Dandelion root medicinal properties and contraindications reviews. When to harvest dandelion roots? medicinal plants

Dandelion is very unpretentious plant, thanks to which it can grow in a wide variety of it is ubiquitous, and its healing properties widely known. As a medicinal plant, dandelion root has also been used in traditional medicine and in cosmetology.

The root of the plant should be collected in autumn or early spring, but only after the plant has completely faded. In terms of composition, the root that was harvested in the fall is considered the most saturated, since it has already absorbed all the power and strength of the plant. is effective tool for the treatment of many diseases.

At the same time, which is so widely medical practice should by no means be considered a panacea. Before using it, you should consult with experts.

Under the influence of substances present in the dandelion root, there is a decrease in blood sugar levels, and due to this property it is very much appreciated among diabetics. In addition, this plant helps to effectively cleanse the blood and the entire body of toxins, normalize metabolic processes and water-salt balance. It has a mild laxative effect, eliminates constipation and normalizes work. digestive system.

Does dandelion root have contraindications? Like any drug, of course. And you need to get to know them first.

It is strictly forbidden to take dandelion root if you have a tendency to diarrhea. Also this remedy it is not recommended to take with gastritis, which is in the acute stage, allergies to dandelion pollen, blockage of the biliary tract and stomach ulcers.

It must be remembered that dandelion tincture can stimulate appetite, as it activates the secretion gastric juice. That is why, if you decide to lose weight with dandelion root, it must be taken before the start of the meal.

If you have chosen dandelion root as a weight loss remedy, it can be used in various types, and you can independently choose the remedy that will be ideal for you - infusion or decoction.

How to use dandelion root for weight loss? Here are some recipes:

Take a dandelion root, grind it thoroughly (you will need 1 tablespoon of crushed root), pour boiling water (1 cup), then place on water bath and boil for 15 minutes. Let it brew for one hour, be sure to filter. The infusion should be taken half an hour before the start of a meal, three times a day for half a glass;

Take chopped dandelion root (10-20 grams) and pour boiling water (1 cup), leave for three hours, filter and take two tablespoons before breakfast and lunch;

Take dandelion root (20 grams), parsley fruit (20 grams), peppermint leaves (20 grams), (20 grams) and buckthorn root (60 grams). Two tablespoons medicinal collection pour 500 milliliters of boiling water and leave for half an hour so that the medicine can infuse. The remedy must be taken empty stomach in the morning (you need to drink everything at once);

Take hay, dandelion root, mint, nettle, parsley, dill in equal proportions. One teaspoon of the collection should be poured with 200 milliliters of boiling water, let it brew, wait until it cools to room temperature, filter and take two or three sips of the broth.

We remind you that if you decide to use drugs that include dandelion root, the use of such drugs should be agreed with your doctor. They should be used in strictly specified proportions, otherwise severe vomiting and diarrhea. As a preventive measure, dandelion root can be added to any along with lemon and honey.

With the advent of spring days, when the earth warms up from the first rays of the sun, cheerful and freedom-loving yellow flowers - dandelions - begin to appear here and there. Freedom-loving, because they cannot live in captivity, they quickly wither in a vase. And cheerful, because a clearing of bright yellow flowers able to fill good mood any person. However, few people know that dandelion is not only pleasing to the eye, but also incredibly beneficial to health. Today we will talk about dandelion root - its beneficial properties, method of application and precautions that should be observed in such a treatment.

How to prepare dandelion root

A few centuries ago, in the villages, women always harvested dandelion root - every good housewife should have had it. Still, the root replaced a good half medicines, perfectly influenced many human organs. You need to collect dandelion root either in early spring, when the plant has not yet let out all its healing juices up, or in autumn, when the leaves begin to fade. It is better to collect the roots in the fall - during the summer the root has time to pour and collect many useful components. In summer, it is impossible to collect the root - all the strength of the plant at this time is in the leaves and flowers.

You will need a shovel to harvest the root. Dig up large and mature plants - their roots are larger. After digging, the roots must be cleaned of stems, leaves and small cobwebs of roots. The root must be washed, and the sooner the better. If possible, the root should be washed immediately in a river or other body of water. Place the roots in a basket and fill it with water several times. The roots need to be slightly dried for several hours so that the cut site stops emitting white milk. And only after that the dandelion roots are removed for the main drying.

