Medicinal properties of chamomile. How and why to take and use chamomile? Chamomile - benefit and harm

The nature of our planet is very rich in various plants that benefit people. These include chamomile, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are widely used by traditional healers. You can meet this beautiful flower along roadsides, in meadows and in your own garden. What is the plant useful for and to whom, we will tell in today's material.

Medicinal properties of chamomile

Chamomile flowers, namely, it has healing properties, contains coumarins and phytosterols, polysaccharides and polyene compounds, apigenin, luteolin and quercetin (their derivatives), as well as:

  • caprylic, anthemic and isovaleric organic acids;
  • vitamin C, carotene and nicotinic acid;
  • bitterness, mucus and gum;
  • proteins and tannins.

In dry baskets, there is up to 1% of essential chamomile oil, which has a blue tint. The most valuable component in the composition of the plant is azulene chamazulene, and it contains from 1 to 9%. The value of the substance is explained by its pronounced anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic properties.

Important: boiled water destroys chamazulene.

In this regard, 3 main medicinal properties of chamomile can be distinguished - hemostatic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Astringent and disinfectant properties are also inherent in it, which is successfully used in the treatment of intestinal ailments and colds. Cholagogue quality is used to restore the liver.

Chamomile also relieves pain, spasms and cramps. According to studies at the Nottingham Medical University, the property of the plant was proven to relax blood vessels and smooth muscles of internal organs.

The plant also helps to eliminate depressive conditions with excessive anxiety. Experimentally (University of Texas - Faculty of Medicine) proved the ability of chamomile tea to reduce mortality among people over 65 years of age.

Another medicinal type of chamomile is odorous, which is endowed with the ability to relieve inflammation and spasms. Its use extends to diseases such as colitis, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, flatulence.

It is also used externally as compresses, washings, enemas and rinses. This type of chamomile is considered a substitute for pharmacy, but without the presence of azulene in the essential oil.

The use of chamomile and its dosage forms

Chamomile in folk medicine is used in various forms, which will be discussed in detail later.

Chamomile tea

The benefits of chamomile tea are based on the unique composition of the plant, which allows it to be used for the following problems:

  1. Sleep disturbances, panic attacks and excessive anxiety.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - ulcers and gastritis.
  3. Increased gas formation.
  4. Frequent colds, diseases of the oral cavity, as well as other ENT diseases.
  5. Pain during menstruation.
  6. Skin ailments in the form of additional therapy or basic.
  7. Increased glucose levels in people with diabetes.

Regular consumption of 1 cup of chamomile tea daily will fill your skin with health and strengthen your immune system.

Preparing a drink will not leave any difficulty for anyone. To do this, combine 3 parts of flowers with 5 parts of cumin seeds and 2 valerian roots. From this mass, scoop 2 large spoons and pour 2 cups of boiling water, let stand for 20 minutes, then strain and drink 100 ml in the morning and evening.

For weight loss, prepare a different composition - pour 1 teaspoon of chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. During the day you will need to drink 5 such glasses in a course of up to 2 weeks.

Chamomile decoction

The benefits of chamomile decoction have been known since 5-4 centuries BC, as Hippocrates, Galen and other scientists, physicians and pharmacists of antiquity wrote about. The composition is prepared as follows - dried flowers (1 tbsp.) Are poured with water in a volume of 1 liter and put on fire until boiling, after which the drink is still boiled for 4 minutes. Remove from the stove and insist, then strain well with sterile gauze.

The finished broth is not stored for a long time - a maximum of 10 hours in the room and 72 hours in the cold. If these terms are not observed, then the healing properties are lost.

Benefits of chamomile tea

Chamomile tincture is very effective in combating skin problems caused by harmful microorganisms (staphylococci with streptococci). Alcohol tincture helps to heal abrasions, cracks, scratches and other wounds faster, and it also relieves acne and boils.

For 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol, 4 large spoons of plant flowers are required. Place the ingredients in a glass jar and leave alone for 3 weeks. Then it remains to strain the composition and use it for its intended purpose, rubbing the skin, cauterizing acne, and making lotions for boils.

Chamomile oil

Such a product is endowed with bactericidal and antiseptic properties, which is indicated for the treatment of many ailments of the digestive sphere, including the stomach, and gynecological. The oil is used in the complex treatment of ENT diseases and the nervous system.

The essential oil is prepared from the inflorescences of various varieties of chamomile, but the blue pharmacy is considered the most useful of them. The finished product is sold in pharmacies and costs about 200 rubles. The hue of the oil is blue or brown, which depends on how much it is stored and what the quality is.

The consistency of chamomile oil is thick, and the aroma is light herbal with a slight hint of fruit, tobacco and spices. Permissible shelf life is 5 years.

What diseases can be treated with chamomile

The plant successfully copes with many problems in human health.

