Hofitol instruction for newborn children. The use of hofitol for newborns in the treatment of physiological jaundice

Among newborns, the development of jaundice, a condition in which there is an increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood, is quite common. Bilirubin is a substance formed during the destruction of fetal hemoglobin, which is responsible for the transport of oxygen through the blood of the fetus in the mother's womb. Released at birth a large number of of this substance. If the liver does not immediately cope with the work, there are various characteristic symptoms. such as yellowness of the skin, eyeballs and mucous membranes of a small organism.

In most cases, this condition is not dangerous and is easily eliminated in a few days with the use of ultraviolet lamp destroying excess bilirubin. However, in some cases, doctors prescribe little kid such a French drug as "Hofitol". This helps the newborn body to cope with the load on the liver more quickly. After all, she has to work hard at high level bilirubin. About what this remedy is, how safe it is and how to give "Hofitol" to a newborn, will be discussed below.


The list of components of the drug depends on the form in which it is produced. As a rule, for a newborn "Hofitol" is used in the form of a solution, which includes:


Solution "Hofitol" is a dark brown liquid that does not have transparency. In addition, the presence of a small yellow precipitate is acceptable, which usually disappears with vigorous shaking of the vial.


The properties of the drug are due to the extract of such medicinal plant, like a field artichoke (Latin - Cynara). It grows almost everywhere. And in Australia and countries South America even considered a weed, which is quite difficult to get rid of. Despite this reputation, given plant has many useful properties.

Decoctions of its leaves have been used for many centuries as a diuretic and choleretic agent. In addition, the field artichoke is famous for its beneficial effect on liver cells, restoring them. Over the past century, mankind has learned to produce artichoke-based medicines, releasing them in tablets and solutions. "Hofitol" is one of them.

It has a number of useful properties:

  • Excretion of excess bile. This helps to remove dangerous indirect bilirubin as soon as possible.
  • Recovery healthy function liver cells.
  • Removal of toxins from the body and heavy metals. Therefore, "Hofitol" is often prescribed for poisoning a small organism.
  • Reducing cholesterol levels.
  • Normalization of metabolic processes.
  • Improving kidney function.

In addition, within this tool there are many useful substances:

  • Ascorbic acid. It is a natural antioxidant, helps to quickly remove toxins.
  • B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin). They play vital important role in many metabolic reactions of the body.
  • Carotene.
  • Vitamin K. Reduces the permeability of the capillary wall, is responsible for normal blood clotting.

All this will only benefit the newborn. "Hofitol" has another advantage - it is of natural origin, and this ensures maximum safety of use. This means that by giving this medicine to your child, the mother can be calm about his health.

When the use of "Hofitol" is necessary

Of course, the use of "Hofitol" for newborns is not always prescribed. After all, a fragile body is completely undesirable load in the form of the use of a drug. Let it be natural. Therefore, neonatologists and pediatricians first weigh the pros and cons and only then prescribe the drug. And this is really justified with severe intoxication of the baby. This usually manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • vomiting;
  • bloating (the child has anxiety and hard stomach);
  • strongly pronounced yellowness of the integument of the skin and sclera of the eyes.

Indications for use

Instructions for "Hofitol" for newborns indicate following states for which the drug should be used. In addition to jaundice, this includes:

  • Hepatitis in a chronic form.
  • Enhanced level acetone in the blood.
  • Diseases of the gallbladder.
  • Kidney inflammation.
  • Bloating.
  • Nausea.
  • Poisoning.
  • Intestinal infections.

Contraindications for use

Like any other drug, "Hofitol" has a number of contraindications, which include:

  • Intolerance to the components of the drug. The use of the drug in this case is strictly prohibited, otherwise it threatens the development of an allergic reaction in the form of an itchy rash and swelling of the mucosa.
  • The presence of stones in gallbladder or its ducts.
  • Obstruction biliary tract. The fact is that in this case, the use of "Hofitol" can lead to a significant deterioration in the patient's condition, as well as to intoxication of his body.

