Make cold-pressed amaranth oil what. Amaranth oil, treatment

Amaranth oil- a product that gives strength and longevity. A plant called "amaranth" has been known to mankind for eight thousand years. It has gained wide popularity as a grain crop. Amaranth seeds were used by humans to make bread, the stems and leaves were used as food for animals. In Western and southeastern countries you can find a large number of products that are still made from amaranth. Mainly pasta, pastries, baby food. Many varieties are grown, each used according to its nutritional value.

In Russia most in demand uses oil, which is made from amaranth grains. It has great nutritional value, contains unsaturated fatty acids (linolenic, oleic, linoleic), which are necessary for life. human body. The oil is very nutritious and is used in many areas of activity, which indicates most valuable qualities product. What is rich in amaranth oil, its benefits and harms when eaten and where it is better to purchase this product - we will consider all these issues later in our article.

All about the benefits of amaranth oil

Medicine and amaranth oil - we treat diabetes and cancer

ABOUT healing properties this type of oil can be talked about endlessly. Surely you have heard about amaranth oil reviews only positive, with reference to the application in folk medicine. Consider what actually useful substances are contained in amaranth, and for what diseases you can eat oil made from this plant.

  • Squalene

The first thing I want to highlight, speaking of amaranth oil, is the amount of squalene content in it. From total weight its content is almost 10%. Squalene plays a huge role in protecting our skin from aging. Thanks to him, the skin retains its elasticity, maintains the optimal amount of moisture, provides softness and velvety to the skin. It also protects it from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria, due to its antibacterial properties. The concentration of squalene in the skin begins to gradually decrease after the age of 25, so from the onset of this age it is worth thinking about additional sources of obtaining this youth-preserving substance.

  • Vitamin E

This vitamin is found in amaranth oil in such a concentration that it cannot be found in any other vegetable oil. It is a natural antioxidant that protects the body from harmful factors. environment. It is vitamin E that reduces the risk of cancer. Its regular use keeps the whole body in good shape, including this is reflected on the skin - it becomes toned and elastic, wrinkles tend to smooth out. Vitamin E also plays an important role in maintaining normal operation visual apparatus, improves vision and helps the eyes to fully work.

  • Calcium

We all know how important calcium is in our lives. It plays a big role at any age - in childhood it is needed for correct formation bones, during pregnancy provides normal development fetus and supports the body of the expectant mother, in mature age period helps to transfer all the loads on the spine, in old age it is necessary to maintain the condition skeletal system. The amount of calcium in the composition of amaranth oil is such that it is even more than in whole milk. Therefore, to replenish calcium, include this in your diet. wonderful product.

  • Phospholipids

Presence in amaranth oil a large number phospholipids helps to maintain normal fat metabolism, improves metabolism, metabolism in the body normalizes, and if any failure occurs in the organs, these substances rush to restore the established work. Phospholipids also help regulate the amount of sugar (glucose) in human blood. This means that with type 2 diabetes, this product is required to be included in the patient's diet.

  • Sterols

Sports people will be pleased to know that amaranth oil contains a large amount of sterols. These substances are added to energy sports supplements, bars. Sterols are used as anabolic agents that help the body adjust to physical activity. When using amaranth oil, your feedback will only be positive, because it natural remedy public, natural and healthy.

What diseases should be included in daily diet nutrition amaranth oil:

- with a lack of iron - anemia;

- diseases of the stomach, gastroenteritis, ulcers - the oil suppresses inflammation and restores cells;

- heart disease, hypertension, myocarditis, varicose veins veins - oil prevents the formation of blood clots, dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure;

- skin damage various origins- burns, cuts, and dermatological diseases– psoriasis, eczema, acne – the oil has bactericidal action, you need to rub it into damaged areas of the skin or apply compresses for a guaranteed result;

dental diseases such as stomatitis, gum inflammation, periodontal disease - the oil effectively fights against inflammatory processes and relieves pain, rinsing is indicated oral cavity twice a day;

- obesity and diabetes - the oil actively improves the work of burning calories and fat, maintains blood glucose levels;

- women's and male diseases gynecological direction and genitourinary system- erosion of the cervix, cystitis, endometritis, fibroids (in women), male infertility, diseases inflammatory nature And prostate(in men) are treated more successfully when amaranth oil is included in the diet;

– diseases visual system(conjunctivitis, cataracts) are less acute and without complications when amaranth oil is ingested daily as a dressing for vegetables and cereals;

- diseases of the nervous system, sleep disorders, depression, psycho-emotional overwork. Amaranth oil has an antidepressant effect, activating the action of serotonin in the body - the hormone of joy, which has a positive effect on the nervous system as a whole and fills the body with energy.