Treatment with chamomile in combination with other therapeutic options amenable to such diseases of the gastrointestinal tract as:

  • gastritis, enterocolitis and stomach ulcers;
  • colitis and pathology of the pancreas;
  • flatulence.

The internal use of the plant is also indicated for other diseases, such as gynecological, liver and biliary tract. Outwardly, chamomile is used for allergic itchy dermatosis, stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis and toothache, tonsillitis and tonsillitis, vulvitis, colpitis and endocervicitis.

With a cold, chamomile helps to recover faster and improve appetite, while improving the process of digestion and absorption of food. At the same time, the product relieves the intestines of harmful elements, normalizing weight and accelerating metabolic processes.

The effect of the plant will be enhanced if it is used together with herbs such as yarrow and calendula.

Medicinal properties of chamomile for women and children

As mentioned above, chamomile copes well with many female diseases. During the bearing of a child, she is also able to help with certain problems, especially external ones.

Chamomile during pregnancy

The plant during pregnancy can be used in the form of compresses, douches, baths and inhalations.

Chamomile also solves internal problems in this difficult period for women, relieving bloating, gas formation, constipation and stressful conditions. But you can take it only after consulting a gynecologist and under his supervision.

Children and chamomile.

Plants are a universal remedy for inflammation, and the strongest antiseptic qualities give reason to use it for various colds in children.

Infusion rinse the nasopharynx with the oral cavity for diseases such as laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, stomatitis, gingivitis and adenoids.

When the period of the flu and colds epidemic comes, it is recommended to drink chamomile tea for babies. As an additional remedy to the main treatment, chamomile is effective for bronchitis in the form of inhalations.

Due to the ability to improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, the plant is used for dysbacteriosis, bloating, and if the child has no appetite.

The product perfectly relaxes the nervous system, for which you need to give tea from chamomile grass with the addition of honey before going to bed. The effect will be enhanced if you mix mint, lemon balm, linden and / and calendula into the drink.

It is forbidden to combine chamomile with tonic herbs such as aloe, ginger or ginseng.

Plant oil effectively heals various wounds, insect bites and sunburn.

The use of chamomile in cosmetology

As a cosmetic product, chamomile is one of the available and useful plants, being a real elixir of youth and health. At the same time, it suits any type of skin, nourishing and softening dry, drying and healing oily skin. And the preparation of tonics, oils and lotions does not require much time.

The plant has the following effects on the skin of the face:

  1. Moisturizing and nourishing for dry skin.
  2. Whitening and lightening pigment spots.
  3. Softening and restoring the skin.
  4. Getting rid of acne and acne in adolescence.
  5. Smoothing the effects of acne and fine wrinkles.
  6. Giving the face freshness, tone and youth.
  7. Normalization of the sebaceous glands with improved microcirculation.

The plant is very effective in combating dry and sensitive facial skin, allowing it to be used for various kinds of irritations, up to eczema. Dark circles and bags under the eyes are also within the power of chamomile.

The basis of all chamomile cosmetics is an infusion or decoction, for the preparation of which there are 2 ways - hot and cold:

  • at the first time, pour 1 large spoonful of dry composition with a glass of water, put in a water bath for 15 minutes, then remove from heat and insist. As soon as the drink has cooled, squeeze and strain, bringing the remaining volume to the original;
  • for the second recipe, with the same amounts of liquid and plants, bring to a boil in a saucepan and simmer for 2-3 minutes over low heat. Now the composition should be infused and further manipulations are repeated similarly to the last time.

Any of the prepared compositions can be made into compresses, lotions, used as a lotion, and so on. You can freeze the prepared liquid in the freezer in convenient molds and use it every morning to revitalize the skin.


Chamomile can be called one of the safest medicinal plants, since there are very few contraindications to its use. This refers to individual intolerance to the components in the composition and an allergic reaction, while having the ability to reduce them.

Caution must be observed during pregnancy due to the increase in estrogen levels, which is undesirable during this period. Therefore, the use of chamomile herbs inside should be only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Herbal remedies are not recommended during lactation, as the reaction of the baby to their intake is unknown. And, of course, you should not use chamomile immensely. Otherwise, you may feel nausea, headache, jumps in blood pressure and a negative reaction from the nervous system.

Now you just have to start using this beautiful plant to solve your problems, because, with great benefits for our body and appearance, it is quite affordable for each of us. Health to you and your loved ones!

Medicinal plants are widely used in folk medicine. One of the most common and effective is chamomile. Its beneficial properties and contraindications have been known since ancient times. Before use, it is important to familiarize yourself with them in order to support the body, and not harm it. If everything is done correctly, then a healing infusion, decoction or tea will help to cope with a variety of problems.

