Discussion on how to take duphaston to get pregnant. The nuances of admission in different cases

- a synthetic progestogen drug that increases the content of native progesterone in the blood. - a natural progesterone preparation that can be drunk during pregnancy, miscarriage, hormonal disorders associated with insufficiency of the corpus luteum. Often during pregnancy, utrogestan and duphaston are prescribed simultaneously. Is it possible to take these two drugs together, will there be negative consequences for the fetus from such an appointment? This question is of great concern to expectant mothers.

Are drugs prescribed together?

It is really possible to take utrogestan and duphaston, but such appointments are given only during pregnancy with a clear lack of progesterone in the body in the early stages, as well as with the threat of miscarriage and placental abruption. Often there are cases that a woman took one duphaston, but it did not affect the increase in the reference indicators of the hormone progesterone. In this case, an additional appointment of utrogestan is shown, but in the form of vaginal suppositories, so that there is no risk of an overdose of the hormone. The intravaginal method of using the drug is good because it contributes to the rapid entry of the medicinal component to the uterus, so the effect is manifested from the intake almost immediately.

In what other cases are medicines prescribed together?

If a woman becomes pregnant through in vitro fertilization, then both drugs are prescribed together to create suitable conditions for the development of the embryo. This appointment allows you to maintain an optimal hormonal background in the body and prevents the occurrence of spontaneous abortion in the early stages. Also, during the period of gestation, both of these medications can be prescribed for prophylactic purposes if:

  • Pregnancy was difficult, and the woman was previously treated for infertility for a long period of time
  • Previous pregnancies ended unsuccessfully - miscarriages, miscarriages, abortions
  • Last time a woman gave birth prematurely
  • Gynecological diseases in history
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Uterine anomalies.

If a woman has uterine bleeding and direct signs of a miscarriage, then it is necessary to go to the hospital, where the maximum possible dosages of progesterone will be prescribed in order to prevent spontaneous interruption of the gestation of the fetus.

In the second trimester, especially after 20 weeks, duphaston is no longer prescribed orally, as the work of the digestive system of the pregnant woman changes, due to which the oral form of the synthetic progestogen becomes practically inactive. Intravaginal administration of utrogestan improves the strength of the cervix, and also prevents the onset of preterm labor. In the third trimester after 34 weeks, the use of any gestagens is contraindicated.

For every woman, pregnancy planning is not only an important step in life, but also a crucial moment. And so the approach to the event must be appropriate. At the beginning, it is worth consulting with a gynecologist, who, based on the tests and the examination, will be able to recommend certain vitamins that the expectant mother and fetus need. Utrozhestan is one of these drugs. His reception is often prescribed not only at the stage of pregnancy planning, but also during the period of bearing a child. Why Utrozhestan is prescribed during pregnancy, as well as to whom it can help, you will learn from this article.

Every woman wants to get pregnant quickly, endure and give birth to a beautiful healthy baby without any problems. Therefore, it is so important to follow the right lifestyle, visit a doctor in a timely manner and, if necessary, take vitamins.

It is not uncommon for situations when, when planning a pregnancy, the desired result cannot be achieved immediately. In most cases, this is due to the fact that the female body fails due to insufficient production of progesterone. Therefore, doctors prescribe Utrozhestan when planning a pregnancy.

What is it and for whom is it intended?

Utrozhestan is a hormonal drug. In fact, it is a synthetic analogue of the natural hormone progesterone. This drug, unlike the natural hormone, has one hundred percent absorption, which ensures excellent digestibility by the intestines. This tool is available in 2 pharmaceutical forms, each of which is accompanied by instructions. These are capsules and suppositories.

Utrozhestan is prescribed when planning pregnancy, if, according to analyzes, there is a lack of progesterone in the woman's body.

Basically, the consequences of this phenomenon can be manifestations of a number of diseases:

  • neoplasms and structural seals of the mammary glands;
  • bleeding;
  • hyperplasia of the endometrium of the uterus;
  • lack of ovulation and menstrual irregularities;
  • infertility.

Sometimes, due to a lack of this hormone, pregnancy is disrupted (miscarriage). Utrozhestan is prescribed to prevent all the adverse effects of progesterone deficiency. In some cases, it is recommended to take it during the planning period, as well as in the early stages of an "interesting" situation.

Often, doctors prescribe the simultaneous administration of Utrozhestan and other similar drugs (Dufaston, Proginova, etc.). This is necessary to reduce the risk of developing certain diseases against the background of long-term use of a hormonal drug.

According to the data contained in the instructions for the hormonal drug Utrozhestan, its main properties are:

  • decrease in unwanted activity (tonus) of the muscles of the uterus;
  • normalization of endometrial production;
  • accelerated absorption of glucose by the body;
  • change and normalization of the functions of the mammary glands;
  • restoration of the body as a whole, preparing it for pregnancy.

It is necessary to take Utrozhestan when planning pregnancy in order to get nervous relaxation due to an increase in body temperature. It is this factor that has an effect on the body, contributing to its preparation for future fertilization and gestation.

Doctors noticed that those who were helped by this drug during planning did not encounter complications during pregnancy.

Benefits and side effects of hormonal drugs

The fact that you can take not only Utrozhestan when planning a pregnancy, but also other means at the same time (Dufaston, Proginova), leads many ladies to a dead end. After all, the question immediately arises, to whom it is better to use what drugs. The answer is simple enough. Some remedies are considered more effective, however, they act identically. This is due to the fact that the drugs of this line are considered analogues of progesterone. Therefore, there cannot be a definite answer. And Utrozhestan, and Dufaston, and Proginova, in general, like many other medications, have advantages and at the same time contraindications for use.

So, for example, the advantages of the first synthetic progesterone Utrozhestan include:

  • the absence of high blood pressure when using;
  • lack of swelling of the legs;
  • does not contribute to the growth of body weight;
  • has an effective effect in the treatment of hyperandrogenism.

But, despite this, it is not recommended to take it for women suffering from varicose veins, diseases of the kidneys, liver, thrombophlebitis. Also, you should not take the drug when planning pregnancy for those who have individual intolerance to the components of the drug. It is better to give preference to other drugs (Dufaston, Proginova, etc.) for women with a diagnosis of diabetes, disorders in the nervous system, heart disease.

Duphaston, unlike Utrozhestan, has several other advantages. For example, taking the drug does not characterize such concomitant phenomena as:

  • drowsiness and weakness;
  • miscarriage, premature birth;
  • toxic effects on the liver.

