“I can’t even believe it!” Timiryazevka breathed a sigh of relief after the dismissal of the rector-philologist. “We’ve waited!”: fired employees of Timiryazevka about the resignation of “Tkachev’s friend” “Students are threatened, almost everyone is under surveillance”

Russian State Agrarian University named after Timiryazev - MSHA announced the resignation of Galina Zolina from the post of rector. Mrs. Zolina began leading the university in December 2016; she is considered a member of the team of Alexander Tkachev, who at that time headed the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. Galina Zolina's tenure as rector of Timiryazevka was marked by numerous conflicts with the teaching staff, who objected to plans to transfer the experimental fields for development.

The press service of the Russian State Agrarian University named after Timiryazev - MSHA reported that Galina Zolina left the post of rector, moving to another job. Mrs. Zolina began leading Russia's largest agricultural university in December 2016; her arrival to the position is associated with support from the then head of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, Alexander Tkachev. Galina Zolina began her career at the Agrokompleks company, owned by the Tkachev family, and then for ten years was the vice-governor of the Krasnodar Territory for social issues.

From the text published on the official website of the university, it follows that during the 20 months of her work as rector of Timiryazevka, Galina Zolina brought positive changes to the work of the educational institution. In particular, the Institute of Economics and Management in the Agro-Industrial Complex, the Institute of Mechanics and Energy, as well as the Institute of Land Reclamation, Water Management and Construction have been created within the structure of the Moscow Agricultural Academy. The university updated its material and technical base and created a new information infrastructure; the volume of research work in 2017 amounted to 397 million rubles, which is the highest figure in ten years. “The university’s property complex has not undergone negative changes, the university’s land is safe and sound, the registration of property rights for those real estate objects whose status has not previously been brought into legal form continues. The university said goodbye to semi-underground tenants,” the university’s press service said in a statement.

It was no coincidence that the mention of the safety of the MSHA property complex in the message about the resignation of Galina Zolina appeared - her tenure as rector of Timiryazevka was marked by numerous scandalous situations, at the center of which were disputes over the property of the university. As Kommersant previously reported, in 2016, Ms. Zolina’s predecessor, Vyacheslav Lukomets, announced plans to transfer the academy’s experimental fields located within Moscow for commercial development. A group of university teachers and students opposed this. In November 2017, the teachers had a conflict with the new rector Galina Zolina, who, as stated by Professor Alexander Solovyov, initiated the dismissal of employees who criticized the rector. In January of this year, the university filed a defamation claim against former and current employees. At the same time, Galina Zolina published an appeal in which she complained about “attempts to discredit the leadership of the Moscow Agricultural Academy and provocative statements aimed at undermining the reputation of the academy.” True, the case did not reach the point of consideration of the claim in court - in February the court returned the application to the management of the MSHA.

Anna Perova, Krasnodar

Valeria Chaika has been appointed acting rector of RGAU-MSHA.

The corresponding order was signed by Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Dmitry Sergeev on September 14, 2018. From this day on, Valeria Chaika temporarily acts as rector of the Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev.

Valeria Chaika linked her destiny with agricultural education. So, in 1991 she graduated from the engineering and pedagogical faculty of Moscow State Agrarian University named after Goryachkin. A little later - Stavropol State Agricultural Academy with a degree in Economics and Agricultural Production Management.

She worked for 12 years at the Department of Agricultural Machines of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. Valeria Pavlovna - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Master of Business Administration.

Since 2005, Valeria Pavlovna has been working at our university: for 12 years as the head of the Higher School of Agribusiness, she has experience as a vice-rector, and for more than a year she worked as a professor at the department of state and municipal administration. Teaches the following disciplines: strategic management, strategic planning, human resources management, human resource management, public relations management.

Valeria Pavlovna completed internships and advanced training at the universities of Wageningen and Washington. At the Vienna University of Natural Resources and Applied Natural Sciences she studied under the program “Management of the university and the quality of the educational process, new technologies in scientific research.”

Acting Appeal Rector V.P. Seagulls

Dear teachers, staff, students and graduate students!

We interacted fruitfully with many of you in our work or came into contact in the educational process. By the decision of the founder - the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia - I was entrusted with the duties of the rector of the RGAU-MSHA named after K.A. Timiryazev.

It is a great honor and at the same time a huge responsibility for me to become the head of my native university. The main motive for my decision to take the position of rector is a sincere desire to make a real breakthrough in the development of Timiryazevka, meeting the challenges of new times!

The unique history of the university, outstanding teachers, scientists and graduates set the highest standard for our work. For a century and a half, Timiryazevka has had a difficult but honorable mission: to be the first!

With all responsibility, I want to say that the university will continue to pursue its main goal - to become the largest international industrial center of education, science and enlightenment.

The leadership of the state in general and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in particular expect that our university will play a leading role in the formation of the elite of the Russian agro-industrial complex, capable of improving the quality of life of the population and ensuring the country's food security.

