Basics of separate nutrition for weight loss for beginners. Recipes for the month

Since the theory about the benefits of separating food products appeared, the union of losing weight citizens has been divided into two camps: some believe this theory excellent remedy against extra pounds, others are sure that such a diet can be harmful to health. To decide whether you need separate nutrition, you should familiarize yourself with general principles menu planning, learn about correct selection products and take into account the arguments of both supporters and opponents of the diet.

What is separate nutrition

Typically, the word “diet” means complete failure from delicious and beloved products by many. The separate system is built in such a way that a person eats at one meal only foods that can be combined with each other without restrictions, but does not mix proteins with carbohydrates. Thanks to this approach, the process of assimilation of nutrients is faster, fermentation does not occur in the intestines, and the body is not clogged with waste and toxins.

Hay's nutrition

The main rule of this diet is not to combine proteins and carbohydrates in one meal. Digestion of these types of nutrients requires different stomach enzymes. For example, proteins require an acidic environment, and alkaline acid is required to break down carbohydrates. In addition, the scientist proposed increasing blood acidity by consuming fermented milk products, vegetables and herbs. The general rules of the Hay diet are as follows:

  • do not eat carbohydrates with proteins or sour fruits;
  • take vegetables, light salads and fruits as the basis of nutrition;
  • limit the consumption of fats and carbohydrates, and avoid refined foods (sausages, sausages, steaks) altogether;
  • Be sure to maintain an interval of 3-4 hours between meals.

Shelton diet

It is believed that it was this nutritionist who was the first to suggest to his wards that they introduce restrictions on fatty side dishes and forget about sandwiches forever. To eat properly according to Shelton, you need to follow the following rules:

  • Do not consume two types of proteins (meat products with eggs, sour cream and cottage cheese) or starchy carbohydrates (pasta with bread) at one meal.
  • Do not eat proteins with acidic vegetables or fruits. For example, it is better to avoid combining tender chicken with tomatoes.
  • Add vegetable side dishes to the main protein or carbohydrate dish.
  • Starchy carbohydrates and proteins will be poorly digested. Starchy carbohydrates include potatoes, cereal crops, cereals, legumes, pasta.
  • It is better to eat nuts separately from berries or fruits.
  • Melon or watermelon can only act as an independent dish.
  • During the week, you should not eat the same dishes more than 2-3 times.

Principles of separate nutrition

To lose weight using the Shelton diet, you just need to follow the rules listed above and learn how to properly combine different types of foods. So, as a side dish for meat, it is better to serve baked or fresh vegetables, potatoes can be served with fresh herbs, and pumpkin puree can be made with fish. In this case, it is advisable to consume drinks separately from the main food. The restriction is imposed only on sweet soda, coffee, alcohol.

It is necessary to remember several principles of cooking. It is not recommended to overcook or overcook foods. In addition, it is better not to cook food with vegetable or animal fat. Desserts are considered unacceptable for consumption, because this type of delicacy combines fats, proteins and carbohydrates at the same time. It is necessary to completely eliminate salt and hot spices.

Advantages and disadvantages

There is a lot of debate about the benefits and harms of a diet about individual nutrition, with each side putting forward its own weighty arguments. Adherents of the diet believe that this way you can quickly and without extra effort lose those annoying pounds and saturate your body with plenty of minerals, vitamins and fiber. In addition, completely avoiding sweets and starchy foods helps avoid fat deposits on the hips and waist after stopping the diet.

Opponents of this principle of nutrition are confident that the creators of the theory made many serious mistakes. For example, separate consumption of proteins and carbohydrates is very difficult to implement, because most products, as a rule, contain both substances. So, with a detailed examination of the internal contents of potatoes, you can find vegetable protein, and in meat animal starch is glycogen.

What is good for the body

However, consuming nutrients separately has many benefits for the body. People who follow such diets note that they were able to get rid of gastrointestinal diseases, forgot about such a condition as “indigestion”, and were cured of allergies. There are cases where separate nutrition helped get rid of arthritis and even cure asthma. As a result of such a diet, the body is cleansed and weight loss occurs. This reduces the risk of coronary disease heart, heart attack, diabetes mellitus and cholelithiasis.

Is it possible to lose weight on a separate diet?

Thanks to this diet, you can not only lose weight so that after transition to normal rhythm life has not returned, but you will also receive additional energy all day. The reason for this is simple - vegetables in pure form are digested very quickly and provide the necessary saturation rate, while fruits and meat contribute to the release of toxins and the formation of rotting processes in the intestines, which require the body to eliminate more energy.

Where to begin

If you nevertheless decide to try separate nutrition on yourself, then you need to switch to a new diet gradually. In the first week, you can separate fruits from the rest of your food, then refuse simultaneous use cutlets and potatoes, and prepare a salad as a side dish for the meat. After this, you can begin to perform more complex rules, but do not forget to monitor the calorie content of dishes - ideally energy value from food per day should not exceed 1400 kcal.

Product compatibility table for separate power supply

A separate nutrition table will help you determine which foods contain concentrated starches and which contain carbohydrates. It identifies all the main products that every person regularly eats. With this information, you can easily create a varied menu for the day and even plan a long-term diet.

How to use

The compatibility table shows which products go well with each other, what is acceptable to combine, and which combinations are best avoided. It's very easy to use:

  1. You need to select the desired products from the list and remember them serial numbers.
  2. Then look at what color the cell is colored at the intersection of the lines.
  3. If the color is acceptable, you can safely combine products in one dish. Otherwise, it is better to find a replacement for them.

