Inflammation on the lips: what is cheilitis and how to treat it. Lower lip hurts on the inside

Often, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are faced with discomfort in the genital area, which in turn is a good reason to pay attention to women's health and to visit your doctor, because this symptom may indicate the presence of various diseases of the female reproductive system. So why do the labia hurt? And how dangerous is it? In this article, we will answer this question for you.

Why labia hurt: causes

So, it is immediately worth noting that in order to identify the true cause of the occurrence of painful sensations in the labia, it is necessary to pay attention to the moment when the pain itself arises directly, because this will greatly contribute to the identification of the diagnosis. For example, quite often a woman experiences pain in the labia during intercourse, which in most cases indicates the presence of various inflammatory processes occurring in this area or in the pelvic organs. Below we will tell you about such diseases in more detail.


Vulvovaginitis is a disease of the female reproductive system, the essence of which is the presence of an inflammatory process that occurs in the vaginal mucosa, as well as on the external genitalia. As for the causes of this disease, in most cases this pathology develops against the background of a violation of the rules of personal hygiene - it is this factor that most often contributes to the development of vulvovaginitis. Various sexually transmitted bacteria (chlamydia, gonococcus), herpes virus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, and helminths are also the causative agents of this pathology.

In addition, those who take corticosteroid drugs and use various gels for intimate hygiene are at risk, which in turn lead to a violation of the microflora in the intimate area, or rather, to dysbacteriosis. Various ovarian diseases, overweight, diabetes mellitus and the presence of a malfunction in the endocrine system can also affect the development of this disease.

As for the symptoms of this disease, with vulvovaginitis, a woman, as a rule, experiences pain in the area of ​​the labia, which in turn increase in volume; itching and burning are also present. The presence of white discharge in some cases with an admixture of blood from the vagina is another sign of this pathology. As for the period of occurrence of painful sensations, with vulvovaginitis, a woman experiences some discomfort during urination and during intercourse;


Candidiasis or simply thrush is a diagnosis that almost every woman has heard more than once, because, according to statistics, about 90 percent of all women are affected by this pathology. Most women believe that this pathology is an exclusively female gynecological disease, however, in fact, this is not entirely true. But the thing is that this pathology occurs as a result of the reproduction in the body of a certain group of yeast fungi, which in turn can occur not only in the reproductive system, but also in the oral cavity and in the gastrointestinal tract. It is also worth noting that candidiasis is not exclusively a female disease; it also affects men, and even newborn children.

As for the causes of the "female" thrush, in this situation, the above pathology can develop against the background of several factors. So, for example, weakened immunity, any changes in the hormonal background, frequent change of sexual partners, as well as the use of certain contraceptives, lead to the above diagnosis.

As for the manifestation of thrush, with this disease, the patient is faced with discomfort and itching in the area of ​​the labia, which occur during intercourse and at the time of urination; the appearance of curdled discharge is another distinguishing feature of this disease;


Bartholinitis is another inflammatory disease of the female reproductive system, which can be provoked by bacteria such as trichomonas, E. coli, streptococci, staphylococci, and so on.

As for the causes of this disease, in most cases bartholinitis develops against the background of a weakened immune system, as well as as a result of non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Frequent change of sexual partners is another reason that can provoke the development of the above pathology.

As for the manifestations of this disease, bartholinitis declares itself by the occurrence of a rather sharp and burning pain that occurs in the region of the labia majora, which at the same time increase in volume and acquire a red tint. In this case, discharge with an admixture of pus may also appear. Often, the patient is faced with an increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees and general weakness and malaise;


Vulvodynia is a pathology of the female reproductive system, the essence of which is the presence of painful sensations in the complex of all the genital organs of the female body. It is worth noting that, despite the fact that with this pathology, a woman may experience painful sensations of different nature (the pain can be dull and aching, and someone is faced with quite intense and acute pain, itching), which in turn can last a sufficiently long period and at the same time greatly disrupt the usual way of life, however, vulvodynia is not a dangerous disease: it is not sexually transmitted and is not a symptom of an oncological disease.

