I left a man who smokes weed. Cigarette trap: if a loved one smokes

Grek.***@b*****.ru 02/20/2010

He doesn't love you!!! When using drugs, degradation (death) of brain cells in the forehead occurs and over time the person becomes disabled. My advice to you is to run away from him by leaps and bounds, a loving heart will not make your other half suffer!!! He doesn't care about himself and especially about you!

Imagine how smelly the cigarettes will be. my husband says it's useless. it turns out he tried it. did not help. advice from my husband. go see a narcologist. and just tell the problem. they have different ways to try to convince my husband. maybe add something with tobacco. I'll give you advice later. That's why my husband is nearby.

A very difficult question. Those who smoke weed do not believe that it harms them. Refer to European experience.

What to advise when a person does not want to be treated or does not believe that he can be cured? Only his personal desire can motivate him to undergo treatment. Or in life, when friends leave...he will understand the harmfulness of the habit.

If this is love, then it does not leave you in trouble. Who will support him? Who will support you?

Answer yourself the question: if you can live with his habit his whole life,(?) then try it.

If it’s already difficult now, then leave him for a while (for example, for a month, or until March 8), ask for a time-out, explaining why (me or your habit). Ask him to think and decide while apart. If this small separation does not help you make a decision, then it is not love.

The fact that he does not love himself is understandable (he destroys his body, he who loves himself will not harm his body). But are you dear to him, and will he be able to give for love? bad habit(?) - time will tell, try it. See how dear you are to him.

If you are not dear to him, then does he need such a husband?

For his youth to marry me, my future husband, quit smoking at my request. We divorced him a long time ago, but he still doesn’t smoke.

The guy most likely high level dependencies. It is possible that after quitting smoking weed, he will get hooked on something else. Although not a fact. Moreover, addiction has a very different manifestations can be. And those who do not know this are unlikely to recognize the same root in these manifestations. But the doctor can probably say more about the level of harm. Here you need to specifically understand what he smokes, how much, what he gets from it.

You are not helpless! You are very strong for living with this for so long! There is, of course, another option - to measure yourself. But in the long term - children with disabilities, a husband who does not remember his own birthday (weed spoils the memory very much), and eternal need (priorities change a lot, well-being becomes an afterthought), are you ready for ALL family burdens to fall on you? one. I wish you personal happiness and peace of mind!

My “husband” smokes... “weed”, I love it, he smokes, karauuuul.

So what? what kind of hysteria?

Doctors have already proven that drinking a mug of beer (I may confuse this) 43 times more harmful than smoking marijuana, well here, of course, doctors really don’t care about your “but I think” or “but I think” they are stupid compared to you, anyway, your poor woman’s logic is finally a paragraph and here it’s even useless to prove something “I know "

I’ve already seen all this nonsense described by Topicstarter on the Internet more than once, and they are all about the same “my husband loves me but” “everything is fine in our family but” this is called when a cat doesn’t care, he starts licking his own balls and one gets the impression that this It’s done on purpose like it’s good for my husband but it makes me feel bad, and there’s no need to shout that you just care, etc., etc. My wife says that smoking dope more than once every six months is extremely harmful, I ask why?? The answer is brilliant, well it seems to me! How can you draw a conclusion about something without even understanding what you’re talking about, I don’t mean that she needs to try it, just read about the grass with her chicken brain. I’ve been working at a service station for 6 years, I’ve been smoking weed for 10 years, at our station almost everyone smokes it, including the director, some use Vodyaru, even in work time, for the entire time of work, not a single complaint, Kolyan works on the next ski lift, he has about the same opinion about grass as those gathered here, this idiot has already lowered 3 cars into a ditch, and he calls us drug addicts.

If a man works like a horse, doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke (cigarettes), comes home on time, pays his salary, why are you bothering?? sit on your ass straight, or if you are numb, ask him to get drunk for two weeks, you will feel the difference

In short, ladies, heal your brains and don’t fuck them with your men

Hello. My civilian husband and I have been living for almost 4 years. He is 28 and I will be 20. And my husband started smoking weed about three months ago. Although before he himself had no idea how to smoke it. And now I smoke myself and I can’t do anything about it. I already left him. He came for me and begged me to come back. He swore that he would leave me. And yesterday it all started again. I just don’t know what to do with him anymore? Is it possible to give birth to such a person? Will something happen to the child or not? Please tell me. I am now at the beginning of my pregnancy. Thanks in advance everyone.

Always irreversible, but this is one of the most popular types of weed use, which is gaining more popularity every day. Using weed may have wide range physical negative effects, which every specialist can talk about. However, there are also consequences, especially for children and unhealthy people.

Effects of smoking weed on the fetus

If the husband smokes every day, what harm can be done to the child? The effect of weed on the ability to fertilize men is of great interest. Some smokers are fertile and have higher levels of sperm activity than other people.

Or they are more fertile at some particular stage of life. Men with usually low level sperm activity, may risk remaining infertile forever.

When women smoke weed, they reproductive system also contains narcotic substances and tetrohydrocannibinol. This can change the man's sperm entering the woman's body, making fertilization more difficult. The man may not be a smoker.

Test for smokers

Choose your age!

The harm of the plan for men

Men who smoke weed before puberty slows the onset of puberty. If a man is thinking about starting a family, he should quit. Studies show that smoking more than once a week can reduce your sperm count by a third. When combined with other drugs, including cocaine and ecstasy, more than half.

Chronic and increased use of marijuana changes hormones and reduces testosterone levels. Tetrohydrocannibinol may affect endocrine system humans, blocking the secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone. This leads to decreased production of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. Therefore, testosterone production decreases.

Testosterone is responsible for many things that distinguish a man from a woman. For example, muscles, voice and body hair. Less testosterone means large quantity estrogen. Estrogen provokes the growth of fat deposits in men.

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Do they smoke in your home?

Medicinal uses and its effects on the nervous system

Everyone knows what weed looks like, but what it consists of is not. Tetrohydrocannibinol triggers processes in the brain to release large quantity dopamine This gives the smoker pleasant sensations. May also enhance sensory perception and time perception.

In the hippocampus, tetrohydrocannibinol changes the way information is processed, so judgment may be impaired. It will be difficult to remember what is happening.

Changes also occur in the cerebellum and basal ganglia. It impairs balance, coordination and reflexes, making driving under the influence of weed very dangerous.

Very large doses, may cause hallucinations or delusions. Possible link between use and problems mental health. More research is needed to understand this theory. In people with schizophrenia, symptoms worsen.

After the effects of weed end, depression appears after smoking. For some it causes concern. Many smokers develop an addiction.

Tetrohydrocannibinol lowers pressure in the eyes, which relieves glaucoma symptoms within a few hours. Required additional research to understand the active ingredients in marijuana. It is also unknown to what extent this safe way treatment of glaucoma.

The pharmacological effect of marijuana extends throughout the central nervous system. It is believed to relieve pain and inflammation. Marijuana is useful in combating seizures and spasms.

Early effects of smoking

Depending on the quantity, quality and method of consumption, marijuana can cause a feeling of euphoria. That is, high stimulation of brain cells to release the chemical dopamine. When smoking, a feeling of euphoria appears almost immediately.

Changes in mood may occur and there is often talk of possible relaxation. Some users experience increased sensory perception. At the same time, colors appear more vibrant and noise becomes louder. For some, weed causes altered perception of time and increased appetite.

Other effects include:

  • feelings of panic, anxiety and fear (paranoia);
  • hallucinations;
  • increased heart rate;
  • drowsiness, apathy, numbness in the later stages;
  • problems with concentration;
  • decreased ability to perform tasks requiring coordination;
  • inflammation of the eyeballs;
  • distorted sense of time.

If a woman smokes during the luteal phase, it reduces the level of prolactin in her body.

Health experts report that smoking weed often causes premature birth. Tetrahydrocannabinol is the most harmful component. It can enter the placenta and cause some undesirable consequences for the child's nervous system.

Insufficient oxygen and blood supply causes low birth weight of the baby. Low weight, small gestational age may make the baby susceptible to infections. The risk of jaundice also increases respiratory diseases. Possible problems with feeding.

Children may be born with increased risk intellectual and psychological problems. Marijuana may affect certain developing parts of the fetal brain.

The child will have problems with attention, memory, and thinking. Research shows that small amounts of tetrohydrocannibinol are ingested by nursing mothers. It also affects the baby's brain.

Women who smoke weed experience irregular menstrual cycle, development of infertility.

Impact on teenagers

Teenagers are more susceptible to weed addiction because their brains are not yet fully developed. When children smoke weed, they can permanently alter the nervous system. It will be impossible to restore it.

It affects brain development, impairs thinking and functions responsible for learning.

Studies have shown that people who started had certain disorders. Marijuana use contributed to worsening IQ. Smokers between the ages of 13 and 38 had an average IQ of 8 points less. In adults, not all abilities returned. Those who started smoking weed as adults had a 3-point IQ difference.

Among teenage consumers, the level of memory decreases. This is possible signs reduction of neurons.

Such deviations persist even two years after the teenager stopped using marijuana. This indicates that this drug has a long-term effect. Those who start using weed after age 21 do not experience such brain damage.

Smokers report that they sometimes have difficulty organizing their thoughts—remembering certain things. Sustained weed use can slow down the reaction.

Weed - the consequences of smoking

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There was a time when a pack of Parliament in the hands of a man was a symbol of his good financial condition, personified independence and masculinity. Over the past decades, society's attitude towards smoking has changed dramatically: more and more young people think about healthy way life, sports, proper nutrition, where there is no place for a pack of cigarettes. Today at public consciousness the idea is gradually taking root that smoking is not fashionable, and a smoker is a person who is at odds with his inner world, engages in self-destruction and...causes pity, misunderstanding, and condemnation both from society and from his loved ones. Increasingly, a cigarette in hand is an indicator not of toughness and strength, but of weakness and serious problems in a man's life.

How does he feel when he sends another dose of nicotine into his body?

What should a woman whose husband is addicted to cigarettes do? How to behave and how to help your loved one?

From the history of tobacco

Archaeologists have found that more than 4,000 years ago the inhabitants North America used tobacco in their lives, believing that it was endowed magical properties. For example, the priests of the Mayan tribe spread tobacco smoke to all four corners of the world in their religious rituals, calling on the gods to protect them from enemies, give them strength and defeat their enemies.

Most likely, the word “tobacco” is the same name as the island of Tobago. The first distributors of tobacco were sailors who arrived in Columbus’s crew to the shores of modern Central America, where they saw the prototype of modern cigarettes- tobacco wrapped in large leaves. Thus began the spread of tobacco in Europe. One day in 1560, the French ambassador sent a parcel of tobacco to Queen Catherine de Medici, advising him how excellent medicine for headaches. By the way, the word “nicotine” originates from the name of the French Ambassador Jean Nicot. After this event, the popularity of tobacco grew significantly, it was used as a remedy for migraines, and by the mid-16th century it was already used to treat colds, pain, and to improve skin conditions.

The creation of a tobacco plantation by the Englishman Sir Walter Reilly in Ireland is considered a historical event; he named it “Virginia”. The tobacco from this plantation soon became one of the most popular in the World.

It is fair to note that in many countries the most distinguished persons smoked tobacco - from the court aristocracy to kings and princes. In Russia, Peter 1 became the ruler who was a fan of tobacco.

Of course, in history there were also opponents of tobacco, for example, Cardinal Richelieu, who considered this habit one of the most detrimental to the health of the nation and even spoke about harmful influence tobacco on the national strength of the country as a whole. But even in those days, the ban only provoked an increase in the smuggling of tobacco. And in the end, for example, in England, the government imposed large duties on tobacco products, “tying” a significant part of budget revenues to it. Society itself was quite friendly towards tobacco; many prominent figures in science and art were not only not opposed to cigarettes, but were also not averse to smoking. Big influence The masses were influenced by the work of Dr. Tobias Wehner: “The Victory of Tobacco over Beer,” where he said that only large doses of nicotine are harmful to health.

At the beginning of the 19th century, cigarettes appeared, replacing in many ways the not always convenient cigars. But the real “cigarette boom” began during the First World War, when cigarettes began to spread among soldiers of almost all armies.

With the development of scientific and technological progress, machines for the production of cigarettes appear, competition arises among a number of large tobacco companies that also take on women: from 1925 to 1935, the number of women who smoke tripled!

The golden age for tobacco is considered to be 40-50, when in almost every Hollywood film a cigarette flashes in the hands of the main characters. Two decades later, the Marlboro brand is considered number one in the world, surpassing even Coca-Cola in terms of profitability.

In subsequent years, the smoking process began to be actively studied, and many scientific works, proving bad influence cigarettes on the human body, many activists and public organizations, the purpose of which is to disseminate information about the dangers of smoking. With each new generation the number of smokers decreases, but nevertheless, smoking still remains big problem in many families.

Why does a man smoke

The life of a woman whose husband smokes can be full of worries about this: cigarette kisses, the smell in the apartment, additional expenses, bad example for children (if the father in the family smokes, then most likely his child will also smoke), and in general, the woman understands that every cigarette affects the health of her lover, clearly realizing that smoking can be the cause oncological diseases in future.

According to surveys, out of 100 percent of smokers, 70 want to quit smoking, and more than 80 percent have made at least one attempt in their life.

So for what reason strong part of humanity still takes out another cigarette from the pack? Let's look at a few key factors:

  • Calm your nerves - if you look closely, they most often suffer from severe nicotine addiction men with nervous work. It has been established that nicotine, like sweet coffee, contains a substance that, on the one hand, helps the brain quickly relax, and on the other, gives new energy, activating on short term brain function. Thus, the cigarette begins to be associated both with a means of relaxation and with a source of additional energy. In addition, if you look closely at the smoking process, what is it like? Meditation: inhale-exhale-inhale, smoldering cigarette, relaxation - this is how smoking becomes a ritual, a part of life and a way of relaxation. In addition, “going for a smoke” is an opportunity to take a time out in order to abstract yourself from everyday processes, get distracted and spend a couple of minutes alone, “airing” your brain.
  • Influence of others - if a person finds himself in a group consisting of smokers, most likely he will also smoke. The herd feeling has not been canceled; the majority always influences the minority. In a smoking group, the one who acts according to the general laws of the group is considered to be full-fledged.
  • Spirit of resistance - often the desire to pick up a cigarette arises even in adolescence when a cigarette symbolizes adulthood. Young men are ready to smoke a cigarette to spite their parents. At older ages, parents are replaced by wives and girls. The spirit of contradiction is manifested in the fact that the more a wife or girl screams and swears, the more more to a man I want to smoke. It would seem, what is the logic? There is no logic, habitual behavioral reactions are triggered.

Smoker's secret: many people want to quit

Who is the man in the family? This is the head, the breadwinner, strong, brave... at least he wants to be like that. And here is a cigarette that has tied him to himself and which he cannot get rid of. He himself would like to forget about this bad habit, because he understands perfectly well what consequences this can have.

There is psychological and physiological dependence.

Physiological dependence is dependence on nicotine itself, when it becomes an integral part of metabolic processes body. At the same time, if a portion of nicotine does not enter the body, then difficulties occur with the production of hormones and real suffering and health problems begin. It is fair to note that such physiological addiction is observed only in smokers with 30-40 years of experience.

Most common psychological dependence. Nicotine disappears from the metabolic chain within a few months or a few weeks. It would seem that everything should end there, but no - often the smoker takes up a cigarette again. What is the reason? The fact is that when a smoker quits smoking, it is important for him to fill the void created in the process, to distract himself, to replace this habit with another.