It is necessary to dry useful and valuable roots in a well-ventilated and shady place. An attic is perfect. It is impossible to dry the roots in the sun - the useful component of the glycoside is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation. For quick drying, you can place the roots in the oven. The roots can be passed through a meat grinder, and only after that the pulp can be dried, stirring it regularly. So the raw material will dry much faster, but will be stored for less time. A well-dried root is quite dense, it breaks with a bang. Outside, the roots are dark, and on the fault they have a lighter shade. Store dandelion root in a canvas bag, wooden box or cardboard box. Be sure to put cotton wool soaked in chlorophyllipt in the container. This will protect the cooked product from rodents and pests.

Medicinal properties of dandelion root

Many healers compare dandelion root with ginseng root - it is so wide and varied. therapeutic effect. It contains numerous acids, vitamins, micro and macro elements, others useful components. Due to this, the root has a tremendous effect on the body.

In addition, the root is effective for various cosmetic problems. The decoction brightens dark spots, relieves freckles and unwanted sunburn. Dandelion is widely used in problematic skin. Anti-inflammatory properties help to get rid of acne and blackheads.

As a rule, either a decoction or an alcohol tincture is prepared from the root. For a decoction, the roots need to be crushed and put in glass jar. Pour in boiling water. For a liter of boiling water, you will need about two tablespoons of chopped raw materials. Boiling a decoction on an open fire is impossible - and you will lose everything beneficial features medicines. Close and wrap the jar to absorb the liquid. valuable properties root, let it brew for about two hours. This decoction is perfect for treatment - it is usually recommended to drink it on an empty stomach. For cosmetic purposes, a more concentrated decoction is prepared - about the same amount of raw materials per glass of boiling water.

The tincture is used for longer storage and treatment. To prepare it, fill a dark glass bottle with crushed roots, fill it with alcohol or vodka, let it brew in a cool place for about two to three weeks. Shake the bottle periodically to make the tincture more concentrated and rich. The tincture should be drunk in medicinal purposes 15-20 drops, diluted in a small amount of water. Dandelion root tincture can be stored in the refrigerator for about three months.

Contraindications for Dandelion Root

Any, even the most potent folk or medicinal medicine has its own number of contraindications. And dandelion root is no exception. First of all, you need to understand that such remedies for constipation cannot be used when food poisoning, dysentery and diarrhoea. This can lead to aggravation of the situation and dehydration of the body. Also, the root should not be used if the biliary tract is clogged or in gallbladder there are too large stones. A decoction can provoke their movement, which will lead to pain.

As noted, dandelion root enhances the production of gastric juice. However, if you have gastritis with increased secretion of gastric juice, such an effect of the drug will only aggravate the course of the disease. In the presence of chronic diseases Before using any decoctions and tinctures, you should consult your doctor.

Dandelion - amazing plant. From its leaves, stems and roots are prepared medicinal tinctures and decoctions. Boiled from flowers delicious jam and make rich wine. And if dry dandelion roots are fried and brewed, you can get delicious drink similar to coffee. Young dandelion leaves are added as greens to salads. The milk of a freshly cut stem perfectly discolors freckles. Dandelion is not a weed, it is a gift of nature that must be used wisely.

Video: what dandelion root heals

This common plant occupies an important place in folk medicine and phyto-dietetics. Many admire yellow flowers and achenes with fluffy tufts. However, not everyone knows the dandelion root, medicinal properties its underground and aboveground parts. Phytonutrients useful herbs regulates digestion and metabolism in the human body. Tea and decoction of the roots help to reduce the symptoms of chronic skin diseases.

Dandelion life force

Flower shoots with large yellow baskets at the top sprout in the spring, when the soil is still thawing, they break through the asphalt. Russian word"dandelion" reflects the ability of seeds to scatter under a breath of wind. A rosette of pinnately incised leaves grows densely from the tap root.

