How to take lecithin for weight loss. Review: Lecithin for weight loss

You can often see a drug called "Lecithin" on drugstore windows, and it is commonly used to treat the liver.

It is worth noting that such a dietary supplement helps not only to improve the body, but also to improve the condition of hair and skin, so it is recommended for people. different ages and gender.

Lecithin: what is it ^

Lecithin is a substance produced by the human body and is an ester of the amino alcohol choline and acids. Its functions are as follows:

  • Building material for the cells of brain regions, as well as its protective sheath and nerve tissues - maintaining full-fledged work nervous system. With a deficiency, dementia, Parkinson's disease or nervous disorders can develop;
  • Ensuring the normal activity of the liver, because. it is partially composed of lecithin. The substance promotes cleansing, prevents intoxication and cirrhosis, stimulates the production of bile, preventing its stagnation;
  • Body rejuvenation: the drug removes free radicals, slows down the aging process, prevents brittle nails and heals hair;
  • Improving the digestibility of nutrients - vitamins and minerals will not be absorbed until the lack of lecithin is replenished, since it is he who transports them;
  • Stabilization of brain activity: with a lack of this substance, weakness, memory impairment, fatigue are observed;
  • Proper functioning of the reproductive organs, especially in women;
  • Ensuring sperm motility in men: they contain up to 30% lecithin;
  • Does not allow cholesterol levels to rise;
  • Takes part in energy metabolism, homeostasis;
  • Affects the severity of symptoms of sarcopenia;
  • Helps reduce hangovers;
  • Necessary in the fight against toxins, especially in people with drug, alcohol and nicotine addiction. Helps reduce cravings for smoking.

Calorie content of lecithin is 913 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Lecithin for pregnant women and children

  • Lecithin is responsible for the formation of the nervous system in the fetus, and in the newborn - for its development;
  • When the fetus is in the womb, a lack of lecithin can lead to pathologies in the development of the brain;
  • Babies need lecithin for the proper development of fine motor skills;
  • Lecithin is used in complex therapy in children with neuro-asthenic disorders;
  • Preschool and younger children school age need it to improve intelligence, memory and adaptive skills;
  • In pregnant women, almost all of the lecithin goes to the child, so they need additional intake from the outside.

Lecithin Deficiency Symptoms

In view of the unfavorable environmental situation or malnutrition in the human body, there can often be a lack of lecithin, which manifests itself in such signs as:

  • Decreased concentration, fatigue;
  • insomnia, mood swings;
  • There is a negative reaction of the gastrointestinal tract to fatty foods, diarrhea worries;
  • There are problems with the liver and kidneys;
  • Atherosclerosis may begin to develop, cholesterol rises.

If the body is systematically lacking lecithin, such chronic diseases like ischemia, hypertension, ulcers, hepatitis, cirrhosis, dermatitis, psoriasis and osteoporosis. To prevent this, it is necessary to pass an appropriate blood test, and if a deficiency of this substance is found, start taking the drugs prescribed by the doctor.

What products contain

  • eggs (in chicken yolks there is a very high concentration of lecithin);
  • In lentils and peas;
  • in soybeans;
  • In fish caviar and some meat products;
  • In cabbage of different varieties;
  • In vegetable oil, nuts and seeds;
  • In fatty curd.

What is it made from

Dietary supplement "Lecithin" is made from rapeseed, soy, sunflower or eggs. In the latter case, it will cost more, but, as experts say, the effect of it is more obvious.

The most inexpensive lecithin is extracted from soybeans, but it must be borne in mind that GMOs are often used in its cultivation. If you want to purchase a cleaner product at a moderate cost, it is better to pay attention to dietary supplements from sunflower, because. it is not genetically modified.

You can buy the drug in the form of a gel, powder, granules or capsules, and for each form of release there are separate rules for use.

Which lecithin is better for women to take: instruction ^

Composition of lecithin

  • Stearic acid. Enhances the energy potential of the body.
  • Choline. This substance in lecithin contains the most, almost 20%. It affects the transmission of nerve signals by synapses, thereby regulating the activity of the nervous system and activating the brain.
  • palmitic acid. Restores the balance of fat in the body.
  • Arachidonic acid. Helps to normalize the functioning of many organs, such as the liver and adrenal glands.
  • In addition to the above substances, it contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, D, inositol, folic and phosphoric acid, phosphatidylsyrin, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, omega-3, omega-6 and carbohydrates.
  • Another part of its composition are other auxiliary fats and fatty acids, some proteins, amino acids and sugar.

Which manufacturer is better

On the this moment the most common is lecithin produced in the USA, China or Russia. When choosing a drug, it is advisable to be guided by:

  • Most convenient form release;
  • What crop is it extracted from (rapeseed, soybean or sunflower);
  • What is its cost: it is recommended to choose dietary supplements at a reasonable price, because. cheap products often contain more than others, not too much needed by the body substances than lecithin.

Which lecithin is better: soy or sunflower

To understand this issue, it is important to know the nuances of the production of both types of substances:

  • Soy is extracted from refined oil by hot processing. It contains elements similar to female hormones- estrogen. In not large quantities it is useful for women, but it can negatively affect the development of the brain during pregnancy, and also increases the likelihood of adverse gestation;
  • Sunflower is obtained by extracting from oil, contains many useful fatty acids. Is .

Indications and contraindications

  • Memory impairment, mental instability;
  • Poor development of speech;
  • Infertility;
  • Skin diseases, early aging;
  • Weight problems: excess or lack;
  • Diseases of the joints or liver.

Taking the drug is contraindicated when symptoms of an excess of lecithin are observed: diarrhea, dizziness, severe headaches, a sharp increase in weight. Also, dietary supplements should not be drunk with intolerance to its components.

