What does potato juice do? Useful properties of potato juice

Potato juice is a yellow liquid with pungent odor and bitter taste. It is obtained by pressing the young tubers of this plant. The younger they are, the lighter the product will be, it also depends on the variety of vegetables. Green potatoes are completely unsuitable for use, which can easily be poisoned.

The calorie content of juice per 100 ml is 55 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins - 1 g;
  • Fats - 3 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 10 g;
  • Starch - 3 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 5 g;
  • Organic acids - 0.3 g;
  • Water - 76.3 g;
  • Ash - 3.2 g.
Potato juice is a source of proteins necessary to give a person strength. It abounds in alkaloids and nitrogen, which have a powerful antitumor effect. There are also pectins (polysaccharides) necessary for cleansing the whole body of toxins and normalizing metabolism. The presence of nucleic acids in it also makes the product valuable.

Of the vitamins in the composition there is PP, vitamin C(C), alpha-tocopherol (E), B and beta-carotene. Also there are various micro and macro elements - boron, cobalt, phosphorus, sodium. Slightly less here is chlorine, iron, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, phosphorus and iodine.

The composition of the product changes greatly after heat treatment, during which more than 30% of the substances are destroyed. Given this, it is worth saying that the benefits of potato juice will be much greater if consumed raw.

You can prepare juice yourself at home, for which you should select good, not rotten vegetables without stains and other defects. Greatest effect will be from young pink potatoes. It must be rinsed warm water, peel, divide into several parts and process in a juicer. If it is not available, then it is better to grate the vegetables and separate the juice through gauze. After that, he must be allowed to stand for all the starch to settle. Next, strain the mixture, putting it on a sieve - and it is ready to use!

Please note that it is necessary to prepare juice only before drinking it, because in just 10 minutes of exposure to the open air, it darkens and loses many of its valuable substances.

Useful properties of potato juice

The product is successfully used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract ( gastrointestinal tract), genitourinary system. He is known as effective remedy to strengthen the body, heal wounds, relieve inflammation, correct immunity, fight bacteria. It is also actively used to eliminate skin problems- acne, increased dryness, peeling, irritation and itching.

This product is very useful because:

  • Protects against dangerous bacteria . The tool strengthens immune system so the body is better able to resist virus attacks. As a result, a person can more easily tolerate various infectious diseases(flu, sore throat, SARS) and recovers faster.
  • Stimulates regeneration processes. The tool accelerates the formation of erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets. It has a positive effect on the renewal of the skin and its healing after integrity violations. Thanks to him, you can quickly recover from eczema, atopic dermatitis, urticaria and many other skin diseases. Extremely useful potato juice for the stomach with gastritis.
  • Cleanses the body. By regularly drinking potato juice, all toxins can be removed from the blood and intestines. He is known as powerful sorbent and therefore especially relevant for leading unhealthy image lives - smokers, drinkers, malnourished. Thanks to him, you can reduce the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis and the growth of neoplasms.
  • Improves bowel function. Since the product contains fiber, it normalizes the peristalsis of this organ, relieves inflammation of its walls and tones them, stops internal bleeding. The tool allows you to get rid of constipation or diarrhea, speed up the process of digestion and absorption useful substances. All this is more relevant than ever with colitis.
  • Helps in urination. Potato juice is actively involved in the work of the genitourinary system, it is necessary for the normalization of the functioning of its organs. Using it, you can speed up the treatment of cystitis and pyelonephritis. That's why this product you should definitely use it for those who are chilled from the cold and for those who are blown away in a draft.
  • Accelerates metabolism. This contributes effective cleansing organism. This action is possible due to the content of water, organic acids and dietary fiber. Them beneficial effect on the body allows you to lose weight and protect yourself from obesity.
  • Relieves inflammation. This juice is recommended to drink with colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. It will be no less useful for patients with tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis. This effect is due to the fact that the product restores water balance in the body and lymph flow.
  • Speeds up healing female diseases . The tool is effective in the fight against uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts and other benign tumors in gynecology.
  • Improves heart function. Product downgrade arterial pressure, strengthens the muscle of this organ, normalizes its rhythm and blood circulation. All this helps to prevent atherosclerosis, heart attack, thrombosis, and more. others

Important! If you suffer from heartburn, just drink fresh potato juice, which is quite effective against it.

