What is a focal change in the brain substance of a dystrophic nature? Causes and symptoms of focal changes in the brain substance of a dystrophic nature. Diseases of the brain of vascular origin

It's no secret that every year more and more people turn to neurologists with diseases that are associated with impaired blood circulation in the brain. Focal changes in the brain substance of a discirculatory nature are no exception. Such illnesses develop very rapidly and can lead to serious consequences if they are not eliminated in time. Such diseases are becoming more and more common, and they affect not only the elderly population, but also young people.

In this article we will look at what are focal changes in the brain substance of a dyscirculatory nature, as well as their causes, symptoms and methods of elimination. Therefore, carefully read the information presented in this article to protect yourself as much as possible.

What is this pathology?

Before you begin to consider treatment methods for any disease, it is very important to understand the causes of its occurrence. Otherwise, the recovery process can be considered impossible. Focal changes in the brain substance of a dyscirculatory nature are a disease that affects the brain in several places at once. At the same time, the disease is considered chronic, since it develops very slowly, and its consequences are extremely severe.

Stages of development

Like any other pathology, focal changes in the brain substance of a dyscirculatory nature can have several stages of development. Each of them has its own characteristics and differences, so it is very important for the doctor to understand exactly what stage your disease is at in order to choose the optimal treatment for you.

So, at the very first stage it is extremely difficult to notice the presence of pathology. After all, cerebral circulation has just begun to be disrupted. In this case, the specific symptoms of the disease are not yet expressed, so it is almost impossible to diagnose it, and the patient does not have any special complaints.

In the second stage, the patient’s condition worsens as nerve cells and brain tissue begin to die. Such processes are associated with significant disturbances of cerebral circulation.

The third stage of this disease is the last. In this case, most of the brain matter has died, so the brain stops functioning normally. Moreover, the signs of the disease can be very diverse and manifest differently in each patient.

The main reasons for the development of pathology

In fact, there are a huge number of reasons due to which focal changes in the brain substance of a dyscirculatory nature can occur. We will consider the consequences of this pathology below, and now we will understand what reasons influence its development.

As mentioned above, this condition occurs due to the fact that the blood supply to the brain is disrupted. Very often this is observed due to the fact that the cervical spine is injured or is susceptible to osteochondrosis and other diseases. The disease can also occur against the background of certain diseases of the cardiovascular system or after receiving a brain injury. People who are obese and lead an unhealthy lifestyle are also susceptible to the disease. Sometimes the disease can manifest itself in patients suffering from diabetes, cancer and inflammatory diseases. People who are often in stressful situations and prone to depression are no exception.

Focal changes most often occur in older people, but recently young patients are increasingly turning to neurologists, which indicates that the disease is beginning to actively become younger.

Focal changes in the brain substance of a discirculatory nature: symptoms

Despite the fact that at the first stage it is not easy to recognize the type of pathology, some symptoms will still indicate its presence. Typically, at the earliest stage, patients complain of insomnia, constant fatigue, lethargy, inability to work, pain in the head, and inability to cope with stressful situations.

But when the pathology begins to actively progress, it becomes much easier to recognize it. Pain in the head is much more common and lasts longer. Mental activity is impaired, and psychosomatic disorders occur. Some patients experience epileptic seizures, as well as cognitive impairment and strokes. The vestibular apparatus, organs of vision and hearing are also affected.

How does the diagnostic process work?

Signs of focal lesions are not always very easy to recognize. It is impossible to draw any conclusion based only on the patient's words. In order to understand what kind of disease the patient has, it is necessary to conduct a complete diagnosis. Of course, at the first stage it is difficult to determine the presence of focal changes in brain tissue, since the disease is just beginning to gain momentum. Therefore, it is very rare for patients to go to the hospital when they have a constant feeling of fatigue or insomnia.

Most often, patients turn to neurologists already in the second and third stages of the disease. In this case, the doctor will check reflex reactions and also check for mental disorders in the patient. It is also very important to collect information about well-being from the patient himself. It is after receiving such information that the specialist will be able to determine what kind of examination the injured person should undergo in this case.

First of all, you will be asked to take a blood test to check your sugar and cholesterol levels, and also determine the state of fat metabolism in your body. Next, the vascular system of the head and neck is examined. It is also very important to examine the cervical spine in order to understand the condition of the artery supplying blood to the brain.

The patient will also have to undergo a magnetic resonance examination and electrocardiography.

If the disease has affected other organs or organ systems, then you will have to contact other specialists, such as a cardiologist, otolaryngologist, and others.

Features of treatment

In fact, it is possible to eliminate such a pathology as focal changes in the brain substance of a dyscirculatory nature if we approach the problem in a comprehensive manner. First of all, you need to do everything to establish blood supply to the brain. In any case, treatment will be selected individually. After all, each patient had his own special reasons for the development of this disease. The doctor also takes into account the patient’s gender and age, his general condition and drug tolerance. It is very important to treat not the pathology itself, but also the ailments that accompany it. Only in this case can we hope for a positive result.

Basic treatment methods

First of all, it is very important to establish blood supply to the brain, as well as provide support to healthy nerve cells so that the disease does not continue to progress. If necessary, the patient can take sedatives and other medications. This must be done to support normal life activities. Very often, oxygen starvation leads to complications, so it is important to eliminate this phenomenon in a timely manner. You also need to strengthen. For this, experts recommend taking safe and effective herbal preparations. It is also necessary to ensure that the brain cells receive a sufficient amount of microelements and vitamins. It is very important to tone the blood vessels and expand them so that oxygen starvation does not occur.

If the patency of the arteries deteriorates significantly, then the doctor may decide to perform surgical intervention. However, this is done only as a last resort.

Dieting is the basis of good health

Damage to certain areas of the brain is not uncommon. As mentioned above, in order to eliminate such a pathology, it is very important to take comprehensive measures. You will also need to adjust your diet, because what we eat directly determines how we feel.

It is very important to include foods rich in vitamins B, C and PP in your diet. It is also beneficial to eat foods rich in magnesium and potassium. If the patient has a disordered fat metabolism, then experts recommend eating foods that can break down fats. First of all, garlic and onions should be included here. Try to eat cereals daily, as they strengthen the walls of blood vessels very well. Also, eat seafood at least twice a week.

A few words about the consequences

The disease described in this article is very dangerous, so at the first signs it is very important to contact a neurologist. Your doctor will tell you where to get an MRI of the brain. This procedure is usually carried out in the hospital itself or at a testing center. In any case, do not ignore it, as it will help establish an accurate diagnosis.

Focal changes in the brain substance of a dyscirculatory nature can lead to very serious consequences. The presence of this disease can affect the entire body as a whole: blood pressure will increase, and the risk of such a dangerous condition as a stroke will also increase. The patient may completely lose vision and hearing, and also have problems with coordination. An unidentified disease in time can be fatal, so you should not ignore your poor health.

Preventive measures

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, and focal changes in the brain substance of a dyscirculatory nature are no exception. Every person in this world should try to lead an active lifestyle. Exercising significantly improves metabolism and cerebral circulation. So start exercising today.

Pay attention to what you eat and adjust your diet. Of course, it is very difficult to immediately switch to a healthy diet, especially if you are a big fan of unhealthy foods. So do it gradually, it will put much less stress on your body.

Learn not only to work, but also to relax. Constant stressful situations are fraught with consequences for your well-being and lead to the development of many dangerous diseases.

Also take care of your sleep. The optimal sleep time for an adult is seven to eight hours a day. Both lack of sleep and excess of it will negatively affect your health.


Your health is in your hands, so now think about where to get an MRI of the brain. If during this procedure it was determined that you are predisposed to the occurrence of focal brain diseases, change your lifestyle urgently. Do not forget that it is much easier to prevent any disease than to try to get rid of it later. Focal changes in the brain substance of a dyscirculatory nature lead to extremely disastrous consequences, so think about yourself right now. Be healthy and take care of yourself!

26-05-2015, 18:38 241 207

Focal brain lesions can be caused by trauma, infectious disease, vascular atrophy and many other factors. Often, degenerative changes are accompanied by problems associated with disruption of normal vital functions and coordination of human movement.

MRI for focal brain lesions helps to identify the problem in the early stages and coordinate drug therapy. If necessary, based on the results of the examination, minimally invasive surgery may be prescribed.

Signs of focal lesions

All disorders of brain activity are reflected in the natural daily functions of human life. The location of the lesion affects the functioning of internal organs and the muscular system.

Changes in vascular genesis can lead to mental disorders, cause increased blood pressure, stroke and other unpleasant consequences. On the other hand, subcortical lesions may not have clinical manifestations and be asymptomatic.

One of the obvious signs of the presence of a focal lesion is:

  • Hypertension - a lack of oxygen supply to the brain caused by vascular dystrophy leads to the fact that the brain accelerates and increases blood circulation.
  • Epileptic seizures.
  • Mental disorders - occur with pathology of the subarachnoid spaces, accompanied by hemorrhage. At the same time, congestion in the fundus may occur. A characteristic feature of the pathology is the rapid formation of darkening, burst vessels and retinal rupture, which makes it possible to determine the probable location of the focal lesion.
  • Strokes - clearly defined focal changes in the brain of a vascular nature on MRI make it possible to establish a pre-stroke state and prescribe appropriate therapy.
  • Pain syndrome - chronic headaches, migraines may indicate the need for a general examination of the patient. Ignoring symptoms can lead to disability or death.
  • Involuntary muscle contractions.

Signs of single focal changes in the brain substance of a dyscirculatory nature on magnetic resonance imaging mean that the patient has certain deviations in the functioning of the vascular system. Most often this is associated with hypertension. The diagnosis and explanation of the study results will be provided by the attending physician.

Diagnosing changes

The picture of focal changes in the substance of the brain of a dystrophic nature is observed, according to various sources, from 50 to 80% of all people as they age. Ischemia, as a result of which normal blood supply is stopped, causes provoking changes in the soft tissues. Resonance imaging helps to identify the causes of disorders and conduct a differential analysis of the disease.

Small focal changes that do not cause concern at first can eventually cause a stroke. In addition, foci of increased echogenicity of vascular origin may indicate an oncological cause of the disorders.

Timely identification of the problem helps prescribe the most effective therapy. A focus of dyscirculatory origin, clearly visible on MRI, may indicate the following pathologies:

  • In the cerebral hemispheres - indicates the following possible causes: blocking the blood flow of the right vertebral artery through a congenital anomaly or atherosclerotic plaque. The condition may be accompanied by a herniated cervical spine.
  • In the white matter of the frontal lobe, changes can be caused by ordinary hypertension, especially after a crisis. Some anomalies and isolated small lesions in the substance are congenital and pose a threat to normal life. Concerns arise about the tendency to increase the area of ​​damage, as well as the accompanying changes in motor function disorders.
  • Multiple focal changes in the brain substance indicate the presence of serious deviations in genesis. It can be caused both by a condition before a stroke, and by senile dementia, epilepsy and many other diseases, the development of which is accompanied by vascular atrophy.

    If the MRI report indicates the diagnosis: “signs of multifocal brain damage of a vascular nature,” this is a reason for certain concerns. The attending physician will be required to establish the cause of the changes and determine methods of conservative and restorative therapy.

    On the other hand, microfocal changes occur in almost every patient after 50 years. The lesions are visible in angiography mode, if the cause of occurrence is disturbances in genesis.

If a dystrophic focus is detected, the therapist will definitely prescribe a general medical history of the patient. In the absence of additional reasons for concern, it will be recommended to regularly monitor trends in the development of pathology. Substances may be prescribed to stimulate circulation.

Changes in the brain substance of a dyscirculatory-dystrophic nature indicate more serious problems. Pressure and lack of circulation can be caused by injury or other causes.

Signs of small-focal brain damage with a vascular etiology of moderate expansion can cause the diagnosis of encephalopathy, congenital and acquired. Some medications can only make the problem worse. Therefore, the therapist will check the relationship between medication and ischemia.

Any pathological and degenerative changes should be well studied and tested. The cause of the focal lesion was determined and, based on the MRI results, prevention or treatment of the detected disease was prescribed.


Hello! Today my mother underwent an MRI examination of the brain, after which the clinic gave the conclusion: “On a series of T1 and T2 weighted MRI scans in three projections, sub- and supratentorial structures are visualized. The lateral and third ventricles of the brain are slightly dilated. The fourth the ventricle is not changed, the basal cisterns are of normal caliber. The chiasmal area is without features, the pituitary tissue has a normal signal. The subarachnoid convexital spaces and grooves are slightly expanded in the area of ​​the parietal lobes and Sylvian fissures with moderately pronounced atrophic changes in the substance of the brain. The median structures are not displaced. The cerebellar tonsil are usually located. In the white matter of the parietal and temporal lobes, multiple hydrophilic foci of different sizes, small areas of gliosis, and enlarged Virchow-Robin spaces are identified. CONCLUSION: MR picture of moderately expressed mixed replacement hydrocephalus. Multiple focal-dystrophic substances of the brain." My mother is 41 years old. Recently she began to complain about: - “shaking like on the waves”; - Nausea; - Dizziness; - Periodic severe headaches (in the occipital region); - Pawns ears; - Memory impairment; - Can’t concentrate on anything; - Sleep disturbance; - Weakness; - Nervousness. Please explain the situation, diagnosis, treatment... Thank you in advance! P.S.: Before the study, I completed a course of treatment prescribed by a neurologist: “1) Actovegin 2.0 IV in saline solution; 2) Mexidol 2.0 IM; 3) Platyfillin 1.0 IM.” During the course of treatment, the health situation worsened. There were no positive results at the end of treatment.

Hello! Focal changes in the substance of the brain of a dystrophic nature - this is literally - as a result of a local (local) disruption of the blood supply (age-related, toxic or other nature) there are atrophied (dead) areas of brain tissue. This is how encephalopathy manifests itself. Treatment usually includes vasoactive drugs, so-called “cerebral circulation optimizers”: trental, cinnarizine, stugeron, etc. In case of vascular insufficiency of the vertebrobasilar system, preference is given to stugeron, sibelium. betserku. If the patient has a combination of atherosclerotic lesions of the blood vessels of the brain and extremities, a prescription is indicated. Nootropics (gliatilin, cortexin, ceraxon). Decongestants (diacarb, veroshpiron).

A consultation with a neurologist on the topic “Please explain the conclusion of an MRI of the brain” is given for informational purposes only. Based on the results of the consultation received, please consult a doctor, including to identify possible contraindications.

About the consultant


Neurologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, medical experience: more than 17 years.
Author of more than 50 publications and scientific papers, active participant in conferences, seminars and congresses of neurologists in Russia.

Sphere of professional interests:
-diagnosis, treatment and prevention of neurological diseases (vegetative-vascular dystonia, discirculatory encephalopathy, consequences of strokes, arterial and venous disorders, memory impairment, attention, neurotic disorders and asthenic conditions, panic attacks, osteochondrosis, vertebrogenic radiculopathies, chronic pain syndrome).
- Patients with complaints of migraines, headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, numbness and weakness of the limbs, disorders of the autonomic nervous system, depressive and anxiety states, panic attacks, acute and chronic back pain and herniated discs.
- Functional diagnostics of the nervous system: electroencephalogram (EEG), ultrasound Dopplerography of the carotid and vertebral arteries (USDG), transcranial Dopplerography (TCD), rheoencephalography (REG), echo-encephalography (ECHO-EG).
- Anti-stress back mesotherapy.
- Shock wave therapy.
- Hirudotherapy.
- Mistletoe therapy.

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Sooner or later, all people grow old, and the body ages along with them. It primarily affects the heart, brain and spinal cord. If the heart ceases to properly cope with its task - pumping blood - then over time this will affect the state of the brain, the cells of which will not receive enough nutrients to maintain vital functions.

According to various sources, from 50 to 70% of elderly people (over 60 years old) suffer from a similar disease.

Symptoms of dystrophy of the brain substance

It is better to prevent any disease than to treat it later, and for this you need to know its external manifestations (signs) and symptoms.

  • First stage. In the first couple of days, a person feels a little tired, lethargic, dizzy and sleeps poorly. This occurs due to decreased blood circulation in the brain. The degree of significance increases with the development of vascular diseases: cholesterol deposition, hypotension, etc.
  • Second stage. At the second stage, a so-called “disease focus” appears in the brain; damage to the brain substance deepens due to poor blood circulation. The cells do not receive enough nutrition and gradually die. The beginning of this stage is indicated by memory impairment, loss of coordination, noise or “shooting” in the ears and severe headaches.
  • Third stage. Due to the discircular nature of the last stage, the focus of the disease moves even deeper, the affected vessels bring too little blood to the brain. The patient exhibits signs of dementia, lack of coordination of movements (not always), dysfunction of the sensory organs is possible: loss of vision, hearing, shaking hands, etc.

The exact changes in the brain substance can be determined using MRI.

Without treatment, diseases such as:

  1. . The most common form of nervous system degeneration.
  2. Pick's disease. A rare progressive disease of the nervous system, manifesting itself from 50-60 years of age.
  3. Huntington's disease. Genetic disease of the nervous system. developing from 30-50 years.
  4. Cardiocerebral syndrome (impairment of basic brain functions due to cardiac pathology).

Reasons for changes

As already mentioned, the main reason for the manifestation of the disease is vascular damage, which inevitably arise with age. But for some, these lesions are minimal: small cholesterol deposits, for example, but for others they develop into pathology. Thus, diseases of a dystrophic nature lead to changes in the substance of the brain:

  1. Ischemia. This disease is mainly characterized by impaired blood circulation in the brain.
  2. Cervical osteochondrosis.
  3. Tumor (or).
  4. Severe head injury. In this case, age does not matter.

Risk group

Any disease has a risk group, people in it should be extremely careful. If a person has similar diseases, then he is in the primary risk group, if only predisposition, then in the secondary:

  • Suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system: hypotension, hypertension, hypertension, dystonia.
  • Patients with diathesis, diabetes mellitus or stomach ulcers.
  • Those who are overweight or have a habit of eating poorly.
  • Those living in a state of chronic depression (stress) or leading a sedentary lifestyle.
  • People over 55-60 years old, regardless of gender.
  • Suffering from rheumatism.

For people in the main risk group, first of all, it is necessary to cure the underlying disease, followed by recovery of the brain. Patients with hypertension and all its forms of manifestation should be especially careful.

How to overcome it?

Despite the complexity of the disease and the problems with its diagnosis, every person can avoid a similar fate by helping his body fight the signs of old age or the consequences of serious injury. To do this, you should follow simple rules.

Firstly, lead an active lifestyle. Walk or jog for at least two hours a day. Walk in the fresh air: in the forest, in the park, travel outside the city, etc. Play outdoor games that suit your physical abilities: basketball, pioneer ball, volleyball, tennis or table tennis, etc. The more movement, the more active the heart works and the blood vessels become stronger.

Secondly, proper nutrition. Eliminate or minimize the consumption of alcohol, excessively sweet and salty foods, and fried foods. This does not mean that you have to keep yourself on a strict diet! If you want meat, you don’t need to fry it or drip the sausage, it’s better to boil it. Same thing with potatoes. Instead of cakes and pastries, you can treat yourself to homemade apple and strawberry pies from time to time. All unhealthy dishes and products can be replaced with their equivalents.

Third, avoid stressful situations and overwork. A person's mental state directly affects his health. Don't overwork yourself, rest if you're tired, sleep at least 8 hours a day. Don't overexert yourself with physical activity.

Fourthly, Get a medical examination 1-2 times a year to control the condition of the body. Especially if you are already undergoing treatment!

It is best not to try to help your body with “home methods”: taking medications on your own, injecting yourself, etc. Follow the doctor's instructions and undergo the procedures he prescribes. Sometimes, to determine the accuracy of the diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo many procedures; taking tests is a normal situation.

A responsible doctor will never prescribe medications if he is not sure of the accuracy of the diagnosis.

All types of circulatory disorders in the human body also affect the substance of the brain, which ultimately affects its integrity and the ability to function normally.

And “starvation” of cells, which is provoked by a violation or complete cessation of blood supply (in medicine, this process is called ischemia), causes a change in the brain substance of a dystrophic nature. That is, degeneration, and sometimes, although very rarely, even the disappearance of tissues and a significant deterioration in their function.

We will talk more about this pathological condition in the article.

Types of changes

In medicine, dystrophic manifestations in the brain substance are divided into two types:

  1. Diffuse.
  2. Focal.

In the first case, pathological changes spread evenly to the entire brain, and not to its individual areas. They are caused either by general disturbances in the functioning of the blood supply system or by infections (meningitis, encephalitis, etc.).

Diffuse changes are manifested mainly by a decrease in a person’s performance, a dull headache, difficulty switching to another type of activity, a narrowing of the patient’s range of interests, apathy and sleep disorders.

And what a focal change in the brain substance of a dystrophic nature is can be understood by the fact that it can be caused by various minor pathologies:

  • cysts (small cavities that form in the brain),
  • small foci of necrosis (tissue death in certain areas caused by lack of nutrients);
  • gliomesodermal (intracerebral) scars that occur after injuries and concussions;
  • minor changes in the structure of the brain matter.

That is, these are pathologies that cause disturbances in the blood supply in a small area. True, they can be either single or multiple.

Causes of dystrophy

The full picture of the appearance of dystrophic changes is not yet clear to researchers. But numerous observations have led to the conclusion that most cases of this pathology have a genetic predisposition. The action of provoking factors only accelerates the development of the process or enhances its manifestation.

Therefore, the reasons that cause focal changes in the brain substance of a dystrophic nature can be safely divided into genetic abnormalities and acquired ones. Although it should be noted that acquired causes are still a very conditional definition in this case, since they begin their destructive effect only if the patient is predisposed to the specified pathology.

Focal changes in the brain substance of a dystrophic nature: symptoms of disease development

Symptoms of changes in the substance of the brain of a dystrophic nature most often appear quite clearly, but, unfortunately, this happens when the disease has already progressed significantly. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the appearance of even small deviations in health.

Is there an age limit for the disease?

It should be noted that single focal changes in the brain substance of a dystrophic nature occur not only in older people, but also in people under fifty years of age.

Stress, injuries, stressful situations, hypertension and other provoking factors can trigger the development of focal changes. The constant overstrain that many able-bodied citizens experience also plays its unseemly role.

Increased brain function against the background of what is present in youth, as well as ischemia in old age, can equally lead to the emergence of foci of dystrophic changes with all the ensuing consequences. And it follows from this that timely and properly organized rest is a very important part of the prevention of the described pathology.

What diseases are accompanied by dystrophic changes in the brain?

Focal changes in the substance of the brain of a dystrophic nature, as a rule, are provoked by very common disorders of the functioning of blood vessels. These include:

  • vasomotor dystonia,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • arterial hypertension,
  • aneurysm of blood vessels in the brain and
  • cardiocerebral syndrome.

The diseases are also accompanied by the described irreversible changes in the brain - everyone knows the problems caused by Parkinson's, Alzheimer's or Pick's disease.

How is the diagnosis made?

The diagnosis of “focal changes in the brain substance of a dystrophic nature” is quite difficult to establish. This requires identifying the signs of the pathologies listed above and excluding other somatic diseases and possible neuroses. By the way, people with diabetes and rheumatism are also at risk.

The doctor must assess the patient’s condition and conduct the necessary examinations. The most accurate indications are provided by an MRI study, where lesions can be identified, as well as their size and location. Tomography makes it possible to determine changes in the density of brain tissue even in the initial stage of the disease. Correctly reading the MRI results is an important step in starting treatment for the problem described.

Focal changes in the brain substance of a dystrophic nature: treatment

As mentioned earlier, the exact cause of the appearance of this pathology, unfortunately, has not yet been established. And the diseases diagnosed along with it are more likely to be factors that only provoke the onset of its development or intensify processes that have already begun, and not the main cause of the disease.

Therefore, its treatment consists mainly of normalizing the patient’s daily routine and a proper diet, including foods that contain organic acids (baked and fresh apples, cherries, sauerkraut), as well as seafood and walnuts. The consumption of hard cheeses, cottage cheese and milk will have to be limited, since excess calcium causes difficulty in oxygen metabolism in the blood, and this supports ischemia and isolated focal changes in the brain substance of a dystrophic nature.

In addition, the patient cannot do without symptomatic therapy, which involves prescribing drugs that affect cerebral circulation and reduce blood viscosity, taking analgesics, sedatives and B vitamins. However, this is a separate and rather extensive topic.



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