Presses the frontal part of the head. Headaches in the forehead

Pain in the frontal part of the head is the most common sensation in ordinary life even healthy person significantly reducing the quality of life. If the frontal part of the head hurts, the causes may not have a direct connection with the head, but be a manifestation of the pathology of any organ.

In this regard, an anesthetic pill does not always help, since often the cause leading to the onset of a headache with localization in the frontal part is the pathology of other organs and systems.

At complete cure the main disease that provokes the development of a headache, the pain in the forehead disappears.

Frontal part of the head hurts - causes

To find out why the frontal part of the head hurts, the causes of these unpleasant sensations, many different studies have been conducted. Questions about the causes of headache in the forehead have been studied carefully and in detail. This made it possible to determine the factors provoking the appearance of symptomatic pain in the frontal part:

Diseases paranasal sinuses nose

Pathology of the central and peripheral departments nervous system;

Cardiac diseases, vascular disease;

Degenerative - dystrophic changes spine (osteochondrosis of the cervical spine);

Various head injuries;

Infectious diseases of viral or bacterial etiology;

Intoxication and food poisoning;

Stress and psycho-emotional trauma;

Malignant neoplasms.

TO common reasons such pains in the frontal part of the head include:

Neuritis or neuralgia facial and trigeminal nerves. With this pathology, the pain is short-term, pulsating or stabbing, can spread along the affected nerves. Often the frontal part of the head hurts, the causes of which are inflammation of the facial or trigeminal nerves. This disease is accompanied by lacrimation, mucous discharge from the nose. With neuritis facial nerve, in addition to severe pain in the forehead, there are also pain behind the orbits, which are enhanced by turning the eyeballs.

Migraine appears pulsating, paroxysmal pain, begins suddenly, in one half of the forehead, spreads to the temples, crown and back of the head, increases with movements, light, loud sounds. Characterized by light and sound fear, nausea, accompanied by vomiting, which does not bring relief. Migraine attacks recur periodically. This disease is characterized by family predisposition.

cluster headache- burning excruciating one-sided throbbing headache, radiating to the forehead and eyeball. It appears immediately after a provoking factor: a smoked cigarette, alcohol, but it can also occur at night without provoking factors. Affected men after 30 years. Cluster headache is referred to as vascular pathology, like migraine, but it has not been studied enough. Painkillers help with short span time.

Pathology of the paranasal sinuses- a common cause of headache in the forehead. sinusitis different localization(sinusitis, frontal sinusitis), pansinusitis, as well as pharyngitis, laryngitis are a manifestation of a number of infectious diseases. Many severe infections besides specific symptoms have severe symptoms intoxication, among which is a headache in the forehead. This occurs with meningitis, encephalitis, influenza and other infections of both viral and bacterial etiology.

food poisoning and intoxication are characterized by intense pain in the forehead. This is one of the main symptoms of toxic infections.

Food additives, dyes, flavor enhancers can provoke the appearance of pain in the frontal part of the head. Factors that provoke the appearance of pain include household chemicals, some repair supplies, and artificial materials from which furniture is made.

Common causes of this pathology include head injuries - a concussion or bruise, a crack in frontal bone cause pain in the forehead.

The provoking factor is osteochondrosis (mainly with damage to the cervical region) due to the infringement of the nerves and their roots by altered vertebrae.

If the frontal part of the head hurts, the causes of this pain are very often the pathology of the heart and blood vessels:

Arterial hypertension or hypotension;

Diseases of the vessels of the brain;

Sharp and transient disturbance cerebral circulation.

Eye diseases, including glaucoma, in which there is an increase intraocular pressure- a frequent provoking pain in the forehead factor.

most dangerous and heavy reason headaches in the frontal part are neoplasms of the brain or metastases to the brain with cancer of another localization. Compared to the other causes mentioned above, tumors are much less common, although they must be remembered, since this factor cannot be completely excluded.

Frontal part of the head hurts - treatment

If the frontal part of the head hurts, treatment is always prescribed after an examination and a thorough study of the causes that led to the appearance of headaches.

When nervous fatigue or stress as a treatment, it is enough to take an anesthetic drug that relieves pain. This will be effective if such pains have already been after overwork, did not last long and were not intense.

In the presence of inflammatory processes in the body that led to a headache in the forehead, are prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(Analgin, Dalaren, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, etc.) and antibiotics (for example, in inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs). At use of NSAIDs you need to remember that they affect the gastric mucosa, so it is recommended to take them after meals and only as directed by a doctor. Antibacterial drugs taken only on the recommendation of a specialist.

If the source of headache in the forehead is spastic phenomena, the effect occurs after taking myotropic antispasmodics(But - shpa, Drotaverine, papaverine and preparations containing papaverine).

