How to treat withdrawal symptoms at home. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome - treatment of the dangerous consequences of alcoholism

withdrawal syndrome alcoholism is not just a hangover that happens after a "good" drink. This is the state when a physical, nervous disorder begins.

Patients with chronic alcoholism of 2 and 3 degrees are subject to it, when alcohol consumption is stopped, reducing the dose. You can get out of this thanks to another.

What is it, symptoms

The symptoms of the condition are different. A hangover is a poisoning of the body with all the ensuing consequences:

  • Heaviness in the head, migraine-type pain.
  • Unpleasant feeling in the stomach, nausea, vomiting.
  • Weakness.
  • Trembling of hands.
  • Strong thirst.
  • Aversion to alcoholic drinks.

This condition lasts for several hours, disappears without a trace. Many recommend in the morning, after libations, to drink a small dose for therapeutic purposes. The opinion is wrong. Alcohol poisoning cannot be treated.

The symptoms of the syndrome are much more severe, over 3-5 days. This is due to the accumulation of toxins in the blood, which are formed as a result of the breakdown of alcohol. Without it, a person can no longer do.

Ethanol becomes a component of the blood, takes part in metabolic processes, the body requires it, causing such conditions:

  • Feelings of anxiety, anxiety, fear.
  • Drops in blood pressure.
  • Problems with coordination, dizziness.
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Aversion to food, pale complexion.
  • General weakness, hand trembling, fever.
  • Confused mind, hallucinations.

Syndrome stages

Each stage is characterized by different symptoms:

  1. The first (initial) is manifested in a violation of concentration, anxiety, weakness, desire to drink.
  2. Second (moderate). The clinical picture is more pronounced. Added loss of appetite, increased heart rate, breathing. Running look.
  3. The third one is dangerous state psyche with hallucinations, anxiety, insomnia, nightmares.
  4. Fourth (heavy). The symptoms of withdrawal syndrome are clearly conditioned, requiring medical care. People call it "white fever". Possible death.

Features of withdrawal

IN easy man several hours go without alcoholic beverages, the condition almost does not worsen. It happens at the beginning of the second stage of alcoholism. With a moderate need to drink occurs immediately after sleep, to improve the condition, take a dose of alcohol.

A person can still abstain from alcohol by an effort of will. Occurs in the middle of the second stage of alcoholism with chronic addiction. Expressed is characterized by the fact that it is almost impossible to live without alcohol.

Symptoms persist for several days, without a dose of alcohol they do not pass. This occurs at the end of the second, beginning of the third stage of alcoholism. Severe with all the symptoms can last a very long time. Without appropriate treatment leads to mental disorders, death.

Stages of alcoholism

Even in ancient times, the great Horace said: "Intoxication is voluntary madness" It is difficult to disagree with this. Current medicine defines four, when a normal, healthy person turns into a mentally, physically ill person, clear signs of insanity.

First. No strong psychological dependence. A man may abstain from drinking for a while if it cannot be purchased. At the first opportunity, he will find and bite. Company, friends, depression, loneliness, the desire to relax lead to alcoholism.

At this stage, a person can be freed from addiction if he reconsiders his attitude to the world around him, changes his priorities. Complete failure from ethanol, sports, new friends. Life without alcohol can be much more joyful, happier. If you continue to aggravate, there will be persistent addiction.

Second. An obsessive desire haunts constantly. All thoughts are occupied with the search for alcohol. The dose is increased to achieve a "high", while there are no symptoms of poisoning. Concepts about the negative of drunkenness disappear. There is a transition to the next severe form.

Third. Irreparable harm is done to mental and physical health. The dose taken is more than allowable norms. Alcohol burns internal organs and tissues.

First of all, the liver and kidneys suffer. An alcoholic has severe swelling due to poor functioning of the urinary system, yellow skin caused by stagnation of bile, pathological changes in the liver.

Mental health has been irreparably damaged. With compulsory treatment, “breaking” occurs. A person commits inadequate, insane acts, becomes violent, insane.

Stage 4 complete indifference to the outside world. The only thought is to drink. All organs and systems practically do not work. Man is lost not only to society, but also to himself. During this period, everything that contains alcohol is used: cologne, glass cleaner, and other alcohol-containing substances.

They are no longer amenable to forced treatment. During the withdrawal from the binge may die. 99% die a painful death from cirrhosis, kidney failure, heart attacks, cerebral hemorrhages.

It is believed that stages 3 and 4 are a one-way ticket. Such patients are no longer being treated. As Plutarch said: "No body can be so strong that the wine could not damage it." At these stages, immunity is almost destroyed.

Relief of the syndrome

Conclusion from the difficult alcohol intoxication When the body cannot cope with a large dose of ethanol, mental and physical discord begins. The symptoms of poisoning are eliminated medically.

Complex therapy is prescribed individually. Cupping is not a method of treatment, after it a psychologist's consultation is indicated, a long recovery, which will depend on the degree of the disease.

How to withdraw

The elimination of the withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism consists in the gentle withdrawal of a person from alcohol addiction, elimination of signs caused by the lack of drinking. On different stages alcoholism withdrawal symptoms will be approximately equal, but the duration varies.

In severe cases drug treatment, which includes many procedures, is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of a narcologist.

A day later, glucose, sodium chloride with thiamine, riboflavin, biotin are dripped, ascorbic acid, anti-allergic (telfast, hismanal), drugs for blood circulation (cavinton, neurovit).

