How to remove hair above the lip. Antennae above the upper lip: how to get rid of them quickly and permanently at home

How to permanently get rid of female "antennae"

Every woman starts to panic when she notices any cosmetic changes on her body. Very often, a more pronounced manifestation of unwanted facial hair becomes a cause for concern, when the fluff becomes darker or the frequency of hairs increases. In fact, a light protective hair layer is a completely natural phenomenon, and its presence is certainly normal, even for the fair sex.

Do not be nervous, because in our progressive time there are a lot of cosmetic methods in order to deceive nature and increase your beauty and achieve maximum comfort. With the help of advanced technologies or contrary to folk methods, you can easily remove unwanted hairs above the lip forever.

Should hair be removed?

Many women fear that facial hair removal can cause hair to grow thicker and darker. But this is all a stupid myth, because thicker and more frequent vegetation can only begin to appear if you shave it. The use of a razor for a woman's face is unacceptable, it will not only cause irritation, but also addiction. You don't want to shave every day and depend on it, do you? If you make a choice between whether to remove hairs or not, then the decision is made individually. But nevertheless, the girl will be more aesthetically and comfortable without them, because she won’t have to worry that someone will notice unwanted vegetation, even if it’s the lightest fluff on her face. But removing the mustache is not the only solution to the problem, you can also try to lighten the hairs if they themselves are rare and not very noticeable. If you still decide, then let's look at several ways to remove the antennae above the lip.

Folk method: How to permanently get rid of the female "antennae"

Ladies in the East know well how to get rid of unnecessary vegetation above the lips. They use this technique to save time because they have to deal with this problem again and again!

You probably think that it is better than wax, there is nothing in this case? But it wildly irritates the skin, and the procedure itself is painful! But we offer a method that, on the contrary, saturates your skin with vitamins and minerals.

So, you will need:

1 tablespoon of oatmeal.

Cooking: 1/2 teaspoon of oatmeal (grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder to get oatmeal.), in this flour, add 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Pasta is ready. What to do: Rub the resulting mixture into the skin in the right place. After the mixture is applied, let it sit on your face for 15 minutes. Then wash off with warm water. It turns out such a pretty effective and pleasant face cream.

Repeat this procedure 2-3 times a week. In a month there will be no more facial hair. You will even forget what they looked like!

Facial hair lightening methods

Don't forget about a simple but effective way to make facial hair less noticeable, and that is lightening. There are factory cosmetics that promise to make the hairs a couple of tones lighter. But the easiest way is to use simple folk methods tested by many women. Here are a few of them:

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

- Take 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide and 5 drops of ammonia, mix them. Wipe the hairy area with a cotton pad dipped in liquid. Then apply some lemon juice on the bleaching area;

Membrane and peel of a walnut

- 2 tbsp. chopped membranes and walnut peel boil in 200 ml. water for 15-20 minutes. Cool and use to wipe the antennae twice a day, or apply as a compress;

soda compress

- 2 tsp soda dissolve in 300 ml. filtered water. Apply the resulting liquid in the form of a compress all night, or 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Datura root and seed tincture

Datura seeds are widely used. Finely ground seeds should be poured with vodka and mixed to a state of thick sour cream. Leave this mixture for three weeks.

You just need to remember! Datura is a poisonous plant, so you need to use the tincture from it carefully. Lubricate the antennae with tincture once a day, they will gradually fall off and will not grow for a long time.

Garlic juice will help in the fight against female antennae

Garlic juice works well on coarse and coarse hair. Apply a few drops of garlic juice to your tendrils every day and leave to dry completely. First, the hair will become softer and thinner, and then completely disappear. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Be careful when using these methods. If you feel burning and pinching, wash off the composition. Do not forget to lubricate the skin with cream every time after any procedure in order to avoid irritation.

Nettle oil will help remove the antennae above the lip

Nettle oil can be bought at any pharmacy, the effect will not keep you waiting. Make compresses with a small amount of nettle oil every day for 30 minutes. Within a week, the antennae will fall off.

Do not forget that the sudden appearance of increased body hair, a decrease in voice tone, an irregular cycle, can be a sign of a serious disease that occurs at the hormonal level.

Video: Epilation on the face - removal of the "antennae" in three ways: thread, warm wax and Veet strips.

