Erosive ulcerative colitis, treatment, diet. Common and different in the treatment of colitis in various forms of the course

Every day we eat a variety of foods, often without thinking about their compatibility, usefulness and quality. But such carelessness is fraught with the emergence of a variety of health problems. Doctors warn that proper balanced nutrition is one of the simplest and most affordable methods for preventing diseases of the digestive tract and other diseases of various organs and systems. Poor quality food, a violation of the rhythm of nutrition can cause erosive ulcerative colitis, the treatment of which will be discussed in a little more detail, and we will also clarify what kind of diet patients with such a diagnosis need.

Erosive ulcerative colitis is a lifelong disease that affects the lining of the colon. Such an ailment leads to the development of a destructive-ulcerative lesion of varying degrees of intensity. Erosive ulcerative colitis is accompanied by the appearance of a variety of symptoms, among which blood in the feces, constipation and diarrhea, false urge to defecate, fecal incontinence and bloating can be distinguished. Patients are also often concerned about pain and signs of intoxication. Therapy of this disease is carried out exclusively by a qualified gastroenterologist.

Treatment of erosive ulcerative colitis

Patients with erosive ulcerative colitis are shown dietary nutrition, the features of which we will discuss below. Drug therapy is selected on an individual basis. Doctors usually prescribe medications containing 5-acetylsalicylic acid to such patients. They are represented by Salofalk, Sulfasalazine, Pentasa, Mezavant, etc. These drugs can be used in the form of tablets, granules or capsules. Sometimes they are used in the form of suppositories, ready-made enemas, or foams that are intended for direct injection into the rectum.

Corticosteroids, for example, Hydrocortisone, Methylprednosolone or Prednisolone, are also the drugs of choice for erosive ulcerative colitis. They are used in tablet form or in the form of ordinary or rectal droppers.

Among other things, patients with this diagnosis are often shown immunosuppressants that suppress the pathological activity of the immune system. Cyclosporine, Azathioprine, Methotrexate usually act as such drugs (instructions for the use of each drug must be studied personally from the official annotation included in the package before use!).

In some cases, doctors may insist on the use of powerful and expensive biological treatments, such as Imfliximab, Adalimumab, etc.

It is worth noting that topical drugs (candles, foams, as well as rectal droppers with enemas) are especially effective in treating inflammation of the lower intestine.

Hormonal treatment, the use of immunosuppressants and biological therapies are selected and controlled only by a qualified specialist. After all, all these drugs can cause reactions of individual intolerance, in addition, in some cases, patients gradually develop resistance to their effects. The described medicines can provoke a lot of serious side effects, including bone marrow damage, pancreatitis, hepatitis, etc.

After achieving remission, the patient should never relax, otherwise the disease will recur. Therefore, patients need to systematically take anti-relapse medications selected by the doctor.

If drug treatment of erosive ulcerative colitis does not give a positive effect, or if the patient develops complications (bleeding, perforation, toxic megacolon or colon cancer), radical surgery is performed. In this case, doctors most often decide on the complete removal of the entire colon.

Nutrition cures erosive ulcerative colitis: diet is not "empty" ...

Nutrition for erosive ulcerative colitis should be sparing. Coarse fiber should be excluded from the diet: raw vegetables, berries, fruits, vegetables, seeds, poppy, sesame, bran, legumes, etc. Food should be steamed or boiled, it should be taken up to five times a day. Most of the daily volume of products should be eaten in the first half of the day, while the dishes should be warm.

With an exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to wipe the food or rub it on a coarse grater. In this case, the patient needs to eat an increased amount of proteins (100-100g): mainly of animal origin, it is best to give preference to lean meat, fish and eggs. You can also eat cottage cheese and soy products. From carbohydrates, it is worth giving preference to semolina porridges, porridges from cereals and rice.

As for drinks, it is allowed to take kissels, a decoction of wild rose (semi-sweet), blueberries, and black currants is useful. The consumption of self-made juices with pulp is allowed. Vegetables and fruits should only be eaten raw. It is allowed to include dry biscuits (lean), dried white bread in the diet. As the patient's condition improves, the diet can be gradually expanded.

But in any case, patients with erosive ulcerative colitis are contraindicated in eating fried, fatty and salty foods. They should give up spicy foods, chocolate, sweets, do not consume fresh green onions, give up garlic, sorrel, spinach, radish, radish and swede. Kiwi, beets, dried apricots, plums, etc. are also banned. All recommendations regarding dietary nutrition for such an ailment should be discussed with your doctor.

