Fibroadenoma of the breast with unclear contours. Can fibroadenoma develop into cancer? Surgery and rehabilitation

This organ. Today we will talk about what breast fibroadenoma is.

The term comes from three words meaning fiber, gland and tumor. Fibroadenoma can develop in any gland, including the mammary gland.

This is quite common benign tumor. It begins to be detected in teenage girls; the incidence increases with age and reaches a maximum at the age of 30-40 years. Some scientists consider the pathology to be a nodal form of mastopathy.

Etiology of the disease

The causes of breast fibroadenoma are unknown. Some importance is attached to hormonal disorders, in particular, increased levels of female sex hormones - estrogens, but there is no exact confirmation of this. The following factors can provoke the development of a tumor:

  • chest injuries, bruises;
  • excessive insolation (tanning or visiting a solarium);
  • premature termination of pregnancy;
  • transferred ;
  • errors when breastfeeding and its completion.

As a result of the action of an unknown factor, cells in the breast tissue begin to divide connective tissue and glandular structures that form the milk ducts. The cells retain their normal morphological characteristics, do not grow into surrounding organs, and do not metastasize.

Fibroadenoma can grow rapidly and have a soft consistency, in which case it is called immature. Such formations are more common in young girls. In women, mature fibroadenoma is more common - dense, surrounded by a capsule, practically not enlarging. The discovery of such a tumor at the age of over 40 years indicates its late diagnosis.


Most often, the pathology does not manifest itself at all. In some women, fibroadenoma hurts, this is due to concomitant mastopathy, which responds to hormonal fluctuations.

Symptoms of fibroadenoma of the mammary gland are determined by palpating it: in the upper outer quadrant, a small dense ball is felt, as if rolling into the tissue of the gland. The skin over it is not changed, there is no pain.

Although this formation does not bother the woman, if it appears, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist, surgeon or oncologist.

Macroscopic and microscopic characteristics

- This is a painless single node of dense consistency. It has clearly defined boundaries and a diameter of up to 3 cm. This tumor grows very slowly. The difference from cancer is the absence of decay and metastasis, that is, a benign course. Fibroadenoma does not have a true capsule, but during surgery it is easily removed (husked) from the breast tissue.

Multiple fibroadenomas are rare, and they are often gigantic in size. Such nodes can reach 20 cm in diameter.

If the knot is cut, it is seen that it has a gray-white color. It contains foci of calcification, hyalinosis (formation cartilage tissue), slime. When examined under a microscope, it is clear that the adenoma consists of a connective tissue base and ducts of the mammary glands. Depending on the ratio of stroma and ducts, histological types of tumor are distinguished:

  • intracanalicular - the expanding stroma compresses the glandular ducts, which turn into slit-like formations;
  • pericanalicular - the ducts of the glands are preserved rounded shape, they are surrounded by dense connective tissue, often calcifications and calcification of the node are formed.

Mixed type tumors are often found.

There is also such a thing as a leaf-shaped or phylloid tumor of the mammary gland. It usually arises from an intracanalicular tumor.

Leaf fibroadenoma differs in the structure of its base - the stroma. It has dividing cells that form layered structures that resemble leaves.

Found in women over 40 years of age. It grows quickly, often occupying most of the volume of the mammary gland; often recurs after surgical treatment. This formation tends to become malignant when dividing stromal cells undergo transformation. Degeneration of a phyllodes tumor into cancer is observed in 10% of cases.

1. The tumor stroma is represented by loose fibrous tissue
2. Glandular tubes are compressed by the stroma


In most cases, the pathology is determined by the woman herself or her sexual partner by palpation (feeling) of the mammary gland. Fibroadenoma feels like a dense, smooth, painless node, quite mobile, that is, displaced relative to the skin. If such a symptom is detected, you should immediately contact a mammologist to rule out breast cancer.

The primary diagnostic methods are inspection, palpation and ultrasound examination of the mammary gland. Ultrasound usually clearly shows signs that can be used to preliminarily distinguish fibroadenoma from cancer.

It should be said that fibroadenoma with blood flow determined using ultrasound and Doppler sonography is a common condition. If the node exceeds 2 cm in size, blood flow in it can be determined in 75% of cases. Scientists have proven that the presence of blood flow in the node does not distinguish between fibroadenoma and breast cancer. In small nodules the blood supply is almost never determined.