From time immemorial, it has been believed that noticeable vegetation above the upper lip of a woman indicates her ardent temperament. Until now, in some parts of Romania, the mustache of the bride is a sure sign of endurance and fertility. But these facts are little consolation for modern girls, who once looking in the mirror, suddenly find with horror an unwanted fluff framing their lips. But if you remember that the body hairline is an atavism inherited from our ancestors, and ancient people were covered from head to toe with stiff, densely growing hair, then the cute mustache above the upper lip will no longer look so tragic. Of course, provided that their appearance is not associated with any serious diseases.

Why do women grow mustaches?
Facial hair growth is promoted by the male hormone testosterone, which is secreted by the glands of the genital organs. If the function of the endocrine glands is impaired, it begins to be produced above the norm, which leads to the appearance of male signs in a woman - a mustache, beard, grooves from rod hair from the navel to the pubis, their growth on the inner surface of the thighs.

Therefore, if the amount of facial hair seems abnormal to you, it's time to contact an endocrinologist to find out if a serious disease is hidden behind their excessive growth? The most common causes of facial hair include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • hormonal changes;
  • cystic formations in the ovaries;
  • a number of gynecological diseases;
  • the use of medicines.
Due to whatever disease the extra hairs are on your face, in parallel with the necessary treatment, after consulting with your doctor, you can safely begin to deal with them.

And even more so, you need to choose a way to get rid of ordinary antennae, which, during puberty, suddenly appear above the upper lip of most young girls.

How did you deal with your hair before?
For many thousands of years, women have tried to exterminate the vegetation on their face and body in various sophisticated ways. Greek women boiled resin with the addition of lemon and, having obtained a viscous mastic, mercilessly peeled off the hairline (sometimes along with pieces of skin!). Resins and minerals were also used by the Egyptians. The Romans wound coarse threads around each hair and patiently pulled them out one at a time (what thickness and length should the hairs be?), In the same way they removed the hair of a beauty from the Arab countries (it is still practiced in Tunisia, Oman, Algeria).

But Europe trusted wax and special solutions based on herbal extracts. But it was only with the advent of electricity that it became possible to permanently get rid of excess hair in a short time. In 1938, in Paris, several cabaret dancers tried electrolysis for the first time. The problem of hair destruction has been solved forever. And half a century later - in the late 80s, laser hair removal was invented, followed by photoepilation.

What are the ways to get rid of antennae forever?
No method of facial hair removal can be compared in efficiency with electrolysis, laser hair removal and photoepilation procedures. These three methods allow you to reliably and in a short time permanently get rid of the antennae. Let's look at each of them in detail.

Having made up your mind, choosing a procedure and a salon, try to find out all the details about the specialist who conducts the session and equipment. For example, lasers can differ from each other by a 20-year difference in age - it is easy to understand that new-generation devices cannot be compared with antediluvian ones. And the specialist conducting electrolysis must have many years of experience (masters before 1100 hours of training in most European countries are generally not allowed to work independently). Everything is important - who, where, when and how. Therefore, do not be shy to ask more questions - health is more expensive.

But if for some reason no type of hardware hair removal is possible for you, you don’t need to get upset!
There are many proven ways to eliminate unwanted hairs, including at home, which millions of women around the world resort to. Does it work for them? So, win and you in your fight for smooth hairless skin! It is enough just to study the issue, try and find a convenient option. And put some effort into its implementation.

Having found a mustache on their face, the girls are upset in earnest, and this is understandable. Modern standards of beauty are strikingly different from those that were still some couple of centuries ago, when many features of appearance, now perceived as cosmetic defects, were considered a piquant zest and a sign of uniqueness.

Today, the vegetation on the female face does not cause delight, but the desire to remove it as soon as possible. Then naturally, the question arises of how to get rid of a girl's mustache, whether it can be done at home, and in what cases one cannot do without the help of a specialist.

Fortunately, there are many ways to solve this problem on your own, while beauty salons and clinics delight us with both new and proven procedures.

Before figuring out exactly what methods of removing the antennae above the upper lip modern beauties use, I would like to recall the advisability of visiting an endocrinologist and a gynecologist. This is done in order to exclude serious health problems, in particular, hormonal imbalance, which can be the main reason for the appearance of a mustache in a woman.

In particular, if the vegetation has appeared recently or its quantity clearly exceeds the norm. If during the examination no deviations were found, and additional treatment is not required, then the only task remains - to determine the appropriate way to solve the problem and get rid of annoying antennae for some time or forever.