Features of chamomile

These flowers with a yellow core and white petals are probably familiar to everyone. They are easy to buy at any pharmacy, or you can collect and dry them yourself. But you need to know that not every type of plant has useful qualities that make it an effective medicine. The most valuable is chamomile. It is rarely found in the wild, it has to be grown specially. It is much easier to find odorous chamomile. It is not recommended to confuse them, because only a pharmacy is suitable for internal use.

The composition of this plant cannot but surprise. All elements in it are perfectly balanced, which ensures maximum assimilation. It contains some vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C and potassium. Fatty acid glycosides, polysaccharides, flavonoids - all these components give the flower pro-inflammatory, soothing and other wonderful qualities.

How does it affect the body

The health benefits of chamomile are that it effectively treats many diseases. First of all, these are respiratory viral diseases, including influenza, as well as tonsillitis. Flower decoctions are taken internally to support the immune system and help the body cope with the infection. Chamomile with honey in such cases is especially effective. It is also recommended to gargle to relieve pain and inflammation.

Chamomile has a beneficial effect on digestion. It helps the stomach, gently stimulates the production of gastric juice. If you are concerned about discomfort in the intestines, then it is worth introducing chamomile tea into the diet. This will help relieve pain in gastritis and colitis, reduce spasms. The plant relieves diarrhea and bloating. The liver, kidneys and gallbladder also improve their work.

A wonderful flower is valued because of its positive effect on the brain and nervous system. The plant calms and relaxes, as a result of its intake, sleep becomes stronger, it is easier to cope with stress and bad mood. Chamomile has an anticonvulsant effect, so it is often included in the composition of appropriate remedies aimed at treating serious diseases.

This plant is of value to the female body. Decoctions and infusions help to normalize the menstrual cycle and reduce pain. They also help relieve inflammation in the urinary tract.

Chamomile is suitable for external use. It can be seen in a variety of cosmetic products designed for skin and hair care. It is considered hypoallergenic, which is especially important for children's cosmetics. It is allowed to use products with this plant in the composition even for the smallest, for example, to combat diaper rash in infants.

Application and contraindications

In order for chamomile to have a healing effect, it is used in different ways.

  • In the form of infusion, tea or decoction is taken orally. This method helps with diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract and gynecological problems. It is also allowed to drink chamomile as a sedative.
  • Outwardly. For skin diseases and allergic reactions in the form of itchy spots, baths and lotions are made. They also help with insect bites.
  • As a rinse. This method is used for toothache, gum disease, stomatitis and sore throat.
  • In the form of douching. It is used by women for gynecological problems.
  • Enemas. Help with hemorrhoids and spasms.

Like any medicinal plant, despite all the benefits for the body, chamomile can cause harm. A contraindication is individual intolerance, due to which red spots and a rash appear on the body. With caution, you need to treat the flower with a disease such as anacid gastritis.

It is impossible to abuse infusions and other means from this plant. As a result, the condition can worsen significantly: nausea, dizziness, headaches will appear, irritability will increase. If there is a suspicion that chamomile affects in this way, then it should be discarded.

The plant promotes blood thinning. Therefore, if there are problems with clotting, then you need to consult a doctor. Chamomile is not recommended when taking blood thinners.

The benefits and harms for women in position are evaluated individually in each case. During this period, medicinal plants must be handled very carefully. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory effect, it favorably affects the digestive and genitourinary systems. But at the same time, it stimulates the production of hormones that can provoke uterine contractions and miscarriage. So it is better to refuse its use. If you really want to, then you can drink weak chamomile tea, but only in limited quantities.

Infusion and decoction of chamomile

It is not enough to know how chamomile is useful, it is necessary to use it correctly. Use the flower alone or in combination with other herbs to enhance the effect. In order for all the healing qualities to manifest, the plant is exposed to high temperatures. At the same time, it is not recommended to boil it on an open fire, since a significant part of the important elements will be destroyed.

The easiest way to prepare an infusion of chamomile. To do this, pour a large spoonful of plant mass with boiling water and let stand for 30 minutes. Strain before use to remove flower particles.

You can also make a decoction. With this method of preparation, chamomile will give all the beneficial substances. You can not put on an open fire, you need to use a water bath. The raw material is placed in a container and poured ten times as much water. Then bring to a boil, and after 20 minutes remove from the stove. Let stand for 30 minutes, strain before use. It is allowed to make a stronger broth, reducing the amount of water. If necessary, dilute it with water before drinking.

To speed up recovery from a cold, you can do inhalations with chamomile. To do this, you need to brew flowers and breathe steam. It is only necessary to remember that inhalation is contraindicated at elevated temperatures.

It is also possible to obtain funds by boiling. Only this process should not last long, just a couple of minutes, otherwise the main part of the valuable substances will be lost. It is optimal to use a water bath to avoid this.