To improve cerebral blood supply are prescribed vascular preparations and nootropics, ergot-based drugs - ergot alkaloids(Ergometrine, Ergotamine, Nicergoline).

Methylxanines(Caffeine, Theobromine, etc.) - stimulate the brain, lead to improvement metabolic processes in organism.

M - anticholinergics(Spasmomen, Platifillin) - prevent the spread of pain, but have many side effects Therefore, they are used only as prescribed by a doctor.

The use of these drugs is symptomatic treatment. These medicines do not cure, but only relieve pain for a certain period of time. In each specific case, a consultation with a general practitioner, if necessary, a neurologist or other narrow specialist who will prescribe an examination and select the treatment individually, taking into account the causes that caused the pain.

When identifying neoplastic diseases shown surgical treatment, chemotherapy, radiation therapy- depending on the stage of the process.

Since pain in the forehead is often a manifestation of osteochondrosis, in the initial stages, massage of the collar zone is sometimes sufficient (in the absence of contraindications).

In cases sudden development headache with unclear reason and the absence of obvious provoking factors, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Treatment can be long and difficult. If the headache appears constantly - this is already alarm symptom, painkillers cannot be used constantly, as well as self-medication. An urgent consultation with a doctor and examination is needed.

Frontal part of the head hurts - prevention

If the frontal part of the head often hurts, the prevention of pain is as follows:

Timely treatment any available somatic diseases, especially cardiology and endocrine pathology, as well as diseases of the ENT - organs;

Sufficient rest and sleep;

Lack of stress and chronic overwork.

Limiting the use of strong coffee, tea, alcohol;

Complete and timely nutrition;

Use enough water;

Physical exercise(for example, swimming);

Massage: head, neck-collar zone, general.

And it must be remembered that self-treatment is dangerous for its consequences. If a headache occurs with a certain frequency, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed so as not to aggravate the pathological condition in the future.

Almost everyone has experienced pain in the frontal part of the head. It is the most common reason for visiting a therapist. What it is?

Headache this character occurs in the forehead, i.e., in that part of the body that is located from the eyebrows to the hairline at the top, and is limited by the temples on the sides.

Discomfort is caused by various reasons. It can be inflammation of the sinuses, dental problems, allergies, migraines, stress, etc. When making a diagnosis, doctors take into account the nature of the pain (throbbing, cutting, acute, pressing, long-term or short-term), as well as accompanying symptoms.

Why does the head hurt in the frontal part?

All the reasons why the head hurts in the forehead can be divided into 4 categories:

  • mechanical damage: concussion, fracture of the frontal bone, etc.;
  • diseases provoked by viruses and bacteria: ethmoiditis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, meningitis;
  • pathology blood vessels and cardiac muscle: hypertension or hypotension, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, vegeto vascular dystonia, malignant formations, endocrine disruptions;
  • pathologies of the nervous system: neurosis, migraine, neuralgia trigeminal nerve.

From what else arise discomfort at the front of your head?

  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • encephalitis;
  • eye diseases;
  • malaria;
  • colds, including influenza;
  • poisoning;
  • overwork;
  • hangover after heavy drinking.

Considering a large number of probable causes that cause pain in the forehead area, they should not be ignored and tried to drown out with medications. The sooner you contact a specialist, the faster and more effective the treatment will be.

Of the above reasons, the most common are:


Caused by the use of poor quality food products or contact with harmful, chemical components:

  • food poisoning. Products such as fast food, convenience foods, smoked meats and sausages contain harmful food additives that cause intoxication and cause discomfort. If you want to stay healthy, take care of a balanced and proper diet;
  • domestic poisoning. Occurs as a result of human contact with toxic substances. It could be household chemicals with aggressive components, paintwork products or work in hazardous industries. Even low-quality children's toys can cause pain in the forehead. To understand what caused the discomfort, remember that you are in Lately bought.

Infections and viral diseases

With viral and infectious diseases, pain can be concentrated in any part of the head. In the forehead area, it occurs due to an increase in body temperature (above 37.2) or intoxication of the body caused by pathological organisms.

Dull pain in the frontal part of the head can be caused by the following diseases:

  • typhus, malaria, influenza - is intense;
  • acute meningitis - very severe, accompanied by vomiting and meningeal syndrome.

With influenza, pain is concentrated in the region of the temples, ear and superciliary arches and appear at the very beginning of the disease, most pronounced when coughing. They are associated with myalgia, general weakness, chills. At high temperatures, fear of light and painful eye movements are characteristic.

Diseases of ENT organs: sinusitis, frontal sinusitis

With sinusitis in a tense sinus, there is a feeling of tension. Nasal discharge, congestion, lack of smell, lacrimation are observed. The pain is diffuse, occurs at the same time, is localized in the frontal part, increases when the head is tilted.