How to remove a mustache from a girl at home

You can quickly get rid of unwanted facial hair with the help of the simplest device, which, for sure, is in every women's cosmetic bag - ordinary tweezers. This method is best used for inconspicuous antennae or single hairs, but you should not pluck a large number of them, so as not to provoke inflammation and rashes.

Lightening with peroxide

Thin dark mustaches can be made less noticeable by periodically wiping them with a cotton swab dipped in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

It should be understood that the bleaching effect of peroxide can also affect the skin, so use the product as carefully as possible.

Sugar paste

A wonderful method of removing antennae in women, which, if not forever, then at least for a long time, will remove unnecessary vegetation from the face. It consists in the use of the so-called sugar paste. It can be purchased ready-made in specialized stores or made at home.

All it takes is a few affordable and inexpensive products and a little time. Sugar in the amount of ten tablespoons is diluted with the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of water is added. The mixture of ingredients in an enamel bowl is simmered over low heat until the mass is completely melted. It is not necessary to keep the mixture on fire for too long, it is enough to wait until it changes its color to a darker one.

The resulting paste is cooled to a comfortable warm temperature and used to remove the antennae above the upper lip, as well as for other parts of the body where unwanted hair is present. The mass is applied in an even layer to the desired area and covered with a piece of cloth of a suitable size.

After the paste hardens and thoroughly sticks to the hairs, the fabric is torn off with a sharp movement in the direction of their growth. To remove irritation after these manipulations, a cream is applied to the face. It is desirable that it contains calming components.

Datura seeds

Another way to quickly remove a mustache from a girl at home was used long before the advent of modern cosmetic delights. It is based on the use of dope seeds, and is considered a very effective method of getting rid of antennae in women for a long time.

It should be borne in mind that dope is a plant that is poisonous in itself, and too often
its use is not recommended. Pharmaceutical seeds are finely crushed and poured with vodka so that a mass of the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained.

It is insisted for three weeks, after which problem areas are lubricated. After a few such manipulations, the hairs will begin to fall out and the mustache will not remind the woman of herself for a long time.

professional methods

If a girl has a question about how to get rid of a mustache forever, it is not so easy to do it at home. The maximum that can be expected is that the bulbs will gradually weaken, and the newly growing hairs will be sparse and thin. For their complete removal, one should pay attention to professional methods, which are carried out exclusively by an experienced specialist, subject to all necessary conditions. What can they offer you?


Laser hair removal is considered the most progressive and safe option that allows you to permanently remove mustaches from girls. To completely get rid of excess hair, several sessions will be required, since the laser affects only those hairs that are in the stage of active growth. With each subsequent application, the number of follicles will be reduced until the desired result is obtained.

Laser hair removal has contraindications. First of all, they include:

  • oncological diseases;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • the presence of a herpetic rash;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance.

The ideal candidate for laser hair removal is a fair-skinned patient with dark hair, but an experienced doctor can achieve good results for other types of appearance.


Another powerful destroyer of hair follicles is a low-power electric current directed to the bulb area with a special needle. The method is ideal for hairs in the active growth stage, regardless of color and thickness. To remove the "reserve" sessions of electrolysis are repeated as the dormant bulbs awaken. The disadvantages of this method include pain, the risk of infection and other side effects with insufficient post-epilation care.

Immediately after the session, the skin is treated with alcohol or chlorhexidine solution. If necessary, a solution of calendula with Trichopolum can be prescribed. On the first day, contact with water of the epilated area should not be allowed.

The use of any cosmetics is strictly prohibited. Over the next week, you should refrain from visiting the pool, bath or sauna. In no case should you comb itchy places to avoid scarring.


Unlike the previous method, photoepilation is carried out without contact, which eliminates the risk of infection and skin damage in the treated areas. The speed of the procedure itself also differs for the better, since the effect does not occur on each individual hair, but on the whole area. The thermal reaction that occurs when light is absorbed by tissues is the main action for hair follicles.

The procedure is more effective, the darker the hair, because. the light waves used in photoepilation are aimed specifically at melanin, which brunettes can boast of much more than blondes. Already after the first session, the damaged bulbs weaken, and the hairs themselves begin to fall out. Complete removal often requires up to seven treatments, depending on the type of hair and the intensity of its growth.

ELOS hair removal

An innovation in aesthetic medicine that combines the basic principles of electro and laser hair removal. A powerful complex effect promises complete or at least long-term disposal of excess vegetation, regardless of its density, thickness and color. The undoubted advantage is the beneficial effect on the skin.

