Types of seasonal mental disorder

Which appear during the off-season, always appear at the same time. If there is deterioration over several years emotional state a person, it is already possible to suspect the appearance of seasonal depression. Psychiatrists distinguish two types of affective seasonal disorder: summer and winter.

Depression in summer a rare event, which appears in June or in the second half of July and lasts until late autumn. Among the entire population, only 10% of people suffer from manifestations of summer depression. Often similar condition passes without outside help with the onset of the first days of autumn.

- This is a more common variant of the disease, which affects 90% of patients with minor mental disorders. Usually this form of depression falls in the first months of autumn and lasts until the beginning of May. With the onset of the first cold weather, many people develop increased appetite and constant sleepiness, and these are the first signs of a seasonal depressive state.

Most patients with seasonal disorder fall into age category from 25 to 40 years old. seasonal changes moods pass with age and disturb much less often.

Symptoms of depression

Since winter depression is more common, its symptoms should be considered in more detail. In most patients, the disease is mild and manifests as constant irritability, fussiness and bad mood, so you can deal with this yourself. With a more severe form of seasonal depression (symptoms of which are sudden mood swings, nervousness, loss of interest in what is going on around you, feeling causeless anxiety, desire to sleep during the day) you need to go for a consultation with a psychologist and therapist. Specialists such as a cardiologist and a psychiatrist should not be avoided, as they know exactly how to deal with winter depression.

Ways to deal with seasonal depression

According to doctors, with the advent of autumn, there are much more patients. Most of chronic diseases tends to escalate during the off-season. This is due to a significant reduction in daylight hours, since the absence required amount sunlight affects the production of serotonin (a hormone responsible for balancing nervous system). The lack of serotonin leads to the appearance, increases appetite and fatigue. If, with the end of autumn, you began to notice that you were overcome by seasonal depression, you can start treatment yourself by trying to restore peace of mind through a change of scenery, place of residence or new acquaintances.

The shortening of daylight hours often leads to anxiety and increased anxiety. The fight against must begin precisely with the elimination of this factor. Effective method to deal with this problem is to increase daylight hours, and for this you need to fully use the morning hours. It is desirable to spend as much time as possible on the street under sunbeams especially in the morning.

It is important to eliminate vitamin deficiency. An insufficient amount vitamins in the body leads not only to loss of efficiency, but also to deterioration general condition. The body must be prepared for the off-season, and for this it is necessary to intensively consume fruits and vegetables, which contain vitamins and minerals. If it is not possible to eat fruits and vegetables in large quantities, you can replace them vitamin complex purchased at a pharmacy.

The benefits of tonic drinks

Tea and coffee consumed in moderate amounts help overcome seasonal depression. Morning coffee or a cup of green tea can bring back vigor and composure for a while. the condition can also be used with drugs designed to combat emotional depression (antidepressants). Their dosage and therapeutic course should be prescribed by a doctor, since self-medication can lead to prolonged depression. If you feel an attack of seasonal blues, try to visit more fresh air, as often as possible to go out to people, meet friends, that is, to lead active image life.

If you notice a drop in mood in the spring or autumn, then it may be time to talk about susceptibility to seasonal depression.

seasonal depression - This is a condition that is characterized by a regular decrease in emotional and vitality at a certain time of the year, usually in autumn and winter. At the time of depression, there is a deterioration in the physical and mental well-being of a person, for no specific reason, or the manifestation of symptoms that have nothing to do with real medical diagnoses available to the patient.

Symptoms of seasonal depression

As a diagnosis, seasonal depression began to be singled out relatively recently, when, with the onset of winter or, more often, autumn, most people began to experience similar signs of a change in their emotional state.

Typical symptoms of seasonal affective disorder are:

- depressed, depressed state for at least two weeks;

- reduced mood, regardless of external circumstances;

- anhedonia - a decrease or loss of interest in previously pleasurable activities;

- fatigue, decreased performance, decreased vitality.

