Why breast milk is good for everyone. Breast milk: composition and properties, its significance for the child

Older generation caught the time when doctors actively intervened in the process of feeding the crumbs, strangers. The feeding system at that time included meals by the hour, pumping day and night, obligatory washing of the breast with soap before each feeding, and the nipples were also smeared with green paint to prevent the occurrence of microbes and cracks. Most of these suggestions were not backed up. scientific facts or research results. All this is very unnatural, only a few managed to feed the child at least up to a year.

Medicine and science do not stand still. Annually held different kind studies that prove the benefits of breast milk.

With the birth of a child, a lot of questions arise for the mother, the very first of them is about breastfeeding. How to properly apply, how long to feed, what are the benefits of breast milk. Breast milk- a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, which, in turn, provide everything necessary for the growing body of the baby. Each mother must decide for herself what is important to her and what kind of food she will choose for her child.

The benefits of breastfeeding

Let’s first understand what breast milk is. Breast milk is a nutrient fluid that is produced by the mammary glands. Produced from lymph and blood. In its composition, it fully meets the requirements of the baby in this period, and also acts as a protection for the immune system of the crumbs.

Breast milk contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro- and microelements and other substances.

Breast milk creates almost invisible flakes in the stomach, which in turn make it easier for the baby to digest. This gives a great opportunity to often apply crumbs to the chest without fear of indigestion or overloading the gastrointestinal tract.

Lactose is a disaccharide that, when broken down by the enzyme lactase, forms glucose. Glucose is a source of energy in our body.

The fat content in breast milk ranges from 2% to 4-5%. The difference is that the fat content of hindmilk is an order of magnitude higher than that of foremilk. As many people think, the foremilk is the baby's drink, while the hindmilk is the food. During feeding, the child himself regulates his energy saturation. But how - the mechanism has not yet been elucidated.

Macro- and microelements in breast milk are found in mild form, which allows you to fully assimilate the baby.

Benefits of breast milk and breastfeeding

As we know, breast milk is the cure for all diseases. With breast milk, the child is given not only vitamins, but also antibodies that protect him from diseases..

For the body of a woman who has just given birth, breastfeeding is especially beneficial. The uterus begins to shrink faster to its original size, is formed emotional connection between baby and mom.

The first hours after childbirth, a woman develops colostrum in small quantities, and immediately young mothers are afraid, will this amount be enough for a newborn? Of course, that's enough! In the first hours and days of life, the baby has a tiny stomach about the size of Walnut and because the baby does not need much. If lactation is actively stimulated, then milk will come faster.

Gradually, as the child grows older, milk production may decrease, this is the so-called lactation crisis. It happens to every third woman, and most often occurs in the second, third and fifth month of feeding. These numbers may vary, because the body of each woman is individual. The cause of the lactation crisis can be stress, hormonal changes organism, lack of sleep. In order for this period to pass faster, a young mother needs to rest more, put her newborn to her breast more often, thereby stimulating lactation, and also sleep more. This can be done if daytime sleep go to bed with the child, then you can forget about lack of sleep.

If the child is full, then it is also not necessary to actively stimulate lactation. After all, the baby will not be able to eat more than it should be, and the young mother will suffer and experience discomfort with excess milk. There may be a need to express excess amounts. Also the most bad moment is lactostasis.

lactostasis- stagnation of milk in the mammary glands of a nursing woman.

The most common causes of lactostasis:

Prevention of lactostasis

What should be remembered in order to avoid such unpleasant phenomenon how is lactostasis? After all, if it starts lactostasis, in other words, stagnation of milk, then it will develop into mastitis.

  • Completely emptying the breast will help proper attachment of the baby. The child must take the nipple correctly so that the process occurs as gently and comfortably as possible, without pain, this will help to avoid stagnation;
  • Change position every feeding, then the milk lobules will be completely emptied, the possibility of squeezing the milk ducts is reduced;
  • You also need to remember that untimely emptying of the chest leads to congestion in the chest, and therefore better feed the baby on demand, and not by the clock, then the breast will be emptied as expected, without lactostasis.

How to put the baby to the breast correctly

Application technique

When the child correctly grasped the chest, then his cheeks are inflated, not drawn inward, the lips are deployed, and underlip completely turned out, the chest does not block the nose and makes it possible to breathe deeply.

Myth #1 Breastfeeding ruins your breasts

Fact: breasts change even during pregnancy. It is then that it becomes heavier, swells and increases in size, stretch marks may even appear. Your breasts will not get better after breastfeeding. The breast becomes softer after feeding, but is it really a problem? The greatest happiness is a well-fed child, because, if you look at it, this is what a woman needs breasts for.

