What day does ovulation occur? Definition and signs of ovulation

Ovulation is a natural process of getting into the abdominal cavity of an egg suitable for conception. This process occurs from puberty to the very extinction of female reproduction and has a cyclical nature. Its absence is observed only during gestation. Ovulation and conception are concepts related together. It is in the days of maturation of the egg that a woman can become pregnant.

It occurs with a gap of 21-35 days, which is due to the duration of the menstrual cycle in a woman. According to approximate calculations, each ovulation occurs by the middle of the cycle, after 12-16 days. After the remaining 2 weeks, the next menstruation occurs.

Each woman has different symptoms of ovulation, depending on her physiological characteristics. But its beginning can be understood that it has already come according to some signs:

  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • increased libido;
  • mucous discharge from the vagina is observed;
  • the color of the discharge sometimes changes shade;

Not every woman feels the painful manifestations of this process. Based on surveys, only a fifth of the beautiful half of humanity complains of discomfort. The feeling of pain causes a little bleeding caused by the process of bursting the follicle. An egg and follicular fluid with an admixture of a small amount of blood come out of it.

Weak sipping pains during ovulation are considered the norm. The pain can also be cutting, stabbing, and also expressed by contractions. This state lasts from an hour to two days.

In case the pain haunts you, it is advised to contact a specialist who will help determine why this phenomenon occurs and prescribe the appropriate drug therapy.

The work of the ovaries is sequential. In one cycle, the follicle matures on the right, and in the next cycle, on the left. This explains why pain is always one-sided.

Doctors explain the pain by the action of the Graaffian vesicle, which stretches the walls of the ovary. Also, painful sensations are identified with the release of follicular fluid, which has a contracting effect on the uterus and fallopian tubes.

Pain during ovulation is rare. But if they prevent you from fully existing, then you should consult a doctor. Pain in the ovary may indicate that an inflammatory process occurs in the reproductive organs or other malfunctions in the reproductive system. does not always occur through a breakthrough of the egg capsule. They can serve as evidence of many female diseases and have different strengths and frequency of manifestations.

Increased libido

Experts noted that during ovulation there is an increase in a woman's sexual desire, and even the existing pains do not affect this in any way. Nature, as it were, pushes a woman to conceive a baby.

Associated secretions

If you want to know if ovulation has begun, then just listen to your body and watch it:

  • Ovulation can be determined by, which on average last 2 days.
  • They have a thinner consistency than regular secretions and stretch like the white of an egg.

We come to the conclusion that liquid discharge is a sign that ovulation is taking place, and favorable days for conception have come.

Discharge color

The color of the discharge changes markedly and may be reddish or pinkish due to small bloody discharge. There shouldn't be much blood. Bleeding from the uterus is a threat to the life of a woman. There is such a phenomenon when twisting the legs.

ovulation cycle

Conventionally, the cycle of menstruation and the onset of ovulation can be divided into several phases:

  • The first day of menstruation is considered the beginning of the follicular phase. The follicles are already maturing in the ovaries.
  • From the seventh day to the middle of the cycle, the ovulation phase continues. A predominant follicle is formed - the graafian vesicle, where the development of the egg takes place.
  • On day 14 (cycle 28 days), ovulation occurs, that is, the rupture of the capsule with the release of a formed egg, which may give a new life. It is on this day that a woman can determine pain. In the following days, after ovulation has taken place, the egg moves into the uterine cavity. According to various sources, the duration of cell functionality is from one to two days.
  • Day 15 is considered to be the corpus luteum phase. This is the next stage before the start of the next offensive of the regulations. The walls of the follicle that burst are connected. They accumulate fats and the hormone lutein, which has a yellowish tint. The modified Graaffian vesicle acquires the name of the corpus luteum.

Change in the menstrual cycle

The cycle of menstruation may change:

  • For one year.
  • After the birth of a child.
  • The first months after the abortion.
  • With the onset of the climax.