Additional symptoms are:

- a pessimistic assessment of the past and present;

inexplicable feeling guilt and own worthlessness;

- irrational anxiety;

- low self-esteem;

- difficulty concentrating;

- Difficulty in making quick decisions

- desire to be alone

- causeless irritability;

- thoughts about death, thoughts about suicide;

- unstable (increased or decreased appetite);

- marked loss or increase in body weight;

- glycogeusia - the appearance of a sweet taste in the mouth in the absence of appropriate stimuli;

- sleep problems: the presence of insomnia or excessive oversleeping.

If seasonal depression is suspected, diagnosis and subsequent treatment should be carried out exclusively by a highly qualified specialist, since similar symptoms can occur with more dangerous mental illness and some somatic ailments.

Causes of seasonal depression

One of the main causes of seasonal depression, psychotherapists call a decrease in light, which provokes a decrease in serotonin levels. Serotonin is responsible for the release of hormones that regulate emotional mood and directing him towards a positive perception of the world. With a decrease in the amount of serotonin in the body, a passive state sets in, which causes drowsiness, and the person “plunges” into the inactive phase of life. This leads to a decrease in mental and physical tone.

Treatment for seasonal depression

One of latest methods treatments for seasonal depression are light and color therapy, art therapy, fairy tale therapy, sand therapy.

Light therapy for seasonal depression

Light therapy is the provision of full-fledged lighting in the room where the patient is located in order to stimulate the production of serotonin and saturate the body with hormones necessary for an adequate perception of reality and the return of positive thinking.

Color therapy for seasonal depression

More modern and of interest to specialists in the field of psychiatry is the method of color therapy. Its essence is to dress a person suffering from seasonal depression in bright and light colors. The lack of bright colors is what traumatizes the patient's perception of the outside world in the autumn and winter periods, so the task of the method is to compensate for this deficiency and “saturate” the human subconscious with the missing information.

Laying out the method "on the shelves", it becomes easy to explain why a person feels unwillingness to move on in life and loses the meaning of existence. It is bright colors that make up a picture of the world, full of possibilities and options for the fulfillment of desires, while gray and black colors put “boundaries” in the subconscious, causing association with death, sleep, gray stone, and so on. White color it is also not recommended for use in the treatment of patients with seasonal depression, since in most people it is identified with hospital medical paraphernalia.

Art therapy

A person needs self-realization, otherwise they accumulate negative emotions and symptoms of depression may appear. Various Methods psychotherapies are aimed at working with the cause of this disease. But it's not always easy to find it. Sometimes you have to spend a large number of time (even more than a year) to finally get to true reason such a state.

Art therapy methods are used by a psychologist to reduce the symptoms of a disease or at its initial stage. They are applicable to early stages work with a person, to work with adolescents with depression.

fairy tale therapy

Fairy tales are folk art based on life situations. In fairy tales, heroes experience loss, various hardships, betrayal, and so on.

Working through the plot of a fairy tale with a psychologist, a person leaves the fear of loneliness, hopelessness and despair, he understands that he is not alone in his problem. Reduces the intensity of symptoms of depression.

sand therapy

It is a non-verbal form of psycho-correction. Human expresses pent-up desires and goals with the help of figures in the sand. Saying what he built, why exactly, what the figures located in specific places mean to him, a person gradually comes to the realization of what caused him to suffer such a disease.

Depending on what type of depression a person develops, psychotherapeutic methods of overcoming it are selected. Psychoanalysis is effective for the underlying causes of the disease. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is important for a person's adaptation to normal life. Art therapy methods deep reason will not eradicate, but will help release repressed emotions.

A psychologist, along with a medical specialist, helps to understand the cause of this condition and change the attitude towards it, and then the person himself continues to fight for a full life.

Experts in the field of psychiatry note that every fifth person on the planet is subject to seasonal mood swings. Usually these are people with a sensitive psyche, suffering from frequent nervous disorders, dissatisfied with life and not quite healthy physically and emotionally. Seasonal depression varies from person to person, from mild irritability to complete hopelessness. According to statistics, in the autumn and winter periods it is fixed the largest number cases of depression.