Projects that successfully work at the university will receive the widest support. In me you will find a supporter of initiatives that will contribute to the development of Timiryazevka and increasing its authority. At the same time, I count on the help and support of each of you!

Teamwork is based on trust and respect for each other. Only with a high degree of mutual understanding and a creative approach is it possible for us to create the university of the future together!

Difficult, but undoubtedly interesting and important work awaits us for the benefit of the university and the entire agricultural education of Russia. Good luck!

Galina Zolina was appointed rector of the Timiryazev Academy

Until today, she has been acting rector of Timiryazevka for a year.


The appointment of Galina Zolina as rector of the Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev was announced on January 29 at a meeting of the academic council of the university. The order for her confirmation in office was signed 5 days ago by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, State Secretary Ivan Lebedev.

Galina Zolina was sent to Timiryazevka at the very end of 2016 from the post of director of the department of scientific and technological policy and education of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, where she worked briefly under the leadership of Minister Alexander Tkachev (when he was governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Zolina was his deputy for a number of years).

During her work as acting Rector at the Timiryazev Academy there were significant personnel changes; many employees who disagreed with its management decisions were fired. Employees and students of Timiryazevka repeatedly went to rallies to protest against Zolina’s leadership methods.

One of the latest high-profile stories was He was one of the organizers of protests against the transfer of experimental land to the academy for commercial development, and his relationship with Galina Zolina did not work out.

Zolina herself, in a published appeal, denied political persecution of Solovyov and referred to the objective complaints against him from management regarding the performance of his job duties.

Galina Zolina worked for many years in the team of the current head of the Ministry of Agriculture, Alexander Tkachev. In 1999, she became deputy general director of CJSC Firm Agrokompleks, which was then headed by Tkachev. After his election as governor of Kuban in 2000, she received the position of adviser on media and social policy, and since 2005 she has served as vice-governor for social issues.

In 2007, Zolina defended her PhD thesis “Formation of a positive image of the Krasnodar region in the media.” According to the Anti-Plagiarism system, the originality of scientific work is 30.3%, citation takes up 10.18%, and borrowing accounts for 59.49%.

In March 2015, the academic council of Voronezh State University, following the results of the defense of her doctoral dissertation “The Universe of Mass Information of a Social Community: Identity-Image Discourse,” voted against awarding her the degree of Doctor of Philology in the specialty “Journalism.”

On April 28, 2015, the new head of the region, Veniamin Kondratyev, announced personnel changes in the administration of the Krasnodar region. Galina Zolina was among the first to resign.

Columnist Anzhelika Gyurza spoke about Galina Zolina on the pages of Yugopolis in her author's column.

What could be behind the departure of Timiryazevka rector Galina Zolina, with whom many scandals have recently been associated.

The rector of the Timiryazev Academy, Galina Zolina, with whom many scandals have recently been associated, resigned from her post on September 12 of her own free will.

the site called the former head of the certification department of the Timiryazev Academy Oksana Tarasenkova to find out what could be behind the departure of Galina Zolina, who largely relied on the support of ex-Minister of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev.

“This is a logical and, in principle, expected development of events. [agriculture Alexander] Tkachev, who gave Zolina enormous support. The new minister has his own vision, I think he has figured out the situation.

There are probably those who are sad about Zolina’s departure, but most of them breathed a sigh of relief,” says Tarasenkova. “Many who were fired by her (and this is more than 150 people on our list) are glad she left. I received a lot of calls and messages, people said and wrote to me: “Thank God!”, “We waited!” During the work of Galina Dmitrievna, Timiryazevka really changed - a lot of props appeared: artificial animals and fruits of gigantic sizes, candles, flowers, Khokhloma, colored toilets and buffets... Constant concerts and holidays, at one of them even the respected artist Nadezhda performed on the student stage Babkina. This is only possible with good funding and connections, which Zolina had when managing Tkachev’s ministry. Probably, as often happens, while they were singing and dancing, they forgot to prepare for the heating season. The Academy turned into a bright bubble from the outside, which has now burst. Zolina preferred to meet with her opponents in court rather than in the office of a strong and competent leader, so many professionals left the academy, and people without relevant experience took their place.

— What was the main reason for her leaving?

“A critical mass of questions and claims has accumulated, and patronage has weakened. During its work, students, teachers, local residents protested, we were always supported by deputies of the district and even the State Duma from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Now working employees say that accounts have been frozen and an audit of financial and economic activities has been ordered.

— Do those who left the university plan to return now?

“For many people, their entire lives are connected to the academy. Some worked at the university for more than a generation and were forced to quit. Most live in “academic” houses near Timiryazevka and send their children to public schools and kindergartens. Someone has already found a new job, but I know many for whom Timiryazev Academy still remains their home. We hope that the correct prioritization of the new minister’s team will allow the university to develop in the scientific and educational context, and staff and students will have another opportunity to exercise their right to participate in the election of the university rector.



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