Therapeutic effect and negative consequences of coding for alcoholism. Coding for alcoholism - expiration date

With drug coding, specialists use drugs based on disulfiram. This substance works in the patient's body as follows:

  • First, it should be borne in mind that an alcoholic has an accumulation of ethanol decay products in the blood, which have been accumulating there for years. Therefore, a drinking person is a piggy bank for acetaldehyde. It is this poison that forms the state of a hangover in the patient's body.
  • In turn, disulfiram is designed to react with acetaldehydes, before binding the enzymes that oxidize it. Thus, poisons are not processed by the patient's body, but are in it unchanged, which leads to manifestations of severe poisoning if alcohol enters the patient's body after alcohol coding. That is why a coded person cannot even take alcoholic herbal medicinal tinctures after encoding. Disulfiram will do its job and reject the alcohol in the tincture. That is, the patient will be very bad. Vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding, convulsions and fainting are possible.

Important: in order not to cause such a reaction immediately during coding, the patient and his relatives must understand how much ethanol should not be taken before drug coding. Otherwise, there is a risk of toxic shock for the patient.

Fear of coding: unreasonable reasons

And in order not to provoke relapses of various etymologies, you need to know how much not to drink before coding. In addition, the persistent recommended abstinence before coding is a guarantee of a positive effect from the blockade established by the doctor. There are several reasons for this:

  • During the recommended period of sobriety before coding, the patient completely or at least partially cleanses his body of ethanol decay products, which are poisons. And this means that the drugs introduced into the body with drug coding will not interact with toxins. That is, the load on the already worn-out body of the patient will be minimal.
  • Abstinence before coding alcohol minimizes the risk of allergic reactions to the administered drugs.
  • In addition, with a certain period of abstinence (especially in the 1-2 degree of the disease), the patient has the opportunity to comprehend his life, see the world around him with sober eyes and formulate a worthy motivation for coding.

Important: the result of coding in one of the chosen ways will be positive and stable only if the patient is aware of his addiction and seeks to be cured himself. Coding under pressure will definitely lead to a breakdown sooner or later.

In addition, the relatives of the patient must understand that both before and during the coding procedure, regardless of the method, the patient must be absolutely sober.

Many patients experience a feeling of timidity or fear before the coding procedure. This is due to fears that the drug-alcoblocker taken greatly undermines the psyche and health of the patient.

But such fears are only the psychological unwillingness of the patient to say goodbye to his toxic "panacea" for all troubles. That is why it is necessary to conduct more than one session of psychotherapy with the patient in order to give him strong motivation.

And only after receiving clear and conscious reasons for which it is necessary to encode, the patient makes a conscious independent decision. Only in this case, alcohol coding will give a stable and positive result.

Abstinence before psychotherapeutic coding

Since psychotherapeutic coding implies an impact on the subconscious of the patient, in this case the possibility of drinking for the patient should be excluded for a longer period.

It is precisely because of the long abstinence before the procedure that this method is less popular, but no less effective. The most effective method is the Dovzhenko method.

The session is held for 2 hours and is based on associative suggestion. In the process of coding according to Dovzhenko, the patient is instilled with an attitude to a new model of life without alcohol.

The patient can choose the term of coding according to Dovzhenko, but, as a rule, the optimal period is 3 years. During this period, the patient has a great chance to experience a sober lifestyle and prefer it after the end of the blockade.

Important: in the process of coding with psychotherapeutic methods, the patient is given the installation that he has the right to decode at any time. It should be noted that this setting is true.

That is why the further fate falls entirely on the shoulders of the patient himself. And in order to act correctly during the period of sobriety and make adequate decisions, a three-week period of abstinence of the patient is necessary before encoding.

Medical preparations for coding

In drug coding, the following drugs are mainly used:

  • Injections "Torpedo". The substance is administered intravenously to the patient in an amount calculated for a certain coding period. But the effect of the injection does not begin immediately. First, the substance must interact with the cells of the body and assimilate in it. That is why it is so important not to drink before coding medications.
  • Esperal capsule. This is pure disulfiram, which is sewn into the subcutaneous layer of the patient. After suturing, the drug is slowly absorbed into the patient's blood, maintaining a certain dose in the blood. As a result of alcohol entering the patient's body, disulfiram works as an alcohol blocker and causes severe signs of toxic poisoning. You can encode using Esperal for a different period. In general, the effect lasts from 1 to 3 years.
  • The drug "Aquilong". Unlike Esperal, this drug is administered intramuscularly and only for a period of 5 years. The principle of its operation is similar to the above means for encoding.
  • The drug "Actoplex". A product manufactured in the USA, which can be taken not only as an alcohol blocker, but also as a substance that promotes the rapid recovery of the patient's body after drinking bouts. That is, the return to a normal healthy life will be faster for the patient.

Often, narcologists carry out encoding by means of an injection in the liver. This does not mean that the injection is made into the organ itself, it acts more complicated.

The liver acts as a filter: ethanol is processed in it, alcohol decomposes into acetaldehyde, then into water and acetic acid. By blocking the enzymes that help the breakdown of ethanol, severe poisoning of the body will occur.

The drug has this effect. It does not allow the liver to process ethanol, alcohol remains in the body and intoxication occurs. To drink after coding with an injection means to get poisoned with negative symptoms in the form of vomiting, weakness, pain and disorder of the whole organism.

The action of the drug is a reflex connection: an injection gives a reaction of intolerance to alcohol. Narcologists use this technique infrequently, because it can provoke a deterioration in health.

Before coding, the patient's health status is examined and an anamnesis of past illnesses is collected. An intravenous injection is also done exclusively in a medical facility.

Coding is carried out by an experienced narcologist. Alcohol addiction therapy is used when a complete examination of the body is completed and no health problems have been identified.

In people with mental disorders, the Torpedo method can provoke:

  • the appearance of hallucinations;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • psychosis.

After an intravenous injection, such negative reactions of the body develop as:

  • vascular dystonia;
  • chills;
  • increased heart rate;
  • fear of dying;
  • pain in the heart.

Contraindications for injection coding

Before being coded, tests are necessary, to examine the liver, kidneys, and the general condition of the body. There are contraindications to coding by injection. You can not give an injection if the patient is diagnosed with at least one of the following diseases:

  • acute hepatitis;
  • liver failure;
  • opioid syndrome, withdrawal;
  • glaucoma;
  • systemic fungal diseases;
  • osteoporosis.

There are some rules and requirements that must be observed immediately after a person has been coded from binge drinking. If the sclera of the eyes have become yellow, then it is urgent to visit the attending physician.

If the patient needs treatment with antibacterial drugs, then this should be reported to the doctor. The question of what will happen if the coded one drinks is relevant in our time.

It is of interest to those patients who succumbed to coding without their own desire. After injection coding, if even a small amount of alcohol is consumed, the coded person will experience the following negative side effects:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • fever;
  • diarrhea;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • pain in the head;
  • memory loss;
  • fainting state;
  • convulsions.


Hypnotic and drug coding is one of the most effective and popular treatments for alcohol addiction. Most clinics and drug treatment centers that deal with alcoholism and drug addiction have alcoholism codes included in the standard list of services.

Let's try to figure out whether coding from alcoholism is harmful to health, and how this procedure affects the psyche and physical condition of a person.

The positive impact of coding from alcohol on a person

Statistics show that coding gives very good results. The effectiveness of drug coding is confirmed in 9 cases out of 10. Hypnotic is slightly lower.

In addition, the encoding procedure takes a few hours. However, not everyone and not always can undergo this procedure, there are multiple contraindications and the real harm of alcohol coding on the body. However, the benefits of ridding the body of alcohol are so high that it fully justifies the use of even the most radical methods, such as chemical blockade, provocation injection and filing.

The encoding is imposed for a long time, during which the alcoholic manages to get rid of addiction, improve his life and forget about addiction to alcohol. This is a good chance to get out of the alcohol trap once and for all.

Possible negative consequences and harm from coding

Unfortunately, there are still side effects after coding for alcoholism. First of all, the psyche can suffer from this procedure, as a person goes through cardinal changes in worldview and lifestyle, moving from alcoholism to sobriety.

Coding provides a finished result (sobriety), but it does not solve all the intermediate problems that push a person to alcohol.

Repeatedly, relatives of recovered alcoholics noted that after coding for alcoholism, the state of the psyche undergoes certain changes, and not always for the better. Sometimes there can be a zombie effect.

If the thirst for alcohol has not left the person, then against the background of drug encoding, a person can become irritable, angry and aggressive, or maybe plunge into a depressive state, up to a craving for suicide. Often, a coded person develops all kinds of phobias (fear of society, confined space).

Encoding also affects the physical condition of a person. After the procedure, libido and sexual function may decrease. With drug coding, potent drugs (Aquilong, Torpedo, Esperal) are introduced into the body, which affect internal metabolic processes. Some of them have a strong toxic effect on the body.

In cases where there is a breakdown after coding for alcoholism, the patient expects a whole range of unpleasant effects, including malaise, fever, vomiting, loss of consciousness. There may be sharp pains throughout the body, fever and a feverish state. If you do not take action, and do not consult a doctor, a fatal outcome is possible.

Coding can be dangerous if the patient goes for it not of his own free will, but under pressure from loved ones. It is very important to choose a good clinic and a qualified and experienced doctor for treatment.

Alcohol affects the elderly much worse than the young, due to the fact that with age it becomes more difficult for the body to cope with the toxic effects of ethanol. It is possible to encode in old age, but with some reservations.

Most clinics do not code the elderly with medication, as the risk of death in the event of a breakdown is extremely high. For the elderly, hypnotherapy, the Dovzhenko method, and other methods of psychotherapeutic influence are used, giving the desired effect.

In addition, a person must be in good shape, not have mental disorders and heart disease. It is equally important that the patient has a positive attitude and wants to be cured. The result will largely depend on this.

Is it possible to code in the presence of diseases

The coding procedure can only be applied to healthy people. In case of serious heart diseases, such as stroke, myocardial infarction, in the presence of mental and nervous disorders, neither hypnotic nor drug coding is used. It is dangerous to apply the procedure to people with pathologies of the liver and kidneys and to women during pregnancy.

Coding is not applicable at the time of exacerbation of viral and infectious diseases. It should not be coded for people suffering from diabetes, pancreatic pathologies.

Such strict contraindications have serious grounds. If a person violates the encoding and breaks into a binge, this entails serious damage to health, provided for by the conditions of the encoding itself. If such damage is suffered by a patient suffering from serious illnesses, then the consequences after coding for alcoholism can be disastrous.

Relapse of alcoholism after coding

The consequences of breaking the coding are a deterrent to the alcoholic to stay sober. Depending on the encoding method, physical or emotional damage may predominate. After hypnotherapy and coding according to the Dovzhenko method, emotional damage prevails, accompanied by physiological effects, such as nausea, headache, and fever. In cases of drug coding, physical damage is much stronger, since this method is based on the severe reaction of the drug to ethyl alcohol. Drinking after a chemical blockade of alcohol, or an injection with provocation, can be life-threatening. Drinking after coding is something that you absolutely cannot do.

If the coded person accidentally or mistakenly took alcohol, he should immediately contact the doctor who performed the procedure to correct the encoding.

How many times can you code for drunkenness and how does multiple coding affect health

There are no restrictions on the number of allowed encodings. Many people are coded repeatedly, as the procedure only helps them for a certain period, after which they repeat it.

It makes little sense to encode more than once a year, but there is no increased danger in multiple encoding either. Hypnotherapy and Dovzhenko's coding method allows some to be encoded at one time for a lifetime.

Summing up, it is worth noting that encoding is an effective working technique for getting rid of alcohol addiction. This method has its negative sides and risks, but they are more than offset by the benefits that alcohol healing brings.

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When there is no longer the strength to fight the addiction on your own, coding for alcoholism can come to the rescue. Reviews of this method of treatment will be presented below. We will also tell you about which methods are considered the most effective today and what consequences you can expect.

General information

What is coding for alcoholism? Feedback on the named method of treatment is left by almost every second person who has passed it. According to experts, more than half of patients agree to such procedures only after they study all the available information, and also see with their own eyes people who have managed to get rid of their addiction once and for all.


Surely many who suffer from as well as their loved ones have heard of such a treatment method as coding for alcoholism according to Dovzhenko. It should be noted that it was introduced into medical practice in 1980. This was done by Dr. A. R. Dovzhenko. In those days, this term meant only a certain prohibition on any action that is instilled in this or that patient. In the case of excessive alcohol consumption, this prohibition applies only to drinking alcoholic beverages. By the way, this method of treatment had a certain prototype. The fact is that back in the 19th century, priests gave a vow not to drink alcohol and kept their word, as they were very afraid of angering God with their deeds. At that time it was a kind of self-coding from alcoholism. We can only see reviews and results of such bans in historical references.

What is coding?

Not everyone knows what coding for alcoholism (treatment of this disease) is. In this connection, we decided to devote this article to this topic.

Coding is the most common medical method that is used to eliminate alcohol and other addictions through various procedures. It should be especially noted that such activities should be carried out only by a qualified narcologist-psychiatrist in special medical institutions. Moreover, such procedures can be carried out only with the full consent, as well as the personal desire of the patient.