All this helps to remove the toxic effect of alcohol in the blood. Strong diuretic medications are prescribed to remove toxins that are formed during the breakdown of ethanol, reduce swelling.

  • Drugs that reduce cravings for intoxicating (crotenal, antabuse).
  • Sedatives, hypnotics (gidazepam, clozapine).
  • Means for improving the functioning of the liver, cleansing the body (Esentiale, preparations based on milk thistle).

After acute course the second stage begins, where you should continue to take drugs that improve metabolism. To these is added the therapy of organs that have been harmed by copious libations.

Treatment for alcohol dependence includes drugs, disgusting to alcohol, vomiting, increased heartbeat, fear of death. They help relieve cravings for alcohol, get rid of dependence on a psychological level.

Treatment at home

Withdrawal syndrome can be removed independently. It could be on early stages alcoholism. They usually use Medichronal, which is dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription.

After taking it, toxins are quickly eliminated from the body, disappear unpleasant symptoms. You have to take it for three days. In order for the treatment to be successful, a long-term, good sleep. Sedative drugs, plants are used.

pharmacy sedatives on herbal basis Gerbion, Novo-passit, Fitosed. You can drink decoctions of valerian, motherwort. With nervousness, increased heart rate, Corvalol, Corvalment, Glycine are used. Alcohol upsets the system, destroys the B vitamins needed for cells.

To speed up the recovery process, it is necessary to take minerals, useful substances and ascorbic acid in a double dose. It is advisable to drink natural juices With high content hers - grapefruit, orange. Eat lemon, kiwi.

Food should be varied, high-calorie. It's good to drink dairy products, which restore the intestinal flora, remove toxins. Yoghurts, fermented baked milk, kefir should be in the diet constantly. Meat soups, cereals, vegetables will help restore strength.

Any type of alcohol to relieve symptoms is prohibited. Its complete cancellation will speed up recovery. Common Mistakes(use beer, vodka to soften the signs) will lead to another binge.

Treatment at home is not always possible. The appearance of severe concomitant diseases, advanced degree of alcoholism, self therapy may not give results, cause harm. Such patients should undergo rehabilitation in a hospital under the supervision of a specialist.

What is withdrawal syndrome - a serious dangerous condition. Untimely, poor-quality assistance can cause serious consequences:

  • Exacerbation of concomitant diseases.
  • Alcohol destroys the liver - cirrhosis.
  • The state of blood vessels worsens - leads to hemorrhages, cerebral edema, heart attacks.
  • Mental disorders - nightmares, visions, fears.
  • Delirium (madness). Delirium tremens- inappropriate behavior, anxiety, panic. In this state, a person is dangerous to himself and others.

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome can begin after 1.5-2 years of constant aggravation of alcohol. As the great Charles Darwin said, the abuse of alcohol is worse than war. The habit of solving problems with a bottle leads to sad consequences.

Against the background of prolonged alcoholic libations, a person develops a withdrawal state, which is typical for alcoholics with the second and third stages of addiction. Provokes his sudden cessation of drinking after long binge. Many people mistakenly believe that withdrawal is scientific name hangover, but that's far from it. Hangover syndrome in the absence of alcohol addiction is accompanied by tremor and headache, nausea-vomiting reactions, etc. But after a while the condition returns to normal, and the hangover symptoms disappear.


In case of withdrawal syndrome pathological symptoms lasts for several (up to 5) days. It develops due to the accumulation of ethanol decay products in the body of a drunkard. The following manifestations are characteristic of the withdrawal state:

  • cardiovascular problems;
  • dysfunction of the cerebral cortex;
  • breathing difficulties;
  • sleep problems;
  • hyperthermia and chills;
  • nausea-vomiting reactions;
  • functional disorders of the pancreas and liver;
  • rapid pulse;
  • headache;
  • inflammation of hemorrhoids;
  • diarrhea;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • convulsive contractions and impaired motor coordination.

In severe cases, alcohol withdrawal syndrome is accompanied by a variety of psychoses or delirium. In such situations, mandatory hospitalization is required. But if abstinence proceeds in a simple form, then it is quite possible to stop its symptoms at home.

Treatment at home

For home treatment of withdrawal symptoms, it is necessary to have mandatory conditions. For example, you can fight withdrawal on your own only if the binge lasted no more than 7 days, and before that the binge period was more than 3 months ago. Also home treatment appropriate in patients under 60 years of age and with a dependence period of less than 5 years. For self-cessation of withdrawal symptoms at home, you will need:

  1. Sorbents - Polysorb, Enterosgel, activated carbon. These funds will help to quickly remove alcohol metabolites.
  2. Sedative drugs that help eliminate anxiety and emotional overstrain, fears and worries.
  3. Cardiac medicines necessary to maintain the activity of the myocardium during a stressful period, because alcohol seriously “beats” the cardiovascular structures, so it especially needs support.
  4. Sleeping drugs. When treating at home, the patient needs good rest for the nervous system, so he should get enough sleep. After drinking in patients, quite often develops chronic insomnia which exhausts the body even more.
  5. Diuretics. A diuretic will help speed up the elimination of alcohol toxins.
  6. Vasodilator drugs are needed for spasms and high blood pressure, they can prevent stroke.
  7. Means for improving mental activity and restoring blood circulation in the brain (Piracetam, Glycine).
  8. Ascorbic acid - this vitamin has antioxidant properties, due to which it cleanses the body of toxins, provides a tonic and refreshing effect.

