What food to eat for intestinal dysbiosis. Nutrition and diet for intestinal dysbiosis

In the middle of the previous century there arose new problem for human health, which is called dysbiosis. Doctors are still disputing whether this is a pathology or a minor imbalance in the body associated with the wrong way food. In this regard, multiple diets have been developed, indicating what can be eaten in case of dysbacteriosis using various systems therapeutic nutrition.

What is dysbacteriosis?

The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is a microcosm that is home to a huge number of bacteria that perform all sorts of useful functions. When certain microorganisms become abundant, a person’s normal balance of microflora is disrupted.

If you're weakened by all this immune defense body, excess microbes and “aggressive” bacteria do not die. They begin to multiply intensively, which activates pathological processes rotting, forming poisons. The resulting poisons, in turn, poison the body.

The main causes of dysbiosis

  • Poor nutrition. There are people who are unable to digest the casein contained in milk or the protein from cereals - gluten.
  • Uncontrolled use of antibiotics. Aggressive microorganisms are much stronger than beneficial ones, so experienced doctors, together with antibiotics, usually prescribe a drug that smoothes out the effect of the first.
  • Taking hormonal drugs.
  • Abuse of sugar.
  • Refined carbohydrates.
  • Stress.

A side effect of intestinal dysbiosis is a complication of the course of many other diseases.

Signs of dysbiosis

  • fatigue, fatigue;
  • depression, apathy;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • headache;
  • bloating;
  • frequent acute respiratory infections (acute respiratory diseases);
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • weight loss and anemia;
  • excessive dryness with flaking of the skin;
  • fat content skin and acne;
  • brittleness of hair and nails;
  • allergic rashes.

In any individual case, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Dysbacteriosis in children

In young children, it can be quite difficult to determine dysbiosis. It is important to carefully consider and identify the “predecessors” of the problem. If a child recently had to experience an illness with a course of antibiotics, and nothing was prescribed for dysbiosis, then the likelihood of developing a disorder is very high and it must be treated.

What can you give your child to eat if they have dysbacteriosis?

First of all, you need to think about a balanced diet.

You can and should cook

  • boiled meat and fish;
  • boiled vegetables - potatoes, carrots;
  • fresh fruits;
  • fermented milk products: yogurt, cottage cheese;
  • white, Rye bread;
  • vegetable oil.

Steamed meat or fish cutlets and meatballs are ideal. Buckwheat or rice porridge. It is advisable to add vegetable oil to porridge. You can cook fruit compotes.

  • bananas;
  • chocolate candies,
  • tea, cocoa;
  • beets;
  • dried fruits;
  • fresh cow's milk.

How to overcome dysbiosis in an adult body. Diet

Yogis recommend chewing a clove of garlic on an empty stomach. Russian healers advise eating a clove of garlic an hour before meals for two weeks and another clove in the evening, no earlier than two hours after dinner. Under the influence of garlic, fermentation processes in the intestines will stop. The tooth can be swallowed whole - without chewing, washed down with water or yogurt.

Attention: taking garlic is contraindicated for people suffering from kidney disease.

Diet for intestinal dysbiosis

The basis of the diet is the complete exclusion of all types of sweets and starchy foods. The fact is that these easily digestible carbohydrates are very poorly tolerated in dysbacteriosis. Much preferable are vegetables and fruits, which are optimal for consumption stewed, baked or steamed.

The stomach does not always tolerate raw fruits and vegetables rich in coarse fiber well. However, due to the fact that with dysbiosis, rotting processes occur in the intestines, vegetables are especially useful. Let’s assume that stewed or boiled vegetables are first prescribed, and after a certain period of time, fresh squeezed juices (vegetables, fruits), fruit and vegetable salads can be added to the menu.

Products that contain tannin are also considered useful in the diet: these are soups and pureed food without large quantities. Such dishes reduce diarrhea because they delay the movement of food through the intestinal tract. In case of constipation, on the contrary, fermented milk products are the best: fruit juices and purees, which help move feces through the intestines.

The presence in the menu of fresh vegetables and fruits rich in plant fiber, as well as porridges with coarse fiber: pearl barley, oatmeal, millet, buckwheat, will certainly bring bacterial failure back to normal.

In case of dysbacteriosis, it is impossible, and therefore it is recommended, to completely exclude the following types of products:

  • smoked;
  • fried;
  • spicy;
  • sour;
  • pickled;
  • spicy.

These listed derivatives tend to irritate the mucous walls of the intestines. You shouldn’t get carried away with strong broths: mushroom, meat and fish.

Neutral products when following a diet for dysbiosis:

  • white bread – slightly dried;
  • dietary meat and fish in chopped form.

It should be noted: if, in parallel with the problem of dysbiosis, fatty foods have become poorly tolerated, this is a signal of a violation of the bile-forming or bile-excretory functions of the liver. Then the patient’s diet must contain food containing many vitamins and minerals.

Applesauce, for example, is very effective for intestinal dysbiosis, and acute stage, it is better to make puree from stewed pureed sweet apples. You should switch to fresh grated apples once the exacerbation is over.

Traditional methods of getting rid of dysbiosis

Kefir medicine

  • The second head of garlic is peeled and pressed through the garlic press.
  • 5 onions are chopped and chopped.
  • Everything is mixed and poured with a liter of kefir.
  • Let it sit for a week.
  • The first week - three times 1 tbsp. spoon while eating.
  • Second week - three times with meals, 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Third week - three times with meals, 3 tbsp. spoons.

Add a spoonful every week of the entire prepared composition. After which, the next portion is prepared. Should be taken for up to six months.

Another effective remedy

  • In the evening, pour 2 tbsp into a deep plate. spoons of rolled oats.
  • A handful of dried fruits are added: dried apricots, prunes, raisins, dried apples.
  • 150 g of kefir is poured in.
  • Eaten in the morning for breakfast.

Treatment of bacteriosis with green tea

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of good green tea are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and infused for half an hour.
  • After this, simmer over low heat for half an hour.
  • Strained.
  • The remaining tea leaves are poured with half a liter of water and boiled for another half hour.
  • Strained.
  • Both decoctions are mixed and poured into a bottle.
  • Stored in the refrigerator.
  • Accepted 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Dysbacteriosis is an imbalance of intestinal microflora. This condition is common to people of all ages. Nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of this pathology. Proper diet on early stage intestinal dysbiosis can eliminate the problem without using medicines. To do this, you need to be strict about the choice of products and create a balanced diet.

Intestinal dysbiosis

Diet is the main factor that normalizes the balance of bacteria in the intestines.

General diet rules

Multiple factors can disrupt the state of intestinal flora. The main ones are poor nutrition, frequent use preservatives and semi-finished products, eating too hot and spicy foods, abuse of alcoholic beverages.

Changing the ratio of useful and harmful microorganisms, making up the intestinal flora, manifests itself in a host of unpleasant symptoms. Even after antibiotics, it is impossible to restore the balance of microflora without making changes to the diet.