Myth #2 Breastfeeding spoils the figure

Fact: Basically overweight a woman gains during pregnancy. But if we compare the weight of the fetus, amniotic fluid, increased blood volume, then an average of 10 kg comes out. Immediately after childbirth, a woman can leave them in the hospital.

If during breastfeeding eat for two, then, naturally, a woman will gain excess weight. If the young mother adheres proper nutrition, and the weight is growing, this may indicate hormonal imbalance, you need to see a doctor about this. Immediately after giving birth, breastfeeding only improves the shape! After all, the uterus begins to actively contract, thereby reducing to its original size and thus the tummy falls into place.

Myth #3 Breasts need to be prepared for feeding.

Fact: there is no need to prepare the breast, everything is arranged by nature and after childbirth the breast is completely ready for feeding. Rubbing the chest with hard washcloths, nipple stimulation will not give pleasant results, but the consequences are most likely.

Myth #4 Until the milk comes, you need to drink more water

Fact: in the first hours and days of life, a woman produces colostrum, its quantity is quite enough for the baby, with the active sucking of the baby, lactation will soon begin. Why rush and replace?

Myth number 5 Milk is food, the child should be given to drink

Fact: Breast milk is both food and water for the baby. Because there is foremilk and hindmilk. The front one is basically considered as water for the baby, he quenches his thirst with it, the back one is denser and has a high fat content, the baby eats up with it, and therefore the child does not need additional drinks.

Myth number 6 While there is no milk, the child needs to be supplemented with formula, because he is hungry

Fact: as mentioned above, colostrum in the first days of life is enough for a child, the baby loses weight not from hunger, it physiological feature and it happens to almost every newborn. If you start supplementing with formula, then the so-called nipple confusion can happen and as a result the baby will simply refuse the breast, but why is this necessary?

Myth #7: You need to pump after every feed to keep your milk supply from decreasing.

Fact: with established lactation, additional stimulation is not needed, because there will be an excess of produced milk, after which - stagnation. If the child eats by the hour, then, in this case, the production of milk will indeed begin to decline, in order to avoid this, feed the child on demand.

Myth #8 Your baby should suck on two breasts at one feeding.

Fact: why? The child must completely empty one breast in one feeding, thereby getting enough of the fore and hind milk. If he is given both breasts, then he will eat only the foremilk, which is not as fat and nutritious as the hindmilk.

Myth #9 If a child often asks for breasts, then he is hungry.

Fact: not true. Thus, the baby simply seeks and establishes a connection with his mother. The child seeks closeness with the mother. Or quench their thirst. Don't give up on the little one.

Myth №10 If the breast is soft, then there is no milk.

Fact: This is not true. If the breast is soft, the child is calm and not hungry, then the mother has established lactation. Milk is produced during sucking, i.e. breast stimulation, and not just when he wants to.

Myth #11 Nerves can make you lose milk

Fact: Milk is produced under the influence of the hormone prolactin, and nothing else affects this.

Myth #12 The nutritional value of milk is influenced by the mother's diet

Fact: False. Maternal nutrition affects vitamin mineral composition milk, but not on its fat content or nutritional value. After all, milk is produced from lymph and blood, and not from the mother's food. Many women who go in for sports and watch their diet, without drinking tea with condensed milk in their diet, fully feed their children up to a year or two, and they, in turn, do not lose weight, develop properly and do not experience a deficiency of nutrients.

Myth #13 If you exercise, your milk will burn out.

Fact: not true. Many young mothers after childbirth begin to bring themselves into their original shape and go to the gym, many of them successfully breastfeed their children for more than a year. For some, this myth is just an excuse not to do it.

Myth #14 There are no nutrients in milk after a year.

Fact: after a year, milk does not lose its useful properties, the composition of milk may vary from the need of the child to different ages, but not to become "empty" and useless.

Optimal age for feeding

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends breastfeeding up to two years of age.

For the first six months, the baby should receive exclusively breast milk, without supplementation and complementary foods. Breast milk is perfect food for newborns.

After six months, the child can be introduced complementary foods. Food must be introduced gradually, following the reaction and be prepared in a safe way.

Every mother knows her child better and feels better until what age it is better to feed her baby.


There is nothing more useful than mother's milk, in addition to the fact that it contains a sufficient amount of vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it is also an excellent immune stimulant, because with mother's milk, antibodies are transmitted to the child, which protect the baby from various diseases.

During breastfeeding, the psycho-emotional and physical connection between mother and child is established, what could be more beautiful? When a mother hugs her child, she gives him all her warmth, love and care. The baby near the chest calms down faster, because he feels how much he is loved.

