What is the name of the disease when you always want to eat. The constant desire to eat is a problem

If you recently had a hearty dinner, and already want to eat a muffin or candy, there are reasons for this. And these reasons can be very diverse and unexpected.

Reason number 1. Negative

This is due to hormones. When stressed, adrenaline is released into the blood, thereby dulling hunger. But the state of stress also accompanies cortisol, which, on the contrary, increases this hunger and the person constantly wants to chew something. Depression, boredom, and sadness can also cause hunger. If you are always in a bad mood, then you will seize it. Try to start embroidering or do something else. The main thing is not to think about food.

Reason number 2. Thirst.

Sometimes we fail to understand our desires. Are we hungry, or just thirsty. And we prioritize hunger and gorge ourselves. To prevent this from happening again, drink water every time you feel hungry. After a few minutes, you may feel full. If this does not happen, then you sit down to eat, but do not overeat.

Reason #3: Your blood sugar has plummeted.

If you really like to snack on something sweet, such as sweets, then insulin enters the blood in large quantities to process glucose. But if you prefer food that is too rich in carbohydrates, insulin is released a lot. So much so that your sugar level will drop and you will feel hungry.

Reason number 4. Diabetes.

Everyone knows this disease, it is associated with the same insulin. You may be eating well enough, but insulin isn't doing its job. Also, signs can be constant thirst and a feeling of weakness.

Reason number 5. Pregnancy.

The feeling of hunger in pregnant women manifests itself at an early stage, when other signs are not yet noticeable. If you suspect you may be pregnant, take a test or visit a gynecologist.

Reason #6: You eat too fast.

You need to eat slowly enough, about 15-20 minutes, it is during this time that the body realizes that you have satisfied the feeling of hunger. Chew slowly and thoroughly, then forget about snacking.

Reason number 7. You saw a beautiful picture of food or smelled a pleasant smell.

Not always the body requires to satisfy the feeling of hunger. It happens that you just saw some beautiful dish in the picture and wanted to eat it. If you're constantly feeling hungry, spend less time in cooking groups.

Reason number 8. Wrong food.

From one product you can cook different dishes. For example, if you boil potatoes in their skins, you will not want to eat soon, but if you make deep-fried potatoes from the same potatoes, that is, you will want to eat much earlier.

Reason number 9. Medications.

If you regularly take any medications, then be prepared for the fact that your appetite will increase. If you notice this, consult your doctor, but in any case do not stop taking the drugs yourself.

Reason #10: You don't get enough sleep.

If your daily sleep is below normal, the balance of hormones in the body that are responsible for feeling hungry is disturbed. Therefore, you want to eat more and more. And there are not fruits and vegetables, but heavy fatty foods.

Surely, every person is well aware of the feeling of hunger, when sometimes you just want something light to chew a little, or when the body requires a more serious and hearty lunch or dinner in order to replenish its power balance. And even after a good breakfast or afternoon snack, sometimes many ordinary people still have a feeling of hunger, which they try to overcome with another sandwich or candy. If you also often wonder why you are constantly hungry, the reasons for this incessant feeling of hunger will obviously be very interesting for you.

1. Feeling thirsty

It's hard to believe, but quite often we actually want to drink, not eat. That is why many nutritionists advise drinking a little liquid before eating - in this case, for many people, the feeling of aggravated hunger instantly disappears as if by hand. If, after a glass of water, your hunger does not calm down, you will still eat much less than you originally intended - drinking water will contribute to this well.

2. Change in the amount of sugar in the blood

If you constantly snack on sweets or buns at times of hunger, then for the high-quality processing of glucose, such a well-known hormone as insulin enters the bloodstream. It quickly breaks down all carbohydrates in order to extract energy from them for active human life. But if your food is significantly supersaturated with carbohydrates, then insulin will be released simply in huge quantities. There will be a lot of it, so that the amount of sugar in your blood will drop sharply, and you will immediately feel hungry. Therefore, it is best to give up such harmful "sweet" snacks.

3. Diabetes

This disease is directly related to insulin. Even with good nutrition, the body of a diabetic does not have time to convert food into the necessary energy, because insulin may not be enough or it may simply not be able to do its job.

4. Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia - lack of sugar in the blood, can also cause a feeling of constant hunger. The causes of hypoglycemia vary from improper intake of prescribed diabetes medications to improper diet, it is also often found with irregular meals or lack of carbohydrates in the diet. It is possible to fight this disease only with the help of an experienced specialist who will help to reliably find out its cause and prescribe the right treatment.

5. Pregnancy

If you constantly feel hungry and at the same time are a female of reproductive age, be sure to take a pregnancy test. It is likely that frequent hungry urges indicate your "interesting" position.