Fibroadenoma can also be detected using. This X-ray examination It is carried out annually for all women over 40 years of age as part of a medical examination of the population.

A puncture of the node is required, that is, it is punctured with a special needle and biopsy material is taken. The resulting tissue sample is examined under a microscope to rule out malignant degeneration. A more modern and accurate diagnostic method is trephine biopsy. It allows you to obtain several small “cylinders” from different parts of the tumor and make a more reliable diagnosis. Histological examination completely confirms the disease.


Treatment for breast fibroadenoma is almost always carried out surgically. Only with very small nodes (up to 5 mm in diameter) can observation be continued. The question of whether or not to remove breast fibroadenoma is decided by the doctor after examination, hormone tests, ultrasound examination and tissue biopsies.

Is it necessary to remove fibroadenoma before or during a planned pregnancy? The combination of conditions such as fibroadenoma and pregnancy can lead to malignant degeneration of the tumor. If this does not happen, difficulties may arise during breastfeeding, especially with large nodules or multiple nodes: milk will flow poorly through the milk ducts, and mastitis will also occur.

Therefore, it is advisable to remove the formation as early as possible, mainly at the planning stage. At rapid growth tumors during pregnancy, less traumatic interventions will be preferable. However, the question of the extent of the operation, especially during pregnancy, is not decided immediately, but only after observation and examination by several specialists. If the node is small and there is no suspicion of cancer surgical treatment postponed and carried out after the birth of the child and completion of breastfeeding.

Contraindications for removal:

  • fever and infectious diseases;
  • cancer and other serious illnesses;
  • woman's reluctance to undergo surgical treatment;
  • blood coagulation disorders, high degree of arterial hypertension, poorly compensated diabetes and other conditions, after correction of which, surgery becomes possible.

Surgery and rehabilitation

Surgery to remove breast fibroadenoma can be performed in two fundamentally different ways:

  • enucleation (husking) – removal of only the nodule itself through a small incision near the nipple;
  • sectoral resection - removal of the tumor with surrounding tissues in the form of a sector of the gland, most often performed when malignant transformation is suspected.

Depending on the volume, surgical intervention is performed using local or intravenous anesthesia. It lasts about an hour. After removing the tumor, cosmetic sutures are applied to the skin, which allows you to achieve a good external result.

If the node is located superficially and there is confidence in its benign quality, it is possible to remove breast fibroadenoma with a laser . This is a low-traumatic operation accompanied by fast healing fabrics and good cosmetic effect. Except laser therapy Radio wave therapy can be used.

The postoperative period proceeds without complications, the woman does not experience pain. The patient usually leaves the hospital on the same day or the next day after the intervention, the sutures are removed after a week. Mandatory histological examination removed material under a microscope to exclude a cancerous process.

Rehabilitation after fibroadenoma removal includes mandatory consultation gynecologist. It is advisable to increase the content of animal protein and vegetables in your diet, and avoid fatty foods and allergens (chocolate, citrus fruits, eggs). It is necessary to normalize weight, increase motor activity. Sometimes a consultation with a psychotherapist is required to help a woman understand her illness and cope with its consequences, especially with a large volume of surgery.

If a lump remains after removal, you should consult a doctor again. This may be a sign of suppuration of the mammary gland, the growth of a malignant tumor, or occur as a result of scarring of the suture. In any case, a thorough examination by a specialist is necessary, preferably the doctor who performed the operation.

Small scar after fibroadenoma removal:
1. after surgery
2. a month later


When surgically removed, the tumor practically does not recur. Can fibroadenoma develop into cancer? This possibility exists, although the likelihood of malignant degeneration is low. Some doctors deny this possibility altogether, others talk about a 20-50% probability. The risk is especially high with the leaf-shaped form of fibroadenoma. The answer to the question whether a tumor can resolve without treatment depends on many conditions. More often, immature fibroadenomas in girls resolve on their own after the final establishment of the menstrual cycle. U mature women Such a tumor will not go away without treatment, but will slowly increase in size.


Because real reasons The development of the disease is unknown, there are no specific preventive measures. To prevent the development tumor processes recommend eating nutritiously, avoiding strong emotional shocks and chronic nervous overstrain, protect your mammary glands from bruises. It is recommended to limit visits to the solarium and natural tanning during the daytime.