As for the reasons as a result of which this pathology develops, even a thorough examination in the gynecological office and taking all the necessary smears cannot give an exact answer why this pathology develops. However, it is known that vulvodynia can exist against the background of various chronic diseases (for example, any pathology of the kidneys, diabetes mellitus, etc.), the occurrence of an allergic reaction to personal hygiene products or irritation to synthetic underwear also entail the development of this pathology.

As for the manifestation of vulvodynia, in this situation, the main symptom of this pathology is painful sensations that are concentrated in the region of the large and small labia, and in some cases in the anus. with even a very slight touch to the affected area, the patient experiences pain, itching and burning; while the genitals themselves acquire a red tint and become dry. If you do not treat this pathology, then the above symptoms can become chronic, which in turn will cause regularly disturbing pain in the labia;


The essence of this pathology, which in turn often causes pain in the labia, is the presence of vaginal dysbacteriosis, which, in turn, develops against the background of reproduction in the vagina of various opportunistic microorganisms. It is worth noting that quite often this disease also occurs against the background of the presence in the female body of bacteria such as Trichomonas, gonococci, streptococci, chlamydia, candida and others.

As for the manifestation of this disease, gardnerellosis manifests itself in almost the same way as other inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system, namely, painful sensations in the labia, as well as vaginal discharge. Which may be gray in color with an unpleasant odor; at the same time, burning and itching in this area are also observed.

It is also worth mentioning the consequences of untreated gardnerellez in time, namely, the possible future frequent termination of pregnancy, infertility and various inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages. Premature birth and possible infection of the child at birth are another unfavorable “consequences” of this pathology. That is why, in the presence of the above symptoms, it is recommended to visit your doctor without fail to undergo an examination and prescribe adequate treatment.

As for the causes of this disease, in this situation many factors can provoke the development of gardnerellosis. So, for example, frequent change of sexual partners, various sexually transmitted diseases, weakened immunity, as well as the use of hormonal drugs and vaginal suppositories entail the development of the above diagnosis;

    Various venereal diseases.

To date, modern venereology knows more than 20 different infections that are sexually transmitted and which are manifested by such a symptom as pain in the labia. By the way, it is worth noting that almost all sexually transmitted diseases in women appear more "calmly" than in men. In addition to the painful sensations themselves, which in turn are not pronounced, a woman also encounters vaginal discharge, which can take on a different shade and have an unpleasant odor, which in turn makes any sexually transmitted disease similar in its signs to any inflammatory process, flowing in the area of ​​the labia and in the appendages of the uterus.

It is also worth noting that all sexually transmitted diseases can be conditionally divided into two groups; The first group includes, let's say, "classic" venereal diseases, which, if not detected in time, can pose a certain threat to human health. And now we are talking about such “dangerous” diagnoses as venereal lymphogranuloma, syphilis and gonorrhea. These diseases listed above are very difficult to treat and have very serious consequences for the entire female body as a whole.

The second group of sexually transmitted diseases includes numerous pathologies, the causative agents of which are microorganisms such as candidiasis, genital herpes, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, and others. It is worth noting that in most cases, the pathologies that are provoked by the above bacteria do not manifest themselves at the initial stage; Another feature is that several harmful bacteria can exist in the female body at the same time, which, as a result, creates the main threat and danger to women's health.

As you can see, such a painful symptom as pain in the labia may indicate the presence in the female body of many dangerous diseases that, being in their advanced stage, can cause the development of infertility and, in principle, adversely affect women's health. That is why, if a symptom such as pain in the labia occurs, it is strongly recommended to contact your doctor for examination and adequate treatment.