Possible side effects

Of course, every mother is concerned about what side effects her baby may experience when using Chofitol. And although the drug is natural, it, like any other drug, is not without side effects. However, their list is very small. Basically these include:

  1. The development of an allergic reaction to any of the components of the drug. This can be manifested by itching, a rash on the skin, urticaria, redness of the mucous membranes, Quincke's edema. The above symptoms are relieved with antihistamines and completely disappear after the abolition of "Hofitol".
  2. In addition, one of the most common adverse symptoms is a digestive disorder in the form of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain.

If the pediatrician has prescribed Chofitol to the child, it is necessary to carefully monitor his condition after taking the drug, especially during the first day. In case of unwanted adverse reactions must be applied for medical care to the pediatrician, who will select a more appropriate dosage or cancel the drug, and also prescribe worthy replacement.

Dosing regimen

How to give "Hofitol" to a newborn? Only a pediatrician can decide this. It is he who should prescribe the dosage and frequency of administration, since the amount required drug and the duration of the course are usually individual for each small patient and the degree of his disease.

However, unless the doctor has prescribed otherwise, the baby should be treated according to the scheme indicated in the instructions for "Hofitol" for newborns.

5-10 drops of the solution must be dissolved in 5 ml of pure drinking water and give to the child immediately before feeding. This will help his body absorb the drug more easily.

Many mothers are wondering how to take "Hofitol" to a newborn. The easiest way to give the baby medicine is with a small spoon (special children's or teaspoon). Carefully bring to your mouth and gradually pour. Do not give the whole spoon at once, because the baby can choke. It is best to do this in two or three passes. IN pediatric practice sometimes a syringe method is used. This should be done 3 times a day.

Thus, the maximum daily dose for a small organism, according to the instructions, 30 drops of Hofitol solution.

How long for a newborn should last treatment course? It depends on the severity of the jaundice. As a rule, the duration of the course is not very long, unless otherwise prescribed by the pediatrician, it ranges from one to three weeks.

The cost of the drug

On pharmaceutical market the price for one bottle containing 120 ml of the substance is in the range of 350-400 rubles. As a rule, one bottle of Hofitol is more than enough for a newborn.

It should be noted that the exact cost depends on the region, city and specific pharmacy organization.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

"Hofitol" refers to over-the-counter drugs, therefore it is freely available on the pharmaceutical market. His tablets and solution can be found on the windows of every pharmacy. When dispensing Chofitol, the pharmacist (or pharmacist) will not ask for a prescription from a doctor.

Despite this, it must be remembered that the use of this tool is permissible only after mandatory consultation with a specialist.

Terms and conditions of storage

Before you start using the drug, you should study the rules for storing Hofitol. A newborn baby should only be given a new, freshly opened bottle of this medicine.

It must be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees, in a dry place away from sun rays. The closed drawer of a cabinet or table is optimally suited for this.

Be sure to ensure that the drug is out of reach for young children.

The shelf life of the Hofitol solution is 4 years from the date of its production.

The shelf life of an open vial depends on how tightly closed it is. With a tightly screwed cap, the drug can be used according to the main expiration date.

If the bottle is not completely closed, its contents can only be consumed within two months from the date of opening.

As do adults. When treating babies, pediatricians try to choose the safest medicines.

One of these drugs is "Hofitol" - it is made on a biologically pure plant-based and has a strong healing effect.

Composition and pharmacological properties

The main component of the preparation "Hofitol" is an extract of the extract from the leaves of the field artichoke. The artichoke has long been known for its beneficial and healing properties.

Did you know? The ancient Romans considered artichoke dishes to be the food of true gourmets. In the first half of the 16th century, the fashion for artichoke dishes spread among the aristocratic environment of France. In Russia, the plant appeared in the era of the reign of Peter I, it was brought for breeding in pharmaceutical gardens.

Healing properties» :
  • diuretic properties;
  • choleretic properties;
  • restoration of damaged liver cells;
  • effective in difficult-to-treat jaundice.