Folk remedies

Patients with erosive ulcerative colitis will be helped not only by medicines, but also by traditional medicine. So a wonderful therapeutic effect gives the use of the following collection. To prepare it, you need to combine the blue cyanosis plant (grass), medicinal chamomile (flowers) and buckthorn bark. All components - a couple of tablespoons. Also use three tablespoons of cottonweed and a teaspoon of dill seeds ground in a coffee grinder.

Brew a couple of tablespoons of the finished collection with three hundred milliliters of only boiled water. Infuse the medicine for two hours, then strain and take it warm about half an hour before a meal. Repeat the reception three times a day. A single dose is seventy milliliters.

The feasibility of using traditional medicine must be discussed with the attending physician without fail.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease must be carried out on time, but many people categorically do not like the word "diet" and refuse to pay attention to the signs of pathology, even if they become obvious.

Delaying a visit to a gastroenterologist, a person does not realize that he may face such consequences as internal bleeding, intestinal perforation, tumors, including malignant ones.


Erosive colitis of the intestine can be caused by various factors, both individual, such as genetics, and common. The root cause of the pathology is identified by the doctor. Based on the data obtained and the picture of the disease, he draws up a treatment regimen.

Erosive colitis is inherently one of the initial stages of the inflammatory process in the intestine.

Initially, a superficial form is formed in a person, that is, inflammation affects the surface layers of the intestinal mucosa. If treatment and diet are absent, the disease will quickly move into the next phase - the inflammatory process will be aggravated by the development of erosive lesions on the mucosa. This stage can last quite a long time, but its exact timing directly depends on the lifestyle of the patient.

If a person still neglects the diet, abuses alcohol and does not treat concomitant pathologies, then soon the erosions that have arisen are transformed into ulcerative defects.

As a result, the disease will move into a new, more severe stage. To prevent this, it is important to consult a doctor if any signs of trouble with the digestive organs appear.


Symptoms of erosive colitis often resemble other diseases of the digestive system. Many patients take the signs of erosive colitis for banal digestive disorders or gastritis, while not taking any measures to identify the pathology and treat it.

Doctors note that most patients come to them with an advanced form of the disease, when erosive colitis turns into an ulcerative form. Sometimes conservative therapy is useless, since medications cannot give the desired effect in a seriously affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe intestine.

Primary symptoms of erosive colitis:

  • discomfort and pain in the stomach;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • unpleasant odor and taste in the mouth;
  • digestive disorders: diarrhea, constipation, flatulence;
  • permanent lack of appetite.

If a person turns to a specialist at this stage of the disease, then in 80% of cases, doctors guarantee a positive outcome. To prevent the chronicity of the inflammatory process, it is important to start the treatment of erosive colitis on time.

If you ignore the condition, the inflammatory process will continue to worsen and spread to new tissues, against which the patient may experience the following symptoms:
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • weakness, fatigue.

Unfortunately, erosive colitis does not always proceed with a characteristic clinical picture. Sometimes the disease is hidden, and it is almost impossible to track its development.


The disease develops gradually and in most cases proceeds without appropriate treatment for a long time, which is dangerous for the development of serious complications. Most often, these are pathologies of a local and general nature.

Local complications of erosive colitis are profuse gastrointestinal bleeding, perforation of the intestinal wall, megacolon, oncological conditions if the disease lasts more than 10 years. General complications appear in other internal organs, for example, in the oral cavity (stomatitis), liver, joints and integuments.


Erosive colitis is detected using laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, which have the maximum information content in this case.

Before making a diagnosis, it is necessary to pass tests and undergo the following examinations:

  1. General blood analysis. Shows an inflammatory process in the body, less often anemia associated with internal blood loss.
  2. Microscopic and macroscopic analysis of feces. Informative signs will be the presence of mucus, traces of blood, undigested food and other components in the feces.
  3. Bacterial culture to detect the causative agent of the disease.
  4. Examination of feces for worm eggs and scraping for enterobiasis.
  5. Irrigoscopy. Allows you to clarify the localization and nature of inflammation in the intestine.
  6. Colonoscopy. The method evaluates the condition of the mucosa, allows you to take cells from the affected area of ​​​​the intestine for a biopsy.
  7. Histology. The biological material taken from the focus of inflammation during the biopsy is evaluated. This is necessary to exclude oncology and assess the nature of the lesion.


