Write what eyes, ears, nose. Sense organs: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin

Date: 26.10.2017

Subject: Sense organs: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin. Their meaning and function in human life. The meaning and functions of the sense organs in human life. Test

OBZH: Prevention of domestic injuries.


1. Formation of ideas about the sense organs and their significance for the life of the organism;

2. Development of skills to compare the information contained in the text and the figure corresponding to it, analyze the educational text; as well as the development of attention and observation;

3. Raising a caring attitude towards your body.

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Actualization of knowledge, communication of the topic, setting goals.

Guys, what section of the textbook are we studying? (Human organism)

Right! Well done! Now we will test your knowledge on the topic "Human Body" and do a test.

Completion of control work 15-20 minutes

Work in pairs

Classification of the functions of human organs

They nourish the body with oxygen and cleanse the body of carbon dioxide.

Makes blood move through the vessels

Digests food


Completely digests food, sends it to the blood to the organs

Withdraw excess water and harmful substances from the body

Stores a supply of nutrients

Manages the work of all organs

3. Statement of the learning task.

Work on the topic of the lesson.

- In order to find out the topic of today's lesson, we will solve a crossword puzzle: in front of you is a crossword puzzle. Guess.

1. With the help of what organ do we learn that the nightingale sang, the dog barked, the bell rang for the lesson?
2. With the help of what body do we find out what is written or drawn in this book?
3. What organ helps us to find out if the needles of a spruce or an apple tree are prickly or soft?
4. What organ helps to smell bread, flower, perfume?
5. With the help of what organ do we distinguish sweet food from bitter, sour from salty?

Read the keyword. What are these organs?

Right. “Sense Organs” is the topic of our lesson. Today we will get acquainted with the sense organs and their meaning. Man perceives the world around him with the help of the sense organs. These include ears, eyes, skin, nose, tongue. Let's get to know them in more detail.

Today in class: we will study the sense organs.

Man perceives the world around him with the help of the sense organs.

We need to do some real research. By the way, who are the researchers? ( These are people who are studying, researching)

So we can call ourselves researchers.

Who are we studying? ( Human)

It is true that the subject of our study will be a person, or rather his sense organs.

Eyes, mouth, nose, ears - these are all parts of the body - its organs. Let's start exploring

      Talk about the eyes - the organ of vision.

From which sense organ we will begin our study, you tell me yourself, guessing the riddle: brother with brother

They live across the road

And one does not see the other. (Eyes)

Let's proceed to the study of the organ of vision:

Guys close your eyes. And without opening, tell me what's in my hand? (pen)

Open your eyes. Why couldn't you answer my question? (Eyes were closed)

- With the help of the eyes, we can...? ( see and distinguish objects

What is in my hands? ( geometric figures)

Consider geometric shapes. What is common and what is the difference between objects? and break them into groups (geometric materials of the same color, but different shapes and size.)

What can we determine with the help of vision? (color, size, shape)

Let's continue the research. You have a textbook.

- Review books, magazines.

- What can we do with our eyes? ( With the help of the eyes, we can read, see pictures.)

- What body helped you with this? (Eyes)

The eyes help us see different colors. With our eyes we see color, distinguish shapes and sizes of objects. With the help of the eyes, we can read books, magazines, see beautiful pictures.

Thanks to vision, we see the objects around us, their color, their shape, size, we can read, watch TV. Through the eyes we perceive the beauty of the world around us. Maybe you guessed the eye organ of what? The eyes are the organ of vision. (I turn over the sign with the inscription "organ of vision").

With its help, we get the most information about the world around us. No wonder they say: it’s better to see once than hear a hundred times.”

Vision must be protected, a lost eye cannot be replaced by anything. What safety rules do you know?

I am adding to the answers of the children:

Watch TV at a distance of at least 2-3 meters,

When writing, the light should fall from the left.

Eye charger.

Vision is the ability to perceive the size, shape, color of objects and their location. human eye sees in the dark and in bright light. We must protect our eyesight! Visual impairments are nearsightedness and farsightedness. The eyes help us see objects.

Nearsightedness is when a person sees poorly at a distance, and farsightedness is when a person sees poorly up close.

Eye- a very important organ and therefore carefully guarded by the body. Sweat will flow from his forehead (I show in the picture), he will be stopped ... brows. The wind will carry dust in the face - it will be detained ... eyelashes. And if a few dust particles sit on the eye, they are immediately wetted ... tear fluid. By blinking, we regularly wet the surface of the eye, and we do this involuntarily. Every day a person blinks about 11,500 times. Why do tears flow? Tears wash over the eyes to keep the eyeball moist. They remove germs and all sorts of motes.

    Study of the organ of hearing.

Guess a riddle:

At the little animal - on top,
And we have below the eyes. (ears)

Let's move on to the next study. Close your ears and repeat what I say. Just don't eavesdrop! 6, 65.

What did you feel? What conclusion can we draw? (We did not hear anything, because our ears were closed. Ears are needed to hear.)

Let's spend next study: close your eyes (teacher claps his hands)

What happened now? ( clapped her hands)

How did you guess? (heard)

I turn on the record. The children are listening. What music was played? What helped you feel, hear it? (ears)

The speech of people, the singing of birds, the sound of the wind - all these are the sounds of the nature around us. What organ allows us to feel it? The ears are the organ of what? (this is the organ of hearing). (on the board record ears - the organ of hearing)

With the help of our ears, we hear the speech of other people, the sounds of nature, music. The second most important sense organ in humans is the ear.

- Ears - the organ of hearing

What do we distinguish with the help of the organ of hearing? (sounds, speech, voices)

Hearing is the body's ability to perceive sounds. We use it to hear and understand words. Hearing is closely related to speech. People who have lost their hearing can communicate using special language through facial expressions and gestures. The ears help us hear. If you close your eyes, you will still feel where the top is, where the bottom is. This is signaled by the balance organs in the inner ear. So the ear is the organ of hearing and balance.

What would the world be like without sounds? ( Boring, poor, not bright).

How should you treat your hearing? Children's answers.

    And now a new riddle:

Between two luminaries in the middle I am alone(Nose)

2 students are called

- With what organ did you smell this smell?

In the nasal cavity there are special cells that perceive various odors.

(card nose - organ smell)

Sense of smell is the ability of a person to smell odors.

The sense of smell occurs when a person takes a breath. If a person loses his sense of smell, for him food loses its taste.

Odors can be absorbed, and therefore clothes absorb the smell of food, perfume.

Thanks to the organ of smell, we smell flowers, delicious food. The smell of burning can warn of danger - about a fire. What we cannot see or hear, we can smell. And the organ of smell helps us in this.

