Feeling full stomach causes and treatment. Feeling empty in the stomach: reasons to consider

Unpleasant sensations in the stomach arose in everyone at least once. After all, they can cause a lot of reasons.

Belching, nausea and bloating are experienced immediately after eating and due to certain diseases.

These symptoms cannot be endured, so it is important to know which remedy will help get rid of this or that painful sensation in the abdomen.

Elimination of symptoms that occur after eating

A person can become unwell both immediately after eating, and after a few hours. Feelings at this time are either intense or weak.

Most often, having recently eaten, you can feel the following:

  • belching accompanied by a bitter taste in the throat;
  • bloating, accompanied by a feeling of fullness;
  • gurgling in the stomach, in which rumbling and other sounds are heard;
  • nausea, due to which a little later begins to vomit;
  • accumulation of gases in the abdomen.

These unpleasant sensations appear when something provokes the production of an excess amount of gastric secretion or a spasm of the walls of the digestive organ.

Often this happens due to a person eating too large portions of the dish. A huge lump of food that has entered the stomach in a short time puts pressure on its walls, which causes them to stretch.

In this case, belching and pain in the stomach can occur even in the process of eating food. In order not to encounter such unpleasant sensations, you do not need to eat excessively.

Often the cause of a deterioration in a person’s well-being after eating is irritable stomach syndrome.

At the same time, a person is concerned about symptoms such as belching, which does not go away for an hour and a half and has a paroxysmal character, as well as suddenly appearing nausea and heartburn.

Along with this, the stomach can get very sick, resulting in spasmodic contractions of the walls of the stomach during the first hours after eating. The person may then lose their appetite and lose significant weight.

Irritable stomach syndrome usually occurs in those who prefer to eat certain foods.

These are dishes with a high fat content, generously seasoned with spices or salt, as well as smoked meats.

To get rid of pain in the stomach, you must forbid yourself to eat such food.

In addition to them, the doctor may advise treatment with drugs that stimulate the stomach to function smoothly.

Sometimes belching, heartburn and discomfort in the abdomen after eating are the result of an allergy to a particular product.

This happens when the stomach is not able to digest some of the ingredients of the dish. Most allergic reactions are caused by milk-based products and fish.

To know exactly what caused the symptoms of food intolerance, you need to keep a diary. It is important to write down the menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner and how the body reacted to it.

Nausea, vomiting, belching and abdominal pain are constant companions of food poisoning. Perhaps some product from among those eaten at dinner turned out to be of poor quality or stale.

To cleanse the body of toxins, you need to take activated charcoal. Smekta will cope with the task of eliminating symptoms and normalizing digestion.

Actions for signs of illness

Diaphragmatic hernia, that is, a disease in which the esophagus extends beyond the abdominal cavity, can cause discomfort after eating.

As a result of this, the stomach is strongly compressed, which is especially noticeable when leaving the table, because the stomach filled with food increases in size. Only surgery will help get rid of pain and other symptoms of the disease.

First, severe pain, and then nausea, vomiting and belching appear with spasm of the pylorus, the stomach.

These unpleasant sensations disappear only when the digestive organ is completely freed from the contents. Most often they are associated with disorders in the functioning of the nervous system.

With such a disease, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor who will prescribe antispasmodics and drugs that affect the NS.

With stenosis of the esophagus, that is, a reduction in its lumen, immediately after eating, unbearable pain appears. It is accompanied by belching, vomiting and nausea.

The patient will not be able to improve his health on his own, he will need urgent medical care.

In the future, a person with esophageal stenosis will have to sit on a liquid diet and follow the doctor's instructions to expand the space of the digestive organ.

Another problem that can lead to discomfort in the abdomen is an obstruction of part of the stomach.

Since the food bolus cannot go lower, bypassing an obstacle in the form of a polyp or tumor, the walls of the stomach are stretched and cause pain.

The barrier formed in the digestive organ must be removed by surgery, otherwise the patient may lose a lot of weight.

It happens that pain in the stomach area appears due to problems in the gallbladder.

The fact is that an unhealthy organ that accumulates bile can be pinched during those periods when the stomach is filled with food.

In such a situation, painkillers alone are not enough. You need to rush to the doctor and get tested.

Often, belching and abdominal pain that occur when leaving the table are the result of pancreatitis.

Since the appearance of this disease is provoked by pathologies of the digestive organs, damage to internal tissues or infections, it must be treated not only with anti-inflammatory drugs. Medicines are chosen by a doctor who knows what caused pancreatitis.

Also, patients with gastroduodenitis, stomach ulcers and gastritis experience symptoms such as vomiting, belching, heartburn, stool disorder and pain in the abdomen.