Types of seasonal depression

affective seasonal disorder always occurs at the same time. If deterioration is noticed within three years mental state in the same period of time, it can be argued that there is a seasonal depression. Doctors note two types of the disease: winter depression and summer depression.

The first option is the most common, and occurs in 90% of patients. Winter depression is more studied and easier to treat. It usually starts in September or October and lasts until the first half of May. With the onset of the first cold weather, for many, for no particular reason, the soul becomes sad and dreary. These are the first symptoms autumn depression. Mostly middle-aged people, from about 20 to 45 years old, suffer from the disorder. It has been observed that with age, autumn disorder is less likely to bother patients. Women more often turn to specialists with similar problem than men.

summer depression

Emotional disorder occurs in early summer and continues until late autumn. Only 10% of the total number of people who suffer from seasonal changes suffer from summer depression. Usually this condition goes away on its own, with the onset of autumn.

Symptoms of the disease

Since the majority of people are subject to autumn depression, we will talk about this type of mental disorder. In one part of patients, the symptoms are mild, and are expressed in increased irritability, bad mood, fussiness. The mood can change within a few hours - in the morning a person woke up cheerful and cheerful, and by the evening he became sad and irritable. With this form, you can fight on your own, without the help of a specialist.

In people with a more severe course of the disease, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Complete indifference to the environment;
  • Sudden mood swings;
  • Constant feeling of anxiety and restlessness;
  • Feeling of complete hopelessness;
  • Nervousness;
  • Decreased sexual desire for a partner;
  • Polyphagia - increased appetite, and the feeling of hunger practically does not go away;
  • Hypersomnia - prolonged night sleep which does not bring a sense of relaxation. Also available during daytime constant desire sleep.

If mild cases of seasonal depression can be managed on your own, in severe cases, it is better to seek help from a doctor. No need to be afraid of the words "psychiatrist" or "psychotherapist", first of all, these are specialists who help restore peace of mind and giving the opportunity to live full life in any season.

Ways to deal with seasonal depression

Doctors note that in autumn people get sick much more often, and these are not always colds. Many chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, heart disease and many other health problems are exacerbated during this period. This is due primarily to the reduction of daylight hours. Hormones that are produced in certain time years, completely affect human behavior. According to one version, a decrease in daylight hours reduces the production of serotonin, a hormone responsible for calming the nervous system. Lack of serotonin in the body causes depressive disorder, carbohydrate deficiency, increased appetite and fatigue. That is why people living in hot countries where summer lasts all year round are less likely to complain of depression.

How to cope with winter depression is the most frequently asked question at a psychotherapist's appointment. If you feel that with the coming of autumn your Vital energy fading, appearing fatigue, drowsiness, irritability, use simple advice, which will help restore peace of mind and not succumb to seasonal despondency and melancholy.

Extend daylight hours

A sharp decrease in the duration of daylight hours is the most serious cause of poor mental well-being. Treatment of seasonal depression must begin with the elimination of this factor. The only way to increase the useful light time is full use morning hours. Owls, of course, will not like an early rise, but this is the only option. Weekends are best spent outside in the morning, let it be a walk in the park or outside the city.

You need to appreciate every sunny day, and spend it on the street. If you are accompanied by relatives and friends, charge positive emotions provided for the whole week. AT working time Lunch breaks do not have to be indoors. Go outside for at least 15-20 minutes, breathe fresh air. If possible, make the most of daylight indoors.

Reception of vitamin complexes

The lack of vitamins in the body seriously affects the performance and general well-being. First of all, you need to provide the body natural vitamins: herbal tea, phytobalms, tincture and rosehip decoction. Do not forget about the use of fruits and vegetables in the off-season. The vitamins and minerals received in the summer were not stored "in reserve", but were consumed by the body immediately upon admission. Therefore, even those brought from warm countries fruits and vegetables are simply necessary for our body.

To fully compensate for the lack of vitamins, you need to eat about 500 grams of fruits and vegetables daily. If this is problematic, you can take multivitamin complexes sold in a pharmacy.

