Internal organs - what hurts? How to find out that the kidneys hurt. Characteristics of pain in renal diseases

Back pain is a fairly common symptom of various diseases. However, it is not always possible to put correct diagnosis. So, how do you know that the kidneys hurt, and not the spine or back muscles? To do this, you need to have a minimal understanding of what human kidneys are, the location of these organs, and the symptoms of diseases.

In order to assume the presence of kidney disease in oneself, one must understand a little about the pathology and pathogenesis of these processes. You can find most of the answers in this article.

If a person has diseased kidneys, the symptoms of the disease have a number of significant differences from the manifestations lumbar osteochondrosis. First of all, it must be borne in mind that the kidneys most often hurt at night. It is pain at rest that allows you to establish a preliminary diagnosis. If your kidneys hurt at night or at rest, you should immediately pass a general urine test and undergo an ultrasound examination.

The basis differential diagnosis knowledge about the structure of the human kidney, its location relative to other organs lies at the preliminary appointment with doctors. A huge number of common kidney diseases are associated with their change in shape, location, volume, consistency. In particular, pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis is almost always accompanied by some enlargement of the kidneys.

In order to distinguish kidney disease from osteochondrosis, one should first of all pay attention to the nature of the pain. With osteochondrosis, pain is most often constant, aggravated by movement. There is limited mobility. kidney pain is less pronounced. Chronic kidney disease can be completely painless. Blunt pain can manifest itself only after the kidneys are cold, the symptoms appear immediately.

Severe lower back pain - kidneys?

If the lower back hurts badly, the kidneys may not be involved at all. Very often people look for a problem not where it really is. Remember not always when the lower back hurts, the kidneys are the cause of this pain. In almost eighty percent of cases of kidney disease, they occur without a pain symptom. The exception is urolithiasis.

There are many diseases in which there is severe back pain. I will name just a few of them:

  • shingles;
  • osteochondrosis of the thoracic and lumbar spine;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • adnexitis in women.

All these diseases can give severe back pain, radiating to various departments abdominal cavity. Therefore, do not rush to conclusions and independently prescribe treatment for yourself. This can lead to the fact that the underlying disease is not cured and becomes chronic.

Cold kidneys, will there be any symptoms?

Very often, patients come to the reception with the following question: I have a cold of the kidneys, what symptoms will there be and when can they appear? The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous. First of all, you need to understand that it is very difficult to chill the kidneys. They are securely hidden in the thickness human body. Usually the temperature in the kidney area never drops below 37.5 degrees Celsius. Even if you stay in the cold for three hours without clothes, you will not get cold kidneys. The etiology of kidney disease has a completely different focus.

All kidney diseases are divided into several large groups:

  1. inflammatory (caused by pathogenic microflora);
  2. functional (associated with dysfunction due to changes in structure);
  3. destructive (amyloidosis, kidney stones);
  4. congenital.

If a person has a cold of the kidneys, the symptoms of pyelonephritis appeared in him after a few hours, then this means only one thing. An exacerbation of a chronic inflammatory process in the renal pelvis began. In this situation, the diagnosis of acute pyelonephritis cannot be made on the basis that general hypothermia is not the cause of an acute inflammatory process.

At first glance, the difference seems to be, as well as not noticeable. But remember that the treatment regimens for chronic and acute processes are fundamentally different. Therefore, a doctor's mistake can cost the patient very dearly.

Do you know how we diagnose a chronic disease? Based on the repeated repetition of the disease throughout a person's life. It's sad, but it's reality.

Doctors do not take the liberty to face the truth, analyze the anamnesis and pathogenesis and make the correct diagnosis. In the end, the patient always loses. Be careful.

Remember that if the kidneys hurt, the symptoms may indicate the presence of a completely different disease. Just like the misdiagnosis of osteochondrosis, it should not be confused with kidney disease. If the kidneys hurt, the symptoms indicate osteochondrosis, then you need to do a series special surveys in order to make sure that everything is normal in the renal structure. In medicine, it is always better to play it safe a little than to think with regret about lost health later.

Indicators of health and disease of our body are elementary simple and we encounter them almost every day and do not need special diagnostic equipment. After all, our body daily shows us the violations that occur in it, but because of ignorance we do not attach any importance to this. Let's learn - it's easy!

1. The immune system. If there are no and have not been allergic reactions to certain substances, there is no rash on the skin, allergic spots, psoriasis, asthma, pneumonia ... So, the immune system is functioning normally.

2. Gastrointestinal tract. You get up in the morning full of energy, in the mouth there is a sweet sensation that passes quickly (it means that you had a “sweet” dream), and not a bitter sensation, dry mouth, in the morning it is discharged from the large intestine without foreign smell carbon dioxide(and not hydrogen sulfide and other decay products). You do not have constipation and during the day there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the smell of the body is pleasant, not offensive, the smell of socks under the arms is also pleasant, then in this case you can be sure that your stomach functions like healthy person.