The phenomenon of lack of ovulation

- a sure sign that the onset of pregnancy is impossible. This phenomenon is called anovulation. However, even in the most healthy female body, egg maturation sometimes fails. The presence of 2-3 such cycles in medical practice is considered the norm. But if there are 4 or more of them, then this is a reason to immediately contact a specialist.

Sharp pains in the lower abdomen may indicate existing violations of the woman's endocrine system, as well as the presence of gynecological diseases. With the aging of the woman's body, there is a sharp decrease in the number of ovulation.

Ovulation does not occur when:

  • bearing a fetus;
  • menopause;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • exposure to certain medications.

If a woman wants to have a child, then an artificial one is carried out by means of hormonal agents.

But, in no case do not resort to independent forms of treatment, as this is fraught with serious health consequences. Only an experienced gynecologist will be able to choose the optimal approaches and doses of medications.

Varieties of the process of egg maturation include:

  • Ovulation that occurs at the right time.
  • Ovulation that occurred earlier than expected
  • Ovulation, characterized by a significant delay.

Causes of early ovulation

Before ovulation can occur in the following cases:

  • Intense intercourse.
  • Overwork.
  • Stressful situation.
  • Compliance with dietary programs.
  • Various diseases.
  • The picture of the hormonal background is disturbed.

In the case of an irregular menstrual cycle, it is difficult to judge the untimely ovulation, since the hormonal background of the female body is initially disturbed.

The reason for the early release of the egg may be a nervous shock. Due to functional disorders of the nervous system, attempts to lose weight, existing diseases, ovulation occurring earlier is commonplace.

Causes of late ovulation

Ovulation may be delayed due to hormonal imbalance. If in the middle of the cycle there are no painful manifestations in the lower abdomen, and you think that ovulation occurs later than the required time, then it is recommended to undergo a folliculometry procedure, through which the egg release is monitored using ultrasound.

If you are planning to give birth to a baby, then you should consider the duration of ovulation and the functionality of the sperm. The egg cell lives for 1 day, and the sperm cell lives for 3-4 days. Sexual intercourse should be planned 2-3 days before the onset of ovulation and no later than 1 day after it ends.

Test method

To determine the day when ovulation occurs, you can use some methods. They are available and a woman can independently determine this day.

Ovulation test

There is a special method by which you can determine the onset of ovulation. It is based on the detection of the lutein hormone in the urine. Using the test is a unified process and has a fairly high accuracy of indicators. This will allow you to accurately determine the time of ovulation, provided that you are not taking any medications.

As soon as any symptoms of ovulation appear, get tested immediately. The rules of procedure are described in the annotation.

Basal temperature as a method for determining ovulation

The basal temperature during ovulation rises to 37.2, and the day before it drops sharply. By taking daily measurements, a woman can track her temperature and calculate the day it will occur. This is a fairly simple method, but it does not have great accuracy.

It is carried out under strictly defined conditions. It must be determined immediately after waking up. Do not get out of bed and carry out the procedure at the same time and with the same thermometer. The thermometer is inserted rectally, where it stays for 5 minutes. Each indicator is recorded in the calendar days of its cycle.

From the beginning of menstruation to the middle of the cycle, temperature indicators are below 37 ° C. When the egg matures, it rises to the level of 37 and a little higher. This is the onset of ovulation.

Calendar method for determining ovulation

First, calculate the total duration of your cycle. Ovulation falls in its middle with plus or minus 2 days. A cycle length of 28 days suggests ovulation on days 14-15. If the cycle is 35 days, then ovulation occurs on the 17-18th day.

Guaranteed methods for determining ovulation

Here are two proven methods:

  • A visit to a radiologist will help you find out the time of development of the capsule and the release of the egg from it. Through special monitoring.
  • Testing for the quantitative content of the lutein hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Before ovulation, its indicators increase significantly.

Is it possible to conceive a child after ovulation?

You can get pregnant after ovulation within a day after it ends. This is the case if a woman ovulates for 48 hours, which is quite rare. Most often, the duration of ovulation is 24 hours.

Some researchers claim that it is possible to get pregnant in two days. In most cases, the life span of an egg is about a day. If fertilization does not occur, the egg will soon die.

