The benefits and harms of bee pollen for women and men. Secrets of bee pollen: a flower gift in our kitchen

The benefits of beekeeping products do not need additional confirmation: they are well known to both doctors and beekeepers. All other people enjoy honey and other results of the vital activity of hardworking insects, using them for the prevention and treatment of all body systems. Moreover, the apiary turns out to be an almost waste-free production: not only honey and the pollen from which it is made are valued, but also wax, royal jelly and other components and products of hives. Bees take from nature and bring here all the best in order to greatly increase its properties through their own processing.

If you visit an apiary or even walk between the “honey” rows at the market, you will be amazed at the diversity of bee activity and its productivity. But still, despite the large assortment, pay special attention to bee pollen. It can be sold in different packages, in pure form or mixed with honey, but none of this detracts from its miraculous qualities. However, in order to use it, you need to be able to find and choose a quality product. And it’s good to be aware of what exactly you are purchasing and for what purpose, as well as how you are going to take bee pollen.

Difference between bee and flower pollen
As you know, bees leave the hive every day in search of flowering plants. Sitting on a flower, they dip their paws, covered with many tiny fibers, into the middle, consisting of stamens covered with pollen. The pollen sticks to the bee's legs and moves on them to the hive, where it receives a name from the professional vocabulary of beekeepers: pollen (that is, pollen from the bee's legs). Designed by nature for plant propagation, it contains so many biologically active components that it becomes a nutritious product for humans.

Flower pollen contains the supply of amino acids (protein), carbohydrates, fats and minerals necessary for the birth of a new life. Phytohormones, enzymes and natural antibiotics in its composition are designed to protect the plant and have a similar effect on the human body. The amount of elements contained in flower pollen, as well as the set of amino acids and their concentration, make it possible to equate it to restorative agents for people experiencing nutritional deficiencies, restoring health after illness and/or exhaustion.

But even so, flower pollen is just a raw material for the production of bee bread, or bee pollen. Having brought pollen from the flower stamens to the hive, each bee places it in the cells of the honeycomb, “marinates” it with lactic acid and pours it with honey. Bee pollen preserved in this way becomes several times more nutritious and is used by bees as protein and carbohydrate food. Well, man, having learned about its existence and properties, adapted to extract and use bee pollen for his own interests.

Ways to take bee pollen
The beebread itself has a rather specific aroma and taste, a bit reminiscent of domestically produced multivitamins, and therefore not to everyone’s taste. Today, there are four main forms of storing and receiving bee pollen, each of which has its own characteristics:

  1. Bee bread in honeycombs is not subject to artificial influence and has the most natural shape and composition. On the one hand, this preserves the optimal composition of bee pollen. On the other hand, in honeycombs it deteriorates faster, contributes to dampness and pest damage, and also contains traces of wax and bee cocoons.
  2. Ground beebread- These are beebread honeycombs, crushed into powder and flavored with honey. It is better stored, but contains much less bee pollen itself.
  3. Granulated beebread- this is a substance that was extracted from the honeycomb, and then cleaned of foreign impurities and dried. It can be stored for a long time and at the same time retain its original composition, because people only purified it without changing it in any way.
  4. In the mix with other products: bee pollen is crushed and combined with oil, honey or even jam - in a word, with any binding substance that at the same time improves the taste of the drug. It is known that bee pollen exhibits its properties especially effectively when mixed with dry mustard.
Applications of bee pollen
Bee pollen is widely used for the prevention and treatment of a wide variety of pathologies. Methods of its use vary depending on the indication, dosage and form of administration. But the main feature that determines the effectiveness of this natural remedy is not entirely obvious at first glance. The fact is that, despite the amazing richness of its chemical composition, bee pollen contains all the valuable substances in fairly small quantities. If doctors had to proceed from the literal absorption of them by the patient’s body, then they would have to prescribe beebread in large portions.

But nature decreed otherwise: in the human body, bee pollen does not literally replenish the reserves of vitamins and organic substances, but acts as a powerful catalyst and activates all production and regeneration processes. And then the body itself produces exactly those nutrients it needs. But in order for these biochemical reactions to proceed correctly, you need to know how to take bee pollen in the most common cases:
All these recommendations are also good because they bring only benefits, without harm or side effects. Even allergy sufferers can take bee pollen without fear because all allergens are neutralized by the bee processing in the hives. Therefore, even completely healthy and vigorous people will not hurt to enrich their diet with beebread. To do this, it is enough to dissolve it under the tongue half an hour before morning and evening meals. During this period, after taking pollen and before eating, you should not drink or take other medications.

But even effective and safe apitherapy may simply be useless if a low-quality drug is used. Therefore, pay attention to the rules for choosing bee pollen and remember them before making a purchase at the market or pharmacy:

  1. Make sure that the pollen you are about to purchase is actually collected by bees and not by human hands. Modern technologies make it possible to collect pollen without the help of insects, but without contact with bees, pollen does not acquire all its healing properties.
  2. Bee pollen must be fresh for use: after three months of storage it loses a third of its properties, after six months - half, and then turns into empty ballast.
  3. Try to hold a portion of pollen while dissolving in your mouth for as long as possible until it is completely dissolved.
The instructions are quite simple, but following them is very important for optimal effectiveness of bee pollen intake. Train yourself and your loved ones to take courses of taking it at least once every season for two to three weeks - and you will notice how much stronger, more cheerful and positively disposed you will become. Use natural products and be healthy!

pollen, collected by a working bee on various plants, has truly unique healing and restorative properties for humans, and holds the secrets of youth and longevity.

Due to their great richness in vitamins and microelements, pollen and beebread are used in complex therapy in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, inflammation of the meninges, nervous and mental diseases, endocrine system disorders, and prevents hemorrhages.

Especially weakened people who have had infectious diseases, as well as patients in the postoperative period, are very useful to give a mixture consisting of 100 g of oil, 50 g of honey, 25 g of pollen or bee bread. It is recommended to give this mixture, spread on bread, 2 times a day. When using this mixture, impotence is prevented.

You can also take bee bread or pollen with honey instead of this mixture at a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2, 1-2 teaspoons 2-3 times a day. Pollen is a good biostimulant and a strong gerontological remedy. Treatment with pollen or beebread increases the percentage of hemoglobin in the blood, causes appetite, vigor and promotes weight gain and growth.

Pollen is a good remedy for the treatment of prostate adenoma. Take 15-20 g of pollen or bee bread (daily dose) 2 times a day 15 minutes before meals, preferably with honey.

Flower pollen in combination with honey (in a weight ratio of 1:1 and 1:2 honey) is successfully used for hypertension, as well as for diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems.

We prepare medicinal mixtures.

60 g of pollen and 300 g of liquid honey (dissolved). Mix, place in a dark container and store at room temperature. A week after fermentation, the mixture can be consumed, stirring thoroughly before use. Take 2-3 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon 15-20 minutes before meals.

20 g pollen, 75 g fresh aloe juice, 500 g honey. First, stir the pollen and honey, then add the mixture to fresh aloe juice and stir. Store in a cool, dark place. Take 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. Treats chronic and atonic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis with insufficient acidity.

Mix 10 g of pollen, 50 g of liquid honey, 100 g of fresh milk. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals for anemia.

The course of treatment with these mixtures is 1-1.5 months, then you can take a break for 2-3 weeks. If necessary, the course is repeated. There are no contraindications to taking honey-pollen mixtures.

Colitis, enterocolitis, chronic stomach disorders. Pour 800 ml of cold boiled water into an enamel bowl, dissolve 180 g of natural bee honey in it and, with constant stirring, add 50 g of pollen to the solution. Keep the resulting mixture for several days at room temperature. Take half a glass or two-thirds of a glass 3 times a day before meals for 1-1.5 months. For these diseases, you can also consume pollen in its pure form, one teaspoon 3 times a day before meals for 1-1.5 months.

Chronic gastritis, duodenitis, cholecystitis, spastic colitis. Take 10 g of pollen 20-30 minutes before meals 3 times a day for 20 days.

Gastritis with impaired secretory function, chronic pancreatitis, chronic nephritis. Take 1 teaspoon of pollen 15-20 minutes before meals, 2 times a day for 1.5 months.

Liver disease . Mix a teaspoon of pollen with a tablespoon of honey and take it after lunch. Duration of treatment is 1-1.5 months.

Hypertension. Flower pollen and natural bee honey, taken in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2, mix well and take one teaspoon 3 times a day before meals for 1.5-2 months.

Functional disorders of the cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems. Take 10 g of pollen half an hour before meals 3 times a day for 20 days.

Chronic kidney diseases. Mix pollen with honey in a 1:1 ratio. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day, dissolving in the mouth. The course is 1.5 months, after a two-week break the course of treatment is repeated. It is very good to simultaneously drink infusions of medicinal herbs indicated for these diseases.

Senile weakness. Take pollen one teaspoon 15-30 minutes before meals, washed down with milk, 3 times a day for 1-1.5 months.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis with high acidity. Mix pollen with honey in a 1:1 ratio, dilute a dessert spoon of the mixture in 50 g of boiled water and leave for 2-3 hours. Take the infusion warm (this helps reduce high acidity) a dessert spoon 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. The result will be better if you take additional infusions of medicinal herbs indicated for peptic ulcers and gastritis with high acidity.

Gastritis with low acidity. Mix pollen with honey in a 1:1 ratio and dilute a dessert spoon of the resulting mixture in 50 g of warm boiled water, leave for 2-3 hours. Drink the resulting solution cold, which promotes the secretion of gastric juice and increased acidity, 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month. After a 10-day break, repeat the course. You can enhance the effectiveness of treatment by taking herbal infusions indicated for gastritis with low acidity.

Diabetes. Take half a teaspoon of pollen 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. It is best to hold it in your mouth until it dissolves, but you need to keep in mind that it is quite bitter.

For diabetes. Prepare the collection: dandelion, roots - 35, blueberries, leaves - 35, stinging nettle, leaves - 30. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of the crushed collection into a thermos with 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours, strain and drink 0.5 cups 4-5 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals. At the same time, take 1/2-1/3 teaspoon of pollen or bee bread (pre-fill a single dose of pollen with 50 ml of boiled water, leave for 3-4 hours, then drink) 2-3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.

For anemia. Take 0.5-1 teaspoon of pollen 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month, if necessary it is repeated after a 1-2 week break.

For neuroses, neurasthenia take 0.5-1 teaspoon, depending on the patient’s weight, pollen or better bee bread 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks. A mixture of pollen and honey in a 1:1 ratio is more effective. Both the pollen and the mixture should be poured with a small amount of water, left for 2-3 hours, and then taken.

For chronic kidney diseases Mix flower pollen with honey in a 1:1 ratio, take 1 teaspoon or dessert spoon 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, pour pollen with honey into 50-100 ml of boiled water, leave for 2-3 hours, then drink. The course of treatment is 1.5 months. After a 2-week break it is repeated.

Common intake of pollen.

Once a day, 1 teaspoon with the same amount of honey, be sure to dissolve in the mouth, half an hour before meals. After resorption in the mouth, flower pollen should not be washed down with water; it is better to abstain from any liquid for 15-20 minutes after ingestion. The course of treatment, depending on the disease, is from 20 days to a month.

How to properly treat yourself with pollen:
1. Try buy pollen pollen , i.e. pollen collected directly by bees;
2. If you buy pollen packaged in gelatin capsules, pour the pollen out of these capsules and take it “live”;
3. Be sure to suck the pollen in your mouth like a lollipop;
4. Pollen often has a bitter taste, so it is recommended to add half a teaspoon of honey to it;
5. After taking pollen, it is advisable not to drink or take any liquid for 15-20 minutes.

If you follow these rules (using pollen), then there is a guarantee that pollen will not be wasted, but will bring you long-awaited health. Pollen also stimulates the growth and regeneration of damaged tissues, including liver tissue, which leads to the restoration of its function. Pollen normalizes the activity of the nervous and endocrine systems. Therefore, it is advisable to take flower pollen for insomnia, neuroses, neurasthenia, depression and other nervous disorders, as well as for diseases associated with insufficient functionality of the endocrine system: thyroid adenoma, acromegaly, hyperinsulinism, diabetes, endemic goiter.

The ancient Greek healer Hippocrates attached particular importance to pollen and successfully used it to treat many diseases. The ancient Greeks believed that honey and pollen were foods that preserved life and youth.

Flower pollen contains proteins, fats, sugars, mineral salts, many different vitamins, amino acids, phytohormones and phytoncides. Pollen contains many elements from D.I. Mendeleev’s table, but the level of their content, of course, depends on which plants the bees brought this pollen from.

In any case, it is clear how carefully nature preserves everything useful for humans, even in the smallest flowers, and with what great effort a tiny bee gets this wealth for us. All that remains is to enjoy these benefits and give thanks.

If pollen contains so many different beneficial substances, then most likely it can be used in the treatment of various diseases? Yes this is true. Some diseases can be treated, but to a greater extent, pollen is used as a general tonic or complementary to basic medications.

Pollen contains much more nutrients than honey. It should be noted that the protein content of pollen exceeds that of many other food products (from 7 to 30%). Or, for example, this product contains amino acids that the human body itself does not produce, but we need them, therefore, the supply of these substances must occur through food.

It all depends on us, what kind of food we eat - how healthy is it for us? Flower pollen helps correct our dietary mistakes. Nowadays, more and more people are becoming either completely vegetarian or avoiding a lot of meat products in their food. In addition, many products leave much to be desired - they are refined, subjected to heat or even chemical treatment. And this deprives them of most of the substances important to humans. Flower pollen will make up for this deficiency and increase the rate of restoration of body cells. It contains many minerals and is a source of energy for the human body.

Flower pollen contains vitamins that help strengthen capillary walls and increase the resistance of the immune system. Pollen is the richest source of vitamins A, E, C, D, P, PP, K and B vitamins. Pollen contains a lot of potassium, iron, copper, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, manganese, iodine and many other elements.

It is known that pollen contains rare biologically active substances:

  • phospholipids (lecithin);
  • ethanolaminephosphoglycerides (kephalin);
  • inositolphosphoglycerides;
  • phosphatidylserines.

All of them are valuable because they are part of the cell membranes of the human body and take an active part in metabolism.

Pollen contains phytosterols, some of which act as anti-atherosclerotic agents and reduce cholesterol levels in the body.

Flower pollen contains lipids and carbohydrates. And that is not all. Scientists confirm that the pollen of all plants contains carotenoids, which are converted in the human body into vitamin A and vitamin C. And these vitamins are vital for us for growth, vision and protection from various diseases, as well as for the normal functioning of the skin and mucous membranes.

Beneficial properties of pollen and indications for use

Flower pollen can strengthen the human body and stimulate the process of cellular regeneration. It can be used as a product for recovery after a serious illness or surgery, for elderly people or simply weakened people. Flower pollen is not a panacea for all diseases, but it can significantly enhance the healing effect of many medicines.
If you have to engage in mental activity for a long time and diligently, then flower pollen is simply necessary, because it contains a whole storehouse of useful substances that will have a very effective effect on the human brain, increasing its capabilities, sharpness and power of perception.

At any age, various hormonal disorders occur, but this is especially noticeable in old age. Therefore, pollen will help normalize hormonal balance. It can also give good results in cases of senile weakness and senile dementia in the early stages of the disease.
The use of pollen is effective in stressful situations, as well as for people prone to depression, neuroses, insomnia, neurasthenia and other nervous disorders.

Pollen is also useful for hypertensive patients. If you mix pollen with honey in a 1:2 ratio and take the resulting mixture one teaspoon 3 times a day, the pressure will decrease, but much more mildly than when treated with synthetic agents. In fact, pollen helps treat various cardiovascular diseases.

Flower pollen can protect against hemorrhage in the brain, heart and retina. For anemia, pollen will increase hemoglobin levels. To do this, consume pollen 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon, mixing in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 with honey.
Effective in the treatment of prostate adenoma. It is enough to take 15-20 g of pollen with honey 2 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 3 - 4 weeks, then a month break. And so cyclic techniques should be repeated throughout the year.

What benefits can you get from pollen quickly?

1. Improved appetite.
2. Normalization of the body’s condition after merciless diets and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
3. Improving the state of the nervous system and relieving psychological stress.
4. General improvement in the condition of a weakened body.
5. There is an improvement in blood composition.

How to use pollen

1. Pollen should be taken for no more than 3 - 4 weeks, then take a break.
2. For all cases of disease, pollen can be taken before meals 1 time per day, 1 teaspoon with the same amount of honey. In some cases, you should stick to two or three times a day. You should not take pollen before bed.
3. After taking pollen, it is not recommended to take any liquid for 15-20 minutes.
4. Pollen can be stored for a long time in a dark and cool place. The shelf life of dry pollen is 2 years, pollen in honey is up to 5 years.

Flower pollen for facial beauty

The regenerating and nutritional properties of pollen are a wonderful preventative against wrinkles. Thanks to these properties, the skin will be smoother and more elastic.
Here are some tips. Cleanse your face with slightly warm water. Take a few grains, add a few drops of warm water and a little honey, stir. Apply this mask for 15 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water as well. This mask perfectly nourishes and tones the skin.
With 1 tsp. flower pollen mix 1 tbsp. l. white cosmetic clay, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and olive or peach oil. Mix and apply to face for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. This mask can be done once a week. Beauty will be on the face.

Contraindications for pollen

Usually, when thinking about plants, they immediately remember an allergy to them. However, scientists say that allergies from pollen are extremely rare. Let’s make a reservation right away, here we mean pollen fermented by bees, and not the pollen that we collected from flowers. But some people experience allergic reactions to honey in the form of runny nose, itching, headache, watery eyes, etc.
1. Since pollen is a tonic, it should not be used later than 19-20 hours.
2. In case of diabetes, it is also not recommended to use pollen with honey.
3. Dosage must be observed...
4. Before using pollen as a remedy, consult your doctor.
5. Pollen is usually taken as a food product to enrich our diet with substances that are not found in ordinary foods or are extremely scarce.

Pollen, or pollen, as it is popularly called, is another beekeeping product that has found its place in human life. The little workers work hard to create each individual granule to feed their offspring with pollen. And beekeepers extract the resulting pollen because they know that it has amazing medicinal properties. How to take bee pollen correctly is further in the article.

You can purchase pollen directly from our apiary "Sviy honey".

Interesting fact: Do not confuse the intake of flower pollen with bee pollen. The first is a dust-like substance that is formed in flower buds, while the second is a product subsequently processed by little workers. How to take pollen in its natural form? It's almost unreal. But bees collect pollen on their paws and impregnate it with a special enzyme. As a result, we get multi-colored miniature granules, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Article on the topic: Bee pollen: effective help from Nature

We are sure that you have already heard about the beneficial properties of bee pollen if you are looking for an answer to the question of how to take it. We will talk about this later in the article.


To understand how to take pollen correctly, you first need to decide on the exact dosage. It all depends on your age and health status.

For children

Consumption of pollen involves the following doses:

  • children from 3 to 7 years old - ½ teaspoon once a day
  • children from 8 to 12 years old - ½ teaspoon 2 times a day

Article on the topic: TOP 5 most useful bee products for children

Please note that pollen consumption is not recommended for children under 3 years of age. This is due to the fact that the product is a potential allergen. And your child will still be too young to inform you in time about any symptoms of individual intolerance.

For adults

For preventive purposes, adults only need to take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day. If you plan to use a natural product to treat any disease, we recommend that you first consult with your doctor. He, at his discretion, can change the dosages described above.

There is no difference between how to take bee pollen for men and women. The only exception is if a representative of the stronger sex is undergoing treatment for any disease of the reproductive system (prostatitis, impotence, infertility, etc.). Often, doctors recommend taking 1 tablespoon of pollen per day, divided into 2-3 doses.

Article on the topic: Bee products against male problems

To old people

According to reviews about how older people should take bee pollen, there is no need to make any special changes in the preventive dosage. The daily intake of a natural product is about 15 grams, which is equal to 1 tablespoon.

Many people advise not to split this dose into several doses, but to use it once a day - preferably in the morning and on an empty stomach. However, such a rule does not have any significant advantages.

Article on the topic:

A clear answer to the question “How should women take bee pollen during pregnancy?” No. Some argue that a standard preventive dose (1 teaspoon 2 times a day) will help the full development of the fetus and have a positive effect on the health of the expectant mother.

Others believe that it is necessary to increase the norm to 1 tablespoon per day, since the body of a pregnant woman requires more vitamins and minerals. Therefore, we recommend that you first consult with your doctor.


Is it permissible to use pollen for people suffering from diabetes? Doctors disagree on the correct answer. But they are united in one thing: pollen cannot be present in your daily diet. It can be used strictly as directed by the attending physician, and also in strictly defined doses.

Article on the topic: Can you eat honey if you have diabetes?

The use of bee pollen by diabetics should be limited to 1 teaspoon per day. It is recommended to eat it in the first half of the day - either immediately before breakfast, or in between meals.

Rules for using pollen

The use of bee (flower) pollen is associated with certain rules. Only by strictly observing each of them will you be able to achieve effective therapeutic effects:

  • The pollen should not be swallowed immediately. First, you need to chew it thoroughly and mix it thoroughly with saliva. This way, you can literally get the most out of the beneficial properties of the product.
  • It is not recommended to eat pollen, nor to drink water. You should take a break of at least 40 minutes between taking the medicine and your next meal.
  • The daily intake (15-20 grams) is recommended to be divided into 2-3 doses. The first should take place in the morning and on an empty stomach, and the last - no later than 19:00, because... the product has an invigorating effect, which may threaten you with insomnia if taken later.
  • preventive course of bee product use - 1 month. It is recommended to carry out it 3 times a year - in late autumn, winter and early spring - when the lack of vitamins is especially acute in the human body.
  • Between courses of treatment you should definitely take a break. Its duration is at least 4 weeks.

How should children who refuse to take bee pollen take it? In this case, it is permissible to break one of the rules - not to eat the pollen. If necessary, you can add a natural product to porridge or other dish intended for your baby. Pollen has a slight sweetish taste, so it will not spoil your child’s favorite treat.

How to take pollen in granules will tell you the instructions, which are always included with each pharmaceutical product.

Folk recipes

Just like taking bee pollen in its pure form, it can be taken mixed with other ingredients. In some cases, this will enhance the therapeutic effect and speed up the treatment process. The specific method of using pollen depends on the expected result.

With honey. The ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions and blended with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Acacia honey is best suited for this purpose. There is no difference between taking pollen with and without honey. Follow the same dosages and the same rules. It is believed that such a recipe will significantly enhance the beneficial properties of pollen.

Article on the topic: Pollen with honey: doubly beneficial!

With herbal decoction . It is enough to drink pollen with a glass of infusion immediately after swallowing. The specific type of herbs should be chosen depending on the “weak” place in the body. For example, for diseases of the cardiovascular system, the following will be especially relevant: chamomile, mint, linden, lemon balm, calendula, yarrow, dandelion. And for problems with the gastrointestinal tract: plantain leaves, cudweed, St. John's wort, centaury, cumin.

Articles on the topic:

Bee pollen for the cardiovascular system

Beekeeping products against gastritis and ulcers

With nuts and dried fruits . This recipe is the most correct answer to the question of how to take bee pollen to strengthen the immune system. Mix 50 grams of prunes, dried apricots, raisins, and peeled walnuts. Add 2 tablespoons of pollen and honey. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

With olive oil . Mix 1 dessert spoon of pollen and oil. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach, washed down with fresh apple juice. This recipe will help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improve appetite, speed up metabolism, and get rid of constipation.

With banana and milk . Based on these ingredients, you can prepare a tasty and healthy tonic cocktail. For 200 ml of milk you will need ⅔ banana and 1 teaspoon of pollen. You can also add 1 teaspoon of honey. Whisk until smooth and drink twice a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening 40 minutes before dinner.

With flax seeds . 100 grams of seeds must be ground in a coffee grinder and the same amount of pollen must be added. Some sources recommend using an additional 50 grams of golden root and angelica root. According to reviews on how to take bee pollen, this recipe has a positive effect on brain function: improves blood circulation and memory, relieves migraines, and also prevents vascular sclerosis.

