Diaper dermatitis treatment and symptoms, photos. Diaper dermatitis in infants: symptoms, treatment, photos How to quickly cure diaper dermatitis in infants

Many parents have had to deal with diaper rash and rashes on the buttocks of a small child. This is due to the structural features of the skin of young children - any friction, wet environment, poor-quality diapers can cause an inflammatory process. Diaper dermatitis in the photo looks like spots and peeling of different sizes, the color can be from pale pink to red. How to avoid the appearance of dermatitis? What medications are safe for children's skin?

Diaper dermatitis - what is it?

Diaper dermatitis occurs when the skin comes into contact with diapers; the disease is diagnosed in children under 2–3 years of age, until the child learns to control the process of urination. The disease is widespread, occurring in 30–60% of children. The peak of pathology occurs at the age of 4–6 months, when babies begin to actively move.

Diaper dermatitis is often a sign or consequence of other pathologies:

  • atopic dermatitis - appears in different parts of the body, gradually descends to the groin area, while the child constantly itches;
  • abrasions - occur when the diaper size is incorrectly selected, quickly disappear without any treatment when changing the diaper size;
  • seborrheic dermatitis - appears on the scalp in the form of a bright red rash, gradually moves to the buttocks;
  • perianal - often occurs in babies who are bottle-fed, the rash is localized in the anus.

Important! Sometimes, simply changing the brand of diaper is enough to eliminate diaper dermatitis.


The main cause of diaper dermatitis is prolonged skin contact with a wet diaper. Urine does not evaporate; inflammation begins against the background of the skin being exposed to uric acid and other substances that are part of urine and feces. The simultaneous impact of urine and feces on the skin is also important - this leads to an increased damaging effect.

The following factors can provoke the appearance of film dermatitis:

  • neglect of hygiene rules;
  • allergic reaction to detergents and chemical products;
  • individual intolerance to children's cosmetics;
  • poor quality diapers that do not allow air to pass through;
  • concomitant pathologies, diathesis;
  • incorrect diaper size, and, as a result, mechanical friction of the skin;
  • contact with microbes.

Candidiasis diaper dermatitis occurs in children as a result of skin damage by fungi of the genus Candida after antibacterial therapy; it often occurs in babies who are bottle-fed.

The cause of the disease can be some features of the body - atopic predisposition, high ammonia content in the urine, weak immunity, diarrhea.

Important! Many people think that diaper irritation occurs, but in fact, high-quality diapers can significantly reduce the incidence of the disease and the degree of its manifestation.


Diaper dermatitis occurs in areas of skin contact with feces and urine - buttocks, genitals. What does this type of dermatitis look like? At the initial stage, redness, blisters, and peeling appear on the skin. If the pathology is left unattended, the blisters can turn into ulcers with pus, spread to the back and abdomen, and severe swelling appears.

Signs of diaper dermatitis:

  • the rash does not go away for more than 4 days, has a clear border, peeling layers of the epidermis are visible;
  • the baby becomes restless, constantly reaching for the diaper, trying to take it off;
  • Often the disease occurs when new foods are introduced into the child’s diet.

Important! A distinctive feature of ordinary diaper dermatitis from other types (candidiasis, seborrheic, atopic) is that with this type of dermatitis the folds of the skin are almost never affected.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of an external examination, the results of a clinical blood test, and a stool test for dysbacteriosis to determine the specific type of pathogen.

When is it necessary to urgently take your child to the doctor? Sometimes diaper dermatitis can be a symptom of serious pathologies. Urgent medical attention is needed if the baby has a fever, the rash turns purple-blue, or the child has purulent discharge and ulcers.

Diaper dermatitis: photo

Treatment methods

If treatment for diaper dermatitis is not started on time, then secondary infections will begin to appear against its background, and the inflammatory process will begin to penetrate into the inner layers of the epidermis.

Important! Dr. Komarovsky says that frequent air baths will help quickly cure dermatitis at the initial stage. Children's skin has the ability to recover very quickly - if the cause of irritation is eliminated, the disease will disappear within a few days.

How to treat diaper dermatitis in children:

  1. At the initial stage, you should treat the skin with a 2% solution of brilliant green; it is better to sprinkle the affected areas not with talcum powder, but with Baneocin powder.
  2. When diagnosing fungal diaper dermatitis, the doctor will help you choose an antifungal ointment - Ecodax, Travogen. From the first days of life you can use Nystatin, Pimafucin. The products should be applied to clean, dry skin twice a day. Duration of therapy is a week.
  3. Drying ointments – Desitin.
  4. Preparations for restoring the epithelium and improving protective functions - Bepanten, D-Panthenol.
  5. Panthenol Spray will help speed up the regeneration process. It can be used to treat infants.

Important! Do not use powders and ointments on the same affected areas at the same time.