With frontal heaviness in the forehead area occurs mainly in the morning. It is often strong, acquires a neuralgic character. In advanced cases, there is heaviness in the eyes and loss of smell. After the coryza is eliminated, the pain subsides and comes again with difficulty in the outflow of mucus.

Problems with the nervous system

Often frequent pain in the forehead area indicate violations of the functioning of the nervous system, in particular:

  • trigeminal neuralgia. This pathology is characterized sharp pain from the nerve injury. It always occurs spontaneously and lasts for 1-2 minutes. Sometimes it gives to the teeth, ears, eyes, nose, even the index finger may go numb;
  • neuroses. Pain in the forehead is the only symptom and can be associated with prolonged stress, neurasthenia, anxiety, hysteria. Treatment involves taking sedative medications, in severe cases, antidepressants are prescribed.
  • migraine - chronic pathology unknown etiology. Attacks occur periodically from 4 to 10 times a month, are characterized by very intense pressure in the temples. Often there are ripples and flies before the eyes, fainting, loss of consciousness. A migraine attack can be recognized by specific signs: a sharp flash of light in front of the eyes and pressure in the temples, gradually developing into acute pain.

Bruises and concussion

Mechanical damage due to bruises and falls can also cause pain in the forehead.
A bruise is an injury to soft tissues that results in sharp pain passing through a certain period of time. For several days, painful sensations of low intensity are disturbing.

At severe bruises hematomas may develop internal inflammation and suppuration. This condition is accompanied by fever and chills, requires immediate treatment.

A concussion is another reason why there is pain in the head. At the same time, it does not subside, it becomes strong, accompanied by dizziness and impaired coordination.

With this diagnosis, it is impossible to undergo treatment at home, since a concussion can lead to grave consequences. If the patient loses consciousness, this indicates damage to the brain tissue.

After a bruise, a fracture of the frontal bone is not excluded. The symptoms of this injury are similar to a concussion, but are also accompanied by severe hematomas, bleeding from the ears, deformity of the frontal bone and the release of cerebrospinal fluid. At serious condition The patient experiences convulsions and prolonged loss of consciousness.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical region

With cervical osteochondrosis, overgrown bone presses on blood vessels nerve endings, causing severe pain, shooting, aching and pressing. Additional symptoms are goosebumps, tingling in the neck, impaired coordination.
If appropriate measures are not taken in time, the functioning of the brain is greatly deteriorating.

Cardiovascular ailments

When low or high blood pressure this is accompanied by a headache. Discomfort occurs both in the forehead and the back of the head.

Similar symptoms occur with increasing and decreasing intracranial pressure. For high ICP, arching pain is characteristic, for low - squeezing.

Pressure fluctuations are caused by changing weather conditions, stress, excessive tension and fatigue.

Malignant tumors

With recurrent pain, the intensity of which increases, it is necessary to undergo an examination. Similar discomfort not excluded from malignant formations in the brain.

The localization of pain depends on where the formation is located. Depending on the involvement pathological process certain parts of the brain, accompanying symptoms occur:

  • mood swings;
  • visual impairment and servant;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • movement disorders, etc.

Most often, discomfort in the forehead is caused by the following localization of formations:

  • in the frontal lobe;
  • in the sinuses and bridge of the nose (frontal or maxillary);
  • in the frontal bone;
  • in the vessels of the brain;
  • in the pituitary gland;
  • in the cavity of the eye.

Eye diseases

Eye diseases that cause a persistent increase in intraocular pressure often provoke pain in the forehead.

One such disease is glaucoma. It occurs mainly in old age, but it can also be congenital, as well as in adolescence. In this case, it is called hydrophthalmos or dropsy of the eye.

With glaucoma, pain is concentrated in the area of ​​the temples, eyes, there is fatigue eyes, especially when working at a computer, reading, being in a poorly lit room.


The pain that occurs when overexertion is called tension headache. It starts in the neck, spreads to the back of the head, temples, eyes, cheekbones, affects one or both sides. Often accompanied by nausea, dizziness, tinnitus.

The nature of the pain is squeezing or bursting, monotonous, squeezing.

Pain types

When it hurts Temple area and forehead, you need to determine the type of discomfort. Based on the nature, duration and intensity of pain, doctors make a diagnosis and decide what to do for treatment.

Permanent (every day)

Constant, disturbing every day, headache not only brings discomfort, but interferes with life full life. Today it is not uncommon, so many do not attach it special significance. Meanwhile, if the head hurts for a long time, it signals about serious problems with health. Why is this happening?

