The rhythm of life must be regulated. How to avoid constipation: eat right

Sometimes small changes in diet can improve digestion, such as relieving constipation. If you are suffering from this delicate problem, you will need to rethink your diet and eliminate foods that may be causing this unpleasant condition. Eat foods rich in fiber more water and avoid fried foods. This way you don't have to resort to drug treatment this delicate issue.


Help digestion

    Include fiber-rich foods in your diet. You've probably heard that fiber is essential for proper functioning. digestive system. Do you include fiber-rich foods in every meal? Believe me, this is the best prevention of constipation. Fiber speeds up and facilitates the process of bowel movements. The body should receive 24 to 36 grams of fiber per day. Below you will find a list of foods that are rich in fiber. Eating these foods will help you get rid of constipation. Try to include at least one of the foods listed below with every meal:

    • Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables
    • Lentils, black beans, kidney beans and other legumes
    • Peaches, strawberries, blueberries, papaya, apples
    • Almond, walnuts, peanut
    • Wheat, bran and other grain products
    • Flax-seed
  1. Take fiber supplements. If you're not sure you're getting enough fiber by eating fiber-rich foods, you can take fiber supplements. Typically, these supplements are sold in powder form to be mixed with water and then drunk. The composition of supplements includes fibers of plant origin. However, don't overdo it a large number of fiber can lead to diarrhea and other side effects. Therefore, take only the recommended dose.

    • Supplements that include psyllium increase the volume and speed up the passage of feces.
    • Supplements that contain inulin and oligofructose stimulate growth beneficial bacteria in the intestines, which also favorably affects the solution of this problem.
  2. Drink prune juice. Prunes is natural source fiber. In addition, they also contain sorbitol, which is a natural laxative. If you like the taste of prunes, you can eat prunes or drink their juice every morning. Prunes improve bowel movements and are the best prevention constipation.

    Drink yogurt every day. Sometimes the cause of constipation is dysbacteriosis in the intestines. Eat yogurt that contains probiotics. This will help restore the intestinal flora, which is extremely important for good digestion. Have a glass of yogurt for breakfast every morning. This is a great way to prevent constipation.

    Drink plenty of water. Constipation is often caused by insufficient water intake. If your body is suffering from dehydration, then most likely this delicate issue did not bypass you. Drink water with every meal and any time you're thirsty to stay hydrated. Drink 8-10 cups of liquid every day (1 - 1.2 liters).

    • When you find it difficult to go to the toilet, immediately increase your water intake. Thanks to this, you will avoid the deterioration of your condition.
    • Start your day with a large glass of warm water with lemon. This simple action will show that you care about the health of your digestive system.
    • Carry a bottle of water with you. This will actually help you drink, and it will serve as a reminder that you need to increase your fiber intake.

    Get rid of habits that can aggravate the condition

    1. Avoid certain foods. Processed foods as well as sweets flour products do not contain fiber, which is extremely important if you suffer from constipation. Eating foods that do not contain fiber overloads the digestive system and can lead to constipation. Eliminate the following foods from your diet:

      • White bread
      • Snacks
      • Fast food
      • fried food
      • Dairy
      • Sweets
    2. Reduce your consumption of alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic drinks such as wine, beer, whiskey and others lead to dehydration, which is reflected in the consistency of the stool. If you suffer from constipation very often, try reducing your alcohol intake. IN extreme cases you can have a glass of alcoholic drink. If you still decide to drink alcoholic drinks Drink a glass of water after every alcoholic drink.

      Reduce your caffeine intake. Caffeine can help fight constipation as it is a diuretic. However, if in your case this problem acquired chronic caffeine consumption may make your condition worse as it can lead to dehydration. If you have a habit of drinking three cups of coffee a day, try reducing your caffeine intake to assess your condition. Try drinking just one cup a day, or drink coffee or tea with low maintenance caffeine.

      If you feel the urge to defecate, do not ignore them. When you are on the road, it is likely that you find it difficult to satisfy the body's request for a bowel movement. However, this is not good for your digestive system. Delaying a bowel movement is common cause constipation. Therefore, as soon as the body gives you a signal, listen to it.

      • Try to follow the established routine. For example, you can schedule a bowel movement every morning. Over time, your body will get used to this schedule and the problem of constipation will bypass you.
    3. Stay physically active. Running, yoga and other physical activities improve digestion. If you're constipated, go for a walk or jog. Playing sports three or four times a week will be a good prevention of constipation.

      Change body position during bowel movements. Some people admit that sitting on the toilet is not best pose for the defecation process. Many of them have found that the squatting position makes the process easier. When you sit on the toilet, do not put your feet on the floor. Instead, use the footrests on the sides of the toilet or climb onto the toilet with your feet. Pull your knees as close to your chest as possible. This position will increase pressure on the intestines and make it easier to pass stools.

      • You can substitute a small stool as a footstool.

    Means of immediate action

    1. Try castor oil. This tool has stood the test of time. Castor oil acts as an irritant to the intestinal mucosa, resulting in a dramatic improvement in peristalsis. Take a teaspoon of castor oil to relieve constipation, but be very careful not to overdo it as this can lead to gastrointestinal problems.

