The child has a stomach ache, nausea and diarrhea. My child has a stomach ache, diarrhea and fever, what should I do? Digestive system diseases

Ailments that occur in children can cause real panic in parents. I just want to immediately call an ambulance or use the entire arsenal of medications that came to hand. But in fact, if children feel unwell, you need to pull yourself together and try to concentrate. In some cases, there is no particular reason to panic. But if a child has a fever, a stomach ache, and diarrhea - what to do?

Diarrhea in a child is a fairly common health disorder that occurs due to some disruption in activity. digestive system. With such symptoms, the volume of stool increases and the consistency changes. feces, pathological impurities may appear in the stool. Sometimes diarrhea in a child is accompanied by an increase in temperature and quite often it is accompanied by abdominal pain.

Diarrhea is usually said to occur when the stool becomes very liquid and is almost ninety percent water. In this case, the frequency of occurrence of such stools can increase up to twenty times per day. But at the same time, doctors clarify that determining the presence of diarrhea in adult patients is much easier than in children. So, for example, in children of the newborn period, the stool is unformed and really similar to diarrhea. A classic styled chair is normal for children over two years of age.

But in any case, if the amount of liquid stool in children exceeds five times, you should be wary and seek help. medical care. And the availability associated pain in the stomach and temperature makes calling an ambulance inevitable.

Why are these symptoms dangerous??

For children, diarrhea, which is combined with an increase in temperature, is an extremely dangerous phenomenon. After all, such symptoms themselves indicate some kind of disturbance in the functioning of the body, but in addition they can lead to immediate deterioration. After all, with diarrhea, the body loses a significant amount of fluid, which can lead to dehydration.

Pain, in turn, can signal the development of a variety of pathological processes that pose a threat to health and even life. Correction of such conditions may require immediate medical intervention.

Even if the diarrhea is not too bad frequent character, it itself can impair blood circulation, provoke anemia and cause exhaustion.

What causes fever, diarrhea and abdominal pain in children?

What to do with the child?

So, the answer is clear: in case of diarrhea, abdominal pain in a child and fever, you need to take into account high probability dehydration and the possibility of complications, and call a doctor. Perhaps the doctor will allow treatment on an outpatient basis, that is, at home, but only after determining the cause of the ailment.

Subsequence therapeutic measures In case of such a disorder in children’s well-being, it should also be determined by a doctor. Adsorbent medications can be used as medications, which absorb aggressive particles from the digestive tract, helping to reduce unpleasant symptoms. Such medications are represented by Smecta, activated carbon, Enterosgel, Neosmectin.

If the temperature increases significantly, the doctor may prescribe antipyretics. The drugs of choice when treating children are paracetamol and ibuprofen (Nurofen).

To replenish the fluid lost by the body, you can use special solutions for drinking, for example, Regidron or Humana electrolyte, etc. If dehydration is severe, such drugs are administered intravenously under the constant supervision of a doctor. Minor fluid loss can be dealt with by drinking compotes, tea, mineral water etc.

What can you do yourself before visiting a doctor? What is better to refuse??

Before doctors arrive, you should not use any analgesics, so as not to blur the clinical picture. You should also not use medications that harden your stool. While waiting for the doctor, it is better not to put pressure on the baby’s stomach or massage it in any way; it is also better to do without heating pads and hot compresses. You should not go on a complete hunger strike for your child; if the baby asks for food, it is better to feed him dietary food.

Before the doctor's visit, it is advisable to put the baby to bed and provide him with peace. After each act of defecation (the next trip to the toilet), give the baby water or Regidron solution in a large quantities. Please note that drinking large amounts of liquid at a time may cause vomiting. Before doctors arrive, you can use adsorbent medications, for example, Smecta or Enterosgel. It is extremely important to carefully monitor the baby’s condition and the nature of his bowel movements in order to inform a specialist about this.

Indigestion and epigastric pain are most common in childhood. Despite the various causes of occurrence, the consequences of the diseases that cause them can be quite severe - from rapid dehydration of the body to the need for emergency medical care and hospitalization.
To quickly determine the cause of diarrhea and abdominal pain, you need to pay attention to the intensity, location of pain and accompanying symptoms. It is equally important to know safe ways to alleviate the baby's condition before being examined by a doctor.

Factors that provoke stool disorders may be infectious or non-infectious. Pediatricians classify such disorders in children as follows:

Infectious diseases

An infectious disease common in the autumn-summer period, which is explained by the presence of a large number of fruits that a child can eat unwashed, as well as favorable conditions bacteria multiplying on them. Maximum susceptibility in children to the disease is in the first 3 years of life, and after past illness unstable immunity is developed, allowing re-infection.

Cause of illness– failure to comply with hygiene rules, consumption of contaminated food/water and contact with a sick person, due to which bacteria causing shigellosis or amoebiasis enter the digestive tract.

Acuity of symptoms depends on the amount of infection. Incubation period lasts from 1 hour to several days, after which an acute onset occurs - abdominal cramping, increased body temperature, at which stools are frequent (up to 25 times a day in severe cases), copious at first, and then scanty, green in color, with mucus and streaks of blood. Often there are characteristic painful false urges, leading to a gaping of the anus in a small child, and sometimes to prolapse of the rectum. Next, intoxication manifests itself with vomiting, headache and lethargy. The abdomen is painful when palpated, and there is rumbling.

Diagnosis dysentery is diagnosed by a pediatrician or pediatric infectious disease specialist after receiving the results of a serological blood test, PCR, and rectomanoscopy.

Features of treatment depend on the severity of the pathology. Treatment can be carried out at home or in a children's infectious diseases department and includes strict bed rest, mandatory rehydration to protect the child's body from dehydration, antibacterial and symptomatic therapy, dietary food.

Rotavirus diarrhea or “stomach flu”

This disease most often affects children aged 6 months and older. up to 2 years. In groups of children, infection can cause massive acute diarrhea, affecting the small intestine and causing gastroenteritis. As a result, digestion is impaired, and severe diarrhea leads to dehydration.

Infection rotavirus comes from a sick person or a healthy virus carrier, the main mechanism of transmission is food. After the incubation period (1-5 days), cramping pain in the abdominal area and weakness begin. Characteristic development illnesses In a child, it begins with the fact that, waking up lethargic, he may vomit on an empty stomach, or vomiting begins after eating food or water. In this case, there is a lack of appetite, the temperature gradually rises, rising to 38°C, which is difficult to control with medications. Afterwards, profuse diarrhea appears, with yellowish color and sour unpleasant odor, the conjunctiva of the eyes, mucous membrane of the pharynx and palatine arches turn red.

In case of characteristic symptoms, immediately exclude all dairy products from the children's diet (does not apply to breastfed children) and begin rehydration, taking a solution of Regidron 50 ml every 3 minutes.

Diagnoses disease pediatrician or infectious disease specialist, guided by clinical symptoms and epidemiological prerequisites, confirmation of the diagnosis is carried out using electron microscopy.

There is no specific therapy for rotavirus infection; symptomatic treatment is carried out treatment with a decrease in temperature, active rehydration, taking enzyme preparations and sorbents, special diet.

An infectious disease transmitted mainly from animals, including domestic ones. Infection occurs when the Salmonella microorganism enters the gastrointestinal tract. Children become infected from adult carriers (in kindergartens from service personnel) or through animal products containing the infection. Preschool children are most susceptible to infection. Newborns “pick up” infection from hospital staff and care items.

Symptoms of the disease are:

  • presence of malodorous and particulate undigested food,
  • heat,
  • nausea,
  • severe intoxication,
  • signs of dehydration.

Moderate rumbling upon palpation is also observed, diarrhea lasts 2-3 weeks.

In newborns, the disease begins acutely, and its course depends on the immune system. With a favorable outcome, the manifestations are reduced to symptoms in the gastrointestinal tract; with an unfavorable outcome, they often end in death.

Diagnostics illness is carried out by a pediatrician: the doctor pays attention to an intensely coated tongue, pain and rumbling in the iliac region on the right, flatulence, enteric stools that have an unpleasant odor. To establish an accurate diagnosis, culture of vomit, feces, gastric and intestinal lavage water is carried out, blood and stool tests are taken, incl. on .

Treatment of children for salmonellosis it is comprehensive: antibacterial and dietary therapy, correction of dehydration, and removal of toxins from the body are provided. Hospitalization is required only for severe forms of the disease and for children under 1 year of age who are weakened by concomitant diseases.


In addition, it may result:

  • , unripe fruit or chemicals,
  • taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
  • constant overeating,
  • frequent consumption of unusually spicy foods.

Depending on the cause that caused gastroenteritis, the nature and severity of the symptoms (severity of pain, type of stool, high temperatures, etc.) and the unexpectedness of their appearance can vary greatly, but the set of symptoms is usually unchanged and consists of:

  • stomach ache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • muscle pain;
  • temperature;
  • weaknesses.

Sick children are subject to mandatory hospitalization. Treatment begins with gastric lavage, as well as rehydration and detoxification therapy, while the child is prescribed bed rest and a water-tea diet with easily digestible food. Gradually, a transition to regular food occurs, and medications are prescribed to replenish vitamin deficiencies and restore normal microflora intestines and its mucous membrane. Also, at this stage positive results leads to the use of physiotherapy.

Digestive system diseases


This is an autocatalytic disease of the pancreas, in which the activity of its own pancreatic enzymes increases. Prevalence among children with – 2-25%. The course of the disease in children differs from adults in its characteristic features and can develop against the background of impaired outflow of pancreatic secretions, bile and duodenal ulcers, ascariasis, blunt abdominal trauma, and diseases in the gastrointestinal tract.

Reason is a pathological effect on the organ of its own activated enzymes, which damage tissues, glands and ducts. Self-destruction causes inflammation in the gland, and the formation of toxic breakdown products leads to severe general intoxication.

Symptoms pancreatitis in children is characterized by a milder course with rare cases development of a severe form. Acute form in older children, it is characterized by acute paroxysmal pain that encircles or radiates to the right hypochondrium. Dyspeptic disorders are characterized by nausea, repeated vomiting, diarrhea, often having a light gray tint, flatulence, pale skin, cyanosis and marbling of the extremities, white coating and dry mouth, increasing intoxication, irritation of the peritoneum. At chronic form appetite decreases, occurs periodically It's a dull pain in epigastrium, which is aggravated by poor nutrition, physical or emotional stress. In this case, heartburn, nausea, alternating diarrhea and constipation, and weight loss are observed.

Diagnostics diseases in children are carried out by a pediatrician on the basis of blood and urine tests, coprograms, ultrasound and CT scans of the peritoneum, and fluoroscopy.

Treatment includes a gentle diet, the use of enzyme preparations and antibiotics, antisecretory and antispasmodic agents. IN as a last resort Surgery may be required.


This is an inflammatory pathology of the gallbladder with damage to the bile ducts, occurring in acute or chronic form. In children it is one of the most common diseases, while acute and purulent forms are very rare.

Reason is an infection - bacilli, Proteus, cocci, against the background of giardiasis or helminthic infestation biliary tract.

When illness occurs the child complains of bitterness in the mouth, pain in the right side under the rib, sometimes paroxysmal, pain when pressing on the this area. Nausea, diarrhea, fever, and bad breath are also observed. At the same time, in the older age category of children the symptoms are more distinct, while in the younger category they are practically not observed.

When diagnosing disease, the pediatrician pays attention to paroxysmal pain on the right under the rib after eating spicy or fatty foods, nausea and vomiting, and enlarged liver. The diagnosis is confirmed by duodenal intubation, cholecystography, and blood tests.

Treatment includes:

  • mandatory bed rest,
  • taking antibiotics and bile ducts,
  • physiotherapy,
  • diet adjustments.

Nutrition-related (nutritional)

Dyspeptic diarrhea

Reason disorder is the body’s reaction to an incorrectly selected child’s diet, as a result of which the food is not fully digested, because There is a lack of pancreatic and liver enzymes.

Symptoms are frequent stools with a consistency ranging from mush to water with flakes, in which admixtures of mucus, greens, yellowish and whitish lumps are noticeable, temperature - 37-37.5 ° C, at which the child is periodically capricious.

Diagnostics performed by a pediatrician or gastroenterologist based on blood and stool tests, gastrointestinal examinations in order to exclude diseases that have similar symptoms.

Treatment includes:

  • constant rehydration,
  • the use of enzyme preparations and B vitamins, intestinal antiseptics are prescribed for microbial processes,
  • compliance with hygienic conditions and daily routine.

Toxic diarrhea

Reason is kidney failure caused by mercury or arsenic poisoning.

Manifests a disease of severe intoxication, which results in diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, and increased salivation.

Diagnosis based on blood, urine and vomit tests. Treatment includes gastric lavage, use of sorbents, rehydration, and use of antidotes.

Drug-induced diarrhea

Arises as a result of incorrectly selected medicines, suppressing intestinal function and causing dysbiosis.

Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment similar to toxic poisoning.

Food allergies

Reason is the high individual susceptibility of the immune system to individual components the food it contains. It can occur as a result of improper nutrition of a woman during pregnancy or complementary feeding of the child.

The disease manifests itself:

  • skin reaction (rash, skin spots, nodules, blisters, itching),
  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • intestinal colic,
  • diarrhea.

The severity of symptoms depends on the amount of allergen, the time elapsed after its ingestion and the characteristics of the child’s immunity.

Diagnostics consists of an allergist examining the hereditary factor, blood tests and skin tests.

Treatment includes adjustments to the child’s personal hygiene, diet and environment, and the use of antiallergic medications.

Food poisoning

May occur as a result of knowingly eating poisonous products(berries, plant parts and seeds) or toxic chemicals, as well as food containing toxins or pathogens.

Symptoms in a child, in most cases, they manifest themselves as sudden nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain from aching to acute, which manifests itself continuously or in paroxysms. In severe poisoning, vomiting occurs up to 15 times a day, and watery diarrhea may include mucus, blood and green matter. At the same time, the child becomes capricious and lethargic.

In addition, you may experience:

  • increase in body temperature,
  • pale skin,
  • dry mouth,
  • increased heart rate and breathing,
  • decrease in the amount of urine and its dark color.

In case of serious poisoning, infectious-toxic shock may occur.

If nausea and vomiting occur, One of the points of first aid is gastric lavage, which prevents the absorption of poisons and toxins into the blood, preventing complications.

For this, the following solutions are used:

  • (not used for severe poisoning). Should be filtered and pale pink in color.
  • , prevents the movement of poisons into the intestines, causing spasm of the gastric sphincter. Prepared by dissolving 2 tbsp. l. salt in 5 liters of water. At the age of up to 3 years, the procedure is carried out with an isotonic NaCl solution.

By identifying the reasons that caused the above symptoms in a small patient, the pediatrician deals with it on the basis of a survey of him and his parents, a visual examination of the child and his secretions, as well as the results of laboratory tests of blood, feces and urine, bacteriological and toxicological studies of feces, vomit and rinsing waters.

Treatment of a child With food poisoning carried out in a hospital setting with the use of enterosorbents, antidotes, antibiotics and antidiarrheals, also includes gastric lavage, combating dehydration, restoring the water-salt regime and a special diet.

Provides a gentle diet for the child. For the first 4-6 hours after the onset of symptoms, food is refused, but drinking is mandatory. Food should be liquid and pureed, taken in small portions up to 8 times a day. It is advisable to give up sweets, whole milk, fresh bread To prevent fermentation processes in the intestines, use a minimum of fat.

Until recovery, food is steamed, raw fruits and vegetables, fatty and fried foods, spices and black bread, freshly squeezed juices. It is advisable to consume the following products:

  1. Porridge based on water or diluted milk.
  2. Vegetable soups and pureed boiled meat.
  3. Rusks and yesterday's bread.
  4. Dairy products.

Quite effective against poisoning traditional methods, the use of which must be agreed upon with a doctor:

  1. Ginger decoction. Prepared from 1 tsp. dry ginger, diluted in 25 ml of boiling water. After infusing for 3 minutes and cooling, take 1 tsp every hour.
  2. A decoction of dill and honey. Prepared from fresh dill (1 tbsp), dry (1 tsp) or seeds (1/2 tsp) by boiling for 25 minutes in a glass of water. After cooling, the volume of water is brought to the original volume and 1 tbsp is dissolved in it. honey Take 50 g half an hour before meals 3 times a day.
  3. Marshmallow root in the amount of 1 tsp. pour boiling water and leave for half an hour. After straining, add a little honey and give 1 tsp 4 times a day.


The disease most often affects children under 3 years of age.

The reasons are:

  • poor nutrition,
  • lactose compatibility problems,
  • taking antibiotics by a child or nursing mother,
  • late start of breastfeeding,
  • unsystematic selection of artificial mixtures,
  • certain infectious diseases,
  • allergies to certain foods,
  • weak immunity,
  • difficult environmental situation.

Symptoms diseases in children specific features do not have, are mainly expressed by pain and gurgling in the abdomen, severe diarrhea, anxiety, weakness, severe dyspeptic disorders. In this case, the consistency of the stool is watery, there may be remains of undigested food, mucus and an unpleasant odor, which indicates infectious nature dysbacteriosis. The disease is often accompanied by dermatitis and diathesis.

Diagnostics diseases are carried out by a pediatrician or pediatric infectious disease specialist on the basis of microbiological. Treatment for children against dysbiosis consists of correcting nutrition and using probiotics.


Arises as a result of inflammation of the appendage of the cecum. It can develop at any age, but most often occurs in children aged 5 to 14 years, while girls suffer from pathology 2 times more often.

At the beginning of inflammation, the pain is not clearly localized, difficult to distinguish from other diseases, it usually occurs in the pit of the stomach and spreads throughout the abdomen, can be felt in the upper part, after which the pain is localized on the right and becomes more pronounced. When coughing, moving or walking, the pain worsens, the child keeps his hands on the right side of the abdomen. The intensity of the pain varies, but is constant and incessant.

With a sharp increase, urgent hospitalization is required, due to high probability gap vermiform appendix. Sharp pain with restlessness indicates the development of a purulent process.

In addition to pain, accompanied by crying, refusal to eat, bad sleep, can appear:

  • heat,
  • bloating,
  • problems with urination,
  • tachycardia,
  • stool disorders,
  • sometimes vomiting.

Diarrhea with appendicitis is rare.

Diagnosis of appendicitis in children, it is performed by a pediatrician or surgeon. Self-palpation of a child’s abdomen is not allowed. Recognition is carried out using laboratory, physical, and, if necessary, instrumental examination, Ultrasound, CT and fluoroscopy abdominal cavity.

Appendicitis in a child of any age, as well as in an adult, treated with surgery, with preliminary administration of antibiotics and infusion therapy.

If a child has a stomach ache and appendicitis is suspected, he should be immediately hospitalized and examined. In this case, it is forbidden to place a heating pad on the stomach, do an enema, or use laxatives and painkillers.


Neurological diarrhea develops as a result nervous exhaustion body under unfavorable conditions home environment or at school, in infancy- during teething. Marked by epigastric pain of various nature and intensity due to impaired intestinal motor function.

Diagnosis This type of diarrhea is diagnosed by a pediatric neurologist, gastroenterologist or pediatrician after a conversation with the child and his visual examination. Treatment carried out by normalizing the mental state and adjusting the diet.

What else can abdominal pain and diarrhea indicate?

Various combinations of diarrhea and abdominal pain in a child indicate the presence of the following diseases or disorders:

  • Severe abdominal pain and diarrhea are pronounced sign poisoning, dysbacteriosis, helminthic infestation or food allergies.
  • Abdominal pain without diarrhea occurs with urinary tract infections (pyelonephritis, cystitis, inflammation of the uterine appendages in little girls), inflammation of the lymph nodes in the intestinal mesentery.
  • Abdominal pain after diarrhea often appears when ulcerative colitis, gastroenteritis, Crohn's disease and tumors in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Abdominal pain before stool is most common in children with constipation or difficulty moving stool through the intestines.

It is possible and it is not possible

Lack of timely treatment for stool disorders, abdominal pain and dehydration threatens the child’s body with a rapid loss of vitamins and microelements.

When providing first aid, the following actions must not be performed:

  1. Stop feeding during lactation.
  2. Give your child antibiotics and stool-hardening drugs without undergoing the necessary diagnostics.
  3. Give painkillers before the doctor arrives, as they can “lubricate” the symptoms.
  4. For indomitable pain, give alcohol compounds, potassium permanganate solution and strong tea.
  5. When the body temperature rises, actively massage the abdomen, bathe, and give the child hot compresses.

If there are characteristic symptoms of diarrhea and abdominal pain, the child is isolated from other children and given separate dishes, since possible reason their appearance is an intestinal infection, which can be contagious.

Before contacting a doctor or calling an ambulance, you can take the following steps:

  1. Lay the baby on his back and lightly massage his stomach in a circular motion, which will help the gases escape. In the absence of serious disorders, the stomach will gradually stop hurting.
  2. If the cause of the disorder is clear and the condition is satisfactory, it is possible to take sorbents and agents that restore water balance.

When to call an ambulance?

If a child develops diarrhea, abdominal pain and an increase in temperature to 38.5°C, contact a pediatrician. If acute pain, lack of urination for more than 4 hours, or blood in the stool are added to the above symptoms, urgently call an ambulance so that the doctor can prescribe hospitalization if necessary.

Vomiting and diarrhea contribute to severe dehydration of the child’s body, which is dangerous for worsening metabolic processes in the body, and fluid loss of 20-22% of body weight leads to death.

To prevent dehydration, the child is given plenty of fluids to drink, using non-carbonated mineral water or electrolyte solutions. During lactation, breastfeeding is continued.

Dehydration can be determined by the following symptoms:

  1. At mild degree Thirst develops, but the mucous membranes retain moisture.
  2. With moderate severity, dry mucous membranes, anxiety, unstable and rapid pulse appear. Further loss of fluid is characterized by the viscosity of saliva, decreased elasticity of the skin, retraction of the anterior fontanel and softening eyeball. The skin becomes blue, tissue circulation is disrupted, and little urine is produced.
  3. Severe degree is characterized by dry mucous membranes, lack of facial expressions, loss of skin elasticity, sunken eyes and anterior fontanelle, marble leather, cold hands and feet, lagophthalmos, decreased blood pressure and rapid pulse, confusion. The combination of all symptoms leads to shock due to a sharp decrease in circulating blood volume.

If a child has diarrhea and often has a stomach ache, this may be a symptom of negative processes developing in the gastrointestinal tract. The cause of the disorder can be both quite harmless and serious illnesses, requiring immediate hospitalization and sometimes surgery. If a child develops loose stools and abdominal pain, be sure to contact a pediatrician, and if there is acute condition call an ambulance.

From the moment a child is born, its microflora gastrointestinal tract sterile. Upon contact with the outside world, it is populated by various types of bacteria. If a pathogen enters the body, the stomach and intestines react first.

Causes and manifestations

If your child has stomach pain and diarrhea, you should first consult your local doctor. Don't assume that the problem will solve itself. If parents ignore their child's complaints, the risk of the situation reaching a stalemate increases. The age of the baby plays an important role: the younger he is, the faster the infection and dehydration develop.

The causes of pain and diarrhea in a child under two years of age are:

  1. Colic. They bother children when their intestines are developing. Most often, when the child reaches the age of three months, unpleasant manifestations disappear. The baby cries, presses its legs to its tummy, and gases and feces may pass. To alleviate the baby’s condition, there are special medications and tummy massage is used.
  2. Intestinal patency is difficult. The pain in this case becomes paroxysmal. It is most often diagnosed in children under two years of age. The condition is manifested by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea interspersed with blood. Upon palpation, a compaction is detected in the tummy. As soon as the parents have palpated the hard lump, it is necessary to urgently contact a surgeon.
  3. Dysbacteriosis. This diagnosis is popular in Russia. It is practically not represented in world practice. In this condition, the child’s tummy swells, the baby is restless, and screams in pain. If the microflora is severely disturbed, then diarrhea may occur after eating.

Treatment for children should be prescribed by a doctor. Independent use drugs are not recommended. Complications may occur, including placement in a hospital inpatient department.

For a child over two years of age, the reasons are more varied. It becomes easier to identify them. The baby can show and tell about the location of the pain. Some of the causes of abdominal pain and diarrhea are:

  1. Intestinal infection. Children actively explore the world. They encounter not only interesting phenomena, but also viruses, bacteria, protozoa that can cause pain and loose stools. The feces may have a foamy consistency, a pungent odor, and be accompanied by an increase in body temperature and vomiting. Infection occurs through neglect of hygiene rules, through unwashed vegetables and fruits, and contaminated water. The virus enters the body more often by airborne droplets. A variety is intestinal flu.
  2. Appendicitis. In addition to inflammation of the appendix itself, an intestinal infection is possible. In addition to the pain that is characteristic of appendicitis, symptomatic vomiting is possible, and bowel movements become frequent. The condition may be accompanied by abdominal pain.
  3. Cholecystitis. Improper functioning of the gallbladder leads to bloating, there are characteristic sounds in the form of rumbling, the child feels pain in the abdomen, and a bitter taste may appear in the mouth. This is due to the secretion of bile. With cholecystitis there is a fever. Nausea and vomiting of bile may occur.
  4. Excessive consumption of fatty foods. With a sudden change in diet, it becomes difficult for the gastrointestinal tract to work as usual. The released enzymes become insufficient. Dysfunction occurs in the functioning of the digestive system. The first sign is pain, heaviness in the stomach, increased diarrhea, and possibly an increase in body temperature. It is highly not recommended for a child’s body to introduce fatty meats and foods fried in large amounts of oil into the diet.
  5. Food poisoning. As a result of eating food that has become spoiled, severe intoxication of the body occurs. After two hours, signs of poisoning are recorded: diarrhea, abdominal pain in the child, nausea and vomiting with fever. Dehydration quickly sets in.

If fever and vomiting are added to diarrhea and symptoms do not resolve within six hours, you should see a doctor to prevent dehydration. severe consequences for the child's body.

In order to correctly assess the condition of a sick child, it is not recommended to give painkillers or drugs to thicken stool before the doctor arrives. Meals should be fractional, in small portions. There is no need to deprive your child of food. Abdominal massage can lead to improper bowel function. There is no need to warm the sore spot or apply various compresses.

To alleviate the baby’s condition, you need to provide him with rest and bed rest. Give children a small amount of water often, but in small portions, after each trip to the toilet. Drinking liquid in large sips can trigger the gag reflex. To prevent disturbances in the water-salt balance, any sorbent must be given. If the temperature rises, it is allowed to give a remedy that will help reduce it. Drugs that produce strong effect, should not be prescribed independently. By incorrectly calculating the dose, there is a possibility of aggravating the situation.


The listed symptoms are inherent various diseases. To prescribe the correct treatment, the disease is classified. Abdominal pain and diarrhea occur when overeating, and become symptoms of a severe infectious disease.

If there are malfunctions in the child’s body that do not affect the activity of other organs, the condition usually stabilizes within 24 hours.

At the first sign malfunction organs of the digestive system, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and exclude fatty foods. Then give absorbents and water. This helps detoxify the body. If the symptoms do not go away, and the situation only worsens, you need to call a doctor. Will be appointed laboratory research− blood and stool test. Based on the results, the doctor will determine the cause of the disease and prescribe qualified treatment. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics. There is no need to resist them. This determines the presence of a colony of pathogenic bacteria and viruses in the intestines. It is too big - the body itself cannot cope with it. Antibiotics for diarrhea help the baby’s body fight bacteria and relieve pain. The child becomes active and his condition stabilizes.

Folk remedies do not always achieve desired effect. Some components of alternative medicine can cause allergies.

Requires special attention alarming symptom when blood appears in the stool or vomit. Acute, in some cases unbearable, pain may be added to the listed symptoms. This may indicate damage to the mucous membrane of the digestive system. This condition requires emergency care specialists. You can treat diarrhea on your own in mild forms.


In addition to taking prescribed medications, the child should adhere to a diet. Subsequent prevention plays a role important role. It reduces the risk of recurrence of the disease. Nutrition not only helps eliminate the unpleasant manifestations of the disease, but also restores organs damaged by microtrauma. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, the child should receive nutritious low-fat broth, rice broth, and steamed foods.

All products that promote gas formation and contain substances that irritate the intestines should be excluded. This also applies to legumes, bakery products and sweets.

When breastfeeding, the mother should exclude these foods in order to help the baby.

From a very early age, a child must be taught to observe the rules of personal hygiene. If the baby’s age does not allow this, then all dishes and objects that will be in the little person’s mouth (pacifiers, teethers) must be thoroughly washed and disinfected after purchase. Older children need parental control over their diet. Frequent consumption of fried and fatty foods is not recommended. During the cooking process, food must be subjected to heat treatment. It is advisable to carry it out for those types of vegetables and fruits that are supposed to be consumed raw.

You should be especially careful when your child consumes fast food and highly carbonated drinks. Fast carbohydrates are not beneficial, and the feeling of fullness comes later. This contributes to overeating and dysfunction in the digestive system.

Physical activity and an active lifestyle contribute not only to strengthening the child’s body, but also to the formation of immunity. Don't neglect walks in the fresh air. The growing human body adapts to environment, and parents should help him with this.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! Be sure to consult a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Study Group Expert inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

Painful sensations in the stomach and anterior abdominal wall often accompanied by stool upset. Problems in the functioning of the digestive system are especially typical for childhood. When a child’s stomach hurts and there is diarrhea, it is necessary to determine the causes of the illness.

Important! Parents should pay close attention to the reasons and factors that cause diarrhea and abdominal pain in a child. Calling a doctor in a timely manner will help determine the cause of the illness.

The disease can be caused by dangerous intestinal infections, dysbiosis, intolerance certain products. If the reason feeling unwell If there is an infection, diarrhea may be accompanied elevated temperature. There are several dangerous diagnoses, in which the child has diarrhea and a tummy ache.

A baby may experience abdominal pain due to the mother’s diet being disrupted. Inflammation may develop in the walls of the digestive tract, which causes stool upset. Loose stools are often caused by overeating and mistakes when introducing complementary foods. The stomach cannot withstand heavy loads when consuming large amounts of food or low-quality products.

Black stool indicates intestinal bleeding and requires an immediate call for an ambulance. In this condition, one-time or frequent vomiting may occur. This is how the body tries to cope with harmful toxins and cleanse itself of dangerous substances. It is important to know that vomiting in case of poisoning is a natural reaction of the child’s body and its defense mechanism against the negative effects of infections.

On a note! Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea can be caused by medications. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs especially have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Dyspeptic diarrhea can occur due to a lack of certain liver and pancreatic enzymes. In other cases, the cause of diarrhea is infections and diseases of the digestive system.


The disease is especially common in the warm season. The reason the infectious agent enters the child's body is the consumption of unwashed foods. Children are especially susceptible to influence harmful bacteria due to insufficient development of the immune system. If your baby has eaten several unwashed fruits during the day, by the evening he may well feel sick. Children under 3 years of age are most susceptible to pathogenic bacteria.

The cause of the disease can also be unfavorable conditions - poor personal hygiene, untimely hand washing, drinking contaminated water and dirt in the room. In such cases, pathogenic microbes enter the digestive tract and cause disruption of its functions. Diarrhea and cramping pain in the abdomen occur. The incubation period of dysentery lasts from 1 to several days.

Main symptoms of the disease:

  • Fever;
  • pain in the iliac abdomen;
  • feces with mucus and blood streaks;
  • severe diarrhea;
  • green liquid stool;
  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • vomit.

With dysentery, there is an acute onset of the disease, which causes very frequent loose stools. With diarrhea and abdominal pain, the child may have a false urge to defecate, which leads to rectal prolapse. Vomiting occurs, severe intoxication of the body, and general weakness is observed.

Know! Only a pediatrician or infectious disease specialist can determine an accurate diagnosis. To identify the causative agent of the disease, blood and stool tests are taken, and sigmoidoscopy is performed.

Treatment of the disease comes down to strict adherence to bed rest and taking medications prescribed by a doctor. Treatment with antibacterial drugs is carried out, measures are taken to eliminate dehydration in the child, special diet. Treatment can take place at home or in an outpatient setting.

Rotavirus infection

The disease most often affects children under 2 years of age. Infection with rotavirus can cause frequent loose stools. The incubation period of the disease is 1-5 days. Then the disease manifests itself:

  • Severe pain in the abdomen;
  • weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • temperature up to 38 degrees;
  • liquid yellow stool;
  • unpleasant sour smell bowel movements;
  • redness of the eye conjunctiva and pharynx;
  • vomiting.

If a child has diarrhea or abdominal pain, it is important to provide the baby with rest. If you have a rotavirus infection, you must stay in bed and avoid active games. Most often, the child feels weak and refuses to play. Following a diet will help you quickly get on the path to recovery and normalize the disturbed microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Completely excluded from daily diet sick baby consumption of dairy products.

It is important to ensure that your sick baby drinks plenty of fluids frequently - take 30 ml of Regidron solution every 10 minutes. For rotavirus infection, the doctor prescribes active rehydration (treatment of dehydration), taking sorbents and enzymes, as well as medications to reduce high fever.


The infection is often transmitted through domestic animals. Salmonella enters the gastrointestinal tract and causes loose stools in the child. Infection can also occur from infected adults, or after eating contaminated food. A newborn can get salmonellosis from maternity hospital staff.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • Foul-smelling bloody diarrhea with pieces of undigested food;
  • heat;
  • poisoning of the body with toxic substances;
  • dehydration;
  • nausea;
  • bloating;
  • rumbling when palpating the abdomen.

The disease is diagnosed after examining a tank of feces and vomit. If a child has a stomach ache and diarrhea, then all prescribed tests must be taken. The examination will help prescribe the correct treatment, which will quickly remove harmful toxins from the body. In case of illness, broad-spectrum antibiotics are taken and therapy is prescribed to eliminate dehydration. medications.


When there is diarrhea and stomach pain, the cause of this condition may be gastroenteritis. At this disease acute inflammation of the gastric mucosa and parts occurs small intestine. With gastroenteritis the following are observed:

  • Aching pain in the abdomen;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • weakness;
  • liquid feces in “flakes” mixed with mucus.

First aid

  1. When your stomach hurts, the first thing you need to do is get bed rest.
  2. In case of poisoning first aid comes down to gastric lavage, which prevents the absorption of harmful toxins into the blood.
  3. Applicable weak solution manganese or table salt solution. The liquid prepared for gastric lavage should be given to the child to drink. Up to 3 years of age, the procedure is best performed using an isotonic NaCl solution.
  4. To remove toxins, sorbents such as Enterosgel and Smecta are used.

If vomiting is observed, it is necessary to provide the baby with frequent drinks in small portions. To restore the water-salt balance in the body, Regidron and Hydrovit solutions are used. It is necessary to drink weak tea, fruit drinks, compote.

For dysbacteriosis, probiotics are used that restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract - Bactistatin, Linex. For stomach pain, drinking chamomile infusion helps a lot. Medicines such as Imodium and Loperamide will help eliminate diarrhea and reduce intestinal motility.

Most young children often suffer from digestive difficulties. The child feels unwell and has an upset stomach. Small man can’t always explain, show what’s bothering him, where his stomach hurts.

The article highlights the main causes of abdominal pain in a baby and provides advice and recommendations to parents.

Why does my child have a stomach ache?

The appearance of discomfort in the abdomen indicates a malfunction of the digestive system. Pain in the abdominal cavity can be acute, aching, spasmodic, the patient may feel a burning sensation, heartburn, and intense pain in the navel area.

Based on the nature and location of the pain, they speak of a disease associated with the digestive organs.

The abdominal cavity consists of the intestines, stomach, spleen, pancreas, liver, gallbladder and kidneys.

Pain and cramps in the abdominal area occur due to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

If the pain is accompanied by diarrhea, parents should take the baby to the pediatrician. The doctor will identify the exact cause and determine how to treat the child.

Diarrhea in children under one year old

From birth to one year, the baby's stool changes. At birth, a baby's stool is dark, then yellow, and closer to the year mustard-colored. The baby's stool is not formed, but this is not diarrhea. If the color of the stool is green, mucus or blood appears, parents should show the child to the doctor. Diarrhea can occur at 10 months and at 4 years. Causes of loose stools:

  • Colic. After birth, the baby begins to adapt to the world around him. The first three months the stomach is bothered due to colic. Mother one month old baby may experience increased gas formation, bloating, and gurgling in the tummy. The baby is restless, capricious, pulls his legs towards his stomach when lying down. Loose stools (yellow or mustard-colored) may appear. An attack of colic should pass within 20-30 minutes. You can help your baby by gently massaging the tummy and applying a warm towel to the tummy. If the baby is breastfed, the mother should reconsider her own menu.
  • U six month old baby Diarrhea may be caused by teething. Loose stools without abdominal pain.
  • Dysbacteriosis. Small children aged 1-2 years suffer from dysbiosis. In the intestines, microflora is disrupted and enzyme activity is insufficient. The baby has diarrhea, feces with mucus with the smell of rotten eggs. To confirm the diagnosis, parents must have their baby's stool tested - a coprogram. Based on the results, the pediatrician prescribes treatment. Medicines that strengthen stool (Smecta) and probiotics (Biogaia, Normobakt, Enterozermina) are prescribed to restore the gastric microflora.
  • Food poisoning. If the baby is bottle-fed or complementary foods are introduced, the cause of diarrhea is poor-quality formula and complementary feeding products. The child's stool is foul and smells like spoiled eggs. It is important to determine exactly which product became the source of loose stools and exclude children's menu. Sorbents are used to cleanse the body.
  • Intestinal obstruction. There is periodic acute pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and blood clots can be seen in the stool. A lump is felt in the tummy. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to show the patient to a surgeon and indicate the symptom.

Remember! Severe diarrhea in children requires surgical treatment. Big loss liquid quickly leads to dehydration. To remove a symptom, it is necessary to find out the cause. Treatment is prescribed exclusively qualified specialist, self-medication is prohibited.

Causes of diarrhea in children over one year of age

The baby explores the world in an accessible way - tastes the surrounding objects: new food, toys, sand, etc. Parents should monitor what the child puts into his mouth. The causes of diarrhea are:

In young children, the digestive system is not fully formed, and therefore is more susceptible to diseases.

For proper treatment and quick recovery The child must be examined by a doctor. Don't ignore loose stools!

How to help a child with diarrhea

Before going to the doctor or the arrival of an ambulance, parents should be able to provide first aid to the child, alleviate the condition, and know what is strictly forbidden to do.

Help Tips:

  • The baby must remain in bed. With diarrhea, your health worsens, your body is weakened, and dizziness is possible.
  • Parents are required to provide a positive emotional environment in the home. Anxiety and stress provoke nausea, vomiting, and loose stools.
  • Offer room temperature water frequently. Stay hydrated. Even an eight-month-old baby can experience rapid fluid loss. It is acceptable to use rehydration solutions. It’s easy to make a solution at home by simply adding a little salt to the water. It retains fluid in the body.
  • To remove toxic, harmful compounds from the body during intestinal infection or poisoning, give products with an adsorbing effect (Enterosgel, Polysorb, Activated carbon).
  • If the child is hot, has a red throat, they give antipyretic drugs (Ibufen, Paracetamol), rinse the mouth with chamomile infusion. If you have diarrhea without fever, just watch the number of times you go to the toilet.
  • When feeling unwell, it is recommended to follow diet menu so as not to burden a weakened stomach. You don't need to eat the entire portion. There is a lack of appetite after diarrhea.
  • You can record how much the baby poops, note the consistency of the stool, what it smells like, what it doesn’t smell like, the temperature, what the child ate during the day, what medications were given, so that you can then tell the doctor exactly for the medical history.

If you have diarrhea without a doctor, it is prohibited:

  • Self-administer medications with analgesic effects and begin treatment with medications.
  • Press on the stomach, massage.
  • Place warm compresses on the stomach.
  • Use antibiotics without prescription.

If loose stool continues for three days and does not stop, immediately seek medical help. Diarrhea is not a disease, but a symptom. In young children, loose stools are possible without diarrhea.

A sick baby should always be under the supervision of parents! Mom and dad are responsible for the baby's health.

Treatment of diarrhea in children

After a medical examination, the pediatrician prescribes treatment according to the diagnosis and age. Medicines are selected individually, taking into account the weight, age of the baby, the cause of the disease, individual intolerance medications, the baby’s condition.

Typically, for the treatment of diarrhea, sorbents (Polysorb, Enterosgel), probiotics (Lactobacterin, Bifiform, Bifidumbacterin), strengthening drugs, painkillers, antiemetics, and vitamins are prescribed.

If diarrhea is caused by infections (rotavirus, dysentery, salmonellosis), antibiotics are prescribed. For rotavirus and dysentery, hospitalization and treatment in a hospital under the supervision of medical workers are recommended.

The necessary medications, dosage and how long the course of treatment lasts are determined by the doctor.

Traditional ways to combat diarrhea

There are known folk methods that help in the fight against diarrhea in children. Parents are able to prepare decoctions and herbal teas on their own.

Rice water. An effective remedy for restoring stool. Suitable for children. The recipe for preparing the decoction is simple: rinse a tablespoon of rice, soak in cold water for 20 minutes. Put 200 ml of water on the fire. Place the prepared rice into boiling water and cook over medium heat for 40 minutes. Strain, cool. Take a spoon before meals. Helps within a day. The decoction strengthens stool, normalizes digestion, and is used for diarrhea.

Potato broth. The second method of folk treatment - broth after boiling potatoes helps stop diarrhea. Take 100 ml for children over 5 years of age before meals. The starch contained in the decoction coats the walls of the stomach mucosa, prevents harmful compounds from penetrating into the blood, and helps stop diarrhea in case of poisoning. Improves the digestion process. The course of treatment is 1 week.

Mint. Steam the washed leaves peppermint boiling water. Cool. Can be taken by children as warm tea. Has a calming effect.

Traditional methods are effective, have a beneficial effect on health, all ingredients for the preparation of the remedy are natural. Before use, consult your doctor. If Taken measures do not help, diarrhea does not go away, contact an ambulance. For rotavirus infection, hospitalization is required.

Preventive measures

It is often possible to avoid illness if you adhere to simple rules and precautions:

  • Wash your hands before and after eating public places, walks.
  • Follow the rules of hygiene: clean dishes, well-washed fruits and vegetables will help avoid stomach problems.
  • Do not allow a sick person to come into contact with a child (if an adult has a viral infection, diarrhea).
  • Make sure your baby is eating properly; the menu should be selected according to age.
  • Choose quality food products, always check the expiration date.
  • Keep your home tidy: ventilate the room several times a day and do wet cleaning.
  • Keep medications and household chemicals out of the reach of children.
  • To strengthen general immunity, walk outdoors more often with your baby.

Take care of your baby's health!

The most common cause of illness in children is abdominal discomfort. They occur at any age and can be caused various factors Therefore, only a qualified pediatrician can accurately determine the nature of the pain.

Why does my stomach hurt?

Before trying to determine the cause of pain, it is necessary to find out how intense it is and where it is localized. In case of severe pain, babies, as a rule, prefer to lie down, taking little comfortable poses. They turn and stand up, while the children are very careful, slowly. The symptom can be sharp (dagger pain), dull aching or stabbing.

To determine the cause of pain, it is important to track where its epicenter is located. So, left side peritoneum may indicate intestinal obstruction/inflammation. In addition, the pancreas is located on the left, which can also cause unpleasant symptoms. If there is pain on the right, this may also indicate problems with the intestines, but if the symptom is localized in this area, in addition, pathologies of the liver and gallbladder or tract are possible (for example, dyskinesia, cholecystitis, etc.)

If a child has a fever and a stomach ache, then an intestinal infection or appendicitis is likely. In any case, if such signs occur, parents should immediately call a doctor who can determine the cause of the baby’s illness. If, in addition to the main symptoms, there is blood in the child’s stool or vomit, this is a good reason to urgently call an ambulance.

In the navel area

The main causes of pain in the navel area are overeating or incomplete/untimely bowel movements. Treatment in this case is simple: it is necessary to reduce the amount of food given to the child, eliminate snacks between main meals, and remove fatty foods. If after this the baby still has pain around the navel, give him an enema (even if he has bowel movements often) - this will help alleviate the patient's condition. An alternative option is to give your son or daughter mild laxatives.

Other diseases that are sometimes indicated by pain below the navel are:

  • intestinal hernia (it is provoked by constipation, diarrhea, dysbacteriosis, disruptions of the digestive process);
  • umbilical hernia (occurs in babies who often cry and thereby strain their tummy);
  • intervertebral hernia (sometimes pinched nerves in the spine cause pain in the lower abdominal cavity);
  • appendicitis (this is possible if the child complains that his lower abdomen hurts, which is accompanied by fever);
  • gastroduodenitis (with prolonged pain below the navel, inflammation of the gastric mucosa can be assumed; the symptom often appears after eating).

Cramping pain

If in the background normal condition health, the child experiences attacks of abdominal pain, this may indicate intussusception (invasion of one area of ​​the intestine into another due to impaired peristalsis of the organ). Sometimes attacks are accompanied by vomiting and an increase in body temperature, while at the beginning of the disease the stool may not differ from normal. Acute cramping abdominal pain in children under 12 months is expressed by causeless crying/screaming, constant worry, poor sleep, tucking the legs towards the chest.

With intussusception, the attacks subside as abruptly as they appeared: the children calm down, begin to eat and play normally again. The frequency of pain is the main symptom of this disease. As the pathology develops, attacks become more frequent, becoming longer and more pronounced. As a rule, the disease affects children 6-12 months old, caused by improper introduction of complementary foods containing fruit/vegetable components.

Vomiting and diarrhea in a child

If these symptoms are not accompanied by fever, then there can be a huge number of reasons that caused them. When a baby has a stomach ache and diarrhea, this does not necessarily indicate the presence of any pathology (only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis). Most common cause loose stools and nausea is caused by E. coli, which manifests itself more often in the summer season. The reason for this is insufficient hand hygiene or eating dirty fruits.

In addition to diarrhea and vomiting, the child sometimes has a fever, dehydration begins, there is sometimes an admixture of blood or mucus in the stool, and the general condition will be lethargic. When infected coli Each meal ends with a bowel movement. The cause of these symptoms may be poisoning from stale food, poisons or medications (antibiotics). In this case, symptoms appear within a couple of hours after toxins enter the body.

Sharp pain

As a rule, colic or pain in the stomach in children occurs due to intestinal obstruction. The first pathology most often occurs in children 6-12 months old and is accompanied by nausea/vomiting, the second, as a rule, is diagnosed in infants under one year old. If 2 hours after the onset of pain the child’s condition has not improved and the tummy continues to hurt, the baby should be taken to a doctor for examination.

In the morning

If a child complains of abdominal pain that occurs in the morning, there may be several reasons for this. The most common among them are:

  • allergy;
  • intestinal infection;
  • upset stomach;
  • appendicitis;
  • helminthic infestation.

Sometimes children have stomach ache in the morning due to nervousness associated with their reluctance to attend kindergarten/school. The reasons for this are problems with teachers and peers, so parents should talk with the child and try to find out the causes, intensity, and location of pain. If it is very strong, and the baby takes unnatural positions lying down, slowly, carefully rises and turns over, you need to show him to the pediatrician. In some cases, these signs indicate appendicitis or peritonitis.

Constant abdominal pain

The reasons why a baby often has a stomach ache can be: serious pathologies, and mild disorders of the digestive process. The most common factors causing the symptom, are:

Small children often have stomach pain, and the symptom quickly goes away on its own without causing serious consequences. Even an unwashed apple can cause pain. However, if a child has a fever and a stomach ache, this indicates the presence of a chronic or acute disease. At the same time, the children’s activity decreases, constipation or diarrhea begins, vomiting, nausea, weakness occurs, and the skin turns pale. Parents usually consult a doctor with such symptoms; they are typical for:

  • appendicitis;
  • pneumococcal or streptococcal peritonitis (inflammation of the abdominal mucosa);
  • acute diverticulitis (protrusion of the wall of the large intestine due to improper development of the organ);
  • acute cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder, in which the stomach hurts in the upper right quadrant);
  • acute pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas, which is characterized by girdle pain and mild fever);
  • intestinal infection (severe diarrhea or constipation begins, the stomach hurts incessantly, the temperature rises);
  • various infectious diseases such as acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, measles, whooping cough (with mesadenitis, the abdominal lymph nodes become inflamed and the tummy begins to ache).

When walking

After excessive exercise, vomiting, coughing, sometimes the abdominal muscles become strained, resulting in abdominal pain when walking and running. In this case, the child’s appetite remains normal and general health does not deviate from the norm. If the stomach begins to hurt after eating fatty/fried foods, the doctor suggests dysfunction of the biliary tract, in which children complain of pain in the right hypochondrium, which manifests itself while running or walking.

At night

If a child begins to experience abdominal pain in the evening, many pathologies can be assumed. Along with diseases of the digestive tract, pain syndrome can be caused by the following factors:

It is not uncommon for a child to have stomach pain at night during adolescence and preschool age due to neuroses that arise due to difficult relationships with peers. Conflicts with classmates or teachers serve as a strong stress factor of a neurotic nature, which provokes serious consequences such as acute pain at night or early in the morning (before the start of the school day).

After meal

In children, such pain sometimes indicates the presence of an infection or inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, characteristic symptoms for this are a complete lack of appetite and a state of anxiety. If a child has a stomach ache after eating, be sure to show it to the doctor, since the disease will not go away on its own. In case of an acute abdomen, this should be done immediately (the symptom manifests itself as constant, severe pain). This symptom is typical for appendicitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and other dangerous pathologies.

In a newborn

Such phenomena are not uncommon in infants and, as a rule, there is no reason to panic. If a newborn has a tummy ache, he will tuck his legs in and cry loudly. Often, particular discomfort in infants is caused by gases that are formed from carbohydrates in breast milk (especially a lot of them in the initial portions). During breastfeeding Mothers need to plan their menu with special care to prevent the development of colic or food allergies in the child. In addition, a woman must:

  • reduce the consumption of sweets, potatoes, pasta to a minimum;
  • give up coffee, chocolate, hot spices, cocoa;
  • fill the menu with fresh fruits and herbs, while citrus fruits should be consumed to a minimum;
  • You should eat all red berries, vegetables, and fruits with caution;
  • It is better to give up beans, eggplants, bread, sauerkraut, grapes, and sausages for a while.

What to do if your stomach hurts

As a rule, parents are able to eliminate the pain syndrome on their own, but this is acceptable only in cases where the symptom is not accompanied by fever or incessant vomiting. Often, a child’s tummy hurts due to increased gas production and the symptom goes away within a couple of hours after going to the toilet. In this case, there is no need to call a doctor; you just need to feed the baby liquid food and calm him down.

What to do if you have abdominal pain to alleviate your child’s condition? You cannot give any pills to your baby without a doctor's orders. It is better to give a boy or girl an enema (this does not apply to infants - they should not undergo the procedure without a doctor’s permission). If the cause of pain is constipation, supplement the child’s menu with raw vegetables, apricots, and apples.

If you have diarrhea, give your baby more fluids, small amounts and often. Neurotic pain is perfectly relieved by infusion of motherwort and valerian. In addition, your child should be given a glass of warm milk with honey before bedtime. To level out stress, take your baby for walks in the fresh air more often, give him a contrast shower, reduce the time you spend watching TV, and forbid playing on the computer before bed.

What to give your child for stomach pain

Medicine for abdominal pain for children should definitely be in the first aid kit of parents. Treatment of colic and bloating involves the baby taking light medications. Their use must be agreed with your doctor. What helps with stomach pain:

  • Disflatil;
  • Espumisan;
  • Festal;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Mezim;
  • Lactovit;
  • Linux;
  • Activated carbon;
  • No-shpa;
  • Furazolidone.

First aid

If a child has a tummy ache due to impaired digestion, parents need to carefully monitor their child’s diet: exclude all gas-forming foods from the menu (milk, pickles, beans, bread, kvass, mushrooms), supplement it with fiber. What to do if an acute abdomen occurs? First aid for stomach pain is to call an ambulance. Only a doctor can determine the cause of acute pain and select the appropriate treatment. Before the ambulance arrives, you are only allowed to apply an ice pack to the baby’s stomach to alleviate his condition.

What can you eat when your stomach hurts?

Each pathology provides specific diet, which is selected by a gastroenterologist. If the cause of pain in a child is a digestive disorder or mild poisoning, it is not necessary to contact a specialist. What can you eat when your stomach hurts:

  • lean vegetable soups;
  • liquid porridge (semolina, oatmeal, rice, buckwheat);
  • boiled, steamed vegetables, except cabbage;
  • some crackers;
  • lean fish;
  • omelet, soft-boiled eggs;
  • lean meat (a week after poisoning);
  • herbal decoctions, teas;
  • honey, jelly;
  • baked fruits.


Abdominal pain and diarrhea can occur for various reasons. This indicates a disruption in the functioning of the stomach and digestive system. A symptom may appear unexpectedly and take a person by surprise. If you know what to do with diarrhea and how to properly treat it, you will be able to quickly eliminate the unpleasant phenomenon.

Types of diarrhea, causes

Indigestion may be accompanied by loose stools, abdominal discomfort, and a person's stomach turns. Based on the cause of its occurrence, diarrhea is divided into infectious and non-infectious. According to the form: acute and chronic. Before treatment, it is necessary to determine the diagnosis and establish the cause of diarrhea.

To make a diagnosis and identify the source causing loose stools, it is recommended to undergo medical examination, do lab tests. OBC, stool analysis, endoscopy, ultrasound, abdominal x-ray - these studies will help accurately diagnose the disease and apply appropriate treatment.

Factors that can provoke diarrhea are:

  • Viruses, pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Allergy to medications, food additives;
  • Spoiled food, poor quality products;
  • Psycho-emotional disorders;
  • Hormonal imbalance, pregnancy;
  • Gastritis;
  • Ulcerative colitis;
  • Appendicitis (acute pain in the lower abdomen);
  • Inflammatory processes of the abdominal organs (cholecystitis, pancreatitis);
  • Side effect on medications;
  • Traveler's diarrhea and stomach malfunction are provoked by climate change and an unusual diet;
  • Previous operations on the gastrointestinal tract.

Common causes are food poisoning and intestinal infections. Each case requires individual approach to treatment. For example, in case of poisoning, diarrhea cannot be stopped. The body removes toxic compounds through loose stool. For viral etiologies, treatment with antibiotics is recommended.

Abdominal pain without diarrhea indicates a malfunction of the stomach. If your health does not improve, the pain becomes more intense, it is necessary to urgently find out the cause.

The first rule of a quick recovery is to find out the cause and eliminate it correctly.


Symptoms of diarrhea can occur at any time, in men, women, and children.

A person suffering from diarrhea may complain of sharp pain with abdominal cramps, general weakness. As the disease progresses, symptoms appear:

  • Cravings in the stomach;
  • Nausea;
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • Vomit;
  • Heat;
  • Pulling in the lower abdomen;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Drowsiness, apathy;
  • Severe dizziness, etc.

If you have diarrhea, monitor the patient’s well-being and condition. If you suspect signs of dehydration, it is recommended to contact an ambulance.

Treatment options

To get rid of the symptom in a short time, you need to consult a doctor. Based on the diagnosis, a course of treatment is prescribed. As a rule, medications and traditional methods of treatment are used, and a diet is recommended for the first time. The list of medications is different for an adult and a child.

To combat abdominal pain and diarrhea, medications are used:

Traditional methods

After consulting with a doctor, it is permissible to try traditional methods of dealing with loose stools. A list of ways to help cope with symptoms at home:

  • Rice. Rice porrige in water or a decoction is used to eliminate diarrhea in adults and children. Rice water is prepared for children. The product is given to drink before meals. On the third day the diarrhea goes away.
  • Starch. If your stomach is cramped, you can prepare potato broth. Boil a couple of medium potatoes. The broth after cooking contains starch. Take 100 ml of decoction throughout the day. The second method: dilute a teaspoon of starch in a glass of water and drink before meals.
  • Pomegranate. Pomegranate peels folk medicine used to treat diarrhea. Peel the fruit and remove the skins white film, dry a little. Steam in a thermos for several hours. Strain the broth. Take before meals.
  • Tea. Strong tea is used in the treatment of indigestion. Brew 2 teaspoons per glass of boiling water, drink three times a day.

If you have diarrhea without fever and your stomach periodically cramps, decoctions from medicinal plants will help cope with the symptom. Traditional methods are effective when used correctly. Natural ingredients harmless to health.

Diet for diarrhea

Proper nutrition and dietary table - required condition for quick recovery of the patient after diarrhea. If your stomach hurts, it is recommended to refrain from eating for the first day so as not to burden your stomach. Then eat small portions, 5-6 times a day.

It is allowed to include in the menu: water porridge, lean broths, vegetable soups, steamed cutlets, crackers, dried fruit compotes, herbal tea.

As the patient's condition improves, new products are added to the menu.

Do not consume during diarrhea:

  • Sparkling water;
  • Alcoholic drinks;
  • Peas, beans, lentils;
  • Dairy products;
  • Fruits vegetables;
  • Bakery products;
  • Coffee drinks.

If you comply correct mode nutrition, the stomach will recover after diarrhea in a short time.

What not to do if you have diarrhea

Every person has experienced diarrhea. Both children and adults are susceptible to stomach upsets caused by certain factors. Many people don't pay much attention loose stools. But diarrhea can be a signal of serious health problems. If you have diarrhea, you should not:

  • Start treatment yourself, especially with medications, if a case of poisoning or infection occurs.
  • Apply a warm towel or heating pad to your stomach. It is believed that heat helps to reduce cramping in the abdomen and reduces cramping pain. Without knowing the exact cause of diarrhea, it is easy to make the situation worse.
  • Eat foods that have a laxative effect on the stomach.
  • Do not eat foods that irritate the intestines.


It is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. Some tips to prevent diarrhea:

  • Maintain good personal hygiene and wash your hands before eating.
  • Wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly.
  • Avoid contact with sick people. If a family member is sick, prepare separate dishes.
  • Spend more time outdoors.
  • Maintain proper nutrition at all times.
  • Lead an active lifestyle.

When the first symptoms appear, do not let the disease take its course, consult a doctor. This will help reduce treatment time and restore health.

The well-being of their own child is more important for parents than anything else. When a son or daughter gets sick and loses interest in life, the mother’s heart breaks. Children are exposed to viruses and bacteria that cause symptoms of diseases of various etiologies. Often, concerns about the baby's health can cause abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. The signs are interrelated and are inherent in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, toxic infections, sunstroke. It is important to monitor the occurrence of changes in the offspring’s usual behavior. If pain or vomiting occurs, take your temperature, call the clinic, or an ambulance (depending on the severity of the symptoms).

Causes of vomiting and abdominal pain in a child

When a baby has a stomach ache, nausea, vomiting, there is an infection or food toxin in the body. Factors in the development of common signs of diseases are:

  • Acute respiratory viral infection (including intestinal flu);
  • Acute intestinal infection;
  • Gastritis;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Inflammation of the appendix;
  • Ulcer in the stomach;
  • Intestinal obstruction.

An experienced medical professional will help you understand what causes discomfort to the child, provokes vomiting, or stomach cramps. It is impossible to delay diagnosis and treatment.


A respiratory viral infection enters the body orally (through kissing), through airborne droplets, or after touching contaminated objects with subsequent transfer of the virus to the mucous membrane. The susceptibility of children to ARVI is higher than that of adults due to reduced immunity. The disease begins in an acute form with an intense runny nose and cough. Rising temperature and headache aggravate the condition. The baby complains that his stomach hurts and he feels nauseous. Single vomiting is provoked by fever.

The pediatrician will prescribe an antipyretic, an immunomodulator, antiviral agent. The cause of the gag reflex is neutralized by antiemetic drugs. At respiratory infections Drinking plenty of fluids, limiting food intake and complete rest are indicated.

Rotavirus infection

Intestinal flu is common in children. The causative agents of rotavirus infection are brought by a daughter or son from a kindergarten, school, or section. How younger age sick, the more severe the tolerability of the symptoms of the disease. Pathogenic microorganisms immediately affects the intestinal mucosa. The amount of pathogen and the state of immunity affects the rate of development of the disease in the child.

It begins like a typical flu - runny nose, sore throat, cough. Signs of a cold disappear, and dyspepsia (bloating) occurs. This distinguishes intestinal flu from gastrointestinal diseases that are periodically accompanied by diarrhea. Specific factors of infection:

  • Throat hyperemia;
  • Mild rhinitis, cough;
  • Stomach growls and hurts;
  • Diarrhea with copious discharge of clay-like masses strong smell up to ten times a day;
  • Nausea, repeated vomiting;
  • Low-grade or elevated temperature;
  • Decreased mood, weakness.

Younger age and a weakened immune system delay recovery. In severe cases, babies develop renal failure, dehydration, and hemodynamic changes. A parent can avoid negative consequences after suffering a pathology by strictly following the doctor’s recommendations. Manifestations of the disease are similar to salmonellosis, dysentery, and food poisoning. To exclude serious illnesses, the doctor prescribes additional tests. Timely treatment will help avoid complications.

Acute intestinal infection

This disease is interpreted as food poisoning or foodborne illness. Food contaminated with pathogenic microflora disrupts the functionality of digestion and provokes the development of the following symptoms:

  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Abdominal colic;
  • Loss of moisture from the body, leading to dry skin.

Course of the disease

The passage of vomit brings short-term relief to the little person. Diarrhea is accompanied by repeated urges. Frequent bowel movements aggravate severe pain in the abdominal cavity. Losing a significant amount of fluid dehydrates the body. The temperature rises, the baby becomes lethargic and apathetic. Lost appetite.

Rinsing will help in case of poisoning if toxins enter the stomach. A salt solution (a tablespoon per liter of boiled water at room temperature) will help in flushing the stomach of older children. Easy degree poisoning occurs when vomiting is caused by applying pressure to the root of the tongue.

A rehydron solution taken in small sips will help save a child from dehydration. Absorbing drugs are taken after vomiting to quickly remove toxins from the body. The doctor prescribes intestinal bactericides and probiotic preparations.

Intestinal obstruction

Obstruction occurs in any part of the small or large intestine as a disorder intrauterine development. Difficulty in moving digested food, as well as complete blockade occurs after severe blockage of the intestinal lumen or inflammation of the mucous wall.

Signs of intestinal obstruction:

  • Prolonged absence or delay in bowel movements;
  • Painful, tight belly;
  • Persistent nausea, vomiting without improvement;
  • Nervous overexcitation causing insomnia;
  • Slime and bleeding during defecation.

The pathology occurs without fever. Eliminated by surgery if the case conservative treatment(lavage, administration of hypertonic fluids) did not work.

Inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Among the inflammatory processes of the digestive tract in children, acute inflammation of the appendix, stomach or gall bladder may occur, peptic ulcer stomach.

Acute appendicitis

Inflammation of the vermiform branch of the cecum occurs at any age. The younger the child is, the more difficult it is for him to describe sensations. The pain first appears in the gastric region, then migrates to the right side to ilium. The painful feeling constantly intensifies as the disease progresses and causes anxiety when moving, coughing, or turning the body.

The main signs of acute appendicitis:

  • Low-grade fever, temperature rise to 37-38 degrees;
  • Abdominal pain radiating to the back;
  • Dryness of the oral mucosa;
  • Nausea, without relief by vomiting;
  • Loose stools. Children experience difficulty passing urine due to irritation of the bladder by the appendix.

The lower abdomen is tense on palpation. Muscle tone increases with external compression of the sigmoid colon and with deep breath. In case of acute appendicitis, the child is referred to emergency surgery. Painkillers cannot be given.

Acute cholecystitis

Signs of pathology:

  • Cutting pain radiating to the lower back, under the shoulder blade;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Attack of nausea, vomiting;
  • Constipation, diarrhea;
  • Bitterness in the mouth.

The abdomen is painful on palpation. The little man needs urgent hospitalization. Bed rest, a gentle diet and therapeutic therapy with antibiotics are prescribed. The child is advised to do special gymnastics.

Gastritis in the acute stage

Poor nutrition and a nervous environment provoke inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The situation is aggravated by reduced immunity. The baby complains of pain after eating sour food. Hunger is just as painful. What symptom should parents pay attention to:

  • Weakness;
  • Stomach cramp after vomiting;
  • Nausea;
  • The body freezes when the temperature rises;
  • The tongue is coated skin cyanotic;
  • Feeling of heaviness in the stomach, severe pain in the epigastrium.

Doctors prescribe a diet with plenty of fractional fluid intake, medicinal products from pain.


Chronic pathology develops over a short period of time and can often cause complications. Protective functions mucous membranes are weakened by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. The progression of the disease is facilitated by stress and genetic predisposition.

Ulcer symptoms:

  • Cravings in the stomach after eating. Projected onto the spinal region.
  • Heartburn during fasting and at night.
  • Nausea, vomiting with temporary relief.

Therapeutic measures are based on diet. The child will be helped antibacterial drugs, antispasmodics.

Help before the doctor arrives

There are many factors for the development of abdominal pain in children under one year of age and older - nervous shock, viruses, bacteria. Self-treatment is not encouraged. It is important to provide first aid before the ambulance arrives or a visit to the pediatrician.

If the above signs of disease are detected, a ambulance. The operator is told the root of the complaints, the location of the pain, the presence of fever, nausea with or without vomiting. Children usually hold the sore spot with their hands. It will be easier for the doctor to perform manipulations if he knows about the presence of chronic pathologies.

What is prohibited and allowed:

  • Self-medication.
  • Warming or cooling the abdomen.
  • Gastric lavage.
  • Taking food and medications.

If the pain is unbearable, you can take a no-shpa tablet. The child is laid horizontally with the head of the bed raised. High fever eliminated by an antipyretic agent. You can maintain water balance in the body by taking fractional intakes of water, rehydron, or rice water. It is important to support the offspring until the doctor arrives, without destroying the symptoms of the disease.



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