Pollen and perga. Bee pollen and pollen: application, properties and differences

Everyone knows that bee bread and pollen (along with honey, propolis, beehives and beekeepers in masks) are somehow connected with bees. But if you dig a little deeper, then confusion begins, and even more often, knowledge about bee bread and pollen simply ends there. Interest in bee products is only growing in our time, so we will figure it out! πŸ™‚

For the life of a bee family, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and other elements are needed, which bees especially need in spring. All these substances they receive from the pollen of plants.
Being on the flowers, especially in the morning hours, the bees are literally showered with pollen. They clean the pollen from the body, moisten it with nectar and secretions of the salivary glands, and form pollen lumps - pollen in the baskets of the hind legs. A burden on two legs weighs from 16 to 24 mg and contains up to 3–4 million pollen grains. To collect this amount of pollen, the bee visits 200 to 500 flowers.
The pollen brought to the hive is stored by the bees in the cells of the honeycomb, compacted with the head and poured with honey. During long-term storage in cells, pollen undergoes lactic acid fermentation with the formation of lactic acid, which protects the pollen from spoilage. Thus, after a complex enzymatic process, bee bread, or bee bread, is formed from pollen and honey. This is a different product, and one cannot put an equal sign between pollen and bee bread, since the composition of pollen and bee bread is different.

Progunkov V.V. "Flower Conveyor of the South of the Far East". Journal "Beekeeping", β„–2, 2011

Bee pollen and pollen are used as food for the full growth and development of the brood (i.e., young bees). It is especially important to have such food in the spring, when you need to quickly restore the size of the family after a long winter. But in early spring there is nowhere to get pollen in nature, so the bees harvest it in the summer. Lactic acid and a full cycle of fermentation ensure the preservation of perga unchanged for at least a year. The pollen, during storage, loses its useful properties much faster.

Bee pollen, unlike pollen, is sterile, therefore it is more easily absorbed by the body, and some researchers believe that the use of pollen is possible in all cases of pollen administration, especially when a faster and stronger effect is needed. Perga has a cytotoxic effect on malignantly degenerated cells, has more pronounced antitoxic properties. Its nutritional value is 3 times higher than pollen and 9 times higher than any other pollen substitute. In terms of its antibiotic properties, perga is 3 times superior to pollen. Perga acts more efficiently and faster than bee pollen.

Khismatulina N.Z., Apitherapy. - Perm: Mobile, 2005. - 43 p.

The chemical composition, taste and appearance of both pollen and pollen depends on the plants from which the pollen was collected. By combining different types of pollen, bees receive a balanced biologically active complex of substances necessary for the full growth and development of the colony.

The color of pollen and perga is usually heterogeneous, with yellow, brown, orange, gray, green and even blue patches. The taste is spicy, with a slight sourness or bitterness.

It is better to buy bee bread and pollen directly from beekeepers. The product must not have an unpleasant odor and foreign matter (garbage). By purchasing bee products from the counters lit by the sun, you run the risk of getting a "dummy", because. in the sun, biologically active substances are destroyed very quickly.

Store bee bread and pollen in an airtight container in the refrigerator. The active substances in bee bread feel comfortable even at room temperature, but there are a lot of hunters for such a nutritious food in the heat. One day, you may find that someone (from insects) ate it faster than you. πŸ™‚

All the best!

Best regards, Galina

Important information:

Looking for Natural Vitamins? beekeeping products perga or pollen. A difficult choice for an inexperienced person. Useful article. Read and decide what to choose.

Several times in the letters and comments of readers there was a question about which or pollen is better, what is the difference between them, what to prefer and how to choose?

To make it clearer, pollen is a "semi-finished product", not a fully cooked product, and bee bread is the final product.

How are beekeeping products made of perga and pollen - obnozhka?

Bees collect pollen from flowering plants. These are special plants that need insects for pollination. Bees process pollen with saliva (the initial fermentation is in progress), roll it into lumps and drag it into the hive. They carry it on legs, so bee pollen is called pollen-pollen, so as not to be confused with pollen that a person collects mechanically.

The bees intend to make food for their offspring from their burden. And now, at the door of the house, this pollen is taken away from them, not all, of course, but a part. Well, the bees, of course, do not sue, but fly and collect new portions of flower food.