Options for using dandelion in traditional medicine and phytodietetic:

  • roots - decoction, extract, tea, coffee;
  • leaves - lettuce, infusion, fresh juice;
  • flower baskets - honey, wine;
  • stems - milky juice.
  • Dandelion roots are recommended to be collected in early spring or autumn, when the leaves wither. After harvesting, shake off soil particles and wash. Then the raw material is dried, cut lengthwise and dried at T° 40–50°C. The roots become wrinkled, darken from above, inside they retain white and yellow color.

    System useful substances dandelion:

  • inulin (40% in March and September, at other times - 2%);
  • organic acids, their glycerides in fatty oil;
  • triterpenes taraxerol, taraxasterol and others;
  • tannins, dyes and resinous substances;
  • phytosterols (beta-sitosterol, taraxol);
  • vitamins C, A, P, B2, B8 (inositol);
  • bitterness lactopicrin;
  • saponins, mucus;
  • rubber (up to 25%);
  • amino acids;
  • phytoncides;
  • a number of metals of the Mendeleev system.
  • The value of herbal medicines for the body

    The benefits of decoction, tea and plant juice are in antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and tonic action. Dandelion root is used for weight loss, which is associated with favorable influence phytonutrients on metabolism, especially fat metabolism. The decoction improves kidney function, hematopoietic organs, finds application in urolithiasis, diabetes, syndrome chronic fatigue, lymphadenitis, degenerative changes cartilage and bones.

    How does the dandelion phytonutrient system work:

  • antiallergic;
  • anti-sclerotic;
  • antipyretic;
  • antihelminthic;
  • expectorant;
  • choleretic;
  • laxative;
  • diuretic.

  • Dandelion leaves in salad increase the production of gastric juice, stimulate appetite. A decoction, tea or coffee from the roots relieve indigestion, flatulence and bloating. The benefits of infusion for lactating women are to increase lactation.

    How to take dandelion root for weight loss is better to check with a nutritionist.

    Dandelion finds use in treating infections urinary tract, with other problems of the genitourinary tract. A decoction of the root helps to induce menstruation, reduces itching in diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. Tea or decoction can be taken to purify the blood and remove toxins from the body.

    Treatment with dandelion preparations

    Herbalists in the West believe that the benefits of dried dandelion root powder are to strengthen the immune system, more effective fight organisms with cancer cells. Take the remedy with tea, honey or fruit juice three times a day for ½ tsp - 1 tbsp. l. Recommended to use the same remedy for the prevention of atherosclerosis Russian doctor and scientist L. V. Pastushenkov.

    To achieve the desired effect, the phytopreparation is taken in a course for three weeks, after which they take a break. In total, the treatment takes 3 months.

    Drinks made from the dried root act as a laxative and cholagogue. One instruction suggests 5 tsp. raw materials insist all night in 500 ml of water. Then boil the solution for 5 minutes, filter and drink throughout the day. The tea recipe involves brewing 1 tsp. root for 20 minutes. Consume ½ volume of infusion before breakfast, the second half - before dinner.

    Dandelion root coffee benefits health and appearance. The dried underground part is fried without oil, then crushed. Useful solution prepared from 1 tsp. powder and a cup of water. Bring to a boil, then insist 3-10 minutes.

    A contraindication to treatment with dandelion root preparations is blockage of the gallbladder ducts. The remedy causes gastritis with hyperacidity diarrhea, vomiting. Also contraindications include individual intolerance to the components.

    The use of aboveground plant organs

    Traditional medicine recommends drinking juice from young leaves to purify the blood, in diseases of the lungs, stomach, intestines, bile and urinary tract. The product has a mild laxative, mild choleretic action, reduces pain in the joints with gout. Recommended to take 1/4 cup healthy drink 15-20 minutes before meals. Grass juice helps with low acidity. Contraindication - high acidity.

    To remove bitterness, leave the leaves for 20-30 minutes in a solution of sodium chloride. Then rinsed under a tap, scalded with boiling water. To extract the juice, you can use a juicer, blender, meat grinder. After adding an equal volume of water to the solution, boil for about three minutes. Contraindications for the use of preparations of the ground part of dandelion - hyperacid gastritis, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach ulcers.

    Dandelion in cosmetology

    The root, brewed as a tea, is drunk with acne, furunculosis, goosebumps. The infusion is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. dry crushed raw materials and a cup of boiling water. Heat for 15 minutes, filter after cooling. Consume 1/4 cup of warm solution 15 minutes before three main meals.