Of course, the most reliable signs of ovulation are determined by ultrasound. But not every woman can afford to visit a doctor every month and more than once to track ovulation. Are there any external signs of ovulation in women, by which it is possible to determine the period favorable for conception without consulting a doctor?

If you keep a menstrual calendar, you can roughly calculate the days of ovulation, the signs of which you will have to wait. With a standard cycle of 28-30 days, ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle - approximately on the 14th-15th day. It is at this time that signs of ovulation may appear. Some women do not notice them at all, but over the years, and especially if a woman has already had at least one birth, the symptoms of ovulation appear brighter and can be tracked.

Signs of the onset of ovulation

Watching your well-being, you can notice some of the physical signs of ovulation. The female body reacts to changes occurring inside the body, and the release of the egg from the ovary is not asymptomatic. Physiological signs of ovulation can also indicate a period favorable for conception: a change in hormonal levels, an increase in basal temperature.

Women identify the following 8 signs of ovulation that can be noticed without going to the doctor.

  • The first signs of ovulation are abundant vaginal discharge. The amount and consistency of vaginal discharge during ovulation changes greatly: the discharge becomes more viscous and plentiful.
  • Signs of how to determine ovulation - abdominal pain, bloating. During ovulation, a woman may feel aching pain in the lower abdomen, on the side, associated with the release of the egg from the follicle. Also, often during this period, a woman is worried about increased gas formation and bloating.
  • Signs of ovulation - blood. Sometimes, instead of clear mucous secretions, a woman encounters scanty bloody or sanious discharge - this can also indicate impending ovulation.
  • Signs of ovulation - sore breasts. If the breast has become painful and sensitive, the hormonal background is to blame, which changes, including when ovulation occurs.
  • Signs of ovulation in a woman - increased sexual desire. During ovulation, many women experience an increased desire to have sex - this is how nature makes sure that the most favorable moment for conception is not missed.
  • Signs and symptoms of ovulation - a change in taste and smell preferences. A change in the hormonal background during ovulation entails a temporary aggravation of smell and a change in taste habits.

Watching for these signs is a good way to know when you're ovulating. Signs can be observed both all at once, and one by one. But more indicative are not subjective sensations (it hurts - the chest or stomach does not hurt), but measurements of temperature and hormone levels.

  • Signs of ovulation - temperature. Reliable signs of the onset of ovulation include an increase in basal temperature by about half a degree.
  • Signs of ovulation - a change in hormonal levels. The presence of luteinizing hormone in the urine indicates that ovulation has already begun or is about to begin.

But if a woman ovulates late or too early, the signs may not come in the middle of the cycle, but will be at a completely different time and the woman will miss them. If you do not notice anything unusual in the middle of the cycle, you should wait for signs of late ovulation. In this case, it will be useful to go for an ultrasound, and not rely only on external signs of ovulation.

But it is not uncommon for a woman to wait, but no signs of ovulation come. The chest does not hurt, there is no unusual discharge ... How do you know that there really was no ovulation?

Signs of not ovulating:

  • basal temperature does not rise for one or more cycles;
  • in the urine, the content of luteinizing hormone does not increase.

If during the expected period of ovulation, signs do not appear and the basal temperature does not change, it is necessary to do an ultrasound scan. Even if you have studied what signs to expect during ovulation, plan to conceive in the middle of the cycle, and pregnancy still does not occur, this is a reason to consult a doctor. After all, no matter what signs of ovulation a woman may show, only a gynecologist can accurately determine her onset on an ultrasound scan.

What signs before ovulation do you have and whether they indicate the real maturation of the egg, it is better to discuss with a gynecologist who will help in planning pregnancy and, if necessary, tell you how to stimulate ovulation.

Signs of ovulation allow us to say that the female body is ready for fertilization. According to some symptoms, it can be understood that the egg has already matured, according to others - that ovulation is coming to an end.

Ovulation in Latin, ovum means egg. In medicine, this term refers to the stage of the menstrual cycle. During this period, a mature follicle ruptures in the woman's body, which is accompanied by the release of the egg from the ovary and its movement to the uterus.