Also, amaranth oil can be used in pure form with a breakdown, recovery from protracted illnesses and taking antibiotics. If you decide to try amaranth oil, its application will not cause you any difficulties. daily rate- 0.5 tsp three times a day with meals. The course of admission is 2 weeks.

The use of amaranth oil in cosmetology

Since amaranth oil is a completely natural and environmentally friendly ingredient, it enjoys well-deserved popularity in production. cosmetics. It is mainly added to face and body care products, because the oil contains unique substances that moisturize the skin, retain moisture, and protect against dryness and chapping, which is very important in the off-season and the cold season. Of considerable importance is the fact that amaranth oil in cosmetology receives only good reviews. Many luxury brands use amaranth oil in their creams and lotions.

You can also try to cook at home healing mixtures with amaranth oil, not inferior in efficiency to expensive purchased products. Consider the most popular ideas for using oil for skin care at home.

Mask for dry skin

We need 2 tsp. amaranth oil, 1 tbsp. honey, 1 egg yolk. Mix all the ingredients and apply on the face. Keep for 15 minutes, then wash off warm water without soap. The skin after such a mask will become moisturized, velvety, pleasant to the touch.

Nourishing mask with cottage cheese

If you have sensitive skin, which lacks moisture, then this mask is for you. 2 tbsp the usual percentage of fat content mixed with 1 tsp. amaranth oil. Apply to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Hold for ten minutes, then rinse with water. Repeat two or three times during the week, and by the weekend you won't recognize yourself in the mirror.

Citrus mask for whitening the face and narrowing the pores

Before applying this mask, make sure you are not allergic to citrus fruits. 1 tbsp amaranth oil mixed with 2 tbsp. orange juice, 0.5 tsp lemon juice. Dip a cotton swab into the mixture and apply to face, neck and décolleté. Fifteen minutes of application will be enough, you may feel a slight tingle from the acid contained in the fruits taken for the mask. Wash off the mask with warm water. Great for helping out age spots, freckles. Can be used daily.

Also, amaranth oil is used for tanning, perfectly replacing purchased oil. Just before going to the beach, apply the oil to exposed skin and let it soak in for 10 minutes. Blot excess oil paper napkin. Your skin will not only be protected from ultraviolet rays, but will also receive a portion of vitamins and will be perfectly hydrated.

The use of amaranth oil helps well if your lips are chapped and chapped. Apply a few drops of oil to your lips. Amaranth will healing effect, restore delicate skin lips and prevent flaking.

Important note: when applying, be sure to consult a specialist. This information is for informational purposes only. There are contraindications for use.

Amaranth oil in cooking

In the diet of a person who cares about his health, this wonderful product must be present. How and in what dishes to add amaranth oil? Let's consider this question in more detail.

  • Amaranth oil is an excellent dressing for salads. Vegetable salad seasoned with this oil, it becomes ten times healthier and, more importantly, tastier.
  • Do you like cereals? Make it a rule to fill them not butter, and vegetable, mainly - amaranth. The taste will not suffer from this, and the benefits will double.
  • If you have already decided to cook a fried dish or something deep-fried, let amaranth oil be your companion in cooking. It does not destroy vitamins during frying as much as in other vegetable oils, so it is more preferable.
  • In those vepechka recipes where you need to add butter to the dough, add amaranth - and your pancakes, muffins, buns will turn out delicious, and most importantly - healthy.

Amaranth oil - is there any harm?

Let's say right away - there is no direct harm from the use of amaranth oil in any form, inside or out. There are categories of people for whom amaranth oil shares benefits and harms equally, purely on an individual basis. So, who should use amaranth oil with caution:

- people with high content in vessels;

- people suffering chronic diseases pancreas;

chronic pancreatitis- also one of the contraindications to the use of vegetable oil in food ( fried foods);

- suffering from ulcers duodenum;

- if your body is prone to frequent disorders stomach, diarrhea, diarrhea, as amaranth oil has a mild laxative effect.

As you can see, there are few contraindications to the use of amaranth oil, and they are associated with diseases and individual intolerance to the oil. Therefore, if everything is in order with you, or you want to improve your body and alleviate the symptoms of the diseases described in the second paragraph of our article, then you can and should use amaranth oil for health, external and internal beauty.

Eat right and be healthy!


Health 11/22/2016

Many of you, dear readers, are familiar with amaranth as a large ornamental plant with bright hanging inflorescences. Among its many varieties, there are species that have nutritional value. In my article you can read about the beneficial and medicinal properties of this plant, about its use in various diseases.

Today my article is devoted to amaranth oil, a unique food product with many useful properties. This oil is not as popular with us as other vegetable oils, and you can not buy it everywhere. But it has been known for a very long time, it is made from amaranth grains, and this oil is valued for its unique composition.