In the hive, bees put pollen into honeycombs, pour it with honey, and further fermentation-fermentation takes place. Thus, after a while, the final product is formed from pollen and honey, which is called

What is bee pollen?

Pollen - pollen - is the pollen of entomophilous plants that has undergone partial fermentation. In its biological and medicinal properties, it significantly exceeds the pollen collected by man.

Bee pollen is more biologically active and much less likely to cause allergies than pollen collected by humans (pollen from wind-pollinated plants).

What is bee bread perga?

This is a product that bees prepare for the winter, canned bees. bee bread perga It is named so not by chance - it is the main protein food for winter and spring. As if bread is important. Beekeepers say bee bread. Bees need protein.

Beekeeping products perga and pollen: their medicinal properties.

On the one hand, the properties of bee bread and pollen are very similar, so it is generally accepted that everything that is written good about bee bread is true for pollen. On the other hand, the properties of these products are very different.

Some say and write that a more "concentrated" product.

This is not entirely true, although the concentration of some elements in perga is indeed higher.

Perga is definitely a biologically more active product, and for my taste, more delicious. Perga is a more complete product.

If you stick to such a metaphor, as I suggested to you: pollen is a semi-finished product and the final product is bee bread, then this will simplify understanding and make it easier to choose.

Of course, perga is better. You can read more information about

Beekeeping products bee pollen and pollen: the difference in receipt, storage and price.

Pollen - pollen is much easier to get technically in the apiary. And the economic benefit is obvious, since the yield of pollen is not related to the yield of honey.

The beekeeper selects pollen with the help of pollen traps, as in the photo.

Picking bee bread from bees is a seasonal, not a daily job. And in a small apiary, it comes down to cutting honeycombs, grinding with honey, or pouring honey. Some write about the fact that they pick out with hairpins to get granules like in the first picture ...

Read more about how to store pollen and perga and how to choose them.

In short, in order to eat bee products of beekeeping and pollen of guaranteed quality, then this is a large manufacturer that you can trust, for example, the Tentorium company. If you pass, you will find out the details about buying in your city with a 40% discount.

To be continued.

Eat honey and be healthy! With love, Olga Osetrova.

Perga and pollen are valuable bee products that contribute to human health. No wonder beekeepers, who constantly use them, have excellent immunity and maintain vigor and clarity of mind until old age. Taste, nutritional and beneficial properties of honey, bee bread and pollen have been known since prehistoric times. And in our time, these products are necessary for people and in demand.

How pollen and bee pollen are obtained

Bee pollen is produced by processing flower pollen, which sticks to the bee's body when it touches the plant's stamens. The insect collects pollen by rolling its paws, after which it attaches to the 3rd pair of legs using the salivary glands. For 1 time, a bee brings about 20 mg of the product to the hive, 200 mg per day, 1 bee family - 1 kg per day and about 50 kg per season. Bees collect pollen for the preparation of vital food - perga. The bee family consumes 25-30% of all pollen brought into the hive, so beekeepers take part of it without harming insects. To do this, in front of the entrance to the hive, a grate with small holes is installed, squeezing through which the bee draws in its hind legs and drops a ball of pollen. It falls into a special collection. Lumps differ in color, they can be golden, yellow, dark brown. This is affected by the flower from which the pollen was collected.

The product out of the box must be dried at a temperature below 40 Β° C, its increase or decrease may lead to the loss of valuable properties. Lumps of dried pollen become hard and retain their healing properties for 6 months. It is better to store it in a tightly closed container in a dark, cool place. To increase the shelf life, pollen is mixed with honey.

The bee pollen brought to the hive is placed in wax cells of about 160 mg, young insects compact it by hitting their heads, others cover it with honey and wax to prevent air from entering. Bees create conditions for lactic acid fermentation of pollen under the action of enzymes and bacteria. After about 3 weeks, the mixture turns into bee bread, the most important protein food for growing bee offspring. It looks like small granules. Perga is especially necessary for bees in spring. The content of one cell is enough for feeding 1-2 larvae and is well absorbed by them, since the pollen is sterile. For 3 days, the mass of larvae increases by 1500 times. Perga is often called bee bread, its deficiency is reflected in the bee colony as follows:

  • waxmakers do not produce enough wax to build combs;
  • wet nurses produce less royal jelly;
  • queens stop laying eggs;
  • larvae develop worse.

