Bee pollen. Healing properties of bee pollen - pollen and rules for its use

07.12.2016 7

It is known that almost all bee products have good healing properties and are often used in traditional medicine recipes. One of the most valuable such products is bee pollen. What is it, her beneficial features and the use for healing the body will be considered further.

What is a bee pollen?

Bee pollen, or bee pollen, as beekeepers call it, is the common pollen collected by bees. Workers collect it for the needs of the bee colony. Even at the collection stage, they process it with saliva, as a result of which the pollen ceases to be an allergen and is even more enriched with vitamins and microelements.

Insects bring pollen to the hive on their hind legs in the form of small compact balls and leave it in combs, where pollen eventually becomes bee bread. Flower pollen is important for the bee colony, as it is fed to newborns, and the entire bee colony feeds on it in winter period. Beekeepers have learned without compromising normal life hive to collect some of the pollen for human needs.

After all, this product is unique in its composition. The amount of proteins in pollen equates it in this indicator to milk, meat and fish. And microelements and vitamins are contained in a concentration that can make up for any deficiency in the human body and improve the work of all internal organs.

In addition, bee pollen is also a natural antibiotic. If we compare the benefits of honey and bee pollen, then bee pollen exceeds even.

rich composition

It is difficult to briefly describe the rich chemical composition flower pollen processed by bees. It has:

  1. All known to man vitamins. Pollen is especially rich in vitamins of groups B, A, E and C.
  2. 28 trace elements in a strong concentration, which are able to fill the basic needs of the body.
  3. Folic acid is especially valuable for pregnant women or those who are just planning to increase the size of the family.
  4. A large number of various amino acids that rejuvenate the body and help all internal organs work as they should. Some of these amino acids are not produced by the human body, so they are considered essential.
  5. Phytohormones restore hormonal balance person.
  6. Antibacterial substances help to cope with diseases and viruses of various origins.
  7. As well as phospholipids, phytosterols and many others useful elements.

It is thanks to this rich composition that bee pollen is considered one of the most valuable natural products.

Benefits for the human body

The composition described above in its complex is able to improve the functioning of most human organs. The main and most popular useful qualities of bee pollen:

  • improves performance and raises the overall tone;
  • improves mood and helps to fight depression;
  • greatly enhances immune system, increasing resistance to diseases, especially in the autumn-winter period;
  • alleviates the condition nervous disorders. Helps to cope with insomnia, neurasthenia, neurosis and other problems of the nervous system. Reduces the effect of stress on the body;
  • normalizes endocrine system at all levels. Helps with diabetes, adenoma thyroid gland, acromegaly, goiter and other similar diseases;
  • restores work gastrointestinal tract. Heals gastritis and other chronic disorders of this area;
  • restores strength after operations, physical activity, serious illnesses, chemotherapy, and also helps to restore appetite and joy of life;
  • rejuvenates the body at the cellular level due to the huge amount of antioxidants, and also fights against cancerous tumors and restores strength to a person in old age;
  • significantly increases the level of hemoglobin and normalizes the number of red blood cells in the blood. Restores health even with severe anemia;
  • normalizes arterial pressure, helping both with hypertension and in cases of hypotension. Restores it gently and works better than pharmaceutical preparations;
  • removes dangerous and harmful substances from the body, helping to get rid of poisons, toxins, toxins, etc. The bee pollen is indispensable for radioactive exposure;
  • protects the liver and restores dead cells;
  • stimulates the growth of children and activates intellectual ability helping them learn and develop;
  • during pregnancy protects the fetus, and also stimulates its development;
  • normalizes hormonal level men and women helping to cope with diseases gynecological nature and improves the condition prostate and even treats infertility;
  • invaluable benefits in heart disease. After all, bee pollen is able to strengthen blood vessels and capillaries, improve the functioning of the heart muscle and cleanse the blood of cholesterol;
  • has mild diuretic and choleretic properties;
  • at joint admission with honey and royal jelly can even help heal serious illnesses respiratory organs;
  • in cosmetology, the pollen is recognized as effective in the fight against falling hair, and is also part of natural remedies for skin rejuvenation;
  • prevents the breakdown of proteins during strict diets and starvation, and also saturates with a daily dose of vitamins during this period.