It is important to periodically perform breast self-examination. It is performed by a woman in front of a mirror 7-10 days after the start of menstruation, when the mammary gland is painless. Pay attention to the symmetry of the glands, the surface of the skin, supraclavicular and axillary areas, areola and nipple. Then the entire gland is superficially probed in a spiral or radially outward from the center. After this, a deeper palpation of the entire gland tissue is carried out. It is convenient to do this by lubricating your hands with cream or lotion. You can conduct a self-examination of the glands in the shower, after soaping your skin. The main thing is to do this regularly. This measure will help to recognize both fibroadenoma and malignant processes in time.

Everything needs to be treated on time gynecological diseases, including menstrual irregularities and. It is known that with these diseases the likelihood of developing fibroadenoma increases. Thus, regular visits to the gynecologist and self-examination become the key to a woman’s health.

The detection of a dense node in the breast in young women aged 20-40 years allows one to suspect the presence of fibroadenoma, a benign breast tumor. The size of the formation can vary - from a few millimeters to 10 or more centimeters. The tumor can develop into a malignant tumor, so in most cases it must be removed surgically. Prevention of the disease consists of timely treatment endocrine and neurological disorders, diet and a number of recommendations.

Description of the disease

Fibroadenoma of the mammary gland is a benign nodular formation in mammary glands ah, consisting of glandular and fibrous tissue. The disease ranks fifth among all breast neoplasms.

There are two types of fibrous adenomas:

  • with a predominance of glandular epithelium (adenoma);
  • with a predominance of fibrous tissue (leaf-shaped fibroma).

The leaf-shaped tumor has a layered structure and is prone to rapid growth, sometimes reaching gigantic sizes. The danger of the disease is that a benign tumor can develop into a malignant one. In the first case, the risk is 1-2%, and in the second it increases significantly, but the prevalence of the second type of fibroadenomas is much less (2% of all cases). Most often this is a single formation, but in 10-15% of patients multiple fibroadenomatosis develops. The tumor is localized in most cases in the upper part of the chest.

Provoking factors

The exact causes of this disease are unknown. There is a relationship between the disease and hormonal disorders, especially during puberty in girls. The risk of breast fibroadenoma increases if you have diseases of the following organs:

  • liver;
  • nervous system (hypothalamus and pituitary gland, vegetative-vascular dystonia);
  • organs of the reproductive system;
  • adrenal glands;
  • thyroid gland.

In women with endometrial diseases of the uterus, fibroadenomatosis is detected in more than 60% of cases. Breast tissues are targets for sex hormones produced in the ovaries, pituitary gland and other endocrine organs. Under the influence of estrogens and progesterone at the end of the first phase of the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy or when taking hormonal drugs in the mammary glands, the tissue of the glandular lobules increases, the breasts swell and become coarser. Increased output hormones in the ovaries causes the proliferation of connective tissue in the breast and contributes to the formation of benign tumors. The presence of the disease is noted in women who have the following disorders of the reproductive system associated with high concentration estrogen:

  • uterine bleeding (outside the menstrual cycle);
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • ovulation disorders;
  • follicular cysts;
  • hyperlactinemia (increased levels of the hormone prolactin in the blood).

During pregnancy, a sharp growth of the tumor (up to 5 times) can be observed. The disease affects women most young– 15-35 years, after 35 years the incidence rate decreases. During menopause, fibroadenoma becomes defoliated and its structure becomes similar to popcorn.

Symptoms and diagnosis

The symptoms of the disease are the following:

  • the presence of a dense elastic, mobile formation in the chest, to the touch - a rolling ball;
  • rounded shape of fibroadenoma;
  • the tumor does not disappear when lying down;
  • the color of the skin of the mammary gland with small formations is not changed, with a leaf-shaped giant fibroadenoma the skin becomes thin, acquires a bluish tint and becomes covered with ulcers;
  • breast pain;
  • discharge from the nipple.

Operated fibroadenoma

Main diagnostic method Ultrasound is used to determine breast fibroadenoma in women under 30 years of age. Ultrasound examination allows you to assess the growth rate of the formation and its structure. This factor is one of the determining factors when deciding on surgical intervention. After 30 years of age the risk increases cancer diseases Therefore, other diagnostic methods are additionally used. Signs of a malignant process on an ultrasound echogram are the following:

  • irregular tumor shape;
  • lack of visualization of the capsule contour;
  • heterogeneous structure of education;
  • increased blood flow both in the tumor itself and at the border with nearby tissues.