Chamomile tea preparation

After a busy day, it is recommended to drink chamomile tea. Its benefits and harms lie in a special effect on the body. The drink helps to calm down, guarantees a restful sleep. True, it is not worth combining it with other sedative drugs. Another plus of drinking such tea is that it has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, relieves heaviness in the stomach after fatty foods. It is not difficult to make it - you need to pour dried flowers with boiling water and let stand for a while. To improve the taste, add honey.

Chamomile tea and other herbs have a more pronounced effect. You can prepare a useful tool according to one of the following recipes.

  • A drink with mint has a calming effect and prevents the formation of gallstones. To do this, mix a small spoonful of crushed plants and pour a cup of boiling water.
  • Melissa tea has a positive effect on the nervous and respiratory systems. They make it in the same way as a drink with mint.
  • In order to reduce your appetite, you can try mixing the following herbs: chamomile, and.

Chamomile for women

Chamomile infusion helps improve women's health. It can be drunk to normalize the menstrual cycle. Douches are very popular. With this tool, you will be able to cope with common problems.

  • Thrush. A decoction of chamomile quickly removes itching, while not causing dryness of the mucosa.
  • Erosion. In the first stages, it is often possible to remove erosion without any other means, only with the help of douching.
  • Cystitis. If you combine chamomile baths and douching, then the inflammatory process will stop and relief will come soon.

Before the procedure, you must consult with your doctor. In severe cases, natural remedies are not enough, drug treatment is indispensable. Decoctions of chamomile can be used as an aid.

A decoction for douching is prepared as follows: two large spoons of raw materials are poured with a liter of boiling water and placed on fire. Bring to a boil and immediately remove from the stove. Cool and strain before use. Then the agent is poured into a syringe, take a comfortable position, for example, in a bath and proceed directly to the procedure. It will take about a quarter of an hour.

Benefits for children

Often chamomile is used to care for babies. The first bathing, when the umbilical wound is still healing, is recommended to be carried out by adding an infusion of this herb to the water. It will not allow the inflammatory process to develop, will contribute to faster healing. It also helps with other common problems - diaper dermatitis and diaper rash.

The infusion is made as follows: one large spoonful of dried inflorescences is poured with a liter of boiling water, the container is covered and infused until the plant particles settle at the bottom. Then be sure to filter and add to bathing water. Before lowering the baby into it, check the temperature. Such a bath will not only relieve inflammation, remove redness and relieve itching, but also have a calming effect on the nervous system of the baby, improve sleep.

Chamomile tea is also given to children, but not earlier than three months, so as not to provoke an allergy. The tool helps to improve digestion. It is used for colds, which are accompanied by redness of the throat and cough. But be sure to first show the child to the doctor.

Use in cosmetology

Another area of ​​​​application of chamomile is cosmetology. To improve the condition of the skin, you need to take into account the beneficial properties and contraindications of the plant. It has anti-inflammatory properties and cleanses the skin well. You just need to soak a cotton pad in the infusion and wipe your face. The procedure should be repeated twice a day.

Chamomile also helps fight eye fatigue and dark circles. To do this, you need to make compresses: lower the cotton pads into the infusion and place them on your eyes for a quarter of an hour.

A decoction of chamomile is good for rinsing hair. They will become shinier and stronger. In addition, the tool helps to normalize the sebaceous glands on the scalp. Thanks to this, the strands will stay fresh longer, less greasy.

Chamomile is a medicinal plant, whose healing properties and benefits for the body were known to our ancestors. Indications for its use are very different, because it helps to cope with many problems. You just need to remember about contraindications.

Many herbs that grow in fields, gardens, have a wide range of useful properties. Each plant, when used correctly, can help solve health problems. From the article you will learn about such a plant as chamomile - medicinal properties and contraindications, the use of medicines, recipes for preparing flowers for colds with a photo, its properties, composition.

Chamomile officinalis

Herb chamomile officinalis (pharmacy) is an annual plant that grows up to 35 cm in height. Grass can be found near roads, between rye crops, or on grassy slopes. It is distinguished by its curved baskets, which are shaped like skittles. The leaves of the plant are small. Find out more about a plant like chamomile - useful medicinal properties and contraindications.

Biochemical composition

  • matrixes;
  • phytosterols;
  • matricaria;
  • phenolcarboxylic acid;
  • cholines;
  • mucus;
  • gum;
  • luteolin;
  • kaempferol;
  • apigenin;
  • other micro and macro elements.

Useful properties of chamomile

The benefit of chamomile is that it can be used as an antiseptic. Essential oil and flavonoids have an anti-inflammatory effect, a therapeutic effect on the smooth muscles of the bile ducts, in diseases of the intestines, blood vessels. The herb has a positive effect on the intestinal tract, thereby improving the digestion of food, stimulating appetite. When combined with a plant with yarrow, calendula, St. John's wort, you can enhance the antiseptic, wound healing, antispasmodic effect.

What does chamomile cure?