Physical education minute

    Study of the organ of taste

Solve the following riddle. What is it about?

Always in your mouth, never swallow. (Language)

Before we go any further, let's do some research: there are 2 glasses of water on the table. Can you, using the organs of sight, hearing and smell: look, listen, smell, determine which glass contains sweet, plain water? ( No)

What did you feel? (Nothing)

And what needs to be done for this? (need to try)

So, we need another study - on the taste.

Which organ will you connect to the task? (language)

What other qualities of food does the tongue distinguish?

(hot and cold, hard and soft, liquid and thick)

Can we recall taste sensations without food?

Let's do a simple study: show a lemon.

What does lemon taste like? ( sour)

How did you know about it? You haven't tried!

(we remembered the taste of lemon, we even began to salivate)

Lemon has a very pronounced sour taste, which is firmly remembered by our brain.

- Tongue is the organ of taste(card is posted on the board)

Give a scientific definition to this organ. (The tongue is the organ of taste.)

The organ of taste helps us to get acquainted with the property of an object, when the organs of sight, smell, and hearing cannot help us.

The human tongue is covered with many tiny papillae. They contain nerve endings that sense what is in your mouth, sour or sweet, salty or bitter, tasty or tasteless.

(according to drawing) The edges of the tongue are best felt sour, and its base (root of the tongue) is bitter, the tip of the tongue is sweet, the lateral areas are salty. The tongue helps us feel the taste of food.

Now let's do a new study:

    Study of the organ of touch.

Solve the riddle.

Two mothers have five sons, one name for all. (hand)

Let's spend latest research.

The game "Find out what the subject."

2 students are called. Closed eyes to the touch guess objects: scissors, ruler, book). Have they identified correctly?

Guys, how did you manage to guess the objects? What sense organ helped to identify objects? (skin) With what? (With the help of hands. With the help of skin). There is skin on the arm. How did you guess the items.

On the skin of our body there are many sensitive cells that perceive the action of heat, cold, the shape, size of the object, their surface. The skin is the organ of touch.

With our skin we can feel cold or warm, wind or heat.

Closing your eyes, you can feel the roughness, smoothness, shape, ribbed surface that you touched, and guess what is in front of you. This feeling is called touch.

(I turn over the tablet with the word "organ of touch")

Do you think it will be easy for a person if at least one of the sense organs stops working? ( No)

Imagine that the tongue ceased to be an organ of taste, what could happen?

This is where our research ends. Now we can answer the question: who are they, our faithful helpers

Now let's give them common name. Look at the board (on the left side, these are the organs, and on the right side, these are the feelings. Guess what name follows from here? (I open the last table) SENSE ORGANS

*Work according to the textbook

. Group work.


V. Summary.

Guys, make a conclusion after our research:

Each team group receives a memo. How to take care of the senses?

    What sense organs does a person have?

    Can a person fully perceive the world around him if some organ is broken in him?

What was interesting to know?

What did you like the most?

Chinese physiognomy, also known as the "science of face reading", claims that the ears can reveal a person's character. The shape of a person's ears contains information about his personality, character and status in life. Try to do it too.

Many of us are skeptical about determining the character of a person by the face, lips, nose and other parts of the body. The main argument is that dazzling beautiful people With harmonious faces do not always have such a beautiful harmonious character. In addition, many representatives of the same people have similar noses or lips, but there are large differences in their character.

Nevertheless, looking closely at the shape of the lips, forehead or ears of their interlocutors, people sometimes discover surprising coincidences of personality traits with a certain shape of the face and its parts. Representatives of some professions involuntarily develop such abilities in themselves. Experienced teachers, for example, are able to identify a problem student at a glance. They easily notice who is the informal leader in the class, and who is an outcast and laughing stock, who is prone to aggression, and who is kind and sensitive. They are helped by developed observation and the ability to remember faces.

According to ancient Chinese teaching, the following groups are distinguished:

hard, thick, long ears

Some people have hard, thick and large ears. These people are often fond of sports, by nature they are calm and resistant to stress, rarely get sick.

pointed ears

A person with pointed ears is intelligent and diligent. Such people, as a rule, are completely devoted to their work, their intelligence and wisdom help them solve all cases.

Thick, large, hanging lobes

Whoever has large and thick earlobes is lucky in money matters and has good health. Such people are successful in their careers and are able to quickly take advantage of opportunities that have opened up. They rely on their own efforts, but do not refuse the support of others to provide themselves and their families with a comfortable standard of living. They are also mentally stable and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Ears with small earlobes

If the earlobes are short and thin, then it is considered that vitality a person has very little and is unhappy. These are people with a complex character, they do not get along well with other people, they often quarrel. They have to work hard for little money. They rarely make a career.

Ears close to the head

These ears are almost invisible from the side of the face. People with this type of ear have excellent managerial skills and are usually well off financially. They easily get help when faced with financial difficulties. Luck is the basis of their success, but they are able to work hard to maintain their high status.

protruding ears

Too protruding and large ears are very common in people with great talent. Sometimes it's musical ability or acting talent. Here, the attention of parents is important, who should pay attention to this sign and send their child to a music school. Fortune loves such people - they are lucky in life, therefore, if they choose their path correctly, they will definitely succeed.

Ears with a wide opening

A passage is considered wide if 1-2 fingers can be put there. wide passage speaks of intelligence, generosity, nobility, openness and long life. People with such ears like to get new knowledge, they are very sociable, they are able to succeed in many areas .. Ears in which hairs grow are considered the best.

Ears with a narrow opening

A narrow passage is considered if even one finger does not enter there. It is believed that the owner of the ear is cautious, secretive, conservative. Businessmen often have such ears.

The shape of the auricle

1. Round ears. Such people love themselves and prefer to be in the center of everyone's attention. They are fond of different things and are able to interest others with their ideas.

2. Square ears. People with square ears are conservative and responsible. They do their job carefully and diligently. They are attracted to stability, they value constancy in relationships.

3. Rhombic ears. If a person has diamond-shaped ears, then very often this is a selfish person, capricious, indulging his whims. Such people are sometimes difficult to understand, but they are capable of thoughts and actions that most people never even think of.

4. Rectangular ears. Such people do not like to do empty and meaningless things, they plan their time and always strive for perfection. They don't make promises if they can't keep their word.

5. Crescent ears. For such people, the opinion of others is important, they are tactful, attentive to people. Sometimes they put the interests of other people above their own. These people are kind, honest and trustworthy.