Fibroadenoma on ultrasound echogram

To make an accurate diagnosis it is necessary to carry out additional examinations: X-ray control (mammography) and biopsy puncture for histological analysis tumor tissue.




Oval or round shape

Lobular structure

Density lower than or equal to surrounding tissue (shade with sharp edges)

Oval or round shape

Lobular structure

Dark, low echogenic content

Light, thin, even contour

The background is lighter

Oval or round shape

Smooth, clear boundaries

Homogeneous structure

Lack of enhancement – ​​fibrosis

Contrast uptake – adenomatosis


Irregular shape

Fuzzy, “ray” outline

Ragged edges with small slices

Acoustic shadow (darkening)

The capabilities of the method in diagnosing questionable formations are limited

Surgery to remove the tumor

The main method of treating fibroadenoma is surgical. If the tumor is small, sectoral resection is performed. If its size is more than 8 cm, subcutaneous amputation of the mammary gland is indicated. Therefore it is necessary to carry out timely diagnosis and monitoring tumor growth. Resection of large fibroadenomas or mammary glands is carried out under general anesthesia. In both cases of surgical intervention, a mandatory histological examination of tumor tissue is carried out, on the basis of which it is established final diagnosis and further conservative treatment is determined.

The operation to remove small tumors is simple, takes little time and is performed under local anesthesia. At sectoral resection The tumor is eliminated along with the surrounding tissues to a depth of at least 1 cm, since it is necessary to remove it along with the capsule in order to avoid relapse, and if there is a suspicion of cancer, then retreating 2-3 cm from the tumor. A small incision of 3-4 cm is made under the alveolus of the nipple; no stitches are placed inside the surgical wound in order to obtain the best cosmetic effect. The postoperative period is practically not accompanied by painful sensations. The suture is made ordinary or cosmetic, performed under the skin. Sutures are removed 5-7 days after surgery depending on how quickly the healing progresses. surgical wound. To improve the condition of the scar in postoperative period use Contractubex ointment.

Indications for surgical removal of the formation are the following:

  • suspicion of cancer if, as a result of ultrasound, mammography and cytological examination it is impossible to accurately determine whether the process of malignancy occurs in the tumor;
  • rapid growth of education by 1.5-2 times in 3-6 months;
  • large size fibroids (at least 2 cm);
  • Availability leaf-shaped tumor, since she has high risk malignant degeneration;
  • at the request of the patient herself.

In the absence of indications for surgical intervention Fibroadenoma removal is not performed during pregnancy. Dynamic ultrasound monitoring of tumor growth and structure is carried out every 3 months.

In rare cases, postoperative complications are possible:

  • the appearance of suppuration;
  • seam divergence;
  • hematoma formation;
  • tumor recurrence if parts of it remain in the breast tissue during surgery.

Surgical removal of a fibroadenoma does not guarantee that it will not appear again. It is necessary to identify the reasons why it arose (most often they lie in hormonal disorders), and treat accompanying illnesses, especially related to the reproductive and endocrine systems. For this purpose, additional examinations are carried out: ultrasound of the thyroid gland and pelvic organs, hormonal and biochemical analysis blood, tests for the presence of urogenital infections. It is necessary to consult a gynecologist, mammologist and endocrinologist, if you have diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver - see a gastroenterologist.

Six months after the operation it is carried out ultrasound examination mammary glands. It is recommended to independently palpate the breasts monthly, in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, to check for the absence of new formations.

Conservative treatment

If the tumor size is less than 1 cm and a malignant process is excluded during the examination, then surgery can be avoided. For conservative treatment the following means are used:

  1. 1. Antihypoxants and antioxidants (Mildronate, Hypoxen, Mexidant and others).
  2. 2. Vitamins A, E, C and group B, vitamin complexes(Aevit, Alphabet, Vetoron, Vitrum, Duovit, Centrum and others).
  3. 3. Anxiolytics, sedatives, tranquilizers (Novo-Passit, tinctures of valerian and motherwort, Rudotel, Afobazol, Elenium, Seduxen, Oxazepam and others).
  4. 4. Adaptogens and general tonics (ginseng tinctures, Chinese lemongrass, Eleutherococcus, Ginsana, Pantocrine and others).
  5. 5. Hormonal drugs (when the disease is combined with uterine fibroids, polycystic ovary syndrome, increased level estrogen, with thyroid deficiency and other diseases, according to medical indications) – Retabolil, Methylandrostenediol, Testobromlecite, Methandienone, Danazol, Bromocriptine, Thyroidin, Potassium iodide, Estradiol, Estrogel, Progesterone, Duphaston, Utrozhestan and other antiestrogenic and antitumor agents (Tamoxifen, Fareston).
  6. 6. Homeopathic medicines and dietary supplements (Mastodinon, Mammoleptin, Epigallat, Femicaps, Mastofiton, Ortho Taurine, Female formula, Mastovit, Kelp, Brest Kare and others).
  7. 7. Herbal medicines (Cyclodinone, Indinol, MamoklamT, Mastofit, Alfit, Splat and others).