Symptoms of ovulation become apparent as a result of the fact that the whole process is regulated by the production of hormones - luteinizing and follicle-stimulating. They affect the entire menstrual cycle of a woman.
The follicular phase of the menstrual cycle continues until ovulation. At this time, the growth of the follicle occurs under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone or FSH, as it is also called. When the follicle reaches the desired size and begins to function, estrogens begin to act, as a result, the egg matures.

At the time of maturation, the follicle ruptures and a fully mature egg is released from it. This process is called ovulation.

Ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, that is, between critical days. This process begins in girls at puberty and fades away during menopause. Also, signs of ovulation in women, like ovulation itself, are absent during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

So, how to understand that ovulation has begun, sensations and what manifestations during this period should “tell” a woman about the maturation of an egg?

Let's name the most characteristic signs for ovulation:

  • The nature of the discharge from the vagina. When the egg matures, the mucous discharge from the cervix acquires a different consistency. If you are interested in signs of ovulation in a woman, discharge is the first thing you should pay attention to. They become like the white of a raw egg, denser than usual.
  • . During ovulation, the cervix opens and becomes softer, this is what affects the change in the density of secretions.
  • . Indicators during the period of ovulation increase slightly. The reason is an increase in the amount of progesterone.
  • Discomfort in the mammary glands. The breast becomes more painful as a result of the restructuring of the hormonal balance during the maturation of the female germ cell.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen. A woman may experience discomfort more often only on one side, just from the side of the ovary where the egg matured. The pain can last up to several days.
  • Increased sex drive. At ovulation, a woman's body is ready for fertilization, which is why nature has decreed that a woman feels a strong attraction to a man to fulfill her biological function.

How to determine?

If you are interested in the signs of ovulation in a woman, sensations and other parameters will help to understand whether the egg has matured or not.


Thus, if the signs of ovulation in a woman are important - sensations and well-being - then what is important to pay attention to.

calendar method

If a woman does not understand how to feel ovulation, you can use the calendar method.

For this purpose, a regular calendar is used, where the days of menstruation should be marked. This way you can see the average cycle time.

To determine the day of ovulation as accurately as possible, the calendar must be kept for at least six months. Then simple calculations are made. The duration of the cycle should be divided in half, the middle, like once, will be approximately the date of ovulation. However, do not forget that in some cycles, egg maturation may not occur at all.

Basal temperature

It is important to determine the day of ovulation for women who are planning a pregnancy.

In this case, the method of measuring basal temperature is well suited. Most often, indicators are measured rectally, that is, in the rectum.

All figures must be recorded in the form of a graph. Evidence of the maturation of the germ cell is a sharp drop in temperature, but then it rises again. On average, throughout the cycle, the basal temperature is the same, that is, the graph will be almost straight.

But the use of this method cannot be called absolutely correct, since an increase in temperature can occur for various reasons, with the same cold or any infectious or inflammatory diseases. To obtain correct data, basal temperature should be measured for two to three months, at least.


Science does not stand still, and therefore today a woman can use a special right at home. The test can be purchased at any pharmacy, and its price is about the same as for a pregnancy test.

When the egg matures, the reaction occurs as a result of the appearance of luteinizing hormone in the urine. If ovulation has occurred, the test will show 2 strips, if there is no ovulation, there will be one strip. In the second case, the test should be repeated the next day.

It is worth noting the intensity of the second strip. If it is weak, then this indicates the approach of the day of maturation of the germ cell. On the very day of ovulation, the second strip will be much brighter and clearer than the control one.

If the moment of release of the egg cannot be missed, the test can be performed twice a day. In this case, it is better to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • drink less liquid than usual;
  • do not take alcoholic beverages;
  • do not go to the toilet in a small way three hours before the test.


Ultrasound can be called the most accurate way to determine the day of ovulation. Such a diagnosis should be carried out in the absence of signs of ovulation.

The 100% result of ultrasound is explained simply: when the germ cell matures, the follicle grows. By comparing its size, the doctor is able to determine when the rupture and release of the egg will occur.

