Fir oil: medicinal beneficial properties and contraindications. Burns, wounds, injuries

Proper use of fir essential oil for the prevention and treatment of skin diseases. Useful properties of fir oil.

Fir essential oil is extracted from the young branches of the tree. In medicine and cosmetology, fir oil is used due to its ability to strengthen the immune system, improve the activity of the cardiac system and disinfect the cavities of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fir essential oil has a pleasant smell and color, helps fight bacterial manifestations inside the body, has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. Fir-based preparations are used as both antibacterial and antifungal agents.

List of main medicinal properties:

  • acts as a choleretic agent
  • has a positive effect on blood circulation
  • improves the functioning of the respiratory tract
  • is a strong diuretic
  • when used correctly, expels phlegm
  • improves skin structure

When taken orally, after 20 minutes it enters the blood, lymph and spreads throughout the body. Improves digestion and the functioning of brain cells. It is excreted from the body naturally, through urine and exhalation of air.

The use of essential fir oil in cosmetology for facial skin

Due to its antiseptic and bactericidal action, fir essential oil is recommended for oily skin. Natural ingredients have a calming effect, remove excess fatty elements from the skin, give it a healthy glow and elasticity.

  • It is also recommended to use fir oil for the appearance of acne on the face, age-related acne and even some pustular skin diseases. If you need to cleanse the pores of the face, fir essential oil is best for this task. It also helps relieve irritation and redness of any kind.
  • In clinical practice, fir essential oil is used as a restorative drug in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis. Dermatologists recommend this natural component to those who often suffer from the appearance of herpes on the lips, frequent facial skin injuries, including burns.
  • Both pure oil and diluted extracts with the addition of natural components can be used as an influencing agent. Such face masks are necessary for the skin, regardless of the presence of skin diseases.

The benefits of pine and fir essential oil

A pleasant smell in a clean pine forest is noted by everyone who has ever been in such an area. Pine trees invigorate, breathing is freed, intuitively you want to inhale more and more pleasant air, which is saturated with pine smells. In addition to the pleasant smell, essential oils of pine and fir have a positive effect on the human body.

  • Pine essential oils are used to treat asthma, respiratory problems, skin lesions, and urinary disorders.
  • Also, as a preventive and restorative therapy, extracts based on the essential oil of pine and fir are used for all types of acute respiratory diseases.
  • The essential composition improves the coughing process, which is especially important for people with a long history of smoking. Pine and fir oil helps cleanse the lungs and get rid of negative sedimentary elements in the body that accumulate when working in places with high levels of dust in the air

Application of tea tree oil with fir essential oil

Tea tree essential oil is extracted by steaming the leaves of the plant. By itself, the oil has a wide range of beneficial effects, but in cosmetology and, especially, in medicine, a mixture of tea tree and fir essential oils is used.

  • The connection complements the active action of both components. As a result, cosmetic skin care increases several times. The composition of tea tree oil contains the most substances that affect the regeneration and restoration of the skin.
  • The addition of the antiseptic and antibacterial properties of fir essential oil helps to perform gentle care for any type of skin, improving its structure and appearance.
  • Modern preparations practically do not use fir oil or tea tree oil in its pure form. Additional mixtures and additives were derived through experiments that showed the best result in this particular compound.

For good growth of healthy hair, adequate nutrition of the roots is necessary. Essential fir oil after application improves blood circulation in all parts of the body. Increased blood circulation allows you to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles.

As a result, just a few sessions of regular intake of essential fir oil helps to improve the appearance of hair, make it shiny, manageable and healthy.

  • Essential oil of fir perfectly copes with flaking of the scalp, eliminates excessive oiliness of the hair and stabilizes the sebaceous glands.
  • As an antiseptic, essential oil well removes not only the external manifestations of dandruff, but also has a healing effect on the cause of this disease.
  • As an application of fir oil for hair treatment, it is recommended to add it to any shampoo that you use. In this case, you can immediately mix the shampoo with essential oil, or you can use a certain portion of fir oil directly while washing your hair.

Essential fir bath oil, application

The essential fir oil used for baths can not only improve the appearance of the skin, but also relieve fatigue and get rid of a bad mood. When first using fir essential oil as an additive to a bath, it is best to use no more than eight drops per entire volume of water.

In the future, it will be possible to increase the amount of fir essential oil to 15-20 drops. Remember that oil vapor evaporates very quickly in hot water, so it is best to prepare warm water that is pleasant for your skin, but not hot.

A good effect is achieved due to the opening of the pores of the skin under the influence of warm air. As a result, the active components of fir essential oil quickly penetrate the skin, enriching and nourishing it. The total time of taking a bath with the use of essential oils should not exceed 15-20 minutes.

As a stimulating drug, you can prepare a special emulsion. To do this, over low heat, you need to heat water along with a small amount of alcohol, add liquid soap and mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Cool the resulting mixture and add fir essential oil to half the volume of the existing mixture.

Contraindications for fir essential oil

  • When using fir essential oil for the first time, you should pay attention to the reaction of the body. The appearance of redness on the skin, especially if it is accompanied by burning or tingling, indicates the need to immediately stop using fir essential oil. The whole body should be washed with warm running water.
  • Also, you should not combine the intake of alcoholic drugs a day before and after using fir essential oil. Otherwise, you may not see a positive result and even harm yourself.
  • Fir oil is afraid of bright sunlight and high temperatures. Do not use the drug after exposure to these negative factors. Always store the substance in a sufficiently cool and dark place

Treatment of hemorrhoids depends on the neglect of the disease and its stage of development. A complete decision on the correct treatment of hemorrhoids can only be made by a proctologist. Self-administration of any form of treatment may not bring a positive result.

Essential oil for the treatment of hemorrhoids is used in the fight against internal hemorrhoids. It is recommended to use cotton swabs, which are treated with fir and sea buckthorn oil. Use three times a day until a positive result is obtained.

External knots and bumps are treated with a special massage using essential fir oil. Also popular are special candles for hemorrhoids based on fir oil and beeswax. In some cases, the use of enemas with the addition of fir water is recommended. You can buy it in almost any pharmacy.

Complex forms of hemorrhoids are treated only with the help of surgery.