Patients should not be alarmed; the diet for intestinal dysbiosis in adults does not require strict restrictions. It only involves correcting nutrition by excluding harmful foods from the diet and consuming healthy ones.

  1. The basic rule of diet therapy is to normalize the diet; it is necessary to eat small meals and at least five times a day, at a certain time allocated for meals.
  2. The second principle of the diet is maintaining a balance between proteins and carbohydrates consumed with foods.
  3. It is also necessary to observe a drinking regime if there is an imbalance of intestinal microflora. Drinking liquid should be half an hour before meals or two hours after.
  4. You should pay attention to foods rich in vitamins, since dysbiosis leads to hypovitaminosis and decreased immunity.

Lifestyle correction

It is the task of a nutritionist to create a diet for each patient. The diet should help eliminate the following factors:

  • preventing dyspepsia symptoms;
  • elimination of hypovitaminosis and allergies;
  • creating conditions for restoration of intestinal microflora;
  • normalization of stool.

The diet is compiled taking into account the symptoms, age of the patient and individual intolerance any products.

  1. If flatulence occurs during intestinal dysbiosis, you need to give up whole milk. raw vegetables and fruits, reduce carbohydrate intake. It is recommended to create a diet based on foods with a large amount of protein.
  2. If putrefactive processes occur in the intestines, then the ban applies to meat products. The diet should consist of cereals, boiled vegetables and fermented milk products.
  3. If a person suffers from constipation, then the diet should be enriched with fiber contained in fresh vegetables and fruits.
  4. For diarrhea, it is recommended to eat warm dishes cooked in a double boiler and boiled. A decoction of bird cherry, blueberry, pomegranate peels and oak bark will help cope with the symptom.

The diet is selected depending on the person’s symptoms

Diet for intestinal microflora imbalance – useful event, providing healing effect for the whole body. It is important to strictly follow all principles and instructions, otherwise the desired result may not be achieved. The basic principles of the diet are:

  1. Complete abstinence from alcohol, soda and store-bought juices;
  2. Exclude fatty, pickled, hot, smoked, spicy foods;
  3. Reduce the amount of sweet and starchy foods, including white bread;
  4. The diet should be enriched with protein foods.

There is no particular difference between the diet of children and adults. The only difference is that children are recommended to consume more fermented milk products.

Therapy against intestinal flora imbalance includes the use of probiotics. They contain bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which accelerate the restoration of healthy microflora. Prebiotics help create favorable conditions for the growth of these microorganisms. Healthy intestinal microflora naturally prevents the development of pathogenic microflora, eliminating dysbacteriosis.

Advantages and disadvantages

Subject to all rules and regulations, established by a doctor, the effect of the diet will begin to be felt quite quickly. The benefits of proper nutrition during dysbiosis include:

  • cessation of abdominal pain and discomfort;
  • stool adjustment;
  • relief from heartburn, bloating, bunions and diarrhea;
  • losing extra pounds.

The right foods enrich the body with sufficient nutrients, having a positive effect on a person’s overall well-being. In addition, following a diet does not require huge expenditures on food.

Improved bowel function after normalizing the diet

Among the shortcomings, we can only note the need for strict adherence to the diet, including a certain time allotted for eating, which should not change. In addition, preparing a full menu will require time.

The requirement for an individually formulated diet, selected specifically for a particular patient, depending on the cause of dysbiosis and the course of the disease, can also be called a minor drawback.

Authorized Products

The diet during a diet for dysbacteriosis should consist of foods that saturate the human body with all the necessary nutrients. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of liquids per day. It will be useful to consume compotes, berry decoctions, jelly, and freshly squeezed juices, which have the properties of removing toxins and allergens from the intestines.

Fermented milk products enrich the intestines with beneficial microorganisms, creating a favorable environment for their existence and reproduction. What can you eat:

  • kefir;
  • curdled milk;
  • kumiss;
  • natural yogurt;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • low-fat sour cream;
  • cottage cheese.

Fermented milk products are good for the intestines

Porridges are saturated with a large number of microelements that normalize intestinal function, so they must be included in the diet for dysbiosis. You can include the following in the list of useful permitted products:

  • rice;
  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • corn;
  • millet;
  • wheat;
  • barley

You can cook them for breakfast, you can add a piece butter.

White fish containing a minimum amount of fat and lean meats are a source of protein and energy. These include:

  • beef;
  • veal;
  • rabbit;
  • chicken;
  • turkey.

Vegetable dishes contain fiber, which helps digest food. You can prepare them from the following vegetables:

  • cabbage;
  • zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • cucumbers;
  • potato;
  • greenery;
  • beet;
  • tomatoes;
  • pumpkin.

Allowed consumption of fruits:

  • peaches;
  • plums;
  • apples;
  • melon;
  • watermelon
  • apricots.

Certain benefits for imbalances intestinal flora They will bring nuts and dried fruits: dried apricots, raisins, prunes.

From flour and confectionery you are allowed to eat:

  • grain bread, rye bread, bran bread, whole grain bread;
  • oatmeal or durum wheat cookies, crackers, jam, jelly, marmalade, marshmallows.


With intestinal dysbiosis, some foods can become allergy triggers; they need to be identified and completely excluded from the diet.

Prohibited Products

We’ve sorted out the useful products for dysbiosis, now the list of what is prohibited for intestinal pathology is:

  • smoked, hot and spicy dishes, various spices;
  • fried and fatty foods;
  • bran;
  • yeast baked goods;
  • onions, garlic, pepper, mustard, all kinds of sauces;
  • canned and pickled foods;
  • sausages;
  • sauerkraut;
  • sweets and confectionery;
  • mushrooms in any form;
  • dates;
  • cheeses;
  • whole milk;
  • peas;
  • radish;
  • sorrel;
  • alcoholic drinks, sodas.

Preference in cooking should be given to boiled or steamed food. Soups, stews and low-fat broths made from meat and fish are perfect for dysbiosis.

This list gives an approximate idea of ​​foods that can and cannot be consumed if you have dysbiosis. For each patient, the doctor prepares an individual diet, since the characteristics of each person are different, intestinal dysbiosis manifests itself in different ways and occurs for various reasons.


After restoration of the intestinal microflora, intestinal maintenance and diet are also required.

