Are pregnant women entitled to a sanatorium by law? “Your Resort” is the best assistant in selecting spa treatment

Maria Sokolova is a pregnancy expert at Colady magazine. Mother of three children, obstetrician by training, writer by vocation.

Reading time: 15 minutes


Everyone knows that expectant mothers need decent rest. Within the walls of the house, of course, it’s nice, but the woman will be provided with real rest in a special sanatorium for pregnant women. Under the supervision of doctors in sanatoriums, you can gain strength before the upcoming birth, take a break and improve your health.

  • Sanatorium "Sestroretsky Resort"

It is located on the coast of the Gulf of Finland (forested area) thirty-five kilometers from St. Petersburg.

Pregnant women in the rest home can take a special course that will make it easier for women at risk to get pregnant and overcome all the problems that arise along the way. Called this course"Healthy Pregnancy" It is based on the principles of clinical efficacy and safety. The sanatorium staff find a personal approach to all expectant mothers.

For those who wish, there is a “School for Pregnant Women”. The qualified medical staff of the sanatorium will provide women with a pleasant rest and excellent support for the body.

  • Sanatorium "Biryusinka Plus"

It is located in the forest park area of ​​Samara. There, expectant mothers are provided with full medical monitoring of their health status.

It is also important to observe the rest and nutrition regime in the sanatorium - feeding is carried out 5 times a day. The food is very varied and extremely tasty; dietary dishes are provided.

While on vacation, in addition to medical examinations and procedures, a woman has the opportunity to take long walks in nature. Biryusinka Plus Park is rich in “local residents” - squirrels who eat nuts delivered for them with great pleasure.

  • Sanatorium "Amur Bay"

This sanatorium is located in Vladivostok. The organization specializes in the treatment of pregnant women with pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Treatment procedures in harmonious combination with clean air, fantastic nature and soft maritime climate provide positive influence on the body of the expectant mother.

During rest, pregnant women are offered a significant and useful procedure - massage.

  • Sanatorium "Green Town"

It is located near the city of Ivanovo, on the coast of the Vostra River, in a very beautiful picturesque place. The sanatorium specializes in liver diseases, stomach and intestinal ailments, diseases of the pancreas and gall bladder.

A children's camp operates year-round at the Green Town.

The resort provides a full range of services for pregnant women. Long stay fresh air promotes healing and strengthening of the body. There is uninterrupted duty at the sanatorium the best gynecologists, ready to provide qualified assistance at any time.

For pregnant women, classes with a psychologist are offered within the walls of the sanatorium, and there is a “School for Young Mothers”.

  • Sanatorium "Sokolniki"

This institution is considered one of the oldest in Russia. Previously, it was a rest home, which was later converted into a sanatorium for pregnant women.

IN Lately The Sokolniki sanatorium has been replenished with new buildings with improved wards. The sanatorium offers prevention of threatened miscarriage, anemia, fetal growth inhibition syndrome and fetoplacental insufficiency.

Prenatal preparation is also provided. Formulated for pregnant women special program, including daily weighing, day mode, measured the unborn baby’s heartbeat, pulse and blood pressure.

Expectant mothers can attend physical therapy, massage sessions and swimming classes. Everything happens under the supervision of an instructor.

To prevent and reduce emotional overload, relaxation sessions are conducted. The perfect course of treatment is scheduled for twenty days.

  • Sanatorium "Kashirskie fontanelles"

The institution is located in the village of Maloye Kropotovo, Kashira district, Moscow region, far from highways and large populated areas.

The sanatorium offers pregnant women a health program for early toxicosis, the threat of delayed fetal development, and anemia.

Included in the traditional treatment program includes ultrasound, dental examination, heat therapy, magnetic therapy, electric light therapy, inhalations, manual massage and a hydropathic clinic. After a medical examination, additional treatment may be prescribed.

  • Health resort "Ershovo"

The sanatorium was built at a distance of fifty kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road, in the Zvenigorodsky district.

All pregnant women without illnesses can take a health course at the institution chronic. For expectant mothers, the health course includes preparation for childbirth and procedures to improve immunity.

The diagnostic treatment base includes a solarium, laser treatment, physiotherapy, massage, dentistry, urgent Care, swimming pool and treatment room.

Pregnant women are also offered consultations with specialists (obstetrician-gynecologist, therapist and psychologist).

  • Sanatorium "Aksakovskie Zori"

It is located on the coast of the Pyalovsky reservoir. The institution invites pregnant women with complications from the cardiovascular system for treatment.