3. Liver. In the morning and during the day you have no swelling under the eyes, no tingling and pain in the right side under the ribs, no yellow coating on the tongue, no bitterness, no dryness in the morning and throughout the day, no increased body weight and diseases thyroid gland you can be sure that your liver is functioning normally.

4. The condition of the lungs. Perform a test that can check the condition of the lungs. Take a lit candle in your outstretched hand, then make deep breath and try to blow out the candle. If you were able to extinguish it, then this means that the lungs are functioning normally. If the attempt was unsuccessful and you could not blow out the candle, then it is better to visit a doctor. Keep in mind that lung function declines with age and smoking.

5. Skin. If there is no dandruff, the skin is soft and elastic, blood vessels do not protrude above the surface of the skin, the skin color is soft pink, not yellow or pale yellow, your hands and feet do not get cold, then all cells of the skin surface normally receive nutrients with blood and optimal biochemical processes in skin cells.

6. Connective tissue organs. You can walk several kilometers with joy and a springy gait and not feel tired (and, if necessary, happily walk a few more kilometers), lift any weight within your strength, you do not have osteochondrosis. You don’t slouch, there are no joint pains, and your legs don’t “twist” in the evenings so that you don’t know where to put them, you always want to stretch, make movements with your arms, legs, enjoy physical education, etc. In this case, you can be sure that your connective tissue organs are functioning normally.

7. The brain and other organs associated with it. In the morning you get up without headaches, they are not even with any changes in the atmosphere, you easily memorize any text, you are not drawn to sleep during lectures, you never faint or fall into coma, you have no fear of heights and do not lose orientation in space, you do not feel dizzy on swings and during long trips. If your brain is functioning normally, vestibular apparatus then you are also in a healthy state.

8. Bone tissue. By the age of 40-50, you still have all your teeth in your mouth, and not artificial ones inserted instead of natural ones, the bones do not break at any excessive load, no "spurs" on calcaneus, the joints are not swollen, not enlarged, which means that the cells bone tissue function normally and you are healthy.

9. Cardiovascular system. Your blood pressure is 120/80, the veins do not protrude either on your arms or legs, there is no venous expansion, there are no hemorrhoids, there is no cardiac arrhythmia, not to mention the absence of strokes and heart attacks, then we can say with confidence that your cardiovascular the system is healthy.

10. Diagnosis of the body by external signs. People have been able to determine health by the condition of nails, skin color and other signs for a long time. This knowledge is still used in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine. This is justified: for thousands of years nothing has changed in the human body, it is arranged in the same way, it reacts to illness and injury in the same way and gives us the same signs of malfunctions as it did many centuries ago. By carefully monitoring their condition, we can hear in time the first calls for help from the body that needs protection, and, by contacting a doctor, take timely action. And each of us can learn the simplest self-diagnosis.

What does our face say?
. A very pale face often occurs with anemia, a violation of the kidneys.
. yellowish skin tone, yellow circles under the eyes and dark spots observed in diseases of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas.
. A red face may be a sign of various skin diseases, as well as a consequence of magnesium deficiency in the body.
. Pale pink circles under the eyes can signal problems with bladder. Bluish skin of the face is a frequent evidence of problems with the lungs, bronchi, and heart.
. earthy gray and dark circles under the eyes - there may be disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys, intestines, endocrine system.
. Puffiness - it is worth checking the work of the heart, kidneys, blood vessels.
. Increased dryness - possible various disorders in the work of the stomach, the threat of developing diabetes, as well as a lack of vitamins in the body.
. High humidity - likely heart disease, lung disease, hormonal disorders, neurosis.

Reading lips
. The upper and lower lips respectively represent the state of the stomach and intestines. If the lower lip is red, this indicates constipation. It is necessary to increase water intake, and reduce the consumption of sugary drinks. Physical exercise is recommended.
. If a crack appears in the corners of the lips, then this signals a bacteriosis.
. Dark or bluish lips talk about heart and lung problems.
. White or pale lips, most likely indicate anemia, problems with blood and lymph circulation.
. Brown specks on the lips are a sign of infection with worms.
. Chapped lips: the body lacks fluid.

What about our teeth?
In ancient times, doctors believed that the teeth themselves do not hurt and do not collapse, and a certain organ corresponds to each tooth and section of the mucous membrane on the gums.
. If the first two teeth on any of the jaws hurt, then, most likely, the kidneys and bladder suffer along with them.
. Painful 3rd tooth signals the condition of the liver and gallbladder.
. Problems with the 4th and 5th teeth of the lower jaw or the 6th and 7th of the upper jaw indicate problems in the stomach, pancreas and spleen.
. 4th and 5th teeth upper jaw, as well as the 6th and 7th lower indicate the condition of the colon and stomach.
. Patients with the 8th "wisdom teeth" may indicate abnormalities in the functioning of the heart and small intestine.