Contraindications for treatment with potato juice

Do not drink stale potato juice that has stood for more than an hour. After that, it becomes unfit for consumption, even if it has been in the refrigerator all this time.

It is harmful to use it for the treatment of diabetics and people who are prone to fullness or already have problems with overweight. The fact is that it contains light carbohydrates, which are quickly transformed into fat.

You can not drink this juice with the following diseases:

  1. gastritis with low acidity . This product provokes an exacerbation, further reducing it. Because of this, there may be severe nausea and heartburn pain in a stomach.
  2. Disorders in the work of the central nervous system. It has been proven that this remedy, when abused, depresses it, suppresses activity, causes drowsiness and apathy.
  3. Exacerbation of the ulcer. Raw juice can cause bleeding and severe attacks pain in the stomach or intestines.
In no case should you use a product obtained from green tubers, since it contains a lot of solanine. It is highly toxic and negatively affects the body.

How to take potato juice

Whatever the disease needs to be cured, before starting the course, it is necessary to carry out a body cleansing procedure. For this, it is recommended to resort to enemas. Their implementation is started three days before the start of juice intake. You will need an ordinary pear with a volume of 0.3-0.6 liters. It is filled with warm water, to which 20 drops are added. lemon juice. Next, the solution is injected into the intestine. The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach for three days, 1 time. The best time for this is 2 hours before bedtime, all this will allow the juice to be absorbed faster.

Treatment of constipation with potato juice

First of all, for the duration of treatment, it is necessary to remove fish from the menu, any meat and all dishes based on them, spicy, spicy and salty food, sweets, flour products. It is advisable to eat cereals, various fruits and fresh vegetables. And 50% they must be raw. The course of constipation treatment is 1 week.
  • With beetroot. It must be mixed in equal proportions with the main ingredient, shake well and drink immediately. In the first three days, you need to drink 50 ml of this composition. Then every day this amount is increased by 15 ml for 4 days. If the product seems tasteless, then you can dilute it a little with water.
  • with cabbage. For 30 ml of the main ingredient, it needs half as much. They are mixed and drunk in small sips at a time. The procedure is repeated 1 time for 7 days in the morning.
  • with carrot. It will need only 10 ml, which takes 25 ml of the main ingredient. This composition is drunk 1-1.5 hours after a meal.

Important! Those who do not like the taste of the described products can add honey to them.

The use of potato juice for gastritis

Powerful for digestion therapeutic effect renders potato juice in combination with pumpkin, celery and tomato. They are involved in the regeneration of the walls of the stomach, the normalization of metabolism and the elimination of nausea. They should be taken for 10 days, after which they should be interrupted for a week and, if necessary, continue treatment. This option is only suitable for hyperacidity in the stomach.

You can use the following potato juice recipes:

  1. with celery. Squeeze out of it Fresh Juice and mix it with the main ingredient, adhering to the proportions of 1 to 2. Drink it half an hour after drinking homemade goat's milk.
  2. with pumpkin. Combine the extract from it (25 ml) with potato juice (50 ml). First take a couple of sips warm water and then slowly drink this composition.
  3. with tomato. This juice needs no more than 2 tbsp. l. per 80 ml of the main component. They are combined together and the mixture is consumed after meals, within an hour.

Important! Juices are needed raw, without sugar, so you should not buy store products.

How to take potato juice for fibroids

To avoid the growth of this benign tumor every day for six months you need to drink pure potato juice. This should be done on an empty stomach, in the morning. Before that, it is not recommended to drink even water. It must be fresh, pressed from young tubers. After that, you can not eat anything for 1-2 hours. It is enough to take 100 ml of the product.

After 6 months from the beginning of the course, you need to take a break for 2-3 months. During this period, you need to eat mainly vegetables, fruits and cereals. Avoid severe physical exercise, which can provoke a rupture of the neoplasm.

Note! Another effective method- combine vodka with juice, mixing them in half. This recipe is not suitable for girls in a position coded for alcohol and diabetics.

Use of potato juice for pancreatitis

With this disease, you can drink juice, but only diluted with water or other ingredients. The best option there will be a combination of it with low-fat kefir. The proportions needed here are 1:1. The main component cannot be heated, and the additional one must be held on low heat for 1-2 minutes before use, since the cold liquid irritates the diseased pancreas.

The treatment is continued for 2 weeks, taking 100 ml every morning and evening an hour before meals. desired composition to which 20 drops are added cranberry juice. After that, they take a break for 10 days and, if necessary, continue the course. They can be repeated no more than 2-3 times a year after consultation with a gastroenterologist.

How to drink potato juice with an ulcer

If you are concerned about a stomach ulcer, then they begin to be treated gradually, with small doses. The main rule: at this time there should be no exacerbation, and even more so internal bleeding. In the first week, drink 0.5 cups of raw potato juice in the morning at pure form 30 minutes before meals once a day. Further, this volume is increased by 25% and adhere to it for the next 10 days.

The course is 20 days, and in the last three of them you need to switch to a full glass. The reception time remains the same as before. During this period, a slight nausea may occur, in which there is nothing to worry about. Diarrhea is an abnormal symptom, and if it occurs, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Watch the video about potato juice:

Beneficial features potato juice will be available only if it is used correctly. Knowing everything in moderation and taking into account existing contraindications, it is simply impossible to harm yourself in this way - this remedy is completely natural and safe for health.

Potatoes are a product that is always present in our kitchen. Many are prepared from it. delicious meals. But the value of this vegetable is not limited to cooking. Potato juice can be obtained from potatoes. It is not as pleasant as apple or orange and is not served as delicious drink. Potato juice is able to treat some diseases, so it is used as medicine.

Treatment with potato juice in diseases of the pancreas increases the secretory function of this organ. As a result, the concentration of sugar in the blood decreases.

Potato tuber juice can be applied externally. Burns and cuts heal faster if gauze cloth moistened with a healing liquid is applied to them.

As an anesthetic and wound healing, the remedy is used in the treatment of anal fissures.

Benefits for men, women and children

Potato juice is suitable for all representatives of mankind.

Pregnant women suffer from severe toxicosis and swelling. The drug copes well with these ailments and alleviates an already difficult situation.

A sore subject for men is prostatitis. On the initial stage this disease, the intake of juice will help restore impaired functions.

The tool is not contraindicated in children. Starting from 1 year old, you can give babies 25 ml of juice. Although potato juice treatment refers to alternative medicine, there are cases when endocrinologists and gastroenterologists recommend this drug to small patients.

Wellness Recipes

The drink is made from hard tubers. You can use the "grandmother's" method - grate the potatoes and squeeze through gauze, or use a juicer. How to drink potato juice for various diseases?

Admission schemes are different.

  1. For gastritis, heartburn and dyspepsia treatment takes place in cycles - for 10 days of admission, the same number of days of interruption. The course is repeated three times. Drink potato juice 30 minutes before breakfast, on an empty stomach. The norm is 200 ml, but with increased acidity it can be reduced to 3/4 cup.
  2. For stomach ulcer therapy lasts 20 days. The amount of the drug is gradually increased, starting with 1/4 and reaching 3/4 cup.
  3. Hypertension and headaches treated 100 mg healing drink 2-3 times a day.
  4. For constipation a mixture of potato, carrot and helps a lot. Drink 100 mg 2-3 times a day.
  5. From insomnia can be disposed of in the following way: mix potato, carrot and celery juice in a ratio of 2:2:1. The resulting mixture is taken in half a glass three times a day for half an hour before meals. Thanks to the B group of vitamins, which is part of the potato, the product has a good sedation. It has a beneficial effect on nervous system and is taken not only for insomnia, but also to relieve stress.
  6. From acne Potato juice with honey will help. You need to mix 100 ml of the drink with 1 tsp of honey and make a facial compress for 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure every day for 2 weeks.

The drink is prepared immediately before the reception, it can not be stored in the refrigerator.

Application features

To extract maximum benefit for health, it is worth considering some rules:

  • Treatment is accompanied vegetarian diet. Avoid meat and fish dishes, smoked food and pickles. It is better to introduce restrictions in the diet 2-3 days before the treatment course.
  • It is better to drink the drink through a straw, as the potato belongs to alkaline products and raw juice can damage tooth enamel.
  • You can not use green tubers, as well as those that have been in the sun for a long time. Corned beef accumulates in them - toxic substance capable of causing poisoning of the body.
  • Treatment with potato juice is carried out from July to February. After winter, the tubers age, lose their useful properties and accumulate corned beef.

It should be borne in mind that a long, uncontrolled intake of a drink puts a lot of stress on the pancreas and can cause its dysfunction.

How to enhance the healing effect

To increase productivity, you should choose the right varieties. Large quantity minerals and vitamins are found in red and pink tubers.

The therapeutic effect of potatoes can be enhanced if combined with other vegetables -,. In addition, it will improve the specific taste of potato juice.

Freshly squeezed juice needs to stand for literally 1-2 minutes in order to extract useful substances from it to the maximum.


Treatment with potato juice has some limitations.

  1. Raw potatoes can increase the level of glucose in the body. Patients with diabetes should decide on juice treatment after consulting a doctor.
  2. Since the drug reduces the acidity of the stomach, people with hypoacid gastritis should weigh the pros and cons of treating potato juice.

Many are accustomed to seeing potatoes exclusively in various dishes. Of course, the taste of the root crop in finished form is to the liking of many. However, few people know about the enormous benefits raw product for medical purposes. On the basis of potatoes, you can prepare effective compresses, face and hair masks. Juice is squeezed out of the root crop, which has a beneficial effect on all important organs.

Chemical composition

  1. Not everyone knows that fresh root juice has an impressive composition. beneficial trace elements. Collectively, enzymes provide tremendous benefits to humans.
  2. Raw potatoes contain a group of vitamins B, nicotinic and ascorbic acids, tocopherol. In addition, the product is rich in potassium, iron and calcium.
  3. Also, freshly squeezed juice contains natural sugar. The substance is well absorbed by the body. If the root crop is consumed ready-made, sugar is instantly converted into less useful starch.

Potato juice for the beauty of the body and face

  1. Thanks to the enzymes that positive impact on the body, the product is able to cope with cosmetic defects. The composition cleanses the skin and gives it a pristine beauty. The dermis is rejuvenated at the cellular level.
  2. External use of juice effectively relieves swelling in the eye area, acne, whitens the face, relieves soreness and inflammation in case of sunburn. Fresh root juice is used in the form of compresses and lotions.
  3. Often liquid composition used as a cleanser. Juice is also added as the basis for all kinds of masks along with natural ingredients. An effective result appears when using the composition in a wrap against cellulite.
  4. The effectiveness of the procedures is achieved only if manipulations are carried out daily on a steamed body. There is at least effective mask for face. This product is great for all skin types.
  5. To prepare the product, combine in a bowl of 60 ml. freshly squeezed potato juice and 8 gr. liquid honey. Wait for the sweet mass to dissolve. Next, apply the product in an even layer on the face.
  6. Wait half an hour, wash with non-hot water. It is strongly recommended to carry out the manipulation daily. As a result, you will get a velvety clean skin. Disappear after several procedures dark spots, acne and inflammation.

Potato juice for stomach ailments

  1. AT traditional medicine potato juice is actively used to eliminate many ailments associated with the stomach and digestive system. The presence of natural starch in the composition reduces acidity.
  2. In addition, the product actively resists inflammatory processes, heals damaged gastrointestinal mucosa. Effective Impact drink affects in the presence of stomach ulcers and 12 duodenal ulcers, dyspepsia, pancreatitis, gastritis.
  3. Freshly squeezed juice perfectly eliminates heartburn. When used, the composition actively envelops the mucous membranes of all internal organs digestion. In the course of this, the irritant effect is reduced.

Rules for drinking potato juice

  1. It is important to use freshly squeezed root juice. It is forbidden to expose the composition to the slightest heat treatments. In this case, the product loses most of its usefulness.
  2. It is strongly recommended to drink fresh in the first minutes after preparation. In this case, the body receives the largest number beneficial enzymes, manifested therapeutic effect to organs. The course and dosage of the drink is prescribed by a specialist. The indicators depend on the complexity and characteristics of the disease.
  3. Do not drink juice long time. Otherwise, the composition adversely affects the work of the pancreas. In the uncontrolled use of the drink, the body is oversaturated with substances.
  4. In small quantities, enzymes are useful for the body, otherwise they can provoke poisoning. To achieve a positive effect from the juice, it is recommended to carefully prepare for the course.
  5. You need to exclude animal products, spicy and salty spices for the duration of treatment. Various marinades should also not be used. Before starting the course, you should cleanse the body with an enema.

Treatment of various ailments with potato juice

  1. Indigestion. If you are suffering a similar disease or dyspepsia, heaviness in the stomach, it is recommended to use 200 ml every morning. potato juice. The drink should be taken immediately half an hour before the meal. The course of treatment takes place in 3 stages. The first 10 days you drink the drink, then the same break follows. Then repeat the manipulation three times.
  2. Angina and sore throat. With such colds you need to gargle 5 times a day. Remedy suitable for any age. As a result, disappear inflammatory processes and pain. For an effective effect, the juice is mixed with fresh cabbage. After a few days, the symptoms will disappear.
  3. Constipation. Use 100 ml. fresh juice three times a day for a quarter of an hour before meals. As a result, intestinal peristalsis improves, stool stabilizes. The given dose is recommended for an adult.
  4. Stress and insomnia. The drink will relieve you of these problems, and also significantly strengthen the immune system. Do not forget, freshly prepared product is consumed immediately. Wash and peel the celery root, potatoes and carrots. Take an equal amount of products, pass through a blender. Squeeze out the mass with gauze. Use the composition 15 minutes before a meal for 1 week 3 times a day. The recommended serving should not exceed 200 ml.
  5. Increased acidity and gastritis. Fresh juice from the root crop in such cases should be consumed a quarter of an hour before the meal. The recommended dose is about 80 ml. 3 times a day. The duration of the course is not limited. You can stop and resume treatment as needed.
  6. Difficult digestion and pancreatitis. To normalize digestive processes, fresh root juice must be used in conjunction with kefir. The drink is taken in the morning and evening time 2 hours before a meal. You must first drink 100 ml. freshly squeezed potato juice, after 5-7 minutes 200 ml is consumed. kefir. An alternative to the latter can be homemade yogurt. Full course is 4 manipulations. Drink drinks for two weeks, then the same break, resume treatment.

Potato juice for pregnant and lactating girls

  1. Potato juice perfectly copes with toxicosis during pregnancy. It is recommended to drink a drink for girls while carrying a fetus. As a result, the body will get rid of possible heartburn and constipation.
  2. The composition normalizes the processes of digestion and stool. It is enough to take a drink for 10 days in an amount of 100 ml. before the meal. If after drinking juice positive result manifested itself, then you should not abuse the drink.
  3. Fresh is especially recommended for women in position who have inflammatory processes. respiratory tract. In combination with a decoction of chamomile, the composition is used for gargling, but not for oral administration.
  4. The combination of beneficial enzymes of the two products produces an effective effect. As a result, the symptoms of a cold, SARS, flu disappear in short time. Fresh has no contraindications during lactation. The recommended serving should not exceed 90 ml. per day.

Possible harm and contraindications

  1. Like any product, root-based fresh has some contraindications. The drink can harm people who suffer from low acidity in the stomach. The composition has an increased alkaline balance.
  2. As a result, the juice can adversely affect the mucous membrane digestive organs. It is forbidden to use fresh root vegetables for individuals who have gastritis along with high acidity.
  3. Also, the composition has a number of contraindications, in which it is forbidden to use fresh. These include pancreatitis acute form, hard stage diabetes, enamel damage by caries, processes of fermentation and swelling in the stomach.
  4. Refuse to drink juice if the body is prone to diarrhea and constipation, acute obesity, illness urinary system. In addition, it is forbidden to drink the drink for people who have serious ailments associated with the stomach.
  5. If you use root juice in an unmetered amount, such a move can lead to strong gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract. The presence of natural sugar in potatoes suggests that it is forbidden to drink the drink for people with severe form diabetes.

Keep in mind that the drink is prepared from a raw root vegetable, so it is highly recommended to pay attention to the quality of the vegetable. Potato easily absorbs from the ground and air great amount beneficial enzymes. The root crop itself is best suited, in which case you will be sure that the vegetable has not been treated with chemicals. The purchased product is in any case fertilized with pesticides.

Video: potato juice for weight loss

Potato belongs to the nightshade family, its homeland is America, where it is found in the wild. Potato tubers, which are quite safe, can produce a poisonous glycoside, solanine, during long-term storage in the light, and eating such potatoes can lead to severe poisoning.

The ancient Indians not only ate it, they worshiped it and considered it an animated being. It is known that in the famous Inca calendar, the unit of time was the time spent on boiling potatoes.

It came to Europe quite late - in the 16th century and was initially considered a decorative culture. Only after 2 centuries did it become one of the foundations of the diet in many countries.

Now there is probably no person who has never in his life enjoyed fried or fresh young potatoes with green dill and onions. You can cook hundreds of different dishes from it, and each has its fans and gourmets. At the same time, few people know that the raw juice of this root crop is incredibly healthy and can cure many serious diseases.

Of course, few people would think of eating raw tubers, but the juice is included in the juice therapy program of many healers.

Chemical composition of raw potato juice

Such a simple and familiar potato contains more than 30 important trace elements.

Research has shown that from mineral salts it contains the most potassium, which is vital for the work of the heart muscle. In addition, potatoes contain quite a lot of other micro- and macroelements: calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, which are not produced in the body, but can only come from outside.

Potatoes are also rich in organic acids (nucleic and amine acids) and natural sugars, which are then synthesized into starch.

Of the vitamins in the root crop, ascorbic acid, procarotene, group B, as well as E and PP were found.

In addition to the above, there are:

  • proteins,
  • pectins,
  • phenolic compounds,
  • fats and leptides,
  • fiber and dietary fiber.

These biocomponents in a complex have a positive effect on health. That is why juice therapy willingly uses it to heal many ailments.

What treats the juice of tubers of such a healthy potato

Freshly squeezed juice has a pronounced wound healing effect and is successfully used to treat wounds and ulcers. Therefore, it is recommended by herbalists for patients with gastritis and gastrointestinal ulcers in high acidity. Juice, acting gently and carefully, reduces the level of hydrochloric acid and thus provides an analgesic and antiseptic effect.

Already from the first days of treatment observed positive effect, during this time, the mucosa returns to normal and the ulcers begin to scar, and several courses and dieting can completely save a person from the disease. By the way, not only herbalists, but also representatives traditional medicine it is advised for ulcers and gastritis with excessive acidity to carry out complex treatment, which includes drinking potato juice.

A few years ago, the ability of juice to remove toxins, slags and radionuclides was revealed.

It also has a strong diuretic effect and is able, with regular use, to facilitate the work of the kidneys and get rid of edema. The drink provides the body with easily digestible vegetable protein, and the presence of complex carbohydrate compounds is an energy generator.

It is recommended to drink juice for heartburn and constipation, even during pregnancy. Lotions from potato juice alleviate the condition with inflammation of hemorrhoids. The presence in the juice of the strongest antioxidants in the form of vitamins A, E and C helps to fight some cancers.

Potato juice therapy is recommended for patients who suffer from cholesterol metabolism anomalies and diseases. of cardio-vascular system. It is able to reduce the level of cholesterol, normalize blood pressure and relieve frequent headaches.

Summarizing, we can state that potato juice has:

  • antimicrobial,
  • antiseptic,
  • antispasmodic and analgesic,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • diuretics and laxatives, and
  • fortifying properties.

In cosmetology, potato juice masks are used in the treatment of acne, getting rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes, as well as for whitening and rejuvenating the skin.

Juice is very useful for women's health, they can cure inflammation and gynecological problems, in particular, uterine erosion, adnexitis, etc.

Thus, with the help of juice from potato tubers, you can:

  • to maintain the norm of hemoglobin in the blood and to provide healing effect on the cardiovascular system,
  • lower high blood pressure
  • stimulate kidney function and intestinal motility.
  • Juice will help get rid of heartburn, chronic constipation and pain in the organs digestive system and headache
  • eliminate internal bleeding.

It is also important that relief comes quickly and noticeably, literally after a few days of use.

Juice therapy recipes for healing from ailments

The correct use of juice can work wonders, so after consulting with your doctor, strictly adhere to the recommendations.