From 1 bee family, without prejudice to its health and development, you can get no more than 2.5-2.8 kg of perga.

Beneficial features

Both of these products are used by beekeepers and apitherapists to treat various diseases. It is impossible to say unequivocally which of them is most useful for a person. Everyone chooses the best option for their body. It is very important that perga does not cause allergies. This makes it stand out among all beekeeping products. What is the difference between bee pollen and pollen in terms of composition?

Pollen contains potassium, magnesium, vitamins K and B. Compared to bee pollen, it contains more lipids and vitamin C. Pollen contains more proteins and fats than bee pollen, but less lactic acid and vitamins A, E, B.

Perga contains all the vitamins and amino acids necessary for a person, folic acid, phytohormones. It contains a lot of potassium, iron, cobalt, copper. During fermentation, the sugars are converted into monosaccharides. Compared to pollen, bee perga has the following increased indicators:

  • antibiotic properties - 3 times;
  • carbohydrates (fructose and glucose) - 2.5 times;
  • nutritional value - 3-5 times;

In bee bread there is a concentrated form of pantothenic acid (B3) - a recognized remedy for aging. To saturate the body with this vitamin for the season, you need to eat it for 10 days, 1 tbsp. l.

The composition of perga largely depends on the pollen of which plants it is produced from. For example, obtained from yellow acacia flowers, it contains 20 times more beta-carotene than carrots. But regardless of the content of certain useful substances, it is unique in their concentration, and therefore any bee bread is healing.

How to take perga and pollen

These products can be given to children under 1 year of age and the elderly. But you need to know how to take them correctly. Lumps of pollen, coated with enzymes, are poorly broken down by gastric juice, so they are recommended to be dissolved in water or washed down. Perga is consumed regardless of the meal. It is dissolved in the mouth within 30 minutes. You can drink only after 30 minutes. Perga or pollen mixed with honey (1:1) is especially effective. Like any drug, this beekeeping product is taken in courses, most often for 3 weeks with a break between them of 15-20 days.

For the purposes of prevention, the recommended daily allowance for adults is 10-15 g, and for children - 80-100 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Some apitherapists believe that a child under 3 years old should not be given these products, since his internal organs are not strong enough.

Despite the value, these products should be taken with caution, after consulting a doctor for individual intolerance, poor blood clotting and the following diseases:

  • oncology 3-4 degree;
  • toxic goiter;
  • uterine myoma.

In order for the remedy to have a healing effect on the body, you need to choose the right bee bread, be able to distinguish a quality product. Natural is sold in combs, but insects (for example, moth larvae) often start up in it and, if stored improperly, mold. The second option: ground bee bread with honey as a preservative. In this case, it is difficult to determine the quantitative content of the bee bread itself in the mixture, and, therefore, the value of the product. The third type is in granules. It is obtained by extracting from the granules and freeing from impurities.

Therapeutic effect

Flower pollen, perga strengthen the whole body, improve the structure of the blood. Therefore, the funds are used for anemia, for the prevention of tuberculosis. Perga is indispensable for strengthening the immune system, as it supplies the body with valuable vitamins. The maximum effect in the treatment is obtained in combination with other therapeutic agents. Perga enhances the effect of antibiotics and allows you to reduce their dose. Its beneficial properties are used to cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol.

The norms and methods of using flower perga and pollen differ in different diseases. Here are some recipes:

  1. At the initial stage of hypertension, 0.5 tsp. 3 times a day (first dose on an empty stomach). Or 1 tsp. mixes of bee bread with honey.
  2. For peptic ulcer and gastritis, take 1 tsp. dry means or 1 dessert spoon of the mixture with honey 3 times a day, and with low acidity it is recommended to use it 15-20 minutes before meals, and with increased acidity - 1.5-2 hours.
  3. For anemia, a drink is prepared: 0.5 l of warm boiled water, 100 g of honey and 40 g of pollen are mixed, kept for 3-4 days in a warm, dark place. Take 0.5 cup between meals 2-3 times a day.