6. Triangular ears, widened at the top. Such ears are characteristic of very curious people. They love to socialize and are surrounded by a lot of friends. But if something doesn't go according to their own plan, they get angry and are capable of being aggressive.

7. Triangular ears, widened at the bottom. Gentle and generous people have this type of ear. They value their friends and are always ready to help. If you have a problem, you will act as circumstances require to resolve the problem.

Ear angle

Draw an imaginary line through the top of the ear and . Is the ear vertical to the head or tilted back? The greater the angle of inclination, the stronger the physiognomic significance of this feature.

If ears are strictly vertical, their "carrier", most likely, strives for balance and balance of all its manifestations, it is important for him to maintain external calm and restraint. Such a person is happy to existing rules and norms.

If ears as if lean back, this indicates that their owner is quite easy on life, adhering to a peculiar view of things, prefers to quickly resolve all his current affairs and move on, for a new interest. He clearly goes out of step with others and sticks to his own position.

If ears "go forward", i.e. their top part noticeably inclined to, and the lobe lags behind, then the person seeks to collect as much information as possible for himself, he “listens” all the time.

Protruding and flattened ears

In terms of the degree of retreat from the head, the ears also differ, and after them, behavioral and emotional manifestations person.

Lagging, protruding ears(protruding ears) are considered such if their outer part recedes from the head by about 3 cm (or even more). Sometimes one ear sticks out more than the other. Strongly lagging ears distinguish impressionable people endowed with intuition. Being nonconformists, they have their own idea of ​​everything, they do not like to listen to other people's opinions, they prefer to develop their own considerations and ideas. Some of those around them accept them as stubborn and uncompromising. If it sticks out more left ear means that a person is more independent in personal life. If the right is more protruding, he is independent in business, social life.

Ears pressed to the head(they are also called flat) indicate caution, restraint of a person. Among such people, you can often meet good listeners, as well as those who care about collecting information before deciding something. different opinions and judgments. Sometimes they attach too much importance to the other person's point of view. Owners of flattened ears prefer to follow what they know in everything. social norms and obey instructions. This knowledge of common interests and norms can be valuable quality in the field of marketing.

Diplomat's ears(pressed on top, protruding at the bottom) indicate a person who professes a diplomatic approach. He is able to see both sides of the problem, understand both non-conformists and traditionalists, and stick to the golden mean.

Ear height

Highly located upper point of the ear(at or above) signals that a person instantly absorbs information and tries to immediately take action in order to see the result as soon as possible. The problem is that in a hurry, such a person sometimes misses important details.

If the lowest point of the ear is low(lobes at or below the tip), then the person most likely prefers a leisurely approach. He listens carefully and is afraid to miss something when he has to hurry. Such people like to work slowly, evenly and carefully and are always ready to listen to new information.


The outstanding Spanish portraitist A. Vidal Quadras developed his theory of noses, based on the position: what is the nose - such is the person. Kvadras painted in oil portraits of members of the numerous princely court and millionaires. Studying his models, he came to the conclusion that there is no more reliable sign for interpreting the essence and character of a person than the nose. The most beautiful and perfect nose was, in his opinion, that of the Princess of Monaco, Grazia Patricia, who therefore was his favorite model. The artist claimed that the princess's nose radiated (!) kindness, intelligence, gentleness and fidelity. Brigitte Bardot had the most intelligent nose among all French stars. "Kinship" in the shape of the nose found Quadras in two famous English actresses - Vivien Leigh and Joan Collins. In his opinion, they had an exceptionally harmoniously developed seductive form.

How does modern physiognomy relate to this parameter of the human face? Physionomists believe that the nose occupies the epicenter of three zones and is of particular importance in reading the face, since it serves as a fulcrum for assessing balance. From the point of view of Chinese physiognomy, he governs the years from 41 to 50, when the question of success or failure is mainly decided.

Ideally, according to ancient Chinese manuscripts, the nose should have a straight back, a well-rounded tip and beautifully shaped wings. By a well-rounded tip physiognomists mean that the nose should not be excessively upturned and thus the openings of the nostrils should be hidden. In addition, both in height and in length, the ideal nose should have a streamlined shape from the bridge of the nose to the tip. It should not lean to either side of the face and should be in harmony with the contours of the face and other features. Finally, the perfect nose should be well rooted at its base, the small area between the eyebrows and the eyes. This means that it must have a strong bone base.

A perfect nose, known as the "lion's nose", is a sign of unsurpassed masculinity and a strong, passionate nature. A person with such a nose has a strong sexual power, and he can succeed in many endeavors with much more ease than people who are not so well gifted.

According to Chinese physiognomists, a person with a perfect nose is most likely to occupy a responsible and high position, but it should be emphasized that character or fate cannot be determined definitively based on only one single feature, in this case the nose, therefore should always be studied in relation to other traits in terms of balance and proportion. Of the Five Essential Features, the nose deviates the most from its ideal shape.

It is interesting to note that Chinese physiognomists believe that there is a connection between the nose and the development of the lower half of the brain. This development is slow. That is why a child whose brain is still developing has a plump and short nose.

They also believe that there is a relationship between the nose and the spinal column. Since the nose does not fully develop until the age of twenty, physiognomists conclude that by the end of the second decade a person stops growing and that the lower half of the brain reaches maturity.

Another school of Chinese thought believes that since the nose is an organ designed for breathing, it is closely related to the lungs. Therefore, breathing through the nose is easy only when the lungs are healthy. If a person constantly breathes through his mouth, then physiognomists claim that this is an indication of serious illness in future. Essentially, of course, the physiognomist makes a diagnostic conclusion. If a person lies in bed and breathes heavily through his mouth, then it is quite obvious that he is "seriously ill."

Let's move on to consideration various types nose.

Rice. 47. Nose length

A long nose (Fig. 47a) usually indicates a conservative person, often also contemptuously arrogant and capable of intellectual, artistic and/or technical achievements. Such an individual is not fit for business ventures or the commercial world.

Above a long nose includes the characteristics of a long nose, but moreover indicates that the person is likely to have a spiritual nature. Individuals with very long noses are often unrealistic, moody and speculative. However, if the nose is long and wide, and even if it does not even match other features - especially eyebrows, eyes and cheekbones, then this is a sign of a person with a stable character, with a calm temperament and who is destined to "live a good life."

A fairly long nose (Fig. 47b), perfectly balanced with the eyes, mouth and chin, with two deep lines on both sides of the mouth, is ideal. The combination of these elements indicates a person of great authority, good temperament and honesty. Such people are sexually active, proud and active.