The first ultrasound procedure is performed after the end of menstruation.

Diagnosis is carried out by means of a vaginal probe. The procedure is then repeated every two days. Only in this way the doctor is able to process the growth of the follicle. Also, ultrasound shows the condition of the corpus luteum, which occurs at the site of the follicle. In the presence of a corpus luteum, it can be determined that the egg has already moved into the fallopian tube.

Symptoms of the end of ovulation

Is it possible to determine the end of ovulation? Yes, it is also possible if you are attentive to your well-being and body.

The following signs will tell the woman that ovulation has ended:

  • disappearance of pain in one of the ovaries;
  • a change in the nature of vaginal discharge (they become much smaller, transparency disappears);
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • increase in basal temperature.

Signs of the lack of maturation of the egg

The absence of ovulation is not always an indicator of disorders in the body of a woman. In reproductive age, women anovulate up to three times a year. If the egg does not mature, the woman does not feel the characteristic symptoms, that is, her breasts do not become sensitive in the middle of the cycle, the vaginal discharge does not change its consistency, there is no increase in sexual desire, and the basal temperature does not decrease.

If there is a suspicion that ovulation is absent for several cycles, you should consult a doctor for an examination, the exclusion of various diseases, and infertility, as a result, in the future.

The reasons why ovulation is absent can be as follows:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • the onset of menopause;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • emotional instability and stress;
  • diets;
  • weight gain or loss;
  • climate change.

There are several ways to determine the day of ovulation. This is important for women seeking to conceive. But those for whom the child is not yet a goal should also follow the cycle and maturation of the egg. Normal physiology of the body is the key to women's health and prevents problems in the future.

Ovulation is an important stage of the menstrual cycle, during which the follicle ruptures and the egg enters the fallopian tube. This process makes fertilization and pregnancy possible. But how to understand that ovulation has come?

The beginning of ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and the flow of the egg into the fallopian tube is considered a kind of peak. With a cycle time of 27 30 days of egg release can be expected at 13 16 days from the start of menstruation.

It must be understood that the body of each woman has its own individual characteristics. In some cases, the impact of external factors can cause a failure of the menstrual cycle, so ovulation will occur later or earlier than the due date.

Fertilization occurs not only on the day of ovulation. The egg cell remains viable for 24 hours, and healthy spermatozoa are active for more than 72 hours. Therefore, conception can occur within 4 days: 3 days before and 1 day after the rupture of the follicle.

Why determine ovulation

The rupture of the follicle, the entry of the egg into the fallopian tube means the onset of a favorable period for conceiving a child. Therefore, the definition of ovulation is necessary for couples who carefully plan the future, and for girls who have not been able to get pregnant for a long time.

Ovulation, along with other stages of the menstrual cycle, is an indicator of a woman's health. If a couple fails to conceive a child within 2-3 months, then this may indicate the development of pathology. A comprehensive examination of both partners will help to establish the cause of the problem.

It is important to know when ovulation occurs, and in case of violations of the male spermogram. If there is a violation of mobility, viability and sperm count, then conception can occur only during intercourse for 1 day or during the release of the egg. In such cases, it is recommended to refrain from intimacy for 2 3 days to increase the number of spermatozoa, and increase the chances of fertilization.

There is an opinion that determining the release of an egg helps to plan the sex of the unborn child. Spermatozoa with a Y-chromosome ("male") are highly mobile, but do not live long. However, cells from the X chromosome (“female”) are active for 72 hours. Therefore, during intimacy on the day of ovulation, a boy can be born, in 2 3 days before the release of the egg - a girl. However, experts do not confirm this theory, because the effectiveness of the method does not exceed 50%.

The main signs (symptoms) of ovulation

How to determine if ovulation has occurred on its own? Every woman can notice the development of some changes in the body during the release of the egg. It is worth considering in more detail each of the symptoms.