Health Recipes

  1. The easiest way to take pollen is to eat 1 tsp. three times a day, preferably half an hour before meals. In this case, it is better to keep it in your mouth until it completely melts, in no case should you drink it with water. If you have increased physical activity, severe exhaustion, then the daily dose is recommended to be doubled.
  2. AT childhood pollen dosage is much smaller. So, for children of six months - this is a quarter of a coffee spoon, and for 12-year-olds - a whole coffee spoon. It is enough to give pollen to children once a day to cure them of anemia, improve their appetite or stimulate development.
  3. In case of problems with pressure, the time of pollen intake should be adjusted. So, with hypertension, it is eaten before meals, and with hypotension - after.
  4. With anemia, especially in children, the following recipe is recommended. 100 grams of honey is mixed with a glass of milk and 20 grams of bee pollen. This mixture is given to the child three times a day.
  5. For intestinal disorders, gastritis and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the following composition is recommended - 20 g of pollen, 75 g of aloe and half a liter of honey.
  6. Also, with gastritis, you can do the following. Mix honey and pollen 1:1, and then dilute a dessert spoon of this mixture in 50 g of water. Let it brew for three hours and then drink it warm, 1 dessert spoon 4 times a day.
  7. For most diseases, you can simply mix honey and bee pollen in equal proportions and eat three times a day. it effective remedy improves the functioning of internal organs and restores health as much as possible at all levels.
  8. To recover from anemia and even leukemia, it is recommended to infuse honey and pollen for three days in a ratio of 1:2. It is enough to use a teaspoon three times a day, but at the same time it is advised to drink it with milk at the same time.

Basic rules for taking pollen for medicinal purposes

So that the pollen does not deteriorate and does not lose its useful qualities, and also for the sake of maximum therapeutic effect you have to take it right. Moreover, an overdose of natural medicines also has a number of unpleasant consequences.

  • since pollen perfectly tones the body, it is not recommended to eat it in the evening or before bedtime. Pollen taken after 18-19 pm can affect sleep in a negative way;
  • most often, pollen is taken before meals, even better half an hour before it;
  • drinking pollen is not recommended, except when you need to drink it with a glass of milk or dilute it in it;
  • it has the best effect when it is kept in the mouth until completely dissolved;
  • do not forget to take a break in the receptions of the pollen, as it is possible to oversaturate the body with microelements, which can lead to hypervitaminosis;
  • since pollen is rich in proteins and many vitamins, the amount of food consumed should be regulated at this time - you can reduce the amount of proteins and those foods that have an excess of a certain vitamin (for example, citrus fruits);
  • it is important to store pollen at room temperature, while the humidity of the air should not be higher than 75%. Usually it is placed in a well-closed container and placed somewhere in the room. Putting pollen in the refrigerator is not necessary;
  • try to get natural pollen in the form of fluffy balls, and not in the form of capsules that are sold in a pharmacy. It is best to buy it directly from beekeepers, so you can be sure of the quality and naturalness of the product.

Video: bee pollen, application and beneficial properties.

Since ancient times, products of bee origin have been famous all over the world due to their healing properties, and are used in many areas of beauty and health.

In addition, bees produce pollen, which is formed in the hive from pollen. It is very valuable for both humans and insects. Next, consider the medicinal properties of bee pollen, its composition and indications.

Obnozhka is the same pollen, collected by bees. It differs in that the bees process it with their secret during the collection process, due to which it becomes an indispensable component for treatment. various pathologies. Flower pollen in its composition has many vitamins and minerals, but after processing by insects it becomes a source of many valuable substances.

It should be noted that pollen is a strong allergen of natural origin. When it is collected and brought to the hive on its paws, after a while it forms into bee bread and is not such an irritant as before the bee "treatment".

For insects, this product is necessary, as a swarm feeds on bee bread in winter time days. Competent beekeepers, in order not to damage the bees, do not collect perga in full, so that it is enough for both insects and humans.