Phosphatidylcholine: instructions for use

The composition of lecithin includes phosphatidylcholine - a phospholipid, so some consider them synonymous. This drug is used for liposuction: it is injected under the skin directly into adipose tissue, thanks to which it is possible to reduce its volume by 5-10 cm in one course.

The use of the solution is allowed only in professional clinics, because at home, this can lead to serious consequences: tissue necrosis, skin hyperemia. The tool has many contraindications.

For home use for weight loss, it is best to use regular lecithin according to the instructions:

  • We drink capsules 60 minutes before meals;
  • We use powder and granules for 2 tsp. no more than twice a day;
  • We dissolve the tablets 5-6 times a day.

The optimal dose is up to 2 g per day, and the duration of the course should be determined by the doctor, because. in some cases it can be even several years.

Reviews about the drug and results ^

At correct application Dietary supplement according to the instructions for a few weeks, you can achieve only positive results, expressed in:

  • Weight stabilization (depending on diet),
  • Improving well-being and memory,
  • Getting rid of the symptoms of some diseases in which it is indicated for use.

Feedback from our readers

Tatyana, 49 years old:

Julia, 35 years old:

“I began to take lecithin on my own after I took a blood test for microelements and discovered its deficiency. The problem was quickly fixed, and I spent only a couple of months on this. ”

Daria, 30 years old:

“I started drinking JAMIESON soy lecithin, derived from non-GMO soybeans, 1200mg capsules (11% phosphatidylcholine). It was recommended to me by a nutritionist for weight loss. At first I didn’t notice the effect, but then, when the volumes began to go away more intensively, I realized that this drug really works. ”

Doctor's opinion

Arkady Bibikov, naturopath:

The word "lecithin" has two meanings. This constantly creates confusion both in concepts and in calculations of the content of phospholipids (complex lipids that contain a phosphoric acid residue). In a narrow sense, lecithin is phosphatidylcholine, one of the most common phospholipids. And in broad sense"lecithin" refers to a mixture of different phospholipids, where phosphatidylcholine is the dominant fraction.

The most common phospholipids are:

  • Phosphatidylcholine (PC) - choline is present in the functional group;
  • Phosphatidylerin (FS) - serine is present in the composition;
  • Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) - ethanolamine is present in the composition;
  • Phosphatidylinositol (PI) - present in the composition;
  • Phosphatidic acid (PA) - does not contain a functional group.

What role do different phospholipids play? Most doctors and even nutritionists do not see a difference in the composition of phospholipids. For them, it is important that the phospholipids are. What they are doesn't matter. Meanwhile, different phospholipids play far from the same role. The fact is that various organs and tissues (cell membranes) contain in their composition different types phospholipids.

The role of Phosphatidylcholine:

  • Protection against atherosclerosis - lowering cholesterol.
  • Protection of the heart in heart failure.
  • Liver protection in viral infections and alcohol use.
  • Surfactant maturation in fetal lungs.


  • Improving memory and cognitive functions
  • Decreased response to stress
  • Conductivity improvement and speed increase nerve impulse in nerve fibers (especially important for athletes, for professions where reaction speed is important, for patients who have had a stroke and injuries with spinal cord injury)
  • Maturation of the fetal nervous system during fetal development.
  • Vision improvement.
  • Treatment for dermatitis
  • With arthritis.


  • Stress management (in combination with phosphatidylserine).
  • Improving hair growth, strengthening hair.
  • Increase in muscle mass.

Different sources differ in the composition of phospholipids. It is necessary to look for preparations containing mixed fractions of phospholipids. Most manufacturers use only the first.

Eastern horoscope for February

I wanted to start right away about the usefulness of lecithin, but it turned out again about food)) This is because that fall, when, after reading information and reviews about this supplement, I found out that I had long been obliged to be treated for the underlying disease and generally eat a big spoon for strength physical and mental, and so, in a pile of information, I also found such a test for lecithin deficiency in the body: you haven’t eaten fatty foods for a long time, you’re disgusted, you scoop fat out of sausages, there’s not even a question about bacon and other fat.

So it was. And now I can already do all this, fortunately, I still don’t threaten to get fat) So, whoever is not afraid of becoming an omnivore - please)) In addition to jokes, lecithin is used in weight loss programs, because. it promotes the breakdown and conversion of fats.

But seriously, all this is for the brain and spinal cord, for the nervous system, liver - because the building material for cells is responsible for transport for cellular reactions, for the renewal of the body. Lecithin makes up a third of the brain and its membranes, 17% nervous tissue and half of our liver, here it is, in fact)
Lecithin is included in the base preparations.

Lecithin must be added to, because. against the background of a lecithin deficiency, no ginkgo and no alpha lipoic will work as they should.
So, these lecithins are all good, tested by me or my relatives.

The optimal daily portion for an adult is 3-5 g, for daily intake. 7.5 - for training athletes.

Solgar, Lecithin Granules, 16 oz (454 g)
He is the most delicious. If you need to add to dishes or smoothies, then it is better.

Life Extension, Lecithin, 16 oz (454 g)
These granules are drier and denser, they are easier to swallow quickly with water without delving into.

Now Foods, Lecithin Granules, 2 lb (907 g)
Giant jar, it can be described as powdered granules.

Bluebonnet Nutrition, Super Earth, Lecithin Granules, 25.4 oz (720 g)
These granules are also denser, no powder, easy to drink if not added to food. For sprinkling in food, they are a little hard, for my taste.

Bluebonnet Nutrition, Natural Lecithin, 180 Softgels
It's still capsules. I got them by accident, I decided to take myself only in powder. But they liked it very much, the people in the reviews are also satisfied. Bluebonnet Nutrition does not knit brooms.

