Dizziness after a flight. Nausea and dizziness after a flight

Despite the clear benefits of air travel, flying is not the most in the best way can affect our well-being, the condition of the skin, heart and blood vessels. What to be ready for? What to take with you? How to act in certain situations? Let's talk about this and more...

If you are afraid to fly

Traveling by plane has long been commonplace, but many experience panic fear before flights.

What to do

Breathing exercises will help to "tame" the nerves a little. Do deep breath through the nose to the count of “1-2”, then to the count of “1-2-3-4-5-6” slowly exhale through the mouth and lips folded into a “tube”. The account "switches" attention, and slow breathing calms.

Alcoholic drinks- not the most the best helpers. If a person is healthy, you can drink one glass of wine - it will help to relax. Taking a larger dose may lead to undesirable consequences and worsening well-being. Alcohol dehydrates the body, increasing the risk of blood clots (clots) forming in the veins.

sedatives start taking medications a few days before the flight. It is better to use funds for herbal basis(motherwort, valerian). Use more serious medications after consulting a doctor.

If you feel nauseated or dizzy

Associated with motion sickness/kinetosis/motion sickness. It can occur when moving any type of transport. The severity of manifestations depends on the strength of monotonous oscillations. Children under the age of 12-13 are most often affected.

What to do

*Shortly before boarding a flight have a light snack so that during the flight you do not experience either a feeling of hunger or overcrowding of the stomach. Products should not cause heaviness in the stomach and the formation of gases.

* After the aircraft has taken off and is allowed to move around the cabin drink water in small sips.

* Slice of lemon sometimes helps to cope with unpleasant symptoms.

* For reduce nausea and dizziness stare at a stationary object for a long time.

* If you are aware of your tendency to motion sickness, purchase in advance at the pharmacy remedies against seasickness.

How to avoid dehydration

In the cabin of the aircraft, the air humidity is about 20-30%, which leads to a rapid and significant loss of fluid by the body. Manifested by unpleasant symptoms: sore throat, feeling of tightness skin, dryness in the eyes, mouth and nasal passages.

What to do

During the flight, drink plenty of fluids in small sips - preferably plain or mineral water without gases. Tea, coffee, cocoa, alcoholic drinks may increase dehydration.

Take with you a moisturizing cream for the skin of hands and face, wet wipes, moisturizing drops for the nose and eyes. A lip balm will also come in handy.

If you are wearing contact lenses, for the duration of the flight it is better to remove them, and periodically moisten the eyes with eye drops.

If it plugs your ears...

During takeoff and landing, the pressure in the aircraft changes - accompanied by tinnitus and / or an unpleasant ringing.

What to do

* Periodically open your mouth wide - pressure equalizes.

* Put a slice of lemon or sour candies in your mouth. Sour taste enhances the formation of saliva. The number of swallowing movements reflexively increases - it also equalizes the pressure. Chewing gum has about the same effect.

It is forbidden pinching your ears with your hands can exacerbate the symptoms.

How to protect blood vessels

Air travel is the “enemy” of our vessels. The veins of the lower extremities are especially affected. The development of the so-called "traveler's thrombosis" or "economy class syndrome" is possible.

In fact, such a state can occur when traveling by any means of transport, during which the body is in a motionless and forced position for a long time (more than four hours).

What is going on? In the vessels of the lower extremities blood circulation is disturbed, which leads to stagnation venous blood, weakening of the venous walls and accumulation of fluid (swelling occurs on the legs). Under these conditions, it is easy to form blood clots(thrombi) in the lumen of the veins.

Small clots usually dissolve on their own, but big clots remain. Blood clots can break away from the walls of the veins, and then enter other organs with the blood flow and lead to blockage of any blood vessel(thromboembolism).

Who is at risk? In fact, every one of us.

However, some people should observe increased caution:

* At disorders in the coagulation system blood: suffering from cardiovascular diseases, smokers, pregnant women and women taking birth control pills.

* Sick With varicose veins veins and chronic venous insufficiency. Since coagulability was initially impaired and blood flow through the veins of the lower extremities was slowed down.

What to do

- When buying a ticket, try choose an aisle seat- It is convenient to stretch the legs.

-Move more get up every hour and walk around the salon several times.

- Do simple physical exercises for three to four minutes every hour: move your legs and feet, tuck and stretch your toes again, raise and lower your legs as far as space allows. Muscles tighten and work like a pump, helping blood move through the veins.

Sit properly in your chair so as not to impede the flow of blood through the vessels of the lower extremities. Avoid the cross-legged position and position yourself so that the angle at the knee is blunt, not sharp.

- Do not limit your mobility: do not place hand luggage under your feet.

— For the flight, select Comfortable and comfortable shoes that are easy to put on and take off.

- Drink more fluids in small sips - prevents dehydration and blood clotting.

- Use special compression stockings- Golfs for travelers.

Knitwear provides a calculated and dosed wall pressure vessels of the lower extremities. Additional support is created for the walls and valves of the veins, the outflow of blood from the veins improves, the separation and movement of blood clots with the blood flow is prevented, fluid does not linger in the tissues and edema does not develop.

Available several degreescompression stockings and it is important to choose the right product in each specific situation. Otherwise, damage may be done. Only a phlebologist can do this, depending on the condition of your veins and the presence of changes. Also, the doctor will tell you how to wear compression stockings.

With varicose veins, the doctor may prescribe and phlebotonics- drugs that increase the outflow of venous blood from the lower extremities.

Important! After air travel, the risk of blood clots disappears, but over the next four weeks, the risk of their detachment and movement through the bloodstream with the development of thromboembolism remains.