The content of the article:

Mother's milk is the most suitable food for a child. And the point is not only that it is ideal for children's digestion. The components of breast milk are a natural defense against many diseases. Breastfed babies are less prone to rickets, less likely to suffer from anemia, dysbacteriosis, and diarrhea. Mother's milk also protects children from colds, bronchitis, pneumonia and many other infections. Science has proven that breastfeeding has a much lower risk of developing allergic reactions The child has. Very important role breast milk plays a role in the development of premature babies - it contributes speed dial weight. Besides, natural nutrition babies lays the foundation for future health. It is known, for example, that breastfeeding people are less prone to obesity and asthma.

Useful properties of breast milk

Breast milk has a high nutritional value, the benefits of breast milk are undeniable. It contains a complete set of substances necessary for the baby (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, trace elements, vitamins). The peculiarity of mother's milk is not only in diversity useful components, but also in their ratio and combination. Its composition does not remain constant; in the process of growing a baby, it changes quickly depending on the needs. developing organism. And the composition of milk varies depending on the time of day, nutrition and the condition of the mother.

In progress breastfeeding distinguish three main periods. For the first few days after the baby is born, the mother secretes colostrum. Then comes the period of transitional milk, which lasts about three weeks. And after that, the baby begins to receive mature milk. What is the difference between the types of milk. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

The nutrition of a newly born baby is colostrum. It helps the baby to smoothly transition to breastfeeding after feeding through the umbilical cord. This natural product unique in its composition and very easily absorbed by the child's body. Colostrum is a thick liquid with a yellow tint, secreted in the large quantities, on average - about 30 ml per day. At one time, the child consumes up to 10 mg of this product. Young mothers are often worried - it seems to them that the baby is malnourished. Some try to formula feed their favorite babies or give them some water without even consulting a doctor. This is not worth doing! Remember that a baby's body retains water after birth, so it won't be dehydrated until milk arrives.

After taking water or additional formula, the child feels full and suckles less often. Therefore, he may not receive the essential components contained in colostrum. In addition, this may adversely affect the production of milk in the future. After all, the frequent sucking movements of the baby stimulate the mother's breasts. This is a signal for the female body to produce more hormones that increase the amount of milk.

There is another reason why babies should not be fed or watered in the first days of life: the kidneys and digestive organs of newborns are not at first ready for large amounts of liquid. That is why the volume of water in colostrum is minimal, but at the same time it has great nutritional value for the child's body.

The volume of the stomach allows the baby to consume no more than 10 ml of colostrum at a time, but the child receives all the substances he needs. characteristic feature colostrum is high level protein (several times more than in milk). This protein is easy to digest because it does not require a large amount of digestive juices and does not heavy load to the stomach and intestines. The level of valuable amino acids in colostrum is also very high - according to this indicator, colostrum exceeds mature milk twice.

At the same time, some nutrients less in colostrum than in milk. First of all, it concerns carbohydrates and fats. This is due to the fact that the enzymatic system of the child is not yet developed and should not experience heavy loads.

Colostrum contains a large amount special components to facilitate digestion - phosphatides. They activate the secretion of bile, improve the evacuation of fats from the stomach and accelerate their absorption in the intestines. In addition, colostrum contains whole line active biological substances that improve the metabolic process in the child's body. And colostrum is the source of all essential vitamins A, B, E. It contains retinol, ascorbic acid and carotene - components necessary for the development nervous system child, organs of vision, muscle tissue. That is, if you give the baby a breast on demand, he will be fully provided with all the nutrients.

It is interesting to know that colostrum performs not only nutritional function. He has another property that is useful for the child's body. Thanks to the presence a large number magnesium, colostrum has a mild laxative effect. From baby intestine meconium (original feces) is easily excreted. Together with it, bilirubin comes out, which quickly reduces the manifestations of natural physiological jaundice newborns, one of the signs of the transitional state of newborns.

Another one important feature colostrum - high level of immunoglobulins. These substances increase defensive forces small organism. Especially a lot of immunoglobulins in colostrum immediately after the birth of the baby. And this means that it is necessary to give the baby a breast within half an hour after birth. Immunoglobulins activate the function immune cells(leukocytes) that line inner walls intestines, protecting it from pathogens. For this reason, colostrum is even often called the “first vaccination” of the baby.

And colostrum is different high content growth factors that contribute rapid development infant digestive system. Thus, the child is prepared for the transition to milk feeding. Of great importance is the neurogrowth factor contained in colostrum in enough. It is necessary for the full development of the child's nervous system.

The beneficial properties of colostrum are beyond question, which is why breast milk is the ideal food for a newborn.