  • disorders of the central nervous system due to hematomas or brain tumors;
  • horse racing blood pressure;
  • poisoning by products of the chemical industry;
  • disturbances in the supply of oxygen to the brain due to problems with blood vessels.

Constant and prolonged daily headaches, what does it mean? They are dangerous, as they can indicate meningitis, encephalitis, arachnoiditis, tuberculosis, even syphilis of the nervous system, tumors.

Headache and dizziness can occur in pregnant women. This must be reported to the doctor in order to control the blood pressure of the expectant mother.

Sharp and strong

Occurs suddenly or attacks. With her, a person is not able to do anything until the condition improves.

It often worries with migraines, pressure surges, traumatic brain injuries, infections and viruses, sinusitis. If the discomfort does not go away, but grows, you should immediately contact a specialist.

sharp and strong pain often caused by spasm of cerebral vessels in osteochondrosis of the cervical region or hypertensive crisis. Most dangerous states, at which it occurs - intracranial hemorrhage or ruptured aneurysm.
It is also not necessary to exclude stress, overwork, use harmful products and some groups medicines.

Throbbing headache

most probable cause throbbing headaches in the frontal part on the right or left is a migraine. May also occur when:

  • glaucoma, otitis media, pathologies of cerebral vessels;
  • sinusitis;
  • violations of the cerebrospinal fluid and venous outflow;
  • various infections.

The degree of danger of throbbing pain in the forehead depends on the intensity of pain and their duration.

Aching with nausea

If the head aches in the forehead area and feels sick, this may indicate:

  • increase or decrease in intracranial pressure;
  • migraine;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • tension headache;
  • development of brain tumors.

Diagnosis of ailments

When pain in the frontal part of the head causes inconvenience, you should consult a doctor. It is better to visit several specialists at once in order to reliably determine the cause:

  • therapist;
  • traumatologist (if there was a recent head injury);
  • neuropathologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • dentist;
  • otolaryngologist (ENT).

Diagnostics involves thorough examination which includes the following procedures:

  • magnetic resonance and CT scan(MRI, CT);
  • radiography;
  • dopplerography (examination of the cervical spine and blood vessels);
  • electroencephalography;
  • angiography;
  • blood and urine tests;
  • study of cerebrospinal fluid.

Treatment of pathologies

Treatment of pain in the forehead area is individual and is prescribed after establishing exact reason. Therapy involves the use of such measures:

  • relief with analgesics and home regimen - for pain caused by tension and overwork;
  • stimulation of the brain with methylxanthines;
  • elimination inflammatory process non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

What to take for cupping:

Name of medication Standard dosage Application period
NSAIDs: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Naproxen. Ibuprofen: 200-800 mg per day;

Diclofenac: 50-100 mg;

Naproxen: 500-1000 mg.

Short, no more than 5-7 days.
Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) Up to 1000 mg per dose, not more than 3000 mg per day. The interval between doses is at least 4 hours. Maximum 5 days.
Paracetamol 200-500 mg per dose in adults, not more than 1200 mg per day. Not longer than 5 days.
Metamizole sodium 200-500 mg 2-3 times a day, not more than 1000 mg. Suitable for long-term use but only under medical supervision.
Phenazone 250-500 mg, no more than 3000 per day. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Ergotamines are used to improve blood circulation in the brain. They can only be prescribed by a doctor, since the list side effects very wide.

To eliminate vasospasm, antispasmodics are recommended, for example, Noshpa, Spasmolgon. Vasodilation is achieved with the help of beta-blockers.
Drugs should be taken carefully, on the recommendation of the attending physician. It is important to understand that they help to level the symptom - a headache. But they don't fix the cause. How to treat this condition, the doctor must decide.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine also offers recipes to help relieve headaches in the forehead and temples. Here are some folk remedies:

  1. Valerian tincture. Pour boiling water over 20 g of plant roots and leave to burn for half an hour over low heat. Let it brew a little, strain and drink for 3 approaches. The duration of admission is a week, after which take a break of several days.
  2. Let brew in chicory juice a few pieces of aloe. Drink 150 ml. It will quickly relieve a migraine attack.
  3. 20 g cinnamon pour half a glass hot water. After the infusion has cooled, add some sugar. Drink a couple of sips every hour.

Today, homeopathy is popular in the treatment of various diseases but its effectiveness has not been proven.