6. Excessively fast absorption of food

So very often it happens that we have a snack almost on the run. At such moments, our body does not have time to realize whether we have already eaten or not yet. Therefore, even when satiated, the feeling of hunger continues to be felt - the brain does not have time to process information and send signals to the stomach. Therefore, always try to eat as slowly as possible - this way you will be satiated faster with much less food. Stretch the process of eating for as much time as possible.

7. The image of food or the presence of its smell

How often, without even thinking about food, we suddenly see a picture that depicts a dish or product and immediately feel a lump of hunger rolling up to the stomach. This does not mean at all that a person really really wants to eat, rather, it is a reflex desire for satiety. Test yourself - just walk past such a picture and in five minutes you will completely forget that not so long ago you really wanted to have a bite. With the smells of food, the situation is much more complicated, only when you feel the aroma of fresh bread, your mouth is already filled with saliva and it is difficult to deny yourself the pleasure of buying a fragrant bun and tasting it. That is why, by the way, many stores have fresh pastries at the very entrance to the store - so that a potential buyer must definitely purchase an odorous product, even if, in principle, he came to purchase a completely different product. Learn to ignore food odors.

8. Wrong choice of food

The thing is that different foods affect our feeling of satiety in different ways. If you constantly wonder why you are constantly hungry, the reasons for this phenomenon can be quite simple - you just choose the wrong food for yourself. For example, if you just eat boiled potatoes, you will feel full faster than if you buy french fries for yourself. After boiled potatoes, hunger will not overtake you soon, but after french fries - in an hour you will want to eat again.

9. Side effects of drugs

A sufficiently large number of drugs during their use can cause hunger. Antidepressants and antihistamines are especially famous for this side effect. If taking them, you began to eat much more and more often, be sure to consult a doctor to know for sure whether the drugs are to blame.

Why do you always want to eat. Causes of a psychological nature a

1. Stressful state

Few people know that in the most stressful situations, the human body produces a hormone such as cortisol. It is because of the increase in the level of this hormone that many people are literally ready to eat everything that comes to hand. Remember how often in the most exciting moments of your life you wanted something to chew on. People who are under stress for a long time empty their refrigerator many times faster than those who lead a measured and calm life.

2. Emotional state

Oddly enough, but emotions can also often affect our feeling of hunger. For some people, hunger is caused by a feeling of depression and anxiety, for others it is longing and loneliness, for others it is a feeling of joy. In this case, the best solution is to find something else to do than run to the refrigerator every 15 minutes for a new portion of sandwiches.

3. Constant lack of sleep.

If you chronically do not get enough sleep, you will constantly feel the need for something fatty and sweet - in this way, your body will compensate for the lack of sleep.

How to effectively fight hunger

For many people, the feeling of constant hunger is a very serious problem, because in such conditions it is very difficult to work or do any other thing, all thoughts at such moments are focused only on the desire to eat. A little higher we figured out , why you constantly want to eat and how to deal with it you can learn from the material below.

  • Try to eat quality food in small portions several times a day. With the help of this rule, you will be able to improve your metabolism and accustom your body not to put off the food received in reserve, gradually turning it into a fatty layer.
  • As soon as you once again feel the feeling of hunger - drink water. Water will quickly expand the walls of the stomach, and its receptors will thus be "deceived" - the stomach will believe that it is already receiving the desired food. By the way, instead of water, you can use compote or fruit drink and any other unsweetened drinks. It is best to drink water before meals, thereby reducing the amount of food eaten.
  • As often as possible, load your body with physical activity - this will give you an excellent opportunity to dull the feeling of hunger.
  • Try not to put as much food on your plate as you want to eat - half of that will be enough for you. Remember that often the feeling of hunger is caused by a picture, so the more food there is on your plate, the more you will want to eat it all. Small portions, eaten slowly, will quickly bring a feeling of fullness, as soon as the food decreases in size in front of your eyes.
  • Look in the refrigerator less, and even better - less clog it with food. Knowing that there are a lot of delicious things inside this unit, you, even without really wanting to eat, will constantly take food from there and completely absorb it. In this case, you run the risk of constantly feeling a sense of “false” hunger, which can lead to very disastrous consequences for you - for example, becoming addicted to food.
  • Use breathing exercises - swallow air and draw in your stomach, then with noise releasing air from yourself with force. In this case, you quickly want to eat. This and many other exercises will help you fight hunger in the office throughout the working day.
  • Other things you can do to dull your hunger are brushing your teeth, taking a hot bath, chewing gum, and using aromatherapy.
  • If your feeling of hunger has developed as a result of stress, then you need to solve all your problems first of all, and only then deal with appetite problems.
  • Try to get good sleep.
  • Try to eat in silence and without the TV or computer on. In the most comfortable conditions, you will “fit” much more food than usual.
  • Try to eat on a schedule. So your stomach will know for sure that until a certain time it will still not receive food and therefore will not disturb you at the most inopportune moments.