Today we will consider in detail the benefits and harms of amaranth oil, its medicinal properties, methods of application and contraindications.

Amaranth oil. Useful and medicinal properties

The benefits and harms of amaranth oil are due to its composition. One of the main advantages of amaranth oil is its high content of vitamin E and a relatively recently discovered biological hydrocarbon compound called squalene.

  • Vitamin E, which is rich in amaranth oil, is a natural antioxidant that our body needs to fight against cancer cells to maintain youth and physical activity on long years. This vitamin strengthens the walls of blood vessels, removes excess cholesterol and reduces the risk of blood clots.
  • Squalene is the most unique substance, which until recently was obtained only from the liver of sharks. Squalene is able to react with any fluids of the human body, releasing oxygen necessary for all organs and tissues from them, and also preventing oxidative processes in the body, it is involved in the synthesis of hormones and vitamin D in the body. As a result, cells rejuvenate, the process of their malignant division is inhibited, and defensive forces organism, the aging of the whole organism is slowed down. substance with such important properties found in amaranth oil.
  • Valuable in amaranth seed oil and a high amount of unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, which have a huge impact on lipid metabolism, triglyceride levels and arterial pressure blood in the human body.
  • Carotenoids in the process of human life are converted into vitamin A, which is necessary for the formation of collagen, hormones, and is important for the health of the eyes, bones, teeth, and skin. Vitamin A is called the vitamin of youth because of its ability to rejuvenate skin cells, and this vitamin is present in this oil in large quantities.
  • Another important vitamin amaranth oil contains vitamin D, without which the body cannot absorb calcium, which is necessary to maintain the health of our bones and teeth. This vitamin is essential for both immune and endocrine system person.
  • Amaranth seed oil contains minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, without which it is impossible to maintain health for many years, as well as phospholipids, phytosterols, amino acids.

Amaranth oil is a source of oxygen inside the human body. And oxygen is necessary for us to maintain health and youth.

How useful and medicinal properties has amaranth oil? Due to its composition, amaranth oil has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antitumor, hepatoprotective, immune-strengthening effect. It can be recommended for use in food along with other vegetable oils to maintain health and prevent many diseases.

The recommendations of doctors and nutritionists are as follows: it can and should be taken in diseases of immunodeficiency, metabolism, diseases of cardio-vascular system, with diseases of the joints, anemia, gastrointestinal, skin diseases, with diabetes mellitus, gynecological, diseases of the urogenital area and many others.

Amaranth oil is also recommended for psoriasis. This is very serious illness. And the studies conducted by doctors showed excellent results. Patients who used this oil achieved stable remission.

Amaranth oil. Benefit for health. Application

And now we will talk in more detail about the benefits of amaranth oil for our health and beauty.

To strengthen immunity

Together with fresh vegetables, rich ascorbic acid, amaranth oil will help to cope with colds, strengthen the body's defenses, it is advisable to include it in your diet after past illness, after taking antibiotics, which reduce immunity and weaken the body. It is especially important to use this oil in autumn and spring, when the body's defenses are weakened. This is the undeniable benefit of amaranth oil for strengthening our immunity.

For the nervous system

Amaranth oil is useful for any disorders of the nervous system, such as insomnia, headaches, stressful situations, depression. High content magnesium, amino acids, phospholipids and antioxidants in this amazing oil able to restore nerve impulses have a calming effect on the central nervous system.

For the stomach and intestines

The benefits of amaranth oil for the digestive system in its anti-inflammatory, wound healing and cleansing properties. It is recommended to eat with gastritis, colitis, erosive lesions gastric mucosa, with cholecystitis, with liver diseases. Do not forget that vegetable oils cannot be consumed in unlimited quantities, 2 teaspoons per day are enough.

For cardiovascular diseases

The presence of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, squalene, potassium, magnesium, vitamins E and carotenoids in this oil speaks of extraordinary benefits for the heart and blood vessels. Useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis and thrombosis, lowers blood pressure, improves blood circulation in large and small vessels, strengthens vascular wall. The benefits of amaranth oil also consist in.

With endocrine diseases

Phytosterols, phospholipids, squalene in the composition of amaranth oil improve lipid metabolism, prevent the deposition of fats, and minerals, amino acids and antioxidants are involved in the normalization of blood glucose levels, which allows patients with obesity and diabetes to use this oil.

For diseases of the oral cavity

With stomatitis, inflammation of the gums, with periodontal disease, not only the use of oil inside is useful. Oil can lubricate the affected areas, it reduces pain, relieves inflammation and promotes the healing of sores on the oral mucosa.