Combination of foods with proper nutrition

Proponents of separation are confident that once you start combining foods correctly, the functioning of the digestive tract will improve, you will be able to normalize your metabolism and put your body in order without extra effort. If you decide to try this healing process on yourself, remember the correct combinations of products from the table:

  1. Carbohydrate and starchy foods should be consumed separately from protein foods.
  2. Combine starchy foods with fats, that is, potatoes with lard are quite acceptable, but pasta with meat is not.
  3. Pay attention to the neutral group. This includes: any fresh vegetables, except potatoes, and fruits, except bananas. You can eat both proteins and carbohydrates with neutral foods.

Separate meals menu for weight loss for a week

Having a food compatibility table, planning your diet for the day will not be difficult. In most cases, you do not have to limit yourself to your favorite food, because from the menu when separate meals Only refined foods and sweet pastries are completely excluded. As an example, you can use the following table, which is compiled without taking into account taste preferences and is considered neutral for everyone who wants to lose excess weight.

Day of the week



buckwheat porridge, tomato salad, seasoned olive oil

2 cereal loaves, 1 teaspoon honey, half a grapefruit

Durum wheat spaghetti with vegetable sauce

5 walnuts

shrimp salad, chamomile tea

oatmeal with water and fruit

2 apples or a glass of juice

vegetable side dish with chicken.

glass of any berries

boiled egg, low-fat cottage cheese or kefir

barley porridge, unsweetened green tea

lean veal with stewed peppers and onions

dried fruits

omelette with tomatoes

rolled oats porridge, 2 kiwis

a glass of tea without sugar, a piece of cheese and 2 pieces of bread

boiled chicken meat, cabbage salad

vegetable soup, mushroom omelette

egg white omelette with steamed spinach

low-fat yogurt

vegetable soup from green peas, a piece of bread with bran

fruit salad

fish stewed with vegetables

cottage cheese with apple

glass of berries

pasta with vegetables or soup

a fresh vegetable salad



pancakes made with whole grain flour

tomato puree soup

vegetables with boiled meat

Diet for 10 days

If your goal is to lose a few kilograms for the new swimming season or to relieve the body after long holidays, then a separate diet for a week and a half will become ideal option. The day before you start observing it, you need to arrange a fasting day on kefir. Then you can eat any food from the compatibility table, but only when you feel hungry. During the diet, you should limit the consumption of carbonated drinks, alcohol and coffee.

The menu for 10 days should be compiled as follows:

  • In the first three days, it is advisable to eat foods rich in fiber: fruits, vegetables, excluding potatoes.
  • In the next 3 days, focus on proteins: meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, legumes.
  • The next day, give your body a rest. During these days you can drink low-fat kefir, yogurt or freshly squeezed juices.
  • At the final stage, you should pay attention to complex carbohydrates.

90 days of separate meals

For those who want to radically change the parameters of their figure, adherents healthy eating It is advised to try separate meals for a period of 3 months. This method will help you get rid of 20 to 30 kilograms and maintain the result in the future. In a 90-day nutrition plan, you can eat almost all foods, but only in order. This diet has 5 full cycles:

  • protein;
  • starchy;
  • carbohydrate;
  • vitamin;
  • and, if desired, unloading.

Protein day

On this day you can only consume protein food The only exception is breakfast. In the morning you should definitely eat a salad of fruits or fresh vegetables, it could also be a glass of non-acidic berries. For lunch, treat yourself to 200 grams of lentil lobio or couscous, and be sure to eat 80-100 grams of salad. For a snack, drink a glass of milk, and for dinner, eat a few slices of cheese, cabbage salad with herbs, dressed with olive oil.


For breakfast you should only eat vegetables or fruits. You can have a snack with a cup of green tea without sugar and 2 rye breads. For lunch, treat yourself to boiled rice, boil 100 grams of green beans for your afternoon snack and make vegetable soup. After a working day, you can treat yourself to baked potatoes in foil with herbs and 100 grams of cucumber salad. You can drink before bed chamomile tea.


For breakfast, eat one orange, two tangerines or a banana. For lunch, allow yourself durum wheat pasta with tomato sauce and cheese. You can make homemade pizza instead. For an afternoon snack, be sure to eat 2 biscuits and a piece of dark chocolate. Before going to bed, prepare pancakes from whole grain flour. Don't forget about drinking - you need to drink up to one and a half liters of water a day.

Vitamin day

You are allowed to eat a lot of fruits, dried fruits, vegetables, herbs and nuts. To preserve all the vitamins inside the food, it is better to eat it whole, and if you still have to cut it, then the salad should be eaten immediately. It’s worth counting calories throughout the day, because you can go too far with the norm even on such a modest diet. On this day it is allowed to drink freshly squeezed juices instead of regular water.

Recipes for a split diet for weight loss

Some women find it easier to develop a menu when there are ready-made dishes for example. You can easily create separate diet recipes yourself or take them from the following examples. Try making a simple breakfast on one of your diet days. vitamin salad:

  1. To do this, take 200 grams of white cabbage, finely chop and mash with your hands.
  2. Raw carrots and grate the beets or cut into strips.
  3. Mix all ingredients and season with a tablespoon of olive oil.