If, when brushing your teeth, the gums begin to bleed and appear bad smell, it's gingivitis. This may be due to a violation hormonal balance.
. If a pregnant woman has bleeding gums, this is a signal of a hormonal disorder that can lead to premature birth, or a miscarriage, or the birth of a child with a lower weight. It is necessary to see a doctor, observe oral hygiene, eat foods rich in vitamins and fiber, and visit a dentist.

Let's see your language
. Each zone in our language is a projection certain body, and if some organ is affected, then the appearance and color of the tongue itself change. A healthy tongue has pale pink color, smooth, soft crease and well-defined papillae. In a sore tongue, some areas may become discolored or redden, change shape (increase or "fail", and the folds become sharp, twisted).

If the tongue becomes saturated yellow or white, then there are problems with digestion; if the tongue is dark Brown, then this indicates overuse synthetic vitamin preparations, which led to an imbalance in the microflora in the oral cavity, another reason is bad teeth.

The color, thickness and condition of the coating on the tongue also indicate what is happening inside us: the thicker the coating, the more affected the corresponding organ. It is believed that:
. If the plaque is located at the base of the tongue, it means that the work of the gastrointestinal tract is clearly disrupted in a person, and if the plaque is on the tip of the tongue or along the edges - the lungs;
. Redness of the tip in the middle and bluish or purple languages ​​report weak heart;
. Curvature of the fold at the tip of the tongue indicates cervical osteochondrosis, in the middle - on the lumbar;
. Cracks in the tongue can signal kidney pathology, blood diseases, metabolic disorders and hormonal balance;
. Spots on right side and yellowness on the tongue indicates problems with the liver and gallbladder, on the left side and in the middle - a sign of problems in the spleen.

Chinese philosophy believes that if somewhere in the functioning of the organs there is an imbalance, then the body sends signals. Therefore, you need to be very attentive to the state of your body. Consider some signals that will help diagnose the disease in time.

Look into my eyes
. The disease state of the body can also be diagnosed by the deposits that the body forms around the eyes in the form of "bags". A healthy person does not have any deposits under the eyes, or these deposits were previously, but at present they have been removed by the body, but there are traces in the form of thin dashes.

If a person, regardless of age or race, has immune diseases, then they appear in the form of "bags" 2-3 mm wide. With violations of the synthesis of connective tissue organs, the size of the "bags" increases to 5-7 mm, regardless of gender, age and nationality.

At the same time, in violation of cardio-vascular system the size of the "bags" under the eyes increase significantly and reach 10 mm or more.

If the color of the lower eyelid has changed from pink to white, then this indicates problems with metabolism and possible anemia. Strengthen your diet with iron-rich foods.
. If there are persistent dark circles under the eyes, then problems with the kidneys and adrenal glands cannot be ruled out. In this case, you need to get enough sleep, and stop drinking coffee, cold drinks, fried foods, and significantly increase the consumption of beans, fresh vegetables and fruits.
. If the whites of the eyes are yellow, then this may be jaundice or another liver disease. In this case, you must consult a doctor.
. If the eyes have become unnaturally bulging, and the weight has decreased without a foundation, then this indicates an actively working thyroid gland. In this case, it is necessary to do a hormonal analysis.

. If between the eyebrows or around the eyes dry skin is felt and numerous wrinkles form, then these signals indicate problems with the liver and spleen. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of meat and products with high content animal fat, as well as exclude pastries, dairy products, eggs, spices, sauces, alcohol, sugar from the diet. It is necessary to increase the consumption of foods rich in vitamins B2 and B6, fresh fruits and vegetables.

. If redness appears at the very top of the nose, at the point where the heart is projected, then this is an indicator of high blood pressure. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of salt, alcohol and spices.
. If capillaries appear on the tip of the nose, on which the gallbladder, stomach and pancreas are projected, these signals indicate a violation of blood sugar levels. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of sugar, coffee and alcohol.

. The ears show the state of the kidneys, and if the cochlea of ​​the ears has acquired a red or purple color, then the metabolism is disturbed. In this case, it is necessary to abandon sugary drinks and alcohol, sugar and animal fats.
. If strange sounds suddenly appear in your ears at night or during the day, you should contact official medicine to find out the reason. Sometimes this is a warning of future deafness or internal inflammation.

. The cheeks show the condition of the lungs, and if they have an earthy tint, this may indicate lung cancer, and a dark red hue of the cheeks indicates high blood pressure. In the latter case, you just need to quit smoking and monitor your blood pressure.