For skin diseases

Oil-soaked dressings are used to treat burns and trophic ulcers which speeds up their healing and reduces pain. For skin diseases such as eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, neurodermatitis and others, amaranth oil is used in complex treatment as an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and wound healing agent.

The benefits of amaranth oil for the eyes

Vitamin E, carotenoids, magnesium are very useful for our vision, so it is recommended to include amaranth oil in your diet as a salad dressing for cataracts, frequent conjunctivitis, blepharitis, diabetic retinopathy.

Benefits for gynecological problems

The presence of phytosterols normalizes hormonal background and makes amaranth oil useful for women during pregnancy, as well as menopause. Useful for diseases such as colpitis, vaginitis, cervical erosion as an additional source of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins A and E.

For bones and muscles

The presence of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, copper, vitamin D, amino acids, phytosterols in the oil indicates the benefits of the oil for the skeletal system and for strengthening muscles. Be sure to include oil in your diet for osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, arthritis and arthrosis, and muscle cramps.

How to take amaranth oil?

The taste of this oil is almost neutral, slightly nutty. Oil amber color. In my opinion, it should not cause any discomfort when taken orally.

You can take this oil for preventive and therapeutic purposes. In no case should you fry food in this oil! You can only take it either in its pure form inside or add it to food.

For prophylactic purposes, amaranth oil is taken 1-2 teaspoons orally 20-30 minutes before meals without drinking, or added to cereals, salads. Courses are held twice a year, for example, in spring and autumn. The course will require 150-200 ml of oil.

For diseases with therapeutic purpose amaranth oil is taken in a dessert spoon 2-3 times a day for a month. Such courses can be repeated 2-3 times a year.

To lower cholesterol levels, it is enough to take amaranth oil in the morning and evening, two teaspoons with meals.

Also, in diseases of the joints, skin diseases, you can additionally rub this oil into the joints, use compresses with it. You can do both oil dressings on the affected areas for 15-20 minutes in the morning and evening, or simply apply oil at the same frequency to the lesion itself and a little around it. Then just wipe off the unabsorbed oil with a napkin.

I suggest watching a video about the benefits of amaranth oil, how to take it, what studies have been conducted about it beneficial effect on our body.

Amaranth oil in cosmetology

Amaranth oil is widely used in cosmetology; you can find many well-known brands where it is present in creams. This miraculous oil nourishes, moisturizes, regenerates, rejuvenates the skin, makes it more elastic and supple. It can be used for the skin of the face, lips, hands, for the treatment and strengthening of hair.

The oil has a particularly beneficial effect on dry, sluggish, aging skin. Now that our skin is suffering from the cold wind, you can help it by preparing face masks at home.

Nourishing mask for dry skin

Beat the egg yolk, add 2 teaspoons of amaranth oil and a teaspoon of honey. Mix everything and apply the mask on the face for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Such a mask can be done once a week and soon the skin will become more toned and elastic.

Wrinkle mask

Dilute a tablespoon with warm water cosmetic clay so that there are no lumps, add a tablespoon of amaranth oil and mix everything. Apply the mask on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse. If you do this mask regularly, then wrinkles will noticeably decrease.

Amaranth oil for hands

Amaranth oil can replace hand creams, it perfectly softens the skin, relieves irritation and dryness. You can add a little oil to a regular hand cream, these procedures are especially good in the cold season.

Amaranth oil for hair

If the hair is dry and brittle, you can simply apply pure oil to the hair roots, distributing it along the entire length, rinse well with shampoo after 15-20 minutes. You can add a tablespoon of oil to your usual hair masks.

Amaranth oil is becoming more and more popular and you can see many offers for sale on the Internet. Do not forget that there are a lot of fakes of a wide variety of goods and products on the market. How to distinguish real amaranth oil from a fake?

  • Try to buy this oil in stores of large retail chains, and best of all in a pharmacy.
  • The label should state that the oil is cold pressed.
  • The oil should have a pleasant nutty taste and smell.
  • It is better to buy amaranth oil in glass containers. The plastic bottle is less environmentally friendly.
  • Amaranth oil is prone to oxidation under the influence of air, so it is best to buy oil bottled in bottles with a capacity of no more than 100 milliliters.

Amaranth oil. Harm and contraindications

Amaranth oil is edible vegetable oil, therefore, in small doses as a dressing for salads, it should not harm. Can it harm our health? Eat certain diseases requiring restrictions on the use of any vegetable oils, This cholelithiasis, diseases of the pancreas, diarrhea.

In these cases, it is best to consult a doctor who will tell you which oils and in what quantity you can use. Amaranth oil is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance to this product. This happens very rarely, but such a possibility cannot be ruled out, so you need to start using this oil, like any new product, with very small doses.