For normalization hormonal balance in women it is recommended to establish sex life, give birth to children and breastfeed them for at least 1 year. To prevent fibroadenomatosis, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • observe plant-based diet(fruits, vegetables, cereals, citrus fruits) with the exception of fatty, salty, canned and smoked foods, tea, coffee and chocolate;
  • monitor your water balance, drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day;
  • limit the intake of hormonal medications;
  • avoid abortions, use contraception;
  • be sexually active with one partner;
  • protect the chest from injury and hypothermia;
  • maintain a daily routine and rest, avoid stress, which can lead to hormonal imbalance;
  • apply general strengthening procedures and conduct healthy image life – massage, therapeutic and breathing exercises, take regular walks fresh air, take complex vitamin preparations.

Diet has important in the prevention of fibroadenomatosis, since fatty and meat products increase the level of estrogen in the blood and the production carcinogenic substances. Beverages such as coffee, tea, cocoa and cola contain methylxanthines, which stimulate the development of fibrous tissue. At chronic constipation caused by disturbed intestinal flora or lack of fiber in the diet, reabsorption of estrogens occurs, which are excreted into the intestines along with bile. Since estrogens are metabolized in the liver, it is necessary to eliminate them from the diet. dangerous products– spicy, fatty, alcohol in excessive quantities.

Year after year, the number of people diagnosed with various kinds neoplasms in the body. They are divided into benign tumors, which rarely carry serious threat for life, and oncological pathologies. In women, pathologies of the mammary glands are increasingly being detected. One of the most popular is fibroadenoma.

Fibroadenoma – what is it?

Fibroadenoma means benign neoplasm glandular and connective tissues. The pathology may affect various areas female body: skin, tendons, breasts, internal organs, in particular the uterus, ovaries. In the vast majority of cases, this pathology is diagnosed for the mammary glands.

Within the framework of diseases according to ICD-10, which are coded N60 (benign mammary dysplasia), fibroadenoma is not listed. She was assigned the code – D24. The placement of this adenoma in another category is due to the fact that it is perceived as a pathology based on neoplasia. This class (D24) within the ICD-10 characterizes non-cancerous tumors in the breast.

It is this form of neoplasms, the non-cancerous variant, that occurs most often than all others. Fibroadenoma accounts for more than 8% of all diagnoses. At the same time, pathology can be detected at almost any age, but separately there are specific “risk groups” for which the chance of a neoplasm occurring is very high.

“Risk groups” for the development of a benign tumor:

  1. age period from 12 to 20 years (juvenile adenomas and immature neoplasms);
  2. women under 30 years of age (mature adenomas);
  3. menopause period (mature fibroadenomas).
What is this neoplasm?

– a lump in the chest, most often occurring on one side in the upper part of the gland. The disease is classified as one of the manifestations of such pathology as nodular. The tumor is elastic and smooth to the touch. Unlike oncological pathology fibroadenoma is mobile because it is not attached to the skin. There is almost never any pain when touched.

This benign formation may be different sizes. The most common adenomas are small, approximately 3-8 millimeters in diameter. But there are exceptions, when fibroadenoma reaches 15 centimeters or grows over the entire surface of the mammary gland, becoming noticeable. There may be a bulging of the subcutaneous “ball”, as well as visual deformation of the breast, an increase in its size in relation to the second healthy mammary gland.

Most often, breast fibroadenoma is a single nodular lump in one breast. Less often, several “balls” are noted, and even less often, neoplasms are diagnosed in both breasts.

The development of pathology is impossible to predict. In one case, the tumor will not progress, but very rarely breast fibroadenoma can resolve on its own. In another variant, tumor growth occurs catastrophically quickly. And such a case especially requires medical intervention.