When should you refrain from air travel?

At acute diseases of the upper respiratory tract: otitis media, sinusitis, tonsillitis. No pressure equalization discomfort in the ears can develop into a sharp pain.

For some chronic diseases care must be taken: diseases of the cornea, high blood pressure and after a recent heart attack. Of course, it is possible for these patients to travel by aircraft, but only after consultation with the attending physician.

Pregnant women certain rules must be followed - read more in our materials:

Tips work not only for air travel, but also for movement by any type of transport, especially over long distances. Good luck to all and have a good journey!

pediatric resident doctor

This condition is typical for various diseases- in case of problems with the vestibular apparatus, due to osteochondrosis, if blood circulation in the brain is disturbed, psychological problems. Nausea accompanies dizziness, because it seems to a person that objects are rotating in front of him, he cannot keep his usual position and balance. Wherein vestibular apparatus begins to react to this state and the person begins to feel sick.

How to overcome dizziness and nausea?

It is very important to seek help from a doctor if, in addition to dizziness, there is fever body, a severe headache worries, weakness is felt in the arms and legs, vomiting is constantly disturbing and it lasts more than half an hour. In this case, you must pass computed tomography, audiographic examination. He will also additionally turn to an ophthalmologist, he can prescribe a doppler of the head. An x-ray of the spine or skull may be required.

When the doctor knows the cause of dizziness and nausea, he can choose effective methods treatment. You may need to take these medical preparations like Diphenhydramine, Motilium, Betahistine, Scopolamine.

Dizziness and nausea may be caused malnutrition, so you should give up salty, alcohol, smoking, strong coffee, tea, chocolate.

Also pay attention to the fact that dizziness with nausea is typical for hypotensive patients, at first the condition resembles drowsiness, then there is pain in the forehead, vision falls, then fainting. After appears severe nausea, feels a breakdown, flies may appear before the eyes, it gets dark, the limbs become cold.

Often people are worried about dizziness when they abruptly change the position of the body, get out of bed. If this happens rarely, there is no need to worry, but when it happens on a daily basis, it is accompanied by other symptoms, it is necessary to urgently take action. It speaks of such a disease as orthostatic collapse.

What causes dizziness when standing up?

Due to the fact that the brain does not have enough oxygen, if a person becomes ill and continues to move on, not to lie down, does not sit down, he loses consciousness.

Doctors call this vertigo vertigo. The disease may be due to different reasons if there are violations in the work of the vestibular apparatus, in cases inflammatory process in the ears, neuritis, stroke, neuronitis, as a consequence of trauma. Also, people who have diseases of the heart and blood vessels often suffer from dizziness when standing up.

AT adolescence this is due to puberty. This condition is typical for sedentary people who lead sedentary image life. Therefore, it is very important to move as much as possible, to perform special gymnastics which has a positive effect on the vestibular apparatus. But note that dizziness when standing up can be one of the symptoms of serious illnesses.

The root cause of many of the problems associated with deterioration physical condition passengers during the flight, is a significant overload of the vestibular system, compared with the usual everyday state. The pilot's maneuvers during landing and takeoff, the duration of the journey, and overcoming turbulence zones make nervous system experience continuous stress, the result of which is reflected both in the work of the heart and blood vessels, and in the gastrointestinal tract.

Gradually, the body will get used to the increased stress and the symptoms will disappear, but not everyone wants to spend long time trying to fight the oncoming symptoms. In addition, a long and unexpected overload of such a plan can negatively affect a person and lead to extremely dangerous conditions for life and health. In order for the flight not to turn into an urgent visit to the hospital, you should carefully consider the preparation for air travel.

Causes of dizziness headache

First you need to pay attention to the fact that dizziness can occur due to what is affected inner ear, also due to disorders in the vestibular nerve, this type of dizziness is called peripheral. It occurs due to viral infectious diseases, nerve tumors, brain injuries, autoimmune diseases.

Most often, the causes in women and men are the same, because dizziness can occur due to three main systems human body- vestibular apparatus, visual system, muscular system. They are responsible for the movement of the body. If there is still nausea and weakness, this indicates problems with optic nerve, diseases of the brain.

What causes dizziness in men and women?

1. Dizziness is provoked by an inflammatory process during inner ear, while there are discharges of a purulent and bloody nature from the ears, a person does not hear well. If the tinnitus is only on one side, while the person is worried about vomiting, nausea, drowsiness - this indicates a perilymphatic fistula, it is very important in this case to undergo an examination and make sure that you do not have a tumor in the brain.

2. Meniere's syndrome is also accompanied by dizziness, vomiting, nausea, hearing problems, most often characteristic of adolescence, dangerous because neuritis may develop in the future.

3. Due to vestibular neuritis, the head begins to feel dizzy after the person gets out of bed, begins to move his head. In this case, vomiting may appear, this condition can disturb up to two days.

4. A serious disease in men and women, due to which dizziness becomes acute, is a stroke, while the headache is undulating, disturbing severe vomiting, then a state of drowsiness, weakness may occur, a person ceases to navigate in space. This state may last for several days.

5. The appearance of dizziness and severe headache as a result of pinching of the cervical vertebral nerve, while pain begins to disturb when a person moves his head, severe stiffness appears in the neck.

6. Dizziness as a consequence of a traumatic brain injury, concussion, also after a cold.

7. If, in addition to feeling dizzy, there is a severe headache, vomiting, this indicates a migraine of a vestibular nature, it can last a little - up to one minute, or maybe hours, and other neurological symptoms also occur.

Holidays abroad, somewhere far from home, often involve flying. Here and on vacation in Turkey and Marmaris, residents of other countries fly mainly by plane.