Treatment of erosive colitis depends on the nature of the inflammatory process and associated complications. The goal of treatment is to prevent the further development of the disease, eliminate its acute clinical picture and exclude possible complications.

Treatment of erosive colitis of the intestine in the initial stage is carried out on an outpatient basis. Serious lesions of the digestive tract require hospitalization of the patient in a hospital.

Most often, the doctor prescribes the following groups of drugs:

  • Medicines containing 5-acetylsalicylic acid (Sulfasalisin, Salfalk, Pentasa). The active substance of the preparations has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and positively affects the local reactions of the immune system.
  • Glucocorticosteroids (hydrocortisone, prednisolone). The drugs are prescribed for the treatment of erosive colitis in severe cases, effectively eliminate inflammation and intestinal bleeding.
  • Immunosuppressive drugs (Methotrexate, Cyclosporine). Used in extreme cases, when treatment with glucocorticosteroid drugs does not have the desired effect.

Also, the treatment of erosive colitis of the intestine, depending on the causes of the disease, can be carried out with antibacterial drugs and agents that restore the intestinal microflora.

To maintain the body, vitamins of groups A, B and D, ascorbic acid and sedatives are prescribed, which normalize the patient's neuropsychic state.


Preventing the development of erosive colitis is much easier than suffering from the manifestations of the disease and dealing with its difficult treatment.

Prevention requires compliance with the following aspects:
  1. In a timely manner, consult a doctor with suspicions of the presence of a pathology of the digestive organs and, if necessary, treat the disease in time, preventing its chronicity.
  2. Regularly undergo a preventive examination at the dentist, treat caries and other diseases of the oral cavity in time, preventing the infection from entering the body.
  3. Lead a healthy active lifestyle, move a lot, be in the fresh air and minimize stress factors.
  4. Eat as healthy natural food as possible, avoiding chemical dyes, flavors and preservatives in your diet.
  5. Observe the diet, eating regularly, at least 5 times a day. A larger amount of the daily diet should be eaten during breakfast.
  6. Eliminate bad habits, in particular, smoking and alcohol.


Treatment of symptoms of erosive colitis cannot take place without diet therapy. Dietary nutrition is an essential element of effective treatment.

  • food should be consumed in crushed form, especially during an exacerbation of the disease;
  • food should be fractional - at least 5 times a day, in small portions;
  • it is necessary to observe the drinking regimen - water will flush out toxins from the body and replenish fluid loss;
  • preference should be given to plant foods, but without coarse fiber, which can irritate and injure the inflamed intestinal walls;
  • do not drink alcohol and caffeine;
  • after eating, it is advisable to pay attention to the reaction of the body every time: if the state of health worsens even a little, it is advisable to refuse the provocative dish in the future;
  • you should not get carried away with dishes that can linger and rot in the intestines for some time, for example, red meats, this aggravates the course of the disease.
Dietary nutrition for erosive colitis is usually developed by a doctor. In different people, it may differ, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and the nature of his disease.

With the complete cure of the pathology or the elimination of the acute process, it is necessary to continue the diet for some time, since a sharp rejection of its principles can cause a relapse of the disease.

Erosive colitis is a disease that requires mandatory assistance from a gastroenterologist, otherwise the complications of the pathological process will be unpredictable.

The disease develops for various reasons, up to the hereditary predisposition of the body to the disease. But even if there are no signs of trouble, and a person feels healthy, you should not give up prevention - maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a sensible diet will help prevent many problems not only in the digestive tract, but throughout the body.

Useful video about bowel ultrasound

Published: 14 September 2015 at 14:47

It is quite difficult to confuse erosive colitis with any other bowel disease, endoscopy shows catarrh, which leads to the formation of single or multiple erosions, similar to the crater fairway. As a rule, the recesses are covered with special fibrin films, and the ulcers rise above the mucosa. Outwardly, erosive colitis of the intestine looks like an ulcer, but endoscopy does not show deep penetration of pathologies into the walls of a hollow organ.

Most often, the disease is diagnosed in thirty-year-old people or in the elderly, in those who are already over sixty. It does not appear immediately, the symptoms of erosive colitis appear either in the acute stage, or at later stages of development. The patient has streaks of blood in the stool. But he connects them, most likely, with the development of hemorrhoids. The opinion is erroneous, therefore it is not worth self-medicating if such signs are found. It is important to learn to distinguish other characteristic signs and consult a doctor in time. Otherwise, the disease very quickly becomes chronic, and there it is not far from a full-fledged ulcer. What other additional signs are characterized by erosive colitis of the intestine?