. If longitudinal stripes appear on the nails, this may indicate digestive problems.
. If the nails turn yellow and lose their luster, then this means wrong and unbalanced diet, excessive smoking or severe metabolic problems. In this case, you should increase your intake of protein and calcium, as well as fruits and vegetables.
. If you press on the nail thumb within 2 sec. and relax, then the nail becomes white, but after a few seconds it restores its normal color. If it takes longer to recover, then this indicates physical fatigue, Bad mood or anemia. If this attempt gives a similar result within a few days, it means a metabolic disorder or a slow metabolism. If numbness or coldness of the hands is added to this sign, then you should definitely visit a cardiologist.

. If you lose more than 70 hairs a day every day, then you need to pay attention to nutrition, your body may not have enough iron and protein. But, perhaps, hormonal disorders associated with the thyroid gland.

. One of the most common causes of dandruff is stress.
. The cyclic appearance of dandruff indicates a hormonal imbalance.

. If you have great difficulty falling asleep and you rule out causes such as tension, overeating, and arousal before bed, then possible cause there may be a lack of calcium or problems with the nervous system. If you are experiencing constant drowsiness then visit a psychologist.

. Unnatural sweating in the morning, immediately after waking up, hides high risk the presence of a tumor, diabetes, a thyroid problem, or changes in hormonal balance. You should visit a doctor.

We determine your health by hand.

Hands are a mirror of health, they keep in themselves great amount information. As if from a book, one can read not only the past and future of a person, his character traits and inclinations, but also find out what state his health is in. To do this, you just need to look closely at them.

Red palms.
The red color of the palms is typical for toxic injury liver, hepatosis or hepatitis. The marble texture on the palms indicates abnormalities of the autonomic nervous system.

Yellow tint on hands.
The yellow hue of the palms indicates that most likely there are any abnormalities in the gallbladder or liver (cholecystitis, disorders biliary tract, hepatitis, cholangitis, cholelithiasis).

If there are brown spots.
Brown spots on the back of the hands indicate not only age (pigmentation is usually observed in the elderly), but also problems with the gallbladder.

The hands are peeling.
The lack of vitamins A and D is manifested by peeling in the form of small plates of the skin of the hand, especially the skin of the palms. In case of peeling in the form of large plates, it is worth signing up for a consultation with a dermatologist, since this most likely indicates the presence of a fungus on the hands.

Hands are cold or, conversely, burning.
If the hands are cold, then this indicates deviations in peripheral circulation the person is probably deficient nicotinic acid. Accordingly, it is worth trying to make up for its deficiency with the help of vitamins in the form of tablets or include those foods in the diet that are rich in this acid: cabbage, meat, beans, fish, mushrooms, dairy products.

Otherwise, if the palms are “burning”, this indicates that the liver is not able to cope with intoxication, which is caused by poisoning with chemicals, alcohol or medicine. Doctors call such palms hepatic.

If goosebumps “creep” on the palms, then deviations should be sought in the endocrine system.

Increased humidity.
Increased hand moisture also indicates endocrine problems It's probably an overactive thyroid. Paleness and dryness skin palms, on the contrary, indicates a hypofunction of the thyroid gland, that is, hypothyroidism.

The presence of spots on the ends of the fingers can also indicate health problems.

Numbness of parts of the hands.
Frequent numbness of the little fingers - good reason to visit a cardiologist, as these symptoms indicate a malfunction of the cardiovascular system. Numbness thumbs indicates weakness of the respiratory system.

Elongated folds on the phalanges of the fingers.
If deep folds have formed on the terminal phalanges, directed along the growth of the finger, then doctors advise paying attention to the endocrine system - you are probably sick diabetes or hypothyroidism.

The purple color of the fingertips hints at problems in the digestive system. Purple or dark red color of the fingertips - pay attention to the liver and kidneys. Spots on the raised bases of the thumbs indicate possible problems of the reproductive system.

If it itches side surface index finger on the right hand, then the colon should be checked. The roughness of the skin on the back of the index finger mostly indicates a problem gallbladder.

According to the condition of the joints.
Many interesting conclusions can be drawn by analyzing the condition of the joints. Excessive flexibility of the joints, as well as insufficient, in the presence of a general reduced tone of the muscles of the fingers, indicates problems with the liver and gallbladder.

The joints of the hands crunch - replenish calcium in the body. wrong shape and soreness of the joints of the fingers hint at the presence of arthrosis. This kind of change is usually characteristic of people with gout.

Painful swelling and swelling of the joints of the hand, the appearance of redness clearly signal the development of polyarthritis. Soreness in the area between the 2nd and 3rd phalanges of the index or ring finger indicates the approaching appearance of serious problems with the knees.

We look at the proportions of the hands and draw conclusions.
It has long been noted that people with wide palms good health. True, people with wide palms and at the same time short fingers often suffer from disorders of the circulatory system, most often from hypertension.

People with narrow palms, thin fingers of great length and pale skin tone of the hands usually have a fine nervous organization, are sensitive to strong temperature changes and atmospheric pressure, as well as moving between time zones, loud sounds and strong emotions.