The plant helps with various diseases. Some mothers use the herb to treat dysbacteriosis and colic in the newborn. The plant is often used in folk medicine due to its medicinal properties. Healing herbs treat diseases in gynecology, ophthalmology. Herbs are used to treat colds, skin rashes. The following are descriptions of diseases that can be cured with a healing drink.

Chamomile in gynecology

Women turn to a doctor in gynecology with problems that are associated with inflammation of the female reproductive system. It can be caused by staphylococci, fungi, tubercle bacillus. They enter the body of a woman through sexual intercourse or during hygiene procedures, gynecological examination or surgery (douching). It is recommended to use the plant for pain during menstruation, with cystitis. For diseases of the eyes, gastrointestinal tract, skin, colds, chamomile is also used - the medicinal properties and contraindications for these diseases are described below.

In ophthalmology

Chamomile is used to treat eye diseases: conjunctivitis, lacrimation, barley, inflammation. The use of the plant in cosmetology is common: the herb is used to soothe tired, reddened eyelids. Folk recipes describe a lot of chamomile ointments, compresses that relieve inflammation, burning sensation after sunburn. The herb is used to wash boils, ulcers or purulent wounds.


The plant has anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, analgesic properties, which helps to improve the patient's condition during a cold. The herb is used for inhalations and tinctures for bronchitis, tracheitis. The plant promotes expectoration, and essential oils have antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effects that help eliminate pathogenic organisms. The herb is used for sore throat, flu, and decoctions from plant baskets eliminate sore throats.

Chamomile for the intestines

Chamomile flowers are taken for intestinal diseases. Use enemas or infusions to cleanse the intestines. With colitis, plant components improve the functioning of the digestive tract, reduce the inflammatory process, and normalize the activity of the gallbladder. In addition, medicinal herbs:

  • helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • used to treat gastritis;
  • improves the secretion of the digestive glands;
  • reduces fermentation processes in the body;
  • eliminates pain.

Skin diseases

In adolescence, adolescents suffer from acne and pimples, which may not leave the skin of the face for a long time. One of the common uses of chamomile is masks, solutions for acne and pimples. The use of a plant for skin diseases for a cosmetic effect:

  • chamomile decoction - to cleanse the skin of the face and contaminated pores;
  • steam chamomile baths - from a rash;
  • chamomile oil - for eczema, dermatitis and diathesis.

Traditional medicine recipes

In order to treat yourself with a medicinal collection, you must first prepare it. To do this, you need to collect herbs, separate the leaves, stems, flowers, petals, and then dry. Dried collection is suitable for the preparation of decoctions, tinctures, teas, lotions. If it is not possible to collect a plant, a package of medicinal chamomile can be inexpensively bought at a pharmacy. The following are recipes for the preparation of medicines.

Chamomile decoction

To prepare a decoction from a plant, fresh or dried flowers are needed. Chamomile infusion can be taken not only by adults. Chamomile for children is also useful, especially for newborns. A decoction of chamomile can have an anti-inflammatory, soothing effect. It is successfully used to heal wounds on the body. In a warm decoction, plants bathe babies to soothe them:

  1. Before bathing a child, to prepare a bath, pour 1 tablespoon of mint, 1 tablespoon of inflorescences with 1 liter of boiling water.
  2. The vessel is covered with a lid and, when the flowers and leaves are at the bottom, the infusion is passed through gauze.
  3. Pour into a bath.

The plant is used for colds, disease prevention in the cold season. Below are a few folk recipes for using medicinal chamomile:

  • Recipe number 1. Take a spoonful of raw chamomile, pour boiling water in a cup. Cover the vessel with a lid, leave for an hour. The decoction is ready. Take inside.
  • Recipe number 2. Pour a spoonful of medicinal raw materials with a glass of boiling water. You need to take more plants and less water. Keep the mixture in a water bath for 30 minutes. Pass the decoction through cheesecloth. Consume as needed.
  • Recipe number 3. To prepare decoctions, take dry inflorescences of the plant - pour the mixture with a glass of water. Put on a slow fire, after boiling - remove.


The plant is part of many preparations and is one of the cheapest means to support immunity. Chamomile herbal tea helps:

  • cleanse the liver;
  • with the prostate;
  • eliminate heavy menstruation, which are accompanied by pain;
  • relax, eliminate nervous tic;
  • eliminate inflammatory processes inside;
  • get rid of headaches or migraines;
  • protect the body from viruses.

In the treatment of influenza in children, which is accompanied by a high fever with an uncommitted cough, the child is given 1 teaspoon of tea before meals (the mixture is poured with boiling water). To sweeten the tea, add a teaspoon of honey to it. The easiest way to make tea is described below:

  • take ½ tablespoon of herbal collection;
  • pour inflorescences with boiling water;
  • insist about 25 minutes.