Sample menu for an adult to normalize intestinal function

With dysbacteriosis, the body needs a diet. The diet is prepared by the attending physician in order to bring maximum results and improve the condition of the intestines. The menu for the week could be like this:

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner Late snack
Mon Meatballs

120gr. buckwheat

porridge 200 gr. rosehip decoction;

100 gr. cottage cheese with sour cream; chicken

soup 250 gr. boiled chicken


with walnuts

150 gr. apple compote;

crackers fish cutlets

kart. puree

W Wheat porridge 150 gr. cottage cheese 150 gr. berry boiled egg and jelly; beef

broth with meatballs 250 gr. white rice 150g.

fish fillet

steamed 150 gr.;

oat cookies


braised cabbage

150 gr. meatballs

100 gr. green

Wed Barley

porridge with butter

carrot salad with raisins

yogurt; vegetable

250 gr. potato

stewed with meat

200 gr. fruit juice;

marshmallows and a glass of kefir; zucchini puree fruit. puree.
Thu Corn porridge

herbal decoction;

Ryazhenka chicken broth with vermicelli 200 gr.

meat balls

150 gr. carrot salad with cucumbers

cookies and fresh fruit compote; meat casserole

with broccoli

Fri Rice

200 gr. curd

100 gr. tea;

baked apple; vegetable

barley soup

200 gr., potatoes

in uniform

150 gr. beef stroga

new 100 gr. chicory;

carrot-apple juice and crackers; buckwheat

250 gr. fish cutlets

150 gr. vegetable salad;

Sat Oatmeal

200 gr. c/w bread with butter, kefir;

banana. puree; soup

250 gr. smoked


100 gr. wheat

bird cherry decoction;

bread with jam meat

250 gr. corn porridge with s/f

Sun Omelette 150 gr. steamed tuna 100 gr. chicory; TV casserole

with apple;

beef broth with rice dumplings

fish casserole

fr. puree kart.

200 gr. chicken goulash


As you can see from the table, eating right does not mean following strict restrictions. The diet only adjusts the diet, makes meals fractional and balanced, so you don’t have to feel hungry.

Do not forget one of the main rules of the diet for dysbiosis: you cannot drink during meals, this should be done half an hour or two hours after. Liquid drunk during a meal interferes with the production of normal amount gastric juice, thereby reducing the quality of the digestion process and increasing the load on the intestines. You should drink at least 2 liters of water and other drinks per day.

After reviewing the lists of prohibited and healthy foods and studying the principles of diet during intestinal dysbiosis, you can create your own menu.

Prevention of dysbacteriosis

You can prevent dysbacteriosis by observing the following rules:

  1. Take antibiotics only after consultation with your doctor and if necessary. Excessive enthusiasm for antibacterial therapy has a detrimental effect not only on harmful, but also on beneficial microorganisms present in the intestines;
  2. Eliminate from diet harmful products, annoying digestive tract and destroying natural microflora: canned food, alcohol, fried, smoked, spicy. Reduce eating sweets, as sugar creates a comfortable environment for pathogenic bacteria;
  3. You need to eat in small portions, at least 5 times a day, strictly at a certain time. Products should be varied to ensure the body receives all the necessary nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  4. Hygiene is equally important. Neglect of cleanliness or overindulgence hygiene procedures can provoke intestinal dysbiosis. For example, you should always wash your hands before eating to avoid infection, and the use of rectal antiseptics will destroy all microorganisms in the organ;
  5. If the doctor prescribed antibacterial therapy, then in parallel it is necessary to consume probiotics and pribiotics, fermented milk products that support intestinal function;
  6. The cause of intestinal dysbiosis can be the lack of treatment for chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, it must be carried out in a timely manner, without starting the process and without leading to complications;
  7. Prevention is breast-feeding, since only human milk can form in a child correct microflora in the intestines.


Therapeutic diet is one of the areas of therapy for various diseases. Its goal is nutritional adjustment aimed at natural healing body. Restrictions on food do not mean that you have to give up everything tasty and switch to tasteless food. The menu includes healthy and tasty recipes for dishes that will not only be pleasant to eat, but also beneficial for both the intestines and the whole body.

In case of dysbacteriosis, adherence to the principles of proper nutrition is the key to normalizing the state of the microflora. The diet allows you to return to normal health and eliminate the symptoms of dysbiosis.

Dysbacteriosis was first identified at the beginning of the 20th century Nobel laureate Ilya Mechnikov. He devoted a special place to nutrition in this pathology. There are many drugs on the dietary supplement market designed to populate the gastrointestinal tract with beneficial bacteria. But without changes in eating habits, dysbiosis can temporarily go into remission and then flare up with new strength. In this article we will look at how to adjust nutrition for intestinal dysbiosis in adults.

According to doctors' observations, the response from gastrointestinal tract for introduction therapeutic diet doesn't keep you waiting long. Within a few days (and extreme cases– within a month) there is an improvement and decrease in the activity of pathogenic flora.

The intestinal environment is “smart” and fights independently for a healthy balance in the human body. To do this, she gives adequate hints in the form of taste and food preferences.

The specialist always pays attention to what food causes special cravings in the patient. If these are sweet dishes, the fermenting microflora predominates in the intestines. The need for protein reveals the presence of a shift towards bifidobacteria. Thus, the intestinal environment is a consumer of specific nutrition. Knowing how certain microorganisms act at the level of food perception, you can successfully supplement the patient’s diet and remove unnecessary things from it.

In general, gut bacteria that live in the human intestine require dietary fiber. They also need lactic acid bacteria and an appropriate environment. In order for the diet to meet these goals, you need to include bread in the menu coarse, whole grain cereals rich in fiber. In case of dysbacteriosis, one should not forget about vegetables and fruits - a third of the diet should be cereals and about a third should be plant foods without long-term heat treatment, destroying most of the nutrients.

How to plan meals for dysbiosis

When determining a therapeutic diet to correct microflora, it is important to remember the following rules:

Patients with intestinal dysbiosis can safely choose the following products (in the absence of allergies):

As for prohibited products, the opinions of doctors are divided. Dysbacteriosis can manifest itself in different ways. Symptoms are determined by the degree of neglect of the disease and concomitant chronic ailments (if any).

If the patient loose stool, fresh plant food may worsen the condition. Boiled and chopped vegetables and fruits at a comfortable (neutral) temperature are more acceptable for diarrhea. Fermentation microflora causes dyspepsia, which can be eliminated by adding proteins to the diet - eggs, cottage cheese, boiled beef, turkey. Porridge, boiled and steamed vegetables, as well as all varieties of fermented milk products will not harm you. If fermentation is strong, you should not get carried away with porridges made from rice and semolina. Applesauce and baked apples are extremely beneficial - they will help astringent action and enrich the body with useful substances.

Putrefactive dyspepsia is an indication for limiting meat and fats. Boiled vegetables, porridge, kefir, yogurt and other fermented milk products are the basis of the diet for this pathology. Apricots and cranberries will be of great benefit.

On the contrary, for constipation the abundance of fiber eliminates congestion in the gastrointestinal tract and speeds up the healing process. In the menu for constipation, it is good to include fruit purees, steamed vegetables, compotes - anything that can activate peristalsis and the movement of food in the intestines. Should be removed from the diet fatty foods. Pumpkin, beets, potatoes, rye bread, prunes, zucchini, and bran are ideal. It is recommended to consume proteins and carbohydrates separately (at least 3 hours - break, ideally maintain a gap of up to 6 hours).