In terms of its healing properties, bee pollen is more useful than honey, so it is a very valuable and expensive product.

Chemical composition and properties

Many properties of pollen depend on its rich composition:

  • vitamins A, B, C, E and others necessary to maintain a set vital functions organism
  • micronutrients that replenish daily allowance all useful substances
  • flower hormones (phytohormones) that contribute to the normalization of hormonal balance
  • amino acids that increase protective functions organism
  • flavonoids necessary for normalization of cardio-vascular system, gastrointestinal tract and support liver function
  • antioxidants that neutralize the negative impact on work human body free radicals
  • contains bee pollen a large number of antibacterial substances that help to cope with all types of pathogens

The beneficial properties of bee pollen allow the product to be used in all branches of medicine and cosmetology. Consider the main impact on the human body:

  • Pollen accelerates metalism, so it is widely used in various diets, proper nutrition and weight loss. Its components accelerate the excretion of cholesterol, promote the breakdown of subcutaneous fat and accelerate the excretion of water.
  • Bee pollen effectively eliminates many diseases, has an anti-inflammatory effect, due to which it is used in traditional medicine in the treatment of many diseases. In addition, the substances contained in the pollen normalize the heart rate. It should not be noted that perga, pollen and other bees increase the immune system and protect against many pathologies and infectious diseases.
  • Increases the coefficient useful action and keeps the whole body in good shape.
  • It improves the functioning of the central nervous system, due to which the amount of stress and irritation is significantly reduced, and insomnia disappears.
  • Perga and pollen activate the work of the brain and help improve memory, strengthen and accelerate intellectual development in adolescents and children.
  • Normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, effectively and quickly pollen helps to restore the microflora during dysbacteriosis, gastritis and other diseases.
  • Promotes quick recovery body after illness, chemotherapy or surgery.
  • Thanks to the antioxidants that are part of the chemical composition of pollen, it helps to repair cells and rejuvenate them through the production of natural elastin and collagen.
  • Pollen helps increase the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin protein. This product effective even in moderate and severe anemia.
  • Protects the fetus during pregnancy negative impact, which may be from the mother's body. In addition, vitamins and acids contribute to rapid development and baby growth.
  • Restores the production of female and male hormones, which directly affects reproductive function both sexes.

Thus, we can conclude that bee pollen has a positive effect on the functioning of all organs and systems, as well as a short time can restore the body after any disease.

Multiple Recipes

Bee pollen has long been used in folk medicine. It is suitable for the treatment of many diseases.

Consider the main recipes that our rare ones have used for many years:

  • To restore the body after an illness or to tone up muscle mass after physical exertion, it is recommended to take 1 teaspoon of pollen three times a day. You can not drink it, you need to keep it in your mouth until completely dissolved.
  • To stimulate growth and development, children need to be given pollen in the morning and evening. Children up to a year - a small amount, literally 1/5 teaspoon. From the age of 12, you can give half a spoon.
  • In case of anemia, in order to restore the amount of hemoglobin, it is necessary to prepare next remedy: for 50 grams of natural you need 10 grams of pollen and 100 grams of milk. Mix everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Take with anemia 2 times a day for half an hour before meals.
  • To restore the work of the stomach or intestines, you need to take a mixture of bee bread and honey in equal doses 2-3 times a day.
  • For gastritis or ulcers, you need to mix honey with pollen and mix the resulting mixture with water.
  • Leave for three hours and take every day until you feel better.

How to take pollen

I would like to note right away that pollen after processing by bees ceases to be an allergen, but for reinsurance before taking it, it is better to conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, you need to eat 0.5 teaspoon and wait a few hours. With absence side effects, the product can be consumed.

To bee pollen brought maximum effect, it is important to follow several rules for the use of bee pollen:

  • Pollen tones and activates the action of all organs and systems. In this regard, it is not recommended to take it before going to bed, as it can disrupt it, having previously excited the nervous system.
  • It is better to take the pollen 20-30 minutes before meals, as it enhances metabolism.
  • Do not drink or eat the product, you need to wait until the pollen itself dissolves.
  • While taking pollen, you need to reduce portions of food. The body gets enough useful substances.
  • Store bee bread in a cool, and most importantly dry place, out of reach of children.

