Stitches in the left mammary gland. Causes of pain in the right side of the chest

Diseases of the mammary glands are very diverse and are characterized by numerous clinical manifestations: pain, including when pressed, changes general view glands, shape or structure of glands (appearance of compactions, tumor-like formations in usually soft tissue).

Pain in one or both breasts (mastalgia) is one of the frequent complaints in women of any age, but somewhat more often this problem is encountered by young women with preserved menstrual function.

Most women's concerns are related to the risk of developing breast cancer. However, isolated painful sensations are rarely a sign of this formidable disease, which is usually characterized by the concomitant presence of a tumor formation.

Causes of pain in one or both mammary glands:

* Hormonal changes during puberty (the so-called puberty), as well as during pregnancy or menopause
* Premenstrual syndrome
* Mammary cancer
* Lactation
* Infectious diseases of the mammary glands (mastitis, breast abscess)
* Breast trauma, including surgical treatment
* Taking some medicines: estrogen-containing drugs, digoxin, methyldopa, spironolactone, oxymetholone and chlorpromazine.

Main clinical options:

1. Cyclic mastalgia – pain associated with the menstrual cycle.

This type of violation is characterized by:

* The appearance of pain in the premenstrual period and weakening or disappearing with the onset of menstruation. Sometimes there is no clear connection with the onset of menstruation
* Usually bilateral localization, mainly in the upper, outer areas of the mammary glands
* Various intensities painful sensations - from dull, aching (more often) to pronounced, making it difficult to move your arms and sleep
*Pain may radiate to axillary areas or hand
* During the examination, slight lumpiness of the mammary gland tissue may be detected.
* Expression clinical manifestations usually increases with age and sharply weakens or disappears after menopause.

The occurrence of cyclic mastalgia is associated with changes hormonal levels. This type of disorder affects more than 2/3 of women, usually young reproductive age, although similar complaints are known in postmenopausal women receiving replacement therapy hormonal drugs.

2. Acyclic mastalgia - the occurrence of chest pain not associated with the menstrual cycle. This type of disorder usually affects women over 40 years of age.


* Pain is often one-sided
* Localization – mainly in the middle part of the mammary gland, around the nipple
* Sharp, burning, cutting pain
*Can be either periodic or permanent

Localized, long-lasting pain in the mammary gland may be associated with the presence of fibroadenoma ( benign tumor) or cysts. However, in order to exclude more serious causes of acyclic mastalgia (for example, breast cancer), it is recommended to contact a specialist as early as possible.

3. Mastitis and other infectious diseases. Except local symptoms(pain, redness, swelling of the mammary gland) are accompanied by symptoms of intoxication (fever, sometimes with chills, headache, loss of appetite, general weakness and etc.). Mastitis often occurs in postpartum period due to the penetration of pathogens through microcracks in the nipple and stagnation in the milk gland.

4. Breast cancer. In addition to pain sensations of varying degrees (but they may be absent!) it is characterized by the presence of a tumor-like formation with fuzzy outlines, more often in the upper outer areas of the mammary gland, changes in the skin over the tumor in the form of wrinkling or “ orange peel", retraction of the nipple or discharge from it. The risk of developing breast cancer is higher in nulliparous women or women who gave birth to their first child late, in women with a hereditary predisposition, with overweight body, the presence of mastopathy.

Compulsory diagnostic measure is a breast self-examination. It should become part of the life routine of all women over the age of 20. Regular self-examination will allow you to become familiar with the shape and structure of your mammary glands and easily identify any changes in them. Self-examination should be carried out once a month, preferably at the end of each menstruation or at the same time in postmenopausal women.

Self-examination rules:

* stand in front of the mirror
* first examine the mammary glands from the front and sides in 4 positions:
o with hands down
o with raised hands
o with hands placed on hips
o when bending the torso forward
* picking up left hand, with your right hand, gently in a circular motion, feel the entire left mammary gland from top to bottom
*similarly, but with your left hand, feel the right mammary gland
* lie on your back, placing under right shoulder roller and placing your right hand behind your head. Using the straight fingers of your left hand, feel the right mammary gland from the periphery to the nipple
* examine the left mammary gland in the same way right hand
* Gently squeeze the nipple to ensure there are no pathological discharge
* feel the armpits.