For the treatment of adults, antibacterial agents are used - Nystatin, Levorin. Additionally, tablets and ointments from the azole class are prescribed - Ketoconazole, Itraconazole. Antifungal ointments and creams should be applied to the skin 2-3 times a day. Duration of therapy is 14 days.

Folk remedies

Non-traditional treatment methods effectively help relieve a child from itching, flaking; decoctions soften the skin and eliminate inflammatory processes.

The most popular method for treating diaper dermatitis is an oat bath. Brew 250 ml of 25 g of crushed raw materials, strain after half an hour, pour into the baby’s bathing water. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

As an emergency aid to eliminate severe itching, you can use raw potatoes - peel the vegetable, grind it in a blender, apply the pulp to the affected areas for 25 minutes, remove the residue with a damp cotton pad. To enhance the effect, the potato mass can be mixed with an equal amount of chopped celery root.

For the treatment and prevention of film dermatitis and other skin rashes, you can use string, chamomile, and celandine. From the herbs you need to prepare an infusion of 20 g of dry raw materials and 220 ml of boiling water, leave in a closed container for half an hour, pour into a bath, and bathe the baby.

St. John's wort oil helps to quickly cope with inflammatory processes on the skin - grind 30 fresh herbs, pour in 200 ml of olive oil, put the mixture in a warm place for 14 days, stir daily. Apply the medicine to the affected areas twice a day.

Prevention of diaper dermatitis

In addition to timely treatment of dermatitis, you need to know how to prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

Preventive actions:

  • frequent changes of diapers and diapers - diapers need to be changed every 3-4 hours, regardless of the time of day;
  • do not use waterproof diapers - candidal dermatitis always develops in conditions of high humidity;
  • choose high-quality diapers, purchase them in pharmacies and specialized points of sale;
  • After each bowel or bladder movement, the baby must be washed with warm water and neutral soap.

To avoid the appearance of skin rashes, the child must be dressed according to the weather, and the air in the room must have optimal temperature and humidity levels.

Diaper dermatitis is a common disease among young children, but parents can prevent its occurrence. The basic rules are to follow hygiene rules, use high-quality diapers, and often give the baby air baths.

Skin rashes in young children - quite common phenomenon. One of the most common types of such rashes is diaper dermatitis.

Pathology develops, mainly in infants in the first months of life (hence the name of the disease), however, it can also manifest itself at a later age.

The appearance of signs of diaper dermatitis is associated with the structural features of the skin of a small child. The skin of children in the first months of life is very delicate and sensitive to various kinds of negative influences.

As a result of such influences, damage to the upper layers of the dermis, if a microbial infection is also added to the inflammation of the skin, the child’s condition can worsen significantly. We will talk about the treatment of diaper dermatitis in children in the article.

Characteristics of the disease

What does diaper dermatitis look like in children? Photo:

The skin of newborns and infants is very sensitive and prone to inflammation and irritation. These negative phenomena arise due to the impact on the upper layers of the skin. Such impacts may be:

  • mechanical(when using low-quality materials made from rough materials);
  • physical(if the diaper or diaper is not changed for a long time after the child has urinated or defecated. In this case, increased humidity and temperature of the skin can lead to the development of irritations);
  • chemical(a child’s urine and feces contain chemically active substances such as ammonia and enzyme elements that have a negative effect on the condition of the skin).

As a result of such exposure, redness, rashes, and irritation occur on the child’s skin.

If there is a bacterial infection that affects damaged skin, painful wounds and ulcers may form on the surface of the skin.

The course of the disease is also influenced by factors such as food quality(the chemical composition of feces, the content of active elements in them that can irritate the skin), and the characteristics of the skin (for example, its increased sensitivity) depend on this.


Diaper dermatitis occurs in children of all ages; the disease most often occurs at the age of 6-12 months., when there is the introduction of complementary foods and a change in the nature of nutrition (in this case, urine and feces contain a larger amount of chemically active substances).

Manifestations of pathology can also occur in older children, up to 3 years of age.

The development of the disease can lead to a wide variety of factors.

In young children

In older children

  1. Prolonged contact with a wet diaper or diaper.
  2. Difficulty in accessing oxygen to certain areas of the skin.
  3. Damage to the skin by a fungal or bacterial infection.
  4. Using low-quality disposable diapers that rub the skin.
  5. Improper hygienic care of a newborn.
  6. Use of unsuitable hygiene products.
  7. Increased skin sensitivity, tendency to allergic reactions.
  1. A change in the nature of nutrition, resulting in a change in the composition of feces.
  2. Disturbance of metabolic processes in the body.
  3. The use of drugs that have an antimicrobial effect, contributing to the development of dysbacteriosis.

Classification and forms of the disease

Depending on certain criteria, there are many varieties diaper dermatitis.

Classification criterion

Types of disease

Localization of rashes

Diaper dermatitis can occur on various parts of the baby's body. The most common locations for rashes are:

  1. Neck folds. Dermatitis develops as a result of frequent regurgitation. Vomit in this case can irritate the skin.
  2. Anal area, buttocks. It develops when the child’s stool contains a large amount of digestive enzymes that irritate the skin.
  3. Groin area. Occurs with prolonged contact with a wet diaper or diaper.