This medicine made from medicinal herbs without the use of synthetic ingredients. "Hofitol" is prescribed for the treatment of children with jaundice, if treatment by other means within a month has not given a positive result.

The Hofitol solution is used by pediatricians if necessary to cleanse the body of the effects of intoxication, in case of problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If the baby's liver is weakened as a result of the transferred infectious disease- he must be prescribed "Hofitol".

The drug is prescribed for children who have damaged liver cells, and for patients whose treatment requires the presence of a choleretic and diuretic effect.

Purpose» children need in such cases:

  • with hepatitis. The drug is used even when the stage of hepatitis has become chronic;
  • with acetonemia. In patients, the percentage of acetone in the blood increases, worsens general state organism;
  • with cholecystitis, including chronic non-calculous;
  • with jaundice in children of any age (and);
  • with intoxication. General poisoning organism of any kind of infections;
  • with diseases of the biliary tract;
  • with psoriasis (cleanses the skin);
  • helps with severe belching, heaviness in the stomach, excess weight;
  • with atherosclerosis.

At what age can a child be given

If necessary, the remedy is prescribed from the birth of the baby, the difference for age groups lies in the dosage prescribed by the pediatrician. Treatment of infants with this remedy is as effective as the treatment of older babies.

Important! What» appointed for such various diseases, suggests good healing effect and safety of use of means for children.

Course and regimen for children

"Hofitol" is produced in the form of drops and tablets. The tablets are intended for use by children over 6 years of age (who may swallow the tablet). But if little patient refuses the pill, he can be given drops of "Hofitol" instead of them - the therapeutic effect will be the same.

For children under 6 years of age, the drug is prescribed in drops. The medicine has an unpleasant taste, but it is still much easier to give a solution diluted with water to a baby than tablets.

In order to have a stable positive effect from taking the drug, it must be taken in a course. The duration of the course is 2-3 weeks; if this is not enough, the pediatrician can extend the course of treatment up to 30 days.

Up to a year

For kids, the drug is made in drops, the dosage of the drug "Hofitol" is indicated in the instructions for use for children: 5-10 drops of the drug are diluted with 5 ml boiled water and drink to the baby three times a day before meals (on an empty stomach).

1-6 years old

For children from one to six years old, this drug is prescribed in liquid form. According to the instructions for use, the Hofitol solution for oral administration is diluted as follows: 10-20 drops of the drug are added to 15 ml of boiled water. You need to take the medicine three times a day for half an hour before meals.

6-12 years old

For older children, the dosage of the drug is increased several times. Age group small patients from 6 to 12 years old consume the medicine in this form: 40-60 drops of the medicine (0.5 teaspoon) are mixed with 15 ml of cooled boiled water.
This solution is taken 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Over 12 years old

"Hofitol" for adolescent children from 12 to 18 years old is prescribed as a solution in a dosage: 1 teaspoon of the drug is mixed with 15 ml of cold boiled water. This amount is taken 3 times a day, on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals.

Did you know? The artichoke has been going hand in hand with mankind for almost five long millennia. The ancestral home of this plant is North Africa. Population ancient egypt knew about healing properties artichoke. The Egyptians cultivated this plant as a separate crop and ate it.

Precautionary measures

"Hofitol", like any other drug, can only be taken as prescribed by the attending physician. It is undesirable to exceed the dosage of the drug established for each age, as side effects.

Higher dosage may cause severe allergies in the form of swelling of the tissues of the larynx (Quincke's edema) or dehydrating diarrhea.

Before you start taking the drug, you should pay attention to the expiration date indicated on the package. Expired medicine must not be used!
Keep "Hofitol" in a place inaccessible to children. When storing the drug, direct sunlight should be avoided.

Contraindications and side effects

Hofitol, like any drug, has some contraindications, that is, there is a clearly defined list of cases when the drug should not be taken in any case.

