What is bypass mode in an electronic cigarette. Temperature control in modern devices

Recently, in the world of "vaping" there is more and more talk about some kind of "thermal control" and it's understandable why. This new technology has taken vaping to a new level of safety and comfort!

All new "high-tech" technologies eventually reach the average user. Already today, devices with support for temperature control (TC) can be purchased for $30. So nothing will stop you from taking and starting using thermal control today!

But still, what is this - thermal control? And what do they eat it with? If you describe all its features, then you can even write a small book. But for now, we will cover only the minimum that you need to know about TK mode.

If we limit ourselves to just one sentence, then temperature control works on a change in resistance when certain metals are heated.

If you're already familiar with e-cigarettes, you should be familiar with resistance. As you know, inside your tank or "drip" there is a winding, which just has resistance. If you have a mod with a display, then the resistance should be displayed on the screen.

According to the vaping standard, most evaporators and coils are made on the basis of kanthal. Its resistance does not change when heated, does not “jump”, so to speak, that does not affect the change in power supplied to the coil itself. In TC, metals are used, the resistance of which will vary depending on the temperature of their heating. The board in the device with thermal control has a certain formula, according to which the power supplied to the coil is calculated: the mod remembers the initial resistance of the coil, and then, when heated, continues to control it when the coil is heated. For example, the resistance was initially 0.2Ω, and when heated it increased to 0.4Ω, which means that the heating temperature is ~200°C.

Each mod with thermal control support allows you to adjust not only the power, but also the heating temperature of the coil. This makes it possible to set the desired heating temperature yourself, and the mod itself will determine the power to heat the coil to such a temperature.

Today's temperature change standards range from 200°C - 250°C / 392°F - 480°F, in 5°C or 10°F increments.

What are the benefits of temperature control?

1.) Prevention of burning cotton wool or "garika"

It happened to all of us: we didn’t notice how the liquid in the tank ended, we didn’t pour the right amount of liquid, we didn’t set the power correctly.

The result of "garik" is not only very unpleasant in itself, but also carries potential harm to health.

The main advantage of the TC mode is to avoid all these consequences: if you don’t notice how the liquid has run out, then there will simply be less steam, and if the power is very high, then the mod will simply protect the coil from overheating.

As a result, instead of getting an unpleasant burn, you will have less vapor.

2.) Safe vaping

Vaping has not yet been thoroughly studied by scientists, but we can definitely say that it is less harmful than smoking. And you don't need to have seven spans in your forehead to understand all the risks of a red-hot spiral.

The more we limit ourselves, the safer we are.

The key point is that we heat up the spiral exactly as much as we need it. And no more.

3.) Increased evaporator and coil performance

Prevention of garik means that the coil will not overheat and burn the cotton wool. And that means the taste will remain on top.

Coils and evaporators will last longer due to certain coil heating limits

Think about what will happen to your machine if it constantly works at its limits?

4.) Battery Life

To maintain a certain temperature on the coil, the power adjusts itself, which reduces battery power consumption by 1.5 times compared to the variable mode.

What do you need for temperature controlled vaping?

Electronic Cigarette/Mod

First you need to have a device with thermal control support. There are just a lot of such devices now, and they all vary in price from $30 to $300. Electronic cigarettes differ in their functions, but they all adhere to the main principle.

Spiral and wire

The second very important point is the choice of metal. Kanthal for TC mode is not suitable. Three types of material are now used for thermal control:

  • Nickel - Ni200
  • Titanium - Ti
  • Stainless steel - SS316

All mods with TK mode support nickel. However, starting from June 2015, the arsenal was replenished with titanium. Titanium and stainless steel are now supported not by all devices, but mostly only by new products.

Thermally controlled evaporators

With the introduction of thermal control to the masses, they also began to create tanks in which evaporators were made specifically for thermal control. With the appearance of new types of windings (namely, such as titanium and stainless steel), manufacturers are trying to keep up with fashion. Only such windings are usually standard and cannot be changed. But if you have a tank or drip on hand, then a lot of opportunities open up for you to create your own winding. Temperature control wire is also sold in vape shops or on the Internet. And the principle of winding a spiral is indistinguishable from kanthal. Only this time you will no longer soar on variat, but on thermal control!

So what is the best metal?