Dear readers, I will be glad to hear your comments. Do you use amaranth oil for your health? Are you familiar with him? And if you use it, I will be glad to hear your recipes for using the oil and your feedback about it.

And for the soul, we will listen today Schubert-List. Ave Maria . Performed by Valentina Lisitsa. If you often visit the blog, then you know that I adore this pianist.

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    Technological progress has raised modern pharmaceuticals to unprecedented heights, but this does not diminish the authority of traditional medicine. Recipes natural medicines plant origin are still in demand and respect. And for their preparation, vegetable oils are often used, containing biologically active substances in high concentrations. In particular, amaranth oil is considered one of the most useful components for both complex and independent application. Moreover, for maximum efficiency, it is desirable to prepare amaranth oil yourself. Then you can be sure of its quality and freshness. In addition, by preparing amaranth oil yourself, you will put a piece of your soul and your emotions into it, which will also have a positive effect on its properties.

    What is amaranth oil? Composition and benefits of amaranth oil
    Amaranth is a plant quite common throughout the world. America is considered its homeland, from where it spread to Asian and European countries with a temperate climate. In Rus', amaranth was called velvet or cockscombs, so when you hear one of these names from your grandmother, do not hesitate: we are talking about amaranth. And if you see it in nature, you will immediately understand the origin of these nicknames: amaranth blooms with bright burgundy-raspberry hanging tassels, consisting of many small flowers. These inflorescences do not lose their shape and color even when dried, therefore they are often used as an ornamental. But more often amaranth serves as a fodder and grain crop.

    In the grocery departments you can find amaranth groats - these are the fruits of amaranth, from which both butter and flour are also produced. Amaranth grains are rich in protein of a special quality, with a wide and balanced amino acid composition. In particular, great importance it contains lysine (an essential amino acid involved in the processes of building, self and restoration of living tissues), albumins, globulins and other biologically active substances (carotenoids, rutin, etc.). The fat content of amaranth grains is about 6%, and these are mainly unsaturated fatty acids linoleic, linolenic and oleic. In the manufacture of amaranth oil, all these substances pass into it. As a result, the properties and benefits of amaranth oil are determined by its chemical composition:

    • Amino acids. Lysine, threonine, phenylalanine, tyrosine tryptophan are contained in amaranth oil in such an amount and ratio that they bring it closer to breast milk protein.
    • Vitamins. Vitamin E in amaranth oil is in a rare, optimal form for absorption. Vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, D, E, NiPP are included in metabolic processes like antioxidants.
    • Squalene organic matter, which provides pigmentation and is part of skin cells. A powerful antioxidant, that is, it has antitumor properties. Amaranth oil contains a record 10% squalene for food.
    • Minerals. Potassium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, iron, phosphorus, sodium. And in terms of calcium content, amaranth oil is superior to whole milk.
    • Phospholipids and sterols. Natural Energetics and Stabilizers fat metabolism activating metabolism, normalizing blood sugar levels.
    Except medical benefit, amaranth oil has outstanding gastronomic qualities. It is not only nutritious, but also has a pleasant aroma and taste reminiscent of nuts.

    How is amaranth oil made? Making amaranth oil
    Amaranth fruits contain grains with high concentration fatty acids. However, amaranth oil is obtained by extraction, that is, by separating the oil component into a base from another vegetable oil. This base oil necessary because amaranth seeds are very small, and very little oil is obtained directly from them. But the concentration is biologically active substances allows it to be diluted with other oils without compromising therapeutic qualities. In industrial conditions, this happens in powerful presses and centrifuges, but it is quite possible to cook amaranth oil yourself at home. Don't let the painstaking process scare you - but the reward for it will be truly fresh and natural amaranth oil.

    It is better to prepare raw materials and tools for the manufacture of amaranth oil in advance so as not to be distracted by searches in the process. Moreover, the technology for creating oil from amaranth puts forward quite specific instructions:

    • Vegetable oil must be unrefined. It can be extra virgin olive oil, sunflower or other fresh natural oil.
    • Amaranth seeds need selected, not damaged and large enough. As a rule, it is best to use Ultra or Kizlyarets amaranth.
    • To grind the seeds, you need a stone mortar, but it is allowed to replace it with a coffee grinder.
    • You will also need two glass jars larger and smaller volumes, an oven with a sheet or a stove with a frying pan, a fine sieve or a flap of gauze.
    Amaranth oil at home: cooking recipes
    There are several proven ways to make amaranth oil at home, so you are free to choose any of them. Moreover, the simplicity of one and the duration of the other have practically no effect on the quality of the final product.
    In both methods, a by-product of the preparation of amaranth oil is cake, which also has useful properties. Therefore, do not throw it away, but transfer it to a clean container with a lid and store it in the refrigerator. Amaranth cake can be added to food and applied as compresses. It relieves the symptoms of arthritis, rheumatism and favors active components nourishing masks for the skin.