Coding methods for alcoholism

In modern medicine, coding for alcohol addiction means various methods of treatment, ranging from the introduction of special drugs and ending with a direct impact on the patient's psyche by any psychotherapeutic methods.

The following areas are considered especially effective:

Laser coding for alcoholism

Not so long ago, scientists discovered that there are certain points on the human body and brain, after exposure to which one can quite easily defeat almost any disease. As you know, it was on this theory that such modern methods of treatment as massage and acupuncture were based.

With the development of medical technologies, new ways of such an impact on an addicted person began to appear. For example, laser coding for alcoholism is very popular today. Reviews of this method are few. This is primarily due to the fact that this method appeared relatively recently. What is its feature? During this procedure, a thin laser beam is directed to specific points, internal organs or blood, and then acts on them. It should be especially noted that such an event allows you to achieve a quick and persistent rejection of alcohol, and sometimes a strong aversion to it and its components. Experts believe that a few sessions are enough to get rid of strong cravings for alcoholic beverages once and for all. Although this claim remains controversial. Much depends on the individual tolerance of this technique.


Hypnosis coding for alcoholism, reviews of which are very diverse, refers to psychotherapeutic treatment. However, such therapy should be discussed separately, since it is considered the safest of all the above. After all, with the help of this method, the human body is not affected chemically or physically.

As you know, this method of treating addiction was developed one of the first. The aforementioned A. R. Dovzhenko is considered its creator.

The essence of this method is that it conducts a hypnosis session. During this procedure, the patient is instructed to not drink. If a person is suggestible and responds well to hypnosis, then after several sessions he may feel a rather strong disgust not only for the taste of alcohol, but also for its smell, and even for its appearance. By the way, this method affects the patient only for the amount of time that was determined by the doctor.

Benefits of coding for alcohol addiction

The goal of coding is to cure or eliminate a person's alcohol addiction. It should also be noted that the tasks of this method include some assistance to the patient in his social rehabilitation. After several procedures, the patient begins to feel noticeably better. It also reduces his craving for alcohol. However, for the first time after coding, the patient may experience severe irritability and even aggressiveness. To reduce this likelihood, a person is prescribed various sedative drugs. In addition, the patient also requires a certain physical activity.

The main advantage of coding is that the patient and his family have a second chance to establish a normal and prosperous life. After all, those who have ever faced such a problem as alcohol addiction know that this is the path to the abyss. Moreover, not only the patient himself is rolling into it, but also those people who surround him and love him.

Cons of coding for alcohol addiction

Addiction for life is impossible. The optimal period is from 3 to 5 years. Such time is given to the patient in order to fulfill himself without alcohol, as well as to develop a desire to never drink alcohol again. Moreover, it should arise not because of the fear of possible death, but from the desire to live happily without any dependence.

If the coding procedure had no effect on the patient, and soon he starts drinking again, then in this case, repeated treatment will be more difficult and less effective.

What could be the consequences?

Every patient who decides to go to the appropriate clinic thinks about the consequences of coding for alcoholism. It should be noted that almost every method described above has its own side effects. But compared to the effects on the body of alcohol, their effect is much less.

Let's consider some of them in more detail.

Consequences of hypnosis

Despite the noticeable positive effect, this method often causes negative consequences. This is due to the fact that not all people who are psychologically inclined to give up alcohol are physically and mentally ready for this. So, all those problems that were previously solved with the help of alcohol become insoluble. Moreover, the mere mention of it can cause the patient to experience extreme panic or fear. As a result, a person comes and even worse - depression. The consequence of such a violation of the psyche may well be a violation of the ban and even more active drinking of alcoholic beverages.

Consequences of drug therapy

This method is the most dangerous. After all, a special drug is introduced into the patient's body, which is incompatible with alcohol. After that, he is given a small dose of an alcohol-containing drink, as a result of which the patient can feel what sensations await him after taking it in large quantities. By the way, the consequences can be the most unpredictable: from convulsive seizures and severe vomiting to death.

Coding for alcoholism is a relatively new technique. The development of doctors made it possible to create technologies that allow a person to permanently get rid of addiction to alcoholic beverages.

How the coding works

The procedure is understood as psychotherapeutic methods of forming a mindset on a negative attitude of the body towards alcoholic beverages. The program is laid down through hypnosis. The duration of the procedure does not exceed 20 minutes, but it can be carried out only after a month of abstinence from alcohol.