Air travel, especially a long one, is a great stress for the body. Therefore, it is worth preparing mentally and physically in advance for flying on an airplane.

For this case doctors prepared some advice that will make your flight more comfortable.

The fight against dizziness

Airplane dizziness is quite common. In order to eliminate this unpleasant condition, you should look at a stationary object for a long time.


Nausea, like dizziness, is the second most common unpleasant symptom that occurs during air travel.

To avoid nausea, do not fly empty or full stomach. Have a snack before the flight so that you do not experience discomfort from either hunger or weight.

Choose snack foods that don't cause increased gas formation. So your body will endure the flight much more comfortably.

One of the options " folk remedies» from motion sickness - lemon. You can sniff or chew on a slice of lemon at the first symptoms. Although this option may not bring the necessary relief of the condition.

If you know your predisposition to motion sickness, purchase anti-seasickness remedies in pharmacies in advance - kinedril, aeron, dramin, air-sea, homeopathic medicines. Sometimes such means as side effect have a sedative effect.

If you decide to give such funds to a child, especially a small one, consult a doctor. In Turkey, for example, such children's sedatives for the flight are prescribed only by a doctor and are sold in pharmacies on prescription.

Congestion and tinnitus

Takeoff and landing is accompanied by a change in pressure in the aircraft and in the ears. The processes are comparable to immersion in water.

To get rid of congestion, pain and tinnitus, the following is recommended:

  • open your mouth. This will help equalize the pressure;
  • suck on sour candies. Sour lozenges will increase salivation and increase the number of swallowing movements. This will help relieve pressure in the ears. By the way, it is for this purpose that lollipops are issued on the planes of many airlines. Take 2 things - for takeoff and landing and "accept" them during takeoff and landing, and not in the process of taxiing the aircraft. Lollipops are not a pleasant trifle, but a means of dealing with unpleasant symptoms during air travel;
  • chew chewing gum. The effect is in many ways similar to the effect of lollipops;
  • do not fly with ENT diseases. Firstly, a change in pressure can provoke the spread of infection to other parts of the ear-nose-throat system and cause such serious illness like otitis media and sinusitis. Secondly, in this condition, there is no effective equalization of pressure in the ears and unpleasant sensations in the ears can increase to a state of sharp pain.

Do not pinch your ears with your hands, this can worsen the condition.

Increased anxiety and fear of flying

To relieve a symptom increased nervousness when flying by plane, doctors recommend breathing exercises. Highly useful thing with overexcitation, fear, nervousness. Allows you to return to a state of composure.

In order to calm down, you should take a deep breath to the count of "1-2" through the nose, and then slowly exhale through the mouth with a tube to the count of "1-2-3-4-5-6". Firstly, the account itself allows you to switch attention, and secondly, the normalization of breathing contributes to the overall normalization of the spirit.

For those who are especially afraid of flying on airplanes, doctors recommend taking a sedative (motherwort, valerian) before flying.

Many "fight with fear" before flying with the help of alcohol, especially from duty-free shops. Doctors advise not to get involved in alcohol. One glass of wine helps to relax, taking more high dose alcohol can lead to back effect. In addition, the flight and passage of the border of a foreign state are quite important moments, and at this time the situation should be soberly controlled.

Before the flight, it is worth remembering that the effect of alcohol is enhanced by 3 times during the flight. Even a small dose can lead to an unpredictable effect and a deterioration in well-being. Due to the low humidity of the air, the body quickly loses moisture and the hangover intensifies much more.

Another option to calm down during a flight is to read an interesting book, watch a movie, listen to music, or any other activity that allows you to take your mind off your fears. The presence of a travel pillow will make rest and sleep more comfortable in flight.

Prevention of leg diseases during the flight

Any person in certain age, especially in older people and women who have given birth, blood clots form in the veins of the pelvis and lower extremities, which most do not even know about.

During takeoff and landing, when overcoming the forces of gravity, the blood circulation in the body changes, it begins to flow to lower limbs. This threatens with two troubles - varicose veins (varicose veins) and separation of blood clots from inner walls veins. Blockage of veins leading to the heart or lungs by detached blood clots can cause acute right ventricular failure or thromboembolism pulmonary artery. Similar states do not lend themselves cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Therefore, the main thing is to prevent the occurrence of these complications of air travel.

The veins need to be compensated. For the prevention of varicose veins and separation of blood clots, it is necessary to use a special compression knitwear - tights or stockings.

Compression tights and stockings enhance muscle tone veins, promote effective circulation of venous blood from the bottom up, prevent the appearance of freely moving blood clots.

Compression knitwear is sold in pharmacies or specialty stores, it is selected strictly individually according to the size of the leg. Wear tights and stockings compression effect should be at home before the flight according to the instructions for them.

People suffering from chronic venous insufficiency or varicose disease, recommended over long-term use compression stockings.

In addition to compression stockings, you should choose comfortable, non-tight shoes for flying. If the flight is going to be long and especially in winter time, take a change of light shoes with you so that your feet can rest.

Sitting in an airplane seat follows correctly, avoiding the "foot on foot" position. Periodically, you should do gymnastics for the legs, move your legs, change the position of the body, periodically get up and walk around the plane.

If necessary, do light massage for legs. Seat holders in the front rows of some types of aircraft may stretch their legs forward or put them higher.

Take a small dose 2-3 hours before the flight aspirin(75-100 milligrams). As you know, aspirin is a means to combat blood clots.