Satisfying "aesthetic hunger"

After wonderful summer days and a beautiful golden autumn is felt acute shortage beautiful landscapes. The dull and gloomy area outside the window only brings boredom and indifference. Psychologists say that bright colors cheer up in the wardrobe. So take this advice and add red and yellow colors. A colorful scarf or brightly colored mittens will please the eye on the way to work, and winter activities on the street in a cheerfully colored jacket will remind you of carefree and joyful summer days. Visit cinemas, theaters, exhibitions more often, in a word, those places where you can relax your body and soul.

Drinking tonic drinks

Drinking tea or coffee in moderation is quite capable of curing seasonal depression. Tonic green tea or a cup of coffee drunk in the morning will help restore vigor of the body and spirit, at least for a short time.

When treating seasonal affective disorder, doctors sometimes recommend taking antidepressants. Dosage and course of treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor, uncontrolled use medical preparations can only exacerbate the situation. The support of family and friends also plays an important role in therapy. If you feel the approach of the seasonal blues, do not dwell on this condition. Walk more, chat with friends, spend a lot of time on the street and then seasonal depression will bypass you.

Every year, when the season changes, there is a decrease in mood and a rapid exhaustion of mental and physical activity. This is a sign that seasonal depression has developed.

According to the WHO, seasonal depression is typical for every fifth person in the autumn-winter period of the year. The peculiarity of seasonal affective disorder is that those people who have a normal physical and mental state fall under its influence in a certain season. mental health the rest of the year.

Causes of seasonal depression

The transition from summer to autumn is accompanied by a change circadian rhythms. This is important to understand in order to know how to get out of depression. To a greater extent, people who are unstable to stress experience discomfort. Unfortunately, almost every inhabitant of the planet can be attributed to this category. can increase not only due to the shortening of the daylight hours, but also with frequent exacerbations of chronic and colds. The study of such a phenomenon as seasonal depression began after the publication of the book Norman Rosenthal "Seasonal work of the brain". In it, for the first time, attention was drawn to the fact that a decrease in the light duration of the day negatively affects the mood of the individual. Based on his book, many scientists began to develop methods to get out of the winter depression.

An important role is played change hormonal background in different periods of the year. First of all, the occurrence of depressed mood and apathy is associated with a sharp increase in the blood of the pituitary hormone - melatonin. Interestingly, hibernation in some mammals is also due to this hormone, since it is a natural regulator of daily and seasonal rhythms. Since melatonin is an antagonist of serotonin, it turns out that by increasing its concentration, it reduces the amount of the latter in the body.

Interesting studies of this relationship have been conducted based on brain scans in 11 people who were diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder, as well as 23 people in the control group. It turned out that the development depressive states is associated with a decrease in serotonin, and in winter its amount decreases by at least 5%.

Where is seasonal mood disorder common?

Based on the fact that the occurrence of seasonal affective disorder is associated with the length of the day, it becomes obvious that residents of the northern regions are more susceptible to this condition and most of all along the latitude of the Arctic region. For example, in Finland, psychologists annually register 9.5% of cases of diagnosing seasonal depression among all patients seeking primary care.

How seasonal depression manifests itself

Based on the American Guide to mental disorders(DSM-V), it is possible to talk about seasonal depression in a person only if it manifests itself at a certain time and year and is completely absent in other seasons. In the DSM-V, this type of depression is labeled "seasonally patterned." Thus, it is appropriate to talk about seasonal depression if, during a certain period of the year, the patient notes:

  • causeless sadness;
  • longing;
  • feeling of worthlessness;
  • decrease in self-esteem;
  • thoughts of suicide or even attempts to commit it.

For some, these symptoms of seasonal depression are mild and unnoticeable. About severe form it is worth worrying when suicidal thoughts or attempts to commit them appear. It has been established that patients with complaints of seasonal depression initially seek help not from a competent specialist - a psychologist, but from a local general practitioner who simply does not know how to get rid of his patient's depression. For example, it has been found that about 22-23% patients from among those who applied for help at the polyclinic had a purely psychological problem. Due to this low public awareness of psychological help, many receive from therapists big list referrals to studies that do not reveal pathology in internal organs but the mood still does not improve.