Preventive measures

When the front of the head hurts, it is difficult to focus attention, work fully and rest, getting up in the morning turns into flour. Therefore, measures must be taken to avoid discomfort. The following tips will help with this:

  1. Drink more fluids throughout the day: clean water, juices, fruit drinks, compotes.
  2. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
  3. Get enough sleep, do not engage in mental activity shortly before bedtime. If you feel sleepy during the day, try not to sleep to night sleep was strong.
  4. Watch your diet. Enrich it with vitamins, micro and macro elements.
  5. Try to breathe more fresh air especially before bed.
  6. Watch what pressure if you feel discomfort. Deviations from the norm (it is equal to 118/94) require consultation with a doctor.
  7. When you are sedentary, sign up for a shoulder, neck and head massage to improve blood microcirculation and relax your muscles.
  8. Treat viral and infectious diseases in a timely manner to prevent complications.
  9. Avoid stressful situations develop emotional resilience difficult situations, drink a course of sedative medication to reduce suspiciousness and anxiety.

Timely treatment of headache and its prevention will help to avoid various complications.

Pain and its causes in alphabetical order:

pain in the forehead

Forehead - part of the body on the head of a person, located from the eyebrows down to the base of the hair up. On the sides of the forehead is limited by the temples.

Pain in the frontal part of the head can be caused by a variety of reasons. Your forehead can ache due to inflammation of the sinuses, teeth, migraines, allergies, stress.

What diseases cause pain in the frontal part of the head:

The main causes of pain in the frontal part of the head:

1. Tension headache extending from neck to occiput, temples, eye area, on one or both sides. May be accompanied by dizziness, staggering, nausea. Can be groped pain points in the region of the occiput and neck. The pain is dull, monotonous, pressing, squeezing or bursting. Localization of pain - usually felt around the head, in the frontal part of the head and eyes, temples, under the back of the head, sometimes reminiscent of pulling the head with a ribbon or a tight hat. Usually provoked mental stress, fatigue.
Causes. Combination strong tension scalp muscles, neck muscles with exacerbation pain sensitivity. Appears in the background nervous exhaustion or strong (long) mental stress. The reason is usually psychological problem- excessive efforts that do not lead to the desired result and outcome, anxiety and / or depression.

2. Headache with increased intracranial pressure.
This type of headache occurs in people prone to a decrease or increase in blood pressure.
Symptoms. Pain, of moderate intensity or severe, in the frontal part of the head, temples, back of the head, or the entire head. During a headache attack, low or high blood pressure is detected. Often provoked by the weather, overwork, mental stress.
Causes. Arterial hypertension, vascular dystonia, work disturbances thyroid gland, adrenal glands, kidneys, heart.
Psycho-emotional overstrain, overwork
Symptoms: pains of a squeezing or bursting nature in the frontal part of the head can be combined with pressing pains in the eye area.

3. With sinusitis, there is a feeling of tension or pain in the affected sinus, a violation of nasal breathing, discharge from the nose, a disorder of smell on the affected side, photophobia and lacrimation. The pain is often diffuse, vague or localized in the frontal part of the head, temple and occurs at the same time of the day. Body temperature is elevated, often chills.
Causes of inflammation frontal sinus, usually the same as for inflammation maxillary sinus. However, this disease is much more severe than inflammation of other paranasal sinuses.

3. With frontal sinusitis, there are: pain in the frontal part of the head, especially in the morning, impaired nasal breathing and discharge from the corresponding half of the nose. The pain is often unbearable, acquires a neuralgic character. In severe cases - pain in the eyes, photophobia and decreased sense of smell. The headache subsides after emptying the sinus and resumes as the outflow is obstructed. In acute influenza frontitis, the body temperature is increased, sometimes the color is changed skin above the sinuses, there is swelling and swelling in the frontal part of the head and upper eyelid resulting from local circulatory disorders.
The headache subsides after emptying the sinus and resumes as the outflow is obstructed. In acute influenza frontal sinusitis, the body temperature is elevated, the color of the skin over the sinuses is sometimes changed, swelling and swelling are noted in the frontal part of the head and upper eyelid.

4. Pain in the frontal part of the head is most often associated with inflammation of the membranes of the frontal and ethmoid sinuses, with the development of neuralgia or neuritis of the first branch of the trigeminal nerve. Neuralgic pains are paroxysmal, not accompanied by fever, secretion of mucus from the nose. During an attack, lacrimation, redness of the forehead, and sharp pain when pressing on the eyebrow are possible.

5. In infectious diseases, the localization of pain can be different, but the most common is headache. This is the most frequent complaint many sick infectious diseases. It is noted with any increase in body temperature and intoxication. The pain is usually dull and localized mainly in the frontal part of the head.
- Frequent headache with influenza, typhoid, malaria, in these cases it is intense.
- A very severe headache occurs with acute meningitis, which is also manifested by vomiting and meningeal syndrome (meningitis triad).
- Headache with influenza is localized in the frontal part of the head, superciliary arches and temples. It appears at the beginning of the disease and is combined with chills, muscle pain, a feeling of weakness and weakness. Eye movements are painful, photophobia is pronounced. Patients note "scratching" behind the sternum (tracheitis), cough.
- Common pain syndrome observed in dengue fever. Especially strong with her retroorbital headache, as well as pain in muscles and joints. Because of the pain in the muscles and joints, a gait on unbending legs appears (gait of a dandy, dandy). The face is hyperemic and puffy, the sclera are injected, it is possible hemorrhagic rash. Pain in muscles and joints persists up to 3-8 weeks.