Preventing dehydration while flying

Air humidity in an airplane is very low, about 20-30%, which leads to a significant loss of body fluid and unpleasant symptoms - sore throat, dry nose and mouth, tight skin, dry eyes. During the flight it is recommended to drink more ordinary water. Tea, coffee, cocoa, alcoholic beverages contribute to increased dehydration.

To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you should take with you a moisturizer for the skin, a spray for the throat or nose, eye drops. If you wear contact lenses, it is recommended that you remove them during the flight and periodically instill eye drops.

Adapting to changing time zones

For better adaptation of the body to changing time zones, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules.

To better adapt to jet lag in flight, it is not recommended to drink alcohol.

first aid kit

In the presence of serious chronic diseases, doctors recommend taking medicines with you to aircraft hand luggage.

Children and pregnant women on the plane

You should consult your doctor before flying during pregnancy. Usually, airlines allow women to fly for up to 7 months. Flights over later dates pregnancy is possible only upon presentation of a certificate from a doctor. When flying during pregnancy, you should move more on the plane, do exercises, drink plenty of water and take seats at the aisle.

Babies can fly after the first 7 days of life.

Doctors do not recommend flying by plane to the following categories of passengers:

  • Women with a gestational age of more than 7 months;
  • Passengers with diseases of the cornea of ​​the eye;
  • Passengers with high blood pressure;
  • Passengers with ENT diseases in acute phase, especially otitis media and sinusitis;
  • Passengers after a recent heart attack.

May 3, 2015 tigress…s

Dizziness can very often disturb people, it is with this symptom that they often seek help from a neurologist, otolaryngologist, and therapist. Everyone has different symptoms with dizziness, it all depends on the cause of its appearance, as well as what kind of resistance a person has to dizziness. Often accompanied by pallor, vomiting, anxiety, increased sweating.

All this is connected with the vestibular preparation of a person, in what state of his autonomic nervous system, in cases of violations, dizziness can occur. Medical scientists count up to 80 various reasons which may cause dizziness.

Causes of dizziness in men, in women

First you need to pay attention to the fact that dizziness can occur due to the fact that the inner ear is affected, also due to disorders in the vestibular nerve, this type of dizziness is called peripheral. It occurs due to viral infectious diseases, nerve tumors, brain injuries, autoimmune diseases. If dizziness is caused by a disease in the brain, this indicates central view dizziness. It includes such diseases - multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, migraine, migraine, circulatory problems in the brain.

Most often, the causes in women and men are the same, because dizziness can occur due to three main systems of the human body - the vestibular apparatus, the visual system, the muscular system. They are responsible for the movement of the body. If there is still nausea and weakness, this indicates problems with the optic nerve, diseases of the brain.

What causes dizziness in men and women?

1. Dizziness is provoked by an inflammatory process in the inner ear, while purulent and bloody discharges from the ears appear, the person does not hear well. If the tinnitus is only on one side, while the person is worried about vomiting, nausea, this indicates a perilymphatic fistula, it is very important in this case to undergo an examination and make sure that you do not have a tumor in the brain.

2. Meniere's syndrome is also accompanied by dizziness, vomiting, nausea, hearing problems, most often characteristic of adolescence, dangerous because neuritis may develop in the future.

3. Due to vestibular neuritis, it starts abruptly after a person gets out of bed, begins to move his head. In this case, vomiting may appear, this condition can disturb up to two days.

4. A serious disease in men and women, due to which dizziness becomes acute, is a stroke, while the headache is undulating, severe vomiting is disturbing, then a state of drowsiness, weakness may occur, the person ceases to navigate in space. This state may last for several days.

5. The appearance of dizziness and as a result of pinching of the cervical vertebral nerve, while pain begins to disturb when a person moves his head, severe stiffness appears in the neck.

6. Dizziness as a consequence of a traumatic brain injury, also after a cold.

7. If, in addition to feeling dizzy, there is a severe headache, vomiting, this indicates a migraine of a vestibular nature, it can last a little - up to one minute, or maybe hours, and other neurological symptoms also occur.

8. Women and men who have problems with the vestibular apparatus constantly experience dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, and it is difficult for such people to travel in transport.

9. As a consequence of taking some medicines especially antibiotics. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the dosage or even change the drug.

Women often experience dizziness psychogenic nature, at the same time, drowsiness is felt, consciousness may be confused, panic fear arises.

Such an attack is unexpected if a person arrives in a closed room or vice versa crowded. At the same time, the muscles are greatly overstrained, while the person is very irritable, he has a lump in his throat, tinnitus, everything ends with vomiting. The cause of the same dizziness is.

For the female, a disease such as migraine is characteristic, dizziness with it, a person begins to be afraid of noise, light, then severe nausea occurs.

Dangerous severe dizziness is the one that occurs with a brain tumor.

All the symptoms progress, the pain begins to intensify in the morning, some muscle groups stop working - the body, face, vision problems arise, the person loses hearing, there is a lot of noise in the ears.

In women, dizziness often accompanies pregnancy, because the biochemical blood composition changes, and drowsiness is felt, everything can end in fainting. Also, this condition indicates that the level of sugar in the blood or in a woman is reduced. To get rid of these symptoms, you need to eat something sweet or drink tea with sugar. It is very important to drink as much water as possible.

In men, dizziness does not occur so often, therefore, if it appears, it is imperative to be examined, because it may indicate serious illness.

Causes of dizziness in men

1. Due to hard drinking or if a man drank a lot of alcohol. Thus, intoxication occurs, dizziness is accompanied by vomiting, even a man can lose consciousness in a severe case.

2. Intoxication in case of poisoning different substances, at the same time there is a pre-fainting state, it darkens in the eyes.