Types of breast fibroadenoma

Pathological neoplasms can be divided into both types and forms.

There are two options for forms:

  • immature form– characteristic of “juvenile fibroadenomas” that arise in adolescence and young adulthood; distinctive feature– absence of an external capsule of the tumor; it is precisely this difference that in a number of cases suggests the possibility of eliminating education without surgical intervention;
  • mature form– this variant of fibroadenoma is diagnosed after 20 years, less often during the period (in most cases it is believed that only young women are susceptible to fibroadenoma); the main feature is the presence of an outer shell of the neoplasm, which is resistant to medication, homeopathic or herbal treatment.
By type, pathology is divided into:
  1. nodular;
  2. leaf-shaped.
Nodular options include:
  • pericanacular fibroadenoma of the mammary gland (deformation of connective tissue next to the glandular ducts);
  • intracanacular (ingrowth of connective tissues into glandular ducts);
  • mixed form, combining the symptoms of the first two options.
Under leaf-shaped fibroadenoma imply a neoplasm that can increase in size from high speed, and there is a risk of developing sarcoma. The structure of the tumor consists of several layers, similar to leaves. This form breast adenoma is rare, but requires very rapid intervention doctors. And it is characterized by only one form of treatment - surgical correction.

If variants of nodular fibroadenomas develop at any age, especially typical for young women, then leaf-shaped fibroadenoma is more often diagnosed at the time of menopause, at the age of 40-50 years.

Symptoms of the disease

Breast fibroadenoma can be classified as insidious pathologies due to the fact that external manifestations she does not have. As it develops, it does not leave an imprint on your well-being in the form of fever or pain. Often, a neoplasm is discovered in women by chance: either by self-palpation, or during a routine examination by a doctor, or in a situation where a woman goes to the clinic for another reason.

An adenoma can be easily identified when the size of the tumor is large enough. Then the main sign is a “bump” on the chest, which can be moved with your fingers, but this “ball” does not change its location when changing body position.

You can notice the symptoms of breast fibroadenoma if its localization is the area near the nipple. Then, in addition to a palpable elastic seal, there may be the following symptoms:

  1. the appearance of ulcers, cracks on the nipple and near it;
  2. light, odorless liquid;
  3. soreness to touch.
When it changes benign education The following symptoms may be added to malignant (sarcoma):
  • the skin above and near the tumor does not change its temperature, but may become reddish or pale bluish;
  • an enlarged tumor is visible to the naked eye.

In the moment critical days and during pregnancy, there may be swelling of the breast in the area of ​​the tumor, minor pain, a feeling of internal heaviness or fullness. However, such symptoms cannot be considered objective; they are individual and do not always indicate breast fibroadenoma.

When doing a self-examination of the breast at home, attention is paid to the main signs of fibroadenoma, which are its characteristics.

  1. The seal is round or oval.
  2. No or the “nodule” is displaced to the side.
  3. The formation feels not liquid, but, on the contrary, dense, elastic, not loose and with a clear shape.
  4. No change noted during inspection skin by color, temperature, structure.

Causes of formation of a benign tumor

The insidiousness of the disease lies in determining the cause. Doctors have not yet identified a clear root cause of the pathology. However, there are hypothetical reasons that provoke the development of fibroadenoma. They can be divided conditionally into external and internal.

Internal causes of breast adenoma

  1. , in which the amount of estrogen significantly exceeds permissible norm. This can also occur during pregnancy and puberty.
  2. The presence of various types of pathological conditions:
    • liver diseases;
    • diseases endocrine system, thyroid gland;
    • pathologies of the ovaries and adrenal glands;
    • problems with the pituitary gland;
    • diabetes mellitus, obesity;
    • gynecological problems different shapes, including menstrual irregularities.
External reasons
  1. Bad ecology.
  2. Nervous stress or exhaustion.
  3. Regular or severe stress.
  4. Passion for solariums and prolonged exposure to the sun.
  5. Frequent showers or baths with a temperature exceeding 37.5 degrees.
  6. Breast injury, improper massage or heat exposure.
Reasons that can provoke the occurrence of pathology also include:
  • hormonal therapy;
  • frequent abortions;
  • incorrect or irregular reception oral contraceptives or availability intrauterine device on a hormonal basis;
  • incorrectly selected oral contraceptives;
  • lack of pregnancy (the cause of fibroadenoma during menopause).