For staphylococcal dysbacteriosis Berries will help neutralize the pathogenic environment(rowan berry puree, blueberry puree, strawberries, raspberries and all kinds of drinks made from them). Garlic is also effective against this pathogen. If dysbiosis is manifested by an excessive amount of bacteria such as Candida, various spices are used: Bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves. Also useful Bell pepper, carrots, lingonberry juice, chicory (is a coffee substitute). Black currants and sweet red peppers are harmful to Pseudomonas bacteria.

The effects of products on the body are presented in the following table.

Table 1. Effect of products on the body

They're weakeningFermented milk products with a high level of acidity (sour cream, cream). Whole grain porridge. Sour compotes.
Intensively weakenBlack bread (including the Borodinsky variety), whole grain, bran bread. Raw vegetables, fruits, with plenty of fiber. Dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes, raisins, figs. Pickles and salted fish (herring, etc.). Soda, kvass.
Neutral impactBoiled, steamed fish and meat, cutlets, meatballs. Wheat bread, dried, in the form of crackers. Baked berries and fruits. Unleavened cottage cheese (fresh). Omelet, soft-boiled eggs.
FastenMilk is acidophilus with low acidity. They also knit strong tea, cocoa with water, bird cherry, blueberries, and calcined cottage cheese. Mucous soups (including puree soups) and pureed porridges have a strengthening effect.

Speaking in general about products with which you need to be careful in case of microflora imbalances, mention should be made of sprouted grains, bran, bulgur, which irritate the mucous membranes. If you are diagnosed with dysbacteriosis, you should also not overuse homemade preparations with vinegar. You need to be more careful when eating spices, hot and smoked foods. Marinated kebabs and grilled foods join the list of foods prohibited for dysbacteriosis. Mushrooms and seafood are difficult to digest; you should avoid them for a while so as not to cause deterioration. Baking based on yeast dough is subject to restrictions; it is also not recommended to include products with a large amount of animal fats (cheeses, steaks, sausages, etc.) in the menu.

Concerning fermented products, they can be present in small quantities in the diet and are even recommended if there is a deficiency of certain strains of bacteria, but under one condition - they must be natural and of high quality.

All fermented foods contain enzymes and are easier to digest than fresh plant foods. You should consider including fermented products in the diet if the body reacts adequately and there is no excessive gas formation. The fermentation process is essentially artificial digestion. Fermented foods are especially necessary when “positive” flora cannot take root in the body for a number of reasons.

Table 2. Products at various violations in the intestines

Diet componentsViolations in intestinal environment accompanied by loose stoolsDysbacteriosis with constipationIntestinal disorders, accompanied by abdominal pain, flatulence
Wheat or rye breadRusks or stale, yesterday'sWholegrainRye is excluded
Baked goods, puff pastriesNoNoNo
Rich soups (meat)NoNoNo
Non-rich soups with a second broth, lean (vegetables, fruits)Warm, with added cerealsYesYes
Porridge. Food containing legumesThe ideal dish is rice on waterWith this pathology, you should limit rice and semolina. It is good to include buckwheat in your diet. Additional components of the diet may include soy, green peasLegumes, millet, oatmeal, pearl barley - remove from the diet
Dietary meat, low in fat, boiled or oven-cooked (mainly poultry - chicken, turkey)YesChop and slice during cookingYes
Other meat (including fatty meat), smoked meat, cannedNoNoNo
Low fat fish, seafoodBoil, bakeBoil, bakeCan be used in any form
VegetablesBoiledRemove radishes and turnips from the menu. Onions, garlic and mushrooms, which are difficult for digestion, have a negative effect on this disease.You should not eat vegetables without heat treatment, limit fresh greens
Sweets, assorted fruits, berry purees, juicesEliminate completelyAstringent products (such as blueberries, quinces), cream products that are difficult to digest, chocolate and its derivatives are removed from the diet.Citrus fruits, dates, and apricots are strictly limited or excluded. You also need to be careful with peaches, limit bananas and raisins. You can aggravate the problem with sweet grapes, raspberries, and gooseberries. Consumption of jam and other products with sugar is limited
Milk, kefir, sour cream, etc.100% milk is excludedAll types of dairy products are allowedAnything is possible except 100% milk
Soda, coffee and tea drinks, kvass drinks, alcohol-containing drinks, various jellyYou are allowed to drink tea, jelly, and prepare cocoa in water.NoNo
Various juices (vegetables, fruits)NoYesNo
Concentrated animal fats, margarineNoNoNo
Vegetable oilNoYesYes
Bran (rye, wheat)NoYesAllowed in small quantities

What can patients with dysbiosis drink?

The drinking regime should also be closely monitored if changes in the intestinal microflora are observed. Liquids are consumed half an hour before meals, or 2 hours after meals. This restriction affects the metabolic rate and speeds it up, minimizing negative impact pathogenic bacteria. Alcohol is a taboo for dysbacteriosis. You need to give up not only strong vodka and cognac, but also wine, beer, any cocktails, and especially homemade wine, which most actively affects the fermentation process. Alcoholic beverages should not be used as ingredients in recipes. You should also not use a large number of kvass and sour jelly.

In the presence of dyspepsia with a predominance of fermentative microflora, abdominal pain is eliminated with infusions of mint and chamomile. When rotting processes are observed in the intestines, drink cranberry juice and jelly, dried fruit compote. You can supplement your medicinal diet with bitter herbs, brew and consume lemon balm, cumin, and sage. Compotes made from astringent berries, infusions of oak bark, and pomegranate peels help eliminate diarrhea.

In general, drinking is good for dysbiosis mineral water without gas (for carbonated bottles, gases must first be removed from the bottle).

The treatment menu, prescribed correctly, not only eliminates, but also prevents recurrent cases of dysbacteriosis. A patient who continues to monitor his diet even after the symptoms of an exacerbation have been eliminated will be able to adjust his diet in a timely manner when warning signs appear (abnormalities in stool, deterioration in the condition of skin and hair, etc.). You need to constantly take care of your intestinal health. This does not seem complicated if you know how this or that food affects peristalsis, the qualitative and quantitative composition of the microflora.

After the diagnosis is removed, you cannot return to your old diet immediately. You need to continue to eat sparingly for at least a month and do not forget about the doctors’ recommendations. In general, elements of functional nutrition (fiber, dairy products, fresh plant foods, etc.) should be present on the table every day. This is a good prevention of relapses of intestinal dysbiosis.

Separate food

There is an opinion that it is possible to eliminate or significantly reduce the manifestations of dysbiosis using a certain combination of products that are consumed at one time. This concept can be an addition to a therapeutic diet or form its basis (for the final verdict, consultation with a specialist is required).

If a patient is prescribed a separate diet, he should avoid combinations such as:

  1. Protein foods and foods rich in carbohydrates.
  2. Carbohydrate foods, acidic foods.
  3. Various proteins (eggs, nuts, meat different types in one dish, meat salads with cheese, etc.).
  4. Protein foods and fat-rich foods.
  5. Milk in combination with any dishes.
  6. Consumption of sugar and starch together, or different starches (donuts, raisin buns, honey cakes, etc.)