Types of breast milk

Transitional and mature milk

Approximately on the fifth day after the birth of the baby, colostrum is replaced by transitional milk. At first, it still retains a yellowish tint and many substances characteristic of colostrum. Over time, milk turns white, and its composition changes. The amount of proteins becomes less, but the level of fats and carbohydrates rises. The mammary glands enlarge, become harder and hotter. Often, the mother of the baby feels some soreness in the chest. In order to remove these sensations, a woman needs to breastfeed her baby more often and try not to limit her feeding. When the mammary glands are emptied regularly, a woman feels better.

Two weeks after the birth of the baby, mature milk appears, in which it is customary to distinguish between two portions: “front” and “back”. What does it mean? At the beginning of feeding, milk has a bluish tint, it contains a lot of liquid. At the end of feeding, the milk that the baby sucks out becomes more intense. white With high content fat, the ratio of lactose and protein in the foremilk and hindmilk practically does not change during the entire feeding period. Thus, when mature milk comes, during feeding, the baby receives the whole complex of vital nutrients.

Why mother's milk is the best food option for a baby

Breast milk is considered an indispensable food for babies because it has the following properties:

Contains all the substances necessary for the full development of the child's body.

Easily digestible by babies.

Changes the composition depending on the individual needs of the child.

· Helps to form a favorable flora in the intestines.

Protects the growing body from many diseases.

· Does not contain allergenic components.

· Includes various biologically active substances necessary for the life of the body (immunoglobulins, enzymes, hormones).

Its temperature is ideal for the baby.

The taste of breast milk is ideal for the baby.

Thanks to breastfeeding naturally bonding develops between mother and child.

The composition of breast milk includes such components as:

· WATER. Its share in milk is more than 80%, so a child who is breastfed does not need additional drinking.

· PROTEINS. In mature breast milk, their content is approximately 1%, that is, less than that of other mammals. Proteins are presented in two fractions: casein and whey. Their ratio is approximately 20:80, while in cow's milk vice versa - 80:20. Caseins are synthesized in the breast itself, while whey proteins come from a woman's blood. In the gastric environment, caseins form large flakes and are therefore not absorbed as easily as whey protein. Due to the predominance of whey protein, mother's milk is digested very quickly and is easily evacuated from the stomach. Therefore, the baby can be breastfed frequently without fear of stress on him. digestive organs. Whey protein in human milk is primarily alpha-lactoglobulin. And breast milk substitutes, which are made from goat or cow, contain mainly beta-lactoglobulin. It is a strong allergen. It is also important to know that breast milk is a source of essential amino acids for the baby.

· FATS. In breast milk, these components are represented by small particles. They are much smaller in size than the fats in cow's milk. Fat levels vary by different stages. In colostrum, it is about 2%, and in mature milk it can exceed 4%. It will be interesting for new mothers to know that the fat content in hindmilk is several times higher than in foremilk. This allows the baby to regulate his saturation. If he is just thirsty, then he sucks milk for a short time - only for a few minutes. And in order to satisfy strong feeling hunger, he may need more than an hour. Therefore, the duration of feeding should not be tried to limit. According to data obtained as a result of research by WHO, the child himself is able to regulate his satiety. But how this natural mechanism works, scientists have not yet determined. Fatty acids of human milk are characterized by relative stability of the composition. Of these, 57% are unsaturated acids, 42% - saturated. It is important to know that long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially linolenic and arachidonic acids, play a huge role in the development of the central nervous system of a child. There are several times more of these components in breast milk than in cow's milk. Fatty acids promote the formation of prostaglandins in digestive system baby. And this is necessary for the maturation of intestinal cells and improve the processes of digestion and absorption of nutrients. Fats are main source energy for the baby, they give him almost half the required norm per day. And for good assimilation Fat baby needs special enzymes, which are found in sufficient quantities only in breast milk.

· CARBOHYDRATES. Of the carbohydrates in breast milk, milk sugar (lactose) predominates. This substance is found only in milk, in women's milk it is especially abundant. In mature milk, the level milk sugar reaches 7%. It is a disaccharide, after its splitting, two substances are formed: glucose and galactose. Glucose provides energy, galactose is involved in the formation of substances necessary for the formation of the nervous system. Lactose is also necessary because it contributes to the rapid formation of useful intestinal flora. Fructose and oligosaccharides are isolated from other carbohydrates in human milk. Oligosaccharides are called the "bifidus factor" because they improve the intestinal microflora and prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

· VITAMINS. Vitamin composition breast milk is not permanent. It changes depending on various factors: woman's diet, breastfeeding period, individual needs of the baby. It will be useful for new mothers to know that in foremilk vitamin levels are higher. This means that you should not express milk immediately before feeding the baby. There is especially a lot of vitamin D in the foremilk. Moreover, it is present there in its inactive water-soluble form. Then, as needed for the baby, it goes into an active fat-soluble form. Babies who receive mother's milk usually do not suffer from a lack of vitamins, even if the mother adheres to vegetarian diet. But children who are weaned too early are deficient in certain vitamins. This is especially true for vitamin A.