The skin on the lips is very sensitive, which is why any, even a small damage to its integrity can bring pain. In addition to physical discomfort, lip skin diseases - cheilitis - also bring psychological inconvenience, since their symptoms always worsen the aesthetics of the face. Most often, with cheilitis, there is a burning sensation of the lips, their redness and peeling. But not only cheilitis can provoke the appearance of discomfort on the lips. What are the causes of burning lips and how to eliminate an unpleasant symptom, you will learn from our article.

Cheilitis as a cause of burning lips

The main cause of burning skin on the lips is cheilitis. This term is collective, they refer to a whole group of inflammatory diseases of the red border and mucous membrane on the inside of the lips.

The development of cheilitis is a frequent phenomenon, both adults and children are susceptible to the disease. The frequency of the spread of the disease is explained by the structural features of the skin of the lips. It has a minimum thickness of the stratum corneum, while it is not protected by fatty tissue, which is why it is more susceptible to both external and internal negative factors. And given that the skin of the lips is always open, the likelihood of damage becomes even higher.

Cheilitis can be both independent diseases and signs of other, more dangerous diseases of the internal organs. Primary cheilitis is treated by a dentist-therapist. If the inflammation has developed against the background of other diseases, the patient is referred to specialized specialists. You may need the help of a dermatologist, immunologist, allergist.

Varieties and symptoms

There are many varieties of cheilitis, as well as the reasons that cause them. Their common manifestations, as is clear from the photo of patients, are redness of the skin of the lips and around them, burning, swelling. We will analyze the main types of cheilitis and find out the features of their treatment.

Exfoliative cheilitis

It develops in people experiencing severe stress, suffering from depression. It can take 2 forms:

  • exudative is manifested by itching, burning, peeling of the Klein zone - an area located in the center of the red border, as well as the formation of gray-yellow crusts, while the edges of the lips remain intact;
  • the dry form is characterized by the appearance of light crusts on the entire red border.

To treat the disease, it is important to reduce the level of stress experienced by the patient. He is prescribed sedatives or tranquilizers. To relieve inflammation, it is recommended to treat the affected skin with anti-inflammatory ointments and gels. Additionally, vitamin complexes, immunostimulants are prescribed.

Meteorological cheilitis

As the name implies, this type of disease develops due to exposure to adverse weather conditions - wind, sun, cold. Men are more susceptible to meteorological cheilitis, whose work is associated with a long stay in the open air. The disease is manifested by dryness and burning of the lips, crusts and cracks on them.

The main therapeutic measure in this case is the protection of the lips from the effects of negative factors. The affected areas are recommended to be treated with moisturizing creams that stimulate tissue regeneration. For oral administration, vitamin complexes containing vitamins of group B and PP are prescribed.

actinic cheilitis

Burning lips are one of the signs of actinic cheilitis.

The disease occurs against the background of increased sensitivity of the body to ultraviolet rays. A characteristic feature is the seasonality of symptoms. Unpleasant sensations arise in the spring-summer season and disappear on their own by the period of cold weather.

Symptoms of actinic cheilitis include burning, reddening of the skin of the lips, the formation of white scales and vesicles on them. Actinic cheilitis can degenerate into precancerous diseases, so it is very important to use sunscreen to treat the lips and try to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun when the disease develops.

Allergic cheilitis

The cause of discomfort can be. It develops as a reaction of the body when exposed to the skin of the lips of an irritant. They can be a substance in contact with the skin of the red border or mucous membrane, which is part of lipstick, toothpaste or rinse for the gums, face cream. Often, allergic cheilitis develops as a reaction to food.

Symptoms characteristic of this type of disease are burning, itching, redness, swelling. The lips become sore, swollen, and may crust over.

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, antihistamines are prescribed (Suprastin, Zodak, Tavegil). Topical corticosteroid ointments may be applied. In addition, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes, rinse the mouth with medicinal decoctions. The main condition for recovery is the elimination of the irritant.

Eczematous cheilitis

This type of cheilitis is seen in people suffering from eczema. The inflammatory process on the lips is manifested by swelling, burning, itching, crusts and scales form on the skin of the red border. Often the pathological process also affects the skin around the mouth.

For treatment, antiallergic drugs, corticosteroids, calcium and sodium preparations are prescribed. With the development of microbial eczema, antimicrobial agents are prescribed.

The delicate skin of the lips is exposed to negative external factors.

Other causes of burning lips

In addition to cheilitis, burning of the skin of the lips and around them may occur due to the following factors:

  • weathering of the skin in the wind: it is manifested by peeling, the appearance of small cracks, burning, tightness and pain, most often occurs in the autumn-winter period;
  • drying of the skin in the sun: manifests itself in the summer, due to exposure to high temperatures;
  • lack of vitamins, especially A, E and group B, negatively affect the condition of the skin, including the skin of the red border;
  • taking medications (especially long-term antibiotic therapy) can lead to dryness of the oral mucosa and skin of the red border;
  • burning in the lips can be observed with severe stress, emotional overexcitation;
  • hormonal disruptions can provoke discomfort;
  • burning on the lips is one of the first symptoms of herpes.

Separately, it should be said about herpes. The disease is manifested by redness and swelling of the soft tissues, followed by numerous small blisters filled with a clear liquid at the site of the lesion. On about day 4, they burst, turning into ulcers. During this period of the development of the disease, an increase in body temperature, an increase in lymph nodes under the jaw is possible. By 5-8 days from the onset of the disease, yellow crusts appear on the affected areas. You should not tear them off, as this will complicate the healing process of the skin. By the end of the second week, the affected areas are completely restored.

As you can see, burning can be one of the signs of serious diseases that require medical treatment. At the same time, very rarely this symptom is the only one, as a rule, other uncomfortable sensations join it: swelling, redness, itching, the formation of crusts, vesicles and erosions. To quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms, do not delay your visit to the doctor! Be healthy!

Burning and bitterness in the mouth is accompanied by painful sensations on the lips, gums, tongue, cheeks or throat. This chronic condition is more commonly known as "burning lips" syndrome. Among its other names, we also note glossodynia, stomatalgia. Only a qualified doctor can determine why this is happening. It is quite difficult to independently find the root cause of a burning sensation in the mouth and associate it with any disease.

According to statistics, the sensation that the oral cavity is on fire is most often detected in women. In men, the lips and oral cavity burn 7 times less often. This chronic painful syndrome is mainly detected in middle-aged people, less often in young people.

Why does burning of the tongue and lips occur?

The exact reasons why it bakes in the mouth have not been established. However, scientists and physicians, working and experimenting for a long time, have identified a number of symptoms that can lead to the development of stomatology. We list the most common symptoms that are detected in patients at an early stage in the development of stomatology.

Oral diseases

These are, in particular, lesions of the mucous membrane. It is the individual areas that are in an inflamed state that cause an unpleasant sensation that the oral cavity and lips are burning. Aphthous stomatitis, that is, a fungus, stands out as the main diseases. In the form of white granular formations, it appears in the oral cavity on the tongue and cheeks. We also note the syndrome of dry mouth (xerostomia), which is overcome by drinking plenty of water.

Allergic reaction

An allergic reaction often leads to the fact that the tip of the tongue burns and appears when a person has eaten a product that is unusual for the body (we recommend reading:).

  • It can develop in connection with the use of drugs, unusual smells, stress.
  • An oral hygiene product can also cause allergies, and in the future lead to stomatology.
  • A separate variety is a contact allergy, which occurs when dentures burn the tongue. In this case, it is advised to stop using the prosthesis for some time.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

This group includes gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), gastroesophageal reflux. The latter is a function of the stomach, during which the liquid ejected from it enters the esophagus, which causes pain. Therapy involves the use of drugs that envelop and protect the digestive organs from the secreted fluid.

Other reasons

As other reasons, scientists identify:

Burning treatment

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To begin the treatment of the "burning tongue" syndrome, it is necessary to correctly determine what it came from. To do this, the doctor conducts a thorough examination of the patient, listens to complaints about unpleasant symptoms, and sometimes prescribes laboratory tests to make a final diagnosis. If the dentist, after the examination, excludes all kinds of diseases of the teeth and gums (mouth ulcers, dryness, etc.), then the diagnosis will continue with a therapist or a doctor of a narrow specialization, who will prescribe examinations to identify the reasons why the oral cavity burns.


When an allergic reaction is the cause, antihistamines are used for treatment. In this case, the root cause is clear, which means that tingling of the tip of the tongue and lips can be avoided if the doctor's instructions are strictly followed.

When the "burning tongue" syndrome appeared due to anemia, drugs containing iron and vitamins are used for therapy. In special cases, the only true solution that will relieve the disease will be a blood transfusion. If a patient is diagnosed with gastritis or GERD, that is, gastrointestinal diseases, they take drugs whose action is aimed at protecting the gastric mucosa, use a special diet and use antibiotics.

To carry out therapy for infectious diseases of the oral cavity, antibacterial agents are used that will destroy harmful bacteria and eliminate burning sensation in the oral cavity. When the root cause of the disease is associated with the brain, antipsychotics are used, as well as drugs used to maintain vascular tone.

Only a qualified doctor can determine the diagnosis and establish the root cause of the "burning tongue" syndrome. The patient is unable to understand all the medical subtleties, so self-medication in this case is dangerous, because it can aggravate the situation.

If the doctor has not prescribed medication or any procedures, then another therapy is needed. It is sometimes extremely difficult to establish the main cause of burning lips and tongue, so the patient should not rely on intuition and his own medical knowledge (we recommend reading:).

Removing symptoms with folk methods

To eliminate the tingling of the tongue and lips, you can use folk remedies (more in the article:). However, before you start treating, you should know exactly what reason caused the lips to hurt (we recommend reading:). As a rule, herbal infusion, which is used for rinsing the mouth, has a beneficial effect.

The effect of the above drugs may be different. For the treatment of "burning tongue" syndrome, there is no general method that would suit all patients, so the doctor prescribes therapy on an individual basis for each.

Prevention of glossalgia

To alleviate discomfort in the oral cavity, the following rules should be observed:

  1. do not use for rinsing products made on the basis of alcohol-containing components;
  2. giving up bad habits, including drinking alcohol and smoking, will protect the oral cavity from discomfort;
  3. buy chewing gum, which does not contain sugar, but contains xylitol, that is, a sweetener;
  4. less likely to drink coffee, juices, carbonated water, since the acidity level in these drinks is exceeded;
  5. toothpaste that is used daily for brushing teeth should not contain sodium lauryl sulfate, a substance used as a cleanser.

Eliminating unpleasant sensations in the mouth can be a slow process, so if after a few weeks the symptoms have not gone away and your lips are still burning, then you should not give up. It is necessary to continue treatment in any case. It is advisable to seek further advice from your doctor. Subject to compliance with all preventive measures and proper treatment, stomatology will recede and you can forget about unpleasant sensations in the mouth.

The burning sensation is considered one of the most unpleasant, so to protect yourself from the occurrence of this chronic disease, regularly monitor oral hygiene. Visiting the dentist at least once a year is helpful. The normalization of the diet containing vitamins, nutrients and trace elements, and the rejection of bad habits will also have a positive effect in the fight against the "burning tongue" syndrome.

Consider the reasons why lips hurt. This may be due to an infectious disease with an accompanying high body temperature, due to cold, excessive sun exposure, itching in the lips. Usually, a blister or rash immediately appears on the lips, which causes pain. In another way (folk) it is called a fever.

Herpes on the lips - why does it occur

This disease looks like seizures located in the corners of the mouth that hurt. Usually they can occur due to reduced immunity, deficiency in the body of vitamins and some trace elements. At the beginning of the disease, it is painful for a person to move his lips when talking. Drying of the skin, constant itching or burning, pain is observed in the corners of the lips. In the process of taking sour, salty or spicy foods, the pain sensation intensifies.

Mechanical injury - lips hurt

As a result of a blow, a mechanical injury occurs, which then hurts. In addition to the fact that after this a person feels pain, the lips can still swell, it all depends on the strength of the blow received. From blows, microcracks and sores on the lips can also appear, which will hurt.

Cut or bite lips

Mouth cuts or bites are most common on the inside of the lips in young children. In the first year of their lives, most babies cut or bite their lips when they fall. The same thing can happen to adults, but less often. For example, when talking while eating, you can bite your lip. Sometimes, from a strong touch with the teeth, the lips can become very swollen.

Fashion for lip decoration

Recently, among young people, it has become customary to decorate lips in all sorts of conceivable and unthinkable ways. Such methods include tattooing, lip piercing. With such procedures, an infection may well get into the wounds if it was done unprofessionally, and then the lips will ache. Why? Abscesses appear at the puncture sites, and the whole process is accompanied by pain. Tattooing is generally a painful procedure.


Many of us wonder: why do lips hurt in the cold? It's simple - from exposure to cold air, gusts of wind, the skin on the lips dries up and they crack, hurt. This whole process is painful. Therefore, women are advised to lubricate their lips in frost with a fat cream or hygienic lipstick.


Due to the increased body temperature, the skin of the lips dries out, which can cause cracks that can sometimes bleed.

Oncological diseases of the lips

In the later stages of the disease, severe pain is felt. This is due to a tumor that actively affects the process of destruction of the tissues of the lips.

Inflammation on the inside of the lips with redness and swelling, itching and burning sensation, is inflammation of the oral mucosa.

Such inflammation in adults often develops when the immune system is weakened.

"Entrance gates" for infection are microtraumas of the mucous membrane of the inner side of the lips that occur when brushing teeth, chewing food, dental procedures. The causative agents of infection penetrate the mucous membrane, provoking the development of inflammation. Pathogenic microorganisms are always present in the microflora of the oral cavity, however, the immune system does not allow them to multiply, and when it fails, the pathogenic microflora begins to develop intensively, causing inflammation.

Based on the degree of damage to the mucous membrane, there are:

  • catarrhal;
  • ulcerative;
  • aphthous stomatitis.

The appearance of catarrhal stomatitis due to non-observance of oral hygiene, the presence of teeth affected by caries, significant deposits of stones.

If left untreated, its next stage is often ulcerative stomatitis(although it can occur on its own). Ulcers of a round or oval shape with a reddish edging affect not only the surface layer, but also penetrate deep into the tissues, causing pain. If you continue to not engage in treatment, colonies are formed from the ulcers, which, merging, spread from the inside of the lips to the entire oral cavity.

- the phenomenon is far from rare. Initially, bubbles appear that quickly burst, leaving deep, painful ulcers with a white center and a red border. The sensitivity in the mouth increases, swelling and bleeding of the gums appear, the body temperature rises, up to high values. External manifestations are so painful that they interfere with eating and speaking.

The inner surface of the lips is often affected by the herpes virus. Once penetrated into the body, it is not completely cured, and from time to time it makes itself felt, activating when immunity is reduced or severe stress. Herpes on the inside of the lips is not so noticeable to others, but no less dangerous.

Stomatitis in adults is often the result of other diseases: diabetes, blood or cardiovascular problems, an allergic reaction.

Treatment of inflammation on the inside of the lips

Treatment of mild inflammation comes down to the use of oral baths with antiseptic solutions - furacilin, potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine. The use of non-hot, liquid, non-irritating food is recommended.

Moderate and severe forms of inflammation require the use of anti-inflammatory and antiviral agents.

To increase the body's defenses immunostimulatory therapy is indicated.

When inflammation subsides use agents that improve the healing of sores - or rose hips, Solcoseryl dental ointment, Mundizal-gel, Piralvex gel or solution.



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