Harm to the body

Like any food, pollen can cause allergic reaction. It is important to monitor your condition while taking the pollen. If you feel worse, you should consult a doctor. It is also worth limiting the use of pollen for people suffering from diabetes.

Pollen - useful product beekeeping - on video:

Bee products are widely used in nutrition, medicine, cosmetology, pharmaceuticals. Many do not know everything about bee pollen. Meanwhile, it is unique and natural substance containing amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, enzymes, antioxidants, hormones.

Many are interested in what pollen is useful for, and how to use it? Pollen is used to maintain immunity, strengthen the heart and blood vessels, rejuvenate and longevity. It treats nervousness and insomnia, is the prevention of heart attacks and strokes, normalizes hormonal background and helps to lose weight. Accept natural medicine you need no more than one spoon, best in the morning.

What is pollen, how bees collect it and how a person receives it

Collecting nectar from flowers, they carry pollen on their body. Pollen grains are male sex cells. The process of pollination with the help of insects is an indispensable part of plant reproduction and is provided for by nature. The smallest powder sticks to the legs and abdomen of the bee. To prevent the pollen from flying around, the bees rake it with their paws, forming lumps. The resulting lumps are fixed on the hind legs of the insect. In this form, the bees carry the product of nature to the hive.

Part of the pollen is preserved in honey - this is perga. The other part, the bee pollen, is processed by bee enzymes and becomes food for the larvae, which represent the future population. The main share of the product is collected in the spring. Beekeepers know everything valuable properties bee pollen and know how to extract it. They install special pollen traps at the entrance to the bee hive. Pollen is stored in a dry form in a glass or polymer container.

Chemical composition of the product

The color, taste and aroma of pollen depends on the type of plants from which it was collected by the bee. Each species has certain taste characteristics, different shades. Any bee pollen has useful properties and applications. The process of collecting it is laborious and lengthy. To collect just 10 grams of pure natural product, the bee will have to make about 600 flights from the hive.

Bee pollen is a natural concentrate of biologically active compounds that are of great benefit to human health.

The chemical composition of bee pollen:

  1. Protein. Makes up 30-40% of total mass, due to the high protein component, the product is easily and quickly absorbed in the body.
  2. Carbohydrates. Includes simple saccharides - glucose and fructose, which give it a sweetish taste, are a source of energy.
  3. Amino acids. Contains 8 valuable amino acids - lysine, leucine, valine, isoleucine, threonine, methionine, tryptophan, phenylalanine.
  4. Vitamins. The composition has an extensive list of vitamins - A, D, E, C, K, P, H, F, group B and others.
  5. Minerals. These are potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, chromium, selenium, sodium and others.
  6. Unsaturated fatty acid. Among them are linoleic, palmitic, oleic.

Medicinal properties of bee pollen

Knowing how pollen is useful and how to use it, you can do without drugs, successfully treat many diseases, and engage in their prevention. It contains a lot of useful and valuable components preserved by insects. natural way. The substance is used to restore strength in case of nervous and physical exhaustion. It is recommended for use during the rehabilitation period after serious illnesses and injuries, undergone surgical interventions.

Pollen absorbs the medicinal properties of the plant from which it is collected by bees. For blood circulation, buckwheat, hawthorn, chestnut are useful, for immunity - from eucalyptus, willow, for nerves - from poppy and acacia.

All properties of bee pollen:

  • antioxidant - promotes the removal of free radicals from the body;
  • immunomodulatory - actively involved in the formation of protective antibodies;
  • tonic - it favorably affects nerve fibers, improves the patency of impulses through them;
  • anti-inflammatory - suppresses inflammatory processes in the initial and advanced stages;
  • antibacterial - reduces the activity and reproduction of pathogenic microflora;
  • hormone-forming - is of great importance in the synthesis of hormones;
  • hematopoietic - becomes a participant in the formation of blood elements, improves its composition, is used to prevent anemia.