The patient needs to drink plenty of fluids, because after drinking the body is dehydrated. Better to prefer green tea, drinking water, various juices, mineral water etc.

Folk remedies and nutrition

Some folk methods help to cope with withdrawal symptoms. But their effectiveness largely depends on the severity of alcoholism, as well as on the willpower of the patient. After all, alcoholics are able to break loose and start drinking again at any moment. Folk methods are especially effective in the initial and moderate degrees of severity of alcohol addiction.

homemade folk treatment withdrawal is aimed at restoring water-alkaline losses and mental state patient. For this purpose, infusion is used herbal mixture containing lavender and mint, milk thistle and lemon balm, as well as chamomile. Mix ½ dessert spoon of each of the indicated herbs, pour a liter of boiling water and leave for an hour. It is necessary to take such a remedy per hour in a glass, when it runs out, brew again until there is a noticeable improvement in the condition.

To strengthen cardiovascular systems We prepare an infusion of hawthorn fruits and parsnip rhizomes, anise seeds and hop cones. ½ dessert spoon of these components is poured into a liter jar and poured with boiling water to the top. Withstand an hour, then take by analogy with the previous recipe.

An important condition necessary for the relief of abstinence is a dietary diet. The body of alcoholics is already depleted of ethanol metabolites, and even after drinking it is in a very deplorable state. The body needs a source of trace elements, minerals, vitamins, which is provided by special food. The diet should consist of:

  • cereals and steam chicken cutlets;
  • fruit and vegetable salads or whole crops in fresh, boiled and steam form;
  • low-fat varieties of fish, meat;
  • dried fruits;
  • milk products;
  • honey, which has the properties of a sorbent.

The general principle is the obligatory variety of vitamins, but fried and fatty foods, energy or weak alcohol must be excluded. Be sure to drink a lot - juices, tea, kefir, plain water, etc. Daily rate for alcohol addicts it is 0.5 liters of liquid per 10 kg of weight, and at least three liters of water should be drunk per day.

If the treatment is in severe form, then withdrawal therapy should be carried out strictly in the conditions of a drug treatment clinic.

Withdrawal conditions necessarily require treatment. Even at home, the body needs to be helped to cope with the consequences of prolonged drinking. Nerve cells are especially affected during withdrawal. Alcoholics develop various violations, manifested by bouts of irritability and memory impairment, up to its partial loss. Sometimes memory disorders are so strong that they become irreversible, then no medical preparations memory can no longer be recovered.

Cardiovascular structures suffer no less from withdrawal, which increases the risk of developing such dangerous consequences as arrhythmias, strokes or heart attacks. Suffering in similar conditions and liver, which manifests itself in hepatitis and cirrhosis. And if alcoholic hepatitis if it is still possible to cure it somehow, then cirrhosis can no longer be eliminated by any means.

Also, various psychoses of alcoholic origin can occur as complications of withdrawal:

  • delirium tremens (delirium);
  • the occurrence of hallucinosis, which is characterized by the appearance of visual or auditory hallucinations;
  • encephalopathy associated with serious violations motor or speech functions;
  • delusional psychoses like delusions of jealousy or persecution mania, etc.;
  • alcoholic dementia;
  • amnestic disorders;

In addition, with frequent prolonged binges, existing pathologies such as gastric or duodenal ulcer, renal insufficiency or diabetes. The sooner treatment is started, the lower the risk of adverse effects. If the decision is made to treat withdrawal symptoms at home, it is recommended to consult with a narcologist about medication options. Indeed, with the wrong selection of medicines, or ignoring the signs of withdrawal symptoms alcohol syndrome unpredictable consequences may develop.

At mild degree alcohol withdrawal syndrome pathological signs disappear in the first few days, usually no more than 5 days. Severe cases of withdrawal require mandatory medical attention and hospitalization of the alcoholic in the narcological department.

Withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism is a complex of neurological, somatic and mental disorders, which usually begin to manifest acutely after the person who is addicted stops drinking alcohol or significantly reduces their doses. The manifestations of this condition can be mitigated or eliminated after the ingestion of alcohol. Withdrawal syndrome is extremely dangerous, as it develops gradually and almost imperceptibly. This disorder can also be described as the pathological craving for alcohol that people with an advanced form of addiction have.

At the same time, a person experiences not only an irresistible desire to drink alcohol, but also significant physical discomfort. This condition cannot be confused with a common hangover. It develops exclusively in people who are already alcoholics. Only a few manage to survive the withdrawal syndrome on their own and overcome the craving for alcohol, and this does not guarantee a non-return to this bad habit. Experts agree that if there are signs of this condition, a person needs directed treatment from a narcologist and the help of a psychologist.

Etiology and pathogenesis of withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism

The main reason for the development of pathological cravings is the regular use of a large number alcohol for many months. It is believed that the problem lies in the accumulation of alcohol breakdown products in the body, which directly begin to affect the ongoing metabolic processes. With a decrease in the dose or refusal of alcohol, all signs of withdrawal begin to appear in this case. It is currently known that healthy person special enzymes are produced in the intestines that are able to neutralize various toxic compounds, including those that appear as a result of the breakdown of ethanol molecules. In addition, the liver is also involved in the process of removing the products of alcohol breakdown.