3. With a brain tumor.

4. Dizziness due to jumps blood pressure.

5. Due to stroke, heart attack, diseases of the vegetative-vascular system. Note that in this case dizziness is additional symptom, may accompany pain in the heart.

6. Dizziness in men due to severe fatigue, stress, lack of sleep. It has already been proven by medical scientists that stress is dangerous for a man, because, unlike a woman, he does not express his emotions, he keeps everything in himself.

7. Suspicious men get a far-fetched dizziness.

8. Feel dizzy after a flight, reinforced physical activity, moving, if a person has changed the climate. Also for fear of heights.

So that on for a long time get rid of dizziness, it is necessary to be examined in order to accurately diagnose the disease.

Why does nausea occur with dizziness?

This condition is typical for various diseases - with problems with the vestibular apparatus, due to osteochondrosis, if blood circulation in the brain is disturbed, psychological problems. Nausea accompanies dizziness, because it seems to a person that objects are rotating in front of him, he cannot keep his usual position and balance. At the same time, the vestibular apparatus begins to react to this condition and the person begins to feel sick.

How to overcome dizziness and nausea?

It is very important to seek help from a doctor if, in addition to dizziness, there is an increased body temperature, a severe headache worries, weakness is felt in the arms and legs, vomiting is constantly bothering and it lasts more than half an hour. In this case, you definitely need to undergo a CT scan, an audiographic examination. He will also additionally turn to an ophthalmologist, he can prescribe a doppler of the head. An x-ray of the spine or skull may be required.

When the doctor knows the cause of dizziness and nausea, he will be able to choose effective methods of treatment. You may have to take medications such as Diphenhydramine, Motilium, Betahistine, Scopolamine.

Dizziness and nausea can be triggered by malnutrition, so you should give up salty, alcohol, smoking, strong coffee, tea, chocolate.

Also pay attention to the fact that dizziness with nausea is typical for hypotensive patients, at first the condition resembles drowsiness, then there is pain in the forehead, vision falls, then fainting. After that, severe nausea appears, he feels a breakdown, flies may appear before his eyes, it gets dark, the limbs become cold.

Often a person is worried about the question, which causes dizziness if the tonometer shows. Remember, pressure is not the only cause of dizziness, although it is common. Dizzy can be in cases where a person abruptly changed the position of the body - got up early in the morning from bed.

Also, in cases of seasickness, intolerance to some attractions, in transport, this happens due to the disruption of the vestibular apparatus.

Dizziness at normal pressure can be the cause of experienced stress, when a large amount of adrenaline is released into the bloodstream, because of this nerve cells not enough oxygen. Also, if the spinal artery is compressed, this happens with osteochondrosis, curvature.

Pay attention if you have severe dizziness and normal pressure, but at the same time you feel weak, this may be a symptom of an incipient stroke or you may have a concussion.

Some medications can also cause dizziness.

If you feel sharply ill, the main thing in this situation is calmness, you need to sit down, keep your head in one position, look at one point and breathe deeply. In the event that, in addition to the above symptoms, the limbs go numb, there are problems with speech, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

If the pressure is normal, but you are constantly worried about dizziness, nausea, vomiting, this indicates chronic disease, it is very important in this case to examine the vessels, brain, neck, this may indicate a serious illness.

This condition is typical for diseases such as meningitis, infectious process in tissues that are responsible for the functioning of the spinal cord and brain. In addition to weakness, body temperature may rise, a person is shivering. characteristic of the inflammatory process of the vessels, while there may be problems with metabolism, tingling is felt in the legs and arms, they can become numb, heaviness appears in the back of the head.

If first there is nausea, vomiting, then dizziness, weakness - this may indicate a stroke. In cases of a disease such as frontal sinusitis, pain from the forehead moves to the temple, then the back of the head. Feels great weakness in muscular system. Weakness and dizziness can be provoked by the general weakness of the human body.

Causes of severe dizziness

Dizziness itself is not life-threatening, but if it is severe, it can indicate a serious medical condition that can lead to lethal outcome– brain tumors, stroke or anemia.

If the dizziness is mild, confusion occurs when the person turns his head or stands up abruptly, such attacks do not last long.

Severe vertigo are those in which a person loses balance, may fall, and hearing is impaired, ringing in the ears, darkening in the eyes, nausea and vomiting occur. In this case, the person weakens and faints.

Severe dizziness of this nature indicates problems with the inner ear.

It can be very dizzy due to the fact that a person abruptly changes the position of the body. This happens with orthostatic hypotension, when blood drains sharply from the brain. At the same time, the pressure drops.

Therefore, in this case, you need to carefully get up, first sit down, perhaps lie down and stand up calmly.

Severe dizziness can occur due to heart disease, dehydration, high blood pressure, if a person is very anxious. In this case, it is very important to consult with your doctor in time.

Severe dizziness is characteristic of a disease such as labyrinthitis, when the inner ear becomes inflamed, then the center responsible for balance begins to be actively stimulated in the brain, which causes nausea, vomiting, and they begin to move eyeballs. Such severe dizziness lasts more than one day, it may take months to get rid of it.

If severe dizziness occurs, this may indicate that you have a low blood glucose level, anemia, blood flow is blocked in the arteries, which is responsible for supplying the brain with blood; also in subdural hemorrhage and malignancy in the brain.

This condition often appears immediately after a person wakes up, especially if he slept on a high pillow, while a crunch can be felt in the neck, then dizziness begins to disturb. At the same time, it may darken in the eyes, a person’s coordination in movements is disturbed, noise appears in the ears.

Often this condition is accompanied by fainting, if this happens it is very important to put the person horizontally, his head should be lowered down.