Increased sex drive

During ovulation, a woman's libido increases, she becomes easily excitable, and sensuality increases. This is due to an increase in the amount of androgens in the bloodstream. Also note the exacerbation of memory, stress resistance, increased endurance. Scientists have proven that during this period a woman acquires a special aroma that attracts men.

The appearance of mucous secretions

During ovulation, a woman may notice an increase in the volume of secretions, which is associated with an increase in the production of estrogen and progesterone. During this period, cervical mucus is quite liquid, sticky and viscous. Sometimes thick clots may appear in the discharge. This consistency of cervical mucus helps sperm reach the egg.

During the completion of the egg release process, a woman may notice a yellowish discharge, which may have pink streaks.

Intense pulling pain in the lower abdomen

Not every lady notes the appearance of discomfort during the rupture of the follicle. This symptom develops only in 1/5 of women. Drawing pain in some cases is accompanied by the release of a small amount of blood.

Doctors explain the development of pain syndrome by the formation of a Graafian vesicle, which stretches the ovary. In some cases, pain appears when follicular fluid enters the uterine cavity, which has a contracting effect. It should be noted that the pain syndrome is usually localized on one side: left or right. This is due to the alternate work of the ovaries.

Important! If the pain syndrome in the middle of the menstrual cycle is cutting, it lasts for 2 3 days and interferes with a full life, then a specialist consultation is necessary. The doctor will be able to determine the cause of the development of an unpleasant symptom and prescribe the necessary therapy.

How doctors determine the onset of ovulation

A gynecologist will help to determine exactly whether there was an ovulation. The doctor, as part of a gynecological examination, will be able to establish the woman's readiness for conception according to the state of the internal organs. The gynecologist may note a sharp increase in the amount of cervical fluid, softening of the cervix, the appearance of a “pupil symptom”, when mucous discharge can be seen through the cervix. Such symptoms can begin 2 days before the onset of ovulation and persist for 3-4 days.

Ultrasound will allow you to determine with 100% certainty the time of release of the egg. The study allows you to monitor the development of the follicle, its rupture and release of the egg. Ultrasound monitoring is one of the most accurate methods for determining the onset of ovulation.

Accurately determine ovulation will help biochemical screening. This technique is rarely used to predict the day when the egg will leave the follicle, due to the high cost. However, it helps to accurately establish the presence of the process of release of the egg from the follicle. Therefore, a blood test is prescribed in cases where a woman fails to become pregnant for a long time.

Test Methods

How to know that ovulation has come? For this purpose, the following methods are recommended:

  • Test to determine ovulation. The method is based on determining the concentration of luteinizing hormone in the urine. The test will accurately determine the day of ovulation, however, taking certain medications can reduce the accuracy of the results.
  • A woman can measure this indicator on her own. It is enough in the morning, without leaving the bed, to measure the body temperature rectally. It is important to carry out manipulations strictly at the same time. If the indicator rises to 37.2 within a few days, then this indicates the maturation of the egg and early ovulation. 1 day before the release of the egg, the temperature drops sharply. The technique is simple, but has low accuracy.
  • calendar way. First you need to determine the total duration of the menstrual cycle. The resulting number must be divided in half, ovulation can occur in 1 2 days before and after the received value. For example, if the cycle is 32 days, then ovulation should occur on 15 Day 17 However, any errors in nutrition, infectious diseases, stress can affect the duration of the menstrual cycle, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of this technique.

Ovulation is an important stage of the menstrual cycle, without which the conception of a child becomes impossible. Determining the time of release of the egg allows you to identify violations of the female reproductive organs, to correctly plan pregnancy. Remember, when figuring out the timing of ovulation, you should not get hung up on problems with conception. You just need to enjoy life, and pregnancy will definitely come.

Ovulation is the so-called X-day, which is looked forward to by many couples who want to conceive a baby as soon as possible. This day can be calculated and determined independently or with the help of specialists.

You can get pregnant only on certain days of the cycle, there are about seven of them in one month. For most young girls, this is real news! It turns out that not everything is as simple as it seemed in his student years.

Every woman should have an idea of ​​what ovulation is. For some, this is an opportunity to get pregnant quickly, for others, on the contrary, to avoid unwanted motherhood. In the second case, you should not rely only on calculations, you should always use additional methods of contraception.

During ovulation, an egg (and in rare cases more than one) is released from the ovarian follicle in anticipation of a sperm for fertilization. If conception does not occur, then the egg dies and the next menstruation occurs. And so from month to month. Critical days replace ovulation and vice versa, this happens from the moment of puberty until the onset of menopause.

Conception occurs if during ovulation (plus or minus a few days) sexual intercourse occurs, and the most active spermatozoon reaches its goal. Why are several days favorable for fertilization, and not one, the day of ovulation itself? The fact is that spermatozoa can live in the female body for several days, traveling through the fallopian tubes. Therefore, theoretically, you can get pregnant on the second and third day after intercourse. Here you are, for example, driving, and you don’t know that an important event happened at that very second! By the way, knowing this principle, you can try to guess the gender of the child.

A boy will turn out for you or a girl - entirely depends on your man. The fact is that a woman always has an X chromosome, but a man has either X or Y. When combined, XX will turn out to be a girl, and with XY, a boy. Each spermatozoon contains both chromosomes, but one is initially more pronounced than the other. In simple words, it can be formulated as follows - each spermatozoon carries a feminine or masculine principle.

"Male" sperm reach their goal faster, and "female", in turn, live much longer. And, therefore, in order to become pregnant with a girl, sexual intercourse is necessary 2-3 days before ovulation. During this time, the “male” spermatozoa will die, giving way to the “female”. But for the boy, it is better to wait until directly to day X. The boys will shoot ahead, overtaking the girls and trying to reach the goal as soon as possible. It is clear that there is no 100% guarantee, but still the chances of getting the right gender increase significantly if you follow these rules.

Do you want a boy, a girl, or just get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby, everything depends on one thing - you need to determine the favorable time for conception. This can be done both at home and with the help of specialists. In addition, the body itself can tell that it is ready for fertilization.

Signs of ovulation

For some it will be news, but ovulation is often accompanied by certain signs, although in many women it is asymptomatic. Some of them you can see yourself:

  1. Change in the nature of the discharge. They become somewhat more plentiful, resembling a raw egg in consistency.
  2. Increased sexual desire. So competently conceived nature for the continuation of the human race.
  3. Sensitivity in the chest area, even pain is possible. This is due to the hormonal surge during ovulation.
  4. During ovulation, the stomach pulls on the right or left. This is due to the release of the egg from the right or left ovary.
  5. Increase in basal body temperature.
  6. Change in the cervix. It softens a little and opens slightly, hence the change in the nature of the discharge.
  7. Luteinizing hormone (LH) surge. Due to it, mature eggs are released.

The first four signs a woman can notice on her own, but the last three only with the help of specialists or special devices.

In rare cases, women experience anovulation - the absence of ovulation as such, the failure of the menstrual cycle. In the event that a couple cannot conceive a child for a long time, the first thing to do is an ultrasound scan to track the course of ovulation.

How to determine ovulation

If a woman does not have pain during ovulation, she may not know that she is ready to conceive right now. Discharge during ovulation is also not necessary for everyone and in each cycle should have a peculiar character. A change in sexual desire is quite a subjective sign. Therefore, there are a number of ways to determine ovulation at home or with the help of doctors.

Ovulation calendar

So, the most ordinary calendar is taken, in which the date of the beginning and end of critical days is fixed for several months, and so on for at least six months.

To begin with, based on these data, it is necessary to calculate the length of the cycle, that is, the number of days between the first days of menstruation in two months in a row. Subtract 14 from the resulting indicator and get the day of ovulation. For example, if the cycle is stable at 28 days, then on the 14th day of the cycle, ovulation will occur. From this it becomes clear why only girls with a regular cycle can calculate the day of ovulation. If he constantly jumps, and in one month it is 27 days, in another 35, then it is difficult to predict how many days it will have in the next month.

Ovulation Tests

Now on sale there are not only pregnancy tests, but also ovulation tests too. Unlike the first, they respond to an increase in LH, and not hCG.