6. Burning unilateral pains, throbbing, radiating to the forehead and eyes (at the same time it turns red and watery) - the so-called cluster, or beam. The vast majority of sufferers are men over 30 years of age, and smokers. Attacks can begin with a cigarette, even a small dose of alcohol, a sharp change in climate. They are always painful - a person literally grabs his head, cannot sit still, the pain comes at night, and painkillers help for a short time. The nature of cluster pains is little studied, but doctors classify it as vascular - like migraine, an unkind old companion of many women.

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If you have previously performed any research, be sure to take their results to a consultation with a doctor. If the studies have not been completed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

Do you have pain in the front of your head? You need to be very careful about your overall health. People don't pay enough attention disease symptoms and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific symptoms, characteristic external manifestations- so called disease symptoms. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to several times a year be examined by a doctor not only to prevent terrible disease but also support healthy mind in the body and the body as a whole.

If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the online consultation section, perhaps you will find answers to your questions there and read self care tips. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need on. Also register for medical portal Eurolaboratory to be constantly up to date latest news and updates of information on the site, which will be automatically sent to you by mail.

The symptom map is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and how to treat it, contact your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal.

If you are interested in any other symptoms of diseases and types of pain, or you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

Regardless of nationality, skin color and social position population, the most common pain is considered to be a headache.

It can be in a different part of the head, and also have absolutely different character. Pain in the frontal part of the head can occur in a variety of ways. different reasons.

Causes of pain

Before using drugs, it is necessary to determine what causes could lead to the occurrence of such a condition.

Increasing pressure

A headache in the frontal part of the head may be due to the fact that the pressure rises. This symptom occurs in the presence of hypertension.

Painful sensations of moderate severity appear, sometimes they can give not only to the forehead, but also to the eyes. Perhaps a feeling that heaviness “presses” on the eyes.

The reasons why pressure rises may be hidden in kidney disease, the presence cervical osteochondrosis, problems with the work of the thyroid gland, heart.

Infectious diseases

Frequent illnesses can also be a cause. For example, with ARVI, accompanied by the appearance of a headache, which in turn is accompanied by fever, weakness, cough, muscle aches.

Angina is possible, which is also accompanied by fever, pain when swallowing and sore throat, the presence purulent raids in the tonsils. Enlargement and soreness of the lymph nodes.

Other inflammatory diseases respiratory tract, less often, but can be manifested in initial period headache. Shortness of breath, cough (with or without sputum), chest pain.

One of the most dangerous infectious diseases is meningitis. With it, not only headaches are observed, but also fever, nausea (vomiting), possibly lack of consciousness.

The temperature is very high, even a fever is possible. Additionally appear meningeal signs(for example, it is impossible to bring the chin to the chest).

Pain in migraine

It can be pulsating and very strong. Additionally, the patient is irritated by various sounds, light.

Vomiting and nausea may occur. The head hurts for several hours or days. Pain in the frontal part of the head may be due to inflammation in the sinuses.

In parallel, symptoms such as intense pain in the eyebrows and eyes appear.

Psycho-emotional stress

Fatigue, nervous tension, frequent stress, chronic insomnia can lead to headaches.

Vomiting, dizziness, nausea may additionally occur. Pain from the frontal part can go to the back of the head or to the neck, and also radiate to the eyes and temples.

Eliminate this discomfort initial stage disease can be treated with drugs.

But over time, the disease progresses, and medicines no longer help. You need to see a doctor and rest for a couple of weeks.

If a trip to the doctor is "put on the back burner", then the disease can become chronic.


Headache in the frontal part can be associated with inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, such as maxillary sinus(sinusitis), frontal sinus (frontal). With these two diseases, swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa occurs, breathing worsens, body temperature rises, pain in the eyes occurs.

Punishment for bad habits in the form of use alcoholic beverages or smoking may occur in the form of a bunch of pain in the frontal part of the head.

Sometimes this condition can be with a change in climate.

Unhealthy diet as the cause of headaches

Why malnutrition may lead to such unpleasant symptom how is the headache?

This is due to food additives and preservatives that are added to foods to keep foods as long as possible.