For expectant mothers, “Aksakovsky Dawns” offers a gynecological office, dentistry, a physiotherapy department, functional diagnostics, psychological relaxation room, light and electrotherapy, mud baths.

  • Sanatorium "Likhvinskie Vody"

Women at the sanatorium are offered a special two-week residential program.

For pregnant women, obstetric and therapeutic examinations are provided every three days. Weighing is carried out daily, the fetal heartbeat, pulse and blood pressure of the pregnant woman are measured.

In the absence of contraindications, a program has been written for expectant mothers physical therapy, focused on teaching a pregnant woman rational breathing, strengthening abdominal muscles, psychomotor preparation for childbirth.

  • Sanatorium "Alushtinsky"

The institution specializes in diseases of the respiratory system, musculoskeletal musculoskeletal system, nervous system, cardiology and circulatory diseases, gynecological diseases and ailments genitourinary organs. The indication for treatment for women is pregnancy occurring during or after these diseases.

The healing course consists of balneotherapy, climatotherapy, physical therapy, physiotherapy, and treatment with mineral waters.

Expectant mothers, pay due attention proper nutrition And good rest during pregnancy - this will guarantee the birth of a healthy and happy baby!

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Women expecting a new addition to their family soon need have a good rest. It’s good to be at home within your own walls, but it’s impossible to get rid of everyday chores and everyday worries. Real relaxation and medical supervision can provide sanatoriums for pregnant women. Under the supervision of qualified doctors, you can improve your health, go through a series of useful procedures, recharge with positive energy and prepare for upcoming birth. In such conditions, expectant mothers are in a comfortable, calm environment, protected from nervous and stressful situations. In addition, most sanatoriums for pregnant women are located in ecologically clean areas, which has a good effect on the health of not only the mother, but also the baby.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, pregnant women with a number of certain diseases who are at risk or experiencing problems associated with pregnancy can receive a referral to a free Spa treatment.

The voucher is provided under the following conditions:

  • duration of sanatorium-resort treatment - no more than 21 days;
  • includes 24-hour stay in the health resort and complex nutrition;
  • receiving a number of medical and health procedures;
  • the referral is not issued to any health resort, but only to one that is included in the list approved by the Ministry of Health for each specific region.

What is a sanatorium for expectant mothers?

In our country there are many places for women to relax in interesting position. Such sanatoriums have developed a special program aimed specifically at this category of citizens. The staff of specialists includes obstetricians-gynecologists trained to solve any problems, psychologists, therapists and others.

The course of treatment and prevention in the sanatorium involves the following:

  • conversations with a psychologist;
  • antenatal preparation;
  • physiotherapy, swimming pool, exercise therapy classes, massage, breathing exercises, oxygen cocktail;
  • walks in the open air;
  • reception medicinal baths;
  • performing ultrasound and CTG;
  • obtaining consultations from different doctors.

“Your Resort” is the best assistant in selecting spa treatment

Our company strives not just to offer/sell a trip to a client, but to choose best option according to his medical indications. We have in our state qualified specialist, which will help you find a health resort to treat your specific disease. We independently check all the options presented in the catalog, examine the medical base, and test some procedures. Consultation medical specialist by choosing a health resort or rehabilitation center absolutely free.

Vouchers to sanatoriums for pregnant women at a discount and

Is it possible for pregnant women to go to a sanatorium and if so, why? If there is no threat of miscarriage, then a sanatorium for pregnant women is the place where a woman will bear her baby in ideal conditions.

Why should a pregnant woman go to a sanatorium?

At home and at work, even if the environment radiates only positive energy, it is impossible to be calm all the time. During pregnancy, the sensitivity of the nervous system becomes aggravated, and even small troubles can lead to a nervous breakdown.

In addition, no one frees you from everyday household duties, which now require a lot of effort and time, communication with others, which is not always positive. And city air is saturated with toxic compounds that are not very beneficial for the development of the future fetus.

Expectant mothers in the sanatorium live in comfort and silence, protected from overload and stressful situations. In addition, most medical institutions are located in ecologically clean areas, which increases the comfort of a sanatorium stay.

How to get to the sanatorium

Whether or not pregnant women are eligible for a sanatorium is decided by a special commission of the Ministry of Health. A doctor at a consultation where a pregnant woman is being observed can only recommend sanatorium-resort treatment. It has nothing to do with issuing a free voucher.

Women in satisfactory condition are most often referred to rehabilitation after they have completed inpatient treatment.