Camomile tea

With warm infusion, you help the body cope with diseases, spasms. Before use, it is recommended to pay attention to contraindications before the procedure. To gargle with a cough or sore throat, you need to prepare a tincture of alcohol. To prepare the infusion: take vodka or alcohol (1 l), pour 5 tablespoons of a mixture of leaves and flowers of the plant, insist the mixture for 31 days in a dark place.

To get rid of intestinal inflammation, mix a mixture of herbs (dry chamomile, St. Express the infusion, take a glass three times a day. For pain in the stomach or gastritis, mix 10 grams of dried plant with a glass of boiling water, leave for a day. Then it can be taken 4 times a day.


In some cases, you can not take herbal infusions, they can harm the body. Chamomile has serious contraindications to consider:

  • anacid gastritis;
  • stomach ulcers;
  • diarrhea;
  • low acidity of gastric juice.

It is not recommended to drink chamomile infusion or tea with drugs that have diuretic properties: the plant increases this effect. Take chamomile with caution in diseases of the kidneys, bladder. Do not take the herb if you are allergic to it. In some cases, the plant can cause weakness, insomnia, or vice versa, drowsiness, headache, diarrhea.


Photo of pharmacy chamomile

Vitamin C;
- carotene;
- essential oil;
- tannins;
- bitterness;
- glucose;
- flavonoids;
- phytosterol;
- pectins;
- salicylic acid;
- a nicotinic acid;
- oleic, palmitic, stearic acids;
- chamazulene;
- mitricin;
- choline (vitamin B4).

Chamazulene has an anti-inflammatory effect, mitricin relieves spasms and strengthens vascular capillaries, and also has a diuretic effect, choline has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Healing properties of chamomile and their use

Pharmacy chamomile, in contrast to its fellow - garden decorative chamomile, which adorns bouquets, with plain-looking petals, its diameter is not more than 2 cm. Only inflorescences are collected at the beginning of flowering, in May, when the chamomile begins to bloom, and it blooms until September , bears fruit in July. Chamomile is harvested in dry weather, dried in the air or in a dryer.

In the pharmacy, chamomile can be found in the form of dried flowers, filter bags, ready-made tinctures (romazulan), which can be used quite widely to treat many diseases. Chamomile in the form of decoctions and infusions is prepared from dry raw materials in. It is even easier to use a filter that is brewed like tea.

Chamomile helps well with stomach cramps and flatulence, calms the nervous system, and normalizes sleep. This medicinal plant has anti-inflammatory properties, therefore, if you pour 1-2 tablespoons with a glass of boiling water and insist for a while, then strain the infusion, you can rinse with acute respiratory infections and, as well as with inflammation and bleeding of the gums. The infusion can be applied to cuts.

Chamomile is widely used in combination with other medicinal plants, this gives the best therapeutic effect. The plant has a diuretic, choleretic effect, so preparations from it treat hypertension, cholelithiasis, ulcers. However, hypertensive patients who take the diuretic "Furosemide" should not use chamomile at the same time, as this can cause dehydration.

Chamomile is used in cosmetic preparations, it is part of lotions, creams, shampoos. In addition to industrial production, home can also be made from chamomile cosmetic; for example, you can freeze a filter bag or a bag of chamomile tea and wipe your face in the morning - this refreshes the skin of the face well, relieves inflammation, peeling.

With a decoction or infusion of this plant, it is good to rinse your hair after bathing. This tool gives shine and a beautiful shade to the hair, lightens it a little. A mask of chamomile, plantain, nettle and sage helps strengthen hair, fight oiliness and dandruff.

Harm from the use of chamomile

The benefits of using chamomile are certainly greater than the harm. But it must be borne in mind that there is an individual intolerance to this plant. It can cause severe allergies, so before using it, you need to try what the reaction will be on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. In addition, chamomile should not be taken in large quantities at one time, as well as for a long time.

The heroine of this story is chamomile, whose medicinal properties and contraindications should be known to everyone, because she is a real healer, helping to get rid of a whole bunch of ailments without pills or significantly reduce their intake.
Chamomile is great for many ailments.

From Hippocrates to the present day

Chamomile infusions were used by the legendary Hippocrates. Another pillar of ancient medicine, Avicenna, used this plant to make medicines for headaches. In Russia, the first records about her date back to the time of Ivan the Terrible.
Chamomile, whose healing properties have been confirmed by time, has not lost its significance so far.

The uniqueness of the plant is explained by the content of chamazulene in it - a substance with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

It also helps fight allergic reactions, stimulates regenerative processes in the body. But its chemical composition is much richer and has many other important substances.
Chamomile contains many nutrients

There is:

  • polyyne compounds– unsaturated hydrocarbons necessary for the synthesis of drugs;
  • polysaccharides- the most important source of energy;
  • plant sterols, restoring the work of the affected cells;
  • a complex of salicylic, isovaleric, antemissic, caprylic acids, acting as a strong antimicrobial, antifungal agent, while having a calming effect;
  • vitamins(C, PP; provitamin A);
  • coumarins, having antispasmodic, antitumor effect, reducing blood clotting;
  • natural phenolic compounds, rich in tanning properties;
  • proteins, bitterness, mucus and etc.