Smoker's excuses

  • “I’ll get fat” - due to a lack of nicotine in the body, attacks of hunger often begin. Of course, if a man eats large quantities of buns and fatty foods, it is not surprising that he will gain weight. You can make his life easier if you first stock up on healthy, low-fat food: seeds, fruits, vegetables.
  • "I have right now difficult period…” - the smoker firmly believes that cigarettes help him survive certain difficulties, and an attempt on the part of a woman to use a fake “sedative” will only aggravate the situation. As a result, scandals are possible due to the fact that if there is no cigarette, then there will be no successfully completed transaction. The placebo effect can be destroyed only by gradual, consistent work, explaining to the man that problems and troubles will never end, all life consists of them. This doesn’t mean now that you need to smoke all the time. However, it still won’t hurt to stock up on sedatives.
  • “I’m a heavy smoker, I’ve had 20, 30, 40 years of experience...Is there any point in quitting at all?” - you need to understand that the more nicotine accumulates in the human body, the stronger the impact will be in the future. The faster you quit cigarettes, the rather an organism will be cleansed of harmful poisons, and this will prevent possible diseases. If the disease is already progressing, then quitting smoking can have a positive effect by stopping the course of the disease.
  • “I like the process of smoking, it calms me down” - and again the life partner should think about whether she is providing her man with the necessary support and help. Or, on the contrary, is it another source of stress for a man?
Men use excuses to try to “keep face” in front of women

What to do if a man smokes

When we're talking about about smoking, a woman should show maximum wisdom. It is necessary to remember that it is difficult for a man in this matter. A woman should understand once and for all that scandals and insults will not only not help, but will also worsen the situation. A man wants to quit smoking, but he can’t. In this matter, he will try for the sake of the woman who will be ready to take his side and sympathize with him. For the sake of his family, he always wants to be the strongest and most courageous. Under no circumstances should you ever show that his weakness is visible to everyone. The man himself knows about this.

A woman should focus on positive action men, not paying attention to defeats and failures. A man will be immensely grateful for such behavior.

Even if a man loses his temper and lights a cigarette, under no circumstances should you lose your temper and criticize.

The idea of ​​doing some kind of activity together that is not compatible with smoking cigarettes works great. For example, running, swimming, playing tennis.

A man is especially irritable in the first days after quitting smoking. At this time, a woman must be ready to “take the blow” and realize that in her nervous breakdowns a man is angry not at someone, but at himself.

Facts about smoking

  • Most of heavy smokers start smoking before age 25
  • Many smokers think that quitting smoking is easy, but when it comes to achieving their plans, they realize that this is not so.
  • Almost all smokers smoke despite the fact that they are well aware of the harm they cause to their health.
  • According to World Organization Health, more than 25 percent of all cigarettes sold in the world are counterfeit
  • Even doctors themselves are not averse to smoking – more than 50 percent of doctors, according to statistics, depend on cigarettes. Most often these are surgeons, anesthesiologists - those who have the most stressful work
  • Everyone can get rid of the smoking habit
  • 10 percent of accidents in America occurred while the driver was lighting a cigarette
  • There are more than 120 ways to combat smoking in the world, 40 of them are most often used
  • Tobacco smoke reaches the human brain within 10 seconds after inhalation
  • It has been proven that menthol cigarettes are more harmful than regular cigarettes.
  • Interestingly, more than 95 percent of people who have had a myocardial infarction immediately quit smoking
  • Nicotine is a catalyst for influencing others external factors. For example, if a person is a smoker, and also constantly drinks alcohol, then the risk of cancer increases 9 times
  • Tobacco smoke and tobacco include more than 3,000 chemical compounds, some of them are carcinogenic, that is, capable of causing damage to the genetic material of the cell, and therefore cause cancerous tumors
  • Philip Morris largest company for the production of tobacco products, has more income than companies such as McDonalds and Nike

Live healthy. About smoking



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