Type of rash

The nature of the rash with diaper dermatitis can be different:

  1. Skin chafing is considered common and occurs when using rough diapers or diapers that are too large.
  2. Seborrhea. The rash appears as bright red spots. Over time, yellow scales form on the affected area of ​​the skin.
  3. Candidal dermatitis occurs due to long-term use of antibacterial drugs. A bright red rash can affect various parts of the body. As the disease progresses, infection of the deeper layers of the dermis is possible.
  4. . Affects the buttocks and groin area. It appears as bright red spots on the skin, accompanied by severe itching.
  5. Impetigo (staphylococcal dermatitis). The rash in this case can be different. In the bullous form of the pathology, small blisters appear on the child’s skin. The non-bullous form is characterized by the appearance of cicatricial rashes.

Stage of pathology development

At the first stage of the disease, the upper (stratum corneum) layer of the skin is affected. The second stage is characterized by a violation of the integrity of the skin, the formation of ulcers and wounds. At the third stage, the skin is restored.

Localization and manifestations of pathology

The rashes characteristic of diaper dermatitis can affect various parts of the baby's body. Most often the rash appears in those places where there are physiological skin folds(neck, armpits, groin area).

The rash also occurs on areas of the skin that are in direct contact with feces ( genitals, buttocks). Some forms of diaper dermatitis provoke the appearance of a rash on the baby’s stomach and thighs.

The rashes, depending on their type, may look different. Most often in children, the rash appears as bright red spots, but it can also occur bubbles small in size, or scar formations.

Often on the affected areas it forms yellow crust or individual flakes. Damaged skin may become wet or peel. If left untreated, a severe form of diaper dermatitis develops.

In this case, elements filled with purulent contents appear on the skin, and swelling of the skin develops.


To make a diagnosis, usually only a visual examination of the child by a doctor is sufficient. The doctor may also require an anamnesis of the disease (information about the child’s nutrition, hygiene care).

For long-term pathology, it is required swab from the affected area of ​​skin. This is necessary to exclude or confirm secondary infection.

Treatment methods

How and with what to treat the baby? To eliminate the pathology, it is necessary to provide the child with proper hygiene care.

You will also need to use topical anti-inflammatory drugs (creams, ointments).

For the treatment of diaper dermatitis, not complicated by microbial infections, necessary:

  1. Remove the diaper, rinse the baby's groin area and buttocks with warm water.
  2. It is necessary to limit the use of various hygiene products; you can only use hypoallergenic baby soap.
  3. After washing, you need to carefully pat your skin with a soft cloth, avoiding rubbing and sudden movements that can injure already damaged skin.
  4. After this, the child’s skin can be treated decoction of oak bark, chamomile. It is also recommended to ventilate the skin (air baths for 5-10 minutes).
  5. It is necessary to apply a medicinal product that has regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects to the affected areas ( Zinc ointment, Bepanten, Sudocrem).

For treatment candidiasis diaper dermatitis It is also important to follow the rules of hygienic care.

It is necessary to change wet diapers immediately after the child has emptied his bowels or bladder (not only changing the diaper, but also washing it is recommended).

It is necessary to dress the child correctly in accordance with the temperature conditions of the room where the baby is located. If you dress your baby too warmly, he will sweat, and this will lead to increased skin moisture, and, as a result, further development of the disease.

Traditional medicine

What can be done to cure it? To relieve inflammation, itching and swelling that appear during the development of diaper dermatitis, it is recommended to treat the baby’s skin with decoctions of herbs, such as celandine, string, chamomile.

To prepare the decoction you need 2 tbsp. pour 0.5 l of raw materials. boiling water, heat in a water bath for 10 minutes.

After this, strain the broth and cool. Soak clean gauze in the broth, wipe the child’s skin, or leave as a compress for 10 minutes.

Decoctions are also useful to add to the bath while bathing the baby. In addition to herbal decoctions, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

If diaper dermatitis develops, it is necessary to provide the child with sufficient fluid intake.

Lack of fluid can lead to dry skin, making it more sensitive to various negative influences.

The same result is caused by insufficient air humidity in the children's room, frequent use of hygiene products for washing the child, which can destroy natural protective fat layer skin.

Disposable diapers and proper hygiene care

It is necessary to change disposable diapers for a child suffering from diaper dermatitis as often as possible(compared to healthy children).

In general, such diapers should be used as rarely as possible, for example, at night or during walks.

It is important to choose products High Quality made from soft materials.

In addition, the diaper must be the right size. A diaper that is too tight or, conversely, large can rub the skin, which provokes the development of the disease.

Before each diaper change, the baby must be washed with warm running water. You can use special baby soap, or even do without hygiene products(it is recommended to wash with soap no more than 1-2 times a day).