People in the background prolonged use alcohol, there is a critical decrease in the production of these enzymes. Because of this, toxins begin to enter the blood vessels to distant organs and tissues. As a rule, the nervous system is the first to suffer from this process. In the absence of regular doses of alcohol in the body, signs begin to appear in full, indicating the beginning of a metabolic restructuring, which long time was forced to proceed taking into account the alcohol constantly present in the blood. In addition, the existing withdrawal symptoms, reminiscent of those that accompany a hangover, are the result of poisoning the body with decay products.

Alcohol withdrawal does not go through a short time. Symptoms can increase over several days, and they are not only physical, but also psychological in nature, which is associated with the effect of alcohol on the receptors responsible for the production of the hormone of happiness - dopamine. It is because of this that a person experiences irresistible cravings to alcohol. In most cases, even if a person with an addiction manages to hold on for 2-3 days, there are further breakdowns, since usually there is no improvement in such a short period, and taking a drink alleviates the condition in to a large extent. That is why, without directed help from narcologists and psychologists, not all people with such pathological cravings can overcome it on their own.

Withdrawal symptoms in alcoholism

This condition always occurs against the background of refusal of alcohol after long period its use. Many people confuse withdrawal symptoms with hangover symptoms. There is a fundamental difference here. With a hangover syndrome in a person who has gone over in the evening, in the morning appears whole complex symptoms, but there is no desire to drink more alcoholic beverages. Abstinence from alcohol in combination with the consumption of large amounts of water in this case allows you to quickly get rid of the existing symptoms. As a rule, with a hangover syndrome, improvement occurs in the afternoon. If alcohol withdrawal occurs, the symptoms increase over a long period of time. Improvement in the condition may not be observed throughout the week, which often causes a breakdown.

With abstinence, drinking 50-100 ml of alcohol brings a noticeable relief of well-being. With a normal hangover, drinking alcohol does not help get rid of discomfort. The severity of withdrawal symptoms depends on the degree of alcoholism that a person has. Thanks to this, you can easily determine the degree of neglect of the process. At the 1st stage of alcoholism, a person manifests the following symptoms withdrawal syndrome:

  • loss of appetite;
  • prostration;
  • asthenia;
  • dry mouth;
  • interruptions in the work of the cardiovascular and digestive systems;
  • general weakness;
  • nervousness;
  • inability to concentrate on work.

In this case, the need for alcohol consumption is not yet expressed very clearly and can be easily restrained by social and ethical circumstances. A person, in order not to seem like an alcoholic to others, can postpone getting drunk until the evening. Usually, the symptoms in this case disappear within a day. With stage 2 alcoholism, the signs of withdrawal symptoms are more pronounced. May be observed:

  • severe sweating;
  • heartache;
  • pressure drops;
  • redness of the face and neck;
  • puffiness;
  • dilated pupils;
  • pain and heaviness in the head;
  • dizziness;
  • urinary retention;
  • tremor of the hands and eyelids;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • gray coating on the tongue;
  • lack of appetite;
  • general weakness;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In this case, a person no longer has the strength to overcome cravings and suffer with a hangover at least until the evening. In order to avert suspicion from himself, a person tries to hide alcohol until the morning in order to consume it at an early hour when the household does not see it. This indicates that the binge will soon come. A person is no longer able to give up alcohol on his own. Characteristic symptoms without drinking alcohol can last from 3 to 5 days. With stage 3 alcoholism, the signs of withdrawal symptoms are even more aggravated. TO characteristic manifestations characteristic of the refusal of alcohol during this period include:

  • sharpening of facial features;
  • cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • lethargy;
  • lack of coordination;
  • insomnia;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • cold sweat.

The presence of these symptoms indicates the occurrence of chronic alcoholism. Being in given state, a person tries to get drunk under any conditions and at any time of the day in order to get rid of unpleasant sensations. This indicates that in this case, without targeted treatment, return to full life and it is no longer possible to overcome pathological cravings.

Methods for diagnosing withdrawal symptoms in alcoholism

In most cases, a person cannot soberly assess the severity of his symptoms. It is best if one of his relatives is present at the time of contacting the narcologist, who could more fully describe the symptoms and provide the necessary moral support. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome allows you to determine the stage of addiction and choose the best treatment.

The best way out is to see a doctor

Often, the diagnosis is confirmed without the participation of the patient. For example, if he gets to the hospital with vivid manifestations of this condition. In such a situation, directed therapy is carried out to relieve acute symptoms and normalize work. internal organs. After the acute physical manifestations of cravings for alcohol are eliminated, the narcologist may prescribe further therapy that will allow the patient to be cured of alcohol dependence.

With 2 and 3 stages of alcoholism, only drug treatment in combination psychological help allows you to get rid of this problem. At the same time, the success of therapy largely depends on the desire of the patient himself to return to a full life and get rid of addiction forever. During the diagnostic process, they can also be assigned various analyzes and research to identify violations in the work various bodies and systems.

Treatment of withdrawal symptoms in a narcological hospital

On final stages alcoholism only complex drug therapy allows for improvement. In a hospital setting, drugs are usually immediately selected to relieve the symptoms that accompany this condition. withdrawal syndrome with chronic alcoholism it is stopped with the help of intravenous drip infusions of 5% glucose, rheopolyglutin and hemodez. This condition needs to be treated comprehensively.