For lunch, you can prepare a portion of tender tuna fillet with herbs:

  1. Season a piece of tuna with spices, roll in flour and fry in butter.
  2. Cut half the onion into half rings and simmer in the oil where the fish was fried.
  3. Place the tuna in a saucepan and place an onion layer on top.
  4. Pour ¼ cup of vegetable broth over the ingredients and simmer over low heat until tender.


Now actively promoted healthy image life, therefore, any normal person, in connection with this, wants to be slim and, if there is excess weight strive to get rid of it, that is, to lose weight. However, diets do not always give satisfactory results. And here separate nutrition can help, which not only helps you lose weight, but also improves your body’s health.

Basics of separate nutrition.
The essence of separate nutrition is that when eating food, you cannot mix two categories of foods - carbohydrate and protein foods. In addition to these two categories, there is another group of products - neutral, which can be combined with the other two. The neutral group of products includes fatty fermented milk products, animal fats, fruits, dried fruits, vegetable juices, herbs, fresh vegetables, leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, olives, herbal teas, asparagus, onions, garlic, mineral water.

The protein food group includes following products: milk, low-fat cheeses, meat, fish and seafood, mushrooms, legumes, soy and soy products, nuts, including peanuts, offal, citrus fruits, berries, fruit infusions and teas, fruits with pits and seeds, champagne.

The following foods are considered carbohydrate foods: cereals, flour, pasta, bread, potatoes, confectionery, sugar, cereals, bananas, figs, green cabbage, dates, cooked tomatoes, beer, Jerusalem artichoke.

Adherents of separate nutrition claim that when consumed incompatible products, even if low-calorie, there is a significant difficulty in the process of digesting food, as a result of which non-oxidized fats and carbohydrates begin to be deposited as fat. This is explained by the fact that for digestion various types products needed various conditions, that is, an acidic environment is required for the breakdown of proteins, and an alkaline environment for carbohydrates. While eating food at the same time, rich in proteins and carbohydrates, the absorption of some substances will be worse, so it will not be possible to get the full amount of nutrients from such food. For example, if you eat an apple on an empty stomach, it will be digested and eliminated by the body in about an hour. And if you eat the same apple, but after eating meat dish, which takes three to five hours to digest, naturally it will linger in the stomach. As a result of this, the process of fermentation and rotting will begin, which will cause discomfort and general intoxication of the body. In addition, because of this, both types of products enter the lower intestines unprocessed, which, in turn, contributes not only to excess weight gain, but also increases the load on the pancreas. Insufficiently digested food can accumulate in the large intestine, causing many serious illnesses, including constipation. Therefore, according to the rules of separate nutrition, foods that are incompatible with each other should be consumed alternately, and the time interval between their consumption should be at least two hours.

The separate nutrition system not only helps you lose weight, but also thanks to it, a change in metabolic processes occurs in the body, as a result of which the lost kilograms do not return again and the weight remains at the achieved level.

At separate system nutrition, the number of meals should be at least three to four every five hours, which helps optimal absorption nutrients. When preparing a diet for this type of nutrition, one should take into account health status, age, pregnancy or breastfeeding, and labor factors (night shifts).

Before switching to separate meals, you should consult your doctor.

The menu can be compiled at your discretion, but taking into account general rules separate power supply systems. It is very important to drink a glass of mineral or ordinary water every day on an empty stomach with the addition of honey or fruit vinegar(1 tsp) (but not required). In addition, it is very important to comply drinking regime, and drink at least two liters of water per day.

Proper nutrition is undoubtedly an important factor, but without physical activity not enough. It is not necessary to actively engage in all types of sports; you can do it every day. hiking on fresh air, climb stairs under your own power, run, ride a bicycle or roller skate, etc.

The separate power supply system involves some exceptions, which must be taken into account. For example, some fruits and vegetables should not be combined with other carbohydrates due to high content they contain acids that interfere with the digestion and absorption of these carbohydrates. It is also not recommended to eat tomatoes and citrus fruits with carbohydrate foods. Tomatoes go well with leafy vegetables, protein and fatty foods. Thanks to the acid they contain, the process of digesting proteins is greatly facilitated, which reduces the load on the stomach. It is forbidden to combine starchy foods with fruits and proteins. Legumes can be combined with green vegetables, but it is better to avoid tomatoes. If you like dishes where legumes are a side dish for meat, you will have to say goodbye to them. Meat should not be consumed in combination with starches. For those who do not like meat, it can be successfully replaced with cheese or nuts.

Well, now let’s talk directly about what can be combined with what.
Sweet fruits (figs, bananas, dates, dried fruits, persimmons, figs) should be consumed before the main meal. They go perfectly with fermented milk products and herbs, in addition they can be added to porridges.

Semi-sweet fruits (berries, pears, peaches, plums, mangoes, apples, papaya, watermelon) can be combined with sour and sweet fruits.

Sour fruits (citrus fruits, currants, pineapple) are best consumed with fermented milk products, semi-sweet fruits, and cheeses.

Vegetables (onions, radishes, carrots, radishes, garlic, sweet peppers, cabbage, cucumbers) can be consumed with any food except milk.

Incompatible vegetables ( cauliflower, zucchini, pumpkin, squash, eggplant) go well with starches, vegetables and herbs. But it’s better not to combine it with meat and dairy products.

Starchy dishes (corn, oats, baked goods, millet, rice, buckwheat, millet cereals, pasta, potatoes) can be eaten together with any vegetables and herbs.

Proteins (cottage cheese, meat, fish, legumes, feta cheese, mushrooms) are also well digested with vegetables and herbs.

Fats (lard, fatty fish, fatty cheeses, margarine, nuts, oils, sour cream) are allowed to be combined only with vegetables and herbs, as they help slow down production gastric juice. Therefore, they should not be combined with other products.

Greens (coriander, green onions, dill, nettle, parsley, green salad, sorrel, basil and others) are allowed to be combined with all types of products, with the exception of milk.

Sugar (jam, honey, jam, sugar) is best consumed in the form separate appointment food if life without sugar is not possible for you.

Basic rules for separate meals.

  • Eating should only be done when you are truly hungry.
  • You should not drink water immediately before eating. After eating fruit, liquid intake can be done no earlier than half an hour later, starch food - no less than two hours, protein food - after 4 hours.
  • Food should be chewed thoroughly, while wetting it well with saliva.
  • Try not to overeat.
  • The food temperature should be moderate.
  • The daily diet of separate meals should consist of half raw plant foods.
  • Fruits and berries should be consumed separately from other types of foods.
  • Separate nutrition involves the exclusion and limitation of such products as: sugar and dishes made from it, pickles, sausages, sausage, mayonnaise, margarine, refined butter, coffee, tea, cocoa, carbonated sweet and non-sweetened drinks, canned food, condensed and powdered milk.
Separate nutrition is especially useful in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases and disorders.

Approximate separate diet.
Breakfast: fresh fruits(3 pcs), cheese, sour cream, bran bread sandwich with butter or cheese, fruit salad, cottage cheese.
Lunch: Protein-rich meals are recommended. For example, meat or a fish dish with a side of salad or vegetables. For starters, you can prepare vegetable soup or vegetable broth, and unsweetened fruit as dessert.
Dinner should consist of carbohydrates, since they are known to be quickly absorbed by the body (carrot or potato casserole, sweet fruit, macaroni and cheese, etc.).

You can switch to separate meals gradually, for example, eat in accordance with this system once a week. Gradually your body will get used to it, and you will notice the results of such nutrition. If you make up your mind, don’t give up; positive changes will not keep you waiting.

Women who dream of losing weight often resort to strict restrictions. They begin to sharply reduce the amount of calories they consume and refuse foods that are important for the body. Any diet can lead to reverse effect, since after it a person will begin to rapidly gain weight, returning to a normal diet.

Separate nutrition is the best way to lose weight for those who do not want to severely limit themselves and face negative consequences malnutrition. This system was invented by the famous nutritionist Herbert Shelton.

In the course of his research, he proved that some foods are simply incompatible with each other, which is why their one-time consumption leads to fat deposition. The method of separate nutrition was invented for those who want to rebuild their diet and make it correct.

Every day a whole mixture ends up in the human stomach various products. Often, food varieties begin to compete with each other, which is why they are less absorbed by the body. Slags and body fat- these are the consequences of eating incompatible foods.

The process of digesting food requires the release of various enzymes. The simultaneous consumption of carbohydrates and proteins provokes the production of two competing substances, each of which requires its own environment: alkaline or acidic.

Enzymes begin to neutralize each other, causing the absorption and digestion of foods to slow down. The right system nutrition eliminates such consequences, due to which the digestive system works stably.

In order to start eating according to the separation method, you need to learn the following principles:

  1. It is necessary to consume only products that are compatible with each other and are in the same group. Dishes should consist of ingredients that are easily digested and absorbed when they enter the stomach together. Otherwise, the weight loss process will stall;
  2. You need to approach your meals wisely. There should be 3-hour breaks between meals. They are necessary so that the stomach has time to digest food. It is equally important to choose products that have undergone minimal heat treatment, as they are much more healthy;
  3. In the theory of separate nutrition, there is a separate group of products - neutral. Foods from this category are different in that they can be consumed together with carbohydrates and proteins, as well as separately. The neutral group includes: animal fats, vegetables and fruits, butter (butter), cream, fatty cheeses. These products are great as a side dish.

The entire method of separate nutrition is built on these principles, so you definitely need to know them. You should immediately prepare for the fact that you will have to give up many familiar dishes, as they contain incompatible ingredients.

Main rules of separate nutrition

Methodology proper nutrition according to the separation system includes several important rules and a list of prohibited products. A competent approach to this method of losing weight is based on this information.

The following rules apply:

Only by following these rules will you be able to achieve the desired result. The method of separate nutrition is aimed not only at stabilizing weight, but also at cleansing the body.

You cannot combine proteins and carbohydrates. Because of this, classic food combinations need to be modified to suit own diet. For example, choose greens or another light side dish instead of pasta for meat.

It is not necessary to completely give up sweets.

According to this technique, you can eat foods that contain sugar, but rarely and in small quantities. It is recommended to replace familiar sweets with healthy ones made from natural ingredients.

Prohibited food combinations

The usual human diet contains many dishes, the components of which do not combine with each other. Exactly because of this reason modern people often suffer from stomach diseases. In order to go to new system nutrition, you need to exclude from your menu such combinations of products as:

Such dishes should be completely removed from the diet, as they are difficult to digest. Another important rule: do not consume more than one flour product while eating.

Compatibility table

Below you can see detailed information about how to properly combine products from different groups between themselves.

It is important to note the following nuances:

  • It is recommended to eat only low-fat meat;
  • separate meals do not imply drinking alcohol separately or with any products;
  • the pulse category includes items such as peas, beans, lentils, and so on;
  • cream is best used for meat or salads;
  • confectionery products are poorly compatible with other foods;
  • sweet dried fruits are also recommended to be consumed separately, half an hour before the main meal;
  • eggs can be added to light salads, but they cannot be combined with fatty foods;
  • Nuts are easily digestible and rich in vitamins; they go well with almost all other foods.

All factors from this list must be taken into account when compiling a diet according to the table.

Examples of separate nutrition menus for weight loss

The method of separate nutrition does not include any restrictions regarding the number of meals. You can eat 3-5 times a day, but the portions should be small. The small size of dishes is necessary for their better absorption.

You can create a menu for such a power system yourself or use ready-made schemes. In any case, it is important to consider the following recommendations:

  1. For breakfast, non-acidic foods rich in vitamins are best. It can be porridge or salads. Morning food should energize and saturate the body nutrients;
  2. For lunch, it is preferable to eat fish or meat with a side dish. An hour after eating, it is recommended to have a snack with a sour apple or orange;
  3. You need to have carbohydrates for dinner.

These tips will help you create the right menu (even for a week, at least more), which will fully meet the requirements of the separate nutrition method.

Menu for 7 days

Breakfast. Porridge cooked with water or low-fat milk. Fruit, tea without sugar.
Dinner. A slice of cheese and half a boiled chicken breast.
Dinner. Low-fat omelet or lean soup.
Breakfast. Orange and buckwheat, boiled in water.
Dinner. Boiled fish (150-200 g), vegetable side dish or salad.
Dinner. Vegetable soup and salad.
Breakfast. Rye porridge cooked with low-fat milk. Natural Orange juice, diluted with water.
Dinner. Any lean meat, for example, veal - 100 gr. Vegetable side dish.
Dinner. Oven baked cauliflower.
Breakfast. Tangerines, tea without sugar. As a main dish: barley porridge boiled in water.
Dinner. Boiled meat, you can use squid for variety. 2 pieces of cheese, vegetable stew.
Dinner. Scrambled eggs with tomatoes.
Breakfast. Oatmeal and yogurt, tea.
Dinner. Half a boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad.
Dinner. Vegetable soup, baked cheese.
Breakfast. Buckwheat cooked in water, orange and tea.
Dinner. Vegetable soup, two slices of cheese.
Dinner. Omelette with mushrooms and stewed vegetables.
Fasting day. It is recommended to eat only fruits or vegetables. Apples are preferable.

Menu for 21 days

The menu for 21 days should be compiled according to the following rules:

  1. Breakfast should be light. In the morning you can eat: salads, lean soups, fresh vegetables and fruits, porridge cooked in water or skim milk;
  2. At lunch you need to eat something satisfying, but low-fat dishes. These could be, again, lean soups or stewed vegetables. In addition, dishes such as buckwheat, omelette with tomatoes, chicken breast, boiled veal or pork are suitable. From 13:00 to approximately 17:00 you can snack on sour foods;
  3. During dinner, it is recommended not to eat too much, since the stomach should not work while a person is sleeping. IN evening time day it is best to consume: salads, eggs, bread, cereals, boiled chicken breast, rice, vegetable stew.

Fruits and vegetables are suitable for snacks. You can wash down your food green tea no sugar, any natural juice. Regular white bread must be replaced with rye bread.

Every week you need to have a fasting day. This will help you quickly get rid of extra pounds and remove harmful toxins from the body.

Recipes for separate meals

You don't have to buy expensive components to stick to a separate power supply system.

Below you will find simple and budget-friendly recipes for every day.

Chicken breast with bell pepper

For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • a pinch of hot pepper;
  • 2 small onions;
  • greenery;
  • medium chicken breast;
  • a couple of red bell peppers.

Cooking time: 40 minutes. Calorie content: 500 kcal.

First you need to chop the onion and fry it in olive oil. After this, you need to remove the skin from the chicken breast, cut into cubes and place in a frying pan with the onions.

Add to frying ingredients garlic juice, squeezed with garlic, and a pinch of pepper. The remaining vegetables need to be cut and placed in a frying pan, then pour in its contents boiled water. Simmer over low heat for 20-25 minutes.

Simple salad for every day

This recipe is very easy to prepare, you will need:

  • cucumber;
  • tomato;
  • egg;
  • olive oil.

Cooking time: 20 minutes. Calorie content: 220 kcal.

Boil the egg. Finely chop the cucumber and tomato on a board and then place in a bowl. After this, cut the egg and add to the rest of the ingredients. Season the salad with olive oil.

Carrot and cottage cheese colettes

The following ingredients will be required:

  • 1 large carrot;
  • mixed greens;
  • 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • a piece of hard cheese;
  • salt.

Cooking time: 25 minutes. Calorie content: 280 kcal.

First you need to boil, cool, peel and grate the carrots. After this, it must be placed in a bowl along with cottage cheese, herbs and salt. The cheese needs to be grated on a fine grater and added to the rest of the ingredients.

Then mix the contents of the bowl thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mass. You need to make round balls from the carrot-curd mixture, after which they need to be fried in a frying pan on both sides. You will need very little oil, and frying will take a total of 8 minutes.