Brush owners small size usually have an overly receptive autonomic nervous system. Their typical diseases are hypotension, bronchial asthma, inflammation of the rectum.

Fleshy palms warn of possible future problems with the circulatory system: they have a slow metabolism and reduced thyroid function.

As the saying goes Chinese medicine, in the center of the palm there is a point that is recognized as an energy center human body. If a sharp pressure on the area of ​​this point thumb causes piercing pain, this indicates serious problems with health. In this case, it is better not to postpone going to the doctor for a long time.

Pathology genitourinary system manifested by severe soreness during compression of the tubercle located between the ring and middle fingers.

Draw a line starting between the beginning of the ring finger and little finger to the wrist. The lower third from the wrist of this line on the surface of the palm corresponds to the site of the gallbladder and liver. If pressure on this area causes pain, then it is worth checking these organs.

All the patterns listed above signal only the potential possible deviations health status. You should not rely only on this diagnosis, they just help you seek the help of professionals in time.

How to diagnose diseases by pulse?

The doctor, after examining the patient's pulse, is able to tell a lot about the state of a person's health: what diseases haunted him until the moment of the examination, what symptoms are present in this moment, and even with a high degree of probability to establish future ones. To use this technique professionally, you need long years training, but there is a simpler version of it. Using the easy way pulse diagnostics, each person is able to establish the cause of the deterioration of well-being.

Mastering even the simplest technique requires concentration and daily practice. You should be aware that in some cases it is not recommended to measure the pulse. General rule is to do research only in calm state. We list the factors under which you should refrain from using the technique:
■ if you have just eaten or medications;
■ if you feel hungry;
■ immediately after doing hard work;
■ under the influence of stressful natural factors;
■ if you have not slept well or are simply depressed.

The most optimal period of time for diagnosis is the period between breakfast and lunch. In this interval, there are no large jumps in heart rate. Accordingly, the result will be more accurate.

A normal pulse in a healthy person is about 60-100 beats per minute. Its measurement is made by easy pressing with three fingers inner part wrists are usually on the left. Please note that in smokers, in people who are sick or in an unstable emotional state the pulse may be slow or fast.

Do the following experiment: relax and take your pulse, then vigorously exercise for 5 minutes, and after 10 minutes take your pulse again. After 10 minutes of rest, the pulse should recover. If the pulse is restored, then you are strong and energetic, if not, then you need to lead an active lifestyle and play sports.

Determination of the radial pulse.
To check your pulse, bend your wrist slightly with your other hand tightly around it. bottom side. The index, middle and ring fingers should be in line along the radial artery. With light pressure, achieve a sensation of pulsation. By adjusting the amount of pressure on these points, feel the difference in pulse fluctuations.

Determining the state of health by the number of pulse beats.
The state of health can be judged by determining the number of heartbeats. To do this, use the method described above to count the number of pulsations during the respiratory cycle: exhale, pause, inhale. If your health is in order, then the value should be from 4 to 6.
Results that are different from the norm indicate that there is a good reason to see a doctor. Carry out a study of the stabilization of the pulse. If for all the time you feel even, energetic shocks, then the body is in order. With constant fluctuations in the strength and frequency of pulsations, you need to think - is everything okay with your health?

It is necessary to measure the pulse on the wrists of both hands. And that's why. The information obtained will help to find out in which area of ​​​​the body lies the cause of the ailment or impending disease. It is necessary to compare the strength of the pulsations on the left and right wrists. Where this value is greater, and lies dangerous syndrome. For example, the pulse on the right is stronger. Therefore, something is wrong in the same half of the body.

In addition, one must learn to compare the strength of the pulsations under each finger. This will help narrow down the search for the problematic organ. Strong beating under index finger(on any side), signals violations in the upper body (head, heart, lungs). Strong sensations in the middle area - a disorder with the stomach, liver. The ring finger will indicate problems with the lower half of the torso (lower back or kidneys).

Determination of temperament by pulse.
To determine the temperament, various tests are most often used. However, not everyone knows that it is subject to change. Age, psychological and physical state organisms can cause temperament adjustments. You can determine it using a simple technique. An important fact should immediately be noted. Reliable result obtained only when normal condition organism. Measure the pulse, and try to do it very accurately. Your state should be calm and balanced. Best to carry out similar procedure in the morning.

A point on any artery is suitable for measuring the pulse: temporal, carotid, brachial, popliteal. In most cases, radiation is used, passing from inside hands. The values ​​obtained as a result of the experiment will determine your temperament.

Interval 76-83 beats per minute. The nature of the pulsations: strong, active shocks, repeated regularly. This type corresponds to choleric.
. Interval 68-75 beats per minute. The indicators are the same as in the previous case. So you are sanguine.
. Frequency less than 67 beats per minute. The nature of the blows is weak, but regular. These are the traits of a phlegmatic person.
. The frequency exceeds 83 beats per minute. The pulse is undulating, weak and irregular. Such a picture defines the features of a melancholic.