After washing, remove any remaining moisture from the skin. It is recommended to leave the child naked for a few minutes so that the skin can be saturated with oxygen.


In order to prevent the development of such an unpleasant phenomenon as diaper dermatitis, it is necessary to follow simple preventive rules:

Diaper dermatitis, which occurs in young children, causes the child a lot of anxiety, interferes with normal sleep and wakefulness patterns.

In addition, pathology can provoke the development of more serious problems, in particular the addition of a secondary bacterial infection. Therefore, when the first signs of dermatitis appear on the skin, it is necessary to begin treatment.

How to cure diaper dermatitis? Advice for a young mother in this video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!

Many parents, having small children from birth to 3 years old, are faced with the problem of diaper dermatitis.

Often, uninformed mothers confuse it with, or. But only a pediatrician can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.

Definition of disease

Diaper dermatitis is an inflammation of areas of the baby's epidermis in areas in contact with diapers or diapers. This problem is typical for children under three years of age. Newborns are especially susceptible to this disease, whose delicate skin is most prone to the influence of external environmental factors.

Almost 60% of children under one year old face this problem. Girls and bottle-fed babies are especially vulnerable to it. With age, the risk of this disease decreases.

Stages and their features

Diaper dermatitis is usually local in nature, that is, it occurs in places where the dermis rubs against a diaper or diaper or when skin comes into contact with skin. If redness or rash is noticed on the face or other areas of the body that are not subject to friction, then allergies or other skin diseases should be excluded. There are different types of such skin inflammation:

  1. Cervical. It occurs with frequent regurgitation, when gastric masses get under the baby’s clothes or diaper, causing diaper rash underneath and inflammation of the epidermal layer between the folds of the neck.
  2. Perianal. Appears around the baby's anus due to prolonged contact of the skin with feces.
  3. Inguinal. Only the baby's groin is affected due to rubbing against the edges of the diaper or the baby being in a wet diaper or underwear for a long time.
  4. Genital dermatitis. Irritation occurs as a result of the characteristics of the baby's urine.

Depending on the degree of neglect, such skin inflammation can be divided into three stages:

  1. Easy stage- looks like mild redness, which quickly disappears after eliminating adverse effects or treating the dermis with a special product. The inflamed area of ​​skin is usually small and may develop a slight rash. Usually prickly heat at this stage does not cause much inconvenience to the baby.
  2. Average degree- the redness becomes quite bright, acquiring a crimson tint. Swelling and a profuse rash in the form of small blisters filled with liquid may appear. The baby’s well-being deteriorates significantly, he begins to be capricious and sleeps poorly.
  3. Severe degree- the entire skin of the child under the diaper swells, acquires a burgundy color, the inflammation spreads to the stomach, hips and back. This degree is accompanied by an abundance of large weeping blisters, ulcerations, deep wounds and cracks. Very often, infections are associated with this stage of the disease. This condition occurs when the disease is very advanced and can lead to deeper damage to the epidermis and even an abscess.

In the photographs below you can see examples of what diaper dermatitis looks like in a child:

Causes of rashes

The main reason is considered to be improper care of the child and infrequent hygiene procedures. But there are children who are especially prone to inflammation in the dermis. This risk group includes infants with a weak immune system, impaired stool and water-salt balance in the body, children prone to allergic reactions and high levels of ammonia in the urine.

You can also divide the causes of this disease in children into 4 groups:

  1. Mechanical, which consist of friction of the epidermis against the fabric of a diaper or diaper, resulting in abrasions. In the absence of proper care and treatment, they turn into dermatitis, which can progress, spreading to healthy areas of the baby’s body and forming erosion and cracks where infection can get.
  2. Chemical, which occur when the dermis is affected by ammonia, which is present in the baby’s urine in high concentrations. A child's skin may also react to some components of the laundry detergent.
  3. Physical, appear due to infrequent changes of underwear and diapers, as elevated temperature and humidity contribute to the development of skin disease. For this reason, the perianal form of the disease described above occurs.
  4. Fungal infection, which occurs in children mainly when taking antibiotics, often as an addition to existing dermatitis. A wet and warm diaper promotes the growth of fungal bacteria. Also, fungal microorganisms can be contained in the feces of a baby if the child is not properly cared for. It is quite easy to suspect this infection by the whitish coating on the inflamed areas of the baby’s skin.

Often this disease occurs as an allergic reaction to clothing fabric. Errors in nutrition can also cause inflammation on a child’s skin.


This skin inflammation occurs most often on the buttocks, groin area and inner thigh. It can affect both small areas of the epidermis and a fairly large area, depending on the stage and duration of the inflammatory process.

The main symptoms include:

  1. Skin redness buttocks, groin, inner thigh, genitals or anus. It often spreads to the child's hips and lower back.
  2. Basic and bright redness occurs under the diaper, gradually becoming lighter and moving onto the healthy dermis, that is, there are no clear boundaries between the affected area and the healthy one.
  3. Uneven redness. It is most pronounced at the edges of the diaper. With loose stools - around the anus. In the natural folds of the baby's skin, redness may be completely absent or have a faint color.
  4. Swelling of the dermis. The affected area feels denser to the touch than healthy skin.
  5. The affected areas are uneven and shapeless, at an advanced stage, they can increase in size and merge.
  6. Availability small weeping wounds and cracks, on which non-healing crusts may appear.
  7. Rash, light or heavy, depending on the stage.
  8. Blisters, which can burst, forming weeping spots.
  9. In some cases, dermatitis, on the contrary, may manifest itself dry and flaky skin, the formation of white and yellow scales.

All these symptoms cause great discomfort to the baby, because he experiences burning and itching in the inflamed areas of the skin. The baby may cry for a long time, be capricious, refuse to eat, and his sleep is disturbed. There is often no temperature; its presence indicates a possible infection and requires immediate medical attention.


In most cases, only the clinical picture is enough to diagnose this skin disease. Experienced parents can deal with this problem themselves. But if difficulties arise with this, or treatment does not produce results, then consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Ordinary diaper dermatitis should be distinguished from atopic, staphylococcal and allergic. However, the presence of one of these varieties does not exclude the presence of ordinary dermatitis. On the contrary, these species can give impetus to its development. In this case, it may be necessary to collect additional tests, including examination of scrapings from the affected area of ​​the dermis.

Drug treatment

Treatment is best done under medical supervision. At the initial stage of inflammation, it is enough to follow simple hygiene procedures, such as frequent changing of diapers or diapers, thoroughly washing the baby after each bowel movement (preferably using only hypoallergenic soap).

After washing, do not wipe the affected area with a towel; you can blot the skin with a soft cloth. Air baths 3-4 times a day dry the epidermis well.

For dry, flaky skin, emollient creams with an anti-inflammatory effect are prescribed. Wet areas of the body require the use of drying agents. The most effective are ointments based on zinc oxide, such as Bepanten, D-Panthenol. Drapolen cream is suitable for healing and disinfecting inflamed areas. These remedies are also well suited for eliminating severe forms of the disease.

To carry out hygienic procedures and treat affected areas, doctors recommend specialized children's cosmetics, hypoallergenic gels, powders, lotions and oils based on natural extracts (chamomile, beeswax, glycerin, etc.).

If a child suffers from candidal dermatitis, the doctor should prescribe antifungal ointments such as Clotrimazole, Miconazole, etc. Such treatment must be both external and internal, so the infant must be prescribed a suitable oral medication.

If the disease is aggravated by infection, it is recommended to use antibacterial powder for powders Baneocin, which effectively fights staphylococcal and streptococcal infections.

But if, despite observing all the conditions of care and treatment, the problem does not go away, but is aggravated by temperature, the appearance of ulcers and the spread of the affected area, you must urgently consult a doctor for additional examination and prescription of suitable treatment.

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional methods can only help with a mild stage of the disease. In addition to regular hygiene procedures and air baths, it is recommended to bathe the baby in decoctions of medicinal herbs. Such herbs include chamomile, thyme, calendula, and agave. They have an anti-inflammatory effect and dry out the child's irritated skin well. To soothe itching and burning, oatmeal decoction is useful.

To prepare the decoction you will need 2 tbsp. spoons of dry or fresh herbs. You need to fill them with a glass of water and simmer in a steam bath for 30 minutes. After straining the resulting broth, you can add it to the baby’s bathing water.

A compress made from grated raw potatoes is considered a good remedy. It should be applied to the inflamed areas of the dermis for 20 minutes. Rubbing with a mixture of St. John's wort and olive oil also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Mandatory conditions for a child’s recovery

Maintaining hygiene procedures and performing simple manipulations will help your baby not get sick or quickly cope with the onset of an illness. Such procedures include:

  • washing the baby with warm water after each bowel movement;
  • frequent diaper or diaper changes. For a newborn it is necessary to change it after each trip to the toilet, for older children - 3-4 times a day;
  • diapers must be purchased strictly according to size so that they do not press or rub the baby’s delicate skin. They also need to be made of natural cotton material with gel filler;
  • It is better to avoid alkaline soap, as it dries the skin;
  • for the period of treatment, exclude fermented milk products, juices and fruits from the diet;
  • After washing, iron the baby’s clothes and diapers well;
  • Always wash your hands before touching your baby.


The prognosis for cure depends on many factors, such as the stage of the disease, burden of other diseases, and the cause of skin inflammation. In the mildest cases, it is enough to rule out the root cause, and the redness will go away in a few days. With proper further care for the child, a relapse will not occur.

More complex and severe cases of this disease require qualified assistance and specialist supervision, correct medication prescriptions with the possibility of further adjustments. In such cases, recurrences of the disease, as a rule, also do not occur.