    Externally, a milky liquid or suspension obtained in a blender by grinding the herb with a small amount of water is used. Dandelion juice is smeared several times a day with corns, corns and warts. Phyto-remedy is used when there is small wounds, abrasions. In ancient times useful juice dandelion lightened the skin, got rid of freckles, and was used to treat inflammation of the eyes.

    You can replace dandelion roots with underground organs of burdock and wheatgrass, which also contain glycosides, polysaccharides, mucus, and vitamins. Collect raw materials in autumn and spring. A decoction of burdock roots or wheatgrass rhizomes in folk medicine is prescribed for various inflammatory processes. This useful tool with rheumatism, gout, skin diseases.

    Fleshy burdock root, rich in inulin, fatty oil and organic acids, suitable for food. After harvesting, the raw materials are washed, dried, roasted and added to coffee. Nutritionists say that young shoots of burdock are also edible and benefit the body.

    Tea from the roots of burdock and wheatgrass helps when SARS season comes.

    Apply a remedy for the treatment of colds, gallbladder diseases, furunculosis. The juice of young shoots of burdock and wheatgrass is used as a mild laxative, diaphoretic, expectorant and diuretic. Contraindications to the use of these herbal remedies are associated with individual intolerance their components.

    Dandelion is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. This plant contains a large number of biologically active substances, which is what dandelion does excellent tool against many diseases. Let's look at the medicinal properties and contraindications of dandelion.

    The plant has the following beneficial properties:

    Application and contraindications of dandelion roots

    The root is used for such ailments:

    Despite all the benefits of this wonderful plant, dandelion has its own contraindications:

    • It is forbidden to use people with diarrhea, as this remedy will only aggravate the course of the disorder and lead to bad consequences.
    • Do not use for people with high acidity in the stomach.
    • Dandelion is also contraindicated for stones in the gallbladder and kidneys.
    • It is strictly forbidden to use the roots during exacerbation of peptic ulcers.

    How to take dandelion root


    Great for pregnancy, because it will improve immune system and prevent avitaminosis.

    First you need to pour the finely ground roots with boiling water. Cover the mixture with a lid and cook for 15 minutes in a water bath, stirring constantly. After this time, remove the pan and leave for an hour at room temperature. Strain the mixture and squeeze out the remainder. Add boiled water. The mixture can be stored for no longer than two days.

    There is another recipe for decoction. It is suitable for those people who often suffer from constipation. For cooking, you need to brew a spoonful of chopped roots. Let the mixture brew for 15 minutes and consume inside. It must be taken half an hour before meals.


    Pour vodka over crushed dandelion root with crushed burdock root to the very top of a half-liter jar. Close the vessel with a lid and infuse for two weeks. Then strain the tincture and use in diseases of the pancreas, high pressure and for healing wounds and cuts.


    For cooking invigorating drink with dandelion roots, you need to cut the roots into several pieces and fry until a brown crust appears. Grind the fried roots in a coffee grinder. Then he pours a spoonful of roots into the cezve and fills it with a glass of water. The drink should be boiled for 5 minutes, after which we add a spoonful of honey and milk to it.

    Unfortunately, dandelion is a seasonal remedy and in autumn period it's hard to get it. But in the spring you can enjoy all the charm of this miraculous plant!

    The topic of the article is dandelion root. We will talk about its benefits, properties, application and treatment of diseases with the help of a folk remedy.

    Composition of dandelion root

    Dandelion root contains a large amount of nutrients and vitamins.

    It contains:

    • terpene compounds - contribute to a decrease in body temperature, have an antibacterial property;
    • dandelion bitterness - contribute to the production of gastric juice, increase appetite, have a choleretic effect, stimulate sputum discharge during obstructive bronchitis;
    • unsaturated glycerides fatty acids- lower cholesterol and waste levels circulatory system;
    • inulin - lowers blood sugar levels, strengthens walls internal organs, increases adsorption properties;
    • choline - activates the formation of hemoglobin, takes part in the process of splitting cholesterol, strengthens the immune system, prevents liver damage during frequent use fatty and alcohol-containing products, prevents the development of diseases of the nervous system;
    • carotenoids - improve vision and metabolic processes in the body;
    • sterol - has a diuretic and choleretic effect.