Treatment of the common cold with fir oil

Fir oil quickly relieves the main symptoms of the common cold. Exposure to oil leads to narrowing of the vessels of the nasal mucosa, which affects the amount of painful discharge during the disease. The use of fir oil at an early stage of the disease quickly relieves swelling, inflammation and nasal congestion.

  • Treatment begins with the use of drops in the nose, you can also perform rubbing of the reflex zones. Already during the first day, a sharp improvement in the condition is noticed, the desire to sneeze disappears, breathing improves
  • As a preventive measure, it is recommended to use fir essential oil along with massage during the epidemiological spread of the disease and during the seasons of the greatest danger of the onset of diseases.
  • The maximum effect for the treatment of the common cold is achieved when using fir oil in a Russian bath. In this case, the active substances penetrate deeper into the diseased organs and more actively affect the entire body.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with fir oil

Osteochondrosis is considered one of the most complex diseases of our generation, which is completely untreatable. Most symptoms and external manifestations can be removed or their pain effects reduced. Fir essential oil helps a lot with this.

Due to its irritating effect, the use of fir oil in the area of ​​pain leads to irritation of the nervous system. Since all the nerve endings receive some stress, this takes away from the underlying pain sensations and generally relieves the pain itself.

The main effects of fir oil in osteochondrosis are the spinal nerves and spinal cord. It is problems with these elements of the body that lead to the appearance of osteochondrosis. Fir oil is able to quickly penetrate to the spinal cord and have a calming effect on it.

The drug is used at the first pain sensation by rubbing. The effect of relaxation and improvement of the condition is noticeable almost instantly.

Treatment with fir oil for prostatitis

Fir oil for the treatment of prostatitis has been used for a long time, and not only in traditional medicine. Traditional treatment is often accompanied by restorative treatments using fir essential oil.

Fir oil destroys pathogens, penetrates deep into the cellular structure. With this effect of a natural medicine, all infectious pathogens gradually die off. For the treatment of prostatitis, not only oil is used, but also fir water, bark and various extracts.

In the process of treatment, fir oil helps to relieve inflammation of the prostate gland. For this, several types of treatment are used. The most popular and effective method is the setting of microclysters. Less commonly used are special candles that have a short shelf life, so they often need to be ordered for manufacture at a pharmacy.

As a preventive and restorative therapy, a light cream is used, which is mixed with fir oil. It is best to rub the mixture at night, avoiding sensitive areas to eliminate irritation and inflammation. The treatment is carried out for at least one month, then, according to the results, the treatment is adjusted, or the positive effect obtained is recorded.

Fir oil for the treatment of joints

In addition to the fact that fir oil relieves pain, it fights the main symptoms of joint disease. Regular use of fir oil properly nourishes cartilage tissue, improves blood and lymph circulation, which leads to the restoration of reliable joint function.

  • It is recommended to use not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of joint disease. Fir oil copes well with arthritis and arthrosis, if the diseases are provoked by insufficient supply of useful substances to the joints.
  • When the first signs of coxarthrosis appear, treatment with fir oil may be ineffective, since here the cause of the disease is a change in the load on the bone structure of the body. Fir oil can be an assistant during the rehabilitation period
  • The most popular treatment for simple joint diseases is the use of baths and therapeutic massage.

Video: Fir oil

Fir oil, its composition, properties and application. Also in the article you can get acquainted with effective recipes, which include fir oil.

Fir oil is obtained from needles and young branches of a tree that belongs to the Pine family and grows in Mongolia, China, the Far East and part of the Korean Peninsula. The tree can reach a height of 40 meters with branches of 2-3 meters. Given that fir can grow only in ecologically clean areas, there is no need to worry about the quality of the oil, because. all its components are useful for the human body and are absolutely safe.

Composition of fir oil

Essential oil of fir is a liquid with yellowish and greenish hues, which has a rather strong mint-lemon smell. It contains bisabolene, cadinene, myrcene, a-pinene, camphor, humulene, as well as terpenes, phytoncides and other elements. Given the unique combination of different constituents of fir essential oil, it is not difficult to understand why the oil has a number of beneficial properties for the human body.

Properties of fir oil

Since ancient times, mankind has used plants to treat various diseases. Today, despite the abundance of special medicines, there is also a demand for essential oils and other natural medicines. Listed below are properties of fir essential oil that can be used effectively to address certain issues.

Essential oils are popular in today's world.

    Immuno-strengthening - the oil strengthens the immune system, reduces the likelihood of developing any diseases, and also generally has a positive effect on overall health;

    deodorizing - kills harmful microorganisms and cleanses the skin, as well as the body as a whole;

    smoothing - effectively smoothes wrinkles, activating natural processes in the body;

    tonic - activates metabolic processes in the body and has a positive effect on the appearance of the skin;

    decongestant - fights the accumulation of excess fluid in the body;

    anti-inflammatory - effectively fights the occurrence and development of inflammatory processes;

    cleansing - eliminates pollution and harmful microorganisms;

    anti-aging - activates natural processes that help fight the signs of aging;

    expectorant - often used in the treatment of colds, contributing to the active removal of mucus from the body;

    analgesic - naturally reduces the level of pain;

    antiviral - as mentioned above, effectively destroys pathogens;

    antiseptic - prevents the occurrence and development of putrefactive processes on the surface of the skin.

The use of fir oil

Given the wide spectrum of action of fir oil, it is used to solve various problems. Listed below are the most common uses for fir oil.

    In cosmetology, as a wound healing and antikeratotic agent, as well as an effective way to deal with calluses and corns. In addition, fir oil promotes the activation of regenerative processes for aging skin and polishes problem skin, relieving it of scars and irregularities.

    In dermatology in the fight against angulitis, pustular rash, dermatosis of the feet and other diseases. For people who are concerned about hair and scalp problems, fir oil can eliminate dandruff and alopecia, and it also has a general strengthening effect on the hair.

    Fir oil effectively fights viral infections, complex colds and respiratory diseases. It also eliminates inflammatory processes and is often used in the treatment of urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis and other diseases.

    Fir oil also stimulates blood circulation, tones muscle tissue and promotes the resorption of hematomas. That is why it is often used in rehabilitation after operations or serious illnesses.

    The pleasant aroma of fir oil, combined with deodorizing properties, make it ideal for use in baths and saunas.