Synthesis of collagen fibers and own elastin, which is enhanced during the procedure,
It is extremely important for maintaining the health and youth of the dermis. The preparatory process must begin in advance.

At least two weeks before the scheduled session, you should not sunbathe, do chemical peels, “beauty injections” and other aggressive cosmetic procedures.

Contraindications include:

  • severe diabetes mellitus;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • epilepsy.

What should not be done?

Wondering how to get rid of a mustache, a girl may come up with the idea to use a standard male tool - a razor. Under no circumstances should this be done. This method, although it seems the easiest, is dangerous with consequences. Firstly, this way a woman risks damaging the delicate skin of her face. Secondly, shaving off the mustache can lead to thickening and accelerated growth. In addition, from the point of view of aesthetics, growing stubble on a woman's face is certainly not the best alternative to a mustache.

It is also better not to use an electric depilator.

Depilatory cream is not safe due to the possibility of allergies. To exclude it, first test the tool on your wrist.

Some women try to cover up their mustaches with regular tinting, but layering on powder or cream will only make them more visible. Knowing now how to get rid of a mustache at home or in a beauty salon, the girl will no longer need to resort to such tricks.

Every woman wants her face to look beautiful, smooth and free of excess hair. How to remove the antennae above the upper lip? There are various methods for removing mustaches.

Facial hair growth is natural. But when there is a mustache above the upper lip in women, it causes embarrassment and affects confidence. Excessive facial hair growth is caused by hormonal changes associated with pregnancy and menopause, or there is a genetic predisposition to it. Home remedies are the best way to remove facial hair as they are easy to prepare and have no side effects. Consider how to remove the antennae above the lip.

Hair removal methods: pros and cons

  1. Wax. Pros: This method can be carried out both at home and in a beauty salon. Lightweight, simple and inexpensive. The mustache will not bother you for a long time, as this method removes the hair from the roots. Cons: In most women, wax causes allergies: itching, redness of the skin, acne, or infection of the hair follicles. Also, when you repeat this process many times, there is a chance that your skin will become saggy.
  2. Razors. Pros: They are easy to use and are probably the cheapest way to remove lip hair. Shaving does not require special skills. Cons: This method can lead to scratches and cuts. You will need to shave a couple of times a week. For some people, shaving causes skin irritation.
  3. Epilators. Pros: Safe and very easy to use. Cons: This method is only able to remove 88% of the hair, very small hairs will remain.
  4. Bleaching. Pros: masks hair, makes them less visible. You can do this procedure yourself, and the effect remains for several weeks. Cons: Regular bleaching can damage the skin due to the chemicals in the bleach.
  5. Laser epilation. Pros: This is one of the safest and most effective methods for permanent mustache removal. It does not cause infection and does not leave any traces, it has a lasting result. Cons: Laser hair removal is expensive. The procedure is painful and risky. You will need more than one session to completely remove the hair.

How to get rid of mustache at home

There are many natural and affordable ingredients that can be used to effectively remove facial hair.

Although it takes time to see the effect of the treatment, these methods do not harm the skin and are cost-effective.

Gelatin mask. This is one of the easiest and best remedies to remove unwanted facial hair in an instant. The mask can be easily made at home.


  • 1 tbsp gelatin;
  • 2-3 tbsp milk;
  • 3-4 drops of lemon juice or 1-2 drops of lavender essential oil.
  1. In a small bowl, add milk, gelatin, and lemon juice or lavender essential oil. Mix everything well.
  2. Heat this mixture in the microwave for 15-20 seconds.
  3. Apply a warm mask directly on the antennae.
  4. Leave it on for 5 minutes until completely dry.
  5. Remove the resulting film from the face.

Facial scrub "Apricot and honey". Apricots are fruits that are high in lycopene, which is very effective in removing facial tendrils. Honey has properties that will make the skin soft.


  • half a glass of dried apricots;
  • 1 tsp honey.

Preparation and use:

  1. Grind dried apricots in a blender to make a coarse powder.
  2. Add honey to the apricot powder and mix well.
  3. Apply this mixture on your face and leave it on for about 7-10 minutes.
  4. Wash your face with warm water.
  5. Repeat this process 2-3 times a week for effective facial hair removal.

Mix of lavender and tea tree oil. A mixture of lavender and tea tree oil gently and effectively helps to remove the mustache above the upper lip.