The basic rule of a separate therapeutic diet is the isolated consumption of protein foods and carbohydrates.

In order to understand the benefit of this division, you can take the example of a sausage sandwich. Bread begins to be digested in the mouth, meat - entering the stomach, under the influence of pepsin. The combination of acidic and alkaline environments for the breakdown of products inhibits metabolism, causing fermentation and rotting. A low rate of food digestion increases the load on the pancreas. And if a person also drinks a sandwich with tea, the remaining food accumulates in the large intestine like heavy ballast. This leads to constipation chronic intoxication and other things unpleasant consequences. Use as a therapeutic diet separate power supply facilitates the process of eliminating dysbiosis, normalizing digestion.

In addition, it is very important to avoid eating foods containing starch along with protein foods.

In addition to changes in diet, you need to acquire a number of healthy habits that prevent the accumulation of toxic substances and wastes: drink sufficient quantity water, eat when you feel hungry and do not finish eating if you feel full, form an adequate portion size, chew food thoroughly, do not eat on the go and in unfavorable, stressful conditions. You should also eliminate access to unhealthy foods filled with preservatives and dyes (soda, sauces, sausages, canned food, etc.), and reduce the consumption of sweets to a minimum. A good nutritional habit is to drink warm water 20 minutes before meals - this guarantees satiety. You can eat fresh fruits and vegetables in unlimited quantities, but separately from other dishes.

Some experts tend to consider such a diet to be an exclusively temporary measure. In their opinion, when constant nutrition on on a separate basis glands human body are rebuilt to the specified mode and will experience problems in the future during the “reconstruction”. It is optimal to carry out a course of separate nutrition once every 2 years for 6 months. You can mix products once every 3 days during the course. For adult patients this mode will be an excellent prevention of dysbacteriosis.

What foods go together - general principles and approximate diet

A table of combinations on the basis of which it is favorable to build a diet is presented below. There is also information about incompatible products and those that can be used together.

Product Compatibility Chart

According to the principles of separate nutrition, vegetables should be served with meat. To avoid negative consequences, legumes are eaten with cereals, sour cream, and dishes based on them are supplemented with vegetable oils. Legumes are also combined with bread and any vegetables. If the diet contains confectionery, within one meal this product can be eaten with a green salad (starchy vegetables, dill, parsley, etc.).

Fruit lovers with sour taste(citrus fruits, kiwi and others) can diversify the menu with fermented milk products without fear of negative consequences for the microflora. Tomatoes are also combined with them, so a tomato salad with sour cream dressing (or vegetable oil dressing) will appeal to adherents of a separate diet. You can serve a portion of nuts and dried fruits with sour fruits and tomatoes - such combinations are favorable. You can add sour cream, cheese, assorted nuts, and serve cream to bread, potatoes and cereals.

Like most food categories, grains and cereals pair well with vegetables. Fat base butter and vegetable oils (olive, corn, sunflower, etc.) do not interfere with the absorption of these products along with vegetables, grains, and legumes. On the contrary, they mutually enrich each other, filling the body with useful substances. Whole milk- This stand-alone product. As for eggs, it is also undesirable to mix them with other dishes. In exceptional cases, you can serve them with a light vegetable salad. Fermented milk products are especially good in combination with fresh herbs.

Sample diet for a week

At first, developing diet planning skills is quite difficult. You can use a ready-made template and then form it by analogy:


1: ripe medium banana, after 20-30 minutes you can eat porridge, drink herbal tea.

2nd meal: medium fruit, vegetable salad with herbs or sliced ​​food.

3: boil the chicken, add grated cheese, herbs - hearty and healthy dish ready.

4th meal: fruit.

5th: fish, boiled or steamed, egg.


1st breakfast: buckwheat, drink - kefir, black tea without sugar.

2nd meal: fruits (for example, citrus fruits).

3: Steamed vegetables and fish.

4: fruits (several small ones or one large one).

Dinner: steamed chicken, fresh salad (cherry tomatoes, cucumbers).


1st breakfast: rice, drink – kefir.

2nd meal: fruit.

3rd: salad of boiled beef meat and fresh vegetables.

4th: dried fruits, drink – milk.

Dinner: casserole without sugar (basis - cottage cheese).


1st meal: muesli with kefir, small sweet fruit.

2nd: sour fruits.

3rd: stewed seafood with vegetables.

4: any dried fruits.

5th: tomatoes in salad with herbs, cheese and basil.


1st meal: cereal soaked in kefir.

Second: citrus fruits or grapefruit.

3rd: veal stew. addition of vegetables - tomatoes, peppers.

4: berry mix (raspberries with strawberries).

5th: vegetable salad with the addition of Feta cheese.


1st: unsweetened porridge with water (millet).

2nd: fruit.

3rd: fish soup and vegetables (in the form of salad, slices).

4: nuts (walnuts or assorted).

5th: egg omelet.


Ideal mono power supply. The base is cucumbers, apples, kefir, etc.

If the diet involves preparing complex dishes from many ingredients, the compatibility table will also help in selecting recipes.

Mixed cycle diet - therapeutic diet and menu

Another well-known nutrition option based on food groups involves strict diet, designed for 3 months. Its principle is the daily alternation of protein, starch days, carbohydrate and vitamin menus (they must follow each other in the specified sequence). When the 4-day cycle ends, everything is repeated from the beginning 6 more times. When 28 days have passed, on the 29th day the patient needs to fast on water as a fasting.

Fasting day on the water

Days with a protein diet mean a predominance of meat, dairy, fish dishes on the menu, the diet also includes chicken and quail eggs, seafood. For adequate functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you can eat non-starchy vegetables and herbs. If you cannot do without bread, you are allowed to eat one piece, but at lunchtime and only whole grain. On the second day, the patient switches to starchy foods - legumes are acceptable here, including soybeans, lentils, all kinds of vegetables and grains. Restrictions on the consumption of bread remain. You can treat yourself to sweets, yeast-free baked goods, crackers on the third day of the cycle, when carbohydrates are introduced into food (including flour, vegetable dishes, pasta, bread, etc.). On carb days, sauces are allowed.

The cycle ends with a vitamin diet, the basis of which is fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, juices, and you are allowed to eat a portion of seeds and nuts.

The diet with such a long-term diet can and should be diversified, based on the combined groups. In the morning, it is recommended to replenish your energy reserves with a fruit breakfast; you can drink green tea without sugar. It is advisable to have lunch with broth (meat soup on the day of proteins, vegetable soup will be a good addition to the lunch menu on the day of starchy or carbohydrate foods), as well as hot food or salad. Those with a sweet tooth will be pleased with dinner on a carbohydrate day, when dark chocolate, cookies, etc. are allowed. On protein and starch days, it is allowed to move the lunch menu to dinner and eat half the daily portion. A vitamin dinner can consist of grapefruit, watermelon, fresh fruit, dried fruits soaked in water, or half a serving of a lunch dish.