How to recognize chamomile officinalis

Many very different species are united under one name. Chamomile medicinal has healing properties. Its other name is pharmacy, the third, quite official, is peeled, the fourth is field.

What does a pharmacy chamomile look like? Compared to decorative sisters, it looks unpresentable: a low plant with pinnately dissected, sometimes twice or even thrice, filiform leaves.

Long peduncles end in small flower baskets framed with white petals; the sunny center consists of modified yellow flowers.

The receptacle is often conical. And always hollow - this is one of the main features by which you can distinguish healing chamomile from just chamomile. It also has an apple scent. The root also has medicinal properties, which in some cases are even stronger than those of flowers.

You will learn all the details on how to distinguish chamomile from the video:


Chamomile flowers are widely used as infusions, decoctions, teas.


There are several ways to prepare the infusion:

  • 2 teaspoons of flowers are poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted (preferably in a thermos) for 3 hours;
  • With a cold method of preparation, pour 4-5 teaspoons of flowers with a glass of cold water in an enamel or glass container, hold for 8-10 hours;
  • For external use, a more concentrated infusion is made: 2-3 tbsp per glass of boiling water. spoons of medicinal raw materials, after an hour of infusion, it is filtered and used for washing wounds, compresses, gargling.

You can also use it for gargling. The medicinal properties of meadow sage include antibacterial, tonic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory and simply tonic.


The medicinal properties of chamomile are most revealed when it is used in the form of a decoction. 4 tbsp. spoons of color must be placed in 1.5 liters of boiling water and kept on low heat for 7 minutes.

Chamomile tea

What helps chamomile if you drink it as a tea? The list will be long, so only the most important: from colds, intestinal colic, many headaches, spasms of blood vessels and muscles, depression.

It will also help to cope with depression. Her tincture calms the nerves and irritates the receptors responsible for the production of one of the "pleasure hormones" - dopamine.

You will learn more about the properties of chamomile tea from the video:

It is prepared like any tea: a bag or 1 teaspoon of raw materials is brewed with a glass of hot water (90-95º C), incubated for up to 5 minutes. For a better return of nutrients, it is better to take soft water. You can drink in its pure form, you can flavor with honey, lemon. It is allowed to brew with real tea.

You can add chamomile tea to milk. Medicinal properties of chamomile herb with this combination does not lose.

The use of pharmacy chamomile in medical practice

Chamomile officinalis enjoys the favor of both folk and official medicine, its merits are numerous and undoubted.

Chamomile fights colds

This is a proven remedy in the treatment of colds: an infusion is usually used, which is consumed warm in a third of a glass before meals.
With angina, chamomile rinse is used:

  • Brew 3 tbsp. spoons of chamomile and one linden with 4 cups of boiling water. Strained and cooled to a warm infusion, gargle a sore throat every hour;
  • 3 art. spoons of chamomile and 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of sage herb with 4 cups of boiling water, strained and warm infusion, gargle, as in the previous recipe, after an hour.

Medicinal properties of field chamomile for problems in the stomach and intestines

Chamomile is very healing for the stomach and intestines. Almost all stomach ailments are relieved by her tea. Bisabolol, chamazulene, once in the stomach, intestines, free them from pathogenic microbes that caused the infection, and contribute to the establishment of normal work.
Chamomile helps with stomach problems

Chamomile enemas help in the treatment of colitis and hemorrhoids. Tea will help to cope with gastric discomfort after an immoderate feast.
With constipation, an enema from a decoction of chamomile, which will successfully cleanse the intestines, will be an effective help. Chamomile with pain in the stomach is sometimes simply irreplaceable. Its decoction, which can reduce pain and inflammation, has proven itself in the treatment of ulcers, chamomile tea for gastritis also alleviates the patient's condition.

With cramps in the stomach, flatulence, chamomile infusion is also prescribed, and the decoction can increase appetite when the body needs recovery from a serious illness.

How does chamomile affect blood pressure?

To the question: chamomile raises or lowers blood pressure - there is no definite answer, although it is available in most herbal preparations aimed at combating hypertension. The Tibetan elixir, the Istra balm and other quite successful preparations in the fight against hypertension do contain it, but other components reduce the pressure indicators.

So, in the most effective Istra balm, the main role is played by Cahors, which temporarily dilates blood vessels.
So to say that chamomile lowers blood pressure is impossible.