Clinical picture of erosive colitis

The described disease always develops in different ways. Some patients walk and do not know anything until the moment when there is heavy bleeding from the anus. Others have bloody diarrhea from the very beginning, fecal incontinence occurs, body temperature rises, the heart beats faster and there are severe pains in the abdomen. In addition, erosive colitis has other characteristic symptoms. We list the most basic of them.

  • In addition to blood, a large amount of mucus and pus comes out with feces.
  • In 65% of patients, prolonged diarrhea is observed (the number of bowel movements can reach up to 20 times a day).
  • Often, patients complain of the appearance of rectal spitting (during defecation, mucus with pus comes out instead of feces).
  • At night, many people experience an irresistible desire to go to the toilet. It is nighttime bowel movements that can make a gastroenterologist suspect chronic erosive colitis.
  • The picture of the characteristic symptoms of erosive colitis is supplemented by fecal incontinence, constant bloating.
  • Pain in the epigastric region is not noted by everyone, but if it appears, it is aching in nature. It is always associated with the process of bowel movement and is localized only in the left side.
  • If a chronic form develops, intoxication is added to the described phenomena, which manifests itself in the form of high fever, vomiting, and rapid heartbeat.

Sometimes the clinical picture is supplemented by manifestations not associated with intestinal pathologies. About 10% of patients with erosive colitis complain of rashes affecting the mucous membranes, eye disorders. The examination reveals articular lesions, lesions of the liver and bile ducts, such a phenomenon as thrombosis. The stronger the inflammation of the duodenal mucosa, the stronger these symptoms appear, the treatment of erosive colitis in this case will be symptomatic. What is it? - Read below.

Features of therapy for erosive colitis

When erosive colitis is diagnosed, treatment is selected based on the severity of the pathology. So, for example, at the initial stage, patients undergo it on an outpatient basis, more severe stages require special attention and a hospital. In any case, complex therapy will be applied to the patient, consisting of a diet and a drug line.

The therapeutic diet is sparing, patients are recommended:

  1. Eat often, in small portions.
  2. Cook exclusively for a couple.
  3. Choose lean ground meat or fish for this.
  4. Eliminate coarse fiber from the diet.

In addition, the diet involves a complete rejection of fatty, fried, salty, canned, sweet and starchy foods. It is better to eat warm food made from high-protein foods.

Drug treatment of erosive colitis is always prescribed and taking into account the individual manifestations of the body. As mentioned above, the patient will try to stop the painful symptoms and find out the cause of the disease. Treatment will be directed to its elimination. As a rule, those who are diagnosed with this diagnosis are prescribed medications containing acetylsalicylic acid, corticosteroids and immunosuppressants.

The listed medicines are in free trade, but you cannot prescribe them yourself. Illiterate treatment can lead to a sluggish process: chronic erosive colitis of the intestine easily transforms into an ulcer or cancer.

When erosive colitis of the intestine actively progresses, diet and medication become useless. At later stages, ulcerative neoplasms can provoke severe bleeding, sometimes perforation occurs, toxic megacolon or intestinal cancer appears, in this case a radical method is used - removal of the affected area of ​​​​the intestine.

Erosive colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease with ulcerative lesions. The pathology affects only the large intestine and very rarely affects the small intestine in its distal part.

Erosive colitis of the intestine is more common in people aged 15 to 30 years. It affects men and women equally.

The second peak of incidence is recorded at the age of 60–70 years. In Western countries, the pathology is more common. Patients with white skin color are 4 times more likely to suffer from erosive colitis than African Americans and Hispanics.

Causes and risk factors

The final cause of the pathological condition is unknown.

Many factors influence the development of the disease:

  • genetic;
  • immunological;
  • infectious;
  • dietary;
  • environmental;
  • hygienic.

The primary cause of the disease should be identified by the attending physician, in accordance with the data obtained, he draws up a course of treatment.

Possible causes of erosive colitis:

  • diet low in fiber;
  • associated diseases of the digestive system;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • prolonged use of medications that disrupt the intestinal microflora;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • impaired blood supply to internal organs;
  • poisoning with harmful substances and toxins;
  • bacterial or viral infection;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • congenital anomalies of the intestine.

