Complete analogue of bepanten. List of cheap analogues of bepanten, which drug is better

Bepanten is an external medicinal product intended to eliminate dermatitis, cuts, abrasions, scratches and other damage to the skin. The drug relieves swelling, extinguishes painful sensations, helps eliminate the consequences of insect bites and burns, reduces the manifestations of psoriasis.

The medication is also used to prevent and treat inflammatory skin diseases in infants. If you can’t buy Bepanten, then you can use its inexpensive and effective analogues.

Dosage forms and chemical composition of the drug

Bepanten is sold in the form of cream and ointment. The drug, intended exclusively for external use, is based on dexpanthenol. This substance, once in the skin, is converted into pantothenic acid - vitamin B 5. This vitamin has beneficial influence per condition skin.

Bepanten cream has a moisturizing effect and is therefore used to treat dry and irritated skin. One gram of the drug contains 50 mg of dexpanthenol. Auxiliary components – stearyl alcohol, propylene glycol, potassium cetyl phosphate, lanolin.

Bepanten ointment is intended to eliminate skin cracks, scratches, and diaper rash. This dosage form contains other auxiliary components: wax, liquid paraffin, almond oil. One gram of ointment, like the cream, contains 50 mg of dexpanthenol.

Use of the drug

Bepanten can be used to treat both adults and children. The drug is completely safe for children's skin, therefore it is permissible to treat the affected skin with both cream and ointment even in newborn babies.

What is Bepanten used for? The following indications exist for using the medication:

  • sunburn;
  • abrasions;
  • skin irritation;
  • scratches;
  • skin ulcers;
  • drying of the skin;
  • diaper rash;
  • bedsores;
  • prickly heat.

Bepanten is used primarily for prevention and treatment skin lesions in infants. Parents leave a lot positive feedback about the drug. The medication quickly eliminates skin lesions, has a positive effect on the condition of children's skin. The drug does not contain dyes or preservatives that can harm delicate baby skin.

High-quality and cheap analogues of Bepanten

There are quite a lot of drugs based on dexpanthenol on pharmacy shelves. Analogs are available for both children and adults. High quality, efficient and inexpensive substitutes Bepanten are considered:

All of the above medications are cheap analogues of Bepanten in action. They provide a good moisturizing effect, quickly eliminate irritation, and do not pose a danger to child's body. These drugs can be used to treat children of any age.

Bepanten or Panthenol – which is better?

If the question arises of what to replace Bepanten with, then the most popular analogue is Panthenol. This medication is sold in the form of an ointment and spray for external use. It is prescribed to children when the following skin pathologies occur:

  • diaper rash;
  • scratches;
  • diaper dermatitis;
  • sunburn.

Adults are recommended to treat minor skin injuries that appeared after chemical, mechanical or thermal exposure. Most often, the drug is used to eliminate scratches, burns, postoperative wounds, boils, skin ulcers, and dermatitis.

Panthenol is contraindicated for people who are sensitive to the components of the drug. Side effects are not observed when using the medication.

What is better to choose - Bepanten or Panthenol?

Bepanten is a drug aimed at stimulating regenerative reactions. Dexpanthenol, which forms the basis of the drug, is a derivative compound pantothenic acid necessary for the proper functioning of skin tissue. Dexpanthenol stimulates the appearance of new skin cells, relieves itching and pain, reduces swelling, and supplies the skin layers with moisture.

Panthenol – complete analogue Bepanthena, since it is also based on dexpanthenol. Despite the same chemical composition, the cost of medicines is different.

The price of Panthenol is determined by the manufacturer and dosage form, but on average it is 290 rubles. Bepanthen cost from different manufacturers ranges from 160 to 530 rubles.

Purelan or Bepanten – what to choose?

Bepanten and Purelan are analogues in action, but not in chemical composition. The drugs are based on different active ingredients. The basis of Bepanten is dexpanthenol, and Purelana is lanolin.