The benefits of pollen for children

With the regular use of pollen in children, there is an activation of natural defense mechanisms. As a result, immunity becomes stronger, the incidence of respiratory and viral infections. High concentration vitamins, minerals, and other valuable components provide the child with full growth and healthy development. Knowing how to take bee pollen for children, you can restore sleep and appetite, normalize mental and physical activity, stabilization of the psycho-emotional state.

The benefits of pollen for women

The benefits of bee pollen for women are manifested in the ability to regulate hormonal levels, improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. The product is actively used in diet food as it helps to improve digestion and lose weight. Due to its antioxidant effect, it reduces Negative influence stress on the body, eliminates insomnia and normalizes sleep. Known cleansing properties of pollen, its ability to remove toxins and toxins.

The Benefits of Pollen for Men

Pollen is unique natural product useful for men of all ages. At high physical activity It promotes rapid recovery of strength and a set of muscle mass. It has a positive effect on potency, eliminates inflammatory processes and congestion in the urinary area. Antioxidants reduce destructive action stress on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Pollen is best absorbed if consumed in the morning before breakfast. Several granules are placed in the mouth, which gradually dissolve under the influence of saliva.

What does bee pollen treat in men:

  • prostatitis;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • sexual impotence;
  • infertility.

How to take bee pollen

There are several options for how to take bee pollen correctly. This beekeeping product goes on sale in the form of granules (concentrated form). They dissolve, drinking warm water or milk. Another way to consume is honey paste, in which the mass fraction of pollen is 30-40%. Bee pollen is a part of many dietary supplements. Tincture on bee pollen is sold in a pharmacy, you can cook it yourself. To do this, you need to take half a liter of high-quality vodka and 100 grams of bee pollen. Preparing tincture 2 weeks.

For each age, a certain dose of pollen is provided. Young children should be given no more than ¼ teaspoon per day. Schoolchildren are allowed to increase the dose to ½ teaspoon. Adults can take 1 teaspoon daily. A single dose of consumption can be increased only on the individual recommendation of a specialist.

A few folk recipes:

  1. To combat viruses and infections, pollen is mixed with honey in equal proportions. The medicine is taken in a teaspoon before meals, slowly dissolving in the mouth. The same recipe is suitable for the treatment of respiratory organs, with asthma.
  2. For the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the honey-pollen mixture is diluted in a glass warm water. The liquid is drunk several sips throughout the day. The course of treatment is a month.
  3. Bee pollen in gynecology is used topically and internally. Solutions for douching are prepared from it, medical tampons. They are effective at inflammatory processes, thrush, erosion, dryness.
  4. For prophylactic purposes, bee pollen is taken once a year. It is enough for adults to eat a whole teaspoon of granules per day, less for children (depending on age). The prophylactic course lasts a month.
  5. In combination with honey, pollen reduces blood pressure and improves memory, and relieves headaches. With regular use, it improves elasticity blood vessels, reduces important indicators- cholesterol and blood sugar.

Contraindications and restrictions

The benefits and harms of bee pollen depend on how the product is taken. When the first signs of allergy appear, you should completely stop using it. An allergic reaction is indicated by itching, rash, redness of the skin, difficulty breathing, coughing. It is undesirable to give any bee products to children under one year old. They should be taken with caution by women during pregnancy and lactation. Bee pollen is banned for diabetes.

By learning everything about bee pollen, you can be treated and maintain health unique gifts nature. Subject to the dosages and terms of treatment, they act gently, but effectively, have practically no contraindications.

How to take bee pollen - video

Many bee products have been used by humans since time immemorial. In particular, honey and wax are familiar to everyone and have received enough wide application. However, not everyone knows that there are at least a dozen similar products that have also found their application in various industries. Therefore, today we will talk about what bee pollen is, how it is useful, and how it can be used in everyday life.

Composition of bee pollen

Before you figure out how to properly take bee pollen, you need to know a little about its composition. Like other bee products, it is rich in various vitamins, acids and trace elements.