A short nose (Fig. 47c) usually indicates a person with an open character, optimistic and friendly. Such people are able to maintain a very free sexual morality. They do not like small things and do their work, driven by emotional impulses. These are the type of people who work best with appropriate encouragement, that is, a "pat on the back."

Rice. 48. Nose shape

A skinny and bony nose means a person's lack of ability to concentrate. If the nose is too high in relation to the face as a whole, then this person is probably proud, arrogant and difficult to communicate. Such a person, being in power, invariably has problems with subordinates. Such an individual is lonely and even in his relationship with his wife does not go beyond mere tolerance (Fig. 48a).

In all cases, a bony nose with small hump or a high inflection (Fig. 48b) indicates a proud, stubborn individual. Such a person can be aggressive and decisive.

A high and very bony nose (Fig. 48c) often belongs to a person leading a lonely life. Such a nose, if slightly bony, but looking rather full and flat, and having a pointed tip, also belongs to a man of a very enterprising spirit. Individuals of this type are enterprising and impulsive. Such explosive impulsiveness often repels friends and loved ones, dooming such a person to loneliness.

Rice. 49. Area between the eyes

The tiny platform between the eyes (Fig. 49a) is called the "Root of the Mountain", that is, the root of the nose. This platform is very important when reading facial features, because it is related to the possible aspirations in a person's life and whether he will succeed or fail during the heyday of his life.

A high platform speaks of a loyal individual, with close family ties. She also points to long life. If this platform is flat, but full, it means that this person is warm-hearted and sincere, and if he is married, then he is happy.

If this area has a kink with a depression and with horizontal lines crossing the back of the nose (Fig. 49b), then this indicates poor health and, possibly, early death. If it is low and combined with fierce eyebrows hanging over the eyes, and the back of the nose is deviated to the side, then this indicates that the individual will be in poor health in middle years and / or will be involved in criminal activity.

However, if in the previous case the general outline of the face is long and straight enough, the internal energy is strong enough, the skin color is light and clear, the voice is loud and resonant, then the difficulties that will arise before him will not be so serious. A word of caution: the effect of a kink or dimple can only be truly analyzed by comparison with other facial features, especially the eyebrows and eyes.

Rice. 50. Back of the nose

The bridge of the nose (positions 44, 45 in Fig. 50) plays a large role in determining artistry. The ideal bridge of the nose should be high, straight and smooth. She portends a long life.

A person with a full, well-rounded back of the nose is very artistic and will be happy in marriage (Fig. 50a).

On the other hand, a full and well-rounded dorsum, extending from position 28 down to the tip of the nose, without any defect, portends exceptional success, fame and general recognition.

An area specifically associated with longevity is best seen in profile. If positions 44 and 45 are located low and have a slope to one side, then this portends an early death (Fig. 50b).

If the nose is narrow and looks like the edge of meat (Fig. 50c), then this portends a life full of hard, exhausting work. If the back of the nose is flat, large and well balanced by both wings of the nose, then this indicates wealth and a cold, prudent nature (Fig. 50 d).

If the back of the nose is flattened and intersected by horizontal lines, then misfortune awaits this person (Fig. 50e).

If the back of the nose is broken and with many small ridges, then this indicates poverty and deprivation.

The bridge of the nose, widening in the middle and covered with flesh only slightly, combined with low cheekbones and small nostrils, means a boring, banal life, full hard work with meager rewards. A woman with such a nose is destined to be a widow.

The back of the nose, crossed by deep lines, portends serious disasters in life.

For women, this also means a difficult marriage, ending in separation and divorce. If veins are visible there, then this indicates illicit love affairs.

A weak back indicates early success and late failure in life. This is easily determined by the presence of a hollow between the eyes. A person whose bridge of the nose is neither high nor low, but tilted to the side, will probably have unloving children, and he will be constantly haunted by misfortune.

A high bridge of the nose with low and weak cheekbones and jaws indicates birth in a family with high social position. But such a person will meet in middle age with disasters and hardships - in later years.

Rice. 51. Tips of the nose

The tip of the nose, like other facial features, is various shapes and sizes. The most favorable tip of the nose is what is called the "hanging gall" (gall - ink nut) (Fig. 51a), that is, the tip of the nose hangs like this nut hangs. Round form the tip of the nose of this type speaks of a prosperous person who occupies a strong position in society.

If the tip of the nose hangs down like a piece of meat (Fig. 51b), this indicates a supersexual nature. A pointed, non-fleshy tip of the nose indicates a treacherous, treacherous personality.

The tip of the nose, similar to the beak of an eagle (Fig. 51c), indicates a vindictive nature. This type of people is obsessed with the mania that they are getting in the way.

If the tip of the nose still has a reddish tint, then such a person is unsteady, lazy and unsuitable for a sustainable career. Usually such noses are called aquiline or hooked. They indicate foresight and insight.

People with a full, large, convex tip of the nose (Fig. 51 d) are kind-hearted, warm, sincere. They are usually ready for self-sacrifice, but this property must be considered in conjunction with the characteristics of the eyes, considering first of all whether the glare of the eyes is controlled or uncontrolled. The latter is a sign of a malevolent nature, which compensates for an otherwise good nose.

A drooping nose that covers a significant part of the upper lip is also a sign of betrayal and treachery, especially if its tip is pointed and skinny. An exception is a nose with a well-rounded tip, sound flesh and lively coloration, even if the nose droops. This compensates for a nose that is otherwise negative.

A person with an upturned nose, who has visible nostril openings, as a rule, is not able to keep secrets, has a very free sexual morality, prefers a bohemian lifestyle and does not think ahead. Such a person spends easily, without putting off for a rainy day.

In general, the tip of the nose in men should be full and round (Fig. 50g). It should cover part of the groove above the middle of the upper lip. Such a nose in the Western world is called a European nose. A person with such a nose often has extraordinary energy, boundless business acumen and a shrewd mind.

The flattened tip of the nose (Fig. 50h) indicates a suspicious, suspicious and shy character; such a person is rather difficult to deal with; he prefers to solve his problems on his own, without anyone's help. However, such a person has an original mind, and he often manages to solve problems in his own way. The split tip of the nose is a bad sign if it is combined with large, poorly balanced eyes, moreover, having white on three or four sides.

In such cases, especially if upper lip too short, it could mean a threat to his personality or impending misfortune.

The tip of the nose should be supported and balanced by the wings of the nostrils projecting to the right and left. The wings of the nostrils, proportionate and without defects, indicate that the person is likely to succeed in life. The general rule: if the wings and nostrils are large, then the person is likely to become poor and not able to accumulate wealth. If such a person, on the basis of an analysis of other facial features, is characterized as resourceful, then he will have an unstable service career. Other general rule argues that small nostrils mostly belong to people capable of sustainable careers and sustainable earnings.