Dizziness is accompanied by vomiting, nausea, and vision and hearing may also be impaired.

It is very important in this situation to get rid not of dizziness, but of the disease itself.

What causes dizziness in osteochondrosis?

Due to the fact that the volume of blood is significantly reduced, the brain suffers from a lack of oxygen, it is not enough useful substances. This happens when the arteries of the spine are compressed, which happens with osteochondrosis.

How to treat dizziness cervical osteochondrosis?

First you need to undergo a course of therapy with which you can cure the disease. The doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs for you, with the help of which you can remove the inflammatory process, swelling, so the arteries will decrease and will not be squeezed like that, blood circulation in the brain will improve significantly.

Also, for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, physiotherapeutic methods are used, with the help of which it is possible to improve the patient's condition. You need to be careful about massage for cervical osteochondrosis, it is very important that the specialist take into account how your disease proceeds and whether more harm from massage.

An important role in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is played by therapeutic exercises and diet food. Thus, if you want to get rid of the dizziness that is characteristic of the disease - cervical osteochondrosis, you must definitely undergo complex treatment.

To alleviate the condition with dizziness, a doctor may prescribe drugs that improve blood circulation, the vestibular apparatus. Of course, such medications do not treat the underlying disease, but they will help get rid of some of the symptoms.

Why does dizziness occur when standing up?

Often people are worried about dizziness when they abruptly change the position of the body, get out of bed. If this happens rarely, there is no need to worry, but when it happens on a daily basis, it is accompanied by other symptoms, it is necessary to urgently take action. This speaks of such a disease as orthostatic collapse. The person starts to worry constant dizziness, even when he stands on his feet for a long time, then it gets dark before his eyes, flies appear, everything can end in a faint.

What causes dizziness when standing up?

Due to the fact that the brain does not have enough oxygen, if a person becomes ill and continues to move on, not to lie down, does not sit down, he loses consciousness.

Doctors call this vertigo vertigo. The disease can occur due to various reasons, if there are disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, in cases of an inflammatory process in the ears, neuritis, neuronitis, as a consequence of an injury. Also, people who have diseases of the heart and blood vessels often suffer from dizziness when standing up. In adolescence, this happens due to puberty. This condition is typical for sedentary people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, it is very important to move as much as possible, to perform special gymnastics, which has a positive effect on the vestibular apparatus. But note that dizziness when standing up can be one of the symptoms of serious illnesses.

Causes of dizziness headache

There are two types of headaches that occur with dizziness.

Those that arise in the occipital region. They can be acute, appear at different infectious diseases, in cases where the blood circulation in the brain changes, due to chronic sinusitis. Migraine also belongs to this group of diseases.

Secondary headaches with dizziness are provoked by hypertension, neck disease, are also characteristic of cerebral hematoma, ear and eye diseases.

Some headaches do not need to be treated, these are those that are characteristic of the "hangover" syndrome, when the head is squeezed by a hoop, glasses. Also, the headache that occurs when coughing is not treated.

Very often, a person may be disturbed by a headache with dizziness, if he is physically or mentally overworked, also due to nervous disorders. To get rid of them you need to eat right, sleep well. Most often, headache is typical for people after 40 years.

What causes a headache with dizziness?

1. Due to migraine, while the pain is throbbing, it can increase, especially if a person is physically overworked, walks quickly. This may cause nausea and vomiting. An attack of such pain lasts three days. First, colitis in the temple area, then everything begins to swim before the eyes, and the person has severe nausea. There is increased irritability.

2. Headache with dizziness can often be a consequence of stress, after experiencing severe stress, also appears in cases where a person does not sit correctly, his cervical vertebrae. However, it is intense. The muscles in the neck are very tense, and pain also covers jaw joint and cranial.

3. With hypertension, dizziness is accompanied by a severe headache, it is dull, localized in the occipital region, especially in the morning, decreases during the day. It can be pulsating in the temples, this occurs if a person is overworked. In addition to dizziness, there is congestion in the ears.

How to treat headache with dizziness?

First you need to find out why it appeared: be sure to measure arterial pressure, undergo computed tomography, examine the cervical spine.

Pay attention to your diet, pain during dizziness can be triggered by nitrites, caffeine, biogenic amines, monosodium glutamate. All this has a negative effect on blood vessels. Therefore, it is worth giving up such food products: ketchup, cheese, mayonnaise, onions, bananas, chocolate, pineapples, spinach. When they begin to enter the blood, the vessels begin to narrow, which causes throbbing pain.

Alternative methods of treating headache with dizziness

1. You need to take 200 ml of milk, dilute it with one raw egg, drink hot for up to one week.

2. Such a decoction helps well, it will require birch buds, immortelle, pharmacy chamomile, St. John's wort, everything must be thoroughly mixed, chopped, insist 24 hours. Strain and squeeze, add honey.

3. Such a remedy is effective: it will require Apple vinegar- a tablespoon, 200 ml of water, bring everything to a boil. Inhale steam.

4. It is necessary to take a lemon peel, attach it to the temple until the pain subsides.

5. If pain and dizziness arose suddenly, it is necessary to do such a massage - first massage hair part head, then lower jaw.

6. In cases of regular pain, you need to do such a massage, first stroke the scalp with your palms, then massage the parts from the side. After putting your palms on your head and using vibration movements, perform a massage. It should last up to 10 minutes.

Treatment of dizziness with traditional and folk remedies

Remember that to forget about dizziness forever, you need to identify the cause and eliminate it.

What measures should be taken for dizziness?