At the same time, if you take Duphaston in preparation for IVF, it has a beneficial effect on the body. Thus, Duphaston has helped many couples when planning a pregnancy using this method. In addition, many years of practice and a large number of medical studies only confirm the positive effect of the drug. But you should carefully follow the doctor's recommendations, because taking this drug can also cause side effects in the form of bleeding from the uterus. Therefore, women who have individual intolerance, kidney disease and lactation period have contraindications to the use of this remedy.

Along with the above drugs, Proginova, which is also a synthetic analogue, but estrogen hormones, is considered one of the best when planning pregnancy. It serves as a favorable background for progesterone, which greatly increases the likelihood of fertilization in the shortest possible time. Therefore, it is recommended to take it simultaneously with other hormone therapy.

Like Utrozhestan, Duphaston and other pharmacological preparations, Proginov has a number of contraindications. So, taking the drug is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as girls under the age of 18. In addition, contraindications are:

As well as Duphaston, Proginov's reception is also possible with IVF. In this case, the drug creates a favorable hormonal background of a substitution nature, which increases the chances of a positive result when planning a pregnancy. In addition, the pharmaceutical drug Proginova helped many to get rid of discomfort and other consequences during menopause and castration syndrome.

How are hormonal drugs taken?

Reception of Utrozhestan during pregnancy planning and at the time of its course is different. Therefore, the information contained in the instructions may not be relevant specifically for your case. To prevent problems, it is worth visiting a doctor and following his recommendations regarding the course of treatment with a pharmacological drug.

In general, the daily dose of Utrogestan is no more than 400 mg. It depends on the level of the hormone in the woman's body, which can be determined according to the results of the tests.

If the doctor prescribed you to take a hormonal remedy (Utrozhestan, Duphaston) during planning, then it is worth extending the course for another 3-5 months. In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions of a specialist and consult with him regularly. An abrupt cessation of taking hormonal medications can lead to not very favorable consequences (a change in the hormonal background and the phenomena arising from this).

Not all women have equally high opportunities to conceive and carry a child. During pregnancy, Duphaston and Utrozhestan are simultaneously prescribed if the patient has a progesterone deficiency. Both drugs are analogues of the hormone and allow you to carry the fetus normally. There are a lot of problems related to reproductive function. Most of them are represented by hormonal disorders.

When to prescribe medication

When planning a pregnancy, a woman should undergo a series of examinations and consult with a gynecologist. A doctor may prescribe hormonal drugs for the following problems:
  • infertility due to lack of hormones;
  • irregular monthly cycle or lack of menstruation;
  • habitual miscarriage;
  • menacing spontaneous abortion(if it is caused by progesterone deficiency);
  • signs endometriosis.
Both agents help to improve the properties of the endometrium of the uterus, and also strengthen the implantation of the fetal egg. Therefore, with the threat of rejection, Dufaston and Utrozhestan together help to save the unborn child.

General information about Duphaston

This drug is a synthetic drug that is similar in structure and pharmacological properties to progesterone. The active substance is called dydrogesterone. Unlike natural progesterones, Duphaston:
  • does not affect the body weight of a woman;
  • does not suppress ovulation;
  • do not contribute to increased hair growth;
  • does not affect the hormonal background of the fetus;
  • does not impair the properties of the blood;
  • does not impair liver function.
Among the side effects of the drug, the occurrence of uterine bleeding is noted. However, they are rare and indicate improper treatment.

If you drink Duphaston and Utrozhestan at the same time, no additional negative effects appear. Contraindication to the use of the drug is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Duphaston should only be taken as directed by a doctor. There are also features in its cancellation. You can not stop taking at one time, you should gradually reduce the dosage. Depending on the individual, the withdrawal of the drug can take from a couple of days to several weeks.

General information about Utrozhestan

A modern drug, which, unlike Duphaston, is made from plant materials. It can be used in two forms: capsules and vaginal suppositories. In addition to the effects common with Duphaston, Utrozhestan also has some unique properties:
  • improves the condition of the skin;
  • competes with male sex hormones and reduces their quantity;
  • suppresses oxytocin, therefore, more effectively stops a threatened miscarriage (reduces the tone of the uterus, prevents its contraction).
All positive and negative effects are more pronounced with oral medication. During pregnancy, the simultaneous use of Duphaston and Utrogestan increases the dose of progesterone in the blood. So that the amount of the hormone is not too large, Utrozhestan is prescribed vaginally.

Among the side effects of Utrozhestan, a slight increase in temperature is noted. It also has a depressing effect on the nervous system, causing drowsiness. A contraindication to prescribing the drug is a serious pathology of the liver.


At the doctor's appointment, be sure to find out if Dufaston and Utrozhestan can be taken at the same time in your case, and strictly adhere to his recommendations. This will help save the life and health of the unborn child. Girls usually doubt whether it is possible to take drugs together, since they are analogues of each other. However, in some situations, the simultaneous use of Duphaston and Utrozhestan is fully justified.

Together, both drugs are prescribed if:

  • the lack of progesterone is too great, and its administration is required in various ways;
  • a change from one drug to another is required (may be due to poor absorption of synthetic progesterone);
  • need to reinforce the action of one drug by another.
Despite the fact that Duphaston and Utrogestan are analogs of progesterone, their structure and method of entry into the body are slightly different, which allows the drugs to be used together. There will be no additional side effects from this intake. The essence of the joint appointment is to ensure the absorption of progesterone by various methods, thereby increasing its dose in the body.

Also, some patients do not perceive the synthetic structure of Duphaston, so taking the drug does not help solve the problem. In such situations, it is replaced by Utrozhestan. Since the reception of Duphaston stops gradually, for some time both drugs are drunk together.

When symptoms of a threatening condition arise, especially if there have already been miscarriages and facts of losing a child, then all means must be used to save the baby's life.

You can take Duphaston and Utrozhestan at the same time, but this will not affect the safety of the pregnancy. It is much better and more effective to use these drugs not simultaneously, but sequentially.

For each period of gestation of the embryo and fetus, Progesterone preparations can have the maximum therapeutic effect if these drugs are used correctly, strictly following the doctor's recommendations.

Table. The significance of Progesterone preparations in the preparation and gestation:

Duphaston Utrozhestan
Preparing for pregnancy +++ +
Conception +++ +++
1 trimester +++ +++
2 trimester + +++
3rd trimester ++

Stage of preparation for conception

Not all women, especially those over the age of 30, can easily and naturally get pregnant. Often it is necessary to carry out special preparation for conception.