For gastritis and cholecystitis

You should drink 0.1 liters of freshly squeezed juice daily on an empty stomach for 30 minutes. before eating. The course of treatment is 10 days, then you need to take the same break. With a stomach ulcer, it is recommended to use juice according to the same scheme, but 3-4 r. per day and a course of 20 days. It is important to adhere to a vegetarian diet during the treatment process to enhance the effect.

To normalize stool, get rid of heartburn, belching and flatulence

On an empty stomach, take a glass of potato and carrot juice mixed in equal amounts, then lie down in bed for 20-30 minutes. Treatment should be carried out in three cycles of 10 days with the same duration of the break.

With pancreatitis

2 hours before a meal, you need to take a glass of juice. During treatment, it is also useful to eat potatoes baked in the oven or boiled without salt.

With myoma

Every morning, take a teacup of juice on an empty stomach for six months. You need to add 1 tsp to the juice. honey. At the same time, douching of the vagina 1/ cup of juice can be carried out. Important - myoma - serious illness and you need to be treated for it by a doctor, and juice therapy should be carried out in combination with the main treatment.

With prostatitis

At the initial stage, it is very effective to take juice as an addition to the main treatment. Daily use 1/2 glass of juice before meals along with exercise will help to restore the disturbed functions in a short time.

With pyelonephritis

3 p. per day for 30 min. Before meals, you should drink half a glass of potato juice mixed with cranberry.

With angina, sore throat and to strengthen the nasopharynx

You should drink half a glass of juice before meals, and after eating - gargle with it. For greater effect, you can alternate potato juice with carrot and cabbage.

With uterine erosion and inflammation of the appendages

Within 3 weeks, you should drink a glass of juice on an empty stomach in the morning, and in the evening do douching from half a glass.

For insomnia and stress

A cocktail of 1 teaspoon celery juice helps a lot, to which 2 teaspoons of potato and carrot juice. Take a glass of 3 r. before eating.

For acne

In half a glass of juice, add a teaspoon of honey and make a compress on problem areas for 20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. These compresses should be done every day for 2 weeks.

To eliminate dark circles and bags under the eyes

Marlechka, dipped in potato juice, is applied to the eyes for 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2-3 p. in Week.

Burn treatment

Juice compress or gruel from mashed raw potatoes apply on the affected areas 3-4 p. in a day.

How to prepare juice

For juice therapy, varieties with pink and reddish tubers are most suitable. oval shape. Carefully inspect them - when light hits the tubers during storage, green spots appear on them, they are very harmful and even poisonous.

Wash the tubers well with a brush, for a glass of juice they need 3-4 medium sizes, if the house has a juicer, drive through it along with the skin. If it is not there, grate it on an ordinary fine grater and squeeze the mass through gauze folded in 2-3 layers.

The resulting juice should be drunk within 5-10 minutes. after pressing, otherwise it will darken and lose its healing properties.

When treating, it is desirable to follow a few rules, only then it will be effective:

  • 2-3 days before treatment, stop eating animal proteins, and also do not overeat.
  • put a cleansing enema at night for the entire period while you are drinking the juice.

Your diet these few days should be vegetarian.

Contraindications to the use of juice from potato tubers

Since the juice has pronounced alkaline properties and is able to lower the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, it should not be used by people suffering from low acidity.

Patients with diabetes and obesity before juice therapy should consult with their doctor and obtain permission. In addition, with flatulence, juice treatment should be started with small doses, gradually increasing them.

It should be reminded once again that to obtain juice, you need to take only healthy tubers. good quality, hard, without eyes and green spots, otherwise you can harm yourself.

Most right time for treatment with potato juice, this is the period from July to February inclusive, later the roots lose their freshness, and with it their beneficial properties. It must also be remembered that it healing power will only appear if the recommended dosages are observed.

Is raw potato juice really healthy, or is it medicinal properties exaggerate? Exist different opinions. For example, nutritionists do not recommend its use due to its high calorie content. Although there are a lot of calories only in a fried vegetable, a boiled root vegetable loses nutritional value in the process of processing. A is a panacea for all ills.