  1. Mix 1 tsp. lavender oil with 4-6 drops of tea tree oil.
  2. Apply this mixture on the tendrils on your face with a cotton swab.
  3. Reapply this remedy 2-3 times a day for 3 months to completely remove facial hair.

Turmeric. It can be used alone or in combination with other ingredients to remove mustaches from women. Turmeric has an antibacterial effect and prevents skin infections.

Preparation and application process:

  1. Take 2 tsp. turmeric and mix it with water to make a paste-like consistency.
  2. Apply to mustache and leave on for 10-15 minutes.
  3. After the mixture dries, wipe the antennae with a damp cloth to remove the turmeric and excess hair.
  4. Continue to use the product regularly for several weeks to achieve complete removal of unwanted facial hair.

Sugar. Sugar mixed with honey and fresh lemon juice can be used to get rid of unwanted facial hair.


  • 1 tbsp Sahara;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 1/2 tsp lemon juice.

Preparation and application process:

  1. In a bowl, mix sugar, honey and a few drops of lemon juice well.
  2. Then put it in the microwave for 2-3 minutes to melt the sugar and then mix well to get a paste.
  3. Let her cool down. When the paste becomes slightly warm, apply it where you see unwanted hair growth.
  4. Take a small strip of cloth and press it against the area where the sugar paste was applied.
  5. Then pull the strip sharply in the opposite direction of hair growth.

Try these simple home remedies for yourself and finally get rid of your mustache problem. The skin on the lips will be smooth and free from hair.

At what age should you think about more effective skin care?

Turning flaws in appearance into a highlight is the aerobatics of self-love. But what kind of skill do you need to have so that the mustache above the girl’s lip becomes a charming decoration? Fluff on the face is traditionally considered a male “attribute” that does not fit with a gentle, feminine image, and most beautiful ladies prefer to get rid of it. Moreover, there are many ways to solve the problem.

Almost every girl has a light, barely noticeable fluff above the lip, but the appearance of dark, hard, conspicuous hairs can be due to a number of reasons:

  • Increased testosterone levels. The male hormone is necessary for women for the full functioning of the body and, in particular, for the implementation of the reproductive function. However, if there is too much testosterone, this affects not only increased "hairiness": a teenage girl may have problems with the formation of the skeletal system, in older women, an excess of male hormone is fraught with pathological changes in the uterus, mammary glands. Therefore, in this case, a thorough examination of the whole organism and the endocrine system in particular is necessary.
  • High level of pigmentation. Most natural brunettes have a mustache above the lip, and this phenomenon is not a deviation for them. And the inhabitants of Latin America, for example, are very proud of the hairs on their faces, considering them a sign of health and unbridled temperament.
  • Some diseases. Pathologies of the thyroid gland, gallbladder, brain.
  • Pregnancy. During the period of bearing a child, hormonal changes in the body can lead to the appearance of dark hairs above the lip. In this case, you should not worry, but a more thorough examination will not hurt. Usually, the antennae disappear at the end of breastfeeding, if this does not happen, it is better to consult an endocrinologist.
  • Therapy with certain drugs. For example, prolonged use of contraceptives can lead to hormonal disruptions that provoke the growth of facial hair.

Although in most cases the appearance of the antennae above the girl's lip can be considered as a cosmetic defect, a doctor's consultation and a complete examination of the body will exclude the possibility of health problems.

Increased hair growth on the face can be a sign of hormonal disorders and serious diseases, so it is important to consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examination.

Hirsutism - increased hair growth that goes beyond the normal range. In this case, the removal of unnecessary "vegetation" is accompanied by observation by a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

Video: causes of antennae and a brief overview of the main methods for their removal

Home methods of struggle

At home, it is advisable to get rid of the antennae with a small amount of hairs. To do this, there are several ways, each of which has its own specifics.


This is a male method that allows you to quickly and painlessly get rid of the antennae. It would seem, what could be easier? However, the use of a hair removal machine over a girl's lip is fraught with:

  • the appearance of "bristles" (after shaving, the newly growing "vegetation" is more and more dark, hard and thick);
  • irritation (the delicate skin of the face is very sensitive to mechanical stress and may react with rashes, redness, peeling);
  • psychological discomfort (few girls like to start every morning with a male ritual, but they have to, because when shaving, the hair root remains safe and sound, so the next day dark “stumps” will certainly appear above the lip).

So, let's leave shaving to our beloved men, and look for a more suitable option for ourselves.