Sample mixed menu

1st. Squirrels.

Main meal: gently cooked meat or fish (steamed, boiled, stewed), cottage cheese or eggs. You need to supplement your lunch with vegetables (salad, cold cuts).

Evening: Half the dinner portion. 1-2 hours before bedtime - milk.

2nd. Starches.

Day: boiled or stewed potatoes, a dish of beans, peas, a small piece of whole grain bread.

Evening: boiled rice with vegetables.

3rd. The basis is carbohydrates.

Day: spaghetti with vegetable stew.

Evening: any carbohydrates, including sugar-containing ones.

4th day. Vitamin.

Meals 2 and 3: any combination of fruits and vegetables acceptable to the patient (the compatibility table should be taken as a basis). In particular, not every organism positively perceives sweet and sour fruit “mixes”.

Ideal for salad dressings olive oil. You should eat often, but you also need to remember to take breaks, maintaining pauses of 2.5-3 hours. It is undesirable to eat food after a certain time (at general case dinner should end before 19.00) - this is relevant for any therapeutic diet for dysbacteriosis.

People with gastroenterological diseases and a tendency to heartburn should be more careful with this diet.

General diet plan for intestinal flora disorders

For those who, for health reasons, due to lack of time to plan a diet or for other reasons, cannot eat separately, but strive to eliminate the symptoms of dysbiosis, we can offer a weekly menu designed for 5 meals:


1: porridge with water, you can also serve milk (Hercules is perfect), sour fruits, unsweetened tea.

2: vegetables – sliced, salad (mayonnaise is not allowed, only vegetable oil). dessert – apple (green variety).

3: boiled, stewed or steamed chicken, boiled broccoli with low-fat cheese.

4: sweet fruit.

5: vegetable broth soup with the addition of beans or peas. additionally - eggs and tomatoes or an omelette (you can add champignons).


1: buckwheat porridge, drink – tea without sugar.

2: fruit plate (you can eat 1-2 green apples).

3: boiled fish lean with red and yellow vegetables, vegetable salad in vegetable oil.

4: natural fresh yogurt.

5: fresh salad (vegetables, herbs).


1: freshly squeezed diluted (proportion -1:1) citrus juice. milk porridge. tea without sugar.

2: large fruit – 1 pc.

3: boiled veal (slightly salted) with fresh red vegetables.

4: nut portion (quantity may not be limited).

5: cauliflower (boiled, steamed, stewed), a piece of low-fat cheese.


1: unsweetened porridge (barley groats) - water, milk. sour fruits. green tea without additives.

2: sweet and sour fruits (up to 2 pcs.).

3: boiled, stewed, steamed fish, herbs and vegetables with vegetable oil as a dressing.

4: prunes or dried apricots (can be replaced with other dried fruits).

5: boiled vegetables, omelet (tomatoes, herbs).


1: oatmeal with added fruit, yogurt without sugar, unsweetened tea. If desired, supplement your meal with sour fruits.

2: one apple (any variety).

3: boiled chicken (breast, fillet, etc.), vegetables (you can serve fresh salad, or boiled cabbage with broccoli).

4: orange, or two small bananas.

5: Lenten vegetable soup.


1: unsweetened buckwheat porridge with water, citrus fruits, herbal tea.

2: fruit slices.

3: boiled vegetables and fish; green vegetable salad.

4: nut serving – unlimited quantity (any nuts).

5: stewed vegetables, with omelet, green salad and mushrooms.

Sunday: fasting day on green apples (1.5 kg).

Supplement to the diet - folk recipes

After consultation with the attending physician, medicinal infusions are introduced into the diet. They will quench your thirst and have a positive effect.

It is incorrect to use a composition of 1-2 medicinal components. It is better to combine herbs that restore balance, treat, and prevent further cases of dysbiosis.

In general, herbal medicine is divided into several stages.

Stage 1. The excess pathogenic environment that prevents the filling of the intestinal space with beneficial flora is eliminated.

St. John's wort has pronounced properties to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms; it is useful for this to drink infusions of coltsfoot and anise. Chamomile flowers, blackberries, calamus, burnet and other herbs are used for disinfection.

It is important that when eliminating the symptoms of dysbiosis, the beneficial flora is not affected harmful effects Therefore, these herbs are used in limited quantities. It's important to remember maximum dosage and do not exceed it.

Stage 2. Inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract is relieved by affecting the mucous membranes. The following components of the mixture help restore balance in the body: chamomile, marigold, yarrow flowers. Gentian, St. John's wort, three-leaf trefoil, along with calamus root, can also be included in the collection. Infusions for dysbacteriosis restore the integrity of the internal membranes, thus improving the digestive process.

Stage 3. After the intestines have dealt with pathogenic organisms and the condition of the mucous membranes has improved, it is necessary to take absorbent substances. The following composition works well with the absorption and elimination of toxins from the body: calamus, angelica, flax seeds, rhizomes and leaves of elecampane, and soapwort.

Stage 4. If the patient has diarrhea, astringent components contained in bergenia roots, oak bark, and marsh cinquefoil are ideal. Also, to combat diarrhea, it is effective to use bird cherry fruits, drink infusions with cinquefoil erecta, and burnet root.

Stage 5. For constipation, you need to identify the type of illness. If constipation is accompanied by bloating, flatulence and cramps, the reason is the slow movement of stool. Fennel, anise, and cumin, which can be brewed and drunk as tea, have a relaxing effect on the intestinal walls. If, on the contrary, there is too much feces and they injure anal hole, you need stimulating substances - for this you can take a collection of milkweed, buckthorn, add hogweed, and Alexandrian leaf.

Stage 6. Enveloping herbs are necessary to protect mucous membranes from harmful effects. pathogenic organisms. Infusions and jellies are made from them. You can brew and infuse flax seeds, marshmallow, elecampane, and angelica.

Stage 7. Eliminate vitamin deficiency, fill the body with energy, give vitality To combat dysbacteriosis and prevent it, herbal infusions of rowan, rose hips and black currants, strawberry leaves, and string will help.

Effectively combine herbs and milk sugar. In particular, chamomile can help with intestinal spasms, normalizes stool, and lactose will restore the balance of bacteria in the intestinal environment. Diarrhea is well treated with plantain. For flatulence after eating, it is useful to chew fennel seeds. And the combination of fermented milk products with garlic is a proven remedy for problems with intestinal microflora.

Video - Treatment of dysbiosis

Treatment and restoration of the gastrointestinal tract after dysbiosis is a long process that requires careful and responsible attitude of the patient. Diet for intestinal dysbiosis is the main component of therapy, non-compliance with which will have an adverse effect on the body.

An imbalance of microbes (dysbiosis) is typical for both adults and young patients. It is well known that dysbiosis is not an independent disease; it is a symptom of various pathologies, poor diet, and exposure to antibiotics.

Restore intestinal microflora best by adjusting your diet.