The duration of the trip is at least 21 days; this is the period for which the recovery program is designed. IN free trip includes accommodation, meals, cost of prescribed procedures. If the treatment is preventive or a woman wants to receive additional services, she can pay extra for this from her own funds.

A working woman with a pregnancy period of 12 to 30 weeks can go to the sanatorium, provided that there is no threat of miscarriage, but the diagnosis is included in the risk group.

While staying in the sanatorium, a certificate of temporary incapacity for work is issued, which is paid in in the prescribed manner. Extract from sanatorium card brought to the antenatal clinic, where they are observed during pregnancy.

The decision on how a pregnant woman can get to a sanatorium is made by the foundation social insurance at the place of her territorial residence. In case of shortage budget funds V free treatment may be refused.

Which sanatorium do pregnant women go to?

There are special medical institutions only for pregnant women and sanatoriums in which a special program has been developed to support the health of expectant mothers.

In state medical institution there are psychologists and obstetricians-gynecologists - the latter are prepared to act in emergency situations.

In the majority medical complexes You can take older children or other family members with you. Of course, you will have to pay for their accommodation yourself.

Programs for pregnant women at the sanatorium include:

  • conversations with a psychotherapist or psychologist;
  • prenatal training courses;
  • breathing exercises;
  • complexes of various physiotherapy procedures;
  • exercise therapy classes.

Nutrition has been specially developed for expectant mothers, taking into account their special condition.

The doctor decides which sanatorium a pregnant woman can go to, if there are several institutions with similar specifics. The choice is justified by several factors:

  • history of diseases;
  • the opportunity to travel with maximum convenience;
  • what is the duration of treatment;
  • range of services.

Indications and contraindications for spa treatment

Indications for referral for rest and rehabilitation to a sanatorium are: following states and diseases:

  • hormonal imbalance of various types;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • treatment of placental insufficiency;
  • oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios;
  • lack of weight;
  • catastrophically increasing body weight;
  • late or early pregnancy;
  • a history of uncomplicated uterine fibroids;
  • uncomplicated anemia that does not pose a threat to pregnancy;
  • chronic diseases internal organs in stable remission;
  • history of fetal malnutrition;
  • vegetative-vascular or neurocircular dystonia;
  • uncomplicated uterine malformations or postoperative scar on her.

Contraindications for spa treatment are:

  • exceeding the gestational age of more than 30 weeks;
  • threat of miscarriage for any reason;
  • late gestosis;
  • acute and chronic diseases;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • pregnancy proceeding with complications.
  • pronounced or late toxicosis.

All of these conditions - except for exceeding the gestational age - require constant medical supervision or inpatient treatment.

Procedures for pregnant women

What treatments for pregnant women are usually offered at the resort?

The following procedures have no contraindications during pregnancy:

  • Physiotherapy various types, specially designed for special condition: yoga, Pilates, water aerobics. If you manage to get into a sanatorium that has a swimming pool, you should not refuse water aerobics. These exercises most effectively relieve the muscles of the musculoskeletal system, calm nervous system, help strengthen the muscles necessary for future labor;
  • Pregnant women are offered to drink herbal teas and oxygen cocktails, which have a general strengthening effect and increase immunity;
  • Massage treatments are limited to head, leg and chest massage;
  • Limited dry salt baths, during which you walk on coarse salt with your feet;
  • Of the physical procedures, only electrophoresis is allowed;
  • Procedures in the hydropathic clinic are prescribed taking into account the diseases present in the anamnesis.

Procedures using currents of varying purity are strictly prohibited. A woman can make a decision to visit a spa salon, sauna or bathhouse only after consulting with a doctor monitoring the course of her pregnancy, who will adequately assess her state of health.

Girls, read it, it’s very interesting.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 27, 2006 No. 44, vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions for follow-up treatment immediately after inpatient treatment are issued free of charge to pregnant women at risk groups, working at enterprises Russian Federation paying contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for their employees in accordance with the established procedure. That is, women working employment contracts– both indefinite and concluded for limited periods.

Pregnant women from risk groups are sent to sanatoriums for follow-up treatment (rehabilitation). treated in a hospital “on preservation”, not earlier than 7 – 10 days from the moment of hospitalization, with satisfactory general condition. After staying in medical institution The pregnant woman is sent directly from the hospital to a sanatorium with a specialized department and qualified staff. Such pregnant women travel from the inpatient treatment facility to the sanatorium on their own.