Depilatory cream

The mechanism of action of depilatory creams is that the composition of such products contains substances that destroy the protein of the hair, due to which its destruction occurs. It remains only to wash off the product and what is left of the unnecessary "vegetation".

To remove the antennae, you can only use depilatory creams that are specifically designed for the face. The application procedure is simple:

  1. apply the composition with a spatula to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin covered with unnecessary hairs;
  2. wait a certain time (when using on the face, do not leave the drug for longer than 1-3 minutes);
  3. remove the product with a spatula by moving the tool against hair growth;
  4. wash with warm running water without the use of detergent.

The cream destroys a small part of the hair under the skin and slightly weakens the follicle, but does not eliminate it, so "fresh" antennae appear 2-4 days after the application of the product. With each use, the hairs become lighter and softer.

Before applying the cream, an allergy test is necessary: ​​apply a small amount of it on the elbow or wrist for 3-5 minutes. If after a day there are no undesirable reactions (irritation, dryness, burning, etc.), you can use the product. Depilatory products should be abandoned in case of individual intolerance, a tendency to allergic reactions, dermatological diseases, open lesions of the epidermis, inflammatory and infectious rashes, excessively dry and sensitive skin.

  1. stir the product in a glass of warm water (a teaspoon with a slide);
  2. moisten a piece of gauze in the composition;
  3. attach to the area above the upper lip, fix with adhesive tape;
  4. leave all night;
  5. in the morning remove the compress and wash with running water.

Repeat the procedure 3-10 times.

Soda compresses are one of the popular methods for removing unwanted hair, but there is no objective evidence of the effectiveness of this method.

In my opinion, the effectiveness of using soda to remove antennae is highly questionable. For example, I use a soda solution a couple of times a month to wash my hair so that my hair, on the contrary, strengthens. Although compresses may have a different effect, however, I have not been able to find credible information, due to which this happens.


The clarified tendrils remain intact and unharmed, but become barely noticeable. This trick is suitable for those who have very few hairs above the lip, they are light and short: otherwise, the antennae will still remain noticeable, and will be especially visible in the sun. Different products can be used as a clarifying agent.

Before using any lightening agent, you need to check the reaction of the skin to it. Apply a small amount of the mixture on the area behind the ear for 5-7 minutes and wait a day. If negative manifestations (burning, dryness, irritation, etc.) are not detected, the composition can be applied.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide weakens the chitinous cover of the hair, as a result of which the coloring pigment loses its durability. Procedure algorithm:

  1. soak a cotton pad with 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  2. apply to the area above the upper lip, slightly pressing;
  3. after 1–1.5 minutes, remove the “compress”.

Depending on how dark the hair is, 1 to 5 sessions may be required, which can be used every day or every other day.

For sensitive skin, you can resort to this remedy: stir 5 ml of peroxide in a tablespoon of shaving foam. Apply with a cotton swab for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Video: lightening the antennae with hydrogen peroxide

Lemon juice

Not only in the fight against freckles, the brightening properties of lemon juice are used, they are also effective in the fight against facial hairs.

The product can be used in pure form. In this case, it is applied with cotton pads on the area above the lip once a day until a satisfactory result is achieved.

Some sources immediately after the procedure recommend going to the solarium or to the beach: under the influence of sunlight, the treated antennae will burn out faster.

The use of additional components will help enhance the effect. As an example, such a mixture: water, table vinegar and lemon juice (1 teaspoon each). Apply the composition on the antennae, after an hour, rinse with running water. The number of procedures carried out daily or every other day depends on the characteristics of the hairs.

Purchasable funds

Commercially produced facial hair lightening products usually contain hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, petroleum jelly, and lanolin as the main ingredients.

To be effective and maintain skin health, the use of such products should be subject to the following rules:

  • use only high-quality, well-proven products (see review below);
  • strictly follow the instructions;
  • in the event of any undesirable manifestations, stop using the drug and consult a doctor.

The table below will help you get an idea of ​​the most popular commercial products for lightening facial hair.