The basis of the diet for intestinal dysbiosis in adults

Nutrition for intestinal dysbiosis becomes a key stage in normalizing microflora and, accordingly, restoring the body. Subject to medical recommendations Regarding the menu for dysbiosis, the patient may refuse to use medications that help the microflora recover. The body will be able to receive the necessary base useful substances from the main menu.

Products that help stabilize the patient’s condition with dysbiosis will be presented below, as well as a list of unacceptable foods for the daily diet.

Allowed foods

The menu should dominate healthy food. Food must be steamed, boiled, baked. It is forbidden to fry or use copious amounts of spices.

  • Groats.
  • Low-fat meat and fish (chicken, turkey, pike perch, cod).
  • Fresh vegetables, herbs, berries.
  • Fruits. It is recommended to consume fruits in limited quantities (1-2 fruits per day). Most favorable time for eating fruits - the first half of the day.
  • Nuts. It is recommended to consume in limited quantities per 1 kilogram of weight.
  • Fermented milk, dairy products (in the absence of lactose intolerance) with low rate fat content, improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to consume fermented milk products in limited quantities to avoid swelling.
  • Honey. It is recommended to use honey as a natural sweetener for regular dishes (instead of white sugar).
  • Flour products from rye, oat, buckwheat flour. Don't eat fresh bakery products. Optimal time- 2nd day after preparation.
  • Natural juices, fruit drinks. Keep your sugar low harmful impurities in the composition. It is allowed to prepare drinks yourself (check the quality of the products used).

Prohibited Products

  • richly seasoned food;
  • fried, smoked, pickled food;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • semi-finished products (including store-bought sausages, frankfurters, cooked fish);
  • onion garlic;
  • mushrooms;
  • bran;
  • seafood containing a high percentage of fat;
  • flour products containing yeast;
  • sour fruits, berries;
  • fermented milk products with a high percentage of fat content.

After the body has been restored, it is forbidden to immediately return to its usual diet. Food that can harm the body should be excluded from the diet forever, so as not to provoke a relapse of the pathology.

Natural microflora must be constantly maintained. After switching to a healthy, “clean” diet, the body’s condition will improve: the need for long-term energy restoration will decrease, performance will increase, the feeling of discomfort and heaviness will go away, and the systems will return to normal.

Sample menu for 7 days

  • 1st day. Boiled potatoes (with the addition of a minimum amount of spices), vegetables, green tea or medicinal decoction/low-fat cottage cheese, fruit or berries/boiled chicken meat or pate from it, vegetable salad/a glass of low-fat milk, rye baked goods/boiled cod with vegetables.
  • 2nd day. Semolina porridge, 2 boiled eggs/natural fruit drink and oatmeal cookies/soup low-fat variety fish or meat, steamed cutlets, fresh or boiled carrots/a small amount of dried fruit/pumpkin puree with vegetables/green tea.
  • 3rd day. Oatmeal with water or milk/bread with dried fruits/tuna in its own juice with vegetables/natural juice or fruit drink with fresh fruit/low-fat chicken broth/yogurt without fillers with a low fat content.
  • 4th day. Wheat porridge with water, natural fruit drink or juice/vegetable salad/steamed fish or meat/marshmallow and green tea/1 boiled egg, steamed cutlets, vegetable salad/dried fruits.
  • 5th day. Oatmeal with water, berries, 1 fruit/low-fat cottage cheese with honey/durum wheat pasta, vegetable salad/dried fruits, natural fruit drink or juice/baked cod, fresh vegetables/low-fat yogurt.
  • 6th day. Baked pumpkin with honey and dried fruits/buckwheat, boiled lean meat, vegetables/low-fat cottage cheese and green tea/baked meat or fish with vegetables/biscuits, kefir.
Planned weekly diet diet will make it more comfortable to undergo bowel therapy.
  • 7th day. Brown rice with vegetables/salad of boiled vegetables with nuts and dried fruits/chicken or fish broth/fruit puree, natural fruit drink/baked eggplant, steamed cutlets, desired cereals, vegetables/biscuits, low-fat kefir.

If metabolic processes are disrupted, it is necessary not only to eat healthy food, but also drink enough water. An adult body needs to drink from 1.5 to 3 liters of fluid daily. It is recommended to drink water 30 minutes before your main meal. This is how you run metabolic process, speed up your metabolism and help your body quickly and efficiently convert food into energy. The normalizing and regenerating functions of water are irrefutable, so it must be included in the diet (in the required quantity).

Diet for intestinal obstruction/diarrhea


If the patient suffers from constipation, treatment should consist of the following points:

  • Diet. It is necessary to select food products, promoting intestinal permeability.
  • Taking medications. Medicines are selected by a specialist based on the patient’s health status. To stabilize the microflora and normalize intestinal patency, you must consume:
  1. foods rich in fiber;
  2. bran;
  3. fermented milk, dairy products with a low fat content;
  4. rhubarb.

It is recommended to dilute the diet with salads from boiled vegetables, protein foods (meat/fish), and plenty of purified water. The total duration of therapeutic nutrition should be about 7 days. Food intake should be fractional (small portions every 3-4 hours).


Dysbiosis is accompanied by diarrhea, which complicates the course of the pathology. Diarrhea may be one of the symptoms infectious diseases gastrointestinal tract, colitis, consequences of taking antibiotics and other things. What is needed to treat diarrhea in adults?

  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Special medications that restore the body’s condition (optional, only as prescribed by a doctor).
  • Diversify your diet with plenty of fiber and protein. It is necessary to adhere to the principles of fractional nutrition to speed up metabolism.

A condition in which the amount of pathogenic microflora in the intestine exceeds the number beneficial bacteria, called dysbiosis. This leads to the fact that pathogens, whose activity was previously restrained by “good” microbes, begin to destructive effect. In addition, beneficial microflora helps digest food, so its decrease leads to disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract. This is manifested by constipation, diarrhea, nausea, and flatulence. Proper nutrition during dysbiosis helps restore the predominance of beneficial bacteria over pathogenic ones.

Correction of dysbiosis with nutrition

Diet for dysbacteriosis is therapeutic nutrition, the main task of which is to normalize the intestinal microflora. Such goals can be achieved by eating food rich in pectins, beneficial living microorganisms (probiotics). Prebiotics will help improve the state of microflora - particles that are not digested or absorbed by the upper gastrointestinal tract, but are food for beneficial bacteria, which contributes to their development. As a result, a diet for dysbiosis in adults helps to cope with the following tasks:

  • replenish the body's need for nutrients;
  • restore impaired intestinal motor function;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • normalize the balance between pathogenic and positive bacteria.