The wings of the nostrils are too flat, or wings that are too close to the middle of the nose, indicate that the person is not able to make money, or even if he makes it, he still will not be able to keep it.

Rice. 52. Wings of the nose

If the wings at the tip of the nose diverge widely (Fig. 50), then this indicates that the person belongs to the type of people who are able to ascend from rags to wealth. It is also a sign of a sensitive, aggressive, sensual person. Slow-thinkers should be wary of such people.

As for the color of the nose, the ideal nose should have a shiny and light red, radiant coloration. This testifies to the prosperity and high honors of its owner. The coloration of the nose without shine and dark speaks of low birth and short life; if the area between the eyes has a bluish tint, then this portends misfortune.

A constantly red nose is associated with treachery, especially if the nose leans to one side. A red nose usually speaks of a hard struggle for survival. A red nose, strewn with pores, resembling a spoiled orange, is characteristic of people who are always in financial difficulties, as well as prone to promiscuity and drunkenness.

General rule: a bright, yellowish-pink tip of the nose indicates a "fair wind" in any undertakings. Intense yellowish spots on the tip of the nose indicate unexpected wealth. Four spots mean illness, blue - imprisonment or captivity, deep red - big losses.

Reading a woman's nose requires a special approach. A woman's nose reveals a lot about her marital prospects. If the nose is beautiful, then she will marry handsome man. Superficial or other defects in the nose suggest otherwise. However, the study of the nose alone does not allow us to assert this with certainty. The nose should be studied against the background of balance and proportion with other facial features.

Relatively high nose in women, not balanced or supported by low cheekbones, indicates years of need before the age of 35, because such a nose overshadows the eyebrows (positions 31-34). At 35, she begins her eye years (positions 35–40) and can perk up again, especially if her eyes are well shaped, large, and shiny.

In Chinese physiognomy, wrinkles that appear at the corners of the eyes when laughing are called the "tail of a goldfish." So, the larger and more magnificent this “tail”, the kinder and more sympathetic is the one to whom it belongs.

A woman with a small, compared to other facial features, nose is capable of being petty jealous and subject to the vicissitudes of life. In some cases small nose may indicate fine sensitivity and insight.

If a woman has a high nose with a protruding back, she is said to have a "man's nose" and is likely to be able to compete with men for high position. She can get married very early, but if she does not marry, then after 35 years it is unlikely that a successful marriage will turn out.

Rice. 53. Nostril openings

Finally, the openings of the nostrils must be carefully examined when conducting a comprehensive analysis. These holes can be subdivided into five main shapes (Fig. 53a, b, c, d, e).

The following table shows the relationship between nostrils and personality type:

Nostril Shape Chart

Old books give such a description of a person depending on the shape of the nose:

Big nose (Fig. 54, No. 1) - pride, ambition, independence, energy.

Rice. 54. Nose shape (from old books)

Straight nose - calmness.

Speaking far in front of the face, with a notch - energy.

The nose, which is a continuation of the forehead (Fig. 54, No. 2), is vanity.

A hooked nose (Fig. 54, No. 8) - a poetic disposition.

A narrow nose is frivolity.

Wide - complaisance.

Thick, red - passion for food and wine.

Thick, short, fleshy, puffy - inconstancy, weak will.

Long nose (Fig. 54, No. 3) - transparently hints at selfishness, dishonesty, a tendency to steal and depravity.

Nose tilted to the mouth (Fig. 54, No. 4) - sensuality.

Hawk nose, pointed at the end (Fig. 54, No. 5) - hot temper.

A hawk nose with a hump at the top is a broad nature, nobility.

The nose is round, flatly cut off from below (Fig. 54, No. 6), - depravity.

The nose, deepened at the base, and thin and upturned at the end (Fig. 54, No. 7), is stubbornness, envy, curiosity, cunning and hypocrisy.

Nose with flaring nostrils - liveliness, amorousness.

A crooked nose, deviated to the right or left, is cunning, stinginess.

Dumb, flattened nose - stupidity and depravity.

Nose expression

However limited this facial expression may be, it has its own value: the movement of the nostrils expresses emotional excitement.

Papus was not deceived when he said: “Do you want to know what the woman to whom you are talking about love thinks?

Look into her face: if her nostrils are wide and tremble intensely, she is a sentimental person and loves you with her heart; if her lips move, she loves you with her stomach: she desires your body; if she makes familiar facial movements with her eyes, in this case her mind speaks - she squints, argues, thinks about the position that you can create for her ... "

When determining the character and destiny of a person, Chinese physiognomists consider the mouth one of the Five most important features for many reasons. The body receives air and food through the mouth. Both are necessary to sustain life. The mouth acts as a speech apparatus and expresses the thoughts of a person, revealing the warehouse of his character, and, finally, in their opinion, the size and shape of the mouth help determine the internal energy of a person.

The ideal mouth should be shaped so that the groove in the middle of the upper lip is balanced with the nose and forehead. In men, the mouth should be strong and the lips firm. A woman's mouth should be tender and her lips soft.

Rice. 55. Mouth shapes

As a general rule, the wider the opening of the mouth, the better the character of the person. But a large mouth that cannot close tightly betrays a careless and indecisive character. These people are often the victims. People who were born into wealthy families and did not receive enough internal energy to fight for existence often have this type of mouth. The large mouth of a woman shows that she has more ability for a career in the service than for domestic work.

A mouth with bow-shaped corners (Fig. 55a) means that a person is not able to hold high positions. A bow-shaped mouth is common in people of normal and low weight. People who fall into this category often have a triangular face shape. They have a decrease in sensitivity, but they tend to be more tender and affectionate than individuals with large mouths and thin lips.

A large mouth with red, shiny lips (Fig. 55b) is characteristic of people who are capable of showing authority. These are people with a sense of responsibility, maintaining close family ties. The same is true for people with wide mouths, whose lips are slightly turned up at the corners of the mouth.

If the mouth is hard lips opens in the form of a large square (Fig. 55c), this indicates a good-natured character. A well-centered mouth, without shifting to one side or another, also indicates a carefree nature, not prone to torment.

A wide mouth on a full but firm base is found in people with a large bony structure. They are often self-absorbed, ambitious, adventurous and aggressive. But they are also indifferent to their successes and failures.

A wide mouth on a small face usually belongs to an extrovert. But if the wide mouth is on square face, then this characterizes a person of an authoritative, good organizer. And if at the same time such a mouth is combined with heavy lips, then this is an indication that a person is worthy of trust.