    In everyday life, fir oil is used as an ingredient in a healthy tea that helps get rid of a cold. It is also an excellent alternative to liquids that are used for antiseptic treatment of products and items when caring for sick people.

    In addition, it is actively used for frostbite and cooling to eliminate unpleasant consequences and treat damaged areas.

    People who spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor, as well as those whose eyes are in tension for a long time, use fir oil to restore visual acuity.

    If we talk about the emotional impact of fir essential oil, then it is generally accepted that its regular use helps to increase stoicism, optimism in a person, and also relieves negative emotions, develops determination, perseverance and patience.

Fir oil helps restore vision

Fir oil treatment

Traditional medicine and cosmetology actively use fir oil in their recipes. Below you can see common ways fir oil can be used effectively for certain health problems.

    This ingredient is often seen in recipes for compress mixtures, which help get rid of boils, and also act as a cure for foot and nail fungus. To solve these problems, it is necessary to mix fir oil with olive oil or apricot kernel oil in equal proportions. The compress is used 2-3 times a day and is applied for 20-30 minutes during each treatment session.

    For colds and flu, rub palms, feet and chest with fir oil 2-3 times a day. For arthritis and neuralgia, fir oil is also rubbed into sore spots using 5-7 drops of medication.

The uniqueness of fir lies in its increased sensitivity to air pollution. The tree lives only in the conditions of the purest environment, therefore preparations from it are distinguished by absolute ecological cleanliness. The tool is becoming increasingly popular because fir oil treats almost all ailments. It has the widest scope due to its numerous and very diverse properties:

  • antiseptic, bactericidal, antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • wound healing and regenerative;
  • mucolytic;
  • warming;
  • relaxing and soothing;
  • tonic;
  • anesthetic.

Fir oil is used in the treatment of a large number of diseases.

Diseases in the treatment of which fir oil is used

Folk medicine and traditional medicine widely practice the treatment of various diseases with the help of this healing agent. However, fir oil also has a number of serious limitations:

  • renal pathologies;
  • peptic ulcers and gastritis;
  • pregnancy (especially early periods) and breastfeeding;
  • allergy to coniferous drug.

Therefore, before use, be sure to visit a specialist for a detailed consultation, and when using, follow the indicated dosages. Proper handling of the drug will ensure effective treatment and the desired result.

Medicine uses fir oil for external or internal use.

How to use fragrance

Fir oil is used in many ways:

  • in aroma lamp or medallion;
  • in baths (general, foot);
  • for massage;
  • for compresses;
  • in inhalations;
  • for rinsing;
  • lubrication of damaged areas of the skin;
  • for cosmetic purposes.

Healing recipes in the treatment of ENT diseases

The centuries-old experience of traditional medicine has confirmed the effectiveness of many recipes.

With angina in a chronic form, lubrication of the tonsils and instillation of 1-2 drops of fir oil into the nasal passages are combined. After instillation, sneezing, lacrimation, burning, nasal discharge appear, which disappear after 15-20 minutes. Similar instillations into the nose are also indicated for adenoids.

Treatment for sore throat is well complemented by gargling: mix half a teaspoon of honey, salt or soda with a couple of drops of this drug and dilute in a glass of warm water.

Since tonsillitis (tonsillitis) is infectious in nature, fir oil exhibits its bactericidal and antiviral properties well in the complex therapy of the disease.

To treat sinusitis, 3 drops of the drug are dripped into the nasal passages three times a day and inhaled. Pour hot water into a deep bowl, add fir oil (10 drops), cover your head and inhale the healing steam with your nose until it cools.

In the treatment of diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis, hot inhalations and oil rubbing are combined. The inhalation procedure is described above. After it, they rub their back and chest with aromatic oil, wrap themselves in a warm blanket to sweat well. At a temperature, hot inhalation is replaced by aromatization of the room using an aroma lamp.

Help in the treatment of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids in folk medicine are treated with oil mixtures.

Fir oil with castor oil (1:1) is used for frequent lubrication of external nodes. With internal hemorrhoids, cotton swabs soaked in a mixture of equal parts of sea buckthorn and fir oils are effective. Put at least 3 tampons throughout the day. Fir oil relieves inflammation well, quickly eliminates pain.

Dental applications

A toothache will subside if a cotton pad soaked in fir oil is applied to a diseased tooth or gum next to it for 10-15 minutes. You can repeat after 2 hours.

Often the cause of tooth loss is periodontal disease. Its treatment is more effective with oil applications. They must be done at least 20. The course is repeated after 4-6 months. Severe periodontal disease requires at least 3 courses. The main thing is to prevent mucosal burns during treatment.

With stomatitis, it is useful to massage the gums every six months. The course of treatment lasts 3-4 weeks, the procedure is performed twice a day. The technique is as follows: drop 4-6 drops of essential oil on the index finger wrapped in a double layer of bandage and massage each gum from the outside, and then from the inside. At the end of the procedure, the teeth are wiped.

A toothache will subside if a cotton pad soaked in fir oil is applied to a diseased tooth or gum next to it for 10–15 minutes.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Statistics show that a hernia of the spine is a problem for every thousandth person, i.e. pathology is not so rare. If for some reason official medicine does not cope with the disease, folk medicine comes to the rescue. It offers a simple, safe and quite effective treatment.

The painful area is thoroughly rubbed with fir oil. On the area heated by rubbing, honey is applied, previously diluted with mummy (1 g per 100 g of honey). Then perform standard massage pats. Due to the sticking of honey to the hands, there can be unpleasant painful sensations. We'll have to be patient. But the pain should not be too strong. After the session, the affected area is smeared with any well-warming ointment (for example, finalgon) and the back is wrapped. It is better to do this procedure at night. Course - 30 days. During this time, a hernia of the spine will become less disturbing. Just trust yourself in the hands of a professional.

Arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis are types of joint diseases accompanied by inflammation, pain, limited movement. To alleviate the condition and slow down the development of the disease, you can apply warm sea salt to the diseased joints for half an hour. Then lubricate the heated places with fir oil, rub it lightly, and again apply a warm saline compress.

If your legs hurt, including the knee or ankle joints, warm them up in a warm bath and rub a little aromatic fir oil into the most painful places. Do at least 10 procedures.