In any case, all women need to go through all the stages of preconception preparation before pregnancy in order to increase the chances of a favorable conception, calm bearing and the birth of a healthy child.

If, during the examination, the doctor found changes and disorders in the reproductive system that may prevent the onset of pregnancy, then treatment will be required. Indications for the use of Progesterone preparations will be the following conditions:

  • insufficiency of the yellow body;
  • low levels of progesterone in the blood;
  • scanty or irregular menstruation;
  • thin inner layer in the uterus, revealed by ultrasound;
  • the presence of gynecological pathology (myoma, endometriosis);
  • chronic inflammation in the uterine cavity;
  • endocrine diseases:
  • secondary or temporary hyperprolactinemia;
  • vascular disorders in the pelvic area;
  • changes in the blood coagulation system with the risk of thrombosis.

In each case, the doctor will make a decision individually, but in most situations at this stage it is better to take Dufaston tablets according to the scheme proposed by the doctor. The drug is taken orally and acts on the entire body, providing the maximum positive effect on all organs and systems involved in preparing for conception. Utrozhestan capsules work great at this stage, but this drug is most effective when applied topically when pregnancy has already occurred.

First weeks after conception

A happy event happened: the strip test showed 2 strips. The time of joy should not be overshadowed by unpleasant symptoms of a threatening condition.

To prevent even a minimal risk for the embryo at the stage of implantation, it is necessary to create maximum conditions in the uterus.

This is exactly what Duphaston can provide, which must be taken at the dose indicated by the doctor. Sometimes the minimum amounts of the drug are enough, but if the need arises, the doctor will prescribe the maximum dosage.

If conception occurred in an unnatural way (IVF), then Utrozhestan can be taken in the form of vaginal capsules to preserve the embryo. In this case, a much better effect will be from the local effect of Progesterone preparations on the organs of the reproductive system and the rapidly growing embryo.

1 trimester

In the first months, the embryo does not have good protection from external influences, because the placenta is not formed. In this difficult time, all necessary conditions must be observed in order to save the life of the fetus. At this stage, you can take Duphaston or Utrozhestan, choosing one or the other.

You can not overdo it, using very large doses of drugs or, contrary to the advice of a doctor, immediately take Duphaston and Utrozhestan at the same time. Indications for the use of Progesterone preparations will be the following conditions:

  • pulling pain in the abdomen;
  • any variant of bleeding from the genital tract;
  • detection on ultrasound of symptoms of a threatening condition.

Often the doctor will prescribe Duphaston or Utrozhestan for prophylactic purposes. Indications for this will be the following situations:

  • pregnancy after prolonged infertility;
  • pregnancy as a result of IVF;
  • miscarriages, abortions and miscarriages in the past;
  • previous pregnancy ended in premature birth;
  • the presence of gynecological diseases;
  • anomalies in the development of the uterus;
  • endocrine diseases.

It is important to take a sufficient dose of medication. To save the embryo against the background of the appearance of blood from the vagina, it will be necessary to carry out treatment in the hospital with the maximum doses of Progesterone preparations.

2 trimester

After 20 weeks, it makes no sense to take Dufaston inside, because due to the peculiarities of the digestive system of a pregnant woman, most of the drug will be destroyed.

In addition, the formed placenta is able to produce Progesterone in sufficient quantities, which dramatically reduces the need of the female body for the medicine coming from outside. However, it is far from always possible to do without the local use of the drug. Utrozhestan in the 2nd trimester is often used by doctors. The indications for this are:

  • shortening of the cervix;
  • increased uterine tone;
  • the risk of vascular complications against the background of preeclampsia;
  • effect on the blood coagulation system with a tendency to thrombosis.

Utrozhestan, when administered locally, is able to maintain the length and strength of the cervix, which ensures the prevention of premature birth in women with early disclosure of the exit from the fetus.

3rd trimester

Duphaston is not recommended for use at the end of pregnancy, and Utrozhestan is allowed only if indicated. If there is a risk of premature birth due to a shortened neck, then the doctor will prescribe Utrozhestan locally. After 34 weeks, a pregnant woman should not take any progesterone preparations.

There is no point in taking Duphaston and Utrozhestan during pregnancy at the same time. It is optimal to do as the doctor says: if there is evidence, then it is better to prepare for conception and maintain pregnancy in the first weeks of embryo development with the help of Duphaston.

It is difficult to find at least one mom who would never take any medication. It can be both vitamins and “more serious” means. So, doctors prescribe Dufaston and Utrozhestan during pregnancy planning and if there is a threat of miscarriage. What is common and what is the difference between these drugs, which is better or?

Doctors prescribe Dufaston or Utrozhestan if there is a threat of abortion. They have a positive effect on the attachment of the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus and the further bearing of the baby (especially in the early stages until the new hormonal background of the expectant mother is fully formed). If too little progesterone is produced in the body, the immune system begins to perceive the fetus as something alien. This leads to exfoliation of the fetal egg.

The difference between drugs

Utrozhestan is currently the only drug that is progesterone in a natural micronized form. This tool is a complete analogue of progesterone produced by the body.

Duphaston is a progestogen hormone that has a strong effect on the body. According to the molecular structure, Duphaston is very close to the progesterone produced by the body. Due to this compliance, the drug allows you to create all the necessary conditions for a high-quality course of pregnancy.

Thus, Utrozhestan is a natural progesterone, and Duphaston is a synthetic analogue of a natural hormone. It cannot be said that any one option is better. It all depends on the impact on the woman's body. For example, Duphaston has such a contraindication as intolerance to the active substance.

Release form

Utrozhestan is available in the form of capsules,

which can be used for oral administration and intravaginally, like suppositories (prescribed if a woman has serious liver disease, when taking capsules is contraindicated, as well as with severe toxicosis).

Duphaston is for oral use only, it looks like oral tablets.

What's better?

Progesterone-based drugs have been used since the 1960s. At that time, taking such drugs most often led to the birth of babies with malformations. Nowadays, the pharmaceutical industry has reached a new level and progesterone preparations have appeared on the market without any side effects. Utrozhestan and Duphaston became such drugs.

Which of the two drugs based on progesterone to choose, the doctor decides, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. He prescribes the desired treatment regimen and dosage.