Food, according to many inhabitants, is one of the brightest pleasures in human life, especially since people can do without many other pleasures, but not without food. Having learned why you constantly want to eat the reasons for this phenomenon, you can easily bypass and enjoy food exactly at those moments when it is most convenient for you, and not when your body requires it immediately.

Good afternoon friends! Today I decided to write an article that will help you discover and recognize the sources of gluttony and the constant desire to chew something.

Many are interested in the question, why do you constantly want to eat? There can be many reasons and they can be divided into physical (physiological) and emotional (psychological).

As a rule, psychological reasons predominate, since the source of the desire to eat is emotions - fear to calm down and give oneself a sense of security, also guilt to punish oneself, boredom, etc. More on this below.

Physical reasons:

  • 1. Lack of vitamins and beneficial trace elements.

When the body lacks important substances or there is not enough protein, fat or carbohydrates in the diet, you can constantly fly into a wolfish appetite. Naturally, you can lean on delicious. sweet or salty, and your body simply simply lacks complete protein or vitamins.

Purchase a complex of natural vitamins, including 3 omega fatty acids. Review your diet, balance the intake of high-quality proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And introduce yourself into the habit of eating carbohydrates for breakfast, and proteins and fiber in the evening.

Protein - fish, lean meat (chicken, beef, veal), cottage cheese, eggs, dairy products, nuts, legumes, seafood, etc.

Carbohydrates - cereals, cereals, baked potatoes, dried fruits, grain or rye bread, bran, etc.

  • 3. Hormonal disorder

Perhaps your pancreas is broken or the work of the hormonal system is broken. To make sure that everything is working properly, it will be extremely important to be examined by an endocrinologist, to pass tests.

  • 4. Lack of water

An insufficient amount of water contributes to thirst, which can simply be confused with hunger. Plus, the body needs water much more than food, so the appetite rebels. Water suppresses appetite and cleanses the body of toxins, which improves its functioning as a whole.

  • 5. Pregnancy

Why do you constantly want to eat during pregnancy? Yes, because the body does not have enough substances that go to the structure of the skeleton of the future baby. Buy yourself the right vitamins for pregnant women and the desire to eat will go down an order of magnitude.

Why do you always want to eat?

Psychological reasons:

1. Chronic stress, fatigue, depression.

All psycho-emotional factors perfectly "flavor" the soil to increase appetite. Again, stress and fatigue can be caused by a lack of important trace elements, lack of sports, fresh air, light. Eliminate all kinds of physical stressors and change the direction of thought with an effort of will, since depression is something other than a negative flow of energy and perception of oneself in this world.

2. The emotion of guilt, fear, self-flagellation, criticism all contribute to gluttony.

Food here can act as a defense, a feeling that it will protect, save, give strength, solve a problem, punish, etc. Eating will not solve anything and will not protect you emotionally in any way, it will only lead to an increase in body weight. And the source of confidence, joy and peace must be sought within our divine power, which each of us possesses.

3. Boredom, having nothing to do, you need something to chew under a cool "kinchik"

This is just a habit, it must be replaced with another one, just do not bite your nails.) For example, buy a special toy, a ball that can be squeezed and unclenched. It is ideal for a woman to get manicures, pedicures, etc. while watching movies.

4. Food is the personification of comfort and love, coziness, joy.

Well, food is a joy, but only when it has moderate indicators. Here we need to stop looking for these emotions in food and shift the focus to other objects.

I hope I answered the question of why you constantly want to eat! Most importantly, start taking action today, eliminating the physical and doing work on the psychological! Helps.
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Do you find it difficult to survive until dinner, even if you have had a hearty breakfast? Are you snacking too often? Do not rush to call yourself a glutton: perhaps you have an incorrect diet or sleep pattern. We tell you why you constantly want to eat.

The diet industry does not favor hunger and offers to fight it with a variety of tricks (advising, for example, to be distracted, move around, drink coffee, etc.). Meanwhile, the evolutionary feeling of hunger has always been "on our side" - as an important signal that it is time for the body to replenish its energy reserves.

Feelings of hunger and satiety are formed in our body under the influence of a whole complex of processes (the production of certain hormones, fluctuations in blood glucose levels, etc.). The emotional state also plays a significant role here: remember that in moments of strong shocks, most of us lose our appetite, but slight anxiety, on the contrary, can push some to nervous “nibbles”. Add to this the feeling of satisfaction from food: if the food was tasteless, then even with a full stomach, we can often feel the desire to chew something else.

It should also be understood that the causes of emotional (that is, not physiological) hunger, as a rule, are very individual. With physiological hunger, the situation is somewhat simpler: for most of us, it can be caused by approximately the same set of factors. We've put them together in one list - take a look at it to find out why you're constantly hungry.

You eat few complex carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are our body's favorite fuel. But it is from them that those who want to lose weight most often refuse. Moreover, not only simple carbohydrates fall into disgrace, but also complex ones (cereals, whole grain bread, etc.). The result - you feel hungry an hour after eating.

However, in addition to unbridled appetite, this strategy has other unpleasant consequences. “If the diet does not provide enough carbohydrates, the body takes energy from other sources, and these include muscle proteins, for example,” explain Evelyn Triboli and Alice Resch, nutritionists and authors of the book Intuitive Eating. No restrictions, no rules, no diets.” “But it's like taking out one of the logs from your wooden house and using it to start a fire in your own fireplace. The fire will appear, but the integrity of the structure will be violated. It's too high a price."

Your diet lacks protein

Hunger can overcome you even when you do not get enough proteins. We need proteins as a building material for muscles and tissues, and since they are absorbed more slowly than carbohydrates, they give us a feeling of satiety for a longer period.

The situation of shortage of proteins is typical not only for vegetarians - they are often reduced in their menu by those who count calories: foods rich in animal protein often contain fats.

It may be difficult for you to make it from breakfast to lunch just because of the lack of the right amount of protein on the menu. The ideal breakfast option (as well as lunch) is a serving of protein combined with slow carbohydrates that can energize you for a long time.

You eat fast carbohydrates in the wrong "company"

Intercepted between meals, chocolate or sweets are very likely to cause you an attack of hunger soon. Sharp jumps in blood sugar, which provoke fast carbohydrates, are to blame for this.

You can avoid this by eating sweets along with a small portion of protein or fiber, these nutrients will slow down the absorption of sugar.

Are you malnourished

If in matters of nutrition you adhere to the tactics “the less the better”, then the reason for your constant feeling of hunger is quite understandable - the body simply does not have enough energy.

Do an experiment: increase the amount of food you eat (in the main meals or in the form of additional snacks) for a few days and observe how you feel. If, as a result, attacks of hunger disappear an hour after eating, then the problem was precisely in the shortage of calories.

You skip meals

Frequent bouts of hunger can also signal that you do not have a clearly structured diet. Hurry and the desire for a slim figure are forcing many to skip breakfast or choose "biting" instead of a full meal. As a result, the body has no choice but to ask for help by any available means - for example, with a brutal appetite.

Try not to allow too long pauses between meals (no more than three hours) during the week and again observe the sensations. We are sure that the desire to chew something all the time will disappear by itself.

You don't get enough sleep

We already wrote: lack of sleep increases appetite. This is connected, again, with a lack of energy, the reserves of which the body is trying to replenish in any way possible.

If you can't get enough sleep at night, try taking a little more time to rest during the day - shavasana or a short meditation in a quiet place will help replenish your energy reserve.

Scientists have proven that obesity is often provoked by psychological problems. Our bodies need very little food to function properly. If you notice that you want to have a snack an hour after a hearty lunch, it makes sense to think about your eating behavior. Pathological hunger can have many causes. Let's try to understand the question of why you constantly want to eat.

Food is happiness!

In practical psychology, there is even such a concept - "the joy of a mumps." It usually starts in the most innocent way.

Have you successfully completed a challenging project at work? It's time to treat yourself to dinner in a restaurant on this occasion. Or, on the contrary, the day was not the most successful? A large portion of ice cream before bed will correct this misunderstanding. The system of motivations and rewards really works. Doing things that are not the most pleasant works better if you think about some kind of assigned reward. But if you delight yourself with culinary delights too often, very quickly you will be able to notice that now you are constantly hungry. There is a solution: wean yourself from the idea that food is joy. Find other sources of positive emotions and hobbies. Try to always remember that food is only a source of energy.

Depression? I'll go eat something

Very often, the feeling of hunger after eating visits us with some psychological problems.