The risk group for relapses includes children with congenital or acquired pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, a weak immune system, the presence of atopic dermatitis and antisocial parents.

By following all the necessary measures and rules for caring for a small child, you can avoid the occurrence of such an unpleasant disease as diaper dermatitis. But if diaper rash or rashes appear on your baby’s skin, you need to review and adjust his care. A pediatrician can easily help parents with this.

Mothers have to deal with such a disease as diaper dermatitis quite often. To quickly cope with such a disease, you should promptly pay attention to its symptoms and consult a pediatrician.

It is this approach that prevents the spread of inflammation on the skin, and also prevents the condition of the baby’s dermis from worsening. We will tell you about the symptoms and quick treatment of diaper dermatitis in newborns, as evidenced by the photos of patients, in this informative article.

Features of the disease

Diaper dermatitis is represented by an inflammatory reaction of the child’s epithelium to mechanical, chemical, and physical microbial factors. At risk are girls and children who are bottle-fed. This disease affects about 60% of newborns.

The inflammatory process can bring discomfort to the baby from birth to 3 years of age. The course of the disease depends on the following factors:

  • nature of nutrition;
  • skin properties.

Film dermatitis (photo)


Diaper dermatitis often occurs due to the mother’s violation of the rules of personal hygiene for the newborn. Irritation of the skin occurs under the influence of substances with which they come into contact.

When parents use diapers, diapers, the range of irritants looks like this:

  1. Prolonged contact of the baby's skin with urine and feces.
  2. Elevated temperature, humidity.
  3. Fungi that multiply quickly.

Studies have shown that the feces of children suffering from diaper dermatitis contain the causative agents of candidiasis, the fungus Candida albicans. But fungi of this kind are activated in the intestines only when personal hygiene is not observed.

The likelihood of diaper dermatitis, the causative agent of which is candidiasis, increases as a result of treating the baby with antibiotics. Antibiotics kill bacteria that can inhibit the growth of fungi. Fungal infection develops under favorable conditions created by antibiotic treatment.

Rarely, diaper dermatitis can occur due to:

  • malnutrition of the baby;
  • the presence of allergic, congenital diseases (enteropathic acrodermatitis,).

If inflammation of the epithelium occurs in a child without violations of personal hygiene, it may be associated with an allergy to a hygiene product (cream, wet wipes), diaper.

A famous doctor will talk about what diaper dermatitis is in his video:

Classifications and forms of diaper dermatitis

Diaper dermatitis can be local in nature, localized only in small areas. This dermal lesion has various subtypes:

  1. Dermatitis affecting the folds of the neck. It occurs when gastric contents get on them during frequent regurgitation in a child. Regurgitated masses are provocateurs of the inflammatory process under the baby’s clothes and diaper.
  2. Perianal dermatitis. Inflammation occupies the area around the anus. The occurrence of epithelial lesions is influenced by: enzyme activity of feces, dietary habits.
  3. Damage exclusively to the inguinal folds.
  4. Genital dermatitis (isolated). Its occurrence is influenced by the characteristics of urine.

The name “diaper dermatitis” refers to various problematic formations in the diaper area. These include:

  • Attrition. This form of irritation is very common. With timely treatment it goes away without a trace.
  • . This type of sipi has a bright red color. Over time, yellow scales form on it. It initially affects the diaper area, then rises up the baby’s body.
  • Regional dermatitis. This irritation is caused by the edges of the diaper rubbing against the skin.
  • Candidal dermatitis. Appears after a child has taken antibiotics for a long time. It looks like a bright red rash that affects the groin area. The infection enters the body after 72 hours of progression on the epithelium.
  • Atopic dermatitis. This subtype of diaper dermatitis occurs on different parts of the body, spreading to the diaper area. Its symptom is severe itching.
  • Intertrigo. This subtype is represented by redness of the epithelium, which is caused by skin-to-skin friction. If urine comes into contact with the abrasion, the dermis may become inflamed and covered with a yellow substance.
  • . This is the name for staphylococcal diaper dermatitis, which affects the diaper area. There are two types: (with the appearance of blisters), non-bullous (without blisters, represented by scars covered with a yellowish crust). It affects the lower abdomen, thighs, and buttocks.

To accurately establish the subtype of dermatitis, a simple examination without additional diagnostic procedures is necessary. Only with a long course of the disease is a smear taken to determine the composition of the microflora in the affected area.


During the course of the disease, there are 3 stages, which manifest themselves in:

  1. violation of the protective function of the stratum corneum of the dermis;
  2. loss of barrier function against infectious pathogens;
  3. normalization of the condition of the epidermis.

Let's find out what diaper dermatitis looks like in newborns.


Initially, abrasions and redness appear on the baby’s skin in the following areas:

  • inguinal folds;
  • hips;
  • genitals;
  • buttocks.

Diaper rash is considered the first stage in the development of the disease. If the necessary measures are not taken in time, the process progresses. The gradual addition of various components of the disease development mechanism begins. As a result, dermatitis affects healthy areas of the dermis.