With satisfactory general condition Popov's mixture for droppers can be used. To alleviate withdrawal symptoms, injections of thiol preparations are indicated. The treatment regimen must include large doses vitamins of groups B and C. In addition, the use of Pyridoxine is desirable. If necessary, they can be assigned osmotic diuretics. They allow you to speed up the process of decomposition of toxins and quickly remove them from the body. In the presence of depression and psychomotor agitation, drugs such as:

  • Amitriptyline;
  • Chlorprothixene;
  • Sonapax;
  • Relanium;
  • Coax.

To eliminate sleep problems, Radedorm with Phenozepam may be indicated. In addition, drugs are selected to normalize the work of the autonomic, cardiovascular and digestive systems. However, it must be borne in mind that getting rid of the manifestations of the withdrawal syndrome is not considered a treatment for alcoholism. Thus, to eliminate pathological cravings in the future, long-term therapy is required under the supervision of narcologists and psychologists.

Possibilities of treatment of abstinence syndrome at home

Many people suffering initial stage alcoholism, try to solve the problem on their own, if they are aware of it. In fact, home treatment is quite possible during this period. There are quite effective methods of how to remove the withdrawal syndrome. good effect gives the drug Medichronal, which is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Sleep helps to stabilize the state of the nervous system. Since there are significant problems with this with withdrawal syndrome, at home you can use sedatives over-the-counter, for example, valerian extract or Persen.

In addition, you can drink decoctions of motherwort or herbal preparations, which have a pronounced sedative effect. Can bring great benefits fresh juices from apples, orange, lemon, carrots and tomatoes. Even if there is no appetite, treatment at home involves good nutrition. The removal of toxins from the body and the normalization of the functioning of the digestive tract contributes to chicken broth and soup on vegetables and rice. Kefir can bring significant benefits. The diet is required to introduce oatmeal, potatoes, cucumbers and herbs, buckwheat, cabbage, and citrus fruits. Drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited.

withdrawal syndrome - sharp deterioration of well-being that occurs with alcoholism and requires treatment in a clinic or at home. Experts are not against folk methods, but they warn: they can replace medication with mild withdrawal symptoms. At serious condition call an alcoholic ambulance- in the absence of timely medical treatment high risk lethal outcome due to cardiac arrest, hepatic, pancreatic coma.

Etiology and pathogenesis

When drinking alcohol, the metabolism and reception of norepinephrine, adrenaline, serotonin, acetylcholine, GABA are stimulated. With constant drinking, the body of an alcoholic gets used to the fact that they decide for him when to produce biogenic amines, so the state of sobriety is stressful for him. Arise hormonal disorders and, as a result, failures in the work of all internal organs.

Another reason for alcohol withdrawal is increased activity dopaminergic system. Alcohol intake leads to the release of dopamine from the depot, its excess amount accumulates in the blood, euphoria sets in. During the withdrawal syndrome, the concentration of the neurotransmitter reaches peak levels, which leads to overexcitation, provokes mental disorders of the alcoholic.

Alcohol withdrawal is preceded by the development physical addiction, prompting to constantly increase the dose of alcohol. Another factor is chronic intoxication organism of an alcoholic by the products of ethanol oxidation. On average, the first case of withdrawal syndrome occurs in the 2nd year of alcoholism. It may appear earlier - it depends on the regularity of drinking, the amount of drinks you drink and their strength.

Symptoms according to severity

Withdrawal syndrome has similar symptoms with a hangover and alcohol poisoning. Difference from last state- in the time of manifestation: not at the moment of intoxication, but a few hours after sobering up.

The difference between abstinence and a hangover syndrome is in the increasing intensity of symptoms and the presence of mental disorders (depression, hysteria, psychoses, hallucinations). For a hangover, only vegetative-asthenic and vegetative-somatic deviations are characteristic.

There is a classification of abstinence according to severity: it is divided into mild, moderate, severe. Doctors use the CIVA-Ar Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome Assessment scale to determine the form of pathology. You can determine the degree of withdrawal symptoms in alcoholism yourself by external symptoms observed in the patient.


form of alcohol withdrawal


Vegetative-asthenic symptoms

Thirst, sweating, temperature up to 37.5 °

Tachycardia, mild itching, photophobia

Tactile hallucinations, temperature above 38°

Vegetative-somatic symptoms

Light headache, nausea, loss of appetite

Fever, vomiting, tremor, severe headache

Seizures, respiratory rate above 24 per minute

Mental symptoms of the syndrome

Insomnia, increased anxiety

Hysteria, neurosis, depression

Attachment to withdrawal delirium with hallucinations.

At home, without the involvement of doctors, you can treat the first form of withdrawal. Moderate withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism is eliminated on an outpatient basis (that is, diagnosis and treatment are carried out by a doctor at home or during periodic visits to the clinic by the patient). The severe stage requires hospitalization of the alcoholic.

How to relieve the syndrome at home

The main condition for treatment at home is not to let the patient drink alcohol. The fact is that an alcoholic knows that if he uses vodka, then the withdrawal the syndrome will pass condition will improve rapidly. But drinking alcohol will lead to a new binge, increase the risk of intoxication, and subsequent withdrawal will become much harder than the previous one.

You can remove withdrawal symptoms at home with folk remedies and over-the-counter drugs (to help the patient fall asleep, relieve pain, normalize the functioning of internal organs). Mandatory is a diet aimed at removing toxins, strengthening the body. If you can’t cure an alcoholic at home (20-30 hours pass, and the symptoms of the syndrome increase), you need to call a doctor.