Lanolin is a waxy substance obtained by boiling sheep's wool. This animal wax, similar in structure to sebum, optimally suited for the preparation of ointments and creams. It gives the skin softness and elasticity and does not cause allergic reactions.

As a result, the skin is restored in a natural way. Unrefined lanolin has a specific smell and dark brown color. But for the production of Purelan, purified lanolin is taken, which is practically odorless.

Dexpanthenol is the basis of Bepanthen, a derivative compound of vitamin B5, which is quickly absorbed into the skin, normalizing metabolism in cells, accelerating the restoration of injured tissues, extinguishing inflammation, softening the skin. This substance is absolutely harmless to human body, therefore it is used to treat young children.

Lanolin and dexpanthenol are substances that have different purposes. Purelan is usually used by breastfeeding women to heal nipple fissures and prevent the appearance of new painful lesions. The medication is also used in cosmetology as a means to soften lips, calluses, and rough skin. The drug can be used to eliminate diaper dermatitis in infants. But it should be noted that Purelan has a rather dense structure, so it is difficult to spread on the skin.

The use of Bepanthen is wider. The drug can treat scratches, burns, bedsores, ulcers, skin inflammation, dermatitis of various origins, nipples and anal fissures. Bepanten has a light structure and is well absorbed into the skin.

Disadvantage of Purelan - high price. The drug costs twice as much as Bepanten.

But Purelan has an advantage: the medicine does not need to be washed off the nipples before feeding the baby. It is because of this advantage that Purelan is most often acquired by nursing mothers.

Dexpanthenol or Bepanten – what to buy?

Dexpanthenol - inexpensive Russian drug, prescribed to restore skin damaged as a result mechanical influences, burns, inflammatory reactions, surgical interventions. The medication can eliminate diaper dermatitis in infants and nipple fissures in breastfeeding women. It is not recommended to use Dexpanthenol for people prone to allergic reactions.

Dexpanthenol and Bepanten are analogues in action and active substance, but the composition auxiliary components The drugs are different. It was in excipients These are the disadvantages and advantages of these medications.

Auxiliary components of Bepanten are:

  • stearyl alcohol;
  • proteins;
  • liquid paraffin;
  • wax;
  • lanolin;
  • almond oil.

The auxiliary compounds included in Dexpanthenol are:

  • petrolatum;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • cholesterol;
  • methylparaben;
  • propylparaben;
  • isopropyl myristate.

From the above it is clear that Dexpanthenol contains preservatives and cheap fat components. Preservatives are methylparaben and propylparaben. Because it's cheap component composition the drug does not lose effectiveness compared to Bepanten, but loses quality and safety.

Dexpanthenol costs an average of only 140 rubles.

  • The advantage of Bepanthen over Dexpanthenol is its safety for the skin, inability to cause allergic and inflammatory reactions, or clog skin pores.
  • Dexpanthenol is purchased mainly by adults, focusing on low cost And high efficiency medicine. However, it is not recommended to use this drug to treat the skin of infants and breastfeeding mothers.
  • It is better for nursing mothers to purchase absolutely safe Bepanten for themselves and their baby.

Bepanten or Pantoderm – which is better to buy?

Pantoderm is an inexpensive Russian drug based on dexpanthenol. In pharmacies, ointment can be purchased for an average of 220 rubles.

Bepanten and Pantoderm have an effect on the skin similar action. Medicines are intended to eliminate burns, dermatitis, diaper rash, scratches, shallow wounds, and dry skin.

The medication softens the skin of the mammary glands, extinguishes inflammatory reaction, prevents the occurrence of new cracks in the nipples.

Attention, TODAY only!

Review of cheap analogues of "Bepanten" produced in Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Israel. Which drug is better to choose for newborns? Composition and prices.

Sociological studies show that the top ten most pleasant sensations for a person invariably include touching a baby’s skin. Smooth, pink, velvety, it has long become a symbol of tenderness and purity.