      • Take the amount of castor oil that is indicated in the instructions. Do not take more than the indicated amount.
      • Do not take castor oil before bed, as this can result in you spending most of your time in the bathroom.
    2. Try Epsom salt. Salt mixed with water acts as a laxative, making it easier for the stool to pass out. Put a spoonful of Epsom salts in a glass of water, wait for the salt to dissolve, then drink the solution. After an hour, you should get the desired result.

      Drink dandelion tea. Dandelion root is a laxative that has been used for many years. Drink dandelion tea every day and you will not be afraid of constipation. This safe grass, which you can use as a laxative. Although not scientific evidence effectiveness of this remedy, experience suggests that dandelion tea facilitates the process of defecation.

      • You can buy ready-made dandelion tea in a pack or purchase dandelion root, dry it and drink it as a tea. Brew tea, steep for five minutes, then add honey and enjoy.
    3. Try senna tablets. It is believed that the laxative senna not only stimulates intestinal contractions, but also prevents the absorption of fats. This good remedy if the problem has become chronic. However, these tablets have side effects so talk to your doctor before using them if you have a digestive condition.

    • Feel free to discuss constipation with your doctor. He can provide qualified assistance.
    • Foods rich in fiber are difficult to digest. Constipation often accompanies high-protein diets (eg, the Atkinson diet). Carbohydrate-restricting diets most often restrict fiber and other nutrients. If you are following the Atkinson diet, include fiber-rich foods such as broccoli in your diet.
    • Painkillers often cause constipation because they slow down the movement of food through the intestines. Consider using loperamide. Its effects are similar to opiates, but it only acts on the intestines. Remember to eat plenty of fiber when you are taking pain medication. If the problem persists, you may need to try a stool softener.
    • Do not be shy; doctor hears about similar problem constantly.
    • Some yogurts sold in the dairy section of stores contain digestive enzymes.
    • If the problem is chronic, you should consult a doctor or specialist. Constipation is a symptom of many serious illnesses, including intestinal obstruction, colon cancer and rectal cancer.
    • Eat bananas regularly. They improve digestion and help with constipation.


    • If constipation alternates with diarrhea long time or you notice blood in your stool, then you definitely need to see a doctor.
    • Diet with high content fiber is good for the intestines (also possibly for the pancreas and heart), but don't overdo it. Too much fiber can reduce the absorption of nutrients from food by binding them in the gastrointestinal tract. If you are taking vitamins and nutritional supplements fiber, take them in different time to increase the effectiveness of vitamins.
    • Drink plenty of water. Too much water can lead to hyponatremia (lack of sodium in the blood) and may cause lethal outcome. Do not drink more than ten glasses a day. Do not drink isotonic sports drinks in large quantities.
    • Be careful when increasing exercise. Start small and see your doctor if you have a medical condition.
    • Avoid strong laxatives, especially if they are used for a long time. The importance of preventing constipation cannot be underestimated, but long-term use laxatives can harm the intestines and lead to dependence. You may need to take magnesium and fiber supplements for life if you don't get these nutrients from your diet.

How to avoid constipation

Like many who switched to a low-carb diet, I did not immediately adapt to the new nature of the diet. The fact is that with a sharp restriction of carbohydrates, constipation is possible. I will give you some tips on how to normalize the stool. The main thing is not to completely give up foods rich in vegetable fiber, drink at least 2 liters of fluid (preferably water) per day, move more, introduce bran and vegetable oil into the diet, if necessary, take a mild laxative. And now about everything in more detail.

Why is it important to fight constipation? Constipation disrupts functions gastrointestinal tract, and the effects range from fatigue, irritability, dull complexion, skin rashes and sleep disturbances to colitis, hemorrhoids, colon ulcers, etc. In addition, constipation is believed to accelerate the aging process of the body. According to statistics, in economically developed countries, 5 to 10% of the population suffers from constipation, and this has nothing to do with a low-carbohydrate diet. But, as they say, forewarned is forearmed. Therefore, I would like to specify in advance the measures that must be taken so that constipation does not become an obstacle to observing the Kremlin diet.

Summarizing the many definitions given by different authors, we can say that constipation is a reduced, difficult or systematically incomplete bowel movement.

Traditionally, the main symptom of constipation has been considered a decrease in the frequency of stools (more than 48 hours). But this is only partly true. The frequency of stool is different for everyone. For residents of developed countries, only three bowel movements per week can be considered the norm (its lower limit). Other stool criteria are also considered critical for the diagnosis of constipation. So, in the course of the studies, it was noted that 52% of those suffering from constipation complain of the need for straining during bowel movements, 41% of the presence of hard stools even with normal frequency defecation, etc. In 1999, at the World Congress of Gastroenterology in Rome, updated criteria for the diagnosis of functional constipation were adopted:

1. Straining.

2. Lumpy or hard stools.

3. Feeling incomplete emptying intestines.

4. Sensation of anorectal obstruction (block).

5. Manual allowance.

6. Fewer than three bowel movements per week.

If these symptoms are observed in a quarter of all bowel movements for 12 weeks a year (and not necessarily in a row), then we can say with confidence that you have constipation. Constipation can occur as a result of following a low-carbohydrate diet with insufficient fluid intake and low physical activity, with a complete rejection of vegetables and fruits, as well as for other reasons not related to the diet. In any case, constipation must be treated. If you have suffered from constipation in the past, this is not a contraindication to the use of this diet, but you need to take the following measures. So that the condition does not worsen due to the restriction in the diet of foods rich in vegetable fiber.