Bee pollen contains at least 50 biologically active substances which ensure the normal flow chemical processes in the human body. So, regardless of the culture from which this material was collected, it will contain basic substances, such as:

In addition to useful elements and acids, pollen contains up to 30% protein, up to 45% carbohydrates and up to 10% fat. Pollen collected from different crops differs in composition and healing properties. For example, a substance from St. John's wort, plum, red clover, willow and aster has highest content squirrel.

Availability huge amount trace elements and vitamins in bee pollen and determines its benefits for humans.

Did you know? The bee pollen protein biological value(the content of essential amino acids), surpasses even milk protein.

Benefits of bee pollen

Now let's find out why honey pollen is so useful.

Perhaps it’s worth starting with general strengthening and immunostimulating properties. The presence of potassium and rutin stimulates and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. In addition, pollen contains antibacterial substances that help to cope with the disease and strengthen the immune system. The iron contained in it increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, so the use of pollen is mandatory after losing a large amount of blood or when the hemoglobin level drops. Also, its use helps to reduce pressure, which is useful for people suffering from hypertension.

Bee pollen has the ability to accelerate cell regeneration, which makes it possible to recover faster after serious injuries and illnesses, and goes well with low calorie diet, as it provides the body with all essential vitamins and micronutrients. As you understand, the calorie content of pollen is so small that it does not harm the diet in any way.

For men

Often, representatives of the stronger sex are faced with such problems that are not spoken about aloud. You don't want to go to the doctor, but you need to decide something. And in this case on help will come bee pollen, which is often used to solve various problems of men. It is used to treat:

  • overweight;
  • impotence;
  • loss of sexual desire;
  • prostatitis.

Let's start with overweight. Often this problem occurs in people who do not eat properly in connection with work or various life problems. Pollen normalizes metabolism and gives the body all the nutrients it needs. nutrients. In addition, the trace elements contained in it fill you with energy, improve mood and reduce appetite.

Impotence and lack of sexual desire - serious problem, but often, it can be solved without going to the hospital. Bee pollen contains essential fatty acids and vitamins that help to restore its former strength.

Did you know? Bee pollen affects the number of viable sperm and increases the chance of fertilization.

Prostatitis. The disease can occur as old age as well as in middle age. Pain and frequent trips to the toilet do not allow a normal life and work, and the nature of the problem does not allow the man to inform his relatives or consult a doctor.

The use of bee pollen for the treatment of prostatitis has been investigated by many scientists. Pollen has been shown to help reduce the amount of urination at night, as well as reduce discomfort in the prostate area. At the University of Wales, it has been proven by testing that pollen extract prevents narrowing of the prostate.

It should be understood that pollen does not just delay the moment surgical intervention, and really treats a prostatitis. In addition, you will be sure that cell mutations will not be added to prostatitis, which can later develop into cancer.

For women

Women, like men, face various problems, the presence of which is difficult to admit to others. But what is bee pollen good for? female body? First, it contains a large number folic acid which is indispensable during pregnancy. By using bee product, your fetus will develop and form faster. You will exclude not only vitamin starvation, but also give the child all the necessary trace elements.

Furthermore, pollen can be used during menopause. Thanks to the presence a wide range vitamins, the process will be less painful, and since this product contains a large amount of zinc, it can also be used to rejuvenate hair and nails.

For kids

Children don't always like to eat. healthy fruits and vegetables. However, bee pollen can be imperceptibly added to food, from which it will not lose its beneficial properties, but will help the child's body to form properly.

Important! Pollen should not be given to children who have diabetes, are allergic to bee products, or have a tendency to bleed. It is also forbidden to give pollen to children under one year old.

Beneficial for bee pollen child's body for several reasons:
  • it strengthens the bones;
  • forms the cardiovascular system;
  • stimulates the immune system, protecting against viruses and pathogens;
  • improves mental and physical development;
  • improves appetite;
  • reduces excitability and normalizes sleep.