Recently, advice has gained great popularity, calling for "jamming" sadness and bad mood. Many people eat when they feel lonely and unwanted. At such moments, it seems that a plate of delicacies or a box of chocolates will really improve your psychological well-being and give you a sense of security. An interesting fact is that the head of the family or a person in a leadership position can suffer from overeating. Trying to eat as much as possible, such people emphasize their importance. What to do in such situations? The advice is universal: try to distinguish between a real feeling of hunger and a fictional one and try to switch your attention to something interesting that is not related to food.

The habit is on the move

Those who like to eat between times often overeat.

Indeed, what could be nicer than watching a movie with pizza, eating a sandwich during a 10-minute break, or drinking coffee and cookies once again. This attitude to food is a real bad habit, it's the same as biting your nails or smoking. In fact, in the first place in this case comes the need to occupy the hands and mouth.

It is a serious problem that can and should be dealt with. First, teach yourself to eat only at the table. If your family does not accept common meals, it's time to introduce this tradition. Limit yourself to lunch at work. If you have to spend the whole day away from home, also have an organized meal. For example, you can go to a cafe or set up an impromptu picnic table in nature for lunch. Control your wants and needs. Are you going to have coffee? So drink, but don't eat! As a last resort, limit yourself to one toast, cookie or candy.

It's hard to resist when everything tastes so good.

If you are constantly hungry, the reasons can be very diverse, one of the most likely is food abundance. Today, delicacies are available to a wide range of consumers, and sometimes even the simplest and most inexpensive food is so improved by various chemical additives that it seems very tasty to us. Going to the supermarket, it is difficult to resist and not collect a full basket.

Settling in your refrigerator, delicious food that does not need to be cooked will literally coax you to try a piece. Don't want to overeat? Try to cook at home more and buy less ready-to-eat food.

Where does excessive appetite come from?

The desire to eat can be forced into your body. Have you seen a colorful food advertisement or watched a cooking show and you suddenly want to eat? During a walk, do you feel that the nearest store smells delicious of pastries and immediately there is a desire to buy something sweet for yourself at home? The pathological feeling of hunger in psychology can be considered as an appetite that breaks out after artificial stimulation. All sense organs can participate in this reaction. Very often people want to eat after they see a picture of something tasty or smell a pleasant smell. Sometimes the appetite wakes up even during conversations: just listen to how a neighbor talks about her dinner yesterday at a restaurant. Try not to tease your body unnecessarily. Read and watch recipes only when you are really going to cook. Try to pay less attention to advertising, and there are a lot of more interesting topics for conversations than discussing yesterday's dinner.

Physiological or psychological hunger?

It is important to learn to distinguish real hunger (the body's need for food) from the phantom - the psychological desire to eat.

There is a very simple test recommended for anyone who wants to lose weight. As soon as you feel like starting a meal, drink a glass of plain water and wait 10-15 minutes. If the feeling of hunger is not gone, your body really needs a new portion of food. And provided that the desire to eat was phantom, you will most likely completely forget about it. This recommendation is completely harmless and largely useful. The thing is that quite often the feeling of hunger arises due to a lack of fluid in the tissues of the body. Your senses can deceive you, and then instead of thirst you will experience hunger.

Nutrient deficiencies can increase appetite

Are you absolutely satisfied with your life and do not have bad eating habits, but at the same time you want to eat too often?

Perhaps the center of satiety, located in the brain, is a little mistaken. Excessive appetite often haunts people who do not receive enough vitamins and nutrients from food. The problem is that when we want to snack, we often choose not the most healthy and nutritious foods. The key to solving this problem: the correct preparation of the daily diet. Eat a varied diet, choosing as much natural food as possible. If you think that the problem of lack of vitamins and minerals is more serious, try drinking a special nutritional complex.

Special conditions of the body

It is necessary to increase the amount of food eaten or the total caloric content of the daily diet during a period when your body is subjected to excessive stress. If you suddenly become more active than usual, you will need more energy. The same is true for psychological stress. It is not for nothing that students are advised to eat more chocolate and fruits during the preparation for difficult exams. Many people constantly want to eat with hormonal disorders - and this is a serious reason to see a doctor. There are also specific female conditions - appetite depends on the menstrual cycle (usually hunger torments at the beginning of critical days) and can be increased at the onset of pregnancy. In both cases, there is no cause for concern. You can be sure: as soon as the hormonal background changes, you will easily return to your original weight.

Appetite worked up - it's time to see a doctor

A pathological feeling of hunger can be a symptom of serious diseases. The good news is that diseases of the digestive system are usually accompanied not only by an increased need for food, but also by a number of other signs. Try to be attentive to your health: an unusual aftertaste after eating, vomiting or bloating, problems with stool - all these are signs that some organ is not working very well. If you are still constantly tormented by the feeling of hunger after eating, you should be examined by specialists.



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