On the affected areas of the epithelium the following are formed:

  • wounds;
  • erosion;
  • small papules;
  • red spots;
  • peeling;
  • bubbles containing a cloudy liquid. They are formed when the disease is neglected, when infection occurs with a fungal infection, staphylococcus;
  • crusts.

The child becomes capricious and cries.


A routine examination should be performed to diagnose diaper dermatitis. Other diagnostic measures may be needed only in case of a long course of the disease. The pediatrician may refer the child for a smear, which is taken from the affected area of ​​the dermis. It is needed to determine microflora.

An accurate diagnosis is made by the doctor during a clinical examination. In case of uncomplicated course of the disease, additional laboratory tests are not required.

Now let's find out how to treat diaper dermatitis in a baby.



Treatment of diaper dermatitis can be carried out with medication and folk remedies. It involves the following points:

  1. Compliance with personal hygiene rules.
  2. Elimination of the inflammatory process through creams and ointments.

Read below about the treatment of diaper dermatitis with ointments and other medications.


Drug treatment of diaper dermatitis consists of performing the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Remove the diaper, wash the affected area of ​​the dermis (genitals, buttocks) with warm running water.
  2. Limit or eliminate the use of all kinds of hygiene products. As a hygiene product, use hypoallergenic soap or warm water without anything else.
  3. Blot the moisture from the dermis with a towel. You cannot perform rubbing movements.
  4. Before applying therapeutic agents, it is recommended to take an air bath by first wiping the skin with a cotton, gauze swab dipped in a warm solution of oak, chamomile, and string.
  5. Apply an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial agent (cream, ointment) to the affected area of ​​the epithelium. For this purpose, you can use “Lanolin”, “Vaseline”, “Zinc ointment”. The dermis can also be treated with talc, Sudocrem, Desitin cream, Bepanthen, Drapolen, "".
  6. If a child has signs of a fungal infection, the doctor may prescribe Miconazole or Clotrimazole.
  7. If the baby has bacterial suppuration, antibacterial ointments (tetracycline eye ointment) are prescribed.

The next section will tell you how and how to treat diaper dermatitis in a newborn baby at home.

On the treatment of diaper dermatitis, Dr. Komarovsky will voice his opinion in the video below:

Traditional methods

Among the traditional methods of treating dermatitis, the following are effective:

  1. Air baths. They are recommended to be performed when changing a diaper.
  2. Change diapers more often than if your skin is healthy. Do not put on a new diaper right away, let the epithelium breathe.
  3. You can use herbal infusions prepared from celandine, chamomile, and string. Infusions from these plants help relieve irritation and dry out the skin. The herbs are prepared half an hour before bathing. 2 tbsp. l. dried plants are brewed in a glass of boiling water. After steeping for half an hour, the contents of the glass should be poured into the bath.

Disease prevention

Prevention is considered the best way to treat dermatitis. The baby's skin should be kept clean and dry. If irritation does occur, use the following measures:

  1. Using baby diapers. Using this hygiene product significantly reduces the likelihood of illness.
  2. Frequent diaper changes. For newborns, the diaper needs to be changed after each bowel movement, and for older children, 3-4 times a day.
  3. Washing the genitals and buttocks should be done very carefully and with every diaper change.
  4. Frequently apply protective cream with zinc to the dermis in the diaper area.
  5. Maximum limitation of the use of hygiene products (soaps, creams). It is advisable to use soap only once a day so as not to dry out your baby’s skin.


The main complication of the disease is infection of the skin. Without timely treatment, the following complications arise, in which inflammation penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis:

  • infiltrates;
  • abscesses;
  • candidal dermatitis.

When a child develops complications, he becomes lethargic (restless), his appetite decreases, and his sleep is disturbed.


A mild form of the disease can be treated quickly. You can get rid of it in literally 3-4 days.

If the inflammatory process is started, it is difficult to treat, and relapses are possible. In case of complications, you should be examined by a dermatologist, immunologist, gastroenterologist, or allergist.

Parents will be given helpful tips regarding diaper rash in the video below:

Diaper dermatitis (ND) is an inflammatory skin disease that develops as a result of friction of a child’s body against a diaper or nappy.

Compared to the skin of adults, the skin of newborns is more susceptible to environmental factors. The pathological process of tissue damage starts due to a number of reasons, ranging from untimely diaper changes to the influence of candida fungi, staphylococci, streptococci.

Causes of the disease

The main reasons for the development of PD in children are the following:

  • increased moisture between the body and the diaper/diaper;
  • rubbing or squeezing the skin with items of clothing;
  • insufficient air access to the integument;
  • the effect on the skin of chemical irritants excreted in feces;
  • damage to delicate tissues by pathogenic microorganisms.

Parents may encounter this problem from the first days of the child’s life, but most often the disease progresses in the 2nd half of the year, when the composition of feces and urine changes against the background of complementary feeding.