    Also, the root of the plant contains:

    • ash;
    • magnesium;
    • zinc;
    • potassium;
    • copper;
    • nickel.

    Benefit and harm

    The benefits of dandelion roots lie in the possibility of their use as part of complex treatment, and as a single component in the prevention of various diseases.

    The vitamins present in the product improve the body's resistance against viruses and bacterial infections.

    The plant product stimulates the production of interferon, helps to cope with beriberi. It also improves the functioning of the digestive system, increases appetite.

    A folk remedy is taken for cancer and for weight loss, in order to eliminate pain in diseases of the joints.

    Dandelion root has the following beneficial properties:

    • antispasmodic;
    • antifungal;
    • antiviral;
    • tonic;
    • choleretic;
    • expectorant;
    • anti-tuberculosis and anti-cancer.

    What does dandelion root help with?

    Of particular benefit is the use of dandelion root in cosmetology. A decoction of the plant strengthens weak and dull hair, and with ointments they provoke increased growth curls.

    The tool helps to get rid of freckles and pigmentation.

    Harm from dandelion root is possible only if it is used in a dosage exceeding the recommended one. In such situations, irritation, nausea, dizziness, and vomiting may occur.

    Application and contraindications

    The root of the plant is used in the form of tinctures, decoctions and ointments. Every kind dosage form intended for the treatment of certain diseases.

    Contraindications for use are:

    • allergy to substances that are part of the product;
    • stomach ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer;
    • intestinal disorders;
    • children's age up to 5 years;
    • increased acidity of the stomach.

    Harvesting dandelion roots

    Spring (April-May) or autumn (September-October) are considered the optimal time for harvesting dandelion root.

    Remember, you can collect roots in the same place no more than 1 time in 3 years.

    While collecting the roots, gently dig them with a shovel, then shake them well off the ground. At home, wash the roots under running water, simultaneously removing all small root processes.

    After the procedures, let the plant dry completely, then use it for its intended purpose.

    How to dry

    If you plan to make a large harvest of dandelion roots, then check out the recommendations on how to dry them properly.

    Dry the raw material thoroughly, as any moisture remaining in it may cause such roots to become unusable.

    Properly dried roots of the plant should break in half with a slight crack.

    There are several methods for drying a plant:

    • natural - with this method the roots should be under the sun in a well-ventilated place for 7-14 days;
    • artificial - with this method, drying occurs in a dryer with a temperature of 45-50 degrees.

    After drying, the roots are transferred to fabric bags, in which they are stored all winter. Do not use plastic for storage, as if moisture gets into it, the workpiece will rot.

    How to take dandelion root

    Most often, for the treatment of diseases, dandelion root is taken in the form of a decoction. You can cook it in several ways, which we will discuss below.

    Recipe #1


    • dandelion root - 0.1 kg;
    • water - 0.5 l.


    1. Peel the root from the ground, rinse well under running water, dry.
    2. Grind the raw materials to make 1 tbsp. finished product.
    3. Pour boiling water over the product, wait until it cools down (on average, half an hour will be enough for the broth to be ready).

    Recipe #2


    • dandelion root - 1 tbsp;
    • water - 250 ml.


    1. Pour the powdered root with a glass of cold water.
    2. Leave the product to infuse for 12 hours.
    3. After the time has elapsed, put the composition on fire, boil, cover with a lid, wait until the product has cooled.

    It is necessary to take such a decoction as follows:

    • to lower cholesterol, increase tone - a third of a glass before meals;
    • in the treatment of the liver and to cleanse the circulatory system - 1 glass before meals.

    You can use a decoction after a course of antibiotics for quick recovery organism.

    For women

    The herbal product has beneficial effect on female body. It is used to reduce menstrual pain, from an ovarian cyst, for the treatment of cystitis.

    Also, the tool enhances lactation, so it can be used by nursing mothers, but only after the permission of the doctor.

    During breastfeeding forbidden to take alcohol tincture, so use only the one that is prepared without alcohol.

    For weight loss

    Dandelion root has a beneficial effect on the body of losing weight.

    It helps cleanse the intestines, eliminate swelling, resulting in weight loss.