The length of stay in the sanatorium for pregnant women at risk is 21 day. The voucher includes the cost of accommodation, meals and the necessary set of treatment and rehabilitation procedures.

Indications for referral

Indications for sending pregnant women at risk for further treatment (rehabilitation) to a sanatorium are:

  • pregnancy from 12 to 30 weeks, including the period of stay in a sanatorium (multiple pregnancy up to 26 weeks of gestation);
  • continuation of treatment of placental insufficiency;
  • concomitant uterine fibroids without signs of malnutrition of myomatous nodes;
  • malformations of the uterus during uncomplicated pregnancy; the presence of a full-fledged scar on the uterus during pregnancy up to 23 weeks, including the period of stay in a sanatorium;
  • anemia (iron deficiency, pernicious, hemolytic outside the acute stage) with hemoglobin not lower than 100 g/l, without concomitant diseases;
  • diseases of internal organs in the stage of stable remission;
  • cardiopsychoneurosis;
  • history of miscarriage;
  • history of infertility;
  • a history of fetal malnutrition;
  • pregnancy of first-time mothers aged 28 years and older;
  • pregnancy of young primigravidas under the age of 18;
  • body weight deficiency;
  • hormonal disorders (hyperandrogenism, hypothyroidism, diabetes), excluding general contraindications for spa treatment.


Contraindications for sending pregnant women at risk for further treatment (rehabilitation) to a sanatorium are:

  • excessive vomiting;
  • late gestosis (edema, proteinuria, hypertensive disorders);
  • bleeding during pregnancy;
  • threat of premature termination of pregnancy;
  • placenta previa;
  • polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios;
  • signs of failure of the scar on the uterus with caesarean section in the anamnesis;
  • induced pregnancy with complications;
  • developmental defects with complicated pregnancy, neoplasms of the female genital organs;
  • extragenital diseases in the acute stage;
  • blood diseases (lymphocytic leukemia, leukemia; pernicious, hemolytic anemia, Iron-deficiency anemia with a hemoglobin level below 100 g/l; Werlhof's disease and other hemorrhagic syndromes);
  • organ diseases endocrine system in the stage of decompensation;
  • exacerbation viral infections sexually transmitted diseases (herpes, cytomegaly, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis);
  • general contraindications that exclude sending patients to sanatoriums (acute infectious and venereal diseases(including infectious diseases eyes and skin), mental illness, chronic alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, blood diseases in acute stage, malignant neoplasms, acute renal and liver failure, accompanying illnesses in the stage of exacerbation or decompensation, or requiring surgical care).

Who can get vouchers

Vouchers are issued by medical institutions to women living and working in the territory of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation. In some cases, vouchers may be provided to pregnant women undergoing inpatient treatment, but living or working in the territory of another constituent entity of the Russian Federation. For example, expectant mother she was placed for preservation in the pathology department in Moscow, but she lives or works in the territory of another constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

How and where can I get a ticket to the sanatorium?

Only working pregnant women (from 12 to 30 weeks of pregnancy) have the opportunity to enter the sanatorium for free and their disease should be included in the risk group.

Thus, to obtain a voucher, you must take a referral to the hospital from the antenatal clinic. Immediately upon arrival at the maternity hospital, notify the attending physician (or the head of the inpatient department) that you want to undergo a rehabilitation course in a sanatorium. In this case, you need to present 2 certificates from work:

  • from the HR department - that you are an employee of the organization,
  • from the accounting department - that your organization pays contributions to the Social Insurance Fund in accordance with the established procedure.

However, the final decision on sending to a sanatorium for further treatment is decided by medical commission, which shapes everything Required documents. When referred, a woman is given a completed voucher, a certificate of incapacity for work, a sanatorium-resort card with detailed data on the examination and treatment carried out in the hospital, recommendations for further treatment in the sanatorium, an extract from the medical history.

After completing a sanatorium rehabilitation course, a pregnant woman receives a return voucher health resort card. She must submit this coupon and an extract from the medical history obtained after hospital treatment to the antenatal clinic that is observing her.

District Women's consultation, which provides outpatient monitoring, does not issue such vouchers.

When sent to a sanatorium for further treatment, there is no need to take out a leave, since for this period a certificate of temporary incapacity for work (sick leave) is issued, and after returning to work, a temporary disability benefit is paid.

I have heard many reviews that these sanatoriums are very good. But you won’t get a ticket, because... even a good friend of the doctor from the hospital says that they are not allocated. I heard that you can contact the FSS. Does anyone have this experience? Thank you.



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