· MINERALS. In mother's milk in sufficient quantities are present all the necessary for small child macro- and microelements. They are in the form of compounds that are very easily absorbed by the baby's body. Many factors influence the good absorption of the mineral components of human milk: these are certain proportions of substances, the presence of specific auxiliary elements (such as lactoferrin) and much more. Minerals contained in other products are absorbed by the body much worse. For example, iron from breast milk is absorbed by more than two-thirds. Whereas iron from cow's milk is absorbed by only a third. And iron is absorbed very poorly from infant formula - only 10%. Therefore, manufacturers of artificial baby food are forced to increase the level of iron in their products, and this affects the child's body not the most. in the best way. The perfect balance of all the child needs elements are present in breast milk. Babies fed on mother's milk do not lack minerals ah and do not suffer from their excess.

· HORMONES. To date, science has confirmed the presence of more than two dozen types of hormones in human milk. At the same time, the level of some of them is much higher than in the blood of a woman. The concentration of prolactin, oxytocin, prostaglandin, growth hormones, insulin, and some sex hormones is very high in breast milk. Hormones present in small amounts thyroid gland. Due to this composition, mother's milk can have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in a growing organism. artificial baby food, of course, cannot have such properties.

ENZYMES. Enzymes (enzymes) are very important for the full life of babies. They activate the process of development of the child's body. Different types enzymes are found in large quantities in colostrum. They are also present in mature milk, but their concentration is lower. But it is almost impossible to enrich artificial mixtures with enzymes.

IMMUNE FACTORS. Mother's milk performs two functions related to protecting the child from disease. Firstly, it in itself tends to protect the children's body from pathogenic microbes. Secondly, it contributes to the development and strengthening of the immune system of a small child. As soon as a child is born, his small defenseless body is attacked different kinds pathogenic bacteria and allergens. Without mother's milk, it would be very difficult for a newborn to cope with such an attack. The immune system newly born babies are not yet developed, so colostrum contains great amount protective factors. We list the main ones: enzymes, immunoglobulins, bifidus factor, lymphocytes, neutorfils, epithelial cells, lactoferrin. The role of these substances in the protection of the child's body is enormous. For example, secretory immunoglobulin A has unique property envelop the stomach and intestines of the child. Thus, a reliable protective layer is created that prevents the spread pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, mother's milk stimulates the formation of epithelium in the intestines and activates the production of enzymes necessary for digestion. female body continuously produces antibodies that help the body cope with foreign viruses and bacteria. Such antibodies are also present in mother's milk, so the baby is reliably protected from many infections. Also in breast milk are fragments various viruses. Once in the child's body, they contribute to the development of his own immunity.

· OTHER COMPONENTS. Mother's milk contains special substances - nucleotides. They are necessary for proper metabolism, in particular for lipid metabolism. Present in breast milk and specific factors growth (eg, epidermal growth factor, nerve tissue growth factor, and others). The exact mechanism of their influence on the development of the baby is not yet fully understood.

Composition of breast milk table

Read on baby.ru: baby 7 weeks of life

Rash in a child.

It is urgent to call the child if, when a rash appears in the child, the temperature is above 39 degrees, shortness of breath, swelling of the face or tongue, drowsiness, headache if the child vomits or faints.

Having put the baby to the breast for the first time, the mother glows with happiness and thinks that she will share the most with the child. best year two, maybe more. And then everyday life and doubts begin; what if the baby is malnourished, not drinking enough, what if I get better, what if the child becomes ill because I ate one more orange. And when the chest hurts from bites, there is no time to think about the benefits of breast milk, and stories about the happiness of motherhood somehow fade.

If you want the child not to get sick, breastfeed from the first hours Good relatives appear nearby, pitying the mother and advising them to switch to mixtures or offering to try them. Should not be doing that.

Breast milk is white gold.

It is healthy, tasty and safe. Only in breast milk there are antibodies that will protect the baby from diarrhea, pneumonia, allergies, the most common childhood diseases.

Do not believe those who say that it is not necessary to breastfeed immediately after childbirth. Necessarily.

Do not listen to those who say that the first milk, or colostrum, is too thick, so the child must be supplemented with water. No need.

Colostrum is easy unique product, this is not only food, there are so many leukocytes and antibodies in it that pediatricians call it a natural vaccine against all kinds of childhood diseases, which is why the first breastfeeding should not be postponed.

The composition of milk is not affected by either the mother's diet or her lifestyle and health. Milk adapts to the child, changing the composition at the right time. Now you know that this is not so and you can not torment yourself with questions on the topic - what if my milk will harm the baby?

It will help him. Breastfeeding in the early days is especially important. The composition of milk includes a natural antibiotic - lysozyme and antibodies against many diseases that my mother managed to get sick. Every drop of your milk contains millions of white blood cells that can kill harmful bacteria. And when you breastfeed, you make the baby a little bit stronger every time, more resistant to infections.

This is important because by 9 months, the baby runs out of immunoglobulins transferred to him by his mother through the placenta. And if until that time he was "under the hood" of these immunoglobulins and under reliable protection, then by the end of the first year of life, he will need his own system of protection against diseases, that is, immunity. Mom's milk for immunity is like a lifesaver. Together with him, the child each time receives the proteins needed to build their own immunity. Most important protein- lactoferrin. Both he and harmful microbes feed on iron. Lactoferrin “takes away” food from microbes - iron, and they die, and the baby remains healthy.

The composition of milk includes a natural antibiotic - lysozyme and antibodies against many diseases. Usually, there are about 1% of proteins in breast milk, it is on them that the baby's immunity, the growth of new cells, and the maturation of the nervous system depend. Fortunately, the amount of proteins is constant and does not depend on mom's fatigue or illness, and even the most perfect mixtures do not contain all the useful substances that are in mother's milk, no matter what doctors say about their merits.

In 1989 World Organization(WHO), after finding out that every year fewer mothers breastfeed their children began to talk about the benefits of breastfeeding. Every year World Breastfeeding Week takes place around the world and every year it is dedicated to a single theme. In 2012, the Week will begin on August 1st. And the mothers themselves will tell you that breast milk is not only the most healthy food in the world for a baby, it is also the most trusting relationship with a child, it is the happiness of intimacy and just joy.

Of course, the benefits of breast milk are invaluable, but this is not a panacea, it will not protect against all diseases in the world, but this is the best support for a child’s own immunity that nature has come up with. Children who grew up on breastfeeding get sick less often and recover faster from SARS even in the second or third year of life and later. Breastfeeding is the first step to your baby's health for life.

10 facts about breast milk

  1. Less than 40% of mothers breastfeed their babies up to six months only. The rest, even at such a tender age, begin to introduce complementary foods.
  2. Breastfeeding should begin within 1 hour after birth.
  3. In the first months, the baby can be breastfed on demand, even at night. It is perfectly safe and absolutely necessary to feed your baby as often as he wants. The child asks for a breast, not because he is hungry, but because he needs contact with his mother. Do not be afraid if at first you feed 10-20 times a day, then the child himself will choose the mode he needs.
  4. The child can be breastfed if he has been prescribed any medication
  5. 16 weeks is the minimum time that a mother needs to spend next to the child and only with the child, completely forgetting about work.
  6. Up to 6 months, it is better to feed a child only with breast milk, from 6 to 12 months - alternate breastfeeding with complementary foods. If you have the ability and desire to continue breastfeeding, continue. It will be useful for everyone.
  7. A breastfed baby does not need to be supplemented with juices or water, with mother's milk he gets everything he needs. The child does not need excess water!
  8. The composition of milk includes about 500 substances, most of which cannot be reproduced artificially. The complexity and mobility of the composition of milk is similar to blood.
  9. Breastfeeding helps the baby stay healthy even when he is already growing up
  10. A breastfed baby does not need vitamins - with mother's milk, he gets everything he needs.

Neonotologists never tire of repeating the benefits of breast milk throughout the history of pediatrics as a science. The mother's breast milk contains all the components necessary for the baby, and if a woman eats properly, her baby gets everything the right substances. No less than for a child, the benefits of breast milk are also great for the mother: women who breastfeed are less likely to experience neoplastic diseases, and the feeding process itself has a positive effect on emotional condition.

The effect of mother's breast milk on the child

It has long been known that, thanks to its nutritional value breast milk is the most wholesome food for a child of the first year of life. It is surprisingly adapted to all the peculiarities of digestion and metabolism of the baby, contains all the nutrients necessary for it in optimal quantities, the right ratio and easily digestible form. The influence of breast milk on a child is very great, because his digestive processes are still imperfect.

Studying the composition of milk and colostrum and finding more and more new components, scientists never cease to be amazed at how nature provided for its balance. After all, the components of breast milk are proteins, and fats, and carbohydrates, and vitamins, and minerals.

Human milk protein consists mainly of so-called whey proteins (albumins and globulins), which are very easy to digest and absorb.

At the same time, crude protein - casein - in women's milk is 10 times less than in cow's. Under influence gastric juice proteins form thin loose flakes that are easy to process digestive enzymes, which baby not yet active enough. Coarse protein of cow's milk, on the contrary, is digested by the baby with great difficulty.

The benefits of breastfeeding and its nutritional value

Fats in mother's milk are also easily affected by digestive juices.

There are a lot of polyunsaturated fats in human milk fat. fatty acids involved in cell building. They are the most important integral part protein, as they contain amino acids necessary for the body, which come only with food (there are 1.5-2 times more of them in women's milk than in cow's milk fat). In addition, the special lipase enzyme contained in it, which breaks down fats, contributes to easier digestion and complete assimilation of human milk fat.

Carbohydrates of women's milk are 90% represented by milk sugar - lactose, which compares favorably in composition with lactose in cow's milk.

Lactose stimulates the development of beneficial microorganisms - microbes that produce B vitamins, as well as bifidobacteria that inhibit the growth of pathogens.

The total amount of minerals in women's milk is less than in cow's. But the mineral composition and the nutritional value breast milk is more suitable for the needs of the newborn.

Calcium and phosphorus salts in it are in an ideal ratio for an infant - 2: 1, while in a cow - 1: 1. At the same time, they are in such compounds that the child's body absorbs most easily. Iron in women's milk is almost the same as in cow's milk, but it is absorbed much better - by 50%, while from cow's - only 10%. Copper, zinc and other trace elements necessary for normal development a child, in women's milk is much more than in cow's milk.

The benefit of breastfeeding is also that it is superior to cow's in the content of vitamins, in particular such necessary children's body, like A, E, D. At the same time, the vitamins of women's milk are well absorbed by the still imperfect children's body.

Women's milk contains a free amino acid - taurine, which contributes to the maturation of the central nervous system and the formation of vision.

Nutritional value and useful substances in the components of breast milk

High biological value human milk is also explained by the presence of special protective factors in it.

These factors include living cells - leukocytes, capable of destroying harmful microorganisms, as well as a special substance - lysozyme - an enzyme that inhibits growth harmful microorganisms. There are many substances in breast milk that protect the baby from infections. According to experts, children who are breastfed are less likely to get sick with various intestinal and acute diseases. infectious diseases, as well as anemia, rickets, they are less likely to have allergies. At the same time, children on artificial feeding, the probability of many diseases is several times higher. Thus, not a single, even the most perfect artificial mixture can completely replace mother's milk.

The baby receives milk from the mother's breast desired temperature, protected from exposure to light and air, free from pathogenic microbes!

The beneficial substances contained in breast milk are very important for the prevention intestinal diseases, especially during the hot season and in disadvantaged areas.

The composition of a woman's breast milk is not constant and depends on the mother's health, the quality of her nutrition, working and rest conditions during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

But the number of basic nutrients that are part of breast milk - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts- V to a large extent depends on the timing of lactation (milk production).

The benefits and composition of colostrum

In the first 2-3 days after birth, when the newborn baby is still very weak and can suck out quite a bit of milk from the breast, the mother produces the so-called colostrum, which has a very high nutritional value.

Colostrum It is a fairly thick, light liquid with a high protein content. Sometimes its concentration reaches 7% (average - 4%). At the same time, there is little fat in colostrum, and this corresponds to the still weak digestive capabilities of the newborn. But the composition of colostrum fat is such that it is fully absorbed and sufficiently satisfies the needs of the child. The concentration of carbohydrates in colostrum varies over a fairly wide range and largely depends on the quality of the mother's nutrition.

The properties of colostrum are determined by its composition: this liquid has a high content of minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc.). In addition, colostrum contains enough high concentration protective factors, which include various antibodies, lysozyme and, in particular, immunoglobulin A, which protects the child's intestines from infections. Therefore, colostrum is sometimes referred to as a factor that provides the first vaccination, or, as they say, "warm" immunization of the child, in contrast to the "cold" (ampoule).

The benefit of colostrum for a child is that it provides the newborn with the so-called passive immunity, which reliably protects him from exposure to various infectious agents. It is known that newborn children fed with mother's milk do not get sick even when they come into contact with infectious patients.

From the 4-5th day of lactation, the composition of colostrum changes, the mother begins to produce transitional milk. It reduces the content of protein and minerals, but increases the content of fat. The amount of carbohydrates increases slightly. Gradually, the amount of milk produced also increases.