There are many classifications of chronic constipation (by etiology, topology, physiology). IN domestic medicine the most universal classification of constipation, successfully used today, was developed by A. M. Frolkis in 1979:

1. Alimentary constipation. Develops with improper irrational nutrition, mechanically and chemically sparing food with limited vegetable fiber.

2. Neurogenic constipation (most common and associated with impaired nervous regulation intestinal motility):

Dyskinetic constipation; caused by a slowdown in motility or intestinal spasms;

reflex constipation; develops with various diseases digestive organs, genitourinary system and other bodies;

habitual constipation; develops with the suppression of the urge to defecate; this happens when a person cannot empty his bowels due to some external circumstances (lack of a toilet nearby, fear pain with hemorrhoids or anal fissure, unwillingness to break away from some interesting occupation or work, the need to observe bed rest and use the ship, etc.).

3. Hypodynamic constipation. Caused by insufficient physical activity. It occurs in patients who are on bed rest for a long time, in pregnant women, the elderly.

4. Constipation due to inflammatory diseases intestines (irritable bowel syndrome). Often observed in patients with chronic colitis.

5. Proctogenic constipation. With hemorrhoids, anal fissure and other diseases of the anorectal region.

6. Mechanical constipation. It develops in patients with intestinal tumors, with cicatricial narrowing of the colon, mechanical compression of the rectum from the outside, etc.

7. Constipation due to abnormal development of the colon. For congenital megacolon, idiopathic megacolon, etc.

8. Toxic constipation. With chronic occupational poisoning(lead, mercury, thallium), with nicotine poisoning in smokers.

9. Constipation due to violations of water and electrolyte metabolism. With heart failure kidney failure and dehydration.

10. Endocrine constipation. With hypothyroidism, pituitary insufficiency, at diabetes, adrenal insufficiency, pregnancy, menopause, etc.

11. Medication constipation. Caused by certain medications (antidepressants, antihypertensive drugs, calcium preparations, antacids with aluminum, etc.).

It is clear that we are talking about the first point of the classification - alimentary constipation, that is, associated with a change in the nature of nutrition. The reason is clear, the task has been set, which means that half the work has already been done. It remains only to follow the recommendations.

If you act according to all the rules, then it is best to start treating constipation with a visit to the doctor. Organic and systemic diseases How possible cause intestinal dysfunction. However, there are generally accepted standards for the treatment of chronic constipation, which I advise you to adhere to. Therapy begins with simple measures that usually achieve the desired result. I offer you a universal scheme conservative treatment constipation, reflecting the generalized recommendations of many authors (Aminev A.M., Vorobyov G.I., Vavilova T.I., Mushnikova V.N., Tupikova A.P., Nasyrina T.A., Navruzov S.N. and etc.).

1. Change in lifestyle (daily routine, development of a reflex to defecate, gymnastics, increased physical activity).

2. Diet (foods and preparations containing dietary fiber). The diet should include bran (contain 53-55% dietary fiber), vegetables and fruits, Rye bread. Cottage cheese, eggs, nuts are undesirable in large quantities. It is better to completely refuse chocolate and pastry (and they contribute to the occurrence of constipation, and the amount of cu in them goes off scale).

3. Sufficient fluid intake. You need to drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day, not counting liquid foods in the diet (soups, tea, coffee, etc.).

4. Light and safe laxatives. You can try drinking a tablespoon vegetable oil for the night.

5. Cleansing and therapeutic enemas, hydrocolonotherapy. However, we should not forget that frequent cleansing enemas can lead to dysbacteriosis and a weakening of the natural reflex to defecate.

6. Bacterial preparations (probiotics, prebiotics). Can be used special preparations containing bifido- and lactobacilli or dairy products(yogurts, one-day kefir and curdled milk, etc.). Do not forget that if kefir has stood for several days, it already has a fixing effect.

7. Prokinetics (substances that accelerate intestinal motility).

8. Antispasmodics (with spasms of the intestines).

9. Exercise therapy, abdominal massage (smooth light circular movements along the intestines, clockwise), reflexology, electrical stimulation, magnetotherapy, mineral water, balneological treatment.

This scheme gives excellent results: most of those who were bothered by this problem, after switching to a low-carb diet, completely solved it.

remember, that harmonious work of all body systems - a guarantee good health and long life. After all, our task is not only to lose weight, but also to help the body function efficiently and easily.

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Constipation is difficulty with bowel movements for two or more days. It is chronic and acute. The appearance of constipation may indicate the presence of diseases of the intestines or stomach, but this disorder also occurs due to dietary errors or as a result of wrong image life.

To get rid of the disease, laxative medicines or home remedies are used: food and decoctions of medicinal plants.