With a hernia of the spine, the painful area is thoroughly rubbed with fir oil.


The trigeminal nerve provides sensation to the face. With neuralgia (painful lesion) of this nerve, severe shooting pain occurs. Fir oil is very effective in this case. It completely eliminates the inflammatory process and excruciating pain in a short time. The recipe is simple. Three days in a row, up to 6 times during the day, rub the drug into the skin with a cotton swab. To prevent skin burns, rub it in with light movements, without much intensity. There may be some redness and swelling of the skin, but they pass along with the disease, and the trigeminal nerve stops bothering.

Genitourinary sphere

Prostatitis is a disease of men of all ages. His treatment consists of a whole complex of sequential measures. However, often folk methods turn out to be no worse than modern medical ones, and several days of such procedures significantly improve the patient's condition. For example, before going to bed, a pharmacy candle with cocoa butter is injected into the rectum, after dropping fir oil on it (up to 10 drops). The course lasts from 25 to 30 days. During this time, pain, hemorrhoids disappear, potency increases. Candles should be stored in the refrigerator.

Treatment of urolithiasis begins with a weekly intake of decoctions of diuretic herbs in combination with natural juices (except beetroot). In the second week, the treatment is supplemented with 5 drops of aromatic fir oil per glass of herbal decoction 3 times a day. This completes the course. After a three-week break, such treatment can be repeated.

With urolithiasis, fir oil is added to the decoction of diuretic herbs.

Fir oil has been valued for its unique properties since time immemorial. This herbal remedy is used for many ailments. It has a minimum of contraindications and does not cause serious side effects. But despite this, fir oil is quite effective.

Medicinal properties of fir oil

Fir oil is produced directly from needles, using young shoots. The liquid has an unusual aroma. The composition of fir oil is very rich. This is due to a number of its useful properties. This remedy contains:

  • tannins - help to cope with bacteria, have a pronounced antiseptic effect;
  • carotene - restores damaged cells and has antioxidant properties;
  • vitamin C - helps to increase immunity and strengthen the vascular wall;
  • tocopherols - improve metabolism and inhibit the formation of atherosclerotic deposits on the walls of blood vessels.

Additionally, the composition of fir oil includes:

  • phytoncides;
  • camphor;
  • myrcene;
  • bronyl acetate.

Fir oil has a wide range of applications

The main medicinal properties of fir oil:

  • stimulates cell regeneration;
  • increases the body's resistance to various infections;
  • has an analgesic effect;
  • improves the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • accelerates recovery from inflammation of the bronchi and lungs;
  • promotes the elimination of toxins;
  • has a therapeutic effect on the nervous system;
  • relieves fatigue;
  • tones.

Such a natural healing agent has been used since the time of Hippocrates. In ancient Rus', this raw material was also valued. They were treated for various ailments, without resorting to additional means.

Advantages of fir oil - video

Methods of external use

Fir oil is used externally for the treatment of various diseases.

For the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis

For the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis, oil can be used in two ways:

  1. Blow your nose thoroughly before use.
  2. Then moisten cotton swabs in fir oil, squeeze lightly and insert into the nostrils. This compress should be left for 10 minutes, then removed.
  3. You can also simply lubricate the mucous membrane with a cotton swab thoroughly dipped in oil.

The course of treatment is 10 days. The procedure should be carried out immediately before going to bed.

To get rid of cough

You will need to boil water in an amount of 1 liter. Then drop 5 drops of fir oil there and, bending over the container, inhale the vapors alternately through the mouth and through the nose. One procedure per day is enough. This method is effective for various types of cough. In total, at least 10 sessions are required.

We treat coughs, colds with fir oil - video

For the treatment of joints

To relieve pain and relieve inflammation, you need to rub the problem area with fir oil. For this, you do not need to apply it in large quantities. A couple of drops are enough. This volume of liquid should be used to rub each joint. The course of treatment is from a month or more.

In the treatment of herpes and inflammation of the gums

Fir oil is very effective in various viral and infectious processes. In the presence of a herpetic vesicle, it should be lubricated with this remedy 3 times a day for a week. As a result, there will be no trace of the manifestations of the virus.

In case of inflammation of the gums, it is necessary to treat them with a cotton swab dipped in oil 2 times a day. In this case, you need to refrain from eating for half an hour. Then rinse your mouth. Only 10 procedures.

To get rid of herpes, it is necessary to lubricate the affected areas with fir oil

To get rid of sore throat with angina

In this case, the remedy will not only eliminate discomfort, but also relieve inflammation. To do this, lubricate the tonsils with a cotton swab dipped in oil. Refrain from eating for an hour. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day for a week.

For headache

Rub a few drops of oil on the temples with soft massage movements. Apply as soon as a headache occurs.

Treatment of intercostal neuralgia, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve with fir oil - video

To eliminate the feeling of heaviness in the legs

You need to prepare a bath. To do this, dissolve 3 drops of fir oil in 1 tbsp. l. milk and add to a bowl of warm water. Keep your feet in it for at least 15 minutes, then put on warm socks. This procedure will help relieve fatigue from the legs and will be an excellent prevention of colds.

To eliminate inflammatory processes in the vagina

In this case, it is recommended to wash the external genitalia with a solution of fir oil. To do this, it must be added to warm water in the amount of a couple of drops per 500 ml of water. You need to wash yourself with this solution 2 times a day for a week.

Fir oil for the treatment of children

Fir oil is often used to treat children. This remedy is mixed with baby cream and rubbed on the chest and back of the child with colds and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

Essential oils: helping children from the first day of life - video

Fir oil for oral administration

Fir oil is used not only externally, but also inside:

  • to lower blood pressure. It is necessary to add 3 drops of oil to a piece of sugar and eat. After a while, the pressure returns to normal. You can take such a remedy as unpleasant symptoms occur;
  • for the treatment of liver diseases. 4 drops of oil should be dissolved in 100 ml of liquid at room temperature. The water must be shaken well for thorough mixing. Then take a sip 2 times a day for a week;
  • to get rid of heartburn. In this case, it is recommended to dissolve 3 drops of oil in 150 ml of filtered water and drink the contents during the day. It can be used as an attack of heartburn occurs.