As a general rule, a small mouth means that the individual is eternally engaged in the struggle for existence. This mouth indicates weak character. In combination with thin lips, a small mouth speaks of a shy character, of a person who does not dare to take responsibility. But if a small mouth opens well, then this indicates a breadth of views with a touch of shyness and a desire to postpone their affairs for later.

Good lips should be thick rather than thin, angular rather than round or shapeless. Lips should be strong and intensely red. Their shape should be in appropriate proportion with other facial features. Such lips characterize a whole person. If the upper lip is wide and hard, then this means longevity.

People of violent nature usually have thin lips that do not close well. Oily lips correspond, as a rule, to oily individuals. Physiognomists in China believe that such lips indicate sensuality, a person capable of great love. This type of lips occurs in people with a methodical mind.

If the closed lips form a long, straight line, then this indicates a systematic, thoughtful, scrupulous, petty individual. Such people are usually prominent members of society. If this line is not quite straight in the middle, then this indicates the extraordinary energy and boundless enthusiasm of the person. And in general, the unevenness of the lip line is a sure indication of resourcefulness and ingenuity.

Looking at a person's mouth in profile with closed lips, it is relatively easy to see whether the mouth protrudes outward or sinks inward (Fig. 55 d). A protruding mouth usually indicates a person who is determined, active and has a quick mind. A drooping mouth indicates a prudent person.

A hard mouth with sloping corners (Fig. 55e) is known as a "fish mouth". It characterizes a man of strong will, unshakable, not susceptible to outside influence. In critical situations, such a person will show his abilities, cope alone, without outside help. He or she belongs to the type of people who "fight their own battle" on their own. "Fish mouth" also occurs in hardened gossip. In women, such a mouth indicates stubbornness. In sexual relations, such a woman is imperious and demanding. Her family life is often fragile.

A mouth that constantly twitches is known as a "horse mouth" (Fig. 55e) and is a sign of a highly nervous and agitated personality.

The same conclusion can be drawn in relation to people whose mouth is connected by clear lines with the eyes or the top of the nostrils. In China, such individuals are said to be doomed to "starvation." This intriguing saying is not at all about material wealth, it has to do with the most various types hunger, ranging from psychological to physical.

If the lines of the cheeks seem to disappear in the mouth (Fig. 55g), then such a mouth is called the "mouth of the snake." The snake-mouthed man is violent, dangerous, and untrustworthy. This directly indicates that he is to be feared and that he himself is likely to die a violent death.

A person whose mouth is strongly slanted down to one side (Fig. 55h) is fickle and stubborn. Such individuals tend to speak in ways that offend employees.

Rice. 56. Lip shape

Often the upper and lower lips do not match well and one overlaps the other. A protruding upper lip (Fig. 56a) - which simply means the retraction of the lower - is a sign of a vain and indecisive character. Such people also have an insatiable libido. They often have extramarital affairs. The reverse overlapping of the lips indicates a selfish individual who is likely to have an unsuccessful marriage (Fig. 56b).

If the upper lip covers most of the lower, then such a mouth is called "eagle". This is a sign of a determined, stubborn person and possibly short-tempered behavior. Such lips are more common in men than in women.

Sometimes the outer edge of the lower lip is slightly bent upwards, especially in the middle. In young people, this indicates a taste for the bohemian lifestyle.

If the line between the lips bends downward (Fig. 56c), then this indicates an egocentric, stubborn nature. Such people can be won over only with the help of flattery and praise. If this line, however, bends upward in the middle (Fig. 56 d), then this characterizes an agile and resourceful person.

In women, the line of the mouth, which seems to harbor an enigmatic smile at both corners of the mouth, is an indication of a deeply sensual nature. Chinese physiognomists call this shape of the lips "an inverted crescent" (Fig. 56e).

It is very common among women. Such women are good partners in family life.

In men, lips of this form are rare, and if they are sometimes found, then this indicates a soft, feminine temperament and artistic inclinations.

A loose, loosely formed mouth, with corners curving downwards (Fig. 57a), warns that the individual has a stormy character. The marriage of such a person usually ends in divorce. Sometimes such a line of the mouth is called "capsized boat". In women, such a mouth indicates sexual promiscuity.

A wide mouth, in which the corners go down, and the edges of the lips are unevenly outlined, usually characterizes a restless, anxious personality(Fig. 57b).

If the lips are thin and poorly closed (Fig. 57c), then the person, apparently, has no craving for a successful professional career. If closed lips do not match well, then this is everywhere considered a sign of criminal inclinations.

Rice. 57. Mouth shape

A person whose mouth looks like a deflated balloon and at the same time there are deep wrinkles on the outside of both lips (Fig. 57d), apparently, is not satisfied with his work and has criminal inclinations.

A mouth slanted to one side (Fig. 57e) indicates a dissatisfied and nervous person. Such people often have a hot temper and are usually prone to sarcasm.

A long, wide, but coarse upper lip, while the lower lip is small or pointed (Fig. 57f), is a sign of a gullible person. Such people are bad businessmen and easily become victims.

Lip wrinkles are a natural result of aging. Also found in people with bad health. But the wrinkles that cut into the lips and create the appearance of a crying face (Fig. 57g) speak of a person's loneliness. Such people often succeed early and suffer setbacks and failures in their later years.

A mouth with long, pointed, thin lips is a sign of cowardice. A stiff, thick beard growing tightly around the mouth with thin lips pointed towards the edges indicates the danger of starvation, as in the case of the “snake mouth” (Fig. 57h, as well as Fig. 53g).

If the corners of the mouth are poorly balanced, one corner is noticeably higher than the other, then this indicates a suspicious person who also knows how to convince and persuade. Such personalities are not trustworthy (Fig. 57i and 57k).

A woman with a large mouth with poorly formed corners that seem to fall off is considered to have male characteristics. Such women are not suitable for marriage.

According to ancient Chinese texts, mouth analysis is also important in determining longevity.

These rules can be summarized as follows.

Features indicating a long life: a large and wide mouth in the form of a horizontal rectangle, with clearly defined corners. The upper and lower lips are proportional and balanced. Delicately contoured lips of pure, healthy color, reflecting good health and inner strength.

Features indicating a short life: lips of a lilac or dark tone, or a deep dark color, a small mouth with a large head. Small mouth, sunken and twisted.

Chinese physiognomists also pay close attention to the teeth and tongue. First, both are related to digestive tract and hence health. Moreover, if the front teeth are damaged or rare, then this is reflected in appearance person. A defective tongue can spoil a person's diction.