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    How to relieve severe constipation

    Constipation is a disorder of the intestines, in which the passage of feces is difficult. It may be a symptom of some disease of the gastrointestinal tract or be separate disorder. Occurs in both adults and children.

    With severe constipation, there is no bowel movement for more than two days. When you try to defecate, only gases come out. If defecation does occur, then the patient experiences difficulties. Feces are very dry and hard, sometimes in the form of balls. After going to the toilet, there is a feeling of incomplete bowel cleansing.

    Additionally, abdominal cramps may occur, accompanied by flatulence.

    Constipation is considered acute if it starts suddenly, and chronic if its symptoms occur over several months.


    Medicines that have a laxative effect increase intestinal motility, contributing to its complete and easy emptying.

    There are two groups of drugs - used for acute constipation and used in chronic form.

    The following medicines help to cope with the problem:

    • Salt laxatives. Contain inorganic salts: sodium sulfate ( Glauber's salt), magnesium sulfate (magnesia), phosphates. This group drugs provokes mechanical irritation of intestinal receptors. They reduce the absorption of nutrients and water, and also contribute to the thinning of the intestinal contents. As a result, the process of defecation takes place. Magnesia should not be taken under reduced pressure.

    Salt preparations act after 2-4 hours. You need to drink them in the morning on an empty stomach. These drugs are classified as emergency therapy, they are used if you need to urgently remove toxins from the body, for example, in case of poisoning. After their use, abdominal pain and nausea occur, therefore, such drugs are contraindicated in chronic constipation, intestinal obstruction and in childhood.

    • Castor oil. This drug irritates the intestines chemically. A single emptying occurs 5-6 hours after taking the drug. Treatment castor oil contraindicated in pregnancy, as it causes contraction of the walls of the uterus, so the drug is used to stimulate childbirth.
    • Bisacodyl. Means synthetic origin causing chemical irritation of the intestines. If you apply it in the form of suppositories, the effect appears quickly. The drug relieves constipation immediately - in an hour. Most often, Bisacodyl is prescribed for intestinal atony (reduced peristalsis). The remedy is used for both acute and chronic constipation.
    • Guttalax. It acts by chemical irritation of intestinal receptors. The drug is equally effective against acute and chronic constipation. medicinal drops taken in the evening with water.
    • Laxatives are prebiotics. The safest and most preferred drugs for use. They normalize the intestinal microflora and promote soft emptying. Therapy with drugs of this group can take a long time without harm to health. These include Lactulose (and its analogues: Normaze, syrup Portalak, Goodluck, Duphalac, Prelax and others), Lactitol (analogues: Exportal, Importal N).

    Enemas for constipation

    You can get rid of constipation with an enema. If you do it at home, you need to carefully prepare the place and perform the necessary hygiene procedures.

    For an enema, only medical rubber pears with a soft tip are allowed. You can buy them at a pharmacy. The pear must be sterilized before use, and the tip must be treated with petroleum jelly.

    The best position for an enema is on your side or on your back with your legs bent towards your stomach. Inserting the tip into anus allowed in children no more than 4 cm, and in adults - no deeper than 6 cm. The contents of the pear should be injected while inhaling, slowly and smoothly. To install an enema, children use special baby pears (sold in pharmacies).

    During the procedure, the amount of liquid required by the prescription is administered, without exceeding the dosage.

    Therapy with folk remedies

    At home, you can help yourself or loved ones get rid of constipation with the help of folk remedies.

    It is necessary to consult a doctor before using them, because medicinal herbs have contraindications and side effects.

    Infusions and decoctions of plants

    Good for relieving severe constipation medicinal plants(their fruits, roots, grass, flowers):

    • Oat decoction. A handful of grains is poured with a glass of boiling water and warmed up a little over low heat, after which it is infused. Drink a decoction of half a glass three times a day.
    • Senna infusion. A very strong laxative. A couple of teaspoons of dry grass are mixed with 100 g of prunes and brewed with three cups of boiling water. Infuse for three hours, filter. Take three to five tablespoons every hour until the result is obtained.
    • Flax seeds. An infusion prepared from one teaspoon of flaxseed and a glass of boiling water is drunk every day in evening time(before bedtime). Before taking insist about six hours.
    • Dandelion root infusion. Two tablespoons of the crushed root of the plant are poured into a thermos and poured with two glasses of boiling water. The next day, in the morning, filter and drink the entire volume of the medicine in three divided doses half an hour before meals.

Today, everyone wants to lead healthy lifestyle life. Despite all the efforts proper diet nutrition, vitamin therapy and regular exercise stress There are no completely healthy organisms.

Constipation can appear unexpectedly in everyone, they rarely pay attention to it, believing that it is natural process digestion.

Defecation - normal phenomenon Every person. There are difficulties in this matter, but few people focus on this. However, if the symptoms worsen, such as severe abdominal heaviness and inability to eliminate this disease stool, there is a desire to urgently cleanse the intestines.

Constipation is a problem personal nature. It can signal the start dangerous disease. The first symptoms are not always recognizable.

This is where the question arises, how urgently in this pathology. Constipation is the delay in defecation for for a long time and the appearance of pain in the intestines. Each organism has its own individual characteristics, so no one goes to the toilet by the clock.

