Benefits of treatment at home.

There is no time or desire to go to a veterinary clinic, can you call a veterinarian at home? Call and he will arrive at the time you need! There is no point in delaying this. Our call service operates 24 hours, seven days a week, seven days a week. Our doctors are always quick to help. Call, leave a request, and a veterinarian will be with you as soon as possible. We have 4 on-call veterinarians on duty around the clock, and 8 veterinarians on the day shift. Remember that the health of our pets is in our hands.

The 24-hour veterinary service is at your service, always working in emergency mode, which allows you to immediately respond to signals asking for help. Call your veterinarian right now and get qualified veterinary care.

We have 6 emergency veterinary doctors on duty every day.

Why is it believed that calling a veterinarian to your home is safe for some animals, and why do most people choose to have a veterinarian come to their home?

It is believed that at home the animal is less stressed when communicating with the doctor. The home and the owners create a feeling of security, the animal comes to the clinic wary, and animals that have never been taken out of the house go somewhere in a state of stress. Accordingly, in such cases, calling a veterinarian at home is less traumatic for the owners and their pets.

There is also such a service as your own veterinarian. You choose your local veterinarian. And we assign it to you. Only he watches your animal and, if necessary, goes to your home.

Calling a veterinarian to your home RUR 1000 veterinary help within 2-3 hours

In one hour - 2500 rub.
at night (22.00-07.00) - 2500 rub.
outside the Moscow Ring Road - 1000 rub + 100 rub/km
in the Krasnogorsk district/in the Solnechnogorsk region - 1500 rub.
to Zelenograd - 2000 rub

Calling the chief veterinarian to your home RUR 2500 during the day

at night time - 3500 rub.

outside the Moscow Ring Road - 3000 rub.

The cost of the call includes visual inspection and assessment of the situation. There are no discounts for calling a doctor to your home.

It is best to vaccinate small, unvaccinated puppies and kittens for the first time at home.

Adult animals that have never been taken outside or transported may be subject to severe stress if you take them outside.

Elderly, nervous, aggressive animals.

Animals that need to be microchipped for export abroad and entered into the database Animal-ID, will tolerate microchipping at home more easily.

Animals that require dressings and injections.

Animals that need to be trimmed for medicinal purposes.

Vet help at home includes services provided by a veterinary hospital, ranging from examination, preventive vaccinations and ending with surgical operations.

There are a number of symptoms that indicate that your pet needs veterinary care. Be attentive hosts and you will never miss them. The need to contact a veterinarian is indicated by an increase or decrease in body temperature, lethargic state and refusal of food, discharge from the genitals, ears, eyes or nose; blood in feces, hair loss, disorders gastrointestinal tract(diarrhea or constipation) visible injuries, vomiting, insects in the fur, cough. If you notice one or more of the above symptoms in your home four-legged pet, you can conclude that your friend needs to go to a veterinary clinic or veterinary care at home. veterinarian 24 hours a day

There are situations in which an animal requires emergency veterinary care, since its condition is critical, and every minute is precious to save a life. So, immediately call a veterinarian at home or transport the animal to the clinic if you notice bleeding in your pet, severe bloating abdomen, the abdomen is hard to the touch, like a stone; if the animal was exposed to hypothermia or suffered heatstroke; if your pet has difficulty breathing or stops breathing, black feces, convulsions, fainting; for electrical injuries and fractures; if the animal swallowed foreign object or toxic substance. Remember, in the above situations, the life of your pet is in your hands, only urgent veterinary help can save it!

First veterinary care for your pet can be provided by you yourself. You should always have a special first aid kit with a range of necessary medications, dressings (bandages, cotton wool, gauze, tourniquet), syringes and needles for syringes, pipettes, thermometer. You should take care of such a first aid kit in advance so that in case of emergency there was an opportunity to help the animal before the veterinarian arrived. It is recommended to learn in advance about subcutaneous and intramuscular injections, dressing wounds, applying a tourniquet, artificial respiration, administration of medications - tablets or drops. Sometimes seconds count, and veterinary assistance is required immediately.