Signs of diseases and disorders in the body.

* Black circles formed under the eyes. It's crashing in the work of the heart and kidneys.
* Red streaks formed in the whites of the eyes. Nervous system exhausted. There is mental and physical fatigue.
* There is a vertical wrinkle between the eyebrows. The intense rhythm of the liver.
* The lower lip is stretched. Intestinal diseases.
* Frequent outbursts of anger. Liver function deteriorated.
* Hair falls out on the top of the head. The diet is rich in animal products.
* Snoring during sleep. enlarged Achilles tendon. A sign of atherosclerosis and obesity in the area chest and abdomen with thin legs and arms.
* No reason available internal anxiety and fear. A heart examination is needed.
* Fold on the earlobe, located diagonally. The depth of the fold indicates how sclerosed the vessels are and how high the risk is. cardiovascular diseases.
* Redness under the armpits and under the eyes, pores on the forehead. This suggests that the muscles of the heart are poorly supplied with blood.
* Wen (lipomas). Sign of polyps in the colon.
* After eating beets, urine turns red. The anti-cancer protection of the intestine is impaired. If the intestines are healthy, then the urine, in this case, does not stain.
* Double chin, thick neck, chubby cheeks. Poisons accumulate in the body with poor digestion.
* Neck brown or red. The abdominal organs are inflamed.
* Large hanging moles. Inside the body there are polyps.
* Facial redness and acne, which appeared after 40 years. This speaks of chronic disease intestines, liver and stomach.
* Acne in adolescence. Oily skin.
* There is twitching of the eyelids. The body lacks magnesium.
* Appetite is regularly lost. Disease of the stomach, intestines, kidneys or heart. And also insufficient content of B vitamins.
* Frequent occurrence thirst. Sign of diabetes.
* Isolation of blood between periods. Possible inflammatory processes and even cancer.
* Blood in the stool. Hemorrhoids, intestinal inflammation, hemorrhage. May be a sign of leukemia.
* Brittleness of fingernails and toenails. Lung or thyroid disease.
* The appearance of yellowness of the skin. Disease of the liver or spleen.
* Blueness of lips and skin. This indicates heart or lung disease.
* Smell from the mouth. Possible stomach disease, as well as metabolic disorders or diabetes.
* Swelling of one leg. It manifests itself with varicose veins or inflammation of the lymphatic system.
* Both legs swell. This indicates kidney or heart disease.
* Edema in the abdominal cavity. This is indicative of liver disease.
* Bleeding gums come from a deficiency of vitamins C and P, and also occurs with inflammation of the gums and periodontal disease.

Again, I spoke about typical signs, in which in some cases you need to contact a specialist.

Very often we are faced with heaviness, pain and stiffness of movements in the back. Many perceive it as inflammation or a cold, but the problem can be much more serious.

Kidneys or back hurt, how to determine the cause at home is not clear. But general symptoms and prerequisites can give a hint, which we will discuss below.

Contacting the hospital

It is almost impossible to recognize pain in the kidneys or understand that the lower back hurts from osteochondrosis without a medical education.

A number of tests are required, which include:

  • radiography;
  • Tomography;
  • magnetic resonance therapy;
  • Pressure measurement;

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If you came to the hospital earlier and were diagnosed with: chronic pyelonephritis, kidney failure, kidney stones or osteochondrosis of the lower back, then the symptoms that appear indicate an exacerbation of the disease.

Causes of back pain

You can recognize pain in the kidneys and distinguish it from osteochondrosis by knowing the general symptoms and manifestations. It is inflammation in the spine and problems with internal organs may be the main cause of pain.

If there are problems with the spine, it can be diagnosed:

  1. Mycosis;
  2. Rheumatism.

Related photos:

When the cause lies in kidney disease, the diagnosis is made only by a doctor after a series of tests, a complete diagnosis.


Find out that the kidney hurts or is inflamed intervertebral discs possible, based on common symptoms and manifestations.

Osteochondrosis or rheumatism- Shooting and sharp pain in the back, lumbar;
- Pulling sensation when turning and tilting;
- Improvement during sleep or after taking a horizontal position;
- Localization of pain in the center of the back;
- Muscle spasms;
- The onset of relief after rubbing and warming ointments.
Pyelonephritis, kidney stones, or other kidney disease- Almost no back pain, but can be aching and temporary;
- Pain does not come when changing positions, in a supine position;
- Ointments and anti-inflammatory ointments do not bring results, only painkillers help;
- Painful sensations concentrated in the region of the kidneys.

Allocate and common manifestations that are inherent in osteochondrosis lumbar and kidney pathology

Who is most susceptible to kidney disease?