Contact your doctor if you find:

* change in shape, size or asymmetry of the breast
* tissue compaction in the mammary gland or armpit
* nipple retraction
* nipple discharge
* changes in the skin of the breast (redness, wrinkling, “orange” or “lemon peel” type)

What should a woman with mastalgia do?

2. Annual consultation with a mammologist (a specialist in diseases of the mammary glands), gynecologist or oncologist - primarily for women over 35 years of age.

3. Women over 35 years of age (especially those at risk of developing breast cancer) are recommended to undergo annual mammography, an X-ray method for examining the mammary glands. Mammography is one of the methods early diagnosis breast cancer.

4. Other diagnostic methods include ultrasonography, targeted biopsy of suspicious areas of breast tissue.

In most women with mastalgia, breast examination and mammography results are normal. In this case, the diagnosis of breast cancer is unlikely and pain is most likely associated with changes in the mammary glands against the background of physiological hormonal fluctuations.


In 60-80% of cases, pain in the mammary gland, in the absence of seals in its tissue, goes away on its own.
However, pronounced painful sensations that interfere with your daily activities, last more than a few days each month, or have symptoms indicating inflammatory process(fever, redness and swelling of the mammary gland, pain on pressure) require treatment.

To date, there is not enough scientific data on the effectiveness therapeutic measures with cyclic mastalgia.

It is recommended to wear a suitable bra, a diet with low content fats and limiting the diet of foods containing methylxanthines (for example, caffeine-containing products), taking vitamins B and E. Although the effectiveness of dietary measures and taking vitamins remains unproven, cases of pain relief have been described in some women who adhere to these recommendations.

If these measures are ineffective, consult a doctor, because... appointment may be required oral contraceptives or danazol (antigonadotropic drug) for the purpose of correction hormonal disorders. Avoid self-medication, including herbal preparations.

Treatment of acyclic mastalgia is based on the treatment of the underlying disease. If the cause is not established, a treatment plan is used as for cyclic mastalgia.

When identifying a cyst or tumor, use surgery, which can be supplemented with radiation or chemotherapy if the tumor is malignant.

Treatment of mastitis, depending on the stage and severity of the process, includes antibiotic therapy with/or without surgical opening of the inflammatory focus.

Dear women, remember that your breasts can not only be a perfect creation of Nature, but also a source of health-related problems. Therefore, if pain occurs and/or changes in the shape, size and consistency of the mammary glands, contact a specialist. This will help preserve your health, and in some cases, your life!

In most cases, people pay great attention to pain in the left side of the chest, associating them with possible diseases hearts.

Pain in the chest on the right is less of a concern, and sometimes is simply ignored, since people often believe that it is caused by a pinched muscle, an uncomfortable position during sleep, etc. The pain may indeed go away after a while, but this does not mean that the reason that caused it has disappeared.

Development of pain

Such differentiated approach to pain sensations based on the principle of their location is, to say the least, strange. Indeed, one would think that most people consider the heart to be the only important body in area chest, and the rest are either missing or irrelevant. Meanwhile, pain always has a reason, which is very important to establish in a timely manner.

Possible reasons

The right chest hurts for several reasons, and here are just a few of them:

This is far from full list possible reasons. Sometimes pain in the chest on the right can even occur as a result of diseases of organs located outside it, or, as they say in common parlance, “give” to the chest area.

Only a doctor can determine the actual cause after a conversation with the patient and evaluation of test results.

The specialist can make the first assumptions after interviewing the person who applied, since the nature of the pain, the area in which it is most acutely felt, cyclicality and duration can tell a lot.

For example, with an aortic aneurysm, pain can be traced at the top of the chest, sometimes even affecting the neck and lower jaw. Gallbladder diseases can cause pain primarily in the lower third chest.

If the pain is prolonged or periodically subsides and reappears, you should definitely consult a doctor. Sometimes pain in the chest on the right is combined with a number of other symptoms, assessing the totality of which, the doctor will be able to determine the presence of dangerous disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Combination of pain with other symptoms

As already mentioned, in some cases pain in the right side of the chest may not be the only symptom. Some diseases have characteristics and appear quite clearly.

For example, if in addition to pain there are:

  • general weakness, lethargy;
  • cough;
  • sputum rejection;
  • increased body temperature,

then with a high degree of probability there is a lung abscess or right-sided pneumonia. The presence of such signs as:

  • sharp pain in the chest on the right;
  • rejection of sputum with traces of blood;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • loss of consciousness

indicates that thromboembolism may be developing pulmonary artery. It is especially necessary to closely monitor the occurrence of pain, including right half chest, if there have been any recent injuries, bruises, wounds, falls, etc.

Even if at first glance the chest is not damaged, or there are no signs of damage, you should make sure that the pain is in no way related to the above-mentioned incidents. This can only be done in a medical facility with the help of a doctor.

If pain occurs, the first thing to do is determine why. Often the reason for this may be various infections, and the pain will be most severe in the part where internal organs suffered the most. In this case discomfort often worsen when inhaling, coughing, sneezing. Treatment infectious diseases requires the use of antibiotics. Self-medication here represents great danger, since even a doctor without special diagnostic procedures cannot make an appointment.

We should not forget about the possible occurrence malignant neoplasms. Cancer cells capable of affecting any organ, gland, without exception, bone tissue etc. Obviously, when a tumor forms in any organ located on the right side of the chest, the pain is localized here.

The assumption should be confirmed or refuted as early as possible, since the success of treatment is directly related to making a diagnosis as early as possible. early stages. This disease is also dangerous because it early stages It is asymptomatic, so pain may be its only obvious sign.

Dependence of pain on the functioning of various systems and organs

Organs are partially located in the chest various systems. Accordingly, a malfunction of the system can result in pain, including on its right side. In the first place, in this case, is the respiratory system.

For example, the lower Airways include organs located in the chest, namely the trachea, bronchi and lungs. They can develop diseases such as focal nature(striking specific organ), and system properties (caused by a malfunction of the entire system as a whole).

Among the most common diseases in this area are:

  • oncological diseases;
  • pleurisy;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis, etc.

If left untreated, these diseases can lead to fatal outcome. Therefore, it is impossible to ignore such a signal from the body as pain.

The next most likely cause of pain is dysfunction digestive system, or diseases of its individual organs.

The esophagus passes through the chest, the stomach is adjacent to it lower limit. Diseases of the digestive system are also very common. These include:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gallbladder diseases;
  • lesions of the esophagus, etc.

Of course, diseases are not the least important in this case. of cardio-vascular system. In other words, it is impossible to independently determine the cause of pain, but identifying it in time is very important.

Sometimes, of course, pain occurs as a result of strong physical activity. For the same reason, legs and arms most often hurt. Such pain does not pose a threat to human health and goes away either on its own or with repeated physical activity.

However, it is worth noting that such pain does not have a clearly defined focus, but immediately covers the entire area of ​​the back, chest or limbs. In other words, in this case it usually hurts not only in the right side of the chest, but also in the left too.

Pain from minor bruises can also be considered safe. However, here the situation should be assessed objectively. It is not always possible to determine the severity of a bruise on your own. It is better to be overly vigilant and seek the advice of a doctor, because if the injury turns out to be stronger than it seemed at first glance, the consequences can be very serious. For example, a blow can cause lung rupture, and this leads to death.

Dream in an unsuccessful uncomfortable position can also cause quite sharp pain in the right side of the chest. This pain intensifies with sudden movements or even changes in body position. In this case, it is recommended to carefully do kneading exercises, hang on a horizontal bar, etc.

After some time, the discomfort will pass. It is worth remembering that this is perhaps the only type of chest pain for which it is indicated physical activity– in all other cases, complete rest and a static position are required.

Stitching pain in the chest, especially affecting left side torso, is an extremely alarming symptom. It may indicate development pathological disorder in the form of vascular ischemia, hypertension, cardiomyopathy or heart disease. When colitis in the chest, this symptom can, in turn, signal problems of the musculoskeletal system, and the manifestation of diseases of the spleen, stomach, and large intestine can spread to the left side.

The human heart has typical location, which occupies the borders from the upper edge of the 2nd rib on the right along an oblique line to the space between the 5th and 6th costal bones. Such organs flow into great vessels, like the superior vena cava, pulmonary trunk and aorta. To clearly identify a pain symptom, it is necessary to know the location of the organ and the structure of its occurrence. stabbing symptoms, affecting the heart.

What reasons can provoke pain?

If colitis in the chest on the left, this may indicate the development of the following pathological processes, having their own characteristics:

  • Angina pectoris. The disease develops when blood circulation in the network of myocardial vessels is disrupted, and depending on the degree of damage, it determines the acute or sluggish stage of the disease. During an attack, patients experience a characteristic pain sign in the area where the heart is located, which radiates to the left limb and subscapular region.
  • Myocarditis. This inflammatory lesion muscular tissue of the heart, which develops against the background of prolonged chest pain combined with shortness of breath. Typical sign pathology is a change in the rhythm of the organ’s beating with a periodic sensation of its stopping.
  • Pericarditis. Is inflammatory reaction, covering the cardiac sac - a tissue sac that covers the heart. With a pathological deviation, fluid may accumulate in its lumen. The pain affects not only the left, but also right side body, subsiding when bending forward. The intensity of the symptom manifestation decreases during exercise horizontal position face down.
  • Prolapse of the mitral passage system. The pathology affects a change in the valve functionality of the organ when it does not provide a tight connection of the valves, as a result of which they allow blood to pass through, bending into the area of ​​the left atrium. The disease is characterized by a feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath, weakness, and dizziness.

In addition to the listed pathologies, when intense colitis in the chest, the following can cause symptoms:

  • diseases of the spinal tract and ribs.

Factors that provoke the appearance of pain on the right

It is much more difficult to make a reliable diagnosis when the patient has colitis in the chest on the right. The retrosternal space contains many internal structures and in order to clearly identify the process, the specialist conducts a thorough survey and examination, finding out all the subtleties of the current pathological deviation.

Pathologies of the spinal tract are the most common cause of stabbing chest pain, including the following diseases:

  • costovertebral osteophytes;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • Tietze syndrome, etc.

The formation of pain symptoms is associated with the process of destruction of the intervertebral cartilage tissue. As a result, severe compression of the nerve roots occurs, causing pain. In some cases, signs of osteochondrosis can completely characterize the condition of a heart attack. In this case, the patient should initially consult a cardiologist, who, if the diagnosis is not confirmed, will refer him to an orthopedist.

Development of colitis during the inhalation interval

If there is colitis in the chest when inhaling, the following conditions may be the causes of the development of the pathological disorder:

Basic and enough alarming reasons education stabbing pain when inhaling, angina, heart attack, pneumonia, and inflammation of the pleura develop. Diagnosis of pathology includes accurate identification of the source of pain, for this it is necessary to take into account the following indicators:

  1. Warning symptoms can be caused by any internal structure body.
  2. There is a rather complex neuromuscular plexus of tissue in the chest area, causing pain third party reasons or, forming it in a distant part of the body.
  3. The retroperitoneal organs can also provoke stabbing pain in the chest.

What to do when there is colitis in the chest?

If any type of stabbing pain is detected in the chest area, the development of cardiac muscle infarction should be excluded; for this purpose, electrocardiography is performed. The presence of questionable pain indicators over a long interval leads to observation and examination of the patient in the hospital.

Based on the results of diagnosis and identification of the causes of pain discomfort drug therapy includes the following activities:

  • anesthetics are prescribed;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids;
  • antimicrobials;
  • prompt correction of the condition is carried out when blood clots are detected, tumor process, presence of a foreign object;
  • physiotherapy is effective;
  • It is recommended to maintain a balanced and limited diet With complete refusal from bad habits;
  • for problems with the spinal tract, diuretics are used to relieve tissue compression by relieving their swelling.

Scheme therapeutic actions is being developed specialized specialist in each specific case of pathological deviation. It is based on the results of an examination of the current parameters of the patient’s condition.

Almost every girl has a tingling sensation in her chest, sometimes it can be associated with serious pathological diseases. Symptoms can be completely different, and factors can be divided into natural and pathological. In most cases, such symptoms occur in women childbearing age. For precise definition The causes of this condition should be addressed to a specialized doctor.

Symptoms of tingling in the breast

The first thing that needs to be determined is the nature of the disease, duration, frequency and localization of pain. Distinguish the following types pain.

Cyclical. Associated with production frequency certain hormones in different phases menstrual cycle.Accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. 1. Aching and dull character.
  2. 2. Inflammatory reaction.
  3. 3. Formation of nodules.
  4. 4. Pain in both breasts.

Non-cyclical. They occur in one breast, are permanent and can get worse over time. Symptoms:

  1. 1. Burning and squeezing in the mammary gland.
  2. 2. Pain in one of the mammary glands (colic on the right side).

They are not associated with menstruation.