Some doctors are inclined to argue that hereditary reasons also play a role. However, there is no concrete evidence that the tendency to do this is transmitted at the genetic level. The only caveat: the occurrence of fibroadenomas can occur in women who have a family history of cancer patients. Most often, in such cases, leaf-shaped fibroadenoma is diagnosed.

Disease diagnosis process

Diagnosis occurs in several stages.
  1. Visual examination by a doctor, palpation process, general fee information (taking an anamnesis).
  2. Ultrasound, x-ray (mammography).
  3. Taking blood tests to identify hormonal indicators.
  4. Biopsy.
  5. Cytological examination of tissues.
Based on the data obtained from all procedures and studies performed, the doctor draws up a plan for treatment and correction of the condition. The need for surgical intervention is assessed individually.

To remove or not: reasons for different treatment options

The patient cannot make an independent decision regarding the removal of fibroadenoma. This decision is made after discussion with the doctor.

In what cases is treatment without surgery acceptable?

Firstly, in young patients. Carrying out constant monitoring and prescribing concomitant medications in combination with herbal medicine is acceptable in the case of immature fibroadenoma.

Secondly, at the time of menopause. In this case, the adenoma slows down or completely stops its growth. Without leaving a negative impact on the patient’s health, it does not require surgical correction.

Third, when the fibroadenoma is small and there is no progressive development. With this option, as in the case of juvenile adenomas, it is necessary constant surveillance at the doctor (scheduled examinations in each season of the year) with tests and ultrasound.

Fourthly, in a situation where there is no suspicion of the development of oncological pathology.

To remove breast fibroadenoma it is necessary:

  1. with its rapid growth, suspicion of transformation into sarcoma, especially when there is a heredity to the development of cancer;
  2. pregnancy is existing or planned, otherwise, having increased in size under the influence of estrogen, fibroadenoma can harm the health of the expectant mother, as well as provoke the inability to breastfeed the child;
  3. external cosmetic defect;
  4. at the direct request of the patient.

Treatment: surgical and conditionally non-surgical

These forms of condition correction are carried out in clinics. Often either local or general anesthesia is used.

Surgical intervention

  1. Sectoral resection. This type of operation is necessary when leaf-shaped fibroadenoma. With this surgical intervention, not only the neoplasm itself is removed, but nearby tissues are also captured (2-3 cm).
  2. Enucleation. A similar form of operation is chosen if there is no suspicion of malignancy. Only the seal is removed, without involving other tissues.

In both options, after surgery, a detailed examination of the tumor is required to exclude its malignant basis.

Conditionally non-surgical treatment

This assumes no direct surgical intervention. However, the presence of a skin incision is not always excluded.

  • Cryodestruction (tumor freezing).
  • Mammotomy (insertion of a probe into the lump).
  • Laser intervention (ablation) – destruction of a tumor using laser and ultrasound.
  • High-frequency fibroadenoma removal.

Recovery postoperative period

Carrying out surgery on the mammary gland due to the occurrence of fibroadenoma is considered the simplest among other surgical interventions.

The procedure takes no more than an hour. Complications after removal almost never occur. Bed rest not required. The patient remains in the hospital for only a few hours, less often – up to two days.

The applied sutures are removed after 9-12 days. In a situation using cosmetic seam it resolves on its own. There are usually no visual defects left, the only exception being the removal of an adenoma that is too large.

During the postoperative period, a woman usually does not experience any pain.

However, doctors note the risk of relapse of the disease even after removal of the tumor. In addition, cysts may appear.

Additional treatment options for breast fibroadenoma

In a situation where the patient does not want to undergo surgery, and there is no risk to health, it can be selected replacement therapy. A treatment plan is drawn up individually, based on the condition and medical history. Therefore, self-medication is contraindicated.

If there is a suspicion that the adenoma arose under the influence of malfunctions internal organs, then a mandatory examination is carried out, and then treatment of the disease.

At overweight You should visit a nutritionist and adjust your diet to get rid of obesity if it did not arise under the influence of a hormonal imbalance.

In some cases, herbal treatment may be additionally prescribed, and it is also permissible to use other recipes from traditional medicine. But it is worth remembering that such options should not be leading in the treatment of breast fibroadenoma.

During conservative therapy Regular monitoring of the development and condition of the tumor is mandatory. Unfortunately, in the vast majority of cases, the neoplasm does not resolve and does not decrease in size, but may delay growth. And due to this, doctors recognize non-operative treatment attempts as useless.

Traditional medicine and diet for breast fibroadenoma

Within the framework of herbal medicine and traditional medicine, treatment of adenoma can be carried out using:
  • tinctures: fennel, chamomile, wormwood, yarrow, juniper;
  • walnuts (vodka infusion for oral administration);
  • aloe juice;
  • pine buds;
  • honey
There is no strict diet for such a diagnosis. But it is worth highlighting the basic nutritional rules that you should rely on:
  1. giving up alcohol and cigarettes; It is better to reduce the amount of tea and coffee consumed per day;
  2. add more fresh fruits, vegetables, foods high in vitamin E and iodine to your diet;
  3. exclude very fatty foods, which provokes the production of steroids in the body, which can worsen the condition;
  4. give preference to green tea without additives, and also fresh juices, fruit drinks, mousses;
  5. undesirable presence in the diet sunflower oil V large quantities, semolina and premium flour products;
  6. fish, turnips, radishes and cabbage, in particular sea cabbage, should be in the diet constantly;
  7. remove as much from the diet as possible legumes: peas, beans, beans themselves;
  8. add nutmeg, mustard and coriander to your usual dishes;
  9. remove animal fats from the diet.

Breast fibroadenoma is a common disease, but this diagnosis often does not imply a threat to life. At the slightest suspicion, you should consult a doctor, because the disease is especially successfully treated in the early stages.

Also read.

The mammary glands are one of the most vulnerable places on a woman’s body, so representatives of the fair sex often face unpleasant problems in this zone. appears due to the enlargement and proliferation of gland tissue.

This benign tumor most often occurs in young girls during hormonal changes body. The size of the tumor can range from five millimeters to several centimeters. Its edges can be easily felt, the formation can be seen using ultrasound or other studies performed by specialists.

Causes of the disease

Doctors still cannot identify a clear reason why the disease occurs. But they are convinced that in most cases this happens due to a serious hormonal imbalance.

Other reasons are as follows:

  • severe stress;
  • severe psychological or physical stress;
  • thyroid disease;
  • ovarian diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • usage contraception In young age;
  • heredity.

Symptoms and diagnosis of the disease

Signs of fibroadenoma are not always immediately noticeable because the tumor is painless. It can only be detected by palpating the chest.

Fibroadenoma is a compaction that has a round or oval shape. It is not secured to the fabric and may move slightly when palpated.

Diameter may vary. Small neoplasms are not visually detected. The disease will become visible only if it is a tumor case big size, about 6 centimeters.

Typically, one breast is affected. But a small percentage affects both breasts. Accurate diagnosis should be diagnosed by a doctor who conducts the following studies:

  • Ultrasound of the breast;
  • biopsy - for this analysis a small sample of tumor tissue is taken;
  • histology - analysis of a tissue sample, which provides information about the form of the disease and the extent of tissue damage;
  • Mammography - X-ray of the breast.

Degeneration into cancer

Doctors claim that in the vast majority of cases, fibroadenoma in cancerous tumor does not outgrow. There are several types of fibroadenoma:

  • pericanalicular - has a dense consistency and is separated from body tissues;
  • intracanalicular - differs from the previous one in a looser consistency and fuzzy outlines;
  • phyloid.

The last variety is the most dangerous. It can lead to the formation of a malignant tumor (sarcoma or cancer). Such cases are rare, but they do happen. With this type, the tumor grows very quickly and reaches large sizes (up to 10 centimeters).

Breast cancer criteria

Breast cancer may initially appear as a lump, usually painful, so we can assume that it is a fibroadenoma.

But there are some other signs of a serious illness that can be detected when palpating the chest:

  • deformation with visible asymmetry;
  • peeling, nipple erosion;
  • discharge that may be bloody;
  • redness;
  • formation of a subcutaneous layer similar to cellulite;
  • pain in the armpit.

To distinguish malignant tumor from benign, you should contact a specialist for a thorough examination.

How can a tumor be removed?

The tumor will not go away on its own, but it can be removed in several ways.

The operation can be performed under general or local anesthesia. either with nearby tissues, if cancer is suspected, or only with the lump itself.

With the help of a laser, the tumor is removed due to the action of ultrasonic waves. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs