I tried this fortune telling only once in my life and was disappointed with the results. However, a few years later, when the result of fortune telling manifested itself in life, I was happy and remembered it with a smile. The fact is that at the time of the fortune telling, I was only 17 years old, I had my first boyfriend with whom I was head over heels in love, and it seemed to me that this was once and for all, that he was my destiny. Could I imagine any other guy next to me if all my thoughts were absorbed only by the first one? Of course not! And having told my fortune, I saw a completely different one, who even at that moment did not come close to the parameters of my taste.

My first boyfriend was blond, with a toned body and fair skin. From him, as from my first love, I developed a taste for pumped-up Russians. And the one I saw in my dream was, at that moment, exactly the opposite of my tastes. The guy was brunette, dark and thin. The absolute opposite of my boyfriend and...

Fortune telling on objects

Young people of both sexes gather, take rings, rings, cufflinks, earrings, buttons, keys, coins and other small things and place them on a large deep plate, dish or tray along with pieces of bread, cover with a clean towel or napkin on top.

After that, those participating in fortune-telling sing songs. At the end of each song, putting your hand in and turning away from the dish, they take out from under it any one object that fell into their hands first. The rings are rolled along the floor, watching in which direction it will roll: if towards the door, then for a girl - the proximity of marriage, for men - departure. If a fortuneteller pulls out an object that belongs to him, then happiness awaits him in the new year. A piece of bread - for goodness, satiety, a coin - for wealth, a handkerchief - for tears, a key - for housewarming, etc.

Fortune telling with a circle and letters

They draw a circle into 99 sectors (the Russian alphabet is repeated 3 times - 33 letters), and then scatter the grain over...

Our great-grandmothers and their ancestors also tried to lift the veil of the future and find out what exactly awaits them in their personal lives. Some of the most common fortune-telling for a betrothed are rituals that are performed before bedtime, since it is in a dream that a person becomes most susceptible to contacts and communication with the other world. There is no doubt that it is supernatural forces that make it possible to touch what is hidden from us. In this article we will look at several of the most truthful and popular fortune telling for a betrothed in a dream.

Fortune telling about your betrothed in a dream with a comb

In order to tell fortunes for your betrothed, you will need to perform a small ritual before going to bed. This fortune telling will be most effective on the night from Thursday to Friday, especially if it coincides with the full moon or the waxing moon.

Before you go to bed, put on a pure white nightgown and sit in front of the mirror. An indispensable condition is that your body must be reflected...

There are quite a few ways to tell fortunes about your betrothed. I will list some of them that I learned about from my grandmother.

Before going to bed, the girl needs to eat something salty so that she is tormented by thirst in her sleep. When going to bed, I must say, “My betrothed mummer, come give me something to drink.” In a dream, a young man should dream of getting a girl drunk.

Another way is to put a small mirror under the pillow, and with the words “betrothed, mummer, come, show yourself, go to bed.” As a rule, the betrothed appears in a dream.

You can also tell fortunes using ordinary socks. When you go to bed, put one sock under your pillow and the other on your foot. And with the words - betrothed, mummer, come take off my shoes, go to bed.

Well, another way is to make a well out of matches, which you place near the bed, preferably at the head of the bed, before going to bed, ask your betrothed to come and drink water.

Today, quite a large number of a wide variety of fortune telling for the betrothed is known, with the most popular being those that are carried out in a dream.

Fortune telling about your betrothed in a dream

Fortune telling No. 1

Before going to bed, a mirror and a comb are placed under the pillow, while the following words are said: come, come, comb your hair, comb your hair, look at me, show yourself. Your betrothed will appear in your dream.

Fortune telling No. 2

Before going to bed, you need to put a comb or comb under your pillow and say the following words - betrothed-mummer, come comb me. But you need to go to bed without combing your hair - this is the most important condition.

Fortune telling No. 3

This fortune telling is only suitable for those girls who have long hair. Before you go to bed,...

Most often, girls make fortunes about their grooms and wish to see their betrothed in a dream. But it is not always the case. Sometimes young people also want to tell fortunes for their betrothed and see their future wife in a dream.

Anton Makarsky is no exception. He claims that he first saw his wife Vika in a dream, and only then met her in reality. The artist’s wife admits that she herself saw Anton in a dream for almost six months until she met him. This is in the tradition of her family - this is how Vicky’s grandmother met her husband.