Utrozhestan has the following properties:

  • This drug works even if a woman has an excess of male hormones.
  • It does not affect the condition of the fetus, does not provoke the development of pathologies in it.
  • Utrozhestan does not lead to weight gain and swelling.
  • Does not affect the blood pressure of the expectant mother.

Duphaston entered the arsenal of doctors much earlier than Utrozhestan, it has been tested by a large number of patients and has a number of advantages:

Especially often Duphaston is prescribed for IVF. This is explained by the fact that during in vitro fertilization, it is the artificially synthesized hormone that has the best effect on the survival of the embryo.

Is it possible to take Duphaston and Utrozhestan at the same time?

Sometimes doctors prescribe patients to take two progesterone-containing drugs at the same time. This is necessary to reduce the likelihood of developing certain diseases associated with long-term use of hormonal drugs. In addition, this is due to different forms of drugs. Duphaston is prescribed orally, and in addition to it, utrogestan is invaginally. In this case, it is extremely important to follow the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

In the case of the appointment of a pregnant Duphaston or Utrozhestan, it is necessary to approach this with all responsibility. These are hormonal drugs, the effect of which on the body can be purely individual. Strictly follow the doctor's prescriptions, as the slightest deviation from the prescribed dosage can lead to serious health problems.

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Duphaston and Utrozhestan are hormonal drugs, which are used directly to maintain pregnancy. According to statistics, every second pregnancy comes with complications, so the use of hormonal drugs of this category is simply necessary to save the life of the baby.

Duphaston and Utrozhestan. What is the difference?

Description of the drug Duphaston

The main ingredient in Duphaston dydrogesterone, which in its qualitative composition and structure is very similar to progesterone. It has been proven that this compound does not have a pronounced androgenic activity, therefore it does not cause side reactions that are characteristic of groups of substances with such properties.

This substance is the main progestogenic element in HRT. In addition, it contributes to the preservation of the lipid composition of blood plasma, but at the same time does not violate the level of blood clotting indicators, in particular coagulation.

An important role is played by the course of the drug. As soon as the necessary concentration is created in the human body, the drug creates ideal conditions for conception and preservation of the fetus during the threat of miscarriage.

Main indications

Prescribed with a deficiency of natural hormones in organism. So the conditions that are characterized by a lack of progesterone include:

  • infertility, of various genesis, including due to the lack of
    lutein hormone;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • risk of miscarriage;

In addition, it is considered the main component of hormone replacement therapy.

Contraindications for use

The main restriction on admission is specific intolerance to the main component of the drug. Can be taken during pregnancy, however, during the period of breastfeeding, it should be abandoned, since dydrogesterone is excreted in breast milk.

How to use Duphaston

Due to the fact that it is used for the most common gynecological diseases, the regimens for its administration are very different. As mentioned earlier, it is used in the treatment of endometriosis, the treatment of premenstrual syndrome, infertility and many other diseases. As a rule, when taking the drug, the cyclic activity of the eggs in the female body is strictly controlled. The most common treatment regimen is the drug 10-day courses from the 5th to the 25th day of the cycle in the treatment of endometriosis, and from the 11th or 14th to the 25th day of the cycle, in the treatment of infertility and premenstrual syndrome. In the treatment of infertility, such a scheme
persists for next 6 or more cycles. As for the constant oral intake of hormonal contraceptives, the combination of taking Duphaston and these drugs is quite possible.

Side effects of duphaston

Primary, or frequently occurring, side effects of the drug are migraine, soreness and engorgement of the mammary glands. Extremely rarely there are peripheral edema and pain in the lower abdomen. In exceptional cases, bleeding and hemolytic anemia are possible.

Description of the drug Utrozhestan

What is it? Unlike its synthetic counterpart, it is natural and contains natural progesterone in its composition. This substance is not only a progestogen that produces the corpus luteum, but also interacting with the cells of the nerve endings of target organs stimulates the release of ribonucleic acid.

Natural progesterone has a direct effect on endometrial cells.

It significantly reduces the contractility of endometrial cells, thereby stimulates the growth of the terminal elements of the mammary glands. An important function of this gestagen is transfer of the uterine mucosa from the phase of cell growth to the phase of prostaglandin production that promote the promotion of eggs. This provides more comfortable conditions for conception and further development of the embryo.

It should be noted that the peculiarity of the drug is both its oral administration and vaginal administration.

In the case of oral administration, progesterone is absorbed through the epithelial cells of the stomach. As a result, its quantitative the content in the blood plasma gradually increases, reaching its maximum 3 hours after the first dose. When inserted into the vagina absorption occurs through the intestinal villi, the maximum rate in this case is observed after an hour.

Indications for use Utrozhestan

Due to the fact that the drug is taken both orally and intravaginally, indications for use for these methods of administration will be slightly different.

The main indications for oral administration will be:

  • amenorrhea;
  • infertility due to low concentration of natural
  • fibrous formations of the mammary glands
  • hormone therapy in combination with contraceptives

With vaginal administration, the main indications will be:

  • prevention of preterm birth in women;
  • support for lutein levels;
  • the threat of abortion;
  • infertility due to lutein deficiency;
  • hormone replacement therapy for progesterone deficiency.

Contraindications to taking Utrozhestan

The main contraindication to taking the drug is venous thrombosis and serious thromboembolic disorders that can cause a heart attack or stroke. In addition, it can be noted unexplained uterine bleeding and malignant cell growth, since progesterone can cause active growth of pathological tissue.

It is worth noting that intake during pregnancy possible only intravaginally, oral administration in this case is not possible. The period of breastfeeding is not a contraindication, however, due to the fact that progesterone is concentrated in mother's milk, it is better to stop taking the drug during this period.

Take the drug with extreme caution with chronic kidney disease, as well as progressive bronchial asthma and lower respiratory tract diseases.

How to use Utrozhestan

The manufacturer declared two doses of the drug - 100 and 200 mg. is a gelatin capsule with a liquid content that is perfectly absorbed, both when taken orally and when administered vaginally. The average daily dose of the substance, as a rule, is 200-300 mg and should not exceed 600 mg.

The course of treatment depends on the complexity and individual characteristics of the patient.

In case of infertility, the drug is taken at a standard dose of 200 mg, starting from the 17th day of the cycle continuously for two weeks;

To prevent abortive miscarriage, it is injected deep into the vagina at a dose of 200 mg at night. This scheme is followed from the 22nd to the 34th week of pregnancy.