Medicines to help

Receive tasks pharmaceuticals during the withdrawal syndrome - removal of the threat of complications, relief of symptoms, detoxification. It is better to start treatment with activated charcoal (daily dose - 1 tablet per 10 kg of alcoholic's weight, minimum course - 3 days).

To enhance the absorbent effect of the drug will help the intake of water with the addition of table salt. Such a "cocktail" will restore electrolyte balance in the body, reduce toxicity. The choice of other remedies depends on the withdrawal symptoms that alcoholics are concerned about:

  • To eliminate anxiety, insomnia: Valerian, Phenibut.
  • To improve metabolism: Actovegin, Piracetam.
  • To normalize the work of the pancreas, liver: Milk thistle, Gepabene.

The alcohol withdrawal syndrome increases with a deficiency of micro and macro elements. Vitamin therapy will help the patient get rid of withdrawal symptoms faster, reduce the risk of complications, and strengthen the immune system. Be sure to take drugs with thiamine (vitamin B1), ascorbic acid. Means with glucose, fructose, riboflavin are also shown.


During the period of withdrawal, it is important not to let the alcoholic get drunk again. This will help you get rid of alcohol cravings folk remedy, as a decoction of oats with St. John's wort: pour 400 grams of grains and a handful of dried flowers with a liter of water, put on fire and boil for half an hour. Take half a cup daily before meals.

Cope with nausea, vomiting, weakness, tremor helps herbal collection mint, lime blossom and elderberry (brew, drink 2-3 times a day). To cleanse the body and stimulate the urinary system, a mixture of raspberry leaves, lemon, and honey is suitable. It is recommended to treat the nerves of an alcoholic during withdrawal with herbal tea with cornflower flowers, thyme, chamomile.

Other home remedies

Withdrawal patient has poor appetite due to constant nausea, impaired metabolism. During the period of treatment of an alcoholic at home, it is impossible to force him to eat ordinary food, this will provoke vomiting. But it is also forbidden to starve, the patient's body needs energy to recover. Can help special diet where should be included chicken broths, vegetable puree soups, fruits and vegetables, kefir, cottage cheese.

A special requirement is placed on drinking regime. With withdrawal symptoms, you need to drink plenty of fluids (to facilitate, speed up detoxification). An adult man will have to drink at least 1.5 liters of water (regular or infused with lemon, honey, ginger). Additionally, berry fruit drinks, juices are recommended (carrot, beet, birch are especially useful) - they help fight dehydration, give the alcoholic the necessary vitamins.

Consequences and complications

Immediately after getting rid of the withdrawal syndrome, the alcoholic feels a surge of strength and an increase in mood due to the fact that pain, weakness, tremor, and nausea have passed. But this rise does not last long - 3-10 days. Then the so-called "plateau" begins - a person realizes that relations with family and friends are spoiled, there are no prospects for work. This provokes a post-abstinence syndrome with depression, neuroses.

There is a threat of a return to drinking. Without assistance, failures during withdrawal occur in 75% of cases, with post-abstinence syndrome - in 90% of cases. Therefore, you can not leave an alcoholic alone (he needs the support of loved ones). The best option– rehabilitation in specialized centers, sessions with a psychologist, group sessions.

After coming out of abstinence, a person should undergo full examination in the clinic. Alcoholics are not healthy, their digestive, genitourinary, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular systems are disrupted. It is necessary to identify all diseases, start treatment.

Test: Check the compatibility of your medication with alcohol

Enter the name of the drug in the search bar and find out how compatible it is with alcohol

6) restoration of somatic, neurological, mental spheres;

7) overcoming anosognosia;

8) activation of social interests, the formation of a mindset for sobriety;

9) selection and implementation of the final "prohibitive" procedure;

10) discharge or transfer to a rehabilitation program.

This whole complex of tasks requires a certain time for its implementation, at least 3 weeks of hospital stay and can be carried out by the attending physician with the participation of a psychotherapist, a social work specialist and another medical personnel. In milder cases of abstinence, treatment is carried out at home or on an outpatient basis according to a reduced program, taking into account the characteristics clinical condition and attitudes of the patient to treatment.

Preparations for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome

It is recommended to use sodium hypochlorite, which has a powerful oxidation potential due to the chlorine atom and atomic oxygen. The drug has a detoxifying, anticoagulant, bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, improves the utilization of glucose.

A technique has been developed for administering the drug into peripheral (cubital) veins, which greatly simplifies the procedure. The drug is administered as a 0.03% concentration of sodium hypochlorite in physiological saline at a rate of up to 60 drops / min in a volume of 300-400 ml.

Stories from our readers

Already after the first procedure, significant improvement mental and physical condition, deactualization or disappearance of a pathological craving for alcohol and negative attitude to treatment. For further positive dynamics, 2-3 procedures can be used, in some cases one is enough.

SENSATION! Doctors are dumbfounded! ALCOHOLISM is gone FOREVER! All you need is every day after meals...

Given the high oxidizing properties drug, it is not recommended to administer it together with other medicines. Being a xenobiotic, the drug is well tolerated by patients, does not cause allergic reactions and subject to the requirements for the technology of the procedure does not cause side effects.

It has high efficiency hemosorption method, which significantly reduces the concentration of dopamine in the blood, which plays important role in the development of delirium. To restore the activity of enzymes containing thiol groups, use 5% unithiol solution at the rate of 1 ml per 10 kg of body weight, 15-20 ml IV 30% sodium thiosulfate solution.