What is in breast milk

Gradually, the composition and properties of breast milk become more constant, and on the 2-3rd week after childbirth, a "mature" secretion is established.

The table shows chemical composition and calorie content of human milk different dates lactation.

The chemical composition and calorie content of human milk at different periods of lactation (in 100 ml, average data)





Chemical compound

protein, g



1, 1 — 1,2

fat, g




carbohydrates, g




calcium, mg

phosphorus, mg

magnesium, mg

iron, mg

calories, kcal

According to experts, people who received breast milk in childhood are less likely to suffer chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, atherosclerosis, ischemic disease hearts.

Speaking about the composition of milk during breastfeeding, it should be noted positive influence on the health of the mother.

  • When a mother puts her baby to the breast immediately after birth, a reflex release of a special hormone, oxytocin, occurs in her body, which promotes the separation of the placenta, increases uterine contraction and thereby prevents the possibility of postpartum hemorrhage.
  • Early and regular attachment of the baby to the breast stimulates the production of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin in the mother's body, which provide better lactation.
  • Breastfeeding women are much less likely to experience malignant tumors mammary glands, ovaries, uterus.
  • Breastfeeding is a fairly reliable physiological factor that protects against subsequent pregnancy during this period.
  • The very process of breastfeeding a baby has a positive effect on the emotional state of both mother and child, creating a particularly close relationship between them.

Perhaps there is not a single mother who would not know about the benefits of breast milk for a child, and all the same, parents often refuse this miraculous natural product in favor of artificial mixtures. Of course, feeding a baby from a bottle is much faster and easier. But is it possible to put on the same scales the benefits of mother's milk for the health of the baby and practicality?

Benefits of breastfeeding your baby

The benefits of breast milk are due to the fact that it is not only a complete set of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, genetically selected specifically for your child, but also a set of immunoglobulins, which are responsible for the immunity of your baby, by the same nature.

Mother's breast milk contains the so-called bifidus factors (prebiotics), which contribute to the rapid colonization of the intestines. beneficial microflora. In addition, the benefits of breastfeeding for a child is that there is a lot of lysozyme in breast milk - a protein with a pronounced bactericidal action- and immunoglobulin A, which are a barrier to pathogenic flora.

No, even the most expensive, milk formula will give you such a set!

And one more thing about the benefits of breastfeeding: when a small human being freezes at the mother's breast, it absorbs all the mother's love, all the energy that the mother gives him.

Breastfed babies always grow calmer. Neurological disorders, if any, they pass faster.

Breastfeeding is hard work

But here's the problem: To breastfeed a child, a mother needs to make an effort. Considering all the benefits of breastfeeding, do not forget that it is work, sometimes, especially in the first month of a child's life, hard work.

Sometimes it is not only work, but also constant pain in the chest, non-healing wounds, seals, milk stasis.

Finally, it's time. Hold the baby at the breast eight times a day for half an hour! And even more often!

Don't sleep at night! And do not go for a walk, and do not run to the institute. Don't talk to your friends.

Whether it's a bottle: diluted, poured, five minutes - and the child is fed! Especially if the hole in the nipple is bigger.

Think immunity! Where is this immunity? He is neither seen nor heard.

And further: when the pregnant woman walked, she abstained from smoking. And now she has given birth. Everything seems to be fine.

And how you want to smoke! Smoke, drink with friends.

Yes, still the beauty of the chest! For some mothers, this is an important reason not to breastfeed. But how deceptive this reason is ...

That's where the milk is gone. It disappeared as if it never existed.

Believe: true, primary loss of milk by the mother is extremely rare.

You may not voice true reason why you don't want to breastfeed. You may not even admit to yourself why you do not want to feed.

The child, of course, will grow up, but the milk is gone, and “freedom” has come. Nothing hurts anywhere. The back does not ache from sitting in the same position with the child in her arms. You can smoke, drink. You can leave for a long time or leave home, leaving the baby to your grandmother or even a nanny.

There are a lot of milk mixtures now. For every taste. Hypoallergenic, lactose free. Cow's milk and goat's milk and soy milk if you need it.

It's good that they are. Demand creates supply. The child, of course, will be fed and will grow up. Maybe he'll even be chubby.

Only to what he, the poor fellow, is already burdened, will be added the lack of immunity transmitted from the mother.

Do you see how red, how glossy the child's cheeks are? Maybe not only cheeks, but also dry skin or round plaques all over the body? This is his infant form.

Do you hear him screaming, your child? His tummy was swollen. Instead of calmly recovering after each feeding, he barely walks once a day, and sometimes once every two days, and even with an enema.

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