When not to take this medicine:

  • with obstruction of the biliary tract;
  • with severe hepatocellular insufficiency;
  • with severe diarrhea;
  • with pain of an unclear nature in the abdomen;
  • with congenital fructose intolerance;
  • with glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • with sucrase-isomaltase deficiency;
  • with problems in the gallbladder, kidneys or liver;
  • with allergies to individual components of the drug.

Each Hofitol tablet contains 0.08 grams of sucrose. The parahydroxybenzoates contained in it can contribute to the appearance of allergies (also of the delayed type).
We examined the diagnoses in which taking "Hofitol" is categorically not recommended. But even at healthy child You may experience side effects after taking this medicine.

This may be softening of the stool (from weak to severe diarrhea), the manifestation of allergies from a slight rash (urticaria) to life threatening child of Quincke's edema.

As soon as such reactions of the body to taking "Hofitol" are noticed, treatment with this drug should be stopped immediately and consult with your doctor.

Important!When treating babies, self-medication is in no case permissible - such actions can lead to damage to children's health.

As you can see, there are few contraindications to taking Hofitol, but they exist. Therefore, it is necessary to use the medicine for the treatment of a child strictly according to the prescription of the attending pediatrician.

The specialist determines the need for the use of the drug and prescribes its dosage, taking into account the state of health of the patient and possible reaction for the drug.

Did you know? Toddlers are difficult to persuade to drink unpleasantly smelling and tasteless medicine from a spoon. Therefore, mothers found a way out: the diluted medicine is drunk to children using a disposable syringe without a needle (the drug is squeezed directly onto the tongue under pressure from the piston).

Only a pediatrician will correctly determine whether to take "Hofitol" to children. The doctor will always be able to assess all the risks of taking the medicine and correlate them with the expected positive effect.

Physiological or pathological jaundice is a common occurrence in children. Since the body of infants is very weak and is not able to fight on its own similar pathologies, most doctors advise new mothers to seek help drug therapy. One of the safest and effective drugs Hofitol is considered for newborns. This homeopathic remedy is actively used in almost all countries of the world and has proven itself exclusively with positive side.

When should a child be given Hofitol

Despite the fact that Hofitol belongs to homeopathic remedies, today it is increasingly used in traditional medicine. This is due to the fact that many leading pediatricians have evaluated the medicine and claim that it helps to get rid of different pathologies, but at the same time acts delicately and is guaranteed not to harm the health of the child. This medicine is produced by the most famous French brand and contains only ingredients natural origin.

Main active ingredient is an extract of artichoke leaves, as auxiliary components are:

  • talc;
  • sucrose;
  • gelatin;
  • corn starch.

The composition of the drug may vary slightly depending on the form of release. Today at pharmacy chains you can find children's Hofitol, produced in tablet form, in the form of syrup and injection solution. Pediatricians claim that for babies it is better to choose syrup for internal consumption.

Hofitol newborns are most often prescribed for jaundice. Despite the fact that the drug is dispensed without a prescription, it can be given to the child only as directed by the leading pediatrician. Childhood jaundice is not the only indication for the use of the drug.

It also performed well against such pathologies:

A feature of Hofitol is that it is suitable not only for the treatment of infants, but also for adult patients.

Positive effect from taking the drug due to its unique composition, namely, an artichoke extract. The leaves of the plant contain great amount unique and rare components that are able to regulate the activity internal processes.

The artichoke contains:

  • folic acid. This compound speeds up metabolism and promotes the removal of toxins from the liver;
  • flavonoids;
  • ascorbic acid. Activates defensive forces immunity;
  • inulin;
  • sequiterpene lactone. Regulates the work of the kidneys, as a result of which their filtration abilities are enhanced;
  • phenolic acids. Protect liver cells from negative impact external and internal factors;
  • vitamins of group B. Stabilize the activity of the body

Most leading doctors prescribe Hofitol to infants, since it has complex impact on the body.

In the course of numerous clinical studies, it was found that the concentration of bilirubin after the solution enters the body falls quite quickly. Symptoms begin to subside within 2-3 days after the start of the intake.