1. The patient must be placed on his back, thus it is possible to protect the patient from the kink of the artery of the spine.

2. Ventilate the room, the victim needs fresh air.

3. Apply a cold bandage to the forehead.

4. Be sure to take a blood pressure monitor and measure blood pressure, then body temperature. In cases where the pulse is quickened, while the patient feels sick, he is worried about vomiting, an ambulance should be urgently called.

Treatment of dizziness folk remedies

1. In cases where the cause of dizziness is hypotension, you need to drink 200 ml of pomegranate juice daily.

2. This recipe helps a lot, it will require forest rowan bark - 2 tablespoons, half a liter of water, boil everything over low heat. Drink up to three times a day for a tablespoon.

3. You can strengthen the vestibular apparatus with the help of this exercise: for this you need to walk in a straight line and turn your head. Such training should be mandatory daily, perform the exercise for at least 5 minutes.

4. Infusions based on ginkgo biloba will help get rid of dizziness, ginger tea, beet and carrot juices, also tea using parsley seeds. To prepare it, you need to brew one spoonful of seeds in a glass of boiling water, leave for up to 10 hours and drink a little.

5. After you have had lunch and dinner, you need to drink tea with mint, linden and lemon balm.

6. Eliminates dizziness powder prepared with seaweed.

7. An effective remedy for dizziness is such a drink, to prepare it you need apple cider vinegar, honey. It can be used when brief attack, also periodic. Recommend to drink this drink, in cases of impaired coordination of movement, the appearance of tinnitus, nausea. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 200 ml warm water, add apple cider vinegar - two teaspoons, honey - one teaspoon, mix everything. Drink a course of up to 10 days, before breakfast. With it, you can additionally relieve stress, calm down.

8. Good for seizures meadow clover to prepare a medicine from it, you need to take red clover heads - one teaspoon, add a glass of boiling water, boil everything for up to 5 minutes, insist up to one hour. Use inside one tablespoon up to five times a day, half an hour before meals. You can make a tincture from it, this will require 50 grams of red clover inflorescence, half a liter of vodka. Leave for two weeks. This plant is one of the best medicines from atherosclerosis.

9. You can cure dizziness with the help of mistletoe. Infusions from these plants are advised to use if a person has vascular disease, atherosclerosis. To prepare the medicine, you need to add a teaspoon to 400 ml of boiling water. Leave for about an hour. Consume three times a day before meals.

10. Cope with dizziness, help, to prepare the medicine, you need to take a teaspoon of the stems and leaves of the plant, be sure to dry, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for up to two hours. Drink 100 ml in the morning, afternoon and evening, preferably hot.

12. One of the best means is medicinal dandelion, syrup is prepared from it. To do this, first at the end of spring you need to collect dandelions. In cases of regular intake of such a syrup, you can forget about dizziness, tinnitus for a long time, and protect yourself from sclerosis. It is also the best medicine for the nervous system, the liver. To prepare syrup, you need three kilograms of dandelion flowers, 3 kilograms of sugar, they must be put in glass jar, then sprinkle with sugar - one layer of dandelions, one layer of sugar. Syrup should be drunk one teaspoon, be sure to add 50 ml of water. The medicine is stored in a cold place.

13. It has been proven that dizziness can be eliminated using a recipe with mummy, to prepare a medicine, you need to take oil, honey, milk, add mummy, you need to drink such a remedy for up to one month, if the disease is running, repeat the course after 10 days.

14. To cope with an attack, an infusion based on plantain will help, to prepare it, you need to take plantain leaves - one tablespoon, pour 200 ml of boiling water, add honey, drink before bed.

What kind homeopathic remedies used to treat dizziness?

One of effective means considered Vertigoheel, it can be found both in the form of tablets and drops. He gets rid of various dizziness, relieves symptoms. Drops should be drunk up to three times a day, dosage - 10 drops, no more.

If dizziness is provoked by cervical osteochondrosis, it is necessary to apply ointment - Traumeel C, it needs to be rubbed into the neck little by little, this should be done three times a day.

What modern devices help to cure dizziness?

1. In case of occurrence positional vertigo recommend the use of Dizzy FIX - a device that has plastic pipes that contain particles and a thick liquid. With the help of this device, you can perform special turns that facilitate the patient's condition.

2. Vitafon helps well, with the help of it microvibration occurs in the tissues and skin, but this device in no case should you use it without consulting a doctor, it can harm.

Treatment of dizziness in various diseases

1. With cervical osteochondrosis, it is imperative to take vasodilating, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs. It is also very important to undergo a massage course, perform therapeutic gymnastics, emphasize on manual therapy, physiotherapy procedures. With the help of these methods of treatment, you can normalize blood circulation, restore the spine, and relax the muscular system.

2. Dizziness, which is characteristic of vegetative-vascular dystonia, cannot be cured, but symptoms can be alleviated by rubbing the earlobes, then clapping your hands.

3. If your head is spinning due to reduced pressure, you need to drink coffee, eat dark chocolate, just remember the measure. Tea with honey helps. In cases of severe dizziness, you need to have the person lie down, then open the window, then give a sedative or sedative. With hypotonic dizziness, regular walks on fresh air, playing sports, also do not forget about hardening. Also eat well and sleep well.

4. With hypertension, if dizziness occurs, it is very important to refuse junk food, alcohol, smoking, use salt as little as possible.

5. If dizziness occurs when standing up, you need to use special medicines and be sure to perform exercises - head tilts.

6. For dizziness of a psychogenic nature, it is recommended to use antidepressants, betahistine helps well, with it you can get rid of the excitability of the vestibular apparatus. Additionally, you need to perform breathing exercises, special vestibular gymnastics may need psychotherapy.