In the 2nd year of life, children are less likely to suffer from PD, since their skin already has protective properties. Regarding the treatment of diaper dermatitis, Komarovsky says that by following simple rules, you can eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Children's skin reacts with inflammation to poor care or friction. Eliminating these factors allows you to get rid of the problem in a few days. If you can’t cope with the problem with just changing the rules of care, you need to show the baby to a pediatrician.

Candidal dermatitis develops in the groin area after prolonged use of antibiotics. The disease is recognized by a bright red rash. Its course for more than 3 days contributes to infection of the body.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about diaper dermatitis.

How does diaper dermatitis manifest?

Initially, PD makes itself felt by redness of areas of the skin hidden by the diaper/diaper. These are the buttocks, thighs, and external genitalia. In some children, the picture is complemented by blisters and areas of peeling. In advanced cases, swelling appears and the blisters fill with purulent contents.

The clinical picture may differ depending on the baby’s nutrition:

Redness in the groin folds appears due to friction with the diaper. As a rule, PD affects only those areas that are constantly in contact with feces. It is noteworthy that the disease can occur in waves, when its manifestations occur due to changes in weather, infection of the body, or the intake of new food.

What diaper dermatitis looks like in newborns is shown in the photo.

Based on the characteristics of the course of the disease, in dermatology it is classified into three forms:

  • mild – expressed by slight redness that disappears after treating the body with baby cream or bathing;
  • medium – recognized by severe inflammation and pustules;
  • severe – diagnosed by profuse rashes, lesions, swelling and ulcers. An increase in temperature in the presence of such signs gives the right to suspect the addition of a secondary infection.

The general condition of a child suffering from PD worsens due to burning and itching of the affected area. The baby sleeps poorly, is anxious, is in a depressed mood, and refuses to eat.

Proper hygiene care is the key to healthy skin

You can quickly treat diaper dermatitis like this:

  • place the lower part of the baby’s body under a stream of warm water so that it gets into the folds;
  • use hypoallergenic baby soap to wash the body (foams, gels, liquid soap are not suitable for caring for a child);
  • pat the skin dry with a soft towel without rubbing;
  • treat the affected areas with a special one;
  • If possible, leave the child naked for 20 - 30 minutes. (air bath).

These actions must be performed after each baby’s bowel movement, but not less than 8 times. in a day. When purchasing diapers, experts recommend paying attention to what gender of children they are intended for. Hygiene products for boys and girls absorb moisture better in different parts.

In agreement with the pediatrician, the child can be given a preventative dose of vitamin D every day. Its deficiency affects the immune system, contributes to increased sweating and the development of diaper dermatitis.

One way to combat PD is to switch to diapers from another manufacturer. If the mother prefers to put homemade gauze diapers on her baby, she should use vinegar or antiseptics when washing. For better processing, it is recommended to boil the gauze sections for 10 minutes.

Video: How to avoid diaper dermatitis in babies.

Drug treatment of infantile diaper dermatitis

Usually, establishing proper child care is enough for the redness to go away. Medical treatment for diaper dermatitis in children should be sought in several cases:

  • dermatous lesions with proper care last more than 3 days;
  • skin rash moves from the buttocks to other parts of the body;
  • inflamed areas become covered with crusts or pustules and turn into weeping erosions;
  • The child began to have diarrhea and a fever.

Based on the existing picture, the doctor selects therapeutic measures against PD. To remove fluid from wet areas, the baby is prescribed drying ointments and medicinal powders. Reddened areas can be lubricated with creams containing dexpanthenol. To wash irritated surfaces, you can use Rivanol or Furacilin.

How to treat diaper dermatitis in a child caused by Candida fungi? In this case, doctors prescribe antifungal drugs. Creams with miconazole, clotrimazole and ketoconazole are applied to the sore skin for a month. If the signs of PD disappeared earlier, therapy is still carried out until the 30th day.

For external treatments, children are prescribed:

Sprinkling the affected area with talc and wiping it with boric acid is not recommended. It is better to replace the powder with corn starch. Anti-dermatitis creams prescribed for treating other family members are not suitable for treating children's skin. They can cause allergies.

Traditional methods of treating diaper dermatitis in children

1. One of the methods of home therapy for childhood PD is daily bathing with the addition of oat infusion to the bath. The drug relieves itching and soothes the skin.

To prepare a useful product, take 2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials and brew with a glass of boiling water. After 30 minutes, the infusion is filtered and poured into a container prepared for bathing the baby.

2. St. John's wort works well in the treatment of diaper dermatitis with folk remedies. It is prepared from herbs and olive oil by simmering in a water bath (60 minutes). The cooled composition is used to wipe the skin several times a day.

3. Potatoes will help quickly relieve inflammation from delicate tissues. The raw root vegetable is ground on a fine grater and the pulp is applied to the skin. After 20 minutes, the mass is removed and the skin is rinsed with warm water.



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