There is a risk group that is most susceptible to kidney disease. Therefore, they should first of all go for a routine examination, especially if the first symptoms of inflammation have already appeared.

These are usually those who suffer from:

  • Diabetes;
  • Infections and inflammation in the genitourinary system;
  • A woman during pregnancy;
  • Subject to a genetic factor;
  • Reduced immunity;
  • Transferring trauma and kidney surgery;
  • Bad habits.

Useful video:

Why does osteochondrosis develop?

There can be several reasons for the appearance of osteochondrosis, and hence back pain:

  • Incorrect position during sleep;
  • Great physical activity;
  • Sedentary work at the computer;
  • inflammation and infection;
  • Pathology of the joints;
  • Heredity;
  • Diabetes;
  • Hypothermia.

Typically, osteochondrosis affects patients aged 30-50 years, but athletes, pregnant women, and people over 60 years of age also suffer from osteochondrosis.

How to distinguish problems?

You can also distinguish the disease by symptoms at home, if you look closely at your state of health.

So, with osteochondrosis or arthritis, patients suffer from sharp pains and discomfort during physical exertion, there is a spasm and an improvement in the condition after using warming ointments.

If the patient has problems with the kidneys and internal organs, then there may not be pronounced back pain, they occur only in the advanced form of the disease or with a cold in the lower back, the discomfort does not go away even in the supine position.

Often with pyelonephritis and nephritis, pain can descend to the hip bones, give to the side or stomach.

Metastases are secondary formations that have a malignant oncological process. Renal metastases are most common in oncological processes capable of producing secondary widespread foci. The presence of metastases indicates that the cancer has taken an advanced stage, and secondary foci are a more severe pathology compared to the primary tumor.

It should be noted that metastases in the kidney have practically no symptoms, the functions of this organ are rarely violated. The foci are diagnosed, as a rule, during the examination, but it may be too late to start effective treatment.

Despite this, extensive metastasis may occur arterial hypertension, that is high blood pressure, as the main vessels and the ureter are compressed. There may also be hydronephrosis, that is, expansion of the calyces and pelvis, which can cause kidney failure.

More than a quarter of patients who have experienced a disease such as kidney cancer have metastases in distant organs and regional lymph nodes. Since the symptoms of renal metastases are specific to the affected organ, you need to know the symptoms of such manifestations.

Metastases in the lungs are manifested by constant shortness of breath, a feeling of heaviness, frequent cough, which is worse at night and a feeling of tightness in the chest. You can also see blood in the mucus when coughing.

Since kidney cancer can manifest itself as bone metastases, there is a gradual increase in lethargy, pain in the affected bone and in the spine area, increasing limitation of motor activity, numbness lower extremities, pathological fractures, compression pain, complete immobilization, hypercalcemia and bladder dysfunction.

If metastases have spread to the brain, symptoms such as dizziness, ataxia, depression, decreased thinking, speech and memory are observed. There may also be facial asymmetry, mental disorders, character changes, vomiting, nausea, drowsiness and different size eyes and pupils.

General symptoms in the case of metastasis include anemia, subfebrile temperature, weight loss, increased ESR, a decrease or increase in temperature. Since some symptoms may be similar to signs of another disease, it is important to be examined regularly in order to detect cancer and the presence of metastases in time.

Pain in the lower back is a common symptom that requires special attention by the doctor and the patient. According to statistics, up to 90% of all cases discomfort in the lower back caused by problems with the spine and nerve roots, 6% - kidney diseases and 4% - pathology of other organs.

Recognize character and distinctive features pain, without specialized knowledge, it can be very difficult, and ignoring the peculiar signals for help that the body sends is dangerous to health. Listen to yourself and try to figure out what kind of pain is bothering you: in the kidneys or lower back.

Back pain may develop various reasons. Among them:

sciatica; osteochondrosis; spinal hernia; injuries of the lumbar spine; acute and chronic pancreatitis; cholecystitis and cholelithiasis; gastric ulcer / duodenal ulcer; pyelonephritis, pyelitis; glomerulonephritis; hydronephrosis; urolithiasis; nephroptosis; aneurysm abdominal region aorta; inflammatory diseases of the organs located in the small pelvis.

To find out if the lower back or kidneys hurt, you need to know the characteristic features of the pathology of the main body systems.

Lower back pain caused by sciatica or osteochondrosis has the following features:

localization in the middle part of the back (in the projection of the spine); possible irradiation to the buttock, back hips (along the sciatic nerve); pulling or, on the contrary, a sharp shooting character; connection of increased pain with the following actions: prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position; weight lifting; sudden movement; any load unusual for a person. sharp limitation active movements associated with pain syndrome; pronounced tension of the back muscles.

Also, to understand that it is the lower back that hurts, and not the kidneys, it helps to improve the condition after the use of anti-inflammatory, warming agents. Unpleasant sensations are significantly reduced if the patient takes comfortable position, wrapped in a woolen blanket and sharply limit the amount of active movements.