Nature's Plus, Egg Yolk Lecithin, 600 mg, 90 Veg Capsules
I haven’t tried it, egg lecithin, like sunflower, is a male version, because. men do not need soy, because of the estrogens contained in it.

By the way, HOLDER:

“Powder and granular lecithin is very quickly absorbed and penetrates into the blood, therefore positive effect from the reception is felt almost immediately. An hour before important event(interview, exam, date) it is recommended to take one spoonful of lecithin, preferably together with pantothenic acid (vitamin B5).
The same couple helps with nervous overexcitation and insomnia. This is because one of the main components of lecithin, phosphatidylcholine, in the presence of pantothenic acid(vitamin B5) is transformed into acetylcholine - the main neurotransmitter responsible for intelligence, memory and concentration "

Lecithin does nerve fibers durable and conductive (because it participates in the synthesis of myelin - the sheath of nerve fibers, it is lost in multiple sclerosis, like mine)
Next on the list we have a liver, all hepatoprotectors (drugs for protecting and restoring the liver) are made from soy lecithin. Hence the relation to fatty foods, not surprising.
I would also like to reveal the topic of the respiratory system, the absorption of vitamins with the help of lecithin, protection against heart attack, atherosclerosis and lung cancer, but I can already resist. You can googling a lot about this.

It's believed that best lecithin in granules and powders. Whoever adds it to cocktails and smoothies - he needs powder, or soak the granules overnight, with a daily quick intake, you don’t need to try to dissolve them, you need literally 100 ml of water, a measuring spoon there, stir and drink quickly, only a creamy aftertaste remains (although my mother chews, she really likes it tastes, although it sticks to the teeth as it should))

Soy lecithin is registered in the international registry food additives under the code E322 and approved for use in food production throughout the world. But it is produced from cheap genetically modified soy, or with high-quality nutritional supplements. Good Organic Soy Lecithin Powder or Granules Can't Be Cheap

Lecithin FOR CHILDREN. A separate important topic

I add information, it is good to take soy lecithin for girls, and for boys (AND MEN), sunflower lecithin in powder will be better, this is due to the difference in hormones.

It turns out that such severe symptoms in children, as a violation of cognitive functions, fatigue, headaches, disorders of speech and psychomotor development, chronically poor appetite, frequent colds, may not be an unknown terrible sore, but a banal lack of lecithin.

This needs to be addressed from the very beginning, i.e. from pregnancy, because the mental potential and the nervous system of the child depend on lecithin in the diet. daily requirement in lecithin in pregnant women increases by about 30% and is 8-10 g.
Pediatricians stand behind breast-feeding that's why - because of the digestible lecithin. As it turns out, its lack in the first year cannot be made up for throughout life.

For children older than 4 months, lecithin is added to the milk mixture at the rate of a quarter of a coffee spoon 4 times a day or half 2 times a day. As the baby grows older, the dosage can be gradually increased to a full coffee spoon 2 times a day.

In the elderly the level of lecithin in the body is almost always lowered, since the functions of synthesis and assimilation are simultaneously impaired. A deficiency of lecithin in adulthood can lead to dementia and other degenerative diseases, so for the elderly, lecithin is no less important.

IMPORTANT ADDITION: women who do not need phytoestrogens (progestin therapy, endometriosis) need to take an egg or sunflower lecithin, not soy. The same if you have autoimmune thyroiditis and hypothyroidism.
There is a contraindication to taking lecithin when the gallbladder is removed. With stones in the gallbladder - you need to consult a doctor

P.S. In the comments, fredessa writes about a special

The full functioning of the human body provides a number of useful substances and minerals. And an acute shortage of even one of them can lead to serious consequences and disorders at any age. Lecithin belongs to the group of the most important substances affecting all organs. It strengthens the nervous system, improves metabolism in cells, and normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood. This is the energy resource of the body, without which you can forget about good good health.

For the first time, lecithin was synthesized from egg yolk, and today it is produced from soybean oil, making the cost of the drug affordable for everyone. At the same time, the composition of soy lecithin includes all the most important substances for the functioning of the body. It is used as a medicine, food supplement, and also for prevention. If you do not yet know about all the beneficial properties of this substance, then you should definitely read the information in this article.

What is lecithin, its composition

Soy lecithin combines triglycerides and phospholipids, as well as other beneficial substances.

Here are its most important components:

  1. Stearic acid. Enhances the energy potential of the body.
  2. Choline. This substance in lecithin contains the most, almost 20%. It affects the transmission of nerve signals by synapses, thereby regulating the activity of the nervous system and activating the brain.
  3. palmitic acid. Restores the balance of fat in the body.
  4. Arachidonic acid. Helps to normalize the functioning of many organs, such as the liver and adrenal glands.

In addition to the above substances, it contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, D, inositol, folic and phosphoric acid, phosphatidyl syrin, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, omega-3, omega-6 and carbohydrates. Another part of its composition are other auxiliary fats and fatty acids, some proteins, amino acids and sugar. Lecithin is sold as a dietary supplement in a variety of forms. It can be tablets, capsules, gel or powder, which is added directly to food.

What foods contain lecithin

If you do not want to use pharmacy supplements to maintain a sufficient concentration of lecithin, alternative will be a diet of certain products. It is found in large quantities in some foods. These include:

  • Eggs (in chicken yolks there is a very high concentration of lecithin);
  • In lentils and peas;
  • in soybeans;
  • In fish caviar and some meat products;
  • In cabbage of different varieties;
  • In vegetable oil, nuts and seeds;
  • In fatty curd.