The principle of operation of the encoding is the development of a conditioned reflex that prevents the flow of ethanol from outside. For the formation of denial, an emetic reaction and psychological rejection are used. The mechanism of action depends on the method used.

Before the procedure, a person is introduced to the possible consequences, the cost, duration, and course of therapy are determined. The client signs a contract for the provision of services, which states that if the regime is violated (drinking alcohol), there will be pronounced symptoms, up to death. Indeed, with psychotherapeutic coding, even 30 ml of alcohol will lead to severe poisoning, which is due to a nervous reaction in response to the intake of the product. Despite the apparent simplicity and speed of coding, only 20% of patients manage to achieve a complete cure. A significant drawback of the method is long-term therapy of the disease.

How to code for alcoholism

There are different ways to implement programs. Let's talk about popular and common:

  1. Medical(sewing alcoblockers, injecting ethanol inhibitors, taking pills) means provoke the rejection of ethyl alcohol during internal use.
  2. Psychotherapeutic(according to Dovzhenko, Rozhnov, Malkin) - form the rejection of alcoholic beverages. The cost of the course is high due to the participation of a specialist.
  3. Hypnosis - the introduction of a program to reject alcohol. There are author's methods of hypnotherapy, the secrets of which are kept secret. There are 2 directions - directive and hidden. The option is selected by the psychotherapist individually after analyzing the patient's state of health, the severity of alcohol dependence.
  4. double blocking- the procedure involves a combination of sewing in a spiral with psychotherapeutic methods for correcting alcoholism according to Malkin, Dovzhenko, Rozhkov.
  5. Hardware (hyperthermia, convulsive, electrical impulse therapy) - physiotherapy is used to form resistance to alcohol aversion. Its therapeutic effect is low, therefore it is used only in combination with other methods.

Modern medicine has a wide range of methods for the treatment of alcohol dependence. An effective way is an injection from alcoholism. This rather simple procedure gives high results and a low recurrence rate.

We can say that how many husbands drank vodka, their wives and children shed so many tears. Semashko N. A.

How does drug coding work?

Three main stages can be distinguished.

  1. Interview with the patient. It is necessary to inform the dependent person about the effect of the drug and the consequences of drinking even a small amount of alcohol. Some experts neglect this point, which reduces the efficiency of coding. Consent to the procedure is given in writing.
  2. Injection. The most commonly used drug is "Torpedo", which is considered the most effective. The active substance is disulfiram, which blocks the production of the alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme in the liver and thereby causes a persistent aversion to alcohol.
  3. Checking the reaction to alcohol. It is not practiced by all specialists, but still takes place. The patient is given to drink a minimum amount of alcohol, which leads to very unpleasant sensations. Thus, a person understands that after drinking an alcoholic drink, he will not get pleasure, but only pain.

Before the procedure, you must completely abandon the use of alcohol for 3 days. In some cases, this period may be extended to a week.

Coding expiration date

An injection from alcoholism contains a different concentration depending on the desired period
coding. The most effective injection is considered to be 1 year. In fact, the drug is able to be contained in the body for 2-3 months, after this period, withdrawal occurs. The further impact of the method is based on psychological aspects. Having received an instruction not to drink alcohol for one year, a person is afraid of possible consequences and adheres to the doctor's recommendations. But some experts guarantee abstinence from alcohol for 5 years.

You can encode no more than three times. If breakdowns occur and the patient returns to alcohol abuse, it is necessary to contact a drug treatment clinic for inpatient treatment.

The consequences of the use of "Torpedo"

Taking even a small amount of alcohol after coding can cause very unpleasant consequences.

  • Pain sensations.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Respiratory dysfunction.
  • Deterioration of cardiac activity.
  • Coma, death.

Each person may have only some of these phenomena. It all depends on the amount and strength of the alcoholic beverage and the health of the patient.

The consequences of a breakdown can be so serious that medical attention is indispensable. In some cases, urgent hospitalization is required.

Some patients speak of this method as completely ineffective. This is usually the opinion of people who have decided to code under duress. Psychologically, they are not ready to say goodbye to alcohol and can return to drinking as soon as possible after the procedure.

It is very important to tune in to a positive result. Treatment allows you to stay without alcohol for a set period. During this period, there is a reassessment of life priorities, which makes it possible to lead a sober lifestyle even after the end of the encoding.

Recovery from addiction by injection of disulfiram must be done voluntarily and consciously. This is the only way to overcome alcoholism.



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