It is best to choose titanium. It is he who provides better temperature control, which will ensure less battery consumption, and the material itself is safer. In addition, titanium has a higher resistance, making it easier for you to adjust it to your device. And this is a great choice for people with individual nickel intolerance.

If you are going to buy a mod with thermal control support, then take titanium and stainless steel with support. Thus, you can try TC on all metals and decide for yourself which is better.

Already have a mod with thermal control, but only with nickel? No problem! You can still use titanium on temperature control, but only with certain temperature settings.

Your first mod with thermal control

So, you bought a mod with thermal control. You already have nickel or titanium vaporizers. What's next?

We will not describe how to wind the spiral from the wire ourselves, but we will take care of turning on the thermal control. Let's say you have everything on hand and consider an example using vaporizers.

How to vape on thermal control

1.) Set the mod to the temperature control mode you need

  • If the mod supports, for example, nickel and titanium, then set the mode you need according to the type of evaporator, respectively
  • If your mod only supports nickel, then make sure you have a nickel vaporizer

2.) Install the vaporizer as you would with conventional vaporizers. Make sure you insert it all the way.

3.) Install the tank itself on the mod. Again, make sure you screw it all the way in.

4.) Set the power to 30W if the mod requires it.

  • If your mod does not require this, then do not be upset, then he set them up himself

5.) Fix the resistance on the mod

  • How this is done is usually written in the instructions for the mod.

6.) Set the desired temperature

  • 420°F / 215°C is enough to start
  • If there is too little steam, you can always add

7.) Soar like you always did

  • Everything is the same, only no more gariks!

8.) Don't be afraid to experiment!

  • You can adjust the temperature to suit your comfort.
  • If the mod allows you to adjust the power, do not skimp on playing with it. Higher - please, but do not underestimate too much, because the device needs power to heat up the coil.

Temperature control is the next step!

Here's everything you need to know about temperature control. In fact, everything is not so difficult!

Modes in electronic cigarettes, what are they for?

In order for vaping to bring pleasure and comfort, it is important to study the modes of electronic cigarettes, to understand what they are for.

Variety of vaping modes

When electronic gadgets first appeared, there were only two options in them: power and voltage adjustment. Modern devices have undergone significant changes. Now electronic cigarettes can offer:

Variwatt mode - regulates the power of the device. The option allows you to choose the optimal level of operation of the device, at which the taste of the liquid will be revealed to the maximum, voluminous clouds of steam will be obtained. Varivatt works in automatic mode. Once, by setting the power indicator, the cigarette board will independently select the correct voltage level corresponding to the type of evaporator;

Bypass mode - an option that allows you to convert an electronic cigarette into a mechanical mod format. When the battery is high, the battery mod will produce the most working power. The resistance level when this mode is activated should be 0.1 ohm. The option is compatible with serviceable evaporators;

Thermal control mode - works in tandem with the voltage going to the coil. The main task of the option is to regulate the temperature of the steam, which significantly improves its taste characteristics, eliminates the appearance of a burnt aftertaste. A comfortable temperature level is selected independently. After the automation of the device compares all the operating modes of the cigarette with this indicator.

START (power selection in automatic mode), TCR (type of resistance control mode) are additional options that allow you to completely personalize your electronic gadget.

Having carefully studied the modes of operation of an electronic cigarette, you can choose the perfect gadget for yourself.


Varivolt and variwatt are electronic cigarette features that allow you to change the voltage supplied by the battery to the coil. This adjustment allows the vaper to get more flavor and vapor, reduce the likelihood of burnt aftertaste, and generally customize the mod to suit their needs and vaping habits. The names of the functions are a transliteration of the English abbreviations "vari watt" and "vari volt", which means variable wattage and variable voltage, respectively - adjustable power and voltage.

Despite the fact that the goals of variwatt and varivolt are the same, their implementation is completely different, which is the difference between these two functions. Varivolt (VV) allows you to adjust the voltage supplied by the battery, but does not take into account the resistance of the spiral, on which the real working power will depend. With the varivolt, an experienced vaper can change clearomizers with different resistances, manually adjusting the voltage value to “overcome” the resistance of the coil and get comfortable vaping Volts.

Variwatt (WV) does the same thing, but in a different way. It allows you to regulate not the voltage, but directly the power, so that the electronic cigarette board can independently calculate the optimal voltage value supplied to the coil. In other words, the vaper can change clearomizers with different resistance by setting the power to, for example, 15 watts. If you connect a vaporizer with a resistance of 1.8 ohms or 2.2 ohms, the mod will allow it to soar at the same 15 watts, but it will independently change the number of volts to “overcome” the increased resistance in the second case. Variwatt is automatic, which makes the process of soaring and changing the voltage of the coil more comfortable, easy and convenient. Some models even know how to remember certain clearomizers, and when you connect them, you do not need to spend time reconfiguring. This is useful if the swimmer uses subohm and "regular" clear alternately.

Variwatt and Varivolt modes are not mutually exclusive. There are many electronic cigarettes that combine both functions, for example, Eleaf iStick 30w

How is the setting going?


All modern mods have a display that shows the number of Watts or Volts, and if Volts are displayed only depending on the presence of the varivolt function, then Watts show all models. Also on the body of the devices there is a control element for changing the voltage and power. As a rule, this is a “rocker” or separate “+” and “-” buttons, but there are also exotic options, for example, in the eVic VT, the adjustment is done using the wheel located at the top of the box mod.

Each electronic cigarette has its own adjustment step, which is usually 0.1 watts or volts. This means that when adjusting the voltage, the vaper can set any values ​​​​like 3 Volts or 3.1 Volts and so on. However, the exact value depends on the specific model, and some obsolete mods have a step of 0.5 units.

Adjustment occurs in the range specified by the manufacturer. It is impossible to "give" 100 watts per coil with a mod that is only rated for 40 watts. Therefore, when buying, you should find out the “working range” of voltage and power, since manufacturers do not hide it and often even put the “ceiling” in the name. For example, Eleaf's iStick series is divided into models based on power: iStick 30W, iStick 50W and iStick 100W (review of Eleaf iStick 100W)

Examples of models with varivolt and variwatt


Today, variwatts and varivolts are very common features, so you can find them both in expensive electronic cigarettes and in products "for the masses." In addition to the examples already given, it is worth mentioning Eleaf 40W TC, Kanger Subox, Eleaf iJust 2. These are quite interesting devices in themselves, and you can learn more about them in the publications section of our website.

Variwatt and Varivolt for a beginner


Despite the fact that variwatts or varivolts are already something of a "gentleman's kit", they are not yet built into all electronic cigarettes. Therefore, beginners face a choice: buy a device with a vari-watt or a vari-volt? Or is it possible to do without these functions at all? The answer depends on what exactly you want to get from your e-cigarette:

  • if you are just starting to soar and just want to try what it is without spending extra money - choose a model without variatt or varivolt. This solution will save you money;
  • if you are a beginner, but seriously think about vaping, then choose a model with a variatt. Automation will allow you not to "dig into the wilds", but simply adjust the power and discover the differences between vaping at 10 and 20 watts. The varivolt model is best left until the time when you become more aware of the issue. A good choice would be a mod with a variatt and a varivolt at the same time, since there are a lot of them;
  • if you do not trust automation and like to do everything yourself, then your choice is varivolt. Today, variwatt can do everything that varivolt does, and in a more convenient form for the vaper, but according to experienced vapers, automation sometimes “steals” power and instead of the promised 30 watts, it gives out less. Therefore, the choice of varivolt makes sense.

Experienced vapers generally prefer vaping, while vaping is used only in a few cases when they want to try something new or need very fine tuning.

Temperature control or third mode


In the list of characteristics of an electronic cigarette, along with a variatt or a varivolt, a third mode can be indicated - temperature control. It also works with the voltage applied to the coil, but in a slightly different way, affecting the temperature of the steam, its taste and the absence of a burnt aftertaste. Mods with TC measure the temperature of the coil by its resistance and prevent it from heating up above the set values, reducing the voltage. This function does not work in conjunction with variwatt and varivolt, but there are mods that have all three functions and are able to work with them alternately. At the beginning of autumn 2015, few devices have support for VW / VV and TK at the same time, for example,

Now the majority of smokers are switching to electronic vaping. Also, vaping is becoming popular among people who just like to “let off delicious smoke”. However, many are faced with such a problem - how to buy an electronic cigarette with variatt or varivolt? Before choosing one of the mods, it is worth knowing what benefits the vaper will get by choosing one or the other.