To restore metabolic processes in cells and tissues, vitamins in high doses . For the same purpose, various nootropics. Can recommend phenibut, noofen which reduce anxiety, fear, improve sleep. They are used enterally daily dose up to 1.5 g in 2-3 doses.

Our regular reader shared an effective method that saved her husband from ALCOHOLISM. It seemed that nothing would help, there were several codings, treatment at the dispensary, nothing helped. Helped effective method recommended by Elena Malysheva. ACTIVE METHOD

They also have nootropic activity. Cavinton (vinpocetine), cinnarizine (stugeron) by improving blood microcirculation in the vessels of the brain. Widely applied combination drug this group - Phezam, containing as active components piracetam 400 mg and cinnarizine 25 mg. The new nootropic is phenotropil, a phenyl derivative of pyrrolidone. Assign it enterally in a daily dose of up to 750 mg for 2 doses. In addition to the state of intoxication, the indications for its use are the states of asthenia, aspontaneity, intellectual-mnestic disorders.

Nootropic drug nooklerin(solution for oral administration) has a neuroprotective and antiasthenic effect, reduces the severity of neurovegetative and visceral symptoms of alcohol withdrawal syndrome, has a positive effect on liver function, which improves the effectiveness of therapy. Nooklerin is prescribed 1 g 2 times a day. The action of the drug is mild, lack of actualization of desire, good combination with traditionally used therapies.

In order to improve metabolic processes in the body, it is used bemethyl, stimulating the synthesis of proteins, the bulk of which are proteins of gluconeogenesis enzymes. It promotes recovery aerobic type metabolism, resynthesis of glucose from pyruvic and lactic acids, which is accompanied by a decrease in the degree of acidosis.

The drug is indicated for patients with long binges, with signs of severe physical exhaustion and asthenia. Assign bemethyl 250 mg 2 times a day enterally for 3 weeks. Given the cumulation of the drug, it is recommended to prescribe short cycles 5 days with 2-3 day breaks.

Drugs to reduce the craving for alcohol

As you improve general well-being more and more relevant is the relief of pathological craving for alcohol, the strengthening of which often causes patients to refuse further treatment. For this purpose, in addition to the mentioned means, they use psychotropic drugs various pharmacological groups: tranquilizers, mood stabilizers, anticonvulsants and others. The choice of drugs is determined by the clinical status of the patient and his individual sensitivity to drugs.

Tranquilizers of the benzodiazepine series - basic means of treating alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Their range is quite wide, but the most acceptable in terms of effectiveness and wide spectrum of action are drugs such as diazepam (seduxen), lorazepam, chlordiazepoxide, nitrazepam, phenazepam and etc.

Lately in integrated program treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome as a sedative and sleeping pills use midazolam at a dose of 7.5-15 mg orally or intramuscularly at a dose of 10-15 mg. The drug is well tolerated by patients and has a short half-life.

Advantages of tranquilizers over others psychotropic drugs used in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome are expressed in their relative safety, ability to eliminate psychopathological, including psychotic, disorders, convulsive states, the absence of side neuroleptic effects.

However, many of them can be addictive, which limits the use of tranquilizers in drug practice. They are prescribed only for a limited time and in the presence of unconditional indications.

The following doses are usually used: 0.5% solution of diazepam, 2-4 ml intramuscularly, intravenously by stream or drip in a daily dose of up to 60 mg; 0.1% solution of phenazepam 1-4 ml intramuscularly, intravenously by stream or drip, enterally - 0.5-1 mg, the daily dose is up to 10 mg; lorazepam enterally 2.5 to 15 mg; oxazepam enterally 10 to 90 mg/s; nitrazepam tablets 10 to 20 mg; zopiclone 7.5 mg; zolpidem 10 mg at night; reladorm 1-2 tab. per day (110-220 mg).

In order to reduce the intensity of withdrawal disorders, they are also used phenobarbital as part of complex preparations: pagluferal 1-2 tab. 3-4 rubles / day or corvalol 30-40 drops per reception.

Indication for appointment neuroleptics serve as situations of pronounced pathological craving for alcohol with psychomotor agitation behavioral disorders, sleep disorders, emotional tension with signs of a prepsychotic state that cannot be stopped with the help of tranquilizers.

Antipsychotics have a significant drawback, which is the ability to cause adverse neuroleptic symptoms and mental disorders(up to psychotic) due to the effect on dopaminergic structures. With this in mind, antipsychotics should be used with caution, preferring drugs with less pronounced side effects. These can be attributed tiapridal (tiapride) at a dose of 100-200 mg IV, IM or orally; sulpiride (eglonil) at a dose of up to 100-200 mg intravenously, intramuscularly or orally; etaperazine up to 10-20 mg orally 1-2 times a day.

If delirium is at risk, the drugs of choice may be haloperidol up to 5-10 mg / m and droperidol 5-10 mg either propazine up to 50-100 mg / m. The advantages of tiapridal are expressed in the fact that, being a derivative of benzamide, it does not cause side neuroleptic effects, has a sedative, anxiolytic, vegeto-normalizing and analgesic effect. The drug significantly reduces tremor, hyperkinesis, facilitates and shortens the duration of alcohol withdrawal syndrome by 30-40%.

If necessary, other antipsychotics can be used in the acute period: teasercin up to 25-50 mg intramuscularly or orally, clopixol up to 100 mg, chlorpromazine up to 25-50 mg or more in combination with 1-2 ml cordiamine. With the predominance of psychopathic disorders in the clinical picture, they are used as behavior correctors. neuleptil in drops or capsules up to 10-20 mg / day, sometimes more; melleril (sonapax) up to 30-50 and 100 mg orally. Gives good results lithium (carbonate, butyrate, litonite) up to 0.9 g / day enterally, especially with a combination of psycho-like disorders with cyclothymic symptoms.

Small antipsychotics: teralegine, chlorprothixene, pimozide etc., can successfully compete with tranquilizers as sedatives, anxiolytics, hypnotics, in psychogenic reactions more often in the clinic female alcoholism. These drugs can be used to suppress the pathological craving for alcohol, especially when they are used for a long time, when taking tranquilizers is fraught with the danger of addiction. Use drugs in the recommended average therapeutic doses.

In some cases, long-acting antipsychotics are used, in particular in “mixed cases” with frequent exacerbations of psychotic symptoms and behavioral disorders, antisocial tendencies in patients who do not want to take medication for morbid or ethical reasons, etc. Usually prescribed fashion depot or pipothiazine depot with a frequency of repetition of procedures 1 time 3-4 weeks. To assess their tolerability, it is better to start treatment in a hospital 5-7 days before discharge.

Anticonvulsants and antidepressants for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome

In the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome and pathological craving for alcohol wide application V last years received anticonvulsants due to the alleged similarity of the mechanisms of formation and the syndrome of pathological craving for alcohol (compulsive forms). In addition to anticonvulsant, they have thymonoralizing, hypnotic, sedative, vegeto-normalizing activity and, unlike tranquilizers, do not form an addiction syndrome.

Most often used depakine up to 1.5-2.0 g / day, finlepsin at a dose of up to 400-600 mg / day for 2-3 doses; lamotrigine up to 25-200 mg / day.

For the correction of affective, primarily depressive, disorders, prescribe antidepressants. Along with thymoleptic, sedative and stimulating effects, they have a hypnotic, vegeto-normalizing, antipsychotic (selective) effect, reduce the intensity of the pathological craving for alcohol.

Classical representatives of the class of antidepressants are tricyclic compounds - amitriptyline (triptisol), melipramine (imipramine), which have a powerful antidepressant effect with a wide spectrum of action. Melipramine, when administered intravenously, detects mild sedation and mild hypnotic effect, and when taken orally - activating. Amitriptyline has a sedative effect regardless of the route of administration. Prescribe drugs in doses of 25-100 mg / day or more - amitriptyline; 25-50 mg / day or more - melipramine.

A serious disadvantage of tricyclic compounds is the cardiotoxic effect (impaired intracardiac conduction) and the risk of developing delirium (less often with melipramine treatment). Other anticholinergic effects - dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention, blurred vision - are temporary and do not pose a danger to life and health. The drugs are contraindicated in glaucoma (angle-closure).

Recently, more and more use mianserin (lerivon), which, not inferior in power to amitriptyline, does not have such a pronounced anticholinergic effect; the drug is prescribed orally at a dose of 60-90 mg / day. IN complex therapy can also be used Azafen in a daily dose of up to 200-250 mg, pyrazidol- up to 200-300 mg; protiaden up to 100-150 mg, etc.

Currently, a class of antidepressants has been created that selectively affect serotonin mediation: selective inhibitors serotonin reuptakefluvoxamine (Fevarin), fluoxetine (Prozac), paraxetine (Paxil), citalopram (Cipramil), and tianeptine (Coaxil) stimulating the uptake of serotonin by cells. Some of these drugs have an activating effect (prozac at a dose of 20-40 mg per dose; cipramil 40-60 mg / day in 1-2 doses); others - sedative (fluvoxamine at a dose of 50-100 mg / day in 2-3 doses and paxil at a dose of 20 mg / s for 1 dose).

The previously used tianeptine (coaxil) is not prescribed to patients with alcoholism, since the drug is used by drug addicts to achieve a euphoric effect reminiscent of the action of heroin. It is known that for this purpose, a suspension is prepared from 30-60 tablets of tianeptine and an intravenous solution is administered. At the same time, extremely severe vascular lesions with necrosis up to amputation of limbs and deaths are noted.

As a means of suppressing the pathological craving for alcohol, the dopamine receptor agonist bromocriptine (parlodel) is used for oral administration in a daily dose of 2.5-5 mg. To achieve a noticeable effect, long-term treatment for 3-6 months is necessary. Positive influence on hemodynamics, vegetative emotional condition have (3- and a-blockers, the use of which in complex therapy allows you to reduce the dose of tranquilizers. Assign anaprilin 50-100 mg / day, atenolol 50-100 mg / day.

Post-withdrawal treatment

In the post-withdrawal state at the stage of remission formation, most often used disulfiram (teturam, antabuse), which is prescribed at a dose of 0.25 g 2 times a day for 2 weeks, and then 0.15 g / day during the first months of remission formation. Lidevin is a combination of teturam 50 mg, nicatinamide 0.3 g and adenine 0.5 g per tablet. Assigned to 2-3 tab. for admission according to the scheme.

As a kind of "prohibitive" therapy, a method of implanting a sterile prepared teturam called " Esperal" (France) or " Radother"(Russia) in the amount of 10 tab. 1 g for a period agreed with the patient from 6 months. up to 1 year or more with appropriate dramatization of the procedure. The basis of the method is psychotherapeutic influence.



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