Although the organs digestive tract located in the abdominal cavity, due to the peculiarities of innervation, in case of violations in their work, the back can sometimes hurt. For example, pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) is characterized by:

excruciating pains, gripping upper third abdomen, side and back (left); nausea, indomitable vomiting; diarrhea, excretion of undigested pieces of food, droplets of fat with feces; endocrine function pancreas (increased blood glucose levels).

With cholecystitis and cholelithiasis, biliary colic often develops, characterized by sharp acute pain in the right hypochondrium and back. In addition, patients complain of general malaise, nausea, bad taste in the mouth. Sometimes these signs are accompanied by yellowness of the skin and discoloration of the feces.

How to determine that the cause of back pain lies in the disease of the digestive system? This is indicated not only additional symptoms, but also the data of laboratory and instrumental tests (OAC, BAC, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, etc.).

So how can you tell kidney pain from lower back pain? The following facts indicate the defeat of the main organs of the urinary system:

Exposure to certain provoking factors; general hypothermia (for example, if the patient blew his back 2-3 days before the onset of symptoms, or he wet his legs); the presence of chronic foci of infection; there may be a connection with a sore throat (2-3 weeks before the onset of pain). More often unilateral the nature of unpleasant sensations At the same time, pain in the region of the left kidney is diagnosed less frequently than the right one (due to anatomical features location of the paired organ). inner surface hips. Lack of relationship between the movements of the patient and the intensity of pain. additional features pathology of the excretory system general deterioration of the patient's condition - weakness, fatigue, drowsiness, lack of appetite, mood; symptoms of intoxication (fever, headache, nausea); dysuria (any changes in urination); edema localized on the face / eyelids, upper body; increased blood pressure.

Based on these symptoms, it can be assumed that the back or kidneys hurt: how to find out probable cause unpleasant sensations, we will consider in the section below.

Sometimes we feel like our hearts are hurting. Well, that is left-hand side chest. But in fact, in most cases, this is not the heart at all, because heart pain, as a rule, is localized in completely different places.

Or, it happens that a person, and especially a child, complains of pain in the abdomen. But "just the stomach" in medicine does not exist. And depending on which area of ​​the abdomen the pain is located in, it can be like acute appendicitis, requiring urgent appeal to the doctor, and the banal accumulation of gases, which can pass from one tablet. Therefore, it is so important to know which organ hurts where. Localization of pain is an important indicator of the affected organ, that is, by where it hurts, it is easier for the doctor to determine what exactly is the cause of the pain.


Headache is most often simple migraine who can be helped by pain medication. But if it comes on suddenly and unexpectedly, is too strong or lasts more than three days, you need to sound the alarm. There are hundreds of types of headaches. But all of them can be divided into three main groups:

Tension headaches, or tension pains, are felt as pressure around the top of the head, often accompanied by tension in the facial and neck muscles. Tension pains rarely last long and are usually relieved by massage or pain medication.

Vascular headaches (including migraine, as well as pain caused by intracranial pressure or hangover) - long-term, recurring throbbing pain on one side of the head, lasting about 4 hours or longer, sometimes accompanied by nausea, dizziness, visual abnormalities (multi-colored stripes or circles , for example) or photophobia.

Viral or bacterial meningitis- severe headache, accompanied by fever and tension in the cervical region.

A stroke or aneurysm is an unexpected “backache”, sharp and not like ordinary headache attacks.

Nerve pinching is a sharp pain, similar to a toothache, that does not go away for some time (several days) and is felt at one specific point.


Myocardial infarction - felt like pain behind the sternum, radiating to left hand, back, lower jaw or neck. Sometimes accompanied by nausea, vomiting, cold perspiration, fear of death.

Inflammation of the esophagus - also feels like pain behind the sternum, however, with inflammation of the esophagus, unlike a heart attack, the pain increases when swallowing and is often accompanied by heartburn.

Pneumonia or pleurisy - pain in the chest or back behind the shoulder blades, aggravated by coughing and deep breathing.

Angina pectoris is often described by people as a feeling of tightness or constriction in the chest. It usually occurs during physical activity or stress, lasts about a minute and stops at rest.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine - the pain resembles angina pectoris. In this case, there is intense and prolonged pain in the chest, in the left half of the chest. Irradiation to the hands, interscapular region may be noted. The pain intensifies or weakens with a change in body position, head rotation, hand movements.


Acute appendicitis - begins with pain in the upper divisions abdomen, which later migrate to the navel, and then to the right lower part belly. As a rule, it is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fever.

Ulcer - the so-called "dagger" pain in the upper abdomen, in the anterior abdominal wall.

Acute pancreatitis - girdle pain, migrating to the left or right side.

Acute cholecystitis is a constant pain in the right hypochondrium.



2023 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs