Hydatid testis: the essence of the disease and principles of treatment. A common disease among pubertal boys is testicular hydatid necrosis.

Testicular hydatid torsion is a pathology caused by the twisting of the epididymis around its stalk. Any man, and even a child, can face a similar disease. The testicular hydatid is a rudiment located near its upper pole. The testicular rudiment has a different name - appendix, but in order not to confuse it with the appendix of the abdominal cavity, it is called hydatid.

We will talk about why testicular hydatid torsion occurs, who is susceptible to this condition, what acute scrotal syndrome is and how to treat the disease in this article.

In fact, testicular hydatid is not a pathology. Moreover, it does not cause discomfort to a man, so he may not even realize that he has such a condition. But if the testicular hydatid is twisted around the pedicle, this condition threatens a person’s health, as the scrotum is injured.

This kind of disease can lead to necrosis.

It is also worth noting that torsion does not only occur due to testicular injuries. This condition also causes banal hypothermia. At low temperatures, the testicle involuntarily rises due to intense muscle contraction.

The presented disease can often be observed in children. This is due to the fact that their connective tissue is not yet mature and is subject to deformation. There is also a greater amount of fluid in her than in adults. Moreover, in children the nervous regulation of muscles is not yet so developed, so even light blows (or a fall on the scrotum) can lead to such a problem.

Testicular hydatid torsion: symptoms and signs

Symptoms directly depend on the degree of the disease. At the onset stage, when only the process of torsion occurs without pinching the nerve endings, the patient does not feel any messages. His erectile function remains unchanged, urination is painless, and there are no visual signs.

But after just a few days, a man may experience pain in the left or right area of ​​the scrotum. If the pain is localized in only one part of the testicle, then this indicates the initial stage of the disease. Often there is slight swelling of the organ and redness of the epidermis.

The second degree of the disease is characterized by more distinct pain syndromes in the scrotum area. In this case, the swelling subsides, but a new growth similar in shape to a bean appears. This part becomes very vulnerable (touch causes unbearable pain).

It is worth saying that the presented disease develops very slowly, without causing inconvenience to the person. But the consequences that it brings can have a detrimental effect on a man’s health. This condition can be caught at an early stage. Torsion is marked by a symptom called a “blue dot.” That is, the formed compaction can be felt by palpation or by shining a light to see a blue dot, which indicates the presence of testicular gadatida.

Torsion of the spermatic cord often causes acute scrotal syndrome. If this disease is not noticed in time, it leads to an inflammatory process in the epididymis. The pain appears suddenly and very sharply, radiating to the groin area. During movement, the pain intensifies in the groin and thigh. After several hours, the suspension dies off and the pain decreases, but after a few days inflammation begins in the testicle and epididymis.

A person himself can observe a visual enlargement of the scrotum. Upon examination (palpation), you can feel a small nodule that begins to hurt when touched. Acute scrotal syndrome is a fairly serious consequence of torsion, which can be treated with surgery.

Necrosis occurs if a person does not seek help from doctors in a timely manner. If you delay treatment of the disease, this can even lead to removal of the scrotum. Necrosis usually occurs in the last degree of torsion of the spermatic cord. The patient's condition is characterized by fever, as well as nausea and vomiting.

Diagnosis of the disease: how the disease is detected

Pecrut hydatid testis are complemented by acute scrotal syndrome, so sometimes it is possible to identify the root cause only during surgery. First of all, the urologist must examine the patient. Diaphanoscopy is a method of detecting pathology by illuminating the affected area. The doctor shines a light on the scrotal area. If a nodule (blue neoplasm) is visible there, this is a torsion.

To make an accurate diagnosis, doctors refer you to an ultrasound, with which you can examine the size of the nodule and determine whether there is an abscess in this area. Thanks to this study, the most adaptive method of surgical intervention is prescribed, because the presented illness cannot be treated in a conservative way, much less with folk remedies.

Treatment of testicular hydatid torsion

You can get rid of this disease only through surgery. This applies to both children and adults, since the disease is associated with mechanical damage that cannot be cured by alternative methods.

During the operation, an incision is made in the area of ​​the scrotum where the acute pain is localized (the hydatida is located). It is clamped and removed, and a thread is tied under the clamp to avoid bleeding and complications after surgery.

In fact, the operation is simple and does not affect the reproductive function of a man. But it all depends on the severity of the disease. If the patient consults a doctor on time, the operation and rehabilitation period are not long. If purulent processes are noticed in the patient, then first the inflammatory process is removed, the abscess is eliminated, and then surgery is prescribed.

Rehabilitation after surgery

In order to avoid infection of the scrotum, the patient is immediately prescribed a course of antibiotic treatment. At the same time, it is worth paying considerable attention to seam hygiene. It is necessary to do constant dressings and wash the seam with antiseptics. Postoperative sutures are removed after seven days.

The presented operation is not traumatic and simple, so there is no need to wear elastic support trunks. The bandage should be worn only as directed by the doctor, if he sees that the patient needs it. A procedure such as UHF (heating organs with light) is often proposed. It promotes a speedy recovery. The session lasts no more than 20 minutes.

During the rehabilitation period, it is important not to catch a cold. A virus or infection can have a detrimental effect on the healing process. You shouldn’t overly insulate the groin area, because the skin needs to breathe. But at the same time, hypothermia can cause inflammation. Therefore, doctors recommend not drinking cold drinks for two weeks after surgery, especially not washing with cold water, and maintaining bed rest.


If the patient does not seek help in time, this may lead to a purulent process that affects the testicles and appendages. If catarrhal inflammation occurs, the complications will not be so sad for the patient, but if the disease affects the testicles and appendages, a decision may be made to remove them. In any case, if there is a health problem, you need to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. And the sooner a patient turns to a specialist, the easier and cheaper it will be for him to cure his condition.

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Testicular hydatid torsion is a serious pathology. It is characterized by twisting of the appendage around the so-called “leg”. Testicular hydatid is a cyst-like formation that is localized in the upper region of the testicle. Such formations are found in almost a quarter of men and are called rudiments. They are located “on the leg”. This structure causes their torsion.

Characteristics of the pathology

The presence of testicular hydatid itself does not cause symptoms or discomfort in a man. Some of the patients do not even realize that such a rudiment exists in them. However, if hydatid torsion occurs, then clear clinical symptoms immediately make themselves felt.

Causes of torsion

First, let’s look at what factors can provoke such a pathology. The most common are:

  1. Traumatic injury to the scrotum.
  2. A sharp contraction of the muscles that cause the testicle to rise. This result is observed when the body is hypothermic or emotional arousal.
  3. Immaturity of the connective tissue of the scrotum. This is the main cause of pathology in children. Connective tissue contains a lot of fluid. In addition, the child is characterized by imperfect nervous regulation of muscle tissue.

Characteristic symptoms

The clinical picture caused by testicular hydatid torsion is determined by the stage of the disease. If we talk about the main symptoms accompanying the pathology, the following stand out:

  • sudden pain in the testicle area;
  • asymmetrical edema, as well as hyperemia of the scrotum;
  • the presence of a dense infiltrate.

First stage

At this stage, the patient experiences severe painful discomfort in one of the halves of the scrotum. Visually, swelling and redness (hyperemia) of the affected area is observed. These signs are most pronounced in the upper pole of the scrotum.

Stage 2

As the disease progresses, swelling of the scrotum begins to subside. However, an oblong formation appears in the upper pole of the testicle. It has a purplish tint. It's the size of a bean. This formation is a hydatid. The surface of the skin over it is very painful and is characterized by severe redness. Any touch to this area causes severe pain.

Complications of pathology

It is very important to take timely measures and treat accordingly. If the patient ignores the pathology that has arisen and does not seek help from a doctor, the disease progresses. Unfortunately, it leads to dangerous consequences, such as:

  1. Inflammation of the testicle. This pathology contributes to clogging of the seminiferous tubules. As a result, the man experiences functional infertility.
  2. Direct violation of testicular functionality.
  3. Dropsy. Long-term progression of the disease causes dysfunction of the testicle. As a result, its atrophy occurs.

It is important to understand that improper treatment or late seeking of help by the patient often leads to purulent exudate.

As a result, new pathologies develop: epididymitis, orchitis. If purulent inflammation is observed in the area of ​​the testicles and appendages, sometimes the only solution is to remove the organ.

In addition, there is a possibility of sepsis and blood poisoning. As a result, such a patient falls into a coma, which ultimately leads to death.

Diagnosis of pathology

The doctor is able to make a diagnosis based on a survey and examination of the patient. Important characteristics for this are:

In addition, instrumental examination methods are used:

  1. Diaphanoscopy of the scrotum is a fairly effective method. This method allows you to illuminate the scrotum from behind. A dark mass on the testicle confirms the presence of torsion.
  2. Ultrasound examination is no less effective. However, it may not be effective enough if the hydatid is no different in structure from other tissues.

It should be understood that some diseases (for example, orchitis) have fairly similar symptoms to torsion, and even develop in approximately the same way. But the treatment they require is completely different.

That is why only a qualified specialist should diagnose torsion.

Treatment options

Conservative treatment is only permissible if the patient:

  • symptoms are not pronounced,
  • There is a tendency towards regression of the disease.

For all other cases, the only method is surgery.


For adult patients and older children, local anesthesia is used for surgery. Children are given general anesthesia.

During the operation, an incision is made near the upper pole of the damaged testicle. The hydatid at the base is compressed and removed. After the operation, the excised material is sent for mandatory histological examination.

A drainage tube or rubber band is inserted into the scrotum. After this, the wound is sutured in layers.

Postoperative period

To avoid infection, all patients are prescribed certain antibiotics. As a rule, these are drugs with a wide spectrum of action. In most cases, the drugs Ampicillin and Ceftriaxone are used.

In addition, local wound antiseptics are performed daily. Use an aqueous solution of iodine or alcohol.

Sutures are usually removed 7-8 days after surgery.

Hydatida Morgagni - in medicine it is customary to call a certain rudiment that occurs in boys or men. But in women, in principle, many internal genital organs are formed from this rudiment.

Initially, the hydatid Morgagna is a rudiment, which is a small polyp, often on a stalk. Such a polyp may well be located directly on the testicle, on its epididymis, on the appendage, or even on the vas deferens. Such polyps of the testicle and its epididymis were discovered and described back in 1761 and were actually named after the author’s surname. As a rule, such a testicular process is located in the area of ​​the skin connection with the head of the epididymis itself, and can be designated as a certain embryonic remnant of the known Müllerian duct.

As already mentioned, the process of such an appendage, which is located on its head itself and is a certain rudimentary part of the so-called cranial section of the no less famous Wolffian duct. In this case, the aberrant ducts of Haller can act as a hydatid directly in the area of ​​the body or tail of such an appendage, and directly in the distal part of the existing spermatic cord - this can be paradidymis. It should be said that almost all hydatids known to medical science have a unique stalk-like structure, and some of the hydatids are characterized by the widest possible base, with a diameter of 0.2 to 1.5 centimeters.

Often Hydatids of Morgagni may contain some cystic inclusions, no less often they can be covered with standard epithelium, the so-called columnar type. Sometimes Hydatids consist exclusively of ordinary connective tissue formations; they may have a delicate and loose stroma, thin and fragile blood vessels.

Of course, such embryonic formations can incredibly easily be subject to a variety of pathologies. It is among such pathologies that torsion can occur, and subsequent necrosis, which can be triggered by injuries. Among such injuries may be banal jumps from heights, too active games, scrotal injuries and a host of other similar reasons.

As already mentioned, necrosis of the Morgagni hydatid most often can occur as a result of accidental torsion, since when such a torsion occurs, the full functioning of the blood vessels present in the rudiment is disrupted, and therefore the supply of oxygen to such a rudiment is disrupted.

Torsion and subsequent necrosis will necessarily be accompanied by the development of an acute inflammatory process, significant hemorrhage and subsequent tissue necrosis. Sometimes necrosis can develop during certain infectious processes or after minor injuries.


The clinical picture of necrosis of Morgagni's hydatid is usually manifested by significant swelling, acute and painful inflammation, as well as impaired blood flow throughout the entire scrotum. Naturally, this condition can often lead to complete degeneration of the testicle.

In most cases, hydatid necrosis can develop extremely rapidly, and in fact, that is why it is usually classified as an emergency and quite dangerous pathological condition.

The main symptoms of torsion and subsequent necrosis of the testicular hydatid include significant pain, which, as a rule, occurs acutely. Such pain can radiate directly to the groin area, as well as to the lower abdomen.

Doctors are convinced that when examining boys with acute pain in the lower abdomen with suspicion of developing acute appendicitis, it is vitally important to also examine his scrotum. Since the same picture can be given by radiating pain that occurs during torsion or development of necrosis of the hydatid.

Sometimes torsion and necrosis of the hydatid can be accompanied by prolonged nausea and even vomiting. As a rule, the duration of hydatid torsion, which lasts more than two days, carries an extremely unfavorable prognosis, representing necrosis itself.

Another symptom that may be characteristic specifically of necrosis (arising after previous torsion) of the hydatid is the so-called “blue dot” symptom, which is characteristic primarily of the epididymis or the testicle itself.

Often the appendages of the affected epididymis are located on the head of the epididymis itself, on its body or on its tail. In addition, there is often paradidymis - the so-called appendix testis or Giraldes organ. This is the organ that will be located most proximally, although sometimes it may well be located almost along the existing spermatic cord. Moreover, sometimes the Giraldes organ can extend from the cord directly into the distal part of the inguinal canal, while being located significantly above the testicle.

In addition, with the development of necrosis of the hydatid, it will look somewhat modified, often black or dark cherry in color, which requires its urgent removal.


Often, to diagnose previous torsion and subsequent necrosis of the hydatid Morgagni, doctors can use fairly simple but effective techniques - primarily diaphanoscopy, or the so-called transillumination of the scrotum. Of course, with such a lumen, the hydatid becomes perfectly visible, and its condition is much better visible.

In addition, when diagnosing this disease, as well as when differentiating it from some other diseases, an ultrasound examination really helps as efficiently as possible, especially when supplemented with Dopplerography.

Moreover, in especially difficult to diagnose and even ambiguous situations, a technique such as radioisotope scintigraphy may well be used.

In principle, all diagnosis of hydatid necrosis should be based on a clear knowledge of physicians of the clinical picture of the disease, as well as knowledge of concomitant diseases, which in a number of cases may well simulate this pathological process developing on the testicle.

In this case, standard instrumental examinations are extremely important. For example, diaphanoscopy of the scrotum in some cases makes it possible to timely detect certain formations of an unpleasant dark color that are present in the area of ​​their typical localization in hydatids.

But with ultrasound, the hydatid can be determined in the form of a certain protrusion or simply a tubercle with a size of no more than 2 or 5 mm, and most often it is at the upper pole of the testicle itself or in the groove located between the testicle, as well as the head of the epididymis.

One patient may even have several hydatids (similar formations). And the most unpleasant thing is that they cannot always be identified echographically, since their extremely delicate structure cannot always be differentiated from the many tissues surrounding them. In this case, differential diagnosis is extremely important.


Of course, there is no strictly specific prevention of the development of hydatid formation. Moreover, in the absence of certain complaints and painful sensations, there are basically no restrictions or dietary habits for such patients, as well as recommendations regarding their sex life with the existing hydatid of Morgagni (hydatids).

However, for men who know about the existence of Morgagni’s hydatid, it is still advisable to slightly limit their physical activity, especially loads associated with sudden changes in body position in the surrounding space (and these are standard somersaults, frequent falls, or jumps). This is important in order to prevent accidental traumatic torsion of the hydatid and its possible subsequent necrosis.


Unfortunately, since necrosis of Morgagni’s hydatid is always an acute and emergency condition, conservative treatment for such a condition is usually not carried out. Conservative treatment methods can be carried out exclusively when there is torsion of the hydatid preceding necrosis, when the clinical manifestations of the disease are not too pronounced or not obvious, and when the disease tends to undergo some regression over the next 24 hours.

In all other cases, undoubtedly, this condition requires surgical treatment, with the removal of the rudiment. Emergency operations performed for necrosis of Morgagni's hydatids currently rank second in frequency, immediately after appendectomies performed in children. As a rule, during a planned audit of the development of the scrotal organs, in almost 60, or even 90% of all examinations, doctors identify some pathological changes in the same hydatid testicle or its epididymis. Naturally, this is often regarded as the development of torsion of the hydatid stalk, which can subsequently lead to necrosis.

In principle, most doctors believe that if hydatid torsion is detected, the patient needs absolutely urgent surgery, since only surgery can completely prevent the acute development of numerous complications. But such complications include a chronic form of testicular hydrocele, and secondary, often nonspecific epididymitis, or epididymo-orchitis, which can ultimately lead to disruption of the normal function of the testicle, as well as to its complete atrophy.

Naturally, with torsion of the Morgani hydatid, as well as with their necrosis, immediate hospitalization of the patient and the fastest possible surgical intervention are indicated.

If torsion of the existing spermatic cord is detected, then an appropriate operation is performed. Such an operation (for percrusion) usually consists of adequate unwinding of the affected spermatic cord and subsequent fixation of the testicle, of course, while maintaining its viability. But in case of necrosis of the affected testicle, doctors routinely perform hemicastration surgery.

A small appendage - the testicular hydatid, located at the top of the testis in men, is considered an absolutely useless rudiment, the same as the coccyx or wisdom teeth. However, in case of pathology - torsion or bending - it brings a lot of troubles.

If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, the process becomes acute, leading to necrosis of the hydatid. In this case, the patient will have to have the scrotum removed.

Appointment with a urologist - 1000 rubles. Comprehensive pelvic ultrasound - 1000 rubles. Appointment based on ultrasound or test results - 500 rubles (optional)

What is testicular hydatid?

The hydatid is a small organ located at the top of the testicle. Externally, it is a process on a stalk. Scientists still cannot establish what exact function the hydatid performs. Men do not even know about its existence until problems arise.

Why does hydatid torsion occur?

Hydatid testis, being in a normal physiological state, does not cause any inconvenience to a man - many do not even know about the existence of this organ. Hydatid torsion can be caused by trauma to the scrotum. The development of the disease is also possible with strong contractions of the muscles associated with the testicle. This condition can be caused by physical overload during heavy lifting or sex, banal hypothermia, or a strong emotional outburst.

The pathology is more common in children during the maturation of the connective tissues of the scrotal organs. This is due to the imperfection of the nervous regulation of muscles in children, as well as the fact that the connective tissue of children contains more fluid than that of adults.

As a result of torsion or bending, the organ is not supplied with blood, the tissues fester (the testicles melt into pus) and gradually die. But even if the body somehow coped with one of the stages, the patient is practically guaranteed.

Symptoms of hydatid torsion

At the beginning of the disease, the patient feels severe pain in the left or right half of the scrotum, it becomes very swollen and red. Then the swelling subsides, and in its place a hydatida (another name is the testicular appendix) becomes noticeable. This is a small formation (about the size of a bean) of bright crimson, closer to black or blue. Touching this area causes severe pain.

In adults, these are sometimes the only symptoms; in children and adolescents, the body reacts more strongly - a high temperature may rise and vomiting may begin.

The disease is easy to diagnose even in the early stages using diaphanoscopy - the doctor examines the scrotum with a special flashlight. Further diagnostics can go in two directions:

  1. Held , thanks to which the urologist accurately determines the size of the formation and its position, and also establishes the location of the intended incision for the operation.
  2. opens the scrotumand immediately examines and removes the pathology.

How the diagnosis will be carried out depends on the condition in which the patient was admitted and other indications - the choice of method is solely within the competence of the doctor.

Is it necessary to treat the testicular appendix and what will happen if it is not treated?

If the twisting and bending of the hydatid is not treated, severe inflammation develops in the scrotum, instantly spreading to the surrounding tissues. As a result, the patient can expect complications:

  • – the lymphatic structures of the scrotum are affected, which can lead to complete testicular atrophy;
  • – this inflammatory process, flowing into a chronic form, leads to infertility;
  • Testicular atrophy– disruption of all testicular functions, tissue necrosis, purulent melting of the scrotal structures.

Due to the high likelihood of developing these complications, hydatid torsion requires immediate surgery.

Treatment of hydatid torsion: surgery only

The only correct solution for testicular appendix torsion is surgery. In adults, the intervention is performed using local anesthesia. Children are operated on under general anesthesia.

The surgical operation is performed through an incision above the upper pole of the testicle, which has a pathological neoplasm. During examination of the organ, an almost black, bean-shaped formation is discovered. The hydatid is removed, followed by a set of measures for processing and suturing the incisions. To prevent and prevent infection after surgery, patients are prescribed antibiotics.

To avoid infection, postoperative sutures must be cleaned regularly. Approximately, sutures are removed 6-8 days after surgery.

Three myths about the treatment of hydatid torsion

Myth No. 1. The hydatid leg will straighten itself

Twisting and bending of the hydatid stalk will not go away on its own.

If the pathology is not eliminated, severe inflammation is guaranteed, easily spreading to surrounding tissues. Due to the risk of complications with hydatid torsion, surgery is urgently performed.

Myth No. 2. Testicular hydatid torsion can be treated with medications.

Stories about drug treatment and manual reduction of the hydatid are fairy tales. But you still have to take pills - anti-inflammatory and painkillers. This will help avoid postoperative pain and complications.

It is impossible to correct the position of the hydatid manually. Moreover, carrying out such manipulations is dangerous. When pressed, the abscess will burst and the infection will spread throughout the scrotum.

Myth No. 3. Removing hydatid is difficult and dangerous

Testicular surgery is performed urgently in the clinic without special preparation. The urologist carefully dissects the testicular tissue and removes the twisted hydatid. Local anesthesia is sufficient for the procedure. If everything is done under sterile conditions, there is nothing dangerous in the operation.

Rehabilitation after surgery

Rehabilitation methods after removal of the testicular appendix include physiotherapeutic treatment: magnetic therapy and galvanization. The urologist may prescribe immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory medications.

During the postoperative period, you should not lift weights, jump (the stitches will come apart), you need to protect yourself from colds and hypothermia of the lower body. You will have to refrain from taking baths for some time (until the doctor gives your permission).

Where is testicular hydatid torsion treated in St. Petersburg

Effective and safe treatment of any urological diseases will be carried out by experienced urologists-andrologists. Modern, and responsible treatment - all this is the modern urological clinic Diana.

Torsion of the testicular appendix, together with other pathologies of this organ, is combined into the “acute scrotum” syndrome.

Prerequisites for the occurrence of the disease

The presence of testicular hydatid does not bring any inconvenience to the patient. Many men live with such a vestige, without even suspecting its presence in themselves. However, in some cases, for example, with microtrauma of the scrotum, torsion may occur. In such a situation, necrosis of the hydatid may occur, manifested by vivid clinical symptoms.

Excessive contraction of the levator testis muscle during sexual arousal or exposure to low temperatures can also cause appendix testicular torsion.

The overall formation of the tissue around the testicles is of great importance in the occurrence of this disease. This factor determines the incidence of the disease in children and adolescents.. Their stroma contains more fluid, and reflex regulation of muscles is not ideal.

A narrow or long leg, main blood circulation, delicate and loose connective tissue are the main reasons for the development of hydatid pathologies.


With torsion of the hydatid, severe pain appears in the inguinal canal and in the scrotum. Sometimes there is pain in the abdomen and lower back. At the initial stage of the disease, a painful infiltrate appears in the area of ​​the testicle or epididymis. A little later, redness and swelling appear. The testicle thickens and increases in size.

At the second stage, a painful dark blue thickening appears, visible through the skin, the so-called. "blue dot" symptom. In children, nausea and vomiting can be observed, and in the second stage, fever.


Clinical diagnosis

Hydatides are not detected by palpation.

Instrumental diagnostics

Diaphanoscopy of the scrotum is the most common method. The method involves shining a flashlight through the scrotum. This makes it possible to detect pathological formations in it. In addition to diaphanoscopy, ultrasonic echography is used. It is necessary not only for diagnosing pathology, but also for determining the location of the incision.

Differential diagnosis

Acute, rare in children, has similar symptoms, however, requires other treatment methods. Therefore, it is necessary to differentiate it from torsion of the testicular appendix.

Introoperative diagnostics

Allows you to detect torsion of the testicular hydatid during inspection of the scrotal organs during surgery. This method allows you to gain time, thereby preventing the development of inflammation. After all, all diseases with “acute scrotum” syndrome are subject to surgical treatment.


Preventing the development of this disease is almost impossible. This is due to the fact that patients usually do not realize that they have hydatid torsion. It can only be detected during a routine examination by a urologist or andrologist.. But even in this case, this formation can easily be mistaken for a testicular appendage.

Real prevention begins only when the initial symptoms are detected. In this case, it is very important to seek medical help in a timely manner, because early initiation of treatment is the key to successful healing.

To prevent the re-addition of enterobacterial flora, broad-spectrum medications are used, such as ceftriaxone and ampicillin.


Complications of testicular hydatid torsion can occur only in the absence of the necessary treatment, or if therapy is carried out incorrectly. The initial complication is purulent melting of the hydatid, which results in the formation of purulent exudate in the scrotal cavity, against which epididymitis and secondary orchitis often develop.

In the case of catarrhal inflammation, there is a high probability of resolution. However in case of purulent inflammation of the testicles and appendages, it is possible to perform an operation to remove them.

If the patient does not continue to receive adequate therapy, sepsis or blood poisoning is possible, characterized by heavy sweats, high fever, general lethargy and chronic fatigue. The result of this is a toxic coma, which usually ends in death.

Nevertheless, Such complications are not common. Complications that arise during surgery are much more common. For example, damage to the genitofemoral nerve can cause erectile dysfunction, and accidental ligation of the vas deferens can lead to infertility.


Non-drug treatment is carried out only when symptoms are not clearly manifested and there is a possibility of regression in the next 24 hours.

The only effective treatment for acute scrotal syndrome is emergency surgery. This helps prevent complications such as hydrocele, epididymo-orchitis causing vas deferens obstruction and infertility, testicular dysfunction and atrophy, and secondary nonspecific epididymitis.

For young children, surgical treatment is performed under general anesthesia, for adults and adolescents - under local anesthesia.
During surgery, the scrotum is cut at the upper pole of the altered testis. Next, all testicular tissue is cut. An examination of the scrotal cavity is performed.

During an audit, as a rule, a bean-shaped compaction of a black or purple hue is detected. The hydatid is clamped at the base, resected, and then subjected to histological examination. Unchanged hydatides are also removed. To prevent intraoperative bleeding, a thread is placed under the clamp and then tied. The wound is sutured in layers. Before suturing, a rubber outlet or drainage is inserted into the scrotal cavity.

Treatment with alternative medicine

Treatment with folk remedies for this disease is absolutely excluded.

Compresses and poultices can aggravate the inflammatory process, spreading the infection not only in the scrotum area, but throughout the body. This is fraught with sepsis or infection of the regula, which can be fatal.


Of great importance, in addition to the systemic use of antibiotics such as ceftriaxone and petrexil, Antiseptic treatment of the postoperative wound plays a role in preventing re-infection. It is carried out using daily disinfectant dressings based on aqueous or alcoholic solutions of iodine. Sutures are usually removed a week after surgical treatment.

Since excision of the hydatid testis is not a particularly traumatic operation, there is no particular need to use fixative underwear. However, for older children in the case of epicardial or purulent effusion in the scrotal cavity, the use of a bandage is indicated.

Besides, in some cases physiotherapeutic treatment is recommended, such as galvanization, UHF and magnetic therapy. The sensors of the devices are located on both sides of the scrotum, and the duration of exposure should not exceed twenty minutes, because an increase in temperature in the testicles does not have the best effect on spermatogenesis.

Lifestyle after surgery

After surgery, patients need to avoid colds and other diseases caused by viruses. Even a minor infection can significantly complicate the recovery period.

During surgery, the blood-testis barrier is partially destroyed. This barrier protects the testicular tissue from viruses, bacteria, etc. Therefore, prolonged exposure to low temperatures, be it swimming in cold water, long walks or drinking cold drinks, should be completely avoided until this barrier is completely regenerated.


If the inflammation does not occur in the form of sepsis, then the prognosis for recovery is favorable.

The prognosis for life is almost always favorable. Death is possible only in the absence of timely treatment.
The patient’s performance, even in those rare cases when it is necessary to remove the testis, is practically not affected.

Torsion of the hydatid testis and epididymis is a disease most often found in children. However, it can also affect young men.



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