With royal jelly . Combine all the ingredients together: 20 grams of pollen (2 heaped teaspoons), 2 grams of native royal jelly (about 8-10 royal jelly) and 0.5 liters of honey. Mix thoroughly until smooth. How to use pollen with honey and milk: ½ teaspoon 3 times a day. This remedy will help normalize the functioning of the nervous system: improve concentration and sleep, relieve stress.

Article on the topic: What is royal jelly?


Bee pollen can bring both benefit and harm - if it is taken by those for whom it is contraindicated or if the permissible dosage is exceeded.

Firstly, treatment is contraindicated for those who suffer from individual intolerance to bee products. Therefore, before starting use, we recommend that you undergo an appropriate examination.

In addition, the product has the following contraindications for use:

  • chronic failure or other liver diseases
  • decreased level of blood clotting
  • hypervitaminosis
  • increased excitability of the nervous system
  • oncological diseases

Please note that in the latter case, pollen can be a medicine. But before use, we recommend that you consult your doctor.


Wikipedia: Bee pollen

Video "Bee pollen for treatment and prevention"

Bee pollen or plant pollen. What to choose?

Until the 20th century, people collected and took pollen only collected by bees, received its healing effect and became healthier. And then, at the end of the 20th century, with the use of modern technologies, humanity learned to collect pollen without participation. The amount of pollen on pharmacy shelves has increased, the price has dropped noticeably - this is, of course, a plus. But there is a huge difference between and simple, one might even say an abyss.
When collecting pollen, they enrich it with their salivary glands, which contain special hormones that are involved in feeding the young - the younger generations of bees. Moreover, these salivary glands contain enzymes that kill allergens in pollen and it becomes harmless to allergy sufferers, unlike.
I think that you need to remember or better learn, how to take bee pollen correctly, but it’s best to write it down. Pollen, honey and other bee products are perfectly absorbed with saliva. It needs to be sucked like candy so that the pollen remains in the mouth for as long as possible. Then all the most useful things are absorbed into the body through the blood. If you were taught to drink bee bread with water, forget it, because if you use it like that, you will not get any effect other than high-calorie food. This is probably the main reason why people who used this medicine did not get the expected effect.

Ways to use bee pollen

I collect pollen and prepare it for sale in 2 versions:
1) in its natural form - I collect pollen, dry it to the required humidity in compliance with all technological standards, and then package it.
2) Mixed with honey - I pour the collected pollen into a glass container and fill it with spring or. Once soaked, the pollen and honey are ready for use.
I consider the second method to be more effective, since apitherapists have proven that pollen is best consumed with honey to achieve the best effect.

How to take bee pollen. Pollen dosage

To determine the daily dose, apitherapists have not agreed on one solution. It ranges from 7.5 to 32 grams per day.
The famous apitherapist M. M. Frenkel used high dosages of bee pollen in his practice - the daily dose for an adult is 32 g, and the maintenance dose is 20 g.
My respected A. F. Sinyakov considers the optimal dosage of pollen to be 5 g. V. Korsunov. In his practice he used 10 g. in a day.

For your guidance:

- 1 teaspoon – 5g. bee pollen;
- 1 dessert – 10 gr. pollen;
- 1 tablespoon – 15 gr.
In our practice, we have come to the conclusion that the optimal dosage how to take bee pollen is this:
1) for an adult is 1 teaspoon in the morning half an hour before meals and 1 teaspoon in the evening no later than 18.00 half an hour before meals.
2) for children 3-5 years old – 1/3 teaspoon 2 times a day
3) for children 6-12 years old – half a teaspoon 2 times a day;
4) 13 years and over – 2/3 teaspoon 2 times a day
In the evening, you should not consume bee pollen later than 18.00, as it is very active and can cause problems with sleep.
I also strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor before starting use.
The course of taking bee pollen is 1 month. Next, you need to take a break for 1-2 months and start using again.

- Take 1 course in October before the progression of ARVI and to boost immunity.
- The second course in January to support the immune system.
- Third course in late March early April.
This recipe has already been tested on many patients and gives excellent results.


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