Once upon a time, all fairly powerful batteries were conditionally divided into two groups. The first was without a stabilized voltage output, and the second - with it. Each battery has its own operating voltage. The voltage itself can be adjusted, but this feature is not provided in all batteries.

It is also worth noting that most battery packs supply voltage directly from the battery to the evaporator coil. This means that when the battery is discharged, the thermal power of the coil decreases. In advanced battery options, there is a voltage stabilization function.

Variwatt and varivolt are two of the most popular features in electronic cigarettes. They allow you to change the voltage that the battery supplies to the coil. This adjustment gives the vaper the opportunity to enjoy more vapor and customize the mod to suit their habits and needs. It will also help prevent the burnt taste from the smoke. Although these two modes are similar, they also have differences.

What are the differences

Varivolt is a battery and an electronic chip. It provides a stabilized voltage and allows you to set the voltage yourself. In this case, you can use atomizers with different resistances, this is undoubtedly a plus of this device.

Modern mods have a display. It shows the number of volts and watts. If Watts show all models without exception, then Volts are displayed only depending on the functions of the varivolt. On the case, the device has buttons for changing the power.

Variwatt has exactly the same electronic chip, but unlike varivolt, it can independently maintain the specified power on the thermal coil, regardless of the resistance of the evaporator. We can say that it is fully automatic. Some models can even "remember" certain combinations, and when you connect them, you do not need to waste time reconfiguring. This is useful if the bather uses the "regular" clear alternately.

Adjustment will occur in the range specified by the manufacturer. If it is designed only for 40 watts, then it is no longer possible to “give” 50 watts. Therefore, when buying a device, you should know in advance the operating range. iStick from Eleaf - this series of watts is divided into models by power.

It is also worth mentioning such a set as Kanger SUBTANK Mini. This is a wattage with a power of 7 to 50 watts. You can adjust the power with the "+" and "-" buttons, one press is 0.1 watts. The box mod has a built-in display, bright informative, on which everything is easy to read. If you hold down "-" and "+" at the same time, the image will flip. The display shows power, voltage and resistance.

That is, both devices are responsible for one function and change the output voltage that is supplied to the atomizer. Variwatt uses automatics, which allows you to get the most out of your electronic device without thinking about what resistance is used.

Why are these devices needed?

Since the atomizer has resistance, the amount of smoke depends on what voltage is applied to the coil. The lower the voltage, the less the spiral heats up, therefore, there will be less smoke with taste. If more voltage is applied to the spiral, then, accordingly, it heats up more, which means that there will be more smoke and taste. Thus, it is possible to change the quantity and quality of the supplied steam.

There is such a thing as Sweet Spot in electronic vaping, it means the optimal mode for enjoying steam. So it is thanks to the varivolt that you can find your own Sweet Spot, because this can only be done empirically.

The work of the varivolt should also lead to finding the Sweet Spot, but unlike the varivolt, you do not need to configure it yourself. That is, if the optimal mode for a person is at around 6.8 W with a resistance of 1.8 ohms, and after replacing the atomizer with 2 ohms, you don’t have to look for the found optimal mode again, the battery will automatically issue Sweet Spot.

Such modes allow you to experiment with the supply of steam and taste, as well as find your own options with individual selection of values.

How to set up

Any e-cigarette has its own adjustment step, usually it is 0.1-0.2 Volts or Watts. The vaper can set any value, for example, 3 or 3.2 Volts. But it is worth noting that the specific value depends on the model, because some mods (already outdated) have a step of 0.5 units.

Since the mods have a display with buttons or a rocker, the setup is very easy, without any inconvenience. True, there are also exotic models, such as the eVic VT. On them, the adjustment takes place using a small wheel, which is located at the top of the mod. But even this setting does not cause discomfort.

What is the best choice for a beginner

For current vapers, varivolts and variwatts have long been part of the so-called "gentleman's kit", but not all e-cigarettes have them yet. Therefore, many beginners are wondering which device to choose - variwatt or varivolt, or can they do without these gadgets at all? The answer will depend on what a person wants to get from an e-cigarette.

If a vaper just started to vape, or just wants to try what it is, then you should choose a model without variatt and varivolt. Since such e-cigarettes are much cheaper, and will help save.

For beginners who are already thinking seriously about vaping, it is better to take a model with a variatt. Automation will do everything by itself and will allow you not to "climb into the jungle", but simply to open up various new possibilities, adjust the power and find the differences between soaring at 5 and 15 watts. A device with a varivolt will be better left until the bather becomes better versed in this matter. You can also choose the option where the mod has both varivolt and variwatt.

If the vaper does not trust automation, and likes to do everything on his own, then a mod with a varivolt is ideal. At present, the variatt does everything that the varivolt does, however, experienced vapers say that the machine often steals power, and instead of, say, the promised 20 watts, it produces a smaller amount. Therefore, it makes sense to take exactly the varivolt.

What is better varivolt or variwatt, everyone decides for themselves. However, more vapers prefer automation. After all, it is much more convenient when the device does everything on its own. However, in the event that the vapers want to experiment with the taste and amount of smoke, or where finer tuning is needed, the varivolt will be an indispensable device.

When choosing a variatt or varivolt, one must also not forget about the quality of the device. After all, the accuracy of the data will determine what the supply of smoke, taste and whether there will be a burnt taste will depend on. Therefore, it is better to choose a branded, high-quality and proven device that will not let you down.


Watch the video review of the SMOKtech Act battery mod and detailed instructions on its use.

Very often, when buying an e-cigarette, in its description you can find a mention of functions such as varivolt and variwatt, with which you can change the voltage that is supplied to the evaporator. Such an opportunity gives a chance to increase the amount of steam and change the taste for the better, reduce the “gariks” and customize the mod individually to your preferences. The concept itself appeared due to the abbreviation of the English phrases variable wattage and variable voltage, which means power and voltage that can be adjusted.

Despite the fact that the purpose of both functions is the same, they are implemented using completely different algorithms. Varivolt makes it possible to change the voltage that the battery produces, but this does not take into account the resistance of the heating coil. Therefore, an experienced vaper with a varivolt has to independently select vaporizers and clearomizers to obtain the required level of vapor, its taste and temperature.

When operating a variable watt, a slightly different way of obtaining a given power is that the adjustment is made taking into account the resistance of the spiral. At the same time, a voltage is applied to it, which allows you to get the power set by the vaper - no one has canceled Ohm's law, in electronic cigarettes it works like never before. Variwatt is considered a more automatic device that makes vaping more comfortable and convenient. Today, you can find models that memorize certain clearomizers and automatically turn on the required power when they are replaced.

How to set up varivolt and variwatt

Modern devices are equipped with a display on which you can see the value of power and voltage, and the power is displayed on all models, and the voltage is only on those equipped with a varivolt. Management is carried out using standard "+/-" buttons or using a wheel (in some luxury models). For the convenience of the vaper, the step with which you can adjust the power is 0.1 Watt or Volt, which allows you to choose the most optimal vaping mode. It is important to understand that each device has a range of operating power and voltage, above and below which the device will not work - this is a kind of protection against overheating and overdischarge, which also allows you to avoid the taste of burning.

Choosing a device with varivolt and varivolt for beginners

You should not think that all modern electronic cigarettes are equipped with variwatts and varivolts, many models do not have such an opportunity (the power of the device is controlled by using spirals of various resistances). But for those who are just becoming a fan of vaping, such devices are not always suitable - there is too much trouble with self-winding, resistance determination, and maintenance. To choose a device that will give pleasure together with vape liquid, you should know:

  • If you want to soar in order to just try it, then you can choose models for voltage and power regulation - they are cheaper;
  • If a beginner is serious about vaping, then it is worth buying an electronic cigarette equipped with a variatt, as it is easier and more convenient to manage. Most modern middle-class models are equipped with both vari-watt and vari-volt, so choosing a vaping mode (cigarette, hookah or mixed draft) is quite simple;
  • If there is no trust in automation, then the unambiguous choice is a varivolt, which will allow you to set the power of the device.

As practice shows, the most common options for electronic cigarettes are equipped with a varivolt, the varivolt is used to configure the device as accurately as possible, but at the same time, high-quality and bulky vapor is obtained from a number of factors, ranging from the choice of e-liquid to vaping, ending with battery charge.

Do not forget that it is very convenient to have temperature control in the device, with the help of which the control board of the device itself determines the voltage supplied to the evaporator and prevents it from overheating. But devices equipped with a thermal control function cost an order of magnitude higher than those simply equipped with a varivolt or variwatt.



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