Sleep standards for a child up to one year old, from one to three years old. How long do six month old babies sleep? How much sleep should I have for 6 months?

Your baby celebrated his first mini anniversary - 6 months. He already knows how to sit or is making his first attempts to sit, plays actively, begins to eat complementary foods and sleeps significantly less. How much should a 6 month old baby sleep? There is an opinion that the child himself will decide how much sleep he needs. But this is a dangerous misconception.

It's easy to lose your schedule, and at first you will think everything is fine, but lack of sleep can have unpleasant consequences for both your well-being and your child's development.

Just always keep an eye on your 6-month-old baby’s sleep patterns and adjust your baby’s schedule in a timely manner.

6 months – what to expect from a child?

  1. At 6 months, the first sleep refusals appear. It becomes more difficult to put the child to sleep, while sleep is very important, and lack of sleep will lead to severe fatigue in the child. At 6 months the baby sleeps 3 times. If you are thinking about whether your child is developing correctly in accordance with his age, I recommend reading the article What should a child be able to do at 6 months?>>>
  2. Breastfeeding occurs around dreams, and in the interval between dreams the baby happily attaches to the breast for 1-2 minutes. These are applications for contact. The child wants to make sure that the connection with his mother is strong and that he can safely continue to sleep without worrying that you will disappear;
  3. An increase in night awakenings can be associated both with rapid teething and with the baby's overtiredness if you do not carefully follow the daily routine.

Sleep and wakefulness norms at 6 months

  • The total daily time allocated for sleep is 12-14 hours, respectively, 10-12 hours remain for wakefulness;
  • During the day, the child sleeps 3-4 times, the duration of one sleep is from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

It is quite normal if the child’s morning and evening sleep lasts 50-60 minutes, and at lunchtime there is a long nap.

Mom's ponytail: why doesn't the child let his mother go anywhere?

In addition to fantastic physical achievements, a 6-month-old baby often surprises you with excessive capriciousness, especially at bedtime.

This phenomenon is called separation syndrome or separation anxiety, which is manifested by:

  1. The child cries if you go into another room;
  2. Refuses to sleep alone in his crib;
  3. Doesn't want to stay with anyone other than you;
  4. He often wakes up and falls asleep only in a hug.
  • Start by playing Peek-a-boo, when you hide behind a handkerchief or towel, and then look out and, smiling affectionately, tell your child “peek-a-boo”;
  • Hide and seek is a great game for creating peace of mind in a child when his mother is away. The child understands that nothing terrible is happening, mom is nearby, and even if he doesn’t see you, there is no reason to worry;
  • The baby's limit when he can be without you is small. Therefore, accept the fact that the child gives you a maximum of 5-10 minutes of solitude, and then is again in your arms.

Separation anxiety can appear in a child from 6 to 24 months, especially if you need to be away from home for a long time. During your absence, there should be people who know him well.

Breastfeeding and sleep

6 months is the optimal time to start complementary feeding. This doesn't mean your baby doesn't get enough of your milk, it's just time to introduce him to new tastes and foods.

Just don’t think yet that complementary feeding means huge portions that the baby eats and now you don’t have to breastfeed at all.

The child will show interest in adult food; allow him to take food with his hands and put it into his mouth on his own.

By the way, at this time, during breastfeeding, the little one may push you away with his fists. He does this unconsciously, this is how his first steps towards independence are manifested.

Know! While breastfeeding, the baby may begin to sleep more deeply, this is normal. However, night feedings do not go away. Normally, the baby is put to the breast about 4 times at night.

  1. The number of feedings is off the charts;
  2. In the morning you feel exhausted from lack of sleep;
  3. The nights turned into one continuous feeding

then it’s worth taking a closer look at the child’s sleep, adjusting the routine and, perhaps, teaching him to fall asleep without the breast.

A step-by-step method for improving the sleep of a child from 6 months. up to 3 years old you will learn how to teach a child to fall asleep and sleep without breastfeeding, night awakenings and motion sickness.

Transition from 4 to 3 sleeps

  • In the middle of the sixth month of your baby’s development, it’s time for you to rebuild your daytime rest schedule from 4 naps to 3 naps;
  • The guideline for age is conditional. Some children already sleep 3 times at 5 months, while others need 4 naps up to 6.5-7 months. This is usually typical for babies who sleep for 30-40 minutes;
  • The total duration of daytime sleep remains around 4 hours, that is, 1-2 hours per daytime nap, but the waking time needs to be increased;

Do you remember how many hours a 6 month old baby sleeps at night?

  1. Typically this time is 10-12 hours;
  2. Waking time - from 2 hours 15 minutes to 2 hours 30 minutes.

It turns out that if a child wakes up at 7 am, then at 9 am he already goes to his first nap. You sleep for 1-1.5 hours and wake up. Waking time includes feeding, walking, changing clothes, playing, and then after 2 hours and 30 minutes you put the child to sleep again.

It is ideal to arrange the daily routine in such a way that by 20-21-00 the child will already fall asleep and go to sleep at night.

How to quickly put a 6 month old baby to sleep?

Putting a 6-month-old baby to sleep will not be a problem if you adhere to certain rules and rituals. You probably have certain tricks, for example, your own lullaby or massage. Let's look at the basic rules for falling asleep easily.

  • Clear schedule;

The first rule for falling asleep easily is a clear schedule, even when visiting or on vacation. There is no way to return home on time, put the child in a stroller. If you deviate from the schedule once, it will take several days to adjust it.

  • Family ritual;

You need to darken the room, turn on quiet music or sing your baby’s favorite lullaby. You can try massage; some babies fall asleep well if their head or back is stroked.

  • Feeding;

You must remember that a hungry child will not sleep well, but there is no need to feed him. If you practice co-sleeping, your baby may fall asleep on your chest.

  • Falling asleep on your own.

In order for the sleep to be long and, even after waking up, the baby falls asleep without tears, you can teach him to fall asleep on his own. The earliest age for teaching a child to fall asleep independently is 6 months.

After all the procedures, especially after feeding, you put the baby in his crib, sing or stroke him, then sit down and the baby falls asleep. Neither in your arms, nor in a stroller, but lying quietly - this is the ideal to which you should strive.

Six months is a small milestone that marks new successes in the baby’s life. During this period, an established daily routine is important. It promotes the proper and healthy development of the infant.

Approximate table of a child's regime at 6 months

The daily routine of a six-month-old baby brings changes in comparison with the previous first months of life. : the child becomes more active and explores the world around him with interest. Periods of wakefulness increase in duration. However, it is very important to alternate them with sleep. The daily routine table by the hour will tell you the approximate schedule of sleep, feeding and wakefulness of a six-month-old baby.

Times of Day Time in hours Mode elements
Morning7.00-7.30 Wake up time, first feeding, diaper change
7.00-9.30 Wakeful period: morning exercises, light massage, air baths
9.30-11.00 1st nap
11.00 Second feeding
Day11.00-13.00 Waking period: active leisure, educational games, fitball exercises
13.00-15.00 2nd day nap
15.00 Third feeding
15.00-17.30 Waking period: walk, exercise with the help of mom, light massage
Evening17.30-19.00 3rd day nap
19.00 Fourth feeding
19.00-20.30 Waking period: communication with loved ones, quiet games
20.30 Hygiene procedures: bathing, evening toilet, air baths
Night21.00-7.00 Night sleep
23.00 Fifth feeding

The daily routine is described as an example and may vary. In this form, the table describes all the activities to satisfy the physical needs of a 6-month-old child for rest, nutrition and daytime leisure.

Advice! Taking into account the recommendations described above, you can create the best option for your child by adjusting the hourly schedule to suit the individual characteristics and natural biorhythms of the baby.

Nutritional features of a 6-month-old baby

During the first year of life, breast milk is the ideal food for a baby. According to pediatricians, it is necessary to maintain lactation and breastfeeding for as long as possible. But it is quite difficult for a growing body to get enough of mother’s milk alone, so at the age of six months the child is introduced to complementary foods.

It is better to start introducing the first complementary foods with the second feeding, so during the day you can monitor the child’s body’s reaction to the new food product. The baby is given only 0.5 tsp for testing. new food. For six-month-old babies, vegetable and fruit purees made from one component (cauliflower, zucchini, broccoli, pumpkin, apple, pear) are considered ideal complementary foods. Then juices are introduced, 2-3 drops per first dose (apple, pear, carrot).

The daily diet of a 6 month old baby looks like this:

– 7.00 – feeding with breast milk/formula;

– 11.00 – vegetable puree (zucchini, broccoli) + egg yolk;

– 14.30-15.00 – breast milk/formula, fruit puree;

– 19.00 – single-grain dairy-free porridge, vegetable juice;

– 23.00 – breast milk/formula.

The daily routine of breastfed babies may differ slightly from that of bottle-fed babies. Breast milk is digested faster than formula, so the baby can be attached to the breast more often than described in the regimen. With the introduction of complementary foods, the number of feedings will gradually decrease to 5 times a day. The formula-fed daily routine may approach this feeding figure 1-2 months earlier, since formula-fed children are offered complementary foods earlier (at 4.5-5 months).

Baby care: hygiene procedures and air baths

Daily hygiene procedures for a six-month-old baby mean:

  • Morning toilet

Washing the baby, cleaning the ears, washing the eyes and caring for the oral cavity - this is what is included in the concept of morning toilet. These procedures are necessary for the child’s health, gradually forming a useful habit. Use only safe baby equipment.

– The eyes are wiped with boiled water using a cotton swab from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. The tampon should be slightly moistened with water, and the water temperature should be comfortable for the baby during the procedure.

– Cleaning the ears from wax is carried out using cotton swabs with a limiter so as not to accidentally damage the child’s hearing aid.

– The child’s first teeth should be cleaned with a soft brush – a fingertip, or a special napkin with a special solution. It is safe to use, does not require rinsing, this napkin can be used from the first days of the baby's life.

  • Cleanse throughout the day as needed

It is necessary to wash the child after each act of defecation. Do not neglect this rule to avoid diaper rash, redness and irritation of the delicate skin under the diaper.

  • Air baths

A six-month-old baby's daily routine must include regular air baths. To do this, let your baby lie naked in a diaper while changing clothes. 3-5 minutes is enough to start with if you are just practicing them with your child. Air baths are one of the gentle ways of hardening; they can be given even to newborns.

On a note! The effect of air on a baby has a huge impact: it regulates the functioning of the heart and nervous system, and has a positive effect on the formation of strong immunity.

  • Swimming before bed

An evening swim can be a pleasant ritual before going to bed. The water in the bath should be equal to body temperature (36-37 degrees), bathing is carried out in a room without drafts. Washing with warm water and washing all skin folds should be carried out with the utmost care.

Note! If the baby is too excited, then you can add a liter of decoction of soothing herbs to the evening bath: thyme, oregano, valerian.

Developing through play - activities with a 6 month old baby

A six-month-old baby amazes with its joy, energy, facial expressions and beginning babble, which delights loved ones. A baby at this age can be captivated by bright toys, musical and rustling objects for a long time.

  • Voiced, squeaking, moving toys are very interesting for six-month-old babies. The parent who is working with the baby should voice the object that he gives to the child - this is how the child trains his memory, and will soon distinguish new toys from those with which he has already played;
  • Sensory and motor skills of the hands are well developed by objects made of different materials: wood, fabric, plastic, rubber. Feeling the differences between surfaces, the baby learns new tactile sensations. The concept of softness, hardness, elasticity is learned precisely in such games;
  • Fine motor skills are also well learned by the child in games with objects of different shapes. A standard pyramid with rings, wooden cubes, toys - spirals - playing with them will have a beneficial effect on the mental development of your baby;
  • Old, forgotten games with fingers - “magpie-white-sided”, “ladushki” - give a six-month-old baby not only pleasure from communication, but also develop the sense of touch and hearing.

Watch another example of a daily routine in video format:

Six month old baby's sleep schedule

Taking into account the baby's approximate daily routine, the total duration of daytime and night sleep for a six-month-old baby is at least 15 hours. About ten of them are allocated for rest at night, and the rest of the sleep time is distributed during the daytime.

What you need to know about sleep and its duration in a 6 month old baby:

– Most babies still need long daytime sleep at six months. But if your baby is healthy, active, and has enough sleep twice a day during daylight hours, then there is no need to overdo it. Forcing sleep and adhering to a strict schedule is not necessary if the child really has enough time to rest during the day;

– six months is an excellent age for weaning a child from co-sleeping. Babies are already able to fall asleep on their own, without motion sickness and mother’s lullaby. Some children like to fall asleep with a toy and pacifier. If with their help your baby falls asleep on his own, then you are on the right path to separate sleep;

- the ideal indicator of healthy sleep is when a six-month-old child sleeps continuously at night, and the duration of each daytime nap is at least 40 minutes. But it is worth knowing that the duration and quality of sleep can depend on many factors: the state of the baby’s health, the psychological atmosphere in the house, the mood of the parents, as well as the general daily routine of the family.

The first big milestone in a baby’s life is six months. Noticeably stronger and grown, the baby can already boast of his first teeth, the ability to sit and try his first “adult” food in the form of complementary foods. Caring parents pay a lot of attention to the growth and development of the baby, asking questions about how much a child usually sleeps at 6 months and how to distribute rest time during the day. The answers to these questions presuppose the creation of a harmonious regime that would meet the age-related needs of the baby and help the correct development of the toddler.

We will analyze in detail how to distribute rest during the day and indicate the duration of sleep at night and during the day. Let's dwell on the problem of difficulty getting into bed and falling asleep.

Maintaining a proper sleep schedule helps your baby develop and grow at an optimal pace.

Average sleep at 6 and 7 months

Norms now regulate rules of conduct less strictly. Pediatricians take a more sympathetic approach to the issue of sleep in infants and in this matter recommend taking into account the characteristic characteristics of the child and his needs.

According to average statistics, a six-month-old child should sleep 13-14 hours a day. Most of the time, approximately 9-10 hours, is night sleep time, the remaining hours are during the daytime rest.

Most six-month-old babies sleep 2-3 times a day, but there are exceptions. Babies already at six months can sleep only once. Considering that the little one is alert, active and healthy, any option will be the norm.

Daytime sleep and general sleep chart

Let's answer the question of how much babies usually sleep at six months, regardless of the type of feeding. To do this, we will analyze in detail the daily sleep pattern of a 6-month-old baby by analyzing the data given in the table below:

First rest9.00-10.30 1.5 hours
Quiet hour13.00-16.00 3 hours
Evening relaxation18.00-19.30 1.5 hours
Night rest22.00-6.00 8 hours

After a long nap, most children wake up quite early

When looking for an answer to the question about the amount and duration of sleep during the day at the age of six months, you will not find a definite answer, although most babies still adhere to three naps a day. There are no differences in the amount of rest between boys and girls, the only difference is that girls settle down more easily.

Six months of age may be the time to transition to two sleeps. What are the reasons and prerequisites for such a transition? The baby is stubborn and does not go to bed for the last evening rest, so he gets tired earlier and goes to bed for the night too early. Morning sleep time is therefore also postponed. As a result, the mother gets two day breaks from her child.

How many times does the child sleep?

A six-month-old child has about 5 hours of rest during the day. This time is distributed as follows (taking into account three sleeps a day): 1.5 hours in the morning, 2-2.5 hours in the afternoon and 1.5 hours in the evening. Considering the possibility of the baby going on a two-time break, their duration will be increased. Thus, the morning rest will be about 2-2.5 hours, and the afternoon rest – 3 hours. While sleeping on a daytime walk, the duration of rest will be longer than if the baby slept at home in a crib.

How long does the baby sleep?

The available average sleep duration indicators are only a starting point, but not the main measure. The baby rests a little or a lot, but at the same time he feels good and cheerful - do not rush to make adjustments and tweak the regime. It is likely that the baby gets enough sleep during this time.

If the child is active, alert and healthy, then the sleep schedule is definitely suitable for him - you need to focus on individual indicators

Babies, as a rule, get up early. They get up at 7 am. The baby asks to eat and also needs to change a full diaper overnight. After all the activities, the child plays with pleasure. Its activity decreases after 2-3 hours, when you want to sleep again - this happens between 9-9:30. Morning rest lasts approximately 1.5 hours.

The toddler loves to spend the waking stages with his mother. Try to pay more attention to the baby by involving him in some household chores, and also take care of his development.

It is better for your baby to sleep during the day in the fresh air. The stroller will lull your sleepyhead to sleep and he will be able to sleep a little more than at home - 2.5-3 hours. Quiet time - from 12 to 15 hours.

In the evening, the child does not have much rest. It starts at about 18:00, and after 1-1.5 hours the baby is back on his feet, he will be happy to play and take a walk. It is better to take a walk in the evening when the baby is not sleeping. Healthy exercise for 30-40 minutes will help make it easier to go to bed at night. Add to this a subsequent bath, massage and a hearty dinner, then you will get a tired, well-fed and ready for bed baby.

After a quiet evening walk, the child falls asleep well, so it is advisable to do it daily

Baby's night sleep at 6 and 7 months

For the most part, six-month-old babies who are accustomed to the diet can already do without feedings in the dark and do not wake up to do this. The babies sleep soundly and calmly. The baby, having eaten well at night and had the opportunity to throw out the remaining energy, goes to bed at 22:00 and sleeps safely until 7 in the morning.

How many times and for how long does a child sleep at night?

The duration of night's rest in children can be different: some sleep 7-8 hours, while for others this time increases. It happens that the baby went to rest at 21:00-22:00, and woke up only at 7:00 or even 8:00. Most likely, the baby still woke up, but managed to fall asleep on his own. Children of this nature sleep longer during the day than their peers.

Activist kids do not allow their mothers to sleep and wake up in the middle of the night, demanding food, and in the morning they get up at first light - at 5 am they are already alert and ready to play. As you understand, all children are different.

If you're worried that your baby isn't getting enough sleep, just watch him throughout the day. An active child who eats well, falls asleep calmly, and wakes up in a good mood does not require adjustments to his regimen. Rest assured that excellent health and a great mood are the main indicators that your baby is getting enough sleep.

Causes of restless sleep

There are often situations when a child wakes up repeatedly in the middle of the night, which ultimately leads to fatigue and whims. In this case, parents may suspect that the baby is not getting enough sleep or that the child is not getting enough rest. Take a closer look at your baby, consider his routine step by step, consult with your pediatrician and start eliminating the problems. Let's list the main ones.

Teeth cutting

At six months, babies begin to suffer from the eruption of their first teeth. Not everyone is destined to survive this period calmly. Often the baby suffers from pain and discomfort. Rest can also be affected, and at any time of the day. Buy special teething toys, many of which have a cooling effect, and also do not neglect the use of pain-relieving gels. Gum massage helps relieve discomfort.

Introduction of complementary foods

Six months of age is the time to introduce complementary foods. Food that is very different from the usual mother's milk or formula sometimes leads to digestive problems. All trials of new foods should ideally be postponed to the morning so that the baby has the opportunity to calmly digest the new type of food. Before going to bed, feed your baby familiar food.

The introduction of complementary foods is not only joy, but also a certain stress for the baby’s body

Sleep disturbance

Sleep can become anxious and restless due to the heat (more details in the article:). A failure can occur both in summer and winter, when the batteries are heated at maximum power. The baby sweats in his sleep, the mucous surface in the nose becomes dry, because of this the child tosses and turns, breathes heavily and poorly. The disorder leads to frequent awakenings. Pediatrician Komarovsky strongly recommends maintaining moist and cool air in the room. The temperature should not be higher than 20˚С. This can be achieved by reducing the battery power and opening the window slightly. You will see for yourself how much calmer your baby’s rest will become.

Violation of the regime

Parents, without meaning to, spoil the quality of their little one’s sleep. Deciding to put him down 1-2 hours later in order to prolong the morning sleep, they end up getting an anxious rest for the baby at night (more details in the article:). The baby often wakes up and gets up in the morning in a bad mood. The nervous system of children at this age is still very fragile - the baby is easily overexcited and has difficulty calming down. It is extremely important to strictly adhere to the daily routine, to which the child eventually gets used to. Actions performed regularly (eating, walking, bathing, sleeping) help the child feel calm, which means that the rest in this case will be prosperous.

Night feedings

There are a lot of opinions about night feedings, but most pediatricians, including Dr. Komarovsky, are convinced that there is no need to breastfeed a baby at night after 6 months. A baby who asks for a bottle and breast during waking up is most likely doing this out of habit. Then it is important to again make sure of the sleeping conditions and check whether the room is cool and fresh. A breastfed baby without feedings can rest peacefully all night without waking up. The natural way of parenting implies the possibility of “providing” the breast to the child at any time and after 6 months, but, as a rule, parents in this case sleep with their children, which means there is no need to get up to the crib. In this matter, each parent is free to choose his own “golden mean”.

If night feeding continues for up to six months, parents most often prefer to sleep together with the baby

Big nap

The duration of sleep at night directly depends on the amount of daytime rest. It can be calculated that if we subtract the sleep time during the day from the 14 hours of the daily norm, then the remainder will be the time for night rest. If parents want to give their child a long sleep at night - 9-10 hours, they must regulate the amount of daytime rest, which should not exceed 4 hours. It is important to strictly follow the regime and not be afraid to wake up the baby ahead of time. Everything that he “didn’t get enough sleep” now, he will get at night.

Improve sleep: how?

You can improve the quality of sleep in children using the following methods:

  1. Active games during the waking period, as well as the use of educational activities and walks in the fresh air. Before going to bed, it is important to exclude all active and invigorating games.
  2. Don't forget the importance of skin-to-skin contact. Take the baby in your arms, hug and kiss, spend time together more often.
  3. The crib should be nice, warm and cozy.

sleepy walk

Parents often wonder why it is good to walk with their child during a big nap? It turns out that this is a great way to calm down and put even the most active little one to sleep, which would take an hour to put down at home. The stroller rocks and lulls you to sleep, and the fresh air and uniform hum around help you fall asleep quickly.

For many children, the stroller becomes the best place to sleep during the day, which is beneficial for mothers

Fresh air is good for a child - it helps to strengthen and improve the child’s body, and also helps prevent diseases. Don’t shy away from bad weather: drizzling rain and lack of sun are not a reason to stay at home.

Young mothers often prefer to put their little one to bed at home and take care of household chores or themselves, but they should still give preference to the option with a stroller. A walk in the fresh air will be useful not only for the baby, but also for his mother.

Rituals will help you sleep

A child feels confident and calm when there are certain rituals in his life that are repeated daily. They help him tune in to the right mood and notify him of upcoming events. The importance of rituals is especially great during the period of preparation for bed. To do this, ideally you should develop the following sequence of actions:

  1. a walk before bed and the subsequent exclusion of noisy and active games;
  2. taking a bath with the addition of herbs (chamomile, string), which will calm the little one, as well as performing a relaxing massage with baby oil;
  3. reading fairy tales, putting on pajamas;
  4. while the baby is eating in another room, the bedroom should be well ventilated;
  5. a fairy tale or your mother’s favorite lullaby.

Such regular actions will help the child get used to the regime and after some time he will already understand that bathing signals an approaching sleep. Follow the rituals, then you will ensure a smooth and calm transition for the little one into the world of dreams.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Article last updated: 04/29/2019

Six months of a child’s life is the first stage passed by both parents and baby. At this age, the baby actively explores the world around him, absorbs information like a sponge, and is interested in everything around him. The baby is very mobile, actively moving his head. The more the world opens up to the baby, the less he sleeps. During this period, parents begin to be tormented by one question: how much should a child sleep at 6 months?

Features of baby development at 6 months

In order to answer this question, let's look at how the baby develops during this period of its life.

Typically, a 6-month-old toddler is already very mobile, actively turning over from back to stomach and back. He actively responds to toys, and if you show a rattle, the child will take it in his hand for a few seconds. He no longer clenches his fists, his palms are completely open.

At this age, the baby already understands where the sound is coming from. Sharp knocks or pops frighten him. At 6 months, babies babble actively, their sounds mostly like “ma-ma” or “ba-ba.” At six months, a baby can already cry from resentment or laugh wildly if something makes him laugh.

Often at 6 months the first baby tooth appears, because of this the baby can cry and be capricious for no reason.

It is all these worries that take up a lot of the baby’s time, so sleep during the day begins to decrease, and night sleep can be interrupted if the baby begins to suffer from the eruption of the first tooth.

Day and night sleep for a 6 month old baby

Usually during this period of life, the baby sleeps no more than 4-4.5 hours during the day, and 9-10 hours at night. The regime that was developed earlier is preserved.

Typically, a baby has three naps during the day:

  • The first is two hours after waking up at night, usually it lasts about an hour;
  • The longest nap is the second (lunch) nap - about 2-2.5 hours;
  • The third nap occurs about three hours before the night and lasts about an hour.

Sleep norms at 6 months are presented in the table:

As mentioned above, 6-month-old babies begin to teethe, this phenomenon can also affect the child’s sleep, he will become restless and may wake up often, sometimes screaming.

In order for this, not the most pleasant, stage in the baby’s life to pass painlessly, parents need to relieve the pain from teething with special means.

Teethers in the form of various animals or simple rings are perfect for this; they can be filled with water. If you put such a teether in the freezer, the liquid will freeze, and cold is known to relieve pain.

At this time, the baby needs to pay maximum attention, play with him more, walk in the fresh air, read books, show bright pictures or toys, sing funny songs with him. Active activities will take a lot of energy from the baby, and during the day the baby will fall asleep faster.

At night, a 6-month-old baby sleeps on average about 9-10 hours. At this time, the break between feedings for a baby can be up to 6 hours, and some babies may even refuse night meals by six months.

Air temperature

To ensure a sound and healthy night's sleep, parents need to maintain a certain temperature in the room where the baby sleeps, both day and night. Usually normal temperature ranges from 22-24 degrees.

The Russian Union of Pediatricians recommends maintaining a temperature range of 18-22 degrees, as the most natural for the development of a child. Despite the fact that with the beginning of the heating season or in the summer heat it is difficult to control the specified temperature, you need to make sure that in the room where the baby sleeps, it does not exceed 23-24 degrees.

In both a cold and a hot room, the child will sleep poorly, wake up often, and be capricious. Parents need to determine the most comfortable temperature for the baby, at which he sleeps better - the lower limit of 18 degrees suits some, others need warmer air in the room for a restful sleep, everything is individual here. If the baby begins to worry in his sleep, try his nose; if it is cold, cover the baby with a warm blanket, the baby will warm up and fall into a deep sleep.

Also, for a baby to sleep comfortably, not only a suitable temperature is needed, but also air humidity. In winter, during the heating season, this is most important - the air is dry, it is necessary to do wet cleaning twice a day, ventilate the room and, if possible, use a humidifier.


You need to monitor what clothes your baby sleeps in; they should be loose and made from natural fabrics. Often, a baby wakes up at night because he is uncomfortable in pajamas or onesies.

In the summer, your baby will sleep comfortably in a light and free breathable knitted overalls that will not restrict movement or put pressure on the tummy.

In winter, you should not overly wrap your baby; it is better to choose a cotton flannel overall and a blanket with special fastenings to the sides of the bed.

Night feeding

Usually, by six months of age, children no longer require night feeding, and they wake up and demand to eat more often simply out of habit. To speed up the process of weaning off nighttime eating, you can give the child water; at 6 months, children have difficulty distinguishing between hunger and thirst.

If it is not difficult for mothers to get up to see their baby at night, then there is no need to experiment; by the age of one year, children usually give up night feedings themselves and switch to continuous sleep.

Also, by 6 months, parents begin to introduce the first complementary foods.

It must be remembered that you should not introduce a product unfamiliar to your baby before bedtime. It is unknown how the child will react to new complementary foods, so it is better to postpone introduction to the morning or afternoon. If the rules for introducing complementary foods are violated, a sleepless night for the mother can be guaranteed.

Preparing your baby for bed: 6 rules

By the age of 6 months, the child must adhere to the previously developed regime, including when preparing for bed. You should gradually increase your baby's daily activity so that he can sleep better at night.

6 simple rules that parents can follow to ensure healthy sleep for their baby:

  • Closer to bedtime, it is necessary to reduce the child’s activity; for this you can read fairy tales or poems, or sing him a song. Thanks to this, the baby will be able to tune in to a calm mood;
  • If the weather outside is good, it is better to take your baby for a walk in the fresh air. A walk will help saturate the child’s body with oxygen, and after that the sleep will be sound and calm;
  • before the evening bath, the baby can be given a relaxing massage; mother’s stroking will charge the baby with positive emotions and relax the muscles that have been tense during the day;
  • evening bathing should be before the last feeding. Warm water will relieve fatigue, relax, after which the child will quickly fall asleep;
  • Both parents should take part in the process of bathing the baby. The baby is sensitive to the care of both mom and dad, so he relaxes faster;
  • After the last feeding, it is best to sing a quiet lullaby to the baby or simply whisper tender words to him while stroking his back. Feeling mother's caresses, the baby will fall asleep much faster.

Sleep problems in 6-month-old children: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Some mothers complain - when their child was 6 months old, he began to have problems with sleep: the baby began to take a very long time to fall asleep, was very capricious before bed, neither evening bathing nor soft stroking of the mother helped.

According to the authoritative pediatrician Komarovsky, 6 months is exactly the stage when the baby’s bone skeleton begins to actively grow and teeth erupt. Accordingly, calcium deficiency appears in the body, which entails increased excitability of the child.

Evgeniy Olegovich advises: there is no need to force the baby to sleep, sleep does not have any strict framework, that the baby should fall asleep at 9 or 10 o’clock. Parents need to be aware that the child’s sleep needs decrease sharply by the age of six months. A six-month-old baby already sleeps much less than a newborn.

If the baby begins to teethe, it is better to begin replenishing calcium in the child’s body.

And for the baby to fall asleep better, according to Komarovsky, it is necessary to give up outdoor games at 19.00, and during the day, on the contrary, increase physical and emotional stress (for example, a walk in the fresh air, outdoor games).

Read further:

All mothers, of course, worry about whether enough time is allocated for the child to sleep, how much time the child needs to sleep for full development. The duration of a child’s sleep is influenced by many reasons: psychological state, temperament, teething, established daily routine.

If the baby is healthy, active throughout the day, plays, laughs, but sleeps less than expected, parents should not worry in advance. There is a certain relationship - the smaller the child, the longer sleep he needs. So how long should a 6 month old baby sleep? The answer is simple: the baby sleeps as much as he needs.

Features of the development of a six-month-old baby

The child has been living in the house for six months, difficulties with feeding have already been overcome, the baby’s first illnesses have been experienced, and the first tooth has appeared. But after six months, parents begin to notice signs of a “crisis.”

A 6 month old baby's daily routine has already changed. The baby behaves in a new way; he has learned to roll over and get on all fours. Some children already know how to sit on their own. The baby tries to apply these developed skills to study the world around him.

The six-month-old baby no longer wants to be left alone; during periods of wakefulness, he does not want to let his mother go. Frequent crying of a child is an attempt to attract attention. Such emotions at this age are absolutely understandable.

Why do you need to know your sleep norm?

Almost all mothers know how much weight a baby should gain and how much to eat, but not everyone knows and understands how much a baby should sleep at 6 months.

Sleep is a natural process. If the baby is tired, he will want to rest. If you don’t want to sleep, then your body doesn’t need rest yet. If a child has an easy-going temperament, then almost from birth he has a sleep-wake routine. Such children sleep long and soundly and do not cry when waking up. A “difficult” baby sleeps much less.

In most cases, parents need to have (at least a rough) idea of ​​how much sleep and walking a child should have during the day.

Why you need to know this:

  • to be able to prevent the child from becoming overtired,
  • to prevent fatigue and hyperfatigue from accumulating,
  • so that the child sleeps for a sufficient amount of time, which is necessary for the development of the growing body,
  • so that the child is cheerful and cheerful.

How to find out if a child is a sleepyhead or not?

Babies are all different. Some people sleep a lot and often, while others stay awake for most of the day. The duration of children's sleep may differ by 2 hours (increasing or decreasing the duration) compared to accepted norms.

If your baby sleeps less than normal, is often irritated, is capricious, or looks sleepy, he needs more sleep. If the norm of sleep is reduced, but the indicated signs are not observed, then everything is in order, the child simply does not need long-term sleep.

Remember, a child is 6 months old:

  • Sleeping a little more than normal?
  • Is he gaining weight well?
  • Is he very active when he's awake?

If you answered “Yes” to all the questions presented, then there is no need to worry, your child is a sleepyhead. If at least one answer to the question is negative, you need to consult a pediatrician about the baby’s condition.

How to change your baby's daily routine?

Children often sleep a lot during the day and little at night. They can easily fall asleep at 8 pm, but already at 5 am they wake everyone up and do not want to fall asleep again, despite all the efforts of their parents. In this case, it is enough to change the children’s routine.

In order for your baby to sleep well at night, you do not need to let him sleep for a long time during the day. If a child’s sleep schedule at 6 months is reduced to two daily sleep periods, then their total duration should not exceed 2.5-3 hours.

If your child falls asleep at 7-8 pm and wakes up very early, you should try to shift his schedule a little and put him to bed half an hour earlier. The baby's habit of falling asleep late can develop into a serious problem as he grows older.

Sleep norm

Let's try to decide how much sleep a baby should sleep at 6 months.

There are certain standards:

  • transition to 2 sleeps,
  • sleep during the day - twice for 2-3 hours,
  • night sleep - 10-12 hours,
  • total sleep duration is 14-16 hours.

These data can only serve as a rough guide for parents. A child's sleep and wakefulness cannot be adjusted to a specific time. If the child behaves calmly, does not cry, is not irritated, then, given the characteristics of the child, deviations of an hour in any direction are normal.

A 6-month-old child's daily routine should provide adequate rest. Lack of sleep is very harmful, it can lead to chronic fatigue and nervous system disorders. If the baby is capricious, does not want to play, or is lethargic, perhaps you need to try to change the daily routine, put him to bed earlier, and give him the opportunity to sleep longer during the day.

How to improve your baby's sleep

Not all babies are ready to sleep and stay awake according to a schedule, so parents can switch to one nap during the day or, conversely, to three 1.5-hour naps each day.

How much should a 6 month old baby sleep? The main guideline is the condition of the baby. If during the day he is capricious, does not play with toys, fidgets in the crib for a long time and cannot fall asleep, then the child is not getting enough sleep.

How can you improve your sleep? The easiest option is to walk more in the fresh air. At temperatures no higher than -10 degrees, the baby can sleep outside during the day, at lower temperatures - in the room with the window open. A 6-month-old child's sleep should take place in a quiet place, without extraneous noise.

If your baby has trouble falling asleep in the evening, you can take a soothing bath before bed. To do this, steam medicinal herbs in a thermos: mint, chamomile, lemon balm, valerian. Proportion: pour 3 tablespoons of herbs into a liter of boiling water. Each herb is brewed one at a time, a different one every day. The finished broth is poured into the bath. 10-20 minutes is enough for swimming.

Instead of tea before bed, you can give your child a decoction of the listed herbs to drink, proportion: 1 dessert spoon of herbs to 1 glass of boiling water.

In this article, we tried to figure out how much sleep a 6-month-old baby should sleep.

As a short summary, we can say that for a baby to sleep well, he must be tired. Listen to your child, monitor his mood and trust your feelings. Only by following these tips will your baby be healthy, cheerful, and get proper rest and sleep.



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