    How to use amaranth oil? Application of amaranth oil
    There are many reasons to prepare amaranth oil. It will find application in the kitchen and in the bathroom, useful for treatment and cosmetic procedures:

    1. Taking amaranth oil in a tablespoon on an empty stomach twice a day for 1 month is considered an effective general tonic.
    2. Face mask of a teaspoon of amaranth oil, a teaspoon of honey and egg yolk has a rejuvenating and tonic effect.
    3. Amaranth oil is used as a natural sunscreen for the body, and quickly restores dry and chapped lips.
    4. If it is believed that you can’t spoil porridge with oil, then you can only improve it with amaranth oil: add it to any porridge instead of butter.
    5. Amaranth oil as a dressing enriches the taste and increases the benefits of vegetable salads.
    Amaranth oil has a very valuable property for housewives: it is not afraid of high temperatures. When heated, amaranth oil retains its composition and properties, unlike many other vegetable oils. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to use your own hand-made amaranth oil when baking, frying and making casseroles. This will provide them new taste and aroma, and you - the reputation of a wise and skillful cook.

    Amaranth oil is still very little known to us. Meanwhile, this oil, obtained from the seeds of the amaranth plant, has many useful and healing properties that can be talked about endlessly. Perhaps someone has heard about the use of amaranth oil in traditional medicine or cosmetics. Reviews about him are only positive. Therefore, it is worth getting to know each other better and finding out what kind of oil it is, about its beneficial and healing properties, and what benefits its use can bring.

    Amaranth oil is obtained by cold pressing amaranth seeds. Sometimes the leaves of the plant, which are also pressed, are also used to produce oil. The oil has a pleasant nutty aroma.

    Amaranth oil is very difficult to extract, since the seeds of the plant contain only 7 percent fat.

    The value of oil lies in its unique composition, which includes unsaturated fatty acids, phytosterols, squalene, vitamin E.

    Amaranth is high grass with large leaves and bright tall inflorescences, resembling a panicle. This beautiful plant often used for landscaping in landscape design.

    Amaranth is native to South America. This is one of the most ancient grain crops that people used for food. indigenous peoples South America The Aztecs cultivated amaranth for thousands of years. They erected statues to him, worshiped him and brought gifts.

    When the Spaniards arrived on the coast of South America, in response to the refusal of the natives to accept Christianity, they burned most of the amaranth fields. As a result, the distribution and, then, the use of amaranth for food has practically disappeared. And only in the 20th century, scientists again turned their attention to this plant and saw in it a promising healthy and useful product nutrition.

    Useful properties and composition of amaranth oil

    Amaranth in terms of its nutritional value unique. Leaves make delicious vitamin salad, cook soups, add as a side dish to many dishes. But the best way to get all the benefits of this plant is to use amaranth seed oil. Its rich composition is the main reason for its growing popularity.

    The main components of the composition of amaranth oil are:

    Vitamin E;

    Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids;



    Calcium, magnesium.

    Let us consider in more detail the components of amaranth oil.

    Squalene is a useful polyunsaturated hydrocarbon, which is considered one of the most strong antioxidants. He is important component cell membranes every human cell. It makes up almost 10 percent of the total mass. This is a very large value, given that it is only about 2 percent in shark oil.

    Squalene is involved in all key processes organism. For example, it neutralizes free radicals and is involved in the process of cholesterol synthesis, supports hormonal balance and strengthens immune system. In addition, squalene is important role in protecting our skin from aging. Thanks to it, our skin retains its elasticity, maintains optimal hydration, and provides softness and velvety to the skin. It protects from ultraviolet radiation.

    It has squalene and antibacterial properties, protecting the body from penetration pathogenic microorganisms including through the skin. With aging, the concentration of squalene in the skin gradually begins to decrease, and you need to think about additional sources of this substance in order to preserve youth and beauty.

    Vitamin E is present in amaranth oil in the form of tocotrienols. These compounds, as studies have shown, have 50 times greater antioxidant activity than tocopherols. This oil contains vitamin E in a concentration that cannot be found in any other vegetable fat.

    Tocotrinol strengthens the body's defenses, is involved in the process of oxygen transfer to the cells of the body. It is a natural natural antioxidant that protects our body from many harmful environmental factors, reduces the risk of developing oncology.

    Regular use maintains the tone of the whole body, which certainly affects the condition of the skin. It slows down the aging process, has healing properties in the treatment of many skin diseases.