In general, the maximum amount of the substance can be found in products with a high concentration of fats. different origin. This is meat, liver, eggs, fish fat, sunflower oil, which is best eaten unrefined. In lesser content you will find it in many herbal products nutrition, for example, in beans, green peas, cabbage, carrots, buckwheat, wheat bran. But do not forget that you need to be able to properly prepare these products so that lecithin is absorbed in the body.

Interesting fact: Our liver is 50% lecithin. AT healthy condition it produces it in an amount sufficient to maintain the body. But with age or due to unhealthy image life, its production is reduced. Then soy lecithin in supplements becomes a necessity.

Synthetic lecithin

There can be a little confusion when looking at information about lecithin, as this product is used in a wide variety of applications. It is very popular in the food industry and is used as a synthetic additive in many products: margarine, baked goods (to extend the shelf life and give splendor), icing, cookies, chocolate, various sweets, dairy products. Such lecithin is made from side products of oil and soy flour. There is currently no unambiguous opinion about the harm or benefit of synthetic lecithin. But it is not recommended to give products with its content to young children.

In addition to the food industry, this type of lecithin is used as an additive in vinyl coatings, solvents, paper, inks, paints, and fertilizers.

How to Know if You're Not Enough Lecithin

As a rule, an acute shortage of lecithin begins in elderly patients. But often it is observed in young and middle-aged people who have congenital pathologies or acquired liver dysfunction. The negative consequences of such a deficit can be very different. For example, disorders of the nervous system, difficulty remembering, causeless headaches, weakness, dizziness, high or low blood pressure. With such effects, a person's quality of life noticeably deteriorates. He becomes more irritable, less stress-resistant. If the lack of lecithin has reached its maximum, then this often leads to disruption of the digestive, genitourinary and respiratory systems.

Perhaps it will be difficult to find a substance that could compare with lecithin in terms of the number of its properties that have beneficial effect on the body. Its benefits extend to all organs and systems. That is why it is so important to support normal level lecithin in the body.

After taking the substance, the following effects can be expected:

Lecithin: in what cases is it used

  • With violations of the activity of the nervous system, which manifests itself in depression, insomnia, neurosis, fatigue;
  • Women in position and during lactation;
  • In case of beriberi and suppressed immunity;
  • If children have a delay in intellectual and physical development;
  • With various heart diseases: ischemia, myocarditis, angina pectoris;
  • When excess fat in the body and diabetes;
  • Elderly people who have memory impairment;
  • Those who want to get rid of nicotine and alcohol addictions;
  • In acute chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, gastritis or cholecystitis);
  • With an increased concentration of cholesterol in the blood and atherosclerosis;
  • In case of violations of the liver;
  • If the patient is diagnosed with psoriasis, neurodermatitis or eczema;
  • With diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • If you have multiple sclerosis or other autoimmune disease;
  • In diseases of the respiratory system: tuberculosis, bronchitis;
  • If you regularly play sports with high physical activity;
  • In case of violations of the reproductive system;
  • With diseases of the oral cavity and teeth: caries, pulpitis and periodontal disease;
  • if you have eye problems (such as retinal degeneration);
  • With increased intracranial pressure.

Dosage and method of administration
lecithin depend on the form in which you use it. For example, for the prevention and general improvement of the body, adults are recommended to consume one teaspoon of powdered lecithin three times a day with meals. Usually, the instructions state that such a powder can be mixed with food, as long as it is not hot. In case of treatment serious illnesses you will need to increase the dosage to 5 tablespoons.

Unlike many other useful substances, lecithin is absorbed as quickly as possible and gives results almost immediately after ingestion. Doctors recommend taking a spoonful of the drug an hour before an important interview or other event that requires extreme brain activity and concentration. And together with vitamin B5, it helps to quickly move away from stress and get rid of insomnia.

Lecithin can be added to milk for children from 4 months, a quarter teaspoon 4 times a day. The older the baby, the more you can do the dose, up to one teaspoon per day.

  1. Patients with acute cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and pancreatitis need to be especially careful with the dosage of the substance and use lecithin only as directed by a doctor.
  2. If you consume lecithin in large quantities, more than three tablespoons a day, then vitamin C should be consumed along with it.
  3. An open package of powdered lecithin can be stored for no longer than two months, after which its quality begins to deteriorate.

What can be the harm from lecithin

Mostly backfire from lecithin can occur if it is made from low-quality soybeans. Choose the product carefully, as a product made from genetically modified raw materials can cause allergic reactions in the body. And in older people, serious disturbances in the functioning of the brain, up to dementia, can occur. Pregnant women should be especially careful when choosing a supplement. Poor quality lecithin can adversely affect the formation of the nervous system of the unborn child.

Speaking about the dangers of lecithin, you should immediately understand what kind of substance is meant. As you know, lecithin is a food additive with the code E322, which is found in many products around the world. And in most disputes about adverse effects, we are talking about a genetically modified substance, and not about the supplement that can be purchased at a pharmacy.

According to some studies, the abuse of commercial lecithin can worsen the digestibility of amino acids, decrease intellectual activity, especially memory. Back in the 60s, a series of experiments were conducted in the United States, which showed that due to the use of soy supplements, functions can be impaired. thyroid gland. In many countries, doctors do not recommend feeding children under three years of age foods containing lecithin because it can lead to allergies, obesity, diabetes, and brain development problems.

As for soy lecithin
high quality, its harm has not yet been proven. Moreover, it is part of many of our organs, so it is necessary for maintaining good health. In any case, when buying supplements, you should be extremely vigilant and study the composition.

Popular Lecithin Supplements

When purchasing lecithin at a pharmacy for the first time, you may encounter a little difficulty. It is found in a wide variety of nutritional supplements, and the quality of the product is determined only with experience. Therefore, a logical question arises, what is the difference between lecithin different manufacturers, and which of them will really benefit the body.