Thus, even if the child refuses to eat fruits or vegetables, his body will always be provided the right amount vitamins, trace elements and proteins, which, like a building material, form bones, muscles and organs.

Have you already seen that bee pollen has large quantity useful properties, so now let's talk about how it should be taken and in what doses.

Did you know? Beekeepers receive pollen with the help of special "pollen traps". These are special gratings that are located at the entrance to the hive. The bee, when passing through the grate, leaves a part of the pollen on it, and in one day such activity gives about 150 g of pure product.

Pollen can also be taken in pure form, however, it does not always have a sweet taste, so it is better to use it after mixing it with honey. Tasty and healthy to eat pollen with butter However, before use, it is better to grind it in a coffee grinder.

In addition to the options described, bee pollen, as a dietary supplement, can be taken dissolved in water or juice, but in this form it is less useful.

The daily dose of the substance is 15 g, however, with therapeutic purpose the dosage can be increased up to 25 g (maximum daily dose for an adult - 32 g).

Knowing how to eat pollen correctly and having an understanding of the recommended dosages, you can move on to using bee pollen to treat specific diseases and ailments.

The use of medicinal properties of bee pollen (recipes)

Let's say you know exactly what pollen is good for and how it should be used, but for treatment certain disease exact dosage is needed auxiliary components. That is why we will look at several recipes based on bee pollen.

Important! Although pollen is not medicine, an overdose of it can cause the most unpredictable consequences so please follow the instructions carefully.

Treatment of hypertension. We mix pollen with honey in a ratio of 1 to 1. You need to take the mixture 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment should not exceed 45 days. The drug is stored in a container under a lid and in a cool place.

Treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers. As in the previous case, honey and pollen are needed, which are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio and taken 3-4 times a day 2 hours before meals. If the ulcer was caused hyperacidity, then the product is diluted with 50 g boiled water(but not boiling water!), insist 2-3 hours and drink warm. The course of treatment is 1 month. The same mixture can also be taken to treat problems caused by high stomach acid.

Important! Honey and pollen cannot be added to boiling water or boiled, since all healing properties simply disappear at a temperature of 80-100 ˚С.

Obesity treatment. In a glass of warm boiled water, dilute 1 teaspoon of pollen and stir well so that it dissolves completely. Then, you need to take such a “drink” 3 times a day.

Anemia treatment. It is necessary to dilute 1 teaspoon of pollen in water and take 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month. Together with the intake of pollen, you need to eat 2-3 baked green apples daily.

There is an opinion that pollen is the second most popular bee product after honey. It's probably fair. Bee pollen or preparations based on it can be bought in ordinary or specialized pharmacies, in specialty stores and at fairs, just from familiar beekeepers. To understand why a person should use this product and what are its beneficial properties, you must first understand a little what it is.

From flower to bee house

Even people who have never been to an apiary are familiar with the picture: a bee with yellow balls on its hind legs hurriedly climbs into the entrance of the hive. Such a sweet, life-affirming spectacle is replicated in films, photographs, even in advertising.

Bees collect pollen by flying from flower to flower and knocking it down to their hind legs, on which nature prudently “built” tiny handbags. To prevent the product from spilling out, insects change its properties, pre-wetting it with their saliva, enriched with specific enzymes. It turns out a tight, moist ball - an obnozhka. It keeps tightly in the purse during the flight.

Thus, the properties of pollen differ from ordinary flower pollen only in the presence of bee saliva in it. Such a product is stored by insects in a hive in order to later turn into bee bread - "bread", with which insects feed their offspring.

But how does bee pollen end up in the beekeeper's stocks? Very simple! On the days when the pollen flows into the hive literally in a stream, they install near the notch special device- dust collector. The method of its operation is simple, but effective for collecting obnozhka. Bees are forced to pass through special small holes. Insects squeeze inside the hive, but the beehive still remains in the design of the trap, pouring into small pallets.

In the future, the product is dried in special ovens or simply in dry, hot, but dark rooms. Bee pollen must lose most of its moisture in order to retain its beneficial properties for a long time.