It is possible to use fir oil inside only in the minimum dosage, otherwise intoxication and serious dyspeptic disorders can be caused.

Application in aromatherapy

Fir oil is used in aromatherapy. The smell of this vegetable raw material relieves fatigue, gives strength and improves mood. 5 drops are enough for an aroma lamp to fill the room with the smell of the forest. This oil is often used in the bath. You can dissolve a few drops in a basin of hot water and soak the broom in it. Then walk them over the skin affected by cellulite. In addition to eliminating body fat, fir will increase immunity and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the lungs.

The bath allows you to widely use fir oil

Additionally, in a steam room with fir oil, you can massage your back or sore joints. This will increase blood circulation and help relieve the symptoms of chronic ailments.

If you add a few drops of oil to the coals, then in the steam room there will be a unique aroma of pine needles, which improves mood and gives strength. Experienced village healers used such a trick to treat apathy, poor appetite and to relieve coughs.


The main contraindications for use:

  • children's age up to 5 years;
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments (especially for oral administration);
  • epilepsy;
  • hypersensitivity to conifers;
  • propensity to allergies;
  • open wounds.

It is very important to conduct a small skin test before use, which will show whether fir oil is suitable for a particular person. To do this, you need to apply one drop of the product on the wrist or elbow. Leave for 10 minutes. If there are no rashes and itching, then fir oil can be used.


Paths to recognition

C The healing effect of fir preparations has been noted by people for a long time. Hippocrates also recommended essential oil and an infusion of young buds of this tree for the treatment of wounds and internal diseases.

The Russian scientist, academician P. S. Pallas wrote in 1785: “Young pine, cedar and fir tops collected at the ends of the branches are the best antiscorbutic and balsamic remedy.”

The famous Robert Koch, who discovered the tubercle bacillus, established that the turpentine essential oil of fir kills spores of anthrax bacilli.

The famous 19th-century surgeon AI Pirogov's favorite remedy for treating wounds was balsamic substances made from fir needles.

In 1961, Sh. I. Pavolotsky proposed a number of blood substitutes, of which the blood substitute made from the active fraction of seaside fir needles turned out to be the most effective in fatal blood loss and shock.

Camphor is also widely used, which is obtained from fir oil according to the method developed by the professor of Tomsk University N.V. Vershinin in 1936. Fir camphor is not only not inferior to camphor obtained from camphor wood, but also surpasses it in medicinal properties, strength and reliability of action, has an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.

Essential oil and Florentine (fir) water are among the most common processed products of fir greens. More than 300 domestic and about 50 works of foreign authors about the medicinal properties of fir have been published in our country.

Fir oil in our country has not always been so popular and loved. Of course, somewhere in the Siberian outback, healers and healers have always actively used it in their practice, but in big cities ...

Back in the days of the USSR, any development in the field of medicines needed detailed consideration, coordination at various levels, including the party leadership of the country had to agree to the use of a particular drug. And as always, at the decisive moment, some obstacles arose, and the “know-how”, which was at that time fir oil, would lie on some table for many years, if not for the legend associated with the fact that the wife of one of party leaders of the Union, she was very upset about the wart on her face, which did not make him beautiful at all. According to the “myth” (I would call it gossip), a grandmother who sold pies at a local buffet whispered to her that a medicine woman removes warts. The wife of a party worker went to the same healer, and her wart really went away. And then the woman told her friends and acquaintances that she was treated with aromatic fir oil. Moreover, a wonderful remedy not only heals, but also calms the nerves. And then the wives had a proper talk with their husbands, and they, in turn, finally helped to ensure that the Ministry of Health paid special attention to fir extract. This is how fir oil gained recognition in our country and entered the “big stage”.

Can this legend be trusted? I won't say yes or no. Whatever it was, but it was in the second halfXXcentury, preparations from fir began to be actively used in medicine. So how do you know, how do you know...

What is fir oil?

For medical purposes, fir oil is most often used. Why? I'll explain now.

Fir oil contains 35 biologically active substances. Phytoncides have a detrimental effect on microbes; vitamins, essential oils stimulate the body's defenses, enhance blood circulation.

Siberian fir needles contain from 3.09 to 3.27% essential oil (usually in the needles of other plants, the amount of essential oil ranges from 2 to 3%), about 320 mg of ascorbic acid, as well as tocopherol, tannins, resins.

The needles serve as a source of valuable fir pastel, from which camphor is synthesized.

Camphor was first obtained from fir oil by the Russian chemist P. G. Golubev in 1907. Camphor is used as a stimulant of cardiac activity, is included in various medicinal formulations. In medical practice, it is used as a means of stimulating the central nervous system, as well as in acute heart failure, shock conditions, in case of poisoning with narcotic, sleeping pills or painkillers, carbon monoxide, as a result of which cardiac activity weakens, the functions of the vital centers of the brain are sharply reduced.

Camphor is used even in the treatment of schizophrenia, as an external remedy - for myositis, articular rheumatism, neuritis.

Fir oil is very widely used in folk medicine. It contains bornylacetate, camphene, borneol, dipentone and other substances. Fir oil has antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory properties. It affects the cardiovascular and nervous systems, has an analgesic, calming effect, can improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract, lower blood pressure.

How is fir oil obtained?

During steam distillation, fir oil floats and separates from the water, and then it is collected. Healing properties of fir oil retains for a year, while it is important to store it properly. Since this substance oxidizes in air, decomposes under the influence of sunlight, it should be stored in a dark wall dish with a tightly ground lid. For everyday use, it is better to pour the oil into a bottle with a dropper from under valocordin.

Fir oil does not dissolve in water. If you need to get fir water, then add a few drops of oil to 1 liter of water and beat it with a mixer.

Oil tends to accumulate in the body during its internal use. Therefore, fir oil should be taken internally in small quantities: up to 5-10 drops per day, and some people are recommended no more than 3-5 drops at all.

For external use, the daily dose should not exceed 8-10 g.

Fir oil helps well with a strong cough: it is dropped from a pipette onto the root of the tongue, 2-3 drops before bedtime.

With a runny nose, lubricate the nose and bridge of the nose with oil, instill 1-2 drops into the nose several times a day. In chronic angina, the lubrication of the glands with fir oil has a healing effect. (Of course, this treatment is contraindicated for those who are allergic to this oil.)