Therefore, even the most insignificant problem becomes the object of close attention of the mother. In this case, in the children's first aid kit there is always a proven and reliable means ambulance - "Bepanten" or its analogs intended for newborns.

What does Bepanten contain?

The drug first appeared back in 1944 in Switzerland, and immediately became popular, as it proved its effectiveness in practice. healing power. The tablets helped with advanced forms of stomatitis, the solution relieved post-operative constipation, and the cream healed eczema, burns, and improved the condition of the skin with rashes and diaper dermatitis.

Years passed. The formula of the drug has been updated and improved several times. But the main active ingredient has always been and remains dexpanthenol (0.05 grams per 1 gram of the drug). A derivative of pantothenic acid, provitamin B5, it is capable of restoring damaged tissue at the cellular level, relieves inflammation and strengthens the strength of collagen structures.

The composition of excipients varies depending on the form of the product. The cream contains inactive ingredients such as:

  1. Lanolin is a natural wax obtained by treating animal fats with alkali. It has excellent absorbency and ability to retain moisture.
  2. DL-pantolactone – stops development pathogenic microorganisms on the surface of the skin.
  3. Phenoxyethanol is a high quality preservative that preserves beneficial features cream for 3 years, subject to the storage conditions specified in the instructions.
  4. Cetyl alcohol is a safe emulsifier that provides a uniform consistency when mixed different substances.
  5. Propylene glycol - delivers elements to the deep layers of the skin.
  6. Purified water.

The ointment, in addition to the listed ingredients, includes a natural emulsifier and thickener beeswax, as well as almond oil - the best soothing, regenerating and tonic for the skin.

Bepanten does not contain preservatives, artificial fragrances, or dyes that can cause an allergic reaction or irritation, and is therefore recommended by pediatricians as a safe dermatological drug.

Mechanism of action of "Bepanthen"

What happens when the product gets on the baby's skin? Dexpanthenol is a provitamin B5. Quickly absorbed, this substance is converted into pantothenic acid in epithelial cells and becomes important integral part coenzyme A, which improves metabolic processes epidermis. As a result:

What analogues of "Bepanten" exist?

The variety of drugs in pharmacies is amazing. But if you take a closer look, it turns out that some of them are similar not only in their therapeutic effect, but also in their chemical composition. The difference lies only in the name, and even in the price. Why is this happening?

The fact is that the creation and launch of a completely new drug requires colossal sums, including development costs chemical formula, laboratory research, organization of the production process and testing. Therefore original medications always cost so much. "Bepanten" is no exception. On average, the price of a tube of cream or ointment is about 350-400 rubles. Rights to produce the main active ingredient for a long time belonged to a Swiss company, and this made it impossible for other pharmaceutical companies to release the medicine. When the ban was lifted due to the statute of limitations, analogues of Bepanten appeared on pharmacy shelves, but cheaper, since the use of ready-made and already proven effective developments significantly reduces the cost of products.

Russian analogues

The most inexpensive analogue cream and ointment "Bepanten" is the product "D-panthenol", produced by Nizhpharm LLC. Almost identical in composition, it has the same therapeutic effect, as the original, normalizing metabolic processes in deep and surface layers skin, removing inflammation and restoring the epidermis. Available in the form of ointment, cream and balm.

The main indications for use in infants are:

  • dermatitis;
  • cracks;
  • skin inflammation;
  • acne of newborns;
  • diaper rash and sweat rash;
  • allergic rashes.

This tool not only eliminates problems, but also prevents them. A thin layer of cream will protect your child's cheeks in cold weather. And in seriously ill patients, this drug will prevent the appearance of bedsores and trophic ulcers.

"Dexpanthenol" from JSC "Biokhimik" is a well-known analogue medicinal ointment. Gel-like structure yellowish color lies on the skin in a dense layer, is absorbed longer than cream, due to which it has a prolonged effect.

Used for treatment serious problems with skin:

And judging by the reviews of mothers, this is one of the best means for the treatment of cracked and inflamed nipples during breastfeeding.

Ukrainian analogues

The pharmaceutical company Micropharm has launched the production of Panthenol - remedy in the form of an aerosol for external use. The drug is recommended for various injuries skin and mucous membranes, enriched with vitamins A, E, F. The form of application is very convenient: shake the can several times and spray the composition onto the affected area. The spray looks like it's thick white foam tightly covering the wound surface. The duration of use depends on the severity of the disease.

Ryativnyk cream is produced by the Arterium corporation. It's a thick substance white, odorless, which has a dermaprotective effect, effectively eliminating inflammation and rashes. And thanks to the chlorhexidine included in the composition, it blocks the development of bacteria and fungi on wound surface. The creamy base softens and moisturizes the epidermis. Parents note an improvement in the condition of their child’s delicate skin the very next day after starting use.

Happy Derm cream, the brainchild of the Kharkov pharmaceutical company Zdorovye, is also created on the basis of pantothenic acid and fights dermatological problems. The consistency resembles a white gel. Easily spreads over the surface of the skin and is quickly absorbed.

Foreign analogues

Foreign pharmaceutical companies They also produce relatively cheap drugs based on dexpanthenol. On Russian market well known:

Give preference to German quality, high-tech Israeli technologies or support an affordable domestic manufacturer - it’s up to you. In any case, each of these drugs deserves to be in your home medicine cabinet and become a reliable assistant guarding your baby’s health.

- “Cheap “dexpanthenol” is no worse than bepanthen”

Benefits: Healing and restoration

Disadvantages: No

Once again, replenishing home first aid kit, I started thinking about what to replace the expensive medicinal ointment bepanthen, where the active ingredients are the components of the wound-healing dexpanthenol. The price at the pharmacy for Bepanten fluctuates around three hundred rubles. Only there are cheaper analogues, which will be discussed below.

Available analogues (for external use):

1) Dexpanthenol is an excellent ointment that accelerates regeneration processes in epidermal cells. Application is simple - apply to a burn as first aid. The drug almost instantly removes most painful sensations. The wound heals much faster with regular use. It is important to understand that dexpanthenol ointment, like more popular popular analogues, cannot be applied when purulent lesions surface of the skin, such as furunculosis.

The cost in the pharmacy is fantastically lower, at least twice cheaper than analogue. The price starts from one hundred and forty rubles, I don’t see the difference, so why, in fact, overpay for advertising? A consultant will never offer you an ointment just like that, so ask yourself.

After depilation:

After the disposal/removal procedure unwanted hair nothing helps as well as this wonderful miracle ointment. Instantly removes dryness, irritation, redness on the skin surface.

2) D-panthenol, an excellent ointment from the Nizhny Novgorod company NIZHFARM, has helped me out and continues to help me out in the most difficult situations. I use this remedy for cracked skin and for healing crusts in the corners of the lips. A couple of applications before bed are enough to get rid of annoying sores and other problems as quickly as possible. Almost everyone buys this ointment, preferring it to many similar drugs softening effect. Therefore, absolutely no advertising is required anymore! The list of indications also includes diaper rash, skin cracks, dry type dermatitis and many other skin lesions.

To nourish hair:

I often add the contents to a reinforced mask for damaged hair in order to improve its restorative properties. It is not without reason that dexpanthenol components are included in many professional cosmetical tools for previously colored hair.

The average price at a pharmacy has risen significantly over the past two years. From one hundred and fifty to two hundred and forty. This increase is likely due to the growing “exploded” crisis in the country. It still turns out to be somewhat cheaper than purchasing a bepanthine product.

3) Dexpanthene is found several times less frequently than d-panthenol. Ideal for skin care for babies and nursing mothers. The main active ingredient or dexpanthenol is at least fifty grams.

4) Panthenol cream with five percentage important substance It is somewhat cheaper than d-panthenol and bepanthen, and a little more expensive than the original dexpanthenol. The price at the pharmacy starts from two hundred rubles for a decent metal tube.

Healing of feet:

When dry calluses form on the feet, I always apply the contents of the cream with massaging movements. Then I put on cotton socks for enhanced softening properties. Literally a couple of such nights and the legs are simply unrecognizable.

Whatever ointment with dexpanthenol you choose, it must be stored strictly in a cold and protected place. sun rays place. The bottom shelf of the refrigerator works great, just close it carefully before putting it in a bag.

Be healthy and beautiful, it doesn’t matter at all with bepanthen or with an affordable analogue.

Bepanten is universal drug in terms of the speed of its impact, ease of use with skin problems, but in pharmacies you can also find analogues of Bepanten. So what is their difference from the original, is it worth paying more if their characteristics are similar?

The ointment is actively used to treat pathologies of the skin, which are accompanied by the formation of diaper rash, injuries to the epidermis, and long-healing wounds. The composition of Bepanten allows it to be used on damaged skin areas of any part of the body. It has a minimum of contraindications and a wide spectrum of action, so this drug is in great demand among both adults and parents for use in children.

Different release forms contain different amounts of active substance:

  • 1 g of ointment contains 50 mg of dexpanthenol;
  • 1 g of cream contains 50 mg of dexpanthenol;
  • 1 g of lotion contains 25 mg of dexpanthenol.

Also, each form of the drug contains auxiliary components:

  • protegin X;
  • stearyl alcohol;
  • cetyl alcohol;
  • white beeswax;
  • lanolin – sheep fat;
  • liquid paraffin;
  • soft paraffin;
  • almond oil;
  • water.

The main active ingredient is dexpanthenol or vitamin B5. When it comes into contact with the skin, it is freely absorbed by its cells and transformed into pantothenic acid.

Pantothenic acid is part of coenzyme A, it helps the skin regenerate faster. Under the influence of this acid, metabolism in skin cells is normalized, mitosis is activated, and collagen fibers become denser.

The skin takes on a healthier and more well-groomed appearance, it renews itself faster, and inflammation goes away.. The ointment is also suitable for treating unprotected areas, weeping wounds, and hairy areas.

A big plus of the drug is that it can be used for cracked nipples in nursing mothers without consequences for the child during breastfeeding, as well as in daily care for the skin of newborns - can be applied to the baby's skin under a diaper.

Proper use of pantothenic acid allows you to quickly restore the integrity of damaged skin.

Despite the absence side effects at frequent use, sensitivity to the components may develop, causing urticaria and itching. This suggests that you cannot use even the safest remedy thoughtlessly.

Indications for use

The drug is equally suitable for adults and children of any age, even newborns. Indications for use include:

  • Irritation, constant itching on the skin.
  • Hypersensitivity reactions.
  • Anal fissures.
  • Chemical, thermal, sunburn.
  • Animal or insect bites.
  • Symptoms of dermatitis.
  • Skin rashes and peeling in newborns.
  • Bedsores, diaper rash.
  • Cracked nipples during breastfeeding.

To effectively treat weeping skin areas, you should use the drug in the form of an ointment. Unlike cream, it penetrates deeper, softens irritation, soothes, and promotes wound healing. It is recommended to apply the ointment under the bandage. IN adolescence during puberty Bepanten is successfully used for acne.

For women, the use of Bepanten for the face is indicated for dry, sensitive skin types prone to allergic manifestations. When hands become chapped in the cold, skin is injured from detergents it is recommended to lubricate them with ointment, then in the most short time There will be no trace of problems left.

Bepanten is not divided into children's and adult's– this is the same drug and release form.

Popular analogues of Bepanten

The remedy, despite all its positive characteristics, not affordable for everyone. Therefore, people often look for cheaper analogues of Bepanten. These include:

1 Dexpanthenol. This is a full-fledged analogue, which is used even for infants. It comes in the form of an ointment or cream.

  • skin diseases in newborns;
  • dry skin;
  • 1st or 2nd degree burns;
  • diathesis;
  • cuts, abrasions or irritations;
  • healing of cracked nipples during lactation;
  • healing of anal fissures

2 Pantoderm. This Russian analogue Bepanten, but cheaper in price, is used for bruises and wounds as a means to accelerate the healing of damaged areas of the skin.

Actively prescribed for psoriasis, dermatitis, burns or diaper rash, and allergic dryness. During lactation, it is allowed to treat nipples with Pantoderm to prevent cracks. It will not harm the baby if it gets into the mouth. His, like Bepanten, it does not need to be washed off before feeding.

3 D-panthenol plus. This local drug, which helps regenerate the epidermis by restoring proper metabolism in skin cells. Its main thing active substance also dexpanthenol, thanks to which the ointment perfectly softens the skin, moisturizes and nourishes it.

This analogue can be used in the treatment of both minor and serious skin lesions. It can be applied to exposed areas of the body in cold weather to prevent chapping. Quality data useful for parents who are planning. This Bepanten substitute for children and adults also works effectively.

The difference in D-panthenol is in consistency - the analogue is more difficult to apply due to its greater thickness, it also acts a little slower.

4 Panthenol spray. This is an excellent product for external use, helping to quickly regenerate damaged tissues and improve trophism in them.

The spray is actively used for dermatitis and for the treatment of burns. This drug highly effective and completely safe, therefore Use it at any age and in any state of health.

5 Panthenol-Ratiopharm. – drug with wide range actions. It is equally suitable for all adults and is an analogue of Bepanten for children; it quickly treats skin lesions and is available in ointments, creams or sprays.

6 Moreal-plus- this is a spray that is analogous to the main active ingredient. The product is intended for washing the nasal mucosa. For parents experiencing difficulties with this procedure, we recommend that you read the article where we talk about saline solution and Aquamaris. Microelements in the composition of the drug normalize the functioning of the ciliated epithelium, increasing the resistance of the mucous membrane to diseases and cleansing it.

This the drug quickly thins mucus and normalizes its production, washes away street and indoor dust from the nasal cavity, reduces the intensity of local inflammation.

7 Korneregel- also an analogue of Bepanten ointment in its own way active component, is a colorless flowable gel. Intended for eye treatment; restores the cornea after injuries - burns, erosions, degenerative inflammatory processes.

Method of using ointments and gels

  1. Damaged areas of the skin are first treated with antiseptics.
  2. It is important to wait until it dries completely.
  3. Only then can you apply the ointment thin layer several times a day until complete healing occurs.

Bepanten for nursing mothers for cracked nipples, apply after each feeding, you need to do this until discomfort will not disappear. If chest pain persists before and after feeding, Additional information You can learn about its reasons from the publication. For newborns, Bepanten against diaper rash is effective and fast-acting remedy, be sure to include it in your first aid kit.

The drugs (Bepantent and the considered substitutes) have a number of advantages even over their analogues:

  • Wide range of effects - irritation, dryness, acne, cracks, scars.
  • Strong disinfecting properties. The drug prevents infection from entering the body through wounds. Bepanthen can even be used to treat cuts and scratches.
  • Bepanten, due to the presence of caring components in its composition, improves appearance the skin, makes it even and smooth, perfectly moisturizes the dermis and prevents excessive dryness.

Prices for analogues

The cost of Bepanten itself is 300-400 rubles per 30 g, depending on pharmacy chain. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

As an example, the cost of analogues should be given:

There are analogues of Bepanten that are produced abroad:

  • The price of English is 60-150 rubles.
  • The price of Polish is 250-300 rubles.
  • The price of Hungarian is the highest: from 290 to 380 rubles.

Bepanten has a wide range of uses. It is effective in the fight against burns, diaper rash, inflammation of the skin, and bedsores.

The drug promotes tissue regeneration. Basics active substance- dexpanthenol.

The product is made in the form of ointments and suppositories. The cream is used externally. Suppositories are used rectally. Comes with detailed instructions, which should be read carefully before use.

The price varies in pharmacies from 400 to 950 rubles and depends on the form of release, the pharmacy, and the region.

There are replacement options that can often be cheaper. However, such cheap analogues of the drug carry more restrictions.

Instructions for use

Bepanten is made in the form of ointments and suppositories. Candles are intended for rectal use, and the cream is used externally.

The cream is applied under a diaper or diaper on clean, dry skin to prevent diaper rash.

If the baby has minor damage to the skin, it is recommended to apply a small layer to the problem area.

The medication is applied several times a day until the wound heals.

It is used independently without a doctor's prescription, but you should still consult with your pediatrician first to avoid allergic reactions or other health problems.

Synonyms for the drug are also used only as prescribed by a doctor after examining the patient.

Cheap analogues of Russian production

Cheap analogues of Bepanten are medicines, which are reflected in the table below:

Name Price in rubles About the drug
Drapolene From 250 Used for wounds, burns, irritation. Available in cream form
D-panthenol From 159 It is made in the form of a cream. Used for dryness, minor injuries, burns, inflammation. Restores skin after damage
Dexpanthenol From 90 Gel and cream. Used for skin disorders, diaper rash, bedsores. Russian and Belarusian version
Methyluracil ointment From 65 It has a slightly different composition of the drug, but has a similar pharmacological effects. Used for injuries and allergies. Suitable for those looking for a cheaper option
Panthenol From 57 Release form: cream, spray. Used for tissue regeneration in case of damage, relieves signs of inflammation.

Used for burns, as well as for treating nipples during lactation. Relieves diaper rash. The most inexpensive Russian option

Pantoderm From 197 Anti-inflammatory and regenerating analogue. It is recommended to prescribe for injuries, burns, inflammatory processes, bedsores and diaper rash. Release form – ointment

Analogues of Russian-made Bepanten ointment have the same range of applications, but have big amount contraindications and restrictions for use.

You must first consult with your doctor. Options from domestic manufacturers always inspire more confidence among buyers than their foreign versions.

Other foreign substitutes

The list of foreign synonyms is quite wide.

Among the analogues of Bepanten for children from foreign manufacturers The following imported medicines can be distinguished:

  1. Aurobin, from 275 rubles, Hungarian manufacturer. Used to combat inflammation, soreness, bacterial and viral manifestations.

    Form release ointment and suspensions. It should not be given to children less than one year old.

  2. Vinylin, from 144 rubles, Ukrainian production. Used to treat injuries, inflammations, burns.

    May cause allergies. The cheapest foreign option.

  3. Depantol, from 272 rubles. Manufacturer: Ukraine. This cream is an anti-inflammatory, regenerating antiseptic.
  4. Desitin, from 257 rubles, the medicine is manufactured in France and the USA. Can be cream and ointment. Softens baby's skin and protects against diaper rash.
  5. Drapolene, from 254 rubles, medicine from a Polish manufacturer, release form - ointment.

    Used for the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases in infants. Local antiseptic.

  6. Panthenol, from 254 rubles. Manufactured in Germany. Indications: inflammatory diseases, burns, dermatitis, damage. The best synonym.
  7. Sudocrem, from 333 rubles, manufactured in Ireland and the USA. Hypoallergenic cream, softens and soothes the skin, heals wounds.

    Has a local anesthetic effect, is antibacterial drug. Analogue of Bepanten cream.

Ointment and suspensions are intended for children. The medicine has anti-inflammatory, regenerating and disinfecting properties.

The medication has virtually no side effects or contraindications for use. Generics very often do not have the full spectrum of effects of Bepanthen.

It is positively perceived by pediatric patients. IN in rare cases, patients may experience allergic reactions.

Change to cheap option medication is possible only as directed by the attending physician. Mothers trust the health of their baby to Bepanten.

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