Table - an overview of popular purchased drugs

NameSpecificityEstimated cost at the beginning of 2018 (in rubles)
Rolland "Oway WithOut"
  • Gives the effect of lightening by 5-6 tones;
  • contains acai, olive and agave oils, antioxidants and a patented eco-complex;
  • should not be used by persons under 18 years of age.
"Ultra Kemon Liding"
  • lightens hairs by about 9 tones;
  • the smell is almost absent;
  • contains vegetable oils, chamomile extract, keratin;
  • Judging by the reviews, the side effects are minimal.
"Invisi Bleach"
  • Convenient to use;
  • contains extracts of maple, willow-herb, aloe, honey;
  • specific, but not very pungent smell.
Bleaching Cream
  • For use, you additionally need to buy an oxidizing agent;
  • contains ammonia;
  • contains jojoba oil.
Silium "Set for bleaching hair"
  • The kit contains two creams that must be combined before use;
  • Judging by the reviews, the effect is noticeable after the first procedure.

After applying any brightening agent, you need to treat the skin with a soothing cream. It is desirable that the product contains plant extracts: chamomile, calendula, aloe, etc.


The most radical way is to remove hairs along with the follicle. This measure will allow you to enjoy the effect for 2-4 weeks.


No matter how the hairs above the lip are removed, the preparatory stage is always the same:

  1. cleanse the skin of the face from dirt and cosmetic residues using a special lotion or tonic;
  2. moisten a towel with hot water and apply on the area above the lip for 30-60 seconds: steaming the skin will help make the procedure less painful;
  3. wipe dry;
  4. treat the area covered with hairs with a mild antiseptic.


In the same way as the eyebrows, the hairs above the lip are plucked. Before the procedure, it is necessary to disinfect the instrument used.

The method is easy to implement, although if there are too many unwanted hairs, it can be quite time consuming.


To carry out the procedure, you only need a silk thread, knowledge of the methodology and a little skill. The process of removing unnecessary "vegetation" is carried out as follows:

  1. cut a thread 45-50 cm long from the spool and tie the ends to make a circle;
  2. put the “ring” on the thumbs and forefingers of both hands and twist in the middle 8–10 times to make a “figure eight”;
  3. "tame" the place of twisting: when moving with your fingers, it should move to the right and left;
  4. shift the "neck of the eight" so that one loop is slightly larger than the second;
  5. attach the device to the skin so that the place of twisting is under unnecessary hairs, and the large loop of the “eight” is above them;
  6. spread the fingers of the hand holding the smaller ring sharply to the sides: the place of twisting will shift in the direction of the large loop, capturing the hairs.

To facilitate the removal of the antennae, experts recommend placing the tongue between the gum and lip.

Removing the antennae with a thread is contraindicated for areas with moles, warts, papillomas, as well as for:

  • dermatological diseases;
  • infectious and viral rashes;
  • burns, irritations;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

In recent years, the procedure has become widely used in beauty salons, in European and American realities it is called trading.

Video: how to remove facial hair with a thread

Sugar paste

Removing hair with a sweet paste is called shugaring. There are several methods for this procedure: manual (the composition is applied and removed with fingers), spatula (manipulations are carried out with a special spatula), bandage technique is usually used for the area above the upper lip:

  1. apply the paste heated to body temperature with a spatula or fingers against hair growth;
  2. cover the composition with a special fabric strip (bandage);
  3. with a sharp movement to remove matter in the direction of hair growth.

To remove facial hair, it is advisable to use a purchased soft, liquid honey-like paste with a natural composition. The label must indicate that the product can be used on the face. Judging by the reviews, the formulations produced under the brands Alexandria, Aravia, Gloria, Gannaan have proven themselves well.

Video: shugaring against antennae


Mustache waxing can be used in 2 ways:

  • Wax strips. Warm up a narrow wax strip intended for use on the face in the palms of your hands, release from the protective film and, pressing, apply to the area covered with the antennae. With a sharp movement, remove the strip in the opposite direction of hair growth.
  • Warm wax. Heat the wax in a wax machine, apply to the skin above the lip with a spatula, cover with a bandage strip and remove with a sharp movement against hair growth.

Video: waxing antennae removal

The choice of home method depends on individual needs and characteristics, the table below reflects the advantages and disadvantages of the methods described.

Table - the pros and cons of home methods

  • Fast;
  • painless;
  • easily feasible.
  • The need to carry out the procedure daily;
  • hairs become stiff and darker;
  • risk of irritation and cuts.
Using a depilatory cream
  • Absence of pain;
  • the effect is longer than shaving;
  • hairs thin out over time.
  • The aggressive chemical composition of the product adversely affects the condition of the delicate skin of the face;
  • unpleasant odor during the procedure;
  • too hard and thick hairs may not be removed.
  • Only suitable for thin, short hairs;
  • in sunlight, the antennae can remain visible;
  • Several treatments are required to achieve visible results.
RemovalPlucking with tweezers
  • Long lasting effect;
  • skin safety.
  • The process is painstaking, as every hair must be pulled out;
  • painful, uncomfortable sensations.
  • Some skill is required for high-quality hair removal;
  • the process is lengthy;
  • painful sensations;
  • the need to grow hair up to 3-5 mm.
  • soreness;
  • the required length of the hairs is at least 3–5 mm;
  • Pasta skills required.
  • The length of the hairs is not less than 3–5 mm;
  • soreness;
  • risk of ingrown hairs.

Professional ways against female antennae

Wax and sugar epilation, trading are procedures that can be resorted to not only at home, but also in the salon, trusting the experienced hands of the master. However, there are methods that can only be carried out by a professional.

Salon procedures involve an intense effect on the skin, therefore, deciding on them, you should:

  • consult with your doctor beforehand;
  • study contraindications and possible side effects;
  • strictly follow the recommendations of the skin care specialist performing the procedure before and after the session;
  • plan hair removal for a period of low solar activity (end of autumn-winter), since after the methods described below, the skin is especially sensitive to ultraviolet rays.

Laser hair removal

The epilation mechanism is as follows: the laser beam penetrates under the skin to a depth of 4–6 mm, and the melanin contained in the follicle absorbs its energy. This leads to the fact that the hair burns out, and the vessel that feeds it is “sealed”.

To prepare for the procedure, you should refrain from sunbathing, shave your hair a couple of days before the session and start taking an antiviral drug (after consulting a doctor) if you have previously experienced frequent recurrences of a herpes infection.

The course of the procedure:

  1. an anesthetic is applied to the treated area;
  2. when the anesthetic takes effect, the area above the lip is treated with a laser;
  3. the epidermis is lubricated with panthenol.

In the absence of hirsutism and hormonal imbalance, usually 7-10 sessions are required to remove the antennae.

Laser hair removal is contraindicated in:

  • moles on the face;
  • bacterial, fungal pathologies of the skin;
  • herpetic rash;
  • psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis;
  • propensity to form scars and age spots;
  • increased photosensitivity;
  • allergies.

After the procedure it is necessary:

  • apply sunscreen before going outside;
  • refrain from sun exposure for at least 2 weeks;
  • regularly treat the skin with panthenol or another drug prescribed by a doctor;
  • avoid increased sweating (refuse to visit baths and saunas, heavy physical exertion, etc.).


During the procedure, the follicle is destroyed by an electrical impulse. The session goes like this:

  1. the skin is treated with a local anesthetic;
  2. hairs are sequentially removed by means of special equipment.

Sometimes one procedure is enough to achieve an acceptable result, in some cases it will be necessary to resort to it again.

To restore the skin after the procedure, the doctor may prescribe the use of Rescuer cream (for dry and normal skin), Solcoseryl (for oily skin) or some other drug.

The procedure is contraindicated in:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • oncology;
  • skin diseases.


Broadband pulsed light, absorbed by melanin, is converted into heat, which destroys the hair follicle.

As a preparation, it is necessary to grow antennae up to 1-3 mm, do not sunbathe for 1.5 months, if necessary, take an antiviral agent prescribed by a doctor.

The course of the procedure:

  1. the patient puts on goggles;
  2. a special gel is applied to the skin above the lip;
  3. using a special apparatus, pulses of light are given (as a rule, 5-6 flashes are enough for the area above the upper lip);
  4. the epidermis is treated with a sedative.

To achieve the result, 3-5 sessions are usually required, since the action of light only affects the hairs that are in the stage of active growth, while the dormant bulbs remain intact, and after some time they appear as newly growing tendrils.

Photoepilation should be abandoned when:

  • open skin lesions;
  • tanned skin;
  • after prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • tattoo at the treatment site;
  • therapy with drugs that increase sensitivity to light;
  • the presence of electronic devices in the body (insulin pump, pacemaker);
  • allergies to the sun (including a history);
  • porphyria;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

After the procedure you need:

  • within 2-3 days, limit contact with water, do not go to saunas, baths, swimming pools, do not steam or heat the skin;
  • use sunscreen;
  • limit exposure to the sun, do not sunbathe on the beach and in the solarium.

Equipment for photoepilation and electrolysis, intended for home use, is commercially available. However, for security reasons, professionals do not recommend resorting to its use.



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