Biological and nutritional value

Potato juice contains the following components:

  • vitamins: A, C, E, PP, H and almost the entire group B;
  • minerals: calcium, potassium, magnesium, chlorine, iron, phosphorus, sodium;
  • amino acids;
  • Sahara;
  • fiber.

Vegetable juice consists of macro and microelements, a complex of minerals that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Nutritional value of this product:

  • carbohydrates - 24%;
  • proteins - 3%;
  • fat - 0.3%.

I would like to note that the main benefit of potato juice is the easy digestibility of all components. The calorie content of the product per 100 mg will be 80 calories. Is not big indicator, so vegetable juice can be consumed by people on a diet and are not afraid for their weight.


In its raw form, it is quite difficult to use the root vegetable, due to bad taste and great content starch. Therefore, for medicinal purposes, it is worth using potato juice. Moreover, there is such a rich mineral composition.

This natural substance is useful:

  1. Wound healing and ulcer effect. Freshly squeezed juice is very useful to drink in the morning on an empty stomach. After ingestion, the liquid envelops the walls of the stomach, contributing to the healing of ulcerative scars. Also, juice reduces acidity, relieves heartburn.
  2. Potato liquid has a diuretic effect, eliminates signs of swelling, and helps to normalize kidney function.
  3. Not so long ago, a scientific statement was made that potato juice can lower the amount of sugar in the blood. And also with moderate use, it can increase the efficiency of the pancreas. Which, of course, will not cure diabetes, but will prevent the disease from worsening.
  4. This drink heals wounds and burns on skin. Strengthens the body's immunity, helps to cope with migraines and high blood pressure.
  5. In medicine, potato juice is valuable due to the presence of fiber. It affects the digestion process, helps to cleanse the body of toxins, toxins, radionuclides.
  6. Maintains a normal amount of hemoglobin.
  7. It has a positive effect on the central nervous system, saves from insomnia and irritability.


However treatment with root juice does not always go smoothly. Like any product or medicinal product there are contraindications.

How to use for treatment?

To extract the maximum of useful substances from potato juice, you should use it freshly squeezed, no later than 10 minutes later. Otherwise, over time, the juice oxidizes, darkens, and the substances become less useful and nutritious.

It is best to prepare vegetable juice in a special juicer that can process whole tubers.. Well, if such a device is not at hand, you should use a fine grater and gauze to squeeze the pulp.

  1. First of all, we choose a healthy, non-sprouted vegetable, with no visible signs of rot.
  2. Wash well, remove dirt and sand.
  3. Peeling is not necessary, because the peel also contains vitamins.
  4. Apply suitable way spin.

It is recommended to choose pink varieties of potatoes. Also best time for treatment vegetable juice- summer-autumn, but not later than February. In winter, potatoes grow old, dehydrated, germinate. Solanine accumulates in it, which will not bring benefits.

It is important not to abuse the product. An overdose will obviously lead to undesirable consequences. Number of receptions natural substance should be no more than 4 per day. The total volume of liquid is 600 mg per day, that is, drink 125 mg at a time.

Application features

It is clear that potato juice is widely used as a medicine in folk medicine. But even when contacting a regular hospital, they may prescribe the use of potato liquid. After all, its effect has been officially proven.

For women's diseases

Perhaps not everyone knows, but root juice helps the weaker sex deal with various ailments. Among them:

  • cervical erosion;
  • inflammation;
  • uterine myoma.

Let's analyze in detail:

  1. Women suffering from uterine erosion and inflammation of the appendages are advised to drink potato juice in the morning 30 minutes before meals daily. The procedure should be carried out daily for 2 weeks. For speedy offensive recovery, you can use the juice for douching.
  2. From the age of 35, women develop dangerous disease uterus - myoma. Expressed this disease as a benign tumor. With small sizes, this outgrowth discomfort does not cause. Women live fully. However, over time, the tumor can increase in size, and sometimes reach 1 kg of weight, which makes it dangerous for the body as a whole.

    Therefore, to avoid surgical interventions and eradicate from internal cavity uterus swelling, you need to try to drink potato juice. 125 ml of juice daily on an empty stomach, and so on for 6 months. After that, they take a break for 4 months and again the course is restored. It has been noticed that already after two months of taking potato juice, the tumor begins to decrease.



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