Hofitol also helps to achieve the following effects:

  • normalizes metabolism;
  • stabilizes the activity of the kidneys;
  • protects the liver from the negative effects of external and internal factors;
  • promotes the removal of fluid;
  • protects the liver and kidneys from the harmful effects of toxins.

Whatever form of release of the drug is prescribed, after 10-15 days of regular intake, the baby will completely recover from jaundice and all symptoms of the disease will disappear. It is worth noting that most pediatricians advise drops for newborns.

It is much easier and more convenient to give drops to babies. As practice shows, children calmly take the medicine in the form of a solution and do not be capricious.

Despite the fact that Hofitol for newborns is as harmless as possible, you can purchase this remedy and start treating the baby only after the approval of the physician. It is impossible to independently prescribe Hofitol to a child either at 2, or at 4, or at 5 years old. It must be remembered that the dosage and duration of treatment should be determined by the attending physician, taking into account the stage of the pathology and individual characteristics organism.

Since Hofitol is produced in different forms, parents will definitely be able to find a tool that will be best suited in a particular case. But if treatment is required for a newborn, it is best to choose syrup or drops.

Despite the fact that the drug is attached detailed instructions to give the baby standard doses may not always be possible. For some babies, this dosage may be too large, which is why it should be prescribed by a specialist.

How to give Hofitol to a newborn, the doctor will tell you during the consultation.

Usually the treatment is carried out in this way:

  1. Children who have just been born are usually prescribed five to ten drops. In this case, the medicine is recommended to be pre-diluted with 5 ml warm water. Babies should be given medicine 3 times a day, preferably immediately before feeding.
  2. Children over 12 months of age should be given large quantity drops. At 5 years (2, 3 and 4 years), 10 to 20 drops are usually prescribed. If the child is over 6 years old, a single dose is 2-3 ml. At the same time, Hofitol must also be pre-diluted with water. The solution is recommended to be taken half an hour before meals in the morning, afternoon and evening.
  3. If the child is over 12 years of age, the dosage should be increased. How exactly it will be necessary to take Hofitol and in what quantities, only the doctor will say, taking into account the stage and course of the disease.

Many parents often worry about diluted Hofitol's action being weakened. You should not worry about this, as the manufacturer advises to consume the medicine in a diluted form.

The popularity and demand for this drug is largely due to its safety for newborns. Hofitol has been actively used in pediatrics over the past few years, and over the years it has been found that side effects from its use are extremely rare.

Moreover, in more than 80% of cases, they appear only if the parents began to give this remedy to the baby on their own, without prior consultation with a doctor or due to an overdose. But pediatricians assure that with proper use, side effects in a child are guaranteed not to appear. If necessary, you can safely proceed to therapy and not be afraid for the health of the baby.

The only cases when the use of this drug is not recommended:

In the course of numerous clinical studies and experiments, it has been proven that the drug is absolutely safe for child health. If, in the treatment of a child, parents strictly observe all medical recommendations and dosage, the risk of complications while taking Hofitol will be minimized.

In rare cases, children experience the following side effects:

  • allergic to Hofitol. A child may develop a rash on the skin, and a small patient may also complain of itching. Allergy to this medication is extremely rare, no more than 4% of babies;
  • stool disorder (most often diarrhea). It is observed only with prolonged therapy, when treatment lasts more than 3 weeks.

Despite the fact that Hofitol is a homeopathic remedy, the dosage should be calculated only by a doctor. Only in this case, there can be no doubt that such therapy will be safe for the baby.

In some cities, finding Hofitol is quite problematic. In such a situation, the drug can be replaced by an analogue. According to doctors, Allohol is the closest in composition. Galsten's remedy has also proved to be very good for jaundice in newborns. Each of these drugs has vegetable origin and is intended to eliminate jaundice.