Dangerous manifestations

Related to availability various diseases.Main Feature:

  1. 1. Daily and progressive pain that lasts more than 2 weeks.
  2. 2. Localization in only one area.

Such pain interferes ordinary activities person. You can also identify the causes of pain, which are the source of various pathologies.


In order to begin treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of this phenomenon. They can be divided into 2 types:

  • physiological;
  • pathological.

Physiological factors generally do not pose a health risk and are considered normal.

It could be:

  • Pregnancy period. There is a change in the glands that are preparing for lactation, which is accompanied by unpleasant sensations.
  • Lactation time. At breastfeeding Various pain sensations occur quite often.
  • Menstruation. Tingling occurs due to sudden hormonal surges, that is, during menstruation. Symptoms are cyclical.

Pathological factors may indicate the presence of the following diseases:

  • Mastopathy. It is accompanied by pain and burning in the chest; lumps of various sizes can be felt.
  • Mastitis. Occurs during breastfeeding, redness, swelling and hardening of the glands appears, and the temperature rises. According to statistics, in 90% of cases, mastitis occurs in one of the breasts (that is, right or left). Very rarely in two.
  • Various formations in the mammary gland. These may be benign and malignant tumors. You should consult a doctor, explain the problem and undergo diagnostics.
  • Disorders associated with the spine.
  • Endocrine disruptions. The thyroid gland produces female hormones, that is why when various changes and failures may cause pain and tingling sensations in the chest.
  • Heart diseases and circulatory system. The pain is localized in the left side of the mammary gland.
  • Intercostal neuralgia. Occurs when nerve endings are pinched.

Diagnosis of the disease

For determining accurate diagnosis it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations and take several tests. A specialized doctor may prescribe the following set of tests:

  1. 1. Collection of general anamnesis.
  2. 2. Visual examination and palpation of the mammary glands. If during palpation various lumps are found in the chest, the doctor will prescribe a biopsy. This is necessary to determine the nature of the tumor.
  3. 3. Ultrasound of the breast and thyroid gland.
  4. 4. Clinical analysis.
  5. 5. Mammography.
  6. 6. ECG.
  7. 7. Radiography cervicothoracic region spine.

Tingling on the right, left or middle in the chest is not a diagnosis, but pathological syndrome. It appears in many ailments. When a patient complains of shooting in the chest, the doctor orders an electrocardiogram to rule out or detect heart disease.

The severity of this symptom requires quick diagnostics reasons for the condition. It may be followed by suffocation, an increase blood pressure, cessation of breathing, loss of consciousness and a number of other dangerous conditions.


Often, an approximate diagnosis can be determined based on the location of painful or stabbing sensations.

Tingling and pain on the left

Tingling on the left side of the sternum is most often caused by heart pathology. When the heart muscle lacks oxygen ( ischemic disease), it stretches, which leads to irritation of nerve receptors.

The cause of tingling on the left side may be intestinal diseases:

  1. spasms of the esophagus;
  2. stomach ulcer;
  3. biliary colic;
  4. inflammation of the chest wall.
When examining a patient with pain on the left side, the doctor first of all excludes oxygen starvation heart muscle. The second step in identifying causes is to rule out the following conditions:
  • inflammatory changes in the pleura;
  • lung cyst or abscess;
  • compression of intercostal nerves;
  • restoration of the cartilaginous part of the ribs after fractures.
  • cutting, sharp pain when squeezing the roots ();
  • shoots in the chest with severe compression or entrapment of the spinal cord;
  • slight tingling on the right is observed with a slight decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs;
  • radiculitis may be accompanied by impaired sensitivity of the upper extremities;
  • any pain in the chest area intensifies when turning the body.

Tingling inside chest cavity with Tietze syndrome they are localized in the region of the 2-5th rib. The origin of the pathology is due to aseptic inflammation of the costal cartilages. Sharp pain in the lower part of the sternum intensifies with pressure on the xiphoid process.

Cutting pain syndrome in the area of ​​the upper part of the sternum, as well as to the left or right of it, due to pronounced compression nerve root in the region of the costosternal joint. In this case, the patient may experience chills and pale skin.

Thus, it is quite difficult to determine why the stabbing is on the right side of the chest or on the left, since the symptom can be caused by many diseases. As a result, diagnosis of the causes of the disease should be entrusted to a qualified specialist.



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