Principles of diet for dysbiosis

The effectiveness of a therapeutic diet largely depends not only on the diet, but also on the diet. To achieve success in the treatment of dysbiosis in adults, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • eat in small portions, taking a break between meals of 2-3 hours;
  • have meals at a strictly defined time;
  • the diet should be as balanced and complete as possible, containing vitamins and minerals;
  • Avoid very cold or hot food; food should be at room temperature or heated to a maximum of 50°C.
  • food must be chewed thoroughly; you should avoid eating dry food to prevent injury to the mucous membrane;
  • The diet should include foods containing prebiotics ( wheat bran, bananas, chicory root, artichoke);
  • include probiotics (lactobacteria, bifidobacteria), which are found in large quantities in fermented milk products;
  • food should not irritate or injure the gastric mucosa;
  • exclude products from the menu, calling processes fermentation and rotting;
  • taboo - dishes that negatively affect intestinal motility (wave-like contractions of the organ during which food moves);
  • exclude from the menu smoked, peppered, salted, fried, fatty, pickled dishes, as well as those containing a lot of onions and garlic.

Treatment of dysbiosis in adults involves drinking plenty of fluids. This prevents dehydration during diarrhea and helps dilute stool during constipation. It is better to give preference to non-carbonated mineral water, which stimulates the removal of toxins from the intestines, which will release putrefactive bacteria. The diet during the treatment of dysbiosis involves a complete abstinence from any alcoholic drinks.

For diarrhea

During treatment, consume boiled foods, crushed to puree. Blueberry compotes and bird cherry decoction help normalize stool. Nutrition for intestinal dysbiosis in adults, accompanied by diarrhea, looks like this:

Product type



Flour products

crackers, dried bread (remove the crust first), soft biscuits

all other flour products

Liquid dishes

low-fat meat or fish broths, you can add boiled cereals (except millet), ground meat

fatty broths, milk soups

Lean fish. Can be whole or prepared as cutlets, quenelles, meatballs

  • Fatty fish and meat, canned food, caviar.
  • Processed meat products. Among them are sausages and frankfurters.
  • Raw, fried, boiled eggs


From fermented milk products during an exacerbation - only low-fat cottage cheese. Kefir, yogurt, sour cream, mild cheese can be consumed during the recovery stage

Fruits vegetables

raw apples in the form of puree, boiled vegetables

all other fruits, raw vegetables

  • jelly and jelly from pear, quince, dogwood and other fruits, which contain a lot of tannin (has astringent properties);
  • cocoa and coffee prepared with water, without impurities;
  • black and green teas;
  • decoctions of herbs, currants, bird cherry


all confectionery products, honey, jam

you can season with low-fat broth, a piece of butter

mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, sauces - especially hot, spicy and fatty

For constipation

If you suffer from constipation, preference should be given to foods that contain fiber (boiled vegetables) and stimulate intestinal motility. The diet should include probiotics. For dysbiosis in adults, boiled, vegetable stew, dried fruits. You should avoid rice, semolina, legumes, and pasta.

Product type



Flour products

stale bread, 2 grade flour products

products made from premium flour

Liquid dishes

vegetable and meat broths, not very fatty and strong

fatty broths

Fish and meat products, eggs

  • seafood;
  • whole lean fish (can be boiled or baked);
  • hard-boiled eggs (no more than 2 pieces per day);
  • steamed omelettes;
  • lean ham;
  • aspic;
  • soaked herring appetizers
  • duck;
  • goose;
  • fat meat;
  • canned food;
  • smoked or salted fish;
  • fried eggs


milk, fermented baked milk, sour cream, kefir, cream, cottage cheese, mild cheese

Fruits vegetables

  • Boiled and stewed vegetables. Among them, it is worth highlighting boiled white and cauliflower, pumpkin, carrots, beets, and eggplants.
  • Salads made from raw vegetables, seasoned with vegetable oil and sour cream.
  • Fresh fruits, berries.
  • Dried fruits

raw onions, garlic, radishes, mushrooms, turnips, radishes, dogwoods, blueberries

decoction of rose hips, rhubarb, tea with milk, fruit and vegetable juices

honey, jam, marshmallow, marmalade

confectionery with cream

tomato, sour cream, with herbs, cooked with fish and meat broths

hot and fatty sauces, mustard

For putrefactive processes and flatulence

If dysbiosis is accompanied by putrefactive processes in the intestines, bloating, increased gas formation (flatulence), the situation requires a different approach:

  • Reduce your intake of carbohydrates and protein foods. They quickly break down in the intestines, increasing the processes of decay.
  • Avoid eating coarse, hard-to-digest fiber and dairy products - they promote the growth of bacteria, which increase the production of gases during life.
  • Vegetables should only be consumed boiled. Limit the consumption of potatoes, beets, carrots, zucchini, and pumpkin.
  • Allowed cereals include oatmeal, semolina, rice, and buckwheat. Prohibited foods include pearl barley, millet and barley.
  • Preference should be given to steamed fish, boiled lean meat, cottage cheese, soft-boiled eggs, and egg white omelet. From flour products - crackers made from wheat flour, rye bran, yesterday's bread. Bay leaves, allspice, and cloves will help improve the taste of the dish and reduce pain.
  • Preference is given to teas made from mint, chamomile, and ginger. They will help reduce unpleasant symptoms.
  • Avoid preservatives food additives, essential oils, organic acids.
  • Allowed drinks include green tea, rosehip decoction, compotes, diluted juices, and cocoa in water.

Menu for dysbacteriosis

A diet for dysbiosis in adults involves eating more frequently than on normal days. In addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, a second breakfast and afternoon snack are required. Suitable snacks:

  • sandwich with vegetable caviar or cheese;
  • calcined cottage cheese;
  • muesli seasoned with juice or natural yoghurt;
  • crackers or 2-4 slices of stale bread;
  • baked fruits;
  • for constipation - fermented milk products: fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir.


When developing a diet, it is necessary to take into account whether intestinal dysbiosis in adults is accompanied by diarrhea or constipation. In the first case, in the morning you can eat rice, oatmeal, corn porridge, boiled in water and well pureed. Steamed cutlets, cottage cheese with herbs and sour cream, cheesecakes, and applesauce are suitable as an appetizer and dessert. Wash it down with green or black tea, cocoa in water, and currant compote.

For constipation, buckwheat, milk-semolina porridge, boiled fish, omelet, soft-boiled egg, curd soufflé, two hard-boiled eggs are useful for breakfast. Will be useful milk- mashed potatoes, meat cutlets steamed, sweet tea with a slice of lemon.


If you have intestinal dysbiosis, eating soups is mandatory. This can be fish soup, vegetable, chicken, meat soups, cooked in low-fat broth, or puree soup. For diarrhea, well-cooked rice or buckwheat porridge with meatballs is suitable. For the second course, both for constipation and diarrhea, boiled chicken with potatoes and lean fish are suitable. Wash it down with jelly and rosehip decoction.


The dish served for dinner should not overload the stomach. It should be light and low in calories. Preference should be given to boiled meat or steamed fish. Garnish: mashed potatoes, porridge (rice for diarrhea), vegetable salad, cottage cheese casserole. For constipation, drink a glass of fermented baked milk, yoghurt or kefir towards nightfall.




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