The difference in nutritional supplements lies not only in the form of their release, but also in the composition. Manufacturers use different raw materials when producing lecithin, and in some cases it may be of poor quality. Basically, the substance is synthesized from sunflower, and even more often from soy products. However, in order not to make a mistake in choosing, we bring to your attention the following biological additives who have already proven their high efficiency and benefit:

Lecithin from the company "Coral"

From the instructions for the supplement, you can find out that Coral lecithin normalizes heart function, restores liver cells, strengthens the immune system, activates the protective functions of the body, improves mood and intellectual ability and also has a positive effect on fetal growth in pregnant women.

The main components of the drug are inositol and choline. It is produced in capsules and is recommended to be taken as prescribed by a doctor. The price for a jar of lecithin from the Coral company (120 capsules) will cost you an average of 690 rubles.


This company occupies a leading position among manufacturers of vitamin complexes and supplements in the world. Lecithin from this manufacturer It is made from high-quality natural soy and includes such additional components: choline, phosphorus, inositol. It helps to normalize the functioning of the circulatory system, improve metabolism, and is often used for weight loss and hair and skin care.

Solgar Lecithin is indicated for both general health promotion and treatment various diseases or senile changes. It will also be useful after alcohol or food poisoning. make vitamin remedy in the form of gel and capsules. The recovery course lasts 30 days, at this time you should drink 2 capsules per day with meals. One jar of lecithin, which contains 100 capsules, costs about 1050 rubles.

Another one trademark producing high quality lecithin. The composition of the drug contains a concentrate of sunflower phospholipids. It is prescribed in case of deviations in the work of the nervous system, with kidney ailments, psoriasis, problems with the cardiovascular system. Bad lecithin is made in the form of capsules. It is especially convenient that it is produced in seven forms with a different set of additional vitamins, elements, enzymes and herbs. This gives everyone the opportunity to choose the necessary vitamin complex for themselves.

According to the instructions, you should eat the supplement twice a day before meals (one capsule at a time). This is the standard dosage for adults and adolescents over 14 years of age. The cost of lecithin pleases with its loyalty. A jar with 30 capsules can be purchased for only 95-100 rubles.

This manufacturer manufactures lecithin not in pure form, but with the addition of different groups of vitamins. it whole complex, which contains in its composition the most useful for the body active substances: vitamins E, B2, B1, B12 and B6, nicotinamide, lecithin, folic acid, choline, linoleic acid. As additional components used soybean oil, water, gelatin, glycerin, glycerol monostearate, sorbitol and dyes.

"Doppelherz lecithin" is one of the effective means that improve brain function. Thanks to the content important vitamins the properties of lecithin are enhanced, the metabolic and protective functions of the body are restored faster. The complex is produced in the form gelatin capsules in cartons of 30 pieces. The supplement should be taken one tablet per day, while the course of recovery should be prescribed by a doctor. The price for one package in pharmacies ranges from 260 to 360 rubles.

In general, reviews of Doppelhertz lecithin are in most cases positive. Patients to whom it is prescribed note its positive effect on the nervous system, improvement of the work of the heart and the tone of the whole organism.

"Lecithin Forte"

it quality drug from RealCaps, which contains soy lecithin and a group of phospholipids: sphingomyelin, phosphatidylcholine cephalin, photfatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol. The intake of such an additive helps to quickly restore cells and tissues after illnesses, improve lipid balance, increase brain activity, and improve the functioning of the liver and gallbladder. It is available in the form of yellow capsules of 30 pieces in one pack.

The duration of the medication is 1 month, in some cases it is repeated 2-3 times a year. Usually prescribed by a doctor, in situations of serious violations of the functioning of the body. Adults take 3 capsules daily with breakfast, lunch and dinner. Lecithin forte will cost you 200 rubles.

Lecithin "Art Life"

The main difference and advantage of this manufacturer among others is considered high content phospholipids - 93%, in contrast to the standard 60-70%. The remaining 7% includes ancillary herbal ingredients. The lecithin of this company is made from soybeans and is sold in polypropylene cans in the form of granules (odorless and tasteless) of 300 grams. One bank will cost you about 440 rubles. Granules can be added directly to food only if its temperature is not higher than 45-50%.

Lecithin "Art Life" is prescribed for both adults and children. Babies under three years of age should be given a quarter teaspoon with food two to three times a day. Children from three to seven years old can already take half a teaspoon of granules 1-2 times a day with meals. Adolescents from 7-12 years old are recommended to use half a teaspoon three times a day. Adults and children over 12 years of age should take one teaspoon 2-3 times daily. On average, the course of recovery lasts at least 1.5 months. But according to the doctor's prescription, it can increase up to six months.

Each future mom should take care of the state of her body during pregnancy. In order for the fetus to develop normally, it needs all the nutrients in sufficient quantities. And lecithin is important component which influences the future development and formation of all organs of the baby. Therefore, gynecologists often prescribe this substance with other vitamins during the second trimester. During the first months, the body itself produces enough lecithin.

In expectant mothers, the need for lecithin increases by approximately 30%. This is approximately 8-10 grams of the substance. At the same time, doctors advise not to compensate for such a deficiency. fatty foods animal origin, and use supplements with pure lecithin.

Of course, women in position should be very careful to take even this beneficial substance. First, carefully study all the components of lecithin when buying. Each manufacturer may have different additional substances to which you should not have an allergic reaction. Secondly, the doctor must prescribe the dose of the drug.

The first years of a baby's life are accompanied by the active growth of all organs, especially the nervous system. At this time, the main source of lecithin is mother's milk, where this substance is contained in high concentrations. However, if for some reason a woman cannot breastfeed her baby, already at this time she needs to take care of compensating for lecithin for the baby in another way.

According to some research at Columbia University, the amount of lecithin that a baby gets in the first year of life determines the amount of memory for a lifetime. Obviously, this factor plays a role in the intellectual activity of a person.

Lecithin is no less important for an older child. At the age of three, he begins to develop speech and the reaction of the nervous system to environment. This is accompanied by the appearance strong emotions. When the child goes to Kindergarten, he starts even more difficult period adaptation. It is especially important to control the presence of lecithin in the baby in case of stress. A sufficient concentration of the substance will help prevent unnecessary stress on the nervous system. A similar situation develops in primary school when the child needs to learn a lot of information and make friends with the team. Here, lecithin will help increase brain activity, support immunity and reduce fatigue.

There are some factors by which you can determine the deficiency of lecithin in a child. These are inattention, irritability, absent-mindedness and difficulty with remembering, insomnia, headaches, poor appetite. If at least a few of the above symptoms appear in the baby, then it makes sense to seek a recommendation from a pediatrician.

When it comes to choosing supplements for children, lecithin in the form of a fruit-flavored gel or soluble capsules is best. Usually, manufacturers add the necessary complex of vitamins to children's lecithin.

One of the beneficial properties of lecithin is the stimulation of cell regeneration. Therefore, it is often used in cosmetology to prevent early wrinkles, smooth the skin and relieve irritation. It works especially well in combination with vitamins A and E.

Usually lecithin masks are used for skin with age-related changes. Young girls have a sufficient effect on appearance by using it as a dietary supplement. You can buy a mask with lecithin at the store, but it's better to make it yourself, especially since it does not take much time. We offer you a simple recipe for a mask that includes the following ingredients:

  • Soluble lecithin or egg yolks - 2 pcs;
  • Castor oil - 25 ml;
  • One lemon with zest;
  • Carbolic acid - 10 ml;
  • Glycerin - 6 ml;
  • Ammonia - 5 ml;
  • One teaspoon of Pantocrine;
  • One ampoule of Folliculin 5000 units.

Mix all the components to a single mass, while the last two should be added at the very end. It is necessary to keep such a mask from half an hour to an hour, and then you can simply wash it off. warm water. To get a decent result, it is enough to apply such a mixture on the face every day for a month. After that they disappear dark spots and unevenness, excessive fat content disappears. The skin completely comes into tone, becomes matte and clean, all regeneration processes are launched.

Lecithin: reviews

Maria, 29 years old. I usually take lecithin when a strong vitamin deficiency begins, in spring or early autumn. This tool just saves me. During these periods, I begin to worry great weakness, memory, concentration worsens, mood deteriorates, you want to sleep all the time. After a week of taking lecithin, the body returns to normal. Cheerfulness returns, I want to move, play sports and just live!

Anna, 45 years old. I began to notice that my ten-year-old child had strong emotional swings, stress and insomnia. It was a strong stress reaction to the change of school. The doctor prescribed us calming herbs and lecithin. They drank for only a month, and his condition improved many times over. Firstly, he began to fall asleep faster and eat more (before that, there were still problems with appetite). A month later, he stopped being nervous and began to pay more attention to his studies. Lecithin really has a very positive effect on the nervous system of children.

Lecithin accelerates the consumption of calories, that is, it causes the body to burn fat reserves. Is that exactly what you want? Then find out how to choose lecithin and how to use it to quickly restore harmony.

Lecithin is a complex of phospholipids and fatty acids that serves structural component cell membranes, takes part in all metabolic reactions of living organisms. It stabilizes the functions of the brain, liver, kidneys, improves immunity, lowers cholesterol, stimulates hematopoiesis, improves reproductive health, normalizes lipid metabolism. Lecithin-containing preparations are actively used as effective and safe means for weight loss.

Mechanism of action for weight loss

The main component of the fat-like substance Lecithin is phosphatidylcholine: its share in the lecithin "cocktail" is about 20%. The composition of the phospholipid-acid complex also includes glycerin, choline, inositol, B vitamins, as well as organic acids: stearic, phosphoric, linoleic, linolenic, oleic, palmitic.

The effect of lecithin for weight loss is explained by its ability to activate the process of thermogenesis, and, therefore, increase energy consumption. The body, having received the usual amount of calories from food, spends more of them due to the action of the phospholipid complex, therefore it is forced to use fat reserves as “fuel”. Lecithin also enhances and prolongs the action of vitamins A, D, E, C, which contribute to weight loss.

Phosphatidylcholine and other components of the phospholipid complex accelerate the breakdown of fats - acting as an emulsifier, they break fats into tiny particles that are quickly digested. In addition, phospholipids increase resistance to stress, which is known to often cause overeating. They contribute to the acceleration of metabolic processes, proper assimilation nutrients, in which the body does not store fat reserves, but completely breaks it down.

Supplements with lecithin can be bought without a prescription, they are available in tablets, granules, powders. In the production of dietary supplements, as a rule, environmentally friendly raw materials are used. In most cases, the source of phospholipids is soy or sunflower.

If we compare these two types of raw materials, then soybeans are cheaper than sunflower seeds. But the phospholipid preparations that are made from it can cause allergies due to the content of soy protein residues in them. In addition, Lecithin San (food additive E322) can be obtained from genetically modified soybeans. Sunflower Lecithin, although it has a high cost, is obtained from sunflower seeds grown by domestic producers, the GMO varieties of which do not exist.

How to use

Lecithin is released as independent drug, and is also included in the composition of vitamin complexes or food supplements: powders, tablets, capsules, liquids.

The daily requirement of an adult for lecithin is 5-7 g. With a full diet, about 4 g enters the body per day, not yet a large number of produced by the liver. Therefore, the additional daily portion of lecithin necessary to fully satisfy the body is small.

When using a liquid preparation, the initial dose is ¼ teaspoon 2-3 times a day, then it is increased to 1 teaspoon. Lecithin capsules are taken 1 pc., 2-3 times a day with meals, powder - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. The dosage for these vitamin-mineral complexes is indicated in the instructions for their use.

You can take such supplements in different ways: just eat with water or juice, add to salads, cereals, yogurts. The duration of admission is determined by the doctor, as a rule, dietary supplements with phospholipids are taken for a long time, from 1-2 months to a year. A visible effect is observed only after 2-3 weeks, but the achieved result is maintained for several years.

Attention! Relying only on taking lecithin preparations, it will not be possible to adjust the weight downwards. In order to use all the released energy, you need a low-calorie diet and at least minimal physical activity.

Contraindications and side effects

The instructions for use of lecithin indicate that it should be used with caution when urolithiasis, since phospholipids activate the process of bile secretion, and this can provoke the movement of stones and blockage bile ducts. It is undesirable to take lecithin-containing dietary supplements during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If an allergic reaction occurs when using soy lecithin for weight loss, then the intake should be stopped or replaced. similar means made from sunflower seeds.

Side effects of dietary supplements with phospholipids are rare. If the recommended dosage is significantly exceeded, diarrhea, dizziness, increased salivation, nausea, vomiting.

Preparations with lecithin

dietary supplements and vitamin complexes with lecithin today offer many pharmaceutical companies and firms specializing in the production of food supplements. it Russian manufacturers"Uvix-Pharm", "VitaProm", "Pharmindustriya", "Koral-Med", as well as foreign ones:

  • Queiser Pharma (Ukraine);
  • Pharmatics (Canada);
  • Queisser Pharma (Germany);
  • "Solgar Vitamin", " SOLGAR«, Nittany Pharmaceuticals, Now Foods, NSP (USA).

According to experts, good result when losing weight give drugs:

  1. Our Lecithin. The dietary supplement in powders and capsules is produced by Yuvix-Pharm. Thanks to a unique patented technology, sunflower phospholipid concentrate, on the basis of which it is made, contains 98.6% ecologically pure product. A package of the drug (150 capsules) costs 484 rubles.
  2. Doppelgerz Active. The product of Queisser Pharma Ukraine, produced in capsules, contains phospholipids, 5 types of B vitamins, nicotinamide (vitamin PP and tocopherol (vitamin E). The cost of a package (30 capsules) is about 250 rubles.
  3. lipotropic factor. Phospholipid-amino acid complex from Solgar. Contains high concentrations substances that stimulate fat burning and prevent their accumulation: choline (vitamin B4), methionine (α-amino acid), inositol (vitamin B8). The price of a package of a bioactive additive (50 tablets) is 700-750 rubles.
  4. PC-Lecithin, Lecithin Granules, Lecithin-choline. These dietary supplements are a product of the international corporation VitaLine. They are composed almost entirely of natural soybean extracts and contain high concentrations of phosphatidylcholine. , vegetable glycerin, choline, inositol, polyunsaturated carboxylic acids. 90 gelatin capsules of such dietary supplements cost from 1.5 thousand rubles.
  5. Lecithin Granules. This non-GMO soy product produces Now company Foods. The dietary supplement contains phosphatidylcholine, carboxylic acids, nositol, as well as trace elements potassium and phosphorus extracted from soybean oil. The cost of 900 g of a granular drug is about 1700 rubles, a package of 450 g is half as much.
  6. Lecithin San. Dietary supplement based on soybean oil extract. Available in capsules containing 0.52 g of phospholipid-amino acid complex. The manufacturer is NSP, the cost of a package (170 capsules) is about 1400 rubles.

The human body is a complex system, for the normal functioning of which a number of various substances. It should be noted that if the body lacks any one component, then this leads to the development of diseases, disruption of the internal organs and the flow of biological processes. One of the most important components, which is the energy resource of the body, is lecithin. Without it, a person could not live, for this reason it is simply necessary to describe this substance, as well as to figure out what exactly this component is for and where to get it.

Composition and useful properties of lecithin

Need to start description chemical composition this wonderful substance short excursion into history. It all started back in 1845, when the French chemist Theodore Gobley isolated this component from egg yolk. This is how lecithin (egg yolk) is translated. In other words, the described product is a combination of triglycerides with phospholipids, as well as a number of other substances, the content of which in lecithin is negligible.

Today's lecithin, which is also referred to as commercial, is obtained by refining and hydrating soybean oil, which significantly reduces the cost of the emulsifier. At the same time, the described component includes all the substances necessary for the body, which must be characterized:

  • choline - is a substance whose content in lecithin is maximum, exceeding 20 percent of the total composition. It acts as the most important regulator nervous activity, taking part in the transmission of a nerve signal by synapses;
  • stearic acid - is one of the most important substances involved in the regulation of the energy potential of the body;
  • palmitic acid is a component that provides normal exchange fats;
  • arachidonic acid is a saturated fatty acid belonging to the class of omega-6 acids and taking part in the normalization of the activity of internal organs, including the adrenal glands, liver, etc.

Why does a person need lecithin?

Though clinical research it has not been clearly established that synthetic lecithin has therapeutic effect as a medicine, however, this does not prevent its use as a dietary supplement for the treatment of various diseases. Thus, it should be noted that the described substance is widely used not only for treatment, but also for prevention, for example during pregnancy, which makes it possible to provide the body developing in the womb with the necessary components.