More precise recommendations in each case are given by the therapist. The use of bee bread in the treatment of the cardiovascular system, especially in the elderly, leads to improved sleep and daytime activity. In coronary heart disease, the agent helps to increase the contractile activity of the myocardium. Men over 40 years of age to prevent prostatitis should consume 15 g of pollen every day.

A good result is shown by the treatment of neurasthenia and depression, including those caused by alcoholism, and with stress and exhaustion of the nervous system, the vitality rises after 7 days.

It should be noted that excessive and prolonged use of pollen or pollen does not contribute to the cure, but harms the liver, kidneys, spleen and can lead to hypervitaminosis.

The unique properties of pollen pollen and bee pollen are increasingly attracting physicians. They use these biologically active bee products for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. At present, pollen pollen and bee bread are widely used as a tonic, restorative remedy. Bee pollen and pollen pollen are prescribed to athletes and athletes, as well as to everyone who needs to recuperate as soon as possible, to persons who are often and long-term ill, pollen and pollen pollen are recommended as an immunostimulating agent. It is useful to take pollen and perga for people who are in a state of overexertion and exhaustion. The intake of these apiproducts helps to increase vitality and mood, improve adaptation to weather changes and other external factors, normalize body functions during overstrain, exhaustion, during the period of preparation for a surgical operation and after it.

To begin with, I would like to say a few words about obtaining pollen and bee bread.

Bees, visiting the flowers of plants, are covered with a layer of pollen, then, cleaning it off themselves, form pollen lumps - a pollen, which is attached to the hind legs. Then they fly into the hive and put it in the honeycomb cells. Beekeepers hang special devices on the entrances of the hives - pollen traps, passing through them the bees that arrived with the pollen lose it and this is how pollen is obtained. And if the pollen trap is not installed, the bees fold it and compact it in honeycombs, preserve it with honey, where the pollen passes lactic acid fermentation, during which the pollen grains turn into bee bread. Lactic acid fermentation of pollen is completely completed after 15 days. During fermentation, up to 3.2% of lactic acid accumulates in bee bread, which, together with compounds with antibiotic properties, ensures its preservation. Beekeepers call perga "bee bread". The bees harvest this product and use it to produce royal jelly, wax, and also to feed the brood. Pollen is the second food for bees after honey. Beekeepers get bee bread by extracting it from honeycombs.

About the difference between pollen and perga

Bee pollen is superior to pollen (bee pollen) in terms of the content of monosaccharides (since bee bread is preserved with a small amount of honey), vitamins, and enzymes. So, bee bread has almost twice as much sugar due to nectar and honey, which bees mix with it, and half as much fat, somewhat less proteins (however, they become better digestible) and minerals. Pollen pollen contains 18% sugars, and bee bread - 34.8%, fats - 3.33 and 1.58%, proteins - 24.06 and 21.74%, minerals - 2.55 and 2.43%, respectively. The qualitative composition and quantitative content of amino acids of bee pollen practically corresponds to the amino acids of the body of a bee and differs significantly from the amino acids of pollen from different plant species. The value of bee bread lies in the fact that it contains all the essential amino acids necessary for the body of vertebrates. In my opinion, the main difference between them is that bee bread contains more amino acids.


For treatment, it is recommended to use pollen harvested no more than a year ago. If it has been stored longer, use it for dietary purposes.
Within six months, pollen loses up to 25% of its nutritional value, within one year - up to 50%.

How to use

For better assimilation of pollen, it should be poured with a small amount of boiled water two hours before taking it. Under the influence of water, the shell is somewhat destroyed, and pollen is more easily assimilated by the human body. It should be taken half an hour - an hour before meals. The last dose is no later than 19 hours (since pollen has a tonic effect and can disrupt sleep).
This does not mean that unsoaked pollen is not absorbed by the body. Under the influence of digestive juices, it dissolves, and the contents of the pollen grains are released. Therefore, if the pollen has not been pre-soaked, it should be chewed well before being swallowed.