Tests should begin to be done a few days before the expected ovulation, since the hormone begins to rise 1-2 days before the release of the egg from the ovary.

Unlike a pregnancy test, ovulation tests have some nuances that should be considered in order for the results to be as accurate as possible:

  1. Morning urine is not suitable! The optimal interval for collecting urine is from 10-00 to 20-00.
  2. No liquids should be consumed for 4 hours before the test.
  3. For 2 hours, you should refrain from going to the toilet.
  4. Read the instructions carefully! Each type of test has its own nuances. Somewhere it is necessary to collect urine, somewhere on the contrary, it is enough to place it under the stream.

There are more expensive tests that can detect ovulation using saliva rather than urine.

Measurement of basal temperature

It is necessary to measure the temperature in the rectum in the morning immediately after sleep. On the day of ovulation, it should increase. Based on the data, you can even create your own ovulation calendar, and if you keep it for several months, you can try to make a forecast for the future. However, again, it will be accurate only for girls with a constant and regular cycle.

It should be borne in mind that the temperature can jump a little in case of illness, restless and short sleep (less than 6 hours), taking alcoholic drinks or medicines the day before. When measuring temperature, this feature of the body must be taken into account!

After the critical days and before ovulation, the temperature has slight jumps - about 36.6 - 36.9. But immediately after ovulation, its values ​​\u200b\u200bexceed the readings of 37 degrees.

In order to obtain the most accurate results when measuring, it is necessary to measure the temperature with one thermometer and under equal conditions - at the same time after a quiet long sleep.

Medical diagnostics

Doctors can usually tell if an ovary is ovulating by examining it in a gynecological chair. As already mentioned, on this day the cervix visually changes, softening and opening slightly.

To confirm ovulation, a woman may be sent for an ultrasound. With the help of modern equipment, diagnosticians are able to determine whether ovulation has occurred, and if so, at what stage it is.

Usually, medical diagnosis is carried out after unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant for a long time. You need to start coming for an ultrasound scan from the 10th day after the critical days. In order for specialists to track the growth of the dominant follicle in the ovary, they will have to come several times until the diameter of the follicle is about 20 cm. Then it will burst and another egg will be released, ready for fertilization. During this period, on the screen you can see the corpus luteum, located in the ovary without a follicle.

Some nuances to be aware of

First of all, it will be of interest to women who calculate ovulation for contraceptive purposes. As already mentioned, this method is highly questionable. There are millions of examples of unwanted pregnancies due to blind numbers. Therefore, in order not to think about the moral side of abortion, which is officially permitted in our country, it is better to play it safe and always use additional methods of contraception. Someone has been trying to conceive a baby for years, while someone has it unexpectedly and the first time. You should not play this roulette if you are not ready to become parents.

There are several other factors that oppose the calendar method. It turns out, paradoxical as it may sound, if a woman does not live a regular sex life, her chances of pregnancy are much higher! At the very first intercourse, unscheduled ovulation can start - the body does not want to miss such a rare opportunity. After all, nature created a woman for procreation.

Having sex during critical days is considered safe. Indeed, during this period the environment is quite unfavorable for spermatozoa and they die earlier than usual. However, if a woman has an irregular ovulation cycle, then there is still a chance of getting pregnant. If sexual intercourse occurred in the last days of menstruation, and ovulation occurred earlier than usual, there is a chance that the spermatozoa will wait for the egg in the fallopian tubes.

Children are our joy, we have them for a long and happy life. Therefore, the issue of pregnancy should be approached very responsibly, planning it in advance and creating appropriate conditions for the unborn baby. Remember that unloved and unwanted children always feel their attitude towards them, growing up angry and distrustful of the world around them.

Let's sum up

So, ovulation is a process in the body of a woman, signaling that she is ready to conceive. It should be calculated and determined by other methods for couples who want to have a baby in the near future. It is useless to do this as a contraception, it is better not to save and use other methods.

Video " Ovulation symptoms - 8 main signs



2022 "kingad.ru" - ultrasound examination of human organs