  • It should be described in which case doctors recommend taking lecithin as a dietary supplement. First of all, it is recommended to take drugs for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including gastritis and colitis. Lecithin is also useful for diabetes, since this substance contributes to a better production of insulin by beta cells.
  • An important role is played by a complex of phospholipids for the work of cardio-vascular system. Helps the product to recover as quickly as possible after strokes and disorders in the functioning of the nervous system. Lecithin is also important for the liver, allowing you to cope with a number of ailments, including fatty hepatic degeneration. It is important to understand that the described substance is synthesized by the liver, being its main enzyme.
  • The indication for the use of lecithin is bad memory, as well as developmental disorders, which is especially important for children with learning difficulties. Allows this synthetic enzyme to strengthen the immune system, increasing the barrier properties of the body. It is especially important for the prevention of taking this food supplement to the elderly, since with age, the production of lecithin by the body itself significantly decreases.
  • Doctors advise prophylactically taking lecithin to cleanse the body, freeing it from cholesterol, salts and toxins. In this case, the drug is useful for losing weight, because after the restoration of work digestive tract and cleansing it from harmful deposits, overweight go away on their own. The product is also necessary for people engaged in active physical and intellectual work, as it helps to restore strength.
  • A specific nutritional supplement is also important for those who have skin and hair problems. Lecithin contains all the necessary vitamins for active growth hair and restoration water balance skin. Indication in specific situation there will be poorly growing, brittle hair, as well as dry, aging skin that requires careful care.

Health Benefits of Soy Lecithin

Since the indications for the use of a pharmacological agent have already been described, now it is necessary to describe what effect lecithin has on the body and what are the properties of the enzyme synthesized by the liver. First, it should be noted that this is an indispensable substance, without which almost no biological process in the body is impossible.

  • Lecithin contributes to the development and full functioning of the brain and the entire nervous system. The described complex of lipids and amino acids is also responsible for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. active action It has a component on all humoral processes in the body, normalizing the composition of blood and other biologically important fluids.
  • The main task of the produced substance is the homeostasis of cellular structures, since it is a structural component of the cyto-membrane of all cell types. To assess the magnitude of the importance of the component, it should be noted that about half of the liver, a third of the brain and up to a fifth of all nerve fibers consist of lecithin.
  • Another important aspect, which characterizes the benefits of the described substance for the body, is that without lecithin, the formation of new cells is impossible. In this case, the component is involved in the transport of substances synthesized at the cellular level. A lot of the enzyme is present in semen, as it stimulates the reproductive function.
  • It is lecithin, or rather its high content in the blood of a woman, that allows you to create the most suitable conditions for conceiving and bearing a child. It is for this reason that I often prescribe this component additionally for girls planning pregnancy. The substance is involved in the formation of all organs and their functions, contributing to the full development of the fetus.

Symptoms of a lack of lecithin in the body

With such a phenomenon as a lack of lecithin in the body, which is important for the elderly, as well as for those who have a number of diseases that lead to a decrease in the production of a substance by the liver, the most various changes.

First of all, the nerve fibers become thinner, which may be accompanied by headaches, weakness, dizziness, high or low blood pressure. In addition, a person with a lack of lecithin is prone to stress, is irritable, and has poor control over himself. At acute shortage substances may appear secondary signs pathologies, such as disruption of work digestive system, urinary, respiratory, etc.

What products contain the substance?

Lecithin is present in both animal and vegetable products, however, it should be understood that the volumes of a particular substance in meat and vegetables are completely different. For this reason, with a shortage of lecithin, it will be completely insufficient to eat a serving of any product that contains this component. It is important to note that lecithin is most abundant where there is a lot of fat.

As far as animal food is concerned, the largest number enzyme can be found in egg yolk, liver, meat, oily fish, butter, cheese, cream, etc.. If we talk about plant foods, then the largest amount of phospholipids lies in soy, vegetable oils, nuts, cereals and vegetables.

Lecithin as a dietary supplement

Today, pharmacies sell a large number of various food supplements, including synthetic lecithin. Against this background, a quite relevant question arises, what kind of lecithin is better to take and what are their differences. The main differences between all drugs lie in their composition, as well as in the form of release. Today you can find drugs in granules, powder, but most often they are sold in capsule form. Also, lecithin can be obtained from different raw materials, the most common are sunflower and soy products. Thus, it is necessary to consider the most popular biological supplements containing lecithin:

  • "Coral" contains substances such as choline, inositol and lecithin;
  • Solgar consists of lecithin, choline, phosphorus and inositol;
  • "Lecithin Doppelgerz" contains nicotinamide, folic acid, lecithin and vitamins of groups B and E;
  • "Our Lecithin"- a common brand that produces lecithin in seven varieties, which allows you to choose the most suitable complex with vitamins, herbs and enzymes for yourself.

Lecithin preparation - instructions for use

Specific biologically active additive take in different volumes, depending on the manufacturer and form of release. For preventive purposes, adults are prescribed one tablespoon or 1-2 capsules of the drug three times a day. The substance is washed down with water or mixed with food, but before taking the product, you must read the instructions. It is also important to follow the recommendations of the doctor who prescribed this substance, you should not independently acquire and drink lecithin unnecessarily, as you may encounter negative consequences, which is described in more detail below.

Harm from the use of capsules and tablets with lecithin

Lecithin is one of the safest food supplements that has great benefit for a person, however, to say that a particular pharmacological agent is completely harmless would be reckless. According to some studies, it has been found that this product was the cause of premature birth, led to allergic reactions, disruption of the digestive system, hypothyroidism.

Side effects and contraindications

Side effects, as a rule, occur only if the conditions for taking the remedy have been violated. As for contraindications, the main one is individual intolerance, diseases that affect endocrine system and various chronic diseases. During the period of bearing a child, before taking the drug, you need to consult a doctor and do not take the remedy without a prescription.



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