But since the composition of these medicines is different, their effect on the body will also vary. Despite the fact that Galstena can be taken from the first days of life, before starting therapy, it is imperative to visit a doctor who will say whether the medicine is suitable in a particular case. The selection of an analogue should be carried out by a doctor on an individual basis.

Usually the choice of specialists falls on:

  1. Hofitol. The main active ingredient is aqueous extract artichoke.
  2. Allohol. Main active ingredients- dry bile and coal. minus this drug is that it comes in the form of tablets, which is why many kids refuse to take it.
  3. Galsten. The drug is made on the basis of extracts of milk thistle, chamomile and dandelion. It is produced in the form of tablets and drops.

When choosing a medicine, be sure to pay attention to age restrictions. Some funds that have similar composition are allowed only after 18 years of age.

Today, homeopathic medicines are used to treat many diseases. Hofitol is a homeopathic drug, it is used to treat even newborns.

The most common neonatal disease is jaundice. This disease manifests itself in newborns almost after birth and occurs in most children.

In some babies, jaundice goes away on its own after two weeks, without the use of medicines, but there are children who need to be helped to get rid of it through the use of drugs.

Jaundice of newborns, in principle, cannot be called a disease, it is physiological feature body of a newborn. It manifests itself in a child with yellowing of the body and eyeballs. This happens due to high content bilirubin in the blood. To remove it from the body faster and apply hofitol. The medicine does not harm a small organism, and has vast experience in treating it in childhood.

Action and composition of hofitol

Since Hofitol is a homeopathic preparation, it contains herbal ingredients, which have hepatoprotective and choleretic properties. This drug is very helpful for short term remove excess bilirubin from a small organism, and cope with jaundice.

The composition of hofitol for infants includes the following components:

  • Artichoke leaf extract.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Quinic acid.
  • Caffeolic acid.
  • Cinnarin.
  • Ascorbic acid.
  • B group vitamins.
  • Inulin.
  • Beta carotene.
  • Sequiterpilactone and others.

These components help to improve the metabolism in the body of the baby, and the work of the kidneys is enhanced. When treated with hofitol, the signs of jaundice disappear in the baby through 10-14 days.

The biologically active substances that make up hofitol have a positive effect on the liver and gently remove bile into the intestines. Metabolic processes in the liver are restored and toxic indirect bilirubin is converted into harmless direct bilirubin. Artichoke contributes to the normal filtration capacity of the kidneys, and has diuretic properties. Thus, along with urine, they are excreted and unnecessary to the body bilirubin. Stagnation of the liver and gallbladder, due to the action of hofitol, pass.

For newborns, hofitol is produced in the form of a sweet syrup with an orange flavor. The medicine bottle is very convenient with a special dropper nozzle that helps to correctly measure the amount of medicine. But there is also dosage forms hofitol in the form of injections and tablets. Tablets for use in newborns are not suitable - the child cannot swallow them yet. Injections are used in older children and in adults. But syrup for babies is what you need.

Young mothers are often lost when their newborn babies are prescribed hofitol. They have a question: “How to give it?” Don't worry - it's very simple. In the package with the medicine there is an instruction in which everything is described in detail, the doses and the number of doses for each age category of people. The instructions must be read very carefully before taking the medicine and giving it to the baby, and also understand how it is stored after opening the vial. But still correct dose must appoint a doctor who observes the child.

Usually for babies, the dose is 3-5 drops, which are diluted in a tablespoon of water. Baby drops should be given on an empty stomach three times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, usually it is one to two weeks, until the symptoms of the disease are eliminated. But do not use hofitol for self-treatment, it can be dangerous to health.

Contraindications to the use of hofitol for infants

Like everyone else medicines, even such harmless as homeopathic, there are contraindications for use. But this does not apply to hofitol. It has been prescribed to infants for more than a year, the experience of using it in pediatrics is already quite large. To determine the safety of this drug for humans, scientists have repeatedly conducted various studies, during which the absolute safety of hofitol was revealed. That is why it is almost always prescribed to newborn babies for the treatment of prolonged jaundice.