She has no direct influence on this process. However, it heals the nervous system, helps to get out of stress, which is very important at high pressure.
Chamomile can help cure depression

If you use the infusion systematically, then the elasticity of blood vessels and immunity will increase. It is her sedative capabilities that have a beneficial effect on the normalization of blood pressure. In the role of an adjuvant to the drugs prescribed by the doctor, she has the right to participate in the treatment of this difficult disease.

Chamomile: medicinal properties in gynecology

The Latin name of the chamomile pharmacy matrix is ​​translated as the mother's womb, uterus. Indeed, with gynecological diseases, she is the first assistant.

In combination with the main treatment of such inflammations, douching is used, for which 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs are poured with a liter of boiling water and heated to a boil over extremely low heat.

During the procedures, the temperature of the decoction should be 37-38º C. The plant allows you to successfully get rid of diseases of the female sphere, even those that have passed into the chronic stage.

Protects the skin

The healing properties of chamomile herb are very effective for skin lesions. Lotions and compresses have proven themselves in the fight against abscesses, ulcers and burns. But it is especially appreciated by people suffering from eczema.
Here is how chamomile is useful during an exacerbation of this painful disease:

  • chamomile soothes inflamed skin;
  • accelerates the restoration of the epidermis;
  • reduces itching, swelling, redness;
  • prevents the development of infection in the affected areas.

Chamomile is good for the skin

The first answer to the question of what helps a decoction of chamomile will definitely be: "From the manifestations of eczema." Applied externally (lotions, baths, compresses), for greater effect, some drink 1 tablespoon of decoction before meals.

Saves the liver

Chamomile for the liver is not just useful, but indispensable, so it is often added to medicines. For the same purpose, chamomile has long been used in folk medicine. Chamomile inflorescences are also used to cleanse the liver. This procedure is especially recommended for those who do not know the limits in food, medicines, alcohol.

Chamomile decoctions will help prevent cirrhosis of the liver, defeat hepatitis.
Such tea helps to revive liver cells affected by hepatitis:

  • Pour a glass of boiling water 1-2 teaspoons with a slide of flowers;
  • Strain after 10 minutes of infusion;
  • Drink warm 2-3 cups a day.

The descriptions of the plant say that field chamomile has a fairly strong choleretic effect. However, it is not always recommended to use it in this capacity. So is it a choleretic agent or not?

First you need to do an ultrasound: if it shows not only the accumulation of bile, but also the formation of stones, then you should forget about chamomile, like other choleretic agents, so as not to provoke a “rockfall”.

But to prevent the formation of stones, it will be good.

Chamomile: medicinal properties and contraindications for children

For babies, chamomile is, first of all, an extremely effective sedative that brings the overexcited nervous system of the child in order.
Chamomile can calm the child and help him fall asleep

But besides this, it can help in numerous other cases:

  • For babies up to 4 months, it is used only externally: they wash the skin with prickly heat, diaper rash;
  • For older children, a few teaspoons will not hurt when the tummy or throat hurts, with hyperactivity. After a year, the dose can be increased to 1 children's cup;
  • Chamomile decoction soothes the gums, reduces pain during teething in infants;
  • With its help, conjunctivitis is successfully cured in infants;
  • For colds, they practice gargling, washing the nasal passages, inhaling from medicinal herbs, which include chamomile. Regular rinsing during illness will have a visible disinfectant, anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Baths with chamomile are a real salvation for children exhausted by diathesis, severe itching, frequent rashes, diaper rash. The azulene contained in it weakens allergic reactions.

Chamomile is a folk remedy that has been tested for centuries and rarely causes allergies in a child.

But no one canceled consultations with a specialist.

If, nevertheless, alarming symptoms appear, the use of chamomile should be urgently stopped.

Good for the whole body

The list of what chamomile treats can be continued for a long time:

  • has a calming effect on the entire body, fights insomnia;
  • speeds up contractions of the heart, expands and tones the vessels of the brain;
  • helps with bruises, rheumatic pains;
  • eliminates cramps;
  • helps to treat chronic inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • practiced by folk medicine in the early stages of radiation sickness.

There are few contraindications to the use of the plant: individual intolerance, pregnancy, a tendency to diarrhea.

How to prepare a medicinal plant

Chamomile may be required at any time, and it makes sense to prepare it for the future. Inflorescences without stems are used as medicinal raw materials.
Chamomile can be prepared for future use

The time when it came to collect medicinal chamomile comes with the beginning of its flowering - until the yellow small flowers bloomed only along the edges of the receptacle, and the white petals did not bend down.

Collection is carried out in sunny dry weather. Flowers are cut at the base with scissors or plucked by hand. Drying is carried out in the open air.

High-quality raw materials have a strong aroma, bitter and burning taste. Shelf life - from 1 to 2 years.

This is a plant with great medicinal potential, so do not use it immensely and thoughtlessly. A reasonable approach is needed here. Then the natural healer will only benefit.



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