There are two different opinions about the method of administration: in the first case, it is advised to dissolve the pollen (bee bread) under the tongue like honey, in the second, just chew it and swallow it.
It is believed that it is enough to eat 2.5-5 grams per day (read about overdose and contraindications below !!!). pollen, dividing this amount into 2-3 doses. Since a teaspoon holds about 2.7 grams. pollen pollen, a single dose of it will be 1/3-1/2 teaspoon for an adult (for people with a large body weight, the dose can be increased, and for children, it can be halved).
According to A. Caias and E. A. Ludyansky, 0.2-0.5 g is enough. appointment. Large doses achieve the fastest and greatest effect, while small doses play an important stimulating role.
Since the pollen may have a slightly bitter taste, and for the purpose of better assimilation, it can be mixed with honey (I think it is better to mix the pollen already softened with water, because dried it forms fairly strong lumps). Usually mixed in a ratio of 1 to 1.
Bee perga can also be mixed with honey. The rate of intake of perga is recommended to be 1 gram per 10 kilograms of body weight per day (taken in 2-3 doses), perhaps this is due to the fact that the proportion of perga content is already slightly reduced (bees preserve it with honey), and also unlike pollen humidity and, accordingly, weight is higher because of this.

Pharmacological properties of pollen

General strengthening; tonic; antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal; anti-inflammatory; improving the activity of the cardiovascular system; anti-sclerotic; normalizing the level of blood pressure; lowering blood sugar levels; improving vegetovascular regulation; somewhat lowering blood clotting; lowering cholesterol in the blood; regulating metabolism; restoring the function of the liver tissue; improves appetite; restoring and increasing body weight; normalizing the process of digestion; inhibiting the growth of microorganisms in the intestine and regulating its function; stimulating function of the adrenal glands; stimulating urination and bile secretion; stimulating the growth of organs and tissues; stimulating the immune system; increasing endurance and adaptation of a person to various environmental factors; increasing resistance to stress: antioxidant (counteracts the oxidation of intracellular fats, which is important in the prevention of tumor diseases and for longevity); antitumor; accelerating the excretion of various poisons from the body; increasing resistance to radiation; increasing mental and physical performance; contributing to the restoration of strength during fatigue; improving the condition of the skin; rejuvenating; improving memory; improving vision; causing a decrease in signs of prostatic hypertrophy; increasing male sexual potency; promoting longevity; reinforcing effect of drugs.

Warnings and contraindications

Perga is an excellent anabolic, accelerating the growth of the body, increasing body weight, especially the endocrine glands and muscles. That is why it is not advisable to use it for "goiter" and uterine fibromyoma.
As you know, pollen is an exclusively biologically active substance, with a large amount of vitamins, microelements, biostimulants, etc. However, you should not use it excessively, as this can lead to undesirable and even dangerous consequences.
Pollen (and perga) prevent blood coagulation (clotting), which is successfully used in the prevention and treatment of heart attack, stroke, thrombophlebitis in people with increased blood clotting. But the same property can be dangerous with the immoderate use of pollen or with a tendency to bleed. The consequences can be very unfavorable. According to Dr. Moreau (France), all members of one family, who took pollen in large doses, at some point underwent hemorrhages, which stopped after refusing to take it.

From 100 g of pollen, you can get the same amount of amino acids necessary for the human body as from half a kilogram of beef or seven eggs. A person's daily need for amino acids can be covered by 30 g of pollen (the intake rate is 2.5-5 grams or 1 gram per 10 kilograms of body weight per day). Plant pollen can serve as an excellent source of obtaining a large amount of carotene (provitamin A). So, in the pollen of a lily and yellow acacia, it is 20 times more than in red carrots, and in fact it is considered the main producer of this vitamin. Exceptionally rich in pollen and rutin (vitamin P), which is called the vitamin of youth. One gram of it contains so many daily doses of this vitamin that it can protect several people from bleeding in the brain, retina and heart. Thanks to its nourishing and regenerating properties, pollen has a good effect on the skin of the face, prevents the appearance of wrinkles. It is widely used in cosmetics for the manufacture of various creams.