  • It is necessary to completely abandon vegetables and fruits, which contain a large amount of nitrates. This is especially true for products that were purchased in the markets.
  • When buying food, you should pay attention to the expiration date.
  • If the head hurts very often, then this may be due to food, which includes tyramine. It is found in large quantities in chocolate, cheese, nuts.
  • Headache appears after drinking alcohol for two reasons. Firstly, it contains histamine, and secondly, from alcoholic beverages, blood vessels expand sharply, and then narrow.
  • Should be completely away from the use of caffeine. It stimulates the brain and can cause headaches.

Caffeine is found in coffee, black tea, and energy drinks. They are heavy load for the brain, as well as of cardio-vascular system.

Pain in the forehead after an injury

very often after hard hit a person develops a hematoma in the frontal part of the skull.

This can cause a severe headache in the forehead.

It is especially dangerous when a rupture occurs due to injury. nerve fibers and internal hemorrhage.

In this case, it is necessary to make an urgent magnetic resonance imaging and determine what is happening inside the body.

Pain in cervical osteochondrosis and myositis

The main problem is that due to cervical osteochondrosis, squeezing of the vertebral arteries occurs.

This is especially common when seated life. For example, people who work in offices, drivers, seamstresses are more likely to get this disease.

Sharply appear intense headaches may be due to severe stress, continuous load, bad posture during sleep.

What to do if you have a headache

If painful sensations began to appear often enough, then you should contact a specialist.

Sometimes, in order to determine the cause of a headache, it is necessary to consult a therapist, neurologist, dentist, otorhinolaryngologist, oncologist.


Treatment should not only be of high quality, but also timely. If remedial measures used incorrectly, it can only aggravate the condition.

First of all, you need to undergo a thorough examination.

  1. General analysis of blood, urine;
  2. Blood chemistry;
  3. Lumbar puncture;
  4. Magnetic resonance imaging;
  5. Angiography;
  6. X-ray;
  7. Electroencephalography;

It is necessary to undergo an examination of the blood vessels of the brain, cervical region.

Pain treatment

What to do if your head and eyes hurt? Treatment of such a disorder as pain in the frontal part of the head and eyes must be carried out with the identification of the cause.

Why they can occur, a specialist will help answer. To eliminate it, you can take the following measures:

  1. To improve brain function, you can take drugs such as Theobromine and Guaranine.
  2. When pain occurs due to intense tension, it can be eliminated with the help of analgesics. After that, it is recommended to have a good rest.
  3. If the cause of pain lies in the presence of a chronic inflammatory process, then drugs such as Nurofen, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen will help.
  4. win muscle spasm You can use antispasmodics. For example, it can be "No-shpa" or "Spazmolgon".
  5. If necessary, expand the vessels, this can be done with the help of "Atenolol".

You can eliminate headaches and improve blood circulation with Ergometrine. But you can take it only after a doctor's prescription.

They have a very large number of side effects. Treatment with medicines is possible only thanks to specialists.

Do not take medications on your own, as they can harm.

Additionally, you can use unconventional methods rehabilitation therapy. For example, it could be manual therapy, reflexology, massage.

Forehead pain and non-traditional methods of rehabilitation therapy

First of all, it is necessary to identify the reasons why a headache appears.

Helps well with given symptom osteopathy. It is used when needed surgical intervention.

Treatment should only be carried out by a specially trained physician. To alleviate the condition, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment.

Leeches are the best treatment for headaches. Hirudotherapy helps to eliminate thick blood.

A person will not feel relief from the first session, but the result will definitely be.

You can normalize blood circulation, relax tense muscles in the head with a head massage.

Impact on reflex points therapeutic effect. The most common methods are moxibustion and acupuncture.

There are examples where even the consequences of strokes, and not just headaches, were eliminated using this technique.

Folk methods of treatment

In the presence of headaches in the frontal part, it is necessary to take folk methods treatment.

Used instead of drugs or as an additional method of rehabilitation therapy.

  • Chamomile decoction. It should be taken before eating half a glass. The decoction works well as a sedative.
  • Improve general well-being help the use of 1 tablespoon of honey in the morning. You can mix it in one glass of warm water.
  • It helps well in the treatment of headaches with the help of infusion. It is prepared from flowers of cornflower, lilac, and also thyme.

Preventive measures

If headaches occur, then first of all it is worth having a good rest. Drink plenty of water. Bad habits should be abandoned completely.

With a complication of the condition: the appearance high temperature, loss of consciousness, intractable pain, it is necessary to call ambulance or contact the clinic.

Useful video

Headaches are among the most common pain sensations and can manifest themselves in various zones heads and have a different character. Pain in the frontal part of the head is provoked by the most various reasons. It is in this area that pains are given, which sometimes do not even have a direct connection with the head.

What causes pain in the frontal part of the head?