Unpleasant sensations usually occur several hours after eating and are the result of eating harmful foods or the activity of Helicobacter pylori.

Treatment of these diseases is based on taking antacids that change the level of acid in the secretion of the stomach, sedative tablets and antibiotics.

More therapeutic measures involve the organization of a special sparing diet that prohibits eating smoked meats, flour, spicy and fatty foods.

So, to eliminate discomfort in the abdomen, it is not enough to take painkillers. It is necessary to act on the cause that caused the disease.

Drug treatment is selected depending on which disease led to the appearance of belching, heartburn, pain and nausea.

It is impossible to ignore such painful sensations, since subsequently they can lead to severe weakness, exhaustion and other dangerous diseases.

The main causes of discomfort in the stomach include:

  1. Wrong diet. First of all, it is:
    • abundance in the diet of fatty, fried and smoked foods;
    • frequent snacks;
    • fast food food;
    • binge eating;
    • non-observance of the time interval between meals;
    • eating poor-quality or spoiled foods;
    • improper heat treatment of food.
  2. Chronic use of alcoholic beverages.
  3. Tobacco smoking. It has a detrimental effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
  4. Frequent exposure to stressful situations.
  5. Daily use of drinks with gases, strong tea and coffee.

Feeling nauseous

Nausea is often a sign of a digestive disorder.

Among the reasons that cause this unpleasant feeling are:

  • disorders in the work of the abdominal organs and diseases associated with them;
  • poisoning with toxic or food substances;
  • serious damage to the nervous system.

If the feeling of nausea repeatedly occurs after eating, then it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist for the presence of diseases of the digestive system.

Frequent stress, strong emotions and experiences can also provoke nausea or vomiting. It is necessary to monitor the state of your nervous system and not overload it.

Before visiting a doctor, you can stop an attack of nausea with a cool drink or broth. Fractional nutrition, which consists in eating food in small portions, but more often, helps to cope with this feeling.


Dyspepsia is expressed in violation of the digestive organs. It makes it difficult to digest food and makes it painful.

The main signs of dyspepsia are:

  • a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, similar to the early saturation of the organ;
  • pain in the epigastric region, discomfort in the stomach;
  • increased gas formation, enlarged because of this, the stomach.
There are 2 types of dyspepsia, depending on the cause that caused it:
  1. organic dyspepsia. It is caused by the presence in the body of a chronic pathological process from the gastrointestinal tract. Dyspeptic disorders are observed with ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines, pancreatitis, when stones are found in the gallbladder and other conditions.
  2. functional dyspepsia. Occurs when gastrointestinal diseases are not detected. This type of disorder in humans implies frequently occurring and changing signs of dyspepsia throughout the year.

Causes of dyspepsia:

  • production of hydrochloric acid in excess;
  • stress;
  • decreased motility of the digestive tract;
  • wrong diet;
  • the presence of Helicobacter bacteria in the body;
  • taking certain medications;
  • slow progress of food in the intestines and stomach.

Often, dyspepsia is the initial stage of serious diseases of the digestive tract. To avoid negative consequences, at the slightest manifestation of it, it is necessary to reconsider your daily routine and nutrition.

It is recommended to increase the number of meals, while reducing the portion size. Spicy, fried, fatty and smoked foods are best avoided. Alcohol and tobacco are recommended to be completely excluded. The body needs a full eight-hour sleep and fresh air.

irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a disease in the chronic stage, characterized by a functional disorder in the work of the small and large intestines.


  1. Discomfort in the intestinal area;
  2. Bloating.
  • frequent stay in stressful situations;
  • frequent use of foods that form a large amount of gas in the intestines;
  • an abundance of fatty foods and caffeine in the diet;
  • lack of dietary fiber in the body.

Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome is based on the elimination of the causes of the disease, as well as on the normalization of lifestyle and nutrition.

How to treat?

Only a specialist can treat stomach discomfort. After carrying out the necessary diagnostic procedures and identifying a particular disease, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

You can help the digestive organs on your own in the following ways:

  1. Establish a daily routine and nutrition;
  2. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables;
  3. Exclude fatty, spicy, smoked, as well as alcohol, tobacco and coffee;
  4. Try to avoid any disturbance.

What threatens?

Discomfort in the stomach can signal an incipient pathological process in the abdominal cavity. If it is noted repeatedly and for a long period, then there is a possibility of an existing disease of any organ of the gastrointestinal tract.

Unpleasant sensations in the stomach can lead to the following diseases:

  • pancreatitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • tumor formations of the stomach and intestines;
  • gallstone disease and others.