With frequent problems of this type, complications appear in the form of, and less commonly, prolapse of the rectum partially outward. Sometimes constipation indicates serious oncological diseases. Experts believe that food stagnant in the intestine forms harmful carcinogens, which ultimately lead to cancer. They are quickly absorbed into the walls of the mucous layer. Frequent occurrence disorder indicates a chronic illness.

The chair should be at least 3 times a week. In the event of severity, you should immediately consult a doctor, to exclude serious pathologies. It is necessary to find the correct cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

The most common causes of constipation

In order to correctly identify the cause of the delay in emptying, it is necessary to understand how the human intestine functions.

Fluids are absorbed by the large intestine. Stool is formed as a result of the movement of food through the esophagus.

Feces are stored in the rectum before the urge to go to the toilet arises. The muscles of these organs serve as an assistant, pushing food.

With insufficient absorption of water and the slow work of the muscle layer, the stool is deformed into a dry and hard state, thereby forming constipation.

There are several main causes of constipation in an adult:

  • Fiber deficiency. At enough fiber in the diet, the risk of stool disorders is reduced. fatty, fried foods upset the work of intestinal motility. Soluble type of fiber, helps to soften the process of emptying. Insoluble compounds help to remove all feces. If these are missing useful elements, a person suffers from constipation for a long time. It is necessary to quickly get rid of the disease.
  • Physical activity. In an adult, the symptoms of constipation most often appear due to an inactive lifestyle. Movement speeds up peristalsis. Their absence slows down the processes digestive tract. Metabolism helps to empty the rectum in case of severe constipation, so it needs to be stimulated.
  • Age. With age, a person's metabolic activity decreases, which leads to slow work. muscle tissue in the esophagus. This reason often causes constipation.
  • Diet. Dairy products do not contain fiber, only fatty compounds. Slow down digestion. Use meat products severely affects the intestines weakened with age. This food should be drunk big amount water, especially for people with physical inactivity. Unripe bananas do not contain useful trace elements, so they are poorly processed. Bread causes gluten intolerance, which is the main sign of stagnation. Sweets also slow down all the processes of natural metabolism.
  • Alcohol consumption. Alcoholic drinks are harmful to the whole organism, they interfere with metabolism. All these factors prevent you from going to the toilet normally.
  • Calcium preparations and iron. Calcium slows down the digestive system. It takes in too much water, so the stool becomes hard. Iron turns the stool black and dry, but does not slow down the process of emptying. However, due to such properties, .
  • Pregnancy. About 50% of women in the first trimester of pregnancy suffer from constipation. The hormone progesterone is produced in a double amount, acting as a relaxing agent for muscle tissue. For more later dates the uterus becomes large and presses on the passages, preventing the free passage of stool. If this is the main reason, you need to get rid of it urgently.

How to get rid of constipation at home for an adult in a matter of time

Unexpectedly, constipation occurred, what to do on your own in this case. Immediately thoughts come to mind about laxatives, they can be taken at any time. This is the most fast way it is normal to go to the toilet, but experts do not recommend constantly resorting to this method. Drugs over time cause addiction to the body, and it ceases to cope on its own. There are several folk recipes to urgently cleanse the intestines at home.

Oil-based enema.

You can resort to an enema, it effectively copes with constipation. There are also disadvantages this method, its frequent use leads to dysbacteriosis.

The walls of the rectum stretch under the pressure of the solution, and muscle activity weakens. If the disease is not a frequent companion, an enema will do its job well.

It is better to make an oil-based solution, such as petroleum jelly or sunflower. Heated to 38 degrees and gently injected into the body. Her action is mild, begins to help after 10 - 12 hours. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before going to bed.

Salt enema.

With severe stagnation, an urgent need to make a solution with salt. Add 1 tablespoon of salt to 2 liters of water. Applied one time. Such a solution makes the stool looser, forcing peristalsis to work.

However, do not get carried away with the process and the number of tablespoons of salt. If you do more procedures or add more salt, you can get irritation of the walls of the esophagus.

Treatment of constipation with drugs: 5 effective remedies

On the shelves of pharmacies are various medicines from constipation. They have different effect. Fast-acting drugs give results after a couple of hours.

However, they have a number of complications and contraindications. Their main goal is to quickly eliminate the disorder, forcing the esophagus to work actively.

Popular drugs for constipation:

  • Microlax- releases water enzymes from feces. Microlax does not harm health, exerting a gradual effect on the muscular structure of the intestine. Approved for use by children from 3 years of age and during pregnancy. Available in the form of microclysters. The price is 300-800 rubles.
  • Senade- Produced in the form of tablets. The synosides in the product act as a laxative on the mucous walls, irritating the receptors. Good shape normal process defecation, does not lead to the appearance of diarrhea. Valid after 10 hours from reception. Contraindicated in childhood and pregnancy. Regular use Senade has a bad effect on a person's well-being. It is intended for rare use, no more than once every 3 months. Price 500-560 rubles.
  • RectActive- used rectal method. Active substance glyceride drug. Due to this component, the result overtakes a person in the shortest possible time, from 15 minutes. It helps pregnant women well and during lactation does not have negative effects on milk. Do not use for people with kidney and liver diseases. Before use, it is better to get detailed advice from a specialist, as there are a number of possible complications. It costs from 200 to 316 rubles.
  • Defenorm- efficient and budget drug. However, it is not recommended for the elderly and children. The composition contains chemical elements, which I split hard chair. It is used before meals, normalizes the discharge of feces after 5 hours. It is recommended to take the capsules with 2 glasses of water. Price from 100 to 160 rubles.
  • Duphalac- a drug of mild action. There are no contraindications, it is allowed for children from 3 months of age. Constipation is treated in a course, gradually restoring the balance of the digestive tract. The cost is 250-1000 rubles, depending on the packaging.

Treating constipation with home remedies

It is not difficult to quickly get rid of constipation with folk remedies. Such treatment has a positive effect on the entire body, helping well even with severe constipation. There are no complications. The result will not be long in coming.

Here are a few good recipes from constipation:

  • Garlic- not known to everyone beneficial features garlic. It has anti-inflammatory and vasodilatory properties. Normalizes the work of intestinal peristalsis, helping to gently pass the feces along their paths. Metabolism starts to work faster. It is advisable to use only in raw form or in the form of gruel. Do not mix with salads or other foods. A couple of cloves in a glass of water.
  • Hot milk- as mentioned above, dairy products only slow down the emptying process. It is hot milk that can irritate the mucous receptors of the esophagus. Thus, stool discharge is stimulated. You should drink a glass or two, depending on the degree of constipation, on an empty stomach.
  • Lemon juice- citrus fruits help to get rid of constipation at home quickly and easily. in a mug with boiled water add 2 teaspoons lemon juice. The drink is drunk every 2 hours in a glass.
  • Aloe vera- for sure everyone has a plant - aloe. It well treats the human body at home for many ailments. It is necessary to make a tincture from the leaves of the plant, the helium base is cut off and added to a jar of water. A couple of leaves are enough. It is worth waiting until the solution is infused and after 10 hours you can use it. One tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • Linen- in its composition great amount soluble fibre. Regular use of the seeds will help cure constipation for a long time. It is recommended in the morning, half an hour before meals, to eat a small handful of flax seeds.

Do not forget that constipation can only be a symptom of a serious pathology. Frequent delays bowel movements serve as an occasion for immediate medical attention.

Treatment of constipation with folk remedies

To date, folk remedies can easily cope with stool disorder. This is not only a useful treatment, but also effective impact for all processes in the body. At home, you can cure digestive problems "tasty" and quickly.

In the first place in terms of effectiveness are fruits and vegetables. They contain a large amount of dietary fiber and fiber. Their regular use stimulates the soft passage of stool through the rectum.

The most effective for constipation are: boiled beets, cabbage, pumpkin, cucumbers and apples. Dried fruits have proven themselves well.

Properties to clean the human body. In ancient times, severe constipation was treated by infusing special tea decoctions (dill, flax, plantain or sorrel). The hotter such a drink was drunk, the faster it helped.

The most common folk remedies are various oils. With their help, curing constipation is very easy.

Vegetable oils are considered a strong laxative. They direct their action to everything digestive departments, envelop the intestinal walls and gently remove stagnant enzymes.

How to quickly get rid of constipation: another list of excellent remedies

Everyone wants to defeat constipation at home. Using both folk remedies and medications. To avoid such delays in digestion, you should eat right, exercise, drink plenty of water and check your body for possible diseases.

Sometimes this disease overtakes unexpectedly, introducing a person by surprise. In this case, you need to know what to do urgently to prevent heaviness and pain in the abdomen. Quickly go to the toilet will help glycerin suppositories . In an hour, the intestines are completely empty, you should not go far from the bathroom. Popular during pregnancy.

In the coming days at home helps water balance. As often as possible drink plenty of water. A small diet that restricts the diet in fatty and rough foods will lead to good result. With severe constipation, only fruits and lemon water are eaten.

In childhood and old age, it is recommended to do massage and play sports. Up to 2 years, special complexes for rubbing the tummy relieve the symptoms of diarrhea and improve the child's stool. People over 40 need to squat every morning or walk a couple of circles around the house at a fast pace. All these methods will help to urgently get rid of the stagnation of feces.

Chronic disease of constipation, treated only with laxatives. There is no other way. Choose the right treatment with tablets or emulsions. severe constipation effectively treats saline solution, which was mentioned above, but only once.

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    How does constipation manifest itself?

  • Hard, dry stools. Often - in the form of small lumps, similar to pebbles.
  • Feeling of discomfort and even pain during bowel movements.
  • Feeling that emptying is insufficient.
  • loss of appetite due to constant gravity and bloating in the abdomen.

Sometimes constipation is accompanied by cracks in the rectum or hemorrhoids. They are easy to guess from the blood stains on the toilet paper. chronic poisoning toxins from the feces leads to fatigue, apathy, bad taste in the mouth, sometimes - insomnia.


What is the norm?

Range medical norm very wide in adults. Healthy man can go to the toilet from 3 times a day to 3 times a week.

They say about constipation when there are less than 3 acts of defecation in a week.

The reasons may be different.

  • A diet that is low in dietary fiber.
  • Chronic lack of fluid (you do not drink clean water!).
  • Frequent retention of stool (you can't go to the toilet when needed).
  • Stress, including from travel.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.

Medications also lead to constipation:

  • anti-inflammatory
  • antihistamines
  • antacids
  • antipsychotics
  • diuretics
  • antiepileptic
  • calcium antagonists
  • calcium and/or iron preparations
  • opioids

In addition, constipation is a frequent companion of conditions such as:

  • pregnancy
  • diabetes, hyper- and hypocalcemia
  • neoplasms in the intestines
  • depression, anxiety
  • Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, dementia
  • spinal cord injury or disease

An important conclusion for everyone who is not the first time suffering from constipation.

Consult a doctor! An unpleasant state can only be the tip of the pathology.

How to get rid of constipation at home, if the problem is episodic?

Without drugs quickly and easily - enema

best method out of the category quickly and efficiently. Although the procedure is medical, any adult can learn how to competently do a cleansing enema with salt water.

What solution is better to choose for an enema? Salt, with a concentration significantly higher than the content of minerals in the blood plasma. So the liquid will not be absorbed in the intestines and will come out in full, taking the feces with it.

Proportion: for 1 liter of water - two tablespoons of salt without a slide. It is best to use extra fine grinding salt, pure, without iodine and other additives.

solution temperature should be at room temperature (20-23°C).

The volume that is injected into the intestine- 1 liter.

Here are some important details.

  1. Since the enema enhances the removal of fluid from the body, before the procedure, drink 1-2 glasses of clean water.
  2. Don't forget to urinate first. This will relieve pressure on the intestines.
  3. Use a sterilized Esmarch mug from a pharmacy.
  4. Distilled water is the best choice for an enema. The optimal compromise is boiled filtered water.
  5. Be sure to generously lubricate the tip. Vaseline or a homemade alternative - any oil, from castor to sunflower, will do. It is also desirable to treat the anus area, especially if there are hemorrhoids.
  6. At home, do not use tips longer than 10 cm.
  7. Place a towel or washcloth on the floor next to the toilet in case liquid spills.

How to make an enema - without pain, quickly and easily?

  1. The optimal position is lying on the left side. The legs are bent to 90 degrees to the body. No need to pull your knees close to your stomach. This creates discomfort during the introduction of water and does not allow the entire volume to be well distributed.
  2. Close the cap on the outlet tube of the Esmarch mug and pour in all the water.
  3. Now remove the air from the first third of the tube. To do this, open the cap, drain some water and close it again. Otherwise, an air plug will enter the intestines first. There may be pain or difficulty holding the solution.
  4. Lubricate the tip of the enema and insert into the rectum with a smooth screwing motion - no more than 10 cm in depth.
  5. When all the liquid has entered the intestines, remove the tube.

Some people immediately feel the urge to defecate. Others begin to feel it after 2-3 minutes. For maximum effect it is better to keep the water inside for about 5 minutes.

Another easy option enemas - oil. They will work within 8-12 hours. The video below briefly describes three homemade bowel cleansing options.

Potential harm of enema

Although the occasional use of mechanical cleaning does not harmful effects, with constant flushing, the risk of the following deviations increases.

  • Dehydration.
  • Changes in the balance of blood electrolytes (especially if used tap water). Among other things, this condition causes muscle spasms.
  • Large volume of water can irritate nervus vagus. This leads to bradycardia (slow heart rate).
  • IN rare cases, mainly in the elderly, cracks in the intestinal mucosa and more serious injuries are possible.
  • A popular myth is that a person who regularly uses an enema will no longer be able to go to the toilet on his own. Science does not support these speculations. In most cases, you can improve nutrition and return to self-cleansing.

Medicines to quickly get rid of constipation

Consider what offers us traditional medicine for first aid at home.

Note! It's not about systematic use laxatives. Determine causes chronic constipation the doctor should. He will prescribe the appropriate therapy.

The laxatives listed below are only for single use when you need to urgently clear the intestines.

With chemical intestinal stimulation


Enhances peristalsis by acting on receptors on the colon mucosa. Drops are taken with a small amount of water.

  • Action individually - in 6-10 hours.


Irritates intestinal receptors, increases mucus secretion. Can be used both inside (action - after 6 hours) and rectally (acts already within the first hour).

Analogues: Laxatin, Laxbene, Dulcolax.

Glycerin suppositories.

They are administered rectally, irritate the rectal mucosa, which provokes reflex defecation.


Contains herbal extracts. They stimulate peristalsis, increase the volume, softness and weight of the stool.

  • Works in 6-12 hours.

The funds listed are for brief use only.

Read detailed instructions with a section on contraindications. And remember: prolonged use is harmful to health.

With osmotic action

Magnesium sulfate.

It has double action: helps water stay in the stool and irritates the receptors in the colon.

Normacol enema.

Introduced into the rectum, increases the volume and mass of fecal matter and softens them. The drug is practically not absorbed by the intestines, its components are not absorbed and are not broken down.


It retains water in the intestines, due to which the stools become heavier and softer. The drug is not absorbed by the body in any way and is completely eliminated with stool. Does not irritate or harm the intestinal mucosa.

Analogues: Macrogol, Forlax, Fortrans.

With prebiotic properties


Compound of galactose and fructose. It is not absorbed by the body and is not absorbed in the intestines. The substance thins the stool, increases its volume, It also feeds beneficial bacteria.

In comparison with the mentioned drugs, lactulose is the most gentle remedy for overcoming constipation. Analogues are numerous: Dufalac, Normaze, Portalak, Romfalak, Laksalak, Livoluk, Laktusan, Prelaks.

Dosage should be select individually and build up gradually. Otherwise, already at the first meeting you will provide yourself with pain and strong gas formation along the intestines for at least a day.

If you do not need urgent cleansing in the next hour:

it is most logical to use average dose Lactulose (15-20 ml) or Macrogol. Take the drug in the evening. And in the morning on an empty stomach, drink any choleretic drink, for example, a glass of warm water with lemon. And put glycerin suppository to start defecation.

How to quickly get rid of constipation without drugs

Fast and easy are loose concepts.

  • If you want a 30 minute volumetric cleansing, scroll up and read about correct procedure with saline enema.
  • If you want to urgently go to the toilet on your own, then use glycerin suppositories and do not leave the restroom, sensitively reacting to the first urge to defecate. Alas, according to reviews, the remedy may not work when used on its own.

If your "quick and easy, but without drugs" assumes at least a few days, then comprehensive recommendations should be followed.

You can start with an enema or take a laxative at night (for example, Gutallaks). But at the same time actively switch to the right diet with fiber and liquid.

What to do over the next few days?

First, the optimal drinking regimen.

In the morning, start drinking - 1-2 glasses of water on an empty stomach. Then 1 glass of water before each meal - for 20 minutes. Another glass - between meals. In total, you need to drink 1.5 liters of pure water per day.

Secondly, along with water, include fiber up to 20-30 grams in food - at least in some form.

What can you eat?

  1. Wheat or oat bran, ground flaxseed (buy whole, grind on a coffee grinder). Pour two teaspoons of boiling water or insist in kefir. Consume with food.
  2. Psyllium: psyllium bran. They have a lot of soluble fiber, unlike wheat and oat counterparts. Quantity - from 1 teaspoon. We've been using this one for many years.
  3. Apple pectin. Another option for concentrated fiber. It is delicious and even kids love it.
  4. Cabbage salads, preferably fresh or sauerkraut. Stewed stews without potatoes from all types of cabbage with carrots and onions will also properly enrich the menu. And, you see, it's very delicious treat from the usual set of products.
  5. From fruits, pay attention to dried samples (figs, prunes, dried apricots), as well as kiwi and avocados. (2 pieces - 5.5 grams of fiber!) And a pleasant sourness for any salad. - very few carbohydrates, luxury healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and over 6 grams of fiber per medium sized fruit.
  6. Appreciate the variety healthy berries: blueberries, strawberries, lingonberries. Fiber in them is from 3 to 8 grams per 100 grams of product.
  7. "Fruit block" with prunes. At night, pour prunes (10 pieces) cold water(1-2 glasses). In the morning drink infusion and eat plums. For breakfast, we make cabbage salad with other vegetables and fruits that are high in fiber.

Folk remedies for an urgent effect

Here are some more effective alternatives.

Pickle from under sauerkraut: 1 glass every 4-5 hours. Nutrition at the same time - Diet 3.

Eat a salad at night raw carrots and apples. Drizzle with oil, preferably olive oil. Chew slowly. Minimum proportion: 200 grams of root crops and 100 grams of apples. You can add pre-soaked dried fruits. Start the morning with any choleretic food intake. The easiest one is to drink warm water(1-2 glasses) on an empty stomach immediately after waking up, in small sips.

Vaseline oil 1 tablespoon inside 2 times a day before meals - in the morning and in the evening. Diet 3 is also needed.

Mixture with buckthorn bark and hay grass. Attention! Fees are not “harmless and natural”, but a full-fledged laxative, often with a complex effect. That is, the retention of fluid in the intestinal lumen, and the stimulation of peristalsis. Therefore, it is naive and dangerous to drink such infusions and decoctions with the hope of "without drugs." Long-term use without medical supervision will only aggravate constipation.

Water with soda on an empty stomach- one of the most popular means V last years. The video below highlights important nuances For folk remedies to get rid of constipation forever without medication. However, in our opinion, it will not be effective against the background of the main mistakes in nutrition - lack of water and fiber in the diet.

Diet for constipation, massage and exercise

These are the favorite methods of those who are not ready to leave half their salary in a pharmacy for short-term relief.

  • Light massage and feasible physical education.
  • What to eat in the morning, afternoon and evening.
  • Features of effective fiber.
  • The treatment regimen that doctors act on when constipation is chronic. By the way, doctors are also not inclined to start with laxatives.

We hope you got the right answers to the question of how to get rid of constipation at home quickly and easily. Learn important and be healthy!

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