    For joints

    In the treatment of diseases of the joints, the root of the plant has a restorative and analgesic effect.

    Pain reduction occurs after a few days of regular use of the product.

    Recovery cartilage tissue the course of treatment should be increased to 2-3 weeks.

    Below is a recipe for a decoction that helps to cope with joint diseases.

    Greens and fresh roots


    • dandelion root - 5 g;
    • water - 250 ml;
    • greens - 1 tsp


    1. To prepare a decoction, use only freshly chopped herbs and dandelion root.
    2. Pour the ingredients with a glass of boiling water, cover the container with a towel for an hour.
    3. Strain, take a decoction four times a day half an hour before meals, a third of a glass.

    For the liver

    In this case, the decoction must be taken three times a day for half a cup.

    The course of treatment is 10 days.

    For diabetes

    Dandelion roots for type 2 diabetes can be taken in the form of decoctions, but there is one contraindication, in addition to those listed above, for use. The product should not be used in the presence of blockages of the bile ducts.

    The tool will not allow you to completely get rid of diabetes, it is only a preventive product that reduces the level of glucose in the circulatory system. It can only be used as part of complex therapy.

    Below are dandelion root recipes to take for type 2 diabetes.

    Recipe #1

    Ingredients: dandelion root - 0.1 kg.


    1. Grind the root in a coffee grinder.
    2. Take half a teaspoon half an hour before breakfast with water.

    Recipe #2


    • water - 200 ml;
    • dandelion root - 1 tbsp


    1. Boil water, add raw materials to it.
    2. Leave the decoction for 3 hours.
    3. Strain, drink three times a day before meals.

    From cancer

    Clinical studies have confirmed the effectiveness of dandelion root in oncology.

    The tool destroys non-invasive cancer, prevents the spread cancer cells, reduces the size of a malignant tumor.

    You can use the product only after consulting a specialist in order to avoid deterioration of health and prevent the occurrence of side effects.


    The product can only be used in children over 5 years of age.

    This is due to the fact that after application, an allergic reaction is likely to occur.

    The decoction is used to strengthen the immune system, prevent colds.

    Dandelion root - video

    Dandelion Root Recipes

    Below are recipes for decoctions and tinctures based on dandelion root.


    This drink has a tonic effect, eliminates colds and coughs, tones, reduces temperature. It is desirable to drink it for the prevention of beriberi, SARS, diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

    Duration of admission - several cups a day for 14 days. The break after the course of admission is 3 months.

    tea recipe


    • dandelion root (powder) - 20 gr;
    • water - 300 ml;
    • honey - 20 g.


    1. Boil water, then add plant powder to it.
    2. Pour the tea into mugs, sweeten the tea with honey if desired.

    To increase lactation


    • dandelion root - 5 gr;
    • water - 250 ml;
    • honey (lemon juice) - 5 ml.


    1. Boil water, then dissolve the crushed powder of the roots of the plant in it.
    2. Add honey instead of sugar, if desired, replace it with lemon juice.


    This drink will energize you for the whole day.

    Ingredients: dandelion root - 0.1 kg.


    1. Place the dried roots in a preheated oven.
    2. Wait until the plant turns brownish in color, then remove it from the oven.
    3. Cool the product, grind it using a coffee grinder.
    4. Pour boiling water over the resulting composition, add cinnamon if desired, drink no more than 1 cup per week.

    Vodka tincture

    You can use this tincture with diabetes, urolithiasis, intoxication, obesity, reduced immunity.

    The tincture should be taken only in the form of drops, with a single dosage of 30 drops.


    • dandelion roots - 0.1 kg;
    • vodka (med.alcohol) - 0.5 l.


    1. Pour the crushed roots with vodka, mix.
    2. Pour the prepared composition into a bottle, put it in a dark and cool place for 2 weeks.
    3. Shake the bottle periodically for 14 days.
    4. After the expiration date, strain the composition and store the tincture in the refrigerator.

    Usage: Take the remedy three times a day before meals.

    The duration of treatment is at least 3 weeks, after which you can stop the course or continue it until complete recovery.

    Where can I buy

    Buy herbal product You can buy it in a regular pharmacy or in an online store.

    The average price for 1 kg of a plant is 250-300 rubles.



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