Genetic predisposition plays a big role, because the disease is more common in families.

Stress, anxiety, or other mental problems do not cause erosive colitis. However, stress can contribute to an acute outbreak of the disease.

Clinical picture

Erosive colitis is one of the initial stages of the inflammatory process in the intestine.. Symptoms of the disease are not specific and fit many other pathologies. Based on the signs, a diagnosis cannot be made, but inflammation of the colon can be suspected in order to prescribe an informative examination.

Signs of erosive colitis:

  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • fatigue;
  • loss of appetite;
  • reduction in weight.

About 80% of patients experience pain during exacerbations. They appear in the left lower abdomen during or after a bowel movement.

The acute period of the disease is manifested by severe diarrhea and constant urge to defecate. This can happen up to 30 times a day. In combination with diarrhea, cramping pains appear, usually in the left lower abdomen. Since vitamins and nutrients are not absorbed to the normal extent, this results in blood loss.

These symptoms appear as intermittent attacks between periods of remission. This condition may last for months or years.

Additional features

Excruciating symptoms may be accompanied by high fever, rapid heartbeat, and an increase in the number of white blood cells.

Erosive colitis can manifest itself outside the gastrointestinal tract, these are the so-called extra-intestinal manifestations.


  1. Joint pain. As a rule, large joints suffer. Joint pain comes along with acute attacks. However, smaller joints often remain painful on a permanent basis, regardless of the level of activity of erosive colitis with the formation of ulcerative lesions.
  2. Bloating. Patients with this disease suffer from increased flatulence. Although this is not entirely typical for this disease. Intestinal gases can put pressure on higher organs, causing belching, loss of appetite, and nausea. Flatulence appears due to a violation of the flora as a result of erosive colitis.
  3. Nausea. Although this is not one of the leading symptoms, nausea is often combined with bloody mucous stools and convulsive pain in the abdomen.
  4. Vomiting blood. Because lesions are more commonly found in the lower digestive tract, this symptom is rare.

Chronic erosive is manifested by inflammation of the eyes and bile ducts (primary sclerosing cholangitis). The bile ducts become narrower, resulting in damage to the liver.


The pathology is difficult to diagnose because the symptoms are similar to other bowel disorders, especially irritable bowel syndrome. The disease differs from Crohn's disease in that inflammation is limited to the upper layers of the intestinal membrane, while the second pathology provokes the development of the process throughout the entire thickness of the walls of the organ.

Diagnosis of erosive colitis requires a thorough physical examination and testing.

To confirm the suspicions of the attending physician, they carry out:

An x-ray is taken. The patient is given an enema with a contrast agent. The picture allows you to see erosion with the formation of ulcers or other anomalies.

Complications and consequences

Erosive colitis in most cases is chronic and develops gradually. Rarely, the disease leads to various kinds of complications.

The consequences of a neglected pathology:

  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • perforation;
  • megacolon;
  • paralytic intestinal obstruction;
  • dilation;
  • development of colon or rectal cancer.

In severe cases, the patient is given a blood transfusion, which can lead to infection. Perhaps the development of peritonitis and sepsis.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment for erosive colitis depends on the severity of the disease. Pathology is treated with drugs, with the exception of the products that caused the exacerbation. Treatment is adjusted depending on the course of the disease.

Emotional and psychological support is essential. Patients with erosive colitis of the intestine are advised to visit a psychotherapist.

Treatment of the disease begins with the use of a certain group of medicines.

With erosive colitis appoint:

  1. Treatment with 5-ASA agents, including a combination of 5-aminosalicylic acids and Sulfasalazine to help control inflammation. The latter drug is prescribed more often. Patients who do not respond well to Sulfasalazine treatment are treated with 5-ASA. Possible side effects: nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, headache.
  2. Patients with severe erosive colitis and those who do not respond to 5-ASA treatment are treated with corticosteroids. Prednisone, Hydrocortisone and Prednisolone are used to reduce inflammation. Corticosteroids are taken orally, administered intravenously or through an enema. It is possible to use medicines in the form of suppositories, depending on the site of inflammation. Corticosteroids can cause side effects such as weight gain, acne, facial hair growth, hypertension, diabetes, mood swings, and an increased risk of contracting other diseases due to a weakened immune system.
  3. Immunosuppressive drugs such as Azathioprine, Methotrexate, Cyclosporine are used in extreme cases.

Other drugs are also prescribed that relieve pain, reduce the frequency of urging to the toilet.