Why is bee pollen valued?

Plant pollen is an amazing product in its composition, it is not in vain that bees use it to feed babies, and folk healers have been using it in their practice for a long time. Scientists identified in the product following properties and components:

  • proteins;
  • various sugars;
  • carbohydrates;
  • natural antibiotics;
  • complex and rare types of fats;
  • several dozen minerals that make up many complex mineral salts;
  • vitamins, especially group B.

But after all, bee pollen, as already mentioned, is not just a product of plants, it also includes insect saliva. So, to the listed beneficial substances you can safely add various enzymes and amino acids, as well as biological hormones. It is very rich in routine, which is why it is so useful for treating and strengthening the work of the heart.

In a small article, it is difficult to list all the properties that have brought people's recognition of this nutritional supplement. Here are just a few of its benefits:

  • bee pollen is a powerful immunostimulant;
  • it is able to saturate the human body with rare substances that are not produced by the body itself;
  • bee pollen has a pronounced antibacterial effect;
  • it has properties to quickly and effectively improve blood quality;
  • due to the abundance of vitamins and enzymes stimulates sexual attraction in men;
  • in combination with honey, it is useful to use it in the treatment of colds, acute respiratory infections, and other viral diseases;
  • at therapeutic fasting the use of pollen perfectly compensates for the lack of proteins and complex fats in the body.

There are also contraindications in the use of bee pollen, they will be discussed a little later.

Methods of use

Most often, the product is consumed either in dried form or mixed with honey. Bee pollen can retain its properties at room temperature for less than a year, in the refrigerator - up to two years or more. Contraindications for its storage - high humidity, heat, exposure to sunlight.

Often obnozhka is mixed with honey in a ratio of approximately 1:1, in this form it can be stored much longer.

It is best to use one or two teaspoons of pollen on an empty stomach in the morning for treatment or prophylaxis. It is advisable not to swallow it immediately, but slowly dissolve until it practically disappears in the mouth. Gastric juice of a person sharply reduces its useful properties. Drinking pollen is also not recommended, but if it is too unpleasant, you can take a few sips of clean warm water.

It is better for children to give more sweet product for which it is mixed with honey. In this form, the product is also recommended for people who are too unpleasant for its bitter natural taste.

It should be remembered that bee pollen acts like homeopathic remedy so it is only useful in small amounts. With regular use, periodic breaks should be taken: for example, continue treatment for a month, then refrain from using it for a month or even two.

There are contraindications. It is best not to give the product to children under 5 years of age at all. Toddlers are recommended an amount 3-4 times less than adults.

Indications and contraindications

Pollen treatment has long been valued folk healers recognized by modern physicians. Of course, during an illness, it should be used only after consulting a specialist. In addition, it should be borne in mind that pollen is not a medicine, but a useful one. food supplement used in combination with other medicines.

Here are just some of the diseases in the treatment of which the product is indicated:

  • influenza, acute respiratory infections, colds: pollen acts as a powerful immunomodulator;
  • treatment of problems with nervous system, especially depression, loss of strength, various asthenic neuroses;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract: ulcers, gastritis, constipation;
  • whole spectrum cardiovascular problems, especially the treatment of atherosclerosis, anemia and hypertension;
  • treatment of problems associated with the weakening of male potency;
  • cosmetic problems: it is recommended to use in combination with honey and drone homogenate.

As already mentioned, bee pollen has its contraindications. First of all, it should not be used by people who are allergic to flowers. Also, it should not be given to small children. For pregnant women, on the contrary, there are no contraindications, pollen is very useful for them.

It is also very careful to take the product in the presence of diabetes. Contraindications for use also exist when a person has regular bleeding, because the product thins the blood, reduces its clotting.

Thus, despite the rare contraindications, bee pollen is a proven, easily accessible product, the properties of which have a beneficial effect on the human body, enriching it with rare elements. It can be used both for preventive purposes and in the treatment complex. At the same time, pollen is easy to store, and overdoses, especially single doses, are not hazardous to health. Stock up on this gift of nature, and you will never regret it!



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