Meat stew with vegetables

Almost any vegetable can be used in this recipe, so the ingredients list will include the most popular ones. To prepare the stew you will need:

  • 400 grams of pork or beef;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 3 onions;
  • 2 sweet peppers;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • spices (pepper, salt, paprika optional).

Cooking time: 35 minutes. Calorie content: 700 kcal.

The meat must be cut into small cubes and then fried in oil (vegetable). It should be salted at the moment when it is already covered with an appetizing crust.

Peppers, onions and carrots need to be peeled and cut into cubes, the size of which should be smaller than those of meat. Peppers and carrots should be added to the meat immediately after cutting, but onions are placed in the frying pan only after the remaining ingredients are ready.

After completing all these steps, you need to cut the tomatoes and add them to the rest of the ingredients when the onion becomes transparent. Finally, add spices and pour in a small amount boiled water.

The dish must be simmered for 10 minutes, after which it will be ready. It's perfect for dinner.

Separate food menu for quick and effective reduction weights are compiled based on a special table of product combinations. The effectiveness of the diet is directly affected by compliance with all its rules. The cycle of separate nutrition is designed for a period of 30 days - otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved.

The essence and rules of separate nutrition

High efficiency diet is achieved through timed meals, consisting of strictly certain products, selected according to the principle of compatibility. There is no accumulation of waste and toxins in the intestines. Here essential principles separate power supply:

  1. Using a compatibility table when creating a menu. The right combinations are easily absorbed and do not overload the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Cooking simple dishes. Fewer components contained in ready meals, is better absorbed by the digestive system.
  3. Time intervals between meals. The body needs time to digest food. Therefore, for example, a gap of 2-3 hours should be made between lunch and afternoon tea. Too long intervals should not be allowed.
  4. Physical activity. Exercising also promotes weight loss and will speed up weight loss.
  5. Free consumption of certain foods. Watery fruits and green vegetables are allowed to be eaten in small portions between, for example, an afternoon snack and dinner. It could be melon, cucumbers or watermelon.
  6. Colon cleansing before dieting. Before 2-3 starts of the course, you should prepare the body by arranging fasting days.
  7. Minimum heat treatment. After long cooking many products lose their nutritional properties, A useful material are destroyed.
  8. Duration of the diet, repetition of the cycle. Well fractional meals lasts 30-90 days. If the regime is violated, you should start the diet from scratch (2-3 fasting days). It is recommended to repeat the course at intervals of at least 3 months.

An important part of the diet is dividing the days by type of food. This distinction helps the body better absorb food and reduces the load on the gastrointestinal tract. The diet should consist of a four-day cycle:

  1. Protein. This is where the cycle always begins. The main part of the menu is animal proteins combined with simple fresh green vegetables.
  2. Starchy. Daily menu made from potatoes, legumes, porridge on the water.
  3. Carbohydrate. "Dessert" day. You can eat chocolate, light desserts, pasta, etc.
  4. Vitamin. The lowest calorie day, the menu for which consists of fruits, watery vegetables, nuts, and candied fruits.

Product Compatibility Chart

Used to create the correct menu that fits the basic principles of a fractional diet. The product compatibility table for separate power supply contains the following symbols:

  • 1…16 – group numbers for compatibility comparison (both horizontally and vertically)
  • “*” - cell with repeating positions;
  • “-” is a bad combination that cannot be used;
  • “0” is a neutral combination;
  • “+” optimal combination of products.

To use the table correctly, you should compare the numbers of food groups from the first column and the first row, which you plan to include in your next meal. So, on a protein day you can eat boiled chicken breast (item No. 1) with a salad of green vegetables (item No. 10). This combination is highlighted in the table with the “+” symbol and is optimal. On the contrary, it is prohibited to cook porridge (No. 7) with milk (No. 12), which is indicated by the “-” symbol.

Product group number

Product group name

Meat, fish, poultry

Cereals, legumes

Butter, cream

Vegetable oil

Sugar, sugar-containing products

Bread, cereals, potatoes

Sour fruits, tomatoes

Sweet fruits, dried fruits

Green vegetables

Menu design principles

Separate meals for weight loss will only help if you follow the recommendations for combining foods. The table below shows foods that should not be consumed on certain days of the cycle:


A nutrition plan should be drawn up in advance, striving for maximum variety while following the rules from the compatibility table. Here is an example of a menu for 4 days:

Boiled eggs, lettuce

Stew chicken fillet with zucchini, green tea

Boiled lean fish, cucumber, celery and herbs salad

Green apple

Omelet, fresh cucumber

Rice porridge on water

Slice of grain bread

Buckwheat porridge vegetable broth, fresh cucumber

Boiled potatoes, nuts

Oatmeal on water


Pasta with tomato paste

Muesli with kefir

Dark chocolate

Whole pear

Orange, handful of nuts

Salad of tomatoes, green onions, cucumbers

Raisins, prunes


Strict adherence to a diet does not mean giving up delicious dishes. Recipes compiled taking into account the rules of product compatibility:

  1. Stewed chicken with vegetables. Rinse half a kilogram of chicken fillet, remove fat and films. Cut into small pieces of arbitrary shape. Rinse a medium zucchini, cut off the ends, remove the peel with a vegetable peeler or knife, and chop the pulp into cubes. Rinse 200 g of Chinese cabbage and chop into checkers. Peel, wash, and cut 300 g of potatoes into cubes. Combine all the prepared ingredients in a saucepan, pour in half a glass of boiled water, simmer the dish on medium heat and cover the saucepan with a lid for 40-50 minutes.
  2. Green salad with egg. Boil 3-4 chicken eggs, cut into cubes, removing the shell. Wash 100 g of iceberg lettuce, tear it with your hands or chop it into checkers. Fresh cucumbers rinse, separate the ends, grate into strips on a coarse grater. Wash a bunch of dill, cut off the stems, chop the greens. Combine the prepared ingredients, add 2 tbsp. l. yogurt, stir.


One of the weight loss systems is separate nutrition. For as many centuries as humanity has existed, there are so many opinions about this principle in food. However, everyone uses it large quantity of people.

The main thing in the article

The essence of separate nutrition

The secrets of separate nutrition lie in the quality and properties of the products. Its main essence is the compatibility of the food consumed. Separate nutrition helps to get rid of excess weight.

For healthy digestion, you need to know about food combinations. With the right combination of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, the body will be saturated with nutrients and the intestines will be cleansed of toxins. This way you can get rid of unnecessary harmful substances. But to do this, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with the principles of separate nutrition and the full compatibility of products, which will be discussed below.

Separate nutrition: basic principles

The system of separate nutrition was introduced to modern society in more detail by the naturalist Herbert McGolfin Shelton. The purpose of his work was to establish natural hygiene, including nutrition.

For the effectiveness of separate nutrition when losing weight, the following basic principles should be observed:

  • Nutrients such as fats, proteins and carbohydrates must be combined during digestion. Fats are neutral and can be combined with proteins and carbohydrates. But under no circumstances should you combine carbohydrates with proteins.
  • Products should be simple. Namely, one-component dishes are much easier to digest by the body.
  • It should take from one meal to the next certain time– at least 2 hours. Digestive tract must prepare for the following dishes, especially if it concerns the intake of proteins and carbohydrates.
  • There are also foods that can be consumed with separate meals, but separately from the main meal. This is milk, watermelon, melon. They promote weight loss and remove unnecessary substances from the body, and should be consumed 20 minutes before or after meals.

Remember these simple rules, and your weight loss will be more productive.

Compatibility of products with separate power supply

The basic principle of separate nutrition is, first of all, product compatibility. All products can be consumed, but only individually or in combination with acceptable values.

  • Main Products meat and fish should be consumed with vegetables, herbs, buckwheat.
  • Leguminous crops ideally combined with light fats: cream, sour cream, vegetable oil, as well as herbs and vegetables.
  • Sweets. It is necessary to limit their consumption, except for honey. Under the influence of sugar, fermentation occurs, and this leads to rotting of food, gas formation and other bad processes.
  • Bread, cereals, potatoes. Carbohydrates are different. Almost no meal can be done without these products. These products should not be used in combination with animal proteins.

  • Sour fruits, tomatoes. You can also add berries here. Tomatoes are in this group because they contain acid. These positions should not be combined with protein and starchy ones.
  • Sweet fruits, dried fruits. They are best consumed 20 minutes before meals. And, preferably, not to combine with anything. But, if you want to add something to them, then they can be combined with fermented milk products and herbs. It is better to use homemade dried fruits. They do not contain harmful processing, like store-bought ones.

  • Vegetables can be divided into starchy and non-starchy. They go well with all foods, only in the second group of vegetables interaction with sugar is not desirable. This results in strong fermentation during the reaction.
  • Milk. Very valuable and useful product. It helps babies grow, develop, and consume nutrients from birth. This product is to be used strictly separately.

  • Cottage cheese, fermented milk products- have good compatibility with dairy products.
  • Cheese and feta cheese. A complete source of protein and fat. Their not very salty types can be combined with tomatoes and sour fruits. But before eating, it is better to soak the cheese for 20-30 minutes in milk to get rid of excess salt.

  • Eggs. Protein product, which is necessary for healthy human nutrition. In combination with parsley, dill and other herbs, it neutralizes the harmful cholesterol in the yolk.
  • Nuts. You can also add seeds to them. It's kind of, vegetable fats, which are characterized by easy digestibility. Have perfect compatibility with cottage cheese, fermented milk products, light fats, tomatoes, herbs, sour berries and fruits.

More detailed product combinations can be selected in a special separate nutrition table. Having understood its essence, you will select a combination of dishes that will delight any gourmet.

Separate nutrition table for weight loss

The form is a square of 16*16 cells. Its left column lists products used in separate meals for weight loss. And the top line repeats the list in the left column. It is easy to navigate the presented table. All you need to do is choose the product you are going to eat and find something to go with it. suitable combination. A cell with a “-” symbol means that products cannot be combined with each other. “0” is a neutral combination, acceptable. “+” is an acceptable combination that is allowed by a system with separate power supply.

For example, you are going to eat fish for lunch. Look for it in column number 1. Next, you will prepare a green salad for it. You look for it in the table at number 10. Now connect these cells in the table, and you will see that there is “+” - an acceptable combination of products. In case of inconsistency between dishes marked with a “-” sign, select another combination of products.

This way, you can choose the right foods for yourself that will help you lose weight. Try to diversify your menu to make it tasty.

Recipes for separate meals, photos

The recipes listed can be included in the main menu of your diet. They are easy to prepare and do not require special culinary skills. It is enough to follow the basic principles and your prepared dishes will work to improve your figure.

Green salad with olive oil


  • 6 lettuce sheets
  • 2 sprigs of dill
  • 2 sprigs parsley
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil


Finely chop the green ingredients. Season them with a spoon of olive oil. Stir the salad. For taste, you can add a few drops of lemon juice.

Green salad with cucumber and sour cream


  • 2 lettuce roots
  • 1 cucumber
  • 2 sprigs parsley
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream (15%)


Finely chop the parsley and tear the lettuce leaves into small pieces. Cut the cucumber into strips too. Now season the dish with sour cream and mix thoroughly. Salad ready!

Vegetable pea soup


  • peas - 1/2 regular cup
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • bell pepper - 1 pc. (red)
  • onion - 1 head
  • potatoes - 3 pcs. (small)
  • dill - 20 g
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 1 teaspoon
  • water - 1.5 l


Pre-soak the peas for 5-7 hours (you can use frozen green pea, there is no need to soak it). During cooking, place it first in boiling water. Salt the water. Then chop the carrots and onions. Fry them in 2 tablespoons of oil. Add the fried mixture to the peas. Now peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes. Add everything to the pan with the peas, onions and carrots. bell pepper cut into cubes and add to the pan with the rest of the vegetables. Finely chop the dill and add it 5 minutes before the end of cooking the soup. Check the readiness of the soup. Select a potato and pierce it with a knife; if it gives in easily, then the soup is ready.

Using the same principle, you can prepare bean or lentil soup.

Omelette with tomatoes

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 2 medium tomatoes
  • 2 sprigs of dill
  • salt to taste


Pour milk into a deep bowl, add eggs and salt. Beat everything until smooth. Cut the tomatoes into slices (you can use mushrooms instead of tomatoes). Place the tomatoes in a frying pan greased with a drop of any oil. Pour the egg mixture on top. Cover with a lid and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Before the omelette is ready, sprinkle it with dill.

Separate meals for weight loss: menu for the week

Your separate meal menu may vary. You can change it by following taste preferences, food allergies or individual intolerance. You can easily select a replacement product in the menu from the table above.

Day 1

  • First breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream, 2 ripe kiwis, tea without sugar. There should also be no sugar in cottage cheese.
  • Second breakfast: apple or green salad with vegetable oil.
  • Lunch: 200 g boiled chicken meat+ 200 g broccoli, no salt. Additionally, you can eat a piece of low-fat cheese.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 ripe pear.
  • Dinner (until 19:00): vegetable pea soup. Can be replaced with beans or lentils. Omelette with tomatoes or, for example, mushrooms. Season it with herbs. Drinks include tea without sugar.

Day 2

  • First breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk or water, without sugar. An orange is suitable for dessert. Tea without sugar. Fast carbohydrates in the form of sugar are not needed here.
  • Second breakfast: sweet green apple.
  • Lunch: Lenten boiled fish 100 g, stewed potatoes, vegetable salad with sunflower oil. Tea or compote of dried fruits without sugar.
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt. You can add a few natural berries to it.
  • Dinner: green salad, dressed unrefined oil. Tea without sugar.

Day 3

  • First breakfast: freshly squeezed orange juice at the rate of 100 g of juice + 100 g of water. Rye porridge with milk. Tea without sugar.
  • Second breakfast: green pear or apple.
  • Lunch: boiled white fish— 100 g, green salad with olive oil. Herbal tea without sugar.
  • Afternoon snack: dates, dried apricots or prunes. Dried fruits of your choice, but not more than 200 g.
  • Dinner: boiled vegetables and omelette with tomatoes. Black tea without sugar.

Day 4

  • First breakfast: barley porridge with milk, 2 tangerines, green tea without sugar.
  • Second breakfast: any 2 apples.
  • Lunch: salted boiled beef - 200 g, boiled vegetables - 200 g. Unsweetened tea.
  • Afternoon snack: any nuts, as many as you want.
  • Dinner: boiled cauliflower, omelet with mushrooms.

Day 5

  • First breakfast: oatmeal on water with fruit, you can add 2 tablespoons of yogurt. 2 kiwis and tea without sugar.
  • Second breakfast: banana.
  • Lunch: boiled chicken fillet - 200 g, salad with fresh herbs and sunflower oil, boiled vegetables, broccoli and cauliflower. Drinks include black tea without sugar.
  • Afternoon snack: orange.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup. Unsweetened green tea.

Day 6

  • First breakfast: prepare buckwheat porridge on water, no sugar needed, a sandwich of black bread with butter, unsweetened green or herbal tea.
  • Second breakfast: red apple.
  • Lunch: vegetable pea soup, boiled fish - 100 g, green salad, dried fruit compote.
  • Afternoon snack: any nuts. Determine the quantity yourself, there are no restrictions.
  • Dinner: grilled vegetables without oil, or stewed. Green salad with cucumber and sour cream, omelette with tomatoes. Unsweetened tea.

Day 7

During the seventh day, you need to consume 1.5 kg of green apples in portions. Can be sweet. Only with breaks, divided between all meals. It is allowed to drink it with dried fruit compote, green tea, herbal or black. All drinks must be unsweetened.

Starting with the next week, the cycle repeats.

This nutritional system should be used by every person at least once a month for 1 week. Exceptions: pregnancy and allergies. By following the table system, your body will be cleansed of toxins, excess liquid. You will feel a surge of strength again, and your skin will glow with health.

Herbert Shelton - video about the principles of separate nutrition



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