The state of our body largely depends on the correctness of our nutrition. To protect yourself from unpleasant diseases of the abdominal organs, you need to eat fresh and healthy food and properly organize your daily routine.

Useful video about stomach problems

Often we say that something is in the way of the throat, and not many people experience the feeling that there is a lump in the stomach. Moreover, no one thinks how the food lump ends up there. Elementary knowledge of the passage of the food coma is necessary not only for general development. With their help, you can prevent complications in the work of the gastrointestinal tract or provide the necessary treatment.

Intermediate stages of food passage

A person needs to eat several times a day to replenish energy and improve health. Before the products give up all the useful substances, provide energy to the body, they go through a complex path of changes. The task of turning products into useful microelements is taken over by the gastrointestinal tract. It consists of various devices that ensure the passage of a lump of food through the alimentary tract. The whole process of digestion can be divided into several stages:

  • On the way to the stomach. The food passes through the esophagus in a few seconds and enters the stomach. This is the main organ of the digestive system responsible for thorough digestion. It is located obliquely from left to right and occupies the upper place in the center of the abdominal cavity. The upper part is located to the left of the middle of the body. He “feels” the imminent arrival of an energy source, even before the moment of grinding products in the oral cavity. As soon as we find ourselves near the products, salivation begins involuntarily and at this moment the stomach produces the first portion of the digestive juice, and we feel hungry pain and rumbling. The second portion is produced at the moment the treat enters the mouth. By the time the gruel, crushed and formed into a lump, enters the stomach, it is completely ready to accept it. In an elongated bag, under the influence of digestive juice, the crushed particles of products are mixed, partially digested. After a long stay in the stomach, the food bolus passes further - into the duodenum.

Possible failure in the digestive system

The transformation of products during their passage through the alimentary tract is very significant. And if something went wrong in the process of digestion, the organs of the gastrointestinal tract immediately feel it on themselves: the stomach hurts, it pricks in the left side, it makes you feel sick. The reasons provoking violations are very diverse: rapid swallowing of foods with air trapping, fried, salty, hot, fatty foods.

Many are haunted by the feeling of a lump in the center of the stomach, belching. An unpleasant sensation is not always associated with a disease, most often the culprit is a physiological process (overeating, malnutrition, medications).


The feeling when a food lump is in the stomach (near the throat) is the most important symptom that cannot be ignored. Alone, such a symptom does not come, he always has company. As a rule, it is accompanied by:

  • Belching. Since the stomach is standing, regurgitation occurs quite often. Belching is sour, with a taste of food eaten. Sometimes belching comes out with air or with gastric juice. There may be shortness of breath.
  • Nausea, vomiting in throat.
  • Stomach ache. The intensity of the pain is different: on the left, in the middle, cutting, aching or stabbing. It hurts on the left in the hypochondrium, near the navel.
  • Feeling of heaviness. The feeling of a stone in the abdomen occurs due to a malfunction in the valve between the esophagus and the stomach, which affects the general well-being and the work of the entire digestive tract.


Overeating harms not only the figure, but also our health.

It hurts on the left in the hypochondrium and the feeling that there may be a lump in the stomach does not always occur immediately after eating, but after a short period of time. Reasons for this situation include:

  • Overeating is one of the most common causes. Rapid swallowing of poorly chewed food with air ingestion creates a large. The walls of the organ are greatly stretched, hence pain, nausea and a feeling of stone. By adjusting the diet, discomfort will immediately disappear.
  • Physical activity immediately after a meal. Eating should take place in a calm environment, after it you can not play sports, do house cleaning. Slopes, tension of the muscles of the abdominal cavity helps to stop the stomach. Because of what there is nausea, shortness of breath, weakness.
  • A stressful situation provokes a spasm of the walls of the stomach, causing pain, belching and a feeling of heaviness, rolling from left to right in a wave. The cause is irritated nerve endings, both of the entire central nervous system and of the nerve fibers of the stomach.
  • Medicines containing iron. Patients are worried about the feeling of heaviness, belching air, disturbed stool. Discomfort in the body goes away immediately after the abolition of these drugs and the appointment of a suitable treatment.
  • Violation of the gastrointestinal tract. Trouble can bring inflammation of the mucosa of the organ, which occurs due to malnutrition and the possible penetration of bacteria. Most often, the sensation of a coma provokes a neoplasm in the stomach. If your stomach hurts and you are worried about recurring nausea, shortness of breath, weakness, you need to be checked by a specialist and receive special treatment. Do not delay going to the doctor - such a problem cannot always be solved on your own.

It is important for every person to listen to their body. Discomfort in the stomach can bring significant inconvenience, adversely affecting the well-being and activity of a person. Such a state can occur during holidays and active feasts, or simply in the course of ordinary life. There are many explanations for this condition, both related to the pathology of the organs of the gastric tract, and the wrong lifestyle with all the ensuing habits.

In any case, this state suggests that it is time to understand the processes occurring in the body. Otherwise, all health problems that take their own course can result in diseases.

Mild discomfort in the stomach area is not just pain after eating, but a permanent condition that interferes with the full realization of a person, his usual life through the inconvenience brought.


To eliminate pain in the epigastric region, you need to detect a provoking factor and eliminate it.

Among the possible causes associated with the pathology of the organ, there may be:

  • pancreatitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • gastroephazogit.

It is impossible to independently determine the presence of a particular disease. Therefore, for diagnosis, it is better to consult a doctor.

Causes not related to pathology:

  1. Nutrition. In the stomach after eating, a real storm can begin. In today's world, many people use on-the-go snacking as an alternative to a leisurely, full meal. The use of fast food, carbonated drinks, an abundance of fatty, spicy and sweet foods, with an abundance of fried and starchy foods, negatively affects peristalsis. Causing irritation of mucous membranes. Excessive consumption of food at one time, especially after a long break, also has a negative effect. Poor food pairing also applies here.
  2. Smoking and alcohol. The frequent presence of these elements in everyday life contributes to the occurrence of heartburn, belching and irritation of the organs of the gastrointestinal system.
  3. Stress, lack of sleep. The state of the nervous system has a direct impact on the functioning of organs. Nervous breakdowns, tantrums, and sudden mood swings can cause a decrease or increase in appetite, which only exacerbates the problem, causing stomach discomfort.
    There are people who are prone to deep feelings, in whom all anxiety states are directly reflected in the irritation of the stomach. This is characterized by frequent flatulence and nausea.
  4. Medicines. Taking medications, especially without a doctor's prescription, can lead to problems with the organs of the digestive tract.
    In pregnant women, mild discomfort may occur due to the restructuring of the hormonal system.


Features of the occurrence of unpleasant sensations can be varied. Discomfort manifests itself in each in its own way. Often, 1 or 2 of the following symptoms are present:

  • Nausea reflex, vomiting;
  • , similar to the early saturation of the body;
  • bloating, an increase in the volume of the stomach;
  • increased gas formation and flatulence;
  • loss of appetite;
  • , belching;
  • drawing character of pain.

The presence of one of these symptoms indicates a violation of the normal functioning of the digestive organs and a kind of response in the form of constant discomfort.

The frequency of the appearance of heaviness in the stomach may indicate the presence of gastritis.

Before proceeding to fix the problem, you need to pay attention to when this or that symptom appears: after eating, taking medication, smoking or drinking, prolonged hunger (for example, after sleeping). Or the pain occurs independently of all these factors.

irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a disease that is chronic, characterized by a disorder in the functioning of the large and small intestines. It is characterized by the presence of bloating and discomfort in the intestinal area.

  • constant exposure to stressful situations;
  • the use of products that contribute to increased gas formation;
  • excessive amounts of fatty foods and caffeine in the diet;
  • inadequate intake of dietary fiber.

Products that stimulate gas formation:

  • Peas;
  • cabbage;
  • beans;
  • fresh bakery;
  • kvass;
  • carbonated drinks.

Eliminating or reducing the amount of these foods will help improve digestion. Treatment of this disease is aimed at normalizing the lifestyle and eliminating the root causes.

Elimination of violation

In order to eliminate discomfort in the stomach, you need to see a doctor. Once a diagnosis is made, treatment can begin.

Depending on the symptoms, the presence of the disease or a certain stage, the following treatment can be used:

  • Prescribing a diet;
  • taking medications;
  • use of traditional medicine methods.

If a specific disease is diagnosed, diet and traditional medicine will not help in the fight against discomfort without taking special drugs.

If discomfort in the stomach area is not associated with pathological disorders in the functioning of the organ, a simple adjustment of the lifestyle and diet is allowed. In order to independently normalize the work of the body, you need:

  • Eat food often, but in small portions, without stretching the walls of the stomach and without causing irritation of the mucous membranes;
  • rejection of fatty, spicy, smoked foods, coffee;
  • plentiful drink;
  • introducing fiber from fresh fruits and vegetables into the diet;
  • exclude alcohol and tobacco;
  • avoid anxiety and stress, normalize sleep patterns;
  • to walk outside.

Medical treatment

A doctor must prescribe medication. For there is a chance to harm your body, only aggravating the situation. Therapy is complex, aimed at blocking the symptoms of the disease and eliminating them.

The doctor may prescribe these drugs:

  1. Antacids to inhibit the secretion of gastric juice with increased acidity and normalization of hydrochloric acid. For example, "Almagel", which will cope with the condition of heartburn.
  2. Replacement therapy with a lack of own enzymes. These are drugs such as Festal, Panzinorm and Mezim.
  3. For instant pain relief - "No-shpa".
  4. If fiber is not absorbed or there are problems with digesting a large amount of it, Fibogel and Tselevak are prescribed.
  5. Prokinetics for problems with peristalsis of the stomach and intestines.

Some medications may be taken before, during or after meals. The dosage also varies. Therefore, it is important to carefully read the instructions for use and strictly follow them.

It should be remembered that self-medication can be unsafe for health. It is imperative to undergo an examination to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment from a doctor. This will prevent serious complications in case of incorrect self-treatment. Consultation with a doctor is required.


To improve the owl's condition without resorting to drugs, you can use traditional medicine methods.

Effective food combinations:

  • Tea with lemon and honey will help start the stomach if it gets up;
  • fig juice will help relieve intestinal irritation;
  • a drink of mint, lemon, ginger and baking soda will help remove flatulence;
  • warm water with salt, cumin and lemon will help with increased discomfort;
  • a solution of potassium permanganate and activated charcoal will help cleanse the stomach of excess toxins;
  • carrot and potato juice will eliminate heartburn.

You can also do exercises and self-massage of the digestive organs, improving their peristalsis.

Diseases of the stomach occupy a dominant position among the appeals to the therapist. And most of all complaints are made about discomfort in the stomach.

Of course, under the unpleasant sensations in the stomach, everyone understands something of their own. For some it will be just heaviness, for some it will be pain, for others it will be nausea. However, all these symptoms can indicate both simple overeating and gastritis or stomach ulcers.

Often, discomfort indicates that the stomach began to work poorly. This condition is called hypotension. In this condition, there is no peristalsis in the stomach, which means that food is simply a dead weight in it and is not digested. This causes discomfort.

If the patient, along with unpleasant sensations, also has so-called hunger pains and pains at night, then this indicates that the person has a greatly increased acidity of gastric juice. In addition, a lot of this juice is produced, which is called hypersecretion.

If unpleasant pains in the stomach area mean a feeling of fullness, then most likely the patient has developed the so-called bloating. This condition appears after a lot of gases begin to accumulate in the stomach and intestines, that is, flatulence develops. Proper nutrition and exercise can help with flatulence. After all, it has long been noticed that such a condition manifests itself in those who are more busy with sedentary work.

Discomfort in the stomach may also occur during pregnancy. In this case, this condition is accompanied by nausea or even vomiting. This most often happens at the very beginning of fetal development and is called preeclampsia. At the same time, a pregnant woman is advised to eat right - often, but in small portions.

Often, discomfort in the stomach area is associated with a symptom such as dyspepsia. This symptom has quite a few manifestations. Dyspepsia itself is characterized by a violation of the digestion of food. In this case, the patient may complain of symptoms such as rapid filling and overflow of the stomach even when taking a small amount of food, drinking in the stomach and epigastric region, and nausea.

Conditions such as a large release of hydrochloric acid, malnutrition, for example, a plentiful feast or fatty foods, the presence of Helicobacter pylori can lead to dyspepsia.

In the presence of the above symptoms, it is not recommended to treat dyspepsia on your own. After all, before you drink certain pills, you should definitely find out the cause of the disease.

Dyspepsia is a condition that can mimic other stomach conditions. So, for example, ulcer-like dyspepsia is manifested by pain, especially at night and hungry, which disappear almost immediately after eating.

The dyskinetic variant of dyspepsia is manifested by satiety with a small amount of food, nausea, and discomfort after eating.

And, finally, nonspecific dyspepsia, which is manifested by a variety of symptoms, and it is very difficult to attribute them to one group or another.

And finally, often discomfort in the stomach can occur in the presence of irritable bowel syndrome. The reasons for this condition can be very different. But among the symptoms it is worth noting bloating, diarrhea or constipation, pain.

However, it is almost impossible to determine exactly why exactly there were pains in the stomach area and discomfort in the epigastrium on their own. With such complaints, it is worth contacting a therapist. Only an experienced doctor will help to accurately determine the cause of this condition and prescribe the correct treatment. And the further condition and health of not only the stomach itself, but also the person depends on the correct treatment.



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