Method one

How to have a dream about your future wife? This is not as difficult a task as it might seem at first glance. There are several ways to see your betrothed in a dream. For example, a young man may eat something salty and concentrate on thoughts about his future wife.

He must really want her to dream about him, come to him in his dreams and give him something to drink. You can also place a saucer with sweets at the head of the bed and invite...

Fortune telling about a dream about a betrothed is very diverse. The best days of fortune telling are around Christmas (they are called Christmas fortune telling), during the “Old New Year” - from January 13 to 14, on the night before Epiphany (Epiphany evening - January 18) or on Friday, during the waxing month or on the full moon. You need to sleep alone, there should be no one else in the room. After speaking to your betrothed, you must not talk to anyone or be distracted by extraneous thoughts and deeds. The less conversations you have with other people about the supposed fortune-telling, the better. To see a true dream, you need to lie with your head in the other direction (that is, put the pillow where you previously lay with your feet), turn the pillow over to the opposite side, also turn the sheet over with the bottom side up and put on your shirt inside out.

Below are a variety of dream fortune telling options. You can choose any one that; I liked it the most.

1. This is fortune telling for girls with long braids. Braid before going to bed...

Fortune telling for your betrothed before going to bed is a mysterious phenomenon, shrouded in mysticism and hope. There are ancient conspiracies, by saying which it is possible to see the future groom. The best days for performing divination are: the night before Christmas (January 7), Old New Year (from January 13 to 14) and Epiphany (January 19). In addition to these periods, you can tell fortunes on Fridays on the full moon or on the waxing moon.

Preparing for night fortune telling

If you decide to tell fortunes for a future dream, sleep alone. After pronouncing the magic words, do not talk and try not to think about anything.

In order for your betrothed to appear in a dream, go to bed with your head towards the unusual side. Protect yourself from the influence of evil spirits - turn your bed linen and sleepwear inside out.

If you want to have a prophetic dream, fast for three days. The day before fortune telling, you can eat white bread and drink water. All other household members should be well fed.

Types of fortune telling before bed

Fortune telling from Monday to Tuesday

Place a spruce branch near the pillow. At night say:

“I go to bed on Monday, put a spruce tree at my head, if I dream of someone who thinks about me.”

Fortune telling on Wednesday night

Fill the cup with spring water and pick up the lock. Hold it over the bowl and slowly close the lock with the key. Pronounce:

“Come, my betrothed, come, my mummer, and ask me for a drink in a dream.”

The image you see is your future spouse.

How to tell fortunes from Wednesday to Thursday

Write the names of the men on small pieces of paper, put them in a bag or hat, and put them under the pillow. When you go to bed, stay alone.

In the morning, pull out a piece of paper at random. What you see will indicate the name of your future spouse.

Night predictions from Thursday to Friday

Such a time is considered prophetic; dreams seen certainly come true. Say the magic words:

“Thursday is close to Wednesday, and Tuesday is close to Monday, Sunday is close to Saturday, and Friday is lonely, just like me.
I sleep on the mountains of Zion, three angels above my head: one sees everything, the second will tell about me, and the third will show my fate.”

☞ Video story

Types of fortune telling that are carried out from Friday to Saturday

To carry out the first version of the ritual, take a comb that you have in use. Let your hair down, comb it and a few minutes before bed, say the cherished phrase:

“My long-awaited betrothed-mummer, appear in a dream and comb my hair.”

To do the second option, drink some lightly salted water and before going to bed say:

“Whoever is given to me by God and destined by fate will bring me water to drink.”

The third option using a new deck of cards. Take kings of all stripes out of it and hide them under your pillow. Before going to bed say:

“My long-awaited betrothed, dream about me this night.”

From the dream of a king, you can find out what your future husband will be like.

Effective fortune telling on Sunday night

Take the frying pan and hide it discreetly under your mother's bed. Before going to bed, say the following spell:

“My betrothed, come this night to visit your beloved mother-in-law and treat yourself to delicious pancakes.”

The next morning, ask your mother what she dreamed about. If the young man she feeds with pancakes, then this will be your betrothed.

To explain the dream and use the information received correctly, remember these simple tips:

  • After waking up, write down the events you saw. During the day, you may forget important details. And using a diary, you will determine the pattern of repeating plots and images.
  • Read different dream books and see if their meanings match for you.
  • Don't be afraid of bad dreams. Bad events are also interpreted positively. And vice versa.
  • If you are afraid of a bad dream at night, tell as many friends about it as possible.

If you haven’t dreamed of a young man, it means the time has not yet come to find out who your betrothed is. Conduct fortune telling after a year.

Sometimes fortune telling brings harm to girls. Don't take a negative result seriously. Having learned that the groom is fair-haired, they sometimes do not notice the brunette nearby, who loves and treats the lady with trepidation.

Remember, the result of fortune telling is only one of the options possible in the future. Your destiny depends only on you. Decide what choice to make. By reflecting and analyzing the events seen in a dream, you can try to change your future for the better.

I must say that I dreamed about my betrothed. Fortune telling by the name of the future spouse

I tried this fortune telling only once in my life and was disappointed with the results. However, a few years later, when the result of fortune telling manifested itself in life, I was happy and remembered it with a smile. The fact is that at the time of the fortune telling, I was only 17 years old, I had my first boyfriend with whom I was head over heels in love, and it seemed to me that this was once and for all, that he was my destiny. Could I imagine any other guy next to me if all my thoughts were absorbed only by the first one? Of course not! And having told my fortune, I saw a completely different one, who even at that moment did not come close to the parameters of my taste.

My first boyfriend was blond, with a toned body and fair skin. From him, as from my first love, I developed a taste for pumped-up Russians. And the one I saw in my dream was, at that moment, exactly the opposite of my tastes. The guy was brunette, dark and thin. The absolute opposite of my boyfriend and my idea of ​​the ideal of beauty. In addition, I felt some kind of psychological pressure from him. It was expressed in his desire to subjugate me to himself, which at the age of 17 was an alien sensation to me, and caused strong hostility and feelings of disgust towards the object he saw.

A few years later, I broke up with my first boyfriend, moved to live in another city, and in a new place I needed to make friends. Two floors below lived a guy of Tatar nationality, incredible beauty and charisma, who was a year younger than me. He was such a small, puny guy, a little shy of girls, which gave the impression that he was still a virgin.

Over the course of a year, my neighbor helped me carry heavy bags more than once, and gradually we began to communicate and become friends. And somehow I didn’t notice how the friendship grew into something more and I fell in love with him. Now this guy is my husband, and 10 years have passed since our first meeting.

My husband is a dark brunette with blue eyes, the build of a young guy, has character and believes that a woman should sit at home, cook and raise children, and not work. Also, my husband, the breadwinner in the family, believes that a woman should unquestioningly obey her husband. This applies to everyday problems. The decision on major purchases always remains his. And in our family he is the head who makes serious decisions. And his passion for psychology, which he studied in his youth, sometimes manifests itself in our everyday life in the form of pressure on me in certain situations. In general, in a word, my husband is the same man whom I saw in a dream when I was doing fortune telling.

And now, 10 years later, when I know the fate of my first love (he is divorced, he has a child from his first wife, he drinks and smokes and almost never works), I understand that it was in vain that I was upset during the fortune-telling. After all, I got a non-drinking, non-smoking, loving husband who takes care of his wife and does not allow her to work. We have no financial shortcomings; my husband earns well. Yes, and I found myself sitting at home and sometimes writing articles in which I share my experience in various fields of activity, or sewing whenever I want. I have always dreamed of a life as free as it is now. My husband always allocates money for all my hobbies, as long as I don’t have to work. In a word – I’m happy with him and in general!

And now I want to tell you about the fortune-telling that showed me my beloved husband in a dream

It was, as I remember now, from Thursday to Friday. It is believed that these days people have prophetic dreams. That's why I chose Thursday. On Thursday evening I bought herring, boiled potatoes for it and ate a salty dish for dinner. I didn’t drink a lot of water, but I did have a cup of green tea without sugar. A couple of hours later, I poured water into a glass and put it under the bed, and went to bed. I was a little thirsty, but not to the point of dying. Before going to bed, I whispered the following words:

Betrothed, mummer, come to me and give me water to drink!

I fell asleep with the thought that when I was about to fall asleep, my first boyfriend would come to me and hand me a glass of water. And when I woke up, at three o’clock in the morning, from an unreal feeling of thirst and automatically, in the dark, I crawled under the bed for a glass of water, drinking it greedily, I began to remember what I had dreamed.

And I dreamed of a lifeless desert with yellow sand and an incomprehensible sense of the season. It seems like the sun is burning, burning the skin with its rays, which I even felt in a dream and at the same time, as if it were this winter, but without snow. The air temperature is sub-zero, there is no wind and the sand is like in summer – not frozen, but loose.

And I remember that suddenly, out of nowhere, a very small lake appears in the dry desert, even more like a huge puddle. The water is crystal clear and the bottom is visible. I lean over him and drink greedily. The water was as icy as winter, and it made my teeth ache. But I don’t care and I drink and drink, but I can’t get drunk. And I hear a man’s voice behind me telling me something. I don’t remember how the words sounded, the only thing I understood was that the appearance of a lake in the desert was not accidental. It appeared thanks to his efforts. For a second, I still looked up from drinking and turned back. It was a second glance, thanks to which I remembered that the guy was thin, dark brunette. I don’t remember his face in detail. I didn’t even see the color of his eyes, oddly enough. This was probably because he was standing five meters away from me.

But I remember the feeling that I became a hostage of gratitude, and had to go somewhere with him because he got me drunk. I didn’t want this, but he forced me. It was the attempt to force me to do something that caused my apathy towards the boy.

This is the dream in which I saw my betrothed.

At the beginning of the New Year, everyone wants to look into the future, make plans and make cherished wishes. And girls from ancient times believed that these days you can tell your future husband. We recall the most popular fortune telling for the groom.

1. If you went traveling during the holidays or decided to stay overnight at a party after a holiday party, before falling asleep, you need to say: “I’m sleeping in a new place, dream of the bridegroom. Appear with the face with which I will walk down the aisle.” You can’t say anything else out loud before going to bed. It was believed that after this the girl would dream of her betrothed.

2. In general, there were many ways to see the groom in a dream. For example, in the evening you need to eat something strongly salted (and not think about how you will look in the morning after that) and already in bed say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will give me a drink.” A less extreme solution is to put a comb, a belt and soap under the pillow and ask: “Mummer, wash me, comb my hair, girdle me.” And if you put four cards with images of kings under the pillow and say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, appear in my dreams,” then the groom should appear in royal attire.

3. For this fortune telling, it is necessary that no strangers be nearby. The girl sets the table for two, lights two candles, but does not put down the forks and knives. Around midnight you need to sit down at the table and say: “Mummer, betrothed, come to me for dinner.” Then at midnight the groom must appear in the same clothes he will wear at the wedding.

4. Another option: two fairly large mirrors need to be placed one opposite the other and two candles should be lit on both sides. If at midnight you look long and intently into the depths of that endless corridor that the mirror reflections form, you can see the features of your fiancé.

5. You can also take a transparent glass with a flat bottom, fill it three-quarters with water and place the wedding ring in it. If you peer into its middle for a long time, you can see the face of your betrothed.

6. The girls used this version of fortune telling together with their friends: they put a variety of rings into a bowl filled with water or grain and pulled them out at random with their eyes closed. What kind of groom he would be was judged by what kind of ring he got. And if there is nothing in your hand, for example, except grain, it means that it is too early to prepare for the wedding this year.

7. With the help of various fortune telling, the girls tried to determine the advantages and disadvantages of their future husband. For example, they put a glass on the windowsill and placed a spoon filled with water on it: if the water doesn’t go anywhere overnight, then the groom will be a good host, and if water spills, he won’t mind drinking. And if there is a body of water nearby that has not yet frozen, you need to throw a stone at it on the night before the holiday: the loud sound of the fall promises the hot-tempered nature of the future husband, and the quieter the splash, the more meek his disposition will be.

8. Some fortune telling was carried out on the night before the New Year - now the old New Year is perfect for this. For example, you can take a piece of bread and throw it into a bowl of water: if it remains floating on the surface, there is a chance of celebrating your wedding this year. And on Christmas Eve you can take a twig from the bath broom and put it under the pillow along with a mirror and a comb, saying: “Mummer, come to me for a steam bath!”