  1. psychological stress, emotional disorders, fatigue can provoke the appearance of the so-called tension headache. It spreads from the neck to occipital part, on the eyes and temples, a person feels pain in the frontal part of the head. Often a person feels sick, he staggers and feels dizzy. Can take the form of pressure, dull pain. Sometimes monotonous, bursting or compressing. At first, pain in the frontal part of the head does not cause much concern, because it is easily extinguished. regular pills from pain. Gradually, the number of medications taken increases, and then they stop helping at all, and only then does the person go to the doctor. This is very bad, as the disease can become chronic.
  2. Pain in the frontal part of the head is inextricably linked with an increase in intracranial pressure. It occurs in people suffering from an increase (decrease) in blood pressure. Symptoms: moderate or severe squeezing pain in the frontal part of the head, sometimes combined with pain in the eye area. The causes of the disease are wrong job kidneys, adrenal glands, thyroid gland or heart, vascular dystonia, as well as arterial hypertension. Pain can be provoked by a change in weather, severe overwork or stress.
  3. Pain in the frontal part of the head is often a companion of sinusitis. It provokes not only her, but also a disorder of smell, difficulty in nasal breathing, the appearance of discharge from the nose, photophobia, fever and chills.
  4. This type of pain (especially in the early hours) is also characteristic of frontal sinusitis. There is a violation of the process of breathing through the nose, a deterioration in the sense of smell, pain in the eyes may appear. In the frontal area of ​​the head, swelling and swelling are observed. Headaches are quite strong, after cleansing the sinus, it may subside for a while.
  5. Infectious diseases cause pain in the frontal part of the head. With such a disease as the flu, it is combined with pain in the muscles, weakness, chills, cough. During meningitis, it manifests itself along with vomiting. The pain is quite severe with dengue fever and is accompanied by puffiness of the face, pain in the joints and muscles.
  6. Distinguish beam pain in the frontal zone. It is painful and often occurs at night. Smoking, drinking, climate change can easily trigger pain. Often occurs in smoking men over 30 years old.
  7. The frontal part hurts with a migraine. Strong pain begins suddenly, has a pulsating character, radiates to the occipital part, is accompanied by vomiting.
  8. Using food additives(for example, monosodium glucamate), you need to be aware that they can cause pain in the frontal part.
  9. When the sinuses (the ethmoid and frontal membranes) become inflamed, pain also appears. They are paroxysmal. At the time of the attack, lacrimation, sharp pain are observed if you press on the eyebrow and redness of the skin in the forehead.

What to do if there is pain in the frontal part of the head?

When pain in the frontal part of the head manifests itself with a fairly frequent frequency, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. Sometimes you need to visit several specialists at once to determine the cause of the pain: a neurologist, a therapist, an otolaryngologist, your dentist.

Treatment of pain in the frontal part of the head

Pain in the frontal part of the head, the treatment of which requires immediate intervention, occurs for a variety of reasons. In this regard, the methods of treating pain also vary.

For example, in the treatment of pain in the frontal part of the head, hirudotherapy has proven itself well. Leeches are placed on the frontal part (often 2-3 individuals are dispensed with) and left for several minutes. The patient should go through several sessions before he feels relief.

Also used in the treatment of pain Active participation osteopathy, which is an alternative to surgery. Treatment should be carried out by a professional doctor who has passed special preparatory courses. Often the patient needs to go through 4 to 8 sessions to get positive effect from treatment with this method.

Another way to treat pain in the frontal part of the head is acupuncture.

Head massage is very effective in treating pain of this nature. With its help, the blood circulation of the scalp is normalized, the patient calms down, relaxes, and the pain soon disappears.

Manual therapy is another helper in the fight against frontal pain. A doctor who has completed preparatory courses and knows exactly how to act in the treatment of this pain should be engaged in treatment.

Pain in the frontal part of the head can be the result of infectious diseases, such as meningitis, so a visit to the doctor is a must.

As a first medical care you can use for yourself or a loved one medicine with analgesic effect. However, it is recommended to use the medicine only once or twice, abuse can lead to disastrous results.

When pain occurs in the frontal part due to stress, it is recommended to take Herb tea, lie down, take an antidepressant, calm down. The pain will soon subside.

If the pain is a consequence of sinusitis or pharyngitis, then medical intervention is indispensable here, because purulent contents are to be pumped out of the frontal and maxillary sinuses.

Often, pain in the forehead is a consequence of osteochondrosis. You should not immediately rush to painkillers - just massage the cervical vertebrae or warm up cervical region spine.

If the pain in the frontal part of the head appeared suddenly and for some unknown reason should immediately contact medical institution to identify the causes of pain in the frontal part of the head. Treatment can be quite long and difficult.



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