    Vitamin E also has an effect on the condition circulatory system, helps to maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, normalizes cholesterol metabolism.

    Vitamin E is necessary for vision, helps to maintain good vision for many years.

    Phospholipids help maintain normal exchange fats, improve metabolism. In the event of any failure in the body, these substances immediately rush to his aid to help restore his normal functioning.

    Phospholipids also have an effect on blood sugar levels, which is very important for patients with diabetes.

    Phytosterols give us energy. Amaranth oil will be very useful for athletes, people leading active image life. They are often added to sports nutrition. They help the body quickly adapt to physical activity.

    Calcium is needed at any age. It plays a major role in the formation bone tissue children, during pregnancy ensures the normal development of the unborn baby, protects the skeletal system of a young mother. At an older age, it supports the entire human skeletal system, prevents the development of osteoporosis.

    Calcium in amaranth oil contains even more than in cow's milk.

    Magnesium is also essential for our body. It is involved in many processes in the body. With its deficiency, there may be serious problems ranging from headaches and insomnia to memory loss.

    The benefits of amaranth oil

    Based on the composition, amaranth seed oil brings great benefit body and helps to maintain health for many years. Amaranth oil should be included in your diet for:

    Iron deficiency, i.e. anemia;

    Diseases of the stomach - it suppresses inflammation and restores mucosal cells;

    Cardiovascular diseases: hypertension, myocarditis;

    Varicose veins - oil prevents the formation of blood clots, expands blood vessels and lowers blood pressure;

    Various lesions skin: burns, cuts, psoriasis, eczema, acne and pimples. The oil has a bactericidal effect, prevents the development of infections, promotes healing;

    Diseases of the oral cavity: stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease. The oil effectively fights inflammation, relieves pain;

    Obesity and diabetes. Oil helps burn fat, maintains blood glucose levels;

    Gynecological diseases: cervical erosion, endometriosis, myoma;

    Male infertility and inflammation of the prostate;

    Diseases urinary system: cystitis;

    Disorders of the nervous system: sleep disturbance, depression, psycho-emotional exhaustion. Amaranth oil has antidepressant properties, activates the action of serotonin, which is called the hormone of happiness, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system as a whole.

    Eye diseases: conjunctivitis, cataracts.

    Amaranth oil can be used to restore immunity after an illness and taking antibiotics.

    When applying the oil externally, it is necessary to lubricate the affected area 2 times a day. 10 minutes after treatment, the skin must be blotted with a napkin to remove any remaining oil.

    Amaranth oil in cosmetology

    Amaranth oil is very popular in cosmetology. This one is completely natural product used in many face and body skin care products. Many luxury brands add this oil to their creams and lotions. And it's all thanks to those useful components, which this oil is so rich in, which help to retain moisture in the skin, smooth wrinkles and nourish the skin.

    Amaranth oil is also popular in the production of home cosmetics.
    May with full confidence to say that this oil is useful not only for ingestion, but also externally.

    Amaranth oil:

    Effectively restores the balance of fats and nourishes the skin, prevents dryness;

    Creates a protective layer against exposure free radicals, harmful substances, ultraviolet rays;

    It is highly biocompatible with human skin due to the presence of squalene, which is a natural component of the human body;

    Increases the elasticity of the skin, which makes it noticeably younger;

    Improves regeneration and relieves irritation;

    Restores the structure of damaged hair;

    It has analgesic properties and supports the healing of difficult-to-heal wounds;

    Helps fight acne

    It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties making this oil useful in healing skin dermatitis and other diseases.

    Amaranth meal

    Shrot is by-product, which remains after pressing the oil from the seeds.

    Although after the production of oil, there is practically no fatty oils, the benefits of meal for the body are still there. Nevertheless, this is fiber, i.e. alimentary fiber which are insoluble and indigestible by the body.

    Fiber is one of the main factors in the prevention and treatment of constipation. Therefore, amaranth meal is a very useful food product. By improving intestinal motility, it helps prevent constipation, cleanses the intestines of toxins, and is useful for those who want to lose weight.

    After squeezing the oil, it remains beneficial amino acid lysine, and vitamins are preserved.

    It can be added to baked goods, smoothies, or taken as a prophylaxis like regular bran with water. Shrot like good brush it will clean everything that the body does not need at all, prevent the development of putrefactive processes in the intestines, which is important for the prevention of intestinal diseases, including colon cancer.

    In addition, meal is used as a nutritional supplement in animal feed.

    IN last years amaranth oil appeared on sale. Reviews of those who used it characterize this product as very tasty, nutritious and even healing. Many people do not know about the properties of amaranth and do not pay attention to its oil, but in vain.