In case of bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs, they rub themselves with oil and inhale. It is necessary to rub the oil into the collar zone of the back, chest, massage the feet 4-5 times a day. After rubbing the patient, it is necessary to wrap it with compress paper, wrap it in a blanket, give diaphoretic tea to drink.

In order to make an inhalation, boiled water is poured into an enameled bowl, 24 drops of fir oil are dripped, covered with a blanket and breathe over it.

With angina pectoris, as soon as an attack begins, pour 5-6 drops of oil into the palm of your hand and rub into the region of the coronary vessels - below the nipple.

In order to prevent attacks, it is good to do such rubbing 3-4 times a day, especially with sudden changes in weather.

With wet eczema, an ointment made from any fats (badger fat, goose fat) and fir oil helps. The ratio is 60-70% fat to 30-40% oil. Mix the components thoroughly, apply on the sore spot, apply compress paper on top and tie. Make such compresses 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 12-24 days.

Bedsores and diaper rash can also be cured with this ointment and pure fir oil, wiping sore spots with a swab.

Fir oil is not only valued as an effective drug with a wide spectrum of action, but one of the most affordable herbal medicinal products. And what could be more useful than knowing about the possibilities of the drug that is always at hand? This is what we will talk about now: how and what diseases fir oil treats.

By the way, when I offered my mother to learn the healing power of fir from her own experience, she at first reacted with distrust to my proposal. She is a very suspicious person, criticizing any innovations and having her own point of view on everything. But even she not only did not reject the opportunity to test some fir preparations on herself, but is now a real fan of this coniferous tree.

Fir oil is used for a variety of diseases and ailments. There are certain indications and recipes that allow the most effective and appropriate use of fir oil for medicinal purposes. Here are some of those recipes.

coniferous recipes


The effect is provided by the application (imposition) on the gum of a mixture of fir oil with sea buckthorn oil (it is also possible with peach, sunflower or fish oil). The mixture is made in a volume ratio of 1:1.

The application is done as follows: roll the cotton wool into a flagellum, soak abundantly with the mixture or lightly soak with fir oil, apply simultaneously on the upper and lower gums. Keep this compress for no more than 30 minutes.

Inflammation of the oral mucosa is treated with both fir oil and fir water. To do this, you need to type fir water in your mouth, hold for 5 minutes. Spit out. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times, twice a day. The total number of procedures is up to 30 times. In advanced cases, the effect comes more slowly.


Since fir oil has a destructive effect on tooth enamel, it is necessary to exclude contact of pure fir oil with teeth.


If barley, holazium or blepharitis has formed, fir oil can be used for treatment.

Take a drop of the drug on the index finger. Rub into tightly closed eyelids, avoiding getting oil in the eyes. With holazium, it is good to perform a kind of massage with fir oil at the site of the disease in order to achieve resorption. In case of successful treatment, surgery can be avoided.


WITH The remedy for burns is prepared according to the following recipe. It is best to take spermaceti, but if it is not available, then melted internal lard (you can also goose, raccoon or other). For the first days of treatment, the mixture is prepared in a ratio of 1: 1. After 2-3 days, the proportions change to 1: 2, i.e. now 2/3 of a fat emulsion, such as fish oil, is added to 1/3 of fir oil.

In case of sunburn, the skin should be immediately wiped with fir oil, which will prevent the appearance of blisters and painful manifestations.

IN in case of scalding with boiling water, the affected area should be lubricated with pure fir oil as soon as possible. This procedure will also prevent blisters from forming.

weeping eczema

Prepare an ointment by mixing 40-50% fir oil with 50-60% of one of the following components: ghee, goose, chicken, internal pork, badger, raccoon fat or spermaceti. Lubricate the affected areas of the body 2 times a day, for example, in the morning and evening.

If after two weeks there is no significant improvement, start simultaneously with the use of the ointment, taking pure fir oil orally 2 or 3 times a day, taking at a time, taking into account well-being, from 4 to 10 drops, but not more.

If belching occurs after ingestion, take 1-2 sips of water.

As practice shows, the duration of treatment largely depends on the individual characteristics of the patient.

trophic ulcers

The ointment is prepared in the same way as for the treatment of weeping eczema.

For deep ulcers, prepare turundas (wicks) from cotton wool or gauze, soak them with ointment and insert as deep as possible so that the healing process goes on at deep levels. As the healing progresses, the wicks are placed closer to the surface.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, the wound should be washed with fir water before the introduction of wicks. You can also use pure oil directly on the ulcers.

furuncle, carbuncle, panaritium

At the first sign of the appearance of a boil, carbuncle or panaritium, apply a compress of fir oil to this place for 20-30 minutes. At an early stage of the inflammatory process, one procedure is enough to stop the development of the boil, and slow down the development of the carbuncle and panaritium.

H After 6-8 hours, make a bandage by soaking a cotton swab or bandage with a healing composition, which is prepared as follows. Mix fir oil with any of the fat softeners (spermaceti, sea buckthorn oil, fish oil, etc.) in a ratio of 1: 1. After 2-3 days, make the dressing mixture softer by changing the ratio to 1: 2, t i.e. for 1/3 of fir oil, take 2/3 of the fat base.


As you know, this cold disease manifests itself in the form of a lump on the upper or lower lip. Without waiting for the seal to come to the surface, you need to apply a cotton swab or bandage soaked in fir oil to the affected area for 25-30 minutes. Repeat the process after a few hours. If the case is not started, the seal resolves, and the sore does not form.

If the sore has already appeared, it is necessary to lubricate it with fir oil mixed with some kind of fat.

You can also "cauterize" the sore spot with pure fir oil 2 times a day. If irritation occurs, discontinue treatment.


Prepare an ointment consisting of fir oil (50%) and medical grease (50%), which is taken as a fat base. Lubricate the affected areas of the body 2 times a day.

At the same time, you need to take fir oil inside 3 times a day, 5-10 drops at a time, depending on how you feel.


With a low degree of disease damage (plaques are scattered throughout the body in small foci), a course of treatment with fir water should be carried out. Take 3 times a day, 100 ml of water for 40-45 days. After a two-week break, continue taking water for another month - until the plaques completely disappear.

In the case of a more extensive spread of plaques throughout the body, fir baths should be taken simultaneously with the use of fir water. To do this, make a special emulsion that will allow the oil to dissolve well in water.

IN enameled dishes (with intact enamel) pour 550 ml of plain clean water. After the water boils, add 30 g of grated baby white soap there and boil over low heat until it is completely dissolved. Then remove the dishes away from the fire (essential oils are flammable!) And, stirring the contents with a clean spoon, gradually pour 0.5 liters of fir oil into the container. Having achieved homogeneity of the mixture by stirring, the contents of the dishes must be poured into bottles and closed with a tightly ground or nylon cork.

Store the finished emulsion in a dark place.

Treatment with fir baths

Fill the bath with warm water (170-200 l). Maintain the water temperature strictly within 39-42 °C. For patients with a weak heart, the temperature of the water in the bath should be maintained at 39 ° C, but not less. Otherwise, the emulsion will be unevenly distributed in the water. Those who have a good heart can take a bath at a water temperature of 42-43 "C.

For the first bath, 15 ml of emulsion must be measured with a beaker, and the contents of the bottle with the emulsion should be thoroughly shaken beforehand. Pour the first dose of the emulsion into the bath, stir the water with your hand. Take a bath.

Immerse yourself in water so that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart is not covered with water. You need to lie in the bath calmly, stirring the water from time to time. The duration of the procedure is from 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the state of health and well-being. If the emulsion and bath are prepared correctly, then after 7-10 minutes the patient feels a slight tingling in the perineum.

In the future, with each new bath, an increased volume of infused emulsion manifests itself as a burning sensation in the armpits and inguinal cavities, perineum. You can avoid discomfort by lightly lubricating these places with petroleum jelly.

After the end of the procedure, do not wipe the body, but lie down calmly until the tingling sensation stops.

The next time the dose of emulsion is increased by 5 ml, i.e. 20 ml of emulsion should be poured into the bath. With each subsequent procedure, it is necessary to add 5 ml of the emulsion. Gradually, the dose is brought to the limit of 85 ml.

The prepared emulsion should be enough for about 20 baths.

Bathing can be combined with ingestion of fir water or fir oil. But keep in mind that from taking a bath to taking the oil inside, 5-6 hours should pass.

IN take a beaker, accurately measure out 8 ml of fir oil, pour into a glass. Measure and add 100-150 ml of hot water with a temperature of 80-90 ° C to a glass, stir and pour the mixture into the prepared bath, mixing the entire volume of water with your hands.

For the first and second procedures, take 8 ml of fir oil, for the third - 10, for the fourth - 12, for the fifth - 14 and so on, with the same pattern, but not more than 30 ml of oil per bath. The optimal dose may vary, depending on the state of health.


The dosage must be determined based on well-being; overdose can harm the body. The course of treatment according to this method is 20-25 baths, at the rate of 1 bath per day. In the future, from time to time, to maintain tone, a course consisting of 3-4 baths should be carried out. Complete a second course of treatment in six months.



Pure fir oil should be rubbed into the area of ​​the focus of the disease. Then apply a compress of a mixture of 50% fir oil and 50% melted internal lard or other softener.

At the same time, in order to avoid the development of mastitis into a dystrophic process of dysfunction, fir oil is taken orally 3 times a day, 5-10 drops at a time, depending on how you feel.

The duration of treatment is 2-3 months.

Cracks in the nipples are treated by lubricating them with that mixture of fir oil and fat that is used for rubbing.


The fungus on the legs is cured with lotions of pure fir oil. The duration of the lotion is 25-30 minutes. If the fingertips are affected by the fungus, it is best to find an opportunity to immerse the feet in a vessel with fir oil and keep them there for 25-30 minutes.

Treatment is carried out until the fungus disappears, which usually takes 7-10 days.

IN in case of diaper rash, the legs are lubricated with pure fir oil 2-3 times a day. It is most convenient and effective to apply a 5-10-minute application (overlay) of a bandage soaked in oil.

cardiovascular dystonia


Timely treatment can avoid severe damage to the limbs, leading to disability, and sometimes to amputation of the legs. Treatment is by taking the oil orally 3 times a day, 5 to 10 drops at a time. In addition, 2-3 hours after ingestion, once a day, preferably at night, rub sore hands or feet with clean oil.

The duration of treatment for endarteritis and multiple sclerosis is 2-3 months and depends on the severity of the disease and general health. A positive therapeutic effect should be fixed periodically (especially in spring and autumn) by two-week courses of treatment according to the above scheme. As a prophylactic, you can take every other day once 5-10 drops of oil inside.

With vascular dystonia, daily rubbing gives positive results. Fir baths have the most beneficial effect on the patient's body.


Fir water baths have a beneficial healing effect on the affected joints of the hands. In the absence of fir water, baths with fir oil can be used.

Pour 1.5 liters of fir water into a plastic bag. Place the bag in a bowl of hot water. Warm fir water in a bag to a temperature of 40 ° C, then lower your hands into the water. If the fir water in the bag has cooled down, reheat it in the basin. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. At the end of the procedure, rub the joints with pure fir oil. The course of treatment consists of 15-18 procedures.

At the end of the procedure, pour fir water from the bag into a separate jar and close tightly with a nylon lid. This water can be used for the second and third procedures (the same volume of fir water is used three times).

D For the treatment of the legs, it is necessary to take a large bag, as well as stock up on a large amount of fir water so that the legs are immersed up to the knee joints. The method of treatment of the lower extremities is similar to the use of hand baths.

Despite the fact that this disease is severe and difficult to treat, baths from ordinary fir legs help to stop the disease.

The method of rubbing fir oil into the joints also allows you to partially stop the process of developing polyarthritis.


In case of osteochondrosis or sciatica in the steam room, put rumpled and preheated needles on the back of the patient. After half an hour of lying, you should steam using coniferous green brooms.

Twice a year, in spring and autumn, it is good to conduct massage courses with fir oil, 12-15 sessions each. Also, for preventive purposes, carry out rubbing oil 5-6 times a month. Such procedures allow you to restrain the severity of the painful manifestations of osteochondrosis.

To relieve acute pain in radiculitis, osteochondrosis and some other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, fir baths, which we talked about a little higher, allow.

As practice has shown, the success of the treatment of the trigeminal nerve is achieved in 50-60 cases out of 100, in addition, a second course of treatment is required. Good results are achieved in the treatment of inflammation of the end of the nerve exiting the eye area. In this case, more free access to the diseased nerve is provided.

Rubbing with fir oil is done with a finger. Movement should be light, along the nerve, not irritating the skin. It is especially desirable to rub pure oil into biologically active points 4-5 times a day. With sensitive skin, irritation or even a burn may appear at the rubbing points, however, after 3-4 days after rubbing is stopped, such irritations will disappear.

E WithIf the part of the nerve that passes inside, for example, under the jaw, is inflamed, then a point compress can be applied, which should be kept for no more than 15-20 minutes. This is done as follows: gauze is moistened with pure fir oil, applied, covered with compress paper on top. Make sure that there is no burn: adjust the duration of the compress.

Treatment should be supplemented with a three-time intake of fir oil inside. The duration of treatment for each person is individual: for one, three days is enough, for others it takes months. Every second person who used fir oil experienced only a slight decrease in pain.

angina pectoris, arrhythmia, tachycardia

In the event of an attack of angina pectoris, drip 10-15 drops of fir oil into the palm of your hand and rub it in the heart area, slightly below the nipple and up to the middle of the lateral line on the left.

After 1-2 minutes, the spasm is usually removed. If the spasm does not disappear, rubbing should be repeated.

As a prophylactic, supportive remedy for these diseases, it is recommended to perform external rubbing, described above, for a month.

The relieving effect is based on the ability of the oil to penetrate the skin directly to the diseased organ.

It is also very useful to take fir oil inside once a day in small (5-6 drops) doses.

blood pressure regulation

An infusion or decoction of fir (as well as other coniferous) needles to normalize blood pressure has long been used in folk medicine. Clinical and

Experimental studies of scientists have confirmed that fir preparations are able to regulate blood pressure. Decreased - levels off to normal, high - decreases, and normal remains unchanged.


Treatment should begin with a single oral intake of 3 drops of fir oil. The dose is brought to the individually acceptable, but it should not exceed 10 drops at a time (exceeding this limit is impractical from the point of view of the therapeutic effect).

IN ROil intake time: 10 minutes before meals. Patients with hyperacidity tend to belch. You can soften it in one of the following ways: take 1-2 sips of water, take oil before meals or immediately after meals. Take oil 3 times a day.

One of the possible side effects may be a loosening of the stool, and a significant one. In this case, you should switch to a two-time intake, if it does not help, then to a one-time oil intake (but within the same 10 drops at a time).

Patients under the age of 40 are recommended a monthly course of treatment, older people are treated for 45-50 days. Moreover, those who are "over forty", 2-3 months after the course, repeat the treatment according to a shortened two-three-week program. In the future, fir oil is used in case of violation of pressure stability.

Those who are over 60 years old repeat prophylactic treatment in a month and a half. A mild, prolonged treatment regimen is also possible, which consists in the constant intake of fir oil once a day.



In the treatment of prostatitis and adenoma, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, even in the smallest amount. Otherwise, all the results of treatment with fir preparations are reduced to zero. It is also not recommended to drink instant coffee, which has a very negative effect on the prostate gland. In addition, those who suffer from diseases of the prostate gland, it is necessary to avoid hypothermia of the legs in every possible way.

There are several methods for treating these diseases with fir.

Method I

Draw 40-50 ml of fir water into the syringe. Place in a bowl of hot water. Warm the contents of the syringe to about 38-40 ° C. You can make sure that the temperature is harmless by dropping fir water on the back of your hand.

Next, you need to squeeze out the air from the syringe and enter the contents of the syringe through the anus into the rectum. Lie on your stomach and lie down quietly for 7-10 minutes. It is most useful to do such a microclyster after a stool. If there is no stool, you must first make a cleansing enema, and then healing - with fir water.

An additional therapeutic effect is obtained by rubbing pure fir oil into the perineum. Rubbing should be done very carefully, avoiding touching the scrotum and anus. Otherwise, unpleasant sensations in the form of a burning sensation may occur.

You will need a syringe with a pull-out tip. Next, you need to heat the fir water to the required temperature, pull out the tip, put 5 drops of fir oil into the syringe hole and shake the contents, after inserting the tip into place. Squeeze out the air from the syringe, insert it into the rectum, make a microclyster. If there is no burning sensation, in the following days add 2-3 more drops of fir oil to the contents of the syringe, bringing their total number to 1012 drops, but no more.

Method III

Mix fir oil with sea buckthorn oil (sunflower, peach oil, fish oil or spermaceti are also suitable) in a ratio of 1: 1. Shake the mixture. Moisten a piece of bandage or cotton wool, squeeze this wick so that it does not drip. Then, using the index finger with a rubber fingertip put on it, carefully insert the wick into the rectum, leaving it there until the next stool.

Method IV

In pharmacy conditions, you can make candles based on cocoa butter, while each candle should contain about 10 drops of fir oil. Candles to enter into the anus.

When treating with this method, which was proposed and tested in the hospital named after N. N. Burdenko, it should be borne in mind that fir oil has the property of volatility, so the shelf life of candles in the refrigerator (each candle must be wrapped in parchment) does not exceed 5-6 days .

Method V

The action of the usual massage for diseases of the prostate gland will enhance the massage performed with fir oil. To do this, enter 8-10 drops of oil into the rectum and massage the prostate gland. The course of treatment must be carried out in the treatment room and with the help of an experienced massage specialist.


P prepare a mixture consisting of fir oil and some other fatty component in a ratio of 1:1. Soak a swab from a bandage or cotton wool with the mixture and carefully insert it into the anus (if the hemorrhoids are located inside the rectum).

External knots should be massaged with a finger dipped in fir oil or a prepared mixture. The burning sensation must be endured.



Treat the burnt area with ice water for 1-2 minutes. Apply a few drops of oil to the burned area, gently rub it into the skin. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day. This treatment helps to avoid infection and maintain the integrity of the skin.

In case of burns by poisonous plants, the affected area of ​​the skin must be treated 2 times a day with a mixture of fir oil and olive oil.

Cuts and abrasions



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