If the front teeth do not grow correctly and the shape of the mouth deviates from normal, then this often indicates that a person will have an unsuccessful life. If a person has protruding teeth, it means that he is incapable of concentration.

Since modern dental technology is able to correct these defects, bad teeth are no longer an insurmountable problem. But to what extent human destiny depends on dental technology is still a moot point. Modern Chinese physiognomists believe that correcting bad teeth can give people inner peace and happiness, and although it cannot completely change a person’s fate, it can still improve his appearance, which is very helpful in a successful career and marriage. Therefore, modern reading of the face touches only in passing on the tongue and teeth.

Rice. 58. Lip shape (from old books)

Old books give such a description of a person depending on the shape of the lips:

Lips correctly defined (somewhat puffy) (Fig. 58, No. 1) - kindness, cordiality, frankness, gaiety and, in general, a greater tendency to positive qualities than disadvantages.

Thin lips (Fig. 58, No. 2) - cunning, selfishness, cruelty, sarcasm, secrecy, hypocrisy, rapacity.

Thick lips (Fig. 58, No. 3) - sensuality and various base instincts. Rarely good nature.

Lips characteristic, childish (Fig. 58, No. 4) - gullibility and frankness.

Lip expression

Aristotle (in his letters to Alexander), Montaigne and Bacon (each in his "Experiences"), Lavater (in sketches on physiognomy), Lachambre - the doctor of Louis XIII (in his treatises on passions), Pernetti, Camper, Winckelmann, painter Lebrun , Bufon left interesting information about lips.

“Everything that contains human nature,” says Lavater in his Physiognomic Fragments, “is put into his mouth. Both in a calm state and in the boundless variety of their movements, they contain a whole world of characters ... They, - Lavater continues, - are the main residence of reason and madness, strength and weakness, virtue and vice, human delicacy and rudeness, they are the residence of love and hatred , sincerity and hypocrisy, humility and pride, truth and lies.

Although the lips are not the seat of the mental manifestations listed above, it is true that they are often used to express these manifestations.

The ancient philosophers, before accepting someone as a student, subjected to careful consideration his lips, teeth, gums. A smile was also a “diagnostic” tool for them: this was how they revealed the vices and virtues of newcomers.

Lips are the residence of passions: love, hatred, anger, jealousy, revenge are written on the lips ... A smile, this Prometheus of a physiognomy, pitiful, supportive, sarcastic, sincere, ironic ...

We are refining and simplifying the meaning to be attributed to the facial expressions of the lips. Those traits that are by nature masculine (energy, courage, strong concentration and mental control, the need for fruitful activity) close, as if lips close. Excessive development of these qualities (stubbornness, rudeness, cruelty) leads to the complete collapse of one lip into another, up to the deviation and violation of their harmonious line.

Understanding this sign well, Delestre expressed it in the following words: "The degree of clenching of the lips is directly proportional to the hardness of character."

Purely feminine qualities (softness, amiability, affection, a tendency to dream and passivity) relax the lips. Excessive development of these inclinations (fearfulness, weakness of character, laziness, great susceptibility to influence) completely reveals them, and the stupid mouth always gapes.

Consider the lips of those pure types that have more energy (Mars, Earth, Sun, Saturn), they are hermetically closed. The will, acting on the chewing muscle, brings the jaws together - one after the other, which causes clenching of the teeth. A person always grits his teeth and at the same time draws his eyebrows when he strongly desires something. It is difficult with a person who, while listening to you, keeps his lips clenched inexorably.

If the will is harmonious, balanced, then it compresses the lips without twisting them, as in the Mars type (Fig. 27). If the will tends to rudeness, then it compresses the lips one with the other and breaks their harmonious line. Many of the lower, earthly types exhibit this disharmony of lips, going hand in hand with thick and rough lips. Thus, compressed and distorted Martian lips express wild energy that nothing can subdue.

In Saturnians (Fig. 34), the lips are not only compressed, but also their tips are lowered down, which means pessimism, melancholy and complements the expression of longing that is generated by the look and dark color skin. This arrangement of the lips is not only found among Saturnians, but they are always misanthropes and tend to see things from the bad side.

The lips of the most energetic Mercurians are close to one another. But if they are "constricted" (which often happens when the upper lip is very flat and thin), then they show that coldness and insufficient sensuality are also added to their self-control. A Mercurian, be it a man or a woman, with such lips is a purely rational type, and therefore he calculates everything. He often lacks "heart" or even the ability to show heartlessness. His interest dominates his feelings; if he smiles only with the corners of his lips, without opening them, and at the same time looks askance, then this is a cunning and grumpy person, always ready to throw some kind of arrow at you. Both in transactions and in love, beware of Mercurians, who have the described physiognomic characteristics: such people are very selfish.

The more the lips open, the weaker the mental control. Kindness, passivity leave chewing muscles in a calm state. While the head of the family, aware of his family and social obligations, closes his lips, the loving and cheerful spouse opens them in a constant smile. The most feminine types (Venus, Moon) know how to laugh best.

Lips with a beautiful smile have a beautiful line and are quite fleshy, they are significantly different from energetic lips. Such lips bear the stamp of carelessness and call for love. In the Jovian type, the lips are not so well defined and are more drooping and fold into a wider and less beautiful smile, in which sexual "appetites" are not excluded. A fleshier and denser lower lip (very common in the Jovian type) gives a wider and fuller good-natured smile.

When a person laughs

A person who succeeds in life laughs little, but beautifully. Most soft people- Venusian and lunar type, they laugh a lot:

it was about them that Epictetus said: "Do not laugh either very often or for very long." If the lips open too wide and, so to speak, out of place, then this indicates a lack of mental control.

Loud healthy laughter- sign good health, open nature, strength.

Rough laugh- indicates that the individual is characterized by selfishness, rudeness, animal nature.

Quiet, soft laughter- soft, supple nature, weak will.

Jerky laughter- nervous, uneven nature.

Laughter from the heart- cheerfulness, good disposition.

If laughter ends with a sigh- weak will, prone to hysteria.

Hissing laughter- indicates an evil disposition, secrecy.

Very short, low-pitched laughter- shows a great mind, willpower, isolation.

Silent laughter- indicates that the individual is characterized by rapacity, prudence, caution and secrecy.

Chinese physiognomists associate the left ear with paternal qualities, and the right ear with maternal ones.

like others complex organs human, the ear consists of several parts. outer part, called the shell or outer ear, consists of flexible cartilage covered with skin. Like other important features, the outer ear has many forms.

Rice. 59. Zones of study of the ear

When reading a face, the ear (Fig. 59) is divided into four parts: the upper rim, which grasps the upper part of the outer ear; middle bezel; the inner rim adjacent to the cheekbone, and the earlobe.

In Chinese physiognomy, the ear is ranked among the most important organs - mainly because it says more about the fate of a person than about his character, especially in early years. It is believed that the left ear determines the fate in childhood - from 1 to 7 years, and also reflects the influence of the father. right ear gives the key to fate from 8 to 14 years and reflects the influence of the mother.

This may not be as strange as it might seem at first glance, because between the ages of 1 and 14, a person's fate is most often connected with the fate of his parents. As a general rule, the Chinese believe that a person with firm, well-shaped ears during this period has a happy childhood and a good start life. If the ears are badly shaped or colored, they are said to reflect bad home environment and difficult environment. If such a person does not have other signs that are favorable and do not indicate that he has determination, intelligence and firmness, then he is likely to fail in life.

As for the details, experience has shown that if the upper part of the ear is above the level of the eyebrows (Fig. 60a), then the individual has a very high intelligence. Such a person may achieve widespread fame and/or exceptional financial success.

Rice. 60. Ear shapes

If the upper part is above the level of the eyes, but does not reach the level of the eyebrows (Fig. 60b), then this indicates that the person will probably also have significant success, but not so striking.

However, if the ear is located below the level of the eyes (Fig. 60c), then this shows that the individual is mediocre. In the worst cases, especially if there is no noticeable rim on the top of the ear, it is very likely that a person will have to fight a truly difficult struggle for existence.

Ear size also matters a lot. Large ears are considered good if they are balanced with other factors including thickness, softness, finesse of shape, and radiant coloration of the ear. People with such ears can achieve success. But excessively large ears, badly shaped, colorless and covered with rough skin, are a sign of an evil personality. As a general rule, ears that are too large, out of balance with other facial features, indicate a vain, stubborn nature.

Ears that are smaller than normal and out of balance with the rest of the face indicate a slow-witted and dull-witted person. Such people easily fall under the influence of others, and they lack determination and self-confidence.

If a small ear has a defective rim, then this indicates a treacherous personality. Unusually small ears in a person of great intelligence, having a high forehead, strong eyebrows, imperious eyes, indicate a person who cannot be trusted, prone to violence and often has a criminal nature.

Thin and soft ears with low mass indicate a tendency to take unjustified risks in business. Most observations say that ears with a small mass indicate a lonely person. Soft ears with an inner rim turned outward indicate a lustful, voluptuous person, sexually promiscuous. If such a soft ear is inclined forward, then it indicates a very tolerant person, indulgent, indulging in pleasures, and sometimes obscenely lustful.

Pointy ears are relatively common and come in a variety of shapes. Pointed at the top, they indicate a person of a destructive nature and low intelligence. If the ears are pointed and excessively small, then this indicates a stubborn and cruel character.

The rim or edge of the ear must not be defective.

If the bezel is small, then it says that the person is weak and lacks willpower.

If it is round and balanced with other facial features, then this indicates a happy person with a wonderful character and close family ties.

When the outer, inner or middle rim is clearly defined, then this indicates intelligence or early development at a tender age.

Ears with strongly pointed outer rims - called "cauliflower" in the West - indicate a courageous, determined person with an independent mind. Such people literally win their own destiny.

And perhaps the most important part of the ear when reading a face is the lobe. An ear without a well-formed earlobe falls out of balance. If the lobe is so long that it touches the shoulder ( the rarest case, an example of which is the Buddha), then this indicates a person of high wisdom and spirituality (Fig. 60 d). Chinese physiognomists believe that such a lobe is found in people of a noble family and unusually powerful persons from very wealthy families. If the lobe is slightly turned forward and up, this is also auspicious sign for the character and destiny of man.

Rice. 61. Types of ears

As a rule, ancient texts assert than less ear sees the reader's face, looking straight into the person's face, the better. This means that the ears should be close to the head. However, if the ears deviate backward and are almost invisible from the front (Fig. 61a), then this indicates that the person is vulgar and treacherous. Therefore, a careful distinction must be made between the two cases.

A person with large, soft, drooping ears extending from the head (Fig. 61b) can be classified as difficult to deal with, especially in middle age. However, if the chin of such a person is well rounded and strong, then he may have great internal energy that can partially compensate for his heavy nature.

The inner rim of the pinna is also an important clue to personality. If it turns inward, then the individual is likely to be one of those who suppress their emotions. If the inner rim is bent outward, then the opposite is true.

As with other facial features, the question of coloration is of paramount importance when considering the ears. However, a pale color, paler than the complexion, is incomparably better than a red color. A person with ears of this color, apparently, will have a noticeable success in life. Yellow or bluish pallor has always been considered a sign unhealthy person. A dark color extending from the ear to the temple indicates a serious illness. Whether this disease will cause a short life depends on the balance and proportion with other facial features.

And as a general rule in determining fate: ears tending to be slightly or darker in color than the face indicate a negative character and fate.

As with eyebrows, moles play a role here too. A dark mole inside the auricle indicates painful litigation in the middle years; red mole near the entrance to inner ear is a sign of longevity.

When you first dedicate yourself to the art of face reading, you will immediately identify certain types of ears. For example, an obese person with heavy cheekbones is likely to have long, round, large earlobes. A medium-sized person with thin lips often has poorly rounded ears. A person with a triangular head and a thin face usually has small, thin ears. Although physiognomy may seem esoteric in this matter, you will be amazed to find how exactly the proper reading of the human face corresponds to its personality and destiny.

Rice. 62

European physiognomists about ears

Old books give such a description of a person depending on the shape of the ears:

If all parts of the outer ear are developed evenly, this indicates good mental abilities.

Too much fleshy ears - show that a person is characterized by gloominess, cruelty.

Ears too small- indicate sensuality.

Upturned ears(Fig. 62, No. 4) - show intelligence, moderation.

Large ears with well-defined convolutions of the auricles(Fig. 62, No. 3) - musical abilities.

hard ears- good health.

Flabby ears- soreness.

Narrow, long ears- envy, avarice.

If auricles deeply gouged- giftedness.

Protruding, large ears(Fig. 62, No. 1) - cunning, stupidity.

Pricked ears(Fig. 62, No. 2) - caution, composure, endurance, hypocrisy, cunning.

Quadrangular ears- indicate firmness, decency.

hairy ears- they say that this person is characterized by prudence, and if, in addition, fleshy, - sensuality.



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