    This plant has been known for thousands of years. Even the ancient Incas valued it more than gold and considered sacred. Amaranth was popular with many peoples and was used for food and for treatment, but then it was forgotten for some time. It was not until the end of the 20th century that scientists realized how amazing properties this plant has. Now it is cultivated in many countries. Seeds and amaranth oil are most often used for food.

    Benefits of this product

    1. Among many peoples, amaranth was considered a medicine that gives youth and longevity. After all, even its name is translated as "immortal".

    2. The oil has anti-inflammatory properties and regenerates cells.

    3. It helps to normalize blood pressure, dilates blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots.

    4. Amaranth oil is also suitable for external use. Its benefits for the skin are enormous. It has a bactericidal, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect.

    5. This product is effective for weight loss as it burns calories and helps break down fat, as well as regulates blood sugar.

    6. Has amaranth oil and antidepressant properties. It can stimulate the production of the hormone serotonin in the body.

    How oil is made

    Now amaranth is grown in many regions of Russia, even in Siberia. Previously, it was known to us under the name of amaranth and was considered a weed.

    Amaranth is a broad-leaved plant that reaches a height of 3 meters and has beautiful bright inflorescences with seeds. It is they who are used in food, and also go to the preparation of oil. These seeds contain a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as many vitamins and minerals. The oil is obtained by cold pressing, which allows you to save all its beneficial features. Only such 100% amaranth oil allows you to treat various diseases. But sometimes they do it in a different way. Insist seeds in olive oil. Such a product has almost no useful properties.

    What substances are contained in this oil

    Examining the composition of amaranth, scientists found that this plant is unique: it contains rare substances that are healing for the human body. Therefore, amaranth oil receives only positive reviews. What is included in its composition?

    1. Squalene - very the right substance for the health of our skin. He not only has antibacterial properties and preserves her youth, but also participates in the synthesis of vitamin D. And a record amount of squalene is found in amaranth oil. Other foods that contain it are shark liver, olive and palm oil, as well as bran. But there is very little of it.

    2. Vitamin E is found in amaranth oil in a very rare active form. And in such a concentration of this vitamin is not found in any other product. This can explain the high anti-aging and anti-cancer properties oils.

    3. Calcium, necessary for the formation of the skeletal system, is contained in large quantities in amaranth. There is even more of it than in milk.

    4. What other substances is amaranth oil famous for? Its health benefits are due to the presence of a large number of phospholipids. They are involved in metabolism and help regulate blood sugar levels.

    5. The presence of sterols in amaranth oil helps to better adapt to physical activity and restore performance after overwork and serious illnesses.

    In what cases is amaranth oil used

    The product may be useful for:

    Gastrointestinal diseases, even with an ulcer;

    Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;

    iron deficiency anemia;

    Various injuries and inflammatory diseases skin cover;

    obesity and diabetes;

    Gynecological diseases;

    Removes oil well toothache and inflammation of the gums;

    It is used for sleep disorders, depression and overwork;

    To restore immunity after serious illnesses and taking antibiotics.

    How to use amaranth oil

    It has pleasant smell and delicate nutty flavor, so it is widely used in cooking. It is best to add it to salads and ready meals, because it loses some of it when cooked. useful substances. Treatment with amaranth oil can be internal or external. For such purposes, it should be taken in a teaspoon twice a day. The course of admission should be long, at least 3 months, so that the functions of the organs are gradually restored. You can also

    additionally add oil to food. There are no contraindications for this. The harm of amaranth oil can be observed only in cases individual intolerance its components. True, at first some people may feel nausea or dizziness, but these phenomena quickly pass, because they are associated with therapeutic effect squalene.

    Oil results

    You can apply it yourself, but some centers alternative medicine amaranth oil is also used for treatment. Reviews of patients confirm that many got rid of dermatitis, sinusitis and stomach diseases. With prolonged use, adenoma, cervical erosion, diabetes and hypertension. Patients improve cerebral circulation, improves metabolism and normalizes blood pressure. The use of amaranth oil is effective even when oncological diseases: it enhances the effect of drugs and accelerates the cure.

    External use of oil

    It is also very effective for various skin diseases and mucosal inflammation. It can be rubbed into the affected area, made into oil compresses, instilled into the nose and ear, or gargled in the mouth and throat. Oil heals fungal diseases and psoriasis, eliminates acne and heals wounds, helps with cervical erosion and herpes. It perfectly removes the tooth and ear pain, treats sinusitis and sinusitis, is used for osteochondrosis and arthritis. Amaranth oil helps with stretch marks and scars, improves muscle elasticity and fights cellulite.

    Oil compress effectively relieves itching from insect bites and pain from wounds and burns. But most often it is used to improve the condition of the skin and its rejuvenation.



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