To maintain the level of lutein at a certain level, the daily dose is increased to 400 mg.

Side effects

Quite often occurring adverse reactions are headache, bloating, absence of the menstrual cycle or its violation. In addition, drowsiness, turning into vertigo, is noted. Quite rarely, vomiting, diarrhea, itching occur.

To compare drugs, you can give a table:

Main active ingredient Dydrogesterone (synthetic analogue of natural
Progesterone (natural progesterone made from
natural raw materials)
Side effects No side effects that are typical for
natural progesterone
Weakness, drowsiness, turning into vertigo
Method of administration oralOral Intravaginal
Advantages of one over the other Proven effectiveness during IVF preparation; High safety confirmed by clinical
Does not increase body weight;

Used in the treatment of hyperandrogenism;

By inhibiting the synthesis of oxytocin, it lowers
contractility of the uterus

Does not affect blood pressure.

Duphaston and Utrozhestan, which is better?

Comparing its synthetic analogue, it can be noted that the indications for the use of both are very similar, but this does not make them analogous from a chemical point of view. Therefore, choosing between them, you should first of all listen to the expert's opinion.

Duphaston and Utrozhestan at the same time during pregnancy, is this possible?

Many expectant mothers are afraid of the simultaneous use during pregnancy. However, we hasten to reassure you, such an application is possible. However, from a medical point of view, the simultaneous use of two drugs does not give much efficiency. It is much better to take these drugs not at the same time, but sequentially, alternating courses.

Problems with conceiving often occur because the body lacks a hormone called progesterone, which prepares the endometrium to accept the egg. The hormone of pregnancy also ensures its normal course. To replenish the reserves of progesterone helps its synthetic analogue - the drug "Dufaston".

How to drink medicine correctly

In any case, it is possible to take it only in agreement with the attending physician. It is necessary to drink the drug in accordance with the scheme or instructions - when the second half of the cycle began its countdown.

The active components of the tablets do not affect ovulation itself and do not cause its inhibition. Their task is to prepare the inner layer of the reproductive organ for adoption and subsequent implantation fertilized cell.

The drug is drunk 1 capsule twice a day, starting from the 11th or 14th day of the cycle. A more precise date is determined by passing tests.

You need to finish taking the medicine on the 25th day of the cycle.

When the course of taking "Duphaston" is completely completed, and there is still no pregnancy, the drug is no longer used. It does not give hormonal disruptions, so the body calmly tolerates its presence or absence.

Features of treatment with an irregular cycle

When clear periodicity the menstrual cycle is not observed, then the use of the drug is permissible only after ovulation has passed. If you take pills until the egg has left the ovaries, you can get the exact opposite effect.

The active components of the drug in this case will act overwhelmingly. If the cycle is irregular, then you need to consult a doctor, take tests to determine the day the ovulation starts, or measure your basal body temperature and calculate it yourself.

You can also track the moment of release of the egg using ultrasound, but it is better not to use this method often, so that once again no mechanical impact on a sensitive organism.

Reception scheme

Drinking "Duphaston" in order to get pregnant is necessary in accordance with a certain scheme:

  • When the tests revealed a lack of the necessary hormone, 1 capsule is prescribed in the morning and evening, starting from the 14th and ending with the 25th day of the cycle.
  • In the absence of pregnancy after the use of synthetic progesterone, regular menstruation will begin.
  • If it is not possible to get pregnant after a three-month period, an additional examination is carried out, and then the dose of the medication is doubled - up to 2 tablets per day from 14 to 25 days menstrual cycle.
  • When diagnosing a habitual miscarriage, the drug should be taken 2 capsules per day - in the morning and evening. Reception of "Duphaston" in this case does not stop even after the moment of implantation of a fertilized egg in the endometrium. You will need to drink it until the fifth month. Then the dosage is gradually reduced.

Before meals and after meals

It is advisable to take the drug half an hour before a meal for its effective absorption by the body, but every woman's reaction for medication is individual. Some suffer from an attack of nausea if taken on an empty stomach. This can be caused by damage to the gastric mucosa as a result of ulcers, gastritis.

How to drink the drug for endometriosis

When endometriosis is concerned, it can be treated with the drug Duphaston. It will help reduce pain, will not suppress ovulation and disrupt the menstrual cycle.

While taking the medicine, it becomes easier to get pregnant due to the active work of the active components of the drug. With endometriosis, it is prescribed in an amount of 10 mg from 2 to 3 times a day from 5 to 25 days of the menstrual cycle. Therapy lasts from six months to 9 months.

What is the required dosage

It is determined in consultation with the attending physician, but if it is necessary to take urgent measures, but there is no opportunity to consult, the dose is determined by the instructions.

With infertility, "Duphaston" is taken 10 mg every day in order to become pregnant, from 14 to 25 days of the cycle for six months. If there is a threat of abortion, 40 mg of the drug is drunk at a time, and then 1 tablet at intervals of 8 hours until the condition stabilizes.

If there is no menstruation for a long time, but there is no pregnancy, then taking the drug is accompanied by taking estrogens 1 time per day. With uterine bleeding, 10 mg of the drug is prescribed twice a day.

Features of admission, if the cycle is 25 days

A normal time indicator of a menstrual cycle in women can be considered a frequency from 24 days to 35, therefore, even in the same person the cycle can change with a difference of 10 days, and this will not be considered a deviation. Therefore, on the 14th day of the cycle, if it is 25 days, it is already too late to drink the drug.

It is necessary to learn how to independently determine the days when a fertilized egg leaves the ovaries. To do this, you need to measure your basal body temperature every day - put a thermometer in your mouth, rectum or vagina in the morning. The procedure is done within a month.

Temperature on the day of ovulation rise a little higher, than usual. After that, or the next day, you can start taking the drug in accordance with the instructions.

If the cycle is 30 days

When a woman's menstrual cycle is exactly a month, it makes no sense to take Duphaston on the fourteenth day after it starts, so you can only do harm. In this case, it is recommended, as with a 25-day cycle, to measure the basal temperature during the month.

For convenience, you can use special electronic thermometers, they quickly determine the temperature and give more accurate information. When the day of ovulation is determined, you can start taking the drug - 1 capsule twice a day for two weeks.

This period is desirable to coordinate with the doctor.

Why is it important to take Duphaston after ovulation?

If you calculate the duration of the cycle and the approximate day the fertilized egg is released incorrectly and start taking the medicine ahead of time, then the effect will be the opposite.

Pregnancy in this case will not take place. In order for the implantation of the cell into the endometrium to be successful, it is important to correctly calculate the day of ovulation and only after it start drinking the drug in the prescribed doses. Then the inner surface of the uterus will be ready accept a fertilized egg and the pregnancy will proceed in a healthy way.

With the correct use of Duphaston, an interesting situation will not take long.

Carefully study the instructions before using the drug, consult your doctor in time and take into account the duration of the menstrual cycle for the optimal choice of the day of ovulation - the happiness of motherhood is in your hands.

As it happens, when the menstrual cycle is stable, nothing needs to be taken to ovulate. But if you look around, you can see a lot of girls attending antenatal clinics, taking tests, undergoing treatment. Often, problems with conception are caused by hormonal disorders, and one of the drugs that solve these problems and is prescribed when planning a pregnancy is Duphaston. We'll talk about him.

When tests show that there is little in the body, doctors recommend the drug Duphaston. This remedy helps to restore normal and helps to get pregnant.

The medicine is prescribed when the body does not produce the right amount of progesterone. Sometimes it is not canceled until the third trimester - at this time it is already formed that produces progesterone. Even for a pregnant woman and a baby, the drug is absolutely safe. It also does not affect blood clotting, does not adversely affect the liver.

Is it possible to get pregnant after taking Duphaston? Yes, many gynecologists recommend this remedy, as it has shown itself to be excellent.

You can get pregnant on Duphaston - it compensates for the lack of progesterone and is its synthetic counterpart.

Doctors prescribe the drug in cases where problems with conception are associated with a lack of a hormone:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • amenorrhea.

It is important for the patient to know exactly how to drink Duphaston in order to get pregnant. The drug must be drunk on certain days of the menstrual cycle, otherwise it can act as a contraceptive.

Does Dufaston help to get pregnant? Yes, because it contains artificial progesterone, called the "pregnancy hormone." Under natural conditions, its production occurs in the postovular days of the cycle, preparing the uterus for a possible conception. To determine whether the cause of problems with conception is a deviation in the hormonal background, you need to contact the antenatal clinic and take tests.

How to drink the drug Duphaston when planning a pregnancy in the near future? It is usually taken from the 16th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle. If pregnancy has occurred, then the reception continues until the 20th week, after which the dosage is gradually reduced.

Doctors prescribe the drug for at least three months. If conception has not occurred during this time, Duphaston can be taken up to 6 months.

The effect of the drug on the cycle

In a healthy woman, menstruation should be monthly. Infrequent cycle failures may be tolerable if they are intermittent. Long delays can be caused by an insufficient amount of progesterone. The indication for taking Duphaston is amenorrhea, which is caused by a malfunction of the ovaries. When “secondary amenorrhea” is diagnosed (no periods for more than 6 months), doctors prescribe hormonal treatment, which is combined with exercise and diet.

They drink Duphaston in the second phase of the cycle, making up for the deficiency of progesterone. Menstruation while taking the drug should become regular.

Sometimes women themselves begin to take the drug to combat amenorrhea without first consulting a doctor. This cannot be done, because even greater disturbances in the endocrine system may appear, which will be very difficult to cope with.

The drug can help prevent bleeding that occurs in the middle of the cycle, it also reduces pain during critical days. But to have a positive effect, you need to drink it regularly.

Contraindications for admission

Will Duphaston help me get pregnant? Of course, yes, but doctors must take into account both indications and contraindications for taking it. Wrong attitude to this issue can adversely affect a woman's health.

The main contraindications are as follows:

  • chronic renal failure;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • hereditary pathologies, for example, Dubin-Johnson and Rotor syndromes.

Before you drink Duphaston when planning a long-awaited pregnancy, you need to pay attention to your health. For example, if a patient has problems with the cardiovascular system or diabetes, then she needs to be careful when taking this drug. The doctor must constantly monitor the state of her health.

You can safely take Dufaston in order to get pregnant, as it is safe. The same applies to the period of pregnancy itself. But during lactation, it is desirable that the patient does not drink it. The main component of the drug, dydrogesterone, is excreted in mother's milk and makes it impossible to breastfeed the baby.

Correct drug intake

Before you drink Duphaston when planning a pregnancy, you need to read the instructions and remember that only a doctor can prescribe it. He monitors the patient, is familiar with the peculiarities of the course of the disease.

Admission rules for various pathologies:

  • PMS and irregular critical days - from 11 to 25 days of the menstrual cycle. Dufaston when planning pregnancy in this case is taken at a dosage of 10 mg twice a day.
  • Dysmenorrhea (mild critical days) - from 5 to 25 days. Dosage - twice a day, 10 mg.
  • How to take Duphaston medicine to get pregnant with amenorrhea? From 11 to 25 days of the expected cycle. Dosage - twice a day, 10 mg. Additionally, you need to take estrogen.
  • Duphaston for endometriosis during pregnancy planning is taken from 5 to 25 days. Dosage - 3 times a day, 10 mg.
  • In case of infertility due to a lack of progesterone, the drug is taken from the 14th to the 25th day of the cycle. When planning pregnancy, the dosage of Duphaston in these circumstances is 10 mg once a day. The course lasts 6 cycles in a row. If Duphaston helped to get pregnant, then you should not stop taking it for another 3 months.
  • The drug copes well with uterine bleeding. In this case, you need to take it for 7 days, twice a day, 10 mg.

Use during pregnancy

So, while taking Duphaston, you can get pregnant, but is it allowed to drink it after conception? Pregnancy sometimes proceeds with complications, so it is necessary to take this remedy in order to safely endure the baby. If uterine is observed, then the doctor may extend the course of therapy.

Refusal of the drug is developed by the doctor, since abrupt cancellation often provokes a negative reaction. If the pregnancy proceeds normally, the dosage of the drug is reduced by half, and the woman's well-being is controlled by the supervision of the attending physician. If there are fluctuations in the level of the hormone progesterone due to a decrease in dosage, the process of refusing the drug will continue for another 2-3 weeks.

Those who helped Dufaston get pregnant should remember that it should not be drunk after childbirth, because it has a negative effect on the baby's body, getting there along with mother's milk.

Duphaston or Utrozhestan - which is better?

The role of the first drug in planning conception and a successful pregnancy is well known. However, there are also effective analogues.

The main competitor of this drug - - when planning conception is also very effective. The drug contains progesterone, made from plant materials. For this reason, it is used in exactly the same way as its counterpart described above. There is no big difference in what to use when planning a pregnancy - Duphaston or Utrozhestan. Which particular drug to give preference to, the doctor decides.

The difference between these medicines is that Duphaston is a synthetic drug, and Utrozhestan is natural. But the former has far fewer side effects.

A significant difference between these drugs is that Utrozhestan can not only be drunk, but also injected directly into the vagina, which prevents the development of allergic reactions. And what kind of drug to prescribe for therapy, the doctor will decide.

Side effects of taking Duphaston

Duphaston can be used when planning a pregnancy because it has few side effects. It does not affect ovulation, and conception often occurs when taking it. But it is not 100% safe. There are such side effects as nausea, dizziness, bloating.

Taking Duphaston when planning pregnancy in rare cases can cause liver dysfunction and anemia. It is not recommended to take it to women with pathologies of the heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas.

To prevent side effects, you need to know how to properly take synthetic Duphaston when planning a pregnancy. To begin with, an examination is carried out, on its basis the gynecologist determines the duration of the intake and the desired dosage.

When the doctor recommends drinking Duphaston when planning a pregnancy, you do not need to refuse - the drug is safe if you follow the instructions for its use. The medicine has worked well. If a woman is interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant on Duphaston, then she needs to know that only the correct use of this drug under the supervision of a specialist will help solve the problem.

Useful video about pregnancy planning

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It is necessary to use Duphaston during pregnancy only as directed by a specialist who will determine an individual regimen for admission.

Rules for taking Duphaston

The drug is prescribed when there is a hormonal imbalance in the woman's body.

1. Insufficiency of progesterone, confirmed by laboratory tests.

  • the threat of miscarriage, during pregnancy in the early stages;
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine bleeding of various origins;
  • menstrual disorders of various etiologies;
  • miscarriage;
  • infertility.

2. Hormone replacement therapy in case of:

  • menstrual disorders due to surgery or during natural menopause, to neutralize the effect of estrogen on the endometrium.

Is a private intolerance to the drug. Allergy to Dufaston (dyufaston) can manifest itself in the form of a skin rash, accompanied by itching.

The instruction offers a generalized scheme for taking the drug. To get pregnant, Duphaston is recommended to be taken during the period after ovulation, for 16-25 days of the cycle.

The drug works well. You need to drink tablets several times a day, preferably at regular intervals.

The standard course of therapy is approximately six months. If a woman drank medication when planning a pregnancy, she should not stop doing this after conception in the first trimester of gestation.

The course of therapy should be continued until the placenta is formed, which will independently maintain the required level of the hormone.

This can happen between 12-16 weeks. If a woman becomes pregnant, it is not necessary to cancel the drug, the medicine should be drunk until the 5th month, after which it should be carefully abandoned, go to 1 tablet or half a week. When you drink the drug for a long time, you cannot abruptly stop taking it. Why?

  • Increases the risk of miscarriage;
  • Can cause missed pregnancy;
  • May cause bleeding.

If women drink the drug on schedule, they will soon become pregnant. The drug can be stopped after 36 weeks.

If a lady forgot to drink Duphaston when planning a conception, the pill should be taken within 6 hours. The dosage of the drug should not be increased, even if more than 6 hours have passed since the intake according to the plan.

If conception does not occur during treatment with Duphaston for more than 12 months, the doctor may change the tactics of therapy, prescribe another medicine, and additional examination. What remedy? For example, the upland uterus showed itself perfectly.

Description composition and form of release

Duphaston is available in tablet form for oral administration. Tablets weighing 10 mg coated with excipients.

Produced in the form of white coated tablets. Round, with bevelled edges. On one side of the pill is a line in the middle. On the reverse side of the tablet, engraved "155". Contains 10 mg of the active principle DYDROGESTERONE. Additional substances that are part of the drug:

  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • polyethylene glycol;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • corn starch;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • titanium dioxide.

The package contains 20 tablets in a 10 mg blister. Packed in a cardboard box with instructions for use.Duphaston (insert photo) is a synthetic drug. It is an analogue of natural progesterone and is close to it in its chemical composition.

What are they prescribed for?

Duphaston is prescribed to women during maintenance or replacement therapy, when a lack of progesterone is detected, on which conception, gestation, and childbirth itself directly depend. Relaxation of the uterus and its premature contraction are important effects of progesterone

The lack of a sufficient amount of this hormone at the stage of pregnancy can lead to the following consequences:

  • recurrent abortion;
  • endometriosis;
  • miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • infertility;
  • myoma or fibromyoma of the uterus;
  • bleeding inside the uterus;
  • disorder of menstrual function (algomenorrhea);
  • complete absence of menstruation;
  • polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios;
  • placental dysfunction;
  • fetal overgrowth.

With the above ailments and dysfunctions, experts often prescribe Duphaston.

Prescribing a medication when planning conception

With the help of the hormonal drug Duphaston, a favorable background is created in the female body for the fertilization of the egg, the introduction of the embryo into the endometrium of the uterus and the subsequent development of the fetus.

When planning the conception of a child, these pills should again be prescribed by a specialist, since there is no universal scenario for taking them.

Basically, for the conception of a child, the drug is prescribed to be taken on the next day after ovulation and taken until the onset of menstruation. It is recommended to cancel the drug only when taking the test or at the initial stage of menstruation to make sure that there is no pregnancy.

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The fact is that a sharp decrease in the amount of progesterone in the blood can worsen the nutrition of the embryo or its complete rejection. Taking this medication at the stage of planning a child with a detected hormonal imbalance, Duphaston has a greater effect in the future during pregnancy.

The full effect of taking Dufaston to conceive a fetus occurs after 6 months. When the drug is taken for more than a year without results, it is recommended to contact your doctor to change the tactics of treatment, further examinations or prescribing other drugs, to find an effective substitute for the drug.

Refuse to take this medication, in cases of its appointment for prophylaxis without additional examinations. Find another gynecologist!

Duphaston in early pregnancy

How to choose the right dosage?