If you use the drug correctly, following the instructions and recommendations of doctors, then nothing dangerous will happen. There is no need to worry about the health of the child. Also noteworthy is the fact that hofitol is prescribed even to such patients who suffer from allergies from various medical preparations, since hofitol allergic reactions does not provoke. The only thing that can be, and that in a very rare cases in a patient taking hofitol, there will be an allergy to some of its components.

Today, the choice of medicines for newborns is quite large. Among them you can find drugs alternative medicine that are no less effective than traditional medicines. These drugs include homeopathic remedies. They help to cope with many pathological conditions. Hofitol for newborns is especially popular among them. This remedy helps fight jaundice in newborns.

What is jaundice in newborns?

Jaundice in newborns is a fairly common occurrence. According to statistics, 9 babies out of 10 suffer from it. It should be noted that given state is not a disease, it manifests itself during the first 7-10 days of a child's life. Neonatal jaundice is characterized by skin the baby takes on a yellowish tint due to high content bilirubin in the blood. During this period, the sclera of the eyes also become yellowish, so it is almost impossible not to notice the manifestations of jaundice in your child.

It must be said that the degree of severity of icterus of the sclera and skin in children can be different, but this condition cannot be left unattended. Newborn jaundice must be treated, especially since today there are many effective and safe means, the leader among which is hofitol for newborns.

Hofitol for newborns

Chofitol for neonatal jaundice can be used without concern about possible side effects. As already mentioned, this homeopathic remedy related to hepatoprotectors and choleretic agents. Hofitol for newborns is widely used to treat jaundice, as well as to restore liver cells. Studies show that those babies who have been treated with hofitol for newborns, in to a large extent the level of bilirubin in the blood decreases and gradually all the symptoms of jaundice disappear.

The composition of hofitol for newborns includes plant extract artichoke leaves, as well as flavonoids, quinic acid, caffeolic acid, cinnarine. These substances normalize metabolism, and also improve kidney function. If you use hofitol for jaundice in newborns, then by the 12-14th day of life, its symptoms disappear completely.

How does Hofitol work?

As mentioned above, hofitol contains a whole group of biologically active substances, which have a beneficial effect on liver cells and contribute to the excretion of bile into the intestines. As a result, the liver restores metabolic processes, which leads to the fact that indirect bilirubin, which is toxic, gradually turns into a neutral direct one.

Artichoke extract has a beneficial effect on the filtration capacity of the kidneys. It has a diuretic effect and promotes excretion with urine. indirect bilirubin from the baby's body. According to studies, against the background of treatment with hofitol, signs disappear in babies. congestion both in the liver and gallbladder.

Drops, tablets or injections?

Hofitol for newborns is available in several forms, which makes its use very convenient. For older children and adults, tablets or injections are suitable, but for newborns it is more convenient to use drops. Hofitol drops are sold in a bottle with a special dispenser. The volume of the drug in this form is 200 ml.

Young mothers have a completely natural question about how to give hofitol to a newborn. In fact, there is nothing complicated in taking the drug. The instructions for hofitol for newborns indicate the number of drops of the drug, depending on the weight of the baby. The instruction of hofitol for newborns, in principle, helps to determine the amount of the drug, but it is better if the dosage is set by the doctor. On average, for newborns, the dosage is 5-10 drops. The medicine should be diluted in 5 ml of boiled water. Hofitol should be taken on an empty stomach, 3 times a day.

Contraindications to the use of hofitol for newborns

As is known, most of the modern medicine medicines have certain contraindications. But this does not apply to hofitol at all. Numerous tests have been conducted to determine the safety of this drug. clinical researches, and their result pleased: hofitol is absolutely safe! That is why it is prescribed for the treatment of jaundice in newborns. Naturally, this is true if you strictly follow the instructions and use the drug as prescribed by the doctor. Then you can be calm for the health of your baby. In addition, hofitol can also be used for children with allergies, since it does not provoke this condition, unlike other medicines.



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