Treatment for seasonal depression

Treatment mild form seasonal affective disorder does not require specific measures, since it goes away on its own with the end winter period. In more severe cases, a psychotherapist will recommend a course of light therapy in combination with medication and psychotherapy. The method of light therapy involves the use of a powerful stream of light. To do this, a person needs to be near the source for at least 30-60 minutes. It is not necessary to look at a bright light, just being at a distance of 30-60 cm from it is enough.

Video: Seasonal depression. Why does it occur and how to deal with it?

The mood disorder, colloquially referred to as seasonal depression, is considered psychological illness: seasonal affective disorder. Affects about 10% of the population(incidence depends on geographical latitude), mostly women in aged 20-50 years and children.

Seasonal depression most often occurs in the fall and winter, but a small percentage of people experience it in the spring or summer.

Depression autumn and winter - causes

The first symptoms of seasonal depression usually appear towards the end of summer, when a significant cold snap sets in, and the days are getting shorter and shorter. Changes in light levels affect the functioning of neurotransmitters within the central nervous system. Lack of light, especially in the morning, causes an increase in the concentration of melanin in the blood and a decrease in cortisol levels.

Disruption of the sleep-wake cycle affects the entire hormonal system . Before the time when the rhythm of human life was closely connected with nature, the body was preparing in this way for a seasonal decrease in activity.

This natural course of things became a problem when faced with the demands of civilization. Many people - due to the peculiarities of the profession - are even forced to intensify their efforts in the autumn-winter period.

Symptoms of seasonal depression

The development of seasonal depression is associated with a number of symptoms, these include:

  • chronic fatigue, decreased energy
  • increased drowsiness and worsening sleep quality
  • difficulty associated with morning rise
  • decreased mood - feelings of sadness, emptiness, anxiety, irritability
  • loss of interest
  • lack of motivation to act
  • inability to experience joy
  • decrease in self-esteem
  • problems with concentration, memory
  • difficulties in interpersonal contacts, withdrawal from social life
  • weakened immune system, pain and malaise
  • weakening of libido
  • increased appetite and weight gain
  • thoughts of suicide

In case of seasonal depression, it is most often recommended phototherapy or exposure to light. For this purpose, special lamps are used that emit light with an intensity several times higher than that of conventional incandescent lamps. 30-60 minute sessions affect the secretion of hormones and neurotransmitters. Phototherapy takes several weeks and causes significant improvement feeling about 70% of patients. If it does not bring the desired results, it is advisable to temporarily include antidepressants in therapy.

To get rid of seasonal depression, which returns every year, it is better to prevent it in time. The best solution is to plan for the autumn-winter months to travel to countries where there is a lot of sunlight.

It is also useful to observe correctly balanced diet(in particular, rich in vitamins group B), drinking herbal teas (for example, from St. John's wort). Simple Ways from autumn depression - these are walks in the daylight, physical activity(especially outdoors), small pleasures like watching a movie, going to a concert, or meeting up with friends.

Seasonal depression - spring and summer

Approximately 1% of the population seasonal depression occurs in spring or summer. Symptoms are close to the autumn-winter variety, but the causes are slightly different. To some extent, it can be associated with atmospheric factors - frequent changes in illumination in spring and high humidity in summer.

Most common cause spring depression weakening of the body after the past winter months is considered. It can be cured in the same ways as autumn-winter depression.

Summer depression is a psychological phenomenon. Occurs as a result of a violation of the schedule of classes associated with a period of mood, or, conversely, disappointment associated with the lack of opportunities for rest during the holidays. Moreover, even a vacation can become a cause for great stress - it represents a significant financial burden and does not always meet the high expectations that are usually associated with it. Many people, especially women, experience discomfort associated with the summer heat.

To avoid depression in the summer season, as a rule, it is enough to provide for yourself desired temperature and air humidity. Compose new schedule, taking into account alternatives (in case the plans being undertaken fail), and, above all, as many activities as possible that bring joy.



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