9. Another magical evening - on the eve of the Epiphany holiday, from January 18 to 19. A girl in a dark room lit a candle and, by its light, looked at her own shadow: if it has clear outlines, it means that she will soon get married, and her family life will be happy.

10. Different magical formulas were pronounced depending on the day of the week. For example, when going to bed on the night from Thursday to Friday, you need to say: “From Thursday to Friday I go to bed on the mat. Matitsa, turn over, whoever loves you will dream of him.” (For reference: matitsa is the ancient name for a beam in wooden houses.) There is an option for the evening, actually, Friday: before going to bed you need to comb your hair and put the comb under the pillow with the words: “Friday, Friday, whoever loves will dream.”

11. You can also tell fortunes on the night from Monday to Tuesday. You need to put a spruce branch under your pillow and say: “I go to bed on Monday, I put a spruce tree at my head, I dream about someone who thinks about me.” You can also put a twig or stick on a mug of water and place it under the bed, saying: “Mummer, come take me across the bridge.”

12. Finally, in order to see your future groom, and also to significantly increase your rating in the eyes of the men around you, you can place a large saucer of jam near the bed, while repeating: “I have all the sweets.” The main thing is not to forget in the morning where the bowl is, so as not to accidentally step in it!

Fortune telling about a dream about a betrothed is very diverse. The best days of fortune telling are around Christmas (they are called Christmas fortune telling), during the “Old New Year” - from January 13 to 14, on the night before Epiphany (Epiphany evening - January 18) or on Friday, during the waxing month or on the full moon. You need to sleep alone, there should be no one else in the room. After speaking to your betrothed, you must not talk to anyone or be distracted by extraneous thoughts and deeds. The less conversations you have with other people about the supposed fortune-telling, the better. To see a true dream, you need to lie with your head in the other direction (that is, put the pillow where you previously lay with your feet), turn the pillow over to the opposite side, also turn the sheet over with the bottom side up and put on your shirt inside out.

Below are a variety of dream fortune telling options. You can choose any one that; I liked it the most.

1. This is fortune telling for girls with long braids. Re-braid your hair before going to bed. When you go to bed, put a small new padlock into your braid, close it with a key and say: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me and ask for the key to unlock the lock.” Place the key under the pillow. In a dream, a groom will appear who comes to get the key.

2. Before going to bed, put a comb or comb under the pillow and say: “Mummer, come comb me.” (With this fortune telling, people go to bed without combing their hair).

3. Place a mirror and a comb under the pillow with the words: “Come, come. Comb it, comb it. Look at me, show yourself."

4. Before going to bed, place a jug of water and a mug close to the head of the bed. Before going to bed, say: “You’ll get tired from the journey, my betrothed, I have some water, come, I’ll give you a drink.” Cross yourself and go to bed.

5. Eat a thimble of salt at night without drinking water. “Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is my mummer, will get me drunk.” Instead of a thimbleful of salt, you can eat over-salted food.

6. They make a bridge out of twigs, place them under the pillow, wishing: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will take me across the bridge.”

7. They make a well out of matches and say: “Betrothed-mummer, come and drink some water.”

8. When going to bed, put socks on your feet, then take the sock off your left foot and put it under the pillow. Say the words: “Betrothed-mummer, come take off my shoes.”

9. Before going to bed, take out the twig from the new broom, put it under the bed, and put some thing from the horse (horseshoe, bridle) under the pillow. Since such things are rare these days, you can make a drawing of a horse or cut it out from a picture, you can also draw a horseshoe. After that, going to bed, say: “Betrothed, my sir, go to my home, shoe a horse, put me on it, take a rod, urge the horse, kiss me.”

10. Read three times at night: “Monday with Tuesday, Wednesday with Thursday, Friday with Saturday. Sunday is a widow, what kind of dream will I have? Let me, God, see the one with whom I will live forever.”

11. Place a bowl of jam near your head and say before going to bed: “I have all the sweets!” The groom will dream, and besides, there will be no end to the suitors. Make the jam yourself.

12. So that the mother-in-law dreams about her future son-in-law. Place a frying pan with a pancake under your bed before going to bed. Say: “Betrothed, come to your mother-in-law for pancakes.”



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