Sometimes the symptoms of erosive colitis are too severe for a person to be hospitalized.. For example, if there is bleeding or severe diarrhea causing dehydration.

In such cases, the patient will need to follow a special diet, may need to be fed through a vein or undergo surgery.


Preventing the development of the disease is much easier than suffering from the manifestations of erosive colitis and treating it for a long time.

Preventive measures:

  1. Stop abusing bad habits, in particular smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages (even with a low percentage of alcohol).
  2. Coffee can aggravate the disease, cause bloating, diarrhea and abdominal pain. In addition, it provokes the re-development of erosive colitis.
  3. Regular preventive examinations will allow you to identify the problem at an early stage and prevent its progression in time.
  4. An active lifestyle and proper nutrition are the keys to overall health.

An insidious disease disrupts human life. When the first signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Erosive colitis does not affect life expectancy. After the disease is cured, the prognosis is good if the patient takes all precautions so as not to provoke a relapse.

Erosive colitis of the intestine belongs to a group of diseases that require immediate hospitalization, special post-therapeutic care and a specialized diet. The causes of the appearance, the symptoms of such problems in the intestines may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, the nature of the disease, the degree of damage to the body.

Inflammation of the intestine to an erosive form requires hospitalization and treatment.

erosive colitis

An erosive anomaly in the form of colitis is a serious inflammatory process that forms on the outer membranes of such organs:

  • duodenum;
  • stomach.

The erosive form of bowel disease is the most dangerous for the body. The development of colitis provokes the formation of ulcers, internal pinpoint bleeding.

In most cases, patients ignore the symptoms of the disease, referring to the typical reasons for the deterioration of the condition, such as overwork. With an untimely appeal to the attending physician, the disease will progress, develop into a chronic form, give complications to other organs, and destroy the internal microflora of the body.

Causes of manifestation

Colitis can be caused by a wide range of factors. Some of them (for example, genetic predisposition) are purely individual. The primary cause of the pathology should be identified by the attending physician and, in accordance with the data obtained, draw up the required course of therapy. Causes of various forms of erosive colitis:


Symptoms of erosive colitis are similar to other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Often, patients take erosive colitis for digestive disorders or manifestations of gastritis and do not take the required measures for the diagnosis and treatment of pathology.

Experts note that patients seek help in the later stages of the disease, when colitis develops into a chronic form. In especially severe cases, therapy is not possible, since medications cannot have the desired effect on the affected areas. Basic symptoms of mild erosive colitis:

  • discomfort, pain in the stomach;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • a feeling of unpleasant odor and taste in the oral cavity;
  • the appearance of bleeding;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • abnormal lack of appetite.

If the patient seeks medical help at this stage, then the prognosis of doctors in 80% of cases is positive. To avoid the development of a chronic form of the disease, you should follow medical recommendations. If the symptoms are ignored, colitis begins to develop, affect more organs and differ in the following pathogenic effects on the body:

Please note: this disease can occur without the manifestation of the above symptoms and differ only in mild malaise. In this case, it is almost impossible to track the development of the disease. The only sure way out is to conduct routine examinations 1-2 times a year.

After a long progression of the disease, periods of exacerbation and remission may begin. For the period of exacerbation, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • bloating;
  • diarrhea (up to incontinence);
  • anal bleeding;
  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • the formation of a rash on the outer shells of the internal organs.

Please note: at risk are the elderly, whose body cannot resist pathogenic microorganisms that provoke the disease.


Therapy of this disease is divided into 2 types:

  • stationary;
  • outpatient.
Diet in the treatment of colitis is selected individually

They both provide for scheduled examinations by a doctor, the introduction of medications, adherence to an individually selected diet. The outpatient form of treatment is used for patients who did not seek medical help in time and caused irreparable harm to their own body. In such cases, the doctor may decide on a surgical intervention (removal of affected organs and tissues).

Basic tips for treating colitis:

  • adherence to a diet, the diet should be compiled by a doctor, in accordance with the individual needs of the patient;
  • adjustment of physical activity;
  • timely use of drugs prescribed by a specialist;
  • lack of self-treatment with folk remedies (such actions can cause additional irritation to the walls of internal organs and aggravate the disease);
  • in the case of surgery, you should adhere to bed rest (duration - about 1 week), depending on how you feel.

Therapy should be selected on an individual basis, depending on the needs of the body and the degree of development of the infection.



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