You need to understand why calling a veterinarian to your home exists; at home we can perform simple operations, provide first aid, and take tests. You also need to understand that treatment at home a difficult situation, on your first visit we take tests and prescribe preliminary treatment. Further, based on the test results, we will adjust the treatment and transfer you to the clinic. After the prescribed treatment, you either call at home for an examination or come to one of our clinics.

When a beloved animal is in pain, there is no time to think. The well-being of the ward depends on the speed of decision-making. Calling a veterinarian to your home relieves the pet owner of a lot of unnecessary problems. There is no need to worry about finding transportation, spending money on travel, or worrying about possible infection among sick animals in the clinic. In this case, a 24-hour veterinary clinic provides an excellent chance to quickly deal with a painful condition.

Calling a veterinarian is as easy as pie, just call hotline. Doctors are on duty at the clinic around the clock and quickly mobilize a team of doctors to travel. There is no need to worry about the qualifications of specialists, because the clinic employs best doctors. Calling a veterinarian to your home in Moscow is no different from visiting a veterinary clinic. And the cost of the service will not destroy the family budget.

Benefits of home-based treatment

Mobile teams visit patients from all over Moscow and the region. For our doctors, the reason for the call is not important: veterinarians are equally in a hurry for emergency calls and for routine examinations. Doctors usually visit animals general practice, but if the diagnosis is clarified, departure is possible narrow specialist. When registering for a veterinarian service at home, the animal owner receives a full range of assistance:

  1. Conducting x-rays, ultrasound, ecg, echo examinations.
  2. Castration, sterilization.
  3. Vaccination, microchipping.
  4. Euthanasia and removal of the body for cremation.
  5. Obstetrics.

Among other things, tests are taken and preliminary treatment is prescribed. In serious cases, the veterinarian issues a referral for inpatient examination. Not all operations can be performed at home, so you need to be understanding about doctors’ prescriptions. The service of a veterinarian at home will cost the owner 600-1500 rubles, depending on the urgency of the call. Treatment of exotic animals at home will become more a large sum, since specific knowledge is required here.

How is the price determined?

Inviting a veterinarian to your home is assessed depending on several indicators. The urgency of the call and the time of day play a primary role. Night flights are more expensive; for emergencies you will have to pay an additional 500-700 rubles on average. An emergency call is considered to be within 1 hour. The breed and type of animal influences. Birds and exotics traditionally require certain knowledge that is different from the usual. Calling a veterinarian to your home will be more expensive when an operation is performed or the doctor performs many related actions.

Some simple rules will help you arrange a doctor's home visit inexpensively. For example, regular examination at the clinic will provide reliable information about the health of the animal. The doctor will not need to take additional tests. You can choose a cost-effective option based on the cost of a call in different time days. Remember that a veterinarian comes to your home around the clock only in clinics that operate around the clock. Find out so important point can be found on the main page of the site.

Everyone's favorite pets are not immune to illness, what should you do if he gets sick? He needs to be treated.

A bunch of veterinary clinics provide the service of calling a veterinarian to your home. The expert travels to any point in the city with the necessary equipment.

Services provided at home

Almost any services provided by veterinary clinics can be provided where you live. Let's look at them:

  1. Treatment. All procedures can be carried out on site, without having to go to the veterinary hospital.
  2. Collection of tests. To study diseases, tests are taken, which will be taken by a health worker, which will again make life easier and save you from unnecessary trips and worries.
  3. Surgery. Such experts take everything when traveling necessary equipment and tools, so even if required surgical intervention, you still have to go to the hospital.
  4. Sterilization and castration.
  5. Obstetrics. It is important not to lose offspring dear purebred dog, she can’t cope on her own.
  6. Vaccination. There will be no waiting in lines, you can sit in warmth and comfort.
  7. Euthanasia.
  8. Cremation.


  • The first is the elimination of the inconvenience of traveling to the veterinary clinic, waiting for an appointment, and, accordingly, not the best experience. The pet will be more comfortable in familiar conditions, he will not be afraid. Why put your pet under stress again?
  • Secondly, greater safety, less risk of infection.

Also, the relatively low cost attracts. The call will cost you no more than the cost of visiting on your own.


We also do diagnostics and the following procedures:

  1. Ultrasonography
  2. X-ray
  3. Echocardiography
  4. Gastroscopy
  5. Ophthalmological examination

Possessing the latest equipment The VetChip clinic provides any diagnostic services at home.

  • Ultrasound examination will monitor the functioning of almost all organs and find abnormalities if they are present.
  • ECG will show the work of the heart
  • An ophthalmological examination and tests will reveal visual impairment.

Such a diagnosis will detect any problems and promptly develop and begin a course of therapy.

Thanks to the latest technologies, there is an opportunity to carry out everything known species examinations right in your apartment, which will help make a timely diagnosis and immediately prescribe treatment.

House call

All that is required for this is one phone call. Moreover, there are two types of applications.

  1. Standard. They will come to you in order of priority.
  2. Urgent. Your pet will be served first. It's a little more expensive, but rescuers will arrive within half an hour.

It should also be noted that VetChip employs not only general practitioners, but also specialized specialists.

If you are sure what’s wrong with your pet, then call the right veterinarian.

  1. The therapist examines the animal external signs and symptoms, make a diagnosis and prescribe therapy.
  2. An obstetrician will take care of the birth.
  3. Dermatologist - will look at problems with hair and skin.
  4. A cardiologist examines the heart and treats if there are abnormalities.
  5. The traumatologist will straighten the dislocated limb and identify mechanical damage.
  6. The surgeon will be able to perform the operation.

And many other highly specialized specialists will be happy to help 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. An invitation to your place may be urgent for a routine ordinary examination.

You can also come to the clinic with a sick pet without calling in advance, we have everything to provide urgent assistance.

We work around the clock.

We can place your pet in a hospital for continuous care until recovery.


Our doctors come on call from our clinic: Zamakhov, Burakov, Loshchinin. Only these three doctors come from us!

There are no substitutions, no substitutions! If another doctor comes to you from us, then this is a deception and scammers, call us immediately.

Is your pet having problems? Trouble can happen on a weekend or holiday, at any time of the day. You are trying to help a dumb animal, but everything is in vain. Uncertainty, confusion, despair, fear of losing a friend...

Don't know where to turn? Are the veterinary hospitals you know far away? In difficult times, remember the good wizards from the Belanta clinic. We provide veterinary care at home:

  • emergency - when acute diseases when delay is dangerous to health;
  • urgent, when there is no obvious threat to life;
  • planned (research, blood tests, operations);
  • cosmetology services.

Emergency help

Doctors will arrive upon your call emergency assistance. Calling a veterinarian will dispel your fears for the life and health of your four-legged and feathered pets. The doctor will examine the sick person, make a preliminary diagnosis, reassure you and recommend what to do next. The cost of the service is from 2000 rubles. During the consultation, you can clarify the cost of further treatment measures.

Research and procedures

Perhaps your pet needs non-urgent veterinary care at home: vaccination, medicine, or a microchip. Calling a veterinarian to your home around the clock will solve your problems. Our specialists:

  • will take necessary tests;
  • They will do an ultrasound and cardiogram;
  • treat the wound;
  • a suture or bandage will be applied;
  • They will give you an injection and put on an IV.

Delivery services

Don't have time or transport to bring a sick animal to the veterinary hospital? There are situations when it is undesirable to disturb him. If the need arises, the pet and its owners will be taken to the Belanta clinic. If it is troublesome for you to order a veterinarian to come to your home every time for injections and other procedures, you can admit the patient to the hospital to undergo a course of treatment.

How to call a veterinarian?

  1. Call: 8 495 150-55-58 or request a call back.
  2. Provide information about the animal: its breed, weight, symptoms of deteriorating health.

The Belanta clinic employs doctors with higher education and solid practical experience. This helps them place quickly accurate diagnosis. Doctors work according to their calling, they love their patients, so they treat their work conscientiously. You will receive high-quality veterinary care at home, regardless of the breed, age, or condition of the animal.

In numerous reviews, animal owners thank doctors for their efforts, sensitivity, care and professionalism. The day after the doctor’s visit, the clinic staff will find out how your beloved cat or dog is feeling.

The clinic maintains an affordable price level. Rest assured: for the “Veterinarian at home” service you will pay as much as indicated in the price list.

Even if you arrive at the clinic without calling, specialists will do everything possible to alleviate suffering and save the life of your pets!

The “Veterinarian at home” service is fast and qualified assistance no hassle or waiting in lines!



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