7. Vertigo of a vestibular nature is treated symptomatically, it is very important to get rid of serious condition, then you need to restore the patient, for this, anticholinergic, antihistamines are used.

8. In children, dizziness is treated based on the cause of its occurrence. Most often it occurs due to problems with vegetative system, then you need to strengthen it with the help of drugs that dilate blood vessels - noshpy, papaverine; vitamin B6, you can also improve the blood supply to the brain with the help of cinnarizine, sermion and cavinton. Physiotherapeutic procedures play an important role; you can train the vestibular apparatus with the help of therapeutic exercises.

9. Dizziness that occurs after a stroke is treated only after the underlying causes have been eliminated. pathological processes- atherosclerosis.

10. If dizziness accompanies weakness, you must definitely adhere to bed rest, then intravenous atropine is administered, orally prescribed to take medications such as phenobarbital, aeron and tranquilizers.

11. In cases hypertensive crisis prescribe medications that dilate blood vessels - eufillin, dibazol, papaverine.

What medicines are used to treat dizziness?

To get rid of this attack, you need to take tranquilizers - diazepam, lorazepam; antihistamines- promethazine, meclozine. To get rid of the nausea that often accompanies dizziness, you need to take metoclopramide.

In cases where dizziness does not go away for a long time, drugs such as diazepam, mannitod, efufillin can be prescribed, they are administered intravenously. Doctors often use betahistine hydrochloride for an attack.

Thus, in order to get rid of dizziness, it is very important to find out the cause of its occurrence, only then begin to treat it.

Airline workers are often faced with sharp deterioration the physical health of aircraft passengers. Many complain about, a feeling of tightness, panic attacks and many others unpleasant symptoms, significantly aggravating the flight process.

Why can you get sick on an airplane?

The main cause of many problems associated with the deterioration of the physical condition of passengers during the flight is a significant overload of the vestibular system, compared with the usual daily state. The pilot's maneuvers during landing and takeoff, the duration of the journey, overcoming turbulence zones cause the nervous system to experience continuous stress, the result of which is reflected both in the work of the heart and blood vessels, and in the gastrointestinal tract.

Gradually, the body will get used to the increased stress and the symptoms will disappear, but not everyone wants to spend a long time trying to fight the oncoming symptoms. In addition, a long and unexpected overload of such a plan can negatively affect a person and lead to extremely dangerous conditions for life and health. In order for the flight not to turn into an urgent visit to the hospital, you should carefully consider the preparation for air travel.

Who can get sick on an airplane

Those who are going to choose air travel as a way to get somewhere should remember that many chronic pathologies during the flight can be significantly aggravated due to a sharp change in the environment, which an unprepared, weakened body may consider critical. At risk are passengers suffering from the following types of diseases:

For those who have recently had various operations, recovering after or, as well as late-term pregnant women, you should completely refrain from flying in airplanes and choose another way of moving.

How to help a person during a flight

There are several rules, following which you can minimize the chances of a deterioration in health on an airplane:


  • suffering from chronic pathologies kidney and of cardio-vascular system do not drink diuretics before the flight. You should not direct a stream of air from a fan directly into your face, so as not to provoke further loss of moisture from the body. A large number of fluids in the body will also help to avoid dizziness and pressure drops during the flight.
  • Clothing for the flight should be as comfortable as possible, not hindering movement and not making it difficult to breathe. It is worth giving preference to natural, absorbent fabrics so that the skin can breathe freely.
  • The passenger should avoid overeating before and during the flight. It is worth paying attention to light, balanced dishes that are easy to digest. On an airplane, white meat should be preferred to red, and foods that provoke increased gas formation should be completely abandoned.
  • Sitting upright for a long time impairs blood circulation and provokes a sharp contraction of blood vessels, which leads to exacerbations cardiovascular conditions, headache, tinnitus, swelling of the extremities. For the flight, it is better to take warm socks with you and, if possible, take off your shoes in the cabin. To avoid muscle stiffness, you can do light, relaxing exercises, so as not to disturb other passengers. Sometimes it will be useful to get up and slowly walk around the cabin.
  • Sometimes passengers experience discomfort due to air pressure drops. In an airplane, this phenomenon can cause stuffy ears, as well as provoke an exacerbation respiratory diseases. To prevent this from happening, you should protect yourself:
    1. in order to “remove” congestion from the ears, you need to suck on candy or chew gum. Sometimes yawning helps to stabilize the pressure in the ear passages;
    2. some doctors recommend closing your mouth and nose with stuffy ears and trying to "exhale" with force;
    3. 30-40 minutes before boarding the plane, you can use a vasoconstrictor nasal spray. This prevents the air passages from being compressed in the future.
  • If the seated person is feeling dizzy or nauseous, shifting their attention can help. Sometimes looking out the window or focusing on any object in the cabin is enough to get rid of the discomfort. Pre-prepared medicines aimed at reducing the severity of travel - Dramina, Kokkulin - will help eliminate nausea. They remove the sensation of a lump in the throat and stabilize the vestibular apparatus under unusual flight conditions.
We recommend reading:
  • Before landing, if you are concerned about cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, you need to prepare a set of medicines in case you become ill in the cabin. Most often taken on board sedatives, as well as means to reduce pressure. They will also come in handy in cases where a panic attack or aerophobia occurred during the flight.
  • It is important to remember that in case of any ailments, you can contact the flight attendant, whose duties include ensuring a comfortable state of life and health of passengers during the flight. Aircraft workers are instructed in case of any pathology in passengers and are obliged to provide all possible assistance.


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