When dosing the drug Duphaston, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. With PMS - 10 mg of the drug twice a day from the 12th to the 28th day of the cycle.
  2. For disorders of the menstrual cycle - 10 mg of the drug twice a day from 11 to 25 days of the cycle. Treatment continues for at least 6 cycles.
  3. With endometriosis - the daily dose of the drug can vary from 10 to 30 mg from the 5th to the 25th day of the cycle or taking it on an ongoing basis.
  4. With infertility - use the medicine twice a day, 5 mg from 14 to 25 days of the cycle. The duration of therapy should not be less than 6 cycles.
  5. With a threatened miscarriage, take 20 mg of the drug immediately, and then reduce the intake to 10 mg twice a day (morning and evening at equal hours). If the threat of miscarriage persists, Duphaston can be taken 5 mg three times a day (every 8 hours). When the symptoms of a miscarriage have disappeared, the drug is still taken for about a week. In case of recurrence of symptoms, the drug should be immediately used in the dosage that had the greatest effect on their elimination.
  6. With a habitual miscarriage: a daily dose of 10 mg is divided into 2 doses. The duration of the course can be up to 20 weeks. After the disappearance of the symptoms of a miscarriage, Duphaston is gradually canceled.

To whom is Duphaston contraindicated?

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • a patient with Rotor syndrome;
  • with acute heart failure;
  • patients with Dubin-Johnson syndrome;
  • with severe liver damage.

There is no fatal contraindication of the active substance Duphaston in patients with chronic renal failure.

How to take Duphaston tablets with an ovarian cyst

The cyst of the luteal (yellow) body is formed when the egg is converted into a corpus luteum and the cavity is filled with fluid. In most cases, the fluid is blood.

As a rule, such a cystic formation does not bother. With further growth of the cyst, it can reach a significant size, and then symptoms of the disease appear.

In this case, pain in the lower abdomen in the second half of the menstrual cycle will disturb.

With a corpus luteum cyst, Duphaston gives good results. Since the active substance of the drug is an analogue of natural progesterone, as a result of its action, the missing hormone increases to normal. The content of luteinizing hormone decreases, division, and development of cyst tissue cells is suppressed. As a result of the action of Duphaston, the cyst completely resolves.

The drug is prescribed after a frozen pregnancy in history or not the first miscarriage in the second phase of menstruation, that is. 11-25 days (with 28 menstrual cycles).

You can start taking the medicine only after:

  • Passed all the tests prescribed by the doctor;
  • Diagnosed with progesterone deficiency;
  • In the absence of contraindications.

If conception has occurred, then the medication will have to be taken up to 20 weeks as a preventive measure for miscarriage, and then reduce the dosage and completely stop the drug. Cancellation and complete cessation of the drug must be prescribed by a doctor.

Duphaston: side effects

The disadvantage of most drugs, including those described in this article, is side effects. Often, drugs greatly harm the body, subsequently causing complications in the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

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As a rule, the drug is well tolerated. Sometimes taking a medication when planning a conception can provoke pain in the head, dizziness, breakthrough uterine bleeding (an increase in the dosage of the drug, calculated by body weight, is required).

The following side effects may also develop:

  • Sensitivity of the mammary glands;
  • Itching and rashes on the skin;
  • Edema of the lower and upper extremities;
  • Nausea;
  • Bloating.

Not often the drug gives such a side effect as a violation of the liver, which provokes weakness, pain in the abdomen, the development of jaundice of the skin or hemolytic anemia (anemia due to the rapid elimination of red blood cells).

Taking Duphaston can cause such complications:

  • No libido;
  • acne;
  • Greater likelihood of gaining body weight;
  • Sharp puffiness;
  • Weak uterine bleeding between periods.

Customers generally respond positively to Duphaston

Duphaston and alcohol compatibility

The manufacturer of the drug in the instructions for the drug indicated its possible negative effect on the liver. Since alcohol also has a negative effect on the liver, taking any medication increases the load on this organ.

The interaction of Duphaston with alcohol, which can have a negative effect on the liver, is a triple load.

Among other things, alcohol changes the enzyme composition of the liver, which can lead to improper effects of this drug.

The reaction to the gastrointestinal tract, if you combine duphaston and alcohol, is also ambiguous.

The active substance of the drug relaxes the abdominal muscle group, and alcohol is a poison that the human body tries to quickly remove.

Adding these two factors, taking the drug and alcohol can lead to vomiting or diarrhea, which means the rapid removal of the active substance of the drug from the body, and this will reduce the entire positive effect of its use to a minimum, and there is simply no point in taking it.

Any kind of alcohol when prescribing a medication to preserve the fetus is strictly contraindicated. Even in the absence of medication to maintain pregnancy, it is forbidden to drink alcohol.

Alcohol also has an effect on blood vessels, they either narrow or expand. This negatively affects the hemodynamics of the organs of the reproductive system, which contributes to hormonal disorders.

With the above negative factors, the compatibility of alcohol and Dufaston, we can conclude why drink alcohol if it greatly reduces the effectiveness of this medication.

However, if alcohol cannot be avoided, then you should limit yourself to one glass of good wine, adding ice or water to it. At least 2 hours should elapse from drinking alcohol to taking the medicine.

Alcohol intake is excluded if you are treated with duphaston. The effect of the pills is reduced if you drink alcohol at the same time, and therefore the treatment of your disease too (negative compatibility).

The drug is not cheap. The price starts from 490 rubles, depending on the region and pharmacy.

Duphaston during menopause

Despite the fact that Dufaston tablets are prescribed mainly for girls of childbearing age, the drug finds its use in menopause. The extinction of the female reproductive system occurs from 45-47 to 55-57 years. The duration of menopause lasts from two to eight years. The phenomena of menopause are characterized by unpleasant symptoms for a woman:

  • irritability;
  • quick change of mood;
  • vegetovascular dystonia, characterized by periods of high and low blood pressure, palpitations;
  • flushes of heat.

But the main symptom of menopause is menstrual irregularity. The nature of the discharge, their frequency, duration changes, that is, a hormonal imbalance develops. The doctor's task is to stabilize the symptoms of menopause and equalize the hormonal background of the woman's body.

The medicine eliminates the characteristic symptoms of menopause. At the initial phase of the development of menopause, with the help of this drug, the cycle of menstruation is aligned. In the final stage of the period, when taking pills, there is a complete cessation of menstruation.

The drug in the menopause performs a preventive role, that is, it prevents the development of pathological processes in a woman's body, such as:

In the final stage of menopause, Dufaston is drunk according to a different scheme. The first two weeks of the cycle you need only two tablets twice a day. Sometimes, with severe symptoms of menopause, the drug is taken constantly, alternating with rest.

Despite the fact that the medicine gives positive results in the treatment of the pathology of the female sphere, it has its own contraindications for use.



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