Biological properties of pollen and perga

As already mentioned, flower pollen has a complex composition and exceptionally high biological activity. Moreover, all its components are quantitatively balanced, which allows the use of pollen in the prevention and treatment of most diseases. The experience of many generations of beekeepers and healers, as well as clinical and experimental studies, testify to its high efficiency without any side effects, with the exception of one, but very important - pollen allergy. It will be discussed at the end, and now we will consider the possibilities of using pollen and bee bread in the treatment of specific diseases and groups of diseases. Everything that is said about pollen fully applies to both pollen and pollen (and vice versa). I note that there are practically no contraindications for bee bread, if the dosages are not exceeded.
Most often and with high efficiency, the adaptogenic properties of pollen, its general strengthening and immunostimulating properties are used. Pollen and bee pollen are useful for healthy people as a prophylactic agent and during high physical and psycho-emotional stress. In sick people, they help to increase the body's defenses, stimulate hematopoiesis, wound healing, reduce inflammation, normalize sleep and appetite, increase sexual desire and male sexual potency, and cause a decrease in signs of prostatic hypertrophy.
As an immunostimulating agent, with physical and mental fatigue, during and after a long illness, it should be taken 1/3-1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day before meals for three to four weeks. When using a mixture of pollen with honey in a ratio of 1:1, its dose is 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day, and if the mixture is prepared in a ratio of 1:2, then it is taken 1 dessert spoon 2-3 times a day. For children, the dose is halved. Weakened patients should take two monthly courses of pollen (perga) with a break of ten days.
From the point of view of efficiency and medicinal properties, perga is more preferable, because. it contains a complete set of enzymes, both plant and bee. In addition, it is highly digestible.
Perga is a unique storehouse of vitamins and microelements. With their deficiency in the human body, there is no more effective medicine, although you can’t call bee bread a medicine, because it is very tasty. Bees make this product so balanced in composition that no patented multivitamin can compare with it.
Perga is a great natural, safe anabolic. The larvae of worker bees that feed on bee bread grow 1,500 times in a few days. The use of bee bread gives good results in terms of improving weight gain, sleep, increasing the number of red blood cells and appetite in children, especially those suffering from diabetes, goiter, congenital adrenal hyperplasia. It should be noted that bee bread is tasty, which cannot be said about most medicines. Children eat sour bee bread very well, especially with honey.
Pollen and perga are successfully used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Their intake, both in pure form and mixed with honey, has a positive effect on coronary heart disease. Potassium and magnesium improve the activity of the heart muscle. The indicators of lipid metabolism improve, the heart rate normalizes, physical performance increases, etc.
With myocarditis, myocardial dystrophy, heart defects and rheumatism, taking pollen in its pure form or mixed with honey also helps to increase the contractile strength of the myocardium and normalize its function.
In the treatment of hypertension, especially in the initial stage, the effect of taking bee pollen and pollen is very high. The average dose of pollen per intake is 1/2 teaspoon 3 times a day on an empty stomach for three weeks. Taking pollen with honey (1:1) also gives good results. This has been confirmed on an outpatient basis (N.P. Yorish). Take pollen with honey in a teaspoon also on an empty stomach three times a day. The course of treatment after a two-week break can be repeated.

Pollen allergy and its prevention

Almost all plants of the nature around us are endowed with healing power, known to people since ancient times. Moreover, it is precisely those plants that are direct neighbors that are more effective. In addition, some plants emit phytoncides (volatile ether compounds), which freshen the air, are harmful to bacteria, and normalize the state of the nervous system. However, some plants, predominantly flowering plants, have negative allergic effects on a small proportion of people. This happens, as a rule, during the flowering of these plants and is called pollen allergy. An allergic reaction to phytoncides is also possible.
Pollen allergy manifests itself in different ways. It can be conjunctivitis, rhinitis, sneezing, swelling, rash, headache, etc. In more severe cases, fever and bronchial asthma.
In different people, pollen allergies can manifest themselves on the pollen of different plants. Plants that are not allergic to pollen in a particular person should not be used for treatment. In central Russia, perhaps the most common allergen is poplar fluff. The peak of allergic diseases falls on the period of mass flowering of plants - from April to August. Allergic diseases caused by pollen are called hay fever. They are aggravated in dry and windy weather and weaken or completely stop in rainy weather.
Allergic reactions are especially susceptible to children, because their immune system is still imperfect and unable to quickly adapt the body. Sometimes the cause of this can be heredity, but not always only she is to blame. Formula feeding, excessive consumption of sweets (especially sugar and sweets) are also likely causes of allergies. I never get tired of repeating that the best and most useful sweetness is natural bee honey. From childhood, accustoming a child to it, parents lay the foundation for a strong and healthy body.
With age, a child can recover from hay fever even without the use of drugs. In contrast, beekeepers can develop allergies after years of painless work with bees and contact with pollen.
There are at least two mechanisms for the occurrence of allergies. One of them is a consequence of a dysfunction of the immune system that protects the body from exposure to foreign substances (antigens). As a result, instead of immunity to the allergen, an excessively high sensitivity to it appears.
The non-immunological mechanism of allergy is that the allergen disrupts the activity of the enzyme systems of the body. The consequence of this are unusual metabolic products that cause an allergic reaction.
People suffering from hay fever and other types of allergies should not self-medicate. It is necessary to consult with an allergist and follow all his recommendations, including when using traditional medicine medicines. The result of neglect of prevention and treatment can be both exacerbation of existing diseases and bronchial asthma.
Paradoxically, it is bee products, to which a small part of people are allergic, that are effective medicines for it. They not only strengthen the immune system, but, thanks to proteins and some of the constituents of polysaccharides, they are themselves powerful antigens.
Preventing pollen allergies is no different from preventing other types of allergies. Contact with flowering plants should be avoided by spending more time indoors during their flowering period. Not everyone can afford it, but it is necessary to strive for this. Medicines should not be abused. The rejection of bad habits and emotions, as well as the observance of the regime, rational nutrition and physical culture have already been mentioned above.

Before talking about which is better - perga or pollen - you need to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat it is. It is worth emphasizing right away that treatment with both bee bread and pollen is extremely useful. Both of these products are effective in the treatment of many ailments, namely, with, and,. You will learn about the benefits of bee pollen and pollen, as well as how to use them, below.

What is the difference between perga and pollen and what are their benefits

What is the difference between bee pollen and pollen and what do they contain?

Pollen- this is a derivative of plants at the time of direct sampling by a bee and within a day after the withdrawal.

perga called pollen, laid and tamped by bees in cells of honeycombs. Then it is filled with honey and sealed. In the absence of oxygen, under the action of enzymes, bacteria and yeast fungi, lactic acid fermentation of pollen occurs, resulting in bee pollen. Compared to pollen, pollen contains much more vitamins (K, group B) and microelements.

The use of bee bread for medicinal purposes is much more effective than pollen.

The bees moisten the pollen with a special composition of their glands, add honey and nectar (from the proboscis), then put everything in the honeycomb, where honey and nectar are again added. There, pollen after a while turns into lumps. This is the perga.

Look at the photo, what is the difference between perga and pollen, and it will immediately become clear to you what each of these products is:

How to use bee perga and pollen for treatment?

How to use pollen to treat neuroses and heart attacks?

Recipe 1

Required. 1 tablespoon honey, 1 teaspoon pollen.

Cooking. Mix ingredients.

Application. Take the resulting remedy in the morning and after dinner daily, 1 tablespoon for 2 weeks with neurosis.

Recipe 2

Required. 1 part flower pollen, honey.

Cooking. Mix pollen and honey.

Application. Take the prepared remedy 2 tablespoons on an empty stomach 1 time per day for myocardial infarction. Conduct two 30-day courses with a 3-month break.

How to use bee perga in chronic pancreatitis, ulcerative and duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis?

Recipe 3

Required. 1 tablespoon of perga, honey.

Cooking. Mix the components.

Application. Take 30 minutes before each meal in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis.

Recipe 4

Required. 1 tablespoon of perga, 200 ml of water.

Cooking. Dilute bee pollen in warm water, strain.

Application. Take 0.5 cup 2 times a day 1 hour before meals for gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis.

Note. Treatment should last 30 days. During it, you can not drink alcohol and other medicines should be taken with caution.

And how to use perga for the treatment of colitis and chronic kidney disease?

Recipe 5

Required. 1 teaspoon of perga, 150 ml of water.

Cooking. Dilute bee bread in boiled water, leave for 2-3 hours.

Application. When colitis, drink all the remedy received during the day, taking a small sip and shaking before; use. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months. During the year it can be repeated 3-4 times.

Recipe 6

Required. 100 g of perga, honey.

Cooking. Mix ingredients.

Application. Take 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals for chronic kidney disease. The course of treatment is 1.5 months. If necessary, the course can be repeated after 2 weeks.



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